Signs of zinc deficiency in the body. Zinc deficiency: possible causes, symptoms, diagnosis and replenishment


What role does zinc play in the development and functioning of the body. How does the deficiency of this element manifest itself and how to replenish it.

The role and importance of zinc (Zn) in the body is difficult to overestimate. This element is a component of proteins, cell receptors, biological membranes and hormones. What are the symptoms of zinc deficiency in the body? What effect does the element and the required daily volumes have on the human body? Let's consider the main issues in detail.

Properties and Functions

As mentioned, Zinc plays a key role in the development and functioning of the body. Its main properties include:

  • Improvement metabolic processes. It has been proven that the microelement is involved in the breakdown of dietary fatty acids coming from food, helping them to be absorbed.
  • Strengthening immune system. Thanks to the action of Zn, antibodies, leukocytes and hormones work better, which activates protective forces body and accelerates healing in case of damage. In addition, zinc plays the role of a “detoxifier”, removing harmful carbon dioxide from the body.
  • Forms enzymes. Research has shown that Zn is contained in more than two hundred enzymes. For this reason, the microelement is involved in many physiological processes occurring in the body.
  • Normalization of work hormonal system. Chemical element plays a key role in the synthesis and excretion of insulin, which is involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates coming from food. Also, zinc in the blood protects the beta cells of the pancreas and participates in metabolic processes occurring in the ovaries, thyroid gland, adrenal glands and other organs. The sufficiency of the microelement is especially important for the male body (for the health of the prostate and the formation of hormones).
  • Improving the absorption of tocopherol. It is known that the normal content of this microelement guarantees optimal absorption of tocopherol and retinol, which in a positive way affects health.
  • Skin restoration. It is believed that the deterioration of the condition of the skin is directly related to a lack of zinc in the body. The reason is that Zn improves the absorption of vitamin A, accelerates tissue regeneration and wound healing, and effectively eliminates emerging inflammatory processes.
  • Strengthening teeth and bone tissue. This function is associated with the presence of Zn in the structure of these body parts.
  • Help during pregnancy. The results of numerous studies have shown that Zn affects the development of the baby in the womb: it helps in the formation of organs genitourinary system, heart, bones, eyes and brain.
  • Acceleration of cell growth. The main function of the microelement is to participate in cell division, DNA production and stabilization of its structure. This is why Zn intake is so important for normal height living tissues.
  • Improving liver performance. The supply of microelements guarantees normal work liver and its production of retinol.
  • Normalization of the nervous system and brain. A lack of zinc is believed to lead to the development of Alzheimer's disease.

Daily norm

Compliance daily norm Zn in nutrition is a chance to restore and maintain normal level the course of many processes in the body. It is worth noting that During pregnancy, the need for microelements increases. If there is not enough zinc in the body during this period, atonic bleeding may occur, and the risk of premature birth and other problems increases.

  • children under six months old - 2-3 mg/day;
  • children from six months to three years – 3-5 mg;
  • children from three to eight years old – 6-8 mg;
  • between the ages of eight and thirteen years – 10-11 mg;
  • teenagers 13-18 years – 12-15 mg(the need for guys is higher);
  • for men - 16-20 mg;
  • women - 12-15 mg;
  • during pregnancy and lactation – 22-25 mg and above.

Causes of zinc deficiency

Scientists highlight three main forms of zinc deficiency in the body, the symptoms of which appear equally in men and women:

  • subacute;
  • acute;
  • chronic.

The main causes of deficiency:

  • Excessive intake of copper, cadmium or mercury.
  • Skin diseases, including psoriasis and seborrhea.
  • Periods after surgery different shapes burn conditions.
  • Passion for alcoholic drinks.
  • Increased volume of estrogens, as well as corticosteroid-type drugs.
  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract - fermentopania, dysbacteriosis, deterioration in the quality of absorption in the stomach.
  • Excessive requirement for Zn. Lack of zinc in the body and symptoms often appear during feeding or pregnancy, during wound healing, and during bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Absence in diet meat products(passion for vegetarianism). Such problems are often attributed to the inclusion of large amounts of soy, which contains phytic acid, in the diet.
  • The presence of worms in the body and so on.

Symptoms of micronutrient deficiency

Zinc deficiency manifests itself in a special way. The symptoms here are:

  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract - diarrhea, problems with digestion of food.
  • Depressive states.
  • Fatigue, memory loss, increased nervousness.
  • The appearance of cravings for alcohol.
  • Loss of appetite, weight loss.
  • Decreased vision.
  • Excessive activity.
  • The nail plates begin to peel, and the hair loses color, falls out, and becomes dull.
  • Skin diseases develop (exacerbate): eczema, dermatitis, trophic ulcers and psoriasis.
  • Body growth and sexual development slow down (especially in males). In men main symptom Zinc deficiency – problems in bed, decreased sexual desire.
  • Deterioration of immunity and, as a result, frequent pain. Allergies and colds are becoming commonplace.
  • There is a risk of developing an adenoma prostate gland.
  • Accumulation of metals in the body - copper, cadmium and iron.
  • Rapid aging and development of malignant tumors.

Long-term lack of zinc in the body in women and men leads to the following diseases:

  • liver cirrhosis;
  • hyperzincuria;
  • hypozincemia;
  • reducing the level of Zn in the liver.

Why is excess dangerous?

It was mentioned above that microelement deficiency leads to negative consequences. But not only a shortage is dangerous, but also an excess. In this case, the following problems are likely:

  • weakening of the immune system;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract (diarrhea);
  • secondary copper deficiency;
  • development of pathology of hair, skin and nails;
  • malfunctions of the prostate, liver and pancreas.

A lack of zinc in the body is always caused by certain reasons. A similar situation arises with an excess of microelements. Only reasons are different:

  • Excessive intake of foods rich in Zn, as well as zinc-containing preparations (ointments).
  • Disruptions in zinc metabolism.
  • Direct contact with zinc (optionally, during operation).

Features of treatment

Zinc deficiency in the body often develops against the background of an incorrectly formulated diet and gastrointestinal diseases, psoriasis, blood diseases and other pathologies. To compensate for the deficiency, it is recommended to include Zn-rich foods in the diet at the first stage. It is worth highlighting here:

  • oysters – 200-400 mg;
  • veal liver – 16 mg;
  • wheat bran and germ – 15-30 mg;
  • blueberries and pumpkin seeds – 10 mg;
  • Brewer's yeast - 10-30 mg;
  • lentils - 5.0 mg;
  • soybean – 4.8 mg;
  • cereals - 5-7 mg;
  • green peas and cocoa – 3-5 mg;
  • egg yolk - 3-4 mg;
  • meat - 2-3 mg.

Zinc is also found in the following foods:

  • mushrooms;
  • walnuts;
  • potato;
  • cabbage;
  • beet;
  • cherry;
  • carrots and others.

Due to low bioavailability, zinc deficiency in the body of men and women treated with special medications:

  • Zincteral is a drug containing 45 mg of zinc in one tablet. Recommended for coal rash, prolonged wound healing, baldness, metabolic disorders, and so on. Zincteral is prescribed in the amount of 1-3 tablets per day, depending on the level of zinc deficiency. Used an hour before a meal or a couple of hours after it. In the case of a long course, there is a risk of copper deficiency. Side effects– disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and hematopoietic system, the appearance of headaches, weakness and chills. An overdose is also dangerous, which manifests itself as problems with the gastrointestinal tract, convulsions, decreased blood pressure, pulmonary edema, and so on.
  • Zinc oxide is a drug that comes in the form of an ointment (paste) and is intended for external use. After processing the skin forms protective barrier and speeds up healing. Indications for use are ulcerative lesions, eczema, infectious diseases. Prescribed in complex therapy for a lack of zinc in a woman’s body, the symptoms of which have manifested themselves in the form of skin problems. The frequency of application of the ointment is five times a day. The composition is well absorbed and gives a quick effect.
  • Brewer's yeast with Zn. The lack of zinc in the body of men or women is compensated by taking the mentioned dietary supplement. In addition to the microelement in question, the supplement also contains vitamins, including niacin, biotin, folic acid and others. The drug is prescribed for dermatoses, anemia, diabetes mellitus, acne and other problems. Take 2-3 tablets twice a day with meals.

During the course of zinc-containing drugs, taking tea, coffee and alcoholic drinks should be limited. In addition, folic acid impairs the absorption of zinc. In some cases long-term use leads to copper deficiency. For this reason, it is worth knowing what happens if there is not enough zinc in the body, and what are the symptoms of copper deficiency.


To avoid health problems, It is important to quickly recognize the signs of zinc deficiency in organism. At the same time, people who are at risk (pregnant women, vegetarians) should special attention approach the formation of your diet and periodically take zinc-containing drugs. In other cases, reception is allowed vitamin complexes– Multitabs, Centrum.

It is worth remembering the relationship between pregnancy and zinc deficiency in the body. Symptoms in women are increasingly manifested in the form of problems with conception. If during the examination no physiological problems or abnormalities are found in reproductive system, doctors move on to blood tests and hormone checks. Against this background, more and more opinions are emerging that Zn deficiency and infertility are interrelated. In addition, the microelement affects the speed and correctness of the child’s development, which makes it especially important for women.


The importance of zinc in the human body cannot be overestimated. Like a number of other microelements, Zn must be supplied in sufficient quantities, primarily through food. For any manifestations of zinc deficiency, you should consult a doctor and take action. Only a timely response and covering the deficit guarantees the absence of health problems.

What is Zinc Deficiency (Dietary Zinc Deficiency) -

Zinc is a structural component of biological membranes, cell receptors, proteins, is part of more than 200 enzymatic systems. Zinc-dependent are such vital important hormones, like insulin, corticotropin, somatotropin, gonadotropins, it is necessary for the formation of red blood cells and other shaped elements blood. Zinc is believed to have antioxidant properties and also improve the effects of other antioxidants.

For normal functioning The human body needs about 15 mg of zinc per day.

What provokes / Causes of Zinc Deficiency (dietary zinc deficiency):

If you answered yes to at least 2 questions, then your body probably does not have enough zinc.

Scientists know that the treatment of many diseases should begin with prescribing zinc-containing drugs to patients. Especially when vegetative-vascular diseases, anemia, stomach ulcers, prostate tumors, personal skin diseases, as well as for burns.

Zinc deficiency may be caused by disruption thyroid gland, liver diseases, poor absorption, lack of this mineral in water, food, and also too big amount phytin in food products, since phytin “binds” zinc, making it difficult to absorb (by the way, you cannot take zinc together with selenium, since these two elements are mutually exclusive.). If there is too much protein in food, this can also be cause of zinc deficiency in the body. For diseases: bronchial cancer, inflammation or prostate cancer, others cancerous tumors In leukemia, there is also an overconsumption of zinc, which is necessary for cell growth.

Calcium supplements and a diet rich in calcium (dairy products) can reduce the absorption of zinc by almost 50%, and caffeine and alcohol strongly remove it from the body.

Zinc is quickly eliminated from the body under stress, as well as under the influence of toxic metals, pesticides, etc.

The level of zinc in the body decreases significantly with age, therefore, older people are more or less zinc deficient.

Pathogenesis (what happens?) during Zinc Deficiency (dietary zinc deficiency):

As you know, zinc is one of the essential microelements. Its reserves in the body are not large. So, an adult contains only 1.5-2 g of zinc, which, for example, is 2 times lower than the iron content. Zinc is found in all organs and tissues of the body, but its highest concentrations are found in skeletal muscle, which contains 62% of its amount. Also rich in zinc skeletal system, prostate gland, cornea. In newborns, 25% of zinc can be present in the liver. The main amount of incoming zinc (40-45%) is absorbed into duodenum by the mechanism of controlled diffusion. It has been established that the absorption of zinc is inversely proportional to its concentration in the intestinal lumen. Having entered the enterocyte, zinc combines with metallothionein, which, according to some data, regulates not only the absorption, but also the release of zinc. IN bloodstream the main ligand of zinc is albumin, which carries up to 2/3 of the metabolically active trace element. Small amounts of zinc are transported to the brain by histidine and cystidine

The daily requirement for zinc is 8-10 mg, only 20-30% is absorbed from food. The richest foods in zinc are meat, dairy products, seafood, nuts, and eggs. It should be taken into account that high-quality composition products can significantly affect the absorption of the microelement. Thus, the absorption of zinc is prevented by phytin, which is contained in large quantities in foods. plant origin, which forms an insoluble complex with zinc in the presence of calcium, which is not absorbed in the intestine. Hemicellulose, chelating agents, and calcium also inhibit the absorption of zinc.

Zinc is released mainly through the intestines (10 mg per day), with urine (0.3-0.6 mg), with sweat (in hot weather up to 2-3 mg). Zinc is also excreted in human milk (1.63 mg/kg),

Biological role of zinc

The biological role of zinc is diverse. It is necessary for cell growth and division, development bone tissue, regeneration processes, reproductive function, brain development and behavior. Being a component of more than 300 enzymes, zinc takes part in all types of metabolism and is part of the genetic apparatus of the cell, representing about 100 zinc-containing nucleoproteins. Zinc plays a significant role in the functioning of the immune system. Thymulin is a thymic hormone necessary for T-lymphocytes and is zinc-dependent, as a result of which, with zinc deficiency, the total number of T-lymphocytes and T-suppressors, as well as the phagocytic activity of neutrophils, decreases. Zinc takes Active participation in regeneration processes, since it is necessary for the synthesis and stabilization of DNA. Superoxide dismutase, which is involved in the regulation of lipid peroxidation, is also a zinc-containing enzyme, and therefore many authors classify this trace element as an antioxidant.

Zinc deficiency conditions

The indispensability of zinc for the course of fundamental life processes is clearly manifested when its deficiency occurs. A classic example of zinc deficiency is acrodermatitis enteropathica. It is a rare, autosomal recessively inherited disease. Manifests in infancy and without treatment leads to fatal outcome. It is believed that as a result genetic defect in Paneth cells, the absorption of zinc in the intestine is impaired. Clinically, acrodermatitis manifests itself typical signs zinc deficiency. Skin lesions come to the fore in the form of chronic erythematous-bullous dermatitis on the extremities and around the natural orifices of the body, often accompanied by secondary infection, pathology of nail and hair growth, and alopecia. Characterized by severe gastrointestinal disorders with malabsorption syndrome, eye symptoms(blepharitis, conjunctivitis, photophobia, corneal opacification), neuropsychiatric disorders, growth retardation, hypogonadism, anemia, hepatosplenomegaly, decreased acuity of taste and smell. Zinc deficiency experienced by a woman during pregnancy leads to a wide range of congenital deformities in the fetus - splitting upper jaw, upper sky, microcephaly.

Symptoms of Zinc Deficiency (Dietary Zinc Insufficiency):

Ensuring the body's optimal need for this mineral has allowed nutritional medicine to achieve revolutionary success in controlling wide range consequences of its deficiency - the list of these ailments includes schizophrenia and other mental disorders, diabetes, prostate adenoma, cataracts, heart disease, damage to the brain and nervous system, dysfunction of the immune system, poor digestion, ulcers, food allergies, accumulation of toxic metals, poor healing wounds, osteoporosis, skin diseases, fatigue, loss of appetite, hearing problems, eating disorders and a host of symptoms of blood sugar imbalance.

Our land is getting poorer zinc, and a high-carbohydrate diet leaves us even less. Calcium supplements and calcium-rich diets may reduce absorption zinc by almost 50%. Zinc quickly eliminated from the body under stress (physical, emotional or chemical), as well as under the influence of toxic metals, pesticides and other contaminants environment. Aging inevitably puts us at a disadvantage because the stomach does not secrete sufficient quantity acid necessary to absorb this mineral. Based on prevalence zinc deficiency among sick old people, the use of supplements should probably be considered mandatory for all older people.

WITH zinc deficiency a whole spectrum of neurological and neurological mental disorders- epilepsy, schizophrenia, multiple sclerosis, Huntington's disease, dyslexia, acute psychosis, dementia, pathological food aversion, attention disorder and depression.

Supplements zinc may help prevent Alzheimer's disease. It is almost impossible to detect zinc-dependent hormone in the body of people affected by this disease. thymus gland- thymulin, which means that zinc deficiency may play a role in the occurrence of the pathological process.

People affected by AIDS almost invariably experience zinc deficiency, which contributes significantly to the ongoing decline of an already damaged immune system.

Malignant tumors develop more easily against the background reduced level zinc.

Symptoms of almost all skin diseases improve or disappear with increased supplies zinc in organism. In doses of 100 mg or more, it is particularly effective in treating acne, which some researchers consider a deficiency disorder. zinc and one of the essential fatty acids. The effects of supplements are not immediate - it may take weeks or months before you notice results on your skin.

Benign enlargement of the prostate gland (prostate adenoma), which has now reached almost epidemic proportions among men over fifty years of age, is inextricably linked to inadequate intake. zinc throughout the entire previous life. Frequent urge urinary problems and other symptoms of prostate adenoma are very reliably reduced when using supplements zinc, especially in combination with saw palmetto (saw palmetto) extract, essential fatty acids and several amino acids, including glycine, alanine and glutamic acid. Zinc deficiency may also impair sperm formation and testosterone production, whereas when treating a group of men over sixty years of age with dietary supplements containing zinc, the level of testosterone in their blood serum literally doubled.

Zinc deficiency can lead to a variety of pregnancy complications, including miscarriage, morning sickness, fetal growth restriction, and obstructed labor. Even a moderate daily dose of 22 mg tested in one study allowed women to give birth to significantly larger babies. Doses zinc About 10-60 mg per day is completely safe to take during pregnancy.

It is possible that zinc deficiency makes a certain contribution to one of the most common causes of blindness - degeneration macular spot. Taking supplements in doses of 100 to 200 mg may slow the progressive destruction of the retina that causes this condition.

Forty percent of people with Crohn's disease experience zinc deficiency, and replenishing the reserves of this mineral in the body has crucial to overcome this common digestive disorder. IN developing countries inclusion in the diet of children experiencing deficiency of this mineral, food supplements containing zinc, help reduce the number of cases of dysentery and diarrhea.

Those who are affected rheumatoid arthritis(inflammatory joint disease), supplies zinc in the body, as a rule, are severely depleted.

With a decrease in content zinc in the body, compared to the optimal level, we become more vulnerable to toxic effect environmental pollution. In one study of two hundred randomly selected people with chemical hypersensitivity, 54% of them had low levels zinc.

Diagnosis of Zinc Deficiency (dietary zinc deficiency):

Diagnosis of zinc deficiency is based on determining the level of zinc in blood serum, red blood cells, urine, and hair. The most informative, according to many authors, is the study of zinc in blood serum. According to Karlinsky M.V., a zinc concentration in the blood of less than 13 µmol/l can be regarded as a zinc deficiency state, and a zinc content of less than 8.2 µmol/l is an unfavorable prognostic sign. However, it must be taken into account that the level of zinc in the blood does not always correlate with clinical manifestations. Thus, the concentration of zinc in the blood can change during the day depending on food intake, stress, past infection, in case of violations of blood collection and storage. Therefore, when diagnosing zinc deficiency, it is necessary to take into account not only the concentration of zinc in the blood serum, but also the positive dynamics clinical symptoms, as well as an increase in zinc concentration in response to therapy with zinc-containing drugs.

Treatment of Zinc Deficiency (Dietary Zinc Insufficiency):

Zinc deficiency develops in diseases gastrointestinal tract, systemic diseases connective tissue, blood diseases, psoriasis, neoplasms and other pathological processes.

You can make up for the deficiency with food such as seafood (oysters, shrimp), liver, lean beef, hard cheeses, legumes, nuts, mushrooms and berries (blueberries, raspberries). In addition, most nutritional supplements and vitamin-mineral complexes contain zinc.

However, since the bioavailability of zinc is low (about 30%), drugs with high content zinc, in particular Zincteral (KFZ Polfa, Poland), one tablet of which contains 124 mg of zinc sulfate (45 mg of elemental zinc).

During treatment with Zincteral, it is necessary to limit the consumption of alcohol, coffee and strong tea.

Some dietary components, such as folic acid (found in green vegetables), phytic acid salts (found in grains), dairy products and eggs, impair the absorption of zinc. Because the long-term treatment Zincteral can cause a decrease in copper levels in the blood; it is necessary to take copper supplements at the same time.

When treated with Zincteral, dyspeptic symptoms (heartburn, nausea, metallic taste in the mouth) are sometimes possible. In this case, the drug must be taken during or immediately after meals.

Zincteral is contraindicated in renal failure And individual intolerance drug.

There are many other areas of medicine in which zinc preparations are widely and successfully used. Insufficient intake of zinc into the body of a pregnant woman leads to insufficient growth and delayed development of the fetus, as well as complications during childbirth.

Pediatricians use zinc preparations for delayed neuropsychic and cognitive development in preschool and school age.

Dermatovenerologists include Zincteral in treatment regimens for resistant forms of trichomoniasis.

And this is only an incomplete list of the possibilities for using zinc in medicine. Specialized publications constantly publish the results huge amount research in this area, of interest to modern practicing doctors and pharmacists.

Which doctors should you contact if you have zinc deficiency (nutritional zinc deficiency):

Is something bothering you? Do you want to know more detailed information about Zinc Deficiency (dietary insufficiency of zinc), its causes, symptoms, methods of treatment and prevention, the course of the disease and diet after it? Or do you need an inspection? You can make an appointment with a doctor– clinic Eurolab always at your service! The best doctors they will examine you and study you external signs and will help you identify the disease by symptoms, advise you and provide necessary help and make a diagnosis. you also can call a doctor at home. Clinic Eurolab open for you around the clock.

How to contact the clinic:
Phone number of our clinic in Kyiv: (+38 044) 206-20-00 (multi-channel). The clinic secretary will select a convenient day and time for you to visit the doctor. Our coordinates and directions are indicated. Look in more detail about all the clinic’s services on it.

(+38 044) 206-20-00

If you have previously performed any research, Be sure to take their results to a doctor for consultation. If the studies have not been performed, we will do everything necessary in our clinic or with our colleagues in other clinics.

You? It is necessary to take a very careful approach to your overall health. People don't pay enough attention symptoms of diseases and do not realize that these diseases can be life-threatening. There are many diseases that at first do not manifest themselves in our body, but in the end it turns out that, unfortunately, it is too late to treat them. Each disease has its own specific symptoms, characteristic external manifestations- so called symptoms of the disease. Identifying symptoms is the first step in diagnosing diseases in general. To do this, you just need to do it several times a year. be examined by a doctor to not only prevent terrible disease, but also support healthy mind in the body and the organism as a whole.

If you want to ask a doctor a question, use the online consultation section, perhaps you will find answers to your questions there and read self care tips. If you are interested in reviews about clinics and doctors, try to find the information you need in the section. Also register on the medical portal Eurolab to stay up to date latest news and information updates on the website, which will be automatically sent to you by email.

Other diseases from the group Diseases of the endocrine system, nutritional disorders and metabolic disorders:

Addisonian crisis (acute adrenal insufficiency)
Breast adenoma
Adiposogenital dystrophy (Perchkranz-Babinski-Fröhlich disease)
Adrenogenital syndrome
Nutritional insanity (nutritional dystrophy)
Amyloidosis (amyloid dystrophy)
Amyloidosis of the stomach
Intestinal amyloidosis
Pancreatic islet amyloidosis
Liver amyloidosis
Amyloidosis of the esophagus
Protein-energy malnutrition
I-cell disease (mucolipidosis type II)
Wilson-Konovalov disease (hepatocerebral dystrophy)
Gaucher disease (glucocerebroside lipidosis, glucocerebrosidosis)
Itsenko-Cushing's disease
Krabbe disease (globoid cell leukodystrophy)
Niemann-Pick disease (sphingomyelinosis)
Fabry disease
Gangliosidosis GM1 type I
Gangliosidosis GM1 type II
Gangliosidosis GM1 type III
Gangliosidosis GM2
Gangliosidosis GM2 type I (amaurotic idiocy of Tay-Sachs, Tay-Sachs disease)
GM2 gangliosidosis type II (Sandhoff's disease, Sandhoff's amaurotic idiocy)
Gangliosidosis GM2 juvenile
Hyperaldosteronism secondary
Primary hyperaldosteronism (Conn's syndrome)
Hypervitaminosis D
Hypervitaminosis A
Hypervitaminosis E
Hyperglycemic (diabetic) coma
Hyperlipoproteinemia type I
Hyperlipoproteinemia type II
Hyperlipoproteinemia type III
Hyperlipoproteinemia type IV
Hyperlipoproteinemia type V
Hyperosmolar coma
Hyperparathyroidism secondary
Primary hyperparathyroidism
Hyperplasia of the thymus (thymus gland)
Testicular hyperfunction
Hypoglycemic coma
Hypogonadism hyperprolactinemic
Hypogonadism isolated (idiopathic)
Primary congenital hypogonadism (anorchism)
Primary acquired hypogonadism
Glycogenosis type 0 (aglycogenosis)
Glycogenosis type I (Gierke's disease)
Glycogenosis type II (Pompe disease)
Glycogenosis type III (Measles disease, Forbes disease, limit dextrinosis)
Glycogenosis type IV (Andersen's disease, amylopectinosis, diffuse glycogenosis with liver cirrhosis)
Glycogenosis type IX (Haga's disease)
Glycogenosis type V (McArdle disease, myophosphorylase deficiency)
Glycogenosis type VI (Hers disease, hepatophosphorylase deficiency)
Glycogenosis type VII (Tarui disease, myophosphofructokinase deficiency)
Glycogenosis type VIII (Thomson's disease)
Glycogenosis type XI
Glycogenosis type X
Deficiency (insufficiency) of vanadium
Magnesium deficiency (insufficiency)
Manganese deficiency (insufficiency)
Copper deficiency (insufficiency)
Deficiency (insufficiency) of molybdenum
Deficiency (insufficiency) of chromium
Iron deficiency
Calcium deficiency (nutritional calcium deficiency)
Diabetic ketoacidotic coma
Ovarian dysfunction
Diffuse (endemic) goiter
Delayed puberty
Excess estrogen
Involution of the mammary glands
Dwarfism (short stature)
Cystic mastopathy
Lactic acidemic coma
Leucinosis (maple syrup disease)
Farber lipogranulomatosis

Despite the fact that a person’s daily requirement for zinc is lower than for other microelements, its role for the body cannot be overestimated. Zinc is one of the structural components biological membranes, cell receptors, proteins, hormones, it is part of more than 200 enzyme systems and is necessary for the production. Daily requirement an adult's zinc content is 12–15 mg.

There are many reasons why a deficiency of this microelement may occur in the body. Zinc deficiency can be caused by the liver, digestive tract, as well as a lack of this microelement in food and water. The absorption of zinc significantly worsens when taking medications, and with the abuse of alcohol and coffee, its excretion from the body increases. The level of zinc in the body decreases when taken contraception and some medicines, which contain corticosteroids. With age, the amount of this microelement in the body also decreases, so it is believed that all older people are varying degrees lack zinc.

The need for zinc increases during pregnancy and lactation and in actively growing children.

Signs of Zinc Deficiency

White spots on the nails may be a sign of zinc deficiency.

A lack of zinc in the body may indicate skin manifestations, acne is often a consequence of a deficiency of this microelement. Nails also suffer: they become thin, brittle, and old spots may appear on the nail plates. Hair also becomes brittle and falls out easily. The functioning of the immune system deteriorates, susceptibility to infections increases, and wounds heal slowly.

Nervous system disorders with a slight zinc deficiency manifest themselves as increased fatigue and irritability. With its severe deficiency, the ability to concentrate decreases and memory deteriorates. Scientists believe that a lack of zinc may be associated a large number of neurological and mental disorders such as schizophrenia, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, dementia, depression, etc. Zinc supplements are believed to help prevent Alzheimer's disease.

Scientists have established a connection between zinc deficiency and development. In addition, the quantity and quality of sperm deteriorates and testosterone production decreases, which can cause impotence and infertility.

Women may experience pregnancy complications such as toxicosis, miscarriage, premature birth In addition, due to zinc deficiency, fetal growth and development may be impaired. By the way, doctors directly associate the distortion of the perception of taste and smell during pregnancy with a lack of zinc. It should be noted that this phenomenon can occur in any person with reduced content of this microelement in the body, and not just in expectant mothers.

When zinc reserves in the body are depleted, inflammatory diseases joints. Malignant tumors develop much faster with a lack of this microelement.

Lack of zinc in children can lead to growth retardation, sexual and mental development. In children poor appetite, decreased body weight, they get sick often colds, are emotionally labile and have poor school performance.

Treatment and prevention

Enriching your diet with foods containing zinc will help replenish zinc reserves and maintain its level in the body within the recommended limits. Largest quantity this trace element was found in:

  • meat of animals and poultry,
  • seafood, especially shrimp, oysters and seaweed,
  • cheeses, legumes,
  • nuts,

Smaller amounts of zinc are found in garlic, rolled oats, rice,. It is beneficial to eat fruits, especially citrus fruits, and berries such as raspberries and blueberries. It is recommended to limit the consumption of coffee, strong black tea and alcohol.

Vitamins B2 and B6 increase the availability of this microelement for the body and reduce its excretion in the urine, but calcium, on the contrary, impairs the absorption of zinc.

Most vitamin-mineral complexes (Biomax, Vitrum, Alphabet, etc.) contain zinc, so everyone, especially older people, are recommended to take them periodically. Moreover, in multivitamin preparations The zinc content may vary between different manufacturers. If you cannot decide on your own which vitamins to choose, then you should consult a doctor and take a test to determine the level of zinc in your blood serum.

If there is a significant lack of zinc in the body, and following a diet and taking vitamin-mineral complexes is not enough, then the doctor may prescribe drugs with a high content of this microelement (Zincteral). When taking the drug, strict adherence to the doctor's instructions and instructions for use is necessary.

In humans, zinc is present in all tissues, fluids and organs, but internal reserves are small. It is excreted daily along with feces, sweat, urine, exfoliated skin particles, and semen. Therefore, the lack of this microelement significantly affects the condition of the entire body. And a reduction in the intake of zinc contained in food quickly leads to symptoms of its deficiency.

The variety of functions of zinc is explained by the fact that it is an integral component cell membranes and many enzymes (carbonic anhydrase, etc.). This one is vital essential mineral important for:

  • normal rates of cell division;
  • formation of red blood cells and hemoglobin;
  • adequate action of a number of hormones (folliculin, testosterone, insulin, pituitrin, etc.);
  • the performance of our immunity;
  • sufficient lipotropic effect;
  • protein synthesis;
  • nucleic acid metabolism;
  • neutralization;
  • fast healing affected tissues;
  • reducing inflammation;
  • integrity of the structure of bones and teeth;
  • maintaining the stability of the transmission of nerve impulses;
  • normal course of labor.

Therefore, to ensure all of these positive effects, our body needs to receive about 12–15 mg of zinc every day. The need increases among vegetarians, athletes, expectant mothers and breastfeeding women.


Vegetarianism often causes the development of zinc deficiency in the body.

The list of causes of zinc deficiency is quite long. It includes:

  • serious injuries (especially extensive burns);
  • starvation;
  • vegetarianism (due to overconsumption phytate, which binds zinc);
  • taking medications (diuretics, corticosteroids, hormonal contraceptives, calcium or iron supplements, folic acid);
  • digestive ailments in which the absorption of zinc received from food is inhibited (sprue, enteropathic acrodermatitis, etc.);
  • consequences of operations (the presence of jejunoileal anastomosis - an artificial connection between the jejunum and ileum, short bowel syndrome, etc.);
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • excessive sweating;
  • alcoholism;
  • cancer diseases;
  • excessive passion for coffee, sweets and pickles;
  • psycho-emotional stress;
  • aging.

In this case, isolated deficiency of zinc alone is practically not observed. Usually its deficiency is accompanied by a lack of other substances no less necessary for the body.


The symptoms of zinc deficiency are extremely variable. A variety of tissues, organs and systems are affected. These patients may gradually develop:

  • skin changes ( various rashes near natural openings and on the extremities, impaired healing of scratches, abrasions and other skin defects, dry skin);
  • changes in hair (local loss, appearance of a reddish tint or decreased pigmentation) and striations of nails (transverse white stripes);
  • eye damage (swelling of the cornea, sometimes leading to clouding, cataracts);
  • changes in the perception of tastes and smells;
  • loss of appetite;
  • neurological disorders (trembling of the limbs, changes in gait and speech, dementia, decreased attention and learning ability);
  • behavioral disorders (unreasonable irritability, low mood, drowsiness);
  • prolonged or premature labor, atonic bleeding during childbirth;
  • cessation or delay of growth and puberty in children;
  • long-healing ulcers on the mucous membranes;
  • tendency to frequent infectious diseases;
  • impotence;
  • infertility.


If clinically obvious zinc deficiency is detected, patients should complex treatment which includes both nutritional therapy and pharmacological preparations.

Diet therapy

Nuts and seeds contain large amounts of zinc.

Foods vary greatly in the amount of zinc they contain. If you have a suspected or detected zinc deficiency, you should enrich your diet with those foods that are considered its sources. These include:

  • red meat (beef, etc.);
  • offal (kidneys, lungs, tongue, liver, etc.);
  • seafood (oysters, squid, shrimp, etc.);
  • eggs (especially yolks);
  • bran;
  • germinal parts of cereal grains;
  • sesame;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • legumes;
  • nuts;
  • mushrooms;
  • Brown rice;
  • yeast.

Processing cereals with grinding leads to the loss of up to 80% of the zinc content. Therefore, you need to choose bread products made from whole grains and with bran. In addition, the absorption of zinc from plants is negatively affected by the phytic acid present in them, which forms insoluble complexes with it. But its removal is facilitated by fermentation of the dough.

Drug treatment

Unfortunately, the bioavailability of dietary zinc is low, therefore, with already developed clinical manifestations For zinc deficiency, doctors prescribe oral pharmacological preparations of zinc: Zincit, Zincteral, zinc sulfate, zinc picolinate, etc. During treatment, you should avoid alcoholic beverages and limit coffee.

For skin rashes, ointments, pastes (zinc-naphthalan, zinc-ichthyol, etc.), powders or creams with zinc (its oxide) often help. To treat eye diseases, drops with zinc sulfate are used.


In order to prevent the occurrence of zinc deficiency, certain categories of the population (vegetarians, pregnant women, the elderly, etc.) who have significant risk factors should:

  • enrich your diet with foods rich in zinc;
  • and/or periodically take balanced multivitamin-mineral complexes (Centrum, Multitabs, etc.).

Which doctor should I contact?

Usually a person goes to see to a specialized specialist, and after examination he suggests a zinc deficiency and refers the patient to a nutritionist. In addition, it is necessary to treat the disease that caused the lack of this microelement, so the patient is examined by a gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, and oncologist. Depending on the manifestations of zinc deficiency, a dermatologist, ophthalmologist, neurologist, and gynecologist are involved in treatment. If you suspect you have a zinc deficiency, it is best to see your GP or family doctor.

Symptoms of zinc deficiency in the body occur even with a slight deviation in the concentration of the mineral from the norm. They especially suffer reproductive organs, brain, skin.

The body contains 1.5 to 2 g of zinc (Zn). Most concentrated in skeletal muscles (up to 62%), liver, bones, pancreas, prostate gland, cornea of ​​the eyes.

The blood contains 7-8 mg/l, with the majority (up to 85%) concentrated in red blood cells. Zn is required for sperm production and is abundant in the male reproductive organs.

Causes of deficiency

The causes of zinc deficiency are:

  • insufficient food intake;
  • poor absorption in the digestive tract;
  • increased need caused by illness, physical, nervous tension.

Zn is poorly absorbed in diseases of the pancreas, kidneys, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease. The absorption of this microelement in the intestine is impaired when helminthic infestations, chronic infectious diseases, skin diseases such as psoriasis, dermatitis.

A large amount of Zn is lost through sweat - up to 3 mg in the hot season, through the intestines - up to 10 mg, and up to 0.6 mg of the trace element is excreted in the urine per day. Symptoms of zinc deficiency in the body occur with tumor diseases.

The microelement is actively consumed during lactation. To meet the child's needs for breast milk Zn is contained in increased concentration.

Symptoms of zinc deficiency in a woman’s body are also observed outside the lactation period. They can be caused by taking contraceptives that accelerate the excretion of trace elements in the urine.

Deficiency Symptoms

Early symptoms of zinc deficiency in the body are manifested by apathy and confusion of thoughts. A deficiency of the mineral is associated with the development of schizophrenia. Bad influence its shortage on the central nervous system manifests itself:

  • irritability;
  • trembling fingers;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • suicidal actions;
  • severe depression.

Zn deficiency affects the condition of the skin and mucous membranes. Micronutrient deficiency is associated with growth retardation in children and underlies rare genetic disease enteropathic acrodermatitis.

This hereditary disease caused by insufficient production of the enzyme oligopepidase, which is necessary for the absorption of zinc in the intestine.

Enteropathic acrodermatitis can also be non-hereditary and occur due to a lack of mineral in the diet.

Manifestations of enteropathic acrodermatitis:

  • inflammation of the oral mucosa - glossitis, stomatitis, seizures in the corners of the mouth;
  • alopecia - hair loss;
  • eye diseases – blepharitis, conjunctivitis, photophobia;
  • diarrhea;
  • drowsiness, irritability.

Zn deficiency provokes the development of Prasad's disease in the body, in which the following are noted:

  • dwarf stature;
  • violation of sexual development;
  • increase in liver size;
  • rough, dry skin.

With a lack of Zn, conditions are created for the occurrence of diabetes, allergies, and skin diseases. Acne, brittle nails, white spots on the nail plates - all these signs indicate a lack of zinc in the body.

Consequences of lack

With Zn deficiency, iron, copper, cadmium, and lead accumulate in tissues. The consequence of a shortage can be allergies, decreased visual acuity and weakened immunity, anemia, and depression. A deficiency of the mineral may be the basis for weight gain, since its deficiency reduces the ability to break down fat reserves for energy.

A woman’s body reacts sharply to a lack of zinc with symptoms similar to the manifestations of hypovitaminosis B and a lack of folic acid.

The consequences of a lack of zinc during pregnancy can be premature birth and difficulty in labor.

With microelement deficiency, the skin condition worsens, anemia develops, and in old age the risk increases senile dementia– acquired dementia, which could have been prevented by timely consultation with a doctor and taking medications containing zinc.



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