How to understand that a person has asthma. Symptoms and causes of asthma: how to determine the disease yourself

How does this disease manifest itself? The most common symptom of asthma is. It can appear suddenly in the middle of the night, preventing a person from falling asleep, or in the early morning. At the same time, the patient's breathing quickens, the chest expands, as it were, but exhalation or inhalation is difficult. And you can still hear shortness of breath and wheezing, even at a distance. An attack of coughing lasts in different ways: from a few minutes to several hours. At this time, the patient complains that something is squeezing his chest and he does not have enough air, he is suffocating.

An asthma attack is also a characteristic symptom of asthma. A person sits down, trying to hold on to something, raises his shoulders, his chest becomes like a cylinder, all her muscles participate in painful breathing. Pain is also felt in the lower part of the chest, because. the diaphragm is very tight.

During an exacerbation of asthma in a person, you can notice some blueness in the tips of the fingers and toes, nose, lips and auricles. He complains of pounding in the heart (tachycardia) and wants to sleep.

Before the patient begins to choke, he may have, in addition to coughing, sneezing, rhinitis and urticaria (blisters appear on the skin). The fact is that it is often accompanied by an allergy to pollen, so its exacerbation is usually seasonal. Also, asthma can manifest itself when a person comes into contact with smoke, any gases or pungent odors.

But doctors note that all asthmatics are different. For some, they are almost invisible, someone is even forced to stop and stop working, and in especially severe cases, an attack can even threaten a person's life. Therefore, if you have a suspicion that your friend has asthma, advise him to immediately consult a doctor. By the way, attention should also be paid to heredity: if one of the relatives of the sick person suffers from asthma or allergies (rhinitis, dermatitis or conjunctivitis allergic nature), this may indicate the onset of asthma.

In order to identify asthma, specialists first of all conduct an examination of the patient, listen to his breathing and ask about the manifestations of the disease and his predisposition to asthma. And then they send the person for research - spirometry, to check the functioning respiratory tract. Radiography of the cell is performed to rule out "lung" problems. Unfortunately, bronchial asthma has not yet been completely cured, but with timely access to doctors and with proper treatment symptoms of asthma will not appear.

The basis of asthma is inflammation in the human respiratory system. Asthma attacks are caused by bronchospasm.

How to diagnose asthma?

It is unlikely that this will work with just one look. Or rather, it won't work at all. Seeing the symptoms, one can only assume the presence bronchial asthma. Asthma should be diagnosed by specialists. Allergists and pulmonologists know how to diagnose asthma.

Why is asthma difficult to diagnose? Symptoms of asthma can be confused with other diseases of the bronchopulmonary system. But you should be alert and see a doctor if you or your children have any of the following symptoms:

shortness of breath, regardless of whether you are sleeping or awake;

- frequent debilitating cough that interferes with your life;

- cough with sputum, especially if you notice an admixture of blood;

- chest pain.

The visit to the doctor will begin with a conversation. Be prepared to answer the following questions to your doctor. questions:

- how often did you get sick bronchopulmonary diseases in childhood;

How long have you had the symptoms you are complaining about?

- does cough occur after increased physical activity or loud, prolonged laughter.

After the conversation, the doctor will listen to the patient using a stethoscope.

If the doctor suspects the presence of bronchial asthma, then at the end of the medical examination, the patient will be prescribed full examination.

How to diagnose asthma with the help of additional examinations?

To confirm or deny the fact of bronchial asthma, you will need to go through the following surveys:

- chest x-ray;

- Examination on a computer tomography;

- a study using a spirometer to determine the volume of exhaled air;

- Allergen test.

And, of course, you will need to pass tests.

Who is at risk of getting bronchial asthma?

People with asthma in the family are at particular risk. The risk of asthma increases in people who work with allergens and irritants. These include the following professions: veterinarians, farmers, workers in hazardous chemical industries, jewelers, hairdressers, locksmiths, healthcare workers, manufacturers of rubber and rubber products, etc. That is, people of those specialties in which there is close contact with all kinds of allergens. big chance experienced smokers also have bronchial asthma.

However, this does not mean at all that only allergens are the cause of bronchial asthma. In nature, there is also a non-allergic (endogenous) type of asthma. True, it occurs much less frequently than the exogenous (allergic) type. As a rule, women after 30 years of age suffer from this type of asthma, and the disease appears due to respiratory infections.

How to diagnose asthma in young children?

Pediatricians are in no hurry to diagnose "bronchial asthma" to children under 6 years of age. This is due to the fact that clinical picture disease in children is not entirely clear. But if the child has characteristics asthma: wheezing, shortness of breath, cough, and these symptoms decrease or disappear completely after the use of Ventolin, then, as a rule, doctors talk about the presence of asthma in the baby.

To diagnose asthma in children, a provocation method is used: a stress test and inhalation with Methacholine. The first method is to check lung function after running. The second method does not affect healthy children in any way, but asthma patients will react in the form of a short-term deterioration in lung function.

Asthma can and should be treated. The sooner the diagnosis is made, the more successful the treatment will be. Do not start the disease, consult a doctor!

In simple words, when you have a feeling of suffocation, lack of air, difficulty in breathing, this is asthma. This disease is mainly of the bronchi. What happens to the bronchi in asthma? Reducing the lumen of the bronchus as a result of an allergic process during periods of attacks. And just as doctors say - the reactivity of the bronchi increases.

How to recognize asthma in the early stages of the disease, because it strongly resembles a cold, accompanied by sneezing, coughing, chest pain, runny nose and other signs that are quite familiar to many people. However, if a common cold at first glance long time untreated and recurs regularly. To determine asthma, you should carefully look at your condition so as not to miss the onset of a much more serious illness - bronchial asthma.

What causes asthma and how to recognize asthma?

There are many factors in our environment that can cause asthma symptoms and attacks. The most common precipitating factors are allergens, exercise, viral infections and irritants. In some people, asthma symptoms can only be recognized during exercise or SARS.

Below is a list of "provocateurs" that determine the symptoms of asthma.

Allergens as the cause of asthma

  • dust mites, which are contained in house dust;
  • particles of feathers, leather or animal fur;
  • cockroaches;
  • mold;
  • pollen from flowers and trees.

Irritants as a cause of asthma

Other Asthma Factors

  • A condition called gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD, which is characterized by heartburn and can cause asthmatic symptoms especially at night;
  • sulfites in food (such as dried fruit) or drinks (wine);
  • medications;
  • allergens and occupational substances that are encountered at work (for example, occupational dust and certain chemicals);
  • various infections.

How to recognize asthma by symptoms?

Most frequent signs asthma are:

Cough that comes on or gets worse at night or early in the morning and interferes with sleep

asthma can be recognized by wheezing - creaky or whistling sounds in the chest during breathing;

chest tightness;

asthma is also determined by the lack of air, if it is difficult to exhale and inhale full chest;

loud or rapid breathing.

The above symptoms of asthma can be recognized by no means in all asthmatics. Moreover, the severity various symptoms can be different: some signs can be almost imperceptible, while others can make you stop and stop working, in last resort, bright severe symptoms threaten the life of an asthmatic.

Asthma symptoms may appear with different frequency. Some people experience them only once every few months, others once a week, and still others almost every day. However, at rational treatment many asthmatics may not experience asthma attacks at all.

How to identify asthma - diagnosis of the disease

Diagnosis of asthma is a multi-stage, difficult process, the initial stage of which is the collection of data by the doctor, in the form of a patient survey, and clinical examination patient, which allow to make a preliminary prognosis of bronchial asthma in most cases. Collecting data may involve clarifying the patient's complaints, so be prepared for your doctor to ask you the following questions to determine asthma:

  • do you have sharp attacks cough, shortness of breath, chest tightness, wheezing in the chest?
  • What medicines do you usually use to help you breathe?
  • Does anyone in your family suffer from allergies or asthma?
  • Do you have allergic diseases?
  • Are there any objects or substances that cause shortness of breath, the onset or increase of cough?

On examination to recognize asthma, the doctor may listen to your breathing and look for other signs of allergies or asthma. Symptoms of bronchial asthma are always strictly individual and vary, depending on the severity and stage of the disease. In any case, asthma is serious illness, which needs to be identified early stages, to warn possible complications further.

Behind Lately many different diseases have appeared that are not yet known or little studied by man. There are viruses and diseases that can be cured, and there are those that each of us lives with all our lives. And only all kinds of medicines, therapies and other kinds of procedures help us to maintain ourselves in normal condition and not start the disease. One of these is bronchial asthma. What is it, how to treat it, how to identify asthma and what are the signs - we will tell you in our article.

Asthma symptoms and how to identify asthma

Whistling when breathing, which can often be heard at a distance.

Cough, which may be morning time or at night.

shortness of breath, which appears with frequent physical exertion, will help determine asthma. Moreover, this shortness of breath can be of different intensity.

A feeling of heaviness in the chest area will help to recognize asthma.

Asphyxia and a feeling of lack of oxygen. With asthma, a person tries to breathe through the mouth.

Pale face.

Bluish tinge to lips or fingers.

Difficulty in speaking.

Knowing all the symptoms, you will no longer have a question about how to identify asthma. After that, you just urgently need to see a doctor who will prescribe you a complete examination and course of treatment.

When do asthma attacks appear? During periods of flowering, after a nervous shock, when using tobacco products if the room has air conditioning or when you breathe in cold air. It is also not recommended to laugh hard or sing for a long time. Do not use anti-inflammatory drugs or aspirin. You should also not get pets, which can also provoke asthma attacks.

There are two forms of asthma

Infectious-allergic asthma, in which the main pathogens are an infection that enters the respiratory system and, naturally, an allergy.

allergic asthma. The main causative agent is allergic reactions.

How to recognize the degree of asthma?

As for the severity of asthma. On this moment doctors indicate 4 degrees.

  • mild asthma intermittent. This type of asthma occurs up to twice a week. Night attacks are rare.
  • Asthma permanent mild. Attacks occur more than twice a week, but less than once a day. In such cases, it all depends on the way of life of a person. And at least 2 times a month, asthmatic attacks occur at night.
  • Asthma is moderate. Daily symptoms of asthma. Night attacks pass at least 1 time. In such cases, medication is required. fast action.
  • Acute persistent asthma. Day and night attacks occur constantly.

Bronchial asthma - serious disease therefore, in order to prescribe the correct treatment, it is important to distinguish its first signs from the symptoms of other diseases in time respiratory system. This disease usually develops in early age although adult forms are also found. At correct therapy about 50% of children get rid of asthma with age.

Causes of Asthma

Bronchial asthma (BA) - chronic inflammatory disease respiratory tract, the key link in the development of which is the narrowing (obstruction) of the lumen of the bronchi, manifested by repeated episodes of coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, a feeling of pressure in the chest. The prevalence of this disease in the world is from 4 to 10%. bronchial obstruction can be reversible: completely or partially, under the influence of treatment or spontaneously.

The general mechanism of occurrence various kinds asthma is the reactivity and hypersensitivity of the bronchi to irritants. Asthma can be associated with both hereditary predisposition and factors environment, i.e. its development can be provoked by allergens or frequent infections of the upper respiratory tract.

Asthma symptoms

The appearance of symptoms of bronchial asthma is associated with inflammation, severe narrowing and blocking of the respiratory tract with mucus. The traditional manifestations of this disease include:

Shortness of breath and shortness of breath;

Cough, often at night;


Sensation of constriction, heaviness and pain in the chest.

The symptoms of asthma can vary from person to person. different time. These symptoms may not appear at the same time, or varying degrees their exacerbations: from mild to very serious, requiring immediate hospitalization.

An exacerbation of symptoms is called an asthma attack. In some patients, they happen quite rarely, in others - almost daily. It is not uncommon for an attack to occur only after a viral illness or during physical exertion.

The first signs of bronchial asthma

It is important to recognize the signs of AD early stage development of the disease and start its proper treatment: this will stop the further progression of the disease and keep it under control. Early warning signs appear before traditional symptoms an attack of bronchial asthma, but they are so insignificant that they are sometimes hard to notice. If you learn in time to recognize these alarm signals, then you can stop the attack of asthma and prevent deterioration.

So, in what cases can bronchial asthma be suspected?

When blood relatives allergic diseases occur.

If the state of health worsens mainly in the warm season, or the manifestation of the disease worries in any season, but including summer.

"Summer" runny nose, cough and wheezing in chest weaken in rainy weather and intensify on windy sunny days.

Cleaning the apartment or being in nature is accompanied by coughing, runny nose, tightness in the chest, itchy eyes, dryness, perspiration and sore throat.

Possible itchy rashes on the skin, the formation of red spots or swelling of the lips, nose, eyelids.

Increased fatigue, weakness after physical exertion.

In some cases, the manifestations of asthma disappear when you change your place of residence (vacation, business trip, military service, etc.), i.e. in the absence of contact with a certain allergen, the manifestations of the disease disappear, and when returning to former place residence symptoms resume.

Summarizing the above, traditional development bronchial asthma can be reduced to three main stages:

1.Before appearance pulmonary symptoms various allergic reactions occur. Itching, runny nose, cough appear during the flowering season of plants, while cleaning the house, etc.

2. The second sign is frequent colds, bronchitis, respiratory viral infections, etc. This condition is already considered pre-asthma.

3. And actually an asthmatic attack - next stage development of BA.

How to recognize the signs of asthma in a child?

To date, this serious disease affects every tenth child, and throughout the world there is a persistent trend towards an even greater spread of bronchial asthma. More than 60% of children with asthma have relatives with allergic diseases, but, as a rule, a combination of aggravated heredity and adverse factors environment.

It is very difficult to catch the first signs of an impending illness in a child, because babies catch colds so often, and even in modern world ecological situation has long ceased to be “healthy”, which means that allergic reactions are more and more confidently entering our lives.

Older children usually complain of a feeling of tightness in the chest, lack of air; babies become whiny, restless, their sleep is disturbed. The main symptoms are chronic dry cough, nocturnal or morning runny nose, nasal congestion, itchy skin rashes. There may be shortness of breath, accompanied by noisy wheezing; the duration of exhalation is sometimes twice the time of inhalation.

If you notice yourself or your child prone to diseases with similar manifestations, consult an allergist or pulmonologist (depending on the nature of the symptoms). Do not repeat the bitter experience huge amount people who thought that the first attack of suffocation would not lead to subsequent ones - do not postpone a visit to the doctor.

Polina Lipnitskaya

The similarity between asthma and bronchitis is quite large, which is why these diseases are often confused. However, the first pathology is much more severe than the second. Therefore, it is necessary to know how asthma differs from bronchitis.

It must be understood that there are several types of bronchitis, and some of them are pre-asthmatic conditions. They have asthma-like symptoms, and treatment is also based on general principles. However, they are not the same disease. Therefore, you should find out what is the difference between BA and.

Bronchitis and asthma are diseases of the respiratory tract. In the chronic course of bronchitis, their symptoms acquire similar features, especially if bronchitis is accompanied by obstruction (impaired bronchial patency). Asthma - chronic illness, bronchitis can also occur in a chronic form.

If left untreated, bronchitis can lead to asthma. But the differences between obstructive bronchitis and asthma still exist, and they need to be known in order not to miss the transition from one disease to another.

Etiological differences between asthma and bronchitis

There are several criteria by which these diseases are distinguished. One of them is etiological differences. This is the difference in and bronchitis.

Therefore, it is worth considering how bronchitis differs from bronchial asthma in terms of provoking factors.

Of the diseases that are accompanied by obstruction, one can name:

  1. Chronical bronchitis. It is a complicated form of an acute disease. The root cause is an infectious process caused by bacteria, fungus or virus. At improper treatment or its absence, violations become permanent, which leads to the transition to chronic form. Also, these disturbances can be caused by exposure to chemical substances pathologically affecting the respiratory tract.
  2. Bronchial asthma. This disease has infectious origin. She is associated with hypersensitivity bronchi. With this pathology in the bronchi is always present inflammatory process, which is exacerbated by exposure to provoking factors. Depending on the underlying cause, allergic, non-allergic and mixed type illness.
  3. Obstructive bronchitis. Pathology is of infectious origin. The main feature is inflammation of the bronchi and their obstruction. This disease is acute and chronic.
  4. Asthmatic bronchitis. It occurs when the body has a tendency to allergic reactions. If an infectious process additionally develops in the bronchi with chronic course, this type of pathology may develop. Further aggravation diseases can cause asthma.

According to what has been said, bronchitis and asthma differ in the mechanism of occurrence. The first disease provokes an infection, in the second case this factor is not among the provoking ones. Nevertheless, there are significant similarities between asthma and bronchitis.

Differences in signs

In the absence of medical knowledge, it is difficult to understand which disease caused the symptoms: bronchial asthma or obstructive bronchitis. In some cases, obstruction occurs even with SARS. This is possible with weak body which is why it is often seen in children.

These diseases have similar symptoms, which creates confusion. These include:

  • shortness of breath (observed on exhalation);
  • obsessive cough, worse at night;
  • enlargement of the veins in the neck;
  • cyanosis;
  • the need to use auxiliary muscle groups for breathing;
  • flaring of the nostrils when inhaling;
  • gain pathological symptoms after viral diseases respiratory system, physical activity, stressful situations when in contact with allergens.

All these symptoms are characteristic of both diseases. Therefore, knowledge of them is necessary not in order to understand how to distinguish bronchitis from asthma, but in order to contact a specialist in time to make the correct diagnosis.

To understand how to distinguish asthma from bronchitis, it is necessary to consider in detail the manifestations of both pathologies. You should not make a diagnosis and start treatment on your own, but knowing the symptoms will allow you to notice the violations characteristic of a more dangerous disease.

Since the disease occurs in several forms, it is worth considering the signs inherent in each of them.

Acute bronchitis is most different from bronchial asthma. A feature of this disease is the lack of a tendency to relapse. It develops due to infectious process affecting the bronchi. With proper treatment, the disease resolves without complications. It is characterized strong cough, fever, shortness of breath, sputum production.

In chronic bronchitis, the disease becomes recurrent. Exacerbations are observed two or three times a year when exposed to adverse factors. This pathology is characterized the following symptoms:

  1. Cough with an abundance of sputum, which may contain impurities of pus. There is no tendency to increase the symptom in the evening and at night.
  2. Temperature increase.
  3. Dyspnea varying degrees gravity.

Severe attacks, which are accompanied by suffocation, are not observed with this disease. There is also no status asthmaticus.

With an obstructive form of pathology, patients complain of a dry cough (occasionally it is wet). Sputum is almost not allocated. During attacks, the patient tries to cough, but there is no relief. In the chest, wheezing is heard, which are recognized without a phonendoscope.

The breaths are elongated, the air enters the respiratory tract with a whistle. Since obstruction usually occurs when exposed to precipitating factors, patients may notice an increase in symptoms in specific circumstances (under the influence of cold, when inhaled substances with pungent odor etc.). Attacks of suffocation for such a disease are not typical.

Symptoms of the asthmatic variety of bronchitis are very similar to those of asthma, which is why it is called pre-asthma. This form of the disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • difficulty in breathing;
  • noisy and sharp breaths;
  • exhalation is accompanied by shortness of breath;
  • wheezing;
  • hyperthermia;
  • dry cough.

When the attack ends, sputum is released, which causes relief. asthmatic status is not seen in this disease. If asthmatic bronchitis is allergic in nature, then its exacerbations are noted after contact with irritants.

Signs of bronchial asthma

Bronchial asthma is a serious and dangerous disease respiratory tract. If it is present, it is necessary to carefully monitor your well-being, since an exacerbation can lead to lethal outcome. In this regard, it is necessary to detect this disease in time. Therefore, you need to know how asthma differs from bronchitis.

To determine how to distinguish asthma from bronchitis, it is necessary to study its symptoms. The main feature of the disease is the mechanism of development pathological manifestations. Bronchial obstruction in bronchial asthma is due to the increased sensitivity of the bronchi to certain influences.

They can be both internal and external. Asthma is not caused by infections or viruses. The inflammatory process occurs under the influence of irritation, which is provoked by allergens, adverse weather conditions, etc. It is because of this that there is a difference in symptoms.

The manifestations of the disease include:

  1. Suffocation caused by bronchospasm. This phenomenon occurs due to the influence of provoking factors.
  2. Dry cough. This symptom has a systematic character. The reaction may be enhanced by interaction with stimuli.
  3. Wheezing. They are heard when breathing. With exacerbations, wheezing can be heard without a phonendoscope.
  4. Labored breathing. In this case, there is a feeling of heaviness in the chest, coughing and wheezing, but the patient's body temperature does not rise.
  5. Increasing incidence of SARS.
  6. Asthmatic status. The severity of the condition can fluctuate depending on the intensity of exposure to the allergen.

The disease is characterized by frequent exacerbations, which either accompany infectious diseases respiratory organs, or arise on their own. Sometimes they are seasonal. This is possible with allergic type pathology. In this case, bronchial asthma may be accompanied by other allergic manifestations(rhinitis, conjunctivitis, profuse lacrimation, etc.).

On initial stage disease symptoms are mild, which is why patients do not go to the doctor.

Differential Diagnosis

The two diseases under consideration have much in common, which is why even specialists cannot always distinguish bronchitis from asthma. Therefore, it is necessary to use different diagnostic procedures.

These include:

  1. Blood test, general and biochemical. Based on the results, it is possible to establish the presence allergic reaction. Also indicates BA increased content eosinophils. The amount of immunoglobulins in the blood increases. Obstructive bronchitis is indicated by leukocytosis and an increase in ESR.
  2. Sputum analysis. In AD, sputum contains many eosinophils. Bronchitis is indicated by the presence of mucus and pus in the sputum, and neutrophils are also found in it.
  3. Radiography. It is used to identify pathological changes in the bronchi and lungs and analysis of their features. This method is considered additional because of the low information content at the initial stage of the disease.
  4. Spirometry. This study allows us to study the function external respiration. Both diseases are characterized by a decrease in indicators, but in each case they are different.
  5. Allergic tests. They are carried out if an allergic nature of BA is suspected.

One of the main differences between bronchial asthma is the inability to recover completely. This disease can only be controlled. Bronchitis of any type (except asthmatic) is treatable.

Since even experts identify the differences between bronchial asthma and bronchitis using diagnostic procedures, it is unacceptable to draw conclusions about your own condition on your own. Wrong actions provoke the development of complications.

Differences in the treatment of bronchitis and asthma

Considering pathologies such as bronchitis and bronchial asthma, it is necessary to find out what is the difference between the treatment of these diseases. Because it various diseases, to combat them, a different therapeutic approach is provided. Also, the features of treatment depend on the form of the pathology and the characteristics of the organism.

The basis of the treatment of bronchitis and asthma is the elimination of their causes. In the first case, it is necessary to fight the infection. For this, antibacterial and antiviral agents. When it is very important to limit the contact of the patient with the irritant. If this is not done, the attacks will recur as soon as will pass the action medicines.

The rest of the measures in both cases involve the mitigation of symptoms. Bronchitis requires the use of mucolytic drugs, with the help of which liquefaction and excretion of sputum occurs. At elevated temperature The patient is prescribed antipyretics. Sometimes you may need drugs that promote vasodilation. If the patient suffers from an obstructive form of the disease, in addition to the listed drugs, bronchodilators should be taken.

During an asthma attack, bronchospasm occurs, due to which all the symptoms appear. Therefore, one of the main groups of drugs are bronchodilators. They help to eliminate bronchospasm, and with it cough and difficulty in breathing.

Since this disease is accompanied by inflammation of the bronchi, it is necessary to use anti-inflammatory drugs. It will not be possible to completely get rid of the inflammatory process, but medications will help to weaken their manifestations and reduce the likelihood of a second attack.

Another part of the treatment is immunotherapy. AD is caused by the increased sensitivity of the body to certain stimuli. Strengthening the immune system allows you to reduce this sensitivity and weaken the reaction. The patient is prescribed immunomodulating agents and vitamin complexes.

He is also recommended improved nutrition, feasible physical exercise and hardening procedures. The treatment of asthmatic bronchitis is similar to the treatment of bronchial asthma, since these diseases are very similar. If the body is prone to allergies, antihistamines are additionally used.

The dosage of drugs in each case, the doctor will determine individually. It is impossible to change them without his appointment, as well as to use other medicines.

Treatment of bronchitis in asthma involves the use of all of these measures.

Can bronchitis turn into asthma?

To understand whether bronchitis can turn into asthma, you need to analyze the similarities between these diseases. In both cases, there is an inflammatory process in the bronchi, only in the first disease it is episodic, and in the second - permanent. With improper treatment, inflammation persists for a long time, which becomes a favorable factor for the development of complications. One of them is BA.

Chronic bronchitis often turns into asthma also because due to frequent use strong antibiotics weakens the immune system patient. This leads to increased sensitivity of the body to external stimuli. The situation may get worse in the wrong way life of the patient, for example, bad habits.


The diseases under consideration belong to the same group of pathologies and have similar symptoms. The main difference between bronchitis and bronchial asthma is that the first disease can be cured with the right approach.

Therefore, at the first manifestations, it is necessary to contact a specialist to put differential diagnosis and appointed necessary drugs. Self-medication is prohibited.



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