Increased salivation during sleep. Why does drool flow from your mouth when you sleep? Causes of excessive salivation in humans

Excessive saliva production can be caused by oral infections, neuromuscular diseases, the use of certain medications, or poorly fitting dentures. Saliva is a watery secretion that is produced in salivary glands ah, including parotid gland, submandibular gland, sublingual glands and small salivary glands in the cavity and mucous membrane of the mouth. Saliva consists of water, electrolytes, mucin, glycoproteins, salts, ptyalin, etc. It lubricates the mouth and also helps moisten food during chewing.

Excessive salivation is considered normal only for young children,
This is due to teething...

The digestion process begins in the mouth - with the help of enzymes contained in saliva, food starch and fat in food are broken down. Antimicrobial substances present in saliva reduce the risk of dental infections. Saliva also provides calcium and phosphate ions to the surface of the teeth, thereby preventing erosion of tooth enamel.

Since saliva performs many vital important functions, insufficient or excessive secretion saliva can cause problems. For example, increased salivation can lead to slurred speech and even leakage of saliva. This condition is designated medical term ptyalism(or drooling) profuse drooling may result from either excessive saliva production or an inability to swallow it.

Favorable factors

Teething is a common cause of excessive drooling in babies or young children. However, if excessive saliva production is observed in children over 4 years of age and adults, it is not considered normal occurrence. Although excessive salivation is not a disease in itself, it can be a sign of an underlying medical condition. Here are some of the factors causing hypersalivation.

Use of certain medications

Saliva production is controlled by the autonomic nervous system. While the couple sympathetic nerves produce watery saliva, sympathetic nerves are involved in the production of thick saliva. The salivary glands produce more saliva when the parasympathetic nervous system releases a neurochemical called acetylcholine. It is for this reason that the use of cholinergic drugs ( medicines that enhance or mimic the effects of acetylcholine) may lead to excessive saliva production. Here are some drugs that may cause ptyalism as a side effect:

Excessive salivation in an adult may indicate presence of illness,
Therefore, it is necessary to consult a specialist as soon as possible...

In addition to these drugs, certain toxins are also believed to contribute to the development of hypersalivation. These include mercury, copper, arsenic and phosphates.


Some diseases can also be accompanied by excessive salivation. Among them are:


Sometimes pregnant women may complain of excessive saliva production in the mouth. This is believed to be mainly due to changes in hormonal level. Ptyalism typically occurs in women suffering from toxicosis of pregnancy, which is a severe form of morning sickness.


Most people who wear dentures experience an increase in saliva flow when new dentures are inserted. Increased salivation occurs because the salivary glands perceive dentures as foreign body. However, salivation will return to normal after a few days. Wearing dentures that don't fit well can also cause excessive drooling.

In addition to the above factors, overconsumption starch can also cause excessive salivation.

Inability to swallow saliva

Ptyalism can develop if the rate of saliva ingestion is below normal. At normal conditions saliva is regularly produced and swallowed. However, some diseases negatively affect people's ability to swallow saliva. These diseases include:

Some diseases may have Negative influence on the functioning of the muscles responsible for swallowing. The inability to swallow saliva may be associated with the following neuromuscular diseases:


Sometimes this problem may disappear on its own. For example, in the case of women who suffered from ptyalism during pregnancy, the issue of excessive salivation may resolve after the first trimester.

Excessive salivation is common in infants and toddlers. It's important to note that babies tend to drool excessively, which is natural, especially when they are teething. However, you should contact medical care if drooling persists in children aged 4 years and older. Treatment will vary depending on the underlying cause of ptyalism. If excessive salivation is caused by taking medications, you should inform your doctor. You may need to stop taking or reduce the dosage of any drug.

Increases saliva production and smoking, so it is better to avoid it.

In severe cases, anticholinergic drugs may be recommended. Glycopyrrolate (Robinul) is an anticholinergic drug that has already been shown to be effective. However, its dosage must be monitored as it may be associated with adverse side effects. If excessive saliva production is caused by a medical condition, treating the underlying condition may help resolve the problem. Injection of a botulinum toxin preparation into the parotid and submandibular glands is also considered to some extent effective method treatment of drooling and increased salivation. In some cases, the use of portable battery-powered suction devices is suggested to reduce the risk of suffocation.

Drug therapy combined with personal hygiene measures can help treat ptyalism. However, it is necessary to ensure that saliva production does not drop below normal level. Saliva performs several vital functions, and not producing enough saliva can put a person at risk of developing various problems with health.

Disclaimer: The information presented in this article is for informational purposes only and does not replace the advice of a medical professional.


Saliva is a special secretion (mucus) that is produced by the salivary glands and provides protection oral cavity from the activity of pathogenic microorganisms living in the mouth. Normally, a person produces 2–2.2 mg of saliva every 10–15 minutes. However, under the influence negative factors, saliva secretion increases, which indicates some malfunctions internal organs and systems. Excessive salivation is medically called hypersalivation. And now you will find out why it occurs and how to deal with it.

Main reasons

Speaking about why a person produces a lot of saliva in the mouth, it should be noted that this condition can be contributed to various factors. And the most common of them are:

  • Taking certain medications (hypersalivation is considered side effect many drugs).
  • Metabolic disorders in the body.
  • Neurological disorders.
  • Intoxication (poisoning).
  • Toxic infections ( infectious diseases, the pathogens of which, in the course of their life activity, produce toxins that poison the body).
  • Otorhinolaryngological pathologies (sinusitis, sinusitis, otitis media, etc.).

In adults, hypersalivation is often a consequence of pathologies associated with impaired work digestive system or CNS. But in children, this condition often occurs against the background of acute respiratory infections or ENT diseases.

Causes in children under one year of age

Increased, strong salivation in children aged 0–12 months is natural and should not cause concern to parents, especially if there are no external symptoms against the background of hypersalivation, for example, tearfulness, irritability, disturbed sleep, etc.

This is due to the fact that the first few months after birth, the baby’s salivary glands go through an adaptation period. They do not yet “know” how to work correctly to ensure proper protection of the oral cavity. As soon as their adaptation ends, hypersalivation becomes less pronounced, but not for long, since then from 4–5 months, the child begins to teethe, causing the gums to become inflamed. And any inflammation in the oral cavity is a kind of activator for the salivary glands, and their functionality increases.

However, we should not forget that children, just like adults, are susceptible to various diseases. Therefore, if hypersalivation in a baby is accompanied unpleasant symptoms, it should be shown to a doctor immediately.

Causes in adults

There are many factors that provoke the occurrence of hypersalivation in adults. And often this condition is provoked by bad habits - smoking and alcohol. Tobacco smoke And ethanol have a chemical effect on the salivary glands, irritating them and activating their work.

But the following reasons can also lead to the development of hypersalivation:

  1. Dental diseases, affecting the cavity mouth and pharynx. These include: gingivitis, periodontal disease, stomatitis, tonsillitis, etc. With their development, increased secretion of saliva is a kind of response of the body to the causative agent of the disease, which removes their decay products from the oral cavity. And since in the process of their life activity pathogenic microorganisms produce toxic substances, saliva may smell rotten.
  2. Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract - stomach ulcers and duodenum, gastritis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis and many others. With the development of these diseases, strong inflammatory processes occur in the digestive tract, which also stimulate increased salivation.
  3. Facial paralysis. A person cannot control his reflexes. Saliva is constantly secreted and to get rid of it, a person either swallows it or spits it out. With facial paralysis, the patient cannot swallow liquids, which causes saliva to accumulate in the mouth.
  4. Parkinson's disease. This serious pathology, which is characterized by central nervous system disorders. With its development, the muscles responsible for swallowing lose their tone, as a result of which a person cannot swallow saliva.
  5. Mumps (mumps). This disease is infectious nature and provokes the development of inflammatory processes in the parotid salivary glands. This condition leads to swelling of the face and throat, which causes a narrowing of the pharynx and disruption of the passage of fluid through it. In this regard, a person has difficulty swallowing saliva, and most of it begins to accumulate in the oral cavity.
  6. Pathologies thyroid gland. Thyroid produces hormones that control the functioning of the salivary glands. And when the functionality of the thyroid gland is disrupted, the process of saliva productivity gets out of control and begins to be produced in large quantities.
  7. Irritation of the salivary glands. In this case we're talking about about mechanical irritation that occurs when wearing dentures, during dental procedures, chewing hard foods, etc.
  8. Taking medications. As mentioned above, excessive salivation is one of the side effects. Most often, hypersalivation is observed when taking Muscarine, Lithium, Nitrazepam and Pilocarpine.
  9. Pregnancy. On early stages gestational change present hormonal levels. And hormones, as was said, are directly involved in the work of the salivary glands. Also, such a reaction can be caused by a sore stomach and frequent heartburn.
  10. Excessive physical activity. Every organism has individual characteristics and in some cases hypersalivation may be a consequence of excessive physical activity. This includes not only running, jumping and lifting dumbbells, but also the strength loads that a person receives during the day. An example of this are movers who are forced to constantly lift heavy objects.

What does increased salivation at night indicate?

Of course, various factors can provoke hypersalivation. But if a person experiences excessive salivation during sleep, then this may indicate not only a disorder digestive tract or central nervous system, but also for helminthiasis.

Signs of helminthiasis are not only increased salivation, but also:

  • Nausea.
  • Decreased appetite.
  • Loss of body weight.
  • Grinding of teeth during sleep.
  • Sleep disturbance.
  • Increased irritability.
  • Impaired concentration of memory and attention.
  • Bad breath in the morning.

To quickly eliminate the signs of helminthiasis, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment, which involves taking anthelmintic drugs. They have different kinds and should only be taken as prescribed by a doctor after full examination patient and identifying the exact type of helminthiasis.


It should be noted that excessive salivation is not a disease. It is considered one of the symptoms of various pathological conditions. And in order to relieve a person from increased salivation, the doctor needs to establish the exact factor that provoked the occurrence of hypersalivation. And for this he carries out the following activities:

  • Collects anamnesis, during which he finds out how long a person has been experiencing increased salivation, what additional symptoms it is accompanied.
  • Conducts an analysis of the patient’s vital activity, during which he clarifies what kind of life the person leads (how he eats, whether there are any bad habits, etc.).
  • Inspects the oral cavity.
  • Determines the volume of saliva secreted per day and takes a smear to study enzyme levels.
  • Schedules a consultation with other specialists, for example, a neurologist, endocrinologist, dentist, etc.

Only after the exact cause that could increase salivation has been established, the doctor will prescribe treatment to quickly get rid of hypersalivation. If it is not possible to install exact reason this state, a detailed examination is performed, which may include CT, MRI, ultrasound, etc.

How is it treated?

However, you need to understand that you should never self-medicate, as this can lead to serious health problems, especially if the cause of hypersalivation has not been established.

Salivation - natural process in the human body, which is regulated by the central nervous system. It would seem that no one should have problems with this process. However, there are different cases in which saliva is secreted excessively large quantities or the person does not have time to swallow it (and it happens both). It's already serious reason contact a neurologist or, at a minimum, begin to more carefully monitor your diet, sleep and well-being. This article is intended to answer the question of why drooling occurs in a dream, and also to talk about what saliva is in general and what important functions it performs in the life of the body.

Saliva is a liquid secretion of the body that is constantly secreted by the salivary glands. The body produces saliva exactly as much as it needs. If suddenly an extra portion appears, it is swallowed reflexively. This secretion performs several extremely important functions in the body, and also contributes to the stable functioning of all organs. For example:

  1. Saliva helps soften food in the mouth, forming a bolus, which is then swallowed without special effort. It is also involved in the digestion process, as it contains special enzymes for this.
  2. Regulates acid balance in the oral cavity, protects teeth from damage and helps restore mucous membranes.
  3. Removes toxic substances or final food processing products from the body. Toxins enter the saliva, which is then reflexively spat out.

Main Factors

There can be many reasons why a person cannot swallow accumulated saliva in time, or why it is released in excessively large volumes. First, you need to understand why this happens in the first place.

Doctors identify three factors that are most often associated with the fact that in the morning a person finds a trace of drool on his pillow. First of all, this is, of course, increased salivation. What reasons may be behind this will be discussed below.

It is important to understand that in this case the body produces too much secretion and there is simply nowhere to put it. Second common reason- inability to swallow saliva. A person does not control himself during sleep, so the swallowing process occurs reflexively. However, for some reason the body cannot do this while the person is unconscious. Hence the drool on the pillow and Bad mood since morning.

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The third reason is a strong relaxation of the facial muscles. The jaw simply relaxes and opens the mouth slightly, causing saliva to flow freely from it. It is important to note that very often this phenomenon is characterized by several points at once, for example, a person may have increased salivation, as well as a slightly open mouth. First of all, a person who has noticed such a feature in himself does not need to worry. Drooling on the pillow is not a problem, it is not a diagnosis and it cannot be treated in any way with pills or other medications.

It is also important to understand that many people have this disability, to one degree or another. You just need to calm down and look at the situation soberly, evaluate everything possible options occurrence of such a problem.

Why does salivation increase during sleep?

The most common causes of increased salivation during sleep are:

  • Food. Everyone knows that if you eat a lot of bitter or spicy food, then more saliva will be released. Check if you are eating permanent basis before going to bed, spicy, spicy or bitter foods.
  • Alcohol. Its effect on the body is so strong that during sleep all muscles, including facial ones, completely relax. And in the morning you can notice an unpleasant surprise in the form of a speck of saliva on the pillow.
  • Also, excessive drooling can occur due to problems with teeth, gum disease, and enamel damage. Saliva is needed to restore damaged tissue, and a person in a dream simply does not have time to swallow it.

  • Problems with intestinal microflora or acidity in the stomach. The body makes attempts to neutralize the acid with alkali, that is, it increases the level of saliva production. This can also be the root cause of the problem of drooling on the pillow. In this case, you should contact a gastroenterologist and start treatment.
  • Allergic reactions and toxins. This is especially common among smokers or those who live near them. Harmful substances hover in the air, causing the body to turn on its protective system and the salivary glands begin to work actively. In the first case allergic reaction may block the swallowing process.

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Causes of hypersalivation in children

Hypersalivation - scientific name increased salivation. This process usually occurs in young children and is completely natural. The fact is that their teeth begin to cut, which means, in turn, the body promotes the speedy healing of wounds and restoration of the integrity of the oral cavity. This is why the salivary glands begin to actively work and secrete secretions. The same situation happens when a child at six or seven years old begins to lose his baby teeth. The body also guards the integrity of the gums and produces more saliva than usual.

Hypersalivation in children is not a disease or serious defect requiring treatment. However, for adults this problem should become good reason go to the doctor.

How to get rid of the problem

How to get rid of large quantity saliva during sleep? For this there is no special tablet or treatment methods. Increased salivation or hypersalivation is just one of the clear signs a problem that is located in the stomach or central nervous system. Doctors advise initially trying to get rid of possible reasons: do not drink alcohol, ventilate the premises more often, get checked for allergies to anything, drink more water, control your posture during sleep and much more.

In most cases, this helps, and people begin to feel well again. If the situation does not improve, then consult a doctor as soon as possible. Only a specialist will understand the problem and be able to find the real root cause of this behavior of the body. Perhaps it lies in the stomach or in the central nervous system. The following auxiliary procedures and means also often help, for example:

  1. Rinse your mouth with sage before bed and in the morning.
  2. Avoiding spicy and spicy foods, as well as vegetables containing starch in large doses.
  3. Taking atropine in small quantities often helps, but be sure to consult a specialist.
What functions does saliva perform?

Saliva is very important for our body, because thanks to its antibacterial properties, she destroys infectious bacteria in the oral cavity, and also helps with chewing and swallowing food. However, it often happens that salivation exceeds acceptable standards, and the person begins to experience discomfort. Scientific language this phenomenon called hypersalivation, i.e., increased secretion saliva. This annoying nuance is especially irritating at night - you must admit that there is nothing pleasant about waking up on a wet pillow. There is no serious problem with involuntary salivation, but, nevertheless, a person feels uncomfortable waking up on a damp pillowcase. And such an inconvenience makes you look for an answer to the question of why drool flows from your mouth in a dream. What is this connected with and how to deal with it? First of all, do not panic - this feature does not pose any health hazard. This bigger problem aesthetic nature, and first it is necessary to identify the cause of increased salivation during sleep in order to understand how to deal with it.

For what reasons can saliva flow?

There can be several reasons for salivation during sleep, and they often depend on the person’s age. In some cases, changing the position will help get rid of this problem, and in some cases treatment cannot be avoided. But first things first.

Physiological features. Sometimes the cause of hypersalivation lies in the structure of the mouth, when during sleep the jaw relaxes and profuse salivation occurs. Especially if a person sleeps on their side. You can combat this by training yourself to sleep in a different position, for example, on your back. And be sure to breathe only through your nose.

Runny nose. This is one of the most common reasons for drooling during sleep. And it doesn’t matter what kind of runny nose it is, colds or allergies. The result is the same: due to nasal congestion, the mouth spontaneously opens during sleep and saliva begins to flow abundantly from it. There is only one way out: treat a runny nose.

Dental problems. When a person problem teeth, an infection appears in the mouth, resulting in profuse salivation during sleep. In this case, you need to visit a dentist. A similar problem is observed in infants, but it is associated with teething and can be solved with the help of gum medications.

Chronic diseases. It is not uncommon for saliva to be released during sleep due to an inflammatory process occurring in the body. For example, if there is a problem with the gastrointestinal tract and increased acid production is observed. In this case, it is recommended to consult a doctor who will prescribe the necessary treatment.

Deviation of the nasal septum. Another reason for hypersalivation is when, due to this pathology, the nose is often stuffy, which provokes salivation. In this case, changing your sleeping position will not help; your mouth will still open automatically due to lack of oxygen. An otolaryngologist will help you find a way out of this situation.

Nervous system. Increased salivation during sleep can also occur if a person, due to long-term use Antibiotics cause a disruption in the functioning of the nervous system. In this case, it is recommended to consult with a neurologist, who will replace the drugs with less aggressive analogues, or help you find another treatment.

Bad habits. When smoking, the oral receptors and salivary glands are irritated, and nicotine provokes additional saliva production. Because of this, smokers very often have to deal with the problem profuse salivation in a dream. If you can’t get rid of a bad habit, then you should at least not smoke before bed.

Foreign object in the mouth. It happens that the cause of hypersalivation is a foreign body in the oral cavity, for example, dentures or braces. They are often annoying nerve endings gums, as a result of which saliva begins to be released abundantly at a reflex level. In such cases, you can try changing your position and breathing through your nose.

Pregnancy. Happens during pregnancy hormonal changes body, and there are often cases when expectant mothers suffer from copious discharge saliva during sleep, especially at the stage of toxicosis. If similar problem begins to annoy you, then you must definitely inform your doctor about this, who will monitor this situation.

How to deal with saliva secretion during sleep?

If the cause of hypersalivation turns out to be some disease, then you should not self-medicate, but only follow the doctor’s instructions. If no specialist has found any pathologies, then the problem of excessive salivation during sleep lies in physiology. That is, especially the structure of the jaw. There are a number of recommendations that may not solve the problem completely, but will significantly help in the fight against this problem and reduce the secretion of saliva at night.

Try as much as possible to combat bad habits, for example, smoking.

Don't overuse spicy dishes, and also limit your salt intake.

Beautiful astringent quince does this, so drink more quince juice.

If you are taking any medications, do not exceed your prescribed dose.

Rinse your mouth herbal infusions from oak bark, chamomile, sage, thyme and wormwood.

Do not drink any liquid before bed - this will help reduce salivation.

Contact a specialist who will prescribe you a course of breathing exercises.

It is important not to forget that the salivary glands are constantly being produced, since they main function- protect the oral cavity from drying out, moisturizing the nasopharynx, throat and tongue. And if there is any problem, saliva begins to be produced automatically, protecting the body from dehydration. Serious problems an excess of salivation does not represent, but, nevertheless, causes a person to experience discomfort. Therefore, it is necessary to try to regulate the work of the salivary glands.

Hypersalivation is pathological condition, characterized by an increase in the secretion of the salivary glands. So, in children under the age of six months this is considered the norm and does not require any special treatment. On the other hand, hypersalivation in adults is quite serious illness, which not only worsens the quality of life, but also brings discomfort. In this article we will look at this pathology in more detail.

general information

Salivation is known to be normal process. Thus, approximately 2 mg of saliva is released every 10 minutes. However, in some cases, so-called hypersalivation may occur.

among the people this pathology known as hypersalivation. The causes in adults can be very different, ranging from oral diseases to serious neurological disorders.

It is also important to note that some patients perceive normal amount saliva for increased. Most often this occurs due to impaired swallowing function. In this case, a person simply cannot swallow saliva completely, and it constantly accumulates in the oral cavity. In fact, there is no need to talk about serious pathology here. Doctors call this hypersalivation false.

Primary symptoms

Saliva is constantly produced special glands. The therapeutic norm is the production of liquid in the amount of 2 ml in approximately ten minutes. in adults it can only be alarming when volumes exceed the 5 ml mark. In this case, there is too much liquid in the mouth, so there is a reflexive desire to swallow it.

Quite often, doctors associate this kind of problem with inflammatory process in the oral cavity, various injuries of the tongue. In this case, the feeling of an abundance of fluid is false, since salivation is within normal limits.

The same sensations, not justified by dysfunction of the glands in the oral cavity, may occur in patients suffering from non-neurological or dental problems, but susceptible to so-called obsessive states.

Quite rarely, hypersalivation is accompanied by changes taste sensations(too strong or weak sensitivity). Some patients experience increased salivation and nausea at the same time.

Why does this pathology occur?

U healthy person saliva is secreted as a response to the aroma of food; they also have nerve endings on the oral mucosa. Maximum irritation causes, accordingly, profuse salivation. For example, than nicer smell, the faster your appetite flares up. Gastrointestinal tract thus communicating that he is ready for “work.”

Types of disease

  • Drug hypersalivation. Most medications (for example, Nitrazepam) that affect salivation provoke the development of xerostomia.
  • A psychogenic type of disease, which also entails increased salivation. The reasons for the development of this pathology in adults remain unknown. Sometimes drooling becomes so profuse that patients have to constantly carry a handkerchief with them.
  • Hypersalivation with bulbar or Saliva is usually thick, and its volume can be up to 900 ml per day.
  • Excessive drooling patients with cerebral palsy due to dysfunction of the oral muscles.

Increased salivation during pregnancy

As you know, a woman’s body undergoes various kinds changes, including at the hormonal level. According to experts, it is in the early stages that many ladies notice primary signs hypersalivation.

Most often, this problem accompanies toxicosis. It is important to note that in some cases, hypersalivation is not associated with actual activation of the salivary glands. The thing is that a woman is constantly trying to suppress attacks of nausea and vomiting, thereby she begins to involuntarily swallow less often. As a result, there is a feeling that there is actually more saliva than there should be.

Often, increased salivation during pregnancy is somewhat aggravated by attacks of heartburn. In this case, the body conditionally receives a signal to soften the acid with saliva, which, due to high content bicarbonate is classified as an alkaline medium.

Sometimes hypersalivation occurs due to the same factors as in ordinary adults. In this kind of situation, pregnant women are advised to inform their doctor about this in order to exclude obvious reasons Problems.

Severe nocturnal hypersalivation

During sleep, as is known, the work of the glands responsible for the production of saliva slows down somewhat. However, it also happens that the secret begins to be produced before the person finally wakes up. All this entails spontaneous drainage of liquid from the mouth of a sleeping person.

If such cases are rare, then there is no reason to worry. However, regular recurrence of this problem requires consultation with a specialist.

Doctors note that in some cases, during sleep, the body loses control over reflexes. This also leads to increased salivation.

Hypersalivation can occur due to certain diseases that cause nasal congestion (ARVI, influenza). As a rule, increased salivation goes away after it finally disappears main reason- difficulty breathing.

Diagnostic measures

Diagnostics in this case involves the following steps:

  1. Collecting a complete medical history (when did the primary symptoms, Availability concomitant diseases etc.).
  2. Life activity analysis. The whole point is that hereditary factor often plays a primary role in the occurrence of such pathology as increased salivation. The causes in adults often lie in the abuse of bad habits (for example, smoking).
  3. A detailed examination of the oral cavity for ulcers or other lesions of the mucous membrane.
  4. Enzymatic analysis of saliva itself.
  5. Additional examination by a dentist, psychiatrist and neurologist to identify possible indirect causes.

What should the treatment be?

We can talk about prescribing therapy only after the final identification of the cause that led to the development of hypersalivation. First of all, you need to seek advice from a therapist. After examination and medical history, he will be able to recommend a specialist.

Depending on the root cause, the doctor prescribes appropriate treatment. In this case, it is not the hypersalivation itself that is eliminated, but main factor, which provoked its development. This may be dental, neurological or gastroenterological treatment.

How to get rid of increased salivation? In particularly critical situations, as a rule, it is prescribed specific therapy, acting directly on salivation itself, namely:

  • Taking anticholinergic drugs (Riabal, Scopolamine, Platifillin). These drugs suppress excessive saliva secretion.
  • Removal of glands ( this method often entails disruption of the facial nerves).
  • At neurological disorders Facial massage and exercise therapy are prescribed.
  • Radiation therapy.
  • Cryotherapy (cold treatment).
  • To block excessive saliva production for a period of time (up to one year), Botox injections are performed.

In addition to all of the above medicines, homeopathic options are often used. However, they are prescribed only after consultation with a doctor.

If diagnostic examination did not reveal any significant violations, you can try to use the recommendations below.

First of all, it is necessary to exclude all spicy, fatty and salty foods from the diet, as they provoke irritation of the oral mucosa. The thing is that many people complain of increased salivation after eating. These kinds of restrictions can help solve this problem.

It is extremely important to stop smoking and using alcoholic drinks. As preventive measures You can rinse your mouth with a decoction of chamomile or oak bark. These agents act as an antiseptic and prevent the development of this pathology.



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