I'm worried about an allergy to synthetic clothing, what should I do? How quickly does an allergy to synthetics manifest?

Recently, the phenomenon of tissue allergy has become quite common, manifesting itself mainly in the form of various changes in the skin in places of contact with the allergen tissue. The main function of the fabric is to protect the human body from adverse external conditions. But what to do when the same tissue becomes the cause of allergic manifestations?

Origin of matter allergy

The most common cause of allergies is synthetic material. The cheaper production of synthetic materials leads to the fact that natural ingredients are replaced by cheaper and non-environmental, chemically produced substances. An allergy to synthetics is caused by the content of substances in the fabric such as polyester, acrylic, viscose, etc., which poorly allow air to pass through, preventing the skin from “breathing,” and also retain moisture, creating a “greenhouse effect” on the skin. Allergy to synthetics also occurs due to the use of dyes, fixatives, resins and other harmful chemicals in its production. The cheaper the chemical ingredients used in the production of fabric, the higher the risk of allergic reactions when wearing it.

Therefore, the cheaper the fabric, the more dangerous it is to health. Children's skin is much more sensitive to the effects of toxic substances, so children react much more strongly to exposure to toxic substances in synthetic fabrics. When buying bedding and clothes for your baby, you should definitely pay attention to the color of the material, avoiding fabrics with too bright colors, as they can cause severe allergic reactions on the skin.

It would seem that when buying clothes you should give preference to natural fabrics, but in their production, as in the production of synthetic fabrics, various chemicals are actively used to obtain the desired density, texture and color. Therefore, fabric allergies often manifest themselves in cases where natural fabrics are used: cotton and wool.

Increased sensitivity of the skin may be a consequence of the mechanical effect on the epidermis of small fibers of tissue, its rough surface. Signs of allergies occur when wearing underwear that fits tightly to the skin.

Signs and symptoms of “linen” allergies

An allergy to underwear manifests itself in the form of changes in the epidermis: skin irritation, redness, severe burning and itching, blisters. In addition to the main ones, the following may also occur:

  • itching in the nose;
  • nasal congestion;
  • dyspnea;
  • tearing and redness of the eyes;
  • sneezing.

Severe allergic reactions such as bronchospasm and anaphylactic shock are quite rare and usually occur in people who suffer from many other types of allergies.

To find out whether bed linen or clothing is an allergen, and not another irritating substance, you need to know its distinctive features:

  • An allergy to bedding can occur on all areas of the body that come into contact with bedding during sleep. Appears in the morning, after sleep;
  • if we are talking about an allergy to clothing, then its manifestations are expressed in places where the skin comes into contact with one or another tissue: on the torso, on the limbs or on the neck;
  • allergic symptoms appear the first or second time you use new clothes;
  • after the item is removed, signs of irritation disappear.

Therapeutic measures

If a reaction to underwear occurs, the first step is to eliminate skin contact with the allergen. To get rid of itching and other manifestations on the skin, you should take a shower and lubricate the damaged areas of the skin with anti-inflammatory or antiallergic ointment. If the lesion affects not only the skin, but also the conjunctiva of the eye and the respiratory tract, it is necessary to take antihistamines orally. At the same time, an extremely important therapeutic and preventive measure is the complete elimination of contact with the allergen material, therefore, when purchasing new clothes, you should carefully study the composition of the fabric from which it is made. If the allergy occurs not to the fabric itself, but to the dye used in its manufacture, it is necessary to use only white linen. When purchasing any new item, it is recommended to wash and iron it to minimize the impact of irritating factors on the skin by reducing their amount in the material.

If you have a strong allergic reaction to fabrics, it is important to carefully consider not only the choice of clothing and bed linen, but also curtains, rugs, and furniture upholstery.

To reduce allergic reactions to a minimum, you should strengthen your immune system, watch your diet, exercise, and harden yourself.

Folk wisdom will help

Like official, traditional medicine advises staying as far away from the source of the allergen as possible. In addition to general recommendations, there are very specific recipes:

  • Brew one tablespoon of celandine with two glasses of boiling water, leave for four hours, then strain. You need to drink 15-20 minutes before meals, one quarter or half a glass, morning and evening;
  • For a complete recovery from any type of allergy, you should drink a fresh decoction of the herb instead of tea or coffee for several years (!). Brew it like tea, let it brew for 20 minutes. Important: the broth must be fresh and golden in color (not green or brown, not cloudy), otherwise it should not be consumed;
  • The infusion of meadowsweet flowers (spirea) has proven itself to be excellent. One glass of raw material should be poured with half a liter of boiling water, then left for 10 to 15 minutes and strained. You need to drink one tablespoon of infusion three to four times a day. At the beginning of using the infusion, allergic manifestations decrease slightly, and completely disappear after a few months of regular use;
  • calendula flowers. Pour 10 grams of calendula flowers into two glasses of boiling water and leave for one to two hours. You need to take it two to three times a day, one tablespoon;
  • mumiyo. The most powerful folk remedy for treating all types of allergies without exception. Important: mumiyo must be of the highest quality. Mumiyo is diluted in the proportion of 1 gram of mumiyo per 1 liter of warm water. A sign of a good mummy is its complete dissolution, without the formation of sediment. The solution should be taken once a day, in the morning, with warm milk. Dose recommendations: children 4-7 years old - 70 ml, 8 and older - 100 ml. In case of severe allergic manifestations, you can also use the solution during the day, but the dose should be halved. The effect of mumiyo on the body gives such a powerful healing effect that even children suffering from swelling of the throat begin to feel better literally in the very first days. The course of treatment should take at least twenty days, twice a year: in autumn and spring.

The advice of traditional medicine very often really helps in the treatment of many diseases, but you should remember: you should not self-medicate. Before taking any medications or folk remedies, you should consult a doctor.

Many people suffer from various types of allergies. And one of the most common is allergies to synthetic materials. Clothing and bedding are made from this material.

People who have delicate and sensitive skin in everyday life may encounter such a problem as an allergy to clothing made from synthetic fibers. Such unpleasant reactions of the body cause a person discomfort and unpleasant sensations on the skin. In addition, a tendency to be allergic to synthetics can be a consequence of the fact that a citizen has a disease. Only a medical specialist can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

When a person has an allergic reaction precisely because he is wearing an everyday item made of synthetic materials, then such a citizen should remove the clothes from his wardrobe and replace them with an everyday item made from natural fibers. Even if the full composition of the product is indicated on the label, such information should not be completely believed. After all, an allergy can manifest itself not only to the composition of the product, but also for paint.

Reasons for appearance

There are several reasons why an allergy to synthetic material may occur. These reasons include:

  • Chemical cause is that some types of wardrobe items may contain a strong odor and rich colors;
  • Mechanical damage to the skin occur due to the fact that when the area with strong sweat secretions comes into contact with the synthetic material, normal air exchange does not occur;
  • Psychological reason occurs at the moment when a person puts on an everyday item made of synthetics, but at the same time, on a subconscious level, understands that such material can be harmful to health. Even the smallest symptoms, such as slight redness and small pimples from the body's interaction with synthetics, can cause panic attacks in the consumer. If such a panic state lasts for a long time in a person, then it is better for such a citizen to seek help from a professional psychologist.


The fact that a person experiences discomfort precisely because of contact between the skin and a synthetic everyday item can be understood by the following nuances:

  • The allergic reaction manifested itself precisely in the place where the skin came into contact with the clothing.
  • Symptoms may not appear immediately, but only when wearing one type of clothing again.
  • After a person takes off an item made from unnatural fiber, the redness does not go away.
  • If a person sleeps on bedding that is not made from natural materials, then redness may appear on his body after sleep.

In order to accurately determine the cause, the patient should undergo a special test. This analysis can be done in two ways:

  1. When visiting a clinic at your place of residence;
  2. In a private medical institution.


You can tell that a person feels unwell because of wearing an everyday item made from unnatural fiber by the following symptoms:

  • It becomes difficult for a person to breathe, runny nose, suffocation.
  • Redness of the skin.
  • My eyes are watering.
  • Peeling of the skin.
  • A small consumer of such a wardrobe item may experience dermatitis.

If a person has a severe allergic reaction to clothing made from synthetic fibers, then such a consumer may experience anaphalic shock. This condition is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Reduced blood pressure.
  • Fainting.
  • Spasms.

Most often, unpleasant sensations when wearing synthetic items appear in a person on the following parts of the body:

  • Wrists.
  • Groin area.
  • Stomach.
  • Bend the elbows.
  • Neckline area.

It is worth keeping in mind that the most sensitive parts of the body are those places that have increased sweating. These areas of the body include:

  • Armpits.
  • Skin folds.
  • Place under the chest.

What to do, how and how to treat

If a citizen has an allergic reaction while wearing synthetic clothing, the following steps should be taken:

  1. Remove everyday items that cause discomfort;
  2. Examine parts of the body whose skin has been damaged;
  3. To alleviate his condition, a person needs to use medications. The following medications can be used depending on the symptoms.

For irritation and redness of the skin, you should take antihistamines:

  • "Tsetrin"
  • "Erius"
  • "Zodak"
  • "Aleron"

In order to cleanse the body of allergens, a person should use enterosorbents:

  • "Activated carbon"
  • "Polysorb"
  • "Enterosgel"

If the patient has itching on the skin, then he needs to take:

  • "Fenistil"
  • "Gistan"

For a speedy recovery, damaged areas of the body can be applied:

  • "Radevit"
  • "Solcoseryl"

As healing creams that will help the skin quickly regain a healthy look, you can use:

  • "Bepanten"
  • "Panthenol"

In addition to pharmaceutical drugs, you can also use medicinal herbs to treat this disease:

  • Series
  • Chamomile
  • Bay leaf

It is worth keeping in mind that any use of pharmaceutical drugs or medicinal herbs must be mandatory. agreed with the attending physician.

In order to avoid such unpleasant consequences in the future after wearing something made from synthetics, you should take into account the following tips:

  1. To wash things, it is necessary to use special washing powders that do not cause discomfort to the consumer of the washed item;
  2. Try not to wear too bright wardrobe items, since a rich color indicates that this item has a large amount of coloring substances that can cause disease;
  3. Socks must be made of cotton. And you need to change this item of clothing every day

For people with sensitive skin, it is worth buying everyday items made only from natural materials. Such materials include:

  • Cotton.
  • Silk.

As soon as a person notices redness on the skin or other symptoms of the disease, he needs start treatment immediately. To prescribe the necessary medications, you must seek help from a medical specialist.

As can be seen from what was written above, an allergic reaction occurs even to wardrobe items that contain synthetics. It is possible to cure such an unpleasant disease, but to do this, first of all you need to get rid of the clothes that bring discomfort to a person. Secondly, as soon as the first symptoms of an allergy appear, you need to go for examination to a qualified specialist. Thirdly, it is worth remembering that it is better to prevent a disease than to undergo long-term treatment for this disease.

Allergies to synthetics are typical for people with sensitive skin. Moreover, even purchasing products made entirely of cotton will not save them from a negative reaction to the composition of the fabric, since many materials are treated with various chemicals during production. This process is driven by necessity: this is the only way to increase the strength of the product, increase its service life and achieve color stability.


The reasons for the development of an allergic reaction to items of clothing are associated with several factors:


Synthetic clothing can cause allergies due to its constituents.

Synthetics, due to their composition, do not allow most of the moisture through, resulting from the natural process of sweating. In other words, the skin in this case “does not breathe.” And due to the fact that the glands of an adult and a child contain a large amount of salts, they further increase irritation.

As a result, constant rubbing of the armpits and other areas with synthetics leads to redness and itching.


If mechanical causes have not been identified, but symptoms of the pathology continue to appear, then attention should be paid to the composition of the tissue. Often, allergies to synthetics are caused by chemicals contained in clothing items. These usually include:

    dyes. The presence of such substances is indicated by colored water after washing;

    abundance of chemicals. If the manufacturer does not comply with the relevant standards, then such things make themselves felt with a strong smell of oil.

In this case, an allergic reaction to synthetic fabric leads to very serious complications, sometimes even death. Therefore, it is recommended that before putting on a new item, you wash it first.


An allergic reaction as a set of certain consequences sometimes manifests itself for psychological reasons. It becomes a consequence of various programs, conversations on the street and the like, after hearing enough of which an overly suspicious person, as they say, invents a problem for himself. In other words, it finds a disease where there is none, and at this moment the brain, responding to the owner’s demands, “forces” the body to change, which is why red rashes appear on the skin and so on.

Whichever of the above reasons leads to the development of allergies, you must first consult a specialist. Only he can make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment. Especially if the issue concerns the child’s health, because many drugs themselves cause the development of various pathologies and irreversible changes in the body.


An allergy to synthetics manifests itself in the form of skin redness and itching. It is also accompanied by the appearance of peeling and various rashes.

Most often, an allergy to fabric manifests itself in the form of redness that occurs on:

  • groin area;

Symptoms: spots on the skin.

Often a similar reaction to items of clothing occurs in a child, since the child’s skin is soft. Symptoms appear completely differently for each person. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the body, diet, immune system and many other factors.

For the first time, a tissue allergy can appear at any age, be it in a newborn child or an elderly person. Moreover, in the first case, it occurs more often, since, in addition to delicate skin, infants do not control their own movements, so redness occurs due to mechanical friction.


Symptoms: redness on the skin.

Treatment of any pathology begins with determining the nature of its course. That is, the doctor determines whether it is chronic or not. But in any case, the beginning will be to limit any contact with the root cause of the disease.

Subsequently, the specialist, after carrying out diagnostic measures, during which it was determined that the patient is allergic to synthetics, prescribes a course of treatment. This usually includes taking antihistamines, which relieve skin itching and redness. Also, symptoms that appear on the code can be easily cured through the use of appropriate creams.

Among folk remedies, a decoction based on chamomile with the addition of mint stands out. After preparing the infusion, it is used to create baths, thanks to which all symptoms disappear and the allergic reaction disappears. You can also use an infusion of bay leaves, which is usually used as a lotion to help reduce the manifestations of allergies in places where they are localized on the body. A decoction of chamomile and string is suitable for treating rashes.


To avoid the development of a chronic form of pathology, it is recommended to consult a doctor at its first signs. However, this will not help if you do not follow certain preventive measures aimed at preventing the disease. Accordingly, it is necessary to stop wearing things made from synthetic materials and give preference to cotton or linen clothing.

First of all, this circumstance applies to those items that are constantly in contact with bare skin: underwear, T-shirts, and so on. Allergy to fabric is a fairly common disease in children, so the choice of clothes, sheets and everything that the child will often come into contact with must meet the above conditions. The same goes for maternity clothes. The reaction of the latter’s body to such things can be unpredictable, even leading to serious complications, since the immune system of women is weakened during this period.

One of the most alarming trends in recent times has been the widespread prevalence of allergic diseases. Every year the number of people suffering from allergies is only increasing. The reason for this is not only heredity or problems in the human immune system, but also poor ecology, a huge amount of artificial food additives in food, and the widespread use of household chemicals. Unpleasant manifestations can appear on anything: plant pollen, food, pet hair. In recent years, hypersensitivity reactions to the fabric from which our clothes or bedding are made have become increasingly common. What causes allergies, what types of fabric can cause irritation on the skin and how to avoid unpleasant symptoms, we will tell you in this article.

The main function of any fabric is to protect the human body from external influences. But what to do in cases where contact with clothing results in irritation and characteristic rashes? Moreover, an allergy to fabric can be caused not only by clothing made from synthetic materials, but also by items made from natural raw materials (wool, linen or cotton).

Even the inscription on the “100% cotton” label cannot serve as a guarantee that natural fiber was not treated with chemicals during the production process, which in most cases are strong allergens. So, let's look at what causes allergies to synthetics and natural fabrics.

Synthetic fabrics

The policy of reducing the cost of production leads to the fact that natural raw materials are almost universally replaced by more affordable and practical synthetic materials.

In most cases, allergic reactions are caused by fabrics that contain synthetic components such as viscose, polyester, and acrylic. They practically do not allow air to pass through, which prevents the skin from breathing. As a result, thermoregulation is disrupted, sweating increases and irritation occurs.

Unpleasant skin symptoms are often caused by harmful chemicals (dyes, fixatives, formaldehydes) used in fabric production. An allergy to synthetics occurs to things in the production of which cheap chemical components are used. Formaldehyde, used to make fabric wrinkle less, is especially dangerous in this regard.

Children's delicate skin reacts especially strongly to toxic chemicals. Therefore, when buying clothes or bedding for your baby, pay attention to the fabric composition and color intensity. For your child, you should purchase clothes made from natural materials and avoid too bright colors provided by artificial dyes.


Skin irritation when wearing woolen items can be caused by coarse fibers or the rough surface of the product. People with sensitive skin should avoid wearing woolen items, as the wool constantly irritates the skin where it comes into contact with clothing.

In addition, other factors have a great influence on the quality of wool products. If animals were kept in poor conditions or their wool was treated with chemicals and dyes, then it is impossible to guarantee the safety and hypoallergenicity of clothing made from natural raw materials.

Cotton, linen

Any fabrics made from natural plant materials, be it cotton, linen or silk, also cannot guarantee complete safety for the consumer. Natural fabrics can become allergenic even before their production cycle begins, because cotton in the fields is generously treated with a variety of chemicals that save plants from pests.

During production, various chemicals are also used to make the fabric less wrinkled and more durable; textile dyes are used to give the product the desired color. As a result, things made from natural linen or cotton are saturated with chemical elements. Textile auxiliary substances include a variety of synthetic resins, dyes, formaldehyde, and improvers. When mixed with each other, they release toxic substances that are dangerous to our skin.

Unbleached linen is considered the safest; it does not contain harmful substances, is easy to wash, and is durable and hygroscopic. Clothing made from natural linen allows the body to breathe freely, does not provoke increased sweating, and does not cause discomfort or irritation. Another significant advantage in favor of flax is the bactericidal properties of the natural material, which is an obstacle to the development of unwanted skin reactions.

Allergy symptoms

Hypersensitivity reactions to tissue manifest themselves through skin symptoms:

In addition to skin manifestations, general symptoms may appear:

  • Difficulty breathing, shortness of breath.
  • Nasal congestion, runny nose, sneezing.
  • Lacrimation, redness and inflammation of the conjunctiva.

Serious complications such as angioedema or anaphylactic reactions develop extremely rarely and only in cases where a person suffers from hypersensitivity to many other allergens (food, household, medicinal, etc.).

How to identify a provocative allergen and understand that it is contact with the tissue that causes unpleasant symptoms, and not some other reasons? Allergy to fabric differs from other allergic reactions in some characteristic ways:

In order to identify a specific allergen that causes unwanted symptoms, it is recommended to do a special test - skin allergy tests. Such a study is carried out in a clinic, in an allergist’s office or in a specialized clinic. During the test, a few drops of various allergens are applied to the skin of the forearm and small scratches are made to allow the substances to penetrate the skin. If redness and a blister appear at the application site, it is considered that the allergy trigger has been found. After clarifying the diagnosis, the doctor will select the optimal treatment regimen and prescribe treatment.


When the first unfavorable signs appear, contact with the allergen should be avoided: remove the item that causes skin irritation, change the bed linen. To reduce itching and other skin symptoms, you can take a shower and apply an anti-inflammatory ointment to the irritated skin.

If skin manifestations are accompanied by cough, symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis and rhinitis, it is recommended to take antihistamines (Tavegil, Suprastin, Claritin, Cetrin, Loratadine). Preference should be given to the latest generation of drugs; they do not have a sedative effect and have a minimum of contraindications and side effects.

In case of severe reactions, the doctor may prescribe corticosteroid ointments containing hormones (Sinaflan, Flucinar, Advantan). These drugs quickly and effectively relieve skin symptoms, but they should not be used long-term due to the risk of serious adverse reactions.

As part of the complex treatment, the doctor may include the use of enterosorbents, which will help cleanse the body of toxins and allergens. Prescribing multivitamin complexes will help maintain immunity and strengthen the body's defenses. In addition, bronchodilators can be used to eliminate respiratory problems. Immunomodulators will help prolong remission and prevent the recurrence of unfavorable manifestations.

To prevent relapses, it is necessary to completely eliminate contact with the type of tissue to which hypersensitivity reactions occurred. In many cases, the allergy trigger is not the fabric itself, but the dyes and other chemicals used in the production process. Therefore, try not to buy things made of synthetics or any other material with flashy, bright colors, as such fabrics contain a large percentage of harmful substances.

In addition to taking medications, you can use traditional recipes. Their use will help quickly relieve unpleasant skin symptoms and relieve discomfort. Before using any folk remedy, do not forget to consult your doctor.

Prevention measures

How can the average buyer protect himself from allergies to fabric? What to look for when choosing clothes and bedding?

  • If you have sensitive skin and are prone to allergic reactions, you should avoid purchasing underwear and clothing made from synthetic materials, and also avoid purchasing items that are too bright or saturated in color.
  • When purchasing any clothing, carefully study the labels, pay attention to the composition and labeling. People with problem skin should avoid items with the following labels:
  • Before you put on a new item, you must wash and iron it. When washing, run the rinse cycle twice and use hypoallergenic washing powders.
  • Give preference to things made from natural fabrics (cotton, linen, silk), try to avoid synthetic outfits, as the skin does not breathe in them and there is no natural thermoregulation, which provokes a kind of greenhouse effect and is accompanied by skin irritation and increased sweating.
  • Be careful not only when purchasing clothes, but also when choosing curtains, rugs, and upholstered furniture.
  • Replace colored bed linen with pure white and try to choose sets made from natural fabrics (cotton, chintz, linen). Preference should be given to linen fabrics. This plant is practically not treated with chemicals when growing, and during fabric production many harmful components are not used (for example, formaldehyde to eliminate creasing).
  • General strengthening procedures, a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, and giving up bad habits will help reduce unwanted allergic manifestations to a minimum.
  • Taking multivitamin complexes, immunomodulators, and cleansing the body with sorbents will help support immunity.

Contact with synthetic fabrics adversely affects the health of people with hypersensitivity. Allergic reactions not only create serious discomfort, but are also an alarming signal that is dangerous to ignore. It is best to make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment in a clinical setting.

If synthetic materials are an allergen, you should change your wardrobe to clothes made from natural fabrics. Please note that the composition indicated on the label cannot always be trusted.

Modern textile production technologies include chemical processing of plant fibers.

Sometimes a thorough wash of a new product helps solve the problem, after which it becomes harmless for sensitive skin.

Allergic reactions to synthetic fibers and inclusions are the price to pay for the rich color and durability of textile products.

Causes of allergies to synthetics

In infants and children

Literally in the first moments a newborn falls into into the world of polymers and synthetics:

  • Bath;
  • Towel;
  • Cover;
  • Furniture;
  • Toys;
  • Dishes;
  • The children's interior is made of artificial materials.

According to WHO statistics, about 40% of children suffer from allergic reactions to synthetics.

The unfavorable environmental situation is aggravated by artificial feeding and taking pharmaceuticals.

During pregnancy

The response to undesirable factors, including synthetics, begins to form even before birth - in the womb. It is no coincidence that it is during pregnancy that allergies make themselves felt for the first time in a woman’s life.

Many expectant mothers encounter its mild form.: familiar synthetic things begin to deliver unpleasant tactile sensations and fall into the unloved category; the taste of the previously adored cola seems disgusting.

"Pregnancy quirks" have unfairly become the butt of jokes. But these are actually signals that should be taken seriously.

Remember that the prenatal period and the first year of life largely determine the future fate and health of the child.

Symptoms of an allergy to synthetics

Dermatitis - skin irritation accompanied by itching - is the most common sign of intolerance to synthetic fabrics. This is not the only and far from the most dangerous symptom that appears with an allergy to synthetics.

If measures are not taken and the allergen is not eliminated, then the following may follow:

  • Redness of large areas of the skin;
  • Peeling;
  • Irritation of the mucous membrane of the nose and eyes;
  • Severe runny nose;
  • Tearing.

Irritation under the armpit Itching Rash Rash

Having reached the respiratory tract, microparticles of synthetic fabrics can provoke attacks of suffocation, similar to asthmatic ones, and a critical reaction - anaphylactic shock.

In children

In infants and older children, the skin of the legs is the most vulnerable; special attention should be paid to examining this part of the body.

Typical symptoms are:

  • Slight redness that causes itching, as evidenced by the baby’s restless behavior;
  • Sneezing for no apparent reason may indicate that synthetic dust particles have entered the nose. The nature of this runny nose has nothing to do with a respiratory infection.

To solve the problem, it is enough to identify and remove the irritant. Instead, the child is unknowingly given drugs, further weakening his body’s resistance.

Peeling Rash Irritation Rash

The longer this “treatment” continues against the background of contact with the allergen, the higher the likelihood that the disease will take a chronic form. Timely diagnosis can be carried out at home.

Pay attention to how your skin reacts to contact with clothing made from different materials. The most sensitive are the legs, especially the knees, hands, stomach, and neck at the point of contact with the collar.

In pregnant women

Often, allergies make themselves felt exclusively during pregnancy as a kind of reminder that at the moment a woman is responsible not only for her own health. It is for this reason that it is very desirable to minimize all negative contacts.

If synthetic clothing turns into an allergen, it is recommended to avoid artificial underwear and other close-fitting clothing items for nine months. They should be replaced with analogues made from materials that are pleasant to the touch.

The occurrence of allergic reactions to synthetics must be reported to the supervising doctor.. This fact is always taken into account when prescribing medications. If necessary, the doctor will recommend medications to treat the allergic disease.

Treatment and prevention of allergies to synthetics

Allergic diseases have two main stages And:

  • Temporary;
  • Chronic.

Treatment begins with determining which of them the patient is in.

The next step is to identify and eliminate the source of the allergy. It can be either a piece of clothing, a sofa bedspread, a towel or even a curtain.

With a mild form of allergy to synthetic fabric, it is permissible to wear synthetic items as outerwear, provided that only natural fabrics come into contact with the body.

Medical supplies

Pharmaceutical products should only be used as prescribed by a doctor who specializes in allergic or skin diseases.



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