Why the face and head sweat: possible causes of discomfort. What to do if your face and head sweat a lot - where to go

Sweating is completely normal and physiological process, which accompanies every healthy person. However, most people manage to suppress the main signs of sweating by following good hygiene rules and choosing good cosmetic products. However, there are times when the armpits sweat so much that it causes serious discomfort to the person. This becomes a big aesthetic problem. Today we'll talk about the reasons excessive secretion sweat, consider the rules of adequate hygiene and learn many secrets on how to deal with wet armpits.

Why does a person sweat?

Moderate sweating occurs in every person. But in what cases does a person sweat especially heavily?

  1. At high temperatures, sweating regulates heat exchange processes in the body. This is necessary so that in the heat a person does not overheat.
  2. A person sweats especially heavily during various emotional shocks - stress, fear, during experiences.
  3. A person sweats during physical activity to reduce the temperature of the heating body.
  4. Sweating - necessary condition recovery from fever, ARVI, etc.
  5. Non-compliance elementary rules hygiene leads to increased sweating, which is accompanied by unpleasant smell.
  6. Many hormonal changes in the body are accompanied by sweating - menopause, postpartum and premenstrual periods, pregnancy, lactation, etc.
  7. Obese people suffer more from increased sweating because their metabolic processes are impaired or slowed down.
  8. Often, increased sweating can indicate certain diseases of the body. These may be endocrine disorders, VSD, cardiovascular diseases and nervous system, oncology.
  9. Some medications, including oral contraceptives, can promote active sweat production.
  10. Large consumption of hot, spicy, smoked and salty foods provokes increased sweating.
  11. If you are wearing tight, too warm or synthetic clothing, this can also lead to constantly wet armpits.

The pores through which sweat is secreted are located throughout the body. However, their largest accumulation is located in the armpits, palms and feet. That is why these areas of the body suffer most from humidity. We will tell you about simple hygiene rules that will help you suppress active sweating.

If, with the arrival of summer, increased sweating in the armpits makes you blush in front of others, try using our recommendations.

  1. Take a shower every morning and evening. Sweat is 99% water, the rest is salts and waste. Sweat on a clean body does not leave an unpleasant odor. However, if you do not shower on time, bacteria begin to multiply on the surface of the skin, which becomes a source of stench.
  2. Be sure to wear clean and ironed shirts every day, even if you think yesterday's clothes are fine to wear again.
  3. After showering, dry your underarms thoroughly before applying any product. When buying an anti-sweat product, pay attention to its name - it should be an antiperspirant, not a deodorant. The first suppresses activity sweat glands, and the second simply hides the unpleasant odor.
  4. When choosing an antiperspirant, give preference to medicinal products that have a more powerful composition. Among them are Dry Dry, Purax. Some of these medicated antiperspirants are so powerful that one application every few days is enough to keep your armpits dry.
  5. Wear clothes only made from natural fabrics - cotton, linen, etc. It should be quite spacious and comfortable. Dress according to the weather - do not allow yourself to overheat.
  6. If possible, try to stay in an air-conditioned room during hot weather.
  7. If you are embarrassed by wet spots, you can use special liners that are attached to clothes with inside. They are very similar to feminine sanitary pads - on one side there is Velcro, which is glued to the clothes at the level of the armpits, and on the other side there is a soft cotton surface that absorbs sweat and does not allow it to spoil appearance clothes.
  8. In order for the pores to get used to the heat and react less to it, they need to be trained. Do it twice a day for your armpits cold and hot shower– water them either cold or hot water. This will allow the capillaries to shrink and expand faster, adapting to the external environment.
  9. In the morning and evening after a shower, you need to wipe the skin of your armpits with antibacterial compounds - alcohol lotion, medicinal solutions.

These simple tips will help you cope with increased sweating if it is caused by external factors. If the reasons lie inside the body, you can try using safe and effective remedies that are sold in pharmacies.

Medicines for armpit sweating

These are popular pharmaceutical drugs, which disinfect, deodorize and suppress the activity of sweat glands. Most popular remedy- Teymurov pasta. It contains boric acid, zinc oxide, salicylic acid, lead acetate, formaldehyde solution and many other substances that actively cope with excessive sweating. The paste should be applied to clean and dry armpit skin. Prolonged and frequent use of the paste can lead to individual intolerance a remedy that results in rash and headache.

Another effective remedy for sweating - Lassara paste. It has a disinfecting and drying effect. You can use Formagel, which acts specifically on sweat glands and suppresses their activity. Formidron works very well against sweating. It is applied to the skin of the armpits with a thin, indelible layer, thanks to which the activity sebaceous glands is suppressed. Galmanin powder is also very effective. It contains salicylic acid, talc, starch. It not only deodorizes and dries, but also prevents the formation of prickly heat and various rashes. However, remember, any product must be used strictly according to the instructions, not exceeding permissible doses and period of use.

If you constantly think about moving your hands so that wet spots do not become visible to others, if wet armpits do not allow you to live normally, you can get rid of them using improvised means and folk recipes.

  1. Lemon. Every day after a shower, wipe the dry skin of your armpits with lemon juice. It will suppress bacterial activity, give the skin a pleasant citrus aroma and reduce the amount of sweat produced.
  2. Soda. A strong solution of baking soda can also kill microorganisms that are the source of the unpleasant odor. You need to add two tablespoons of soda to a glass of water. Wipe your armpits with this mixture three times a day and after a couple of days they will sweat much less.
  3. Oak bark. Decoction oak bark contains a lot of tannins, which have a drying and deodorizing effect. Pour a tablespoon of crushed bark into a glass of boiling water and cook over low heat for about half an hour. Then the broth should be covered, wrapped and allowed to brew. Wipe your armpits with the strained mixture twice a day.
  4. Alcohol. You can wipe the skin of your armpits with resorcinol, boric or simple medical alcohol, diluted in half with water.
  5. Hydrogen peroxide. It will get rid of moisture and the smell of sweat. Dilute peroxide half and half with water, soak cotton pads in the mixture and apply to the armpit area as a compress. Dilute peroxide in rinse water to kill microorganisms on fabrics.
  6. Apple vinegar. Apple cider vinegar also perfectly suppresses the activity of the sebaceous glands, but to get results, vinegar must be used regularly, twice a day for a month. Dissolve a spoonful of vinegar in a third of a glass of water and wipe the skin of your armpits with this mixture. Do not put on clothes until the vinegar on your skin is completely dry.
  7. Alcohol tinctures. This great way, both for systemic use and for obtaining instant results. If you have an important speech coming up, simply wipe your armpits with herbal alcohol tinctures and in the next couple of hours you will be protected from the appearance of wet spots in your armpits. So, to prepare the tincture, you need to put green horsetail, walnut leaves and oak bark in a dark glass bottle. Pour in vodka or alcohol and leave in a cool, dark place for three weeks. Then the composition must be filtered, diluted in half with water and wiped under the armpits three times a day.
  8. Chamomile. Every time you take a bath, add chamomile infusion to the water. This will dry the skin, soothe it and reduce the activity of the sweat glands.

Use these recipes, they are not only effective, but also safe. In addition, the cost of such “medicines” is very low; you probably already have the ingredients for some recipes at home.

If all of the above tips do not help you get rid of excessive sweating, you should consult a doctor. Perhaps hyperhidrosis is caused by a disease or disorder in the body. If the cause is treated, the symptom (active sweating) will go away along with the disease.

However, it happens that after a thorough examination no pathological conditions. In this case, the doctor does not associate hyperhidrosis with any diagnosis and concludes that this is an individual characteristic of the body. But even in this case, you can find a way out. You can get Botox injections into your armpits. They block the sweat glands and you simply stop sweating in that area. You can use medical operation, during which they are destroyed ganglia, feeding the sweat glands. Due to this, they stop receiving signals from the body and do not secrete secretions. Another popular procedure is Curettage. During this medical intervention, the sweat glands are simply removed. That is, no glands, no sweat. However, the effect is not permanent - after a few years, sweating is restored and the operation must be repeated.

Sweating is a vague concept that can be either physiological norm, and a symptom of a serious illness. Each individual case must be examined by a doctor. If you are suffering from armpit sweating that you cannot cope with on your own, consult a physician. In the future, he may send you to specialized specialists - a gynecologist, endocrinologist, cardiologist, etc. Monitor your body, respond to its signals to maintain health for many years.

Video: methods of treating hyperhidrosis

To remove unnecessary substances from the body, every person needs to sweat. This process is a completely natural reaction to physical activity, high air temperature or strong excitement. Sometimes adults and children experience excessive and increased sweating, which signals certain diseases. If an adult or child often experiences profuse sweating, then you should consult a doctor who will prescribe treatment. There are many various reasons, which disrupts the normal functioning of the sweat glands. Find out why a person sweats below.

Causes of excessive sweating

In medicine, excessive sweat secretion from the internal sebaceous glands is called hyperhidrosis. This phenomenon is divided into several types:

  1. Local hyperhidrosis (local) is distinguished by the fact that individual parts of the body are covered with perspiration: the face and head, forehead, armpits, back, feet, palms sweat heavily.
  2. Generalized (diffuse) hyperhidrosis is perspiration throughout the body, simultaneous profuse sweating.

A common type of severe sweating is considered to be acrohyperhidrosis - increased level sweating on the hands and feet. It is classified into plantar (feet sweat profusely and often) and palmar types. Excessive sweating is also divided into:

  • primary hyperhidrosis - it accompanies the stage of puberty;
  • secondary - the result of many different endocrine somatic, neurological diseases.

In men

For males, excessive sweating is a common problem. Women are less susceptible to such “tests”. If the apocrine sweat glands secrete too much fluid, this indicates a problem in the body. In such cases, men and women are practically equal. Sources of excess and increased sweating among representatives of the stronger sex are:

  • excess weight;
  • kidney disease;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • High sweating in men is often associated with infectious diseases (tuberculosis, pneumonia, malaria);
  • thyroid diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • sometimes an adult man’s head, palms, and neck sweat a lot, which is caused by severe nervous overexcitation;
  • to the emergence excessive sweating often leads to the use of medications with acetylsalicylic acid, insulin, pilocarpine;
  • compensatory hyperhidrosis – side effect, reaction to sympathectomy (surgery to reduce sweat secretions)

Heavy sweating in women

In women, malfunctions of the sebaceous glands also often occur. If we do not take into account the hereditary factor, menstruation, menopause and pregnancy, during which the production of secretions increases and the amount of sweat increases, then in all other cases we can talk about pathology. Excessive and increased sweating in women leads to following problems:

  • VSD ( vegetative-vascular dystonia);
  • heart diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • intoxication with alcohol, drugs, infectious poisoning;
  • hyperhidrosis can occur due to endocrine system disorders;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • profuse perspiration accompanies various infectious serious ailments;
  • oncology;
  • some medications.

At night while sleeping

For some people, sweat literally pours out like hail in their sleep. This may be due to the heat in the room or increased body temperature due to a cold, but in most cases, nocturnal hyperhidrosis is caused by the following reasons:

  • cancer (often lymphoma);
  • AIDS, HIV infection;
  • heavy sweating often caused by an inflammatory process in bone tissue;
  • infections caused by bacteria;
  • tuberculosis;
  • an abscess is another cause of hyperhidrosis during sleep.

Severe sweating in a child

It's not just adults who suffer from excessive sweating. Disruption of the sebaceous glands also occurs in children. The main factors that lead to the appearance of hyperhidrosis in childhood are:

  • lymphatic diathesis;
  • lack of vitamin D in the body;
  • heart failure;
  • problems with the thyroid gland;
  • acute respiratory infections (acute respiratory diseases);
  • hereditary diseases (for example, cystic fibrosis);
  • use of certain types of medications.

Treatment of hyperhidrosis and excessive sweating

Many people are interested in how to treat hyperhidrosis and what methods are used for this. It is very difficult to prescribe therapy for increased secretion sweat. The appearance of profuse perspiration may be caused by some kind of disease, so treatment will be prescribed taking into account the pathology found. After the patient has completed all the necessary examinations, the doctor determines how to cure hyperhidrosis and which method is more effective against it.


Today you can get rid of excessive sweating using a neodymium laser. This device can completely destroy the cells of the apocrine glands, removing them from skin Once and for all. Laser treatment abnormal sweating refers to an effective method aimed against excessive sweating, without consequences and relapses of the disease. Treatment procedure against hyperhidrosis lasts 30 minutes under local anesthesia. The laser helps reduce sweat production by 90%.


Another a good option which will help get rid of heavy sweating is iontophoresis. The technique involves the use of electric current, which treats the problem area of ​​the body in a solution with salt. The method is effective, gives a lasting result, but is only suitable for the treatment of hyperhidrosis of the feet and palms. If you purchase a special galvanic device to eliminate problems with strong sweating, then iontophoresis can be performed at home.

Remedies for profuse sweating

In addition to the above-described treatment options for excessive sweating, there are several more interesting and effective ways:

  1. Antiperspirant is a type of cosmetic that perfectly fights heavy sweating. It is often used for armpits. The most effective means from this category are “Dry Dry”, “Odaban”, “Maxim”.
  2. Botox and Dysport injections are often used against hyperhidrosis, with the help of which they block nerve endings apocrine glands on long time.
  3. Medicines that are based on plant alkaloids - belladonna. They reduce secretion large quantity sweat, successfully preventing hyperhidrosis. In most cases, the doctor prescribes Bellaspon and Bellataminal tablets. Local therapy Excessive sweating is carried out using the Formidron solution and the Formagel preparation.
  4. Sedatives medicines in some cases, they cope no less successfully with increased sweating in men and women. Among these are valerian and motherwort.

Folk remedies for sweat

ethnoscience also applies to effective methods treatment of excessive sweating in humans. Here are a few good recipes that relieve hyperhidrosis:

  1. An infusion of birch buds will help achieve excellent results in the fight against hyperhidrosis. Alcohol tincture(1 to 10) it is necessary to wipe problem areas on the skin twice a day.
  2. To reduce sweating lower limbs, you can use a special bath. Pour oak bark (1 tablespoon) with water (1 liter). Boil for 5-10 minutes, leave for half an hour. Ten procedures should be enough to eliminate odor and heavy sweating.
  3. For hands that often sweat, it is recommended to make a bath of ammonia with water (take 1 teaspoon of alcohol for 1 liter of water). After holding your palms in the solution for 10-15 minutes, you should wash them thoroughly, wipe them and apply powder. After this procedure, sweating on the hands will be significantly reduced.

Find out more about the signs and symptoms of the disease.

Video: what to do if your armpits sweat a lot

Excessive sweating of the head is called hyperhidrosis. Sweat literally drenches not only scalp head, but also the whole face.

The condition is extremely unpleasant both for the sufferer himself and for those around him.

The result is poor health, problems at work and in the family, and psychological problems. Why does the face and head sweat and what to do about the pathology? Let's understand the problem.

Why the face and head sweat: physiological reasons

Doctors divide hyperhidrosis into two types:

1. primary, When increased sweating is an individual feature human body and is inherent in him since childhood;

2. secondary, developing as one of the symptoms of some disease.

With primary hyperhidrosis, excessive sweating gradually increases, and by the age of 14 or 21 it manifests itself to its maximum.

The reasons why the face sweats are so different that only a doctor can figure them out. In the vast majority of cases, excessive sweating is associated with physiology and is not a manifestation of a disease dangerous to health.

Here are the most common causes of excessive sweating:

Very heat and humidity environment;

Use alcoholic drinks;

Spicy dishes and drinks;

Hats and clothing made of synthetic materials that do not allow air to pass through.

Any of these reasons is not directly related to the person; it can be eliminated while simultaneously getting rid of sweating.

However there are others physiological reasons hyperhidrosis associated with the characteristics of the autonomic nervous system of a particular person. As a rule, disturbances in its work are associated with hormonal changes and appear:

1. in adolescence;

2. during pregnancy;

3. upon the onset of menopause.

Hormones in the human body play the role of regulators of many physiological processes. They also affect the body's thermoregulation. Therefore, any malfunctions are manifested by increased sweating in the head, face, and torso. In any case, when physiological manifestations There is no need to worry about hyperhidrosis: the symptoms are unpleasant, but nothing bad happens to the person. However, there are other, pathological reasons. Why your face and head sweat can only be determined by a specialist.

Pathological causes of sweating of the face and head

How to understand that excessive sweating is obvious pathological nature and is it time to see a doctor? Analyze your condition. If it does not depend on the weather, clothing, or food, is not associated with special hormonally significant periods of life, and arose suddenly, then there is a reason to see a doctor. And the sooner you get a qualified answer to the question of why your face and head sweat a lot, the better.

Which doctor should I contact? First of all, see a therapist. By comparing hyperhidrosis with other symptoms, he will determine a possible cause and refer you to to a specialist: neurologist, gynecologist, endocrinologist, etc. Diagnostic measures will be prescribed to confirm or exclude the initial diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment.

Here possible reasons Why does my face sweat?

Failure of the endocrine system;

Violation metabolic processes;

Disease thyroid gland(hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism);

Increased arterial pressure;

Herpes zoster;




Disease of the central nervous system;

Pathology salivary glands;

Oncological disease;

Acute bacterial or viral infections, including brucellosis, tuberculosis;

Severe sweating of the head is not at all harmless. And the sooner treatment is started, the faster you will be able to get rid of hyperhidrosis.

What to do if your face and head sweat a lot

To exclude dangerous diseases, you need to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Diagnostic measures

If reasons excessive sweating associated with the disease, the doctor after visual inspection will appoint comprehensive examination:

Blood test (general, sugar, thyroid hormones);

Analysis of urine;

Ultrasound of the thyroid gland;

X-ray of the sternum;

MRI, CT – as necessary.

Full examination may not be needed. It all depends on the person's condition. The tests may turn out to be good, and in this case the doctor will not prescribe treatment. He will definitely explain why your face and head sweat a lot, and give recommendations for relieving unpleasant symptoms.

In case of primary hyperhidrosis, when there is no danger to health, he will advise physiological methods normalization of the condition. As a rule, a person himself can determine why his face sweats. What to do in these cases:

Normalize your daily routine, don’t go to bed later than 11.00, sleep at least 8 hours a day;

Refuse junk food and strict diets, switch to the right one balanced diet;

Move more, increase physical activity;

Take care of your scalp by rinsing it with decoctions of medicinal drying herbs;

Wash your face cold water;

Wash your hair more often;

To wipe your face, use cooled green tea, water with lemon solution, natural apple cider vinegar.

If the doctor prescribes medications, you will have to accept them religiously. These can be sedatives, that is, calming drugs, hormonal pills, antidepressants.

Drug treatment

Eat special tablets, which relieve sweating very quickly. For example, glycopyrrolate, a blocker of sweat glands, oxybutynin, etc. However, you cannot take these drugs on your own, without a doctor’s prescription. They have side effects associated with direct risks to health and even life. It is important to choose the correct single dose, and only a doctor can do this.

In some cases, reception is indicated vitamin complexes with a combination of B vitamins. They improve metabolic processes in the body, which has a positive effect on sweating, among other things. Only a doctor can decide on the advisability of taking vitamins.

Additionally, you can include foods rich in vitamin B in your diet. These are nuts, wheat germ, liver, bran, buckwheat, egg yolk, greens, fish, cottage cheese, cheese, legumes, meat, etc.

Other treatments for sweating

Medicine can answer the question of why a person’s face and head sweat. If hyperhidrosis is accompanying symptom, then treatment will be aimed specifically at the identified underlying disease. If the problem is caused by individual characteristics and is not associated with a serious illness, there are ways to influence the person’s condition and relieve the severity of hyperhidrosis.


Iontophoresis is most effective against excessive sweating of the head. The essence of the procedure is to apply a weak galvanic current to the problem area of ​​the body. As a result of exposure, the functions of the sweat glands are disrupted and their secretion decreases. In addition, the sweat ducts become blocked due to the death of skin cells. The method is quite effective, but may not work due to individual characteristics.

Botulinum toxin injections

Botox or Diasport is used to combat hyperhidrosis if no other methods have worked. The drug is injected subcutaneously into the scalp, blocking nerve impulses for the secretion of sweat glands. It is very important that the procedure is carried out experienced doctor.

After the administration of the drugs, pathological sweating stops or significantly decreases. However, not forever. Botulinum toxin will have to be injected periodically, as the effect of the injection weakens over time. As a rule, the procedure needs to be repeated every 6-8 months.

Psychotherapy sessions

A psychotherapist will help you cope with the state of anxiety and fear that arises against the background of excessive secretion of sweat glands. Are used different techniques, including hypnosis, auto-training.

In some cases, psychotherapy helps reduce symptoms, in others it is useless. The doctor may include medications in the treatment plan sedative effect, tranquilizers. The task is to stabilize emotional condition patient and restore normal work his nervous system.


The doctor and patient decide on surgical methods of treatment in extreme cases, when there is no other way to organize normal life the person simply does not exist. Sympectomy is a surgical division of the nerves responsible for regulating sweat secretion in a particular area of ​​the body. The effectiveness of this method is high, since the nerve is either completely cut or pinched and ceases to perform its function. Accordingly, the release of liquid from the pores stops.

However, with hyperhidrosis of the head and face, such an effect is undesirable. The fact is that the facial muscles may be damaged, and this is a completely different problem. On the other hand, with a successful operation, a person’s quality of life changes completely. Here you have to make a choice between possible complications and actually complete cure.

Traditional methods of treating sweating

Traditional medicine also has answers to the question of why the face sweats and what to do to get rid of this serious problem. Medicinal herbs- this is what healers recommend to reduce the secretion of sweat glands.

The easiest way to relieve primary hyperhidrosis is to wash your hair with a strong decoction of black or green tea. A tablespoon of dry leaves or 2 tea bags per liter of water is the basis for a tea rinse. The tea needs to be boiled for 15 minutes. at a low boil, then cool and rinse clean hair.

You can prepare rinses for the head and face using sage, calendula, birch leaves, lingonberries, and rowan. Oak bark has an excellent drying effect. You can wipe your facial skin with the infusion several times a day.

Remember that it is better not to self-medicate if excessive sweating appears suddenly and is accompanied by other symptoms. Consult a doctor, make sure that there is no direct threat to life, and together with the doctor choose an adequate treatment regimen.

A person usually begins to sweat when he or she physical activity. This protects the body from overheating. But sometimes profuse sweating occurs on the eve of waking up, and you can hear complaints: “I sweat in the morning, I don’t understand why...”. If you often experience heavy sweating in the morning, then there are different reasons for it. Sometimes the problem may be accompanied by a general feeling unwell, weakness.

People suffering from morning sweats often wake up with a feeling of dry mouth, tremors in the limbs, and feel a general malaise. Their clothes are damp or even completely wet with sweat. The discharge is sticky, cold and has an unpleasant odor.

This disruption of the sweat glands is divided into two types:

  1. Diffuse, when the whole body sweats. If this continues for a week, then perhaps the reasons lie in a malfunction of the endocrine system, an infection entering the body, maybe even an oncological disease.
  2. Local, in which certain areas of the body sweat - armpits, forehead, feet. This could be either hyperhidrosis or another disease. It's better to check with a doctor.

When people suffer from sweating

Self-observation often helps determine the causes of intense sweating:

  1. How long have you been waking up wet or drenched in sweat in the morning?
  2. How much does your body sweat?
  3. What other symptoms accompany this process?
  4. Have any of your relatives observed heavy sweating in the morning, maybe your parents were sweating like that, and you inherited the problem?
  5. Do you have chronic diseases such as diabetes, tuberculosis or AIDS?

The clinic additionally uses the results of ultrasound examinations, blood tests, urine tests, and ECG for diagnosis.

What diseases cause morning sweats?

Why does a person wake up all wet? Active morning sweating in men and women appears after ingestion of infectious microorganisms, serves as a signal about the occurrence of neurosis or endocrine disease.

In adolescents, severe morning sweats are characteristic of the onset of puberty. Dizziness and weakness can be observed during the development of serious illnesses: bronchitis, colds, hypertension, diabetes, pneumonia, thyroid pathology, dysfunction genitourinary system.

Staying clean and taking a shower won't help here. “I wake up in the morning in a cold sweat, my bed is all wet, when I try to get out of bed, my legs give way...” Similar condition may be accompanied by an increase in temperature or blood pressure. In this case, call an ambulance.

Such morning sweats can be a harbinger of a stroke or some other nervous disorder, and pressure surges are a sign of heart disease.

Allergic reaction

The causes of morning sweats may not be so scary. Morning sweating is promoted by taking certain medications, for example, for acute respiratory infections. Typically, such medications contain nitroglycerin, hydralazine, nicotinic acid. They cause the body to sweat at night and in the morning.

Antidepressants are considered the “hit” for sweating. If a person takes them, he suffers from excessive sweat not only in the morning, but throughout the day. He doesn't get enough sleep, gets tired quickly, and becomes irritated. To calm down, a person drinks an increased dose of medicine, which makes him sweat even more. If this is your case, then go to the doctor, ask to prescribe you another drug to which the body will not react with profuse sweating.

What causes excessive sweating in the stronger sex?

Men begin to sweat when the level of the hormone testosterone in the blood decreases. The hypothalamus, which is responsible for thermoregulation, receives a false signal about an increase in body temperature, as a result, sweating is activated. The same thing happens during stress, nervous excitement, excitement, big physical activity. A man with such a pathology is tormented constant fatigue, insomnia.

Heavy discharge sweat may occur due to a large number of sweat glands on the skin or be caused by genetic disorders functioning of the autonomic nervous system.

Sweating can be caused by the most simple reasons- pajamas or bedding made of synthetic fabrics, heat in the bedroom, excess weight.

What causes female sweating

Sweating attacks are more common in women. Their morning sweats are provoked by hormonal imbalances that occur in female body constantly:

  • before the start of each menstrual cycle;
  • during the entire period of pregnancy;
  • with menopausal changes in adulthood.

No special treatment is required here.

If a woman says: “I always wake up covered in sweat...”, then perhaps something is to blame. secondary disease. The most common disorder in women who sweat is considered to be a dysfunction of the central nervous system:

Lung diseases

Many people know that the first signs of the development of tuberculosis are morning sweats, coughing. Almost the same behavior Chronical bronchitis. To determine what the patient is sick with, doctors conduct a complete examination.

The treatment of pulmonary diseases must be approached with caution. Wrong measures can lead to complications and even fatal outcome.

The need for an accurate diagnosis

If you start waking up in the morning sweating, then first go see a therapist. The doctor will visually assess your condition and conduct the necessary survey to draw up full picture diseases. You will need to take some tests and undergo an examination: ultrasound, x-ray, ECG. Then it is advisable to visit an endocrinologist, oncologist, or gynecologist. Then you will receive objective assessment your condition.

When you wake up covered in sweat, there is no need to panic ahead of time. You need to understand the causes of sweating, and then take some steps to solve the problem.

How do you eat

If you wake up wet and sweaty in the morning, carefully examine your diet: does it contain enough nutrients, minerals, vitamins? Maybe you ate too much spicy food the night before? fatty foods. Consult a doctor who will prescribe a diet, vitamin preparations, restoratives.

Sweat drips from under the arms, from the hands and from the face, stains on clothes, and they have to be changed 2-3 times a day. All this happens regardless of air temperature. If this is a familiar picture for you, it means that you or someone close to you suffers from hyperhidrosis.

Sweat is produced to regulate the core temperature of the human body. We find ourselves in a stuffy room and begin to sweat. Sweating prevents the body from overheating.

This is a normal physiological process and we sweat because we live. However, 2-3% of the world's population sweats excessively. Those who suffer from hyperhidrosis are forced to limit their communication. They feel embarrassed in front of people around them, and regular antiperspirant deodorants do not help them.

Sweat is a symptom of the disease

To solve the problem of hyperhidrosis, first of all, you need to find out the cause. Increased sweating may be a consequence of thyroid dysfunction or diabetes. It is clear that in this case it is necessary to treat or compensate medicines underlying disease.

Heavy sweating can also be associated with obesity. Losing excess weight is difficult, but it’s worth making the effort, as it solves not only the problem of hyperhidrosis. Hormonal changes in the body also contribute to increased sweating.

For example, when a woman begins menopause and the level female hormones-estrogens in the body gradually decreases. They can be partially replenished by including soy and pomegranate juice, which contain plant estrogens.

Wet but healthy

Most people who sweat a lot are healthy people. But several functional disorders their bodies still contain:
Excessive sweating may be a sign that the sympathetic nervous system is not working as it should. This is the autonomous part of the nervous system, which regulates blood pressure, heartbeat, anxiety level and many other parameters of the body, including sweating;
- another reason may be too intense work of the sweat glands;
- but most often profuse sweating is hereditary.

For example, Americans Chris and Jeff Mechanic sweat starting from adolescence. When they were more than 20 years old, they began to look for a way out of the situation. Chris and Jeff say that sometimes simply stopping certain foods can be enough to reduce sweating. Alcohol, cigarettes, caffeine, onions, garlic, spicy seasonings increase sweating.

However, you should be aware that for some people, deodorants increase sweat production instead of reducing it. And if you suffer from excessive sweating, you need medical antiperspirants, which are prescribed by a dermatologist.

Antiperspirants from the pharmacy

American Rick Vollick really wanted to get rid of the sweat that was constantly flowing from under his arms and down his face. He experimentally discovered that an antiperspirant containing aluminum chloride hexahydrate helped him. However, strong concentrations of aluminum chloride hexahydrate may be irritating. sensitive skin. For armpits, a 10-15% concentration of the substance is quite acceptable. Moreover, the skin must be completely dry before applying the antiperspirant. If you take a shower, wait 30-40 minutes and only then use this antiperspirant. After shaving your armpits, you should wait at least a day. With regular use, sweating decreases, and medicinal antiperspirant can be used less frequently, only to maintain the effect.


At one time, formagel was the only means of eliminating sweating. Thoracic surgeon and hyperhidrosis specialist Vladimir Aleksandrovich Kuzmichev says that if formagel helps, that’s great, but it’s still better to use more modern aluminum chloride antiperspirants.

Daily worries

But for now you will try for yourself various ways reducing sweating, you will have to solve other problems: work, communicate with people. Therefore, it is worth following some rules that will help cope with excessive sweating. For example, making sure your skin is dry after a shower is quite simple: if necessary, you can use a hairdryer. And don't neglect it simple rule. The fact is that wet skin creates ideal conditions for the proliferation of bacteria, which is the cause of the repulsive odor.

Apply antiperspirants to your skin not only in the morning, but also in the evening before bed. If you use it once a day, it is better to do it in the evening. Gently rubbing the antiperspirant into the skin greatly increases its effectiveness.

Your clothes should be breathable and made from natural materials - cotton, linen, silk. If you play sports, choose materials that wick sweat and keep your skin dry.

Practice relaxation or meditation. Psychological methods They are not a solution to sweating, but they do relieve stress. And stress, as you know, greatly stimulates the sweat glands.

Finally, just see your doctor. Hyperhidrosis is medical problem and it is better to solve it with the help of an experienced specialist.

Radical measures

If strong antiperspirants and formagel do not have the desired effect, then you need to look for other ways to solve the problem.


Try a physiotherapeutic method - iontophoresis, or iontophoresis. Opinions about this method are the most controversial. For some it helps immediately, for others it does not help at all, for others the effect occurs after a certain period of time. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, iontophoresis is effective in 83% of cases of hyperhidrosis.

The essence of the method is to use conventional tap water, through which weak electrical impulses are conducted. In this case, the ions electric current interact with excretory ducts sweat glands, thickening surface layer skin, which leads to blockage of the glands. If the water is too “soft” and there are not enough minerals in it to conduct electric current, then a teaspoon is added to it baking soda. The course of procedures is 5-10 sessions. After this, maintenance therapy is carried out as needed: from 1 time per week to 1 time per month.

Iontophoresis is contraindicated in pregnant women, people with implants - for example, metal joint replacements, patients with cardiac pathology, epilepsy.

Botox injections

Sweating can be stopped with Botox. This procedure is very common in beauty salons.

According to hyperhidrosis specialist Vladimir Aleksandrovich Kuzmichev, there are no restrictions on the duration of Botox use. Regular use Botox can lead to gradual decline hyperhidrosis due to atrophy of the sweat glands from inactivity. A total of 4 or fewer injections will be required over 2 years to reduce and maintain hyperhidrosis.

Surgery is a last resort

If all conservative methods tried and nothing worked, your doctor may suggest surgery. There are two options surgical solution this problem. The first is a local effect on the area of ​​increased sweating. The second type of operation is called endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy - ETS. Most often, to treat armpit sweating, a local treatment method is used, and in very rare cases, ETS. According to Vladimir Kuzmichev, ETS must be treated very carefully, since during the operation the sympathetic nerve trunk is crossed, and this can worsen the patient’s quality of life. For example, a person may begin to sweat profusely in other areas of the body. American thoracic surgeon Lawrence Glassman says one more thing possible complication operations: there is always a risk of cutting the sympathetic nerve higher than necessary, and thereby blocking the nerve communication with the eye.

The goal of all surgical interventions is to reduce the total number of sweat glands. You may be offered curettage of the armpits - scraping out the sweat glands. But this procedure can also cause complications - bleeding and hematoma formation. In addition, sweating may return after a few years.

Vladimir Kuzmichev says that curettage does not provide the same degree of dryness that can be achieved with Botox injections. Among the surgical methods that provide maximum dryness, he highlights excision of the axillary region, that is, removal of the sweat glands. However, there is no need to rush into this operation, because such an intervention may be accompanied by severe scarring and limited mobility of the arm.

Before resorting to a surgical method to solve the problem of excessive sweating, you must try to use everything conservative methods treatment. And first of all, consult a dermatologist. Hyperhidrosis is a serious medical problem that must be solved under the strict guidance of a specialist.



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