Tonic and adaptogenic agents. Adaptogenic herbal preparations

    An abundance of stress reduces our ability to resist negative factors. We become more susceptible to illness and lose our ability to concentrate and lose our physical potential. Adaptogens are a group of drugs that help the body adapt to different conditions. They are useful not only for athletes, but also for “ordinary” people.

    What you need to know about adaptogens?

    The origin of the term is due to the Soviet specialist N. Lazarev. In 1947, the scientist conducted research on increasing the body's resistance to negative impact external factors. In their action, adaptogens resemble immunostimulants, but there is no need to confuse the two.

    The essence of the drugs is their ability to help adapt to various types stress – biological (viruses, bacteria), chemical ( heavy metals, toxins), physical (physical activity, cold and heat).

    Adaptogens are classified depending on their origin:

    • herbal – ginseng, etc.;
    • animals - antlers reindeer etc.;
    • mineral - mumiyo;
    • synthetic – trekrezan, etc.;
    • minerals – humic substances.

    The drugs are multifaceted - they work on different levels. They:

  1. They stimulate the formation of proteins and other elements that “restore” damaged tissue. In the case of athletes and muscle tissue This effect is not pronounced, but still occurs.
  2. Increases the level of creatine phosphate and ATP, responsible for the amount of energy.
  3. Improve functioning cardiovascular system and increase oxygen saturation in the body.
  4. Contains powerful antioxidants that protect DNA, cell membranes and mitochondria from damage.

The combination of properties of the substances increases intellectual and physical resistance to stress. In the context of sports, the main advantage of taking adaptogens is a decrease in emotional resistance physical activity. In this sense, the drugs act like doping - the feeling of being too heavy to lift goes away, and the desire to go to training appears. Neuromuscular connection improves - the athlete feels the weight better and, as a result, is able to lift more. In addition to strength, reaction speed also increases.

Athletes will also appreciate other effects of the drugs:

  • prevention;
  • improved mood;
  • improved appetite;
  • activation of glucose phosphorylation and, as a result, improvement of the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and fats;
  • increasing the body's ability to accumulate;
  • improvement of microcirculation.

List of popular drugs

The most popular are herbal adaptogens. They are followed by artificial drugs. Before using substances, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

Ginseng root

From Chinese medicine migrated to the modern one. One of the most effective options. Hundreds of studies have proven the effectiveness of ginseng and other similar adaptogens. Regular intake of tincture of the root of this plant facilitates adaptation to physical and mental stress.


It is a shrub that grows in the mountains of northeast Asia. Traditional remedy Russia and China - with its help they fought against colds. The plant can help increase muscle strength, increase endurance, improve immunity, and overcome chronic fatigue.


Ayurvedic medicine has successfully used ashwagandha root for over two thousand years. Over the past decades, many athletes and others have appreciated the effect of the plant. The root tincture is characterized by a mild sedative effect. Indicated for people with nervous exhaustion, apathy, high blood pressure, problems with the thyroid gland.

Rhodiola rosea

In the USSR, they carefully approached the study of Rhodiola. Scientists have found that taking the plant helps balance cortisol levels in the body. Depending on the initial level, the stress hormone either increases or decreases. Therefore, this option is considered not only an adaptogen, but also an antidepressant.

Rhodiola increases the level of norepinephrine and neurotransmitters. This explains the adaptation effect - an increase in performance, including in stressful situations.


In the table, plant adaptogens are classified based on greatest effect:

Among synthetic drugs most popular:

  • Citrulline. Active ingredient– an amino acid that participates in the urea metabolic cycle and helps normalize metabolism.
  • Trecrezan is a new generation immunomodulator and adaptogen. Strengthens the antitumor activity of phagocytes.

Modern pharmaceuticals produce drugs that help adapt to negative environmental factors, including various forms– in tablets, extracts, powders, alcohol tinctures.

Side effects of using adaptogens

Adaptogens are safe means. But sometimes they can have side effects. For example:

  • Provoking insomnia. It is recommended to take the medications in the first half of the day.
  • Slight increase in body temperature. It is not advisable to take these medications in extreme heat.
  • In case individual intolerance– loss of appetite, headaches, allergies.

How to take medications?

Adaptogens should not be taken continuously. The maximum duration of the course is 1-1.5 months. A longer period is fraught with adaptation of the body to the drugs and a decrease in the effect.

Similar substances have a number of common features. But there are many differences. Therefore, it is useful to take two drugs at the same time, based on the body's individual needs and goals. After the course, you can and should alternate medications - this will avoid addiction and demonstrate the potential of analogues.

IN power types sports adaptogens require special dosages. Typically, athletes independently develop strategies for their technique, depending on the individual characteristics and recommended dosages that come with the drugs. Most often, athletes increase “portions” by 20-30%. But we must not forget about consulting a specialist.

For the greatest effect, it is advisable to take adaptogens twice a day, in equal doses. Whatever the form of the drug, be sure to drink a lot of water during its use.

The following table contains a list of adaptogen drugs (for athletes and not only) and recommended dosages:


Adaptogens should not be taken:

  • at elevated temperatures;
  • at ;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • for acute infectious diseases;
  • children;
  • at high blood pressure.

International name: Melatonin

Dosage form:

Pharmacological action:



International name: Melatonin

Dosage form: capsules, film-coated tablets

Pharmacological action: An analogue of the pineal body (epiphysis) hormone melatonin; has an adaptogenic, sedative, hypnotic effect. Normalizes circadian rhythms. ...

Indications: Disruption of normal circadian rhythm(desynchronosis) (due to rapid movement between time zones of the Earth); fatigue, sleep disturbances (including in elderly patients); depressive syndrome.


International name: Melatonin

Dosage form: capsules, film-coated tablets

Pharmacological action: An analogue of the pineal body (epiphysis) hormone melatonin; has an adaptogenic, sedative, hypnotic effect. Normalizes circadian rhythms. ...

Indications: Disruption of the normal circadian rhythm (desynchronosis) (due to rapid movement between time zones of the Earth); fatigue, sleep disturbances (including in elderly patients); depressive syndrome.


International name: Fusarium sambucinum mushrooms (Fusarium sambucinum)

Dosage form: capsules, tablets

Pharmacological action: Has a general strengthening effect. Increases the body's resistance to adverse effects (environmental pollution, the influence of pathogenic microflora, ...

Indications: Increased physical and psycho-emotional stress, toxic hepatitis(incl. alcoholic hepatitis); asthenia, convalescence. Prevention - increasing the body's resistance to colds during ARVI epidemics.


International name: Pantocrin

Dosage form:

Pharmacological action:


Pantocrine "Panthea"

International name: Pantocrin

Dosage form: solution for injection, tablets, extract for oral administration [liquid]

Pharmacological action: Stimulates the central nervous system and cardiovascular system, increases skeletal muscle tone, motor activity intestines. Contains phospholipids and microelements, increases performance and normalizes blood pressure during arterial hypotension, stimulates the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

Indications: Asthenia. Included complex therapy- neurasthenia, arterial hypotension.


Dosage form: oral drops, oral solution, film-coated tablets, oral extract [liquid]

Pharmacological action: An adaptogenic drug that has a general tonic effect. Stimulates the central nervous system, accelerates production conditioned reflexes, shortens the duration...

Indications: Increased fatigue, asthenic conditions, neurasthenia, arterial hypotension, neurosis, functional disorders genital area, increased drowsiness, hangover syndrome.

Record B12 sigma-TAU

Pharmacological action: Record B12 sigma-TAU - combination drug, has an adaptogenic, vitamin, metabolic and biostimulating effect. Stimulates...

Indications: State of increased fatigue, convalescence period, asthenia (due to helminthic infestation, pathology small intestine and liver, chronic...


International name: Oxyethylammonium methylphenoxyacetate

Dosage form: pills

Pharmacological action: Adaptogen wide range actions. Increases the body's resistance to intense physical and mental stress, hypoxia, overheating, ...

Indications: The need to increase physical and mental performance, prevention of fatigue. Warning pathological changes, accompanying...

The human body is daily exposed to the influence of various biological, chemical and physical factors. All of them are capable of providing positive and negative impact going to work is vital important organs and systems. Adaptogens are a group of drugs that can support the functioning of the human immune system at a sufficient level and increase its resistance to pathological factors.

General concepts

The body's adaptation to changes in the external environment is regulated by the work of the nervous, endocrine and cardiovascular systems. Each of them reacts to stimuli with a specific response. For example, changes in heart rate, blood pressure levels, vasoconstriction, hormonal surges.

The action of adaptogens is based on the ability to increase nonspecific forces and balance the body’s condition with external environment. The effect of drugs is determined by their chemical composition and the composition of the products includes the following specific substances:

  • glycosides;
  • flavonoids;
  • polysaccharides;
  • glycopeptides.

Adaptogens: list of products

Adaptogens are divided into groups based on their origin:

  1. Preparations of plant origin - ginger, astragalus, sea buckthorn, lemongrass, echinacea, leuzea.
  2. Natural Adaptogens Based on Fossils plant origin- humic substances.
  3. Means mineral origin- mumiyo.
  4. Adaptogens of animal origin - "Tsigapan", "Pantocrin" (based on young reindeer antlers), "Apilak" (a bee product).
  5. Synthetic drugs - "Trekrezan".

All these products are available in various forms: powders, capsules and tablets, alcohol tinctures, infusions and extracts.

The mechanism of action of drugs on the body

Adaptogens are a mechanism by which increased resistance occurs harmful factors environment. They are not drugs or vitamins. The use of these funds includes internal reserves of immune forces, which helps normalize glucose and cholesterol levels, calm the nervous system, and quickly rehabilitate after a painful condition.

Adaptogens are drugs that help restore the body in such cases:

  • after infectious diseases;
  • in case of sudden temperature changes;
  • after significant physical exertion;
  • after oxygen starvation;
  • in case of poisoning with toxic substances.

Adaptogens of plant origin (list) can improve cellular metabolism, awaken hidden forces work internal organs, increase the coefficient useful action the human body, have an anti-stress effect by blocking oxidation in acute stressful situations. The role of drugs has been proven by observations and medical statistics.

The drugs can not only have a stimulating effect on the central nervous system, but also calm it. Using average or high doses The drug enhances mental processes and doses can cause irritability, overexcitation and loss of sleep. Taking small doses, on the contrary, has a calming effect and improves sleep.


A herbaceous plant belonging to the Araliaceae family. The drug based on it is used as an adaptogen, a general strengthening and immune-stimulating agent. The product stimulates appetite, enhances metabolic processes, and has an antiemetic effect. used for preparing medicinal teas, tinctures, infusions, extracts.

The plant acquired its influence on the human body due to its rich chemical structure. Its composition active substances includes saponins, peptides, polysaccharides, essential oils, vitamins B, C, PP, folic and macro- and microelements.

Indications for the use of ginseng-based drugs:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • neurasthenia;
  • neurosis;
  • convalescence after illness;
  • hypotonic dystonia.

The product stimulates the functioning of the central nervous system, normalizes blood pressure, reduces cholesterol and blood sugar, activates the adrenal glands, stimulates the reproductive system.

Eleutherococcus senticosus

Tinctures of adaptogens, including Eleutherococcus senticosus- the most common form of use of stimulants. This remedy, like ginseng, belongs to the Araliaceae. Eleutherococcus can affect the human body in the following ways:

  • increases blood pressure;
  • used for central nervous system fatigue and physical exertion;
  • tones the body as weakness progresses.

The effectiveness of the drug is high, but the effect is short-lived. For infectious diseases, sleep disorders, hyperthermia and nervous overexcitation, the drug is contraindicated.

Rhodiola rosea

The plant is known as "golden root". Rhodiola received this name due to the golden color of its rhizome. Their medicinal properties the plant received thanks to the chemical active substances in its composition. Rhodiola contains essential oils, glucose, organic acids, flavonoids, and trace elements.

The alcoholic extract of the plant is used in the treatment of conditions:

  • for stimulation nervous system;
  • for neurasthenic diseases and asthenia;
  • to increase performance and normalize sleep;
  • For ;
  • in psychiatry;
  • for rehabilitation after severe diseases of somatic or infectious origin.

The drug has antitumor, antiviral and antibacterial effect. Hydroalcoholic extract is used to combat addiction to narcotic drugs. In addition, the drug is used in therapy gastrointestinal diseases, tuberculosis, skin diseases, fractures, jaundice, conjunctivitis and other pathological conditions.


This perennial, the rhizome of which was found wide application in the medical and pharmacological field. In the form of a tincture, the product is used to treat arthritis, arthrosis, peptic ulcer, atherosclerosis, normalization of metabolic processes.

A decoction of ginger root with the addition of honey and lemon strengthens the body, strengthens the immune system, and is used as additional means in the treatment of acute respiratory viral diseases.

Chinese lemongrass

The product has a more pronounced stimulating effect than other adaptogens of plant origin. It must be taken during periods of greatest mental and physical activity. For example, during exams or sports competitions.

Tincture Chinese lemongrass used to improve performance gastrointestinal tract, digestive processes. In addition, the drug is used to restore visual acuity.


The plant is similar in structure and chemical composition with ginseng, so its effect is approximately the same. Indications for the use of remedies based on bait: high blood pressure, sleep disorders, neurological disorders, the need to regulate metabolic processes.


Not only plant adaptogens can have a beneficial effect on the human body, strengthening it and increasing performance, but also preparations of mineral origin. Mumiyo is an organic product in the form of dark pieces of dense consistency, which are framed by a resin-like substance. The drug has a special specific smell.

Mumiyo is used to strengthen the immune system of patients after severe infectious diseases, oncological processes, in postoperative period and during the period of convalescence. The drug is available in tablet form. Take it in childhood not recommended.


Synthetic adaptogens are drugs developed in laboratory conditions, which have a similar structure to natural immunomodulators. The effectiveness of the product is based on stimulating the production of interferon and cellular immunity.

"Trekrezan" is capable of increasing mental and physical performance, accelerate the process of adaptation to changes from outside climatic conditions, as well as increase resistance to stressful situations.


“Animal” adaptogens are preparations based on extracts from animal organisms, which are biogenic stimulant metabolic processes and a strengthening agent. "Apilak" is created on the basis of dried secretion produced by bees. It contains large number vitamins, amino acids, trace elements, cholinesterase and acetylcholine.

Indications for use of "Apilaka":

  • malnutrition and anorexia;
  • menopause in women;
  • chronic digestive pathologies;
  • of various etiologies;
  • in combination with other drugs for the treatment of neurasthenia;
  • seborrhea;
  • Impaired potency in men due to stressful situations.

The drug is available in the form of tablets and ointments for external use. Eczema, neurodermatitis, dermatoses, diaper rash - indications for therapy skin diseases using a product based royal jelly. The drug is allowed to be taken by infants and young children.

Side effects of using adaptogens

Even best adaptogens may have certain side effects when used. Most of the stimulant drugs are well tolerated, however, their improper use can cause disturbances in sleep and wakefulness, headaches, tachycardia, arterial hypertension, decreased blood sugar levels, allergic manifestations.

Full list side effects indicated in the instructions that come with each drug.

How to take medications?

Treatment with adaptogens occurs according to a regimen selected for each specific drug. The dosage is selected by a specialist, since the sensitivity to drugs is individual for each patient. In the first days of use, you should take the minimum recommended dose in the morning or before lunch.

You need to monitor your body’s reaction after consuming the initial doses. If the drug is effective, you can increase the dose by one drop. Continue this way until the optimal stimulating effect is maintained without side effects.

If symptoms of nervous overexcitation or insomnia occur, you should discontinue the drug before consulting your doctor or reduce the dose used.

Adaptogens of plant origin (list) have certain recommendations for use:

  1. Tinctures of drugs should be taken before lunch to avoid sleep disturbances.
  2. Adaptogens should be taken in courses, with breaks.
  3. Strictly follow the instructions or advice of the doctor regarding the dose, frequency of use and duration of treatment.
  4. Each adaptogen of plant origin has unique active substances in its composition. It is necessary to alternate medications for optimal effectiveness.
  5. The results of using drugs usually appear after some time, and not in the first days of use.
  6. The dose of the drug is selected individually for each person.


Each of the drugs has its own contraindications, but there are general list Conditions for which adaptogens are not recommended:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • liver diseases;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • acute diseases of infectious etiology;
  • sleep disorders.

Hello, dears! We all sometimes face a problem - we have no strength, our “batteries” are low, coffee doesn’t help. Energy drinks and medications more often cause harm to the body than benefit; they negatively affect the liver, blood vessels, heart and general health. mental state. What is the way out? All more people turn to natural ingredients to not only get rid of stress conditions, but also to maximize the health and support of the body. Adaptogens come to the rescue, a list of which we will consider.

This herbal preparations, which increase the body's resistance to stressful situations, unfavorable external factors and other problems. They balance, tone and adapt the body, hence the term.

Strengthen immune system, perform a general health function. The mechanism of action of adaptogens is not fully known.

They have a specific effect on metabolic processes human, central nervous and endocrine system. They also saturate tissues with oxygen, strengthen the heart and blood vessels.

Protect cell membranes and DNA cells from destruction, thanks to the antioxidants they contain.

These products control the level of power and energy in the body, allowing you to feel full of strength and health.

The list of adaptogens is large and they are divided into 4 groups.


Much knowledge comes from different cultures, dealing with herbs and their effects on our health. Adaptive grasses have beneficial influence on all systems in the body - normalize physiological functions. They replicate the actions of our homeostatic system, helping to cope with various difficult periods in life in a natural way.

Among the best herbal adaptogens are:

Many people mistakenly think that herbs are absolutely harmless and can be consumed uncontrollably - this is not true! It is necessary to coordinate all your actions with your doctor.

Animal adaptogens

Products made from bee products:

  • propolis;
  • apilak, etc.

There are also adaptogenic agents that are produced from reindeer antlers:

  • pantocrine;
  • gypsy.

Adaptogenic substances of mineral origin

  • Mumiyo
  • Stone oil


New generation adaptogens that are in difficult times natural conditions and stressful situations due to the accelerating pace of life are immunomodulators and support for the nervous system, work against oncological diseases, normalize metabolism in the body.

Of course, I am against synthetics, but there are exceptions when it is simply vital to help your body, and plant adaptogens either do not help or you may be allergic to them.

  • Trekrezan
  • Citrulline and some others.

Properties of plant adaptogens

Produced by industry different shapes adaptogenic drugs: tablets, powders, syrups, essences and tinctures.

The most popular forms are tinctures of ginseng, eleutherococcus, leuzea, lemongrass, and aralia.

Ginseng tincture

Affects many body systems: stimulates the immune system, is an excellent cardiotonic and anti-inflammatory agent, improves the functioning of the brain and nervous system. Excellent product for depression and bronchial asthma, helps with lack of appetite and protects against toxins and poisonous substances.

Best taken in autumn and winter. Half an hour before meals, 15-20 drops 3 times a day. The course is at least 3 - 4 months.

Eleutherococcus tincture

Stimulates and tones mental and physical activity (with chronic fatigue, overwork). Indispensable for rehabilitation after serious illnesses (chemotherapy, etc.), supports both anorexia (loss of appetite) and obesity.

At serious illnesses nervous system, immunodeficiency, hypotension, diabetes mellitus You can safely use this drug.

Adults 3 times a day, 30-40 drops half an hour before meals for at least 1 month, and children - 1 drop for one year of life.

Leuzea tincture

Accumulates glycogen in skeletal muscles, liver and heart, prevents the development of hypoglycemia when using insulin. It has a general tonic property, improves memory, mental activity, and concentration.

Fights fatigue and chronic stress, increases resistance to physical stress and adverse influences environment.

The course of treatment is at least 2 - 3 weeks, 20 -30 drops 3 times a day during meals.

Chinese lemongrass tincture

Mainly affects the central nervous system: improves mood, partially relieves depressive states, increases performance.

It is advisable to take 20-25 drops in the first half of the day, half an hour before meals, for at least half a month.

Tincture of Manchurian Aralia

It helps well with atherosclerosis and vascular spasms, it is prescribed to patients engaged in heavy, long-term work. physical labor or sports, is aimed at enhancing physical activity more than mental activity.

Take 10-15 drops in the morning, 2 times a day for at least a month.


  • children under 12 years old;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • individual intolerance to the drug;
  • during periods of exacerbation of diseases;
  • for atherosclerosis and disorders of cardiovascular activity;
  • people suffering from chronic insomnia.

Adaptogenic drugs for children

There are a lot of them, let’s focus on the main ones, which support the child’s immunity, increase protective forces the body, fight microbes and viruses, normalize the condition of the stomach and intestines, and the nervous system.

  • Echinacin, Immunal, Echinacea extracts in dry and liquid form, Echinacea vilar (juice), as well as tablets, powders, capsules with Echinacea purpurea extract. These remedies will increase the child's immunity.
  • Honey ginseng. The drug is in the form of a mixture of natural and powdered ginseng. Available in capsules. Supports immunity, tones, monitors metabolism.
  • Apilactose, Apilikrivit, Cernilton, Politabs - an incomplete list of adaptogenic products based on bee products: royal jelly, propolis, bee pollen.

These medications will help your child fight more than 100 types of viruses, fungi and microbes, completely protecting the immune system.

There are many essential amino acids, vitamins, enzymes, biologically active substances that will support the body and protect against many, especially respiratory diseases.

Use with caution in children prone to allergies.

My daughter enjoys eating bee pollen, she's sweet. I sprinkle it on my porridge or add it to it. Once I sprinkled it on popsicles.

Help for athletes

Rhodiola rosea is effective, as it contributes to less muscle injury during training and helps to recover faster.

For endurance and precision of movements - lemongrass.

Eleutherococcus helps with high muscle activity, regulates blood pH and metabolic processes.

Ginseng significantly increases efficiency, activity and reduces the feeling of fatigue and apathy.

Active and cheerful - even in retirement!

These unique adaptogens will prolong youth, alleviate age-related ailments, support the heart, immunity, strengthen vision, normalize digestion, and relieve fatigue.

From personal experience

When I want to get a lot done, I sleep less, 5-6 hours. In this case, Peruvian maca helps me a lot. In addition, it has a positive effect on hormonal background women.

But, in any case, all these are temporary remedies that cannot be taken for a long time. on an ongoing basis. They only support us in difficult periods of life.

I bought poppy seeds here.

Friends, if you have anything to add to my list of adaptogens or have experience using any of them, share them in the comments to the article. I will be glad to answer all your questions.

When choosing an adaptogen, be sure to consult with your doctor so that these drugs bring health to your family! Subscribe to updates and share useful information on social networks with friends. Bye everyone!

Plants are the oldest source nutrients, as well as the fi-to-hi-mi-ches elements that humanity has been trying to use in the form of medicines. Today, different countries have different attitudes towards medicines from plants of similar origin. For example, in Germany their circulation is regulated by the same authorities as the circulation of other drugs, and in the USA their circulation is regulated -yes-telst-vom about food additives. There is an equally different attitude towards them in the scientific community, although a number of specialists claim that because of their pharma-co-lo- The hy-ches effect of plant therapy should be standardized and regulated in accordance with uniform standards.

Plants are also popular among athletes who use them as plant adapters, which, they assume, helps them achieve high sports results. For example, about 17% of female athletes in US colleges use plant adapters as doping. Since there are so many drugs, they are used for completely different purposes: some are trying to become taller, others are trying to lose weight, and someone dial muscle mass. And although the effectiveness of some herbal medicines is recognized by the World Health Organization, the question of the effectiveness of their use in sports is still open. This is precisely why we decided to conduct a meta-analysis of the available scientific work on the effectiveness of the most popular plant adaptogens.

Effective herbal adaptogens

Caffeine is one of the most popular pre-workouts in bo-di-bil-ding-ge, and for good reason. Caffeine may increase the function of the skeletal muscles during high-intensity exercise, which is likely due in part to its ability to stimulate the activity of the para-sim-pa-ti-ches-nervous system, . In addition, there is evidence that co-fee-in can stimulate the oxidation of fats, thereby promoting the oxidation of fats. It is also important to note that caffeine is effective not only in high doses of 5-13 mg/kg body weight, but also in dosages less than 3 mg/kg body weight, which means -but reduces the likelihood of getting side effects. But it’s worth considering that ko-fe-in is more effective in the form of tablets or injections, so “a cup of coffee” may not live up to expectations.

Capsaicin is a phytochemical that provides the spicy flavor of peppers. We have written a very detailed review about this herbal adaptogen, which you can use. But, in short, its action is somewhat similar to the action of a ko-fairy. It promotes weight loss, is a cardio-protective agent, has a thermogenic effect, stimulates the secretion of catecholamines and helps normal blood pressure, . They take capsaicin 6-9 mg per day, and the most effective single dose of capsaicin is 2.56 mg, so it is not recommended for use - mother 3-4 times a day along with main meals.

Sedatives – these are various herbal preparations that help relax the nervous system. For example, one of these drugs is Ka-va kava. What is this? This is the peeled and dried root of the wild Opi-nyayu-sche-che-pepper, which was described by Georg Forster during the second expedition of James Ku-ka. Kava root contains kava lactones, which have a neuro-far-ma-ko-lo-gi-ches-kim se-da-tive relaxing effect. Zve-ro-boy has similar effects, although many studies show its minimal effect on the condition of patients, , . However, both were tried to be used in sports disciplines to eliminate tremor and anxiety in athletes, which did not give the expected result. But we still decided to add these plant adaptogens to the list of effective ones, since they help solve the widespread problem among athletes the problem of excessive fuss, preventing normal sleep.

Ineffective Herbal Adaptogens

Ginseng is a plant of the Araliaceae family, the two main forms of which are Chinese and Siberian ginseng. These plant adaptogens are among the most popular in the whole world. And, in general, we even decided to write this article after one of our readers asked about the effectiveness of Seabeer ginseng, which is also called Eleutherococcus , so we will talk about it separately. Now we will talk about Chinese ginseng, which has been shown to have a positive effect on the endurance and performance of skeletal muscles -la-tu-ry, . And, nevertheless, we cannot add it to the list of effective adapt-genes, because during these studies there were additional methods pre-logical mistakes, but more accurate studies gave a positive result, , .

Eleutherococcus is a plant adaptogen that is widely used all over the world to enhance athletic performance, but it is especially popular in the post-Soviet space because of the Bulgarian weightlifters who pretended to It’s as if they are not taking synthetic androgenic drugs, but Eleutherococcus. Of course, this is not true! And the people's faith in wonderful properties Eleutherococcus is not confirmed by scientific research , , , . At the same time, the quality of affordable commercial drugs leaves much to be desired, since there are a lot of sub-de-loks on the market. Although this does not mean that Eleutherococcus is useless, it has an anti-oxidant effect. good source mik-ro-nut-ri-en-tov, card-dio-pro-tek-to-rum and is an-ti-de-pres-san-tom. But he is not a sports adaptable gene.

Echinacea is a herbal supplement that is used to increase endurance by improving oxygen tolerance in the blood due to increased erythropoietal synthesis, which regulates red blood cell synthesis. And it doesn't work. Ehi-na-tsei has a very good theoretical justification, and aerobic endurance is valid for-vis-sit, including It depends on the body’s ability to absorb acid, but in practice, Echinacea does not work. Perhaps it is useful in cold cases, as a herbal drug that stimulates the immune response, but in sports, alas, its effectiveness has not been confirmed -et-sya kli-ni-ches-ki-mi-is-tracing-to-va-niya-mi.

Testosterone boosters - This various drugs, which stimulate the production of end-gen testosterone, and most known drug this type is Tri-bu-lus. In the West, Ferulic acid is also widely used, which is also called Gamma oryzanol. And these drugs do not affect the athletic form of the at-let-tov, or even on hormonal levels healthy people, . Ho-cha Tri-bu-lus ef-fect-ti-ven in le-che-nii erectile dysfunction, , and can be used for this purpose. But for healthy people trying to increase their athletic performance, he is useless.

Others is a whole cluster of various herbal medicines, popular in folk and evidence-based medicine. These include: Gingko biloba, , , Ro-dio-la ro-zo-vaya, which is often added to pre-training complexes as a miraculously effective This is a great ingredient with an amazing marketing effect, as well as Cor-di-ceps Chinese and many other plants that have been used for centuries in traditional medicine, and some of which are successfully used in the treatment of certain diseases, but completely do not in any way affect the sports benefits of healthy at- let-tov.

Conclusion: Effective sports adaptogens of plant origin are co-fe-in and capsaicin. If you have problems with sleep, you can use Ka-va kava and St. John's wort. It is possible that there are other effective plant adapter genes, but we were unable to find such information. From a practical point of view, it should be understood that, most likely, new commercial plant adapt-genes are not appearing on the market. for new scientific data, but because of an ancient, like the Firmament itself, desire to enrich. Most likely, they do not work, and those that do work most likely contain prohibited synthetic substances. Therefore, do not rush to beautiful labels, but look for scientifically based recommendations.

P.S. That's all, friends! If you liked the article, be sure to share it with friends on social networks. Comment! If we haven’t looked at your favorite plant adapt-gene, then write its name in the comments, and we will definitely analyze all its details in the future. future articles. Good luck and good luck!




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