During meals should be. Follow the diet

Have dietary supplements Tianshi enough wide range actions, ancient Chinese recipes helped to balance them according to the principle of yin yang. It makes sense to consider Tiens dietary supplements as a mono-product with a poly-content, since each capsule or tablet contains several components.

For getting maximum effect when taking Tianshi preparations, several basic principles must be observed.

Everyone knows the way food enters the body - through the mouth, so energy for existence comes to us (in the eastern presentation - the nutritious qi energy. It is known that food moves and is digested in the gastrointestinal tract. But people often eat incompatible products, do not monitor the regularity of the stool, sin by smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol. There is a violation of the proper functioning of the microflora (of the order of I370 grams of beneficial bacteria lives in an adult in the intestines) and intestinal muscles.

Ideally, in an adult, the intestines should look like in Fig. 1, this is how we get it from nature. On fig. 1 you see what the intestines look like after 30-50 years of life.

Rice. 1. Projection to the large intestine anatomical organs according to N. Walker (Kurentsov P. I. Russian folk remedy):
1 - there is a food digestion reflex; 2 - there is a sine; 3 - yes Eustachian tube; 4 are ears, eyes; 5 is a digestive reflex; 6 - there is a thymus; 7 - there are mammary glands; 8 - yes thyroid; 9 - yes parathyroid; 10 - have a liver; 11 - yes gallbladder: 12 - there is a heart; 13 - there are bronchi and lungs; 14 - have a stomach; 15 - there is a spleen; 16 - there is a pancreas; 17 - there are adrenal glands; 18 - there are kidneys: 19 - there are gonads; 20 - have ovaries; 21 - yes bladder; 22 - there are genitals (male and female); 23 - there is a prostate gland.

Rice. 2. The real state of the intestines of an adult with deformities and organs oppressed by fecal blockages. (shaded area fecal debris.)
The intestines became distended, thicker, this was caused by constant inflammation, pockets formed in the gausters, the formation of fecal blockages began to form in them, while the lumen was significantly reduced.

Do you know what the removed parts of the operated colon contain? There are, like a stone, frozen stool, slime, mold and worms. Beneficial bacteria warm the body, the intestines are like the roof of the furnace, which needs serious cleaning.

Chinese medicine has a special relationship with the intestines. The large intestine is a mirror of human health, in Fig. 1. shows the projection of all vital important organs organism to the large intestine. To harmonize your body, it must first be cleaned.

Rules for eating

To restore health, a system of measures is needed, including the observance of certainrules for eating which should become your norm for the rest of your life.

  1. It is undesirable to eat when present:

- haste;
- hypothermia;
- overheating;
- powerful emotions, especially negative ones (doubt, sadness, fear, anger);
- heat, fever;
- various pains;
- no feeling of hunger;

When eating, full saturation and overload should not occur, food should be thoroughly chewed.

2. Food must be:

- clean,
- quality.

3. Nutrition loads the body, but it should be engaged in its purification from toxins, waste products that make it difficult to renew and build cells.

4. According to its purpose, our nutrition should maintain tone, mood, please, heal, help strengthen the physical abilities of a person, and not lead to diseases.

5. Leave the question of high-calorie and low-calorie food, in order for nutrition to become healthy, it is necessary to balance the main elements - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, trace elements, vitamins, the presence of fiber, necessary enzymes and hormones. According to Chinese medicine a person during the day needs to get all 5 tastes (sweet, spicy, salty, sour, bitter) in accordance with the internal biological clock.

6. Food should be consumed in its natural state, in other words, raw - seeds, nuts, seeds, fruits, vegetables. It is better to replace industrial sugar with honey, dried fruits, sweet fruits.

7. We consume less table salt, meat, alcohol, salts, smoked products, preservatives.

8. Refuse to eat excessively cold and excessively hot food.

9. All products are minimally subjected to heat treatment (cereals, for example, soak overnight or for 2-3 hours).

10. We drink more freshly prepared juices or infusion of berries (dry and fresh), herbs.

11. We replace milk fermented milk products(yogurt, kefir, matsoni, curdled milk, etc.).

12. Products must be combined correctly. When compiling a menu for healthy and sick people, we take into account the existing physiological limits enzymes, digestive glands and juices.

13. We refuse to eat raw soy sauce when eating dumplings, vermicelli or salads.

For the manufacture of soy sauce, wheat and soybeans are used, undergoing the required processing: first they are steamed, then special fungi are added that are grown in a clean environment, all this is aged required time with appropriate temperature regime and humidity, it turns out sourdough. A salt solution of a certain concentration is added to the starter, all this at 40-50 "C. wanders for 15 days. Then water of the order of 80 ° C is poured into the resulting wort, passed through the filter, and that's it - the soy sauce is already ready. Thus, as we see that the preparation of the sauce is accompanied by a variety of technological processes and lasts long enough, which leads to the loss of the necessary purity due to these.

Therefore, we refuse to use raw soy sauce, and before watering the food with sauce, we boil it. If mold particles are found in the sauce, strain the sauce, boil for 15 minutes.

14. We refuse to eat chicken tail.

What part of the chicken is the most appetizing?

Quite a lot of people will choose the tail, because it is a boneless white fatty meat with excellent taste and is a piece of boneless meat, and this part of the chicken is not worth eating. Biologists involved in the study immune function avian organism, found the presence in the tail, along with big amount fat and small bubbles are also in large quantities, there are countless lymph nodes on the walls of the bubbles, and they, in turn, contain phagocytes, the function of which is to absorb pathogens that enter the bird's body, as well as bacteria, viruses, including carcinogens.

And now the most interesting thing: phagicides do not have the ability to split them, which leads to their accumulation over time in large quantities. When a person eats back chicken, he swallows harmful substances, which have accumulated in the chicken, thus, a person places a “bomb equipped with a clockwork” inside his body, the time will come and the mechanism will definitely work.

15. Avoid the meat of animals that have died from disease.
In the market, the bazaar often carries out illegal sale of the meat of animals that have died from various diseases. The death of an animal could be caused by a disease that is also characteristic of humans, for example, anthracnose, brucellosis, rabies, tuberculosis, foot and mouth disease, infection with spirochetes. Eating the meat of such an animal, hitting a person, can cause infection or severe poisoning. Meat is a poor conductor of heat and heat treatment often doesn't warm up. internal parts to a temperature capable of killing disease vectors.

Thick pieces of meat are especially difficult to disinfect. Therefore, the meat of animals that are infected with larvae tapeworms or tapeworm should not be eaten. You should know that animals die from food containing pesticides, and they are stored in meat. To avoid severe poisoning, avoid the meat of such animals.

16. After a hearty meal, do not drink sparkling water.
Drinking carbonated water after a hearty meal, a person harms himself. It may in best case lead to bloating, pain in the stomach, in the worst case, spontaneous perforation of the stomach may occur. After getting food inside, it begins to stand out quite actively hydrochloric acid in the stomach and when carbonated water enters the body at this time, the sodium bicarbonate that it contains reacts with hydrochloric acid, a reaction occurs, accompanied by the release of carbon dioxide in large quantities.

If a person has eaten heavily, his stomach is filled with food, blocking the entrance to it. Drinking soda water in large quantities fills the stomach with carbon dioxide, high blood pressure carbon dioxide can rupture the stomach wall. All carbonated water and drinks containing gas, constituent element have sodium bicarbonate. Therefore, after a hearty meal, it is better to completely abandon them.

17. We do not drink tea immediately after a meal.
Immediately after a meal, the stomach is filled with food, gastric juice begins to stand out, while tea dilutes it, which negatively affects the digestion process. In addition, the load on the stomach increases, which negatively affects the work of the heart. American doctors say that strong tea is more harmful after eating.

The tea leaf contains tannins (in the stomach they combine with proteins that are in food, a hard-to-digest mass is formed, the body absorbs proteins worse) and caffeine (excites nervous system).

  1. You have to drink water on an empty stomach. Get up in the morning and drink a glass of water. This will help flush the gastrointestinal tract, stimulate its activity and improve digestive functions.
  2. We drink boiled salted water after the received physical activity.

Physical activity leads to intense sweating.
Then comes the excretion a large number salts. Drinking water replenishes fluid reserves in the body and restores strength. The salt concentration in the water should be on the order of 0.1-0.3%.

3. During illness, we drink as much boiled water as possible.

Firstly, it allows you to replenish moisture in the body. which are wasted during illness, and secondly, it helps to remove bacteria and viruses from the body. When consuming food, it is essential that one of the tasks is to prevent the decomposition and fermentation of food in the intestines.

With food, many diseases come to us. If a person eats when it is necessary, what is necessary and how it is necessary, he accumulates parts of the products that are not overcooked in the large intestine, and they stay there for decades. Such a person carries in himself from 3 or more fecal blockages.

Over the years, the large intestine is stretched, deformed, leading to compression and displacement internal organs With designated places which stop working properly. This leads to the development various diseases(many suffer from constipation, which is very dangerous). The colon, being in a constantly dirty state, is the source of many diseases.
Conclusion: in order to prevent or get rid of ailments, it is necessary, first of all, to remove all poisonous slags, fecal blockages from the body.

Ways to cleanse the body.

With all the variety of methods used to cleanse the body, you should always start with cleansing gastrointestinal tract, and then carry out the cleansing of other organs.

For diseases in acute periods(high temperature, fever, severe gynecological diseases) cleansing of the body is not carried out.

According to Chinese medicine, cleansing of the body should be carried out during those hours when there is a maximum tension of the meridian and vital energy a specific organ from 5-7 in the morning.

Everything that we eat is yang, and everything that the body gives out in a processed form is yin. The harmonious existence of yang requires equality of yin.

Those who use enemas should be aware that they are washed out with an enema. beneficial bacteria necessary for existence.

After such procedures, it is required to "populate" the intestines with these bacteria.
For people who decide to take care of their health thoroughly, we recommend a physiological cleaning system using double cellulose.

Every woman knows how to put her skin in order: first, we clean it, remove the accumulated dirt and free the pores, then moisturize, because in the absence of moisturizers and water, the skin begins to age and wrinkle. And only then a nourishing cream is applied.

And the whole body is no different.
For harmonization natural process Strong hydration of the whole body is required. In our body, the fluid is located as in honeycombs - in the cellular and intercellular space. And the loss for natural needs (maintenance of homeostasis, sweating, urination, promotion and digestion of food) from the intercellular space of the fluid causes instantaneous diffusion from the cell nutrients. For the osmotic pump is activated - both inside the cell and outside the cell, minerals, nutrients, amino acids must have the same concentration of ions.

Lack of exogenous fluid intake leads to malfunction excretory system, as a result, the excretion of substances useful for our body begins with the kidneys, it is especially important when taking diuretics. From food, air, medicines, our body constantly receives toxins; in the absence of moisture, they are not able to rinse out and lead to chronic diseases.

According to Chinese medicine, the kidneys are the first "mother" of our body, i.e. their normal work and maintaining function contributes to a healthy and happy life.

Human kidneys have a large margin of safety. Mathematical model showed that nature has biofilters in us - these are the kidneys, they are able to serve a person without fail for 800-1200 years. Man destroys them in 30-50 years.

The structural unit of the kidneys is the nephron - it is a bi-chemical filter, which consists of a double capillary with a membrane septum. The body uses the glomerular part of the nephron to filter part of its contents from the blood. These substances pass through biomembranes. Osmotic pressure and the electrical potentials of the primary urine and blood in the nephron loop have a difference, leading to the return of some substances to the blood, and later to the saturation of the urine from the blood with biochemical fluids and salts.

Such multiple diffusion ensures strict filtration of blood in the kidneys. About 150 liters of blood per day passes through the kidneys, and only about 1.3-1.5 liters will turn into urine - secondary urine, that light part of it that should be excreted by the body. With urine, the body also secretes healing agents, thanks to which urine has a bitter, bad taste, specific smell, color. We throw out from the body what the body needs so much.

Ultrafiltration of blood through the kidneys forms urine in the body. First, there is a separation of erythrocytes and other shaped elements blood and the formation of the so-called primary urine, which, in fact, is blood plasma. Then water and others necessary for the body substances are absorbed: mineral salts, colloids, protein compounds having different molecular weights. As a result, from 130 milliliters of primary urine, 1 milliliter of “secondary”, true urine is formed. This process leads to an excess of the concentration of certain excreted substances in the final urine by 100-150 in relation to their content in the blood plasma.

In order to reduce emissions useful substances body and help in cleansing the body, in addition to cleansing the intestines, we need a complete water supply. According to Eastern medicine, an adult needs to drink a lot of water, the amount is calculated by the formula: body weight: 20 = X liters. But considering our sedentary image life, the volume per day is brought to 3 liters.

For a month, during which we will carry out the cleansing of the body, we need to get used to such fluid intake.

The body changes very quickly.

It has been scientifically proven that when a person decides to get rid of bad habits and wants to take care of himself, then in the near future, on initial stage he begins to feel much better. Having started the process of harmonization of the body, we carried out a bowel cleansing, which increased the effect of taking medicines, any products, and above all, food supplements.

To continue the process of harmonization, we return to the body cleansing system every six months. Applying dietary supplements Tiens you will quickly notice positive results.

Start eating only when you feel hungry. Distinguish between hunger and appetite. Test yourself: if you would eat a dry crust of bread now with pleasure, then you are hungry. This basic rule leads to two to three meals a day, and also eliminates snacking between meals, because. this seriously disrupts the work digestive systems s.

Drink 2-3 liters of water throughout the day. Stop drinking water 20-30 minutes before meals and resume it at least 30 minutes after eating fruits, 1 hour after starchy foods and 2 hours after protein foods.

The food should be dominated by vegetables, fruits, nuts, cereals, legumes, greens. It is recommended to include crunchy vegetables and fruits in your diet, and consume raw vegetables. This is done in order to accustom yourself to chew food thoroughly. Firstly, with this you train your teeth and gums, and secondly, carbohydrate food begins to be digested even in your mouth. Therefore, the ideal food for this is crunchy fruits and vegetables. When eating, make sure that you chew thoroughly, and soon this will be fixed on your subconscious level.

Not a single unkind thought should arise at the dinner table. Why is a bad thought so dangerous? As we know, negative thoughts cause negative emotions, then negative emotions affect the nervous system and all this together negatively affects the functioning of organs when eating. If you touch on energy, then at the energy level when eating, you can even harm yourself. Because all your thoughts affect the world around you. For example, if you drink water with good thoughts, then the water will act on you as remedy, and if it is the other way around, it will not bring any benefit or may even harm your health. Therefore, before you start eating, relax and think about something good, remove all unkind thoughts away.

Always after correct reception you must have food light feeling hunger. The stomach should be filled no more than 2/3 of the volume (this is approximately the volume of the folded handfuls of your palms). If you have light feeling there is no hunger, then you should review your diet or reduce the amount of food you eat.

Cold dishes should have a temperature not lower than room temperature, and hot dishes should not burn lips and mouth so that there is no need to blow on a spoon.

Therefore, the most the right remedy prevention - eat less. If you eat food in moderate amounts, and from time to time (preferably once a week) arrange for yourself "fasting" days, limited only to liquids, the digestive system is able to work at maximum efficiency and cope with most of the undigested waste in the intestines. By liquids here I mean vegetable soups, fruit and vegetable juices, Herb tea and water. If you leave the table with a slight feeling of hunger, it supports in you a healthy passion for wholesome and nutritious food.

Overeating, on the other hand, leads to intestinal congestion and creates cravings for “energy” foods and drinks such as sugar, sweets, white flour products, potato chips, chocolate, coffee, tea, and sodas. All this contributes to the formation of gallstones.

The body is subject to numerous natural rhythms that regulate its most important functions in accordance with predetermined cycles. Sleep, the secretion of hormones and digestive juices, the removal of toxins, etc. - all this happens according to a certain daily program. And if it is constantly disturbed, an imbalance occurs and the body cannot cope with its functions. All the tasks he performs are naturally tuned to a strict schedule of biological rhythms.

If you always eat at the same hours, it is easier for the body to prepare for each meal of poverty, producing required amount digestive juices. Irregular meals - whether you eat at a different time each time or constantly snacking - confuses the body. The digestion process worsens, the cycles of bile production by the liver cells are disrupted. The result is the formation of gallstones.

A regular diet allows 60-100 trillion body cells to receive their daily ration nutrients strictly according to the schedule, which ensures a systematic and efficient metabolism. Many metabolic diseases, such as diabetes or obesity, result from wrong image life, and these problems can be solved if you eat according to natural rhythms. The largest amount of food should be consumed around noon, and for breakfast (no later than 8 am) and dinner (no later than 19 pm) limited to light snacks.

A balanced vegetarian diet is one of the most effective means prevention of gallstones, cardiovascular and oncological diseases. If you can't cut out animal foods entirely, at least try replacing red meat in your diet with chicken, rabbit, or turkey. Over time, this will help you move to strictly vegetarian diet. Any animal proteins reduce the solubility of bile, which contributes to the formation of gallstones.

You can greatly reduce your risk of developing gallstones by adding more vegetables, leafy greens, fruits and vegetables to your diet. complex carbohydrates. Cheese, yogurt, and heavily processed foods upset the balance of bile components. Also, try to avoid fried foods. Oil for cooking in restaurants fast food especially promotes the formation of gallstones.

Some Scientific research prove that low-calorie foods increase appetite, promote overeating and do not help to lose weight. On the contrary, their consumption can lead to weight gain.

The more enzymatic energy in food, the faster we are satiated and the more efficiently the food we absorb is converted into easily digestible nutrients. But low-calorie, "light" foods suppress the secretion of bile and impair the functioning of the digestive system and excretion. Elevated blood fat indicates that bile production is not enough, that the walls blood vessels are already clogged with fat deposits and fats can no longer be absorbed normally. As a result excessive concentration fat in the blood actually turns into a "fat deficiency". Due to a low-fat diet, the production of cholesterol in the liver can even increase - this is a direct reaction of the body to insufficient intake of fats in cells and tissues. side effect of this saving maneuver is the formation of gallstones and the increase in body weight.

Skimmed and low calorie diet harmful to health, so it should be resorted to only in cases acute diseases liver and gallbladder when the process of digestion and absorption of fats is seriously impaired. After removing all stones from the liver and normalizing the work of this organ, it is necessary to gradually increase the content of fats and calories in food in accordance with the energy needs of the body. The presence of stones in the liver and gallbladder does not allow the full digestion of fats and other high-calorie foods. Refusal of such food for a long time disrupts the basic metabolic and hormonal processes and it can be a serious health hazard. If your diet contains a minimum of protein and you have cleansed the liver and gallbladder of stones, a balanced intake of fats does not pose any risk to these organs.

Refined salt brings practically no benefit to the body. On the contrary, it is the source of many problems, including the formation of gallstones. The body is able to digest, assimilate and properly use only unrefined, unprocessed sea or rock salt. For salt to be beneficial, it must be dissolved in food. If you consume salt pure form, it enters the body in a non-ionized form and causes only thirst (a sign of poisoning of the body). And since it is not absorbed completely, it becomes the cause of many disorders.

You can dissolve a pinch of salt in a small amount of water and drink it with foods that are eaten raw, such as fruit. It promotes digestion and assimilation of food, as well as recovery acid-base balance. Added in drinking water salt gives it alkaline properties and provides you important trace elements. It is worth mentioning that food should be salted in moderation - only to improve the taste. Pitta people usually require more salt.

1. An aqueous solution of salt stabilizes the heartbeat and regulates blood pressure. Naturally, proportions are very important.

2. Reduces excess acidity in cells, especially brain cells.

3. Normalizes blood sugar levels, which is especially important for diabetics.

4. Promotes the generation of hydroelectric energy in the cells of the body.

5. Promotes the absorption of nutrients in the intestinal tract.

6. Helps to clear the lungs of mucus and phlegm, especially in asthma and cystic fibrosis.

7. Cleans the upper Airways such as catarrh.

8. Is a natural potent antihistamine.

9. Able to prevent muscle spasms.

10. Helps prevent excess saliva secretion. Saliva flowing out of the mouth during sleep can be a sign of a lack of salt in the body.

11. Strengthens bones. 27% of the salt contained in the body is concentrated in the bones. The deficiency of this element and the consumption of refined salt instead of natural is main reason osteoporosis.

12. Regulates sleep, acts as a natural sleeping pill.

13. Helps prevent the development of gout and gouty arthritis.

14. Helps maintain sexual function and sexual desire.

15. Able to prevent varicose veins in the legs.

16. Provides more than 80 essential minerals to the body. Refined (table) salt contains only two elements. In addition, it contains unhealthy additives, including aluminum silicate, which is the main cause of Alzheimer's disease.

The order of eating

They sit down at the table three times a day: at 8, 12.30, 18.30.

Breakfast and dinner

Mainly raw food: diet dish, diet bread (bread made from sprouted grains is best. - Note. Geneshi), raw fruits and nuts.

Bread is given a small portion of butter. After a meal - a cup of milk, at dinner you can choose between a cup of milk, yogurt or a cup of rosehip tea.

Once a day at lunch, a rich selection of boiled plant food and salads prepared with lemon juice, diet bread (both for breakfast and dinner) and fruits. Most patients receive twice a week meat dish. Non-alcoholic grape, fruit and berry wines are served for drinking in the amount of approximately one glass.

The above menu, according to my observations, is suitable for most chronic diseases and should be changed only when the condition requires it. digestive organs; but such a change must be made within the bounds of the above basic propositions.

Experience has shown that a gradual transition presents great difficulties for both the doctor and the patient, and for the most part fails because of weakness of will. A half cure is felt by the patient as much as a full cure. If the patient has decided to change the diet, then he himself will prefer drastic measures to half measures.

At home, food can be greatly simplified. Offered in enough diet meals and bread are satisfactory breakfast and dinner. Lunch may consist of one potato, rice or flour dish or soup, one variety of vegetables or boiled fruits, and dietary bread. A glass of fresh spring water is the best and essential drink.

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Very rarely a person thinks about the question of how to eat properly? But knowledge of this aspect implies the correct and healthy eating. Success will be achieved only if a person will not only use healthy food but also do it right.

So let's talk more about this.

First, you should not eat immediately after big physical activity(sports, severe physical labor, hypothermia or overheating of the body, violent emotions). After these loads, the body still does not have the strength to secrete digestive juices. Therefore, it is recommended to take at least a 30-minute break.

Secondly, every meal should start with eating raw vegetables or fruits. They should be eaten whole or in the form of salads. Vegetables and fruits eaten on an empty stomach help to stimulate the activity of the digestive glands, the motility of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as the normalization of the intestinal microflora. The most useful are apples, all types of cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes and Bell pepper. Cabbage can also be used sauerkraut, because. during its preparation and long-term storage, useful properties are practically not lost.

Thirdly, you should not eat raw vegetables and fruits along with thermally processed food or immediately after it. Otherwise, the processes of putrefaction and fermentation in the intestine begin to activate. Remember that eating fruit for dessert is bad for your health!

Fourth, you should chew your food thoroughly. In the process of chewing, mechanical grinding of food occurs. Then the work of other departments is greatly facilitated. digestive tract. Chewing also contributes to the partial breakdown of carbohydrates and some proteins under the influence of enzymes that are contained in saliva.

Fifth, eat slowly. Between meals, you need to take breaks for at least 5 minutes. In terms of duration, breakfast and dinner should last at least 30 minutes, lunch - at least 40 minutes.

Sixth, you should not drink immediately before meals, during and immediately after meals. If you eat very dry food, then you can make an exception. But even here it should be washed down in small sips. Water and other drinks lead to the fact that saliva is washed off, and gastric juice is diluted. This situation adversely affects the digestion of food. Therefore, you should drink at least 30 minutes before meals and not earlier than one hour after it.

Seventh, you should not eat very cold (far below room temperature) and very hot (which burns your mouth) food. In one meal, a combination of cold and hot dishes is not recommended.

Eighth, immediately after eating, you should not get down to work, you need to rest a bit. In this case, you do not need to lie down or sleep, it is best to take a walk. If you are planning to do light work, then the break should be at least 15 minutes, if severe, then at least 30 minutes. At active classes sports, the interval between the end of a meal and the start of training should be at least one hour.

Question 1. What are the rules for eating?
At the beginning of a meal, it is useful to eat such dishes that increase juice secretion (salad, vinaigrette, broth). Food must be chewed thoroughly. While eating, it is harmful to engage in extraneous matters, be distracted, rush. Food should not be too hot, it should contain substances that stimulate intestinal motility ( Rye bread, cabbage, plum, kefir, curdled milk, etc.). Food should be taken at the same time. The last meal should be no later than two hours before bedtime.
After visiting the toilet and before eating, wash your hands in a timely manner and take measures to combat flies - the spreaders of bacteria that cause gastrointestinal diseases.
You need to eat with appetite, in the development of which the taste of cooked dishes, decoration and table setting play a role.
You can not overeat, you should be guided by the principles rational nutrition and advice from natural hygienists. It is important to eat slowly, chewing everything thoroughly, wetting the food with saliva. The digestibility of products depends on this.
Fast food is harmful, “on the go”, as teenagers often do, while reading or watching TV, as all this inhibits digestive reflexes, impairs the absorption of food, disrupts the activity of the nervous and digestive systems, leads to gastritis, ulcers, etc. .

Question 2. What is the importance of culinary processing of food?
For better assimilation food components food is subjected heat treatment, since boiled meat, porridge, vegetable stew split much more food juices, how raw foods. But heat treatment should not be long, since it partially or completely destroys vitamins. During heat treatment, pathogenic bacteria and worm eggs die. Cooking food makes it easier to digest and also significantly reduces the possibility of contracting gastrointestinal infections.

Question 3. Lettuce, vinaigrette, meat and vegetable broths increase juice secretion in a humoral way. How does this happen?
Salad, vinaigrette, meat and vegetable broths contain biologically active substances. The products of their breakdown through the gastric mucosa are absorbed into the blood. With the blood flow, they enter the glands of the stomach, and they begin to intensely secrete gastric juice.

Question 4. What is the importance of dietary fiber for digestion?
They stimulate intestinal motility, contribute to the timely removal of undigested food debris.

Question 5. What signs can be used to judge the poor quality of food products?
Among these signs bad smell, type, color. You should always pay attention to the expiration date of the product.

Question 6. What precautions can be taken to avoid botulism?
The causes of food poisoning are stale food, which contains microorganisms (usually bacteria, fungi and their metabolic products, toxins that are poisonous to human body). The most dangerous for humans is botulinum toxin (“sausage poison”), which is produced anaerobic bacteria botulism, which settles inside pieces of fish, sausage, ham and in canned food. Pathogenic bacteria are partially killed under the influence of saliva lysozyme, gastric juice and bile, but some are very resistant (encysted), and in the intestines begin to multiply and cause infectious diseases.
Botulism Precautions:
Strict sanitary supervision of the food industry;
Compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements is also mandatory for home canning. Remember that controversy anaerobic microbe botulism live in the soil, but multiply and release poison in conditions where there is no oxygen.
The danger is represented by canned mushrooms that are not sufficiently cleaned from the ground, where spores can be stored, canned meat and fish from bambazh (bloated) cans. Products with signs of their poor quality are strictly prohibited: they have the smell of spicy cheese or rancid butter;
The toxin is completely destroyed by boiling for 15 minutes.

Question 7. What is the danger of salmonellosis?
The disease lasts for several days, during which there is an increase in temperature, abdominal pain, frequent stool, nausea and vomiting. Salmonellosis greatly weakens the body.

Question 8. How to protect yourself from dysentery and cholera?
To prevent diseases of dysentery and cholera, it is necessary:
observe the rules of personal hygiene (wash hands before eating, after using the toilet and coming from the street);
do not eat unwashed fruits;
do not eat poisonous mushrooms, berries;
wash food thoroughly, boil well, boil (especially in summer), eat only fresh food;
thoroughly purify water, do not drink raw unpurified water;
Thoroughly boil water, milk. If there is a threat of an epidemic, before eating, rinse your hands with a solution of bleach or chloramine, and then wash them thoroughly clean water with soap.



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