Consequences of infrequent smoking. Consequences of smoking

Despite the fact that nicotine is regarded by experts as a narcotic substance, addictive, smoking tobacco is allowed in all countries of the world. Cigarette smoke contains a huge amount of harmful compounds that have a detrimental effect on human health. Both people who smoke and those who are in close proximity to them are exposed to them.

The effect of cigarette smoke on organs and systems of the body

Tobacco smoke contains enormous amounts hazardous substances. These include:

  • Carbon monoxide. By inhaling cigarette smoke, a person exposes his brain and other organs to oxygen starvation. It is especially difficult for a non-smoker to be in a smoky room. The effect on the body manifests itself in the form of headaches and nausea.
  • Nitric oxide - toxic substance affecting the respiratory tract.
  • Hydrogen cyanide is a toxic compound that has a destructive effect on the entire body.
  • Aldehydes are substances that cause depression of the nervous system and irritation respiratory tract.
  • Acrolein is a product formed during the combustion of tobacco. It has an irritating effect on the bronchial and nasal mucosa.
  • Nitrosamine is a carcinogen that destroys the brain.

In addition to the substances mentioned, tobacco smoke contains approximately 4 thousand harmful compounds, of which about 50 are carcinogens that lead to the development of cancer.

Consequences of smoking tobacco for organs and systems.

Name of organ or system Consequences and risks
central nervous system
  • Providing a stimulating effect on nervous system at first, lethargy and irritability later.
  • Severe physical and mental dependence.
  • Memory impairment.
  • Decrease in intelligence.
  • Anxiety.
  • Sleep disturbance.
  • Depression.
  • Increased chance of stroke due to blockage cerebral vessels thrombus or as a result of aneurysm rupture and hemorrhage
The cardiovascular system
  • Increased blood pressure.
  • Constriction of blood vessels, leading to insufficient supply of nutrients and oxygen to cells.
  • Development of obliterating endarteritis - pathological narrowing of blood vessels lower limbs, gradually leading to their complete closure. The consequence is gangrene of the lower extremities and amputation. Every seventh smoker is affected by the disease.
  • Damage and weakening of the vascular wall.
  • Increased blood viscosity is a risk of stroke.
  • An increase in the concentration of cholesterol in the blood, with subsequent formation cholesterol plaques in the vessels of the heart. Their excessive deposition leads to blockage of blood vessels and the development of myocardial infarction. The risk of a heart attack in smokers is 5 times higher than in non-smokers. In case of hypertension and higher level cholesterol probability heart attack increases 8 times. The average death rate from heart attacks occurs at age 67. For smokers it is 47 years
Respiratory system
  • Risk of developing infectious diseases respiratory system.
  • The likelihood of irreversible chronic diseases: Emphysema is a disease characterized by the formation of air cavities in the lungs and their increase in size. Rib cage at the same time it has a barrel-shaped shape.
  • Chronic bronchitis is inflammation of the bronchi.
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a progressive pathology characterized by impaired bronchial patency and structural changes in lung tissues.
  • Lungs' cancer - malignant tumor(in 90% of cases occurs with prolonged smoking)
Digestive system
  • Oral cancer.
  • Cancer of the throat and larynx.
  • Esophageal carcinoma.
  • Stomach ulcer. Develops with a long history of smoking and occurs due to constant stimulation of production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.
  • Stomach cancer.
  • Bowel cancer
Endocrine system
  • The occurrence of the body's immunity to insulin production.
  • Development of diabetes mellitus.
  • Complications of type 2 diabetes mellitus.
  • Pancreas cancer
Genitourinary system
  • Cancer Bladder. The risk of the disease increases after the age of 40 years. Men get sick 4 times more often than women.
  • Disorder of potency in men and the ability to achieve orgasm in women. Develops due to exposure to harmful substances cigarette smoke on the circulatory system.
  • Decreased levels of sex hormones.
  • Decreased sexual desire.
  • Male infertility. Occurs due to the effect of nicotine on the quantity and quality of sperm production
Skin, nails, hair
  • High probability of occurrence fungal infection nails
  • Changes in the structure and appearance of the skin, it becomes gray.
  • Hair loss.
  • The appearance of gray hair.
  • Increased risk of development squamous cell carcinoma skin
  • Increased intraocular pressure.
  • Redness of the eyes.
  • Tearing.
  • Swelling of the eyelids.
  • Decreased visual acuity

Gangrene is a consequence of obliterating endarteritis caused by smoking

Not only cigarettes, but also hookah smoking have a negative effect on the body, electronic cigarettes. The latter do not contain tobacco combustion products, but do contain nicotine and aromatic additives.

Passive smoking

Inhalation of tobacco smoke has negative impact not only on the body smoking man, but also on people in close proximity to him. You could say he purposefully harms his family and friends.

Passive smoking carries the same risks as active smoking. These include:

  • Tachycardia - increased heart rate.
  • Cardiac arrhythmia is a disturbance in the rhythm of heart contractions.
  • Cough.
  • Attacks of suffocation.
  • Irritation of the mucous membranes of the eyes.
  • Sore and dry throat.
  • Decreased performance.
  • Involuntary miscarriages.
  • Decreased ability to conceive.
  • Depression.

In addition, the risk of developing cancer and heart diseases increases:

  • The likelihood of developing lung cancer in passive smokers increases by 30%, breast cancer by 70%, and kidney cancer by 15%.
  • The risk of death from IHD (coronary heart disease) increases by 50–60%. Every year, 2.7 thousand people aged 20–65 years die from it, and 8 thousand people over 65 years old.

In people over 50 years of age, due to passive smoking, hearing decreases, asthma develops, and signs of memory and thinking impairment appear.

Consequences of smoking during pregnancy and childhood

During pregnancy, you should quit smoking immediately. Harmful substances contained in cigarette smoke have Negative influence not only on the pregnant woman’s body, but also on the unborn baby. The ability to conceive and bear fruit in such women is no more than 72%. Often, inhaling the combustion products of tobacco leads to miscarriage.

Pregnant women who smoke more than one pack of cigarettes per day give birth to underweight children. Sudden infant death syndrome often develops.

There is a hypothesis about the influence of tobacco smoke on DNA molecules with changes in its structure. This leads to the emergence of defective genes in germ cells. Being inherited, they cause mental disorders and various deformities. In fathers who smoke, the likelihood of developmental abnormalities in the child increases 5 times.

Congenital malformations

Prenatal exposure to tobacco also causes in a child:

  • Decrease in intelligence.
  • Speech and hearing development disorders.
  • Inability to control emotions and concentrate.
  • Retarded mental and physical development.

Parental smoking in the presence of a child is fraught with the development of various pathologies:

  • Coughing attacks.
  • Asthma.
  • Bronchitis.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Gastritis.
  • Allergies.
  • Colitis.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Ulcers duodenum and stomach.
  • Caries.
  • Epilepsy.

For mothers who smoke and breastfeed, the baby's risk of developing colds, respiratory diseases and allergies increases by more than 90%. When a baby is in the mother's arms while smoking, this risk is 70%.

Smoking cigarettes in school and adolescence leads to serious consequences. These include:

  • Decreased intellectual abilities.
  • Inhibition of psychomotor functions.
  • Pathologies of the respiratory and cardiovascular system.
  • Cancer of various localizations.
  • Obesity.

Smoking tobacco has harmful effects on the human body. It is especially dangerous during pregnancy and childhood. Nicotine is addictive, which not everyone can cope with.

One in four smokers shortens their life by 20 years and dies before age 65. Despite these alarming facts, smokers often underestimate the dangers of cigarette addiction.

Despite many warnings and anti-nicotine campaigns, many people have to be literally pulled out of nicotine networks. What are the dangers of long-term smoking? Besides the fact that you spend a fortune on cigarettes every year, there is also a constant presence of bad breath, clothes and hands. There are also a number medical complications, for example, the risk of developing lung cancer, coronary heart disease, hypertension, stroke and atherosclerosis. What are the consequences of smoking?

The effects of smoking on health

Long-term smoking contributes to the development of various diseases. The three main groups of smoking-related disorders are: oncological diseases, pulmonary failure And ischemic disease hearts. But that's not all, the list of diseases caused by smoking tobacco is much longer. What diseases threaten a smoker?

Tumors. For example, cancer of the esophagus and larynx, lip cancer, tongue cancer, oral cancer, pancreatic cancer, kidney cancer. and other substances contained in tobacco smoke destroy the balance in the gastric mucosa and significantly increase the risk of developing chronic ulcers. According to various studies, the risk of stomach cancer increases by 50-100%. Greater growth was recorded in women, smoking cigarettes. The degree of risk also depends on the duration and intensity of cigarette smoking. Only 10 years after quitting smoking, there is a significant reduction in the threat of cancer. Smoking tobacco can cause bladder cancer. Also, in women, the risk of developing cervical cancer increases by 2-3 times compared to non-smoking women.

Heart diseases. Diseases of the heart and blood vessels, for example, hypertension, general cardiac disorders, coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, aortic aneurysm, myocardial infarction, stroke.

Asthma, tuberculosis, flu, chronic bronchitis.

Disease gastrointestinal tract . Ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, hernia of the intestinal tract. Tobacco smoke can cause colon tumors. The risk of developing these diseases is proportional to the number of cigarettes smoked and length of smoking. Research shows that smokers who smoke more than 20 cigarettes a day are three times more likely to develop colon cancer and five times more likely to more doggystyle rectum. Smoking also reduces density bone tissue, which is typical for osteoporosis and can lead to fatal hip fractures (including femoral neck).

Dental disease. Periodontal disease, gum disease, caries, bad smell from mouth.

Eye diseases. Tobacco smoke is common cause eye irritation. Conjunctivitis and problems with excessive lacrimation. Other consequences of smoking may also include cataracts and age-related macular degeneration. Smokers with a smoking history of more than 20 years have a particularly high risk of developing macular degeneration. This is a disease that affects people after 50 years of age, partially depriving them of their vision.

Respiratory system diseases. Depending on the number of cigarettes smoked, smokers are at risk of getting sick various types oral cancer. The most common: cancer of the tongue, gums and palate. Other consequences of smoking are yellowing of teeth, change in voice (smoke affects vocal cords) gum disease. may also increase the risk of dental caries in children due to increased bacterial counts.

Diseases endocrine system . Smoking affects functioning thyroid gland. Smokers are more likely to have an overactive thyroid gland and associated Graves' disease. Moreover, even if there are no visible symptoms, smoking still has an effect negative impact on thyroid gland. According to World Organization healthcare, 30% of pancreatic diseases are associated with smoking. Carcinogens contained in tobacco smoke enter the pancreas through the blood. Pancreatic cancer is a neoplasm with a high mortality rate. Less than 5% of patients live more than 5 years after detection of the disease.

Illnesses during pregnancy. We wrote that smoking during pregnancy has an extremely negative effect on both the fetus and the carrier. The risk increases sharply ectopic pregnancy, risk of miscarriage and premature birth. Please note that prematurity is a leading cause of infant mortality and neurological problems. Women who smoke during pregnancy give birth to children with weakened immune systems.

Diseases reproductive system . Smoking increases the risk of cervical and ovarian cancer. Ovarian cancer is the deadliest form of gynecological cancer. Cigarette smoking increases the risk in men. Having a negative effect on the cardiovascular system, nervous system and hormonal background, nicotine increases the risk of erection problems. The more and more intensely a smoker smokes, the more smoking affects the smoker's sexual health. Tobacco smoke negatively affects the quality of sperm, reducing the quantity and quality of sperm contained in it. Quitting smoking generally improves sexual health.

Skin diseases. Like ultra-violet rays, smoking accelerates the aging process of the skin, especially the skin of the face. Cigarette smoke activates the MMP-1 gene, which is responsible for skin damage and loss of elasticity, wrinkles, and visible pores.

Of course, the above list is not full list smoking-related diseases. For example, smoking increases the risk of developing diabetes, osteoporosis, and decreased immunity. It is estimated that smokers are 20 times more likely to develop cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus or larynx than non-smokers.

How does nicotine affect the heart?

Nicotine binds to nicotinic receptors and thereby increases arterial pressure, purity of heart contractions and an increase in oxygen consumption by the myocardium occurs, which can lead to myocardial infarction. Cigarette smoke also damages the walls of blood vessels and accelerates the development of atherosclerosis.

Women who start smoking 20 cigarettes a day before the age of 18 have an increased risk of infertility. Smoking tobacco negatively affects the movement system and the process of bone formation. Smokers are more likely to complain of rheumatism and osteoporosis and degenerative spinal injuries. Nicotine helps produce more gastric juice, and, consequently, peptic ulcer stomach. Nicotine also destabilizes the endocrine system, such as the thyroid gland.

Which twin is a smoker?
Maybe there's no fountain eternal youth, but there is a sure-fire way to make yourself look older. Smoking changes the skin, teeth, and hair in ways that can add years to your appearance. This also affects everything from your reproductive function to the strength of your heart, lungs, and bones. Look at these changes photo by photo. Can you recognize the smoker? Check your selection and move on to the next picture.

Rice. 1. Which twin is a smoker?


Twin B (right) smoked half a pack a day for 14 years, while her sister never smoked. Loose skin under her eyes is typical of smokers, according to Bahman Guyuron, MD, of Case Western Reserve University. This is one of several visible signs shown in the following slides - by-products tobacco in your body harms your appearance. Twin B also received more sun, which is also hard on her skin.

Rice. 2. Signs of smoking (consequences of smoking)

Pale skin tone
Smoking chronically deprives the skin of oxygen and nutrients. Thus, some smokers appear pale, while others develop uneven coloration. These changes can begin at a young age; according to dermatologist Jonette Carey, Drs. medical sciences University Melnik School of Medicine, Miami. "When we're younger, we don't typically notice uneven skin tone in nonsmokers," says Carey. "It develops more quickly in people who smoke."

Rice. 3. Pale skin tone in smokers

Sagging skin
There are more than 4,000 chemicals in tobacco smoke, and many of them cause the destruction of collagen and elastin—the fibers that give your skin its strength and elasticity. Smoking, or even frequent exposure to smokers, "degrades the skin's normal texture," Carey says. The consequences include sagging skin and deeper wrinkles.

Rice. 4. Sagging skin of smokers


Smoking not only damages the appearance of your face, but the cost can be changes as seen in the picture. As the skin loses its elasticity, some parts of it may begin to sag. This process affects the inner surface of the arms and chest. Researchers have identified smoking as main reason sagging breasts.

Rice. 5. Sagging skin on the arms and chest of smokers

Lines around the lips
Smoking adds a wrinkle or two to the area around your mouth. First, the smoker's lips pucker: "Smokers use certain muscles around the lips when smoking that contribute to the development of wrinkles. This group of muscles is not used much in non-smokers," says Carey. Secondly, a smoker has a loss of elasticity. Together, these factors can lead to the appearance of deep lines around the lips.

Rice. 6. Lines around the lips due to smoking as a consequence of smoking

Age spots
Age spots are darker skin-colored spots that are common on the face and hands. On the one hand, with age they appear in non-smokers, however, as studies have shown, in smokers they appear at more quantity and more pronounced.
In this image, Srpava's twin spent decades smoking and sunbathing while her sister did not.

Rice. 7. Age spots of smokers

Damaged teeth and gums
Yellow teeth are one of the most well-known adverse effects of long-term smoking, but visible yellowing is not all that happens to teeth. People who smoke are prone to developing gum inflammation, persistent bad breath, and other oral hygiene problems. Smokers are more likely to experience tooth loss compared to non-smokers.

Rice. 8. Damaged teeth and gums

Yellow Fingers
Think your hand looks sexy with a cigarette between your fingers? If you have been smoking for a while, take a close look at your nails and skin. Tobacco can actually stain your skin and nails, as well as your teeth. The good news is that this coloration tends to disappear after you quit smoking.

Rice. 9.

Hair loss
Both men and women tend to develop thinner hair as a result of aging, and smoking often speeds up this process. Some studies have even shown that people who smoke are more likely to experience baldness—researchers in Taiwan identified smoking as a clear risk factor for male pattern baldness among Asian men.

Rice. 10. Hair loss

Even the eyes are vulnerable to inhaled tobacco. Smoking increases the risk of developing cataracts, especially this risk increases with age. Cataracts are cloudy areas on the lens of the eye that prevent light from reaching the retina. If cataracts are a significant visual impairment, this is a direct indication for surgical intervention.

Rice. eleven.


Psoriasis - chronic illness, which most often causes massive, scaly patches on the skin - usually on the knees, elbows, scalp, arms, legs, or back. The spots may be white, red, or silvery. Recent studies have shown that smokers greater risk development of psoriasis.

Rice. 12. Psoriasis


Every person at a certain age notices wrinkles around the eyes, but in smokers these wrinkles develop more early age and deeper ones. Heat from burning cigarettes and smoke force the smoker to constantly squint and look somewhat sideways to protect his eyes from the smoke - all this contributes to the development of wrinkles around the eyes of the “type” crow's feet" Besides, chemical elements from inhaled tobacco cause internal damage to skin structures and blood vessels around eyes.

Rice. 13


Quitting smoking can improve your appearance because blood flow is restored and your skin receives more oxygen and nutrients. This often leads to healthier skin color, including improved facial skin. If you do not start smoking again, the yellow coloring of your fingers and nails will disappear. You may even notice your teeth appear whiter.

Rice. 14. How quitting smoking can improve your appearance


When you quit smoking, you make your skin more resistant to premature aging. As for wrinkles and age spots that have already appeared, know that all is not lost. Keri, University of Dermatology, Miami, says former smokers need to eat foods that can make their skin look better. Products should include topical retinoids and antioxidants such as vitamins C and E. She also recommends using sunscreen every day.

Rice. 15. Fight against skin damage: creamA


For more complex effects of smoking, it is also advisable to apply a number of cosmetic procedures. Laser “resurfacing” of the skin and chemical removal of scales and outer layers skin, where the damage is most visible. "Do not deny yourself the pleasure of several medical procedures for your skin," Keri suggests. "When you see your skin getting better without smoking, it can be a great motivation to not start smoking again."

Rice. 16. Fight against skin damage: procedures


Everyone knows that a person's lungs are the first to be affected by smoking, but recent studies have shown that tobacco has an effect on the human body that starts with damage to your bones. Smoking increases the risk of developing brittle bones (osteoporosis). This process leads to an increased risk of developing bone fractures, including fractures of the spinal column.

Rice. 17. Brittle bones

Heart disease and erectile dysfunction
The effects of smoking affect almost every organ in the human body, including the heart. In people who smoke, coronary arteries(feeding the heart muscle) become narrowed over time. Smoking also increases blood pressure and increases blood clotting. These factors increase the risk of developing a cardiac event (ie, any disease related to the cardiovascular system). In men who smoke, reduced blood flow can lead to erectile dysfunction, i.e. to a decrease in potency.

Reduced athletic ability
The effects of smoking on the heart and lungs can lead to significant functional decline cardiovascular and pulmonary systems. Smokers tend to be more high level heart rate (tachycardia), more poor circulation, and more severe shortness of breath are bad companions for athletics.

Rice. 19. Reduced athletic ability in smokers

Reproductive dysfunctions
Women who smoke have a strict deadline to become pregnant and give birth healthy child. Cigarette smoking is closely linked to fertility (fertility) problems. And smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of spontaneous abortion, premature birth, or having a low birth weight baby.

Early menopause
Almost everything takes a long time smoking women have any disorders: menopause, cycle disorders, decreased production of female sex hormones, as well as cessation menstrual cycle. Most women experience this at age 50 or older, but women who smoke reach menopause on average 1-1.5 years earlier than women who do not smoke. The effect increases in women who smoked a large number of cigarettes for many years.

Oral cancer
Compared to non-smokers, people who smoke or use smokeless tobacco products are more likely to develop oral cancer. Smokers who are also alcoholics are 15 times more likely to develop oral cancer. The most common symptoms include an inflamed patch on the tongue, lips, gums, or other area of ​​the mouth that does not go away and may be painful. It has been proven that stopping smoking after a few years significantly reduces the risk of developing this pathology.

Rice. 22 Oral cancer due to smoking

Lungs' cancer
Lung cancer is the leading cancer killer of men and women in the United States. Of those who die from lung cancer, 9 out of 10 deaths are smokers. Cigarettes cause lung damage and make people more vulnerable to infectious diseases respiratory tract, such as bronchitis, pneumonia, etc.

Rice. 23

How stopping smoking improves your health
Only 20 minutes after smoking a cigarette, blood pressure and heart rate return to normal. Within 24 hours, your risk of a heart attack begins to decrease. In the first weeks after stopping smoking, the ciliated epithelium of the respiratory tract begins to fully function, removing small foreign substances from the respiratory tract. Within a year after stopping smoking, the risk of developing heart disease is reduced by 2 times compared to people who continue to smoke. And only after 10 years without cigarettes, your chances of getting any disease caused by smoking are compared with non-smokers.

Rice. 24. Mucosa of the respiratory tract. Above - villi of the ciliated epithelium


Quitting smoking eliminates unpleasant “cigarette breath”, the cigarette smell on hair and clothes. This is not attractive to non-smokers and also poses a health risk. Cigarette "odor" means that people around you are exposed to tobacco toxins, sometimes called "third-hand smoke." These toxins can be especially harmful to young children.

Rice. 25 Cigarette stench


Experts agree that quitting cigarettes is very difficult. But if you tell yourself that this is impossible, think about it again and again. While there are 45 million smokers in the US, there are also 48 million former smokers! If 48 million people could quit smoking, then it can be done for you too. Just keep in mind that most people did it more than once before they finally quit smoking, and only 4%-7% managed to do it on their own. Ask your doctor what smoking cessation strategies are available and which can be used for you.

Rice. 26. Is it possible to quit smoking?

In this article I will not encourage you not to smoke. Those who smoke - they already know everything, or will find out very soon. This article is for those who have not yet started smoking.

I will tell you what benefits you will get if you don’t listen to anyone and start smoking. A number of interesting and even funny opportunities will open up before you. You will be able to lose weight quickly, you will be better protected from rape, family members will begin to listen to you more, and you will also get a lot of thrills from life.

1. Consequences of smoking. Smoking tobacco is the best way to lose weight very quickly excess weight, become slim. Don't believe me? Yes exactly. There will not be a drop of excess weight left in your body.

Lung cancer is the best way to lose weight very quickly. So give yourself the gift of cancer - start smoking. You will think that this is not the most reliable way? After all, many people smoke, but not everyone gets cancer. Let's check what are your chances of waiting for that happy moment in your life when you get lung cancer and become slim like a fashion model.

According to research by scientists about 50% of all who smoke regularly will die of their own accordYu, and prematurely and from diseases caused by smoking . In addition, half of them will die in middle age - at the very dawn of their strength. Just imagine - you have a 50% chance of never living to old age. According to scientists, tobacco will be the most common cause of death among adults in the next decades. Today every third death in middle age is caused by smoking . Here is a link to a scientific study confirming this fact:

Why am I saying all this? The fact is that one of the main causes of death from smoking is lung cancer. But a person who gets lung cancer quickly loses weight and becomes thin. And it doesn’t matter that sooner or later you will die from lung cancer, because even without lung cancer you will die sooner or later in old age. The main thing is that you can fulfill your dream. Even if not for long, you will be proud to put on the clothes that have been collecting dust in your closet for a long time, which you could afford in your earliest youth. And no diets. Eat whatever you want. And now I will show you scientific research that proves that Cigarette smoking is the direct and main cause of lung cancer - 87% of all deaths from lung cancer . A tempting prospect, isn't it?


If you have already started smoking, do not quit under any circumstances. Show your will. Any task must be completed. Wait, and your success is 50% guaranteed. Scientific research show that after you quit smoking, your chances of giving yourself lung cancer begin to decline every year , and your previous efforts and wasted money on cigarettes will be in vain. Here is a link to such a study:


2. Smoking tobacco - best weapon from attempted rape. Dear ladies, arm yourself with a cigarette, be patient, and one day you will not be afraid to be alone with an unfamiliar man.

Well, think for yourself. Try to smile at the man who is pestering you, just like in the next picture.

You probably think that such a smile is available only to a select few, and not to everyone who smokes? You are wrong. To be sure, I suggest you look at some of the many scientific studies that show how smoking destroys teeth and causes periodontal disease and tooth loss :


Note: if you want to achieve the maximum effect, as in the picture, then you should not quit smoking. After all, as research shows, if you quit smoking, then your teeth will no longer decay as well and take on such a terrifying appearance. And if you quit smoking and don’t smoke for 9 years, then your risks of getting such a smile will be no higher than the risk ordinary people. Don't quit smoking - the results come to the most persistent. Here is a link to a study confirming that you should not quit smoking so as not to lose the achieved effect:


A reasonable question arises. But what if you like a man? Here are instructions on what not to do to please the opposite sex if you smoke. Consider these small details and everything will be ok. After all, they can be hidden, but excess weight cannot be hidden anywhere. And so, if you like a person:

  • don't smile at him
  • don't show him your nails

- nails of smokers and non-smokers

3. Smoking tobacco is the best way to make others care about you and turn your life for the better.

So. The eternal dispute - who will look after whom after for long years marriage. Imagine that you have diseased heart. You cannot be upset, which means you cannot be contradicted - as soon as you grab your heart. You need to be driven by car so that you are not overloaded by long walking. Constant concern leads to the habit of giving in to you. And believe me, this will benefit not only you, but also all members of your family. After all, in happy family relationships One always has to give in to the other. Then there will be no unnecessary quarrels or disputes. Life will be smoother and calmer. And in your old age you will not bother anyone, since you will die early.

I can assure you that if your spouse leads healthy image life, and you smoke, you are guaranteed to be the head of the family. Because, if you smoke, you are guaranteed to get atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, threatening heart attack or stroke. And here is my guarantee - these are links to only some scientific studies that guarantee you all the listed delights in the near future:

  • Smokers are 3 times more likely to die from a stroke >>
  • Heart attack >>
  • Death from >>
  • >>
  • High cholesterol >>
  • Thrombosis, atherosclerosis, heart attack, coronary heart disease, stroke and death >>

You will probably say that there are no guarantees that you will have a bad heart? You are wrong. Moreover. There is a study that shows that if you have high blood pressure and you smoke, you are 8 times more likely to have a heart attack . Think about this figure - the guarantee is 8 times. And here is a link to a study proving this eightfold increase:

Note: Don't quit smoking. If you quit smoking, your risk of dying from a stroke or heart attack will be halved . Links to studies:


4. Smoking tobacco is also your confidence that you will never become anyone’s donor, which means that no one will illegally take away your kidney.

Jokes aside, internal organ donation is a whole underground business. And many people suffer from it. Doctors often deliberately fail to save people after an accident or in other cases in order to remove internal organ for the customer. But before this, doctors must make sure that the internal organ of such a person is healthy. This is where smoking comes in handy. Scientifically proven fact - smoking causes chronic kidney disease . Kidneys affected by inflammation are not suitable for donation. Great amount research shows this fact:


Why are such kidneys not suitable for donation? What kind of donation? A person with chronic kidney inflammation will soon need new kidneys.

5. Smoking tobacco is fun and bright life, full of bright, unforgettable extreme sensations.

According to legend, in the 19th century, prisoners in Russian prisons were forced to play Russian roulette. And the guards of such prisons (earned money) made bets on whether such a player would die or survive. The essence of the game was that the player was given a revolver with only one cartridge in the cylinder. The player spun such a drum and then pulled the trigger, placing the muzzle of the pistol to his temple. If you're lucky or unlucky. Over time, this gambling and exciting game It also took root in the ranks of Russian officers - it was called “hussar roulette”.

Smoking is a modern Hussar roulette. We smoke, and someone makes money from it. And it doesn’t matter what role we are in. All participants benefit. Agree, life is worth living for the thrill. And smoking offers us plenty of such thrills. Scientific research shows that smoking can kill us within 24 minutes different ways. Here are some of the studies where scientists described these methods:


So, the following are available to you:

  1. lung cancer
  2. osteoporosis
  3. heart attack
  4. stroke
  5. oral cancer
  6. esophageal carcinoma
  7. stomach cancer
  8. pancreas cancer
  9. laryngeal cancer
  10. prostate cancer
  11. cervical cancer
  12. mammary cancer
  13. colon cancer
  14. bladder cancer
  15. kidney cancer
  16. leukemia, especially acute myeloid leukemia
  17. respiratory heart disease
  18. aortic aneurysm
  19. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  20. pneumonia (pneumonia)
  21. cirrhosis of the liver
  22. liver cancer
  23. etc.

In Europe, about 750,000 people died from smoking in 1990 alone, and smoking itself is still the main cause premature death middle-aged people. In China, smoking is the leading cause of death among older people. Conclusion: Nothing in the world kills as many people as smoking tobacco. Truly - thrill. Smoke and live a colorful life. Here are links to studies that prove this:


6. If someone tells you that you shouldn’t smoke, then I recommend arming yourself with the ironclad arguments shown in next video. These arguments allow you to get ironclad excuses.

7. And in conclusion, watch these, in my opinion, very funny and short videos.

Almost every day new scientific discoveries and new methods are published successful fight with old age. Many scientists are already talking about a quick victory over old age. We invite you to subscribe to new articles on our resource in order to always be aware of the latest achievements.

Tobacco, used in any form, represents serious threat for human health. Cigarette smoke also harms those around the smoker. Few habits have as many and as harmful health consequences as tobacco use.

Tobacco as a drug

Tobacco is a psychoactive drug that causes addiction. The smoke from burning tobacco when smoking has complex composition. It contains about 300 chemicals that can damage living tissue, in particular tars and related compounds, nicotine and toxic gases such as carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide and nitrogen oxides, etc.

Resins are and serve as carriers of carcinogens (substances that cause cancer) contained in tobacco smoke. Tars contribute to the development of chronic bronchitis and “smoker's cough”.

Nicotine - one of the most poisonous substances that causes the most intense addiction. It is quickly absorbed into the blood from the lungs when inhaled and from the mucous membranes oral cavity and stomach when using smokeless tobacco. Within 7 seconds, it spreads throughout the body, penetrating all organs, including the brain, and during pregnancy, all organs of the fetus. Nicotine is a powerful stimulant that affects the brain and spinal cord, on the nervous system as a whole, on the heart and many other organs. Nicotine directly stimulates neuronal receptors that are sensitive to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, a substance that plays important role in the program nerve impulses in synapses (area of ​​contact nerve cells together). In people who have developed an addiction, stopping nicotine use can lead to withdrawal symptoms characterized by restlessness, anxiety, irritability, depression, headaches, stomach pain, insomnia and dizziness.

Carbon monoxide (CO) - a poisonous component of automobile exhaust, and also a main ingredient in cigarette smoke. Having a high affinity for hemoglobin, CO blocks it. As a result, hemoglobin loses its ability to carry oxygen, reducing the ability of the blood to supply oxygen to the brain, heart, muscles and other organs of the body. Of course, the degree of reduction depends on the number of cigarettes smoked per day and how they were smoked (how many puffs, how deep and long the puffs were). The lack of oxygen supply becomes especially noticeable during periods associated with increased need in oxygen, for example during intense physical activity.

Hydrogen cyanide - another poisonous gas present in tobacco smoke is that component

smoke, which is in to the greatest extent is responsible for deterioration of the function of the ciliated epithelium of the lungs, which leads to the accumulation of mucus, tar and bacterial infection.

Nitric oxide - more One component of cigarette smoke is a toxic substance also present in the tar. Nitric oxide reduces the effectiveness of macrophages (a type of white blood cell) that protect internal surfaces lungs and destroy bacteria and other pathogenic agents. Thus, this gas contributes to the development of chronic infectious diseases of the respiratory tract in smokers.

Harmful effects of smoking tobacco

Many have been documented harmful effects smoking tobacco. Its impact on human health is determined individual characteristics every smoker. The consequences of smoking are harmful, but appear after many years, so the connection with this bad habit is not obvious. Many people say: “...I smoke, I smoke a lot, for a long time, so far I don’t see any pathological changes in the body...”, but statistics and clinical observations indicate something else. Here is the data from WHO experts:

  • mortality among cigarette smokers is approximately 30-80% higher than among non-smokers; o Mortality increases with the number of cigarettes smoked;
  • mortality among smokers is proportionately higher among people aged 45–55 years than among younger or older people;
  • Mortality is higher among people who start smoking at a young age;
  • Mortality is higher among cigarette smokers who inhale smoke;
  • Mortality rates among those who quit smoking are lower than among those who continue to smoke; o Pipe or cigar smokers in general die no more often than
  • non-smokers, since they smoke moderately and do not inhale; o The mortality rate among those who smoke frequently or incessantly is 20-40% higher than among non-smokers.

In addition to shortening their life span, smokers also have poor health. Heavy smokers are affected the cardiovascular system. This is expressed primarily in sclerotic changes in blood vessels, resulting in coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, the risk of stroke or disorder cerebral circulation; They are also characterized by frequent respiratory diseases, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, lung cancer. Therefore, a smoker’s breathing is difficult, and the lungs are less able to supply oxygen to the blood.

Smoking worsens physical state body, reduces vitality. Smoking has a negative effect on digestive function: nicotine weakens the feeling of hunger by inhibiting the “hungry” contractions of the stomach, i.e. nicotine reduces appetite. Therefore, many people do not want to quit smoking for fear of gaining weight, and for good reason: when stopping smoking, many people tend to replace cigarettes with food. Research shows that a third of people who quit smoking gain weight, a third stay the same and a third lose weight. Greater food consumption is explained by the need to stimulate the oral cavity, which was previously carried out by cigarettes, to satisfy the increased appetite due to the removal of the suppressive effect of nicotine. However, this cannot serve as a reason to continue smoking.

Smoking also affects the body's use of vitamins. The level of vitamins B 6, B, 12 and C in the blood decreases because more of them are spent on the process of detoxification of substances contained in tobacco smoke.

According to experts, the smoke flowing from a lit cigarette (unfiltered, by-product) contains 50 times more carcinogens, twice as much tar and nicotine, 5 times more carbon monoxide and 50 times more ammonia than smoke inhaled through a cigarette. Although non-smokers typically do not inhale sidestream smoke in the same concentration as smokers inhale mainstream smoke, the inhaled concentration is still equivalent to one cigarette smoked per day. For people who work in heavily smoky environments (such as a bar or office), the amount of secondhand smoke exposure can reach the equivalent of 14 cigarettes per day.

There is compelling evidence that the incidence of lung cancer is increasing among non-smokers.

who live with smokers. Independent studies in the United States, Japan, Greece and Germany have shown that non-smoking spouses of smokers develop lung cancer 2-3 times more often than spouses of non-smokers.

It is known that tobacco smoke inhaled by passive non-smokers is a strong irritant to the lungs. It causes at least discomfort and coughing. Research has shown that children raised in smoking homes show signs of disorders that are linked to heart disease in adulthood. For example, they exhibit increased stiffness of the arteries, thickening of the walls of the heart chambers and unfavorable changes in the blood.

In people with asthma (attacks of difficulty breathing caused by narrowing of the bronchioles), passive smoking may provoke severe attack. This especially applies to children. The incidence of asthma in children living in homes where someone smokes is higher than in children living in homes without smokers. Babies living in homes with smokers get sick respiratory diseases twice as often as other infants.

Psychophysiology of smoking

The first attempt at smoking is quite painful. The person who smokes experiences weakness, nausea, dizziness, and sometimes fainting, vomit. At this stage, the body seems to protect itself from the harmful effects of nicotine.

When you turn to a cigarette again toxic effect expressed in a weakened form. The smoker feels pleasant excitement, inner warmth, a soft “high”, smoking becomes pleasant for him, and most importantly, the imaginary self-affirmation of his Self “grows”. It is in this phase that signs of addiction to smoking appear.

The third phase is characterized by perception and analysis. The smoker begins to understand that smoking brings not only pleasure (imaginary, ostentatious), but also harm. Sometimes it doesn't call pleasant sensations, but turns into a duty. Observe how a smoker's work day goes. He jumps through certain time, for example, once or twice an hour, runs to the smoking room to take a drag, talk and returns to workplace. It's already pharmacological dependence, which we talked about in section 8.3.

Smoking cessation and consequences

Quitting smoking is a very difficult task for most smokers. Smoker's refusal

cigarettes means liberation from addiction, which has physiological and psychological components. Nicotine addiction, although incredibly powerful, is not the only reason people continue to smoke. Successful programs to help people quit smoking must address all the reasons why people smoke. Due to physiological dependence attempts to quit smoking will cause withdrawal symptoms, which manifests itself in nervousness, severe headaches, inability to concentrate, etc.

Bayer and Sheinberg have a very optimistic view of the problem of quitting smoking. According to them, smoking cessation methods range from immediate and complete failure once and for all, which is achieved without anyone's help and without the use of any means, to lengthy, carefully designed and expensive programs. The degree of effectiveness of any method depends on the degree of addiction of the smoker and the strength of his interest in quitting smoking. But the difficulties experienced by many people who quit smoking have attracted many charlatans into the smoking cessation business; In addition, some products help some smokers but are useless for others.

Rules for quitting smoking, proposed by K. Bayer and L. Sheinberg

  • Set a date that has special meaning for you if it is close. It could be your birthday, a friend's birthday. New Year or some kind of anniversary. If you smoke because of stress from studying, quit the habit during the holidays. Don't set a date in the distant future, you may lose your passion.
  • Agree with your smoking friend or spouse to quit smoking together so you can support each other.
  • Tell everyone you know that you are quitting smoking. They will try to support you.
  • Determine a circle of people (who support you in your quest to quit smoking) that you can call any time you really want to smoke.
  • Try replacing smoking with other activities - physical exercise, a new hobby, chewing gum or low-calorie snacks. Avoid eating high-calorie foods: you may gain extra weight.
  • It is best to quit smoking immediately and completely. Gradually quitting the smoking habit gives worse results. However, those who become addicted to nicotine can quit smoking gradually (or use nicotine gum) in order to avoid withdrawal symptoms. If you are planning to stop smoking gradually, develop a plan in advance and strictly follow it.
  • Do not light a cigarette until 5 minutes have passed since you feel the need to smoke. During these 5 minutes, try to change your emotional mood or do something else. Call someone in your “support group.”
  • Make smoking as inconvenient as possible. Always buy only one pack of cigarettes and only after the previous one has finished. Never carry cigarettes with you - neither at home nor at work. Do not carry matches or lighters with you.
  • Make a list of things you could buy with the money you save from smoking. Convert the cost of each of them into non-smoking days.
  • Always ask yourself if you really need this cigarette or if it's just a knee-jerk reaction.
  • Remove all ashtrays from your home, car and work area.
  • Find something to do with your hands.
  • Be sure to go to the dentist to clean your teeth from tobacco yellowing.
  • Conduct free time In new activities, avoid entertainment that was associated with smoking (sitting at a bar, watching TV, etc.). Become more physically active.
  • If you find it difficult to quit smoking on your own, contact a specialist.

One way to stop smoking is to use nicotine gum instead of cigarettes. But in order for this method to lead to success, ex-smoker should completely abstain from smoking, since even one cigarette carries the risk of resuming the habit. Not everyone is recommended to use nicotine gum. It is contraindicated for heart patients, nursing mothers, pregnant women and women expecting to become pregnant. For some people, nicotine gum causes nausea, hiccups, or a sore throat.

There are also more severe methods, for example aversion therapy - developing an aversion to smoking. This type of behavioral therapy combines training with negative reinforcement to make smoking aversive to the smoker. One form of aversion therapy requires taking a puff every 6 seconds until smoking becomes very unpleasant. Another form uses a combination of each puff with a mild electric shock.

In addition, hypnosis and group programs similar to the Twelve Steps program for alcoholics are used.

How to quit smoking and not gain excess weight?

When you stop smoking, the following happens to you: your body's metabolism is optimized and food is absorbed more efficiently; o The taste buds on your tongue begin to taste food better, tempting you to eat more; Over the years, you have gotten used to having a cigarette in your mouth, and now you are trying to compensate for this pleasure by snacking between meals.

Here are some tips to help you stay healthy and maintain weight after quitting smoking:

  • eat three times a day regularly;
  • do not snack (these sandwiches are eaten mainly out of habit);
  • do not eat more than one serving: if you are still hungry, wait 20 minutes before taking a supplement - perhaps during this time the feeling of hunger will pass;
  • do not consume them at all or reduce the proportion of these in your diet high-calorie foods, such as margarine, butter, fatty meats and fatty cheeses, mayonnaise, jams, jellies, soft drinks;
  • Exercise regularly - Regular exercise burns calories, reduces stress and distracts you from smoking.

Thus, tobacco is narcotic. Smoking tobacco causes psychological and physical dependence and leads to poor health. The most common diseases among heavy smokers are coronary heart disease, strokes, bronchitis, emphysema and lung cancer. Smoking tobacco is especially dangerous for women and young people.

Quitting smoking, alcohol, and drugs means maintaining health, and for this, students need to: o understand how great the danger of abuse of harmful addictions is for health and life and how severe the long-term Negative consequences these addictions that affect the health of future offspring; o create a sense of responsibility for your health and the health of your offspring; o acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to avoid using narcotic substances, alcohol, tobacco; o realize that preventing cravings for using drugs, alcohol, and tobacco is the “work of the student himself.”



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