Using rock oil. Recipes for the therapeutic and prophylactic use of stone oil

Non-traditional healing practices often play the role of the last chance that many of us rely on when the disease has already gone too far. In the event that a person loses hope in officially recognized remedies, the most exotic treatment methods based on the healing abilities of the natural environment around us can come to the rescue.

One of the most sensational natural biostimulants In the Altai region, stone oil (SM) is considered. Does this natural substance really have unique healing capabilities or is it another “scam” by cunning scammers who seek to profit from sick people? What do doctors think about this? Let's try to understand this issue.

Stone oil - what is it and what does it cure?

Stone oil, (brakshun, mountain resin or, as it is also poetically called, “tears of the mountains”) is solid cream, white or yellowish in color, forming on walls and rock crevices. By definition, KM is mineral alum.

The exact mechanism of origin of this natural substance is still not known to science. However, local residents noticed that mountain goats stubbornly lick the rocky surface exactly in those places where this nature education. Apparently, it was from man’s unshakable faith in the ability of the animal world to heal itself that the glory of stone oil was born as a product with exceptional healing qualities.

According to many healers who flooded the Internet, oil can cure literally all diseases, from common colds to oncology. Unfortunately, real facts salvation with the help of mineral alum has not been recorded, so practicing doctors are very skeptical about this type of yet another panacea.

Healing properties of stone oil

However, adherents oriental medicine They claim that with the help of mountain resin you can be cured of:

  • diseases digestive systems s;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • consequences iron deficiency anemia;
  • problems with the musculoskeletal system;
  • gynecological ailments;
  • inflammation of the prostate gland;
  • benign and malignant neoplasms.

The ability of CM to speed up the wound healing process as much as possible is also actively promoted, postoperative sutures, bruises and broken bones.

Ways to use rock oil

Since brakshun belongs to the category of potassium alum, it may contain a large number of metals - calcium, potassium, iron, zinc, chromium, magnesium. In the correct ratio, these minerals are quite capable of bringing benefits to the body, but they environmental Safety and the permissible concentration depends solely on the place of extraction of the material, and cannot be thoroughly known to the patient.

In addition, the natural compound may also contain harmful substances– lime, sand, dust. Therefore, preparations based on stone oil can be ingested only under strict control over the quality of the product and with the permission of a specialist.

Externally, stone oil can be used as a base for compresses and therapeutic dressings, as well as in for cosmetic purposes for home lifting of facial skin and maintaining beauty and health of hair.

The scheme for using stone oil is quite simple - you need to drink a glass of a healing solution based on it 3 times a day. To obtain natural medicine, follow this recipe:

  • Dissolve 3 g of powder in 3 liters of warm boiled water;
  • stir well and leave to infuse until ready, placing the container with the liquid in a cool, dark place;
  • After two days, carefully strain the solution through folded gauze.

The resulting product should be stored in the refrigerator, but no more than 10 days. The duration of treatment is 1 month, after which you should take a break. In total, you can undergo up to 4 courses of procedures in a year.

Important! In the process of oral consumption of CM, strict control over the condition of your body is necessary, which consists of regular laboratory research blood and urine. If there are any alarming indicators, it is better to stop experimenting with your health and stop using dietary supplements.

Stone oil in cosmetology - for body and face

“Tears of the Mountains” have found their application in home cosmetology. You can make cleansing masks based on this mineral mixture; it will help relieve redness and puffiness under the eyes, smooth out fine wrinkles, improve hair structure and prevent hair loss.

Microenemas will help - dissolve a teaspoon (without the top!) of stone oil in half a liter of warm water. Inject 10-15 ml of solution into the rectum, after emptying the intestines.

Contraindications and harm

Stone oil, due to its incomplete study, can negatively affect the patient’s body. As with any natural substance, the authenticity of the product, its purity and safety play a huge role.

  • patients with obstructive jaundice;
  • people who experience sudden changes blood pressure(especially those prone to hypotension);
  • those suffering from irregular bowel movements (frequent constipation);
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • children and adolescents under 14 years of age;
  • those who have individual intolerance one or more components of the drug.

With extreme caution, the oil can be used by people who have problems with blood flow, weak blood vessels, risk of developing a blood clot, congenital or acquired pathologies of the heart muscle.

In addition, during CM therapy, you should completely abstain from alcoholic beverages, limit your consumption of meat, fatty poultry, strong coffee and tea, radishes, radishes, and natural chocolate. Mountain tar is also incompatible with taking antibiotics.

More than four thousand years ago, rock oil was discovered and called “the food of immortal people.” And for many centuries this natural mineral product they treat everything from infertility, diseases of the cardiovascular and digestive systems, to diseases osteoarticular system, psoriasis, kidney stones and even cancer!

It is not surprising that people who extract and use in their diet White stone, live up to 90 years! However, having an incredible number of medicinal properties, stone oil also has its own contraindications and limitations for use. Like everyone else who is quite active natural substances, Brakshun (another name for the white stone of immortality) “loves” a cautious attitude towards itself. Let's make a close acquaintance with this elixir.

Rock oil is a mineral alum of various colors: white, yellow, brown, gray and red, it is found in the form of a pebble or plates, but more often in the form of a finely ground powder. This powder (or a plate, a pebble turned into powder) is dissolved in water - this is how you get an amazing natural remedy from many diseases.

In China, stone oil was kept in expensive bottles and consumed only by members of the imperial family. Anyone else found using this medicine was immediately executed.

The variety of medicinal properties and composition of stone oil

Almost the entire periodic table is found in the composition of white stone; in addition to traditional minerals (calcium and phosphorus, sodium and sulfur, iron and zinc, magnesium and potassium, chromium and iodine, selenium and silicon, cobalt and manganese, nickel) there is gold, silver and platinum! Due to this the richest composition Stone oil brings such a healing effect that it heals and collectively helps with the following diseases:

  • ulcers of the stomach and duodenum , cholelithiasis and cholecystitis, pancreatitis and gastritis, hepatitis and colitis, diarrhea and food poisoning;
  • kidney stones and nephrosis, cystitis, urethritis and pyelonephritis;
  • ischemia and atherosclerosis, heart attacks and hypertension, strokes and varicose veins;
  • rectal fissures and hemorrhoids;
  • fractures and dislocations, arthrosis, osteochondrosis and arthritis;
  • problems thyroid gland;
  • regular headaches, encephalopathies and neuralgia, epileptic disease and paralysis;
  • influenza and bronchial asthma, pneumonia and tuberculosis, bronchitis and pleurisy;

  • if you have bedsores or burns, trophic ulcers either boils, you have been bitten by an insect or a cut has formed, and you also suffer from eczema, psoriasis, seborrhea, or you have a purulent ulcer;
  • for women with uterine fibroids or endometriosis, inflammation of the vaginal mucosa (colpitis) or adnexitis, if you have genital polyps, ovarian cysts or cervical erosion, as well as with female infertility;
  • prostatitis and impotence, adenoma and male infertility;
  • tonsillitis and sinusitis, tonsillitis and pharyngitis, laryngitis and otitis;
  • periodontal disease and mouth ulcers (stomatitis), caries and inflammation of the tooth nerve (pulpitis);
  • cataracts;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • to strengthen immune system;
  • at iron deficiency anemiamineral composition stone oil allows the body to naturally produce red blood cell protein in the blood;
  • as aid on early stages cancer diseases.

Moreover, all described medicinal properties stone oil are also unique in that our body and its cells take as many micro and macroelements as they currently need for harmonious functioning.

As you can see, the list of properties and medicinal effects of stone oil on human health is quite long. However, this is not a pill that works 15 minutes after its use. To feel healing effect, you will need a lot of patience, time and faith.

The use of stone oil (brakshun), recipes for treatment and restoration of health

As I already wrote above, this active agent requires careful use, especially if you are just starting to use it.

Standard method of preparing stone oil: add 1 tsp to 3 liters of boiled and cooled water (only boiled water is used!) t 22-25°. without the top of the stone oil powder (3g) and infuse for two days, the resulting sediment yellow color used for lotions, compresses, i.e. externally. Of course, depending on the health problem, dosages and concentrations may vary.

Stone oil is always used three times a day at normal and reduced acidity - 30 minutes in advance. before meals, if you are diagnosed with high acidity - 1 hour before.

For those who are just starting out, take 70 ml of stone oil with meals three times a day (the concentration is not 3g of powder, but 1g). After a few days, the concentration of braxun powder in water is increased, as is the dosage of the resulting solution, and drunk before meals. A week after starting use, drink 200 ml of the product three times a day for 15 minutes. before eating.

Cystitis and braxun: for 1 liter of water - 3 g of white stone, drink 200 ml of the product.

For kidney stones: 1 liter of water - 3 g of stone oil, drink 100 ml. At the same time, use madder root, pre-crushed, (1 tsp root powder per 200 ml of water). The infusion sits overnight and is boiled for 20 minutes in the morning. Pass it through cheesecloth and add boiling water to obtain the initial amount of infusion. Drink this decoction throughout the day.

For hemorrhoids, a microenema is performed: 600 ml of water and 3 g of stone oil, injected into the rectum in an amount of 30-40 ml. The course is two to four weeks.

If you have cracks in the rectum: after cleansing the intestines, administer a microenema solution (500 ml of water and 1 tsp of braxhun). At the same time, drink stone oil internally: 1 tsp per 1 liter of water. braxhun powder, drink 200 ml. The course lasts five to six months.

If you suffer from salt deposits: 1 tsp. white stone and 2000 ml of water, drink 200 ml. The course of treatment will take you from three months to one year.

Radiculitis or arthritis, as well as bruises: 1 tsp. Braxhuna is dissolved in 200 ml of water, add 1 tbsp. honey, dip a piece of gauze into the resulting solution, squeeze it out a little and apply it to the damaged area.

For prostatitis, microenemas are performed: 500 ml of water - 1 tsp. stone oil, having cleansed the intestines in advance, introduce 10-15 ml of powder solution at a temperature of 40°.

Stone oil for hepatitis and cholecystitis: 3 g of braxun per liter of water, drink 200 ml.

For diabetes: 2000 ml of water and 1 tsp. stone oil, drink 200 ml. The course lasts 12 weeks, you need to take a break for four weeks, after which the course is repeated for another 12 weeks. Be sure to monitor your blood sugar levels. Adjust your insulin dosage with your specialist.

If a woman has fibroids or erosion: you need to mix 1 tsp. stone oil and water (1 l.) and drink 200 ml. You can also use tampons: 3 g of braxun is dissolved in 500 ml of water, a tampon is moistened in the product and inserted into the vagina in the evening for ten hours.

Stomach ulcers and 12 duodenum and stone oil: in 600 ml of water - 1 tsp. white stone of immortality, drink 200 ml. In addition to oral administration, Brakshun is administered with enemas once or twice every 7 days: first, the intestines are cleaned with a regular enema, and then a solution is administered (three grams of Brakshun per 1000 ml of water). It is important to alternate a stone oil enema with an enema made with a collection medicinal herbs. This joint treatment with enemas lasts for a month.

For gastritis: 5 g of stone oil per 3000 liters of water, drink 200 ml.

To improve the health of the thyroid gland, a compress is made externally: 5 g of stone oil is diluted in 500 ml of water t 37-40°, gauze folded in three layers is soaked in the solution and applied to the thyroid gland area overnight. Place a layer of compress paper and fabric on top. Stone oil is also consumed internally: 6 g of powder is mixed with 2 liters of water and consumed 100 ml three times a day before meals for about 30 minutes. The course is completed for 21 days, a break is maintained for ten days.

We treat bronchial asthma with stone oil: mix 300 ml of water with 1 tsp. powder and in 20-30 min. before meals, do inhalations (1 hour before meals, if you have been diagnosed with acidity gastric juice as increased). At the same time, apply compresses: mix 1 tsp in 150 ml of water. stone oil and 100 ml of alcohol. The gauze is folded into 5 layers. Soak it in the solution, wring it out and apply it overnight chest, cover with a piece of cellophane on top. 12-15 similar compresses are performed per course.

We treat pneumonia (pneumonia): mix braxhun powder (1 tsp) with water (1 l) and drink 1 tbsp. We apply compresses: for 200 ml of water, 3 g of white stone and 1 tbsp. honey After soaking the gauze in the solution, wring it out and apply it to the chest and back in turn.

Sinusitis and braxun: prepare stone oil (300 ml of water and 1 tsp of powder), moisten a piece of gauze in the resulting solution, apply the lotion to the bridge of the nose once every two days. Treatment of sinusitis is carried out with a course of twelve lotions.

With pulmonary tuberculosis, prepare stone oil (1 tsp) in 2 liters of water and drink 200 ml of it.

For cataracts, try: 1 tsp per 1000 ml of water. powder, drink 200 ml. In order to have a medicine for instillation into the eyes, a product of a different concentration is prepared: 1 tsp of stone oil per 1500 ml of water.

If your gums bleed: 500 ml of water, 2 tbsp. glycerin and two grams of white stone of immortality. After eating food, rinse three times a day oral cavity first with plain water, and then with the resulting oil.

Brakshun and headache: for 150 ml of water (t 40°), 100 ml of alcohol and 1 tsp of stone oil powder. Soak gauze, folded in three to five layers, in the resulting product and wring it out. excess liquid, apply to the temples and forehead.

You can be beautiful not only on the outside, but also on the inside. With the help of Brakshun you can give beauty and health to your entire body. Many cosmetologists give recommendations for skin care using stone oil: after moisturizing the skin with a solution (1 teaspoon of stone oil per 2000 ml of water), you do not need to blot your face with a towel.

To remove circles under the eyes, puffiness, redness and smooth out fine wrinkles, apply lotions with the same solution to your eyelids for 20 minutes.

Stone oil: rules of use and contraindications

  • Having an active choleretic effect, braxhun can cause harm in obstructive jaundice.
  • If you suffer from constipation, it is also better for you to stop using stone oil - your intestines will begin to reabsorb the toxins removed by the oil. First of all, it is important to normalize daily bowel movements, and only then begin treatment with stone oil.
  • When breastfeeding, as well as during pregnancy, this remedy is not used.
  • Children also do not need to use the White Immortality Stone.
  • You should not get too carried away with this remedy if you have: thrombophlebitis, low blood pressure, a tendency to thrombosis, increased blood clotting, heart defects, cholelithiasis and joint reception hormonal pharmaceuticals.

Some foods are not compatible with stone oil:

  • pork, goose and duck meat, lamb, radish, strong brewed tea, cocoa, coffee, radish, chocolate, alcoholic drinks and antibiotics.

So you and I got acquainted with the amazing white stone of immortality - stone oil. If you consider it possible to start using it in your Everyday life, Brakshun can alleviate the course of many diseases, the main thing is that you use it wisely.

Take care of yourself and be healthy!

Stone oil is very rare. In appearance, it is a piece of scale or yellowish scum. They are found in crevices of rocks and rocks.

Only knowledgeable people can prepare white rock oil. The gathering places are kept secret; they are passed down from father to son. It is still unknown for what reason healing stone oil is formed.

H then stone oil cures

  • treats bladder inflammation
  • gets rid of kidney stones
  • stone in her bladder
  • treats diseases of the male genital organs
  • female diseases - fibroma, and others
  • any colds
  • helps against duodenal and stomach ulcers
  • recommended for pancreatic diseases
  • sediment and salts
  • diabetes e
  • heals rectal fissures
  • at constant use vision gets better
  • weight loss
  • strengthens hair well
  • treats any skin diseases
  • has strong antitumor properties
  • helps with internal bleeding
  • improves the composition and quality of blood
  • helps with injuries

Stone oil methods of application

Dilute only with warm, boiled water. concentration may vary. For each disease there is a certain dosage, which is diluted with water.

At the beginning they use weak solution- 1g diluted with 3l of water. Drink 1/2 glass a month before meals.

Start with low dose- 50ml per meal. If you feel normal, you can move on to half a glass three times a day. Treatment is usually carried out for a month, then the same break and treatment is repeated. If there chronic diseases who have not been treated for a long time, a week after starting treatment, the dose is increased to a glass.

Regular with cooking method rock oil solution 3 g of stone oil powder (tea without top) is poured into 3 liters of water and left for 2 days. Next, carefully so as not to raise the sediment, pour it off. The sediment is also useful for treating skin diseases and wounds.

Stone oil treatment

Stone oil affects the entire body, so the effectiveness of treatment depends on the concentration of the drug, the duration of treatment, and the characteristics of the body.

For external use, use powder or solution. Unhealed wounds, the cracks are sprinkled with powder, a napkin moistened with a solution is placed on top. Do it once a day for 3 hours.

For treatment purulent wounds, inflammation of the mucous membranes, a more concentrated composition is prepared - 3 g is dissolved in half a liter of water.To remove stretch marks and rejuvenate skin starting to age, add to the cream

Rock oil solution: 3g of pure raw material is diluted with boiled water (200ml). An aqueous solution is used for compresses, applications (arthritis, other joint diseases), oral administration.

Stone oil for diabetes: 10 g of purified stone oil is poured into 10 liters of water in a glass container. The solution is completely used. Stir before use. The fish tank is also suitable for drinking. Drink 150 ml daily three times throughout the year. As soon as sugar will come Normally they drink twice as much as prophylactic. Stone oil of any color is suitable, the main thing is that it is free of sand and small pebbles.

Prostatitis: 3g oil, 3l water. Take 1 tsp. three times before meals. Microenemas are given at night - 3g, 0.5l of water. 50 ml is enough for one procedure medicinal solution.

Bruises, injuries: discomfort after an injury, you can quickly remove it using stone oil. Application of this medicine promotes fast healing wounds, large burns. A napkin soaked in a solution of stone oil relieves pain well. It is applied to the damaged area. Preparation - 3g of powder is diluted with 200ml of slightly heated water, 2 tbsp is added. honey

Sinusitis: relieve inflammation, reduce symptoms dangerous disease inhalation will help. After steam inhalation, apply for 2 hours cloth dampened useful tool. Stone oil is used for 14 days, then a break.

Stone oil for lungs — lAll of us have experienced colds and flu. Behind short term Stone oil will help cure severe coughs and avoid complications. Compresses help a lot - 3g per 200ml of boiling water. Used in morning time- back, in the evening compress on the chest area.

Bronchial asthma - for treatment severe illness - do inhalations 30 minutes before meals.If breathing is difficult, inhalation on an empty stomach will help relieve suffocation.

Flu1 tbsp. honey is diluted with a glass of solution. Used for instillation into the nose.

Treatment of pneumonia - a glass of solution an hour before meals. If the acidity is high, consume after an hour.

White stone oil for cystitis: 3g of powder is diluted with 1l of water. Consume three times before meals. Place on the inflamed area dampened cloth.

Stomach ulcer: 3g of raw material is diluted with 1/2l of water. Used when high acidity an hour before meals. If the acidity is normal in half an hour.

Rectal fissures: prepare water solution, do an enema for cleansing, then administer a medicinal product.

Kidney diseases: You will need 3g of raw materials, two liters of cooled boiling water. Drink a glass three times before half an hour. At increased acidity in an hour.

Cataract : use the solution as described in the previous recipe. At the same time prepare drops - 3g medicinal powder dissolve 1.5 liters of water. Use for instillation three times a day.

Throat cancer: drink a glass of solution with a spoon of honey three times a day. A compress is applied to the inflamed area.

Cirrhosis, liver cancer: solution three times a day before meals, half an hour or an hour with high acidity. Apply a compress to the area of ​​the inflamed liver and leave it for three hours.

Treatment of cholecystitis, hepatitis with stone oil: Use the method described in the recipe above. At the same time, cleansing, herbal (chamomile flowers, string grass) enemas are done.

Stone oil for men - P helps get rid of many men's problems. It treats prostatitis, adenoma well, strengthens male strength.

1. dilute with 1 tsp. stone oil powder with three liters of cooled boiling water. Drink 200 ml daily 30 minutes before meals. The same remedy is used for compresses - the lower abdomen, groin area or evening microenemas.

2. 1/2 tsp. stone oil is diluted with 2 liters of cooled, p boiled water. Next, prepare a decoction of (1/2 cup), lungwort herb (1/3 cup). The herbs are brewed with a liter of water and allowed to simmer for 6 minutes. As soon as the medicinal infusion has cooled to 37 degrees, combine the two compositions. The product is used only internally, 200 ml before eating, half an hour.

Stone oil for women: using a healing solution helps to avoid common women's diseases. To maintain health, drink a glass of medicinal solution half an hour before meals. At night, a medicated tampon soaked in the product is inserted.

Oncology, chemotherapy : special value, stone oil is beneficial for cancer patients. The drug prevents tumor growth. If the disease has just begun to develop will help you heal. Apply externally, orally - 200 ml three times a day. A more concentrated composition is used for stomach cancer - 3g per glass of liquid. This tool drink up to 1 tbsp. before eating.Externally - one enema will require 200 ml of boiled water. Concentrated solution for compresses - 1 g per third of a glass.

Stone oil contraindications

  • stone oil should not be used for obstructive jaundice
  • Harmful if you have frequent constipation. All harmful substances are instantly absorbed by the intestines. Therefore, the first thing you need to do before consuming it is to improve your intestinal function.
  • low blood pressure as it contains magnesium sulfate
  • antibiotic treatment
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • thrombophlebitis
  • high blood clotting
  • during the reception do not drink any alcoholic beverages, coffee, tea, fatty meat, cocoa, chocolate, spicy vegetables

Even from these recipes it becomes clear how many benefits there are in stone oil. It helps a person can overcome many ailments, it is not for nothing that so many legends are dedicated to him. I hope at least some of the beneficial properties of stone oil have been revealed.

IN folk medicine Tibet, Mongolia, Altai, Eastern Siberia and China has been widely used rock oil for the treatment of numerous diseases. So what kind of mineral is this and what medicinal properties of stone oil can we also use and for what treatment?

Rock oil, or as it is also called brakshun or “white mummy,” is a mineral substance that is collected by scraping from rocks in hard-to-reach rocks and grottoes. It has a whitish-yellowish color and is formed by leaching of rocks. After collection, the mineral is thoroughly cleaned of sand and other impurities and sold in its unprocessed form - it can be sold in the form of pebbles, crumbs or powder.

Healing properties of stone oil

Medicinal and beneficial features stone oil are truly unique, as they contain great amount the most beneficial minerals for our body. The composition of rock oil includes silver, sodium, magnesium, iron, gold, copper, phosphorus, iodine, platinum, silicon, calcium, etc. The concentration of these substances in the oil is so high that it has healing effect not only on separate body, but for the entire body as a whole, and at the cellular level.

Doctors have discovered that stone oil is perhaps the only product that can have a stimulating effect on all enzymatic processes of our body, sending exactly as many micro and macroelements to weak areas as needed for normal functioning.

Properties and uses of rock oil

White mumiyo is used to treat a large number of diseases, as it has pronounced antibacterial, wound-healing, antitumor, hepatoprotective and antimetastatic properties.

It is used to treat fractures and stimulate growth bone tissue, stomatitis, diabetes, prostatitis, otitis, pleurisy, cataracts, diseases gastrointestinal tract, including ulcers, kidney diseases, skin diseases, cystitis and for the prevention of the occurrence and development of malignant tumors.

The mineral is effective for many chronic and long-standing diseases that are already difficult to respond to drug treatment, such as any diseases of the musculoskeletal system, for any inflammatory processes, for cardiovascular and nervous diseases.

How to take rock oil

Before you start taking the healing solution, you need to know a few recommendations. Stone oil is diluted only in boiled water at room temperature. For beginners, you first need to know the body’s reaction to taking the mineral, so standard dose On the first day of use, you will need to make it less concentrated by diluting it with water.

The standard preparation method is as follows: 3 grams of stone oil crushed to powder (this is about 1 teaspoon without top) is poured into 3 liters of water and left for two days to infuse. After time, using a straw, carefully so as not to disturb the sediment, the infusion is poured into another container, and the remaining sediment is thrown away or used to treat skin diseases, if any, as lotions.

The concentration of the infusion can vary, both up and down - it all depends on the specific problem. If you need a weaker solution, dilute it with boiled water before use. If you need it more, add more powder or less water before cooking. Since the effect of stone oil is not observed immediately, but after 1 - 3 months, it is recommended to start treatment with the standard dosage.

Internal use of stone oil

For beginners, taking a solution of stone oil should start with 50 ml at half the weak dosage 3 times a day with meals. If there is no discomfort during the day, then the next day they proceed to taking 100 ml of the standard solution 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

The course of treatment is usually 1 month, then a month off and can be continued if necessary. If there are chronic diseases that cannot be cured for a long time, then the one-time dose of the healing solution is doubled a week after the start of treatment - that is, they drink 200 ml 3 times a day before meals.

Some special recommendations for treatment individual diseases no, since it was said above that the healing properties of stone oil immediately affect the entire body and the sore spot in particular. Therefore, the effect depends only on the concentration of the solution, duration of administration and individual characteristics body.

External use of stone oil

For external use, stone oil can be used both in dry form and in the form of a solution. Cracks, wounds, burns are sprinkled with powder, and a cloth soaked in the solution is applied on top for a compress. After 2-3 hours, the fabric is removed and the skin is wiped with a dry towel. Such applications are done once a day.

For other problems with the skin (purulent and inflammatory processes) and mucous membranes, make a concentrated solution: 3 g of stone oil is infused for 2 days in half a liter of water. Soak a cloth in the resulting solution and apply it for 1 to 3 hours, once a day.

To rejuvenate the skin and get rid of stretch marks, stone oil powder is added to your regular night cream. The elasticity and firmness of the skin is noticeably increased.

Contraindications to stone oil

This mineral should not be used during antibiotic treatment, pregnancy and breastfeeding, constipation and obstructive jaundice. There are also food restrictions: alcohol, strong coffee and tea, duck, goose and lamb meat, cocoa, chocolate, radishes, radishes are prohibited.

Cleaning the "Stone of Immortality"- the process is labor-intensive, but quite feasible at home. To clean the stones, you will need to dissolve them in water and leave for about 10-12 hours. The resulting liquid is drained through a sieve (don’t forget to stir along the way). Harmful impurities will leave with the drained liquid, and the remaining paste is re-settled and filtered. The bottom layer is grains of sand and all sorts of foreign bodies. You should get rid of this.

Once refined, stone oil can be stored indefinitely. Sometimes it happens that the substance begins to smell unpleasant. This is a sure sign of improper cleaning.

Consuming stone oil can not only relieve mineral deficiency, but also cause an overdose. In this case, more is not better. It is literally eaten in grains of sand, in grams, or placed on a tooth.

Stone oil - how to take?

When quality product maximum daily dose is 3 g. The recommended therapeutic and prophylactic dose is 1 g. Required quantity The product is dissolved in 500 ml - 3 liters of water, depending on the scheme. It is worth purchasing purified stone oil in powder form - it is easier to measure and does not contain impurities. The cleaning technology is based on dissolving a piece of rock in water, filtering and evaporating the liquid part.

Classic scheme: 3 grams of powder per 3 liters of water (boiled and cool). The solution is taken before meals three times a day, 200 ml. Duration – 4 weeks, after which there is a break of at least a month. The maximum concentration of the product is 3 g per 500-700 ml (stone oil, used for cancer).

Some usage patterns:

  • ulcer: 3 g powder per 600 ml hot water, a tablespoon three times a day;
  • diabetes mellitus: 72 g of powder should be consumed within 80 days, with 2 liters of water for every 3 grams, monitoring sugar levels every week;
  • prostatitis: 3 g per 0.5 l, make a microenema with a volume of 40 ml of solution, once a day, duration – a month;
  • pneumonia: 3 g per 1 liter, a glass three times a day;
  • burns and wounds: 3 g per 300 ml, apply a gauze compress soaked in the solution or irrigate the wound in any other way.

Stone oil is not a complete replacement therapeutic treatment. The product is used only in complex therapy. Treatment and prevention begin with small doses - from 1 gram per 3 liters of liquid. The concentration increases gradually.

When used, it is prohibited to take hormonal drugs, alcohol, fatty foods and cocoa beans (including chocolate). If hormone therapy– mandatory part treatment program, you should consult your doctor.

Rock oil is a remedy that has been popular in unconventional healing practices for thousands of years. His healing characteristics many decades ago were proven by doctors and scientists. However, today only a few people know about stone oil. So what does rock oil look like and why should it be used? This tool will be discussed in more detail below. What every person should know about this unique product? What is its true value?

Stone oil: what is it, what does it heal?

IN various countries around the world this substance is called differently. For example, residents are accustomed to calling Chinese stone oil “the food of immortal people.” In Egypt they call it “Illyrian resin” or “white pharaoh”, and in Sri Lanka they proudly say that it is mountain blood. This substance has completely different names, known to people already about five thousand years. He is praised by the people of Mongolia, China, and Burma. Widely known for its healing qualities stone oil from the inhabitants of Siberia.

So, rock oil - what is it? What does the substance treat? This natural remedy, which helps against many diseases and simply effectively heals the body. Used in the treatment of most various conditions, acute and chronic. Effective as a means to prevent certain diseases. Used to enhance immunity.

What is rock oil made of?

Although in the title of this product The word “oil” is present, but the substance itself is by no means liquid, but quite solid. In its raw form, stone oil will look like a plate, stone or powder. You can buy processed rock oil in capsules. It is known that Tibetan stone oil appears in high mountain settlements in the form of strange deposits on the walls of caves, grottoes or crevices in the rocks.

Rock oil is a natural mineral substance. It occurs, as a rule, on the surface of rocks due to the dissolution and displacement of some rocks by underground waters. As reviews of stone oil show, the shade of this substance can be completely different, and it all depends on the amount of zinc in the composition. The product may be yellow, beige, green, gray or red. There is white rock oil - purified.

Chemical composition of the substance

The unique chemical composition of stone oil is based specifically on mineral genesis. After a detailed study by scientists, information emerged that this oil contains about fifty microelements, in other words, a little less than half of all currently existing ones.

The composition of stone oil also includes:

  • sodium;
  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • copper;
  • magnesium;
  • zinc;
  • chromium;
  • silicon;
  • selenium;
  • manganese.

What is interesting and attractive for scientists in the study of oil is the fact that all available microelements can improve their properties by successfully interacting with each other.

Why are people interested in rock oil?

The healing properties of stone oil have been known since early times. People were quite surprised to discover that the action of this substance is such that when it is used, any cell human body takes as many microelements as she needs for normal life. This theory has been confirmed scientifically and medical level. The fact is that rock oil contains a fairly large number of forming elements, for example, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon and phosphorus.

What are the beneficial properties of rock oil?

Scientists, interested in the possibility of introducing this mineral formation in folk medicine, conducted a series of research work, as a result of which it was obtained interesting information. It turned out that this substance cures the most various diseases. This is because stone oil has the ability to interact with components with the human body at the cellular level.

As a rule, it happens like this: the internal elements of the substance penetrate the human body and begin to directly contact the cells, thereby increasing their protective functions that fail at the current pace of life. In view of wrong image Life, low mobility, polluted air, the human body is susceptible to viruses. Enhance immune protection- the main purpose of stone oil.

Reviews of stone oil clearly demonstrate that the substance is actively used to improve metabolic processes in the body, strengthening blood vessels, optimizing blood circulation, maintaining the immune system in order, removing blood clots and toxins and preventing various diseases in general. Stone oil supports the body in the fight against infections and has bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, and antitumor effects.

Where is rock oil used?

It has long been proven that this substance excellently treats injuries and relieves painful sensations. Instructions for use of stone oil confirm that the main mineral properties substances are actively used for the prevention and treatment of a number of diseases, ranging from common headaches to the last stages cancerous tumors. Diseases of the heart, digestive organs, breathing, vision, urinary system, musculoskeletal system, nervous system, pathology of the male and female reproductive system - all this can be successfully cured by using stone oil.

Very often this substance finds its place in the cosmetic field. Reviews of stone oil for skin are positive, girls and women note normalization of production sebum. Recovering water balance, there is a general improvement and improvement in the appearance of facial skin. This product is also used in cosmetology to restore natural hair color, improve its structure and combat split ends. Due to the fact that this substance is able to normalize the production of subcutaneous sebum, it can be used for both oily and dry scalps. Reviews of stone oil indicate that it actively helps restore the natural state of hair, while delaying the time of aging and hair loss.

IN medical field The healing properties of stone oil are used to support the body in the first weeks after surgical intervention. If necessary, the substance is prescribed by a doctor.

Options for using stone oil

Before you start using stone oil, you must be sure to read the recommendations for its use, and, if desired, consult with your doctor at your local clinic. There are several ways to use rock oil. Choose suitable option A doctor will help you with treatment.

First, you need to remember that rock oil can only be diluted in water at room temperature. If you are using this substance for the first time, it is better to make it less mineral-containing by adding more liquid.

How to prepare rock oil?

Before using a substance, it must be properly prepared. The instructions for using stone oil state that you must first finely grind the substance to a powder state. Take about 5 grams of oil. Next, pour the resulting powder into several liters of water and leave for three days. As soon as this period comes to an end, use a small tube to pour the contents into a separate container. The sediment remaining after the infusion can be used to treat skin diseases or used in the form of lotions.

The concentration of stone oil can vary, both up and down - it all depends on the severity of the disease. If a weak solution is needed, then it is better to dilute it more with boiled water before use. If you need a stronger solution, then before making it, increase the dose of stone powder and add less boiled water into solution. First positive properties from the use of the medicine will not be observed immediately. As people's reviews of stone oil show, the effect occurs after two to three months.

Internal use of stone oil

How to drink rock oil? People who are using this substance for the first time should start taking it with 10-30 milliliters of the substance. This dosage actually several times lower than standard rate. The oil should be consumed in the morning, at lunch and in the evening during meals.

As a rule, if no negative effects are observed within several days of taking stone oil side effects, then you can switch to the standard form of using this medicinal substance. Now you can consume up to 10 milliliters of solution three times a day and 10-15 minutes before meals.

Usually the course of treatment is one and a half months, then you need to take a short break. Afterwards, if necessary, you can undergo another month's course of treatment.

If there are acquired diseases that cannot be cured for a long time, then a one-time dose medicinal oil doubled a week after the start of treatment - in other words, drink 300 ml 4 times a day before meals.

External use of stone oil

In fact, it does not matter in what form the rock oil will be used: liquid or dry. Often stone mortar used as a compress. In this case, it is applied to external wounds and cracks. They need to be treated with stone oil ground to a powder and covered with a damp cloth. The stone oil compress should be kept for about two hours. Afterwards, remove the fabric and wipe the area where the compress is applied with a dry towel. This therapy should be done once a day for a month.

If purulent or inflammatory processes are observed, then it is worth making a more concentrated solution. Rock oil is also perfect for joints. To treat the affected organ, you will need several kilograms of stone oil, which must be infused in boiled water for several days. We also soak a piece of cloth in the prepared solution and hold it near the sore joint for several hours once a day.

Note that many women, in order to give their skin a more youthful and healthy looking, add 10-20 grams of stone oil to any night cream. The effect will pleasantly surprise you.


This substance should not be used during a course of antibiotic treatment, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, for constipation and obstructive jaundice. In addition, there are restrictions on the diet: alcoholic beverages and any meat products, except chicken, are prohibited.

How is stone oil cleaned?

The process of purifying this mineral is quite difficult and lengthy. However, it is quite possible to implement it at home. In order to dissolve the stone oil, it is necessary to infuse it for about fourteen hours. Pour the resulting liquid, stirring, into a separate deep container. The unwanted mixture comes out along with the poured water, and the remaining paste is settled and filtered a second time. The bottom film consists of grains of sand and foreign bodies. They should be removed as quickly as possible.

Cleaning stone oil, despite the complexity of this process, bears fruit. The resulting purified oil has no expiration date, so you can now use it for the rest of your life.

When cleaning, some people encounter this problem: after fourteen hours of settling, the oil begins to smell foul. In this case, you should sift very well upper layer solution to remove grains of sand from it. If this situation repeats, then, undoubtedly, the cleaning process has not gone in the right direction, everything should be redone.

Always remember that using rock oil can not only eliminate mineral deficiencies, but also cause an overdose. Stone oil is consumed practically in grains of sand, in very small pinches.

The use of stone oil for the treatment of the genitourinary system

Very often, stone oil is prescribed for treatment genitourinary system. The substance can be indicated for both men and women. Urologists advise using it for prostate adenoma or sexual dysfunction. Let us consider further treatment methods inflammatory process in men using stone oil:

  1. Oral method. In this case, it is necessary to take stone oil strictly internally, diluting one tablespoon of solution per liter of hot water.
  2. Stone oil compresses. It is necessary to mix a tablespoon of oil solution with a liter of water and alcohol. The compress is usually kept on the body for several hours.
  3. Microclysters. A few drops of oil are mixed with 600-700 milliliters of warm water. Next, the intestines are cleansed with an enema and warm water is administered. oil solution.

For genitourinary pathologies in women, the course of treatment lasts longer. A proven and high-quality means for combating cervical erosion and fibroids is stone oil in liquid form. It is necessary to dilute a couple of grams of this substance in two liters of boiled water and douching.

The course of treatment will be about forty days. It is recommended to use the resulting solution one and a half hours before meals 3 times a day. At gynecological pathology It is necessary to additionally insert a tampon into the vagina at night, after soaking it in an oil solution, which is diluted to 600 milliliters.

Help of stone oil in the treatment of respiratory diseases

In this case, for a speedy and effective recovery, it is best to use inhalations with stone oil. Many people, based on their own experience, advise turning to a recipe for using Chinese stone oil for bronchitis. What does that require?

A few grams of stone powder should be diluted in one glass of boiled water. Moisten the edge of the towel with the resulting solution and apply it on your back for 20 minutes in the morning, and evening time and at night - on the chest. It would not be amiss to use a regular oil solution, which should be taken three times a day an hour before meals.

This mineral is especially effective for bronchial asthma. When an attack of suffocation occurs, you need to immediately start inhalation (5 grams of the resulting powder in a couple of glasses of water). Therapeutic inhalation vapors must be inhaled half an hour before meals.

How to find real rock oil and where to store it?

Today, the pharmaceutical industry offers a huge selection of products, including those that contain stone oil. Such preparations can be various creams for external use, balms and shampoos. Natural rock oil is, of course, unrefined. But today on pharmacy shelves you can find a crushed, purified product of a yellow hue with a sour taste in the form of cubes or stones.

It is quite difficult to distinguish between real and fake rock oil with the naked eye. Therefore, all that remains for the buyer is to trust the medical professional, fully counting on his high qualifications. In this case, it is better to purchase this mineral only from a trusted and reliable place. On average, stone oil costs about 200-400 rubles. This is, of course, in solid form. The most expensive stone oil is presented on the market in the form of minerals, the price here varies from several thousand to 150,000 rubles.

It is worth saying that stone oil needs to be stored very carefully. It is believed that this mineral is capable of losing all its healing properties if the surrounding temperature fluctuates above 50 degrees. Therefore, many try to purchase cold-cleaned stone.

Stone oil can be stored indefinitely (especially if the substance is purified). For better preservation, you can cover it with a warm sheet on top.

In conclusion, we note that people who are fully interested in maintaining their health know what rock oil is and what it has served for centuries. Rock oil is a natural, natural mineral that is mined from rock crevices. Once upon a time, in ancient times, it was revered as the food of immortals, and obtaining stone oil was not so easy. Today, unfortunately, more than 70% of the population have not even heard of this useful product. It must be remembered: this substance has a number of healing properties for the human body, and in accordance with this should attract the attention of not only scientists, but also the common population.



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