Aminocaproic acid how to dilute powder. Reverse effect: possible non-standard reactions to the use of drops

Aminocaproic acid has a strengthening effect on the capillaries of the nasal passages, gently relieves swelling and eliminates burning and itching. It has a positive effect on immune system, indirectly contributes to its strengthening.

IN complex treatment ENT doctors often recommend the use of aminocaproic acid. However, the instructions for use do not list rhinitis and other diseases of the nasopharynx among the indications for use of the drug.

Features of the drug

Purchasing aminocaproic acid in a pharmacy is only possible with a doctor's prescription. The instructions for use do not contain information about the use of this drug to treat the nose; it only mentions nasal bleeding.

However, it was found that the remedy is effective for ENT diseases. When instilled (instilled) into the nose, it has a number of useful qualities:

  • Strengthens the walls of capillaries, reduces their permeability and thereby eliminates swelling of the nasal passages.
  • Reduces the amount of pathological secretion released.
  • Affects the production of histamine, which relieves itching and burning in the nose.
  • Indirectly has the effect of stimulating the local immune system.

In case of severe rhinitis and sinusitis, when the secretion is accompanied by blood, and capillary fragility occurs against the background of the disease, the drug acts as intended - it eliminates this phenomenon.

When is use indicated?

Aminocaproic acid for a runny nose is used only in complex treatment.

The drug is indicated for all types of nasal diseases:

  • Acute infectious rhinitis.
  • Seasonal allergic manifestations.
  • Viral colds and rhinitis.
  • Bacterial sinusitis (sinusitis, sinusitis, ethmoiditis, etc.).
  • Adenoids.
  • Flu.

The product also helps with diseases of the nasopharynx (tonsillitis, laryngitis), and bronchi.


The instructions for use contain a number of cases in which aminocaproic acid cannot be used. However, these contraindications relate to intravenous administration, while topical use does not produce a total burden on the body.

You should not be treated with this medicine:

  • If there are problems with blood clotting.
  • In case of a tendency to form blood clots.
  • In case of individual intolerance to the drug.
  • In case of disruption of the blood supply to the brain (stroke, transient ischemic attack, etc.).
  • If there renal failure.
  • If the newborn is under 1 year of age.
  • During pregnancy.
  • During lactation.

Instillation of the drug

  • For children from 12 months to 12 years, use 2-3 drops in each nasal passage every 7-8 hours.
  • Adolescents over 12 years old and adults - 3-4 drops every 6 hours.

The medicine is available in sterile bottles for intravenous administration (5-percentage solution 100 ml each) or in powder, which must be diluted with saline (according to the instructions). For instillations, a ready-made composition is purchased.

To apply nasal drops, you will need to take a disposable syringe and draw from a stoppered bottle. required quantity means (1 division corresponds to 1 drop). Then the needle is removed and the medicine is injected into the nostril with a syringe. The procedure is repeated for the second nasal passage.

Before instillation medicine the nose is cleared of accumulated secretions.

If treatment is necessary vasoconstrictor drugs A break of at least 40 minutes is required between procedures; vasoconstrictor agents are dripped first.

How to perform inhalations

Inhalations with aminocaproic acid for a runny nose are carried out using a compressor nebulizer set to maximum big size particles.

For procedures for adults and children over 12 years of age, use 2 ml of the drug and 2 ml of saline solution. For children from one to 12 years old - 2 ml of saline solution and 1 ml of medicine. Inhalations are not given to a newborn child.

The duration of the treatment session is until the end of the solution. Children undergo the procedure once a day, adults and adolescents are allowed to do it twice a day.

The use of the product for colds, allergic and bacterial rhinitis, sinusitis and adenoids is always agreed with an otolaryngologist. Only he can competently prescribe treatment.

The pharmacological market is represented by a wide range of drugs for the treatment of pathologies of the ENT organs. An effective and proven remedy is aminocaproic acid, which practicing otolaryngologists include in the therapeutic regimen for the treatment of inflammatory processes.

The drug summary does not contain information about the use of the product for the treatment of ENT diseases, but the results tested in practice convince that ACC promotes speedy recovery patients with infectious and inflammatory processes of various etiologies.

Range pharmacological effects aminocaproic acid, according to the instructions, limited to hemostatic effect. A drug local action, helps stop bleeding in direct contact with bleeding tissues.

Indications for use of the product include bleeding during surgery, as well as the risk of internal bleeding that develops as a consequence of chronic gastrointestinal diseases.

The use of the drug in otolaryngology for several decades makes it possible to verify that aminocaproic acid is an inexpensive and effective alternative to many modern drugs during treatment:

  • adenoiditis;

Aminocaproic acid in contact with the nasal mucosa allows you to stop the action of antigens, eliminating the accompanying manifestations of allergies - itching, sneezing. Helps reduce capillary permeability, eliminating swelling of the mucous membrane, reduction in the production of muconasal secretions and purulent exudate.

In case of strong burning sensation, increased swelling of the mucous membrane and the appearance of a rash, it is necessary to stop using ACC

Does not have a sympathomimetic effect (vasoconstriction), does not dry out the nasal mucosa.

Interesting! Practical applications The drug has been proven to be effective against pathological microflora, which allows the use of ACC as a prophylaxis during the period of seasonal exacerbation of viral infections.

Application in otolaryngology

ACC is sold in the form of a solution with a 5% concentration active substance. Included in a comprehensive treatment regimen, as an auxiliary local drug for rinsing the nasal passages.

How to rinse the nose with aminocaproic acid for children and adults, the amount of single or total use of the drug is discussed with the treating specialist after a detailed study of the patient’s medical history.

Since the instructions for the use of aminocaproic acid in the nose do not contain information about the use of the drug for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory processes, ENT doctors are developing individual scheme treatment for each patient.

In most cases, rinsing the nasal passages in children involves instilling the drug with a sterile pipette, 1-2 drops of solution into each nasal opening 4 times a day for 5-7 days.

If necessary, ACC can dilute saline solution in a 1:1 ratio. For children infancy , the nasal passages are treated with turundas soaked in the solution.

For adults the recommended dose is equal to to 3-4 drops of medicine 5 times a day. Duration of therapy – 7 days. Using a sterile syringe or syringe, you can rinse the nose at the above frequency, pre-diluted with a solution of ACC with 0.9% sodium chloride in equal proportions.

Aminocaproic acid for adenoids

Infectious – inflammatory process may affect the nasopharyngeal tonsils. As a result of hyperplasia lymphoid tissue a violation occurs drainage function nose, hearing, intoxication of the body.

This pathological process typical for children aged 3-7 years. It is extremely rare under one year of age and in adulthood. ACC is enough effective against adenoviruses, but only when the disease occurs in the first stage.

Aminocaproic acid is also used for inhalation in the treatment of pathologies of the ENT organs

The choice in favor of aminocaproic acid is based on the absolute safety of the drug in local use, excluding the occurrence side effects.

Important! Children are not allowed to use ACC orally.

To influence the source of infection, they are prescribed rinsing or instilling the nose with a 5% solution for infusion. The frequency of the procedure and the duration of the course of treatment are determined by the doctor, based on the patient’s condition, physiological characteristics and possible concomitant diseases.

Use of ACC during pregnancy

According to the instructions, aminocaproic acid during pregnancy contraindicated at any stage of gestation.

Use of the drug may provoke detachment of the placental barrier, since during pregnancy the fibrinogen level is increased ( defensive reaction body for bleeding during gestation). Use in the treatment of ACC significantly increases the risk of placental thrombosis.

No matter what local application drug for treatment pathological processes ENT organs, contributes to weak absorption, the fact that the results of the impact on the pregnant woman’s body when rinsing the nose have not been confirmed clinical studies, suggests that it is better to stop using ACC.

Important! The presence of diseases such as embolism, thrombosis, bleeding disorders, renal failure, and individual intolerance active substance.

The medication is a hemostatic drug used for bleeding. The acid is used for the treatment and prevention of influenza, and for colds as antiviral agent. The medication is available without a doctor's prescription and is reasonably priced. Acid can be used intravenously, externally, or orally. The duration of treatment depends on the patient's diagnosis.

Forms of release of aminocaproic acid

The drug is dispensed from pharmacies in the form of a colorless and odorless injection solution, white powder, granules intended for the treatment of children. There are several ways to use aminocaproic acid:

Pharmacological properties

Aminocaproic acid solution is classified as an antihemorrhagic and hemostatic agent. It is used as a hemostatic for bleeding characterized by increased fibrinolysis (liquefaction blood clots). The drug helps reduce capillary permeability and increase the antitoxic function of the liver. When used internally, the acid exhibits antishock and antiallergic activity. In acute respiratory viral infections, the drug helps improve a number of indicators responsible for specific and nonspecific immune protection.

The substance reaches its maximum concentration in the blood 120-180 minutes after consumption or intravenous administration. When administered orally, aminocaproic acid is actively absorbed from digestive tract. The medicine is excreted through the kidneys without undergoing any changes. A small part of the substance undergoes biotransformation inside the liver.

Indications for use of aminocaproic acid

The drug can be used without a doctor's prescription. Indications for its use are the following ailments and conditions:

Aminocaproic acid is often prescribed for ENT pathologies. The substance is used in following purposes:

  • relieving congestion and reducing swelling of the nasal mucous membranes;
  • reduction of inflammation in rhinitis with allergic origin;
  • stopping nosebleeds;
  • decreased mucus production;
  • prevention of complications in rhinitis of various origins, sinusitis of all types, adenoiditis, acute respiratory diseases, flu.

Contraindications for use

Aminocaproic acid cannot be prescribed to certain categories of patients. The medicine has the following contraindications:

  • the patient's tendency to develop thrombosis and thromboembolic diseases;
  • DIC syndrome;
  • violations cerebral circulation;
  • kidney diseases accompanied by impaired functioning;
  • individual intolerance to the substance;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • coagulopathy due to diffuse intravascular coagulation;
  • bleeding from the upper respiratory tract having an unknown etiology.

Method of use and dosage of aminocaproic acid

According to the instructions for use, a solution of aminocaproic acid is used intravenously, by drip. If necessary quick effect, the patient needs to administer up to 100 ml of liquid at 50-60 drops/minute. The duration of this procedure is 20-30 minutes. In the first hour, 4-5 g of solution is required. Then the patient is prescribed 1 g until the bleeding stops completely. If a relapse occurs, the procedure should be repeated every 4 hours.

Aminocaproic acid is administered to children at the rate of 100 ml/kg of child weight per hour. Then the dosage is reduced to 33 ml/kg. The maximum daily amount is 18 g/sq.m. m. body surface. The following daily doses are used:

  • adults – 5-30 g;
  • babies under 1 year – 3 g;
  • children 2-6 years old – 3-6 g;
  • children from 7 to 10 years old – 6-9 g;
  • For patients over 11 years of age, an adult dosage is indicated.

In case of acute bleeding, the permissible daily amount of the drug is increased. Recommended:

  • babies up to 12 months – 6 g;
  • children from 1 year to 4 years – 6-9 g;
  • from 5 to 8 years – 9-12 g;
  • from 9 to 10 years – 18 years

The medicine in powder form must be dissolved in water. It is necessary to use the product orally during or after meals. The daily dose of acid should be divided into several doses (3-6 for adults, 3-5 for children). If the patient experiences an increase in fibrinolytic activity medium degree severity, prescribed 5-23 g/day. Babies under 12 months of age require a single dose, calculated according to the formula 0.05 g per 1 kg of child weight. Children from 1 to 7 years old are given 3-6 g/day, 7-11 years old - 6-9 g/day. Adolescents are prescribed 10-15 g per 24 hours.

For the treatment of subarachnoid bleeding, 6-9 g of the drug is required. For the treatment of traumatic hyphema, 0.1 g/kg is prescribed every 4 hours. Maximum daily dose acids - 24 g. The course of treatment is 5 days. At uterine bleeding dosage of the drug is 3 g every 6 hours. Patients with ARVI and influenza are prescribed local or oral administration facilities. For oral administration, dilute 1 g of acid in 2 tbsp. l. sweetened boiled water. The resulting solution is prescribed in the following doses:

  • children under 2 years old – 1-2 tsp. 4 times/day (can be added to food or drinks);
  • children 2-6 years old – 1-2 tbsp. l. 4 times a day;
  • patients 6-10 years old – 4-5 g/day;
  • patients over 10 years old - 1-2 g up to 5 times a day.

Aminocaproic acid is effective for nosebleeds. To stop the process, you need to moisten a cotton pad with a solution (5%). A moistened tampon is placed inside the nasal passages for 10 minutes or until bleeding stops completely. The drug can be used in the form of inhalations. For this purpose in childhood a nebulizer should be used. Intranasal treatment with the drug should be carried out in accordance with the following rules:

  1. For ARVI and influenza severe course The dose of aminocaproic acid can be increased to the maximum possible (relative to age) with increased fibrinolytic activity of moderate severity.
  2. If necessary, the product can be used in combination with other drugs antiviral action, interferon inducers.
  3. Instillation of the medication up to 4 times a day intranasally is recommended for prevention during the onset of an epidemic period.

special instructions

Side effects and overdose

While taking the drug, patients may experience side effects. The instructions for use include the following: Negative consequences:

Exceeding the amount of acid indicated in the instructions or prescribed by a doctor may cause increased side effects and cause blood clots. When using high doses(over 24 grams/day) for more than 6 days, the risk of developing hemorrhages increases. If manifestations of an overdose of aminocaproic acid occur, the medicine should be discontinued immediately. Used for treatment symptomatic therapy.

Aminocaproic acid price

You can purchase the medicine without a doctor's prescription. The medicine is available for purchase in Moscow pharmacies and online stores selling pharmaceuticals. The price of the drug depends on the quantity, form of release and the manufacturer of the drug. average cost a bottle of acid solution (5%), with a capacity of 100 ml in Moscow pharmacies is 32-35 rubles.


This substance is used to treat bleeding, blood pathologies, heavy discharge, flu. Available in the form of solution, powder and tablets. For colds, caproic acid is used as an antiviral agent and is excellent for children.

What is aminocaproic acid

This medicine is a solution that prevents the appearance of various kinds bleeding. In medicine, epsilon-aminocaproic acid is a powerful hemostatic drug used for medicinal purposes in children and adults. Structural formula ACC – C6H13NO2. The mechanism of action is as follows: the substance negatively affects blood fibrinolysis, strengthens capillaries, reducing their permeability, and helps improve the antitoxic function of the liver. In addition, it is an analogue of vasodilating drops for the common cold.

Aminocaproic acid solution

One of the forms of release of this medicine in pharmacology is an injection composition. Pharmacological group– one of the fibrinolysis inhibitors. The introduction of a solution of aminocaproic acid begins to act after 20 minutes. The drug is excreted from the body by the kidneys, 50% of the drug is excreted in the urine after 5 hours. In case of malfunction excretory function Excretion of the drug by the kidneys occurs with a delay, and its concentration in the blood increases greatly. Recommended as a hemostatic agent for intracavitary operations; 20 ml is administered intravenously.

Aminocaproic acid – tablets

An alternative to infusion solution is tablets. The packaging of aminocaproic acid contains tablets white, round shape. They are produced in bottles, cardboard boxes and containers. The substance content in one tablet is 500 mg. Contains 4 additional substances: povidone, magnesium stearate, colloidal silicon dioxide and croscarmellose sodium. After taking for 20 minutes, the substance is absorbed into the blood and begins its effect. During pregnancy, the medicine reaches the fetus through the placenta and is excreted by the kidneys.

Aminocaproic acid - indications for use

  • bleeding during surgical interventions(during urological operations);
  • premature placental abruption;
  • during neurosurgical operations;
  • complicated abortion;
  • prevention of secondary hypofibrinogenemia during blood transfusions;
  • during thoracic operations.

At pathological conditions:

  • afibrinogenemia;
  • hyperfibrinolysis;
  • diseases of internal organs with hemorrhagic syndrome;
  • fibrinolytic activity of blood (dissolution of blood clots).

This product is widely used in cosmetology - there is a large number of recipes for homemade masks. Such products help fight bruises and bags under the eyes, rosacea, promote effective elimination swelling on the face. You can use a little of the substance in pure form, together with capsule vitamins or adding to day cream.

Aminocaproic acid - instructions for use

The drug in the form of a solution is administered intravenously, the limit is 100 ml, the speed is up to 60 drops/min, it should be administered up to 30 minutes. According to the instructions for use of aminocaproic acid, 80 ml is administered in the first hour, then 20 ml every hour for 8 hours or until bleeding is completely eliminated. If bleeding persists, continue injections every 4 hours. A combination of injections with the introduction of a glucose solution is acceptable. Daily norm tablets – 15 g, 25-30 tablets. For children, the calculation is as follows: 0.05 g per 1 kg of child weight. Average term treatment – ​​from 4 to 15 days.

Aminocaproic acid for the nose

In addition to treating blood pathologies, this substance is prescribed to treat and eliminate symptoms of flu and colds. Aminocaproic acid is often used for a runny nose, as it has beneficial influence on the vessels. In addition, the product does not dry out the nasal mucosa or constrict blood vessels. You need to rinse with 2-4 drops, 5 times a day, the course of treatment is 3 days. Caproic acid in the nose is recommended for:

  • strengthening blood vessels;
  • eliminating swelling;
  • treatment of adenoids in children;
  • reducing the number purulent discharge from the nasal cavity;
  • eliminating the symptoms of rhinitis.

Aminocaproic acid for inhalation for children

Good reviews about the treatment of runny noses, rhinitis, sinusitis have proven that the medicine effectively fights similar problems. Inhalations with aminocaproic acid are prescribed to children for rhinitis, and only an otolaryngologist can do this. Indications are long treatment flu, bronchitis, runny nose, nosebleeds. The product has a calming, decongestant effect, reduces discharge, allergic reaction. For use in a nebulizer, 2 g of a 5% solution is required. The procedure must be carried out 2 times a day, the duration of the treatment process is 4 days.

Aminocaproic acid orally

Another form of drug release is powder for oral use. Dosage is calculated in the following way: 0.1 g of product is multiplied by 1 kg of patient weight. Aminocaproic acid powder orally is used after meals, it must be dissolved in sweet water or drink it with it. Reception is divided into 3-5 times a day. For use in children, the dose is calculated at the rate of 0.05 g per 1 kg of weight. To make it easier for children to take, you can mix the powder with compote or juice.

Aminocaproic acid during menstruation

Due to its hemostatic properties, the drug is prescribed to women with heavy discharge during menstruation. The use of aminocaproic acid during menstruation helps reduce the amount of discharge and is easily tolerated. For these purposes, the gynecologist prescribes powder; its administration lasts from the first to last day menstruation, 4 sachets per day. The drug should be taken with water. ACC is also used for gynecological operations when heavy bleeding.

Aminocaproic acid - contraindications

Any medicinal product, even widespread use has restrictions on its use. Contraindications for aminocaproic acid are:

  • drug intolerance;
  • increased tendency to thrombosis;
  • impaired renal excretory function;
  • hematuria;
  • period breastfeeding;
  • circulatory disorders in the brain;
  • liver failure;
  • child's age up to 1 year.

Aminocaproic acid price

In addition to the fact that the product is universal and can be used to treat many diseases, it is also inexpensive. The average price for aminocaproic acid in Moscow is 60 rubles. The price of solution, powder and tablets according to the medicine catalog is practically the same. You can buy it in an online store or order it at a pharmacy.

Aminocaproic acid - reviews

Larisa, reviews

I often use this drug to treat a runny nose and swelling of the nose. Aminocapron for inhalation helps with heavy discharge during the flu. The big plus is that it does not dry out the nasal mucosa. I instill 2 drops 4 times a day. I noticed a strengthening effect on blood vessels. Effective, budgetary means, suitable for children.

Oleg, 25 years old:

I regularly use a 5 percent solution for instillation during acute respiratory viral infections, before the first signs of the flu, for prevention. It is inexpensive, lasts a long time, has a wide spectrum of action, helps me with strong discharge from the nose. If you instill it several times a day and rinse, then nasal congestion goes away faster and the mucous membrane does not dry out.

Olga, 28 years old:

For a long time they could not cure the flu for my son, the ENT prescribed nasal drops every 3 hours with a 5% emulsion. The course of treatment lasted for 4 days. He also recommended doing inhalations whenever possible to strengthen the blood vessels. A week later, the runny nose was completely gone, my son was breathing freely - I recommend it. It is absolutely safe for children, the main thing is to follow the dosage.

Evgeniya, 26 years old:

I was treating a child with a protracted flu, they helped complex drops with aminocaproic acid, found it from reviews. They instilled it according to the instructions - after 5 days the runny nose began to go away, the discharge quickly disappeared. I used it for myself because of heavy periods, the discharge became smaller, but I don’t recommend using it regularly. Budget price, lasts a long time.

Aminocaproic acid is a drug that belongs to the group of hemostatics.

In other words, the use of this pharmacological drug increases blood clotting. That is, Aminocaproic acid remarkably stops bleeding.

Scientifically speaking, this medicine makes the process of dissolving blood clots (fibrinolysis) much slower.

However, Aminocaproic acid is pharmacological drug wide range actions. In addition to the hemostatic effect, when instilled into the nose, it has an anti-edematous and anti-allergic effect on human body. In addition, when instilled into the nose, this medicine significantly reduces the amount of mucous secretions in various rhinitis (runny nose), as well as influenza and colds.

According to the recommendations of the instructions for use of Aminocaproic acid, it should be stored in a place protected from direct sun rays and also out of the reach of children. Proper storage temperatures range from 2 to 25 degrees Celsius. If these requirements are met, the manufacturer declares a guaranteed shelf life of the drug equal to 3 years from the date indicated on the packaging.


Aminocaproic acid is a democratic and affordable medicine for the most broad layers population. Currently, its price ranges from 28 to 70 rubles per package.

Indications for use

In accordance with the instructions for use of Aminocaproic acid, the indications for its use are bleeding in pathological conditions and surgical interventions of various etiologies (origins). For example, this could be bleeding:

  • during abdominal operations;
  • during dental treatment;
  • with hemorrhagic syndrome;
  • with blood transfusions;
  • for complicated abortions;
  • and others.
  • when conducting preventive measures during epidemics of acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections;
  • for use in complex treatment colds and flu;
  • in the treatment of adenoids in children and adults;
  • in the treatment of runny nose.

For a runny nose and other cases listed above, aminocaproic acid is instilled directly into the nose.

It can also be used in cases where the patient is experiencing.

Release forms

Aminocaproic acid is currently available in three forms:

  • solution for infusion (5%);
  • pills;
  • powder.

Depending on the form of release of the drug and existing problem it can be taken in different ways:

  • intravenously (drip);
  • orally (swallowed through the mouth);
  • intranasally (dropped into the nose);
  • carrying out inhalations.

The tablet form of Aminocaproic acid is taken when chronic diseases and pathological conditions that do not pose an immediate threat to the patient’s life. The medicine should be taken three times a day, an hour before meals, 1 tablet.

Dosages for intravenous administration of the drug are determined by the attending physician depending on the existing problematic pathological condition.

Use for nasal drops for colds and flu

When taking Aminocaproic acid prophylactically, 1-2 drops of the medicine should be instilled into each nostril of the nose 4-5 times a day.

During treatment existing illness Children under 16 years of age should instill 2-3 drops of medicine into each nasal passage 3-4 times a day. For adults in a similar situation, instill 3-4 drops of medicine into each nasal passage 6-8 times a day.

Contraindications, overdose and side effects

In accordance with the instructions for use of Aminocaproic acid, its use is limited to the following contraindications:

  • individual intolerance;
  • hypercoagulability ( increased coagulability blood);
  • other blood clotting problems;
  • cerebral circulatory disorders;
  • kidney diseases.

Overdose of the drug is possible. As a rule, it manifests itself in the onset of side effects. At the first symptoms of an overdose of Aminocaproic acid, you should stop taking it and consult a doctor.

Side effects are:

  • dizziness and headaches;
  • nasal congestion;
  • nausea, diarrhea and vomiting;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • renal failure;
  • skin rash;
  • convulsions;
  • myoglobinuria;
  • Rhabdomyolysis

Efficiency and reviews

Aminocaproic acid has good feedback doctors and their patients. This applies to both its basic hemostatic properties and additional uses.

For example, in the treatment of adenoids in children, aminocaproic acid has proven itself to be excellent. The same applies to the prevention and treatment of runny nose and colds.

However, given the large number of side effects from taking it, the choice of this medicine should definitely be entrusted to your doctor. In such a serious matter, you should not rely solely on comments read somewhere.

If you have already used Aminocaproic acid, we ask you to leave a review about the effectiveness of the drug.

During pregnancy and lactation

Aminocaproic acid is prohibited for use by women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.


Aminocaproic acid as a remedy for bleeding has the following analogues:

  • Tranexam;
  • Aprotinin;
  • Ingitril;
  • Trenaxa.


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