Aesthetic restoration of teeth. Types of restoration techniques

Aesthetic (artistic) dental restoration allows you to cope with chips and cracks of enamel, interdental spaces (trema, diastema), and eliminate defects of darkened old fillings. In general, if the crown of a tooth has lost its integrity and original appearance, welcome to a consultation.

Direct (composite) restoration

This is an extension of enamel with filling material (photopolymer composite). This is the simplest and cheapest method, but it involves painstaking work, so restoration of 1 tooth can take about an hour. The procedure is performed by a dentist-therapist in one visit.

Indirect restoration (microprosthetics)

This is tooth restoration using restoration products that are manufactured in a dental laboratory individually for each patient.

The following microprostheses are usually used:

  • veneers - ceramic plates 0.5-0.6 mm thick, attached to incisors and fangs, covering all noticeable defects in the smile area;
  • inlays – replace part of a lost dental crown, used for lateral teeth;
  • crowns - caps made of ceramics or metal-ceramics, are irreplaceable when the tooth is destroyed by more than 70%.

Indirect restoration includes 2 visits to a prosthodontist. At the first session, the doctor will carry out preparatory work (enamel preparation, taking impressions). After about a week, you should return to the doctor to fix the finished products. This is a painless procedure that will take no more than 10 minutes.

Materials for dental restoration

Artistic restoration is carried out using light-curing composite materials, which have completely replaced outdated cements.

Composites are distinguished by high strength, ductility, a large selection of shades and safety (non-toxic, hypoallergenic). They are widely used to restore both permanent and baby teeth.

Most popular materials:

  • Filtek (USA) is a universal nanocomposite that is suitable for restoring anterior and lateral teeth;
  • Venus (Germany) – a more expensive option, used for modeling anterior teeth. This material contains the smallest nanoparticles, which provide high aesthetics;
  • Enamel Plus (Italy) - this photo composite is called a chameleon, as it has the unique property of adapting to the native color of the enamel.

Stages of direct restoration

Direct dental restoration includes the following stages:

  1. Preparation – cleaning the tooth surface from plaque and stone, determining the natural color of the enamel.
  2. Anesthesia - local anesthesia (Ultracaine or Mepivacaine injection).
  3. Drilling out carious cavities or old filling material is done using a drill.
  4. Isolation of the dental crown - rubber dam (latex napkin) allows you to reliably isolate the filling area from saliva and wet breath, this increases the durability of the restoration.
  5. Fixation of the pin in the root canal - when the crown is destroyed by more than 50%, an anchor or fiberglass pin is installed in the tooth root. This is necessary so that the restored tooth can withstand increased chewing loads.
  6. Application of filling material - the photopolymer composite is applied in layers, illuminating each layer with a halogen lamp. In this way, the doctor gradually models the original shape of the crown.
  7. Grinding and polishing of the filling - after the final processing, the restored tooth acquires natural transparency, smoothness and shine.

Care after artistic dental restoration

With regular and proper care, an aesthetic filling will last 5-10 years. To maintain excellent results for a long time, follow these recommendations:

  • thoroughly clean your teeth 2 times a day using a medium-hard brush and floss;
  • You should not crack hard nuts, crackers, or candies with your teeth;
  • visit the dentist once every six months for ultrasonic cleaning of the enamel;
  • composite material is painted as easily as natural enamel, so limit the consumption of coloring products - strong tea, coffee, red wine;
  • It is advisable to quit smoking.

Photos “before” and “after” dental restoration using microprosthetics

Cost of artistic tooth restoration

Average cost of services:

  • anesthesia – 400-500 rubles;
  • complete restoration of a dental crown (direct restoration) – 4500-7000 rubles;
  • fiberglass pin - 1700-2000 rubles;
  • veneer – about 30,000 rubles;
  • ceramic crown – from 20,000 rubles.

Artistic dental restoration can be done both in private dentistry and in public clinics. If you are looking for the best facility or doctor in your area, use our site's search engine.

For artistic dental restoration, we use the best nanocomposite materials - the Japanese material Estelite Asteria and the Italian Enamel plus HRi. Artistic restoration of teeth from 7700 rub

Americans say: "What does your smile say about you?" (What does your smile say about you?).

Included in the price:

  • Anesthesia and pain relief
  • Anesthesia
  • Modeling teeth on wax
  • Tooth treatment
  • Taking impressions
  • Making a veneer
  • Veneer fixation

Aesthetic dental restoration

Modern aesthetic dentistry does everything so that your smile speaks of your success, your beauty and health. One of the methods for achieving a perfect smile is the method of artistic restoration.

Artistic restoration of teeth is a process of aesthetic imitation of dental tissue using artificial materials, thanks to which the natural structure of the tooth is restored.

It is worth noting that today this popular procedure has become completely painless.

This technique is used in cases:

1. If it is necessary to change or restore the shape of a tooth.

2. If the tooth is destroyed (including caries).

3. If a tooth is chipped.

4. If caries appears under the filling.

5. If correction of the contour of the teeth is necessary for the aesthetic beauty of the smile.

Briefly about methods of artistic restoration of teeth

The required restoration method is determined by the doctor, depending on the area of ​​restoration (smile area or chewing area), the amount of destruction of a particular tooth and the amount of work in general (number of teeth to be restored).

If the installation of a filling is indicated for teeth, then as part of artistic restoration a filling made of nanocomposite materials is installed, which allows you to completely imitate the relief, transparency and color of the tooth being restored - the aesthetic norm.

After such a restoration, it is almost impossible to determine the location of the filling with the naked eye.

If the installation of veneers is indicated, then, depending on the number of teeth and other factors, we choose either a composite restoration of teeth (direct or, as they are also called, composite veneers), or an indirect restoration method (laboratory veneers).

Below we discuss in detail the methods of artistic restoration.

Very often, the patient is shown a combination of several methods of dental restoration. Sign up to receive a detailed plan for the restoration of your smile.

Artistic restoration of anterior teeth

There are two methods of artistic restoration of anterior teeth:

1. Aesthetic restoration, restoring the natural shape and color of your tooth.

2. Total composite restoration, which allows, if necessary, to completely change the shape and color of the tooth.

Aesthetic restoration of anterior teeth

It is used to restore areas of the tooth partially destroyed by caries or as a result of mechanical trauma.

Various composite materials are used for this work. We use Estelite Asteria and Enamel plus HRi.

In essence, aesthetic restoration is the same as dental filling, only using premium composite materials and with absolute attention to the shape, transparency and color of the filling.

After a while, you yourself will forget which tooth you have a filling on. And the filling, thanks to higher quality materials, is much more durable and more resistant to chipping and darkening.

Total composite restoration of anterior teeth

Total restoration of teeth with composite material is carried out immediately in the patient’s oral cavity using the latest generation materials - these are composite veneers.

Composite restorations are installed using a more gentle preparation with minimal invasive intervention. One or more of these composite veneers can be placed on your teeth in just one visit.

And although composite veneers are inferior to ceramic veneers in terms of resistance to abrasion, smoking and food dyes, their comparative economic availability, immediate production and relative ease of adjustment (in the future) make this type of artistic dental restoration the most popular among patients.

But the main thing is that with the direct composite method of artistic restoration, teeth look very natural, thanks to the aesthetic properties of the Enamel plus HRi material. It is easy to understand what the naturalness of a tooth is if you compare a metal-ceramic crown and living teeth of the same whiteness.

The aesthetic qualities of direct (composite) veneers are higher because the teeth look more natural.

Indirect method of restoration of anterior teeth

The indirect method is the restoration of the smile area with laboratory veneers, that is, veneers are made in the laboratory from various ceramic materials.

This is a more expensive and complex procedure, which consists of several stages:

1. Preparing the tooth for restoration, taking impressions.

2. Production of ceramic (or zirconium, porcelain) veneers in a dental laboratory.

3. Installation of veneers on teeth. In total, with this method, it takes a dentist from several days to a month to place veneers.

Here is a video example of installing indirect veneers on teeth:

Artistic restoration of chewing teeth

The artistic restoration of chewing teeth is not much different from the aesthetic restoration of the front teeth.

This kind of work cannot be called simply installing a filling, because the chewing teeth require no less attention than the front teeth.

When filling chewing teeth, it is also important to restore their natural shape, reproduce the surface microrelief, as well as the shape of the cutting edge. This allows you to maintain 100% bite and chewing function of the tooth.

Of course, this matter cannot be done without modern nanocomposite materials.

The Estelite Asteria restoration composite is quite suitable for chewing teeth, since the area of ​​chewing teeth is not subject to such stringent requirements for the aesthetics of restoration. At the same time, in terms of strength, fit and durability, this material is not inferior to the Enamel plus HRi composite.

Prices for artistic dental restoration

Included in the price:

Artistic restoration (aesthetic filling)*
  • Anesthesia and pain relief
  • Preparation for filling (preparation, medicinal treatment, application of a gasket, etc.)
  • Filling with nanocomposite material Enamel plus HRi
  • Occlusion control, grinding, polishing, etc.
Direct method veneers (composite veneers)**
  • Anesthesia
  • Modeling teeth on wax
  • Tooth treatment
  • Taking impressions
  • Individual selection of veneer shape and color
  • Making a veneer
  • Veneer fixation

*Price depends on the degree of tooth decay.

**Composite veneers. The price depends on the choice of composite material.

The appointment is conducted by the leading dentist

Orthopedic dentist, specializes in aesthetic treatment and prosthetics. Has 15 years of experience in therapeutic and orthopedic dentistry. Performs complex endodontic operations using a microscope.


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Standard curing dental lamp.

The dentist uses such a lamp when filling a tooth with a light-curing material, including nanocomposite.

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Often teeth, due to congenital or acquired factors, are crooked, which is why the beauty of a smile suffers and the impression made on people is spoiled. To achieve the desired effect, it is often enough to lighten the enamel by several tones. If the crown part of the tooth has serious defects, radical correction cannot be avoided. In particular, many patients require restoration of crooked teeth. Also in demand are procedures for restoration of the anatomical shape of the cutting edge and restoration of the tooth root.

Aesthetic (artistic) restoration of anterior teeth makes it possible to disguise enamel defects, old darkened fillings, correct the shape of a tooth, its cutting edge, get rid of interdental spaces, and align the incisors of the upper and lower jaws. Teeth are restored using light (less often chemical) filling materials or microprostheses. The doctor selects the optimal correction option together with the patient. This article will discuss various restoration techniques and provide introductory photos and videos.

Artistic restoration of teeth - description of the procedure

Dental restoration is defined as artistic (it is also called aesthetic, cosmetic) when it is used to restore not so much the functionality as the appearance of the front teeth. This manipulation can be performed inside or outside the patient's mouth.

Restoration of anterior teeth is successfully used in dentistry to restore the crown part of the tooth, its shape, color and position. It is carried out according to the standard scheme:

  • professional teeth cleaning to determine their natural color, selection of the appropriate shade of filling material;
  • an injection of local anesthesia if manipulations cause pain or other discomfort in the patient;
  • drilling out areas affected by caries or old fillings, if any;
  • isolation of the crown from the destructive effects of the patient’s saliva and wet breath using a latex lining (rubber dam);
  • installation of an anchor or fiberglass pin in the cavity of the tooth root (if the loss of dental tissue is significant) (we recommend reading:);
  • layer-by-layer application of filling material;
  • correction of the crown shape, final processing of the filling.

Restoration goals - before and after photos

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The photo shows the result of aesthetic restoration of the smile area. The procedure is aimed at correcting defects in the front teeth, restoring their function and aesthetics.

In the case of incisors, the task is complicated by the fact that, in addition to the strength and durability of the material, it is important to preserve the natural appearance of the patient’s smile, without signs of cosmetic intervention, therefore the restored tooth must fit organically into the dentition, no different from its neighbors. This is the task and the main difficulty of dental restoration; see the before and after photos below.

Methods for restoring the crown of a tooth

When choosing a particular method of restoring anterior teeth, it is important to take into account a number of individual characteristics. In particular, the number of diseased and healed incisors, other dental problems, the location of the teeth in the dentition and their condition, as well as the expected result and timing of correction are taken into account.

Restoration of the crown part of a tooth can be carried out using direct (using filling materials) and indirect (using microprostheses) methods. Among other types of restoration, restoration using a pin can be distinguished. This technique is indicated if the loss of dental tissue is up to 50%, as well as during tooth root restoration. A pin is installed in the root cavity, on top of which a crown is placed.

There is also a procedure for restoring tooth enamel. It involves the use of fluoride varnish, remineralization or deep fluoridation. Sometimes, to improve the aesthetics of teeth, using any one method is not enough. In this case, the specialist resorts to a combination of them.

Direct method

Direct restoration of the coronal part is performed by a dental therapist, usually in one visit. The direct method technique involves the use of photopolymers to build up the incisor. Glass ionomer cement is used less frequently. All manipulations are performed directly in the patient’s mouth; the structure is made immediately at the doctor’s appointment without involving a dental technician.

Indirect method

If the front teeth are destroyed only in the front, the optimal way to restore them is to install composite or ceramic veneers (microprostheses covering the front surface of the incisor). On the first visit, the orthopedic dentist takes impressions and sends them to the dental laboratory. After this, the technician makes the structure based on the model of the dentition. Stages of restoration using microprostheses:

In addition to veneers, another type of microprosthesis is used in modern dental practice - lumineers. They differ from veneers in their much greater thickness and the method of fixation - on unground teeth. Lumineers fit more tightly to the surface of the front teeth, making it impossible for plaque to accumulate underneath them. The main advantages of microprosthetics are reliability and strength.

Alternative methods

A crown is a permanent prosthesis placed over the entire part of one tooth located above the gum. They are usually installed if the incisor is destroyed by at least 70%, as well as when the tooth being restored is pulpless.

The following types of crowns can be distinguished:

Type of crownMaterial of manufactureAdvantages and disadvantages
MetalStainless steel, titanium or precious metalsStrong and durable, completely restore chewing function. They look unaesthetic and therefore are installed only on the lateral teeth.
PlasticPlasticThey quickly collapse, darken, and cracks form on them.
CeramicPorcelain massThey best imitate the natural color of teeth. They are not strong enough, so they are not used for the restoration of premolars and molars.
Zirconium dioxide structuresPorcelain mass with zirconium frame insideThe base has light transmittance, so the crowns do not differ from natural teeth. Today this is the optimal choice for correcting incisors.
CombinedMetal base and coating (ceramic or plastic) imitating tooth enamelDurable, relatively inexpensive, but short-lived. Over time, the metal base begins to appear through the coating.

The problem of missing one or more front teeth is solved by installing bridges. A bridge is a non-removable structure that is fixed on several teeth (natural or artificial).

Key recovery points

Correction of the crown part of a tooth requires an individual approach to each patient. The key points when carrying out this type of work are the shape, color and transparency of the incisors. Only by taking these factors into account can you make the patient’s smile irresistible, and so that after the restoration no outsider will guess that this is the result of aesthetic manipulations in the doctor’s office.

Tooth shape

Using filling material to fashion a new crown that exactly replicates the anatomical shape of the tooth is not an easy task, requiring a painstaking and creative approach. Each tooth has an individual relief. It is necessary to completely recreate all the bumps, depressions, surface features, fissures, and this requires certain skills and artistic flair.

Enamel color

The color of teeth is different for each person. It depends not only on the enamel, but also on the dentin. The tint is usually grayish or yellowish, and it may not be uniform over the entire surface of the tooth. The color varies significantly from the cutting edge of the tooth to its neck. At first glance, the changes are insignificant, but if this point is not taken into account, the appearance of the restored tooth will be noticeably different from its neighbors, and the smile will lose its naturalness. Dentists in practice have to deal with 20 shades of materials used. They are applied in layers, such combinations allow you to recreate the natural color of the teeth of a particular patient.


The transparency of the tooth, as well as the color, changes from the cutting edge to the base. If this indicator is neglected, the restored tooth will look like a plastic crown. To accurately recreate the transparency of a cutter so that it looks like a natural one is not an easy task. To achieve a natural appearance of a restored tooth when restoring cusps and incisal edges, dentistry uses materials that are more transparent when cured.

How long does the coating last?

How long the result lasts depends on oral care, lifestyle and daily habits of the patient (smoking, drinking drinks containing dyes, etc.), as well as dietary habits.

Plant foods have less negative impact on the condition of teeth than animal foods, and therefore allow you to enjoy the effect of the restoration longer. The professionalism of the dentist and compliance with all installation rules and regulations are important.

The composite usually lasts no more than five years, then its original shade and shine are lost, cracks form, the material ceases to fit tightly enough to the tooth, which is fraught with the appearance of chips and the development of secondary caries. As a result of damage to the surface of the composite filling, it becomes rough and dark plaque settles on it.

With proper care, ceramic veneers can last up to ten years; they do not lose their original color and shine over time. After this period, the dental cement used to secure the veneer may begin to deteriorate. Since before installing the veneer overlay, the surface of the tooth is ground down, which means the enamel is damaged, there is a possibility of secondary caries developing in this place. In such cases, replacement of the veneer is indicated. The service life of lumineers is almost twice as long (up to 20 years). They last a long time due to the fact that they are attached to a special glue that is not exposed to aggressive environments.

Today, almost everyone cares about their appearance, which depends on various factors. Or maybe the way a person looks depends on the attractiveness and health of his teeth? A beautiful and healthy smile gives us confidence, creating psychological comfort and an excellent mood. How can this be achieved?

What is dental restoration

Recently, a procedure called dental restoration has become popular. Before and after surgery, teeth look completely different. Modern aesthetic dentistry makes it possible to restore tissue so that in the future a person can not be embarrassed about his smile and enjoy communicating with other people.

Of course, many people do not know what aesthetic dental restoration is. What is this procedure, and in what cases can it be used?

Restoration of anterior teeth is a restoration or change in tissue volume. In this case, the architectural construction of each tooth takes place in the required form. A similar procedure also has another name - artistic restoration, since it requires a creative approach.

This technique must first of all correspond to the wishes of the patient, who seeks to change the shape of the teeth in a certain way, making them smoother and snow-white. It is worth noting that artistic restoration of teeth allows you to eliminate all minor defects that could arise as a result of chips or other tissue damage. In addition, the color of the enamel also changes. It becomes whiter.

Veneers and Lumineers: what are they?

For the restoration of front teeth, only the best materials have recently been used that are of high quality, capable of imitating natural tissues and imparting the desired shine. Veneers are used to solve these problems. They can significantly improve enamel that has darkened over time, as well as create a radiant smile. If minor correction is needed, then partial veneers can be used in aesthetic dentistry. In this case, dental restoration, which has only positive reviews, proceeds a little differently. The dentist installs a porcelain plate on the visible side, which can improve its shape.

In some cases, full veneers are required. Products of this type are a cap that is placed on the tooth. Such veneers are intended not only for shape correction, but also play a fairly important role in preserving tissue from destruction. It is worth noting that aesthetic restoration of the front teeth also includes enamel whitening. This procedure also occurs with the use of veneers. This is especially true if age-related pigmentation of the enamel has appeared, and numerous fillings have changed their color.

In addition to veneers, lumineers are used in aesthetic dentistry. These products are also intended for correction of enamel color. Lumineers are thin plates of ceramic that are bonded to the surface of the tooth.

Goals of the procedure

Aesthetic dentistry is increasingly using such a method as artistic restoration of teeth. This procedure allows you not only to make the enamel whiter, but also to change its shape without the use of various implants.

Aesthetic dental restoration is used in the following situations:

  1. Age-related or pathological abrasion of enamel.
  2. Unnatural pigmentation.
  3. For eliminating gaps and correcting rows.
  4. In case of fracture or loss of a tooth, as well as in case of jaw injuries.

In these cases, it is better to seek help from an experienced specialist. Only he will be able to assess what type of aesthetic restoration is needed: indirect or direct.

Direct method

In this case, the following materials are used for dental restoration: photopolymers or glass ionomer cement, which allow you to create shape and volume immediately in the client’s oral cavity.

Among the advantages of this method, we should highlight the execution time, which is only one day. In this case, the maximum number of teeth to be restored is no more than six, of course, if the situation is standard. As for the timing, one day is a fairly short period of time during which you can get a snow-white smile. However, it is worth remembering that everything is relative. On average, the restoration of one tooth takes from 15 to 60 minutes. Therefore, the patient must rely on his endurance and strength. Especially if his plans include putting several teeth in order at once. As for the disadvantages of this method: after some time, the enamel may lose its color and shine. That is why, after the procedure, it is necessary to use only those personal hygiene products that can preserve the results for a long time. At the same time, it is worth remembering that artistic dental restoration cannot always restore the beauty of a smile. Before and after the procedure, you must consult a dentist. This will avoid some inconvenience.

Indirect method

It involves the use of veneers made in a laboratory. Such aesthetic restoration of anterior teeth is usually carried out in several stages:

  1. Preparation. The dentist must conduct a complete
  2. Making veneers according to impressions.
  3. Installation of the product.

This correction method is perfect for those whose teeth are not straight enough and whitening procedures do not help. As a result of the procedure, the patient receives a flawless smile and perfectly straight rows of teeth.

The main disadvantage of this method is the fragility of the structures. If a person leads an active lifestyle or is involved in a sport where injuries are possible, then he should refuse this type of restoration. In addition, experts do not recommend installing veneers for those who lack chewing teeth or have


Like any procedure, dental restoration has contraindications. This correction method is prohibited if:

What to consider when carrying out restoration

Before proceeding with dental restoration, it is necessary to take into account some factors on which the quality of the procedure depends.

First of all, the dentist must pay attention to the suitability of the tissue, and most importantly, the root, for restoration. In other words, check the vitality of the tooth. It is worth noting that modern adhesive systems make it possible to restore almost any roots. However, the canal must be well sealed.

The condition of periodontal tissues also plays an important role. In the presence of certain diseases, restoration is possible only after surgical or conservative treatment, which is often combined with splinting.

An important factor is the patient’s hygiene skills. If not done regularly, the corrected surfaces can lose their shine very quickly. With insufficient care, marginal pigmentation may appear.

Another factor that simply cannot be ignored is the correct choice of materials that will provide sufficient adhesion to dental tissues, which can withstand any chewing loads, and also have excellent aesthetic characteristics.

When non-standard or conditional treatment is performed

In some cases, dental restoration is simply impossible. Before and after the procedure, the doctor must explain to the patient all the reasons. However, in practice there is such a thing as “conditional treatment”. In other words, the dentist can carry out restoration, but without a guarantee and only with the written permission of the patient. Similar therapy is carried out:

How much does art restoration cost?

Today, many people use dental services such as dental restoration. The photos of the result are truly impressive. After all, the smile becomes beautiful and snow-white. Of course, many are interested in how much artistic restoration costs.

The price of the procedure depends on several factors:


The most inexpensive artistic restoration is carried out using photopolymer materials. Of course, the latest generation of raw materials are much more expensive. The doctor can fully name the cost of the procedure only after a thorough examination of the client’s oral cavity. When choosing a method and materials, you should remember that high-quality raw materials today are not cheap. Let's put it this way: complete treatment of one tooth in a complex case will cost the patient approximately 5,000 - 6,500 rubles.

Artistic correction helps restore the functionality and aesthetics of teeth. Through this dental procedure, almost anyone can improve their appearance, because a beautiful smile is one of the tools to attract new people to your circle of interests.

What is aesthetic dental restoration

In modern dentistry, an important place is given to preserving the beauty and functionality of the dentition. For example, aesthetic restoration is focused on low-traumatic restoration while preserving natural tissue. Specialists use reflective polymer filling materials that easily eliminate unwanted defects and create, albeit temporarily, a beautiful smile.

Restoration of anterior teeth

Aesthetic restoration of the frontal area of ​​the oral cavity helps patients get rid of many complexes. Teeth are constantly “in sight”, so they must be healthy and beautiful so that a person does not experience any discomfort when communicating with others. The frontal area requires the use of specially selected light-conducting compounds. Cosmetic restoration is aimed at correcting:

  • anatomically irregularly shaped incisors;
  • chips, cracks, chips;
  • dark enamel color.

Direct dental restoration

During this method, the dentist-therapist uses a filling photopolymer material. Direct aesthetic restoration is used for minor damage. Before the procedure, the specialist carries out a long and thorough preparation of the oral cavity for future manipulations, which consists of the following steps:

  1. cleaning incisors from stone and plaque;
  2. removal of old fillings;
  3. elimination of areas of enamel destroyed by caries;
  4. isolation of the treated area with a rubber dam;
  5. installation of a special pin in the absence of half of the incisor;
  6. the use of layer-by-layer techniques for applying filling material in different shades of white;
  7. modeling the shape using grinding and polishing.

Restoring a damaged tooth

Restoring a tooth that is almost completely affected by caries is a very complex procedure. For this area of ​​the oral cavity, a ceramic permanent structure is considered the best solution. However, such restoration of anterior teeth is possible only with single injuries. If the fangs are affected, it is better to use zirconium crowns. Other materials are subject to oxidative processes, under the influence of which the natural tooth wall is destroyed.

Extension on a pin

Restoration using this method is more reliable and durable. The creation of pin implants takes place on a special model. Such a non-removable structure is a one-piece prosthesis that is embedded in the soft periodontal tissue and completely replicates the natural features of the natural bone formations of the oral cavity. However, a frequent complication of such aesthetic restoration of anterior teeth is the development of secondary caries. In this case, the pin will fall out.

Indirect artistic restoration

Such aesthetic restoration is used if there is serious damage that cannot be corrected by other means. Treatment of anterior teeth with the indirect method involves microprosthetics with veneers - unique plates made of special materials. They are fixed to the outside of the crowns with special glue. Using this method, aesthetic restoration of the anterior teeth is carried out in several stages:

  1. cleaning incisors from plaque and stone;
  2. grinding down the enamel of the anterior area;
  3. taking impressions of future veneers;
  4. installation and turning of finished ceramic plates.

Materials for aesthetic restoration

To artistically restore the appearance of the front teeth, a variety of filling agents are used. Ceramics remains the best composition for aesthetic correction. However, modern composites are considered more accessible to different social strata of the population. The use of artificial filling compounds for the indirect method can significantly speed up the process of final processing of incisors.

Ceramic restoration

Natural materials have always been considered the best among other filling agents, but their use is not available to all patients. Ceramics completely replicate the natural shade of the front teeth, are relatively durable and have a high degree of aesthetics. Dental clinics offer zirconium as a more durable base for filling materials. It is perfect for prosthetics and restoration of incisors. Zirconium crowns can even be installed on molars.


This type of restoration composition is not very popular among specialists. Compomers get their name from a combination of the words composite and glass ionomer. The quality characteristics of this inexpensive filling material leave much to be desired. Experts note that compomers do not have sufficient wear resistance, strength, or biological compatibility. For this reason, in artistic correction they are used to achieve a satisfactory degree of aesthetics.

Composite restoration

The use of polymer filling compounds to restore incisors is a good solution when, for economic or other reasons, it is impossible to use ceramic veneers. Indirect composite restoration is characterized by the ease of modeling a future crown or post implant. This method helps to achieve a good aesthetic result at moderate expense.

Dental restoration price

The cost of incisor restoration depends on many factors. In this case, the degree of their damage and the choice of filling material for aesthetic correction play a major role. It is better to trust highly qualified specialists who have developed treatment and restoration techniques over the years to carry out dental procedures. In general, the cost of such incisor restoration is as follows:

Video: Aesthetic dental restoration



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