Properties of the medicine Fezam. Phezam: instructions for use and what it is needed for, price, reviews, analogues

Name: Phezam

Indications for use:
· Violations cerebral circulation, due to vascular atherosclerosis, TBI.
· Impaired cognitive functions: memory, thinking, attention.
· Decreased mood, irritability.
Encephalopathies of various origins.
· Labyrinthopathies.
· .
· .
· Complex therapy arterial hypertension.
· Complex therapy of hearing loss.
· Complex therapy of NCD.
· Complex therapy of visual impairment with: myopia, macular degeneration, closed-angle glaucoma (after stabilization of intraocular pressure).
· Impaired memory and attention in children, including those with reduced intelligence.
· .

Pharmachologic effect:
Due to the combination of cinnarizine and piracetam, the product has an antihypoxic, vasodilating effect, improves blood circulation and the functions of the auditory and visual analyzers.
stimulates redox processes, enhances utilization, improves blood circulation in ischemic areas of the brain. Improves energy processes by increasing ATP synthesis, increasing the activity of adenylate cyclase, improves the processes of glycolysis and protein synthesis, which leads to increased resistance of brain tissue to hypoxia.

By blocking the entry of calcium into the cell, it has a vasodilating effect and increases the resistance of cells to hypoxia. Cinnarizine and piracetam potentiate each other's action, producing a more pronounced effect.

Fezam: method of application and dosage:
Adults: depending on the severity of the disease - 1-2 capsules 3 times every day.
Children: depending on the severity of the disease - 1-2 capsules 1-2 times every day.
The course of treatment is 1-3 months.

Fezam contraindications:
Intolerance to one of the components of the product.
Pregnancy period (1st trimester).
Age up to 5 years.

Fezam side effects:
Dyspeptic symptoms allergic reactions, headache.

The first trimester of pregnancy is a contraindication to prescribing the product.

An overdose usually manifests itself as irritability and is more often observed in children. There is no specific antidote; treatment is aimed at removing the product from the body.

Use with other medications:
Drugs that increase blood pressure neutralize the effect of the product.
Alcohol, tricyclic antidepressants, antihypertensive products, CNS depressants potentiate sedative effect product.

Release form:
Capsules No. 20 and No. 60.

Storage conditions:
Store in a dry place, protected from direct sun rays, at a temperature of no more than 25C.

Fezam composition:
Piracetam: 400 mg.
Cinnarizine: 25 mg.
Additional substances: lactose, silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate, gelatin.

Fezam can give false positive result When testing for doping, this should be taken into account when prescribing the product to athletes. It can also give a false positive result when testing for radioactive iodine, due to the iodine content in the product capsule.
During treatment with the product, avoid drinking alcohol.
It is not recommended to prescribe the product to women who are breastfeeding.
Phezam may affect the ability to drive drugs and complex mechanisms, this must be taken into account when prescribing the product.
Take as prescribed by your doctor.

Before using the medication "Fezam" You should consult your doctor.
The instructions are provided for informational purposes only. Fezam».

Every year, fundamentally new drugs and combinations of existing drugs are developed; it is simply unrealistic to keep track of all the variety. Every time you visit a clinic or hospital, new medications with completely incomprehensible names are prescribed. The same fezam, what does the medicine help with and why does the doctor recommend this particular drug?

How to become smarter?

There are many legends about the human brain. The most established myth concerns that a person uses no more than 10% of his potential:

  • Only “indigos” can fire all neurons;
  • Full power will give almost inhuman capabilities;
  • Brilliant people use more percentages;
  • Our descendants will be able to use their brains to the fullest and will conquer the world.

In fact, there is no such thing as 5, 10 or 20% - we are using all our reserves and there will be no increases in the near future or ever.

Another conversation is that not all neurons are active at the same time, such a condition would lead to the development of shock, severe agitation and falling into a coma.

Everything we can do to become a little smarter:

  1. Sleep at least 8 hours a day;
  2. Eat properly;
  3. Drink vitamins;
  4. Stimulate brain activity caffeine or nicotine;
  5. Take nootropic drugs.

Not all advice is equally useful; smoking and coffee consumption are long term will not lead to anything good. But in this moment they will help you pull yourself together and start thinking more soberly.

How does Fezam work?

Fezam is a combination drug that contains:

  • Piracetam, 400 mg per capsule;
  • Cinnarizine - 25 mg.

Piracetam is nootropic agent:

  1. Improves metabolism in the brain;
  2. Increases the resistance of neurons to hypoxia;
  3. Accelerates the speed of electrical impulses;
  4. Promotes the formation of new chains and connections.

Theoretically, this should reduce the load on the brain and improve memory. You can read faster, remember more, and store learned information in your skull longer.

Cinnarizine has another effect:

  1. Blocks calcium channels;
  2. Relaxes the muscles of blood vessels;
  3. Blocks the effects of vasopressors;
  4. Helps dilate blood vessels, improve blood supply and reduce blood pressure.

And the drugs of the two are completely different groups were combined with one goal - to improve the condition of brain tissue and increase the activity of the processes occurring in it.

Fezam tablets: indications for use

The drug is available in capsules and is prescribed:

  • Patients who have recently suffered ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke, for the recovery period;
  • After traumatic brain injury;
  • For unspecified mental disorders;
  • For the treatment of encephalopathy;
  • As a way to combat migraines;
  • In connection with intellectual disorders.

The drug, at the same time, increases the metabolic rate in the nervous tissue and improves blood supply to the brain, expanding the central arteries:

  1. Effective against atherosclerosis;
  2. Helps fight intoxication;
  3. Reduces the recovery period in case of damage to brain tissue;
  4. Relieves problems with dizziness and nausea.

There is controversy about the effectiveness of the drug. Piracetam itself is registered as a medicine in our country, and in the West as a dietary supplement.

The research results are also ambiguous, some claim that the drug is effective. Others say it is no higher than placebo.

In any case, cinnarizine is effective against vascular wall, helping to lower blood pressure and improve blood circulation. So as complex therapy , especially in a neurological hospital, this drug can and should be used.

Fezam: side effects

It’s difficult to say much about this topic:

  • Digestive problems;
  • Intense headache;
  • Skin rashes and other allergic manifestations;
  • Sleep inversion.

These four side effects are the only ones found during clinical trials.

Sleep problems arise due to shifts in sleep-wake cycles, due to changes in brain activity. During the first week, they will be most clearly expressed - periodic changes in drowsiness and insomnia. Gradually the body adapts to the current conditions and in the future this effect will disappear.

About allergies as a side effect is written in all instructions for drugs that may contain antigens. Only homeopathic medicines can boast of the absence of this side effect. Like any other effect, in principle.

Head pain and dyspepsia- these items can be found in the list side effects in each first instruction for the medicinal product.

Problems with gastrointestinal tract , as a rule, are limited to nausea and vomiting.

In general, the product has a much less pronounced negative impact, compared to many other drugs. So in this regard, you can use fezam without much concern.

Fezam: reviews from doctors

In their practice, neurologists and psychiatrists resort to the use of Phezam:

  • Alexey Viktorovich, 32 years old, neurologist: “I prescribe it to all patients who have had a stroke. My patients recover 1.3-1.4 times faster than my colleagues. Such dry statistics”;
  • Olga Petrovna, 47 years old, psychiatrist: “Psychopathy and nervous breakdowns in my practice - not uncommon. Phezam helps to get patients out of this faster pathological condition. I use it only in combination with other products”;
  • Arkady Antonovich, 63 years old, neurologist: “I use nootropics only for children; in my practice, only they give the best response. And so, perhaps together with infusion therapy to cope with intoxication”;
  • Petr Nikolaevich, 47 years old, psychiatrist highest category : “I prescribe Piracetam and its derivatives to every patient with schizophrenia, chronic alcoholism and other complex violations. They recover faster and live longer.”

In general, doctors have a favorable attitude towards this remedy and use it for treatment - they prescribe it to their patients. But this does not mean that you should drink fezam on your own without consulting a doctor. Long term use Even “useful” medicines can cause harm.

A drug to improve cerebral blood supply

Phezam is a combination of a nootropic and vasodilator drug:

  1. Promotes recovery after strokes and traumatic brain injuries;
  2. Prescribed for mental disorders;
  3. Helps get rid of migraines;
  4. Restores after intoxication;
  5. Used for the treatment of cerebral atherosclerosis;
  6. Eliminates motion sickness when moving.

The drug is in the arsenal of neurologists and psychiatrists, which does not prevent students and schoolchildren from using it during intense study. If there are no problems with nerve tissue, tablets help to better remember and assimilate information, increase reading speed.

Most will never buy fezam, what it helps with is known only to those who have faced a serious problem and are forced to go through a long recovery period, trying to shorten it.

Video: how does Fezam work?

In this video, neurologist Ilya Rogozin will tell you how you can help your brain work, and whether the drug Phezam will help for this:

The brain is one of the most important organs our body. Its incorrect operation can lead to consequences of varying severity. To protect yourself from them, you should ensure normal blood circulation and metabolism. Next, the drug Phezam will be considered: instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues. It is he who is able to improve blood flow to the brain and ensure its proper functioning.

Instructions for use of the drug Phezam: price, reviews, analogues, what helps

Release form of the drug and its composition

The drug is produced in capsules white(60 pieces per pack), the shell of which is 98% made of gelatin. The remaining portion is titanium dioxide. The “filling” of the medicine is a mixture of healing components (powder) of white color. Capsules contain:

  • Piracetam – 400 mg;
  • Cinnarizine – 25 mg.

Also present are additional components, namely: 55 mg lactose monohydrate, 5 mg magnesium stearate, 15 mg colloidal silicon dioxide. So, Fezam is combination drug, which has 2 active elements at once. Why they are, and what their effect on the body is, let’s look at it right now.

Piracetam in the drug

This nootropic helps improve brain function. Taking piracetam will provide the patient with a healthy metabolism. It will also allow the body to process glucose faster. Why is this necessary?

It's simple!

Glucose is a key nutrient for the brain. Thus, it turns out that the cells are actively nourished thanks to piracetam. In turn, this leads to improved energy production, which ensures long and fruitful brain function.

However, improved memory, increased concentration and improved intellectual function in general are not everything. Some cerebral vessels may experience ischemia (oxygen starvation) of the lungs or moderate degree. Piracetam will eliminate these damages and normalize blood circulation.

Another reason to use this tool for treatment is that it is suitable for the prevention of blood clots. This is explained by the fact that the gluing of blood clots is inhibited. Thanks to this, blood can circulate even through microvessels.

So, to summarize, we can conclude that piracetam:

  • Improves learning ability;
  • Supports brain function in older adults;
  • Improves blood circulation.


This substance has an effect on blood vessels. Thanks to cinnarizine, they expand and smooth muscle tone decreases. Each part of the brain receives required quantity oxygen and others important elements. Do not worry that the substance will have such an effect Negative influence on pressure. In fact, cinnarizine has no effect on intracranial and blood pressure.

Instructions for use Phezam

pharmachologic effect

The drug has several effects on the patient:

  • Antihypoxic, that is, it improves tolerance to hypoxia (suffocation). As a result, tissue cells retain their properties in full;
  • Vasodilator. Constricted blood vessels can lead to various diseases. Phezam will help return them to normal;
  • Increases blood circulation. Poor blood flow to the brain can cause hypoxia and other diseases;
  • Improves the abilities of the visual and auditory analyzers.

Fezam has all these properties due to the successful combination of healing components: cinnarizine and piracetam. The first dilates blood vessels and develops the body's resistance to hypoxia. This happens due to the fact that cinnarizine blocks the access of calcium into the cell. The second one contributes better blood circulation brain, rapid processing of glucose and activation of redox processes.

What does the medicine Fezam help with? Indications for use

Fezam is prescribed by a doctor in the following cases:

  • In case of inadequate blood circulation to the brain, which may be associated with vascular atherosclerosis and during recovery from traumatic brain injury, hemorrhagic or ischemic stroke, as well as after encephalopathy;
  • During intoxication;
  • Fezam helps with diseases of the central nervous system, which are accompanied by decreased memory and attention, as well as unstable mood;
  • During the period of the condition with traumatic brain injury;
  • With asthenic syndrome, as well as with psychoorganic syndrome with symptoms of asthenia or adynamia;
  • For dizziness, vomiting, tinnitus and other symptoms of labyrinthopathy.

The drug is also often prescribed for preventive purposes against kinetosis and migraine, as well as for the treatment of Meniere's syndrome. Phezam is also one of the drugs that is used in complex therapy for children to improve learning ability.


Unfortunately, the drug is not suitable for everyone. Therefore, before purchasing, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications. If at least one of the signs applies to you, tell your doctor. So, contraindications include:

  • Renal or liver failure(both severe);
  • Psychomotor agitation, which may occur at the time of drug administration;
  • Pregnancy and period breastfeeding(lactation);
  • The drug should not be used by children under 5 years of age;
  • Huntington's chorea;
  • Individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to the constituent components of Phezam.

In case of Parkinson's disease, impaired hemostasis, severe bleeding, impaired kidney or liver function, the medicine is prescribed with caution and only after a thorough examination.

Dosage and overdose

The dosage of the drug is determined by age. Thus, adult patients are prescribed Fezam 3 times a day, 1-2 capsules. The course of treatment continues for up to 3 months, and after a break it is resumed. There should be a total of 2-3 repetitions per year. Children over 5 years old should take the medicine up to 2 times a day, 1-2 capsules. The course of treatment ranges from one and a half to three months.

No serious complications from overdose were observed. The only problem may cause abdominal pain, which can be easily relieved by inducing vomiting or gastric lavage. There is no need to stop treatment in these cases.

Side effects

The drug can cause side effects on both the central nervous system and the digestive system. Allergic and other reactions may also occur. However, first things first.

Side effects on the central nervous system include:

  • Drowsiness;
  • Increased nervousness and irritability;
  • Depression;
  • Hyperkinesia.

More rare symptoms include dizziness, unfounded anxiety and confusion, headache, intermittent disturbances in balance, hallucinations and agitation.

Allergic reactions after taking Phezam occur extremely rarely, however, you should not forget about them. These include:

  • Edema;
  • Skin rash;
  • Dermatitis.

Sometimes the medicine also affects digestive system. Side effects may include nausea and vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain, and excessive salivation.

Another side effect may be increased sexual activity.

How much does Fezam cost - price in pharmacies

As a rule, prices in pharmacies differ. Often, the difference in cost is quite serious. Next we will give average price medicines. We recommend that you do not buy Phezam at the first pharmacy you come across.

The cost of one package (60 capsules) in Moscow varies on average around 220–240 rubles. However, you can find the drug for 180 and 380 rubles. The price largely depends on the locality.

Fezam - analogues

Fezam has analogues. However, they may differ slightly in indications. Therefore, it is not recommended to replace it yourself.

These drugs include:

  • Aminalon;
  • Biotropil;
  • Bravinton;
  • Vasavital;
  • Lutsetam;
  • Cognifen.

Fezam - patient reviews

After reading the patient reviews, we can conclude that the drug copes with its responsibilities and is quite effective for the indicated indications. However, quite often there are side effects, especially drowsiness. Therefore, you should not prescribe this medication yourself.

To improve cerebral circulation, doctors prescribe the drug Phezam. Reviews about this remedy indicate that this medicine not only relieves dizziness and headache, but also helps improve performance, improves memory and concentration. The drug has a slight sedative effect and calms the central nervous system. It improves sleep, but does not cause lethargy daytime and does not impair thought processes.

Composition of the medicine

Phezam is combination remedy. It contains two active ingredients - piracetam and cinnarizine. These substances are classified as nootropics; they improve blood circulation and metabolism in the brain.

Piracetam enhances glucose metabolism. Because of this, the nutrition of neurons and the speed of signal transmission in the brain improves. This helps to increase efficiency, concentration, and activate a person’s intellectual capabilities. In addition, piracetam increases blood circulation in those areas of the brain where oxygen starvation occurs. The substance has neuroprotective properties and prevents the death of nerve cells in ischemic areas.

Cinnarizine dilates blood vessels, which improves blood supply and nutrition to the brain. However, this action does not affect blood pressure levels. Cinnarizine also has a slight sedative effect. This allows you to somewhat reduce the exciting and stimulating effect of piracetam. The instructions for use and reviews of Phezam state that this drug does not cause insomnia, like many other medications containing piracetam. Against, this medication promotes rapid and sleep soundly. This effect is achieved due to the content of cinnarizine in the drug.

The drug is released in the form of capsules. Each of them contains 400 mg of piracetam and 25 mg of cinnarizine. The powder inside each capsule also contains auxiliary ingredients: lactose, magnesium and silicon compounds. The shell consists of gelatin and dye.


Instructions and reviews of "Fezam" indicate the effectiveness of the drug in the following diseases:

  1. All types of cerebral circulation disorders. The drug is used for atherosclerosis, conditions after strokes and traumatic brain injuries, as well as for osteochondrosis, accompanied by ischemic manifestations and headache.
  2. Intellectual impairment caused by vascular pathology. The drug improves memory and thinking when senile dementia and psychoorganic syndrome. For aphasia associated with vascular disorders, the medicine improves the patient's speech.
  3. Diseases accompanied by dizziness and nausea. Such pathologies include Meniere's disease, labyrinthopathy, " seasickness".
  4. Impaired memory, attention and mental function.
  5. Neurotic manifestations. Due to the mild sedative effect of the drug, patients' mood improves and anxiety disappears.

In addition, the drug is also taken for prophylactic purposes. Reviews of Phezam tablets and instructions for use indicate that this remedy prevents discomfort for motion sickness and seasickness.

The drug has also found its use in pediatric practice. It is prescribed to children with delays in mental development, poor academic performance, deterioration of concentration and memory.


Exist absolute contraindications for the use of a nootropic drug. Phezam is prohibited from being prescribed for the following diseases and conditions:

There are diseases for which the drug is used with caution. These include:

  • Parkinson's disease;
  • low clotting blood;
  • bleeding;
  • increased intraocular pressure.

In these cases, the drug is taken in a reduced dosage and under close medical supervision.

Undesirable effects

Reviews of Phezam indicate that in most cases the drug is well tolerated by patients. The most common side effect in the first days of treatment was drowsiness, which went away as the body adapted to the medicine.

In addition, in some patients the drug can cause dyspeptic symptoms: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dry mouth. IN in rare cases Allergic skin reactions are possible. They appear mainly in patients with hypersensitivity to the capsule ingredients.

How to take the drug

The dosage of the medicine is determined by the attending physician depending on the diagnosis and condition of the patient. Typically, adults are prescribed 1-2 capsules three times a day, and children - 1-2 capsules 1-2 times a day. The medicine is used for no more than 3 months in a row. If necessary, the course of treatment is repeated after a break.

special instructions

At the beginning of treatment, the drug causes drowsiness. Therefore, you should refrain from driving a car and performing difficult work.

During therapy, you should also take medications with caution. high blood pressure, tranquilizers, antidepressants and antipsychotics. These medications can enhance the depressant effect on the central nervous system of a nootropic drug.

Storage, price and analogues

Capsules are stored at a temperature of no more than +25 degrees, they are suitable for use for 3 years.

The drug is dispensed from pharmacy chains on prescription. The price of the medicine ranges from 260 to 330 rubles (for 60 capsules).

Exists structural instructions on use and reviews of these drugs indicate that they have similar action on the body. Such medications include:

  • "NooKam";
  • "Kombitropil";
  • "Pyracesin";
  • "Omaron."

These drugs also contain piracetam and cinnarizine. The cheapest analogue is "Kombitropil". Its price ranges from 60 to 75 rubles. The cost of other drugs is slightly higher - from 130 to 250 rubles.

Which of these drugs is better? Reviews of Phezam analogues report that the effects of these drugs and their side effects are practically no different from each other, since the composition of the medications is the same.

Diseases leading to pathological change brain tissue - the result of circulatory failure and progressive oxygen starvation brain cells (hypoxia). To correct blood flow and treat cerebral circulatory disorders, the drug Fezam is used, which improves metabolic processes, the quality of total blood flow and the condition of clinical patients.

Phezam drug

The medicine Phezam is a combination of cinnarizine and piracetam with antihypoxic and vasodilating effects. The drug is indicated for blood flow disorders caused by cerebral atherosclerosis, stroke or traumatic brain injury; it reduces blood viscosity. Phezam is used in the treatment of diseases of the central nervous system with memory impairment. A combination of components is necessary for simultaneous stimulation metabolic processes in the central nervous system and intensification of oxygen utilization in the blood.

The effect of using the drug is expressed in improving the integrative function of the brain and optimizing the learning process. The effectiveness of the action is higher than the effect of the drugs included in the composition when the components are prescribed separately. Vasodilators enhance the effect of Phezam and reduce excitability. There is a decrease in pressure in the brain due to suppression of contraction of vascular smooth muscle cells.

When prescribing the drug, the patient's attention is focused on the fact that the main valid document for Phezam is the instructions for use. The doctor explains to the patient that when sharing with ethanol, tricyclic antidepressants and other substances that depress the nervous system, their effect on the body increases. According to the instructions, the use of alcohol during treatment is prohibited in order to exclude side effects and get maximum effect from the prescribed therapy.

Composition and release form

Dosage form drug - Phezam capsules containing powder of the active components of cinnarizine - 25 mg, piracetam - 400 mg. Excipients- lactose, colloidal silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate. Capsules are made from gelatin with the addition of 2% titanium dioxide, a white dye. The medicine is available only in capsule form; Phezam tablets are not produced. The capsules of the drug are cylindrical, dense.

Pharmacological properties

Phezam contains piracetam (pyrrolidone derivative), a nootropic drug with a pronounced sedative effect, and cinnarizine, an antihistamine. vasodilator. Piracetam has a stimulating effect on the brain specific effect, improves blood flow (important for athletes), learning ability, attention, memory. The effect of the drug on the nervous system is expressed in an increase mental performance, which is due to an increase in the metabolic process in nerve cells.

Component cinnarizine - blocker calcium channels, is responsible for reducing the tone of vascular smooth muscles. The drug has a vasodilating effect without antihypertensive effects and an antihypoxic effect. The components of cinnarizine enhance the sedative effect, improve blood circulation, and reduce central nervous system tone. Vasodilator (vasodilator) enhances cardiac output, eliminates excessive constriction of cerebral vessels.

Indications for use

The complex drug Phezam is recommended if the use of piracetam alone causes drowsiness, provokes insomnia and causes tension. Instructions for use of Phezam describe in detail the need to take the medicine in cases of lag in intellectual development in children. The drug creates conditions for improving the perception of new material and memorizing the subjects covered. Clinical trials have proven the effectiveness of Phezam in:

  • circulatory disorders, including chronic ones caused by cerebral atherosclerosis and stroke;
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • hypoxia syndromes;
  • intoxication of the nervous system and inflammatory diseases CNS;
  • lifting the patient out of depression.

How to take Phezam

The main document for Fezam is current instructions on use, where the dosage limitations of the drug during treatment are prescribed. Adult patients are prescribed a course of treatment by taking 1-2 capsules 3 times a day. The use of the drug lasts 1-3 months, depending on the patient’s condition. You should not drink alcohol during treatment. According to the instructions, Phezam should not be used for more than 3 months; on the recommendation of a doctor, the course is prescribed 2-3 times a year. Children over 5 years of age are prescribed to take 1-2 capsules 1-2 times a day.

special instructions

According to the instructions, it is not recommended to use the drug during pregnancy. There are no data on the effect of piracetam and cinnarizine on fetal development, but doctors recommend taking the drug with caution. Indications for taking the medicine are necessary if the benefit to the pregnant woman is higher than the risk of developing pathology in the fetus. Fezam is stopped while taking it breast-feeding- Piracetam is excreted from the body along with milk.

Active components Phezama can reduce the speed of a person’s reaction when working with mechanisms, when controlling vehicle. Taking the medicine should be accompanied by caution when working with equipment and vehicles. The patient is warned about possible adverse reactions on the central nervous system, the drug causes drowsiness at the beginning of treatment.

In childhood

Phezam therapy is recommended for children over 5 years of age. If indicated, the drug may be taken after the first year of life. In children and adolescents, during the course of treatment, the drug helps reduce excitability, fatigue, hypoxia, and improves tolerability physical activity. Fezam is filming anxiety child, stabilizes emotionality, relieves fears, normalizes sleep.

Drug interactions

It is not recommended to use Fezam in combination with other sedatives and nootropic drugs. Concomitant use antihypertensive drugs, alcohol, the listed groups of drugs together with Phezam enhance the inhibitory effect of the substances. The instructions indicate that vasoconstrictor drugs reduce the effect, and vasodilators, on the contrary, enhance the effect of Phezam. There is an improvement in the tolerability of antipsychotic drugs, antidepressants, and neuroleptics.

Side effects and overdose

When taking Phezam not according to the instructions, headaches, sleep disturbances and dyspepsia (painful and difficult digestion) may occur. At individual intolerance components of the drug, allergic reactions appear in the form of skin rashes. Side effects Phezam is not observed in case of overdose. An excessive dose of medication in children may result in sleep disturbances. Sometimes during treatment in adults, abdominal pain occurs, which does not require discontinuation of the drug.


Fezam is contraindicated in case of increased individual sensitivity to the main substances of the drug and auxiliary components. The reason for refusing to take the drug is severe renal failure, hemorrhagic stroke, high intraocular pressure, Huntington's chorea, parkinsonism. It is not recommended to use the drug in case of psychomotor agitation at the time of initiation of treatment, during pregnancy and lactation.

Terms of sale and storage

Fezam is sold in pharmacies with a doctor's prescription. The drug is stored in a dark and dry place at a temperature of 150-250C. The shelf life of the medicine is 3 years from the release date indicated on the package.


Phezam analogues include drugs with different active active substances. Similar medicines similar in therapeutic effects, have identical pharmacological effects. Analogues are prescribed by a doctor after diagnosing the patient and clarifying the diagnosis. Pharmacies and specialized organizations offer the following drugs:

  • Combitropil;
  • Pyracesin;
  • Omaron;
  • NooCam.

Phezam price

The cost of the drug is low, and the final price of Phezam is determined by the production conditions and the equipment used. Pharmacy organizations they offer medicine in the range of 270-570 rubles, which depends on the specific pricing policy point of sale. On Russian market Medicines are sold from two main manufacturers.




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