How to care for acrylic dentures. Cleaning removable dentures

Prosthetics in dentistry is developing every year, offering high-quality, durable and aesthetic solutions for restoring teeth. But not everyone can afford modern implants, so various dentures do not lose their well-deserved popularity. Such structures are also durable and reliable, but they must be carefully looked after.

Most often, dentist patients opt for plastic structures. acrylic. The technology of their manufacture is quite complicated, but the result justifies the expectations. Acrylic construction is light, but at the same time dense and durable. It retains the original color well.

Acrylic removable dentures

Acrylic dentures are divided into the following types:

  1. Permanent or temporary structures.
  2. Removable and non-removable options.
  3. Molded or extruded production.

Cast structures are somewhat more difficult to manufacture than pressed ones, but the prosthesis is identical to natural teeth. It is almost impossible to distinguish it by color and texture.

Care. A few simple rules

The most important rule is to keep clean. Caring for removable plastic dentures at home should be regular.

This will help the design to maintain an attractive appearance, and prevent various inflammation of the gums. It is advisable to take a few minutes after each meal to clean the removable denture. It must be rinsed under running water so that small particles of food do not linger on the surface. Do not forget that the structure must be handled with care, as it may break if dropped.

The second rule is the cleanliness of the oral cavity. After eating, it is necessary not only to wash the denture, but also to clean the remaining teeth, gums, palate and tongue with a soft toothbrush and paste. If there are no teeth, then the brush can be replaced with a gauze swab.

Removable dentures require careful care

The third rule telling about how to care for removable plastic dentures must be strictly observed. Twice a day, the removable denture is thoroughly cleaned with a brush and toothpaste. Even if you rinsed it after every snack, you can't refuse a thorough cleaning. It is best for these purposes to purchase a toothbrush with soft bristles and toothpaste for children. At night, you can clean the structure with liquid soap, in extreme cases, dishwashing detergent is suitable. But after such cleaning, the prosthesis is rinsed very carefully.

Any actions regarding dentures should be performed as carefully as possible. You can not bend the plastic, apply force at the time of cleaning the clasps (holding hooks).

How to remove tea, coffee and nicotine stains from dentures

For lovers of coffee, tea and cigarettes, it is very important to know how to whiten, how to clean dentures at home, and how to store them in order to extend the life of the structure. The appearance of dark spots on the prostheses of smokers is especially unpleasant. Such darkening is not cleaned off with ordinary pastes, but do not use abrasive bleach for cleaning. The fact is that such denture cleaners can damage the acrylic surface. Tooth enamel is much more resistant to such damage, and scratches can remain on acrylic, which will become noticeable over time.

Examples of effervescent tablets for cleaning dentures

It is best to contact the clinic where the prosthesis was made and have it done. professional surface whitening with ultrasonic devices. If this is not possible, then you can use special soluble tablets(for example, such firms as Corega, Protefix, Rocks). They are sold without a prescription in any pharmacy. The tablet is dissolved, as indicated in the instructions for the preparation, a denture is placed in the solution, and the prescribed time is maintained. The procedure not only cleans hard-to-remove dark spots, but also removes plaque from the surface, that is, deep (thorough) cleaning of dentures takes place at home. If with the help of soluble tablets it is not possible to return the original color of the denture, then contacting the dental clinic for these purposes becomes inevitable.

Folk remedies and other tricks

Asking the question: how to clean a denture? Many are looking for unconventional methods to save on clinic visits or cleansing pills. Of course, some advice can help, but the likelihood of damaging the structure using untested methods is very high.

Physicians refer to the category of "bad advice" the suggestion to soak a removable denture in vinegar. Even if the plaque has been removed and the dark spots have been cleaned off, the probability of damaging the plug-in structure is very high. Especially if you use this method not once, but regularly.

Dentists are more relaxed about cleaning teeth a mixture of tooth powder and lemon juice. Such a tool temporarily improves the appearance of the product without damaging its surface.

Tooth and powder and lemon juice for cleaning dentures

The procedure is carried out as follows:

  1. The denture is thoroughly rinsed after eating.
  2. A mixture of tooth powder and lemon juice is applied with a soft brush in a thick layer.
  3. The design is left alone for 20-30 minutes.
  4. Dentures are cleaned with the same powder or children's paste, and washed under a stream of water.

Many try to clean out darkening and plaque with soda. However, this method does not give a tangible effect.

Is it necessary to store the design in a glass of water

One of the terrible memories of our childhood is the grandmother's (grandfather's) jaw, soaked in a glass of water on the bedside table. Previously, the material from which false teeth were made could dry out, so they were placed in water at night. Acrylic dentures do not have such problems. They can be stored by simply wrapping them in a clean cloth. This is especially true when a person is on the road: on a business trip, away or on vacation.

At home, false teeth can be stored at night in a way that is more convenient for you.. A glass or a special container with a cleaning solution, just clean water or a tissue, it all depends on what material the orthopedic construction is made of. Full information about the storage of your removable prosthesis can only be given by the dentist, after installation.

Container for storage of removable dentures

What to ask at the pharmacy

Since many people have to think about how to care for the false teeth, in pharmacies you can find a number of drugs, devices and devices that simplify this process:

  1. Let's start with the simplest. Disinfectant storage solutions and cleaning tablets from various manufacturers. These funds will help maintain the quality and appearance of the orthopedic structure, as well as avoid inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.
  2. It is very convenient to store dentures in special containers x, which can also be purchased at pharmacies. Such containers are hermetically sealed, have opaque walls, and additional compartments for special cleaning brushes. They can be of various sizes, which allows you to choose the best option.
  3. In pharmacies or medical equipment stores, you can buy a small ultrasonic bath for cleaning dentures. This will allow you to regularly disinfect the orthopedic product, avoid the appearance of tartar and age spots. In addition, you can use the device to clean jewelry, baby nipples and other small items.
  4. Well don't forget buy a special brush with several cleaning surfaces: wide and narrow. This will facilitate the process of daily cleaning of the surfaces of the denture, and will allow you to reach the most inaccessible places.

The main thing is not to forget that how carefully you take care of the removable structure directly depends on its service life.

  1. Caring for false dentures begins in the morning - with cleaning. To begin with, it should be remembered that it is not necessary to use potassium permanganate, soap or hydrogen peroxide as a means for cleaning dentures, as many do. Such cleaning can only damage.
  2. In the morning, cleaning of dentures is carried out with a regular toothbrush with special foam or toothpaste. The bristles of the brush must be soft, and the paste without abrasive. Particular care must be taken to clean the part of the prosthesis adjacent to the gums. After cleaning, rinse in running or boiled water. The procedure should be repeated in the evening before going to bed.
  3. It is desirable after each meal, if possible, to remove artificial teeth and rinse them under running water.
  4. The rules for caring for dentures recommend washing them daily in a disinfectant solution. The solution will reach such places where the brush did not reach, wash out the remnants of food from there, eliminate all bacteria and other microorganisms “responsible” for the occurrence of diseases and bad odors.

  5. About once a week, you need to use a stronger solution for disinfection, which is obtained by dissolving a special tablet with a bioformula in a glass of water. After 10-15 minutes, it will be easy to clean off the formed plaque from the structure, in addition, the denture cleaner will return its original appearance, protect metal parts from corrosion.
  6. In order to avoid damage to the prosthesis, gums and own teeth, if any, it is recommended to use fixative creams, adhesives and liquids. They will not only facilitate addiction, but also allow you to chew food more efficiently, restore almost the same diction. Soften the hard edge of the prosthesis, make it more pleasant to touch the gums.

How to care for fixed structures

Fixed dentures are more difficult to care for because they cannot be removed and carefully cleaned from all sides. Usually these are various kinds of veneers, crowns, bridges and plates.

  1. Daily brushing of teeth along with dentures in the morning and evening. You can use a regular brush, or you can use a special brush that cleans the interdental space well. Especially diligently you need to clean invisible planes. The brush should be held at an angle of 45 degrees to the plane of the tooth, as if trying to clean the space between the prosthesis and the gum. This process is conveniently controlled by looking in the mirror.

  2. After cleaning, it is recommended to use an irrigator. A jet of water or antiseptic liquid with a denture cleaning tablet dissolved in it will reach the most inaccessible places from it and wash away all food debris from there, eliminate bacteria.
  3. It is recommended to use dental floss once a day. In places where there are crowns or veneers with particular care. In the area of ​​​​crowns, it is better to limit yourself to an irrigator.
  4. Periodically, you need to dissolve a tablet with a bioformula in water and irrigate the oral cavity and dentition from the irrigator for better cleaning and disinfection.
  5. It makes sense from time to time to use indication means that show where the bacteria are preserved in the dentition, where there is plaque. Having found such places, you can carefully clean them, and then check the quality of processing again.
  6. Once every six months - welcome to the dentist for ultrasonic cleaning of dentures and general sanitation.

When wearing prostheses, gum massage is useful, daily for 5-7 minutes. Strong healthy gums are the key to healthy remaining teeth. The longer your own teeth live, the longer the prosthesis will last.

Care products

There are two groups of products for the care of dental prostheses: products for fixation in the oral cavity and products for cleaning.

Fixing means

Fixatives are used only with removable dentures, as they allow them to hold more firmly in the oral cavity. These include

  • Fixing powder for low salivation. It is sprayed with a thin layer on the prosthesis, which is then put on and pressed against the gum for a while. This is enough for a secure fit.
  • The fixing cream is applied in thin strips or pointwise to the edge of the prosthesis. Do not apply a lot of cream, it will still squeeze out. In addition, the widely advertised Korega cream contains zinc, and its excess is harmful to the body. Therefore, if you use this cream too intensively, you can seriously damage yourself. The fixing cream not only sticks the prosthesis to the gum, but also creates a shock-absorbing pad that protects the gums from damage. Usually the effect of the cream and powder lasts 12-24 hours, after which they dissolve in saliva. Then, as it should be when caring for removable dentures, you need to remove it, rinse it in water and clean it from the remnants of the retainer.
  • Special canvas strips are usually used when a person cannot get used to a foreign body in the mouth. Then these strips are placed under the prosthesis, they fix it and soften the pressure on the gums.

Cleaning products

  • Brush for cleaning dentures. The brush should be changed about once a month. If any gum infection is found, the brush should be changed immediately.
  • Toothbrush for cleaning the space between the teeth.
  • Paste without abrasive. An abrasive, like a hard brush, can leave micro-scratches on prostheses, in which harmful microorganisms will gladly settle.
  • Interdental paste.
  • Rinses are disinfectants and cleaning liquids. Usually, all disinfectant liquids are made by dissolving a special denture cleaning tablet in a glass of water. There are ordinary tablets, the solution of which is rinsed in the mouth several times daily. There are also stronger bioformula pills that are used less often, about once a week.
  • An irrigator is a special device that injects small portions of a disinfectant liquid or plain water into the mouth. Thanks to the curved tip, it allows you to reach the most secluded corners. A trickle of liquid under pressure enters the cracks and corners and washes out everything superfluous from there. There are compact, pocket-sized irrigators that you can carry everywhere with you.
  • Floss.
  • Tablet for indication.

How to store

It is inconvenient, harmful, and sometimes even dangerous to wear dentures all the time, without taking them off even at night. Your teeth and gums need to rest from time to time.

You can store a removable denture both in a regular glass and in a special closed container.

For storage of prostheses are usually used:

  • a glass of water;
  • glass with disinfectant liquid;
  • special storage containers.

Benefits of denture storage products compared to water:

  • the best disinfection;
  • better cleaning,
  • the agent has an anti-corrosion effect.

A transparent glass with a jaw filled with water does not look very aesthetically pleasing. And if in everyday life this may not cause inconvenience, then guests may find themselves in an awkward situation. In such cases, it is recommended to use a container for storing dentures.

The container is made of plastic in the form of a neat box and is suitable for any prostheses. It is opaque and hermetically sealed. Artificial teeth in it will not scare even a child. The container will protect the jaw from mechanical damage and bacteria.

Basic rules for the care of removable plastic dentures

Basically, plastic prostheses are made removable, that is, they can be take out of the mouth.

  • At least twice a day, the structure must be removed from the oral cavity for hygienic cleaning with a toothbrush and paste
  • After a meal, the design is also recommended take out and rinse or just rinse your mouth with water
  • At first, before going to bed, it is better not to remove the structure for better getting used to it.
  • Removable dentures are recommended to be washed in special liquid for disinfection. Such a liquid is obtained by diluting special tablets or powder in warm water.
  • If the prosthesis is stained, then you should not try to clean it with whitening pastes - they only affect the enamel, and the plastic of the prosthesis will be damaged

Basic rules for the care of fixed plastic prostheses

These dentures should be cared for in the same way as teeth, i.e. clean them while brushing your teeth. Particular attention should be paid to the interdental spaces and those places where the prosthesis is in contact with the gum tissue. To clean these areas, you can use dental floss or special brushes.

Diet while wearing plastic dentures

Plastic prostheses have low strength, so it is not recommended. cracking nuts and seeds, and chew too hard foods prosthesis. Also, don't eat too much. sticky and sticky foods as this can lead to the prosthesis falling out.

Dentist visit

When wearing plastic dentures, you should visit the dentist at least once a year. This is required for minor repair of the prosthesis, as it can be damaged by masticatory stress. In addition, it is periodically necessary to perform relining - a slight change in the shape of the prosthesis, redistributing the load on the soft tissues of the gums and preventing their atrophy.

What is needed for quality care

Conventional products used for regular cleaning of teeth are not suitable for the care of dentures, they damage the material, leaving scratches on it, which later become a place for increased reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.

We have prepared detailed instructions that will help in choosing the necessary devices and preparations, will allow you to develop an individual care plan and tell you how to care for nylon dentures and all other types of them.

Dental prosthesis can be removable. There are also structures that are installed permanently. Both types need maintenance, but the constant thorough care of fixed dentures is somewhat different.

How to properly care for dentures and what threatens non-compliance with hygiene rules? When installed, a small gap is formed between the gums and the prosthesis. If food particles accumulate in it for a long time, this will lead to increased reproduction of bacteria. As a result, there will be an unpleasant odor, an inflammatory process may begin. With partial prosthetics, pathogenic microflora will contribute to the development of caries in the remaining teeth.

You should start with the purchase of special devices and preparations that will help organize the proper cleaning and storage of the prosthesis.

You will need:

  • disinfectant solution;
  • Plastic container;
  • Ultrasonic bath;
  • Monobundle and regular brush;
  • Oral irrigator;
  • Tablets for the detection of bacterial plaque.

Everything you need to care for your dentures can be purchased at the pharmacy. Of course, you don't have to buy everything at once. The presented list is a “maximum program”, it is quite possible to do without some things. Let's analyze in more detail what functions are assigned to each product.

The disinfection solution allows you to maintain the appearance of a removable dental prosthesis, as well as to avoid the growth of bacteria. Hydrogen peroxide or potassium permanganate should not be used for these purposes. In a pharmacy, you can buy tablet or liquid preparations for making a solution. The disinfectant solution removes small particles of food, the remnants of the fixing composition. If necessary, it can be replaced with a 5% soda solution.

Ultrasonic cleaning is compact, but it copes well with the function of professional cleaning at home. Its use helps prevent the formation of stains and tartar. In addition, you can use it to shine jewelry, disinfect baby nipples and pacifiers.

In a convenient plastic container, not only the prosthesis is stored, but also items to keep it clean. On sale there are boxes of different sizes, with one or more compartments. Among such a variety, you can always choose the option for the optimal placement of everything you need.

The mono-beam brush allows you to clean your teeth from all sides. It is used along with a regular toothbrush to clean the interdental space.

You need to change these hygiene devices quite often, about once every three months. If the bristles have fallen out or are deformed, it is not recommended to use the brush.

The irrigator provides cleansing that is difficult to achieve with other items. A jet of water under pressure penetrates from hard-to-reach places, washing away food particles. In addition, it provides an effective massage of the gums, which is a good prevention of various dental diseases. The irrigator is indispensable for the care of fixed dentures.

Here is a good video about choosing an irrigator:

Indication tablets will help make the care of clasp prostheses (and all others) better. As experience shows, even properly performed hygiene procedures do not always provide perfect cleanliness. But it is difficult to see plaque with the naked eye. Products such as Curaprox are effective in removing bacterial plaque left after cleaning. This is especially true for fixed dentures.

Daily care of dentures

Next, we will tell you how to care for removable dentures in everyday life. The presence of a prosthesis does not cancel the daily morning routine of brushing your teeth. Fixed orthopedic structures are cleaned with a brush using a non-abrasive paste. Particular attention is paid to the place of contact of the prosthesis with the gum. To refresh the mouth, you can additionally use rinses.

Every time after eating, the removable structure must be cleaned. Small food residues can be easily removed with ordinary water. The remaining teeth, tongue and gums are also treated with a soft brush and toothpaste. The mucosa can be cleaned with a gauze swab, rinsing the mouth with boiled water, herbal decoction. If there is bad breath, you can additionally use a mouthwash.

In the evening, the prosthesis is washed with liquid soap, carefully removing it with plenty of water. Then the prosthesis is immersed for an hour in an antiseptic solution. A modern removable denture is worn all the time, if necessary, you can put it in a container overnight, after drying the surface well.

Orthopedic structures are quite durable, however, their processing requires accuracy. Plastic should not be bent or dropped. The holding hooks (clasps) must not be pushed back with great effort. It is better to carry out the treatment over a soft towel or a container of water.

Visit the dentist once every six months for a professional cleaning. This is especially true for fixed structures.

If you are used to flossing (dental floss), do not use it near veneers or implants. Avoid foods that are too hard or very viscous. Often, damage to prostheses occurs precisely as a result of mechanical impact. Since the design is in the mouth, it is also dangerous, because an artificial tooth can be easily swallowed.

How to fix a removable prosthesis

Means for fixation make wearing a removable prosthesis more comfortable. They allow you to securely hold the device in the oral cavity and provide you with a sense of confidence. Funds are produced in various forms, such as:

  • Powder;
  • stripes;
  • Cream.

Let's look at each method of fixing in a little more detail:

  1. The powder provides a secure attachment to the gums. It is applied by spraying onto the product, after which it is enough to press lightly to fix it. The powder is not suitable for people with increased salivation.
  2. Fixing strips not only fix the prosthesis, but also make it easier to get used to it. Pieces of canvas serve as a gasket between the gums and the orthopedic structure, soften the pressure on the mucosal tissue.
  3. Creams are the most popular means for fixing prostheses. It perfectly holds the product, while protecting the gums. The cream is consumed very economically, you need quite a bit, just a few drops.

Correction after prosthetics

During manufacture, it is impossible to take into account all the nuances, so the correction is carried out when the product is worn. The first individual adjustment is usually made the very next day. As necessary, several more such procedures are carried out over the next two weeks. This achieves maximum comfort and convenience when worn, as well as easier care for removable dentures.

Dentures after installation settle on the gums gradually. Sometimes it gives its owner inconvenience and even pain. The specialist makes a correction, correcting the design, taking into account the characteristics of the patient.

Before visiting the dentist, be sure to wear the prosthesis for several hours. This will help the doctor understand exactly where the chafing or pressure is occurring in order to correct that area. If the mucosa was damaged when worn, use herbal decoctions of chamomile, calendula, plantain to heal the wound faster. Postpone wearing a prosthesis for a while.

It is the doctor who should be the first to tell the patient how to care for dentures. If he does not do this, it does not matter, ask him yourself.

Stain removal methods

Strong tea and coffee lovers, as well as heavy smokers, should know best how to care for removable dentures. After all, they often face the fact that darkening forms on the surface of artificial teeth. It is impossible to remove them with ordinary paste, and abrasive bleaching agents cannot be used, as they damage the acrylic surface.

To get rid of pollution, experts recommend using Protefix, ROCS or Korega preparations. They are available in the form of tablets, from which it is easy to prepare a cleaning solution. This is exactly what care should be for nylon dentures due to their softness.

The video below shows the opinion of a professional on our issue:

On the World Wide Web, you can find a lot of "useful" advice on this topic. But it is not worth taking risks using unverified means, the probability of damage to the dental structure is too high.

Chemicals like peroxide or vinegar are categorically not suitable for this purpose. Baking soda has no noticeable effect. But natural lemon juice does a good job of whitening and does not damage the surface of the product. To clean the prosthesis from ingrained plaque, the tooth powder is diluted with fresh juice to a mushy state, applied and left for 30 minutes.

Now you know how to properly care for removable dentures. Let's summarize the above: care of dentures should be regular, the service life of the products, as well as your health and well-being, directly depend on this.

Features of use

Plastic dentures require careful and careful handling. One of the basic rules of operation is the exclusion of solid and viscous products. It is not allowed to eat nuts, chewing gum, stretching sweets. It is also important to protect the structure during removal, to prevent falling, otherwise it is fraught with breakage. During cleaning, hold removable dentures over soft surfaces, over a container of water or a towel.

If the structure is broken, you need to contact specialists who can fix it, or tell you how to glue it yourself (if the breakdown is minor). And in order to extend the life of the structure, it is necessary to follow certain rules for caring for the product.

How is the care procedure

How to properly care for products? The main principles include:

If you properly care for removable dentures, the duration of operation is significantly increased, and the development of possible diseases of the oral cavity is also prevented. Plastic for dentures darkens quickly, so cleansing must be comprehensive.

The care products also include dental glue. It is often used to fix structures. Thanks to it, a thin layer is created between the gum and the device, and this is a reliable protection against the penetration of food particles, plaque, and prevention of rubbing of the gums. Such options are also suitable if prosthetics are used using removable ivocap structures. They are easy to use and have their pros and cons.

The need for hygienic treatment

When wearing removable dentures in the oral cavity, the process of natural self-cleaning is disrupted. Patients using these designs for a long time sometimes notice bad breath and a change in the taste of familiar foods.

These two signs indicate that food remains are stuck under the prosthesis and are not cleaned out. In addition to a putrid odor, stuck food pieces can cause gum inflammation or sores.


During the first week, a person gets used to wearing a prosthesis. Recommendations on keeping it clean will help facilitate this process. Dentists identify several ways to care for removable dental products.

Washing with water

Daily rinsing in boiled water is the simplest and easiest way. It is enough to put the prosthesis in a glass of water at night. In the morning the product will be ready for use again.

It is important to use boiled water here, because it contains fewer microorganisms and bacteria.

Using this method, it is worth remembering that boiled water is not able to perfectly eliminate pollution. It will perfectly remove food debris, but will not cope with dental deposits. Often, other means are used in conjunction with this method.

The use of special solutions

Pharmacies sell antiseptic liquids and special tablets. Antiseptic liquid does not require additional dilution. It is enough to lower the product into it for half an hour. Under the influence of means of pollution and microbes will disappear without a visible trace.

Cleaning with special solutions must be carried out every day.

To turn the tablet into a solution, you need half a glass of boiled water. Dip the prosthesis for 20 minutes in the resulting solution, and then remove it and rinse with clean water. The cost of tablets varies between 250 - 400 rubles per pack of 30 pieces.

Toothpastes and brushes

Caring for removable structures with the usual hygiene products (paste and brushes) resembles the usual procedure for brushing your teeth. But such a mechanical effect is the best way to remove plaque.

Particular attention should be paid to the cleaning brush. When choosing it, the following aspects will be important:

  • on the brush should be soft and hard bristles. Hard bristles are used to clean the product from the outside, and soft bristles are used to care for the inside;
  • best deal with pollution zigzag stubble;
  • soft round bristles.

It is necessary to remove the denture and apply toothpaste on it. Rub vigorously on each side of the structure for three minutes. Then rinse the product. This procedure must be carried out at least 2 times a day.

About proper care is described in detail in the video.

professional cleaning

Dentists recommend giving the prosthesis for professional cleaning about once every six months. This must be done because it is impossible to remove hard mineralized deposits at home.

Professional cleaning is carried out using a special brush and paste, which contains an increased concentration of abrasive components. After polishing, the prosthesis will look like new.

Popular folk recipe

You can clean a removable denture at home with tooth powder and lemon juice. The recipe is simple:

  1. Squeeze one-fourth of a lemon into a bowl and add a pinch of powder there.
  2. Apply the resulting mixture to the product and leave for 20 minutes.
  3. To enhance the cleaning effect will help the use of a toothbrush.
  4. After the procedure it is necessary rinse the orthopedic structure under running water.

Also overnight, you can leave the product in water with the addition of lemon juice. These actions will extend the life of the prosthesis and protect it from plaque.

General rules

By following the simple rules for the care of removable dentures, you will keep a pleasant and beautiful appearance of the structure for a long time.

  1. First rule- after each meal, it is required to remove the prosthesis and rinse it under running water from food debris.
  2. Second rule- Clean your mouth after eating. To do this, use a soft brush and paste. Remove clogged food from the mouth, walk the bristles over the gums, palate and tongue. In the event that your teeth are gone, change the brush for a gauze swab.
  3. Third rule– be sure to remove and clean the prosthesis at night. Cleaning can be done with soap or dish detergent. After that, rinse the structure well.
  4. All actions should be performed carefully. Do not use force when cleaning, as squeezing the product in your hand may cause deformation of the material.

Used tools and devices

Orthodontists make removable dentures in such a way that they correspond as closely as possible to the individual shape of the patient's alveolar process. At rest, these structures are fixed by special elements.

But when chewing and talking, additional means of fixation are required, and to extend the service life, means that care for them.

Fixing strips

Most often, fixing strips are prescribed by dentists to patients with bite pathologies. It is also useful to use this tool while getting used to wearing a removable prosthesis.

The main purpose of the strips is to fix the structure. Another task is to prevent damage to the gums.

It is necessary to immerse the strip in water for a few seconds, and then attach it to the prosthesis. With strips, the device will be firmly fixed in the mouth.

Fixing cream

This tool is convenient because, unlike the gel, it is easier to dose. Orthopedic dentists prescribe fixation creams for patients who experience excessive salivation.

Apply this tool to the lower segment of the prosthesis. In the instructions, manufacturers guarantee fixation from 12 to 24 hours.

Special powder

Powders are prescribed to patients with low salivation. To fix the structure, it is necessary to pour the powder in a thin layer. It sets firmly, but its disadvantage is the difficulty of uniform distribution.

Soluble tablets

Tablets help to get rid of dental deposits on removable dentures due to active ingredients that disinfect and deodorize its surface. Normal cleaning takes about 20 minutes, but to achieve complete sterilization, you can leave the product in the solution overnight.

Denture brush

Bristles on both sides of varying degrees of hardness are designed for easy cleaning of the removable structure from the outside and inside. Allows you to prevent staining and the occurrence of dental deposits on the prosthesis.

Caring brush

The brush is a set of nozzles and holders. Sometimes there are non-separable options. They can also differ in the density of the bristles and the material from which the rod is made.

Means is intended for care of an oral cavity and a removable orthopedic product.


The device is designed to remove plaque from the prosthesis. Its impact is comparable to professional cleaning at the dentist. The device consists of a hydraulic pump, a liquid reservoir, replaceable cleaning nozzles and a power adjustment knob.


Dentists advise following several recommendations for whitening structures:

  1. First of all, they prohibit bleaching dentures with products that are intended for teeth. These drugs can harm the texture and change the color of the artificial product.
  2. Do not use traditional methods for prostheses and methods of bleaching. Now there are plenty of professional products in pharmacies that will not harm an expensive structure.
  3. An orthopedist will help you choose one or another preparation for whitening.


Since these are fragile products, it is very important to prepare a safe place for them to store them. It is also important to create conditions in which microbes cannot exist.

In a glass of water or in a special container, where many people leave the construction overnight, the prosthesis is quite comfortable. The liquid prevents the spread of microorganisms on its surface.

Modern removable dental products are made from various types of high quality plastics. Many of them are not afraid of exposure to dry air and can be left out of the liquid for several hours.

However, in order to know for sure the composition of the prosthesis, it is worth consulting with your doctor. He will suggest the means that will have the most successful effect on the product.

Unfortunately, sooner or later most people meet with prosthetics, striving to preserve the beauty of a smile and the integrity of the dentition. Restoration of defects resulting from the loss of teeth is carried out using fixed crowns and bridges, partially or completely removable dentures. This makes oral care more difficult. Foreign structures not only contribute to the accumulation of food residues and plaque on them, but also, due to the characteristics of the material, can be stained over time. In addition, prolonged contact of a large prosthetic bed (metal or plastic) with the oral mucosa can cause a violation of the natural cleansing mechanisms.

Depending on the design of the prosthesis, it is more or less capable of becoming contaminated. Crowns on single teeth do not create conditions for food debris and plaque to get under them, do not contribute to the development of caries (normal). If the marginal fit of the structure is broken and a gap appears between the edge of the crown and the gum, there are chances that. Cleansing this area is extremely important. Bridges have a chewing surface similar to that of healthy teeth: it has fissures, pits, and depressions. The accumulation of plaque occurs not only along the lower edge of the crowns, but also in such natural areas. In addition, in the region of the lateral molars (6th and 7th teeth), the salivary gland duct opens on the cheek. This area creates good conditions for deposition.

Removable dentures should be cleaned in the same way as the oral cavity itself - 2 times a day. After eating, it is necessary to remove the structures and rinse with water, rinse the mouth from food debris. The accumulation of plaque between the prosthetic bed and the mucosa can contribute to the development of chronic inflammation. A frequent disease in such cases is chronic atrophic candidiasis.

Items for the care of prostheses

At night, dentures should be soaked in a special solution.
  • First of all, it is worth noting special containers in which the prosthesis is left in a cleaning solution for several hours (most often overnight). There are devices for cleaning prostheses: Sonic Denture Cleaner, Ultravibra. They are containers into which the solution is poured and the prosthesis itself is placed. Additionally, such a container is equipped with an ultrasonic cleaning mechanism, it operates on batteries.
  • Bridge brushes have one long tuft of bristles (mono-tufted) or a “brush” shape to remove food debris from hard-to-reach places. Examples of such special brushes: Jordan, ROCS, President, Dr. Phillips, Fuchs, Paro Prothesen. Brushes for the care of removable structures have a wide and shorter handle compared to conventional brushes, a wide head with bristles.
  • Irrigators - devices for, under crowns, prostheses. The principle of their operation is based on the supply of a jet of water or a solution under pressure from a specific area. Good results are obtained by using an irrigator when caring for prostheses fixed on implants.

Hygiene products

Of course, you can clean the denture with regular toothpaste. But do not forget that the design of the prosthesis contains metals, alloys, and polymers that are different from dental tissues, which require special means to clean them. Hygiene procedures must be carried out regularly, avoiding a long interval. Halitosis - often occurs for the first time just after prosthetics with a lack of hygiene. Special tools have been developed for cleaning prostheses.

Effervescent tablets

They dissolve in water in a special container, coloring the solution blue or greenish. The mechanism of their cleansing action is associated with substances that dissolve plaque and food residues and released active oxygen. After complete dissolution of the tablet after 2-5 minutes, the prosthesis is left for several hours in the solution, be sure to rinse it with water before use. Examples of such products: effervescent tablets Lacalut Dent, ROCS, Dentipur Cleansing, Fittydent Cleansing, COREGA, Protefix, President, Dontodent Intensiv Reiniger.

Denture cleaning gels

The gel is applied to a removable prosthesis outside the oral cavity, cleaned with a brush, then washed with water. Such products, as a rule, contain sodium bicarbonate (soda), acids, enzymes. Example: Dentipur Gel.

Tooth powders

Dentures that have changed their color over time due to contact with food dyes, drinks, nicotine resins require a stronger impact. Tooth powders contain strong abrasives suitable for such purposes. It is necessary to apply a little powder on the prosthesis and clean it with a damp brush, rinse with water before use.

Rules for the care of prostheses

After each meal, rinse your mouth and thoroughly clean your dentures.
  • Fixed restorations should be cleaned in the same way as healthy teeth. More careful care is required for areas of natural depressions (fissures and fossae), the lingual surface of the lower front teeth, and the buccal surfaces of the upper lateral molars. The movements of the brush are made from the gums to the edge of the crowns, “sweeping out” plaque and food debris.
  • Rinse your mouth with water and rinse your removable denture after every meal.
  • Store the prosthesis in a special container, use daily cleaning solution and specialized products.
  • You should carefully handle the structure to prevent breakage, do not exert excessive pressure on the prosthesis, do not bend the clasp, use special brushes.
  • In the event of inflammation in the place where the prosthetic bed is in contact with the mucous membrane, it is better to remove the prosthesis for a while. Carry out its thorough disinfection, treat the irritated surface with antiseptics (hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine) and wound healing agents (oils, Solcoseryl, Holisal). There is a special Dentipur Oil with chamomile to relieve gum irritation caused by dentures.

Any prosthesis needs to be replaced sooner or later. The more carefully the patient cares for him, the longer the design will serve its owner. Prosthesis care is a mandatory hygienic procedure, for which you can use specially designed tools and objects, or use the usual paste and brush. The main thing is to maintain freshness and cleanliness in the oral cavity, then many problems and unpleasant sensations can be avoided.

If for some reason a person has lost his teeth, then after contacting the dental clinic, he will be offered to eliminate the problem with the help of removable structures. Today, such products are very comfortable to wear, and others will not even notice that they are not real. But you can save their appearance only if you know how to clean dentures at home. With permanent removable teeth will serve you for a long time.

How to clean at home? This question is quite relevant today, because it is important to choose the method that will allow you to get a stunning effect without harming the product.

mechanical cleaning

Most often, darkening on removable teeth occurs due to plaque. It can appear on both artificial and natural teeth. The reason for its formation is insufficiently thorough cleaning. Plaque is formed from food debris, dead cells, bacteria. Since the surface of the denture is rough, it easily absorbs dyes from food, drinks, and tobacco. Plaque covers a large surface of the tooth enamel and creates a feeling as if the design has darkened, although its original color remains the same.

You can clean up such a darkening yourself using the mechanical method. For these purposes, you need to stock up on a toothbrush. At the same time, the rigidity of its bristles should be greater than that of the one that you usually use. Before cleaning, the prosthesis should be wetted with warm water. You can put some bacteriological agent there to remove all the bacteria present on the prostheses. Thus, it will be possible to destroy the formed plaque a little.

Next, take the brush in your hands and start cleaning. You can use a small amount of tooth powder. This will also allow you to get the maximum result from the cleaning process. Such actions should be performed at least once every 2 weeks. In addition, do not forget about daily brushing with a softer brush.

If you clean plastic structures, then you need to be extremely careful. Plastic is a material that is very easy to scratch. Then the plaque will accumulate even faster than it was before cleaning.

professional tools

Cleaning dentures at home can be done using professional tools. The range of whitening compositions today is quite wide. Almost all companies that specialize in the production of oral hygiene products are engaged in their manufacture.

Release such drugs in the form. They need to be lowered into a glass of warm water so that they dissolve, and then lower the dental structures. In some cases, dentures can be left in the solution overnight. The role of the main components of these drugs are antiseptic substances. They allow you to effectively cope with bacteria, thereby removing plaque.

In addition, professional products disinfect dental structures, protect them from the appearance of dark plaque, the harmful effects of bacteria, and give freshness to the breath. The composition of some products has polymeric components. Thanks to them, the prostheses are covered with an invisible film. It protects them from subsequent raid concentration for another couple of weeks. It is necessary to carry out such cleaning once a week.

In the production of these funds, the following components are required:

  • Oxidizers;
  • Carbonates;
  • Chelates;
  • Detergents.

Manufacturers of denture cleaning tablets

The combination of these components contributes to the rapid and effective elimination of dark plaque. Among the large assortment of tablets for dentures, the following are very popular:

  1. tabs. The product is based on a silicone polymer. Thanks to him, microorganisms do not settle on the surface of the prosthesis. This component forms an invisible film that serves as protection against plaque and bacteria. Using these tablets, it is possible to maintain the original appearance and cleanliness of the structure.
  2. Dentipur. The drug is based on components that directly affect plaque, while not harming the structure itself. The composition has citric acid, chloride and sodium compounds.
  3. Dentipur Cleansing Tablets. These tablets are perfect for removing plaque and leaving marks. After cleaning, the denture returns to its original appearance without harm to the material.
  4. Dontodent Intensive-Reiniger Tabs. This drug effectively removes not only plaque, but also gives the design freshness and mint aroma. This result is achieved due to the influence exerted by active oxygen.
  5. MyoClean. The action of the tablets is aimed at eliminating bacteria, which creates an obstacle to the formation of plaque and dark complications on the surface of the structure. The drug effectively eliminates unpleasant odors, as it has a refreshing effect.
  6. president. The tablets of this manufacturer are characterized by high efficiency and instant action in the fight against deposits.
  7. . Thanks to the components that make up the preparation, it is possible not only to eliminate plaque, but also to protect the prosthesis from the accumulation and reproduction of bacteria. Tablets can be used for stomatitis, the formation of which is associated with the wearing of a prosthesis. Also, the drug effectively removes dark plaque and an unpleasant odor. Does not adversely affect metal clasps.
  8. VITIS Orthodontics. The drug effectively eliminates dark plaque and stains of various origins. In addition, the action of these tablets is aimed at disinfecting the surface of the product.
  9. Parocare. When developing the drug, a special composition was used, which reliably protects against the occurrence of plaque. If they are used to clean dentures at home, then you can not be afraid of caries. This effect is achieved due to the presence of tin and zinc fluorides in the composition.
  10. Protefix. The composition contains active oxygen, the effect of which is aimed at eliminating many pathogenic bacteria in hard-to-reach places. In this case, the color of the structure does not change at all.
  11. Lacalut Dent. The action of the drug is aimed at disinfecting the denture. After processing, all food residues dissolve, and the dark plaque disappears. Tablets effectively fight infection in the oral cavity.
  12. Polident. The product has a unique composition, thanks to which you can remove plaque from tea and coffee. Due to the absence of abrasive particles in the composition, it is possible to preserve the surface of the structure and ensure high-quality cleaning.

How to clean dentures at home: folk remedies

How can you clean dentures at home, except for expensive drugs. These are proven folk remedies. All of them will come to your aid if you don’t have any preparations and other cleaning compounds at hand.

Cleaning dentures with folk remedies includes the following popular methods:

  1. Use of vinegar. It is necessary to lower the dental structure into a glass of vinegar and keep it there for 2 hours. But it is often not recommended to use this cleaning option, because vinegar has a very detrimental effect on the strength of the denture.
  2. Tooth powder and lemon. Take ¼ lemon, squeeze the juice and combine with tooth powder. Spread the mixture on the denture and keep for 20 minutes. After that, clean the product with the same powder. Rinse thoroughly under running water.
  3. You can add a little lemon juice or mouthwash to the water where the dentures are stored. This will protect the structure from plaque and ensure their cleanliness for a long time.
  4. Alkaline sodium hypochlorite. Cleaning removable dentures at home with this product will keep the product white and stain-free. Alkaline sodium hypochlorite effectively removes stains and reduces the possibility of bacterial growth on dentures. This is achieved as a result of oxidation, due to which the bond of the colored molecule is broken, it becomes colorless. To prepare the solution, you need to take a closed container, add 10 ml of normal whiteness and 200 ml of water. Place the dental structure there for 5 minutes. Rinse well with plain water. You can use another solution, for which take 20 ml of Dentural cleaning product and dissolve it in a glass of water. The dentures should be in the solution for about 10 minutes. Be sure to rinse with plain water afterwards.
  5. Microwave. If dental structures do not have metal inserts, then you can put them in the microwave. To perform the procedure, place the product in a cleaning solution and turn on the microwave for 2 minutes. After the specified time, harmful microorganisms will die, and dirt and food debris will not remain on the dental structure.

Installing dentures does not mean that you need to forget about them completely. They, like their teeth, require careful care. Simple methods that are available to absolutely every home will help maintain the whiteness of the structure and extend its service life. In addition to daily treatment with a special solution, it is necessary to use special pastes and tablets that have an antibacterial effect.

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Can be easily taken out of the mouth and cleaned. There are several ways to do this. However, the effectiveness of cleaning removable dentures will depend on the use of all methods in combination.

Washing with water

This is the most affordable way to clean dentures from food residue immediately after eating. It is recommended to use boiled water, as tap water may contain harmful microorganisms. But only simple washing is not enough for high-quality cleaning of prostheses.

Processing with special solutions

This method involves immersing the prostheses in an antiseptic liquid for a while. Such solutions for dentures are sold ready-made or in the form of a tablet that must be dissolved in water. Treatment with disinfectant solutions allows you to get rid of bacteria, as well as residues of glue or cream that are used to fix removable dentures.

Cleaning removable dentures

It is carried out for a more thorough removal of accumulated plaque using mechanical action with a toothbrush in combination with a special paste for dentures. Brushing of dentures with a brush is recommended simultaneously with rinsing with water or before immersion in an antiseptic solution.

If the methods listed above do not allow for high-quality cleaning of the prosthesis, then it is necessary to take the prosthesis to a dental clinic for professional cleaning and removal of hard deposits. Orthopedists strongly recommend that removable dentures be cleaned once every six months. However, this rule also applies to professional hygiene of the entire oral cavity.

All of the above methods are also applicable in the care of partially removable structures, for example, clasp prosthetics. Also, removable dentures care products include fixing glue or cream used for a tighter fit to the gums and redistribution of chewing load. The denture adhesive creates an airtight cushion, thereby preventing food from entering and rubbing the gingival mucosa.

Storage of removable dentures

A few words should be said about the storage of removable dentures. Many mistakenly believe that at night they must be placed in a glass of water or a solution. The fact is that earlier removable dentures were made of rubber, which dried out and cracked in the air. Such prostheses did require immersion in liquid during sleep. Modern removable orthopedic structures are made from special plastics - acrylic or nylon. It is not recommended to remove dentures from the oral cavity at night for faster getting used to it and preventing displacement of the articular heads of the jaws.

Caring for fixed dentures

Dental implants, crowns, dental bridges, adhesive bridges and veneers cannot be removed on your own. Such fixed structures become part of the dentition and are subject to the same accumulation of bacteria as natural teeth. Here are the main tools and methods used to clean fixed dentures:

Using brush and paste

Artificial structures in the oral cavity should be cleaned at least twice a day, preferably after each meal. The technique for cleaning fixed dentures with a toothbrush is the same as for other teeth - the movements of the bristles should be “sweeping”, that is, go from the gums towards the crown of the tooth. Particular attention should be paid to the place of contact of the structure with the gum, where the greatest accumulation of plaque is usually observed.

"Water shower" with an oral irrigator

If you follow the rules for daily brushing your teeth, then after exposure to a brush, it is necessary to clean the interstitial spaces with floss. If there are crowns or veneers in the oral cavity, it is worth refusing to floss, replacing it with an oral irrigator. When using floss, there is a risk of catching the prosthesis at the attachment site and causing it to break. The pressure of the water jet from the irrigator sweeps away all food debris and soft plaque from places that are hard to reach for a brush, without harming fixed orthopedic structures. In addition, the irrigator stimulates blood circulation in the gums, having a positive effect on their condition.

Rinsing with antiseptic solutions

Such a liquid can be given through an oral irrigator, or the patient will rinse in the usual way. The action of the antiseptic solution is aimed at removing the remaining microbes and disinfecting the surface of the denture.

Professional cleaning in dentistry

Fixed structures in the oral cavity require regular (once every six months) cleaning from solid deposits. Any dentures, whether they are removable or non-removable, are a favorable place for the development of pathogenic microorganisms. There is an opinion that ceramic-metal prosthetics have less resistance to plaque formation than all-ceramic prostheses, but in any case, oral hygiene must be observed. The accumulation of plaque provokes the formation of bad breath, bringing discomfort to the wearer of the prosthesis. And this is the most harmless consequence of the lack of hygiene. Competent, correct and timely care of dentures will increase their service life from the moment of installation and prevent the development of various dental diseases.



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