What happens if a person doesn't get enough sleep? What are the dangers of chronic lack of sleep and how to prevent its consequences? Longing and decay

If you are constantly lacking sleep, it can negatively affect your health. Find out more about the main physiological changes in the body, which can lead to chronic lack of sleep, as well as methods for solving this problem.

Unfortunately, lack of sleep very quickly affects a person’s well-being and performance.

Of course, we all don't get enough sometimes sufficient quantity night's rest through stressful situations or other negative external factors. However, if it occurs rarely, a single lack of sleep is much less of a threat than chronic insomnia.

If you have been suffering from sleep disorders for three months or more, you should sound the alarm. Be sure to consult a specialist if lack of sleep is negatively affecting your quality of life.

First of all, you need to determine the source of the problem.

Sometimes chronic pain, depression, syndrome sleep apnea and changes in biorhythms lead to insomnia, which can only be cured with the help of a qualified therapist.

At such moments, you toss and turn in bed for several hours, unsuccessfully trying to fall asleep. If the same situation repeats for several days in a row, you should consult a doctor.

Of course, insomnia is not fatal disease. However, chronic lack of sleep significantly reduces the quality of life, and we should not forget that insomnia is often caused by severe, sometimes even incurable, diseases.

This fact may surprise you, but chronic sleep deprivation often leads to other disorders. In this article we will talk more about this.

Biological changes in the body caused by lack of sleep

You probably already know that to restore strength and maintain wellness a person needs to sleep at least 8:00.

However, we do not advise you to rely so categorically on dry statistics. For example, 8:00 hours of sleep at 60 years old is radically different from the same 8:00 hours at another age. In addition, everyone is different, so everyone has different rest needs.

According to research conducted by the National Sleep Foundation, people between the ages of 26 and 64 should get at least 7 to 9 hours of sleep. After 64 years of age, people usually do not need such a long rest.

Children should sleep between 9 and 11:00 every night. This is exactly how long it takes for growth hormones to activate.

Although each person has different needs, it is worth remembering that there is mandatory minimum, necessary for recuperation, and it is 6:00.

Remember that chronic lack of sleep does not give the body the opportunity to recover. As a result brain activity decreases and ceases to remove toxins from the body.

Let's take a closer look at the biological changes that occur in the body as a result of regular lack of sleep.

Lack of sleep changes gut flora

This fact may seem strange to you at first glance, but scientists from Uppsala University (Sweden) came to exactly this conclusion.

They conducted a study that showed that regular lack of sleep reduces the number of species intestinal bacteria in the intestines.

Please note that reducing the number of intestinal bacteria negatively affects metabolism. In addition, it has been changed intestinal flora impairs the ability of other internal organs to perform their functions, in particular:

  • increases the body's insulin resistance;
  • leads to a set of extra pounds;
  • weakens the immune system;
  • impairs the body's ability to absorb nutrients from food.

Insomnia can lead to diabetes

Be sure to note that chronic lack of sleep reduces the body's ability to metabolize glucose, which can result in diabetes.

This problem usually affects older people. However excess weight and insufficient sleep (

Lack of sleep worsens heart function

If you sleep 3:00 less than you need every day, you are putting your heart at risk. Imagine this situation: for three months you sleep no more than 4-5 hours a day.

You may think that this time is enough to recuperate, but your body will think differently.

Chronic lack of sleep contributes to high blood pressure. Insomnia slows down metabolism and leads to the development of insulin resistance. Lack of sleep often causes inflammatory processes in organism. As a result, the heart muscles lose elasticity and become more vulnerable to stressful situations.

Scientists have concluded that regular lack of sleep significantly reduces the ability of the heart to perform its functions as expected.

Insomnia negatively affects memory

If you've ever had to sleep less than usual, you probably know what harmful influence lack of sleep has an impact on the human body. In particular, lack of sleep reduces concentration, reaction and attention.

Chronic lack of sleep leads to significant memory impairment, and this is not surprising, because any chronic disease worsens a person’s quality of life.

According to studies, insomnia makes it more difficult to do usual activities such as maintaining a conversation, remembering new information and solving simple problems.

Excitement - insomnia, insomnia - excitement

Oh this vicious one vicious circle! Of course, stress and intense emotions have a strong impact on the quality of sleep, and if you are constantly stressed, the situation only gets worse.

Don't forget that the body and brain are closely interconnected. This is why regular lack of sleep leads to problems internal balance which causes even more stress.

Never hesitate to ask for help in such a case. If you have sleep disorders, you should definitely consult a qualified specialist.

After all, “all the world’s problems can be solved with good sleep.”

How much sleep does a person need during the day and what is chronic sleep deprivation? These questions have been of concern to physicians, psychologists, ordinary people and even the military. We will also try to understand this issue.

The concept of sleep in ancient times

Previously, it was almost universally believed that sleep was a state in which the soul flies out of the human body and may not even return back.

Almost all ancient civilizations treated dreams with sacred awe. For example, in Ancient Egypt it was believed that a dream is a message from the gods. Almost everywhere there is a belief that sleep is a brief state like death, when a person’s soul flies into unknown distances and sometimes may not return back.

However, in addition to such explanations, some ancient thinkers tried to give some kind of scientific interpretation of this phenomenon and use the sleep state to treat certain diseases. For example, Hippocrates, Galen, Aristotle tried to distinguish dreams that arouse illness and those that heal it.

How scientists explain the mechanism of falling asleep

Despite significant progress in studying the structure and functions of the brain, the state of sleep is still a completely unsolved mystery for many serious researchers. Currently, there are quite a lot of theories as to why we sleep and why we need it. The only indisputable fact is that every person spends almost a third of his life in a state of sleep.

It is believed that during wakefulness, certain structures of the brain already begin to produce substances, thanks to the action of which sleep subsequently occurs (for example, melatonin, serotonin and other substances that have not been fully studied).

In general, for the body, falling asleep is a signal to transition to another mode of functioning and activity, a sign for the launch of many recovery processes and cleansing cells of various unnecessary substances.

For nervous system sleep also means processing and comprehension of the information received during the day, analysis and search for a solution on a subconscious level.

Types of sleep

The sleep process itself is heterogeneous in its essence. While observing sleeping people, researchers noted a certain cyclical nature of the processes taking place: the presence of alternating periods of slow and REM sleep. In total, about 3–5 such cycles are observed during the night.

REM sleep

Scientists call fast sleep during which the pupils move quickly. closed eyes, although the body is motionless and quite relaxed. The electroencephalogram recorded during this period will resemble that of a awake person.

REM sleep is considered the fifth stage of sleep and usually occurs 1–1.5 hours after falling asleep. A person sees beautiful and memorable dreams precisely in this phase, and its duration is about 10 minutes.

Interestingly, REM sleep is most often observed in newborns (they probably need it for normal development nervous system), and over the years its amount decreases significantly.

If a person is deprived fast phase sleep what some do medications, then one of the forms of chronic sleep deprivation may develop, when a person will feel overwhelmed and tired all day, without sleep.

slow sleep

NREM sleep takes up significantly more than REM sleep in the sleep cycle. large quantity time. From the moment you fall asleep until the onset of REM sleep, it can last about 90 minutes.

During this period, slow alpha waves are recorded on the electroencephalogram, which are gradually replaced by theta waves. The heart rate slows down, blood pressure decreases, and breathing becomes less frequent.

Eventually, so-called delta sleep occurs, which is characterized by the presence of delta waves on the EEG. During such sleep, it is very difficult to wake a person, although it is in this phase that the phenomena of sleepwalking and nocturnal enuresis can be observed.

It is believed that during slow sleep basic energy costs are replenished, and the brain sorts and processes information that, in its opinion, is necessary for memorization.

What else happens to the body during the night?

  • Growth hormone is produced - somatotropin (it’s not for nothing that they say that children grow in their sleep).
  • Prolactin is synthesized, a hormone that ensures the secretion of milk by a nursing mother during the day.
  • In those suffering peptic ulcer duodenum during REM sleep secretion level of hydrochloric acid can increase 20 times, which provokes hunger pains at night.
  • Nocturnal angina attacks become more frequent during REM sleep.
  • All body systems are restored.

How much sleep does a person need?

An adult needs to sleep 7-8 hours a day, at least 2 of which should be before 24:00.

More than one generation of researchers has tried to answer this question. It is believed that on average an adult needs 7-8 hours of good sleep, 2 of which should occur before 12 o'clock at night. In general, women need 1 hour more sleep than men.

However, the facts are undeniable that for some people a significantly smaller number of hours of sleep is sufficient, while for others even 10 hours of sleep is not enough.

The most important criterion for “getting enough sleep” is that after waking up a person should feel rested and alert. If the rise is accompanied by weakness, bad mood and poor health, then sleep is clearly not enough.

Activities play a huge role in the overall need for sleep. thyroid gland. So, with insufficient production of its hormones (hypothyroidism), pathological drowsiness begins to be observed.

Consequences and symptoms of lack of sleep

  • Depression, decreased concentration, ability to concentrate and highlight the main thing.
  • Loss of sense of humor, increased irritability.
  • Hallucinations, lapses in thinking, periodic confusion.
  • Drowsiness while awake, loss of sense of reality of what is happening.
  • Dizziness, headaches, periodic fainting.
  • Decreased immunity, increased susceptibility to cancer and infectious diseases.
  • A condition similar to .
  • Increased risk hypertensive crises, development of diabetes mellitus and diabetes.
  • Increasing number of serious errors medical workers after night duty.
  • Tendency to hoard overweight body (it is believed that if a person sleeps for 5 hours or less, then he risks gaining weight by 50 percent or more, since with chronic lack of sleep, glucose is not utilized as muscle energy, but as fat).
  • Development of insomnia, impotence.

Who or what steals sleep

The Most Common Sleep Thief modern man– this is a computer, telephone and TV. Oddly enough, but sedentary lifestyle life also plays a very significant role in deprivation of a sufficient amount of sleep (with physical inactivity, it is very difficult for a person to fall asleep on time, and the need to wake up early is forced by the need to be at work or classes - this is why the amount of sleep is reduced).

Late and hearty dinner, family quarrels in evening time, taking stimulant drinks, night shifts, overtime work– are also capable of stealing such precious hours of sleep.

Chronic lack of sleep: how to deal with it

  1. Normalize and put your lifestyle in order: try to go to bed no later than 22-23.00, and wake up 7-8 hours after falling asleep.
  2. More during the day physical activity.
  3. Do not drink stimulant drinks or alcohol in the second half.
  4. Stop smoking.
  5. Use the bed only for sleeping.
  6. The night before bed, take a short walk fresh air, forgive everyone (including yourself): let your emotions subside, let your passions settle down. Find at least 10 reasons to be grateful for this day. Take a warm bath, turn on quiet soothing music, and have a relaxing massage.

Well, if these measures do not help, seek help from a specialist.

Here is a short test that will help you determine whether your body is getting enough sleep.

  • When the alarm rings, you move the arrows to more late time and continue to sleep?
  • Sometimes you don't hear the call at all?
  • Do you find it difficult to get out of bed when you wake up?
  • Do you doze off in public transport, during lectures and meetings?
  • Do you sleep longer than usual when you don't have to go to work?
  • Do you lose your temper if your plans fall apart?
  • A glass of alcohol will get you going?
  • Do you like to take a nap during the day?
  • Are you acutely aware of the fatigue that has accumulated over the week?

If you answered yes to at least 2 questions, you should reconsider your daily routine. Otherwise it will lead to serious illnesses.

Kalinov Yuri Dmitrievich

Reading time: 5 minutes

Doctors are sure that for normal functioning The human body needs to sleep about 8 hours a day. Not every adult succeeds in following this rule. Can lack of sleep lead to health problems? It turns out that it is enough to reduce the recommended amount of sleep by at least 1–2 hours for symptoms to begin to appear. Negative consequences lack of sleep.

Symptoms of lack of sleep

Sleep is absolutely necessary for the body to good rest and recovery vitality. Many people do not pay attention to the amount of sleep or do not know at all what the consequences of lack of sleep are. It can be considered as pathological condition, which is distinguished by a number of obvious symptoms.

As a rule, the consequences of chronic lack of sleep are clearly reflected in appearance. How less people slept throughout last nights, the more it is imprinted on his face. From lack of sleep, bruises and bags appear under the eyes, the whites turn red, and the skin turns pale.

Lack of sleep also affects general health. TO classic symptoms would include any of the following:

A person who does not get enough rest has a weakened immune system, making him vulnerable to viral diseases. If your temperature suddenly rises due to fatigue, this is also a demonstration of how lack of sleep affects the body.

Chronic lack of sleep provokes dysfunction digestive system, resulting in problems with stool. If you don't get enough sleep, the absorption of vitamins and nutrients, nails become more brittle, hair becomes dull, and skin becomes dry and irritated. The harm of lack of sleep also affects internal organs, causing numerous pathologies.

Common Causes of Lack of Sleep

Often a person simply does not have the opportunity to sleep as much as necessary for normal well-being. Factors that prevent you from getting the required amount of sleep are conventionally divided into external and internal. The first refers to the environment, the second - psychological or physiological problems. Both are equally harmful.

The recommended sleep duration for an adult is 7-8 hours. This is how much time the body needs to recover. Chronic lack of sleep not only negatively affects your appearance, but also leads to a large number health problems.

Causes of chronic sleep deprivation

Factors that provoke problems with night rest and prevent you from getting enough sleep are divided into internal and external. TO internal factors include various physiological or psychological problems. External reasons bad sleep are all kinds of circumstances related to the environment surrounding a person.


Stressful circumstances (problems in personal life or at work, financial or creative crisis, unpleasant memories from the past) are one of the most common reasons for a poor night's rest. People with increased level suspiciousness that exaggerate the significance of negative events. To a suspicious person They tend to spend a lot of time thinking and analyzing a problem, and, as a rule, they do this before going to bed. This leads to the body decreasing the production of the sleep hormone (melatonin) and increasing the synthesis of adrenaline, which provokes overexcitation of the nervous system and sleep problems.
The fact that lack of sleep is caused by stress can be determined by a number of factors:
  • fear that sleep will not come throughout the night;
  • nightmares, disturbing dreams;
  • shallow sleep;
  • some time before sleep, a rapid heartbeat begins;
  • long process of falling asleep (more than half an hour).
Chronic sleep deprivation due to insomnia can be a symptom of various mental disorders. These include neuroses, psychoses, prolonged depression, manic disorders. There is even separate disease, in which a person does not sleep at night because he is afraid of sleep. This disorder is called hypnophobia.

Unhealthy sleep due to abnormalities mental health has a number of characteristic features:

  • panic and anxiety before going to bed;
  • frequent waking up at night;
  • short sleep (as a rule, a person wakes up between 3 and 5 a.m. and after that can no longer fall asleep).

Physiological diseases

Various diseases of the body are common cause sleep problems in older people. The manifestations of many diseases worsen in the evening or at night, which makes it difficult to fall asleep and forces you to wake up at night. There are also some pathologies that provoke chronic lack of sleep in people in middle age and in children.

Diseases that can cause chronic lack of sleep include:

  • diathesis (itching on the skin) – in children under one year of age;
  • () – most often in preschool children;
  • hormonal imbalance (lack or excess of one of the hormones) – in women during pregnancy and after childbirth, also common in women during menopause;
  • syndrome restless legs (involuntary movements feet before bedtime and during sleep) – in men and women aged 20 to 40 years;
  • angina pectoris (heart pain) – in middle-aged and older people;
  • hypertension (increased blood pressure) – people aged 40 to 60 years are most often affected;
  • joint diseases (arthritis, arthrosis) – in people over 50 years of age;
  • obstructive apnea ( heavy snoring) – more common in older people and those who are overweight.

Disturbance of biological rhythms

All body systems, including the nervous system, function in accordance with biological rhythms. That is, nature has it in such a way that in the period from approximately 20.00 to 22.00 all processes begin to slow down, the body and nervous system relax, and the person falls asleep. If for a number of reasons a person does not go to bed at the appropriate time for some time, he biological rhythm is violated. Subsequently, already having the ability to fall asleep at the appropriate period, he begins to experience problems with sleep, which lead to chronic lack of sleep.

Jet lag can be caused by:

  • frequent flights in different time zones;
  • night mode;
  • childbirth and child care;
  • regular visits to night entertainment venues.
A sign that lack of sleep is caused by jet lag is severe difficulty falling asleep and difficulty waking up.

Signs of chronic sleep deprivation

From a medical point of view, chronic sleep deprivation is considered a disease (sleep disorder) that has a number of symptoms. Since the body does not get the opportunity to fully recover, a number of negative changes occur in it, which affect the appearance, character and general condition person.

Nervous system symptoms

Impaired functionality of the nervous system is the very first symptom of chronic lack of sleep, since it is the nervous system that “suffers” most from the lack of night rest. As a rule, a disorder of the nervous system is manifested not by one, but by a number of signs that significantly reduce a person’s quality of life.

Dysfunction of the nervous system due to lack of sleep is expressed in the following:

  • inattention;
  • inability to concentrate;
  • increased emotionality (inappropriate laughter or causeless tears);
  • apathy and depression;
  • decrease in cognitive abilities (memory, speech, thinking).

In advanced forms of chronic lack of sleep, a fear of nightfall may develop, which becomes the reason for the development of ritual behavior. This symptom is expressed in the fact that a person begins to take various measures to delay going to bed.

A person who suffers from sleep problems can be identified by a number of characteristic external features:
  • reddened whites of the eyes;
  • dark circles under the eyes;
  • swollen upper eyelids;
  • pale or sallow skin;
  • general unkempt appearance.

Manifestations of lack of sleep in other body systems

Chronic sleep deprivation is manifested by the following physiological symptoms:
  • headaches, dizziness;
  • nausea, excessive accumulation of gases;
  • dysfunction of the digestive system (constipation or diarrhea);
  • exacerbation chronic diseases;
  • decreased immunity, frequent colds.

Consequences of chronic sleep deprivation

The consequences of constant lack of sleep negatively affect the social, personal, and professional spheres of a person’s life.

The consequences of long-term sleep problems are:

  • Relationship problems . Irritability and other character changes characteristic of lack of sleep lead to the fact that a person begins to isolate himself from others and becomes more withdrawn. This behavior negatively affects relationships with family members, friends, and work colleagues.
  • Depression . The development of this disease is facilitated by the fact that poor quality sleep slows down the production of the hormone serotonin, which is responsible for positive emotions.
  • Professional difficulties . Inattention, constant drowsiness, decreased performance, frequent tardiness - all these factors contribute to a person beginning to have problems at work. Lack of sleep is especially dangerous for drivers, since according to statistics poor quality sleep and associated fatigue are a common cause of accidents.
  • Deterioration in appearance . During sleep, collagen is produced, which provides skin tone. With a lack of sleep, the synthesis of this substance decreases, as a result of which wrinkles begin to appear, the oval of the face “floats”, and the muscles become flabby. In men, volume decreases muscle mass, since lack of sleep reduces the production of the hormone somatostatin, which is responsible for muscle growth. In addition, poor quality night rest contributes to obesity.
  • Sexual life disorders . Lack of energy and weakened general tone lead to decreased libido ( sexual desire). Men may also experience problems with potency.

Sleep hygiene rules

The concept of sleep hygiene includes a set of recommended measures aimed at normalizing night rest. Violation of one or more rules leads to the fact that the quality of sleep decreases and chronic sleep deprivation develops.

To prevent this problem, read the following sleep hygiene rules:

  • a medium-hard mattress (for osteochondrosis, a hard mattress is recommended);
  • low pillow (if you have osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebrae, you should choose a low pillow or sleep without it);
  • bed and underwear made from natural materials;
  • absence irritating factors(drafts, ticking clocks, flashing electronic sensors);
  • refusal to read or watch stories with negative content;
  • avoiding consumption of products containing caffeine (coffee, tea, energy drinks) 3-4 hours before bedtime;
  • avoidance of fatty and heavy foods (meat, confectionery) 2 hours before bedtime;
  • Going to bed should be no later than 22:00-23:00 hours.
The main indicator that the cause of lack of sleep is poor sleep hygiene is poor quality night rest. In other words, a person may have no problems falling asleep and waking up, but at the same time wakes up tired and lethargic.

Treatment of chronic sleep deprivation

Treatment of this disorder involves eliminating the factors that provoke it. So, first of all, you should audit your sleeping place and correct all points that contradict sleep hygiene standards. If the cause of lack of sleep is physiological or psychological problems, you should contact specialized specialists.

Pass the medical examination should be done in cases where there are no obvious reasons for you that could provoke chronic lack of sleep.

There are a number of steps a person can take on their own to improve their sleep. It should be noted that all of these steps are optional, as the primary goal is to address the root cause of poor sleep.

As part of measures to normalize sleep, take the following actions:

  • give up nap, even if you feel too tired;
  • include more physical activity in your life (play sports, give up public transport, stop using the elevator);
  • master several techniques for falling asleep quickly (rapid eye movement method, blinking method, method of immersion in a mattress);
  • carry out procedures before bed that will help get rid of nervous tension(relaxing bath, calm music, watching humorous stories);
  • ventilate the bedroom before going to bed; if the air is too dry, install a humidifier;
  • maintain a sleep schedule and try to go to bed at the same time;
  • do not use alcohol to combat sleep deprivation, as it may contribute to falling asleep quickly, but the sleep will be superficial and heavy.

Folk remedies for improving sleep (video)

Ethnic medicine suggests using herbal decoctions that have a sedative (calming) effect to normalize sleep. These plants can also be used to prepare a special pillow for sleeping. Learn more about which herbs will help with lack of sleep in this video.

Chronic sleep deprivation can be caused by various factors– from the wrong mattress to a hidden serious illness. Therefore, if regularly recurring sleep problems occur (over a period of 1-2 weeks), the cause should be determined and adequate measures taken to eliminate it.

Next article.

Medical statistics are inexorable - chronic lack of sleep is found everywhere - about 1/3 of the Russian population suffers from this disease. The worst thing is that few people attach importance to this, although everyone knows that full health impossible without quality rest.

During sleep, the human body relaxes and disconnects from all the problems that have accumulated during the day. Periodic lack of sleep soon causes fatigue. This should not be allowed, since frequent lack of sleep provokes irritability and a decrease in both physical and intellectual performance.

We all know that a person should sleep at least 8 hours a day. However, this norm cannot be the same for everyone. For some, seven hours is enough, for others 9-10 hours are not enough to restore lost strength.

Elderly people, pregnant women, children, and the sick need to sleep longer. In a word, each person can determine for himself how many hours he needs to rest.

  1. An acute lack of night sleep is sometimes expressed by gastrointestinal disorders - constipation or diarrhea, nausea.
  2. Strong desire to lie down and fall asleep. However, due to severe fatigue, it is impossible to fall asleep quickly, even with extreme drowsiness.
  3. Constant lack of sleep creates headache, .
  4. Distraction of attention, lack of concentration, low performance, fulfilling daily duties becomes impossible.
  5. Occasionally, dark circles under the eyes may appear on the face, hands, feet, and the skin turns pale.
  6. Positive emotions, good mood none for a long time, but there is nervousness and irritability.
  7. Lack of sleep reduces appetite.
  8. Severe cases of sleep deprivation are manifested by hallucinations, clouding of consciousness, and poor coordination of movements.
  9. Slow down when lacking sleep metabolic processes which leads to, despite proper diet nutrition.
  10. Immunity is reduced due to chronic lack of sleep. This provokes an exacerbation of chronic diseases and the emergence of others.

main reason constant lack of sleep— incorrect distribution of free time at home or at work.

Student lack of sleep during regular sessions is quite understandable.

Poor women do not notice how time flies due to the mass of household chores or hours of communication with their girlfriends.

Lack of sleep can be a consequence of some serious illness, for example, but the percentage of such patients is much lower.

Men devote themselves completely to work; in the evening they can help their wife take care of the babies - ironing things or cleaning them. Then they are captivated by TV or computer games until late at night.

We can paraphrase the familiar proverb “As one works, so one eats” in relation to sleep: “As one sleeps, so one works.” Everyone can feel how true this saying is from their own experience.

If you didn’t get a good night’s sleep the night before, everything at work gets out of hand, the thoughts in your head wander somewhere and don’t allow you to concentrate. A completely different thing happens to a person who has had enough sleep - he is full of energy and strength, his life potential and mood are at their highest. There are no barriers for him when solving any problem.

A lack of sleep at night dulls thinking. Think for yourself, what might a sleep-deprived patient think about? Only about how to get some sleep as quickly as possible. Concentration drops sharply to complete normal actions you have to put in more effort.

At the same time, many sometimes irreparable mistakes are made. It is almost impossible to decide or plan any complex problems being in this state. If you don't get enough sleep chronically, your memory weakens. Ultimately, fewer and fewer events of the past day are remembered, and those that are remembered are not retained in memory for long.

Lack of sleep generating chronic fatigue, creates a fatal mood that promotes confrontation and overcoming imaginary obstacles environment. It is impossible to remain in this state for a long time - the psyche will not stand it, it will happen soon emotional disorder or depression will come. Lack of sleep is a direct road to neurosis. Insomnia often causes the development of the so-called.

Some people thinking that best fight with lack of sleep - go to bed earlier than usual. As practice has shown, this technique is not always useful, since an overloaded psyche is not able to instantly relax and you have to toss and turn in bed for a long, long time before falling asleep.

Others after difficult working week strive to get enough sleep on the weekend. Moreover, in the morning hours on weekdays they drink strong coffee in order to find a cheerful state. This measure does not bring complete rest.

In fact, you can stop being chronically sleep deprived if you carefully follow your daily routine like this:

Stop nightly computer games or watching television for a long time.

Stop thinking about work problems in the evenings to relax your brain and give it a peaceful rest.

Try to get a good night's sleep. Forget about your problems, entrust the children to your grandmother, put off all projects for later, turn off all phones, monitor, TV.

Stick to a routine—go to bed and wake up at the same hours. It's better to go to bed before midnight.

Every day after lunch, do not fill your stomach with fatty, heavy foods, especially before bed. Forget about energy drinks - tea, coffee, etc.

Increase every day physical activity- more active movements, which improve blood supply to organs and relieve insomnia.

Proven - good sex and a bright orgasm relax before bed. This opportunity must be taken advantage of.

Remove blinking electronics and ticking clocks from the bedroom, which are very annoying.

Doctors recommend daytime naps to all sick and pregnant women.

Other measures to help you get to sleep faster and eliminate sleep deprivation

Drink warm in the evenings whole milk with the addition of natural honey.

Take slow walks before bed.

Ventilate the bedroom often, sleep with the window open.

Any physical exercise can be done at least two hours before bedtime.

People suffering from chronic sleep deprivation often complain of...

Conclusions: Today we learned what chronic sleep deprivation is, symptoms and treatment. remember, that good sleep extremely important for the functioning of the central nervous system. If a person can exist without food for 2-3 months, without water - up to 10 days, then without healthy sleep a person's life can end in 3-4 days. Fight lack of sleep, maintain beauty and health for many years to come!



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