The thymol test is elevated. An important test for detecting early hepatitis is the thymol test.

Clear diagnosis disease facilitates its treatment and guarantees fast recovery. One of the methods that helps to establish it is the use of sediment samples, which include the thymol test. Her readings are based on disturbances in the ratio of proteins, which show changes in blood serum proteins.

If they are normal, they demonstrate high stability; if the ratio of globulins and albumins is disturbed, their stability becomes worse, and with the introduction of the thymol reagent, proteins may precipitate.

Most often, a thymol test is prescribed for suspected liver pathology; it is used as a supplement to tests for enzymes and bilirubin. Thymol test also known by other names: Maclagan test, thymoloveronal test or thymol turbidity test.

It is quite popular among other biochemical tests, as it helps to identify the problem at the very beginning of diseases such as hepatitis A, especially in children, although other studies may show the norm.

In addition, such a test is invaluable due to the fact that liver diseases are quite difficult to diagnose, and if its norm is exceeded, this will indicate the presence of a problem in the body.

The technique is used not only to detect liver diseases, but also to determine abnormalities in the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and heart.

Among the main advantages of the thymol test are::

  • Accuracy of Problem Determination. Some even modern techniques do not show abnormalities, and the McLagan test detects them even in the early stages, which ensures the elimination of the disease without possible complications.
  • Survey speed. In the case of examination using a thymol test, there is no need to use special devices; it is enough that a magnetic stirrer is installed in the laboratory fume drawer. These attributes are available in a variety of clinics; examination results are obtained almost immediately, depending on the workload of health workers and the device for reading the result - an electrospectrophotometer.
  • Cost of analysis. Compared to other methods, it is low, since the sample does not require the use of expensive reagents and equipment.
  • Possibility of its use to monitor the effectiveness of prescribed therapy.

Why does the thymol test increase?

Its indicator is influenced by several factors; even taking hormonal drugs can lead to an increase in its norm, and after their withdrawal it will recover on its own.

The following diseases may affect changes in sample parameters::

In some cases, when the Maclagan test is elevated, the reasons for this may not be illness, but an excessive passion for fatty foods, which leads to high cholesterol. And he, in turn, provokes the formation atherosclerotic plaques which will cause atherosclerosis.

In the absence of any manifestations of the disease, an increased thymol test will indicate the need to adhere to a diet.

Interpretation of the thymol test

A person himself can determine his condition using this analysis if he knows the boundaries of the main indicators, and they are measured in Maclagan units or S-H units.

The norm for this test ranges from 0 to 4 S-H units; in some medical laboratories, 5 units are allowed when deciphering the analysis.

If the value exceeds the specified parameters, this indicates that there is not enough protein in the blood serum. This is fraught with the presence of pathologies of the liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract.

Boundary limits for men and women are assumed to be the same. Since in healthy body The stability of globulins is ensured by a sufficient concentration of albumins. But each individual case may have its own nuances in deciphering it, for example, if a young girl is healthy, but takes oral contraceptives, then her sample may be increased.

Confirmation of albumin deficiency may require other tests to accurately determine total albumin and protein concentrations. After electrophoresis, for example, the exact albumin-globulin ratio is established.

The need to conduct several tests is explained by the interconnection of all processes in the body.

Before undergoing the McLagan test, you need to prepare, the day before it, exclude fatty foods, and donate blood on an empty stomach the next morning.

A child's test values ​​are the same as those of adults, but they can accurately identify the initial stage of hepatitis A, even before the appearance external signs– jaundice, which helps to cure the baby faster without serious consequences for his developing organs.

To introduce big picture diseases and understand how to treat the patient in case of a positive result of the thymol method, the doctor must prescribe other biochemical tests: for the presence of urobilinogen in the urine, bilirubin in women in the blood, as well as in other categories of people, the level alkaline phosphatase and other tests (sublimate or formol).

Diagnostics with thymol test

The blood test for the thymol test has been used since ancient times; it is convenient to use for doctors who have any doubts about the diagnosis correct diagnosis. It is not used as the main diagnostic method, only in case of a controversial situation.

The accuracy of the test will depend on the patient's preparation. He must expect that the diagnosis will take place on empty stomach since morning. After 20:00 in the evening you can no longer eat food, and if you drink, then only water and in moderation.

The analysis is taken from a vein in an amount of 0.1 ml, then in the laboratory 6 ml of a highly concentrated solution of thymol with an acidity reaching 7.8 is added to it. After half an hour, the reagent is examined for the degree of turbidity and coagulation using the photocolorimetric method.

The sample results may be affected by the purity of thymol and the acidity of the reagent. If carried out in proven medical centers, for example, “Invitro”, then the accuracy of the Maclagan units indicator will be high.

U healthy person when reagents are introduced into his blood, proteins will not precipitate under the influence of the reagent, but if this happens, then this clearly indicates abnormalities in the body, therefore the degree of turbidity of the sample is also determined.

As a result of the fusion of blood with the thymol reagent, a complex complex is obtained, consisting of several components:

  • 32% thymol;
  • 10% phospholipids;
  • 40% globulins;
  • 18% cholesterol.

In the case when a person has been diagnosed and treated, after prescribing a thymol test, the doctor checks the correctness of the medications he has chosen and the possibility of reducing their dosage or replacing them with cheaper analogues.

The technique is considered quite highly sensitive and in most cases gives 100% results. Although there are many others modern analyzes, this sample has no analogues yet, so it is used everywhere. Regardless of the patient’s age, everyone takes the same number blood.

This test helps identify many diseases, but most often it is used when liver dysfunction is suspected.

Today pregnant women take a thymol test to mandatory, while its lower limit is taken as 0.5 units.

Very often it is used to exclude or confirm lupus erythematosus, hepatitis or drug poisoning. Hepatitis can be either viral or infectious. The test helps to identify liver inflammation in people who abuse alcohol, and after treatment, it is used to monitor the process of restoration of tissues and cells of this organ.

It is also advisable to use it for symptoms that are characteristic of the following diseases:

A thymol test can be taken from newborns if the baby has “jaundice”, as well as nausea and vomiting, often accompanied by restlessness of the child. Sometimes, thanks to it, infants are diagnosed with hepatitis E and A, which are early age are treated almost completely.

What will help reduce the thymol test?

If such a deviation is observed in women’s blood, along with men and children, then the treating specialist will refer them for additional examination of organs, presumably the gastrointestinal tract, liver or kidneys. The symptoms accompanying the disease help him decide.

After which certain medications are prescribed and a course of treatment for the underlying disease is established, after the patient’s condition normalizes, the control thymol test will show a negative result.

It will not be possible to restore it using folk remedies, unless you adhere to a certain diet and exclude fatty foods from your diet.

What is a thymol test and what affects its increase is described above. Before carrying out it, you need to prepare, and after receiving the results, you need to take into account age characteristics of a person and the concentration of gamma and alpha globulins in his body. After identifying a positive result, it is necessary to undergo additional tests and undergo treatment.


Judging by the fact that you are reading these lines now, victory in the fight against liver diseases is not yet on your side...

And have you already thought about surgical intervention? This is understandable, because the liver is very important organ, and its proper functioning is the key to health and wellness. Nausea and vomiting, yellowish discoloration of the skin, bitterness in the mouth and bad smell, dark urine and diarrhea... All these symptoms are familiar to you firsthand.

But perhaps it would be more correct to treat not the effect, but the cause? We recommend reading the story of Olga Krichevskaya, how she cured her liver...

The thymol test belongs to a category of tests that are not often used in themselves. Moreover, it is almost always included in the indicators of a standard biochemical blood test. This is due to the fact that the thymol test, the norm and deviations from it, indicate certain health problems, but do not allow a more accurate diagnosis of the disease.

Thymol test is normal in women’s blood

The normal thymol blood test is the same for women and men. This is an indicator from 0 to 5 units. Let's take a closer look at what this means.

Using the thymol test, you can check the stability of blood plasma proteins; this is a coagulation test. The fact is that blood serum contains several different protein fractions, and deviations in the composition may indicate serious problems with health in one of the following areas:

All listed diseases are presented in descending order - from the most common to the rarest. As a rule, in 80% of cases a positive thymol test indicates liver disease.

The normal thymol blood test demonstrates the absence of a serum protein reaction to the thymol solution. If a reaction occurs, turbidity of the laboratory material and the formation of flakes occur, which means that the composition of the blood serum has been changed. This may be a decrease in the amount of albumin or an increase in globulins, or the appearance of special paraglobulins that are absent in the blood of a healthy person. As a result, the tendency of blood proteins to coagulate increases, colloidal stability fails and the proteins stick together and precipitate upon contact with an alcoholic thymol solution. The strength of the reaction is determined visually using a special scale. Indicators can be from 0 to 20 units.

Biochemical blood test - thymol test, norm and deviations

A blood test indicating a violation of the thymol test norm first of all gives grounds to check the health of the liver. It is this organ that is responsible for the protein composition of the blood and any deviation in its work leads to a positive test result. Until recently, the thymol test was used exclusively for diagnosing liver diseases; only in the 80s was it proven that this indicator also depends on other factors.

The thymol test test norm will be exceeded in the following diseases not related to liver functions:

  • pyelonephritis and some other types of nephritis;
  • kidney amyloidosis;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • lupus;
  • dermatomyositis;
  • and enteritis;
  • oncological diseases.

The doctor will have reason to suspect one of the listed diseases only if liver pathologies are excluded:

In order to be confident in the accuracy of the analysis, you should consciously approach the process of blood sampling. A week before the thymol test, it is recommended to switch to dietary food with limited fat and sugar. The day before the test, you should stop drinking coffee and alcohol. Blood for the sample is taken from a vein in the morning, on an empty stomach. 12 hours before the procedure, you must stop eating and slightly limit the amount of drinking. It is permissible to drink only clean water.

The thymol test is the precipitation of plasma proteins when thymol and veronal are added to them. The test shows whether there are changes in the properties of albumins and globulins that are formed in the liver. It is applied for early diagnosis hidden hepatitis. Read more about the advantages of the method, the reasons for increased results and the treatment of deviations in this article.

Read in this article

What does the thymol test show?

Blood proteins regulate blood acidity, its oncotic pressure, immune reactions, form cholesterol and bilirubin transport complexes, transport iron ions, a number of hormones, and medications. Albumin and partially globulins are synthesized by the liver. If its functions are impaired, then the following changes:

  • ratio of protein fractions (albumin decreases);
  • the configuration of the molecule, its mass and charge;
  • resistance to settling (colloidal stability).

As a result, proteins combine into complexes and precipitate. This loss of stability of the protein part of the blood is the basis of the thymol test. It is not specific, as it becomes positive in many liver lesions.

The sample is not used often because there are more modern methods studies of liver cell function (ALT, AST, bilirubin, prothrombin index). However, the McLagan test can help in differential diagnosis

and assessing the severity of hepatitis damage and the effectiveness of therapy.

  • Indications for determination
  • temperature increase;
  • sore throat;
  • slight cough;
  • headache;
  • general weakness;
  • muscle and joint pain;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • bloating, feeling of heaviness in the abdomen;

unpleasant or bitter taste in the mouth. The study is indicated for patients without clinical manifestations

  • , if identified:
  • contact with a patient with viral hepatitis;
  • autoimmune diseases (dermatomyositis, lupus, scleroderma);
  • alcoholism;
  • cytomegalovirus or herpes infection;
  • undiagnosed liver disease in the past (shows changes over a year after viral hepatitis);
  • working with toxic and chemical substances;
  • malaria, tuberculosis;
  • signs of changes in the structure of the liver on ultrasound;

long-term chemotherapy.

Advantages of the method An important advantage of the thymoloveronal test is its high sensitivity.

It helps to make a diagnosis even before the appearance of the main symptom of hepatitis - jaundice. The McLagan test responds to liver damage earlier than others. This makes it possible to identify the disease initial stage

, prescribe therapy and prevent the destruction of liver tissue and the spread of viral infection. The thymol test is also used to distinguish mechanical blockage biliary tract and liver damage.

In both cases, the symptoms are similar, but jaundice when obstructing the flow of bile rarely gives a positive result.

The analysis is also carried out to monitor the effect of treatment. It can be prescribed repeatedly, since the thymol test does not require lengthy preparation or financial costs. There are no contraindications for its use.

Watch the video about AST and ALT blood tests:

Sample preparation and conduction One day before, you need to completely eliminate fatty foods, fried and spicy dishes , alcohol. Needed in the evening light dinner

A vein puncture (ulnar, hand) is performed in the manipulation room. About 5 ml of blood is drawn into a sterile tube, then labeled and sent to the laboratory for testing. Addition of an anticoagulant is not required. After separating the serum, it is mixed with veronal buffer and concentrated thymol. The result is assessed after half an hour.

With intense turbidity of the solution, the formation of globulin + thymol + lipids complexes occurs. After this, the laboratory technician compares the degree of change in the transparency of the material with the calibration graph (photocolorimetric method). With a decrease in albumin and an increase in globulins and lipoproteins, the thymol test becomes positive.

When referring a patient to urgent diagnostics the result can be obtained within an hour. If a routine examination is carried out, the answer is issued on the same day or the next.

Normal for women, men, children

Measurement results are given in Maclagan units - from 0 to 5 units. M. In the range of up to 4 units, the thymol test is considered negative.

This norm is not differentiated by gender or age. The test is positive at 5 units. M (sometimes the designation in ED S-H is used).


Reasons for the increase The greatest diagnostic value of the thymol test occurs when identifying acute form viral hepatitis. Positive result

recognized as a marker of this disease.

The McLagan test is the first to respond to the multiplication of the virus in the liver, during a period when there is no jaundice, changes in other liver tests, and an increase in bilirubin concentration. A violation also leads to a positive test result. protein composition

blood caused by other reasons. This is due to the fact that the liver reacts to inflammation and tissue destruction of any location. In the presence of such processes in the body, the relative content of albumin decreases, since globulins for the immune response begin to be intensively synthesized. The loss of albumin in the urine in kidney disease can change the ratio of blood proteins. Thymol test is at the level of 3 - 4 units. M and with an increase in the level of lipoproteins in the blood. To diseases occurring with

  • elevated test
  • toxic (including medicinal), infectious, autoimmune hepatitis;
  • viral infections, including HIV;
  • neoplasms in the liver or beyond with metastases;
  • chronic alcoholism (especially when consuming surrogate drinks);
  • fatty liver degeneration (steatosis);
  • glomerulonephritis, nephrotic syndrome;
  • acute pancreatitis, enterocolitis;
  • hereditary disorders of the ratio of protein fractions (dysproteinemia);
  • multiple myeloma;
  • malaria, typhoid fever, mononucleosis;
  • autoimmune diseases.

Treatment of abnormalities

Even slight increase the result of the analysis is an indication for examining the liver, conducting virological tests for hepatitis, and ultrasound of organs abdominal cavity, and sometimes a needle biopsy of the liver is needed.

Treatment is prescribed taking into account the cause of liver dysfunction. To restore it you need:

  • limitation physical activity during exacerbation;
  • minimum amount of medications;
  • exclusion of alcohol, fatty and fried foods;
  • sharp limitation of canned food, smoked foods, marinades, hot sauces, spices and strong coffee, tea;
  • ensure the supply of proteins from lean meat, dairy and fish products;
  • include boiled vegetables and non-acidic fruits in the menu.

To protect liver cells, a group of drugs called hepatoprotectors is used. These drugs prevent the destruction of hepatocyte membranes and accelerate the processes of restoration of albumin synthesis. They are usually prescribed in courses of 2-3 months at least twice a year. The most effective are Essentiale Forte N, Heptral, Glutargin, Hepa-merz, Gepadif.

For viral hepatitis, interferon is administered intramuscularly or intravenously in combination with antiviral drugs(ribavirin), and also use new interferons long acting(PEGylated) – Pegasis, Algeron. If hepatitis is caused by an autoimmune process, then hormonal therapy is indicated.

The thymol test is highly sensitive to liver damage, especially when viral hepatitis A. It helps to identify it at the preclinical stage. A positive result also occurs with infectious, autoimmune, tumor processes in organism. It is fast and recommended for monitoring treatment. If there is a deviation from the norm, additional examination is indicated and compulsory treatment, dieting.

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  • To determine liver functionality in medical institution the patient may be prescribed quite frequent clinical analysis– thymol test. Such a diagnosis is carried out mainly when there is a suspicion of pathological changes in the liver. However, despite this, experts trust the results of the analysis used in medicine for a long time.

    What is a thymol test?

    A biochemical test for synthesizing processes in the liver is usually carried out if indicated. Many blood parameters depend on the functioning of the internal organ. As a result of the study, it is possible to determine the ratio of coagulation, cell division and the number of individual connections between each other.

    The examination is carried out in the laboratory by releasing proteins from the blood serum, which are subsequently studied. After the protein whey is separated, it becomes cloudy. The thymol test in the blood depends on the degree of final change in serum protein.

    Currently, this test is considered a routine test with low diagnostic value, since the exact mechanism of action of the test is not even reliably known, and it all comes down to a lot of accumulated experience. But on modern criteria diagnostics, any sample or analysis must be completely “clear” and transparent, i.e. the mechanism of action must be fully explained. It is in this regard that the thymol test is gradually being replaced from the list of studies in modern laboratories.

    What should be the norm?

    A thymol blood test shows whether the level is normal or exceeded. The norm for women is the same as for men. In some cases, certain individual characteristics body. The indicator is assessed by the attending physician.

    The norm is a result with a reading from zero to five units.

    The study allows us to determine possible problems with health:

    Liver pathologies;

    Kidney inflammation;

    Rheumatoid diseases;

    Gastrointestinal diseases;

    And others.

    In most cases, if the thymol test is elevated, then pathological processes occur in the liver. If the diagnosis is not confirmed, examinations begin to exclude other diseases.

    Reasons for false changes

    If the test result shows that the protein reaction level is too high, then, as already mentioned, the liver is examined first. Until the eighties, this test was used exclusively to diagnose liver conditions, in recent years More and more attention is beginning to be paid to changes in serum protein in pathologies of other organs.

    A high rate may also be the result of an incorrectly conducted study, so several factors are taken into account when deciphering:

    Individual characteristics of the patient’s body (weight, age, accompanying illnesses etc);

    Time and process of blood sampling (in the morning and only with special devices);

    Patients taking hepatotoxic drugs.

    Hormonal contraceptives taken regularly can increase the level of this indicator in the blood of women.

    An amazing fact is that in cases of jaundice, in more than half of cases, the thymol test in an adult remains normal. However, when the disease causes complications, thymol increases sharply.

    Increased rate

    A referral for a thymol test is given by the attending physician based on certain indicators. If it is discovered that the thymol test is elevated, the patient may be sent for a repeat test, or an additional examination may be prescribed to confirm the preliminary diagnosis.

    An increase in the indicator demonstrates the presence in the body pathological process, which shows the likelihood of developing the following diseases:

    Or another type of jade;

    Rheumatoid arthritis;

    Renal amyloidosis;





    When the results of the study determine an elevated thymol test, the most unfavorable prognosis may be oncology.

    But first of all, the patient has high probability progression of liver diseases:


    Hepatitis, both viral and toxic or alcoholic;

    Fatty liver degeneration;

    Organ intoxication.

    Sometimes repeated analysis gives normal indicators. What does this mean - improper preparation for the test or a mistake by the laboratory technician when taking blood.


    Even in cases where there is an increase in the thymol test, the reasons are not always serious. This study consists only of confirming or denying the reaction of the protein whey. Therefore, it is impossible to make a diagnosis based on what the analysis shows.

    Decoding the results of a blood test is simple. If the indicator shows no more than five, then the thymol test is normal. However, if the level is above normal data, then you should undergo full diagnostics, establish a diagnosis and begin treatment.

    When, as a result of diagnosis, it is possible to reveal that the thymol test is elevated, the reasons for the deviation should be determined as early as possible. With the development of many diseases, such as hepatitis, cirrhosis or oncology, detection on early stage development, this is a significant increase in the chances of recovery.

    In some forms of disease, the indicator may remain unchanged. However, in children this analysis usually requires more attention. Since, for example, with the progression of hepatitis A in children, the norm is exceeded, but with hepatitis B, the thymol test gives normal results. It is also possible to increase the serum protein reaction after the child has had hepatitis. For these reasons, it is always recommended to additional diagnostics: one thymol test can lead down a false diagnostic path.

    For preventive purposes, the described examination is not carried out, since it is not considered standard. biochemical analyzes blood. However, if there are indications for research, then many specialists, despite the possibilities modern medicine, in the form of immunological and other tests, while in the old-fashioned way they give preference to the thymol test, since the result of this type of diagnosis makes it possible to detect the disease in time and begin to treat it, avoiding complications.

    The thymol test is a very important diagnostic method, with which you can determine some dangerous diseases. This analysis also known as Maclagan's test and thymolovernal test. It cannot be said that this diagnostic method is extremely popular. It is not prescribed as a main test, but if the patient is suspected of having certain ailments, the information obtained using the thymol test can be very useful.

    Diagnosis using thymol test

    The analysis is quite old and has been used in medicine for a very long time. However, to this day this diagnostic method is relevant and is often used to confirm suspicions of a certain disease.

    The thymol test is rarely prescribed as the main diagnosis. The thing is that the information that this method can provide is not enough to accurately make a diagnosis. Nevertheless, in controversial situations, it is the thymol test indicators that make it possible to determine exact reasons illness. That's why this test Nowadays it is quite widely used in laboratory diagnostics.

    Experts highly value this method when we're talking about about a diagnosis that concerns the liver. For example, a thymol test is very often prescribed to children with suspected hepatitis A and other liver-related ailments. Similar method allows you to identify a problem at the earliest stage of its development, even when other analyzes do not show any suspicious data.

    LDL cholesterol

    Advantages of the method

    If a patient consults a specialist with certain symptoms that may suggest liver pathology, the doctor should prescribe a thymol test. Very often it is used as a complement to the analysis of bilirubin and enzymes. This will make it possible to determine the condition of the liver, on the health of which many processes in the human body depend.

    It is worth noting that the liver is a special organ. It is often possible to diagnose problems in this area only at the stage when the disease reaches high level development, and treatment will be long and problematic. Considering all the difficulties in diagnosing liver diseases, the thymol test is especially highly valued. The thing is that this laboratory test allows you to see the problem even where other tests do not show anything suspicious. That is, standard tests will show the norm, and the thymol test will creep up. This a clear sign what the patient has serious pathology liver.

    The thymol test can be very useful in confirming liver disease. But this diagnostic method can be used not only for this organ. For example, the McLagan test is used to determine pathologies of the heart, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. To diagnose the condition of internal organs, the thymol test is very important. It is often used, since this method has a huge number of advantages.

    First of all, it is worth highlighting the speed of research. To get clear results laboratory research there is no need to wait several days for material provided by the patient. Moreover, the cost of the analysis is quite low, and no special equipment is needed to carry it out. In order to obtain thymol test data, it is necessary to use a magnetic stirrer in a fume hood. Any laboratory, even the most ordinary clinic, has everything necessary to carry out such a test. diagnostic procedure and get a transcript of the results.

    A huge advantage of the thymol test is that it shows the presence of a problem even where other methods are wrong. This is very important, since most diseases that can be determined using this analysis require timely treatment. If the pathology is identified at an early stage of development, it can be eliminated without any complications.

    Sometimes the thymol test is used to determine the patient’s condition during treatment. This allows you to determine the effectiveness medicines, and, if necessary, replace them with more effective analogues.

    Considering the considerable number of advantages of this method, the thymol test is widely used nowadays, despite the fact that the number of new diagnoses is constantly growing. Worthy replacement McLagan's test has not yet been found.

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    What is the essence of the analysis?

    This method allows you to determine the imbalance in the protein ratio in the human body. In some diseases there is a change in physical and chemical properties blood protein. The thymol test makes it possible to determine such deviations even at an early stage of the development of the problem. This type of analysis is considered highly sensitive, therefore it always shows the result with 100% accuracy. If the patient has hepatitis, laboratory examination it will definitely show. But the thymol test also has one important advantage, which is that this method allows you to determine the problem even in the pre-icteric period. This makes it possible to start treatment on time and eliminate the pathology without complications.

    When decoding the indicators, the Shank-Hoaland (S-H) designations and Maclagan units are used, which are simply written on the form like the letter M. The norm is usually from 0 to 4 units, but in some laboratories normal occurrence is also considered 5M.

    Representatives different genders There are no significant differences in the indicators. However, the data of the thymol test may be influenced by some additional factors. For example, representatives of the fair sex who take oral contraceptives often experience elevated thymol levels. This phenomenon cannot be excluded due to the fact that hormonal agents contraception has a strong effect on the liver and some others internal organs, and also change the protein ratio in the blood. This will definitely affect the performance of the thymol test.

    As for the McLagan method for children, the indicators do not change. They will be similar to what is considered normal for adult patients. For children, the thymol test sometimes plays a very important role. When many schoolchildren begin to get sick with hepatitis A, this method will be the most relevant, as it will allow you to see changes in the body in reality. initial stage. That is, long before the appearance visible signs treatment can begin for the disease.

    What diseases can cause an increase in the rate?

    There are several reasons that can lead to an increase in Maclagan test scores. Reception hormonal drugs is the most harmless factor. Most often, after stopping the pills, the test returns to normal.

    But basically, tests of this type are prescribed for suspected certain diseases.The parameters of the thymol test can be changed by:

    • infectious and viral hepatitis;
    • malignant and benign neoplasms;
    • severe intoxication, including alcohol;
    • liver cirrhosis and fatty hepatosis.

    Such a diagnostic method will be relevant if a specialist needs to determine the degree of alcohol damage to the liver and other organs. A thymol test can be prescribed if intoxication with various poisons, metals and drugs is suspected.

    A laboratory test of this type makes it possible to see problems not only in the liver, but this organ is the main one when prescribing the McLagan test. However, in some cases, it is the thymol test that makes it possible to confirm severe kidney damage, such as amyloidosis and pyelonephritis. These diseases are characterized increased level protein, so the sample will be increased.

    This diagnostic method will also be useful for determining pancreatitis and some other gastrointestinal pathologies, for example, enteritis, which is accompanied by severe diarrhea.

    Often, a thymol test is included in a set of tests to determine the nature of the tumor. In addition, this method is used in the diagnosis of systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid polyarthritis and dermatomyositis. Septic endocarditis, myeloma and malaria also show numbers above normal.

    But you cannot use the data from the thymol test as the main information when making a diagnosis. In combination with other methods, McLagan’s method will be useful, but its indicators must be confirmed. In some cases, the test may show results above normal even without any disease. Taking hormonal drugs is the most common cause, which changes the analysis indicators. But these numbers can also be affected by fatty foods. If it is present in the patient's diet in excessive quantities, the level bad cholesterol in the blood increases, and this causes an imbalance in protein balance. This situation should be considered as a signal. The patient must undergo additional examinations, and then work on your diet, since excess cholesterol threatens dangerous atherosclerosis.

    Thymol test in children and adults

    In order to submit material for further analysis, you must visit the laboratory in the morning. 7-8 hours before donating blood, you should not eat or drink. Before going to the clinic, you should not even drink tea or coffee. Only a glass of water is allowed. It is advisable to follow all the rules, as the result may depend on this. There should not be any serious deviations, but still, for those who want to get the most accurate data, it is worth abstaining from food and water for 8 hours before taking the test.

    The same amount of blood is taken from patients of any age. The resulting material is then mixed with necessary solutions and leave for 30 minutes. After this, the laboratory worker determines the degree of turbidity of the liquid. The obtained data is entered into an analysis form and then transferred to the patient or his attending physician.

    In men, women and children, up to 5 Maclagan units is considered normal. If this indicator is exceeded, it means that a pathological process is occurring in the patient’s body.

    This method makes it possible to determine the disease even in early stage its development. This is especially important for newborn babies. Often, in the youngest patients, abnormalities in liver function are determined in this way. Functional disorders at work of this body can cause delays in the development of the entire organism, therefore timely treatment in this case plays a very important role.

    The thymol test is not prescribed to every newborn. The reason for taking material for further research of the protein may be yellowness skin, vomiting and nausea. In addition, urine will tell you about liver problems dark brown. IN childhood Most often, specialists diagnose hepatitis A and E. These diseases can cause Negative influence on further development child, so they need to be treated efficiently. The earlier the diagnosis is made, the higher the likelihood that everything will pass without complications.

    The thymol test plays an important role in the diagnosis of many diseases, but greatest benefit it helps with liver diseases.

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