If you sleep during the day and not at night. If you sleep during the day and stay awake at night

Scientific and technological progress, man himself decided to manage his time. Let's consider this issue in more detail.

What do they say? historical information? The most knowledgeable expert in this field can be considered historian Roger Ekirch. His research lasted for 15 years. At the same time, an impressive amount of historical facts, documents and certificates. Thus, the scientist came to an astonishing conclusion: the nightly sleep of our ancestors was divided into two parts with a three-hour break at approximately midnight.

Ekirch's book, published in 2005, collected 500 references to historical drawings depicting our sleeping ancestors. This historical evidence comes from diaries, medical records and books. And all the sources point to the habit of sleeping intermittently.

Eight-hour sleep is a relatively new trend

In fact, our ancestors did not know that it was possible to sleep for 8 hours straight every night, and this is not surprising. At a time when electricity was not yet known, darkness prevented people from doing their usual things. People found nothing better than going to bed at sunset. However, sleeping for half a day is unacceptable for the body. That is why, going to bed around 8 pm, our ancestors woke up at midnight.

This time was considered the most productive and creative hours. In 2-3 hours of wakefulness, one could have time to do some idleness, or set aside time for science or writing books. With the onset of the second wave of fatigue, our ancestors went to bed again, now before sunrise.

What happens if we imitate the living conditions of the past?

Back in 1990, psychiatrist Thomas Veer conducted an experiment that returned modern man to the conditions of existence of ancient people. 14 volunteers were placed in laboratory conditions a closed space with no windows at all. Light was provided to the participants for 14 hours straight. The volunteers spent the remaining 10 hours in complete darkness. Within a month, participants were able to completely change their usual wakefulness. Already in the fourth week, volunteers began to sleep at night in two doses. Each segment lasted 3-4 hours.

When did this habit begin to disappear?

Historian Roger Ekirch did not stop at just studying the daily routine of distant ancestors. He decided to identify the reason that led us to the routine that we have now. Thus, at the end of the 17th century in bourgeois Europe, fashion was ruled by top class. The elite of society loved to set their own rules, seeing relics of the past in the fragmentation of nightly sleep. The beginning of the 20th century was marked by the industrial revolution. Workers in many countries were forced to work extremely hard. This forced people to sleep in one go, going to bed as late as possible.

Causes of the phenomenon

In the 17th century, more and more large cities appeared throughout Europe with high density population. However, scammers, prostitutes and other rabble traditionally roamed the streets at night. It is commonly believed that law-abiding citizens preferred to stay out of the city after dark. They did not want to see the other, “dirty” side of city life. But already in 1667, the first street lighting appeared in Paris. The medieval French citizen immediately fell in love with walking in the moonlight and admiring the landscapes of the capital at night.

Around the same time, it was gaining momentum industrial Revolution. Therefore, progressive minds have turned their attention to reconsidering the usual daily routine for the sake of increasing efficiency and productivity. Now the life of a European was divided not into days or days, but into hours.

When a person decides to challenge nature

According to Ekirch, most of the sleep problems in modern people lie in this deliberate change of routine. We decided to go against nature and allowed ourselves to sleep at one time. However, our body is initially programmed differently. Therefore, it is not surprising if you suffer from chronic insomnia or often wake up in the middle of the night. We do not force you to reshape your usual routine and blindly copy the lifestyle of a medieval person.

However, there is no need to worry if you suddenly wake up in the middle of the night and cannot fall back to sleep. It’s better to use this time profitably, because this period can become the most fruitful even in comparison with the morning hours. By the way, the very concept of “insomnia” originated in psychiatry in the 19th century. Previously people We didn’t know about this problem, but with the complete abolition of two-phase night sleep, it immediately made itself felt.

Don't know what to do during your waking hours at night?

Meditate, reflect, organize your thoughts and pray. You can start reading an exciting novel, devote time to creativity or work on your next project. If the body is ready to accept this regime, in the future you can start going to bed earlier.

What is a reasonable daily routine? This is daily life “keeping up with the times.”

It’s not for nothing that the vast majority of living beings are awake during the day and sleep at night, in the morning they want one thing, in the afternoon they want others, and in the evening they want others. This is due to the influence of planets. The sun gives activation of processes in the body and the strength to act, the moon gives relaxation and the opportunity to rest. The influence of the sun does not allow the body to fully rest, and the influence of the moon does not allow it to function fully without damage to the human psyche.

So, what are the consequences of violating the daily routine:

The mind and mind rest from 9 pm to 11 pm. Therefore, if you did not go to bed or did not fall asleep at 10 o’clock in the evening, then your mind and intelligence will suffer - mental capacity and rationality will gradually decline. The decline in mental strength and intelligence does not occur immediately, but gradually and often imperceptibly, Negative consequences can accumulate for years. When the power of the mind decreases, a person cannot understand what to do is good and what is bad. It is difficult for him to figure out how to act in certain situations. life situations, he makes mistakes that he later regrets. It's getting hard to get rid of bad habits. As mental strength decreases, anxiety, memory loss, and mental instability begin.

The first signs of lack of rest of the mind and mind are declineconcentration or excessive mental tension, strengthening of bad habits, decreased willpower and increased animal needs - sex, food, sleep and conflicts. Further consequences are chronic mental fatigue and tension, impairment vascular regulation and tendency to increase blood pressure. Sallowness of the face, tired dull look, mental retardation, headaches - all these are signs of a violation of the daily routine; a person does not allow the mind and intelligence to rest in the time allotted for this by nature.

If you don't sleep from 11 to 1 am, you will suffer life force, as well as the nervous and muscular systems. The consequences are weakness, pessimism, lethargy, loss of appetite, heaviness in the body, mental and physical weakness. These manifestations are usually felt immediately. The activity of prana in our body is connected with the nervous system, so the latter will also begin to suffer over time. The consequences are extremely unpleasant and dangerous - balance regulation is disrupted vital functions throughout the body, which causes a decrease in immunity and the development of chronic diseases. If you continue to violate your daily routine, there may be consequences in the form of difficult changes in the functioning of the nervous system, as well as internal organs.

It is also necessary to sleep from 1 am to 3 am, otherwise a person’s emotional strength suffers. Immediate consequences - excessive irritability, aggressiveness, antagonism. If this rule is violated, severe emotional exhaustion, and attacks of hysteria may begin. Further consequences are the gradual development of manic-depressive psychosis, that is, the person is overly excited for some time, and then falls into deep depression. The acuity of perception of the world through hearing, touch, vision, smell gradually decreases, and the activity of taste buds also decreases.

A few words about reasonableness. Intelligence is a person's ability to understand the forces that exist around us and influence our lives. Man of sense understands that there is time, the power of time, so he tries to do everything on time, as much as fate allows him.

For those who did not want to be friends with time, life puts them in such a framework that the person cannot sleep on time - night work, it is difficult to fall asleep on time, the TV behind the wall or other people interferes, etc. E that is the punishment of time for unreasonableness. If such a situation occurs, then changing it can be very difficult, but there is one good way. And now we will talk about how to eliminate these consequences of long-term violations of the daily routine.

Since human desire is a huge force, if you constantly want to change your daily routine, after some time a person gets this opportunity. If the desire was sincere and strong, then the strength is found to take advantage of this opportunity. There is only one way to strengthen this desire - communication with people who have already embarked on the right way and follow a daily routine. Listening attentively and humbly to such people creates changes in the mind that give enthusiasm to change everything in your life.

All other ways to eliminate the consequences of violating the daily routine are unreasonable and only lead to further troubles. It’s stupid to yell at your neighbor or family members, hoping that they will turn off the TV or calm down, and at the same time they will not think badly of you. It is unwise to quit your night job if there are no other income options. You need to humbly accept the situation as a consequence of your own unreasonableness in the past, and want with all your might to change the situation for the better.

According to the Vedas, all the people who surround us personify our sins committed in the past. Life arranges it so that we live and communicate with those people who can return to us all the good and bad that we have ever done towards others, including in past incarnations.

When a person wants a better life and at the same time does not blame anyone for his difficult fate, does not try to forcibly change other people, he gradually works out his bad fate, and his opportunities to live happier improve every day. And as for unfavorable factors, which prevented progress due to their own bad actions, then they gradually weaken and eventually disappear altogether.

Since time immemorial, people have taken refuge in their homes with the onset of darkness, bringing with it various dangers and risks. After sunset, a person took care of his home, family, and getting ready for bed.

The advent of electric lighting made it possible to extend daytime activity into the night, which changed the attitude of many people to sleep: the decision to go to bed at the appointed time is perceived by many as a certain act.

Is it possible to prolong wakefulness, guided only by your well-being and desire?

A wide variety of experiments have shown that the change in sleep and wakefulness is firmly connected with the day, with the change of night and day . Without damage to health, it is impossible to change the daily biological rhythm established by nature.

It is based on the Earth's magnetic field. From the moment the first DNA molecule is born, all living things follow it. The daily 24-hour rhythm is the main rhythm in our body; we are supposed to sleep at night and be awake during the day.

Attempts to change the day

With the birth of space medicine, experiments began to change the day, its duration and structure, and the term “fractional day” appeared. We had to deal with the everyday version of fractional days in a sports camp or hospital - this dead or quiet hour.

In hot countries, this version of the day is also common, when the period of sleep and the period of wakefulness are made up of two parts each. People use the coolest hours to work - early morning and late evening, daytime, the hottest hours, they devote to siesta - daytime rest.

Everyday fractional days have been developed over centuries and take into account human comfort as much as possible.

Experimental day, on the contrary, created extreme conditions for subjects, in order to study the effect on the body, whether it can rebuild itself, and how quickly.

Experiments on sleep-wake phase shifts have shown that the smaller the displacement, the faster the body rebuilds. But in any case, the subjects feel unwell. There is desynchronization - the coherence of processes occurring in the body is disrupted.

An offset of 12 hours causes even greater desynchronization. circadian rhythm.

From such a seemingly small change in the day, the body cannot recover for three weeks. Physiologists observed how the phase shift affected breathing and pulse rates, the production of hormones and body temperature, and psychologists studied the dynamics of “mental productivity.” The subjects had to reproduce the texts they had just read, add numbers in a special way, encrypt numbers with letters, etc.

The results were disappointing - productivity dropped by half.

To a day of unusual length even more difficult to adapt.

Nathaniel Kleitman, a famous sleep scientist, lived for 33 days in a 12-hour day (6 hours awake and 6 hours asleep).

The temperature rhythm for the new day has not yet developed.

The experiments with 6-, 8- and 18-hour days also ended.

The temperature rhythm relatively quickly adjusted to 21-, 22- and 27-hour days.

Thus, we can say that biorhythms are adjusted to new mode faster, the closer the changed day is to the natural one.

Here are reviews from subjects who lived on a 48-hour day:

great fatigue, minimal efficiency, work wears out, pale, haggard faces, wrinkles are emphasized.

Biorhythms do not want to adapt to such days.

As can be seen from numerous experiments, a person will not be able to adapt to any other rhythm without harm to his health.

What is the basis of our biorhythms?

What or who makes us stay awake during the day and sleep at night?

The system of human biorhythms is multi-tiered and hierarchical. The lowest tier is occupied by cellular and subcellular rhythms. They make up more complex tissue rhythms. Tissue rhythms form the rhythms of organs.

The top is headed by the main conductor of the entire orchestra of rhythms - the hypothalamus, the department diencephalon responsible for constancy internal environment and regulation of many body functions.

It has long been noted that the hypothalamus stands on the border of the internal and external worlds: it is a gland on the one hand, and part of the nervous system on the other. It receives signals from the outside, as part of the nervous system.

How endocrine gland regulates internal processes: produces special hormones for the pituitary gland, and through it for thyroid gland, adrenal glands and other parts. Hypothalamus agrees inner world organism with external factors.

Seasonal rhythms

It is not always easy for us to follow the rhythm prescribed by nature. Some of us would like to wake up in winter, but biological rhythms they do not give such relief and the adaptation mechanisms have to work in an enhanced mode.

During daylight hours I constantly want to sleep, stormy brain activity occurs only after dusk? What do you call a person who likes to work at night? What do you call an individual who is awake at night and sleeps during the day? Why does this happen and what are the consequences for the body? All the subtleties of the phenomenon: the reasons for its occurrence, the pros and cons of such a habit.

A person who is most active at night and sleeps during the day is called a nyctophile. This noun was formed from the name of the phenomenon itself. Nyctophilia is a conscious desire to stay awake at night, based on some psychological reason or illness. Moreover, the nycphile will be confident that it is in the dark that his brain works most productively and his performance increases.

It is worth noting that the popular belief that a person who likes to stay awake at night is called a “night owl” does not work here. The thing is that “owl” is just a person’s chronotype, indicating that a person prefers to go to bed at late time, and wake up a few hours before noon. We are talking about situations where the daily routine is changed by 180 degrees. Day is night, night is day.

I like to work at night - is it harmful?

There is no clear answer to this question.

On the one hand, for a person whose brain activity begins at night and gives good results, it will bring only advantages. On the other hand, with constant nyctophilia syndrome, many metabolic processes, naturally present in the body.

We have noticed that people who work exclusively at night at will(not to mention shift work, etc.), somewhat weaker and more emotional than those same “white collar” workers who leave for work at 7 am? The thing is that long working hours reduce the production of melatonin, the hormone responsible for sleep.

Systemic disruption of necessary night sleep breaks the balance of natural regeneration of all internal organs, increasing the chances of their rapid deterioration. Subsequently, the nervous system comes into play, emotional excitability increases, and inexplicable outbursts of aggression appear.

Causes of performance at night

There are several reasons for the desire to reverse day and night. After reading, you will understand for yourself how harmful night work is for you. Just ask yourself the question, why don’t I sleep at night?

  • Own choice, habit, inability to control oneself

The most common occurrence: you stayed up late, woke up around lunchtime - you can’t sleep that day. Having “scrolled” around this circle several times, day and night change places. It is possible to get out of this closed chain through an effort of will - go to bed earlier, get up early, despite the desire to sleep.

  • Violation with physical point vision, insufficient production of the “sleep hormone” melatonin

This problem can be solved using harmless tablets– melatonin – sleep hormone. Of course, a preliminary consultation with a doctor is necessary.

The most terrible and neglected form of “confusing” day and night. Caused by a dislike of being in a crowd, and as a consequence - being among people in general. Nyctophiles at this stage are extremely successful in their night work, however, they lose their communication skills with people. With such disorders, the help of specialists is necessary.

Every person sometimes wants to sleep during the day. If this condition occurs rarely, it is considered normal. And if a person constantly wants to sleep during the day, despite all his affairs and responsibilities, then he needs to pay attention to this, understand the reasons and, if possible, eliminate them. This article will tell you why a person sleeps a lot during the day, as well as ways to solve this problem.

Everyone has experienced sleepiness during the day sometimes

Why do you always want to sleep when it’s still day? The fact is that human body requires a certain number of hours of sleep at night. This need is different for everyone, but if it is not satisfied, a person will be drawn to sleep during the day.

Causes of daytime sleepiness

Probably every person has thought about why he constantly wants to sleep during the day. There are many reasons why a person constantly feels sleepy. Let's try to understand them in more detail.

There are physiological (psychophysiological) and pathological (pathological hypersomnia) causes daytime sleepiness.

The following factors can lead to psychophysiological drowsiness:

  • Drowsiness caused by physiological processes in the body. For example, after eating food, blood flows to gastrointestinal tract, as a result of this, the blood supply to the brain decreases and the person is drawn to sleep. The difference in blood pressure during the transition from cold to cold warm room can also be the reason why a person really wants to sleep.

Drowsiness after a heavy lunch - normal reaction body

  • Poor nutrition. Consumption of products containing an insufficient amount vitamins and energy substances for normal functioning organism leads to the fact that we sleep a lot in daytime days.
  • Pregnancy and lactation period. Drowsiness in this case is considered normal for a woman. The reason is constant change hormonal levels in the female body.
  • Elderly age. This factor Connected with physiological processes aging.
  • Use alcoholic drinks. A very large load on the liver leads to disruption of its functioning. As a result, the organ begins to produce ammonia, which has a negative effect on the brain, causing a feeling of confusion and severe drowsiness.
  • Abrupt cessation of smoking. Nicotine deficiency often leads to various sleep disorders, including daytime sleepiness.
  • Reception medicines, such as antihistamines, antidepressants, barbiturates, NSAIDs.

The following conditions can lead to pathological hypersomnia:

  • Insomnia. It is the most common sleep disorder. Lack of sleep at night may well cause daytime sleepiness.
  • Anemia. Why do people sleep a lot with this disease? The essence is a lack of red blood cells, which leads to insufficient oxygen supply to the cells. Developing hypoxia (lack of oxygen) leads to constant desire sleep.

Drowsiness may be a symptom of anemia

  • Diabetes. When a hyperglycemic state develops, a person becomes sleepy.
  • Diseases infectious nature(ARVI, infections with rash). Fever and intoxication of the body are the reason why you constantly want to sleep.
  • Malignant neoplasms. In this case constant drowsiness develops due to negative influence cancer cells to the central nervous system (central nervous system).
  • Sleep apnea. This pathology characterized by a lack of breathing for more than 10 seconds, which leads to hypoxia, and as a result of this the person constantly wakes up at night.
  • Klein-Levin syndrome. It's quite rare neurological pathology, which is characterized by memory lapses and severe drowsiness (the patient can sleep up to 20 hours a day).
  • Narcolepsy. This disorder is characterized by constant sleep attacks. The patient falls asleep suddenly and cannot control it.
  • Syndrome restless legs. This neurological disorder, which manifests itself in uncontrolled movement of the legs, including at night.
  • Other diseases (hypotension, hypertension, Parkinson's disease, cardiovascular pathologies).

How to fight the urge to sleep during the day?

What to do if you feel sleepy during the day? If you always want to sleep physiological reasons, then to stay awake during the day you need to follow several rules.

  • Daylight. When exposed to daylight, the body stops producing melatonin (the sleep hormone). If you need to wake up, do not sit in a dark room, go outside more often, do not neglect walks and exercise in the fresh air.
  • Sufficient water intake. With a lack of fluid, the body begins to dehydrate, which causes weakness and fatigue. Therefore, in order not to sleep during the day, you need to drink 2-2.5 liters of water per day.
  • Physical training. If you always want to sleep, do a warm-up, go for a run. This activates the nervous system, which helps eliminate drowsiness and promote sound sleep at night.
  • Breathing exercises. It is recommended to do this immediately after sleep breathing movements through the stomach. You should start at a slow pace and then gradually speed up.
  • Music. Listening to rhythmic songs during the daytime promotes wakefulness, as well as good mood for all day.

You can overcome drowsiness with music

  • Water procedures. Reception contrast shower helps to eliminate the dormant state well.
  • Nap. If you no longer have the strength to fight sleep during the day, close your eyes for at least 10 minutes. After such a break you will feel much lighter.

All people who are awake at night and sleep during the day need to follow these tips to maintain the normal functioning of the body.


By collecting complaints, questioning and examining, the doctor collects all the necessary information to find out the real reason drowsiness while spending differential diagnosis between psychophysiological drowsiness and pathological hypersomnia.

  1. General urine analysis.
  2. General blood analysis
  3. Biochemical blood test.
  4. Blood test for hormones.
  5. ECG (electrocardiogram).
  6. Electroencephalogram.
  7. Polysomnography.

Sleep study using a special device

Depending on the cause and type of drowsiness, the doctor decides what treatment to prescribe.

Treating daytime sleepiness

TO non-drug methods Treatments for daytime sleepiness include:

  1. Balanced diet. Required conditionnutritious breakfast. For lunch, it is better to avoid fatty foods. Recommended consumption more food, rich in proteins. It is important to drink tonic drinks such as tea, coffee, hot chocolate.
  2. Phytotherapy. An infusion of ginseng, eleutherococcus, lemongrass, and echinacea has a beneficial effect.

Drug therapy is used mainly to treat pathological hypersomnia:

  • Amphetamine, its analogues - “Destroamphetamine”, “Methylphenidate”. The dosage is determined individually by the attending physician.
  • Caffeine. Available in the form of tablets and drops. Take 100-200 mg 6 times a day.
  • CNS stimulants. These drugs affect the level of histamine in the human body. Take 150-250 mg 1 time/day.
  • Nootropics – “Nootropil”, “Piracetam”. Used in the treatment of drowsiness caused by central nervous system dysfunction. The effect of these drugs is due to improved blood supply to the brain.

Neurometabolic stimulator

  • Iron preparations – “Ferrum Lek”, “Maltofer”. Prescribed for the treatment of iron deficiency anemia.

Reception medicines to eliminate daytime sleepiness should be carried out only as prescribed by a doctor.

Preventing daytime sleepiness

In order to never experience the urge to sleep during the day, it is recommended to follow a number of preventive measures:

  • daily exercise;
  • avoiding overeating;
  • optimal physical activity;
  • staying in the fresh air;
  • prevention overweight and obesity;
  • avoiding stress and nervous tension;
  • taking a multivitamin complex and plant adaptogens two or three times a year for 30 days.

Lack of vitamins may cause daytime sleepiness

Maintaining a balance of work and rest helps eliminate constant fatigue, improve the functioning of the central nervous system and improve mood.


If you suffer from daytime sleepiness, then you need to follow the recommendations on your daily routine, nutrition, and physical activity. If the symptoms of drowsiness continue to bother you, it is recommended to consult a doctor to find out the causes and prescribe appropriate therapy. Be healthy!

It's no secret that a person needs to sleep on average from 7 to 9 hours at night, since it is at this time that the body produces all necessary hormones in order to ensure best performance brain

Sleep is a natural necessity for humans. And this fact does not need confirmation. But exactly when and how much to sleep is a rather controversial issue. Some say that it is enough to spend a whole night in the kingdom of Morpheus in order to feel happy and vigorous the next morning, while others vehemently assert that a person needs to sleep at least 3 times a day for 3-4 hours. And how to figure it out?

It's all about the body. It is known from biology that the human body temperature drops twice a day: from 3 am to 5 am and from 1 pm to 3 pm. It is at this time that a person feels most sleepy. He feels tired, becomes unable to work, and his memory deteriorates. It is recommended to sleep at this time so that the body can recover. At night, most often, few people are awake, but what if during the day you don’t feel sleepy at all, and there is no way to “take a 20-minute nap,” as scientists suggest doing?

Why do you need naps during the day?

Scientists still cannot explain the phenomenon of sleep, but they are explaining the mechanism of nature itself. The human brain is designed in such a way that during sleep it analyzes information and erases short-term memory. The easiest way is to draw an analogy with a computer: just as the RAM of the processor is cleared when the computer is rebooted, the brain gets rid of unnecessary information in the shallow phase of sleep. In this case, a 20-minute break during work is useful and improves work performance. More than one experience in the world has already shown that such short breaks improve the performance of company employees and university students. In China, they even established some kind of “sleep banks”, where workers come to sleep in capsules during their lunch break. In the USA and other countries, such methods of increasing working capacity are also practiced.

However, here a person is warned of danger. Firstly, you should remember that you should not get carried away with daytime sleep. Sleeping more doesn't mean doing better. The main thing is not to fall into deep phase sleep, because after it everything can be exactly the opposite. In other words, after sleeping for two hours during the lunch break, your memory, on the contrary, will deteriorate, and you won’t even want to return to work. Secondly, each person’s body is individual. Few people can bring themselves to wake up in right time, and the time of entry into the first phases of sleep is different for everyone. If a person is used to sleeping only at night and not closing his eyes during the day, it means that he The biological clock are so inclined and it may be inconvenient for him to change his daily routine.

For whom is sleeping during the day dangerous?

Upon reaching 40 years of age, many people experience some health difficulties. Someone's blood pressure goes down, which invariably leads to cardiovascular diseases. Daytime nap in such cases it is contraindicated, since sudden jump pressure after sleep can cause cardiac arrest or an attack, which will serve as a symptom of the development of the disease. During sleep, a person's blood pressure drops, heart rate and breathing slow down. When older people wake up from a short sleep phase, they often wake up abruptly, and therefore their blood pressure can jump sharply. They need good rest, A nap only makes the situation worse. In addition, if a person very often feels sleepy for no specific reason during the daytime, this may be a symptom of narcolepsy or another disease.

Even if daytime naps do not cause any serious consequences in people in old age, one way or another there is a risk of aggravating your situation in this way.

British researchers from Cambridge conducted research related to sleep for 13 (!) years. The results of their experiments showed that napping is bad for people between 40 and 80 years old, and they should avoid napping during the day and sleep well at night.

French neurologists who conducted their research proved that daytime sleep causes various lesions brain and dementia. Women who went to bed briefly after working hard during the day had very low scores on intelligence tests. However, exactly how many hours the women slept is not specified.

The consequences of a long day's rest

They try to impose on every person from childhood correct mode sleep: from 10 pm to 7-8 am and 1-2 hours in the afternoon. Children often have enough energy to last all day, so why put them to bed during the day if they “sleep without sleep” at night? hind legs"? If a child is forced to sleep, he gets used to falling asleep for a long time and, as a result, suffers from insomnia in the future. The hours “lost” at night have to be made up during the day (and even then, not completely), as a result of which a person simply becomes lethargic. Therefore, it is not at all worth giving a small respite to a small organism unless absolutely necessary.

And in principle, it’s not worth changing your routine to daytime sleep instead of nighttime sleep. During the day, the body produces completely different hormones than at night. Between 11 and 2 a.m. the body produces necessary elements For good night, and if you don’t sleep at this time, you then feel lethargic. The brain cannot “unload” unnecessary information without auxiliary elements, and therefore it becomes even more difficult to upload new information into it. This is why it is so important to monitor your routine and avoid oversleeping during the day.


Specialist Israeli clinic can advise you -

Despite the ardent desire. It's all about stress, systematic disruption of sleep patterns, poor nutrition and lifestyle. Sleep disorders are a huge problem modern world. IN extreme cases To combat them, you have to turn to specialists or even go to the clinic.

However, before resorting to such extreme measures, you can try to use a number of tips from psychologists who have helped many to restore normal mode life.

Try to protect yourself from excess information before bed. An interesting program or program disinhibits the brain, which simply cannot calm down for some time, preventing it from falling asleep. You should not watch or read the news at night, they increase the level of stress in the body, which does not contribute to good sleep.

Don't go to bed if you don't want to. Even if you have to get up early, and because of this you go to bed at nine, without special means You are unlikely to fall asleep if this time is more usual for you. Better do something relaxing and calming.
In the evening (from about eight to nine o'clock) do not do anything active. There is no need to plan the next day or solve problems, do it in the morning.

Comfort is the key to good sleep

Try to concentrate on your breathing before going to bed, while already in bed. Breathe in the following rhythm: inhale for four counts, hold your breath for two and exhale for six to eight counts. Concentrating very much on your breathing, it reduces stress in the body, and is also much more convenient than counting sheep. While counting sheep, your brain is activated, preventing you from .

If you are still awake half an hour after going to bed, take a warm, relaxing bath. Use essential oils.

Always ventilate the bedroom well: lack of oxygen leads to nervous, difficult and unsatisfactory sleep.

You shouldn't eat at night. Ideally, you should eat two to three hours before bedtime. This way you will not feel either heaviness or hunger, so nothing will distract you from sleep.

Even if you really want to, don’t sleep during the day. Daytime sleep will prevent your body from adjusting to normal mode, so that in the evening you will again have problems falling asleep.

If these tips don't help, consider seeing a professional. You should not buy it yourself, as this is only a temporary solution to the problem.



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