Increased activity. Hyperactive child (ADHD): causes, signs, advice from psychologists

hyperactive child- This is a baby suffering from excessive motor mobility. Previously, the presence of hyperactivity in the anamnesis of the baby was considered a pathological minimal disorder of mental functions. Today, hyperactivity in a child is referred to as an independent disease, which is called a syndrome. It is characterized by increased physical activity of children, restlessness, easy distractibility, impulsivity. At the same time, individuals with a high level of activity have a level of intellectual development that meets their age norm, and for some, even above the norm. Primary symptoms of increased activity are less common in girls and begin to be detected already at an early age. This violation is considered a fairly common disorder of the behavioral-emotional aspect of mental functions. Children with overactivity syndrome are immediately noticeable in the environment of other babies. Such crumbs cannot sit still for a minute in one place, they are constantly moving, rarely bring things to an end. Symptoms of hyperactivity are observed in almost 5% of the child population.

Signs of a hyperactive child

It is possible to diagnose hyperactivity in a child only after long-term observation of children's behavior by specialists. Some manifestations of increased activity can be seen in most children. Therefore, it is so important to know the signs of hyperactivity, the main of which is the impossibility of concentrating attention for a long time on one phenomenon. When this symptom is detected, it is necessary to take into account the age of the baby, since at different stages of child development, the inability to focus attention manifests itself differently.

A child suffering from increased activity is too restless, he constantly fidgets or rushes about, runs. If the baby is in constant aimless movement and he has an inability to concentrate, then we can talk about hyperactivity. Also, the actions of a baby with increased activity should have a certain amount of eccentricity and fearlessness.

The signs of a hyperactive child include the inability to combine words into sentences, a strong desire to take everything in hand, disinterest in listening to children's fairy tales, and the inability to wait in line.

Hyperactive children have a decrease in appetite along with an increased sense of thirst. These babies are difficult to put to sleep, both during the day and at night. Older children with overactivity syndrome suffer. They overreact to completely ordinary situations. Along with this, they are quite difficult to comfort and reassure. Children with this syndrome are overly touchy and quite irritable.

Obvious harbingers of hyperactivity in the early age period include sleep disturbances and decreased appetite, low weight gain, anxiety and increased excitability. However, it should be borne in mind that all of the listed signs may have other causes that are not related to hyperactivity.

In principle, psychiatrists believe that a diagnosis of increased activity can be made to babies only after they have overcome the age of 5 or 6 years. In the school period, manifestations of hyperactivity become more noticeable and pronounced.

In learning, a child with hyperactivity is characterized by the inability to work in a team, the presence of difficulties with retelling textual information and writing stories. Interpersonal relationships with peers do not add up.

A hyperactive child often shows in relation to the environment. He is inclined not to fulfill the teacher's requirements in the classroom, he is distinguished by restlessness in the classroom and unsatisfactory behavior, often does not do his homework, in a word, such a baby does not obey the established rules.

Hyperactive babies, in most cases, are overly talkative and extremely awkward. In such children, usually, everything falls out of their hands, they touch everything or hit everything. More pronounced difficulties are observed in fine motor skills. It is difficult for such children to fasten buttons or tie their own shoelaces on their own. They usually have bad handwriting.

A hyperactive child can be broadly described as inconsistent, illogical, restless, distracted, rebellious, stubborn, sloppy, clumsy. At the older age stage, restlessness and eccentricity usually go away, but the inability to concentrate remains, sometimes for life.

In connection with the foregoing, the diagnosis of increased activity in children should be treated with caution. You also need to understand that even if the baby has a history of hyperactivity, this does not make him bad.

Hyperactive child - what to do

Parents of a hyperactive child should, first of all, contact a specialist to determine the cause of this syndrome. Such reasons may be a genetic predisposition, in other words, hereditary factors, socio-psychological reasons, for example, the climate in the family, living conditions in it, etc., biological factors, which include various brain lesions. In cases where, after establishing the cause that provoked the appearance of hyperactivity in a child, appropriate treatment by a therapist is prescribed, such as massage, adherence to a regimen, taking medications, it must be strictly followed.

Corrective work with hyperactive children, first of all, should be carried out by the parents of the kids, and it begins with the creation of a calm, favorable environment around the crumbs, since any disagreements in the family or loud showdowns only “charge” them with negative emotions. Any interaction with such kids, and in particular, communicative, should be calm, soft, in view of the fact that they are extremely susceptible to the emotional state and mood of loved ones, especially parents. All adult members of family relationships are encouraged to follow a single model of behavior in raising a child.

All actions of adults in relation to hyperactive children should be aimed at developing their self-organization skills, removing disinhibition, building respect for surrounding individuals and teaching accepted norms of behavior.

An effective way to overcome the difficulties of self-organization is the hanging of special flyers in the room. To this end, it is necessary to determine the two most important and most serious things that the baby can successfully complete during daylight hours, and write them on pieces of paper. Such leaflets should be posted on a so-called bulletin board, for example, in the children's room or on the refrigerator. Information can be displayed not only through written speech, but also with the help of figurative drawings, symbolic images. For example, if the baby needs to wash the dishes, then you can draw a dirty plate or spoon. After the baby completes the assigned assignment, he must make a special note on the memo sheet opposite the corresponding assignment.

Another way to develop self-organization skills is to use color coding. So, for example, for classes at school, you can get certain colors of notebooks, which in the future will be easier for the student to find. In order to teach the child to put things in order in the room, multi-colored symbols also help. For example, on boxes for toys, clothes of notebooks, attach leaflets of different colors. Labeling sheets should be large, highly visible and have different designs to represent the contents of the boxes.

In the primary school period, classes with hyperactive children should mainly be targeted at developing attention, developing voluntary regulation, and training the formation of psychomotor functions. Also, therapeutic methods should cover the development of specific skills of interaction with peers and adults. The initial corrective work with an overly active baby should be done individually. At this stage of corrective action, it is necessary to teach a small individual to listen, understand the instructions of a psychologist or another adult and pronounce them loudly, express independently during classes the rules of behavior and the norms for performing a specific task. It is also desirable at this stage to develop, together with the crumbs, an order of rewards and a system of punishments, which will subsequently help him adapt in a peer group. The next stage involves the involvement of an overly active baby in collective activities and should also be implemented gradually. First, the child must be involved in the game process or work with a small group of children, and then he can be invited to participate in group activities that involve a large number of participants. Otherwise, if this sequence is not followed, the baby may become overexcited, which will cause loss of control of behavior, general overwork and a lack of active attention.

At school, it is also quite difficult to work with overly active children, however, such children also have their own attractive features.

Hyperactive children at school are characterized by a fresh spontaneous reaction, they are easily inspired, always willing to help teachers and other peers. Hyperactive kids are completely forgiving, they are more enduring than their peers, relatively less often than classmates are prone to diseases. They often have a very rich imagination. Therefore, teachers are recommended to choose a competent strategy of behavior with such kids to try to understand their motives and determine the model of interaction.

Thus, it has been practically proven that the development of the motor system of babies has an intense effect on their comprehensive development, namely, on the formation of visual, auditory and tactile analyzer systems, speech abilities,. Therefore, classes with hyperactive children must necessarily contain motor correction.

Working with hyperactive children

Three key areas involve the work of a psychologist with hyperactive children, namely the formation of mental functions that are lagging behind in such babies (control over movements and behavior, attention), the development of specific abilities to interact with peers and an adult environment, work with anger.

Such corrective work occurs gradually and begins with the development of a single function. Since a hyperactive baby is physically unable to listen to the teacher with the same attention for a long time, restrain impulsiveness and sit still. Once stable positive results have been achieved, one should proceed to the simultaneous training of two functions, for example, lack of attention and behavioral control. At the last stage, you can introduce classes aimed at developing all three functions at the same time.

The work of a psychologist with a hyperactive child begins with personal lessons, then you should move on to exercises in small groups, gradually connecting an increasing number of children. Since the individual characteristics of babies with excessive activity prevent them from concentrating when there are many peers nearby.

In addition, all activities should take place in an emotionally acceptable form for the kids. The most attractive for them are classes in the form of a game. A hyperactive child in the garden requires special attention and approach. Since with the advent of such a baby in a preschool institution, many problems arise, the solution of which lies with the educators. They need to direct all the actions of the crumbs, and the system of prohibitions should be accompanied by alternative proposals. Game activity should be directed to stress relief, lowering, the formation of the ability to focus attention.

A hyperactive child in the garden has a hard time withstanding a quiet hour. If the baby is not able to calm down and fall asleep, then the teacher is recommended to sit next to him and gently talk to him, stroking his head. As a result, muscle tension and emotional arousal will decrease. Over time, such a baby will get used to a quiet hour, and after it he will feel rested and less impulsive. When interacting with an overly active baby, emotional interaction and tactile contact have a rather effective effect.

Hyperactive children in school also require a special approach. First of all, it is necessary to increase their educational motivation. For this purpose, non-traditional forms of correctional work can be used, for example, using older students to teach children. Older students act as instructors and can teach the art of origami or beadwork. In addition, the educational process should be focused on the psychophysiological characteristics of students. So, for example, it is necessary to change activities if the child is tired, or to realize his motor need.

Teachers need to take into account the eccentricity of disorders in children with hyperactive behavior. Often they interfere with the normal conduct of classes, because it is difficult for them to control and manage their own behavior, they are always distracted by something, they are more excited than their peers.

In the course of schooling, especially at the beginning, it is quite difficult for children with excessive activity to complete a learning task and be neat at the same time. Therefore, teachers are recommended to reduce the requirements for accuracy in such children, which in the future will help them develop a sense of success, increase self-esteem, which will result in an increase in learning motivation.

Very important in the corrective impact is the work with the parents of a hyperactive child, aimed at explaining to adults the characteristics of a child with excessive activity, teaching them verbal and non-verbal interaction with their own children, and developing a unified strategy for educational behavior.

A psychologically stable situation and a calm microclimate in family ties are key components of the health and successful development of any baby. That is why it is necessary, first of all, for parents to pay attention to the environment surrounding the baby at home, as well as in a school or preschool institution.

Parents of a hyperactive child should ensure that the child does not overwork. Therefore, it is not recommended to exceed the required load. Overwork leads to children's whims, irritability and deterioration of their behavior. In order for the crumbs not to become overexcited, it is important to follow a certain daily routine, in which time for daytime sleep is necessarily allotted, outdoor games are replaced by calm games or walks, etc.

Also, parents should remember that the less they make comments to their hyperactive child, the better it will be for him. If adults do not like children's behavior, then it is better to try to distract them with something. You need to understand that the number of prohibitions should correspond to the age period.

For a hyperactive child, praise is very necessary, so you should try to praise him as often as possible. However, at the same time, one should not do this too emotionally, so as not to provoke overexcitation. You should also try to ensure that a request addressed to a child does not carry several instructions at the same time. When talking with the baby, it is recommended to look into his eyes.

For the correct formation of fine motor skills and the comprehensive organization of movements, children should be actively involved in choreography, various types of dances, swimming, tennis or karate. It is necessary to attract crumbs to games of a mobile nature and sports orientation. They must learn to understand the goals of the game and obey its rules, and also try to plan the game.

When raising a child with high activity, one should not go too far, in other words, parents are advised to adhere to a sort of middle position in behavior: one should not show excessive softness, but one should also avoid excessive demands that children are not able to fulfill, combining them with punishments. The constant change of punishments and moods of parents has a negative impact on kids.

Parents should spare no effort or time for the formation and development of obedience, accuracy, self-organization in children, for the development of responsibility for their own actions and behavior, the ability to plan, organize and bring to completion what they have begun.

To improve concentration during lessons or other tasks, if possible, eliminate all annoying and distracting factors for the baby. Therefore, the child needs to allocate a quiet place in which he can concentrate on lessons or other activities. In the process of doing homework, parents are advised to periodically look at the baby to check whether he is completing tasks. You also need to provide a short break every 15 or 20 minutes. Discuss with the child his actions and behavior should be in a calm and benevolent manner.

In addition to all of the above, corrective work with hyperactive children also consists in increasing their self-esteem, gaining confidence in their own potential. Parents can do this by teaching children new skills and abilities. Also, success in school or any achievements in everyday life contribute to the growth of self-esteem in babies.

A child with increased activity is characterized by excessive sensitivity, he inadequately responds to any remarks, prohibitions or notations. Therefore, children suffering from excessive activity, more than others, need the warmth of loved ones, care, understanding and love.

There are also many games aimed at mastering hyperactive children's control skills and learning to manage their own emotions, actions, behavior, attention.

Games for hyperactive children are the most effective way to develop the ability to concentrate and help relieve disinhibition.

Often, relatives of children with increased activity experience many difficulties in the process of educational activities. As a result, many of them, with the help of harsh measures, are at war with the so-called childish disobedience, or, conversely, in despair, “give up” to their behavior, thereby giving complete freedom of action to their children. Therefore, work with the parents of a hyperactive child, first of all, should include enriching the emotional experience of such a child, helping him to master elementary skills, which helps to smooth out the manifestations of excessive activity and thereby leads to a change in relationships with close adults.

Treatment of a hyperactive child

Today, the question arose about the need for treatment of hyperactivity syndrome. Many therapists are sure that hyperactivity is a psychological condition that must be corrected for further adaptation of children to life in a team, while others are against drug therapy. The negative attitude towards drug treatment is a consequence of the use of amphetamine-type psychotropic drugs for this purpose in some countries.

In the former CIS countries, the drug Atomoxetine is used for treatment, which does not belong to psychotropic drugs, but also has a number of side effects and contraindications. The effect of taking this drug becomes noticeable after four months of therapy. Choosing drug intervention as a means of combating hyperactivity, it should be understood that any drugs are aimed solely at eliminating the symptoms, and not at the causes of the disease. Therefore, the effectiveness of such an intervention will depend on the intensity of manifestations. But still, drug treatment of a hyperactive child should be used only in the most difficult cases. Since it can often harm the child, due to the fact that it has a huge number of side effects. Today, the most sparing medications are homeopathic remedies, since they do not have such a strong effect on the activity of the nervous system. However, taking such drugs requires patience, since the effect of them occurs only after accumulation in the body.

Non-drug therapy is also successfully used, which should be comprehensive and developed individually for each baby. Typically, such therapy includes massage, manual manipulation of the spine, and physiotherapy exercises. The effectiveness of such drugs is observed in almost half of the patients. The disadvantages of non-drug therapy are the need for an individual approach, which is practically impossible in the conditions of modern healthcare organization, huge financial costs, the need for constant correction of therapy, the lack of qualified specialists and limited effectiveness.

Treatment of a hyperactive child also involves the use of other methods, such as the use of biofeedback techniques. So, for example, the biofeedback technique does not completely replace treatment, but it helps to reduce and adjust the doses of drugs. This technique belongs to behavioral therapy and is based on the use of the latent potential of the body. The key task of this technique involves the formation of skills and mastering them. The biofeedback technique belongs to modern trends. Its effectiveness lies in improving the ability of toddlers to plan their own activities and understand the consequences of inappropriate behavior. The disadvantages include inaccessibility for most families and the inability to obtain effective results in the presence of injuries, displacement of the vertebrae and other diseases.

Behavioral therapy has also been used quite successfully to correct hyperactivity. The difference between the approach of specialists in software and the approach of followers of other areas lies in the fact that the former do not seek to understand the causes of the phenomenon or predict their consequences, while the latter are looking for the origins of problems. Behaviorists work directly with behavior. They positively reinforce so-called "right" or right behaviors and negatively reinforce "wrong" or inappropriate ones. In other words, they develop a kind of reflex in patients. The effectiveness of this method is observed in almost 60% of cases and depends on the severity of symptoms and the presence of concomitant diseases. The disadvantages include the fact that the behavioral approach is more common in the United States.

Games for hyperactive children are also methods of corrective action that contribute to the development of skills to control motor activity and control their own impulsivity.

Comprehensive and individually designed treatment contributes to the onset of a positive effect in the correction of hyperactive behavior. However, one should not forget that for the maximum result, the jointly directed efforts of the parents and other close circle of the baby, teachers, doctors and psychologists are necessary.

It often happens that parents complain that their child is restless, does not obey, does not sit still for a second, it is very difficult for him to sit still and do business for a while. Could this be just a feature of the child's character, bad manners, or is it a pathological condition that requires correction?

Often in such children, psychologists as a result of diagnosis determine the presence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Below we will describe the causes of hyperactivity, how this syndrome manifests itself, what are the criteria for diagnosing this pathology, how to treat hyperactivity, and give a number of tips for parents and educators.

ADHD is a persistent behavioral disorder with a debut in childhood, manifested by impulsivity, difficult controllability, decreased concentration and a number of other symptoms.

A bit of history

Back in the 19th century, the German psychoneurologist G. Hoffman first described an overly mobile and active child, calling him “Fidget Phil.” Since the 60s of the 20th century, such a condition has been considered pathological and has been called minimal disturbances in the activity of the brain. In the 80s, this disease received its place in the international classification of diseases and became known as ADHD.

Causes of ADHD

Adverse factors during pregnancy:

Adverse factors in childbirth:

  • protracted labor
  • Rapid delivery
  • Stimulation of labor activity
  • Prematurity (delivery before 38 weeks gestation)

Other factors:

  • The presence of neurological diseases in the child
  • Conflict situations in the family, tense relations between parents
  • Excessive strictness towards the child
  • Heavy metal poisoning such as lead
  • Malnutrition also plays a role.

There is an opinion that injuries of the cervical spine are the cause of ADHD, this is a misconception.

If a child has a combination of several factors for the development of the disease, then the risk of developing hyperactivity syndrome in such children increases.

Classification of ADHD

Depending on the dominant signs of hyperactivity, three types of the disease are distinguished:

  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
  • Attention deficit disorder without hyperactivity
  • Hyperactivity syndrome, combined with attention deficit - this type of disease occurs most often.

How does hyperactivity manifest?

The prevalence of the disease is 4-5% among children. Boys suffer from ADHD about 6 times more often than girls.

Consider what and at what age hyperactivity in children can manifest itself. Symptoms may first appear before the age of one. At this age, such children may differ in excessive excitability, may react too violently to various manipulations, to bright light, sound. They often have sleep disturbances - they hardly fall asleep, often wake up, the period of wakefulness is increased. In physical development, they may lag behind their peers somewhat (by 1-1.5 months). Speech development may also be delayed.

Similar symptoms can be with many other diseases, so if they are present, you should not independently draw conclusions about the causes of their appearance. You should consult a doctor for timely diagnosis of the disease.

Also, it should not be attributed to pathology if one of the symptoms appears only occasionally. It is quite normal if the child has lost his routine, and he cannot fall asleep at his usual time, or just got carried away by the game and falls asleep. There can be many reasons for whims in a child, ranging from teething to violations in the child's diet.

Already at about 2-3 years old, distinct symptoms appear, but most parents do not notice them or consider such manifestations to be the norm. Naturally, this does not serve as a reason for them to go to the doctor, but in vain, because the sooner the problem is identified, the easier it will be to deal with it. At this age, restlessness may already appear, an excessive number of movements in the child can be noted, these movements are chaotic. The specialist can determine the delay in speech development, and then the presence of "motor awkwardness".

Often it is at the age of 3 years that parents can pay attention to the condition of the child. It is at the age of 3 that the next age crisis begins in the child, when he becomes aware of his Self, explores the boundaries of what is permitted, and therefore becomes very stubborn, capricious, this is a normal period of the child’s mental development, but at the same time, in children with ADHD, all signs are exacerbated.

Also during this period, many children are sent to a kindergarten, where other people watch them and they often tell their parents that their child is restless, inattentive, does not obey the teachers, it is impossible to put him to bed. This may be the first call for parents to contact a specialist. At this age, there is an intensive development of memory and attention, in children with ADHD it is slower.

Since the nervous system in a child with ADHD cannot cope with the increase in demands, physical, mental stress, deterioration can be observed in preschool children (at the age of 5-5.5 years). At this time, preparatory classes begin in kindergarten for children, which require concentration of attention, the ability to sit in one place for some time and listen to an adult.

The mental development of such children lags behind, this can manifest itself in low self-esteem, imbalance, irascibility. Such children may complain of headaches, they may have nervous tics, they develop phobias (fears). Some are diagnosed with enuresis.

In children of school age, despite the safety of intelligence, poor academic performance. They are inattentive in the classroom, it is difficult for them to get carried away with something. They find it difficult to find a common language with their peers, such children are prone to conflicts. Due to intolerance, they rarely have good relationships with classmates and teachers. Such children are not able to evaluate the consequences of their actions, they are very impulsive, often aggressive, which, if not diagnosed and treated, can subsequently lead to antisocial behavior.

The sooner treatment of hyperactivity is started, the less consequences can be dispensed with.

Diagnostic Criteria for ADHD

It is advisable to use them not earlier than 6 years. To establish the diagnosis of ADHD at the age of 6-17 years, 6 matches are sufficient, for people over 17 years old - 5 matches. These criteria can and even should be present in a child with ADHD and earlier.

Criteria related to manifestations of hyperactivity:

  • Restless movements of arms and legs.
  • Sitting on a chair, constantly spinning, spinning.
  • In situations where you need to stay in one place - gets up, leaves.
  • The presence of aimless movements - jumping, running, spinning when it is not appropriate and not necessary.
  • The inability to sit quietly and do something calmly.
  • Is constantly on the move.
  • Too chatty.
  • Answers questions without listening to the end.
  • Cannot wait for his turn or it is given to him with great difficulty.
  • Constantly interferes in someone else's game, conversation.
  • During sleep, he constantly turns over, throws off the blanket, crumples the sheet.

Criteria related to manifestations of attention deficit:

  • The inability to pay attention to small details, makes mistakes in school due to carelessness and inattention.
  • Unable to concentrate while playing or performing a task.
  • When talking with a child, it seems that he is not listening to you.
  • He cannot complete the task, lessons, household chores, and this behavior is not associated with the child's protests.
  • It is difficult for a child to organize independent activities.
  • Consciously avoids any tasks, work where attention is required to be fixed.
  • The child often loses his things.
  • Easily distracted by external stimuli.
  • Differs in forgetfulness in various everyday situations.
  • There is a tendency to destructive behavior, often breaks something, while denying his involvement.

If a child is suspected to have ADHD, parents should contact a neurologist for consultation and examination. Often under the guise of ADHD can hide another serious disease. Differentiation of the diagnosis is carried out only by a doctor.

Treatment for ADHD

Correction of hyperactivity should be carried out using several methods, among which there are drug and non-drug. Non-drug methods of treatment are predominantly used. Medicines are used when all other methods have failed. The main directions of ADHD correction:

Proper physical activity

Children with ADHD should not engage in sports with competitive elements, as they can exacerbate the manifestations of the disease. Also, games with demonstration performances and with static loads are not recommended. Light aerobic workouts, such as swimming, skiing, cycling, will also be useful.

Lessons with a psychologist

There are various techniques to reduce anxiety, increase the sociability of the child. A psychologist can simulate various situations of success, help choose a field of activity for a child in which he will feel confident. Exercises are given for the development of speech, memory, attention. For severe speech disorders, classes with a speech therapist are recommended. It is also useful to change the environment for the child, with positive changes in treatment, in the new environment a good attitude will be formed faster towards the child.

Family Psychotherapy

The problem of the child leaves its mark on the parents, especially on the mother of the child, who is most often in contact with him. Such women are 5 times more likely to be depressed, they are irritable, impulsive, intolerant. Family therapy can help your child get rid of ADHD faster.


Relaxation auto-trainings have a beneficial effect on such children, as they normalize the activity of the central and peripheral nervous systems, stimulate the reserve activity of the cerebral cortex.

Behavioral correction

Not only the child must change, but also the adults around him. Children with ADHD have a very high threshold for negative emotions, so they are immune to prohibitions, punishments, but at the same time they respond very easily to positive emotions, it is much more effective to praise them for good deeds than to scold them for bad ones. With such a child, prohibitions and refusal should be minimized. Of course, there is no need to go beyond the reasonable. Only things that may be dangerous or harmful to the child should be prohibited. Relations with such a child must be built on mutual understanding and trust. The microclimate in the family is also important. Parents also need to minimize quarrels among themselves, especially not to quarrel in front of the child! It is important to spend leisure time with the whole family. The child needs help to organize the mode and place for classes.

Medical therapy

In the United States, psychostimulants are actively used to correct ADHD. They are very effective, but have many side effects, which is why it was decided that such therapy is carried out when other methods are ineffective.

In Russia, psychostimulants are banned for use in ADHD. Instead, they try to use nootropic drugs to improve the metabolic processes of the brain, but there is no evidence base for the use of nootropics for ADHD.

  • Use a positive parenting model—grab your child more often when they deserve it. Be more attentive, encourage even minor successes, use the word “yes” more often than “no” and “no”.
  • Come up with daily chores around the house for him, do not do them for him (make the bed, wash the dishes after dinner, or take out the trash).
  • Get a notebook where, together with your child, you will describe his progress for the day every evening.
  • Do not overestimate or underestimate the requirements for the child, set tasks for him that correspond to his abilities, praise him for completing these tasks.
  • Define for him a clear framework - what can and cannot be done. A child with ADHD must learn to cope with the usual difficulties for his age. It should not form "greenhouse" conditions for it.
  • Ask the child for something, do not order him.
  • If your child is acting provocatively, it means that he wants to get your attention, but does not know how else to do it. Spend more time with him.
  • At home, there should be a clear daily routine. Not only the child, but also adults should observe it!
  • Do not go with your child to overly crowded places, to shopping centers, to the market. It might turn him on.
  • Protect your child from overworking, as this causes excessive motor activity and reduces the possibility of self-control.
  • Do not let us sit in front of the TV for a long time, enter the cartoon mode, for how long and at what time, strictly follow it.
  • Any restrictions and rules that you enter must be feasible, before you enter them, think about whether you can definitely follow them. For example, you should not tell your child that he will watch TV once a week, you still cannot always follow this rule and you yourself will be the first to give up. In such a case, everything that you demand, all your rules will be invalidated.
  • Set up a sleep schedule. The child should go to bed and wake up at the same time. He must sleep. Otherwise, the child's self-control decreases, and by the evening you can see him uncontrollable.
  • Teach your child to control himself, to think about the consequences of his actions.
  • Be calm, no matter how difficult it may be. You are an example for your child.
  • It is important for children to realize their importance, to be successful in something. Help him choose some area of ​​activity in which he can reveal his abilities and succeed.
  • Reward the child even for small successes, verbal praise means a lot too.
  • During the lesson, take a minute of active rest a couple of times, get up and do a little exercise.
  • The class schedule must be constant.
  • There should be no distracting objects, paintings, crafts, stands in the classroom.
  • Hyperactive children need an individual approach, you should not treat children as a mass at all, they are all different, everyone needs a different approach, and children with ADHD need this even more.
  • Such children should be in the center of the class, opposite the blackboard, in the first or second rows, they should always be visible to the teacher and be able to quickly attract his attention.
  • Involve such a child in active actions during the lesson - ask to clean the board, collect notebooks or distribute them.
  • Avoid monotony and monotony in the classroom. Introduce a creative element, motivate children, make sure that the lesson is interesting, and not just a mandatory few tens of minutes. This is useful for all children, so the material will be absorbed much better, and the children will want to come to your lesson again.
  • Break large tasks into several smaller ones, control the implementation of each of the parts.
  • Do not overestimate or underestimate the requirements for the child.
  • Create a “success situation” for your child, one in which he can prove himself.
  • Help your child to adapt in the team, teach him social rules and norms, help him to establish contact with peers.

Children's hyperactivity is a condition in which the activity and excitability of the child significantly exceeds the norm. This causes a lot of trouble for parents, caregivers and teachers. Yes, and the child himself suffers from emerging difficulties in communicating with peers and adults, which is fraught with the formation of negative psychological characteristics of the individual in the future.

How to identify and treat hyperactivity, which specialists should be contacted for diagnosis, how to build communication with a child? All this is necessary to know in order to raise a healthy baby.

It is a neurological-behavioral disorder often referred to in the medical literature as hyperactive child syndrome.

It is characterized by the following violations:

  • impulsive behavior;
  • significantly increased speech and motor activity;
  • attention deficit.

The disease leads to poor relationships with parents, peers, poor school performance. According to statistics, this disorder occurs in 4% of schoolchildren, in boys it is diagnosed 5-6 times more often.

The difference between hyperactivity and activity

Hyperactivity syndrome differs from the active state in that the behavior of the baby creates problems for parents, others and himself.

It is necessary to contact a pediatrician, neurologist or child psychologist in the following cases: motor disinhibition and lack of attention appear constantly, behavior makes it difficult to communicate with people, school performance is poor. You also need to consult a doctor if the child shows aggressiveness towards others.


The causes of hyperactivity can be different:

  • premature or;
  • intrauterine infections;
  • the influence of harmful factors at work during a woman's pregnancy;
  • bad ecology;
  • and physical overload of a woman during the period of gestation;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • unbalanced diet during pregnancy;
  • immaturity of the central nervous system of the newborn;
  • metabolic disorders of dopamine and other neurotransmitters in the infant's central nervous system;
  • excessive demands on the child of parents and teachers;
  • disorders of purine metabolism in the baby.

Provoking factors

This condition can be provoked by the use of drugs during pregnancy without the consent of the doctor. Possible exposure, drugs, smoking during the period of gestation.

Conflict relations in the family, family violence can contribute to the appearance of hyperactivity. Poor academic performance, due to which the child is subjected to criticism from teachers and punishment from parents, is another predisposing factor.


Signs of hyperactivity are similar at any age:

  • anxiety;
  • restlessness;
  • irritability and tearfulness;
  • bad sleep;
  • stubbornness;
  • inattention;
  • impulsiveness.

In newborns

Hyperactivity in children under one year old - infants - is indicated by anxiety and increased motor activity in the crib, the brightest toys cause them a short interest. On examination, these children often reveal dysembryogenesis stigmas, including epicanthal folds, abnormal structure of the auricles and their low position, gothic palate, cleft lip, and cleft palate.

In children aged 2-3 years

Most often, parents begin to notice manifestations of this condition from the age of 2 or from an even earlier age. The child is characterized by increased capriciousness.

Already at the age of 2, mom and dad see that it is difficult to interest the baby in something, he is distracted from the game, spins in a chair, is in constant motion. Usually such a child is very restless, noisy, but sometimes a 2-year-old baby surprises with his silence, lack of desire to make contact with parents or peers.

Child psychologists believe that sometimes such behavior precedes the appearance of motor and speech disinhibition. At two years old, parents can observe signs of aggression in the baby and unwillingness to obey adults, ignoring their requests and demands.

From the age of 3, manifestations of egoistic traits become noticeable. The child seeks to dominate his peers in collective games, provokes conflict situations, interferes with everyone.


Hyperactivity of a preschooler is often manifested by impulsive behavior. Such children interfere in the conversations and affairs of adults, do not know how to play collective games. Especially painful for parents are the tantrums and whims of a 5-6-year-old baby in crowded places, his violent expression of emotions in the most inappropriate environment.

In children of preschool age, restlessness is clearly manifested, they do not pay attention to the comments made, interrupt, shout over their peers. It is completely useless to reprimand and scold a 5-6-year-old baby for hyperactivity, he simply ignores information and does not learn the rules of behavior well. Any occupation captivates him for a short time, he is easily distracted.


Behavioral disorder, which often has a neurological background, can proceed in different ways.

Attention deficit disorder without hyperactivity

This behavior is characterized by the following:

  • listened to the task, but could not repeat it, immediately forgetting the meaning of what was said;
  • cannot concentrate and complete the assignment, although he understands what his task is;
  • does not listen to the interlocutor;
  • does not respond to comments.

Hyperactivity without Attention Deficit

This disorder is characterized by such signs: fussiness, verbosity, increased motor activity, the desire to be in the center of events. It is also characterized by frivolity of behavior, a tendency to take risks and adventures, which often creates life-threatening situations.

Hyperactivity with Attention Deficit Disorder

It is abbreviated in the medical literature as ADHD. We can talk about such a syndrome if the child has the following behavioral features:

  • cannot concentrate on a specific task;
  • abandons the work he has begun without finishing it to the end;
  • attention is selective, unstable;
  • negligence, inattention in everything;
  • does not pay attention to the addressed speech, ignores offers of help in completing the task, if it causes difficulties for him.

Violation of attention and hyperactivity at any age make it difficult to organize their work, accurately and correctly complete the task, without being distracted by external interference. In everyday life, hyperactivity and attention deficit lead to forgetfulness, frequent loss of their belongings.

Attention disorders with hyperactivity are fraught with difficulties in carrying out even the simplest instructions. Such children are often in a hurry, commit rash acts that can harm themselves or others.

Possible consequences

At any age, this behavioral disorder interferes with social contacts. Due to hyperactivity in preschool children attending kindergarten, it is difficult to participate in collective games with peers, communicate with them and teachers. Therefore, visiting the kindergarten becomes a daily psychotrauma, which can adversely affect the further development of the individual.

Schoolchildren suffer from academic performance, attending school causes only negative emotions. The desire to learn, to learn new things disappears, teachers and classmates are annoying, contact with them has only a negative connotation. The child withdraws into himself or becomes aggressive.

The impulsive behavior of a child sometimes poses a threat to his health. This is especially true for children who break toys, conflict, fight with other children and adults.

If you do not seek help from a specialist, a person with age can develop a psychopathic personality type. Hyperactivity in adults usually begins in childhood. One in five children with this disorder continue to have symptoms into adulthood.

Often there are such features of the manifestation of hyperactivity:

  • tendency to aggression towards others (including parents);
  • suicidal tendencies;
  • inability to participate in a dialogue, to make a constructive joint decision;
  • lack of skills in planning and organizing their own work;
  • forgetfulness, frequent loss of necessary things;
  • refusal to solve problems that require mental stress;
  • fussiness, verbosity, irritability;
  • fatigue, tearfulness.


Violation of attention and hyperactivity of the baby become noticeable to parents from an early age, but the diagnosis is made by a neurologist or psychologist. Usually, hyperactivity in a child of 3 years, if it occurs, is no longer in doubt.

Diagnosis of hyperactivity is a multi-step process. Anamnesis data are collected and analyzed (the course of pregnancy, childbirth, the dynamics of physical and psychomotor development, diseases suffered by the child). The opinion of the parents themselves about the development of the baby, the assessment of his behavior at 2 years old, at 5 years old is important to the specialist.

The doctor needs to find out how the adaptation to kindergarten went. During the reception, parents should not pull the child, make comments to him. It is important for the doctor to see his natural behavior. If the baby has reached the age of 5, a child psychologist will conduct tests to determine mindfulness.

The final diagnosis is made by a neuropathologist and a child psychologist after receiving the results of electroencephalography and MRI of the brain. These examinations are necessary to exclude neurological diseases, the consequence of which may be impaired attention and hyperactivity.

Laboratory methods are also important:

  • determination of the presence of lead in the blood to exclude intoxication;
  • biochemical blood test for thyroid hormones;
  • complete blood count to rule out anemia.

Special methods can be used: consultations of an ophthalmologist and audiologist, psychological testing.


If the diagnosis of "hyperactivity" is made, complex therapy is necessary. It includes medical and pedagogical activities.

Educational work

Specialists in child neurology and psychology will explain to parents how to deal with hyperactivity in their child. Kindergarten teachers and teachers in schools also need to have relevant knowledge. They should teach parents the right behavior with the child, help overcome difficulties in communicating with him. Specialists will help the student to master the techniques of relaxation and self-control.

Change of conditions

It is necessary to praise and encourage the baby for any successes and good deeds. Emphasize the positive qualities of character, support any positive undertakings. You can keep a diary with your child, where to record all his achievements. In a calm and friendly tone, talk about the rules of behavior and communication with others.

Already from the age of 2, the baby should get used to the daily routine, sleep, eat and play at a certain time.

From the age of 5, it is desirable that he has his own living space: a separate room or a corner fenced off from the common room. There should be a calm atmosphere in the house, quarrels of parents and scandals are unacceptable. It is desirable to transfer the student to a class with a smaller number of students.

To reduce hyperactivity at 2-3 years old, children need a sports corner (Swedish wall, children's bars, rings, rope). Physical exercise and games will help relieve stress and expend energy.

What not to do for parents:

  • constantly pull and scold, especially in front of strangers;
  • humiliate the baby with derisive or rude remarks;
  • constantly speak strictly with the child, give instructions in an orderly tone;
  • prohibit something without explaining to the child the motive for his decision;
  • give too difficult tasks;
  • demand exemplary behavior and only excellent grades at school;
  • perform household chores that were entrusted to the child, if he did not complete them;
  • accustom to the idea that the main task is not to change behavior, but to receive a reward for obedience;
  • apply methods of physical influence in case of disobedience.

Medical therapy

Drug treatment of hyperactivity syndrome in children plays only an auxiliary role. It is prescribed in the absence of the effect of behavioral therapy and special education.

To eliminate the symptoms of ADHD, the drug Atomoxetine is used, but its use is possible only as directed by a doctor, there are undesirable effects. Results appear after about 4 months of regular use.

If the baby is diagnosed with such a diagnosis, psychostimulants can also be prescribed to him. They are used in the morning. In severe cases, tricyclic antidepressants are used under medical supervision.

Games with hyperactive children

Even with board and quiet games, the hyperactivity of a 5-year-old child is noticeable. He constantly attracts the attention of adults with erratic and aimless body movements. Parents need to spend more time with the baby, communicate with him. Playing together is very helpful.

Effectively alternating calm board games - lotto, picking up puzzles, checkers, with outdoor games - badminton, football. Summer provides many opportunities to help a child with hyperactivity.

During this period, you need to strive to provide the baby with a country holiday, long hikes, and teach swimming. During walks, talk more with the child, tell him about plants, birds, natural phenomena.


Parents need to make adjustments to their diet. The diagnosis made by specialists implies the need to observe the time of eating. The diet should be balanced, the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates should correspond to the age norm.

It is advisable to exclude fried, spicy and smoked foods, carbonated drinks. Eat less sweets, especially chocolate, increase the amount of fruits and vegetables consumed.

Hyperactivity at school age

Increased hyperactivity in school-age children makes parents seek medical help. After all, the school makes completely different demands on the growing person than preschool institutions. He must memorize a lot, gain new knowledge, solve complex problems. The child requires attention, perseverance, the ability to concentrate.

Problems with study

Attention deficits and hyperactivity are noticed by teachers. The child in the lesson is dispersed, motor active, does not respond to comments, interferes with the lesson. The hyperactivity of younger schoolchildren at the age of 6-7 leads to the fact that children do not master the material well, carelessly do their homework. Therefore, they constantly receive comments for poor academic performance and bad behavior.

Teaching children with hyperactivity is often a major challenge. A real struggle begins between such a child and the teacher, as the student does not want to fulfill the requirements of the teacher, and the teacher fights for discipline in the classroom.

Problems with classmates

Adaptation in the children's team is difficult, it is difficult to find a common language with peers. The student begins to withdraw into himself, becomes secretive. In collective games or discussions, he stubbornly defends his point of view, without listening to the opinions of others. At the same time, he often behaves rudely, aggressively, especially if they do not agree with his opinion.

Correction of hyperactivity is necessary for the successful adaptation of the baby in the children's team, good learning and further socialization. It is important to examine the baby at an early age and conduct timely professional treatment. But in any case, parents should be aware that most of all the child needs understanding and support.


Hyperactivity is a form of disorder that is quite often manifested in children of the preschool age group, as well as in children of early school age, although the “transition” to further age groups is not excluded in the absence of appropriate measures to address it. Hyperactivity, the symptoms of which are excessive energy and mobility of the child, is not a pathological condition and is often caused by a violation of attention.

general description

Hyperactivity consists, in addition to the listed symptoms in the form of excessive energy and increased activity, in the inability to concentrate on any particular subject, impulsiveness and restlessness of the child, in the absence of control over their own actions.

Behavioral features of children with hyperactivity are reduced on average in 70% of cases to the appearance of anxiety, similar indicators fall on the relevance of neurological habits, in about 50% of cases there are problems with appetite and in 46% - problems with sleep. In addition to this, awkwardness, the appearance of annoying movements in the child, twitching can be indicated.

In the general terms of consideration, hyperactivity is usually denoted with attention deficit, which defines such an abbreviation for this condition as ADHD, that is, it corresponds to the designation "attention deficit hyperactivity disorder". It should be noted right away that the lack of attention in this case does not indicate that the child is given little time and attention, but that he cannot focus his attention on anything.

Hyperactivity determines the need for more efforts aimed at teaching the skills of writing, reading, etc. Communication with peers is almost mandatory with hyperactivity of children accompanied by problems of a communicative scale, conflicts. Educators and teachers treat such children as individuals who are not very “convenient”, which is due to the problems that arise with them during the educational process due to the peculiarities of their behavior inherent against the background of hyperactivity.

Based on research data, it is known that hyperactivity is relevant for an average of 2-20% of children, while the hyperactivity syndrome in boys is diagnosed up to five times more often than, respectively, in girls.

Due to the fact that the brain of children with hyperactivity processes incoming information poorly, a similar reaction on its part also falls on the impact of external and internal stimuli. As a result, an inattentive child is “uncontrollable”, because neither persuasion, nor punishment, nor requests work with him. Regardless of the conditions, the child will act impulsively, without the appropriate attention to a particular situation. To understand your own line of behavior in relation to a hyperactive child, you should find out what exactly are the causes of hyperactivity.

To top it off, we add that hyperactivity and ADHD in particular in 30-80% of cases accompany the adult life of patients. Moreover, it is against the background of this disorder, which was not detected in childhood, that subsequently there are problems associated with the inability to maintain attention, with the organization of interpersonal relationships and the general surrounding space, as well as problems associated with the development of new information and materials.

Hyperactivity: causes

Hyperreactivity syndrome can be triggered by complications associated with the development of the child, in particular those that were relevant during the mother's pregnancy, during labor or during infancy. We highlight the main causes of hyperreactivity below:

  • the presence of a chronic disease in the mother;
  • toxic effects due to poisoning during pregnancy, provoked by certain foods, smoking, alcohol, medications taken;
  • transferring injuries during pregnancy, bruises;
  • transfer during pregnancy of infectious diseases;
  • the presence of a risk factor for miscarriage, relevant, as you know, during the mother's pregnancy;
  • complications of labor activity that provoked hemorrhages, asphyxia;
  • features of childbirth, excluding their natural course (caesarean section, stimulation of labor, transience of labor or, conversely, protracted course of labor);
  • features of the ecological situation in the region of residence;
  • transmission of certain diseases.

Hyperactivity: symptoms

As a rule, the first symptoms of hyperactivity make themselves felt at the age of 2-3 years, while parents are in no hurry to see a doctor with the problems associated with this disorder. Because of this, any measures in this direction begin to be taken only when the critical point is reached, which in many cases occurs by the time they enter school.

The main basic signs corresponding to hyperactivity can be identified as a triad of manifestations, and this is increased motor disinhibition, impulsivity, and a deficit in the active form of attention.

The deficit of the active form of attention consists, for example, in the impossibility of keeping attention on a specific process or phenomenon during a specific time period. Focus is achieved by identifying a specific motivation for it. The motivational mechanism is formed with sufficient personal maturity for this.

As for the next option, and this is increased motor disinhibition, it acts as a manifestation of such a state as fatigue. In children, fatigue is often comparable to overexcitation and a lack of ability to control behavior, which, as is clear, distinguishes it from fatigue in its usual sense.

As for such a manifestation as impulsivity, it consists in the unpreparedness for inhibition of emerging impulses and desires. Because of this, hyperactive patients often do certain things thoughtlessly, only under the influence of a momentary factor, at a specific moment that caused the emergence of a specific impulse or desire. Children are not capable of obeying the rules when impulsive.

A rather characteristic feature of children with hyperactivity is such a moment as cyclicity, it lies in the fact that the productivity of their brain is about 15 minutes of time, followed by a 5-minute "break" that allows you to prepare for the next cycle of activity. As a result of such a switch, one can notice that within approximately the same time and corresponding to the indicated figures, the child, as it were, “drops out” of the process in which he was involved at the time of the “reboot” (communication, specific actions). The child can provide the opportunity to stay in the conditions of a concrete reality by performing any third-party actions, that is, he can begin to turn his head, spin - due to such motor activity, the constancy of the brain is maintained.

When alone, a hyperactive child cannot concentrate, he also becomes lethargic, the activities he is capable of are mostly monotonous and easy to perform. Here the child needs external activation. Staying in a family or in small groups determines quite adequate behavior of a hyperactive child, but as soon as he is in a larger group, in a public place, etc. - Excessive excitement occurs, full-fledged activity becomes impossible.

Among the additional manifestations of symptoms, one can also indicate the relevance of awkward movements, which are caused by weakness in motor coordination. In general, children can have a good general intelligence, although its development is conditioned by certain difficulties due to the existing hyperactivity.

Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis of hyperreactivity is made on the basis of a general collection of information of a subjective scale, as well as on the basis of a psychological and hardware examination. The doctor's appointment will include questions regarding the characteristics of the course of pregnancy and delivery, as well as previous and current diseases of the child. Diagnosis also includes a series of tests, on the basis of which parameters are evaluated that determine the degree of his attentiveness. As for the hardware examination, it includes the procedure of an electroencephalogram, MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). Based on a comprehensive picture of the results obtained, specific individual treatment principles are determined.

The treatment of hyperactive children is complex in terms of the nature of the implementation of measures, it is based on the methods of drug therapy, psychological and pedagogical influence and methods of influence due to certain elements of psychotherapy. Drugs that can be prescribed in the treatment do not contribute to the treatment of hyperactivity per se, but due to their use, it is possible to achieve a reduction in symptoms (impulsivity, etc.), as well as improve the ability to learn and work. Also, with the help of medications, it is possible to achieve an improvement in the coordination of movements, which is required in particular for writing, sports activities, etc.

Parents in communication with the child should exclude negation in sentences. Conflict situations require the greatest possible calm on their part. It is important to designate any assigned tasks through clear formulations of actions, long formulations, on the contrary, are excluded, sentences should be short. The instructions given to the child should be built in their appropriate logical sequence; several instructions cannot be given at once. Additionally, it is important to make it clear to the child that regardless of the situation and where he is, parents will always support him, helping to cope with the difficulties that arise.

If symptoms suggestive of hyperactivity appear, it is necessary to consult a neurologist.

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Diseases with similar symptoms:

Mental disorders, characterized mainly by a decrease in mood, motor retardation and thought failures, are a serious and dangerous disease, which is called depression. Many people believe that depression is not a disease and, moreover, does not carry any special danger, in which they are deeply mistaken. Depression is a rather dangerous type of disease, caused by the passivity and depression of a person.

Signs of hyperactivity occur to varying degrees in all children. Which of the parents has not encountered the behavior of their baby, in which there is excessive mobility, disobedience, screaming, uncontrolled behavior, inattention, painful stubbornness, outbursts of impulsive aggression? In this case, the child may be insecure, fearful and notorious.

Our task is to figure out what causes such a state, when it remains within the normal range, and when it reaches the level of the disease. We will also try to give some recommendations on what parents should do if they have a hyperactive child.

Is every excitable child sick?

In the 1980s, this condition in children received a separate name - attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). In the classification of nervous and mental diseases, it was classified as a hyperkinetic disorder. The main behavioral symptom of the syndrome is the inability to concentrate and self-control.

Not every kid who behaves like a prankster belongs to the category of hyperkinetics. For some, disobedience, stubbornness, increased mobility with overflowing energy is a consequence of character. With such children, you just need to learn how to behave correctly, and not constantly pull them up, this can cause a negative response.

Signs of a hyperactive child

Signs of increased activity in a child do not appear immediately. Up to 2-3 years old, a child can behave normally and even be excessively calm. The symptoms of ADHD in children develop gradually. Often parents do not pay due attention to them and seek help when the child enters an educational institution with obvious problems.

Note:the later painful manifestations are noted, the harder it is to deal with the growing signs of the disease.

Developing hyperactivity in children can be suspected if it develops:

  • - prolonged and restless falling asleep, screaming and moving in bed, talking, frequent waking up, crying, lack of sleep;
  • during the day, increased fussiness, restlessness, inability to complete the work begun, excessive anxiety;
  • instability (lability) of the emotional sphere, flashes of impulsivity;
  • ignoring the requests of parents, inappropriate behavior;
  • painful forgetfulness, inattention, lack of concentration on activities, a tendency to scatter things;

Any kind of activity causes problems for the child.

Causes of Hyperactivity and Attention Deficit Disorder

Increased excitability is often observed in children whose parents themselves have a choleric character and temperament. Children often simply copy the behavior of adults in their family, in a more exaggerated and strong form.

If we are talking about ADHD, then there is a genetic predisposition for the transmission of this disease.

Note: about 30% of parents of hyperactive children themselves suffered from this pathology in childhood.

Factors provoking the development of hyperactivity can be:

Definition of Hyperactivity Syndrome in Children

Only a specialist - a child psychiatrist, a psychologist - can identify the disease in a child.

Analyzing complaints and examining the child, the doctor asks the parents:

  • features of the course of pregnancy;
  • possible existing diseases, both of the mother herself, the father, and the baby;
  • options for the behavior of a small patient at home, in public places.

Then the doctor examines the child, talks with him, evaluates his reactions, level of development, behavioral subtleties. The signs of the disorder are summarized, and a preliminary judgment is made about the possible presence of the disease.

The examination is supplemented by special diagnostic methods, as well as consultations of other specialists (psychologist, neuropathologist, endocrinologist, therapist).

Older children (5-6 years old) are offered psychological tests that assess the ability to pay attention, perseverance, logical thinking, etc.

Additional studies include safe in terms of health - magnetic resonance imaging, electroencephalography, rheography.

After passing a complete examination, the doctor determines the presence or absence of the disease. Then a treatment plan is drawn up.

How does Hyperactivity Syndrome work?

Parents in most cases do not focus on the painful behavior of the baby, believing that he will “outgrow” over time. They seek help when the disease is already in an advanced stage and its manifestations cannot be overlooked.

In collectives of kindergartens, pathology is just beginning to assert its “rights”. But when the child enters school, the hyperactivity syndrome manifests itself in all its strength. Educational activity requires a certain organization of classes, just what a small student is not ready for.

Inadequate behavior in the classroom, hypermobility and inability to concentrate make the learning process impossible. Children with hyperactivity constantly require control by the teacher, since it is impossible to focus the student's attention on the topic, he is constantly distracted and goes about his business, a painful attention deficit affects. The qualifications and patience of a teacher are not always enough to cope with a destructive behavior. A response is formed - the aggressiveness of the child.

the education system is not adapted to the activities of children with ADHD. The development of hyperactive children always lags behind their peers. Teachers cannot adapt to the student's developing illness, and this leads to the development of a conflict situation.

A hyperactive child at school is often ridiculed and bullied by classmates, has communication problems. They do not want to play and be friends with him. This causes increased resentment, oncoming outbursts of aggression, assault. The tendency of such children to leadership because of the inability to be such gives rise to a decrease in self-esteem. Over time, closure may develop. More and more pronounced psychopathic complaints develop. Parents have no choice but to finally take the little student to a specialist.

At home, you need to remember the main thing: children often mirror the model of adult behavior. Therefore, if the baby has a hyperactivity syndrome, a calm and friendly atmosphere should prevail in the house. You should not shout loudly and find out the relationship between each other in raised tones.

The child needs to be given enough attention. Walking with him a lot in the fresh air, the forest, picking mushrooms, fishing, family hiking trips are especially useful. You should not attend noisy events that will overexcite the painful psyche. It is necessary to correctly form the background of life. Soothing music should sound at home, the TV should not scream. You should not arrange noisy holidays, especially those accompanied by drinking alcohol.

Important:in case of an overexcited state, one should not shout at suffering children, beat them. How to calm the child? You should find words of consolation, hug him, pity him, listen in silence, take him to another place. Each parent must find an individual approach. Better than a father and mother, no one will cope with this task.

Each little patient who is brought to a consultation with a specialist is individual, so there can be no strict rules for correcting his behavior. It is necessary to take into account all the subtleties of the nature and conditions surrounding the patient. Nevertheless, there are general provisions from which it is necessary to build on the educational and medical process.

  1. About creating bans. Attention deficit and hyperactivity of children is manifested in categorical denial and rejection of prohibitions. In this case, the main rule that forms the correct attitude to understanding the prohibition is the absence of the use of the word “no” and “impossible”. Instead, you need to build a phrase in such a way that it suggests an active action, and not a prohibitive wording. For example, in order not to say "Don't jump on the bed", you should say "Let's jump together" and take the child to the floor, then switch him to another activity, gradually calming him down.
  2. Time control. Children with ADHD are often unable to sense time on their own. Therefore, it is very important to ensure that they perform tasks within the standards. It is necessary to correctly notice and correct cases of excessive shifting of attention. To return the child to the goal without violence.
  3. Job sequence. Hyperactivity provokes inattention, absent-mindedness in children. It is important to remember that data for several tasks at a time may simply not be perceived by the child. Educators should independently control the dynamics of the process and the receipt of new tasks.
  4. Implementation specifics. Painful changes in hyperactivity do not allow small patients to follow logical thought chains, and abstract thinking also suffers. To facilitate understanding, one should not overload the sentences and phrases from which the task is formed with semantic overloads.

About children's games

The games of hyperactive preschool children should start from two important ideas.

First, playing time should serve as a normal emotional and physical release. To do this, the child needs sufficient play space. The game should be unobtrusively directed in a constructive direction.

The second idea provides for the creation of a calm phase, during which it is necessary to rethink the game activity, then, after a short pause, continue it. It is important, before the end, to take advantage of the moment of physical fatigue and try to switch the baby to constructive activities, but without a shadow of coercion.

For older children, sports are very beneficial. It is necessary to correctly determine which one. Some are more suitable for game types, others for individual ones. In both cases, the problem of using excessive excitation, directing it into a constructive direction and teaching the skills of sports discipline should be solved.

Treatment of hyperactivity syndrome

As we can see, raising a child with hyperactivity is a very time-consuming and complex process. That is why many parents do not want to deal with it on their own and take the child to the doctor.

It is important at this stage to get to a competent specialist who, in addition to the prescribed treatment, will help the family deal with awareness problems and the need for joint efforts in treatment. How to do it is written above.

In the case of a far advanced disease, it should be recommended to transfer a school-age child suffering from ADHD to a specialized school, in which it will be determined on the spot in the class with what bias the patient needs to study further. It may be necessary to correct the development of skills. If a student is lagging behind in his studies, then he will be sent to the class of catching up children.

Drug treatment of hyperkinetic disorder

With the right selection of the drug, it has a very significant positive effect. Its efficiency reaches 80%. It should be treated for years, perhaps drug correction will be required at a later age.

Drug treatment consists of the use of drugs that stimulate mental development, affecting the improvement of metabolic processes in the brain. Tranquilizers, sleeping pills, psychostimulants and nootropics do a good job with these tasks. In some cases, antidepressants and antipsychotics are used.

However, drug treatment should not be given excessive importance, since it is only symptomatic and does not eliminate the main cause of the disease. Also, it will never replace the main thing - love for your child. It is she who can heal the baby and in the future give him the opportunity to live a full life.



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