Which cardiology centers are best to have your heart checked? Comprehensive heart screening program. Comprehensive cardiovascular screening programs

Today's accelerated pace of life, unbalanced diet, stress and many others harmful factors determine high level distribution cardiovascular diseases. Even quite healthy image life does not provide an absolute guarantee of avoiding them. However timely diagnosis If you don’t prevent the disease, then at least start treatment on time, because the earlier the problem is detected, the easier it is to deal with it. To keep the condition under control of cardio-vascular system, it is recommended to visit the cardiology center 1-2 times a year for full examination. And if there are any suspicious symptoms, delaying a visit to the doctor is completely dangerous.

Discussed in a separate topic. Despite the ever-increasing use of cardiac imaging, bedside auscultation remains useful because it is always available and can be repeated as often as required without cost.

Heart rate and rhythm Respiration rate. . Blood pressure is measured in both arms, and for suspected congenital heart disorders or peripheral vascular disorders on both legs. The bladder with a suitable cuff size surrounds 80% of the circumference of the limbs, and the width Bladder is 40% of the circumference. Leg pressure is usually 20 mm Hg. Above hand pressure. Heart rate and rhythm are assessed by palpation of the carotid or radial impulse or cardiac auscultation if arrhythmia is suspected; Some heartbeats during arrhythmias may be audible, but do not generate a noticeable pulse.

The modern cardiology center has all the necessary diagnostic and treatment equipment. During the examination you will find out detailed information about the state of your cardiovascular system, risk factors and ways to prevent diseases.

The Cardiology Center offers the following techniques examinations:

Composition of the cardiac screening expert program

Respiratory rate, if abnormal, may indicate cardiac decompensation or primary lung disorder. The rate increases in patients with heart failure or anxiety and decreases or becomes intermittent in the dying. Small, rapid respirations may indicate pleuritic pain.

Temperature may be elevated during acute rheumatic fever or heart infection. Low fever is very common after a myocardial infarction. A Doppler probe can be used to measure blood pressure on the ankle if the pedal impulses are not easily felt.

  • the doctor's consultation;
  • cardiogram;
  • pressure measurement;
  • blood analysis;
  • echocardiography (ultrasound);
  • others as needed.

Depending on the patient’s complaints, the doctor will prescribe an examination plan.

Cardiology centers in Moscow

Cardiology centers in Moscow have already reached European level quality of service provision. Despite the high professionalism of domestic doctors, before people foreign cardiology centers were more attracted, primarily due to the availability of the latest equipment, but now the situation is changing. Now in major cities Cardiology centers are equipped with German and American equipment, as well as the latest domestic developments.

A low ankle-brachial index indicates peripheral arterial disease, which can be classified as moderate, moderate or severe. A high index may indicate incompressible leg vessels. Difference ≤ 10 mm Hg. Normal; the difference tends to be slightly greater in older adults due to loss of vascular elasticity. Typically, during inspiration, systolic blood pressure can decrease to 10 mm Hg. Art. And the heart rate increases to compensate.

Pressure is noted when Korotkoff sounds are first heard and when Korotkoff sounds are heard continuously. The difference between pressures is the “number” of pulse parasites. Major peripheral impulses in the arms and legs are palpated for symmetry and volume; elasticity of the arterial wall. The absence of pulses may indicate an arterial disorder or systemic embolism. Peripheral impulses may be difficult to feel in obese or muscular people. The impulse has a rapid rise and then collapses in disorders with rapid arterial blood flow.

One of these modern centers cardiology is the Euromedprestige clinic. In addition to other areas, the clinic includes a new Moscow cardiology center. With us you can conduct diagnostics, receive advice and recommendations on improving the cardiovascular system, as well as competent treatment existing diseases.

The impulse is rapid and limited in hyperthyroidism and hypermetabolic states; he is slow and sluggish in hypothyroidism. Observation, palpation, and auscultation of both carotid impulses may indicate a specific disorder. Aging and arteriosclerosis lead to vascular stiffness, which eliminates the characteristic findings. In very young children, the carotid pulse may be normal even if severe aortic stenosis.

Auscultation over carotid arteries can distinguish murmurs from fruits. Murmurs occur in the heart or large vessels and is usually louder over the superior precordium and diminishes towards the neck. The trousers are higher, are heard only over the arteries and appear more superficial. The arterial fetus must be distinguished from the venous hum. Unlike arterial fetus, the venous hum is usually continuous, is best perceived by the patient sitting or standing, and is relieved by compression of the ipsilateral internal jugular vein.

The cardiology center of the Euromedprestige clinic is open seven days a week.

We remind you that no article or website will be able to deliver correct diagnosis. Need to consult a doctor!

Cardiology Center

The structure of the Stolitsa MC includes a cardiology center, where doctors with qualified great experience successful work in the best Russian and foreign clinics. This is a well-equipped cardiology center in Moscow, where you will be provided full complex diagnostics and treatment for diseases of the cardiovascular system (cardiovascular system), will help prevent their development

Carotid impulse amplitude and related disorders

Jerky, s full expansion followed by a sudden collapse. Low in amplitude and volume with a delayed peak. Double peak with a fast climb. Bifida with normal or slow increase. Combined aortic stenosis and aortic regurgitation. Decreases unilaterally or bilaterally, often with systolic fruition.

Peripheral veins are seen with varicose veins, arteriovenous malformations and shunts, as well as with inflammation and tenderness due to thrombophlebitis. The jugular veins are examined to assess the height and shape of the venous waveform. The height is proportional to right atrial pressure, and the waveform reflects events in cardiac cycle; both are best observed in the internal jugular vein.

Capabilities of the cardiology center "Stolitsa" in Moscow

In our cardiology center you will receive a detailed consultation with a cardiologist and undergo all the necessary studies to clarify the diagnosis. The doctor will give detailed explanations of the results, explain the essence of the disease, and indicate the risks. Tell you about the necessary lifestyle changes, proper nutrition, permissible physical activity, physical therapy that contribute to maintaining health and a decent quality of life.

The jugular veins are usually examined with the patient lying at 45°. The upper part of the venous column is usually located just above the collarbones. If such conditions are severe, the venous column may extend to the level of the jaw, and its top part can only be detected when the patient is sitting upright or standing. Venous column of low hypovolemia.

Usually the venous column can be briefly elevated under firm pressure hands on stomach; the column falls after a few seconds, despite continued pressure in abdominal cavity. Typically, the venous column drops slightly during inspiration as the decreased intrathoracic pressure draws blood from the periphery into the vena cava.

Will assign the optimal drug therapy. He will monitor its effectiveness, adjust if necessary, monitor the patient’s condition over time, recommending the necessary studies in a timely manner.

Will refer you for treatment using extracorporeal hemocorrection methods.

Composition of the cardiac screening-express program

The jugular veins can usually be distinguished clinically but are best seen on screen during central venous pressure monitoring. The wave caused by contraction of the right atrium is accompanied by convergence of x caused by relaxation of the atria. Giant waves occur with atrioventricular dissociation, when the atrium contracts and the tricuspid valve closes.

The waves are very noticeable with tricuspid regurgitation. Preoperative anesthetic assessment of the cardiac surgical patient remains an important component perioperative care. Despite extensive preoperative evaluation, a small number of cardiac surgery patients may have significant undiagnosed cardiovascular disease.

Will involve the necessary specialists in the diagnostic and treatment process.

Conduct medical examination - periodic examination of men and women to assess the risk of developing cardiovascular pathology.

Comprehensive examination “Cardiological profile No. 4”

Where to get a heart test. If you are interested in this issue, please contact the administrators of our medical center. They will help you choose the time of your visit, tell you the rules of preparation and procedure.

When documenting symptoms, functionality And physical signs Conventional indicators and scales should be used. Some understanding of the basic principles, sensitivity, and specificity of routine cardiac testing is essential.

Some of the most advanced risk assessment tools in medicine are available for these patients. Heart surgical patients are one of the most studied patient groups encountered by an anesthesiologist. However, data from studies using intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography indicate that 5% of patients have additional and still undocumented pathology. There is therefore no room for complacency, and careful preoperative assessment by the anesthesiologist remains an important component of perioperative care.

Comprehensive examination of the cardiovascular system You need to start with an examination by a cardiologist. The doctor will collect anamnesis, clarify complaints, and rule out contraindications for examinations. After this, the patient must undergo several tests.

At the first stage comprehensive examination hearts includes:

Such studies are absolutely safe and painless. According to this scheme, even patients with installed pacemakers. The same tests are carried out during a comprehensive examination of the cardiovascular system in pregnant women and young children.

In addition to providing the patient with the basic courtesy of meeting with a key member of the health care team, the information collected during this process allows perioperative management to be tailored to the patient's specific needs.

IN last years There is a tendency to evaluate elective patients in clinics "pre-appointment", usually 1-2 weeks before surgery. This approach allows most standard documents laboratory tests and radiological imaging before entering the university, makes it possible to organize additional research without delaying the operation, notify support services of the likely demand and allow the possibility of an appointment on the day of the operation. The results of all tests must be submitted in the patient's notes prior to admission.

Carrying out

ECG is performed on an outpatient basis at the clinic. The procedure takes about 0.5-2 hours and does not require special training. ABPM—24-hour blood pressure monitoring. To get the test, the patient must visit the clinic several times. During the first visit, the doctor will attach sensors to the body and explain the rules and procedure. For the next 24 hours, the patient must wear the sensors without removing them, even while sleeping, and keep an activity diary. Then he returns to the clinic, where the device is removed from him. After this, the doctor processes the saved data. Holter monitoring is carried out on the same principle as ABPM. During the test, sensors continuously record your heart rate.

In principle, placing an anesthetist in the clinic for meals seems reasonable, but it is unlikely that patients will meet the anesthetist who will provide their perioperative care. most preoperative pain management visits occur either the day before or on the day of surgery.

Comprehensive cardiovascular screening programs

In all elections and in the majority emergencies the diagnosis will already be established. For this reason, preoperative assessment invariably begins with a review medical card patient, the information collected is used to form the basis of the first part of the patient interview.

The heart examination takes about 2-3 days; in a few days, conclusions on ABPM and Holter will be ready. ECG data is given to the patient on the day of the visit.

ECG and monitoring make it possible to evaluate the dynamics of the heart. In order to exclude congenital pathologies, to evaluate the structure of the heart muscle, it is recommended to additionally undergo ECHO CG.

Instrumental methods for studying the heart

The presence of risk factors known to be associated with increased perioperative mortality and morbidity should be sought. Any records of previous cardiac surgery should be carefully reviewed to confirm adverse events or management problems respiratory tract. In addition to antianginal, antihypertensive, diuretic and antiplatelet medicines It is not unusual for patients to take oral hypoglycemics, histamine antagonists, proton pump, bronchodilators, corticosteroids or psychotropic drugs.

Evaluation of results

To interpret the results, you need to visit the cardiologist again. The doctor will conduct a second examination, assess whether the data corresponds to the age and gender norm, and, if necessary, prescribe treatment.

Based on the diagnostic results, the patient may be referred for additional studies - blood tests for sugar, cholesterol, checking coagulability, predisposition to blood clots. People with complaints of interruptions in heart rhythm, for whom the examination did not reveal pathologies, need to visit an endocrinologist. Incorrect operation cardiovascular system can be caused by pathologies thyroid gland. Diseases also cause pain in the heart area gastrointestinal tract. In this case, you need to additionally undergo gastroscopy and visit a gastroenterologist.

Of particular importance is the detection of whether the patient has recently been exposed to drugs that interfere with coagulation and the interval since treatment was stopped. Armed with the information provided in the case notes, the anesthesiologist can now introduce himself to the patient. After assessing the patient's understanding of both their illness and the planned surgical procedure the main points of the medical notes are usually summarized, giving the patient the opportunity to provide new information or correct any inaccuracies.

The primary goal is to confirm the presence, progression, and severity of documented symptoms and signs of primary cardiac pathology and other significant concomitant diseases. Actively look for symptoms of cardiorespiratory disease (eg, angina, dyspnea, orthopnea, impaired physical activity, fainting) and previously undocumented illness or new intercurrent illness. The severity of symptoms and effort tolerance should be documented using usual indicators, such as the Cardiovascular Canadian Angina Score, the New York Heart Association functional performance classification, and the Duke Activity Status Index.

Undergo a comprehensive examination of the heart and other internal organs You can in our medical center. To do this, you must first make an appointment by phone.

Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death worldwide, including in Russian Federation. The main cause of these diseases is atherosclerosis and its complications. High mortality is due to the spread of atherosclerosis in every person at one stage or another, depending on risk factors, as well as low symptoms clinical manifestations even on late stages diseases.

The main task of the cardiologist in this case is to assess all risk factors for the development of cardiovascular diseases, as well as to identify atherosclerosis and its complications in a safe, inexpensive and non-invasive way (without the use of contrast and X-rays).

The advantage of our clinic is that all studies are carried out by one doctor who, using individual approach to each patient, gives recommendations and, if necessary, prescribes treatment from a position evidence-based medicine aimed at prolonging life.

Comprehensive cardiovascular screening programs

Cardioscreening express

Cardioscreening-express — designed for rapid assessment of structural and functional state heart, identifying the main risk factors for cardiovascular diseases.


Shown at any age First stage examinations, especially in persons who do not have obvious pathology hearts.


Allows you to exclude the most common cardiac diseases(IHD, including myocardial infarction and heart scars, hypertension, congenital and acquired heart defects, cardiomyopathies, heart failure, frequent arrhythmias, heart tumors, etc.).

Program composition cardiac screening express

The total duration of the examination is only 40 minutes.

Sum individual components price list programs - 6000 rubles

The cost of the cardiac screening express program is 5500 rubles

Cardioscreening standard

Cardioscreening standard - intended for comprehensive assessment cardiovascular system and differs from the previous program by an additional blood test, which allows you to evaluate not only cholesterol metabolism, as the main source atherosclerotic plaques, but also the functioning of target organs damaged in cardiovascular diseases.


Indicated in middle and older age as a basic stage of cardiac examination, regardless of the presence of cardiac pathology. It is advisable to conduct the study on an empty stomach.


Allows you to exclude not only the most common cardiac diseases (coronary artery disease, including myocardial infarction and scars on the heart, hypertension, congenital and acquired heart defects, cardiomyopathies, heart failure, diastolic dysfunction, frequent arrhythmias, heart tumors, etc.), but also evaluate the functioning of other organs and systems (hematopoietic, the immune system, kidneys, liver, pancreas, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism and etc.).

Program composition cardiac screening standard

  • determination of body surface area and body mass index;
  • measurement of pulse and blood pressure;
  • general blood test with extended assessment of formed elements;
  • blood chemistry ( lipid metabolism, glucose, alpha-amylase, creatinine, uric acid, potassium, sodium, chlorine, ALT/AST, total and direct bilirubin);

The total duration of the examination is 60 minutes.

The amount of individual program components according to the price list is 9,000 rubles

The cost of the "cardioscreening-standard" program is 8,500 rubles

Cardioscreening expert

Cardioscreening expert - is intended for the most complete assessment of the cardiovascular system and includes the study of not only the heart, but also the blood vessels of the brain, the function of the thyroid gland and target organs damaged in cardiovascular diseases.

It differs from the previous program in the additional implementation duplex scanning vessels of the neck and brain for the purpose of visualizing atherosclerotic plaques responsible for the development of stroke, as well as more extensive biochemical analysis blood, allowing you to assess the functioning of the body as a whole.


Indicated in middle and older age as the “gold standard” of cardiac examination, especially in persons with risk factors for cardiovascular diseases (smoking, increased blood pressure and cholesterol, overweight, diabetes etc.), as well as those who have suffered a stroke or myocardial infarction. It is advisable to conduct the study on an empty stomach.


Allows you to exclude not only the most common cardiovascular diseases (CHD, including myocardial infarction and scars on the heart, stroke and chronic ischemia brain, compression vertebral artery for osteochondrosis and other diseases great vessels brain, hypertension, congenital and acquired heart defects, cardiomyopathies, heart failure, diastolic dysfunction, frequent arrhythmias, heart tumors, etc.), but also evaluate the work of other organs and systems (hematopoietic, coagulation and immune systems, kidneys, liver , lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, etc.).

Program composition cardiac screening expert

  • determination of body surface area and body mass index;
  • measurement of pulse and blood pressure;


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