If your period comes 2 times a month. Features of the functioning of a woman’s body

Almost every woman at any age has experienced problematic menstruation at least once. Crash with critical days happens for many reasons. This may occur due to problems reproductive system or because nervous stress, experiences. Most often there is a delay, but sometimes menstruation occurs twice a month. In order to understand why you have periods 2 times a month, you need to visit a doctor.

A normal menstrual cycle is considered to be one that occurs regularly from 3 to 7 days, but it can also be longer. The gap between critical days should be from 28 to 32 days. But it happens that they happen twice. This is why many people wonder why menstruation occurs twice a month. There may be many reasons for this.

For example, if a girl encounters this for the first time, then this indicates that she hormonal background It’s just getting better, and then everything will go on as usual. But if such a problem occurs in adult woman, then an examination by a gynecologist is required, as this may indicate some kind of pathology.

If you get your period for the second time in a month, there can be a wide variety of reasons, and it is not easy to identify them, since they occur normally and painlessly. If a woman has a period between menstruation of 21 days, then it is considered normal appearance critical days for the second time in a month.

Available two phases of the menstrual cycle:

  1. Follicular phase. It occurs at the initial stage on the first day when ovulation occurs.
  2. Luteal phase. This type of phase occurs during the period when the egg is released and the corpus luteum appears.

This is exactly how it should go normal menstruation every woman.

The norm for the appearance of repeated periods

Very often on forums it is discussed why menstruation came for the second time in a month. There is no definite answer to this question, since each case is individual:

If your period comes twice a month for these reasons, then you should just wait until everything gets better, since there are no pathologies.

Pathological conditions

In addition to the above, it happens that they come critical days twice a month, and this indicates illness. When they first appear need to see a doctor for diagnosis and treatment:

There are times when women bloody issues confused with menstruation. After all, it happens, so in the background emotional stress Your period lasts only 2 days, this is normal. As a rule, this happens once, and the next cycle proceeds without interruption.

For some, small amounts of spotting is normal.. This mainly happens during the first menstruation, then you should not panic and run to the doctor, but if such a manifestation occurs in mature women, then this is definitely a disease, and without drug treatment there's simply no way around it.

One conclusion can be drawn: if menstruation occurs every two weeks after the previous ones, that is, three times a month, then there can be many reasons, and it is very difficult to establish the exact ones on your own. In any case, you need to go to a gynecologist to protect your health.

Attention, TODAY only!

It is generally accepted that the average menstrual cycle is calculated as 28 days. There are also some deviations that are equated to the norm, when the cycle lasts from three weeks to thirty-five days. If menstruation occurs 2 times a month, the reason for this may be unclear to the woman.

Do you have periods twice a month?

At the reception female doctor The question always arises about how menstruation proceeds. If the cyclicity is correct, this is considered one of the keys to sexual health, although it is far from the only one. Miscellaneous violations- both lengthening and shortening of the cycle - should alert you and become a reason for a detailed examination.

It is common that the frequency with which menstruation occurs is 2 times a month. This phenomenon does not always indicate an illness. For example, if the cycle is short, then regulation is possible both at the beginning and at the end of one calendar month. A temporary non-pathological failure, when menstruation occurs twice in a row, may indicate the following:

  • the use of methods of protection against conception - intrauterine, hormonal;
  • the beginning of the cycle;
  • hormonal disorders after childbirth or termination of pregnancy;
  • period;
  • vivid neuro-emotional shocks;
  • disruption of the usual biorhythm of life;
  • past infectious and inflammatory diseases.

In addition, an insignificant highlight bloody mucus is acceptable during ovulation, and then a woman may think that her period started a week after the previous one or a couple of weeks later. After ovulation, when conception occurs, the fertilized cell attaches to the uterine tissue, which is accompanied by damage to the capillaries, which explains the appearance of brownish spots on underwear.

Why do I get my period twice a month?

If a girl notes that she has periods twice a month, the reasons are often pathological. At the same time, accompanying complaints are sometimes symptoms such as pain in lower third belly, elevated temperature, general deterioration in health. It is worth understanding that when menstruation occurs 2 times a month, the cause of which is related to illness, then this may not be menstrual discharge, but uterine bleeding. Let's consider why periods 2 times a month sometimes appear in girls who previously recorded stability:

  • interrupted short-term pregnancy (including ectopic);
  • malignant tumors in the uterus;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • tumors and cystic formations ovaries;
  • damage to the fallopian tubes;
  • damage and tumors of the pituitary gland of the brain;
  • blood clotting abnormalities.

A teenager's period is 2 times a month.

It can be considered absolutely normal for teenage girls to have periods twice a month when their first periods begin. During this period, the body experiences significant changes, under the control of hormones, and the formation regular cycle may take about two years. In this case, it is possible not only to reduce the period between regulations, but also to delay for 2, 3 months, sometimes even six months. In addition, the nature and amount of discharge can vary greatly.

After childbirth, menstruation 2 times a month

After the birth of a child, a woman experiences difficult period, during which all systems begin to organize their activities. This takes from six months, depending on the course of gestation, childbirth and many other factors. During the first two months, the uterus cleanses and heals with bloody discharge from the vagina, the volume of which gradually decreases.

For those women who do not breastfeed, the menstrual cycle stabilizes approximately six weeks after delivery. Nursing mothers note a lack of regulation for six months or more. Normalization does not occur immediately, and some failures are quite acceptable. Therefore, postpartum women have periods twice a month for physiological reasons. This applies not only to those who have had natural childbirth, but it is not uncommon to have periods 2 times a month after a cesarean section.

Menstruation twice a month – pregnancy

Menstruation twice a month can serve as a kind of “bell” about the onset of pregnancy. After conception, menstrual processes stop. When menstruation occurs twice a month in the first month of pregnancy, the reason often lies in the implantation bleeding that occurs when the egg attaches to the uterine wall. This physiological phenomenon. In addition, bleeding from the vagina is possible in case of involuntary miscarriage or complications.

Menopause – menstruation 2 times a month

During menopause hormonal changes V female body Having periods twice a month can be considered standard. The final menstruation occurs irregularly, sometimes becoming less frequent, sometimes more frequent, with heavy or scanty discharge, vary in duration. This period ranges from two to ten years. Menstruation disappears altogether after estrogen production has completely stopped.

Menstruation 2 times a month - what to do?

You should immediately consult a doctor when you experience heavy periods 2 times a month, and the color of the discharge is scarlet for 4-5 days. In this case, it is necessary to take medications that stop bleeding. Also, immediate hospitalization is required by conditions in which repeated menstruation in a month is accompanied by intense pain, indicating a probable ectopic pregnancy. A consultation with a gynecologist is also recommended in other cases - to conduct research (for the presence of infections, neoplasms, hormonal imbalances) and determine treatment.

Menstruation is normal physiological process in a woman's body. It appears after the same period of time. On average, menstruation occurs once a month with an interval of 28-30 days. If a representative of the fairer sex experiences frequent periods, this indicates the presence of disorders in the body.

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    Main reasons

    Why do I get my period twice a month? Exists great amount reasons due to which the appearance is observed pathological condition.In most cases, violations are observed against the background of:

    • Taking oral birth control pills, which are developed based on hormones. On initial stages While taking medications, a woman may experience menstruation 2 times a month. The pathological condition can be observed several times. After this, the hormonal levels stabilize. That is why in this case there is no need to treat the pathology.
    • Disturbances in the level of hormones in a woman’s body. If the patient has internal reproductive organs inflammatory processes are observed, this can lead to pathology, which is explained by the inability to isolate yellow body required quantity progesterone. As a result, the endometrial layer will be shed much earlier than expected.
    • Induced abortion or childbirth. These processes negatively affect the level of hormone production and therefore cause frequent periods.
    • Ovulatory discharge. Two weeks after menstruation, a woman ovulates. When a woman is fertilized, her body may contain minor damage endometrial walls as a result of the attachment of an egg to it, which leads to bleeding.
    • Availability intrauterine device. Given contraceptive in some cases it causes bleeding.

    Frequent periods may occur due to various reasons. If pathology appears repeatedly, a representative of the fairer sex should seek help from a doctor. Only a specialist can determine why your period came for the second time in a month, and if the need arises, prescribe rational treatment.

    Affecting women's diseases

    Menstruation twice a month can occur against the background of a variety of women's diseases.Most often, pathology appears due to:

    • Miscarriage. If a certain egg does not implant in the uterine cavity, the body tries to get rid of it. In case of miscarriage in mandatory bleeding will occur.
    • Cancerous tumor in the uterus. This is a malignant neoplasm, which in most cases causes bleeding. If menstruation begins to have a watery consistency, then the woman needs to go to a medical center for a full examination.
    • Endometriosis and polyps. The place where these processes take place is internal cavity uterus.
    • Uterine fibroids. This disease is a benign tumor that can grow to enormous sizes and cause menstruation twice a month. This is explained by the fact that as a result of tumor development, the process of hormone production is disrupted. For treatment of this disease can be used drug therapy or surgery.
    • Erosion of the cervix, inflammatory processes in the ovaries, pathologies in the fallopian tubes. As a result of these processes, the appearance of menstrual and intrauterine bleeding. If blood appears with these pathologies, the woman must be provided with urgent medical care.
    • Poor blood clotting. If this disease is present, representatives of the fairer sex have menstruation twice a month.
    • Ectopic pregnancy. During the development of the embryo in fallopian tube menstruation may come again. The pathological process is quite dangerous and requires prompt medical attention.

    When frequent periods appear, the causes of which include a variety of gynecological diseases, patients must definitely seek help from a doctor.

    Provoking factors

    It happens to some women that they get their periods for the second time without having serious illnesses. Women should remember that repeated bleeding is bleeding, which is often caused by stressful situations. Against the background of an emotional outburst, a hormonal shock develops, which leads to unexpected bleeding.

    In most cases, the menstrual cycle is disrupted due to moving and climate change. Also, the causes of pathology can be diseases that are not gynecological in nature.

    In most cases, pathological conditions in patients are diagnosed against the background diabetes mellitus. Representatives of the weaker sex who suffer from severe obesity are at risk. Frequent menstruation may be caused by liver disease. For dysfunction thyroid gland Patients may also experience pathology. In most cases, it is diagnosed in representatives of the fairer sex who have blood diseases.

    Women cannot independently determine the cause of the pathology, so they need to seek help from a doctor. Only experienced specialist can determine why periods are frequent using appropriate diagnostic methods.

    Symptoms of pathology

    With repeated menstruation, patients experience symptoms that indicate the development of the corresponding pathological changes. Representatives of the fair half of humanity claim that repeated menstruation is heavy and includes blood clots. This symptom is characteristic not only of ordinary menstruation, but also of gynecological pathology.

    Enough common symptom pathological condition is the severity pelvic pain, which may have different place localization and intensity. In most cases this symptomatology observed when inflammatory processes, ectopic or interrupted pregnancy.

    When pathology appears, girls complain of deterioration in health. They may experience weakness. Bleeding in most cases is accompanied by fever. Depending on the cause of the development of the pathological condition, menstruation can be scanty or, conversely, abundant. Between menstruation, a woman experiences discharge that is yellow or yellow-green in color.

    When the first symptoms of pathology appear, the patient must seek help from a doctor who will correctly diagnose and prescribe rational treatment.

    Diagnostic features

    In order to determine the cause of the disease, it is necessary to carry out appropriate diagnostics in medical center. Initially, it consists of examining the woman by a gynecologist. During the examination, he takes a smear for examination. With its help, you can determine the presence of an infectious process in a woman’s body.

    In order to determine the state of the patient’s hormonal levels, her blood is examined laboratory conditions. In most cases it is prescribed ultrasonography to determine the presence of pregnancy or malignant and benign neoplasms. Some patients are prescribed an ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland or adrenal glands.

    When a pathological condition appears, there is a need to comprehensively examine the brain. The necessary diagnostic method in this case is magnetic resonance imaging.

    Diagnosis of the disease is carried out in a strictly established sequence. This is explained by the fact that if a girl is found to have infectious process, then there is no point in conducting magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasound examination. Endocrine glands and the brain are examined in detail if the cause is established using other diagnostic methods repeated menstruation failed.

    Diagnosis of pathology is sufficient complex process which requires integrated approach. Only in this case can the cause of frequent menstruation be accurately determined.

    Treatment methods

    Frequent periods are the cause in most cases certain disease, and not an independent pathological process. That is why the underlying disease is established before treatment.

    Features of treatment directly depend on how often the pathological condition appears. If a representative of the fairer sex experiences menstrual irregularities for the first time, then the doctor expects next menstruation and no therapeutic measures do not undertake. If the menstrual cycle stabilizes, then experts believe that the body has managed to overcome the pathology on its own.

    If frequent menstruation continues enough long time, then this definitely requires appropriate therapy.

    If the pathological condition is observed in women who are about 40 years old, then this indicates the onset of menopause. This process is not a disease and cannot be treated. But, eliminate unpleasant symptoms, which accompany him, is quite possible. For this purpose, patients are prescribed hormone therapy, as well as symptomatic treatment.

    The cause of the pathological condition in most cases is infectious diseases, which develop in the area of ​​the uterus or appendages of a woman. In this case, patients are prescribed anti-inflammatory and antibacterial therapy.

    In most cases, frequent periods are observed due to hormonal dysfunction. To eliminate it, the use of hormonal therapy is required.

    The selection of certain medications is carried out only after a detailed examination of the patient. In this case, the level of basic hormones is diagnosed and an ultrasound examination of the pelvic cavity is performed. In accordance with the results obtained and individual characteristics representatives of the fair half of humanity are prescribed gestrogens and estrogens in their optimal combination.

    In the process of selecting a treatment method, it is imperative to determine ovulation. This is explained by the fact that the pathological condition can occur against the background of an anovular cycle. This process is characterized by a long stay of the egg in the follicle. This leads not only to frequent, but also quite heavy menstruation.

    Anovulation is characterized by a single-phase menstrual cycle. In most cases, infertility occurs against the background of this process. In this case, treatment of patients is aimed at recovery two-phase cycle. Patients are prescribed medications, the action of which is aimed at stimulating ovulation.

    Frequent periods are a symptom of more serious gynecological or hormonal diseases. If after two cases of frequent menstruation the situation with them has not stabilized, then the woman needs to go to the clinic for a full medical examination. Only high-quality diagnostics will determine the cause of the pathological condition and resolve effective treatment aimed at eliminating it. Treatment may include drug or surgical methods.

Menstrual irregularities are the most common gynecological pathology. In some cases this indicates serious illness, and sometimes is evidence of a dysfunctional disorder or even a variant age norm. What to do if a teenager has periods twice a month?

Normal menstrual cycle

The first day of the cycle is considered the day bleeding appears. The duration of the menstrual cycle is somewhat variable and can range from 28 to 32 days. If the number of days mentioned above passes between two periods of bleeding, then everything is fine and there is nothing to worry about.

Reducing the length of the menstrual cycle

It’s another matter if you have periods twice a month. There may be several reasons for this phenomenon, some of them are physiological, some are pathological. In any case, it all starts with a visit to the gynecologist.


If we're talking about about a teenage girl, this situation is most often regarded as a type physiological norm. During the period of formation of the female reproductive system, the menstrual cycle is rarely stable and bleeding can occur twice within one month.

The formation of the menstrual cycle can be delayed for up to 2 years. However, one should not assume that there is no need to see a gynecologist all this time. On the contrary, while your cycle is irregular, you will have to visit your doctor twice a year.

Emotional stress

Stress has a detrimental effect on the human body. Strong emotional stress, even a short-term path can lead to changes in hormonal levels, which will lead to the appearance of menstrual bleeding.

In this case, there are rarely any other complaints. In some cases, minor neurological symptoms may appear: frequent headaches, sleep disorders, increased anxiety and some others.

Inflammatory diseases

Inflammatory pathology reproductive organs often causes menstrual irregularities. In this case, the pathological process can affect the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries.

As a rule, in the presence of inflammation, in addition to menstrual irregularities, the patient also presents whole line complaints: pain in the lower abdomen, discharge with a pleasant odor from the genital tract, increased body temperature, and so on.

Endometriosis, adenomyosis and polyps

With each of these diseases, a pathological formation occurs in the thickness of the uterus or inside its cavity, which causes numerous irregularities in the menstrual cycle, including a reduction in its duration.

As in the previous case, with such diseases, disorders monthly cycle are not the only complaint. A frequent accompaniment of such conditions is pain in the lower abdomen, bad feeling and so on.

Ectopic pregnancy

All ages are submissive to love and therefore even in adolescence The presence of an ectopic pregnancy cannot be categorically excluded. In this case, bleeding is not caused by desquamation of the mucous membrane, but by damage to blood vessels in the fallopian tube. However, clinically it will resemble normal menstrual bleeding, perhaps only with less blood loss.


Due to the immaturity of the reproductive system, a teenage girl may have periods twice a month. Nevertheless, each such case should be studied by a gynecologist, since many diseases of the female genital organs sometimes occur with similar symptoms.

Every woman knows her menstrual cycle well: when, how and how much. But our hormonal background, unfortunately, is very “capricious”, and sometimes disruptions occur.

It may also happen that your period will come not once, but as much as 2 times a month. This may be caused for various reasons- starting from normal physiological characteristics body and ending with serious diseases and pathologies. That is why the women’s website “Beautiful and Successful” decided to understand in more detail why menstruation occurs 2 times a month, whether this is normal and how to bring the situation back to normal.

What should a normal period be like?

For every girl and woman, the answer to this question will be different, because everyone’s physiology is different. By the way, only your gynecologist can answer this in detail, with whom you need to be examined regularly (at least once every six months).

Intrauterine device

If it is installed in the uterus, it can sometimes cause spotting, which is mistaken by many for repeated periods. In fact, this is simply damage to blood vessels.

Doctors advise: if the bleeding is heavy and repeats constantly, it is better to remove the coil.

Ovulation or fertilization

The release of the egg from the follicle occurs by rupture, after which the egg is released into the uterus. Follicular rupture is often accompanied by painful sensations, albeit minor, and sometimes even damaging blood vessels, which may cause slight discharge. The same is with fertilization: if the egg is fertilized, it attaches to the endometrium of the uterus, and this can also be accompanied by rupture of capillaries.

In addition to these reasons, we can also highlight a change in climate zone, stress, strong physical exercise, overwork, chronic fatigue, weight loss, etc.

But there are much more serious reasons that should alert any woman.

If the bleeding is too heavy, does not stop over time, intensifies at night, is accompanied by severe pain, and the discharge itself does not look like regular blood during menstruation, you should urgently go for an examination. The reason for this may be benign () and malignant tumors, inflammation of the uterus, ovaries, tubes, ulcers and erosions, endometriosis, polyps, ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage, poor clotting blood and other pathologies.

What do we have to do?

In any case, even if you are sure that all this is due to a trip to the sea and a long flight, stress or refusal hormonal pills, you should see a doctor. A simple examination can already exclude many problems, and an additional ultrasound abdominal cavity or an internal ultrasound will show that you are not pregnant (or are pregnant), and everything is going as it should be, as well as the absence internal pathologies in the uterus. In addition to an ultrasound, the doctor may also prescribe a test for hormones, as well as viruses and infections that can cause bleeding. Good specialist will immediately tell you how to restore the cycle and normalize the functioning of the reproductive system. In any case, it is highly not recommended to take any measures or self-medicate.



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