Why do goldfish develop black spots? Goldfish diseases and methods of their treatment

Fish, like other living beings, often get sick. And then they need health care. Let's look at the main fish diseases.

Fungal diseases of fish

This category of illnesses includes clouding of scales, caused by the ciliated ciliate “Cyclochaeta minor”. Symptoms of the disease include damage to many areas on the fish’s body. If you shine rays of light on your pet, the damage will look rough.

Another common fish disease is scabies. The causes of the disease include active work bacteria, and it, in turn, arises due to excess artificial feed. Scabies will be indicated white mucus on the animal’s body, the fish’s faded scales and the fact that it is constantly trying to itch.

The next fungal disease is ringworm. Any freshwater fish can suffer from it. The fungus actively spreads due to the pet’s poor immunity, and, in addition, due to injuries and improper care. Ringworm is indicated by small formations in the form of white threads on the entire body of the fish. Over time, the disease can spread to the muscles, and then to internal organs. This is why you should start treating your fish promptly.

Diseases due to errors in care

If your fish has raised scales and the whole body is swollen, then most likely it has dropsy. The cause of the disease is the spread of harmful bacteria in the pet’s blood. The disease can occur when toxic poisoning if the owner accidentally introduced a substance harmful to fish into the water. In addition to the main symptoms, there are others: enlargement of the eyes and abdomen of the fish, as well as lack of control over the curves of the spine and tail.

Similar to humans, goldfish suffer from colds because of sharp jumps temperature. This disease will be indicated by active peeling of some areas skin.

Goldfish often experience inflammation of the stomach because of poor quality feed or overeating. You need to sound the alarm if the animal moves little, its abdomen has enlarged, its anus has turned red and bloody thread-like excrement has appeared.

What causes diseases in goldfish?

Most often, fish get sick due to improper feeding, namely, due to the abundance of different larvae in the food. This type complementary foods are useful, but only in limited quantities. For example, a cyclops can attack fry and destroy them, although it is food for them. Leeches and swimming beetles should not be allowed into the aquarium at all.

When found strange behavior If you have a fish, immediately isolate it and observe for a while. Try to determine from the symptoms what disease she may have. However, in any case, you need to urgently contact veterinary clinic"AVIS". Only a professional can deliver accurate diagnosis and prescribe therapy.

When isolating a sick fish, be sure to empty the container with contaminated water, but do not throw away the soil. Just rinse it hot water, and thoroughly clean the walls of the infected aquarium with salt.

Isolation of sick fish

For isolation, a special aquarium is used, the size of which should be about 50 liters. It is better not to give food to a sick fish, the exception is the treatment of exhausted fish. extreme pets Oxygen must be supplied to the water in greater quantities than usual.

It often happens that already upon purchase gold fish infected. Therefore, when choosing an animal, consider a number of factors. The color of the fish should be bright and its behavior active. The scales of healthy animals shine, the fish eats well, and its dorsal fin is located vertically.

When a sick fish enters an isolation aquarium, the degree of purity of the water must be clearly monitored. The water needs to be changed every three days, and if there are no results from the treatment, prepare special baths for the fish. For them you need to take 1 gram of potassium permanganate and 100 grams of water. The resulting solution is used to bathe the fish twice a day for 15 minutes.

How to treat goldfish and avoid recurrent disease?

In addition to the manganese baths described above, salt baths have proven themselves well. Lapis solution, on the contrary, is better not to use because it is too high concentration. For stomach inflammation, it is recommended to include fresh frozen food in the fish’s diet, for example, bloodworms and daphnia. However, food must be heated before using them.

Concerning preventive measures, then it is best to use running water for the aquarium, give the fish live and plant foods and avoid sudden changes in water temperature. IN difficult cases Be sure to ask the advice of specialists at the AVIS clinic.

Goldfish are a real decoration for anyone home aquarium. And it’s all the more annoying to watch when these beautiful creatures become ill, their behavior and appearance change. That is why it is important for every aquarist to be able to recognize the disease in time and know what priority measures can be taken. Let's take a look at the most common goldfish diseases and find out how to treat them.

Common Signs of Goldfish Disease

Any healthy fish has a bright and even color, shiny scales and an excellent appetite. She is active, mobile and enjoys communicating with her relatives.
The first signs that your pet is sick:

  • changes in the color and structure of the scales, their ruffling;
  • the appearance of unusual plaque, spots, ulcers or growths on the scales;
  • inflammation on the gills in the form of red spots;
  • body bloating;
  • clouding of the eyeballs;
  • apathy and immobility;
  • anxiety and restlessness;
  • lack of appetite, exhaustion;
  • rapid breathing;
  • constant stay at the surface or at the bottom.

Important! If any symptoms of the disease appear, you should observe the fish and, if necessary, seek help from a specialist to clarify the diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

All fish diseases are divided into two main groups:

Such diseases usually cause incorrect conditions housing, unbalanced feed, injury or exposure to chemicals.


  • insufficient aeration in the aquarium;
  • incorrect water temperature;
  • overcrowding of the aquarium.


  • individuals spend a long time at the surface of the water and intensively swallow air;
  • their gills are constantly slightly open;
  • appetite decreases;
  • growth slows down.

Treatment: enriching the water with oxygen by replacing 30% of the total volume of the aquarium, increased aeration and lowering the water temperature, reducing the number of inhabitants of the aquarium, removing organic waste from the bottom and walls.


  • excess oxygen in the aquarium;
  • water insufficiently prepared for replacement.

Important! To prevent gas embolism, it is necessary to leave the water for at least a day and warm it slightly before changing it in the aquarium.


  • the appearance of air bubbles on the body;
  • lethargy or restlessness;
  • slow movement of gill arches;
  • darkening of gill tissues;
  • the appearance of swelling and clouding of the eyes (sometimes).
Treatment: eliminating excess oxygen, reducing aeration, or transplanting fish into an aquarium with normal parameters.

Hypothermia and overheating


  • incorrect temperature parameters in the aquarium.


  • in case of hypothermia - lethargy, pressing of fins, decreased appetite, lying on the bottom;
  • when overheated - swallowing air on the surface of the water, rapid breathing, erratic movements, timidity.

Treatment: normalization of living conditions and elimination of factors of overheating or hypothermia of water. IN in case of emergency- placing fish in an aquarium with the correct water parameters.


  • dysfunction of the swim bladder due to overfeeding;
  • improper diet with frequent use of dry food.


  • loss of coordination of movements;
  • clumsiness;
  • hovering near the surface or being at the bottom.

Treatment: cleaning the aquarium, normalizing nutrition with the transition to a plant-based diet. At severe symptoms The fish should be placed in a separate “hospital” aquarium with the following parameters: depth - 5 cm, temperature - +26 ° C, high aeration. Feed with bloodworms and daphnia (live). The disease should go away in 2–3 days.

Infectious diseases

When any infectious disease It is necessary to completely replace the water in the aquarium, thoroughly rinse and disinfect the soil, filter and all internal decorative elements.


  • activation of the herpes virus caused by incorrect water parameters;
  • sudden movement of fish from one environment to another.


  • neoplasms on the body in the form of grains outlined in white, pink or yellowish color.

Treatment: improvement of housing and nutrition conditions to increase the immunity of fish.

Did you know? Goldfish are considered the most voracious aquarium fish. They do not know the feeling of fullness and will eat until all the food given to them is gone. That is why you should independently regulate the amount of food and never overfeed them.

Fin rot


  • overcrowding of the aquarium, especially with fish with elongated or veiled fins;
  • hypothermia of pets and activation of Pseudomonas bacteria.


  • torn edges of the tail or fins with a bluish-white mucous coating;
  • sometimes - blurred eyes;
  • in advanced cases - erosion, rotting and complete loss of the caudal fin.

Treatment: fish replanting, improvement of living conditions. Daily, up to full recovery, treatment of the affected areas of the fins with a 1% solution of gentian violet (do not allow the product to get into the eyes and gills of the fish), or the use of bactericidal preparations: Bicillin, malachite green.

Ichthyophthiriasis (white spot or semolina)


  • activation of the protozoan Ichthyophthirius multifiliis due to incorrect water parameters;


  • the appearance of white specks on the body and fins;
  • fish itches on hard surfaces;
  • stays near the surface and breathes greedily.

Treatment: daily treatment of fish and aquarium equipment with a bactericidal preparation by introducing malachite green, “Bicillin” or “Antipara” into the aquarium, along with replacing 25% of the water volume and gradually heating it by 4-5 degrees Celsius.

Oodiniosis (velvet disease)


  • improper conditions of detention;
  • replanting new fish without prior quarantine.


  • the appearance of white spots on the body that resemble flour;
  • restless fish behavior.
Treatment: placement of fish in an isolator, therapy with anti-inflammatory drugs, for example, Bicillin-5, which dissolves in the amount of 10,000 units of the drug per 1 liter of water. The insulator must be shaded because this remedy in the light it loses its effectiveness.
The fish should be placed in an isolation room for 15–20 hours, and then left in quarantine for 5–6 days, monitoring its condition and giving regular food. If there are no signs of disease, return to the general aquarium.

Did you know? Goldfish mate only when the lights are off, revealing themselves with large splashes of water. And in the morning, thousands of small eggs are found scattered everywhere, which stick to the plants, filter and walls of the aquarium.



  • entry of a flagellate ciliate or its variety into the gall bladder or intestines of a fish;
  • the appearance of infected fish in the aquarium.


  • inflamed anus;
  • stringy white mucous stool;
  • erosion of the skin in the form of mucous perforated ulcers;
  • refusal of food, exhaustion.

Treatment: Creation the right conditions content, varied and nutritious food. The fish are not removed, but the drug “Metronidazole” is added to the general aquarium in an amount of 250 mg per 35 liters of water. It needs to be added for three days, replacing 25% of the aquarium water. Later, after a day, you can replace 15% of the water. If the fish refuses food, treatment should be suspended. The first improvements should become noticeable within a week, the total duration of treatment is 10–14 days.

Furunculosis (aeromonosis)


  • unfavorable environmental factors and active development of the bacterium Aeromonas salmonicida;
  • the appearance of an infected individual;
  • a large amount of organic matter in the aquarium.


  • formation of boils in muscle tissue;
  • rupture of boils and transformation into reddish ulcers;
  • bleeding ulcers in the area anus and fins;
  • lethargy, lack of appetite;
  • ruffled scales;
  • abdominal dropsy;
  • bulging eyes;
  • in advanced cases - pathological processes in internal organs.

Treatment: cleaning and disinfection of the aquarium, soil, plants and equipment. It is necessary to increase the temperature of the water in the aquarium, aerate it, but not filter it. Therapy using the drugs “Antibac”, “Ichthiovit Antibak”, “Ichthiovit Kormaktiv”, “Fiosept” and others. The diagnosis is made based on laboratory tests.

So, in most cases, the cause of goldfish diseases is bad conditions content. In order for your pets to feel good, you should take care of the correct water parameters, quality feed and good aeration. In addition, you must carefully select new residents for your aquarium and be sure to keep them in quarantine for at least a month.

Fish, like any living beings, are susceptible to diseases. Timely diagnosis of diseases aquarium fish significantly facilitates their treatment, since most diseases can be suppressed at an early stage.

U aquarium fish diseases are divided into:

Non-communicable diseases of aquarium fish

Chlorine poisoning

The causes of the disease may be chemical factors(exposure to chlorine). The main symptoms are difficulty breathing, the gills are covered with mucus and their color becomes lighter. The fish behave restlessly, rush around and try to jump out of the pool. Over time, they become lethargic, do not respond to anything and quickly die.

To prevent similar disease It is necessary to constantly check the level of chlorine in the water. If signs of illness appear in the fish, they must be urgently transplanted into clean water.

Lack of oxygen

The fish behave restlessly, swim near the surface and capture oxygen. One of the signs of lack of air is the behavior of snails, which also rise to the surface. With a lack of oxygen, aquarium fish experience weakened immunity, infertility, suffocation, loss of appetite, which leads to death.

It is necessary to install aeration equipment in the aquarium. Periodically check the filter, aerator and oxygen circulation.

Failure to comply with temperature conditions

Occurs with increased or low temperature in aquarium. If the temperature is higher than necessary, then the fish are too active. They gather at the surface of the water due to lack of oxygen. As a result, they have oxygen starvation and exhaustion.

Too much low temperature manifests itself in the slow movements of fish, which are constantly at the bottom, almost motionless. Long stay in cold water leads to colds and possible death. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly monitor the temperature regulator and thermometer when changing water.

Some species tolerate a wide range of temperatures well: neon, goldfish, guppies and others.

Alkali disease (acidosis, alkalosis)

The disease is promoted by increased (alkalosis) or decreased (acidosis) alkali content in water. With alkalosis, the behavior of aquarium fish becomes active, the gills and fins spread out, and the color becomes lighter. Mucus appears on the gills.

Signs of acidosis: fish become shy, less active and mobile. They can swim belly up or sideways. Alkali disease mainly affects those fish species that are adversely affected by changes in acid-base balance(guppies, goldfish, neons, swordtails). It can cause splitting of fins, leading to death.

Treatment consists of gradually changing the level of alkali in the aquarium, bringing it to a neutral value. If the change in balance was abrupt, then the fish must be transplanted into clean water and the alkalinity level should be balanced.

Obesity fish

The disease occurs as a result of excess fat content of feed by 3 percent in herbivorous fish and 5 percent in carnivorous fish. Overfeeding, monotonous diet or poor nutrition Symptoms of obesity may also appear.

As a result of the disease, internal organs (liver, mesenteries, kidneys) are affected. The fish becomes lethargic, its sides become rounded, infertility sets in, which leads to death.

To prevent obesity it is necessary to give different kinds feed, fatty feed with high content squirrel, ballast substances and for prevention, do not feed for a couple of days. The size of the aquarium should allow the fish to swim actively.

Gas embolism

It appears if the volume of oxygen is exceeded, clogging of blood vessels in fish occurs, and blood circulation is impaired. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor them and the condition of the aquarium. The behavior of the fish is restless, they begin to swim on their sides, the gill covers are motionless.

The appearance of small air bubbles on walls, plants and soil indicates the occurrence of a disease. Bubbles can be on the fish itself and affect internal organs. If they accumulate in blood vessels, then an embolism occurs and the fish dies.

In this case, they check how the air circulates and the presence of excess plants, which contribute to the release of excessive amounts of oxygen and soil contamination.

Contagious diseases of aquarium fish


With this disease in aquarium fish there is a change appearance– skin color becomes lighter or white. The fish begin to swim on the surface. The causative agent is the bacterium Pseudomonas dermoalba, which can enter an aquarium with plants or infected fish.

To treat the disease, the fish is placed in a container in which a solution of chloramphenicol is diluted. The soil and water in the aquarium are disinfected.

Fin rot

The most common disease of aquarium fish. Appears as a result of damage to the fins due to Bad quality water or bites from other fish. The fins become deformed, decrease in size, and become lighter in color. May be accompanied bacterial disease, while the body becomes covered with ulcers, the abdomen swells. The disease is caused by bacteria of the Pseudomonas group.

Treatment: low-quality water should be changed, the aquarium and plants should be disinfected. Sick fish are placed in a container with a solution of chloramphenicol. It is better not to keep fish that are incompatible in behavior. Thus, swordtails are incompatible with aggressive big fish and so on.


The disease affects mainly viviparous species of aquarium fish: swordtails, labyrinths, gourami. Their behavior changes - they lose orientation, there is a disturbance in appetite, they become lethargic and apathetic. In some species, abscesses and ulcers appear on the body, and bulging eyes occur; others become blind, their skin becomes covered with black dots, and bones may protrude.

Cure is possible at an early stage of the disease, for which copper sulfate, trypoflavin, and monocycline are used.

Neon disease (Plistiforosis)

The causative agent of the disease is the amoeboid sporozoan. Symptoms of the disease: movements become spasmodic, fish rise to the surface of the aquarium, body position is upside down. Coordination is impaired, loss of appetite is observed, and skin color becomes dull. The fish keeps to itself and avoids schools. Representatives of carp species (barbs, neons, goldfish, etc.) are susceptible to the disease.

Neon disease is practically untreatable, so it is necessary to destroy the diseased fish and thoroughly clean the aquarium.

There is also pseudoneon disease, which is treated with a solution of bactopur (1 tablet per 50 liters of water).

Hexamitosis (hole disease)

The causative agent of the disease, intestinal flagellate, affects the intestines and gallbladder. The carriers are sick fish, sometimes due to poor quality water. Symptoms: loss of appetite, change in color, the fish stays solitary, the appearance of mucous discharge.

The disease can be cured by early stages. To treat aquarium fish, you need to slowly increase the water temperature to 33-35 degrees or dilute metronidazole in a container (250 mg per 10 liters of water).

Peptic ulcer

The disease is caused by bacteria (Pseudomonas fluorescens) that enter the aquarium with food or from sick fish. Symptoms of the disease are dark spots on the skin of the fish, they gradually turn into ulcers. Bulging eyes are observed, the abdomen enlarges, scales are affected, appetite disappears, and infection penetrates the body.

Necessary timely treatment, for which streptocide (1 tablet per 10 liters of water) or potassium permanganate is used.

Invasive diseases of aquarium fish


One of the most dangerous and serious illnesses aquarium fish, affects their entire body and cannot be treated. Symptoms: the fish swim on their sides, bloody and whitish bumps appear on the body. Mostly carp-like fish species (neons, goldfish and others) are susceptible to the disease.


Transmitted through contaminated food, plants or soil. Symptoms of the disease: fish rub against the ground, stones, and a light coating appears on the skin. The gills become lighter, become covered with mucus, the fish loses its appetite, and its breathing becomes more frequent.

It is best to treat aquarium fish in the early stages. Sick fish are placed in a container with high temperature water (31 degrees), to which methylene or table salt(20 g per 10 l).


The causative agent of the disease is the flagellate Costia necatris, which gets into the aquarium with plants, food and soil. The skin of a sick fish becomes covered with mucus, and the affected areas gradually decompose. The color of the gills changes, the fins stick together. The fish periodically rises to the surface and swallows air.

To treat the disease, the water in the aquarium is heated to 32-34 degrees or the fish are moved into a container with a solution of methylene salt.

If not completely, then at least partially, you can prevent diseases of goldfish in the following way: If possible, buy fish only in specialized stores where they try to sell healthy fish. When you bring new fish home, keep them in quarantine for at least a week. If during this time the goldfish do not show signs of illness, you can release them into a community aquarium. When feeding live food to fish, make sure that it is caught in environmentally friendly waters, and be sure to disinfect it, for example, in methylene blue.

Constantly monitor the behavior of the fish. If there is a deviation from the norm, seek help from specialists, for example, a pet store.
If you already have some experience in treating goldfish diseases, keep the most necessary medications for their treatment in your aquatic kit. Beginning aquarists are advised to have on hand Baktopur Direct, which helps with almost all fungal diseases.
Do not start treatment without consulting with specialists.

For a long time, they were used to treat fish. human drugs. It is strongly recommended to use special fish medicines adapted for aquariums for treatment. Most of them are not harmful to aquarium invertebrates, so they do not need to be removed from the aquarium while your goldfish is sick.

Here are the main diseases and methods of combating them:
New aquarium syndrome. Usually appears 2-3 weeks after installing the aquarium. Symptoms: fish are depressed, “hanging” at the surface of the water, swallowing air, refusal to feed. More external signs fish do not. In 4-5 days the entire aquarium can die. Treatment: increase filtration and aeration, change 10% of aquarium water daily to settled water for 2-3 days, heated to 90°C, then cooled to room temperature. Repeat this for 1 week or until the fish are completely healed.
Fungal diseases. Symptoms: a white coating and white threads appear on the body of the fish. The fish are depressed, either “hanging” at the surface of the water, swallowing air, or lying on the ground. Treatment: SERA BACTOPUR DIRECT.
Fin rot. Symptoms: destruction of the fins, the edges of which become dull white. Not to be confused with mechanical damage. Treatment: SERA BACTOPUR DIRECT.
Holes in the body. Causes of the disease: improper care behind the aquarium. Symptoms: redness on the skin, boils and redness at the base of the fins and anus, ulcers (not to be confused with peptic ulcer), apathy, loss of appetite. Treatment: use of antibiotics.
Fish pox. The causes of the disease are still not exactly known. Symptoms: white, pinkish, gray waxy tumors on the body and fins. After some time, they spontaneously disappear, then appear again. Treatment: it is rarely transmitted from fish to fish, practically cannot be treated, to fatal outcome does not lead. You need to learn to come to terms with it.
Swim bladder disease. Causes of the disease: occurs in selected goldfish with a deformed swim bladder. Most often it begins when living conditions in the aquarium deteriorate. Symptoms: A sick fish cannot maintain its position in the water. It either lies on the bottom or floats to the surface of the water, often with its belly up. Treatment: effective way there is no treatment. Sometimes lowering the water level helps, slight increase water temperature. Good results gives normalization of conditions of detention.
Bug-eyed. The causes of the disease are still not exactly known. Symptoms: unnatural enlargement of one or both eyes of the fish, with them protruding strongly from the head (not to be confused with varieties specially bred with enlarged eyes). There are NO other signs of this disease. As a rule, only a few fish from the aquarium are affected. The disease is NOT widespread. Sometimes fish with hypertrophied eyes can live for a long time, sometimes dies quite quickly. Treatment: An effective treatment has not yet been found. The disease is rarely transmitted from one fish to another, so sick fish can be left in a community aquarium. Application medicines not required.
Tumors. Symptoms: external growths on the fish’s body, enlargement individual areas bodies. They are rarely transmitted from fish to fish. Treatment: An effective treatment has not yet been found. But tumors can easily be confused with another disease that is similar in observable signs - kidney swelling. This causes the fish's belly to swell unnaturally (not to be confused with a female with eggs during the breeding season). This disease is infectious and always leads to death, since no effective treatment has yet been found. Therefore, if such symptoms are detected in a fish, it must be isolated from the rest. As long as she continues to actively feed, she can be left alone. If its health deteriorates significantly, it is better to kill the sick fish, interrupting its suffering.

As a conclusion, I urge you not to diagnose goldfish diseases on your own, and especially not to start treatment without consulting experienced aquarists until you learn how to independently and correctly identify goldfish diseases, at least using the express diagnostic table.

Friends, unfortunately, the format of the site does not yet allow us to quickly answer your questions. We have prepared another article, the fish died, which should help understand the reasons for the abnormal behavior of pets.


Hello, I have a problem with goldfish. They have been living in the aquarium for more than a year, but a few days ago, after changing the water, the lionhead died, although it was healthy in the morning. Now the problem with the telescope lies at the bottom, the other two are still healthy. Aquarium 60 liters, weekly water changes, compressor and filter 2 in 1.

Hello! aquarium 360 liters, water change once a week, 30% of water! There are 8 goldfish in the aquarium, equipped with an external filter, sterilizer, and pump! A week ago, black spots appeared in the form of moss, I don’t know how to treat it! Help please

Zoo portal website
Hello, Anatoly. In the worst case, these are the larvae of digenetic flukes on the skin and fins of fish. There is no cure

The telescope is lethargic and has lost color on its body. Appetite preserved. How to help the fish?

Hello. My ordinary goldfish lives in a 90 liter aquarium. with 2 soms. More recently, strange red stripes have appeared on the tail, similar to veins or veins. They go from the beginning to the end of the tail. Several scales fell off from one side. He has an appetite and eats well. Moves normally. He has been living with us for more than half a year. What could it be and how to treat it.

A couple of days ago the goldfish had a black spot near its eye (on the left side), today on the right side it’s the same story, only there are already several spots. The fish is active, eating and moving as usual. What could it be? How to help the fish?

Hello! One of the goldfish has holes in its body. Causes of the disease: improper care of the aquarium. Symptoms: redness on the skin, abscesses and redness at the base of the fins and anus, ulcers (not to be confused with peptic ulcers), apathy, loss of appetite. How to treat?

I have 1 lionhead goldfish in my aquarium. Aquarium for 60 liters of air for 80 liters of fish for 3 years. She has been lying on the bottom with her belly on top for 3 days and her sides are red! Help me please!

The goldfish got sick, black dots appeared on the body near the eyes, what to do, how to cure it?

There are 3 goldfish in the aquarium, one of them has a red cap covered with a white coating, the tail is torn, there are red veins in the tail, what should I do and how to treat it?

Zhemchuzhina’s chin and gills are red, it looks like a bruise, one eye has become larger than the other, there are no changes in behavior, her appetite is good

The aquarium is 30 liters, there are 2 veil tails and a snail, a week after the purchase the tails peeled off and the outlines turned black, but the fish are active and the appetite is good. Please help. Thank you.

Hello! We have 5 goldfish in our aquarium, all but one are healthy. Signs: swims belly up, on the sides white coating. Help me please!

Hello! help cure goldfish, They are covered with small dots just like semolina porridge. I don’t know what to do with the fish, please help me find the answer

Zoo portal website
Hello, Alexandra. According to the symptoms of the disease, this is a typical semolina. The course of treatment and medications are described in the article.

Hello. My golden goldfish has some kind of spot on its forehead, red-vascular, it looks like some kind of tumor. What to do?

Hello, help cure the fish, the aquarium has 100 liters, filtration constant, near red the cap looks tattered, every day everything big square. What to do?

I have three goldfish in my aquarium, one is healthy, the second has a red tail, and the third on the left side for some reason has more and more black dots on its fins every day, what could be wrong with these two goldfish?

I have 2 goldfish. White flakes fly from them. what it is?

I have 2 golden vuletails and one telescope. For some time now I have noticed that the fins seem to have become torn. I don't know if I should have worried. Tell me please. and they swim and eat well.

I have a problem with lion head. Something like a bulge appeared on the head, 2 millimeters in length and width. In fish great mood and there are no other signs of illness, what could it be? Thanks

Lionhead goldfish. One lives in an aquarium for less than a month. It has become lethargic and lies on the bottom. Please tell me what to do. It's very urgent!

A one-year-old golden red riding hood has begun to lie on the bottom, what should I do?

[email protected]
The golden, lion's head, a year old, began to swim poorly. It floats up with the upper fin, swims with difficulty, like a swimmer. He eats normally, but the upper fin is pressed down.

Red dots appeared on the body of the goldfish. There are something like bubbles on the fins. What is it and what should I do?

My goldfish live for 2 years in a 100 liter aquarium, I added two new ones, but then dropped them out. For some reason everyone became lethargic all the time at the bottom. Appetite preserved. Please, help!!! What to do?

Please help, my goldfish has had fecal matter coming out of its anus for 3 weeks now, reaching a length of about 6-7 cm. Then it falls off and comes back again. What is this?

Goldfish get sick too. Some diseases are more common, some less common. Let's look at the diseases that are most common in goldfish.


Goldfish are the most susceptible to fish tuberculosis (mycobacteriosis). The bad thing is that the symptoms of this disease are not immediately noticeable, and a sick fish can infect other individuals that live with it in the aquarium. And only a stressful situation for the fish or improper care and poor nutrition shows symptoms of this goldfish disease. Symptoms of tuberculosis include lethargy and apathy, lack of appetite and exhaustion, bone deformation and bulging eyes. Soon after these symptoms appear, the fish dies. Mycobacteriosis is practically untreatable. Unless you managed to determine very early that the fish was sick with tuberculosis. Here it is necessary to treat with antibiotics. But if you see that the fish is very bad, put it out of its misery.


Goldfish also get rubella. This is very serious illness, and it is practically untreatable. If a fish is diagnosed with this, aquarists lose all hope. For this goldfish disease, the symptoms will be on the face: ulcers, pimples, lesions, dropsy, bulging eyes. Even with intensive treatment, when all symptoms have disappeared, internal organs may remain seriously affected by this disease.

Carp pox

Carp pox is widespread among goldfish, although it does not pose a particular danger to the fish. Symptoms of this disease are neoplasms that appear on the body of fish. In appearance, they resemble grains or pimples, and the disease itself is almost not contagious. Scientists have not found a cure for this goldfish disease and no treatment has been developed. There is only prevention of carp pox in goldfish: the disease can be provoked by a sudden change in water parameters, and also if the living conditions are not suitable for goldfish.

Prevention of goldfish diseases

You should not only carefully care for your goldfish, but also carefully select and introduce new fish into the aquarium. If you find any, even minor, flaw, do not buy the fish. After purchase, be sure to keep newcomers in quarantine for at least a month. And then diseases of aquarium goldfish will bypass you. Also be careful about sick fish. The disappearance of symptoms does not indicate the disappearance of the disease. Don't rush to release them from quarantine right away. Monitor them for a few more weeks to avoid infecting healthy fish.

Often the cause of fish diseases is improper care and untimely assistance. All rules for caring for aquarium fish should be followed, and then the possibility of fish disease can be reduced to zero.


Fish medicine manufacturers regularly release new medications for your pets, and most likely you will be able to find the right medicine. The main thing is to use it strictly in accordance with the instructions and for its intended purpose.



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