Autogenic training for insomnia. How to Calm the Nervous System with Autogenic Training

Those who categorically deny even the very possibility of self-hypnosis are recommended to try to perform at least a few exercises and try to achieve the desired result in practice. Perhaps after this many skeptics will have to radically reconsider their views.

Autogenic training classes: exercises for beginners

One of the main causes of mental disorders is the inability to relax, get out of a tense state, and find mental balance. In the vast majority of cases, in people susceptible to eyelid diseases - hypertension and coronary heart disease, doctors record increased muscle tension and loss of the skill of muscle relaxation. A person cannot be in tension all the time. From time to time you should relax: be alone, think about something abstract, remember the past, dream, read poetry, a book with a good plot, listen to music. Autogenic training helps you relax, tune into the right mood, and later even regulate the functioning of your internal organs.

Autogenic training for muscle relaxation and the fight against insomnia is a scientifically proven and practice-tested technique, and not just a hypothesis about the power of self-hypnosis over human behavior. Autotraining is much stronger than ordinary everyday self-regulation, since it offers a system of exercises to achieve a state of autogenic immersion, in which it becomes possible to influence the autonomic nervous system through figurative representations and, through it, the functioning of internal organs.

The optimal pose in which autogenic training is performed for relaxation is called the “coachman’s pose.” In order to accept it, you should:

  • Sit on the seat so that the edge of the chair rests on the folds of the buttocks.
  • Spread your legs wide to relax your hip abductor muscles.
  • Place your shins perpendicular to the floor; If after this there is still tension in the legs, move your feet forward 3-4 cm until the tension disappears.
  • To perform autogenic training exercises, you need to lower your head so that it hangs on the ligaments and hunch your back.
  • Rocking back and forth, make sure that the posture is stable due to the balance between the lowered head and hunched back.
  • Place your forearms on your thighs so that your hands gently bend around your thighs and do not touch; You should not rest your forearms on your thighs, since the pose is stable even without it.
  • When doing autogenic training, you need to close your eyes.

Having formulated the requirements for the conditions for the emergence of an autogenic state, in 1975 the American researcher Herbert Benson, based on them, created his own method of entering an autogenic state. The main point for the simplified autogenic training method is to focus on breathing.

Benson's instructions on how to master autogenic training for beginners:

  • Deeply relax the muscles, starting from the legs and ending with the face, keeping them relaxed.
  • Breathe through your nose. Be aware of your breath. After exhaling, mentally say: one. For example: inhale - exhale - once. Breathe easily and naturally.
  • For beginners, autogenic training needs 10-20 minutes. Do not use a timer or alarm clock to tell the time; To do this, you can open your eyes. After finishing concentrating on breathing and the word “one,” sit quietly, first with your eyes closed, then with your eyes open. Do not get up for several minutes.
  • Do not worry about how deep you have gone into the state of relaxation (relaxation). Maintain a passive position and allow relaxation to penetrate the inner world. During autogenic training for relaxation, if attention is distracted, you need to return to the word “one” again.

With practice, the state of relaxation will become easier and easier. You can exercise 1 or 2 times a day, but not earlier than 2 hours after meals, so that the digestion process does not interfere with the emergence of a state of relaxation.

Autogenic training exercises before bed

Autogenic training exercises for insomnia are performed with the following text:

  • I lie still. I feel comfortable and good. I am calm.
  • I enjoy not having to think about anything. Time passes slowly. The eyelids close.
  • I don't see or hear anything. I plunge into silence. I feel complete peace... complete peace...
  • The muscles of the right arm are relaxed. The muscles of the left arm are relaxed. Shoulders are relaxed and lowered. Both hands are relaxed. I feel the weight of my hands. I feel a pleasant warmth in my hands and fingertips. I feel complete peace... complete peace...
  • The muscles of the right leg are relaxed. The muscles of the left leg are relaxed. The leg muscles are relaxed. Legs are motionless and heavy. I feel a pleasant warmth in my feet and toes. I feel complete peace... complete peace...
  • The whole body is relaxed. Back muscles are relaxed. Abdominal muscles are relaxed.
  • I feel a pleasant warmth throughout my body. I feel complete peace... complete peace...
  • Facial muscles are relaxed. The eyebrows are loosely apart. The forehead smoothed out. The eyelids are lowered and closed. The wings of the nose are relaxed. The muscles of the mouth are relaxed. Lips slightly parted. The jaw muscles are relaxed. I feel coolness on the skin of my forehead. The whole face is calm, without tension.
  • I breathe calmly and evenly. I breathe slowly and calmly. The heart beats smoothly and rhythmically. It's completely calm. The whole body is relaxed. Pleasantly warm. Complete peace... complete peace...

If after autogenic sleep training you still do not fall asleep, you need to say the text again.

And finally, psychologists recommend allowing yourself small weaknesses sometimes. Any favorite activities, such as shopping, watching an interesting series, always with a good ending, or reading an exciting detective story, are no less useful than physical activity. They cause the release of endorphins and adrenaline, which have a rejuvenating effect on the body. Autogenic training before bed after such pleasant activities will certainly give a positive result.

Even experienced dreamers learned the technique of mindfulness gradually. That's why they achieved success and became professionals. When the boundaries between sleep and reality blur, you suddenly realize that you are in a lucid dream.

In this article

How does this happen and why does it happen?

Once you have managed to look at your hands, the next step is to learn how to control your dreams. Don't stop there - practice and improve your technique.

Events that occur in a dream are the creations of the dreamer

Most people have never thought about controlling their dreams. It is believed that this is a reaction of consciousness to past events: echoes of conversations and situations in which we found ourselves during the day.

This is not entirely true. Dreams are human-controlled territory. By practicing, you will follow the path of self-development and learn:

  • peace;
  • meditation techniques;
  • saving vital energy.

In this video, doctors, clairvoyants and practitioners tell us whether it is possible to control sleep?

Before you begin, relax and breathe. Your breathing should become smooth and deep. Take your time to fall asleep. Do auto-training:

  1. Pay attention to your muscles. They slowly tense up and immediately relax. Start at your feet and work your way up until you reach the top of your head.
  2. Use your imagination. Imagine how water, liquid metal or steam comes out of the muscles along with tension.
  3. Imagine that your body fell and immediately relaxed. Keep this feeling.

Auto-training will help you relax and achieve lucid dreaming

To avoid falling into an uncontrolled sleep, do not turn off your consciousness. To do this, imagine that:

  1. Rocking on the waves in a boat.
  2. The phone is clutched in his hand.
  3. You are in a pleasant place.
  4. Your soul flies out of your body.
  5. You move your arm or leg, but your body remains motionless.

This way, you will maintain a state of awareness and fall asleep easily. Don't forget to use visualization techniques when falling asleep.

Sleep control at the initial stage

Beginners have a harder time concentrating due to:

  • strong emotions;
  • loss of awareness;
  • lack of habit.

Get used to the unreality of what is happening

To ensure that you remain in control of your dreams, remind yourself often that you are in a dream. Develop the habit of asking the question while you are awake: “Is this a dream?” This way you will get used to the unreality of the world around you.


Don't be discouraged if the practices don't bring quick results. Use light alarm clocks.

Set it to work at night

Place it next to your bed and set the alarm interval. Most often it is an hour or two. Its soft and dim light will not wake you up completely, but will remind you that you are in a dream.

Calling up desired images

In a dream you are able to meet any person. It can be:

  • familiar;
  • fictitious personalities;
  • celebrities;
  • dead.

Who is the person you would like to meet?

To meet them, imagine the desired image before you fall asleep. If you already have control skills, you can create it during a dream.

Don't be afraid to give your subconscious mind tasks. All your desires will definitely find a response.

In a lucid dream, you can meet yourself and relive your past. Some dreamers claim that the subconscious knows the events of the distant future.

Change of scenery

Having taken their first steps, beginners get lost. It seems to them that it is impossible to influence the world around them.

It's all due to a mental block. If you are accustomed to being aware of reality, then when you fall into a dream, it will seem that this is a continuation of reality. It is possible to overcome the block, but to do this you will need:

  • strength;
  • perseverance;
  • wish;
  • practice.

It is important not to deviate from the intended goal if something does not work out. By breaking the block, you will gain the ability to change the scenery of your sleep at will.

Mental block is not a problem for an experienced dreamer

To do this, try the following techniques:

  1. Imagine that in front of you is a door behind which is what you need. Imagine it in front of you and open it.
  2. Create a magical portal that will take you to your destination.
  3. Turn away from what you don't want to see and imagine the image you want. When you turn back, expect to see him.
  4. This method is recommended by experienced dreamers: thinking about moving, spin around your axis.
  5. Imagine a window behind which you will see the place where you want to go and step towards it.

How to do the impossible

Novice stalkers are not yet fully aware of their powers and are capable of losing control of their dreams. For example, falling from a height, they remember with horror that they cannot fly. The same mental block is to blame. Over time it will weaken.

Master flying little by little, otherwise you will be thrown out of sleep due to fright

Perform techniques that are impossible in reality gradually. For example, when learning to fly, make sure that you can easily soar in the air. Developing a sense of control, take long flights and then a habit will develop.

How to repeat a dream again

By simulating dreams, you can return to created worlds. How events will develop and what will happen to their inhabitants depends only on your imagination. You are able to create the same world day after day and change it at will.

To repeat a dream, imagine its plot before you fall asleep. Think about the characters, places and key moments in the dream.

Pleasant dreams can be watched countless times

It may not work on the first try. Don't despair, repeating a dream requires practice, which a beginner doesn't have. With each lucid dream, creating worlds will become easier, and one day you will achieve the mastery needed to repeat.

Control over other people's dreams

To do this, throw away extraneous thoughts and focus on the person whose dream you want to visit.

Imagine that the target is shrouded in clouds of white smoke. You go towards her and pass through the smoke. To improve visualization, it is recommended to use incense.

Getting through the smoke will increase your awareness

In someone else's dream, you have two roles available to you: observer and architect. In the first case, someone else's dream may seem dull and uninteresting to you, even if its author is passionate about what is happening.

When your reserves of personal power grow, you will be able to influence someone else's dreams. The other person will most likely not remember your presence. In his memory only a dream will remain, vivid and filled with the events that you created for him.

Advantages and disadvantages

Lucid dreams are full of surprises, secrets and revelations. Benefits include:

  1. Unforgettable emotions. By creating the world, you will feel like a creator.
  2. Self-development. Practice will teach you discipline and improve your relationship with the real world.
  3. Getting rid of fears. Having met face to face with the source of phobias, you will be able to overcome fear.
  4. Finding wisdom. In a dream it is easier than in reality to establish contact with your own subconscious.
  5. Discovery of new knowledge. Exploring the world of dreams, discover the secrets of human nature.
  6. Fighting the fear of death. You will get used to the fact that the mind operates independently of the body.

The first disadvantage is the depletion of forces. To create worlds you will need energy, which you thoughtlessly spend on worries and negative emotions. But once you master the practice of Controlled Stupidity, you will become calmer.

The second disadvantage of lucid dreaming is that by practicing, you will inevitably encounter the protective forces of sleep. They can be very scary, up to insomnia. There is no need to be afraid of them.

There are many methods of mind control that you can use independently - to improve the performance of your body, or, conversely, for more effective relaxation. Independent training is called autogenic; it is performed alone, with the person fully committed to this process. As practice shows, quite often such exercises work no worse than various drugs; they help cope with minor ailments, eliminate insomnia, stress and anxiety. One of the most popular and well-known methods of controlling one’s own consciousness and body is autogenic psychomuscular training, whose goal is complete relaxation and relaxation. Let's look at different methods of autogenic training and relaxation in more detail.

Autogenic training - relaxation and relaxation upon request!

What does this technique give us? Firstly, the ability to control the psyche, muscles, and the quick ability to relax and go to sleep. Secondly, the opportunity to extend your life. American researchers were convinced of the veracity of the second statement in 1990. In 73 nursing homes in the United States, elderly people whose average age was about 81 years were divided into 3 control groups. The first of which was engaged in transcendental meditation, the second – autogenic training, and the third – simply “sat on a bench” for the same time.

After 3 years, members of the first group were alive, in the second, 12.5% ​​of the participants died, and in the control third group, the mortality rate was 37.5%.

This experiment clearly demonstrated the power of meditation and autogenic training compared to the generally accepted practice of doing nothing... Moreover, human autogenic training is almost as effective as meditation.

The first method of autogenic training

Shortly before your night's rest, take a half-hour evening walk, then take a warm foot bath. When getting ready to go to bed, purposefully slow down your movements and gestures. Dim the lighting in the room and try to talk as little as possible. If you have any worries and things to do, put them off until tomorrow, repeating out loud several times “I’ll do it tomorrow.” Make the process of undressing deliberately slow. These are all steps for falling asleep faster and deeper sleep.

Lie down in bed, slowly and smoothly close your eyes and focus on the process of relaxation. Breathe quite rhythmically and calmly, exhaling slightly longer than inhaling. Without opening your eyes, raise your gaze upward while inhaling and say to yourself in your mind “I...”, and then lower your gaze downward while exhaling and say “I calm down.” You should not use language that directly relates to falling asleep. Try to repeat to yourself quite persistently: I am completely calm (calm)... nothing distracts or disturbs me... my face has softened... everything around me is indifferent... all thoughts lazily go away... a pleasant warmth spreads throughout my body... everything calms down and relaxes in me... I I don’t want to think about anything... I feel pleasant, free and easy... I plunge into peace and silence... I feel pleasant sleepiness.. my muscles get heavier... my eyelids close heavily.. my body feels pleasant warmth... I am completely calm (calm).. relaxed (relaxed) ... resting ...

After completing these exercises, try to mentally imagine a pleasant, monotonous picture, or a pleasant moment in life. Many people say that pictures of the endless sea, a green meadow, a warm deserted beach, a dense forest, etc. suit them. Don’t be upset if after doing all the exercises you weren’t able to fall asleep right away. After all, it is important that you were able to rest and relax. If you constantly think that you desperately need to fall asleep, then sleep is unlikely to come soon. Learn to maintain a state of complete relaxation, both mentally and muscularly. And sleep will come on its own. Such regular autogenic sleep training will bring results over time and you will be able to quickly fall asleep without effort.

The second method of autogenic training

Lie down in bed and imagine that you are in an invisible spacesuit that protects you from all interfering thoughts and feelings. Try to get as relaxed as possible. Autogenic training for relaxation before bed is best done in a pre-ventilated room.
Close your eyes and begin to smoothly recite the so-called relaxation formulas:

I relax and calm down
- my hands relax and warm up
- my hands are completely relaxed.. warm.. motionless..
- my legs relax and warm up
- my legs are completely relaxed..warm..motionless..
- my torso is relaxed and warmer
- my body is completely relaxed.. warm.. motionless..
-my neck is relaxed and warm...
- my neck is completely relaxed.. warm.. motionless..
- my face is relaxed and warmer..
- my face is completely relaxed.. warm.. motionless..
- pleasant/complete/deep peace…

When pronouncing the described formulas, you need to imagine their content in detail in your mind. So, if you are talking about relaxation and warmth of your hands, then these words need to be correlated with a mental image - your hands in the warmth, under the sun or in warm water. If you cannot concentrate and imagine such a feeling, choose a time during the day and dip your hands in warm water, try to fully feel and remember the feelings that arise. This practice will ensure you quickly master the necessary self-regulation skills.

Some experts advise mastering the listed formulas gradually. After you manage to achieve a pronounced effect in one muscle group, you can move on to another part of the body. Do this type of training every day for five to ten minutes.

When mastering autogenic psychomuscular training, pronounce each given formula several times – from two to six. Speak the text leisurely, quite slowly and with appropriate intonation. After the formulas are accompanied by the appearance of stable and distinct sensations, it will be possible to reduce their number. In the end, it will be possible to limit ourselves only to phrases like “my face is completely relaxed and warm,” etc.

For an optimal transition to night's sleep you can also use the following formulas:

There is a feeling of drowsiness;
- drowsiness increases;
- it gets deeper and deeper;
- eyelids feel pleasantly heavy;
- it becomes pleasantly dark in the eyes;
- darker and darker;
- sleep comes.

Such autogenic training before bed is carried out with particular slowness, representing an increase in darkness around and an increase in inner silence.

Chronic fatigue and how to overcome it. Secrets of healthy sleep Alexander Anatolievich Andreev



Nervous breakdowns, anxiety and worry darken our lives and can lead to a number of serious diseases, including chronic fatigue.

An effective method of dealing with stress and chronic fatigue is auto-training. Mental repetition of self-hypnosis formulas does not require special preparation and does not cause much stress on diseased organs, but it helps no worse than physical therapy.

Automotive training sessions should take place completely calmly, without excessive concentration and emotional stress. You cannot recite self-hypnosis formulas out loud, as the sound of your own voice will distract attention. The exercises are performed with eyes closed, the formulas are repeated as you exhale.

Before class, you need to remove everything that can be restrictive and squeezing - clothes, belts, bracelets, and settle down to rest. Peace must be imagined figuratively. For each, these ideas can be purely individual - for one they are associated with the blue sky, for another with a green flowering meadow or with some other pictures.

Classes should be carried out on an empty stomach and not drink stimulating drinks - tea or coffee - before them. At first, it is advisable to study in a darkened, quiet room, so that there are no distractions. In the future, having mastered the method, you will be able to induce the desired state in yourself anywhere and at any time.

Autogenic training is based on self-hypnosis in a state of relaxation. When relaxing muscles, breathing, blood vessels, and the heart, consciousness does not prevent the subconscious from perceiving self-hypnosis in the form of target formulas.

The main focus of the classes is the gradual mastery of certain exercises in order to learn how to control the work of internal organs and achieve mental and physical relaxation. Autotraining is a way of transferring the body from a tense working state to a state of restorative rest.

At first, the time of autogenic training sessions should not exceed 1–2 minutes, then the duration of one session should be gradually increased to 10 minutes.

It is better to exercise 2 times a day - in the morning immediately after sleep and in the evening before bed, while lying in bed. After some time, if necessary, you can repeat the exercises during the day.

For autogenic training, you need to lie on your back with a flat pillow under your head. The legs should be freely straightened, with the feet slightly facing outward, which helps relieve muscle tension. Arms, slightly bent at the elbows, should be placed freely along the body with palms down.

The setting is carried out using the words: “I am completely calm.” Lying with your eyes closed and keeping your whole body relaxed, you need to “create” this phrase as clearly as possible in your imagination.

After you feel that you have mastered this exercise, begin practicing short self-hypnosis formulas to gradually relax all parts of the body and achieve complete relaxation.

The self-relaxation formulas are as follows:

I relax and calm down;

My attention is focused on my face;

My face is calm;

Lips and teeth are unclenched;

The muscles of the forehead, eyes and cheeks relax;

The muscles of the back of the head and neck relax;

The face begins to warm up;

The back of the head and neck become warmer;

My attention turns to my hands;

My hands begin to relax and warm up;

My fingers and hands become relaxed and warm;

My forearms and elbows become relaxed and warm;

My shoulders and shoulder blades relax and become warmer;

My hands are completely relaxed, warm, motionless;

My attention is focused on my warm fingers;

My face is completely relaxed, warm, calm, motionless;

My attention moves to my feet;

My legs begin to relax and warm up;

My soles and ankles become relaxed and warm;

My shins and knees become relaxed and warm;

My hips and pelvis relax and warm;

My legs are completely relaxed, warm, motionless;

My focus is on my warm ankles;

My attention turns to my face;

My face is completely relaxed, warm, calm, motionless.

After practicing these exercises for several weeks, you will notice that you have become calmer and less nervous about trifles, and therefore, you can begin to make deeper corrections of your health.

You must become the master of your feelings and your body and understand that there is not a single disease that you cannot cope with. The following exercise for rest and relaxation after a hard day will help you with this. To calm down and make it easier to fall asleep, you need to lie on your back, try to completely relax, lie still, trying not to think about anything. This conscious, complete relaxation relieves tension and gives new strength to both the soul and the body - the process is like recharging a battery.

Then, without tension, you need to slow down your breathing as much as possible.

After this, relax all your muscles, alternately focusing on your feet, legs, thighs, stomach, arms, neck, head.

When relaxing your muscles, you need to try not to think about anything, not to associate yourself with anything, not to delay your thoughts until their flow slows down and the brain “empties”.

Having completely relaxed, you should wait until your thoughts dry up. “Having lost himself” in this way, a person rests.

The last thought before relaxation and the first thought after “revival” should be that even the smallest muscle of your body is relaxed and you, lying without the slightest tension, are completely resting.

Pay attention to your heart and try to experience the deepest peace that brings you new strength. The exercise should be performed with slow breathing, concentrating your thoughts on complete and complete rest.

As a result, the nervous system completely rests, the pain calms down - and the person easily falls into a healthy and restful sleep.

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Auto-training Act as if you are already happy and you will really feel happy (Dale Carnegie). Autotraining, autogenic training (auto - self, self-hypnosis) - a set of techniques for conscious mental self-regulation. A means of developing a sense of proportion.

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Autogenic training (Autotraining) Many have heard about this method of psychotherapy as autogenic training, in other words, self-training, autotraining. This is a special form of self-hypnosis based on muscle relaxation. It helps to quickly overcome pain, fear, etc.

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Chapter 16 Autogenic training The word “autogenic” comes from the Greek words autos - “self” and genos - “giving birth” and has the meaning “giving birth to itself.” Autogenic training as a unified system was proposed by psychiatrist Johann Heinrich Schulz in 1932 and at the beginning

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Auto-training Nervous breakdowns, anxiety and worries darken our lives and can lead to a number of serious diseases, including chronic fatigue. An effective method of dealing with stress and chronic fatigue is auto-training. Mental repetition of formulas

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Autotraining Raising the significance of the words you suggest to yourself to the level of power of effective SELF-hypnosis is not so difficult. An excellent example of this is provided by the personal experience of the German doctor Hannes Lindemann. In the early 1950s, he decided to prove that a person with a well-trained psyche

You need to fight insomnia by any means: counting elephants or sheep, taking relaxing baths before bed, laying out pillows with oregano and mint on the bed. But sometimes even these remedies don’t help. What to do if all traditional methods do not give any effect, when all possible conditions have been created for sleep, but it just doesn’t come?

Fatigue is the best pillow. But this expression, unfortunately, refers only to its usual form. When fatigue becomes chronic, even with a great desire, a person does not always manage to fall asleep. It is not difficult to guess that, caused by constant fatigue, it grows like a snowball. The more lack of sleep, the less ability to fall asleep.

In the fight against insomnia, auto-training for falling asleep will help - a kind of self-training to sleep using suggestion. This is a good technique that allows you to quickly fall asleep, which anyone can master. It is especially easy for people who are able to evoke vivid, vivid images in their minds. This technique will make it easy to fall asleep in the evening, and...

Studies have shown that half an hour of auto-sleep training will help you fall asleep much faster and completely. In any case, these exercises will benefit you: they will help you relax your muscles, relieve nervous tension, calm anxious thoughts, and restore emotional balance.

In order to achieve good results in the shortest possible time, it is very important to properly prepare for auto-training for falling asleep. If you just watched an action movie or ate a delicious dinner, these activities are unlikely to provide any benefit. To quickly fall asleep and get ready for proper rest, before special exercises it is recommended to do relaxing meditation or listen to calm music.

To successfully conduct auto-training against insomnia, you need to ventilate the room well and take a comfortable body position. The most optimal position is lying on your back, arms along your body. A sitting position is also suitable, especially for those who like to take a nap in a cozy chair. You need to not think about anything extraneous and focus only on the meaning of the spoken words. The main goal that should be achieved using this technique is complete relaxation, because one of the main causes of insomnia is its lack.

Auto-training text for falling asleep

1. My body relaxes. I'm calming down. I feel light and free. I'm resting. I feel comfortable and good.
The following phrases need to be repeated several times.

2. My right hand fills with warmth.

3. My left hand fills with the body.

4. My hands are getting heavy.

5. My right leg fills with warmth.

6. My left leg fills with warmth.

7. My legs are getting heavy.

8. My arms and legs feel warm and heavy.
It is enough to repeat all other phrases once.

9. I feel warm and good. A pleasant warmth spreads throughout my body. From the tips of the toes of the right foot it passes to the left leg, right arm, left arm, and covers the entire torso. I feel heaviness throughout my body.

10. My heart beats evenly and calmly, I breathe deeply. I feel completely at peace.

11. A pleasant feeling of sleepiness appears. Every minute it grows more and more. My eyelids are drooping. I'm relaxed and calm. I fall into a deep sleep. I am falling asleep. I sleep sweetly.

At first, these exercises can take quite a long time, and you won’t be able to fall asleep quickly right away. Relaxation, smoothly turning into sleep, will come faster every day, even if you repeat each phrase once. For a left-handed person, it is better to start relaxing and repeating phrases on the left side.

From this text you can choose those phrases and sentences that you like or come up with your own. The main thing is to carry out auto-training for sleep regularly, then the result will pleasantly surprise you.



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