Throat cancer treatment. Radiation therapy in the treatment of tumors of the throat and larynx

Laryngeal cancer is a fairly common pathology, but it cannot be said that the disease is among the leaders among other tumors. Its frequency does not exceed eight percent among the population, and most often the tumor is found in older men, mostly 60-70 years old, smokers and those suffering from inflammation of the throat.

In women, throat cancer is much less common: for 100 sick men, there are only 8 representatives of the fair sex.

The risk of the disease is significantly increased in smokers, including smoking women. In addition, it has been noted that residents of cities, especially large ones, suffer from malignant tumors of the larynx more often than residents of villages. This is probably due to the unfavorable environmental situation and the gas content of the atmosphere of megacities.

Throat cancer in the initial stages of development does not differ in any specific symptoms, so maybe for a long time hide behind a mask inflammatory processes. This leads to delayed diagnosis and difficulties in subsequent treatment.

Briefly about the larynx

The larynx is part respiratory system involved in sound production. Its upper section communicates with the pharynx, the lower passes into the trachea. In addition to the respiratory, the most important function of the larynx is to reproduce the sounds necessary for articulate speech, and in singers this organ, due to the characteristics of the vocal folds, reproduces musical sounds. Despite its small size, the larynx is quite complex, it has 3 paired and 3 unpaired cartilage, is attached by many muscles that help to carry out all its functions.

In the structure of the larynx, three sections can be distinguished:

  • Upper (vestibular) - from the entrance to the larynx to false folds;
  • Middle - located between the folds of the vestibule and the true vocal folds and also includes the ventricles of the larynx;
  • The lower section is the subglottic space, passing into the trachea.

From which of the departments the tumor is located, its course, structure, features and possibilities of treatment, as well as the prognosis, depend.

Risk factors and precancerous changes

As you know, malignant tumors most often arise against the background of already existing pathological processes, and also as a result of the impact adverse factors environment. The causes of laryngeal cancer consist largely of external influences.

So, Among the risk factors of paramount importance are:

  1. Smoking, which increases the risk of a tumor several times;
  2. Work in harmful working conditions (dust, gas pollution, high or low temperatures);
  3. The use of alcohol, the vapors of which irritate the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract;
  4. Excessive voice load, characteristic of singers, teachers.

The changes that precede laryngeal cancer are most often represented by:

  • Chronic laryngitis, especially with mucosal hyperplasia (hyperplastic laryngitis);
  • Papilloma of the larynx;
  • Leukoplakia (the appearance of fields of keratinization of the mucosa) and others dystrophic changes against the background of chronic inflammation;
  • Pachydermia (thickening of the mucous membrane).

The so-called obligate precancer, which in most cases turns into a malignant tumor, includes laryngeal papilloma and epithelial dysplasia against the background of other changes in the mucous membrane.

Features of the growth and structure of laryngeal cancer

Among the characteristics of a malignant tumor, its histological structure is of great importance. Since most of the larynx is lined with multi-layered squamous epithelium, which becomes a source of neoplasia, then the most common form is squamous cell carcinoma larynx, keratinized or non-keratinized.

In cases where the cells cancerous tumor developed to the extent that allows them to form a horny substance, they speak of keratinizing cancer. It is considered a differentiated variant, characterized by slower growth, later metastasis, and a relatively favorable prognosis.

When anaplastic malignant cells are not able to secrete anything, do not form a horny substance and are far from normal epithelium in structure, they speak of poorly differentiated non-keratinizing cancer. This option is more rapid growth, early metastasis and poor prognosis.

Tumor of glandular epithelium adenocarcinoma occurs in less than 3% of cases.

Cancer of the larynx can grow both exophytically, that is, into the lumen of the organ, and endophytically (infiltratively), deepening into the tissues and practically without disturbing the surface of the mucosa on early stages of its development.

The upper, vestibular, department is most often affected. The same localization of a malignant tumor of the larynx is also considered the most unfavorable in terms of metastasis and further course. Somewhat less often, cancer occurs in the middle section and very rarely - in the lower.

Vestibular localization of the tumor characterized by early and rapid metastasis, since this department has a large number of fiber and a well-developed network of lymphatic vessels, through which cancer cells quickly reach the regional lymph nodes. In addition, often such tumors are found in an advanced stage, which is associated with poor and non-specific symptoms that hide tumor growth under the guise of pharyngitis.

In the middle section of the larynx cancer is found less frequently than in the upper one, and this location is considered the most favorable. The tumor is more often unilateral, affects the vocal folds, grows in the form of a dense tuberous formation, prone to ulceration, secondary inflammation with fibrin overlays, giving it a whitish tint. Infiltrative growth is also possible.

As the size of the tumor increases, the mobility of the affected vocal fold is limited up to its complete immobilization. With exophytic growth, the tumor node can significantly narrow the lumen of the glottis. The middle section of the larynx is practically devoid of a lymphatic apparatus, limited to one or two vessels, so metastasis is later and rather rare.

In the underlayment space malignant tumors are very rare. Cancer here grows more often infiltratively, practically without changing the appearance of the mucosa, as well as downwards, towards the trachea. The lower part of the larynx is poor in lymphatic drainage pathways through which cancer cells can spread.

As for the metastasis of cancer of the larynx, it occurs the more intense, the younger the patient. For malignant tumors of this localization, widespread dissemination to other organs and tissues is not typical, therefore, distant metastases, damage to the liver, lungs and other organs are very rare and can be observed only in advanced cases of the disease.

Stages of development of the disease

For staging of malignant tumors of the larynx, oncologists traditionally use TNM classification, which is difficult for the layman, but most accurately and fully characterizes the features tumor process. The symbol T means the location and size of cancer, N - damage to the lymph nodes, M - the presence or absence distant metastases.

Based on the established T, N and M, you can determine the stage of the disease:

  1. So, first stage characterizes a small tumor that does not reach the borders anatomical department larynx in the absence of metastasis.
  2. In second stages the tumor can occupy the entire department and reach its borders, but metastases are still not detected.
  3. On third stages the tumor is able to go beyond the anatomical region and grow into the surrounding tissues, while enlarged regional lymph nodes and, in some cases, distant metastases are found.
  4. Fourthstage The disease is manifested by the presence of distant metastases, regardless of the size of the primary tumor and the nature of the lesion of regional lymph nodes.

Signs of cancer of the larynx

As noted above, the symptoms of throat cancer do not differ in any specificity and variety, especially on early stages tumor development, so often patients do not rush to the doctor, attributing painful manifestations to banal pharyngitis or a cold. Changes that are not amenable to treatment for a long period of time and even worsening, make you still turn to a specialist.

The most typical early symptoms of laryngeal cancer are:

  • Dryness in the throat, awkwardness when swallowing, a feeling of perspiration;
  • Voice changes.

Such nonspecific signs are often found in patients suffering from chronic pharyngitis or laryngitis, as well as in older smokers with experience, and can “mask” the presence of cancer for a long time.

Later, these symptoms are accompanied by pain, which becomes constant and can radiate to the ear, and in the case of a running process, manifestations of cancer cachexia and intoxication are observed.

For initial stage throat cancer is characterized by the appearance of these early symptoms, as well as the presence of a tumor-like formation in one or another part of the larynx, determined by laryngoscopy. All this should alert the doctor and encourage further diagnostic measures in order to confirm the diagnosis.

Symptoms of laryngeal cancer are determined by the localization of neoplasia in any of its parts. Yes, while growing malignant neoplasm in the vestibular part, pharyngitis-like manifestations come to the fore: dryness in the throat, difficulty in swallowing, perspiration, a sense of presence foreign body. Subsequently, ulceration and decay of the tumor tissue is possible, therefore, an unpleasant putrefactive odor from the mouth and an admixture of blood in the sputum may appear.

Neoplasia growing in the middle section most often affects the vocal folds, therefore, the first signs of the disease are violations of the voice function: weakness, fatigue, a change in the timbre of the voice, hoarseness, and even complete absence ability to play sounds. In the case of exophytic growth of a malignant tumor, breathing disorders can often be observed, and if it grows into the upper part or neck, difficulty in swallowing food.

Subglottic cancer is characterized by rather poor symptoms, consisting in attacks of coughing and respiratory failure. Over time, these manifestations increase and may be mistaken for obstructive pulmonary disease.

With the progression of a malignant tumor of any part of the larynx, especially with the presence of metastases, signs of intoxication increase, appetite decreases, patients lose weight and become lethargic. The above symptoms are accompanied by pain associated with the growth of the tumor into the surrounding tissues, damage to blood vessels and nerves, as well as possible secondary inflammation of the cartilage (perichondritis).

As the neoplasm grows, it may grow into the esophagus, which is accompanied by dysphagia and malnutrition, however, such tumors have nothing in common with esophageal cancer.

How to detect a tumor?

Like any other malignant tumor, laryngeal cancer should be detected as early as possible, because only then can good treatment results be achieved.

If symptoms of a sore throat appear, it is necessary to visit an ENT doctor who will perform the full range of necessary examinations.

It is hardly possible to independently determine the presence of a tumor, however, the symptoms described above, an increase in lymph nodes, the progressive nature of the disease that cannot be treated, should prompt the patient himself to think about the possible malignant nature of the disease.

Already in the clinic, the doctor will find out in detail the nature of the complaints, the duration of their existence and the effectiveness of the treatment, if it has already been carried out by the patient on his own. Inspection pharynx and larynx allows in most cases to establish the fact of the presence of some kind of neoplasm. An attempt to displace the larynx in the presence of a malignant tumor is not accompanied by a characteristic crunch, and patients may feel pain. Special attention is given to the state of the lymph nodes of the neck, the increase in which is already alarming in terms of the development of cancer. At palpation their size, consistency, mobility are determined. As the tumor progresses, the lymph nodes increase, thicken, poorly displaced until they are completely fixed in the surrounding tissues.

The main and most early method diagnosis of laryngeal cancer is laryngoscopy, which allows you to see tumors in the vestibular region and on the vocal folds. The doctor is usually alarmed by the unilateral nature of the lesion, the presence of a dense, bumpy formation prone to ulceration. Papillomatosis is not characterized by ulceration and growth deep into the tissues, and hyperplastic laryngitis is accompanied by a bilateral symmetrical lesion. vocal folds.

In cases of tumor growth in the subglottic space, it is quite difficult to detect it with a laryngoscope, so a bronchoscope or esophagoscope can be used. With the help of such flexible optics, it becomes possible to examine the lower part of the larynx and determine the nature of the spread of cancer.

For more accurate diagnosis laryngoscopy can be supplemented by the use of special microscopes ( microlaryngoscopy).

Quite often in diagnostic purposes use radiological methods research, CT and MRI, allowing to assess the state of the larynx in different projections and sections.

In all cases mandatory component diagnostic search is histological examination. In cases where the presence of a neoplasm is determined during laryngoscopy, and the histological conclusion does not confirm it, repeated biopsies are performed. Such a difference in diagnoses may be associated with a superficial sampling of the material, the presence of a pronounced secondary inflammation in a tumor, its combination with another disease, for example, tuberculosis.

If after three biopsies it is still not possible to establish accurate diagnosis, the patient is removed all or part of the tumor with its direction for urgent histological examination. If the diagnosis of cancer is confirmed, the operation continues with the removal of part or all of the larynx in accordance with the techniques adopted for the treatment of malignant tumors.

Thus, despite the small range of diagnostic procedures used, early detection of the tumor is quite possible. To do this, it is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner, without wasting time and without waiting for the symptoms to disappear on their own.

Treatment options for laryngeal cancer

Treatment of throat cancer is often a rather difficult task, especially for advanced cases. The larynx is a complex unpaired organ, so its removal entails a serious degree of disability in patients. In such cases, it is more important than ever to find initial forms cancer, allowing you to save not only independent breathing and swallowing, but also the ability to reproduce sounds.

The choice of the method of surgical treatment, as well as the need for radiation and chemotherapy, are determined by the stage, localization and histological structure neoplasms.

The main and most effective way cancer treatment remains performing a surgical operation to remove the tumor. As a rule, such treatment is accompanied by radiation therapy before or after surgery. It should be noted that irradiation before surgery impairs the ability of tissues to heal, and the postoperative period can be long and difficult, so it is most often prescribed after removal of the neoplasm.

The stage of the disease determines the scope of the intervention. So, with stage 1 cancer, it is sufficient to remove only the tumor itself, with stage 2 - the affected section, and with stage 3, it is often necessary to resort to radical methods with the removal of the entire larynx.

To date The main types of operations for malignant tumors of the larynx are:

  • Laryngectomy - removal of the entire organ - the most traumatic and difficult type of treatment;
  • Resection - removal of part of the larynx;
  • plastic and reconstructive surgery- is aimed at restoring breathing and swallowing in cases of laryngectomy.

If there is a small tumor on the vocal fold, it can be removed along with the fold - chordectomy. Despite the small volume, such an operation is very effective, especially when combined with subsequent radiation therapy. Removal of half of the larynx is called hemilaryngectomy.

In case of stage III tumors and if it is impossible to perform a resection, doctors are forced to resort to total laryngectomy also removed hyoid bone and the root of the tongue. Such an intervention is extremely traumatic and does not leave the patient a chance for independent breathing and eating, so a tracheostomy is performed (installation of a special device on the neck for breathing) and the introduction of a nasoesophageal probe.

When lymph nodes are involved in the process, they must also be removed along with the tissue of the neck and other affected tissues.

Patients who have undergone laryngectomy need reconstructive and plastic surgery to restore lost functions, for which both their own skin flaps and various synthetic materials are used.

Radiation therapy is also very relevant for a malignant tumor of the larynx, especially in combination with surgical treatment, although in some cases early cancer can be used on its own. Both external irradiation and internal irradiation are performed using various carriers injected directly into the affected tissue.

With the help of radiation, it is possible to achieve a reduction in the size of the tumor and slow its growth, as well as to prevent recurrence in postoperative period.

Radiation therapy

Chemotherapy has only an auxiliary value and complements the operation and radiation therapy. The purpose of chemotherapy is to prevent possible spread cancer cells by lymphatic and blood vessels(metastasis).

In all cases of malignant tumors of the larynx, painkillers, vitamins and antioxidants are prescribed, and in the postoperative period, antibiotic therapy is also carried out in order to prevent infectious complications.

Folk remedies do not have independent significance, but can only be used as one of the components combination therapy. As a rinse, you can use tincture of valerian, bay leaf, chamomile, etc. It should not be forgotten that cancer cannot be defeated with a decoction of herbs, therefore only traditional medicine able to give a positive result.

Nutrition for throat cancer does not have significant features, but it is worth adhering to a sparing diet with a restriction of rough, too hot and too cold food. In addition, you need to completely abandon the use of alcohol and smoking.

The prognosis for laryngeal cancer is determined by the timeliness of the treatment started and the nature of tumor growth. If a malignant tumor is detected in stage I or II, a favorable outcome can be expected, in stage III, more than half of the patients have a good prognosis, and only stage IV cancer can only prolong the lives of patients.

As for the prevention of throat cancer, such simple ways as maintaining a healthy lifestyle, avoiding smoking and alcohol abuse, proper nutrition, as well as timely treatment of inflammatory processes in to a large extent reduce the risk of contracting this insidious disease.

Video: throat cancer - symptoms and treatment

The author selectively answers adequate questions from readers within his competence and only within the limits of the resource. Face-to-face consultations and assistance in organizing treatment in this moment, unfortunately, do not appear.

Laryngeal cancer is a malignant tumor that occurs within the throat. The disease can be diagnosed in 2.6% of all cancer cases.

It is men aged 65-80 who are exposed to this type of oncology, while in women and young people this disease is very rare.

Signs of throat cancer

Speaking about the first signs of throat cancer in women, we note the symptoms that cannot be tolerated:

  • if oncology is in the area vocal cords, then a disorder of voice functions is often observed, a person begins to wheeze his head, disappearing completely as the disease develops;
  • if a cancer symptom is observed in upper area larynx, it can manifest itself in the form of the formation of a feeling of "coma" in the throat. During the swallowing of saliva and food, painful sensations occur;
  • if the cancer of the larynx is in its lower part, then the patient has breathing problems, there is an increase in shortness of breath over time, it is observed not only during exertion, but also in a state of calm.

Seeing the first signs of throat cancer, you need to see a doctor, only in this case, the likelihood of curing the disease increases, without the appearance of complications and metastases.

throat cancer symptoms

In addition to breathing problems, the symptoms of throat cancer in women can manifest in different ways. It is important in this case to determine the disease at stage 1, when there is a high probability of curing the disease. Speaking about the signs and symptoms of oncology of the larynx, we note:

  • breathing difficulties;
  • cough that is not treated with medication;
  • appearance pain;
  • anemia;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • appearance from the mouth putrid smell;
  • the occurrence of metastases;
  • signs of intoxication of the body in oncology (fights in the head, fatigue, pallor, sleep disturbances, general weakness);
  • swollen lymph nodes in neck area;
  • hemoptysis.

Cough with throat cancer is distinguished by a reflex origin, during which there is a significant discharge of mucus. If there is a decay and manifestation of a malignant formation in the throat, then during coughing, streaks of blood can be observed in the outgoing sputum. In most cases, such a cough leads to problems with the obturator function of the larynx, as a result of which food begins to enter the trachea.

If there is cancer of the larynx, then it can be manifested by painful sensations that occur during the growth of the tumor. This condition is especially observed in oncology in upper section larynx. Often, a sore throat occurs as a result of ulceration and decay of a malignant formation. Increased pain is observed when a person swallows food or water. As a result, he may refuse to eat, which leads to a sharp weight loss.

If the treatment of laryngeal cancer is not started in a timely manner, then the disease gives metastases that pass to the lymph nodes, eventually affecting the entire body. Often, throat cancer can affect nearby organs such as the bones, liver, esophagus, and lungs. If you do not begin to be treated in a timely manner, the disease will progress, affecting more and more areas of healthy tissue. In the last stages of the disease, it is not possible to cope with it, a fatal outcome occurs.

In general, the symptoms of laryngeal cancer may vary, depending on the location of the tumor, its prevalence and associated pathological processes. Symptoms of throat cancer in men may vary, as well as their severity and sequence of manifestation. You can determine the pathology in the early stages in laboratory studies:

  • microlaryngoscopy (determination of cancer occurs as small tubercle, which is located in the region of the vocal cords. The resulting formation has a red color, its surface is completely dotted with tubercles, along appearance may resemble a polyp);
  • throat cancer in women can be determined by taking a biopsy with further histological analysis received material;
  • CT scan of the larynx;
  • conducting ultrasound in the throat;
  • conducting a study of voice functions (stroboscopy, electroholtography, phonetography);
  • radiography.

Having determined the first symptoms of the disease, it is also recommended to take a biopsy from the lymph nodes. This procedure is necessary in order to determine whether the cancer of the larynx has metastasized to other organs or not.

Causes of throat cancer

It is recommended to quickly determine the symptoms of treatment in the early stages allows you to achieve the most significant result. It is important to know the causes of throat cancer in order to prevent the development of the disease. Throat cancer is manifested as a result of such negative factors as:

  • smoking;
  • excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • work during harmful conditions(production of sulfuric acid, asbestos);
  • the presence of chronic inflammatory processes (syphilis, chronic laryngitis, laryngotracheitis, pharyngitis);
  • in case of excessive content in the air of substances such as tobacco smoke, phenolic resins, petroleum products, soot, benzene.

In some cases, laryngeal cancer may appear due to leukoplakia, the existence of polyps in the throat. long time, as well as other formations that are initially benign in nature. The most important thing in this case is to know how to recognize throat cancer at an early stage, because in this case, effective therapy can be achieved.

If you determine the first signs of laryngeal cancer, then the disease responds well to therapy. According to statistics, the five-year survival rate of people who consulted a doctor in a timely manner for treatment averages 92%.

This indicator is considered one of the highest among the manifestations of oncology, therefore, having found symptoms of cancer of the throat and larynx, you need to see a doctor.

Throat Cancer Treatment

If the patient has been diagnosed, the first question is how to treat throat cancer? The disease is on the list of twenty popular types of oncology among patients. Manifestations of the disease are observed in patients regardless of gender and age. Based on statistics, this type of oncology occurs in the stronger sex.

Knowing what throat cancer is, we note that cancer cells begin to develop from epithelial tissue. First of all, there are three types of cancer in the larynx: basal cell and squamous cell, sarcoma. Speaking about laryngeal cancer, the symptoms of this disease, we note that doctors diagnose squamous cell type of oncology in this area.

Treatment of throat cancer is carried out in order to achieve the maximum release of the patient from a malignant formation. It also restores all the vital functions of the larynx, which include protective and respiratory function. Speaking about how cancer manifests itself, it should be noted that patients lose their speech after treatment, so they direct all their efforts to restore it. In some cases, it may be necessary to correct speech disorders (against the background of oncology of the throat, the patient has aphonia and hoarseness).

If throat cancer is detected, the first signs, then the treatment of the disease is carried out by combined methods. In this case, it is recommended to first surgical intervention followed by radiation therapy.

In this case, doctors resort to the following treatment methods:

  • irradiation of the patient;
  • conducting chemotherapy;
  • surgical intervention.

When there is throat cancer, the symptoms are still in the initial stage, the doctor may prescribe radiation therapy. Cancer cells are exposed to radiation. There are two types of procedure: external and internal.

When the causes of throat cancer in women have been identified and external radiation therapy has been prescribed, then it is carried out in a certain way. A device is installed near a person with cancer, from which rays come that affect directly the tumor itself. If carried out contact treatment, then a certain amount of radioactive components is delivered to the tumor, as well as to some nearby tissues. By detecting throat cancer signs at an early stage, it is possible to carry out surgical intervention, although the operation in this case is possible at any stage of the disease.

Speaking about laryngeal cancer treatment, it is necessary to perform an operation, after which you can proceed to radiation or chemotherapy. In this case, cancer cells are treated with cytostatic drugs. Medicinal components enter the bloodstream, resulting in a fight against atypical cells. It is recommended to carry out such a procedure before irradiation is prescribed in order to reduce the size of the oncological formation.

Having identified throat cancer, the causes of which can be very diverse, doctors resort to a method of therapy, like radiostabilizers. Using such a tool, it is possible to increase the sensitivity of malignant cells to subsequent irradiation.

Prevention of throat cancer

So that you are not worried about the cancer of the throat and larynx, the symptoms of which were given above, it is recommended to exclude the impact of all possible negative factors that can provoke the disease. First of all, you need to quit smoking.

It was possible to determine that the number of patients who were able to recover from throat cancer by quitting smoking is higher than that of those who continued to smoke. Only by protecting yourself from certain factors that can cause the development of oncology, the frivolity of the fact that you will not encounter this disease increases.


Throat cancer treatment, which is carried out at any stage, is serious illness like any other oncology. It is important to make a diagnosis in time, to minimize negative factors oncology. Having noticed the symptoms of the disease, do not hesitate, consult a doctor to confirm or refute the diagnosis.

Cancers of the larynx combine a group of malignant neoplasms that develop in the mucous membrane. Such tumors can grow into neighboring tissues and organs. The main factors that increase the risk of developing throat cancer are: overuse alcoholic beverages, smoking and old age.

The type of cancer depends on where the tumor is located. It can be cancer of the supraglottis, cancer of the vocal cords, and cancer of the infraglottis of the larynx. Most often, doctors diagnose squamous cell carcinoma, which mainly occurs in people with a long history of smoking.

Causes of throat cancer

Unfortunately, until today, the causes of throat cancer have not yet been fully understood, although according to numerous observations, some factors have been established that increase the likelihood of such a disease:

  • predominantly throat cancer occurs in men;
  • alcohol and nicotine increase the risk of developing cancer several times;
  • in older people, the incidence is higher than in young people;
  • non-compliance with oral hygiene;
  • the presence of a genetic predisposition;
  • work related to hazardous production;
  • the presence of a malignant tumor in the head and neck;
  • a diet poor in fruits and vegetables;
  • long-term consumption of low-quality food;
  • Epstein-Barr virus, which causes infectious mononucleosis.

The first signs of throat cancer

The symptomatology of the disease fully depends on which part of the throat was affected by the tumor. The main signs of this pathology are:

  • pain in the larynx, hoarseness, and in some cases, complete loss of voice;
  • sensation of a foreign body or a lump in the throat;
  • dysfunction of swallowing;
  • the appearance of putrid odor from the mouth;
  • prolonged dry cough that is not treatable;
  • secretion of sputum and saliva with blood streaks;
  • enlargement of the cervical lymph nodes;
  • difficulty breathing as a result of the growth of a tumor that prevents the normal supply of oxygen;
  • deterioration or complete lack of appetite;
  • rapid weight loss;
  • appearance ear pain, hearing loss.

The severity of symptoms depends entirely on the location of the tumor. If it is located in lower section throat, a person feels tickling, painful swallowing and toothache. In addition, his teeth may fall out. If the tumor has struck the upper part of the pharynx, there is such pain as with tonsillitis.

Symptoms of throat cancer in women

According to statistics, throat cancer in women is much less common than in men and mostly in old age. In this case clinical picture almost similar to the classic, but sometimes other symptoms of cancer may appear. characteristic only of women.

  • increased irritability;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • menstrual disorder.

In women, throat cancer is characterized by a high degree of aggressiveness, which is due to the stimulation of elevated estrogen levels. The amount of blood separated with sputum is slightly more than in men, while erosive form cancer is often accompanied by bleeding from upper paths breathing. It should be noted that women throat cancer diagnosis occurs at an early stage in the development of the disease, as ladies seek medical care at the first suspicious symptoms of oncopathology.

Symptoms of throat cancer in men

Approximately 90% of all diagnosed cases cancer The throat is in the male population, which is explained by work in hazardous industries and constant contact with such irritating substances as dust, sand, chemical agents, asbestos and coal dust. In addition, an important role in the development oncological pathologies plays unbalanced diet: eating overcooked, salty, spicy or hot food.

It should also be noted that men smoke more often and go to the hospital less often. This is due to the fact that men believe that the disease will pass by itself and you should not visit a doctor for nothing.

The main symptoms of the disease:

  • cough, dramatically changing its character;
  • the presence of blood streaks in the sputum;
  • increase in shortness of breath;
  • an increase in the submandibular and cervical lymph nodes;
  • the appearance of a fetid odor from the mouth, which cannot be destroyed even by chewing gum.

Throat Cancer Treatment

The treatment of this pathology is determined mainly by its stage of development and the condition of the patient. Typically, it is based surgical method, drug treatment and radiotherapy, which involves irradiating the tumor. throat cancer surgery is carried out by removing the neoplasm itself or the entire larynx or a certain part of it, in which the tumor is concentrated. In addition, it is possible to perform a cordectomy - removal of one or two affected ligaments.

Radiotherapy for throat cancer can act as independent method treatment or given in combination with surgical operation and chemotherapy. In this case, the tumor is irradiated X-rays, the action of which is aimed at the destruction of cancer cells. The duration of such treatment leaves from five to eight weeks.

For chemotherapy, one or more special medical preparations, active ingredients which prevent further reproduction of malignant cells, which leads to their rapid death. Chemotherapy is predominantly used in combination with other treatments, but there are times when it is used as an independent treatment.

To check the condition of your throat, you need to come to an appointment with an otolaryngologist who will thorough examination and prescribe appropriate diagnostic measures. Remember, self-treatment of throat cancer with folk remedies is unacceptable, as it can provoke complications, which will not be easy to eliminate.

The first signs of which, upon careful observation, can be detected by any person, annually kills more than four thousand people.

This disease is one of the leaders of oncological diseases: it is among the top twenty deadly diseases. However, the first signs of throat cancer, if detected in a timely manner, will help to start early treatment and get rid of the disease forever. How to save your own life? Timely detect the first signs of throat cancer.


Experts cannot establish the true causes of cancer. Numerous and lengthy studies have only made it possible to find out which factors significantly increase the risk of the first signs of throat cancer. Most of these factors are familiar even to children.

Smoking. It doesn't matter what the person smokes. Any inhalation of smoke can become a starting shot, after which cancer appears. A smoker can attribute the malaise to sore throat, which smokers often suffer from. But most likely, coughing will be the first sign of illness.

Alcohol. It reduces the immune defense, makes the body open to ailments of any kind. Unfortunately, alcoholics, even after discovering the first unpleasant symptoms, do not go to the doctor and do not change their lifestyle.


Oral infections.

Pollution of the environment in which a person lives.

Human papilloma virus.

Timely treatment of all diseases, getting rid of deadly habits is repeatedly lowered ( medical statistics confirms this) the risk of oncology.

Throat cancer. First signs

Photos depicting this disease can be found in the medical literature.

Most people, having felt discomfort in the throat, do not go to the clinic, preferring self-medication. This can be very dangerous: the first signs of throat cancer are practically no different from a sore throat, SARS or flu. Therefore, you should be careful here. Most often, the first appear:

Pain in the larynx, inconvenience when swallowing;

Enlarged lymph nodes, tonsils;

The appearance of swelling on the neck;

Sometimes throats show up as sores in the mouth or White spots. But sometimes even these symptoms are absent. The obvious symptoms, which are already clearly visible, are already neglected by a few: at this stage, the disease greatly worries the patient.

Appear cutting severe pain in throat, ear, sometimes temples or cheeks.

There is a continuous painful cough.

There is a general weakness.

Rapid weight loss develops.


What to do if throat cancer is found? The first signs of oncology, even its subsequent and third stages, are not a sentence at all. Tumors at these stages are still small, and metastases have not spread throughout the body. Usually, doctors prescribe a combined treatment: chemotherapy and radiation therapy, and if necessary, if the neoplasm is large, surgical removal tumors. One of the latest and still experimental methods - target or It is not used in all clinics yet, but the treatment often gives quite good results. It is important to eat right during treatment, although it is difficult: any treatment for throat cancer causes nausea, and sometimes makes swallowing impossible. In this case, you will have to resort to using a special probe. Timely treatment and proper nutrition significantly speed up the process of healing from a terrible disease.

Currently, disappointing statistics have been summed up. 65-70% of tumors that are considered malignant are throat cancer. Also, cancer of this type is the most frequent form throat diseases. This disease most often affects men who are already 40 years old. But women are also at risk. The percentage of those who can be cured is 60%. This is an “urban” disease; residents “in the countryside” suffer from it less often.

Cancer of the throat (cancer of the larynx) is a malignant tumor. The basis for its formation are the mucous membranes of the larynx and pharynx. As a rule, these malignant tumors begin to spread to neighboring organs or tissues.

Among the main factors due to which there is a risk of developing throat cancer, it should be mentioned:

Location matters a lot. Laryngeal cancer can develop in the upper (supraglottic) larynx, middle (vocal cord) larynx, and lower (infraglottic) larynx. The most common is squamous cell carcinoma of the throat. As a rule, it affects the body of smokers.

The factors that determine the development this disease. For example, a malignant tumor appears in those who were sick chronic laryngitis, who did not pay the necessary attention to the treatment, as well as leukoplakia. Of these diseases, throat cancer develops into oncology. Of particular difficulty are the symptoms of this disease. Often they are characterized as rather vague, making it difficult to diagnose. There are a number of symptoms by which the disease itself is determined, as well as its stage, after which treatment is prescribed.

The first signs of throat cancer

The first signs of throat cancer resemble the standard colds. Because of this, the disease is difficult to diagnose in the early stages.

As a rule, the first signs are:

    regular throat pain

    tumors in the neck

    trouble swallowing,

Often, patients unknowingly mistake such manifestations for viral infection, Maybe - allergic reaction. As soon as they appear similar symptoms- it is necessary that this is important, since the following symptoms will be obvious, they indicate the active development of the disease.

If the stages are early, you can notice:

    White spots,

    small ulcers inside the larynx.

In 80% of cases, there are no symptoms at this stage.

Overt symptoms also have different complexity:

Pain symptoms appear where cancer cells develop. If the stages are still early, it seems insignificant, not always worthy of attention. It is characterized as permanent. Each time it gets stronger. If the stage is especially late, the pain becomes very severe, and this means that the cancer cells have already begun to spread to the nerve endings.

Weight loss, which seems to have no reason, occurs very quickly. In fact, the reason is obvious - the body is forced to create special biologically active substances, because of which the initial metabolic process in the body is disturbed.

Weakness develops for certain reasons, due to which it is often accompanied by nausea. These are the consequences of intoxication, the excretion of waste products by cancer cells into the blood.

It is important to track the condition of the skin, hair and nails. Their changes depend on the type of cancer. Also, with cancer, the body temperature decreases and rises. This symptom appears in the early stages. This is a signal immune system, which is suppressed by cancer cells.

A lot depends on determining the stage of cancer, in particular, the choice of treatment.

Doctors establish it based on certain manifestations and characteristics of education:

    tumor size,

For early stages throat is characterized by some common features, like small size, without metastases. On the second, cancer cells can be found in the lymph nodes that are on the neck. The last two stages of the disease are different high prevalence tumors.

Throat cancer stage 1

Stage 1 throat cancer has its own symptoms. The tumor can already be diagnosed.

Stage 1, when the location of the oncology is already obvious, but still small in size:

    Epiglottic part: cancer begins to grow above the larynx, the voice still practically does not change.

    A fragment of the subpharyngeal canal is captured.

The tumor is very small, it can be compared with the original sore. It can be found in the cells of the mucous membrane. It can develop in the larynx, and at the same time - does not lead to a hoarse voice.

Throat cancer stage 2

Throat cancer of the second stage captures only the larynx. This stage is characterized by a certain location in the larynx:

    Epiglottic part: there is more than one focus near the epiglottis and in it, in addition, infection can affect surrounding tissues.

    Glottis: in this case, cancer cells retain the ability to spread in the larynx, or rather, above it, with the capture of the subpharyngeal space, perhaps the movement of the vocal cords becomes non-standard.

    Tumor cells are formed only in the subpharyngeal region.

This stage is characterized by the prevalence of oncology. She is able to capture the entire larynx. It manifests itself in the form of an initial hoarseness of the voice. The formation of metastases in the lymph nodes is not typical.

Throat cancer stage 3

At stage 3, attention should be paid to what is the degree of distribution of diseased cells in the supraglottic part, with further capture of the glottis or - further, not excluding the subpharyngeal region:

    Malignant education affects only the larynx and its immediate environment. Normal movement of the vocal cords becomes almost impossible. Cells are also formed in tissues in the localization of the larynx; the disease is able to capture the node with lymph in the neck, stand on the side where the tumor forms. Options lymph node, which is infected, will not exceed 3 cm in diameter.

    Cancer is diagnosed only above the larynx, but it also captures the cells of one of the lymph nodes directly in part of the tumor; the size of the infected node is less than 3 cm, the vocal cords are able to move normally.

    Cancer has captured more than one fragment of the supraglottic region or nearby tissues and on the neck, in one node, infection is carried out from the side of the tumor; the diameter of the node affected by oncology is up to 3 cm, the vocal cords retain the ability to function normally.

    Oncology cells are located only in the larynx, the vocal cords lose the ability to move in the normal order, it is possible for oncology to spread to the environment of such an organ as the larynx; cancer cells can be found in one of the infected nodes on the neck - they grow from the side of the tumor; the diameter of the infected nodes does not exceed 3 cm.

    Tumor cells spread to one or both vocal cords, as well as to any of the lymph nodes in the neck; the diameter of the lymph node is less than 3 cm, which allows the vocal cords to perform standard movement.

    Cancer captures the subpharyngeal fragment, normal mobility of the ligaments can be preserved. The formation of malignant cells is possible in a certain place - in one of the lymph nodes (up to 3 cm), on the side where the tumor grows.

The third stage is determined by specific characteristics:

    The location of the tumor is only the opening of the larynx, the state of the vocal cords is very limited; you can find an accumulation of malignant cells in one infected node (3 cm).

    Oncology is diagnosed only in the space, which is called the subpharyngeal, with the capture of one node (less than 3 cm).

Throat cancer stage 4

Stage 4 throat cancer is classified into IBA, IVB and IVC. They can be distinguished based on their features associated with localization. Usually it is based on such an organ as the larynx, or rather, its upper region.

Stage IV:

    Oncology cells infect the cartilage of the thyroid gland, affecting the tissues that surround the larynx. The tumor can be found in the tissues of the neck, trachea, thyroid gland, and also in the organs of the esophagus. Lymph nodes are affected not both, but one at a time.

    One or more lymph nodes located on the neck are affected by a tumor, this can affect both sides of the neck, and their size will not exceed 6 centimeters.

    Oncology extends to areas such as the tissues surrounding the larynx, not excluding the organs listed in the previous paragraph. There is a risk of limiting the normal mobility of the vocal cords.

Stage IVB:

    Cancer captures the spinal canal, gradually surrounding the carotid artery or affecting organs and tissues chest cavity, with spread to one and several lymph nodes, which can reach any size.

    The tumor develops in one of the lymph nodes, and it reaches a size of 6 cm, there is a risk of damage to the spinal canal, area carotid artery with organs and tissues of the chest cavity. The mobility of the organs of the vocal cords may be affected.

IVC stage: At this stage, the tumor begins to extend beyond the larynx.

Diagnosis of cancer in the throat area consists of certain procedures carried out in strict sequence. Using special tools, a professional examines the cavity of the larynx and pharynx. Computed tomography, biopsy, histological examination are also used.

Laryngoscopy. A method such as laryngoscopy will help to examine the larynx, in which a special mirror or laryngoscope is used. The method is an examination of the vocal folds and the throat cavity, to identify and conduct a study of a developing tumor. A laryngoscope is a tube supplemented with a video camera. While the video camera makes it possible to examine the larynx, tissue is simultaneously taken, which is then used in histological examination- biopsies.

This method is valued for its great accuracy. It allows you to most clearly draw up a picture of the diagnosis. By means of a biopsy, it is established whether there is throat cancer as such, and also what its histological type is. This information is useful because it allows you to effectively treat the disease.

Other. Apply other methods - computed tomography, ultrasound examination, positron emission tomography, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). These are procedures that allow obtaining important data on the size of the formation, finding out the state of the tissues adjacent to the tumor, and assessing the size of the lymph nodes.

Perhaps the results of this research algorithm will help identify cancer in the patient's throat. There are also additional diagnostic procedures. In particular, the stages of the disease are revealed by specifying its prevalence, etc.

Throat Cancer Treatment

Throat cancer is also referred to as pharynx and larynx cancer. He entered the list of one of the twenty most common types of diseases of the oncological category. Its development can begin in patients of both sexes. But statistics confirm that it usually appears in men.

This type cancer, as a rule, develops from such tissue as epithelial. It is possible to distinguish squamous and basal cell carcinoma of this area, as well as sarcoma. Statistics say that it is usually diagnosed squamous view oncology of this organ.

Every year, throat cancer affects tens of thousands of patients, about 40% of the sick cannot overcome the disease.

Among the main signs of throat cancer are neoplasms that are detected in the corresponding area. It is a mistake to treat directly growths or sores from which a certain substance is released. It also does not make sense to try to get rid of swallowing difficulties, feeling of lack of air, problematic breathing process separately.

Critical importance remains behind the prevention of this disease, which helps to avoid difficult treatment and the occurrence of complications.

First of all, you need to avoid risk factors for this disease. These include not only those mentioned above, but also:

    Diseases of the upper tract chronic nature, recurrent category - for example chronic.


    And some others.

To prevent this disease, you need:

    Stick to proper nutrition, focusing on vegetables, fruits, dairy products, cereals, etc.

    Do not eat spicy, salty, fried.

    Refuse bad habits or minimize them.

    Trying to lead active image life, constantly finding time for walks on fresh air, moderate and constant physical activity.

    If it is not possible to avoid constant contact with potential carcinogens, then this should be done using special protective equipment.

    Carefully observe the hygiene of the larynx and oral cavity.

    To conduct preventive examinations, the purpose of which is to detect throat cancer, it takes only a few days; The procedure does not bring pain, except for a biopsy. This is the most accurate method for establishing this disease. Mistakes are very rare, 99% of the results are correct.

If preventive measures do not help, then urgent treatment is required. The earlier it is started, the better the results will be. The prognosis is as follows - the survival rate is currently up to 70% for 5 years after the therapy procedure.

Usually treatment is built in a complex way. It includes several methods:


    method of radiation therapy.


Treatment is carried out with a specific goal - to achieve the maximum release of the patient from a malignant neoplasm, restoring vital important features organ such as the larynx. Recall that these include respiratory and protective. Then it is required to restore such a patient's ability as speech. It may be necessary to resort to the correction of speech disorders (often the patient acquires hoarseness, aphonia due to illness).

Nowadays, a disease such as throat cancer is treated by combined methods, when radiation therapy and surgery are applied sequentially.

medical practice, in this case, is based on a combination of several methods:

    radiation therapy.



Such a method of treating throat cancer, like radiation therapy, is to influence cancer cells through radiation. This procedure is of several types - internal and external.

If we talk about external beam therapy, then it is carried out as follows. The device is placed directly next to the patient. Rays emanate from it, directed to the neoplasm. If carried out contact therapy- then a certain amount of radioactive substances are delivered to the tumor, possibly to nearby tissues. This is done with special tools. The instrumentation is represented by you - tubes, catheters or needles. This therapy effective if the patient has given up smoking before the procedure. The operation is allowed to be carried out at any stage of the disease.

Surgical methods of a modern nature are presented following procedures:

    Hemilaryngectomy (represents the cutting of the affected half of the larynx).

    Supraglottic laryngectomy (a procedure to remove the epiglottis).

    Complete laryngectomy (cutting out the larynx; in an additional order, a breathing hole is made on the front surface of the neck, it is called a tracheostomy).

    Partial laryngectomy (consists in the removal of a fragment of the larynx; this helps to return the patient to speech).

    Laser surgery (with the help of a laser - a kind of knife, the affected tissues are removed, the operation is characterized by the absence of bleeding).

    Thyroidectomy (cutting out a fragment or the entire thyroid gland that is in the area of ​​the pathological process).

First carried out surgical treatment followed by chemotherapy or radiation therapy. In this case, the cancer cells are treated with cytotoxic drugs. They penetrate the bloodstream and kill abnormal cells. This procedure carried out before an operation such as radiation therapy, when the size of the tumor is reduced.

IN last years practitioners began to resort to such a possibility as radio stabilizers. These tools can increase the sensitivity of the tumor to such an operation as radiation exposure.

Treatment of laryngeal cancer with folk remedies can be considered as an additional option. recommended at various stages different types treatment - surgical, chemotherapeutic, radiation and combined. This is a treatment that is carried out in the respective medical institutions. When laryngeal cancer is diagnosed, there are several suitable recipes folk medicine.

Attention! All of these herbs are very poisonous! Therefore, consultation with a phytotherapist is required! Otherwise, you risk making a mistake with the dosage and harm your health.

    A popular recipe for crushed bay leaf. This ingredient will require 3 cups. It is poured with 500 ml of vodka. The blank is infused for 14 days in a dark place, do not forget to shake it occasionally. Then the liquid is filtered and taken three times a day, 1 tbsp. l. The course should be long enough.

    Often they resort to the help of Japanese Arizema. In China, the plant has another name - "star of the southern sky." It treats several types of cancer - not only of the larynx, but also of the skin and breast. Medicinal is considered such a part as the rhizomes of arizema, which are collected at a certain time - before the formation of leaves. So, to prepare a decoction 1 tbsp. l. crushed rhizomes are poured into 500 ml of boiling water, and then boiled over low heat for 15 minutes. Insist the workpiece for 1 hour, filter. Consume 1/3 cup, three times a day. Grinding the rhizomes into powder, conduct a course, inside - 3 times a day, in portions of 1.0-1.5 g.

    Another plant in this category is the spotted slipper. To cure oncology, it is advised to prepare a decoction or alcoholic tincture from a part such as flowers, adhering to a ratio of 1:10. Use 2 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day. In addition, remedies of this kind from the spotted slipper can cure exhaustion.

    Other folk remedy called . About this technique you can.

    A plant such as cocklebur cures throat cancer. Wanted it Fresh Juice obtained from the whole plant, passed through a meat grinder. Then it must be preserved by applying juice and vodka in equal parts. The mixture is kept in a cool dark place. Serving - 1 tsp. three times a day. There are times when 1 tbsp is required. l.

Education: completed residency at the Russian Scientific cancer center them. N. N. Blokhin” and received a diploma in the specialty “Oncologist”



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