Vitamins for memory and brain function. How to take vitamins for the brain and nervous system correctly

The problem of developing memory, attention and the ability to concentrate on tasks in the case of a schoolchild’s developing brain can arise as a result of the action of several factors: psychological, physiological, behavioral, etc.

  • In some cases, for the development of memory and for schoolchildren, it is suggested to change the way of life and activity, to enrich the diet (including with the help of dietary supplements).
  • In others, they are used for medical reasons complex treatment stimulants and nootropics.
  • Thirdly, a solution is sought in an individual approach, taking into account the peculiarities of perception and memorization of a particular student, as a result of which parents adjust the school course training.

Factors that need to be taken into account when working to improve the functioning of a student’s brain

Medical factor

Most often, in the context of considering the effect of this factor, they talk about attention deficit hyperreactivity disorder (ADHD). Not all doctors, teachers and parents recognize the existence of this neurological-behavioral disorder, but for the majority, ADHD is medical fact, a complete way to get rid of which has not yet been found.

The syndrome is believed to be more common in boys than in girls. But the variety of diagnostic criteria, research methods and methods of localizing groups does not make it possible to establish not only the exact proportion, but even the prevalence of ADHD. Numbers from 3:1 to 9:1 are given for the ratio of boys to girls with this syndrome. The general estimate of the prevalence of the disorder ranges from 1 to 30% of the entire population. It is also believed that one third of children diagnosed with ADHD outgrow or adapt to the syndrome. The difficulty of classification also arises due to the fact that some of signs of ADHD appear sporadically and from time to time.

Phenomenological characteristics include such diagnostic criteria as:

  • inability to maintain attention to details, as well as to concentrate on completing tasks and goals set during games,
  • forgetfulness and absent-mindedness in everyday situations, which is also accompanied frequent loss of things,
  • avoiding involvement in processes that require prolonged mental stress, etc.

Recognition from ADHD child allows you to make correct adjustments to stimulate the student’s brain activity, which in the future gives him the opportunity to count on success in the professional field, eliminates problems with adaptation in a team, and difficulties in interpersonal relationships.

Despite the fact that approaches to working with the disorder vary in different countries, an integrated approach is generally accepted, which includes non-drug psychotherapy and individual behavior modification with the help of psychostimulants and nootropics (if pedagogical and neuropsychological correction does not help).

The danger of prescribing stimulants to children is due to the fact that excessive doses of drugs can be addictive, as a result of which there are cases when a teenager uses high doses to achieve narcotic effects. Part of the addiction is due to the short-term effect of the drug, which therefore needs to be taken several times a day. So the effect of most of them lasts no more than 4 hours, but methylphenidate or dextroamphetamine with a duration of action of up to 12 hours remains dangerous for addiction.

An alternative to such drugs are herbal products such as HeadBooster, BrainRush, Optimentis, which have an effect on improving brain nutrition, blood circulation, energy exchange and cortical tone not immediately, but gradually, as the condition of tissues and communication functions in neural networks improves. Due to their “mild” action, these same drugs are most often used in physiological correction.

Physiological factor

The most common physiological reason, which prevents a schoolchild’s brain from fully revealing its potential, is considered to be a violation of the blood circulation in the brain, as well as a lack of nutrients and oxygen. This situation may arise due to:

  • genetic factors
  • birth and postpartum injuries associated with injuries cervical spine, asphyxia, hemorrhages,
  • diseases suffered by the child or mother during pregnancy,
  • unbalanced nutrition and difficult environmental conditions,
  • habits due to which the student systematically violates the rules of a healthy lifestyle and behavior.

The last two points are those that you can and should influence in order to help your child.

Socio-psychological factor

A child’s success or failure in acquiring new knowledge may directly depend on the degree of psychological comfort of the learning environment and teaching methods that correspond to individual perceptions. Thus, a child studying in a hostile group cannot, in principle, be focused on mastering knowledge, since he is busy with his own “survival.” Despite all the student’s intelligence and brain activity, his formal performance will remain at a low level.

A “visual” child, who tends to more easily perceive information in the form of images, diagrams, visual images, printed texts, will remember worse oral speech and an attempt to convey information through verbal dialogue. And vice versa – it is easier for an “auditory” child to see information than to hear it, which also needs to be taken into account when assessing the student’s individual abilities and the processes of stimulating the work of his brain.

Finally, the child simply needs to be taught some memorization techniques in order for his efficiency and learning ability to increase dramatically. Most of these techniques use associations, emotions, and rhythm as learning aids. So a vivid emotional image, associatively associated with the object of memorization and built into the space of a consistent story, will be remembered much better.

Means to improve child brain function

Drugs and dietary supplements that affect memory, ability to concentrate and quality of sleep do this indirectly - through improving microcirculation and supply to the brain, as well as through the “switching on” of neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are biologically active substances of different groups (peptides, amino acids, monoamines) that act as intermediaries in the transmission of electrochemical impulses from a neuron. Most drugs created to stimulate brain activity contain such an “intermediary”.

« Glycine" A drug called a neurotransmitter amino acid, which reduces the release of excitatory amino acids and causes an inhibitory effect. The drug helps normalize sleep and increase mental performance. To improve sleep, take 0.5 tablets 20 minutes before falling asleep for children under 3 years of age and 1 tablet after three years of age. IN similar doses– 0.5 and 1 tablet according to age, but 2-3 times a day – used to relieve psychosis emotional stress, increasing the child’s memory and mental performance. Duration of admission – 14 days. If necessary and in agreement with the doctor, the duration of treatment can be increased to 30 days. At the same time, with prolonged use, children under 3 years of age reduce the dose (to once a day) and the period (to 7-10 days).

« Pantogam" Here the active ingredient is gamma-aminobutyric acid, which is one of the most important neurotransmitters of the central nervous system. The drug is prescribed for problems with attention, speech, weakened memory and decreased mental performance. For young children, Pantogam is prescribed in the form of syrup with a gradual increase in dosage. With long-term use of the drug, stop taking drugs of this group to avoid excessive stimulation of the central nervous system. "Glycine", mentioned above, enhances the therapeutic effect of "Pantogam".

« Biotredin" In combination with “Glycine”, it is recommended to take another nootropic – “Biotredin”, which is taken in courses of 7-10 days in the “1 tablet three times a day” mode. The product contains vitamin B6, activating the cognitive functions of the brain, improving attention and memory of schoolchildren. However vitamin complex group B is more widely and fully represented in the herbal preparation “Optimentis”.

« Optimentis" A natural herbal remedy that contains, in addition to pyridoxine (B6), which improves metabolism and increases brain performance, and biotin (B7), which normalizes metabolism, other vitamins of this group. Tocopherol is responsible for improving oxygen supply, and for energy levels and blood circulation. plant based, consisting of a composition of Ginkgo Biloba extract and ginseng.

Go to official site.

" The main competitor of Optimentis in the group of natural herbal nootropic drugs is called HeadBuster, which, thanks to its composition, compensates for the lack of both vitamins and polyunsaturated fatty acids. At the same time, it also contains extracts of ginseng and Ginkgo Biloba, which are responsible for microcirculation of brain tissue. Children over 12 years of age can take this dietary supplement the same way as adults, half an hour before meals three times a day for a month.

Go to HeadBooster official website.

In order for the brain to function fully and memory to be good, it is necessary to consume not only nutrients in the recommended amount every day, but also a sufficient amount of vitamins. But not all vitamins improve brain activity, memory, and help concentrate attention on something. To improve memory and attention, special vitamin complexes have been developed, including all the necessary mineral compounds and vitamins.

What vitamins improve memory

To the person for normal life All vitamins, which are contained in food products in varying amounts, are required without exception. And if we’re talking about improving memory and brain function, then you can’t do without B vitamins:

  1. B1 – promotes the most effective memorization of information. A lack of vitamin leads to the accumulation of uric acid in the body, which negatively affects brain activity, causing weakness, as a result of which a person quickly gets tired and can become depressed.
  2. B2 - helps the body stock up on the necessary energy, so it is necessary in situations that require significant mental and physical stress.
  3. B3 (PP) - allows nerve cells to produce energy in sufficient quantities, which has a positive effect on brain function and, accordingly, improves memory. With a lack of this vitamin, fatigue occurs, concentration decreases significantly, and memory becomes worse.
  4. B5 – ensures the activation of long-term memory by transporting energy from one neuron to another.
  5. B6 – helps absorb amino acids that protect the brain from negative influence external factors, improves memory and attention, activates mental activity. Its lack provokes insomnia, depression, and anxiety.
  6. AT 9 ( folic acid) – helps speed up thought processes, has a positive effect on the quality of memorization. A lack of vitamin leads to fatigue, insomnia, memory impairment, and can also lead to the development of anemia.
  7. B12 – improves the conduction of nerve impulses, protects neurons from possible exhaustion. A lack of vitamin leads to drowsiness, dizziness, blurred vision and loss of orientation.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is very important for brain function; it carries out protective function: minimizes the negative impact of environmental factors, preventing mental as well as physical stress. Insufficient consumption of ascorbic acid causes lethargy, depression, irritability, and joint pain.

It is also recommended to take vitamin D, which prevents pathologies of the central nervous system and helps improve brain function. Vitamin deficiency manifests itself in the form of insomnia, blurred vision and irritation of the mucous membranes.

No less useful is vitamin E, which destroys free radicals, preventing serious violations in brain function, including Alzheimer's disease. Its lack is fraught with memory impairment, mood swings, aggressiveness and hair loss.

Vitamin complexes for adults to improve memory and brain function

For the modern rhythm of life, it is necessary to be in shape all the time, this also applies to mental activity. To ensure that your brain works without hesitation and your memory never fails, you should take special vitamin complexes. The most popular include the following:

  1. Supradin is a universal complex that provides the daily need for all useful compounds necessary for the functioning and protection of the brain.
  2. Griffonia – stimulates the activity of the nervous system, effectively fights depression, and significantly helps improve sleep.
  3. Memory forte - helps to significantly increase concentration and improve memory, minimizes the impact of age-related changes related to memory loss, and helps maintain clarity of thinking. It is recommended to use during mental overload, as well as if there is a need to absorb a significant amount of new information.
  4. Vitrum memory – stabilizes brain processes, as well as peripheral circulation, improving brain function and mental activity. Increases intellectual abilities and strengthens long-term memory. Includes vitamins B1, B2, B6, C, used for stress and overwork.
  5. Fezam – recommended for various kinds memory impairment, significant decrease in concentration. Helps improve intellectual abilities. Indications for use include encephalopathy of different nature and atherosclerosis.
  6. Glycine – eliminates sleep problems, improves mood, helps reduce emotional stress. Used for stress and psycho-emotional stress in order to improve brain performance.
  7. Intellan - consists of herbal ingredients, has a calming effect, eliminating anxiety and depression.
  8. Gerimax Energy - contains ginseng extract, which stabilizes long-term memory. To a certain extent, it helps to endure complex mental stress.
  9. Encephabol - improves metabolic processes in the body and promotes better absorption of glucose necessary for normal operation brain Helps warn age-related changes brain - absent-mindedness and sclerosis.

In addition to the listed vitamin complexes, there are a large number medicines, improving memory and attention. But both vitamins and medications It is prohibited to use without appropriate advice from a specialist.

What vitamins to buy for a child or schoolchild for memory?

The need for vitamins is different for an adult and a child, which is why special vitamin complexes have been developed for children. Here is a list of the best of them:

  1. Pikovit – helps improve brain function and increase concentration. Recommended in the autumn-winter period, for vitamin deficiencies, and also to combat fatigue.
  2. Multitabs - presented in 7 varieties of vitamin complexes for various age categories from 0 to 17 years. Includes not only all the vitamins necessary for normal brain function, but also microelements.
  3. Complivit – used to improve memory, helps stabilize psycho-emotional state with excessive mental stress.
  4. Jungle - includes 10 vitamins to improve memory and better brain activity, promotes the normal formation of nerve cells.
  5. Vitrum Junior is a vitamin complex that improves brain activity and is intended for children whose age ranges from 7 to 14 years. Allows you to cope with mental and physical stress with minimal losses
  6. VitaMishki - not only improve memory, but also help strengthen immune system. They contain natural juices: lemon, orange, strawberry, cherry.

To the question of which of the listed complexes will be most beneficial for the child, only a pediatrician can give a competent answer. But it is strongly not recommended to use this or that remedy on your own.

Instead of medicines: products and gifts of nature

A balanced diet helps improve memory, brain function and restore concentration. To enhance mental activity, you should eat the following foods:

  • eggs - the whole complex vitamins;
  • whole grain products - include vitamins B12 and B6;
  • nuts – include vitamin E and B vitamins;
  • fatty fish - includes all the mineral compounds necessary for productive brain function;
  • chicken meat – contains vitamins B2, B6 and B12;
  • shrimp and other seafood are rich in vitamin D,
  • pumpkin seeds – contain zinc;
  • blueberries and blueberries - help stabilize short-term memory;
  • dark chocolate – helps activate fundamental brain functions, but should be consumed in limited quantities;
  • liver, kidneys – contain B vitamins;
  • dairy and fermented milk products.

For normal brain functioning and good memory in mandatory sufficient fluid volume is required. It is recommended to drink at least one and a half liters of water during the day. However, the indicated amount does not include tea, compote, coffee and other drinks, as well as liquid dishes.

It is worth considering that a healthy lifestyle will help improve brain function, strengthen memory and attention, which includes not only balanced diet, but also giving up bad habits and regular exercise.

Many people believe that vitamins cannot cause any harm to health, so you can go to the pharmacy and buy the vitamin-mineral complex you like and take it according to the instructions. But taking vitamins is also a kind of treatment, and taking them without first consulting a doctor is not recommended.

Modern medicine has a wide arsenal of various means that affect the functioning of the nervous system. A fairly well-known group of drugs are nootropics. Many of us remember well the Hollywood blockbuster “Dark Areas”, where the main character took NRT.

These tablets contributed to the expansion of consciousness and allowed the use of brain resources by 100%. Despite the fact that the plot of the film is fictional, most people probably have a question about whether there are medications that can improve brain function.
These drugs include nootropics.

Doctors have mixed opinions about them.
Some consider them ineffective, while others see a positive clinical result. But in spite of everything, their prescription is included in many treatment regimens for neurological and other diseases. What are nootropics, a list of drugs, which ones are best to take depending on age? The answers to these questions can be found in this article.

What is a nootropic drug

This group of drugs was developed many decades ago, but still does not have a separate classification. They are combined into one class with psychostimulants, but unlike the latter they are not addictive and have fewer side effects.
Which in some cases allows you to take nootropics without prescriptions.
The literal translation from Greek of the concept of nootropic means guiding mind.
According to the manufacturers, their intake is aimed at improving the functioning of the central nervous system, which determines a beneficial effect on the cognitive aspects of its functioning.

In this way, it is expected to improve the quality of the processes of recognition, memorization and attention, speech, counting, and thinking. Not excluded positive influence on psychomotor orientation, abilities for directed actions, planning, mental control.

Still evidence-based medicine does not provide clear and reliable facts about the immediate effectiveness of using such drugs.

But rich clinical experience in prescribing them indicates the presence of positive reactions in the functioning of the brain. Apparently this is due to the fact that drugs for memory and attention are widely used in adults and children in Russia, the CIS and China.

New generation and old-style nootropics have the following functions:

  1. Increased production of ATP (the main source of energy for neurons);
  2. Reducing oxygen consumption by neurons under conditions of its lack (hypoxia);
  3. Protection of cell membranes from free radicals and peroxidation, which prevents their destruction;
  4. Ensuring the formation of complex structures (proteins) from more simple substances, responsible for the accumulation of energy potential;
  5. Increasing the speed of signal transmission between nerve endings;
  6. Increased absorption of glucose - the main nutrient substrate of nerve cells;
  7. Improving microcirculation in cerebral vessels;
  8. Stabilization cell membranes(shells);
  9. Protecting neurons from a variety of damaging factors;
  10. Beneficial influence on the bioelectrical activity of nerve cells.

All stated mechanisms are aimed at improving brain function, which should ensure beneficial influence on the functions of attention, thinking, memory.

Who should take nootropics?

Tablets for the mind and memory are prescribed to patients of different ages who have certain problems in neurological health.
This does not exclude the use of such drugs by healthy people who wish to improve their cognitive abilities. This is especially true for people involved in intensive mental labor, schoolchildren and students, the elderly and those who need increased concentration and reaction speed.

The following situations are identified when the use of nootropics is justified:

  • Impaired blood supply to the brain chronic course;
  • Difficulties in learning, learning new information, forgetfulness, absent-mindedness, restlessness, etc.;
  • Some types of epilepsy;
  • Attention deficit disorder;
  • Dementia (dementia) of various origins;
  • Depressive states;
  • Neuroses, psychoorganic and asthenic syndromes;
  • Tics of various origins;
  • Consequences of injuries, including birth injuries;
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • Consequences infectious lesion CNS;
  • Perinatal encephalopathy of various origins;
  • Toxic effects toxic substances on brain tissue;
  • Increased intracranial pressure;
  • Chronic alcoholism.

Their range of applications is very wide; they are sometimes used in related neurological fields. Nevertheless, even if a person is absolutely healthy, it is better to coordinate the use of such medications with a doctor.

Nootropics for adults

Tablets for memory and brain function for adults are inexpensive, but have a certain therapeutic effect, and are usually prescribed for any neurological pathologies and older people.

Quite a popular drug pharmaceutical market. Available in the form of tablets of 10 and 50 mg. Its price ranges from 450-1200 rubles. per package, depending on the number of tablets. The active substance is phenylpiracetam. Dispensed at the pharmacy only with a prescription.

The main positive changes it causes are as follows:

  • Improves memory, increases attention and mental activity;
  • Helps accelerate the transmission of information signals between the hemispheres of the brain;
  • Provides neuronal resistance to oxygen deficiency and toxins;
  • Has a moderate anticonvulsant effect;
  • Improves mood;
  • Stimulates metabolic processes in the tissues of the nervous system;
  • Improves blood supply in depleted areas;
  • Has a weak diuretic effect;
  • At long-term use helps reduce appetite;
  • Increases performance;
  • Has an analgesic effect by increasing the threshold pain sensitivity;
  • Helps you adapt to stressful situations, with excessive physical and mental stress;
  • While taking this drug, there is an improvement in visual function;
  • Blood supply improves lower limbs;
  • Immunostimulating effect.

With all the diversity positive qualities When using Phenotropil, a small range of adverse events is observed, such as allergic reactions and increased excitability at the beginning of the course of treatment.

Phenotropil is contraindicated for people with severe damage to the liver, kidneys, unstable psyche, acute psychotic manifestations, severe atherosclerosis And high blood pressure, allergies to nootropics. Also, due to the lack of clinical trials, use is limited to pregnant women, children and nursing mothers.

The effect is noted at the first dose. This should be taken into account and ensure that the medication is taken before 15 hours so as not to cause sleep problems. No addiction or withdrawal syndrome is observed during treatment with Phenotropil.

He is the founder of a group of these funds. In pharmacies it can be found in capsules and tablets with different dosage, in solution for intravenous and intramuscular injections. The price of the medicine is low and ranges from 30 to 160 rubles. Dispensed by prescription.
The drug is used in both adults and children. Prescribed to obtain such therapeutic effects as:

  • Beneficial effect on metabolic processes and blood supply to the brain;
  • Better absorption glucose neurons;
  • Reduced blood clotting;
  • Protection from hypoxia, toxins, and damage from electric shock;
  • Regulatory effect on the central nervous system.

Piracetam is contraindicated in patients with pathologies of the coagulation system, liver and kidneys, with hemorrhagic stroke, or intolerance to piracetam. Restricted use for nursing and pregnant women.

From side effects symptoms of dyspepsia are observed, rarely - nervousness and headaches, weakness and drowsiness, increased sexual activity.
Analogs with the active substance Piracetam are: Lucetam, Memotropil, Nootropil, Exotropil.

Available in tablet form and solution for injection, in various doses. The cost varies between 86 - 141 rubles. Sold by prescription only.

pharmachologic effect Picamilon consists of:

  • Dilation of blood vessels supplying the brain;
  • Activation of nervous system functions;
  • Calming effect;
  • Antioxidant ability that protects neurons;
  • Increased physical and mental performance;
  • Reducing headaches;
  • Improving memory;
  • Normalization of sleep;
  • Reducing anxiety and tension;
  • Improving the condition of motor and speech disorders.

Picamilon is contraindicated for people with chronic kidney failure, pregnant women and during lactation, and those with intolerance to the components of the drug.

Adverse effects include irritability, headaches, dizziness, nausea, and allergies.
Analogs of Picamilon are Pikogam, Picanoil, Amylonosar.

Combination drug, which is available in the form of lozenges. The active substances of Divase are a brain-specific protein and antibodies to vascular nitric oxide synthase. The average price of a medicine is 306 rubles.

Basic clinical effects the means are:

  • Antidepressant;
  • Improved mood;
  • Protecting neurons from harmful influences;
  • Reduction of manifestations asthenic syndrome;
  • Improving memory processes;
  • Promoting healing processes in ischemic areas;
  • Increased mental abilities;
  • Improved blood flow.

Divaza is not addictive. From side effects only reactions occur when individual intolerance constituent components. It is an over-the-counter medicine.
Contraindications to its use include intolerance, childhood up to 18 years of age, pregnancy and lactation.

Available in capsule form with dosages of 50 and 30 mg. The cost ranges from 490 – 820 rubles. depending on the number of capsules in the package. Available from pharmacies only by prescription.

Therapeutic effects are as follows:

  • Improves metabolic processes in nerve tissue through the formation of glucose and ATP;
  • Improves blood supply and enrichment of neurons with oxygen;
  • Promotes the rapid removal of decay products;
  • Increases the response speed of brain structures;
  • Antidepressant effects.

Contraindicated in case of renal failure or intolerance to the components of the drug. Use with caution in pregnant and lactating women.

Adverse reactions manifest themselves as sleep disturbances, allergies, nausea, agitation and headaches.
Analogues are Neuromet, Noben.

Available in solutions for intravenous and intramuscular injections, for oral administration. The cost of the drug ranges from 416 - 808 rubles. Basics active substance– citicoline. Sold by prescription.

The pharmacological action lies in the following properties of citicoline:

  • Ability to restore damaged nerve cells;
  • Antioxidant activity;
  • Preventing the death of nervous system cells;
  • In the acute period of stroke, a decrease in the volume of affected tissues;
  • In severe traumatic brain injury, decreased duration comatose state;
  • In case of chronic neurological pathologies, including in old age, improvement of thinking abilities;
  • Increasing attention and conscious level.

Contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation, in children and adolescents under 18 years of age, with hypersensitivity to the constituent components.

Side effects occur very rarely and manifest themselves in surges in blood pressure, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, hallucinations, swelling, allergies, shortness of breath, decreased appetite, and insomnia.
Analogues - Recognan, Cerakson.

A drug with nootropic and neuroprotective properties. Available in 10 mg tablets. The price exceeds 340 rubles. Approved for use without a prescription.

Beneficial effects on the central nervous system are determined by the following properties of Noopept:

  • Improving memory and learning abilities;
  • Prevents forgetfulness, which can arise for many reasons;
  • Increasing resistance to traumatic, toxic and hypoxic damage;
  • Antioxidant effect;
  • Improving blood flow properties;
  • Promoting the restoration of memory impaired due to any damage (stroke, alcohol poisoning, hypoxia);
  • Reducing the severity of headaches.

The maximum effect is determined after 2 weeks from the start of treatment.

Contraindicated for use in children, women who are breastfeeding, pregnant women, those suffering from lactase deficiency, those with intolerance to Noopept components, liver and kidney failure.

Side effects occur rarely and are expressed in the appearance of allergic reactions, and in persons suffering from arterial hypertension- increased pressure.

Produced in tablets of 250 and 500 mg. The active substance is hopantenic acid. Is a prescription drug. The price is 680 rub.

The properties of hopantenic acid provide such pharmaceutical effects as:

  • Increased resistance to lack of oxygen and exposure to toxins;
  • Anticonvulsant activity;
  • Improving mental and physical performance;
  • Anesthesia;
  • Has a beneficial effect on muscle tone Bladder.

Contraindicated for use in children under 3 years of age, in pregnant women in the 1st trimester, acute kidney failure, in nursing women, and in case of individual intolerance.

Of the adverse reactions, only allergic manifestations are noted.
Analogues of Pantocalcin containing hopantenic acid - Gopantam, Calcium hopantenate, Pantogam.

Release form: nasal drops. It is a mixture of amino acids necessary for brain tissue. The price, depending on the concentration of the solution, is for 0.1% - 373 rubles, for 1% - 1806 rubles. Sold by prescription only.
1% Semax is used for acute stroke, and this is a condition where delay and self-medication can cost a person his life. As for the 0.1% concentration, it is used at any age.

At the same time, the following results of its use are highlighted:

  • Increasing adaptation in extreme situations;
  • Preventive effect on mental fatigue;
  • Beneficial effect on atrophy optic nerve;
  • Increasing the protective forces of nervous tissue;
  • Positive Impact for people suffering from attention deficit disorder and minor brain dysfunction.

Contraindicated in children under 5 years of age, pregnant and lactating women, those with a history of seizures, or acute psychosis.

Adverse reactions from nasal drops very rarely include mild irritation of the nasal mucosa.

Medicines for memory and brain function in adults should be taken strictly according to the instructions. This will allow you to achieve the desired result and reduce the likelihood of developing unwanted effects and overdose.

Nootropics for children

The best nootropics for children will be described below.
They are most often used in infancy and school age.
In any case, medications that act on the child’s nervous system should not be prescribed independently, without first consulting a doctor. Since such actions may lead to serious consequences.

Gamma-aminobutyric acid is available in 250 mg tablets. The cost ranges from 86 to 180 rubles. Dispensed by prescription.

Indicated for use in:

  • Consequences of traumatic brain injuries, not excluding birth injuries;
  • Backlog in mental development;
  • Motion sickness syndrome.

For use in children over 1 year of age, strictly according to the instructions.

Contraindicated in renal failure, fructose intolerance, celiac disease, hypersensitivity to the drug.

Side effects may include nausea, vomiting, fever, and insomnia.

Available in the form of a lyophilisate for the preparation of a solution for injection. Contains polypeptide fractions that are isolated from the cerebral cortex of livestock (pigs and calves). Price 734 – 1150 rubles, depending on the concentration of the solution.

Indications for its use may include:

  • Different kinds cerebral palsy;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Difficulties in learning and mastering new skills;
  • Consequences past infections and injuries;
  • Delayed development of speech, physical and mental abilities.

Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the components of the lyophilisate. And among the adverse reactions, allergies are extremely rare.

There are practically no nootropics with proven effectiveness, and Cerebrolysin is currently the only such remedy that has scientific confirmation in terms of its ability to maintain the viability of neurons and activate the processes of their growth and development.

Just like Cortexin is produced from the brain structures of livestock.
Available in a ready-made solution for injection. Depending on the volume of ampoules, the price varies from 1050 – 2890 rubles. Sold by prescription.

Indications for use are similar to Cortexin, with the exception of epilepsy from the list.

Adverse reactions problems that may occur with Cerebrolysin injections may manifest as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, aggressive behavior, local changes at the injection site, allergies, dizziness.

Contraindications include acute kidney failure, epilepsy, and sensitivity to components.

Available in the form of syrup, tablets and capsules. The active substance is hopantenic acid. Dispensed from the pharmacy only with a prescription. The cost varies in the range of 383 – 446 rubles.

IN pediatric practice prescribed for such pathologies as:

  • Epilepsy, as part of anticonvulsant therapy;
  • Mental retardation;
  • Stuttering;
  • Perinatal encephalopathy.

Side effects include allergic reactions.

Taking Pantogam is contraindicated when acute disorder kidney function.

Produced in the form of nasal drops. It contains 7 amino acids. Dispensed with a doctor's prescription. The cost of the drug is 173 rubles.

The use of Minisem is indicated for:

  • Vascular disorders that lead to a violation intellectual abilities and memory;
  • Delay in the development of psychomotor skills due to perinatal damage to the central nervous system;
  • Thinking and neurotic disorders in preschool and primary school age;
  • The need to increase the child’s adaptive forces.

Contraindications include acute psychosis, a tendency to seizures, age under 3 months, and intolerance.

Side effects include the occurrence of allergic reactions in the presence of individual sensitivity.

The main active substance is peritinol. Available in tablets and suspensions. Is a prescription drug. The price is 760 rubles. Approved for use from the neonatal period.

Applicable in cases:

    • Encephalopathy occurring after trauma;
    • Consequences of encephalitis (inflammation of brain tissue);
    • Impaired mental function;
    • Asthenic syndrome.
  • Side effects may include allergic reactions, sleep disturbances, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, overexcitation, and headaches.
    The use of Encephabol is contraindicated in cases of intolerance to peritinol, kidney and liver damage, pemphigus, and abnormal performance. peripheral blood, autoimmune diseases.

    Instead of an afterword.

    Nootropics for improving memory and brain function are widely used and have some effectiveness. But in order to improve the functioning of the nervous system, it is not enough to take only pills. We must not forget about maintaining a daily routine and proper nutrition, ensuring that the neurons receive the necessary nutrients and vitamins.
    During mental stress, you should take gymnastic breaks and periodically change the nature of your activity. Nothing restores the nervous system like good sleep and rest. Giving up bad habits helps normalize the functioning of all body systems.
    Compliance with recommendations for healthy image life together with taking nootropic drugs will ensure high brain performance.

Modern realities are such that we constantly need to keep a huge amount of information in our heads. These are numbers and events, phone numbers, access codes, passwords and much more. But it’s not enough to just remember information; you also need to maintain a clear mind, the ability to analyze and synthesize, and all this under fairly high loads. This is why depression and mental disorders are a scourge modern society. But there is a way out: by taking vitamins for the brain and memory, you can significantly improve the quality of thought processes, maintain a clear mind in the most difficult situations and bear the highest loads.

Age-related changes

Most often, in youth, the body’s resources are enough to ensure that all thought processes proceed as efficiently as possible. But with age, their quality deteriorates, memory and attention suffer, and their quality gradually deteriorates. The accelerating pace of life has led to the fact that degenerative diseases have become noticeably younger; today they are observed even among schoolchildren. Stress, metabolic disorders caused by poor nutrition, fatigue - all this leads to such changes. In such conditions, vitamins for the brain and memory become simply necessary.

Major memory disorders

Higher nervous activity and thinking are such complex processes that there are a great many different disorders, so we will dwell only on a brief listing of memory disorders. Hypomnesia, which is characterized by a weakening of higher mental functions, is common among them. It occurs due to alcohol intoxication, injuries, lack of sleep, stress and malnutrition. In this case, vitamins for the brain and memory are ideal option. Complexes such as Neuromultivit and Milgamma have proven themselves very well. Reviews from neurologists, as well as patients who tested their effect on themselves, indicate that such a disorder is completely cured after a full course of taking the drug.

The opposite option is hypermnesia; this is a fairly rare, but very unpleasant condition when a person cannot forget information, remembering the smallest details. Finally, the third group is paramnesia. A person begins to remember something that never happened, or his memories are very different from reality. The last two groups of disorders are quite difficult to treat, using special medications. Vitamins serve only as a supplement to basic therapy.

The most important vitamins for the brain and memory

This, of course, is the entire group B. They are the ones who activate memory and thinking; a person cannot do without them, especially if he wants to maintain clarity and sharpness of mind. Their unique function is to comprehensively support the central nervous system. In the absence of the proper amount of vitamins of this group, a person experiences not only difficulty concentrating, but also various problems with the spine, and chondrosis becomes a frequent companion.

Being the most important antioxidants, B vitamins serve as good protection for the brain from overload and early aging, take part in enriching brain cells with oxygen. What happens if they do not enter the body in sufficient quantity? In this case, the synthesis of amino acids becomes difficult. They, in turn, form a transport network, because they are neurotransmitters that transmit nerve impulses between neurons. If their production deteriorates, then memory suffers first.

All Group B

What vitamins are included in this group? This is primarily B1 - thiamine. It is responsible for cognitive functions, so vitamins for brains and memory must include it in sufficient quantities. A deficiency of this element leads to the accumulation of uric acid, which leads to weakening of brain function. B2 and B3 (niacin) stimulate brain activity, under their influence, energy is produced in nerve cells. Microelements such as B5 and B6 affect active work brain They are also the most important antioxidants, protecting the brain from the effects of alcohol and nicotine poisoning. Vitamins B9 and B12 have auxiliary functions. Which complexes contain the entire set of these essential elements? This is primarily “Milgamma”. Reviews about it are very good, it contains vitamins therapeutic dose and allows you to quickly improve brain function even with severe brain damage. Just for the prevention or improvement of memory, doctors recommend inexpensive and effective “Vito plus” and “Pentovit”.

Additional items

Vitamins for brains and memory include not only group B. Thought processes are very complex, which means they require a large number of different substances. This is ascorbic acid, which enters the body from huge amount products and is very strong antioxidant, which protects against mental and physical activity. In addition, do not forget that the absorption of one microelement depends on the presence of another in the body. Thus, not only the absorption, but also the stability of B vitamins depends on vitamin C.

When considering vitamins for memory and brain function, we must not forget about ergocalciferol and cholecalciferol (group D). These "sunshine" vitamins protect brain cells from... premature aging and destruction, help improve attention and memory. Vitamin E, the most important antioxidant, relieves brain tissue from toxins and the effects of free radicals, improves memory and perception of new information, regulates mood swings. We must not forget about the health of the capillaries. They are responsible for feeding the brain structures. Vitamin P takes care of the health of brain capillaries, reduces their permeability and fragility, and helps improve concentration.

These are all vitamins for memory and brain function. As you can see, B vitamins, despite the fact that they play a leading role, will not work as productively without the whole team.

Useful material

There are other substances that are needed for higher nervous activity. We have listed vitamins for memory and brain function, but there is also a microelement called coenzyme Q10. This is a real energy drink for the brain, the most powerful of all known today. With its help, the ability to concentrate and short-term memory improves, strengthens the cardiovascular system. Another substance that is not essential, but has a beneficial effect on brain function, is ginkgo biloba plant extract. It is widely used by neurologists, recommending it to patients as a remedy that restores brain cells and improves short-term memory. All complexes containing vitamins to improve memory and brain function include these beneficial substances.

Sources of essential microelements

If you feel that during the working day a feeling of fatigue comes over you, your eyes are stuck together, and your head is completely foggy, then you clearly do not have enough useful microelements. The body cannot cope with the load, and the brain suffers first. Vitamins come to the rescue to improve memory and brain function. However, you don’t have to go to the pharmacy right away; you can adjust your diet and your performance will always be at its best. Every day you need to eat brewer's yeast and nuts, unrefined grains, milk and legumes. Don’t forget about potatoes and cabbage, cereals and eggs; an indispensable source of thiamine is green buckwheat. Biotin and other B vitamins are found in large quantities in beef liver, rice, fruits and soy products. Sources of ascorbic acid are citrus fruits and black currants, cabbage and apples, peppers, tomatoes and rose hips. Adults should take these vitamins for memory and brain function regularly, as they are water-soluble and do not accumulate in the body.

Vitamin complexes for adults

Today, shelves in pharmacies are filled with the most different products from domestic and imported manufacturers. At the same time, do not forget that vitamins for memory and brain function should be prescribed to adults by a neurologist, taking into account individual characteristics body. Judging by the reviews of doctors, one of the best is the Vitrum Memory complex. It is perfectly balanced and at the same time affordable. Excellent drug general action for good memory. If you have problems not only with memory, but also need to further activate your brain, then “Refer” will be an excellent solution. For those who suffer from constant stress that negatively affects mental activity, the “Active Day” complex is suitable. Finally, the last drug is Phosphatide Complex. Judging by the reviews, this is an excellent, biologically balanced active additive, which normalizes the nutrition of brain cells. All these vitamins for the brain and memory for adults are sold at the pharmacy without a prescription.

Vitamin deficiency in children

Today, teachers are sounding the alarm; the level of knowledge among children is falling. This may be due to the fact that, due to the great availability of information, the memory of the younger generation is untrained, and children have difficulty withstanding high loads. That is why children should be given vitamins for the brain and memory not only during exams, but constantly. Symptoms of vitamin deficiency include restlessness, inability to absorb educational material, inability to concentrate.

Vitamin complexes for schoolchildren

Judging by the reviews of pediatricians, not all complexes are of high quality and meet all the needs of a growing body. Russian doctors agree that best vitamins for the brain and memory for schoolchildren - this is “Pikovit”. What makes him different is affordable price and high reliability. The Vitrum, Multitabs, Jungle and Complivit complexes have also proven themselves well. Any of these, when taken regularly, can significantly improve your child's learning.


So, for every person it is very important balanced diet. However to modern man difficult to maintain daily optimal menu, so doctors recommend taking vitamins for the brain and memory. Reviews from neurologists and people themselves who constantly take supplements note their very good effectiveness. Efficiency increases significantly, less time is required for sleep and recuperation, stress at work or school is easier to bear, and the number of mistakes and conflicts due to forgetfulness is reduced. Based on this, we can conclude that everyone needs to take vitamins, every day, all year round.

Take vitamins for the nervous system. They'll take it off spring blues and fatigue

Hello my dear readers! I'm glad to meet you again. Memory directly depends on how our nervous system works. What happens if we are faced with a lot of unfavorable life circumstances: worries about the health of our family and friends, children often get sick and are not happy with grades at school, work is a mess, we don’t have enough money, we ourselves are always half-cold, tired. Where can a good memory come from?

To support yourself in difficult situation, you need to drink various useful tablets and capsules. Today, all kinds of vitamins for the brain and memory of adults have been developed and sold in pharmacies. That's what we'll talk about!

What is the role of vitamins for human health

As you know, all our food can be broken down into three main elements: proteins, fats and carbohydrates. They account for 98% of our daily diet.

Food gives us a boost of energy, which is used to support the functioning of all organs and our motor activity. In addition, all our tissues, absolutely all the cells of our body, are built from proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Why do we also need vitamins? In general, why are we talking about them, because in quantitative terms they are minuscule, a “grain” compared to the main ingredients of food!

But why! We live because metabolism constantly occurs in the cells of our body throughout our lives - millions of all kinds of substances. biochemical reactions.

In order for metabolism or metabolism to be maintained at an optimal level, catalysts are needed, i.e. accelerators biochemical processes. These catalysts are vitamins.

A person finds all his vitamins in what is on his table. That is why our food should be varied and of high quality.

To ensure that you do not experience hypovitaminosis, it is advisable to take additional vitamin supplements. It can be natural complexes in the form of dietary supplements, herbal teas or medicinal vitamin preparations from pharmacies.

What vitamins does the human brain need?

B vitamins:

Vitamin B1 or thiamine. Helps strengthen the bodies and processes of neurons, transmits information about the state of the body to various areas cerebral cortex;

Vitamin B2 or riboflavin. Helps improve vision. Strengthens the energy capabilities of the brain;

Vitamin B3 or nicotinic acid. Participates in the processes of assimilation and dissimilation, supports metabolism in brain tissue, improves microcirculation;

Vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid. Enhances metabolism, takes part in energy production

Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine. We need it for the effective course of biochemical reactions; it controls the processes of inhibition in the cerebral cortex.

Vitamin B9 or folic acid. Ensures the growth and development of the fetus in the mother's body, supports the immune and hematopoietic systems

Vitamin B12 or cyanocobalamin. Responsible for the functioning of the hematopoietic system, accelerates tissue healing processes, improves the functioning of the nervous system.

Vitamin A, C and E combined with the mineral selenium are protection for the brain from old age, atherosclerosis and hypertension, cancerous lesion brain substances. After all, these are antioxidant vitamins that fight free radicals, which have a destructive effect on all living tissues.

Vitamin-like substances such as lecithin, Omega-3 fatty acid, Ginkgo biloba leaves are also very important for memory restoration, because they strengthen the nervous system very well.

If a person receives the following vitamins in sufficient quantities, his nervous system functions optimally:

  • Headaches are never a problem;
  • Clear mind, thinking and concentration;
  • Lots of energy, good sleep;
  • High ability to work;
  • No weight problems;
  • The complexion is radiant with health, the hair is shiny, and the nails never break.

So let's learn about all the vitamins available to us for brain activity and begin to actively use them for the benefit of the health of our nervous system.

Pharmacy vitamins for fruitful brain function and excellent memory

Neuromultivitis (Austria)

This complex drug. It contains vitamins B1, B6 and B12. It is intended for the treatment of nervous diseases, and not just for prevention, because it contains increased dosages of the main ingredients.

It is used for traumatic brain injury, headaches, dizziness, low blood pressure, to restore good memory, for neuritis and neuralgia, polyneuropathy and many other diseases. It can also be used under high stress, both physical and psychological, to create resistance to stress and neuroses.

Price: 20 tablets (188 RUR). Directions for use: take a tablet in the morning, drink 2 packs.

Analogues of Neuromultivit are Milgama (Germany) And Kombilipen (Russia).

Ostrum (Evalar)

The drug is intended to improve memory, not experience difficulties in work, and improve sleep. It also contains various vitamins, magnesium and ginkgo biloba leaves.

Of course, all components are in small, preventive dosages, but due to the balanced composition of the ingredients, the drug improves the synthesis of acetylcholine - the main conductor of impulses, increases metabolic processes in brain neurons, balances the excitability of the cortex and the processes of its inhibition, dilates blood vessels and improves microcirculation. People speak positively about the drug's effect on memory.

Price – on average 250 rubles for 30 capsules. Use 1 capsule per day for exactly 1 month. During the year – 3-4 courses.

Vitrum Memory (USA)

This drug is not in the literal sense a vitamin preparation. But it is created on the basis of extracts from ginkgo biloba leaves, it acts very gently and shows good results with long-term use for at least three months.

Enhances microcirculation, saturates brain tissue with oxygen, reduces blood viscosity and prevents thrombus formation.

It is used for complaints of weakened memory, noise in the ears and occipital region, pain in the head and dizziness. It is often used by elderly people with dyscirculatory encephalopathy. But often young people take the pills.

A large number of medicines and dietary supplements have been created based on the leaves of this relict plant. Most often doctors prescribe Tanakan And Memoplant. People buy on their own Bilobil, Ginkgoum, Ginkgo Biloba (Evalar).

Memoria (Austria)

Homeopathic medicine that has a good effect on cerebral hemodynamics. Helps improve memory, become more attentive, easily tolerate increased stress and prevent emotional breakdowns. Strengthens the nervous system, improves memory, reduces noise, unpleasant dizziness, and headaches.

Price: Drops in bottles from 20 ml - on average 230 rubles. Directions for use: 8-10 drops outside meals, three times a day – up to 3 months.

Brain booster (USA)

Brain booster is recommended for healthy people to support the functioning of the nervous system, intense mental activity, as a restorative remedy after infectious diseases. Used in complex therapy of stroke and chronic failure in the vessels of the brain.

Price: Bottle with colloidal suspension 237 ml – 2500 rub. Directions for use: 1 teaspoon (small), one dose per day is enough, course duration is 1 month.


Lecithin can be taken constantly and must be given to children. This has a beneficial effect on strengthening the nervous system. Increases the performance of adults and facilitates children's learning at school. Creates stress resistance to various unpleasant psychological factors. A high-quality drug can be purchased in the online store. Discount promo code 770690.

Price: depends on the manufacturer.

Omega-3 fatty acids

A dietary supplement obtained by cold pressing from the meat of fatty, marine fish. The main purpose of Omega-3 for the nervous system is to strengthen the membranes of nerve cells, improve cerebral circulation, level decrease bad cholesterol and normalization of blood sugar.

It should be taken in capsules by older people if they suffer from forgetfulness, irritability, insomnia, or dizziness. Moreover, it is advisable to take Omega-3 constantly.

However, you should not think that only the elderly need to take this drug. It is taken by pregnant women for the proper development of the fetal brain, small children, schoolchildren, and adults. This is a very healthy, purified fish oil - not from the liver, but from the meat carcass.

Price: also depends on the manufacturer.

Vitamins for the brain and memory for adults are widely available in our pharmacies. They all contain vitamins various groups, antioxidants, ginkgo biloba leaves. They are used to protect and support the nervous system in response to increased psycho-physical stress and adverse environmental influences.



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