If your shoulder blade hurts, what could it be? Pain in the upper left shoulder blade

Unpleasant sensations in the back between the shoulder blades they are very common. However, this cannot be called a disease. Rather, it is a symptom of one of the disorders in the body.

If you don’t find the reason why your back hurts in the area of ​​the shoulder blades, you may waste time, but still not alleviate the condition. What to do in this case? How to understand what caused the malaise?

Causes of aching pain

There are several types of back pain:

  • sharp,
  • spicy,
  • chronic,
  • aching,
  • bursting.

In some situations, a feeling of heaviness, loss of sensation or numbness may develop. If these symptoms are particularly severe, they can cause serious discomfort and interfere with active image life.

So, why does your back ache where your shoulder blades are? There are several factors:

  • damage to one of the departments spinal column(chest or neck area);
  • scoliosis;
  • spondyloarthrosis;
  • intervertebral discs of the thoracic spine;
  • the back aches between the shoulder blades and with radiculitis;
  • neuralgia;
  • ischemia and angina pectoris;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the heart, lungs, blood vessels and other organs of the mediastinum;
  • pneumonia or pleurisy;
  • tuberculosis;
  • polio.

Each of these diseases has its own characteristic symptoms. The only similarity is It's a dull pain in the back on the left or right under the shoulder blade.


The following injuries can cause pain below the shoulder blades:

  • vertebral displacement,
  • dislocations,
  • falling from a height,
  • injuries from car accidents.

They are very dangerous to human life. This is especially true for injuries spinal cord, which in particularly serious cases can lead to loss of sensation or even paralysis.

They can be detected using several types of diagnostics:

After the examination, the doctor will prescribe treatment and a course of rehabilitation measures.


Very often, pain is evidence of the development of osteochondrosis or breast disease. This disease is characterized by inflammatory process at the site of disk damage. They can also become deformed or delaminate.

The spinal column in the chest area is not as mobile as in other parts, so pain as a symptom of osteochondrosis appears infrequently.

The same cannot be said about diseases of the cervical region. The vertebrae there are more mobile, and the risk of damage increases. In addition to pain, there are other symptoms:

  • feeling of discomfort in the muscles,
  • stiffness of movements,
  • impaired blood circulation in the brain,
  • increased intracranial pressure.

Discomfort does not only affect the neck area. It spreads downwards, affecting the areas above, between and below the shoulder blades.


Most often this disease is the result sedentary lifestyle life. One example is incorrect position when sitting at the table.

Often this disorder develops in children. Their spine and muscles are not yet developed enough to withstand heavy loads.

Because of this, they become deformed, thereby provoking the development of scoliosis. If it appears in the thoracic region, one of the symptoms will be strong pain in the area of ​​the right or left scapula.


An unpleasant sensation under the right or under the left shoulder blade on the back can be caused by such infectious diseases like polio or tuberculosis.

One of the symptoms is bone damage. Timely detection of infection and its complete elimination will help improve the condition.


Coronary heart disease develops when blood circulation in the heart muscle is disrupted.

Cholesterol accumulates on the walls of blood vessels, which prevents the movement of oxygen to the heart.

Usually the pain is felt in the heart area. But there are situations when it disguises itself and moves around the body. Discomfort may appear in the area of ​​the shoulder blades, in the left armpit and even in the arm.


It is worth mentioning separately.

The main reason for its appearance is heavy load on the spine. Because of this, the center of gravity changes female body and, as a result, the back muscles are overloaded.

How is the pathology treated?

There are several ways to get rid of aching pain under the left or right shoulder blade from the back, between them or above:

  1. The simplest method is to change an uncomfortable position or warm up by doing simple exercises.
  2. If necessary, several sessions can be performed. However, before doing this, you should consult a doctor, otherwise there is a risk of harming yourself (for example, with a herniated disc).
  3. In some situations, the doctor may prescribe an appointment medicines. These are usually anti-inflammatory or painkillers.
  4. Physiotherapy may be added to medication treatment. For example, procedures such as ultrasound, traction, acupuncture, etc. will be very useful.
  5. Physical therapy will also have a good effect on the body.

As you can see, aching pain in the upper back appears for several reasons. They can be physiological (uncomfortable position) or internal (scoliosis, osteochondrosis and other diseases).

Pain is often accompanied by other unpleasant signs, for example, heaviness in the muscles or stiffness of movement. In any case, you should immediately consult a doctor and under no circumstances self-medicate.

Denial of responsibility

The information in the articles is for general information purposes only and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or medicinal purposes. This article is not a replacement for medical consultation see a doctor (neurologist, therapist). Please consult your doctor first to know the exact cause of your health problem.

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The shoulder blades are located in the shoulder girdle and are a flat bone. The pain that occurs in the shoulder blades causes movement to be limited to one degree or another. It all depends on the intensity of the pain. It is impossible to clearly name the cause of such pain. They may indicate serious problems with health. Prolonged pain in the scapular region - cause immediate appeal to the doctor. The symptom of scapular pain in itself is not a disease; it may indicate more serious problems.

Today, the occurrence of pain in the shoulder blades is quite common. It's hard to say which one age group more susceptible to this symptom because it occurs in humans of different ages. Even children and young people are susceptible to it.

Causes of pain in the shoulder blades

  1. During prolonged heavy physical activity and due to unsuccessful movements There may be aching pain, nagging pain that occurs in the tendons and muscles. A stomach ulcer can also cause similar pain. As a rule, this occurs when the ulcer is perforated.
  2. The pain is very strong and acute, accompanied by the inability to move, indicating the presence of a fracture of the scapula. Scapular pain can occur due to damage to the bones themselves. Often a fall on the elbow or straight arm causes a fracture of the scapula. The fracture site is characterized by hyperemia and edema. Changes such as pterygoid scapula occur when the muscles adjacent to it are paralyzed. Such changes are not uncommon for athletes and circus performers due to constant bruises and injuries.
  3. If the pain occurs in conjunction with a characteristic crunching sound, we are talking about a pathology with the same name - scapular crunch.
  4. Intercostal neuralgia also a common cause of pain in the scapular region.
  5. IN in rare cases such pain occurs due to tuberculosis(this pain occurs only in adult patients) or malignant neoplasm, which struck bone tissue shoulder blades. Osteomyelitis also causes such pain.
  6. Soreness may be a sign of bursitis. With this disease, inflammation of the bursa occurs synovial membrane shoulder joint. Its location (under the scapula bone) explains pain in the scapula.
  7. Pathological deviations respiratory and urinary systems can also make the shoulder blades painful.
  8. Spasms that occur in gallbladder or in the biliary tract may also cause pain in the shoulder blades.
  9. Cholelithiasis can cause pain in the right scapular region.
  10. Deviations of the musculo-ligamentous apparatus, in which the shoulder blades are painful, is noted among the so-called occupational diseases. Drivers, dentists, seamstresses, programmers, that is, people in those specialties who have to be in one position for several hours of working time, are often susceptible to this. This category is characterized by dull and aching pain, noticeable after completion of the procedure. work shift. Such pain may go away without medical intervention after the person rests.
  11. IN frequent cases The cause of pain in the scapular region is caused by osteochondrosis. With this pathology, a number of reasons, such as, for example, staying in one position for a long time, can cause pain in both shoulder blades.
  12. Humeroscapular periarthritis capable of radiating to the scapular part of the back.
  13. Pain in the back and shoulder blades can also occur due to internal diseases. Sudden burning pain left subscapular region or in the interscapular space. This symptom may indicate myocardial infarction.
  14. Soreness in the shoulder blades may indicate lung disease. This may indicate pneumonia or pleurisy.
  15. Other possible causes include liver disease, pancreatic disease and herpes zoster.
  16. Oddly enough, stress or neurosis can cause pain in the shoulder blade area. People who have suffered severe emotional shock and people with painful nervous excitability are susceptible to this. It is typical that patients complain of variability clinical manifestations. The pain may be accompanied by a feeling of heaviness in the chest, shortness of breath, a feeling of fear and other characteristic symptoms. The pain can radiate anywhere. Typically, such pain disappears after taking antispasmodics.
  17. Rare cause can be considered a subphrenic abscess. It can arise as undesirable consequence cavitary surgical interventions, wounds and injuries affecting internal organs. The cavity is filled with purulent contents, and against the background of hyperthermia in the area of ​​the shoulder blades, the pain becomes so severe that it causes severe suffering.

Only a doctor can determine the etiology of the disease, if necessary, diagnostic procedures or x-ray examination.
As can be seen from the above, possible reasons occurrence of pain great amount. It is not easy to make a diagnosis even for a specialist. Therefore, self-medication may not bring the desired results, but may also harm the patient. If you ignore these manifestations, you may encounter more serious consequences in the future.

Age characteristics

Disorders in the spinal column can often be the cause of pain in children. This should include various disorders posture. It should be noted that osteochondrosis can also cause pain in the shoulder blades in children. If earlier this disease was considered to be age-related, today it is observed at a very young age.

A quarter of people over fifty years of age develop cuff degeneration. With this disease, deformation of the tendons and muscles responsible for rotating the shoulder can occur. Hence the occurrence of painful sensations in the area of ​​the shoulder blades.
In older people, the cause of pain may be rheumatoid changes and polyarthritis.

Elderly people who go to the doctor with such symptoms are subject to mandatory consultation see an endocrinologist. Patients are examined for sugar levels in the blood and urine. Sometimes these problems can occur due to malfunctions thyroid gland. The possibility of osteoporosis cannot be ignored.

Treatment of pain in the shoulder blades

Treatment of pain in the shoulder blade area is prescribed strictly individually. The diagnosis, age and clinical picture are taken into account.

  • Anti-inflammatory drugs are often used in therapy non-steroidal drugs, muscle relaxants and B vitamins. A good helper in some cases, Kuznetsov and Lyapko applicators can serve.
  • Physiotherapeutic treatment methods are widely used.
  • In the case of osteoporosis, calcium supplements, bisphosphonates and chondroprotectors are used.
  • If a myocardial infarction is suspected, urgent transportation to hospital is required and intensive therapy in a hospital setting.

As wide and varied is the list of diseases that cause scapular pain, so is the list of treatment regimens.

Folk remedies for pain in the shoulder blades

Folk remedies for scapular pain cannot replace contacting a specialist and full treatment. In some cases, self-medication can be extremely dangerous.

If we're talking about about pain under the right shoulder blade from the back, diagnosis in this area is difficult due to a number of reasons of a specific and purely human nature. Patients visit doctors if the pain under the right shoulder blade from the back becomes unbearable. A long wait does not allow timely identification of the first signs and localization of the disease at its source.

Typically, a considerable amount of time passes from the onset of the disease to its detection. The patient forgets about the circumstances of the incident and complains to the doctor about completely different symptoms, which makes it difficult to make a diagnosis.

Trying to understand the danger of the complaints described by patients, attention is paid to the distribution of symptoms and their manifestation. The following types of pain in the back area under the right shoulder blade are distinguished:

  1. Aching pain between the shoulder blade and the spine on the right is most often a consequence of body stiffness.
  2. The pain under the shoulder blade is debilitating and prolonged. It can hurt not only under the right shoulder blade, but also in the right arm. Symptoms occur when the arms are suddenly thrown up and down, or when there is any movement of the torso and neck. The cause of the dull pain under the right shoulder blade is ambiguous; it is unlikely that you will be able to understand it on your own.
  3. Pain under the shoulder blade on the right reveals itself unexpectedly, for example, with increased coughing, trying to inhale air, or moving disproportionately quickly. The reason is not always harmless. At constant unpleasant symptoms, it makes sense to understand this problem.
  • Recommended reading:

If the pain in the right back bothers you more than once, but occurs periodically, you should find the cause and immediately begin treatment.


The causes of pain under the right shoulder blade are not at all easy to determine. This requires certain knowledge and equipment. Initially, the doctor makes only a preliminary diagnosis based on exactly how the pain manifests itself and why it hurts in this particular area.

Blunt pain

If we are talking about dull pain from the back, then its possible causes should be sought in:

  • Spasm of one of the muscles and a damaged scapular nerve;
  • Diseases internal organs.

The reasons why lie in:

  • Pyelonephritis;
  • Chronic cholecystitis;
  • Tumors of the liver, pancreas, right kidney, or lung;
  • Cirrhosis of the liver.

Long lasting Blunt pain under the shoulder blade on the right side of the back appears in diseases of the gallbladder, kidneys and pancreas. With pancreatitis, the pain begins suddenly, the person does not sleep and takes positions that are not comfortable for him in a lying position, since the torture of getting comfortable causes even more inconvenience. The listed diseases are a source of considerable trouble.

It's a dull pain

Prolonged aching pain in the back on the right, tingling and pulling sensations indicate disturbances in the functioning of the spine.

A nagging pain under the right shoulder blade may be the first sign of osteochondrosis, chondrosis and spondylosis. It occurs in people who do not pay enough attention to sports.

Sedentary work, lack of opportunity to do exercises, all this will inevitably lead to cervical osteochondrosis, or osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine. Unpleasant sensations are not the only sign of illness. Patients experience numbness in their fingers and severe headaches. The cause may be a simple pinched nerve or neurological diseases.

It is possible that back pain is a consequence of a tumor. In the latter case, it is necessary to carry out a full examination of the patient by specialists of various profiles. It is pointless to look for the cause in the very place where pain is concentrated; most likely, the pain below the shoulder blade only radiates to the indicated place. The cause may also be pancreatitis, in its chronic form, bronchitis, pneumonia, cirrhosis, or hepatitis.

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It is possible that the aching pain in the lower part of the scapula that is located to the right of the spinal column is a consequence of cholecystitis and pyelonephritis. With cholecystitis, it can radiate into the chest, taking on a paroxysmal form . Pyelonephritis is accompanied by a burning sensation in the upper part of the scapula, which developed as a result of inflammation of the right kidney.

At the time of gallstone disease formation, painful sensations also aching. With cholelithiasis, pain in the shoulder blades occurs along with nausea, vomiting and high temperature. The skin turns yellow and a fever begins.

Acute pain

Burning and tingling in this area are usually not associated with the spinal region. should be looked for in damage to internal organs. Symptoms occur primarily in people with abnormal heart rhythms, vascular diseases, problems with digestive tract and rectum. Often back pain occurs when:

  • Hepatic colic;
  • Acute cholecystitis;
  • Gallstone disease;
  • Hypertensive form of gallbladder dyskinesia.

If the cause of back pain is one of the listed diseases, other characteristic symptoms will arise over time, including irritability, sweating, insomnia and fatigue.

Persistent sharp pain in the back under the shoulder blade indicates subphrenic abscess, located on last stage. Unpleasant sensations intensify when you try to inhale and disappear when you exhale, being reflected in right shoulder blade. If it hurts on the right side under the scapula, then this indicates hepatic colic or a purulent infiltrate. In the latter case, the patient will develop a fever and may have problems with urination.

Particularly worried if the right shoulder blade hurts. As mentioned above, short-term pain in the area of ​​the right shoulder blade does not mean anything. You should start worrying only if the pain does not go away for 1-2 hours in a row.

A recent injury may also cause pain; in this case, you should contact a specialist immediately. Fractures cannot be ruled out, or the onset of infectious process, in the latter case the chance for quick release from the problem without the help of a specialist is quite low.

Diagnosis and treatment

Because how quickly it will be delivered correct diagnosis, a lot depends, and above all, the life of the patient himself. The first time you feel unwell, you should consult a therapist. It is the therapist who must make initial examination the patient and question him about other symptoms that a person ignorant in medicine may not pay due attention to.

After such an inspection and identification warning signs, the therapist is obliged to refer the patient to a vertebrologist, gastroenterologist, cardiologist, traumatologist, or neurologist. To determine the location of back pain in the area of ​​the shoulder blades, the patient will have to do X-ray, donate blood and urine.

The treatment prescribed based on the results obtained, regardless of the nature of the pain on the right side, begins with taking painkillers.

If we are talking about a common cold, the doctor will prescribe appropriate medications and recommend warming compresses and ointments for the lower back. In other cases, the patient is prescribed anti-inflammatory, antiviral, neurological and other drugs designed to treat not just the symptoms, but also the very cause of the disease.

It is necessary to pay attention and try to determine the cause of its occurrence.

People who, due to the specific nature of their work, constantly strain the muscles of the shoulder girdle, usually suffer from pain in the shoulder blades. This is a “professional” pain for drivers, typists, seamstresses, designers, etc.

The sensation of pain comes from the muscles of the subscapular region, tendons, and ligaments, which are under chronic strain.
The intensity of pain varies from moderate to burning-severe.

Nature of pain under the shoulder blade:

  • Spicy.
  • Aching.
  • Tingling.
  • Cutting.
  • Compressive.
Patients complain of pain localized to:
  • Under the right shoulder blade.
  • Under the left shoulder blade.
  • Between the shoulder blades.

What diseases can cause pain under the left shoulder blade?

1. Gastric ulcer
If pain occurs during eating and subsides after vomiting; after warm heating pad; after taking medications, the cause of subscapular pain is peptic ulcer stomach.

2. Subphrenic abscess
A subphrenic abscess is called purulent accumulation in the cavity between the diaphragm and the underlying organs. The cause of its occurrence is bacterial infection of the body. This acute condition often forms after organ surgery abdominal cavity, during which the infection was introduced.

Characterized by acute sharp pain under the ribs, under the right shoulder blade; reflected in right shoulder. Painful sensations increase with deep breath. An increase in temperature is observed. In atypical cases, pain may not appear.

3. Pyelonephritis and nephritis
Inflammatory kidney diseases give symptoms in the form of pain in the right lower back, reflected in the hypochondrium, right shoulder blade. Patients complain about frequent urge to urination that is painful; thirsty, chills. The pain is spreading, aching, and nausea may occur. Temperatures can rise to critical levels - 40 degrees.

4. Cholelithiasis
This disruption of the functioning of the gallbladder is manifested by colic and acute pain. Pain occurs on the right, in the hypochondrium, epigastrium. Gradually, the pain is localized in the area of ​​the gallbladder.
Nature of pain: intense, cutting, stabbing.

The pain is reflected to the right and upward, into the right shoulder, jaw, neck, under the right shoulder blade, and occasionally into the heart area ( so-called “cholecystocoronary syndrome”). Pain can affect the occurrence of an angina attack.

What can cause pain between the shoulder blades?

If the patient complains of pain between the shoulder blades; Feel " goose bumps"; sensations of numbness in the interscapular area, then these symptoms may indicate:
  • Disc herniation in the thoracic spinal region;
  • Kyphosis;
  • Kyphoscoliosis;
  • Ischemia;
  • Angina pectoris;
  • Protrusion ( protrusion) disc in the thoracic spinal region;
  • Humeral periarthrosis;
  • Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine;
  • Spondyloarthrosis;
  • Peptic ulcer disease.
  • Cholecystitis, hepatitis and other liver diseases.
  • Pneumonia, pleurisy and other diseases of the respiratory system.

What diseases of the shoulder blades exist?

1. Scapula injuries
When struck in scapular region, when falling on your back, injuries and bruises occur. In some cases, fractures of the shoulder blades are also possible, especially when a person falls on his elbow or arm extended to the side. When broken, a broken piece of bone may slide up and down as you move without being attached to anything. With such injuries, patients complain of pain in the scapula area, which becomes more intense with movement. Visually, changes in the outline of the shoulder may be observed on the injured side.

2. "Scapula crunch"
A crunch in the shoulder blade is felt when active movements in the shoulder joints. Accompanied by discomfort and moderate pain. Reason of this disease is inflammation of the subscapular bursa.

3. Acquired pterygoid scapula
This disease can occur after paralysis of those muscles that connect the scapula to the back surface chest; after myopathy, after damage thoracic nerve; after bruises on the shoulder girdle. Injuries and nerve damage are common among athletes and gymnasts.

4. Osteomyelitis of the scapula
This disease can be provoked by open injuries to the shoulder blades due to specific injuries ( gunshot wounds, for example).
Symptoms: pain, weakness, general intoxication. May develop purulent process.

5. Tuberculosis of the scapula
Enough rare disease, occurs only in adults.

6. Tumors of the scapula
Tumors can be benign or malignant. Differentiated using biopsy and x-ray examination. If the tumor is malignant ( chondrosarcoma, reticulosarcoma) – the doctor can send the patient for interscapular-thoracic resection. During this operation, the body of the scapula, adjacent muscles, and the acromion process are removed.

Who should I contact if I complain about pain in my shoulder blades?

To find out the cause of pain under the shoulder blade, you need to consult with the following specialists:
  • Gastroenterologist
  • Vertebrologist
  • Traumatologist

Pain under the left shoulder blade can be observed with the following diseases:

  • One of the most common symptoms characterizing peptic ulcer stomach, is periodic pain, which is characterized by an increasing nature, seasonality, weakening or complete elimination of pain after vomiting, a clear connection with food intake, and so on. The most common location of pain is the epigastrium; pain can also radiate to the left nipple, to left shoulder blade, behind the sternum and in thoracic region spine. Pains also differ depending on how they relate to meals: hungry, early, late. For 70-75% of people, pain relief occurs when vomiting. Vomiting appears without previous nausea, at the peak of pain. Heartburn occurs in approximately 60-85 percent of patients. Regurgitation, salivation and belching are also common symptoms;
  • Psychological problems are expressed in complaints of sensations of compression, pressure, congestion, tingling, heaviness, heat in the chest, burning, mainly localized in the heart area. Sometimes sharp, sometimes muted, or unusual and vague, nevertheless, always unpleasant and heavy sensations arise in different places: spread to the arm, spread under the collarbone, creep under the shoulder blade, appear in the arm, neck, cover the lower abdomen. There is a feeling of blood pouring over the heart, squeezing the heart. The feeling that the heart is turning over, then freezing, then falling and it seems that it is about to jump out. Usually there is a feeling of cold trembling, inner excitement, and anxiety. The most terrible feeling for patients seems to be the feeling of freezing (suspension) of the heart. Such symptoms are a very powerful foundation for the emergence of a hypochondriacal symptom complex in the future. All these sensations are often accompanied by a feeling of lack of air, compression of the throat or a lump in it;
  • Myocardial infarction occurs severe attack angina pectoris - pain in the chest, radiating to left side jaws, necks, left hand, shoulder blade, in the back. These pains do not stop after the use of vasodilators (nitroglycerin, validol) and even narcotic drugs. Attacks appear after strong emotional or physical activity(that's why doctors this form the disease is called exertional angina), and sometimes the disease occurs at rest (this is angina at rest);
  • Osteochondrosis in the cervical region is characterized by aching, dull, often one-sided pain, localized slightly below the back of the head. This pain often occurs in the morning and thereby wakes the patient up. The pain intensifies in cases of exposure to heavy loads on the cervical region spine, with sharp extension or flexion of the neck, as well as in the morning. Pain levels are reduced by exposure to heat, such as a warm bath. Pain sensations radiate to the head, right or left shoulder blade, or arm. There is dizziness and paresthesia in the hands;
  • With intercostal neuralgia, pain of a paroxysmal or encircling type occurs (can be felt only on one side of the chest) in the direction corresponding to the intercostal spaces. During coughing, sneezing, deep breathing, walking, physical activity, body movements, palpation of the sore spot, pain occurs. There is also tingling, burning, sensitivity disturbances in the branches of the nerve or its trunk, muscle tension (because of this, sometimes this disease is accompanied by pain in the back, heart, under the right or left shoulder blade, as well as in the lower back);
  • For perforation stomach ulcer Often there is irradiation of pain under the left or right shoulder blade, as well as in the supraclavicular areas. Pain occurs as a result of irritation in the endings of the phrenic nerve. An intermittent symptom is gagging or vomiting. Vomiting can also be a precursor to ulcer perforation. Characteristic appearance a person suffering from an ulcer, before its perforation: a pale face, expressing fear, covered with cold sweat. The patient's position is caused by pain: on the right side or back, with the hips pressed against a very tense abdomen. Any, even the slightest movement, leads to increased pain.

Pain under the right shoulder blade is observed in the following cases:

  • Pain associated with muscle spasm gallbladder or ducts, due to their blockage with a stone, acquire the nature of colic (hepatic or biliary colic). These pains are characterized by great intensity and intolerance. Excessive eating often leads to attacks: overuse spicy seasonings, fats, spices. People suffering from this disease do not tolerate chocolate, eggs, or milk well. Pain appears approximately 3-5 hours after administration listed products, most often, attacks of pain occur at night or morning time. Painful sensations are tearing, sharp, cutting, stabbing, localized in the hypochondrium on the right, can radiate to the right shoulder, scapula, subclavian region, jaw, neck and even into the right eye. The patient's behavior is usually agitated, he may moan, scream, and constantly changes position to find one in which the pain will calm down. This pain is one of the most intense of all, often accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Such pain is most common in women;
  • The occurrence of a subdiaphragmatic abscess. Occurs in the hypochondrium sharp pain(usually in the right) and intensifies with each breath, can radiate to the shoulder and right shoulder blade. This process is accompanied by an increase in temperature, leukocytosis with neutrophilia in the blood is observed, as well as a shift to the left in the leukocytosis formula;
  • Inflammatory kidney diseases (nephritis, pyelonephritis). With such diseases, patients may complain of pain arising in the lumbar region (often on the right, localized in the right kidney carbuncle), which can radiate to the area of ​​the right scapula, to the hypochondrium, or to iliac region. Painful and frequent urination is typical;
  • Gallstone disease is characterized by the manifestation of “hepatic” or “biliary colic”. Sudden pain occurs in the right hypochondrium, as well as in epigastric region, and then, after about two hours, the place where pain is concentrated is the area of ​​the gallbladder. Nature of pain: stabbing, very sharp, cutting. The pain spreads up and to the right, into the neck, right shoulder, jaw, under the shoulder blade (right), sometimes into the heart area (called cholecystocoronary syndrome), thereby provoking an angina attack.

Pain between the shoulder blades

If you feel pain between your shoulder blades, crawling, numbness or freezing, you may have one of these diseases:

  • Coronary heart disease (CHD);
  • Kyphoscoliosis;
  • Humeroscapular periarthrosis;
  • Disc protrusion in the thoracic region;
  • Spondyloarthrosis;
  • Angina;
  • Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • Diseases of the gallbladder and liver (cholecystitis, biliary dyskinesia, hepatitis);
  • Diseases of the lungs and pleura (pneumonia, pleurisy);
  • Persistent pain between the shoulder blades affects mainly those people whose work involves long-term stress muscles of the shoulder girdle. Labor that has this distinction includes the work of a seamstress, typist, designer, driver, etc.;
  • The thoracic spine is inactive, so significant problems rarely occur in it. dystrophic processes. This means that interscapular pain is usually not associated with manifestations of osteochondrosis. The cause of pain, most often, is the muscles located in the interscapular region, supraspinous ligaments, tendons, as well as the places where tendons and ligaments are attached to the vertebrae;
  • Otherwise, pain is felt caused by the ligaments located between the spinous processes and the tendons of the muscles that are attached to them and to the spinous processes;
  • Pain emanating from the ligaments and tendons is characterized by aching sensations that do not immediately disappear with a change in body position; sometimes the pain can spread to the entire spine or radiate to the cardiac region.

Pain in the shoulder blades

The scapula is a flat, triangular bone. It is located on the back surface of the chest, tightly adjacent to it at the level of the second to seventh rib.

Because given bone has the shape of a triangle, then three edges are distinguished in it: upper (on this edge there is a notch of the scapula), lateral, medial (facing the spine). These edges converge with each other, forming three angles, the lower of which is directed downward, and the others (lateral and upper) are located on the edges of the upper part of the scapula.

What diseases can cause pain in the shoulder blade:

  • Scapula injuries. The shoulder blades can be injured due to blows to the shoulder blade area or falls on the back. The scapula can also break as a result of a fall on the elbow or straightened arm. The lower broken part of the bone, during fractures, can move downward due to the action of muscles. With such injuries, patients complain of pain localized in the area of ​​the scapula and intensifying during arm movements. In addition, edema and swelling may appear. Sometimes, on the side of the injured scapula, the outline of the shoulder joint may change.
  • Acquired pterygoid scapula. This disease can occur due to paralysis of the rhomboid, serratus anterior, and trapezius muscles, as a result of neuroinfections, nerve damage, and myopathies. Often, a traumatic pterygoid scapula is provoked by bruises in the area of ​​the shoulder girdle, as well as damage to the long thoracic nerve. Such injuries are typical for circus performers or athletes performing sharp turns head, pull-ups.
  • A common disease called spatula crunch. A crunch is felt when moving shoulder joint and is accompanied by a feeling of heaviness, as well as moderate pain. The cause of scapular crunch is often inflammation of the synovial subscapular bursa or exostosis of the scapula.
  • Osteomyelitis of the scapula may appear as a consequence open damage shoulder blades (eg gunshot wounds), accompanied by symptoms of general intoxication, as well as local manifestations (dysfunction, pain in the shoulder blade, and so on). Deep intermuscular leaks are not uncommon, and even more so in cases where the purulent process spreads to the anterior surface of the scapula. With such injuries, the prognosis for maintaining scapular function may be unfavorable.
  • Tuberculosis of the scapula is a rare disease that occurs exclusively in adults. The body of the scapula, as well as the acromion process, can be affected.
  • Tumors of the scapula. There are malignant (reticulosarcoma, chondrosarcoma) and benign (chondroma, osteoma, osteoblastoclastoma) tumors. They are diagnosed using x-rays. If necessary, open or puncture biopsy is also used. Tumors of the shoulder blades are treated operative method, also sometimes, when malignant tumors, interscapular-thoracic resection is performed, in which upper limb is saved.
  • Cervical osteochondrosis. This disease most often affects people aged 30 to 60 years. This disease is most typical for those who spend a lot of time with their heads bowed, for example, people in the following professions: designers, draftsmen, drivers, seamstresses, and so on. The roots in the cervicobrachial plexus may become irritated, which will cause pain in the shoulder and also radiate to the arm. The patient cannot lift or turn his arm. The pain may continue even at night, preventing sleep. With this disease, pain may appear in the shoulder blade.

Typical complaints of patients with pain under the shoulder blades, between the shoulder blades and shoulder blades

  • This morning I felt sharp pain between the shoulder blades, any movement still causes pain;
  • Strong cutting pain between the shoulder blades;
  • I started having pain just below my shoulder blades, the pain was rather dull, and it was most noticeable at the moment when my arms were raised to clap;
  • Drawing pain under the shoulder blades, down the spine to the lower back, compressing the chest;
  • Aching pain under the left shoulder blade, sometimes it can radiate a little lower;
  • There was a constant cutting pain under the left shoulder blade, and with any body movement the pain intensified, when moving the left hand, the pain was clearly sharper, inhalation and exhalation was difficult with painful sensations;
  • For 4-5 days I have had a nagging pain between my shoulder blades (closer to right side). Not constantly, but mainly after walking or standing for a long time. First pain, then burning or cold;
  • The pain radiates through to the right shoulder blade. On the back, in the area of ​​the shoulder blade, there are balls that look like lymph nodes, which are very painful when touched. If you raise right hand and take it to the side and hold it like that, then the pain goes away.


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