Beautiful teeth - what everyone needs to know about hygiene and nutrition. Beautiful white teeth with whitening

Did you know that many familiar products can have a beneficial effect on the condition of our teeth? No? Then meet the products that help prevent tooth decay and make our teeth stronger and whiter.

The beneficial properties of sesame seeds have been known to people since ancient times. They contain significant amount calcium, have a mild abrasive effect on the teeth, relieving them of plaque. Sesame seeds go well with vegetable dishes. It is enough to season the salad with a tablespoon of sesame seeds and your diet will be replenished with 87 mg of calcium.

Hard cheeses are also rich in calcium, and even phosphates, which make tooth enamel more durable. At the same time, the amount of salt in cheeses is very limited, which helps normalize the level of acidity in the oral cavity, and this, in turn, prevents the proliferation of microbes. Therefore, train yourself to replace sweets with a small piece of cheese: this will protect your teeth from caries.

When taking care of the condition of your oral cavity, you should also remember about your gums. And the gums need sufficient quantity vitamin C, which stimulates collagen synthesis in tissues. Daily dose Vitamin C is found in kiwi fruits, which are recommended to be added to porridge or eaten as dessert. Only one large fruit per day - and you don't have to worry about vitamin C.

Everyone knows about beneficial properties various herbs and spices. In particular, parsley and mint contain a large number of essential substances, capable of freshening breath no worse than "Dirol" and "Orbit". All you need to do is sprinkle almost any prepared dish with a handful of finely chopped parsley or mint.

Any chewing gum can give a head start to ordinary celery. The method of its use is very simple: you need to chew the stem of this plant daily or mix it with other suitable products (vegetables, herbs, cottage cheese. While chewing, celery massages the gums and cleans the teeth, and the saliva released during the chewing process maintains the necessary acid-base balance.

If you didn’t like horseradish before, now you’ll have to make friends with it. Biologically active substances, contained in horseradish and giving it a sharp taste, completely kill bacteria in the oral cavity. Use horseradish as an addition to salad dressings or make a mouthwash (½ teaspoon grated horseradish per glass of warm water).

Onions, like horseradish, are rich in natural phytoncides and therefore are excellent antibacterial agent Oral plus protects and treats colds. Eat a little fresh onion every day with salads or other foods, and remove the unpleasant ones with the help of another “anti-caries” remedy - parsley.

The simplest way to preserve teeth is ordinary water. Firstly, you need to drink it in sufficient quantities (at least 6 glasses a day), and secondly, you need to rinse your mouth with it after every meal.

Beautiful and healthy teeth-everyone's dream. How to brush your teeth correctly, what toothpastes are best to use, how to fight caries? These and many other questions regarding dental care and treatment are answered by Vladimir Novikov - chief physician clinic "Personal Dentistry", member of the Russian National Academy Aesthetic and Cosmetic Dentistry.

Could you objectively tell us about the advantages and disadvantages of the most popular toothpastes (Colgate, Blendamed, Aquafresh)? Which one should you prefer? And is there a big difference in quality between them and more expensive pastes, such as Oral-B and others sold in pharmacies?

If the paste is originally produced, then it must meet certain standards. From this point of view, you should use toothpastes purchased in pharmacies or dental clinics. Typically, more expensive pastes are made from higher quality raw materials using natural ingredients.

- Tell me an effective whitening paste.
- The most effective are Rembrandt toothpastes (you can buy them in pharmacies).

Is it good to brush your teeth? different pastes? Does it really help fight tooth decay better?

Indeed, in order not to cause the body to get used to the same components of toothpastes, it is better to change them periodically (several times throughout the year).

To strengthen tooth enamel, dentists use fluoride varnish. Please advise how else to strengthen the enamel?

The most better fortification enamel is its purity. It is achieved through careful personal and professional hygiene. Saturation of enamel with fluoride can be carried out with special gels, toothpastes and mouth rinses.

If the enamel on the front teeth is damaged, is it possible to stop the process of tooth decay?

It’s better not to wait until they deteriorate even more, but to put fillings in immediately. Moreover, in some cases there is not even a need to drill the tooth; you can glue a protective plate of filling material and thus protect the tooth from further destruction. Such fillings are completely invisible and very durable.

What are inlays and can they replace a crown?

Indeed, in some cases, inlays can functionally replace a crown, but the choice is determined by the specific situation. Inlays are the same large fillings, only made in a laboratory. They are fixed with cement.

What toothpastes can be used for excessive content fluoride in water?

It is better to use toothpastes that do not contain fluoride (some children's toothpastes). Fluoride content is usually listed on the label. However, science has not come to a consensus on this issue. And many researchers believe that short-term and minor exposure to fluoride from toothpaste does not have a significant effect on the development of fluorosis.

- I heard that in order for a child to have healthy teeth, the woman must take special vitamin complex. What kind of vitamins are these?

What is the difference between inlays and fillings? Is it worth installing a non-ceramic inlay?

Inlays are the same fillings, only made in a laboratory. Due to this, they have greater strength and accuracy of fit. If you trust a specialist, then it’s worth it. Non-ceramic inlays are more gentle on opposing teeth (they wear less), but are less durable.

Tell me, is there any vitamin complex (or medications) that would prevent tooth decay?

If you mean "cavity pills", then they don't exist. As world experience shows, the only remedy for oral diseases is thorough personal and professional hygiene oral cavity.

Please tell me what vitamins with calcium should be consumed to maintain teeth. Eating calcium glucanate does nothing. The same question applies to caring for children's teeth.

If you have metabolic disorders, your body must take calcium from regular products what you eat (dairy products, cheeses, fish). If calcium is poorly absorbed, then calcium gluconate will still not solve the problem. In this case, it is better to contact a metabolism specialist. Instead of trying to endlessly strengthen the enamel with calcium, it is better to think about the fact that tooth decay occurs under the influence of acids produced by microorganisms in the oral cavity. Therefore, you can prevent tooth decay by eliminating the acidic effect on the teeth, and not by eating calcium tablets. All of the above is true for a child.

- In what case is it worth removing a wisdom tooth (eight)? Doctors say that this is a 2-hour operation, and complications are possible, since there is a ternary nerve. How serious is this operation?

The operation is really serious, but for an experienced surgeon this is not a problem. There is no point in simply removing wisdom teeth that lie under the gum and are not visible. However, if such a recommendation was given by an orthodontist, then it makes sense (if there are reasonable indications for this).

If on front tooth A small piece has broken off, should I do anything to avoid further caries?

When a part of a tooth breaks off, it actually depressurizes. Even if this does not bother you now, in the future microorganisms through open access can reach the nerve and cause its inflammation. Therefore, I recommend repairing the chips as soon as possible.

Is it worth touching (removing) children’s baby teeth so that new ones grow evenly?

Baby teeth retain space for permanent teeth, so they should never be removed prematurely.

At what age should children get braces?

Braces are put on only after the roots have formed and all teeth have erupted. permanent teeth. This usually happens by age 14. Until this age, plates are used. Your child may not need any intervention as jaw growth continues.

How harmless is the teeth whitening procedure? What are the best tools to use for this?

The whitening procedure is harmless if carried out under the supervision of a doctor. Without a doctor, you can whiten only using toothpastes.

What types of filling materials are there? What are compomers?

Filling materials are divided according to the principle of hardening - into light-curing and self-hardening, according to material - into polymer (composites, compomers, ormokers) and metal (amalgam). There are also cements. Compomers are filling materials that release fluoride.

- Tell me, is caries a contagious disease?

No, it's not contagious.

Tell us about the methods and means used in modern prosthetics.

Prosthetics can be carried out with support on adjacent teeth (bridges), with support on the gums ( removable dentures) and supported by implants. Cosmetic prosthetics is a separate field.

Please tell us about the prevention of caries and periodontitis.

Caries and periodontitis are bacteria-dependent diseases. Therefore, their prevention is the same - careful personal and professional hygiene, aimed at reducing the number of microorganisms in the oral cavity.

At what age should a child begin correcting a malocclusion?

Consultations on this matter should be carried out from the age of 5.

How long does veneer covering last on teeth?

The fundamental points are the choice of design and careful execution. Composite veneers designed for 5-8 years, ceramic - for 10-15.

How do you feel about dental implants? Do implants often fail to take root and is this dangerous to health? What to do if the implants do not take root?

Today, implantation is the most reliable and predictable dental procedure. The success rate of this procedure is close to 100% - this is significantly higher than in the treatment of root canals, prosthetics with crowns, etc. Replacement of lost teeth with implants is the most safe procedure, since neighboring teeth are not damaged. In the unlikely event of rejection, implantation can be repeated.

Is it possible to somehow “tighten” the teeth, reduce the distance between the front teeth, and what is the best thing to do in this case so as not to harm the teeth and gums?

You can rearrange the teeth (pull the teeth in front), but there will still be an empty space on the side. The question is closing the gaps between the teeth. The most efficient, fastest and simple method is teeth building ( artistic restoration). It is safe for teeth and, when performed correctly, does not cause gum inflammation.

- What to do if the enamel on your teeth has a yellow tint?

The color of teeth is determined by the pigment they contain. In this case, they will help to lighten teeth various methods bleaching. The simplest is the use of whitening toothpastes. Professional whitening provides guaranteed results.

What do you think about veneers, how long do they last and can they be bleached?

Each design has its own indications. Veneers can significantly change and improve appearance teeth. Composite veneers are designed for 5-8 years, ceramic veneers for 10-15. Only natural teeth are whitened; veneers are not lightened.

The cause of caries is the destruction of the enamel under exposure to acids produced by microorganisms. Therefore, I advise you to eat foods that do not contain sugar and other carbohydrates. After eating, it is of course best to brush your teeth or at least rinse them. Possible in as a last resort Chew chewing gum as it promotes salivation. Many gum contain urea, which reduces acidity, or xylitol, which inhibits the activity of microbes. The most important thing is to learn proper personal hygiene and undergo professional hygiene regularly. And the fillings that are pulled out are simply of poor quality.

- I really want to have a white-toothed smile, tell me how I can whiten my teeth myself. Which toothpaste can be combined good care taking care of your teeth and maintaining your gums in good condition?

Whitening, like any other procedure, has its own indications and contraindications. The simplest method of teeth whitening is to have them professionally cleaned, which also eliminates bleeding gums. You can whiten your teeth with long-term and regular use toothpastes with whitening effect. Faster are professional methods teeth whitening.

Please tell us about electric toothbrushes. Are they effective? And which one is better to choose?

Electric toothbrushes are designed to improve the effectiveness of cleaning teeth, especially in hard-to-reach areas. But this does not mean that the same effect cannot be achieved manually. I can recommend electric toothbrushes from Oral B.

Are whitening pastes harmful to enamel? I heard that they are very harmful.

Whitening toothpastes based on abrasives are really harmful, but there are practically none of them on the market now. The safest and most effective whitening toothpastes are Rembrandt toothpastes.

- If tooth enamel very sensitive, reacts to cold and hot. Is there anything that can be done?

Most probable cause hypersensitivity teeth is the thinning of the surface layer of enamel. In this case, the tooth must be protected with a surface filling. In this matter, toothpaste will not change the situation.

Sugar-free chewing gum promotes saliva production and thus cleanses the mouth. Some of them contain carbomides or xylitol, which inhibit the activity of pathogenic microflora.

If around the wisdom teeth (on one side or the other) the gums constantly become inflamed. What could be the reason?

If there is insufficient space for wisdom teeth to erupt, gum hoods remain, under which food can become trapped and cause inflammation. In this case, you will need to either remove the hood or remove the tooth.

Tell me, is it possible to treat teeth using freezing during pregnancy? Isn't this harmful?

You can treat teeth with freezing. It is advisable to use articaine-based anesthetics (ultracaine, ubistezin, septonest, alfacaine).

- Everyone knows that sweets are bad for your teeth. Please tell me which sweets are more harmful to teeth, and which ones are less harmful.

Dentists do not prohibit eating sweets, but advise brushing your teeth or at least rinsing your mouth afterward. The least harmful are sweets based on wood sugar (xylitol, which is often used in products for diabetics).

Nowadays, beautiful and healthy teeth are the key to self-confidence, and therefore, normal self-esteem. This is an indicator of your status, a sign of success and health. But, unfortunately, even now, when medicine has made great strides forward, and there is such an abundance of hygiene products that one’s eyes simply run wild, problems with teeth are not uncommon. According to the World Health Association, 80% of the entire world population suffers from. Why does this happen?

How to brush your teeth correctly?

We all read about Moidodyr as children and we know that you need to wash your face in the morning and be sure to do so. However, how correctly are we doing this? Dentists from all countries claim that perfect time The amount of time you need to spend brushing your teeth is 3-5 minutes, since only during this period of time will the cleaning paste have its effect as advertised. You should move the toothbrush from the gums to the tips of the teeth, so to speak, “sweep away” plaque and germs. As for the brush itself, it is better to choose one with synthetic bristles of medium or low hardness in order to reduce the risk of damaging your gums.

Interesting! According to the World Health Organization, only 5% of people brush their teeth correctly.

Dentist advice

Try to brush your teeth after every meal, as this is practically the only way to keep your teeth healthy.

Change your paste periodically, since harmful bacteria, sad to say, get used to a certain composition and stop reacting to it.

Regularly (2 times a year) it is necessary to conduct a 1.5-month course with special pastes– medicinal or enriched with fluorine and calcium.

To chew or not to chew?

Unfortunately, no matter what the ubiquitous advertising claims, no chewing gum cannot replace toothbrush. The maximum that chewing gum can do is get rid of pieces of stuck food, freshen breath and restore the acid-base balance if it contains xylitol or sorbitol. Chewing gum is not capable of removing plaque, protecting against caries, or even whitening teeth.

Advice! To remove stuck food, many dentists recommend using special dental floss.

What is?

The health of our teeth also directly depends on what we eat. To preserve the beauty of your smile, you should introduce into your diet foods containing essential amino acids, minerals and vitamins (lactic and dairy products, various nuts, fish and seafood, lean meat, fresh vegetables and fruits). And no matter how hard it may be, it’s worth giving up various sweets and carbonated drinks.

To bleach or not to bleach: that is the question!

Having seen an advertisement on TV or on the Internet where a girl with yellow teeth in the blink of an eye she turns into a white-toothed beauty, as if under hypnosis, we are ready to give everything to get the same smile. However chemical methods The bleaching treatments so heavily advertised by Hollywood involve the use of acid, which makes the skin looser and more porous. Dyes (contained in coffee, tea, red wine), getting on depleted enamel, will be eaten away faster and stronger until the enamel is restored.

The most in a safe way whitening recognized hygienic cleaning teeth in the dentist's office. However, it can only return your teeth to their natural color. As for the whitening paste, it can whiten a tone, a maximum of two. The most important thing is that such a paste does not contain coarse abrasives that can damage the enamel.

And finally, a little more about toothpaste

Experts divide all currently produced toothpastes into 2 large groups: hygienic(remove plaque and freshen the oral cavity) and therapeutic and prophylactic(universal, soda, anti-caries, whitening, anti-inflammatory).

The second group of pastes contains active substances that are designed to eliminate a specific problem. For example, anti-caries toothpastes necessarily contain fluoride or calcium. The main component of anti-inflammatory pastes is triclosan, which can prevent the development of periodontal disease. However, it must be remembered that choosing the right treatment toothpaste Only a doctor can!

Beautiful white teeth and snow-white smile like the stars every person wants to have. We communicate with each other every day and smile at other people while talking.

When a person smiles, it is always beautiful, but often many people are not satisfied with the appearance of their teeth.

Fortunately, there are many whitening, restorative and other medical procedures which help a person get the smile he has always dreamed of.

What teeth are considered beautiful?

How to understand which teeth are beautiful and which are not? Let's look at several criteria for a “Hollywood smile”.


It is generally accepted that enamel that has a snow-white tint is considered beautiful. Many people strive to bring the color of their teeth as close to ideal as possible. But here you also need to be careful, since overly bright white teeth will no longer look entirely natural. So the enamel should actually have a slight tint.


The shape of the teeth should look beautiful in appearance and be symmetrical to certain lines on a person’s face. The smile line along the lower row of teeth becomes a kind of smooth continuation when moving to the lips, and the teeth resemble perspective, from the nearest teeth to the farthest ones in the row. The cutting edge should be slightly transparent, this gives a natural look.

Healthy gums

Don't forget about your gums. After all, no matter how beautiful your smile is, if your gums are inflamed, it will not look aesthetically pleasing. Healthy gums are usually light pink in color, and the gums are symmetrically located on top of the teeth.

Ways to Improve the Appearance of Your Smile

There are many ways to improve your smile, make beautiful, straight teeth, and improve their condition.

One of the most popular ways to make teeth whiter today is whitening. This happens due to the removal of unwanted plaque, after which the enamel naturally lightened by one or two shades.

Especially if your teeth are naturally beautifully shaped, healthy and strong, but over time they have slightly lost the desired shade, for example, due to frequent use coffee, whitening is perfect option for you to get whiter teeth.

Whitening is not a very complicated procedure; it can be done either at the dentist or at home, but for proper and competent consultation it is always better to first consult a specialist.


There is only one answer to the question why stars have such white teeth and how they whiten them: veneers. Getting veneers is a more serious and expensive procedure than regular whitening. Veneers are special overlays that cover outer surface teeth for more beautiful view. After installing veneers, the smile visually looks more aesthetically pleasing.

Veneers help correct many dental imperfections, such as:

  • curvature;
  • unevenness on the surface;
  • plaque;
  • bad enamel;
  • interdental gaps.

Another way to correct imperfections is braces. Wearing braces ultimately gives a very good results, however, you have to wear them for quite a long period of time.

Anyone can get braces, regardless of age: both children and adults. There are two options for installing braces – external and internal. In the first case, the device is installed on inner surface teeth, in the second case – on outside dentition.

First of all, when installing braces, the patient goes through mandatory inspection orthodontist. If there is caries, it is subject to compulsory treatment before installation. Also great attention paid attention to the presence of stone, since it may interfere with correct installation brace.

After treatment is completed, you can proceed to installing braces. This happens in this way: special clasps are placed on each of the teeth separately, which are then connected together by one orthodontic arch. On average, this procedure takes 1 – 1.5 hours.


In addition to braces, you can also install special plates; they can be removable or non-removable. The plate is made individually for each patient based on a cast of his jaw.

The plates are quite easy to use; sometimes, if particularly necessary, they can even be removed, for example, while brushing your teeth or eating. Plates are less noticeable than braces.

But there are also significant disadvantages of such a device: the plates do not help in all difficult cases, especially in adults, since they cannot, like braces, shift the dentition over time, restoring the correct shape.

In children, it is sometimes difficult to track the dynamics of treatment, since the ability to remove the plate allows them to do this more often than the doctor recommends. In some cases, if the doctor’s recommendations are not followed, wearing such a plate may not give any positive results.

Mouth guards

Next Alternative option teeth straightening - mouthguards. They are not as effective as braces, but they can correct minor defects in the dentition. Mouth guards do not damage the gums; they are also made individually for each patient and, importantly, are absolutely invisible to others.

The mouth guards are quite easy to wash, and a person gets used to the device within a few days. The disadvantages of using this method include only high cost, as well as the fact that mouth guards cannot cope with severe cases of imperfect teeth. In more difficult situations The patient will need braces.


Another way to solve the issue of oral appearance.

You can resort to a restoration procedure if chips or large stains appear on the surface of the teeth, the enamel is destroyed due to the appearance of caries, or there may be large distances between the teeth.

With the help of restoration, you can restore the aesthetic appearance of your teeth and make your smile more attractive.

This happens by placing a polymer mass in dental cavity until he accepts the required form and will not be restored to a smooth state. If there is severe tooth decay, preliminary installation of a pin will be required.


Dentures are usually used in cases where the patient is missing one or more teeth. Dentures can be removable or non-removable. It is best to discuss the method of prosthetics with your doctor, and then make a decision.

Removable dentures can be removed at will and put on again when needed. Fixed dentures are attached directly to the root or to an implant - an artificial root.

Dental decorations

One of the fashionable trends in the field of dentistry can be considered dental jewelry. Probably everyone, at least once in their life, has noticed rhinestones and other decorations on another person’s enamel that decorate a smile and attract attention.

But, if you suddenly want to install a rhinestone for beauty, this is not always possible: there are several contraindications for such a procedure. For example, if you have caries or any enamel damage, the procedure is contraindicated for you.

You may be allergic to the materials used for jewelry, so you also need to be careful. If you have bite pathology or diseases of the oral cavity, the orthodontist may also refuse you such a procedure. After eliminating all contraindications, you can safely choose the jewelry you like.

The cost of a “Hollywood smile”

If you want to have truly beautiful teeth and a “Hollywood smile,” this can always be achieved, because the variety of medical procedures that dentists now perform allows anyone to get the desired smile.

How much it will cost to make teeth like stars, the price of the issue depends entirely on the restoration method and materials. For example, a whitening procedure will cost from 16,000 to 20,000 rubles.

The installation of veneers varies depending on the material chosen. For example, installing veneers in the simplest and most inexpensive way will cost 7,000 per one. Don't forget that the “smile line” consists of 8 teeth.

Scarlett Johansson

The cost of installing braces varies depending on dental clinic and the type of braces you choose. Eg, average cost installation of ceramic braces for one row - 40,000 rubles, metal braces will cost an approximate amount - from 15,000 rubles.

Restoration of one costs from 1,500 rubles or more, but the cost of prostheses will depend on their type. Eg, ceramic crowns will cost approximately 15,000 rubles. Jewelry will cost from 3,000 to 5,000 rubles.

If you want to revive your smile with a sticker, the cost of the procedure will cost you approximately 500 rubles. Maybe, Hollywood smile It's not always cheap, but it's really worth it.


Don’t forget to take care of your oral cavity every day, because neglect elementary rules hygiene can further lead to very unpleasant consequences. After all, it is better to regularly take care of your oral cavity than to eventually become a regular client of the dental office.

Hygiene procedures do not take much time every day, and if in addition to paste and brush you also use auxiliary products, then your visits to the doctor will be exclusively preventive.

TO aids care may include things such as floss or mouthwash. If the rinse aid may not be needed by owners of good and healthy teeth, then the thread is recommended for use by absolutely every person, because it helps to clean the narrowest gaps. Be healthy and smile more often.

Healthy teeth are important not only for proper operation digestive system. They also affect your appearance. It’s hardly worth reminding that you need to visit the dentist twice a year. But you can also do a lot to keep your teeth healthy, white and beautiful. These tips will help you keep your pearly teeth in tip-top shape.

Follow the White Teeth Diet

If you don't give up red wine, like to drink tea and smoke cigarettes, then you shouldn't be surprised that your smile isn't as white as it used to be. Additionally, dark juices, colas, and sauces may be to blame for the discoloration of your teeth. This means that any dark food you put in your mouth can stain your teeth. To clean them, rinse your mouth immediately after eating and use a good whitening product if you don't want to end up at the dentist soon. To clean your teeth quickly and efficiently, you can also eat an apple. In addition, if you do not want to give up juices and drinks that have a rich color, it makes sense to drink them with a straw. This way they won't come into contact with your teeth.

Change your toothbrush

Or replace the head electric brush at least once every two to three months. Otherwise, you will constantly transfer bacteria that accumulate during prolonged use into your mouth. According to dentists, the best way to brush your teeth is to place the brush at a 45-degree angle to your gums and gently move it in a circular motion, rather than just moving it back and forth. Hold the toothbrush the same way you hold a pencil so you don't press too hard.

Clean your tongue

Use a tongue scraper every morning to remove plaque and freshen your breath. One of the main reasons unpleasant odor from the mouth - this is bacteria accumulated on the tongue. If you clean your tongue daily, you can get rid of them. Additionally, a tongue scraper is more effective than a toothbrush.

Eat cleansing foods

Hard or crunchy food products will help you clean your teeth when you eat them. We have already mentioned apples, which are often called nature's toothbrush. Additional options - raw carrots, celery or popcorn. For best results, always finish your meal with these foods, especially if you know you won't be able to brush your teeth immediately after eating.

Use Apple Cider Vinegar as a Rinse

Rinse your mouth apple cider vinegar in the morning and then use a toothbrush. Vinegar helps remove stains, whitens teeth, and kills bacteria in the mouth.

Brush your teeth with baking soda once a week

This will help remove stains and whiten your teeth. You need to brush your teeth with baking soda the same way you do with toothpaste. Just be sure to spit it out to avoid getting it inside. Additionally, if you start to feel that your gums are becoming too sensitive, you can start brushing your teeth with salt every day.

Freshen your breath

To test the freshness of your breath, lick your palm and smell it while it is wet. If you smell it, it's time to freshen your breath. Do you buy mouthwash? Make sure they do not contain alcohol. Most mouthwashes contain too much alcohol, which can dry out the tissues in your mouth. This makes them more susceptible to bacteria.

Do prevention with floss

If you can floss without a mirror, this is an added bonus to your dental care routine. Buy several packs of dental floss and leave them in your car, on your desk, in your bag, briefcase, and nightstand.

Brush your teeth twice a day

Although this is obvious, many people don't do it. But brushing your teeth immediately after sleep and before you go to bed is very important. This is because saliva, which contains the plaque that causes tooth decay, dries out at night, so it's best to clean off all the plaque before going to bed. The first thing you do in the morning is to clean off any bacteria and plaque that may have accumulated while you slept.

Mask with color

This advice applies to women. Choose coral or light red lipstick. These colors will make your teeth appear whiter, while lighter colors will highlight the yellowness of your teeth.



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