Symptoms, causes and methods of treatment of hysterical neurosis. What are the signs and symptoms of hysteria? Is there a drug prevention of tantrums in a child?

Hysteria is one of the forms of neurosis, it is typical for women and has mental and various somatovegetative manifestations. This disease has a synonym - hysterical neurosis, which is predisposed to " artistic type» personality. The "female nature" of hysteria, according to scientists, is associated with the level of estrogen in the blood. This fact was noted in Ancient Greece. Hence the name of this disease "hystera" - translated from Greek means "womb". Female hysteria is a very common disease.

Predisposing factors:

  • Stress, physical and emotional overstrain;
  • Sexual dissatisfaction;
  • Chronic intoxication (alcohol, drugs);
  • Injuries;
  • Problems at work;
  • fluctuations hormonal background(pregnancy, phases menstrual cycle, puberty, menopause);
  • Family problems.


Female hysteria can manifest itself in two forms - a hysterical fit and hysterical behavior.


Among the peculiar manifestations of female hysteria, one of its varieties can be noted, which has long been known in Russia as hysteria. It was expressed in the fact that the hysterics had an irresistible desire to scream in church in certain moments church service, and sometimes fall into a real hysteria. The hysteria is in very close connection with the belief in corruption, the possession of various demons, which was widespread among the people at that time. Indeed, many hysterical hysterics had a subconscious idea or even a conscious idea that they were "spoiled", that an unclean spirit had taken possession of them against their own will and desire. This belief may not be recognized by the hysterics and is stored in the unconscious area.

It is very likely that many cases of healing of patients under the influence of conspiracies and other things should be explained by the fact that these diseases were actually symptoms hysterical neurosis. Analyzing the symptoms of other hysteria, one cannot fail to notice that they always do not correspond to the picture of the actual lesion of one or another organ or organ system. In particular, with hysterical paralysis, paralysis of individual muscles is never noted, as happens with neurological diseases when one or the other is affected nerve center or impaired nerve conduction. This circumstance sometimes makes it possible to say that hysterical neurosis is a rather mediocre plagiarist. The detected signs correspond to the patient's idea of ​​the disease and the views prevailing among the population, that is, the common opinions about mental and somatic diseases.

Sometimes, however, it is difficult to identify such a discrepancy. In the history of psychiatry, cases of false hysterical pregnancy are known, when the patient not only had a sharp increase in the volume of the abdomen and mammary glands, but also had such characteristics childbirth, that relatives hurriedly delivered her to the maternity hospital, where only the true nature of her suffering was revealed. It is interesting that, as a rule, the disclosure is accepted by the patient with hostility, causing a violent reaction of protest, indicating her unwillingness to acknowledge reality.

Imitation of CNS disorders

Often hysterical symptoms mimic various kinds lesions of the central nervous system, vascular spasms, infectious diseases as well as angina, bronchial asthma, myocardial infarction. Most often the symptoms female hysteria are of various kinds pain in the abdomen, heart, chest, spine, not weakened by painkillers. Less common are various difficulty breathing, decreased or complete loss of sensitivity. For example, legs, arms, or just parts of a limb.

Motor disturbances in female hysteria can manifest themselves in paralysis, inability to stand or walk, or vice versa, twitching of the upper or lower extremities, frequent winking of the eyelids, stereotypical and unusual contractions of the muscles of the neck, face, limbs. Contractions of the muscles of the larynx during hysteria can lead to the loss of a woman's voice (the patient speaks only in a whisper), or a complete loss of speech. A patient with hysteria, however, in this case does not lose contact with others, for example, through writing.

There are also cases of hysterical deafness and blindness (in one or both eyes). Causes surprise. that a patient with hysteria, having lost the gift of speech, does not at all strive to overcome the violation that has arisen by an effort of will. The composure with which the patient sometimes refers to her illness is also striking. She, apparently, is not at all burdened by unexpected paralysis, does not show anxiety appropriate in this case. Just as often, these patients with female hysteria show a peculiar ambivalence about the symptoms and signs of the disease. On the one hand, they turn to the doctor with a request for help, and on the other hand, they do not seek recovery and even violently protest when they learn that there is no serious illness.

"Conditional pleasantness"

All these observations reveal one salient feature female hysteria, which psychiatrists called "conditional pleasantness" or "desirability of a painful syndrome." Careful questioning of a patient suffering, for example, from a hysterical pseudo-infarction and therefore forced to leave work and not leave home for months, may lead to the conclusion that she simply does not want to leave her child in the care of her mother-in-law, for whom for some reason she feels a sharp hostility. The patient is completely unaware of this. At the same time, it is obvious that the means used by it are clearly disproportionate to the goal achieved. The behavior of the patient indicates the existence of a special value system in her, which she subconsciously follows. Along with the primary benefit from the disease, for some patients, the fact that when they fall ill, they surround themselves with great care and attention from their loved ones is important.

They tried to explain the amazing ability of a hysterical patient to transform his mental experiences into somatic ones on the basis of assumptions about the hypertrophy of the series mental functions or their regression at the primitive level. According to some psychiatrists, hysterical symptoms are manifestations of phylogenetically old adaptations that serve the purposes of instinctive self-defense. Sometimes hysterical neurosis can end in depression and suicide attempts.


Treatment of hysteria in women is mainly psychotherapeutic. The psychotherapist must find out the reasons that led to the formation of hysterical neurosis in a woman. One of important points treatment of female hysteria is the normalization of her sexual life and the harmonization of relations with her husband. Many women with hysteria need to consult a sex therapist.

The main principles of the treatment of female hysteria are aimed at eliminating psycho-traumatic situations and strengthening the nervous system - compliance with sleep and rest, balanced diet, exception various kinds intoxication (in particular, alcohol), relaxing therapy (physiotherapy), sports.

Some women are shown a consultation with a gynecologist, who may prescribe medical preparations to normalize her natural hormonal level and reduction of vegetative manifestations. Sedative therapy is prescribed, mainly drugs plant origin(motherwort, valerian), various sedative herbal preparations, as well as Novopasit, Persen, Corvalol, Afobazol, Grandaxin and others.

They are ready to do anything to get attention. They dress provocatively and behave, speak in a special, theatrical tone, puzzle those around them with a sharp change in behavior - from incredible complacency to unbearable coldness. Few people realize that under the spectacular appearance of hysterical personalities, a rather pathetic idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthemselves is often hidden. That is why they are forced to draw confidence in the admiring glance of others.

The emotional mood of these people is constantly changing, and it is difficult to determine whether they behave this way on purpose in order to interest and surprise even more, or, like children, quickly move from laughter to tears. Moreover, the hysterics themselves are not able to be aware of the own feelings and feelings. It seems to them that they are natural, although in fact they are afraid of not being liked by others. At the first meeting, hysterical personalities can captivate, charm, but their demonstrative behavior, a quick change of mood, constant thirst attention, excessive emotions after a while bother others, and they leave. Which makes the hysteric put even more effort into charming and seducing, and he behaves even more defiantly and unnaturally.

Distinctive features

Constantly strives to get the attention of others and suffers if he fails. Actively seeks love and affection from others. + Quickly moves from one emotion to another; often expresses his feelings in a theatrical way.+ Speaks in an affective manner; likes to describe his impressions, omitting specific facts and details. + Prone to idealization or, conversely, unreasonable criticism of others.

Familiar features?

The need to like changeable mood, some exaltation ... isn't this a typical feminine quality? For centuries, literature has taught us that women seduce men solely out of coquetry. That they are treacherous, always doing a comedy, seducing in order to better use it for their own benefit. male power... The ancient Greeks believed that such pure female manifestations due to the rapid processes occurring in their body. By the way, the word "hysteria" comes from the Greek husteros - uterus.

However, the term hysterical personality" disappeared from the classification of the American Psychiatric Association in 1980. It was found that the behavior and personality disorders those who were called hysterics have nothing to do with the uterus. Identical symptoms occur in men: on average, there is one hysterical man for every two hysterical women. Of course, in some ways they behave differently than women, but they also crave attention and recognition. In addition, the term "hysterical" became negative, and in spoken language the word "hysterical" sounds like an insult. For such people, another term was chosen - artistic personality type, which comes from the Latin histrio - actor, comedian. For the reason that almost everyone who was called hysterics has a way of expressing their emotions in a dramatic, theatrical form.

* L. Francois, A. Christoph “He is a schizophrenic?! .. How to communicate with difficult people» (Generation, 2007).

Benefit or harm?

Behavior rules

What do we have to do

Be prepared for exaggeration and theatricality. The behavior of a hysteric is not whims, but a norm that is entirely consistent with his character. Therefore, it is pointless to get annoyed and repeat to yourself: when will he stop this circus? This is not a circus, but a manner of behaving, giving yourself more confidence, suppressing too difficult experiences in the bud. Try to recognize that his artistry is as natural as, for example, myopia or baldness. Would you be annoyed poor eyesight or the baldness of your loved one or friend?

Give him a stage from time to time, but impose certain restrictions. The more you reject the tantrum, the more he will try to get attention back. Be patient, but also set the rules of the game.

Show interest whenever he behaves normally. Sometimes, assuming your attention, the artistic person temporarily switches from theatrical behavior to normal. Don't miss these precious minutes. Respond by approving that particular course of action.

Always be prepared to go from being a hero to being a nonentity and vice versa.

What not to do

Laugh at them. They often seem funny and easily make you want to make fun of them. This applies, for example, to two year old, who begins to "show off" when adults pay too much attention to his little sister. Hysterical men are also laughed at because they often seem like frivolous opponents. (Not like the paranoid - they are laughed at much less often.) The more you laugh, the more you push him to use all the means available to him that are necessary to attract attention, up to and including hysteria, going into illness, attempting suicide.

Take seriously their attempts to seduce you - sometimes there is nothing behind them. They are ready to do anything to attract attention, and often try to bring a touch of sexuality into any relationship, even professional ones. In response, you can begin to behave accordingly. At the risk of instantly being rebuffed, accompanied by surprise and even indignation!

Allow yourself to be touched. The emotionality, fragility and even infantilism of an artistic person can cause a desire to protect her from the whole world around her. But you are just an audience for her. And to the public, which is easy to win, interest quickly passes.

Three warnings

If this is your boss, try to be yourself, even if he demands the opposite from you.

If this is your employee, keep a distance that will allow him to idealize you.

If this is your companion (companion) of life, appreciate the revival and variety that it brings to your existence. In the end, for the sake of this you have connected your life with him.

Is it possible to cure it, and also to recognize who is in front of you: a sick person or an ordinary household boor?

Hysterical seizures can be very different in strength and manifestations. The common thing is that a person does not do it on purpose, does not pretend, everything happens by itself.

Charcot's great hysteria (named after the doctor who first systematized hysterical symptoms) is the most severe. She is characterized movement disorders- weakness and numbness of the arms or legs, hysterical arcs, vegetative disorders (sweating, palpitations, fainting, sensory disturbances). A person during a seizure may suddenly stop seeing, hearing, or feeling touch. And after the attack, everything goes away - as it never happened.

Charcot's minor hysteria is manifested by milder disorders in the form nervous tick, tremor (hand trembling), muscle twitching.

Involutionary hysteria is often combined with anxious depression. A person fusses, does not find a place for himself, his “heart stops”, he waves his arms, shouts out fragmentary phrases in despair.

Traumatic hysteria can develop after an experienced shock or severe traumatic brain injury.

How to distinguish a real hysteric from a domestic boor?

Actor for life. Demonstrative personality. All feelings are exposed. Can't control himself.

The attack breaks out suddenly. Chaotic movement begins.

Almost always - a violation of the senses: vision, hearing, numbness and weakness of the muscles, often - hysterical fainting or a state close to it.

You don't even need to start serious reason. But you always need an audience.

He falls into hysterics not even to achieve some desired goal, but to demonstrate his emotions.
Aggression towards others is not a mandatory item. The topic of hysteria can be completely abstract.

Cannot stop an attack by an effort of his own will.

After a seizure, he often remembers it only in fragments, cannot explain why and why this happened.
Vegetative manifestations are often mixed - sweating, palpitations, polyuria ( frequent urges to the toilet), sensation of a lump in the throat, suffocation, as well as motor disorders - tics, trembling, etc.

The seizure can last from several minutes to several hours.

Often, after a fit of tantrums, they experience a vague feeling of guilt and remorse.

What to do with him? Do not participate in his "show performances" and persuade him to go to a psychiatrist. Properly selected therapy and psychotherapy will help smooth out and reduce seizures.


Manifestations speak not of mental disorders but about emotional licentiousness.

The tantrum rolls only about - to achieve a specific goal.

The brawler is always assertive and aggressive.

Unlike a real hysteric, he always makes clear demands and, in the course of a scandal, “announces the entire list” of claims.

His task is to suppress, crush those around him.

Ham can go into a rage, look unattractive at the height of hysteria (the face is distorted, saliva splashes), he does not realize that he looks terrible, but at the same time he mentally controls himself.

He easily comes to his senses as soon as he gets the desired result or, on the contrary, feels a firm and decisive rebuff. He can be reasoned with social measures such as threatening to call the police.

After the scandal, he remembers his every word - and he will also remember and remind you of what you could blurt out through negligence.
He does not feel annoyance and shame for the arranged scene - after all, if he did not plan it, then he carried it out quite deliberately.

What to do with him? Do not succumb to provocations, firmly stand your ground, do not allow yourself to be manipulated.

Hysteria is one of the varieties of complex neurosis. Its main manifestation is a specific affective-emotional attack. Having seen it once, you will not forget it again and will not confuse it with anything. Also, the disease is characterized by reversibility mental disorders and the absence of local changes in the brain. Such patients try to attract as much attention as possible to themselves. It was once believed that women were predominantly affected by this disease. But now in equally it also occurs in men.

Causes of hysteria

As in any mental illness, the main cause of hysteria is considered a violation of human behavior. At the heart of hysteria are the features of the development of behavior, personality. All this is directly dependent on how suggestible and emotional a person is. Often a hysterical fit is the result of a conflict, various experiences and neuropsychic overstrain. The main role in the development of neurosis is played by human infantilism and hysterical character traits, burdened heredity. Provoking factors include:

  • Severe diseases of the internal organs.
  • Physical stress.
  • Dissatisfaction with professional activities.
  • Trouble in the family.
  • Postponed injuries.
  • Alcohol abuse.
  • Excessive use of medicines.

In addition, it has been proven that the disease occurs in people with the absence of certain character traits. A person who is deprived of them, under the influence of provoking factors, has a reactive state. According to scientists, a fit of tantrum rarely occurs suddenly. Usually they prepare for it, like actors before a performance. We can say that in this way the patient is trying to get away from the unbearable reality and get some benefits from it. There is even such an assumption that a person, under the influence of certain factors, works like a reflex and a hysterical reaction begins.

signs of hysteria

most main feature The behavior of such patients is the desire to always be in the spotlight, to arouse in others a feeling of envy, admiration. Such people try to dress loudly and defiantly, talk about high achievements, about the tragic past of his life, often far-fetched. The disease begins with the appearance of signs of hysteria. Provoked by quarrel emotional experiences, excitement. Such a diagnosis is often not difficult to make. Although the disease has a large number of a wide variety of symptoms. No wonder the hysteria in old times called the "great simulant", because under it can hide many diseases that require differential diagnosis. What can be seen?

  • Demonstrative behavior with increased psycho-emotional outburst, various seizures.
  • Complaints about discomfort in the region of the heart, interruptions in the work of the heart, lack of air.
  • Instability of mood - crying is replaced by laughter.
  • Shaky gait, functional paralysis and paresis, inability to move independently.
  • Playing in public, there is a childish absurd behavior that does not correspond to the age of the patient.
  • Lack of sensitivity in some areas of the mucous membrane and skin.
  • Loss of consciousness with seizures. The patient remembers the state of the attack well, although he does not always talk about it.
  • Feeling of a lump in the throat.
  • Contractive headache.
  • Violation of the perception of the surrounding world - a change in sensitivity, deafness and blindness.
  • "Escape to illness" - even a minor conflict with others causes a person to have an attack. They cannot work normally, they simulate a serious illness.

Quite often, hysteria is hidden under many diseases that doctors try to treat for a long time and ineffectively. standard methods. But in hysteria, the symptoms appear at those moments when the patient himself needs it. Classic variant manifestations of the disease - a hysterical seizure. The main reason for the development of a seizure is any experience that led to the breakdown of the mechanisms nervous activity. In persons with a tendency to hysteria, a seizure can develop at the slightest provocation. During a seizure, the following movements appear: patients tear their clothes, hair, knock with their feet, fall to the floor and roll on it, bend, cry. The most important thing is that a fit of hysteria begins in front of everyone. An attack is preceded by laughter or crying, never occurs in a sleeping person. Alone, there will never be a seizure. In contrast to epileptic seizures, here the patients gently fall to the floor so as not to be badly injured. Will not be after a fit of tantrum involuntary urination, tongue bite, bruises. If a lot of people and sympathizers have gathered, then an attack of hysteria can drag on. But when others appear annoying factors (cold water, pain) the patient quickly recovers. These patients are characterized by the following character traits and behaviors:

  • Constant desire to be the center of attention
  • Egocentrism
  • Tearfulness and capriciousness
  • Frequent mood swings
  • Theatricality and demonstrative behavior.

The disease has chronic course With periodic exacerbations throughout life. Hysteria in children occurs as a result of a long psychotrauma that infringes on his personality and rights (as the child himself believes). It is noticed that pampered children with weak will and immunity to criticism suffer from this disease. Such children are not accustomed to any household duties, they do not understand the words "need" and "no". But the words “give quickly” and “I want it” are very well perceived. Children have conflicts between desires and real life. The first attack of hysteria in children can be found in infancy. The baby asks to be held in his mother's arms, but she cannot take him. What do some kids do? They begin to cry, scream, can throw their head back, fall on the bed. It is worth taking the baby in your arms, as he falls silent and calms down. This is the first manifestation hysterical fit. Older children, when they refuse to buy a toy they like, also begin to behave in the store. The attack ends when the mother agrees to the terms of the child.

Patients with symptoms of hysteria require the consultation and treatment of a psychiatrist. But only after testing. The treatment of hysteria requires the obligatory assistance and relatives. Such a family member should be treated calmly, without undue anxiety. First of all, it is necessary to establish the cause of the disease and eliminate it. Such people are trying to find the best solution to the problem and help overcome it. Held complex treatment medications and psychotherapy. From medicines use vitamins, psychotropic and restorative drugs. From physiotherapeutic procedures, acupuncture, soothing massage are used. The impact on the psycho-emotional background is achieved through autogenic training, rational psychotherapy, the use of hypnosis and the method of suggestion. During psychotherapy, together with the patient, the doctor analyzes the causes that led to the disease. Hypnosis is considered the most effective way treatment for hysteria. Occupational therapy also plays a certain role - it distracts the patient from experiences, creates conditions for communication with other people, the team. How to help a child with an attack of hysteria? Can be sprayed cold water, shake, slap. If the baby fell, convulsive twitches began, then it is advisable to lay it on a soft surface, hold the legs, arms and head a little so that there is no severe damage. In principle, helping adults is also not very different from helping children. You can only spank an adult on the cheeks, it is advisable to put pressure on the earlobes. Depending on the severity of the disease, treatment will be outpatient or inpatient.

We use the expression "throw a tantrum" often, meaning by it too impulsive manifestation of emotions with tears, screams, and even sometimes breaking dishes. What is hysteria - a disease or ordinary behavioral promiscuity?

Hysteria as a disease

It is necessary to separate the concept of "hysteria" as a disease and everyday "hysteria" as a deliberate "acting" scene. It's not the same thing.

What is hysteria?

Hysteria- psychosomatic neurotic disease. Hysteria is characteristic, except for the demonstrative expression of one's emotions (laughter, screams, tears, sobs) and other symptoms of hysteria such as spasms, seizures, headaches, confusion, convulsions, and even blindness and deafness after a particularly violent fit of hysteria.

Often the symptoms of hysteria are associated with other psychopathic manifestations.: phobias, hostility to any colors, numbers, confidence in a conspiracy against oneself. hysteria varying degrees gravity ( the most severe of them is hysterical psychopathy) affects about 8% of the world's population. Hysterical fits of such people These are manifestations of a serious illness, and not a performance at all. Usually, the first signs of hysterical neurosis appear in childhood, therefore, parents of such children who react excessively violently, hysterically to events, arching and screaming hoarsely, should definitely show them pediatric neurologist. The last one is signs and symptoms of a hysterical seizure in children.

Sometimes only a psychiatrist can help with hysteria

In the event that the problem has been growing like a snowball for years, and a pronounced an adult suffers from hysterical neurosis Only a psychiatrist can help him. In each case, the doctor must conduct a thorough analysis and on its basis prescribes the treatment of hysteria. It usually includes psychotropic drugs(usually sleeping pills, tranquilizers and anxolytics), as well as persuasion psychotherapy, autogenic training in order to reveal those life circumstances that cause the disease and support it, and to try to level their significance in the life of the patient.

In mild cases, hysteria is treated on an outpatient basis., in more severe cases - in the hospital, but not in psychiatric hospital, and in the clinics of neuroses, that is, the patient is not registered in the dispensary.

Household hysteria - a performance with a full house

Doctors have different opinions about how the line that separates a hysteroid patient from a person who tends to violently show his emotions on the verge of hysteria is determined. Such people can restrain themselves, but sometimes they do not consider it necessary to do this, because the outburst of emotions gives them the desired relaxation, after which they feel better. Thus, his hysterical antics are a simple uncontrollable outburst of emotions due to accumulated experiences, fatigue, fear, etc. The key difference between such a person, who sometimes displays his emotions too brightly, and a person with hysteria is precisely in the possibility or impossibility of controlling oneself. A patient with hysteria does not know how to express his feelings in a different way, both joy and anger.

So let's separate the wheat from the chaff. Hysteria is a disease. And in the everyday sense, "hysteria" is a scene of a surge of overwhelming emotions, and 99% of it is work for the viewer. Hysterical emotional outbursts, such as "screaming in the kitchen with breaking dishes" are nothing more than a way to get your way.

"Oh-oh-oh, what have I done?!" Consequences of hysteria

Such a person is impulsive and emotional from birth, has a developed, creative imagination, easily "turns on" over trifles and just as skillfully "turns on" those who are nearby. Always successfully manages to attract attention. He always needs an audience, without it the intensity quickly fades away. The main goal of this whole "performance" is to attract the attention of others and achieve your own. Such people will be helped by psychotherapy aimed at correcting behavior.

Little nuance. For some reason, women are more inclined to "rolling scenes", just as women are more often ill with hysteria. For every 10 women who periodically break dishes, there is approximately one man who, in the anger of a quarrel, breaks down the door or throws the TV off the balcony, so that later he can sit down and quietly ask himself "Oh-oh-oh, what have I done?"

A separate type of hysteria is a mentally healthy and outwardly quite balanced person who can explode at one moment. Such people then tend to regret their antics and feel ashamed of their unbalanced character. Psychologists call this type "epileptoid".

Is the wandering uterus to blame?

Speaking of female tantrums . Even in ancient times, Hysterus (translated from Latin as "wandering uterus") was considered a disease exclusively for women. Like, "unsatisfied uterus" in the truest sense of the word wanders through the body and makes a woman periodically lose her temper.

And even then, in the Middle Ages and modern times, it was believed for a long time that only women are really hysterical, and this was explained by the vagaries of female sex hormones. No, of course we today we know about premenstrual syndrome and that these days a woman is characterized by increased excitability, resentment and irritability. But this does not make her a hysteric in the sense in which this word exists in medical reference books. Let's just say, apparently women have simply found the most effective tool for influencing others: sobbing and wringing hands - and everything will be my way. Although with medical point view, involutional hysteria can be observed in women in some cases, the so-called. pathological menopause, which is also characterized by other disorders of the nervous system - depression, mood swings, anxiety, various autonomic disorders.

What to do if someone near you has a tantrum

Of course, it is often impossible to figure it out on your own - the actor in front of you is "breaking a comedy" or a sick person is in distress. And this once again confirms the fact that, be that as it may, there is little you can do to calm him down. But there are some general recommendations concerning what will help to quickly stop the attack or scene of the game.

Do not persuade him to calm down, do not regret and do not fall into hysterics yourself - this will only incite the hysteroid. Be indifferent or even go somewhere else until the scene is over.

If the scene goes off scale in all respects, and this is seen, for example, by children, you can try to stop the attack with some sharp action - pour a glass of water on the person, give a slight slap in the face, press pain point on the arm just below the antecubital fossa.

After the seizure, give the person a glass of cold water or persuade them to sniff ammonia.

Be sure to seek medical advice if we are talking about your relative - the disease can progress.

If you yourself know your craving for arranging ugly scenes just for the sake of relaxation, and even more so you find some kind of “charm” in this, it’s better to try to direct your energy in another direction - for example, get relaxation by playing sports, dancing, walking with a dog . It would also be useful to turn to a psychologist, otherwise you run the risk of not getting any reaction at all to your tantrums over time - a person gets used to everything. about you in best case they will think: "He will scream, and calm down," and at worst ... it's even scary to imagine.

If you know a way to deal with a tantrum in a husband or loved one Please leave your feedback about this method in the comments below.



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