How to treat acute sore throat. Treatment of sore throat with folk remedies at home

With this disease, the tonsils become inflamed, which brings a person serious discomfort and pain when swallowing, talking, and in severe cases, even when breathing. Treatment of tonsillitis requires surgery: then it will be possible to do without antibiotics and other serious drugs.

How to treat a sore throat

This disease can only be contracted from the outside. It does not live in the body for years, waiting for the immune system to weaken. Infection with a sore throat is possible only by getting streptococcus inside the body. From this we can conclude that the exacerbation chronic tonsillitis and sore throat is various pathologies, despite the similarity of their symptoms. How to determine inflammation of the tonsils? This is indicated following signs:

  • lymph nodes become enlarged and begin to hurt (under the jaw, near the bottom of the ear);
  • body temperature rises;
  • signs of intoxication are noticeable (sweating, weakness, headache, chills, loss of appetite);
  • The tonsils become red, swollen, and covered with pus.

There are several types of the disease, each has a specific nature of development, but they all manifest themselves in approximately the same way. Thus, fungal tonsillitis is caused by an infection - a fungus of the genus Candida in symbiosis with cocci. As a result, the patient begins to experience inflammation of the lymphatic pharyngeal ring and palatine tonsils. On the latter, a whitish purulent coating will be noticeable due to the proliferation of a fungal pathogen.

Often, the fungal form of pathology accompanies other viral diseases such as influenza or ARVI, and develops as a result of prolonged treatment with antibiotics, which causes dysbacteriosis against the background of weakened immunity. In fact, a violation of the microflora is the main cause of the development of this disease, so treatment should primarily be aimed at eliminating dysbiosis.

On initial stage tonsillitis is an inflammatory process in the lymphadenoid ring of the pharynx. The secondary stage of pathology occurs as a consequence of previous infectious diseases such as scarlet fever or diphtheria, causing damage circulatory system and tonsils. At each stage, the presence of certain infections is recorded. Home treatment for throat is fast and effective only when combined various drugs, including antibiotics, folk remedies

Treatment of sore throat in adults at home

The doctor prescribes pills and local medications to a patient with a sore throat and advises regularly performing certain manipulations that help quickly cure purulent and viral sore throat. Treating a throat at home in adults involves:

  • taking vitamins;
  • frequent drinking;
  • bed rest;
  • refusal of physical activity;
  • frequent rinsing of the mouth with special solutions;
  • taking anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics;
  • local treatment.

In the treatment of sore throat important role care and nutrition plays:

  1. The food consumed should be soft, or preferably liquid, so as not to injure the mucous membrane of the throat.
  2. You should not drink hot tea, so as not to provoke blood flow to the inflamed area of ​​the larynx.
  3. Since the disease is contagious, it is necessary to isolate the patient, frequently carry out wet cleaning and ventilate the room.
  4. Drinking regime should be strengthened - this is important for the speedy removal of decay products from the body and replenishment of lost fluid due to excessive sweating.

Treatment of sore throat in children

Young children get sick more often than adults because their immunity is not yet fully developed. To cure them quickly, it is important to start therapy at early stage tonsillitis. Otherwise, there is a high probability of developing complications such as kidney inflammation, rheumatism, and heart disease. Not all drugs and folk remedies used by adults are suitable for children. How to treat sore throat in children? The independent use of antibiotics is strictly prohibited: a viral disease cannot be treated with their help, and only a doctor can determine the nature of the pathology.

In a matter of choice suitable treatment For a child, the doctor determines the form of the disease, which can be:

  • catarrhal(the mildest form, in which the throat is red, but clear, does not hurt much);
  • lacunar or follicular(dangerous forms that are difficult to cure, characterized by the presence of purulent spots on the tonsils).

For catarrhal sore throat, the doctor prescribes a throat spray such as Hexoral, Ingalipt or Tantum Verde. In addition, rinsing with herbal infusions (with the addition of chamomile, calendula, eucalyptus), and taking syrups may be indicated. At the same time, it is forbidden to lubricate the child’s throat with Lugol, kerosene or iodine - these products destroy the protective film on the tonsils, which contributes to a faster infection. Antiviral drugs are prescribed only for the viral type of disease: the most effective among them are Viferon, Ergoferon, Tsitovir.

For follicular tonsillitis A high temperature is typical, so the doctor prescribes antipyretics to the baby. In addition, in this case, antibacterial therapy is prescribed (the course of treatment is 5-7 days). The lacunar form of the disease can be cured in the same way as the follicular form - with antibiotics, which are selected by the doctor based on test results. Additionally, gargles and antihistamine tablets are prescribed to reduce swelling of the mucous membrane.

How to treat a sore throat

You can quickly recover from a sore throat only with the combined use of medications and folk remedies, and therapeutic measures should be taken from the very beginning of the disease. This disease is not a simple cold, but an inflammation that can significantly worsen a person’s health and lead to irreversible consequences. How to quickly cure a throat? The correct answer will only be given by an otolaryngologist, who will determine the extent and nature of the disease.

Antibiotics for sore throat in children

Antibacterial therapy is prescribed to prevent the development dangerous complications affecting vital organs - heart, kidneys. After examination and tests, the doctor prescribes an antibiotic that can effectively fight the infection. Parents should remember that the consequences of a sore throat are many times more dangerous than the side effects from the use of antibacterial drugs. What antibiotic can a doctor prescribe for a child with a sore throat?

  • Doxycycline;
  • Ecoclave;
  • Amosin/Amoxon;
  • Cefadroxil;
  • Clindamycin;
  • Sumamed;
  • Bicillin, Ave.

Medicines for sore throat in adults

You need to be treated with medications prescribed by your doctor, otherwise you can harm your health even more. At home effective therapy implies a set of measures. How to cure a sore throat quickly:

  1. Broad-spectrum antibiotics (penicillin group or macrolides). If the causative agent of the pathology is streptococcus, take Ampicillin or Amoxicillin. If these drugs are ineffective, the doctor writes a prescription for Sumamed.
  2. Antipyretic medications. At elevated temperatures, use aspirin, analgin or paracetamol. The drugs also help reduce pain.
  3. Vitamin complexes. They help support weakened immunity and replenish balance necessary for the body microelements during the course of an illness, when due to lack of appetite he does not receive many components.

How to gargle at home

An effective way to quickly cure a throat is to gargle with antiseptics. This prevents the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria on the mucous membrane and relieves swelling. How can you gargle at home? For this purpose, as a rule, Miramistin or Furacillin are used. In addition, an effective remedy is a salt-soda solution, which is prepared by diluting in a glass warm water 1 tsp each these substances and adding the same amount of apple cider vinegar (9%). At the same time, it is not enough to gargle once a day - you need to do this often, approximately every 50-60 minutes.

Throat spray for sore throat

This form of drugs can be used for the treatment of both adults and children over 3 years of age. Sprays help to quickly cure a sore throat because they have antifungal, antiseptic and disinfectant properties. Chronic tonsillitis and acute form sore throats can be treated by the following means(in tandem with antibiotics):

    Preparations for sore throat have proven themselves to be effective in the treatment of sore throat. local application- lozenges and lozenges, with drugs being more effective complex composition. For example, the drug Anti-Angin® Formula tablets/lozenges, which include vitamin C, as well as chlorhexidine, which has a bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect, and tetracaine, which has a local anesthetic effect. Due to its complex composition, Anti-Angin® has a triple effect: it helps fight bacteria, relieve pain and helps reduce inflammation and swelling. (1,2)

    Anti-Angin® is available in a wide range of dosage forms: compact spray, lozenges and lozenges. (1,2,3)

    Anti-Angin® is indicated for manifestations of tonsillitis, pharyngitis and the initial stage of sore throat; this may be irritation, tightness, dryness or sore throat. (1,2,3)

    Anti-Angin® tablets do not contain sugar (2)*

    *With caution in case of diabetes mellitus, it contains ascorbic acid.

    1. Instructions for use of the drug Anti-Angin® Formula in lozenge dosage form.

    2. Instructions for use of the drug Anti-Angin® Formula in the dosage form of a lozenge.

    3. Instructions for use of the drug Anti-Angin® Formula in the dosage form of a dosed spray for topical use.

    There are contraindications. You need to read the instructions or consult a specialist.

  • Bioparox(contains local antibiotic in the composition, can be used for the throat and nose;
  • Hexoral(has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects);
  • Stopangin(this sore throat spray contains essential oils of mint, orange and eucalyptus, approved for use by children over 6 years old);
  • Ambassador(created on the basis of propolis, has an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effect);
  • Hexasprey(helps to quickly cure a sore throat due to its antiseptic properties, can be used even during pregnancy).

Treatment of sore throat at home with folk remedies

How to get rid of a sore throat quickly? To do this, it is important to carry out comprehensive treatment of the disease. Folk remedies for sore throat complement antibacterial therapy, so recovery occurs earlier. Thanks to rinses, inhalations, rubbing and compresses, the unpleasant symptoms of the disease disappear. How to quickly cure a sore throat with alternative medicine:

  1. Vodka compress. To cure a sore throat, soak a clean bandage, folded several times, in vodka. Place the cloth on the back and side of your throat, cover the compress with cling film on top and wrap a woolen scarf around your neck, leaving it overnight.
  2. Beet juice against sore throat. They need to gargle at least 3-4 times a day.
  3. Aloe juice for quick treatment of sore throat. If you have a sore throat, take this remedy three times a day, 1 tsp, diluted in a glass warm milk dream big amount honey
  4. Rinse aid. Dissolve 1 tsp in a glass of water. garlic juice and gargle with a sore throat with this solution at least 5 times a day.

Video: how to cure a throat in 1 day

How to treat a sore throat at home? Can rinsing, inhalations, compresses, etc. help? You can often hear and read various tips on the Internet, thanks to which people have coped with a sore throat without visiting a doctor or prescribing medications.

However, you need to know that sore throat is special disease, in which self-medication can lead to heart damage, joint and kidney diseases. In the article we will talk about which diseases can be treated at home and which can cause serious harm to health.

Sore throat is a disease that affects the tonsils located in the throat. Tonsils are organs of the lymphatic system designed to protect us from the invasion of infections.

Lymphatic system- the main stronghold of immunity, the protective forces of our body. It is she who is responsible for the production of special proteins - immunoglobulins, which can “recognize” strangers, as well as special cells (macrophages, lymphocytes, plasma cells, etc.), which can also recognize and destroy harmful agents, be they dangerous microbes or cancer cells. Without the lymphatic system, we would not survive in this world, falling victim to one or another bacteria or virus. That is why any problems that arise in this system inevitably lead to an increase in the body’s susceptibility to infections!

Such problems may arise as a result of:

  • microbial attack (for example, HIV),
  • oncological diseases,
  • , both one-time and permanent,
  • improper nutrition (for example,).

Clusters of lymphoid tissue (lymph nodes) are found in almost every corner of the body. But in some areas there are much more of them than in others. And one of these organs is the pharynx, where lymphoid tissue forms six tonsils- two paired (palatal and tubal), and two unpaired (lingual and pharyngeal). They unite in a ring, the task of which is to protect the body from the invasion of microbes that are contained in the air we breathe and in the food we eat.

How do tonsils work and why are they needed?

Most of the lymphatic structures in the body (lymph nodes, lymphoid tissue of the spleen, etc.) are not in direct contact with the environment - their protective function is “switched on” when foreigners enter the body, to destroy cells in which mutations have occurred - gene changes fraught with the development of cancer processes and disposal of own damaged cells.

There are only two organs where the lymphatic system “directly” comes into contact with microbes coming from the outside: the intestines, where clusters of lymphoid tissue called Peyer’s patches are located, and the pharynx. Due to the fact that in these places the lymphoid tissue comes close to the epithelium (the upper layer of the mucous membrane), Peyer's patches and tonsils are called lymphoepithelial formations.

The six tonsils that form the pharyngeal ring essentially maintain a “all-round defense”, being the first springboard on the path of microbes that enter the body along with air and food. The largest are the palatine tonsils (they are the ones most often affected by tonsillitis). In their thickness there are special channels (lacunae) into which clusters of lymphoid tissue called follicles open. It is in the follicles that cells are formed - (macrophages, lymphocytes, etc.) - combat units that have the ability to recognize and destroy strangers. Some of these cells remain inside the follicles and lacunae, and some come to the surface of the tonsils, coming into direct contact with harmful microbes.

Tonsils are pierced a huge amount circulatory and lymphatic vessels : this is important in order to timely deliver oxygen and nutrients to such important structures, as well as remove and neutralize toxic substances resulting from the death of microbes and the immune cells themselves. At the same time, precisely because of this feature, toxic substances that are formed during angina, as a result of the death of microbes and protective cells, are very quickly distributed throughout the body.

Located behind the tonsils cellulose(loose tissue in which fat cells predominate), and in close proximity to them are vessels – external and internal carotid arteries , carrying blood to the most important organs, including the brain. In some people, they are adjacent to the tonsils or even penetrate their thickness. It is important to know these features in order to understand how great the risk of developing a sore throat if not properly treated is: if pus breaks through the tonsil, an abscess (abscess) develops, and if the artery wall is involved in the process, pus can enter the bloodstream and affect the brain and other important organs .

Tonsils are equipped a large number of nerve endings– they have all types of sensitivity: pain, temperature, tactile (reaction to touch). During the inflammatory process, sensitivity worsens, so a sign of sore throat is severe pain in the throat and difficulty swallowing.

Thus, the protective function of the tonsils is associated with the work of a variety of mechanisms - when they all act harmoniously, pathogenic microbes located in the nasopharynx or entering it from the outside do not cause inflammation. They end up on the surface of the tonsils, meeting immune cells that destroy them. And decomposition products are safely disposed of, thanks to the high-quality work of the lymphatic system and excretory organs. Such processes occur in a healthy body constantly and do not affect our well-being in any way.

Why do structures that are created by nature itself to protect our body themselves become a springboard for the development of the disease?

Causes of sore throat or why tonsils become inflamed?

In what situations do our brave defenders stop coping with their task?

This may occur as a result of the action local factors :

  1. If there is a source of chronic infection in the nasopharynx: a carious tooth, etc., the tonsils will be constantly exposed to microbes and toxins, which gradually depletes their protective resources.
  2. Factors that weaken local protection also include smoking and alcohol, which regularly irritate the mucous membrane, and inhalation of polluted air.
  3. Mechanical damage from poorly chewed food, thermal (temperature) - consumption of cold (if there is no habit of drinking them) or hot drinks, etc.

Under the influence of local factors, the cells of the mucous membrane of the tonsils, as well as the deeper lymphatic structures, die - and the microbes do not encounter protection on the way, but, on the contrary, find themselves in a favorable environment for rapid reproduction.

  1. - this is the reason for the lack of microvibrations created by contractions of muscle cells (myofibrils) and necessary to ensure an uninterrupted process of nutrition and waste disposal of all cells and systems of the body (you can read more about the phenomenon of microvibrations here).
  2. , lack of sleep, presence metabolic disorders, chronic diseases - all these factors lead to a decrease in overall immunity and disruption of the lymphatic system.
  3. Poor nutrition, for example, leads to an overload of the lymphatic system with protein breakdown products and a deterioration in its functioning.

Under these conditions, a small shock is enough - an encounter with a source of infection, hypothermia or other damage - for the tonsils to become the basis for the development of inflammation. Moreover, the worse the initial background against which the inflammatory process develops, the lower the immunity, microvibration background, and therefore the ability of the lymphatic system to utilize decay products, the more severe the disease will be.

What causes inflammation in the tonsils? Pathogens of the disease.

The culprits of inflammation in the tonsils can be a variety of microbes - viruses, bacteria, fungi. Symptoms such as redness in the throat, pain when swallowing, swollen lymph nodes, fever, are observed with scarlet fever, mononucleosis, diphtheria, syphilis, etc. Similar signs are found in such dangerous conditions as leukemia (blood cancer), agranulocytosis (a disease caused by which Bone marrow stops producing blood cells), etc.

Depending on what caused the disease, you can see a different picture in the throat. So, with inflammation caused by the herpes virus, characteristic small blisters will be visible on the tonsils, with fungal infection– a cheesy white-yellow coating, which, as a rule, also covers the mucous membrane oral cavity and language. With diphtheria, plaque is observed in the form of a film, firmly soldered to the surface of the tonsils. In a patient with agranulocytosis, ulcers form on the tonsils, and the plaque has a dirty gray color.

Changes in the pharynx are complemented by other symptoms that make it easier to recognize the disease. Thus, with scarlet fever a characteristic rash appears, with diphtheria - severe damage to the body by toxins, which can cause a fatal condition - infectious-toxic shock, etc. Thus, inflammation in the throat can be a sign of a variety of diseases, so redness in the throat is always a reason to consult a doctor so as not to miss the development of a dangerous disease.

Today, there are many classifications that take into account the cause of inflammation in the tonsils (, etc.), the form of the disease (,), and the severity of the process (acute,). You can view the detailed classification of the disease.

In this article, we are talking, first of all, about how to treat a sore throat at home, which doctors call vulgar (ordinary).

The causes of classic “vulgar” sore throat are bacteria. In most cases, the culprit of the disease is streptococcus (the full name of the pathogen is group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus). This microbe is the cause of many diseases, including scarlet fever, erysipelas etc. Less commonly, the disease is caused by other pathogens, for example, staphylococcus.

How does the bacterium enter the body? Sometimes as a result of infection through contact with a sick person. But much more often, the cause of inflammation of the tonsils is streptococcus, which already lives in our body, including on the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx. When the tonsils perform their functions properly, when there are no malfunctions immune system in general, the microbe does not exhibit its dangerous properties - we remain healthy.

If the protective barriers collapse (resulting in favorable conditions, which were discussed earlier - chronic infections, sedentary lifestyle life, damaging factors and bad habits, unhealthy diet, stress), the bacterium is activated and causes inflammation in the tonsils. The same structural features that make tonsils effective body protection - loose structure, abundance of blood and lymphatic vessels, the presence of lacunae - turn them into a base for the development of infection. Bacteria multiply on the surface of the tonsils, causing inflammation of the mucous membrane, swelling and redness - this is the so-called.

When bacteria penetrate the follicles, the main place of formation of protective cells, pus is formed as a result of the death of microbes and immune cells. It breaks through to the surface of the tonsils - when examining the pharynx, a plaque in the form of white islands is visible on the inflamed and swollen surface of the tonsils - this is how it develops.

In addition, lacunae are a convenient place for microbes to multiply: in this situation, it occurs, with the formation of purulent plaque in the lacunae.

Symptoms of classic “vulgar” sore throat

With a disease such as tonsillitis, symptoms can be divided into two groups - local and general. When the bacteria that cause the disease attack the tonsils, an inflammatory process develops at the site of their invasion. Any inflammation in the body has five manifestations: redness, swelling, pain, fever and impaired function. All these signs of inflammation are also observed with angina.

How to distinguish a sore throat from ARVI?

Causes of sore throat such as herpes virus, fungus, diphtheria, and blood diseases are quite rare. Much more often, the symptoms of a sore throat are confused with signs of respiratory viral infections.

It is on this confusion that the myths are based that this disease can be cured without antibiotics, which is why you can so often hear the phrase “I had a sore throat, treatment at home quickly helped,” and then follows a description of one or another technique - they say , gargled with such and such a solution or herbal decoction, took an inhalation - and the disease went away. Indeed, inflammation of the tonsils, which develops against the background of ARVI, will go away on its own - in most people, the immune system will cope with a viral infection in the nasopharynx within a week.

Why is this misconception dangerous? The fact is that if this recommendation is followed by a person who has a real bacterial sore throat and tries to cope with the disease without antibiotics, the consequences can be very sad. So how can you avoid getting hooked? Let's look at the main differences between inflammation of the tonsils caused by streptococcus and inflammation in the pharynx caused by a viral infection.

  • With ARVI, redness in the throat is usually combined with other symptoms - runny nose, cough, red eyes. With angina, inflammation of the tonsils is the leading, main symptom.
  • Changes in the throat: with sore throat, the throat is bright red (“flaming throat”), the redness of the tonsils contrasts sharply with the surrounding tissues, the tonsils are enlarged, and plaque may be visible on them. With ARVI, the redness is not so pronounced; redness is observed not only on the tonsils, but also on the surrounding tissues and the back wall of the pharynx.
  • Intensity of sore throat. As the famous doctor E.O. Komarovsky, in order to distinguish a sore throat from inflammation in the throat due to a viral infection, you need to give the patient an apple or a cracker. If he can swallow it, it is a viral infection. Infection of the tonsils by respiratory viruses often manifests itself as discomfort, a feeling of “soreness,” while with a bacterial process caused by streptococcus, the patient experiences severe pain, which intensifies when swallowing.
  • Temperature – as a rule, during a viral infection it rarely exceeds 38-38.5 degrees Celsius. Angina is accompanied by a pronounced increase in temperature: with the follicular form of the disease - 39 and above, with lacunar - up to 40 degrees Celsius.
  • General condition - with a sore throat, the patient experiences severe weakness, headache, lethargy (which is associated with a large release of toxic substances into the blood), and with ARVI, the general condition most often does not suffer so significantly.

Before deciding how exactly to treat a sore throat at home, it is necessary to understand what kind of disease we are talking about - bacterial inflammation or ARVI. And on the basis of this, we can already determine treatment methods, some of which (for example, rinsing) can be used both to combat this disease and inflammation caused by viruses during a respiratory infection. However, in the first case they can only be considered as helper method in addition to antibacterial therapy.


Diagnosis of a sore throat includes collecting complaints, external examination of the neck (assessing the condition of the lymph nodes), examination of the pharynx and tonsils and surrounding tissues for signs of inflammation, plaque, etc.

Helps confirm the diagnosis laboratory examination, in particular, a general blood test. The doctor can also obtain information about the pathogen by conducting a bacteriological study - taking a swab from the throat and sown it on a nutrient medium.

Detailed information about diagnostic methods can be read.

The question often arises: which doctor should I contact to diagnose correct diagnosis. Recognize the first symptoms of a sore throat, assess the condition, prescribe necessary examination– all these are the responsibilities of a general practitioner (general practitioner, family doctor). If necessary, he can refer you for a consultation to an ENT doctor, an infectious disease specialist (for example, if you suspect scarlet fever, herpetic infection, etc.), as well as to a rheumatologist if there is a risk of complications (renal failure, rheumatic heart disease and joints), and also decide whether there are indications for hospitalization or whether treatment can be carried out at home.

Diagnosis of a child's sore throat is carried out by a pediatrician or family doctor.

Complications and consequences

Often people who try to cure a sore throat at home without going to the doctor or using antibiotics do not realize how dangerous this disease can be, how many serious complications can arise if it is treated incorrectly.

Complications after a sore throat may be due to the fact that the body cannot cope with the infection in the tonsils (including due to illiterate treatment), and it begins to spread to the surrounding tissues. This is how abscesses arise - inflammation of the tissue that is located behind the tonsils, and a more extensive inflammation - phlegmon. With these complications, a large concentration of toxic substances is released into the blood, which leads to sharp deterioration general condition.

Why is a sore throat dangerous? When the body fails to cope with an infection in the tonsils, a purulent process can invade the lymph nodes. A disease called purulent lymphadenitis develops. In this situation, the lymph nodes enlarge significantly, become tense and painful, and adhere to each other. If treatment (antibiotics, surgery) is not prescribed in time, the infection may spread throughout the body, damage to other organs (for example, the meninges with the development of meningitis), and the development of sepsis (blood poisoning). The development of streptococcal toxic shock may occur - in this case, severe poisoning of the body occurs with substances produced by bacteria, as well as products formed during their death. The brain, heart, and liver are affected, so this condition is life-threatening and requires immediate medical intervention.

The most serious complications include such consequences of angina as rheumatic damage to the heart and joints. The fact is that the proteins that make up the pathogen, streptococcus, are very similar to some structures of the cells of the heart, kidneys and joints. If the purulent process in the tonsils is not treated properly, the immune system has time to produce a large number of antibodies. And as a result of a malfunction in the immune system, they can begin to attack not only the streptococcus that caused the disease, but also their own tissues, that is, a so-called autoimmune reaction will develop (the body against the host). Dangerous complications of tonsillitis include diseases such as glomerulonephritis, in which antibodies attack the kidney tissue, and this can cause kidney failure, a condition in which the body stops excreting waste substances in the urine. As a result, decay products begin to accumulate and poison the body.

Another autoimmune disease that can develop if angina is not treated correctly is acute rheumatic fever, in which immune complexes damage joints with the development of arthritis, as well as heart tissue, which is fraught with the formation of heart valve defects, the occurrence of heart failure, which threatens to disrupt the blood supply to all organs.

It often happens that a person has already forgotten about the sore throat, and the immune system continues to destroy the body. All autoimmune diseases very difficult to treat - getting rid of them usually requires years of expensive treatment!

That is why it is important to understand that if a sore throat occurs, treatment at home should be mandatory is carried out under the supervision of a doctor - this will allow you to quickly cope with the disease and avoid general and local complications.

Treatment of catarrhal and purulent (follicular and lacunar) tonsillitis

What tasks should we solve when treating inflammation in the tonsils caused by an infectious process? First of all, this is destruction of the pathogen that caused the disease. If we're talking about about classic sore throat, the cause of which is bacteria, the basic treatment will be. For inflammation of the tonsils caused by fungi - antifungal drugs, with herpetic sore throat - antivirals and so on.

However, measures aimed at eliminating the infection will not help eliminate the background against which the disease arose: weakening of local and general immunity, “clogging” of the lymphatic system with decay products (which will only worsen after a severe infectious process in organism), . As a result, inflammation in the tonsils can become chronic, and repeated acute inflammations are also possible - relapse of tonsillitis. Therefore, the most important strategic task is to eliminate the unfavorable background, strengthen the body’s defenses, , cleansing the lymphatic system. Only with such an integrated approach will it be possible to not only cope with specific disease, but also to prevent recurrent cases of the disease.

The question often arises - how to quickly treat a sore throat at home? It is important to understand that no methods will allow you to cope with the disease in 2-3 days. The infectious process in the tonsils has a certain duration, its own stages of development and extinction. Therefore, even if you use the most competent and effective treatment, it takes at least 1-2 weeks to fully recover.

The basic method to combat the cause of inflammation in the tonsils caused by bacteria is to take antibiotics! It does not matter where the disease will be treated - at home or in a hospital, although in most cases hospitalization is not required. The doctor can decide to send the patient to the hospital if there is a risk of a complicated course of the disease, the development of general or local complications.

After starting treatment with antibiotics, the symptoms of the disease can disappear quite quickly: sometimes some relief can occur within a few hours after the medication is prescribed, and on the second or third day the patient’s well-being, as a rule, improves significantly. But this does not mean that you can stop treatment: in order to completely destroy the pathogen and prevent complications, you need a full course of antibiotics prescribed by a doctor - most often its duration is at least 7 days.

Inflammation in the tonsils caused by streptococcus can be quickly and effectively treated with antibiotics of the penicillin group: despite the fact that this microorganism causes a number of dangerous diseases, it very slowly develops resistance to traditional antibiotic therapy. Therefore, with proper treatment the disease will pass in short time. The attending physician must choose the right medicine and prescribe a full course that will help not only cope with the infection, but also avoid serious consequences.

To know detailed information You can learn about the features of the course and treatment of diseases caused by streptococcus in this video.

According to doctor E.O. Komarovsky, any antibacterial agents prescribed locally will not only not give the desired effect, but can also lead to aggravation of the situation. This is due to the fact that agents aimed at local action work only on the surface of the pharynx and do not penetrate into the tissue. In all forms of inflammation of the tonsils - catarrhal, follicular, lacunar - the bulk of bacteria is located deep in the tonsils. And here the medicine can only be delivered by getting into the blood, that is, if the antibiotic is prescribed in the form of tablets or injections (injections). External agents - be they lozenges or sprays - will only have an effect on the surface of the tonsils. Even if some microbes are destroyed, most of the pathogens will not be affected, but, on the contrary, will be able to form resistance to the drug.

In order to understand how to cure purulent sore throat at home, it is important to realize that the use of topical antibiotics also increases the risk of developing allergies. In addition, such an ineffective approach to treatment leads to loss of time - the disease progresses, and the risk of developing general and local complications increases. If the bacteria develop resistance due to topical use of antibacterial agents, their treatment in the future can be seriously difficult.

You can get detailed information about modern medical methods of treating sore throat, including the nuances of antibacterial therapy.

Effective treatment of sore throat at home

Creating optimal living conditions

When treating a sore throat at home, it is important to know about the need to create a favorable microclimate in the room where the patient is. So, if the patient breathes dry air, this leads to drying of the mucus on the tonsils, increasing the feeling of discomfort and pain. Besides, elevated temperature body leads to shortness of breath, which also contributes to drying out of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and pharynx.

Therefore, you need to make sure that the air in the room is moist and cool - the optimal air temperature in the room should be 18-20 degrees Celsius, and humidity - 50-70%. This can be achieved by adjusting the temperature of the radiators (automatic or manual); if this is not possible, it is suggested to cover the battery with a blanket: a decrease in air temperature leads to an increase in the moisture content in it. Special devices can also be used - humidifiers and home air washers. Their use allows you to humidify and partially purify the air in the room.

In addition, treatment purulent sore throat at home requires regular ventilation: the pathogen that causes the disease is released into the environment (especially in the first days of the disease: after starting to take antibiotics, the intensity of pathogen release quickly decreases). Ventilation reduces the concentration of microbes in the air, which reduces the risk re-infection and infection of others. In addition, in order to reduce the likelihood of contact-household transmission, which is also characteristic of this disease, it is recommended to do a daily wet cleaning in the room where the patient is located, and provide him with separate utensils for drinking and eating.

Also, at high temperatures, treatment for sore throat at home requires selecting the right clothes and bedding for the patient - things should be light and not interfere with sweating.

How and what to gargle with a sore throat?

There is an opinion that rinsing for a sore throat helps remove purulent plaque from the tonsils, eliminating pathogens and toxins that they secrete. But is this really so?

In fact, the peculiarity of the infectious process in this disease is that both the pathogens themselves and the purulent plaque are located in the thickness of the tonsils, in the follicles and lacunae. Therefore, a procedure such as gargling for a sore throat does not have a noticeable therapeutic effect, it does not make it possible to eliminate plaque and does not lead to a decrease in the concentration of microbes in inflamed tissues.

However, rinsing for sore throat can be used: according to doctor E.O. Komarovsky, the beneficial effect of this procedure is the moistening of the tonsils, the removal of dried mucus from their surface, which makes swallowing easier, reduces the feeling of discomfort and reduces pain in the throat.

What is the best way to gargle for a sore throat? Since the purpose of the procedure is precisely hydration, the best rinse is plain water without any additives, the temperature of which is close to body temperature. It will moisturize the tonsils, eliminate dried mucus, and make swallowing more comfortable.

Find out the opinion of E.O. Komarovsky about the essence of the procedure and hear recommendations on what you can gargle with a sore throat from this video.

Should I practice gargling with soda and salt for a sore throat? The use of this method will not give a pronounced therapeutic effect with sore throat.

At the same time, according to doctor Evgeniy Olegovich Komarovsky, if water does not seem to be a sufficiently effective remedy, it is permissible to use a soda solution to gargle for sore throat. To do this, dissolve 1 teaspoon of soda in 1 glass of water.

In addition, according to the doctor, you can gargle with a sore throat with a solution to which, in addition to soda, 2 drops of iodine are added. However, the doctor warns that you should not expect a noticeable therapeutic effect from the procedure: any additives in the water have a psychotherapeutic rather than a therapeutic effect.

Whatever medicinal properties the additives may have, their contact with the mucous membrane of the tonsils is too short for them to have an effect. In addition, as mentioned above, the pathogen that caused the process, as well as purulent deposits, are located in the thickness of the tonsils, where the solution cannot penetrate. Therefore, the answer to the question “what is the best way to gargle for a sore throat?” is plain water, which serves as an optimal means of hydration - the only beneficial effect of gargling.

Gargling with hydrogen peroxide for a sore throat is a method that is discussed in last years Quite a lot of information has appeared on the Internet, as well as in some printed publications. Hydrogen peroxide as a treatment for a variety of diseases is widely promoted by Professor I.P. Neumyvakin.

However, it must be remembered that the effectiveness and safety of such a method as the treatment of sore throat with hydrogen peroxide has not yet been supported by any clinical studies. Despite the fact that hydrogen peroxide is a recognized bactericidal agent that is used to treat open wounds, its ability to be used as a gargle remains a big question.

It is important to understand that rinsing with peroxide during a sore throat can lead to damage to the inflamed mucous membrane of the pharynx, the death of tonsil epithelial cells that perform a protective function, and as a result, a deterioration in well-being and progression of the disease. Therefore, we do not recommend using this gargle.

Medicines for gargling

In various sources you can find recommendations for the use of certain medications for gargling for inflammation of the tonsils, which have antiseptic properties. Thus, you can often find mention that gargling with chlorophyllipt for a sore throat will help to quickly cope with the disease.

In fact, the use of this remedy, as well as other drugs for local treatment of the disease, will not give the desired effect. Many of the proposed rinses contain alcohol, which has a drying effect on the mucous membrane, which adversely affects the well-being and course of the disease. In addition, herbal preparations (including chlorophyllipt) can cause allergic reactions. Therefore, before using any solution to gargle for a sore throat, you must first consult with your doctor to avoid side effects and complications.

It is also sometimes recommended to use herbs for gargling with sore throat - chamomile, sage, fennel, eucalyptus, etc. It is believed that the essential oils included in their composition will help speed up the healing process of the mucous membrane and soften inflammation. In fact, as we mentioned above, the time of contact of the decoction with the mucous membrane during rinsing is not enough to provide a therapeutic effect, moreover useful material cannot penetrate into the thickness of the tonsil tissue, where the inflammatory process occurs.

Therefore, any solutions herbal teas, gargling tablets for sore throat are in most cases a waste of money and time! After all, to achieve the desired effect - moisturizing the mucous membrane of the tonsils, it is enough to gargle with ordinary clean water!


Pharmacies sell various resorption products that contain antiseptic substances. However, their use will not bring any effect for sore throat, since the medicinal components will have an effect only on the surface of the tonsils, without affecting the inflammatory process in their thickness.

Why, when using them, can you feel a decrease in soreness in the throat and make swallowing easier? According to doctor E.O. Komarovsky, this effect is not associated with any medicinal properties of these drugs, but with the fact that when they are absorbed, saliva is released abundantly, which moistens the throat and makes swallowing easier. The same effect can be obtained by gargling with plain water.


Is it possible to do inhalations for a sore throat? There are many resources on the Internet that promote the use of such a method as inhalation. But are these procedures effective and, most importantly, safe in treating this disease?

If we talk about the most common steam inhalation among people - breathing over a container of hot water, to which soda, various herbs, essential oils, etc. can be added - then such a procedure is not only not an effective therapeutic measure, but can often cause serious consequences. harm to the patient! The low effectiveness is due to the fact that even if the steam contains certain healing components, their concentration is negligible. In addition, even those medicinal particles that enter the body will not have any effect on the inflammatory process occurring in the thickness of the tonsils.

At the same time, steam inhalations for sore throat can cause thermal damage and burns to the inflamed mucous membrane of the pharynx, which will adversely affect the course of the disease and can cause complications. The only one positive effect from the use of steam inhalation is the hydration of the tonsils. However, given the high risk of getting a burn to the mucous membrane during this procedure, you should not consider this technique as a means of treating the inflammatory process in the tonsils. It is much safer to take measures to humidify the air in the room, gargle and drink plenty of fluids.

Is it possible to do inhalation for a sore throat using various essential oils - so-called air inhalations? They are carried out using an aroma lamp and other evaporators, or substances are applied to the fabric and inhaled directly from its surface. On the one side, similar procedures safe - compared to inhaling hot steam. On the other hand, one cannot expect an effective therapeutic effect from them either, since the healing components will not be able to penetrate deep into the tonsils.

A method such as inhalation with a nebulizer for a sore throat is also not an effective way to treat the inflammatory process in the tonsils. As doctor E.O. says Komarovsky, when using this device, the medicine is sprayed into particles with a diameter of less than 10 microns - due to their small size, the elements of the drug cannot linger in the upper respiratory tract, including, they do not have any effect healing effect on the tonsils, but penetrate into the lower parts of the respiratory system (for the treatment of which, in fact, the nebulizer was developed).

Therefore, inhalation with a nebulizer for sore throat, on the one hand, does not pose a danger, unlike steam inhalation, but is also not an effective method of treating the disease. You can read more about the features of inhalations using a nebulizer.

Thus, for angina, inhalation, regardless of its type (steam, air, using a nebulizer), is not an effective and safe method and is therefore not recommended for use in complex treatment of this disease.


Is it possible to make a compress for a sore throat? A similar method of treating inflammation in the tonsils is often recommended on various Internet resources. Dressings are offered using an alcohol solution, vinegar, salt, potatoes, etc. It is believed that they can have an effect in treatment due to the fact that expansion occurs under the influence of heat blood vessels and improvement of blood flow in the tonsils.

In fact, a procedure such as compresses for a sore throat can lead to undesirable consequences– instead of improving the condition, you can get a worsening of the purulent process in the tonsils and the development of severe complications. This is due to the fact that warming and activating blood flow lead to the creation of favorable conditions for the proliferation of microbes that cause inflammation.

Therefore, a compress on the throat with a sore throat can provoke the development of abscesses, phlegmon, purulent lymphadenitis and other serious complications. In addition, stimulation of blood flow in the tonsils can lead to the spread of infection throughout the body and cause damage to other organs or even the development of sepsis (blood poisoning), which is a threat to the patient’s life.

Thus, compresses for purulent sore throat are not an effective and, most importantly, safe method of treating the disease, especially if we are talking about an acute inflammatory process, when there are purulent deposits and a high body temperature. Only competent antibacterial therapy allows you to quickly cope with the disease and avoid serious complications.

At the recovery stage, a compress for sore throat to improve blood flow and accelerate the regeneration processes of the mucous membrane is a safer method of treatment than at the beginning of the disease. However, a much better effect can be achieved with the help of vibroacoustic therapy, which allows you to provide a wide range of healing effects, including activation of metabolic processes in the tonsils, removal of toxic substances, stimulation of immune processes, etc.


In order not to often wonder what to do with a sore throat at home, it is necessary to take care of preventing the disease: measures to prevent the disease are especially relevant for those who experience inflammation of the tonsils more than once a year. Measures are needed to increase the body's defenses and strengthen the immune system.

What activities are important to prevent sore throat?


To summarize, I would like to focus on the key points discussed in the article.

  • IN normal conditions the body has sufficient resources to resist infection. If the tonsils perform their function, the lymphatic system copes with the removal of decay products, if all elements of the immune system are working fully, then encountering an infection does not lead to the development of the disease. That's why the most important task When treating a sore throat, it is not only the elimination of the infection, but also the elimination of the basic conditions that led to the disease: increasing the level of microvibration or replenishing its deficiency, cleansing the lymphatic system, strengthening the immune system, etc.
  • With a disease such as sore throat, symptoms and treatment at home depend on what exactly causes the sore throat. That is, in order to choose the right treatment method, it is important to understand what is causing the symptoms. If their occurrence is caused by a viral infection (in addition to a sore throat, there is a cough, runny nose, red eyes, etc.), inflammation in the throat is considered precisely as a manifestation of ARVI and is treated mainly without the use of antibiotics.
  • The only way quickly cure a sore throat at home (but not faster than 7-10 days) - when it comes to a disease caused by bacteria - is also, as well as taking additional measures: ensuring plenty of fluids, rational organization nutrition () and creating a favorable microclimate in the room.
  • When treating a sore throat caused by bacteria, antibiotics should be prescribed only in the form of tablets or injections, that is, systemically. Antibacterial agents used topically do not help cope with the disease, but only contribute to the formation of resistance of microorganisms to this medicine.
  • Even after the symptoms of a sore throat caused by bacteria begin to disappear during treatment with antibiotics - and this can happen within a few hours after starting their use - it is necessary to continue treatment. It is very important to complete the entire course prescribed by the doctor in order to completely destroy the pathogen. Even a small amount of bacteria (streptococci) remaining in the body can provoke the immune system to destroy its own tissues. As a result, such terrible complications, such as rheumatism, leading to joint damage and the formation of heart defects, glomerulonephritis, which threatens the development of renal failure. Also, throughout the entire period of treatment and recovery, it is important to use vibroacoustic therapy, which allows you to speed up the processes of tissue regeneration (restoration), as well as solve the strategic task of activating all the body’s protective resources, which will help avoid complications and prevent the recurrence of the disease.
  • Any local remedies - lozenges, solutions for gargling for sore throat, etc. will not help cope with the disease. Even if they contain useful components, they will not be able to penetrate deep into the tonsils, where the pathogen is located. The ease of swallowing that is observed with their use is associated with hydration of the tonsils: thus, when the tablets are absorbed, intense formation of saliva occurs, wetting the throat and making swallowing easier. Also, the purpose of rinsing is to moisturize the tonsils and remove dried mucus from their surface.
  • Fast treatment sore throat at home cannot be achieved by using inhalations and compresses: these procedures will not give the desired therapeutic effect, at the same time their use can cause a deterioration of the condition (burns from steam inhalations, activation of the purulent process in the tonsils with compresses) and the development of complications.


Is sore throat contagious?

Doctors often hear the question: can you get a sore throat from a sick person? Despite the fact that in this disease, inflammation of the tonsils is caused by a microbe (most often streptococcus), there are practically no epidemics of this disease. Why is this so?

The fact is that in most cases, inflammation in the pharynx is caused by representatives of the body’s own microflora, which are found in the body and are activated when general and local immunity is weakened. Some danger of transmitting the infection to others exists in the first days of the disease, when the pathogen actively multiplies in the tonsils - airborne (through the air) and contact-household (through touches and objects) transmission routes are possible here.

When, for diseases such as lacunar and follicular tonsillitis, treatment at home is based on the use of antibiotics, then already on the second or third day of antibacterial therapy the patient ceases to pose any threat to others. According to doctor E.O. Komarovsky, this principle is true for all diseases caused by streptococcus, including scarlet fever. This is due to the high sensitivity of the pathogen to antibiotics, so already on the second or third day of treatment the patient becomes no longer infectious to others.

In most cases, in a situation where the tonsils are healthy and fully perform their protective functions, when the lymphatic system copes with the work, all parts of the immune system act harmoniously, neither microbes in the body nor infection coming from outside can cause disease: condition Infection with tonsillitis is precisely the weakening of local and general protective resources.

What are the first symptoms of a sore throat?

The first signs of a sore throat are the appearance of a feeling of discomfort and soreness in the throat, which then turns into severe pain and difficulty swallowing. Almost simultaneously with the appearance of pain in the throat, the temperature rises, weakness and headache appear. Next, an increase in the cervical lymph nodes is observed - this occurs within a few hours, maximum a day after the onset of inflammation.

Is it possible to treat a sore throat with ice cream?

There is a popular myth that treating a sore throat with ice cream can help cope with the disease. Actually application similar method is fraught with hypothermia of the inflamed mucous membrane and aggravation of the symptoms of the disease. In addition, when trying to swallow even a small piece, the patient will experience a strong feeling of pain: after all, with classic inflammation of the tonsils (especially in the first days of the disease), swallowing is very difficult - the patient has difficulty swallowing even drinks at a comfortable temperature. Therefore, you should not take risks and waste time, but rather turn to proven and trusted safe methods, first of all, to antibacterial therapy.

Will an iodine mesh help with a sore throat?

“Is it possible to smear the throat with iodine if you have a sore throat?” is a question doctors often hear. Such ideas about the treatment of disease are associated with the bactericidal properties of iodine. It seems that if this remedy is used to prevent infection in open wounds, it can also be used to disinfect the mucous membrane of the tonsils when they are inflamed.

In fact, the use of iodine to treat damaged mucous membranes of the tonsils leads to their drying and irritation due to the alcohol included in its composition. The same applies to the question “is it possible to smear the throat with brilliant green for a sore throat” - an alcohol solution of brilliant green can also cause burns and drying of the mucous membrane of the tonsils.

In addition, iodine and brilliant green for sore throats are only means for local treatment of the tonsils; they will not be able to penetrate into their thickness, where the pathogen is located. Therefore, even using for this purpose products that do not cause burns, for example, Lugol, will not give the desired effect. Therefore, it is better not to take risks and focus on the effective and safe methods of treating this disease that we discussed.

Is it possible to warm your throat if you have a sore throat?

We are talking about a disease in which an inflammatory process develops in the tonsils under the influence of microbes. With lacunar and follicular forms, accumulations of pus form in the tonsils. The use of warming compresses and other thermal procedures will lead to increased blood circulation in the tonsils, which creates conditions for the proliferation of pathogens and aggravation of the purulent process. Therefore, to the question “can you warm your throat if you have a sore throat?” doctors give a negative answer, since this is fraught with the development of local (abscess, phlegmon, lymphadenitis) and general (spread of infection throughout the body, the occurrence of sepsis) complications.

Is it possible to drink hot tea with a sore throat?

Severe inflammation in the tonsils makes swallowing very difficult. Therefore, treating a sore throat at home involves following the principle of thermal sparing - eating foods and drinks that have a comfortable temperature (20-35 degrees Celsius). Drinking hot tea can damage and burn the delicate mucous membrane and worsen the condition.

Is it possible to lubricate the throat with kerosene?

When treating a sore throat, a method such as lubricating the throat with kerosene is sometimes considered. According to the famous doctor E.O. Komarovsky, this procedure can bring short-term relief, since it mechanically removes dried mucus from the surface of the tonsils. However, the effect of kerosene on the inflamed mucous membrane leads to its irritation, and the development of burns is possible. Therefore, after a temporary improvement in well-being, a deterioration in the condition often occurs.

Evgeniy Olegovich believes that for a disease such as sore throat, gargling with plain water will have the same effect - it will remove dried mucus from the tonsils, moisturize the throat, and make swallowing easier. Therefore, you should not experiment and use such extreme methods; it is better to be treated with proven methods under the supervision of a doctor.


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  8. Pavelkina V.F., Martynova N.N. Endogenous intoxication in tonsillitis. // Medicine. Natural and technical sciences. Scientific works in 34. - Saransk. - 1999. - part 2
  9. Palchun V.T. Otorhinolaryngology. National leadership. - M., GEOTAR-Media, 2008
  10. Streptococcal diseases // Guide to infectious diseases / Edited by V.F. Uchaikina - M.: GEOTAR-Med., 2002.
  11. Totolyan A.A. Streptococcal pathology - current problem modern healthcare // Bulletin Russian Academy Medical Sciences: Monthly Scientific and Theoretical Journal / Ross. Academy of Medicine Sci. - M.: Medicine, 1990. - No. 11.
  12. Shcherbakova M.Yu., Belov B.S. A-streptococcal tonsillitis: modern aspects// Pediatrics. - 2009. - T. 88. - No. 5.
  13. Remezov A.P. and Startseva G.Yu. Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, St. Petersburg.

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In the article we discuss the treatment of sore throat at home and talk about effective methods of therapy. You will learn how to distinguish a sore throat from other diseases, what medications and folk remedies to use. Using our tips, you will learn how to make solutions for gargling for sore throat, inhalations and compresses.

Treatment of sore throat at home

Unlike acute respiratory viral infections, tonsillitis has a more abrupt and rapid onset and a more pronounced clinical picture. Microbes, bacteria, viruses and fungi, and sometimes their symbiosis, cause severe intoxication of the body.

If there are no complications, sore throat can be treated at home. Before starting treatment, consultation with a doctor is required. Antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal drugs are used for therapy. Antipyretic drugs are used as an auxiliary treatment.

To make you feel better, you can use folk remedies.

What is a sore throat

Sore throat or acute tonsillitis is an infectious disease with inflammation of one or more tonsils, which is caused by a bacterial or viral infection. Sore throat or acute tonsillitis is an infectious disease with inflammation of the throat and tonsils. The disease is caused by bacteria, viruses and fungi. In most cases, infection is caused by streptococci and staphylococci.

Sore throat is also called an exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis.

With a sore throat, the throat hurts, the body temperature rises, general symptoms of intoxication occur, and the cervical lymph nodes become enlarged.

The palatine tonsils turn red and are swollen or purulent.

If symptoms of the disease occur, you should contact an otolaryngologist. After pharyngoscopy and bacteriological analysis, the doctor will prescribe drugs for the treatment of sore throat, the regimen and dosage of their use.

Why can't you choose your own medications? We have already said that sore throat can be caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi. Depending on the type of pathogen, choose medications. Acute tonsillitis caused by staphylococcus is pointless to treat, for example, with Arbidol (an antiviral drug). It has no effect on bacteria, but at this time they continue their activity and can cause complications. In addition, sore throat can easily be confused with other diseases.

For more information about angina, watch the following video:

What can a sore throat be confused with?

The symptoms of a sore throat are similar to those of other diseases: ARVI (colds), pharyngitis, influenza, diphtheria. So that you can distinguish acute tonsillitis, we have provided comparative characteristics of the ailments in the table.

Symptoms of sore throat and similar diseases:

Angina ARVI Pharyngitis Flu Diphtheria

It occurs rapidly and severe intoxication is observed. The course of the disease is severe.

Only the throat becomes inflamed, mainly the tonsils.

The patient experiences severe pain in the throat, and plaque appears on the tonsils. Cough and runny nose are mild or absent.

The onset of ARVI is slow, symptoms appear gradually.

Inflammation can be localized in any area of ​​the nasopharynx, and the leading symptom of a cold depends on this.

The sore throat is not as severe; a runny nose and cough are often present. The patient's condition is quite stable and he can attend work.

Develops quickly after inhaling hot or cold polluted air.

Affects the mucous membrane and lymphoid tissue of the pharynx.

A sore throat occurs, accompanied by a dry cough, difficulty breathing and a rash.

Pharyngitis often occurs against the background of acute respiratory viral infections and other diseases.

Symptoms appear quickly and are often difficult to distinguish from manifestations of other types of acute respiratory viral infections.

Affects the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and bronchi.

Influenza can be distinguished by a high temperature of up to 38-40 degrees. Chills, weakness, headaches and muscle pain occur. A runny nose rarely occurs.

The incubation period can last up to 10 days.

The disease affects the oropharynx and can sometimes affect the larynx and bronchi.

When the disease occurs, the temperature rises, the skin turns pale, and soft tissues swell. There is a slight sore throat, the tonsils and lymph nodes are enlarged. A film appears on the tonsils.

Incubation period of sore throat

The incubation period for tonsillitis lasts from 12 hours to 3 days. The onset of the disease is acute, with all symptoms appearing almost immediately. The tonsils swell and turn red, the lymph nodes become enlarged, and the body temperature rises.

Is sore throat contagious?

Sore throat is contagious. Infectious agents penetrate the tonsil tissue from the outside or from the inside. From person to person, germs and viruses are transmitted by airborne droplets and by food. Infection from the inside occurs when infection spreads from carious teeth, paranasal sinuses, nasal cavity.

Types of sore throat

There are several classifications of the disease.

According to the type of pathogen they distinguish:

  • viral sore throat;
  • bacterial sore throat;
  • fungal sore throat.

Forms of the disease:

  • Acute tonsillitis is an acute infection that occurs when infected with pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Chronic tonsillitis is a long-term inflammation of the pharyngeal and palatine tonsils that develops after a sore throat.

Clinical forms of angina:

Name Causes Symptoms
Catarrhal Infection with streptococci, staphylococci, spirochetes, viruses or fungi. It starts suddenly. Pain, soreness and dryness appear in the throat. General malaise is accompanied by headaches and muscle pain. The temperature rises to 37.2−40 degrees. Swelling of the tonsils is observed, the lymph nodes are painful on palpation.
Follicular Pathogens: streptococci, staphylococci, Candida fungi, viruses. It begins acutely and proceeds with an increase in temperature to 39-40 degrees. Severe pain in the throat and difficulty swallowing appear. The tonsils become enlarged and red, and the lymph nodes become enlarged. Symptoms of intoxication are pronounced - weakness, chills, headaches, pain in muscles and joints, loss of appetite.
Lacunarnaya Pathogens: streptococci, staphylococci, pneumococci, gonococci, Klebsiella, Pfeiffer bacilli.

It occurs with the symptoms of follicular tonsillitis, but is more severe.

A severe sore throat is accompanied by fever up to 40 degrees, headaches, and muscle pain. The tonsils are enlarged and plaque forms on their surface. Lymph nodes are painful on palpation.

Fibrinous Infection most often occurs when bacteria are activated. In addition to a sore throat, enlarged tonsils and lymph nodes, fibrinous tonsillitis causes nausea, trismus of masticatory muscles, asymmetrical pharynx, and joint pain. A whitish-yellow coating forms on the tonsils.
Phlegmonous (intratonsillar abscess) The most common cause is streptococci. The main predisposing factor is tobacco smoking. Severe sore throat, difficulty swallowing, fever up to 40 degrees. Distinctive featuresbad smell from the mouth, trismus (spasm of the masticatory muscles).
Herpetic Pathogens: Coxsackievirus group A, serovar viruses, echoviruses.

Is different high ability transmitted from person to person.

With herpetic sore throat, the temperature rises to 41 degrees, severe sore throat, difficulty swallowing, and runny nose occur. Small red blisters filled with serous contents appear on the back wall of the pharynx.

Ulcerative-membranous Causes a symbiosis of Plaut-Vincent bacillus and Vincent spirochete. Sore throat and enlarged tonsils and lymph nodes accompany ulcers with a dirty green coating and a putrid odor. Ulcerative membranous tonsillitis without fever often occurs.

Treatment with folk remedies

Treatment of sore throat with home remedies is possible only as an auxiliary measure. Traditional medicines for sore throat relieve inflammation, relieve pain and improve the patient’s overall well-being, but they cannot completely destroy the causative agent of the disease. Consult your doctor before using home remedies.

How to gargle for purulent sore throat

A popular method of treating sore throat is gargling. Rinsing with various solutions effectively relieves inflammation and has an antiseptic effect.

The table shows remedies for sore throats for gargling:

Name Is it possible to rinse How to rinse
Hydrogen peroxide It is possible, but be sure to dilute it with water so as not to burn the nasopharyngeal mucosa. Dilute 1 tablespoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide solution in a glass of warm water, stir thoroughly. Gargle for at least 30 seconds, 2-6 times a day, at an interval of at least 1 hour. After completing the procedure, gargle with clean water.
Chlorhexidine You can, but not longer than 7 days in a row. Before using the product, you must brush your teeth. Pour 15 ml of Chlorhexidine (0.05% solution) into a measuring cup and gargle for 30 seconds. Do not eat or drink for 2 hours after the procedure. Carry out the procedure 2 times a day.
Furacilin Can. The dosage of the drug must be strictly observed. Dilute 1 tablet of Furacilin in ½ cup of hot boiled water and stir. When the solution becomes warm, gargle for 30-60 seconds. The procedure can be performed up to 7 times a day.
Rotokan Can. Dilute 2-3 tsp. Rotokana in 200 ml of warm water. For teenagers from 12 to 18 years old - 1-2 tsp. in 200 ml of water, for children under 12 years old - 1 tsp. in 200 ml of water. Gargle for 30 seconds 3-4 times a day after meals.
Vodka Can only be used in adults. Contraindications: diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart, kidneys and liver.

The use of vodka to treat a sore throat is ineffective; in addition, alcohol can cause a burn to the mucous membrane.

If you still decide to use vodka, take 100 ml of the product and 4 pieces of refined sugar. Melt the refined sugar and pour into vodka. Gargle for 20-30 seconds. After the procedure, wrap your neck with a scarf.

Soda Can. To increase efficiency, add sea salt to the soda solution. Take 10 grams baking soda and sea salt, dilute in 200 ml of warm water. Gargle 5-10 times a day.
Calendula Can. Brew 1 tablespoon of dry calendula in a glass of boiling water. Gargle with warm broth for 2-3 minutes 4-5 times a day.
Potassium permangantsovka It is possible, but following the dosage and not swallowing the solution. The course of treatment is no more than 2 days, since potassium permanganate damages tooth enamel. All crystals must be dissolved, otherwise they will cause a burn to the mucous membrane. Dissolve 2-3 crystals in a glass of warm water. Gargle for 20 seconds. After 20 minutes, lubricate the mucous membrane with sea buckthorn oil.
Chamomile Can. Brew 1 tablespoon of chamomile flowers in a glass of boiling water. Gargle with warm broth for 2-3 minutes 4-5 times a day.
Beet juice Can. Add 1 tsp to 200 ml of beet juice. 6% vinegar. Warm the solution to room temperature. Rinse up to 5 times a day.

Inhalations for sore throat

Another effective method of treating sore throat at home is inhalation. Inhalations can be carried out using a special device - a nebulizer, using medications, or breathing under a towel over steam with active substances.

If you use a nebulizer, you can fill it with the following medications:

  • Furacilin;
  • Cromohexal;
  • Tonsilgon N;
  • Miramistin;
  • Gentamicin;
  • Dioxidine;
  • Rotokan.

Rules for inhalation using a nebulizer:

  1. Carry out the procedure no earlier than 1 hour after eating.
  2. Breathe the active substances for 8-10 minutes.
  3. During inhalation, inhale and exhale through your mouth.
  4. Use solutions at room temperature.

Below we have presented recipes for steam inhalations with folk remedies.

Propolis tincture


  1. Propolis tincture - 2 teaspoons.
  2. Hot water - 1 liter.

How to cook: Pour propolis tincture into boiling water.

How to use: Breathe the vapors over the pan, covering your head with a towel, for 10-15 minutes.

Decoction with soda and garlic


  1. Garlic - 1 head.
  2. Baking soda - 1 teaspoon.
  3. Water - 500 ml.

How to cook: Pour water over the peeled head of garlic and bring to a boil. Add soda.

How to use: Carry out inhalations, covering your head with a towel, for 10-15 minutes 3 times a day.

Compresses for sore throat

Compresses for sore throat are used to locally warm tissues, enhance local blood circulation, relieve inflammation and swelling. To carry out the procedure, gauze is used as a basis. It is impregnated with medicinal solutions. The compress is covered with a woolen scarf.

Contraindications to the use of warm compresses for sore throat:

  • hypothyroidism;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • hyperplasia of the thyroid gland.

Below are recipes for folk remedies for compresses.

Applications with aloe


  1. Aloe juice - 1 tablespoon.
  2. Melted honey - 2 tablespoons.
  3. Medical alcohol - 2 tablespoons.

How to cook: Mix the ingredients and soak the cheesecloth in the mixture.

How to use: Make a compress and secure with a warm scarf for 2 hours.

Mustard compress


  1. Dry mustard - 1 tablespoon.
  2. Flour - 1 tablespoon.
  3. Honey - 1 tablespoon.
  4. Water - 1 tablespoon.

How to cook: Mix the ingredients and apply them evenly onto the cheesecloth.

How to use: Fix the compress on your neck, after lubricating it with rich cream or oil, and wrap it with a warm scarf. Leave for 1-1.5 hours.

Also, if you have a sore throat, you can treat your tonsils with iodine. Iodine has a high antiseptic effect and relieves inflammation.

Sore throat in adults

Unlike acute respiratory viral infections, tonsillitis affects adults with the same frequency as children. Factors predisposing to infection are reduced immunity, hypothermia, hypovitaminosis, and nasal breathing disorders.

How to treat sore throat in adults

Drugs for the treatment of sore throat are selected depending on the pathogen. Viral forms of the disease are treated with antiviral medications: Acyclovir, Aflubin, Viburkol.

If sore throat is caused by fungi, antifungal drugs are used. They use solutions of Levorin, Decamine, Lamisil, Miramistin, sprays for sore throat Lugol, Bioparox.

Bacterial tonsillitis occurs most often; antibiotics are prescribed for its treatment in the form of tablets and injections.

Antibiotics for sore throat in an adult

In the table we have presented a list of antibiotics for sore throat in an adult:

Name Description Instructions for use
Sore throat tablets
Flemoxin Provides antibacterial and bactericidal effect. Suppresses the division and growth of bacteria and microbes.

500−700 mg 2 times a day.

Taking the drug is not tied to food intake. The duration of treatment is 5−7 days.

Amoxiclav Broad-spectrum antibacterial drug.

Prescribe 1 tablet every 8-12 hours.

The duration of treatment takes from 5 to 14 days.

Amoxicillin Broad-spectrum antibiotic.

500 mg 3 times a day.

The duration of the course of treatment is 5−12 days.

Sumamed An antibiotic that also has a broad spectrum antimicrobial effect.

1 tablet 1 time per day.

The duration of the course of therapy is 3 days.

Azithromycin Antibacterial drug with wide range actions.

500 mg per day.

Duration of treatment is 3−5 days.


1 tablet 3 times a day.

The duration of therapy is 7 days.

Suprax Antibiotic from the group of third generation cephalosporins.

400 mg 1-2 times a day.

The duration of treatment is 7 days.

Injections for sore throat
Ceftriaxone Antibacterial drug from the group of third generation cephalosporins. Administer 1-2 g per day 1 or 2 times intravenously or intramuscularly.
Ampicillin Antibacterial drug. 250−500 mg 4 times a day intravenously or intramuscularly. For intravenous administration, mix with 10 ml of isotonic solution; for intramuscular administration, mix with 2 ml of Lidocaine or Novocaine.

What is the temperature for sore throat in adults?

The temperature for sore throat in adults is between 37.5-39 degrees. At timely treatment normalization of the condition occurs within 3-4 days. The temperature begins to decrease after the pus leaves the tonsils.

When the temperature rises above 38 degrees, it is necessary to take antipyretic drugs - Paracetamol, Ibuprofen and drugs based on them.

Sore throat in children

Sore throat in children is acute, with pronounced symptoms of intoxication and high fever. Dangerous early development complications, including otitis media, retropharyngeal abscess, rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, glomerulonephritis.

How to treat a sore throat in a child

The basis of treatment is drug therapy aimed at destroying the pathogen - bacteria, virus or fungus. Except medicines For direct use, children are prescribed antiseptic gargles and aerosols.

To relieve symptoms, improve well-being and enhance immunity, antihistamines, B vitamins, vitamin C, and immunomodulators are prescribed.

During the treatment period, children are prescribed bed rest, light food and drinking plenty of fluids. Quite often, therapy for angina involves isolating the patient.

Antibiotics for sore throat in children

Children under 5 years old are given antibiotics in the form of suspensions and syrups; older children can use tablets.

The table shows antibiotics for sore throat in children:

Name Description Instructions for use
Amoxicillin Broad-spectrum antibiotic. Available in the form of tablets and suspensions. In the form of a suspension, it can be used from 2 years old, tablets - for children from 5 years old.

Children over 12 years old are prescribed an adult dosage of tablets - 500 mg 3 times a day.

Children from 2 to 5 years old are prescribed a suspension of 125 mg of the drug.

Children from 5 to 10 years old - 250 mg.

Children from 10 years old - 250-500 mg.

Flemoxin Antibacterial and bactericidal drug.

Children under 3 years old - 1 tablet 2 times a day.

Children from 3 to 10 years old - 1 tablet 3 times a day.

Children over 10 years old: 2-3 tablets 2 times a day.

Sumamed Antibiotic, available in the form of tablets and suspensions.

10 mg per 1 kg of weight once a day.

Children's syrup is prescribed to children aged 6 months to 3 years - 10 mg per 1 kg of weight once a day.

Under no circumstances should you select medications yourself. Only the attending physician can prescribe an antibiotic and its dosage regimen.

How long does the temperature last for a child with sore throat?

A child with a sore throat may have a fever for 2-3 days. 3 days after using the antibiotic, the temperature should subside. If this does not happen, you need to see a doctor to change the medication and take repeated tests.

How to reduce a child’s temperature with a sore throat - medications:

  • Paracetamol and drugs based on it - Panadol, Paralen, Paramax;
  • Ibuprofen and drugs based on it - Nurofen, Arofen, Bofen.

Do not rub your child with vodka or apple cider vinegar under any circumstances, this can increase the intoxication of the body and worsen the condition.

Treatment of sore throat in children according to Komarovsky

Dr. Komarovsky strongly advises to consult a doctor at the first symptoms of a sore throat. A well-known pediatrician talks about the fundamental difference between sore throat and acute respiratory infections - the bacterial origin of the disease.

This is why it is important to use antibiotics. In addition, apply antibacterial drugs necessary within full course treatment, even if the symptoms of the disease disappear after 2-3 days. Otherwise, a sore throat may return with a vengeance and cause serious complications.

For more information about the treatment of sore throat according to Komarovsky, see the following video:

How to cure a sore throat quickly in one day

It is impossible to cure a sore throat in one day, since it is impossible to destroy the causative agent of the disease in one day. Follow your doctor's recommendations, follow the dosage and regimen of medications.

To improve your well-being, provide bed rest, light food and drink. You can drink warm fruit drinks and tea with ginger, lemon and honey.

Sore throat during pregnancy

Sore throat during pregnancy is a dangerous phenomenon. During the period of bearing a child, the expectant mother's immunity is reduced, and the disease has the ability to quickly cause complications.

When bacteria enter the bloodstream, the risk of developing severe toxicosis, intrauterine abnormalities in the development of the fetus increases, and miscarriage is possible. The most dangerous consequences of tonsillitis are in the first and third trimesters; the disease is most easily tolerated in the second trimester of pregnancy.

The disease can cause the following complications:

  • myocarditis and heart failure;
  • laryngeal abscess;
  • sepsis;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • inflammatory kidney diseases;
  • weak labor activity.

If you notice the first symptoms, consult your doctor immediately. The specialist will prescribe adequate treatment. Pregnant women are prescribed approved antibiotics: Sumamed, Penicillin, Erythromycin. Also for treatment, gargling and inhalation with herbal decoctions are carried out.

Complications of sore throat

Sore throat is dangerous high probability the development of serious complications that affect not only the ENT organs, but also other organs and systems. A sore throat can even affect the heart and kidneys, and can also cause sepsis - blood poisoning.

What happens if a sore throat is not treated - complications of the disease:

  • abscess or cellulitis;
  • swelling of the larynx;
  • purulent lymphadenitis;
  • otitis;
  • myocarditis;
  • rheumatism;
  • glomerulonephritis.

Prevention of sore throat

To prevent the development of sore throat, treat all diseases in a timely manner, especially infectious nature, and strengthen the body. To prevent the disease, avoid hypothermia and close contact with infected people. Eat right and exercise.

What to remember

  1. Sore throat is an infectious disease that is most often caused by bacteria. It occurs with inflammation of the tonsils and severe sore throat.
  2. Not only severe sore throat, but its early manifestations must also be treated with official medications.
  3. When the first symptoms appear, consult a doctor, do not self-medicate.

Sore throat (acute tonsillitis) is an acute infectious disease with inflammation of the palatine tonsils, the same ones that many call tonsils. The tonsils trap bacteria and viruses that a person inhales, and immune cells and antibodies in the tonsils help kill them and prevent infections from reaching the throat and lungs.

Mostly children of preschool and school age from 3 to 14 years old, as well as adults up to 35-40 years old, suffer from tonsillitis. In infants and young children childhood up to 3 years of age, as well as in people over 50 years of age, angina is rarely observed.

Causes of sore throat

The main causes of the development of sore throat in children over 3 years of age and adults are microorganisms - Group A β-hemolytic streptococcus. Staphylococcus can be a common causative agent of sore throat. Much less commonly, the causes of sore throat are adenoviruses, Coxsackie A viruses, Candida fungi and other microorganisms.

Penetration of the pathogen into the mucous membrane of the tonsils (they are located on the sides of the entrance to the pharynx and are clearly visible if you look into the open mouth) occurs through airborne droplets or alimentary routes (through water and/or food).

In some cases, microbes that are in the throat and do not cause disease are activated under the influence of certain unfavorable conditions, for example, during cooling or sudden fluctuations in ambient temperature. For some children, it is enough to wet their feet, drink a glass of cold milk or eat ice cream, and they immediately get a sore throat.

In adults, frequent sore throats can be associated with purulent inflammatory processes in the nasal cavity and its paranasal sinuses, in which the nasal breathing, for example, with sinusitis, as well as in the oral cavity (carious teeth). Also, the cause of sore throat in an adult can be caused by bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse), other unfavorable conditions - work in hazardous industries, poor diet, vitamin deficiencies.

In addition, there are a number of infectious and systemic diseases, one of the manifestations or complications of which may be tonsillitis (specific tonsillitis): diphtheria, scarlet fever, Infectious mononucleosis, tuberculosis.

Symptoms of a sore throat

There are several forms of sore throat, each of which has its own distinctive features: symptoms, signs and treatments. Clinical manifestations of tonsillitis depend on the degree of tissue damage and the type of pathogen. Local and general symptoms are distinguished. To local symptoms, common to all forms of sore throat, include discomfort or pain in the throat, usually quite sharp, aggravated by swallowing, enlarged lymph nodes that can be felt under lower jaw closer to the neck. General symptoms sore throat– malaise, weakness, increased body temperature to 39-40°C, chills; Possible pain in muscles, joints, and heart area.

Symptoms of a sore throat in a child. In young children, in addition to redness of the tonsils and the back of the throat, symptoms such as refusal to eat, ear pain, nausea and abdominal pain, loose stools, and seizures are also typical. The child cries, is capricious, has problems sleeping, the child is either lethargic or has increased excitability. Very often, sore throat in children is accompanied by manifestations of otitis and rhinitis.

The symptoms of a sore throat are very similar to the common cold, but a sore throat is more severe, the sore throat is more acute, and the duration of the illness is longer, usually 5-7 days.

Depending on the degree of damage to the palatine tonsils, there are several forms of sore throat:

  • catarrhal(damage to the mucous membrane of the tonsils), the mildest form of tonsillitis;
  • purulent lacunar(involvement of the lacunar apparatus with the formation of plaque and pus in the lacunae);
  • purulent follicular(inflammation of lymphoid follicles);
  • fibrinous, phlegmonous, ulcerative-necrotic and mixed forms.

There are several types of sore throats, which are characterized by different pathogens. So, for example, if the causative agent of purulent sore throat is streptococcus, then the sore throat is called streptococcal, with staphylococcus - staphylococcal, and so on.

Depending on whether one or both tonsils are inflamed, tonsillitis can be unilateral and/or bilateral. In many cases, tonsillitis is combined with pharyngitis - inflammation of the posterior wall of the pharynx; the lingual tonsil, palatine ridges, etc. can also be involved.

Sore throat is contagious to others, especially small children, so it is necessary to isolate the patient and provide him with separate cutlery and care products.


A bacteriological examination of a throat smear is necessary to identify the causative agent of a sore throat, but the problem is that the result often has to wait from 3 to 5 days. And in order not to delay treatment with antibiotics (especially in children), doctors use certain criteria to assess the likelihood of a streptococcal infection, so if the body temperature is above 38°C, there is no cough or runny nose, the tonsils are swollen, bright red or have plaque on them, and regional lymph nodes, especially under the lower jaw, are enlarged and painful on palpation, then antibiotic treatment is carried out without waiting for culture results.

More often than other forms, catarrhal tonsillitis occurs, which manifests itself predominantly as superficial damage to the palatine tonsils. Catarrhal tonsillitis flows more mildly and is rare as an independent disease. In this form of tonsillitis, the inflammatory process is limited to damage only to the mucous membrane of the palatine tonsils and the edges of the palatine arches - their swelling and redness are noted. General symptoms are expressed moderately: the general condition may be satisfactory, but it may also worsen, which is manifested by intoxication, lethargy, increased fatigue, an increase in body temperature to subfebrile levels (37-37.5°C), in children it can rise to 38.0°C. There is pain when swallowing, soreness and dryness in the throat. The tongue is usually dry, coated, and there is a slight enlargement of the lymph nodes. In rare cases, catarrhal tonsillitis is more severe. Most often in childhood clinical phenomena more pronounced than in adults.

IN clinical analysis blood, a slight neutrophilic leukocytosis (7-9 · 10 9 / l) and a slight band shift to the left are visible, ESR is up to 18-20 mm/h.

The duration of the disease is 3-5 days, after which two options are possible: either the inflammation in the pharynx will subside, or the sore throat will develop into another, more severe form - follicular or lacunar. Although catarrhal sore throat from others clinical forms the disease differs relatively light current, we must not forget that serious complications can develop after it.

Follicular tonsillitis is also called purulent and begins acutely, with an increase in temperature to 38-39 ° C, but sometimes it can be subfebrile. There is a severe pain in the throat when swallowing, which radiates to the ear. May be observed increased salivation- this is associated with severe pain in the throat and the inability to swallow saliva because of this. Enlarged lymph nodes can be felt under the lower jaw and on the back of the head; they are painful on palpation. Intoxication, headache, weakness, fever, chills are pronounced, and sometimes there is pain in the lower back and joints.

Follicles (plugs) form on reddened and swollen tonsils. Follicles– these are yellowish or whitish dots (grains, the size of a pinhead up to 3 mm) rising above the surface in the tonsil area, filled with gray-yellow pus. These purulent follicles are clearly visible when examining the throat and form a “starry sky” picture on the surface of the palatine tonsils. Three to four days after the onset of the disease, the plugs are opened, after which the temperature drops and the condition improves. Small wounds (erosions) remain in place of the abscesses.

In adults, stool retention is possible, tachycardia and heart pain may appear. In children - loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, loose stool. People with poor health and children may experience fainting.

From the blood side, neutrophilic leukocytosis occurs, a band shift to the left, an increase in ESR, and traces of protein may appear in the urine.

The disease lasts about a week.

The symptoms of the lacunar type of tonsillitis are similar to the symptoms of follicular tonsillitis: the disease begins acutely, high temperature up to 38–39.0 ° C, headache, swollen lymph nodes, difficulty swallowing, joint pain, but the form has a more severe course. The inflammatory process occurs as if on the surface of the tonsil tissue, and the purulent discharge is localized in the lacunae. The main difference between the symptoms of follicular and lacunar tonsillitis is the localization of purulent plaque on the enlarged tonsils. In the follicular form, purulent plugs appear in the follicles of the tonsils; in the lacunar form, the ducts of the palatine tonsils are affected.

Lacunar tonsillitis in children is especially dangerous, as it is often accompanied by severe inflammation of the tonsils, which can complicate breathing and sometimes completely block it. The main reasons for this process are the special structure of the upper respiratory tract. Also, due to high temperature and intoxication, the child may experience convulsions. The cervical lymph nodes are enlarged and painful.

The blood test showed an increased content of leukocytes and an increased ESR.

Fungal tonsillitis

Often found in young children. More often recorded in autumn and winter. It begins acutely, the temperature rises to 37.5–38 °C, but more often it is subfebrile. Upon examination, enlargement and slight redness of the tonsils, bright white, loose, curd-like deposits that are easily removed are revealed. The plaque disappears on the 5th–7th day. The smears reveal accumulations of yeast cells, mycelium of thrush fungi and bacterial flora.

Sore throat with scarlet fever

A connection has been established between the incidence of sore throat in adults and scarlet fever in children. In years of rising incidence of scarlet fever, there is an increased incidence of sore throat. Inflammatory changes in the pharynx usually develop even before the rash appears. The causative agent of scarlet fever is group A hemolytic streptococcus. Transmission of infection occurs mainly by airborne droplets, children aged 2 to 7 years are most susceptible.

The disease begins acutely with a rise in temperature, malaise, headache and sore throat when swallowing. With severe intoxication, repeated vomiting occurs. Sore throat with scarlet fever is a constant and typical symptom. It is characterized by bright hyperemia of the mucous membrane of the pharynx (“flaming pharynx”), spreading to the hard palate, where sometimes there is a clear boundary of the inflammation zone against the background of the pale mucous membrane of the palate. The palatine tonsils are swollen, covered with a grayish-dirty coating, which, unlike that in diphtheria, is not continuous and is easily removed. Plaques can spread to the palatine arches, soft palate, uvula, and floor of the mouth.

If the disease is caused by viruses, then usually in children with sore throat there are following symptoms: cough, runny nose, tonsils are red, mucus is visible on the back of the throat, conjunctivitis is often observed. With a viral sore throat, small, pinhead-sized, reddish blisters are detected on the soft palate, palatine arches, uvula, and less often on the tonsils and back wall of the pharynx. After a few days, the blisters burst, leaving behind superficial, quickly healing erosions, or undergo reverse development without previous suppuration. The cause of viral sore throat is influenza, parainfluenza, rhinovirus, coronavirus, adenovirus.

The causative agents of purulent sore throat are bacteria: streptococci and staphylococci. Streptococcal sore throat differs from viral sore throat in the absence of cough and runny nose. The main difference from viral is the presence of plaque white on the tonsils.

The incubation period for sore throat, whether viral or bacterial, is the same 5-7 days.

Complications of sore throat

Complications are more often observed with streptococcal sore throat and include local phenomena that develop on the 4-6th day of illness, and general ones that usually develop after 2-3 weeks:

  • local complications - sinusitis, otitis media, cervical lymphadenitis;
  • general complications - acute glomerulonephritis (kidney damage), hemorrhagic vasculitis.

Sometimes, even with mild catarrhal tonsillitis, heart damage (rheumatism of the heart, myocarditis) can be observed. In this case, symptoms such as heart pain, shortness of breath, and arrhythmia may occur. These complications usually appear in most cases when a person has suffered from the disease “on his feet”. Therefore, an extremely important point in the treatment of sore throat is compliance with bed rest.

Prevention consists of timely and adequate treatment of sore throat.

Treatment of sore throat

Treatment of sore throat is usually carried out at home, and only in case of severe disease - in an infectious diseases hospital.

The principle of treatment for all forms of sore throat is different. For example, the treatment of catarrhal tonsillitis caused by a virus is to alleviate the symptoms of the disease, since viral sore throat usually goes away on its own. In this case, to relieve the symptoms of the disease, it is recommended to: gargle with salt water, or furatsilin solution, drink plenty of warm fluids. If the cause of a sore throat is streptococcus, then antibiotics are necessary to treat purulent sore throat.

Non-drug treatment. In the first days it is prescribed strict bed rest, and subsequently - a home regime with limited physical activity. This is necessary to prevent complications.

A sick child or adult must be given separate dishes and a towel, and contact with others must be limited as much as possible. Recommended plenty of warm drinks(non-acidic fruit juices, tea, rosehip infusion, dried fruit compote, still mineral water, jelly). From food, everything is allowed that does not injure the inflamed tonsils; gentle, non-irritating food, mainly dairy-vegetable, is best suited. rich in vitamins, for example, pureed vegetable puree, vegetable or chicken broth, thin porridge, steamed cutlets, etc. Spicy, rough, hot or cold foods should not be given.

Antibiotics for sore throat

Treatment of purulent sore throat begins with the prescription of antibacterial drugs. The choice of antibacterial drugs depends on the severity of the disease and the threat of complications. Antibiotics are used for treatment in age-specific doses. For various forms of bacterial tonsillitis, antibiotics are used, taking into account the sensitivity of the pathogen to antibiotics. In emergency cases, broad-spectrum antibiotics (Amoxicillin, Flemoxin-Solutab) are prescribed.

For infants, penicillin antibiotics are chosen, which are produced in the form of syrups with fruit additives. For acute streptococcal sore throat, Phenoxymethylpenicillin and Ospen are prescribed. If you are allergic to penicillins, choose cephalosporins or macrolides (Azithromycin, Sumamed).

To reduce the temperature and eliminate pain in a child, drugs based on paracetamol or ibuprofen are used. For young children, it is preferable to use these products in the form of rectal suppositories. In this case, the risk of allergic reactions is reduced, since syrups and tablets contain aromatic additives.

Improvement usually occurs with a decrease in intoxication and an improvement in general condition. However, antibiotic treatment must be continued for another three to five days.

A purulent sore throat in a child is a serious test for the baby and his parents. Treatment of the disease must be timely and appropriate to the age of the patient.

Systemic antibacterial therapy should be combined with local administration of antimicrobial drugs with a broad spectrum of action. In older children with sore throat, you can use absorbable tablets and lozenges - Faringosept, Stopangin, Strepsils, Grammidin, as well as sprays such as Hexoral, Ingallipt, Hexasprey, Tantum Verde and others. Most sprays and lozenges are approved for use in children only after three years of age.

Frequent gargling with antibacterial solutions, the use of antiseptic and anti-inflammatory inhalations, aerosols speed up the healing process and reduce local symptoms diseases.

Adults and older children can gargle. Suitable for rinsing pharmaceutical herbs(chamomile, eucalyptus, plantain, calendula), medications - (furatsilin solution, Miramistin, 1% alcohol solution of chlorophyllipt, Lugol), and gargling with solutions with soda, salt, iodine, which you can prepare yourself at home. Iodine-based rinses should be used with caution in children to avoid allergic reactions.

You can also gargle beet juice, diluted lemon juice, diluted apple cider vinegar, strong tea.

In order for the medicine to reach the deep parts of the pharynx, when rinsing, the head must be tilted back strongly.

Previous tonsillitis, especially with inadequate treatment, is a predisposing factor to the formation of a chronic inflammatory process in the tonsils. Chronic tonsillitis is spoken of in cases where sore throats recur more than 2 times a year, which in turn increases the risk of developing severe complications. Treatment of purulent tonsillitis, especially in a child, must be comprehensive and must be carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor.

Effective treatment of sore throat is ensured by clear clinical diagnostics and adequate pharmacotherapy. Antibiotics for sore throat, sprays and gargling will significantly shorten the treatment time, reduce the severity of the disease and preserve protective factors organ as an important part of the human immune system.

Sore throat is an acute infectious disease of the body that occurs with symptoms of acute inflammation of the structures of the pharyngeal lymphoid ring. It is one of the most common diseases after influenza and acute respiratory infections.

Treatment of angina is complex and includes:

  • Local tagging.
  • Pain relief.
  • Prescription of systemic antibiotics.

Antibiotics for sore throat

Up to 70% of tonsillitis cases are caused by viruses. Among them, the most common are coronavirus and rhinoviruses. The remaining 30% comes from bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms. Up to 80% of cases of sore throats caused by bacteria are caused by group A β-hemolytic streptococci (Streptococcus pyogenes, GABHS).

To timely prescribe an antibiotic for angina, it is necessary to identify antigens to GABHS using the Streptatest system.

Streptatest is a universal tool that allows you to determine the cause of a sore throat in 5 minutes. It will quickly establish the presence of group A β-hemolytic streptococcus in the oral cavity, which means it will help to timely prescribe adequate antimicrobial therapy. In the absence of a pathogen, streptatest will allow you to avoid unnecessary treatment of sore throat with antibiotics. Streptatest has high (about 90%) specificity and high (about 95%) sensitivity.

Rice. 1. Streptatest has high (about 90%) specificity and high (about 95%) sensitivity.

Rice. 2. Streptatest is a universal tool that allows you to quickly determine the cause of a sore throat.

Rice. 3. Scheme of working with streptatetest.

Antibiotics for sore throat. Correct selection

Streptococci exhibit high sensitivity to drugs of the penicillin group. In cases where drug intolerance is noted or pathogen strains exhibit resistance (resistance), macrolides and first or second generation cephalosporins are prescribed.

Treatment of sore throat is carried out with antibiotics of the following groups:

Penicillin group drugs:

  • phenoxymethylpenicillin
  • augmentin, amoxiclav
  • amoxicillin


  • Sumamed
  • Azithromycin


  • Cefatoxime
  • Cefuroxime

Phenoxymethylpenicillin is convenient to use in the treatment of young children due to the release of this antibiotic in the form of a suspension.

Amoxicillin has increased bioavailability (the ability to accumulate in damaged tissues). The drug binds to serum proteins to a much lesser extent.

First generation cephalosporins are highly effective antibiotics and are well tolerated by patients.

Antibacterial drugs of the macrolide group have high antistreptococcal activity. They create high concentration at the site of the lesion.

Properly selected antibiotics for angina will quickly achieve the desired result, prevent the development of complications and avoid chronicity of the process.

Rice. 4. The photo shows a drug from the penicillin group, Amoxicillin, and a drug from the macrolide group, Azithromycin.

Antibiotics for sore throat. To apply or not?

In adults and children, antibiotics may not be used at the first signs of disease. They are indicated only in case of bacterial nature of the infection. Developed by experts, the MacIsaac scale helps to carry out differential diagnosis between viral and BSGA tonsillitis.

  1. If the scale scores no more than 1 point, then antibiotics for sore throat are not indicated. Treatment of angina is symptomatic. No additional diagnostic methods are required.
  2. If the scale scores 2, then the question of prescribing an antibiotic is decided by the doctor.
  3. If the scale scores more than 3 points, then treatment of sore throat with systemic antibiotics is indicated.

Antibiotics for sore throat. Duration of treatment

With properly selected antibacterial therapy, the patient's condition improves quickly. But the doctor’s task is not only quick recovery patient, but also in preventing the development of complications. This is achieved by completely destroying the pathogen, which occurs when antibiotics are used for at least 10 days.

BSGA tonsillitis and immunity

BSGA tonsillitis does not leave behind lasting immunity. During the recovery period, the likelihood of the disease returning is high.

Unjustified use of antibiotics

The unjustified use of antibiotics for angina leads to the development of pathogen resistance and the occurrence of undesirable reactions. Pain is often the reason for prescribing antibiotics. However, the pain of sore throat is well relieved by topical medications with anesthetics.

In Russia, about 70% of antibiotic prescriptions turn out to be unjustified. About 25% is justified, but their use is not always successful.

Antibiotics do not work on viruses. At viral tonsillitis You can limit yourself to prescribing local drugs.


Treatment of sore throats with antihistamines is advisable only at the early stage of the disease. Drugs such as suprastin, tavegil, fenkarol, claritin, telfast, etc. are indicated.

Rice. 5. Antihistamines.

Treatment of sore throat with topical medications

Combined drugs for topical use today are considered the most popular in the treatment of sore throats. They contain antiseptics and disinfectants, having antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral effects, painkillers, vegetable oils and vitamins.

Modern drugs for the local treatment of diseases of the oropharynx are able to act on the diseased organ without irritating the mucous membrane of the oropharynx, extremely rarely cause allergic reactions, do not have high toxicity and are practically not absorbed at the sites of application.

Combined preparations for topical use are available in the form of sprays, rinses and lozenges. They are used for diseases of the oral cavity, larynx, pharynx, sore throats and are widely used in dental practice.

The widespread introduction of drugs for local treatment of sore throats has made it possible to reduce the unjustified use of antibacterial drugs and prevent the risk of developing resistance of microorganisms.

Topical preparations for the treatment of sore throat

Bioparox is an aerosol. Contains the antibiotic fusafungine. Use as prescribed by a doctor for no more than 7 days. Required medical supervision upon completion of treatment.

Rice. 6. Bioparox - antibiotic in aerosol.

Contains lidocaine, benzohexonium and peppermint. Has an antiseptic and local anesthetic effect. Benzoxonium chloride, which is part of the drug, has antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral effects. The drug is active against the herpes virus and parainfluenza. Lidocaine has a local anesthetic effect. Eliminates or reduces the intensity of sore throat. Peppermint contains essential oil, the basis of which is menthol. Mint has an analgesic, antispasmodic, and antiseptic effect. It has a characteristic refreshing taste and aroma.

Rice. 7. The drug for the treatment of sore throat TeraFlu LAR - tablets and spray. Has an antiseptic and local anesthetic effect.

Flurbiprofen is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). Lozenges. Has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. The analgesic effect occurs within 15 minutes and lasts for several hours.

Strepsils Intensive - tablets containing flurbiprofen (NSAID). Has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

Tantum Verde is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). Solution, spray, tablets. Has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

Contains hexetidine antiseptic, disinfectant and essential oils. Used as an aerosol and rinse. Has activity against bacteria, fungi and viruses. It has a local hemostatic, analgesic, enveloping and deodorizing effect.

Stopangin - solution, spray. Contains hexetidine antiseptic and vegetable oils. It has antimicrobial, antifungal, analgesic and enveloping effect. The drug is indicated for stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis, tonsillitis, glossitis, pharyngitis, candidiasis and bad breath.

Hexoral - aerosol, solution. Contains hexethidine antiseptic. Has activity against bacteria, fungi and viruses. The drug is indicated for stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis, tonsillitis, glossitis, pharyngitis.

Anti-Angin Formula - tablets and lozenges. Contains the antiseptic chlorhexidine and the local anesthetic tetracaine. Has antimicrobial and analgesic effects. The drug is indicated for stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis, tonsillitis and pharyngitis.

Strepsils - tablets contain an antiseptic and disinfectant. The drug is indicated for stomatitis, gingivitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis.

Strepsils Plus - tablets and spray. Contains antiseptic, disinfectant and lidocaine. It has antimycotic, antiseptic, local anesthetic and anti-edema effects. The drug is indicated for laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis and sore throat.

Ingalipt - aerosol and spray. Contains sulfonamides and vegetable oils of peppermint and eucalyptus. It has an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and refreshing effect. Shows activity against bacteria, fungi and viruses. The drug is indicated for aphthous and ulcerative stomatitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis.

Yox - solution, spray. Contains antiseptic agents. Has antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral activity. the drug is active against protozoa.

Kameton - aerosol. Contains antiseptic chlorobutanol, camphor, menthol and eucalyptus oil. Chlorobutanol has an antiseptic effect. Menthol has a mild analgesic effect. Camphor has an irritating effect, increasing local blood flow. Eucalyptus oil has an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. It has an irritating effect, increasing local blood flow, a refreshing effect, and promotes tissue regeneration.

Benzyldimethylammonium chloride is active against bacteria, fungi and viruses.

Neo-angin - tablets. Contains antiseptic, disinfectant and menthol. It has antimycotic, antiseptic and local anesthetic effects. The drug is indicated for stomatitis, gingivitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis.

Faringosept - Tablets. Contains an antiseptic and disinfectant. Has an antimicrobial effect. The drug is indicated for stomatitis, gingivitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis.

Before using the drug, you must carefully read the instructions! Each drug has side effect and may cause allergies.

Rice. 8. The photo shows Hexoral spray and Faringosept lozenges.

Sore throat: treatment tactics and medications

Sore throat is common symptom for acute respiratory infections. Up to 80% of all throat infections occur with this symptom. often dominates in diseases and inevitably affects the patient’s quality of life. There are many causes of sore throat. However, most often patients consult doctors with sore throats due to sore throats and pharyngitis.

A sore throat is well relieved with acetylsalicylic acid (ASA), paracetamol, ibuprofen or naproxen. These drugs combine the effect of analgesia and antipyretic. A sore throat is often a reason to prescribe antibiotics. However, it is known that antibacterial drugs do not act on viruses. But in 70% of cases of sore throat, it is viruses that cause the disease. Local preparations with anesthetics effectively relieve pain, regardless of the cause of its occurrence. They contain menthol, tetracaine, lidocaine or flurbiprofen.

Drugs for the treatment of sore throat with pain syndrome

  • spray and tablets with antiseptic and disinfectant. Contains lidocaine and peppermint.
  • Strepsils Plus- tablets and spray . The drug contains an antiseptic, a disinfectant and lidocaine.
  • Strepsils Intensive- tablets containing flurbiprofen (NSAIDs), which have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Flurbiprofen- tablets containing a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). Has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.
  • Tantum Verde- solution, spray, tablets . Contains benzydamine, which has a local anesthetic effect, relieves pain and swelling of the mucous membrane.
  • Anti-Angin Formula- tablets and lozenges . Contains the antiseptic chlorhexidine and the local anesthetic tetracaine.
  • Neo-angin- pills . Contains antiseptics and disinfectants in combinations and menthol.
  • Kameton- aerosol. Contains antiseptic chlorobutanol hydrate, camphor, menthol, eucalyptus oil.

Local preparations containing analgesic components cannot be used in children under 3 years of age due to the risk of developing laryngospasm.

Rice. 9. TheraFlu LAR is one of the most effective combination drugs. Contains the anesthetic Lidocaine.

Spray for the throat

When used, a throat spray creates a high concentration of medications included in its composition on the mucous membrane.

In throat sprays medicinal substance served with a microdispenser. The drug particles sprayed by the spray are larger than the particles sprayed by the aerosol. Their spraying speed is low. Preparations in the form of aerosols are capable of delivering therapeutic drugs to the lower respiratory tract.

Treatment of sore throat with medications in the form of sprays has repeatedly proven its effectiveness. Throat sprays received wide application in dental practice.

Both spray and aerosol have the following advantages:

  • onset of rapid therapeutic effect,
  • the therapeutic effect is achieved by using a smaller dose of the drug due to spraying,
  • Sprays and aerosols are convenient to use.

Rice. 10. Sprays are used to treat diseases of the oropharynx and nose, which have gained wide popularity in recent years. The photo shows how the throat spray is used.

Some types of throat sprays

  • Hexethidine
  • Stopangin
  • Hexoral
  • Strepsils Plus
  • Inhalipt

Rice. 11. Sprays for diseases of the oropharynx.


Gargling is indicated for sore throats, chronic tonsillitis, pharyngitis, and diseases of the oral cavity. A gargle will be professionally recommended by your doctor. In some cases, the patient chooses the medicine for rinsing on his own.

When gargling, the drug comes into direct contact with the mucous membrane of the oropharynx. The arsenal of official and traditional medicine for gargling is large. Dichlorobenzene, metacresol, hexethidine, benzalkonium, thymol, ambazone and chlorhexidine have antimicrobial activity. These are substances of artificial origin. They suppress the growth of not only pathogenic microbes, but also the normal microflora of the oral cavity, which limits their use in children under 6 years of age.

Some types of antiseptics for gargling

  • Hexethidine
  • Stopangin
  • Hexoral
  • Tantum Verde
  • Miramistin

Some plants have a slight anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Among them are chamomile, sage, calendula, raspberry leaves, St. John's wort, oregano, and eucalyptus. It is better to use the collection for gargling medicinal plants, since they are able to enhance each other’s effects.

How to gargle correctly

  • Gargling is carried out with a warm solution.
  • Take some of the rinse liquid into your mouth.
  • Take a breath.
  • Tilt your head back (this will cause liquid to enter your throat).
  • Exhale slowly through the mouth, which causes the liquid to vibrate.
  • After exhaling, tilt your head forward and release your mouth over the sink.
  • Repeat the procedure several times. In this case, half a glass of solution or decoction is used. Gargle up to 6 times a day.

Rice. 12. When gargling, the drug comes into direct contact with the mucous membrane of the oropharynx.

Treatment of sore throat with homeopathic remedies

Catarrhal tonsillitis and uncomplicated forms of chronic tonsillitis are not always treated with antibiotics. At the initial stage of the disease, when the proliferation of microorganisms has not yet reached the critical level of superinfection, the use of homeopathic remedies may be justified. Therapy homeopathic remedies affects the body's self-regulation processes. Sore throat and chronic tonsillitis are considered as a particular manifestation of constitutional weakness and hereditary predisposition. The German drug "Tonsilotren" has proven its high effectiveness and safety in the treatment of adults and children.

Rice. 13. The German drug “Tonsilotren” has proven its high effectiveness and safety in the treatment of adults and children.

Treatment of certain types of sore throats

Treatment of herpes sore throat

Topical preparations with antiviral activity:

  • TheraFlu LAR - tablets and spray.
  • Hexethidine - solution and aerosol.
  • Hexoral - aerosol, solution.
  • Yox - solution, spray.
  • Miramistin is an antiseptic solution.

Topical medications will relieve pain:

  • Strepsils Plus
  • Strepsils Intensive
  • Flurbiprofen
  • Tantum® Verde
  • Anti-Angin Formula
  • Neo-angin
  • Kameton

A good result is achieved by using liquid antiviral interferon in the form of inhalation or spraying. The repair processes are enhanced by ultraviolet irradiation and helium-neon laser light.

Treatment of fungal sore throat

If the culprit for the development of fungal sore throat is the inadequate use of antibiotics, then they must be immediately discontinued and systemic antifungal drugs must be prescribed:

  • Nystatin
  • Levorin
  • Diflucan

Decamine is synthetic antifungal drug. He provides good effect with fungal infection of the oral cavity. Well tolerated. Used in the form of caramel and ointment.

The following drugs for topical use have antifungal activity:

  • TheraFlu LAR - tablets and spray.
  • Hexethidine - solution and aerosol.
  • Stopangin - solution and spray.
  • Hexoral - aerosol, solution.
  • Strepsils Plus - tablets and spray.
  • Yox - solution, spray.
  • Miramistin is an antiseptic solution.
  • Neo-angin - tablets.

Properly selected and timely treatment will ensure rapid involution pathological process, will retain the protective functions of the pharyngeal mucosa and pharyngeal lymphoid ring, as an important factor in local and general immunity.

Treatment of sore throat with purulent plugs see article

Treatment of chronic tonsillitis (removal of tonsils), see article

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