Food standard. The modern model of healthy eating looks like a pyramid

Garlic, which has a sharp aroma and a peculiar taste, is known to everyone. This vegetable is used both for cooking and as remedy. You can grow a crop from seeds and cloves.

Features of growing garlic

There are two forms of garlic: spring and winter. The formation of arrows on the first culture does not occur. This process is typical only for the second type. Winter garlic is propagated by seeds and cloves, spring - only by cloves. The latter are formed in the first month of summer in the arrow part.

This vegetable belongs to those crops that can be planted before winter and spring. The name of the garlic planted in the first way is winter, the second is spring. For sowing winter garlic, you need to use a slightly germinated seed.

Landing activities in spring days should be carried out when the soil has not yet dried out after the snow has melted. Compliance with this requirement will allow you to get large heads.

Reproduction of garlic can be carried out using cloves. This method known to everyone and widely used.

Very important point with this method of planting is the choice of site. This crop grows best on lands where legumes, cucumbers and cabbage used to grow, worse after potatoes, tomatoes, where Fusarium can become infected, and onions. This soil becomes suitable for vegetables after 3-4 years.

The plot of land where it is planned to plant a crop must first be fed with manure or compost. This work is best done in the fall. Before planting, the cloves must be sorted out, sick and damaged should be set aside.

Many are interested in when to plant this plant. Optimal time planting - a month before the onset of severe cold weather. During this period, the vegetable will have time to take root, and green sprouts will not have time to appear.

In about a week, you need to do the preparatory work: you need to prepare the beds. This is necessary so that the teeth do not lie too deep.

The distance between adjacent seeds should be about 0.08 - 0.1 m, and between the strips - 0.4 - 0.5 m. If the winters in the region are cold, sawdust or peat should be poured over the beds.

This culture does not need abundant watering, it is enough to perform this procedure once a week.

The end of April or the beginning of May is the time when fertilizers need to be applied, you can use nitrophoska in the amount of 15 g per 1 sq. m.

The next top dressing should be carried out in June (ammophoska in the same quantities). The last 2-3 weeks to fertilize the soil is not worth it.

You need to dig up a vegetable, as the main section of the lower leaves turns yellow. The root shoots of garlic, which is supposed to be used for food, must be cut off.

Preferably with the advent of harvest time, the plant does not need to be left in the ground for longer than the allotted time. Those bulbs that were pulled out earlier and did not have time to ripen will be able to do this even after uprooting. Overcooked garlic does not keep well.

How to get, store and sort bulbs

To get large garlic with the same cloves, you should choose a winter vegetable. But in this case, a significant part of last year's crop will be used as seeds.

In order not to transfer the edible part into the category of planting material, it is desirable to grow garlic from seeds. Their formation occurs in the arrow part of the garlic in the process of its growth.

The arrow is covered with a thin shell, and in its inner part there are these seeds that look like garlic. On average, there are about 70-80 pieces, but the numbers can be more.

In addition, using this sowing method, the resulting crop will be preserved and the plant grown in the future will be healthy.

Air bulbs do not touch the ground, so the seeds do not become infected, unlike cloves in the ground.

For those who prefer to use a single large clove of garlic, sowing bulbs is a method in which a single large clove does not grow from one seed with a number of lobes.

Given the benefits of growing garlic bulbs, no one would use a different planting method. But some do not know how to grow garlic from seeds correctly, and plant it with cloves.

This is also facilitated by the shortcomings that are present when sowing bulbs:

  • this process allows you to get a full harvest only after 2 years;
  • making mistakes when sowing air bulbs, and also if they are frozen or dried out, the harvest will be poor.

In the middle of the first month of summer, arrows begin to form on the winter crop. Assessing them according to appearance, you need to choose the strongest, and the rest must be removed, otherwise the heads of garlic will not reach normal sizes.

For calculation required amount stems with arrows, it must be taken into account that about 70-80 seeds come out of one top.

At the moment when cracks appear on the protective shell, the top must be cut off. Then they should be put in the shade until completely dry, you can not touch the case.

Well dried seeds can be stored for two years without losing their quality.

Growing onions can be stored at room temperature, the seeds must be wrapped in paper and put in a box.

From garlic bulbs stored in a warm place, 30-40 days before sowing, remove the film and put in the refrigerator.

By skipping this step, the vegetable will turn green until late autumn, vitrification of seeds is possible.

It will not work to grow large garlic, the seeds of which have not been cooled, on the contrary, the heads will not ripen and the cloves will be small.

They can not be eaten and used for planting. Of those that have been in the cold, in early August, round heads are formed, which are a single clove.

Before planting garlic with seeds, it is necessary to sort the bulbs by eye. After selecting healthy-looking bulbs, you need to carry out the following event: the bulbs must be placed in an infusion of wood ash.

Those that remain on the surface are discarded. By using healthy seeds, garlic will grow well. Given the peculiarities of the preparation of planting material, it is necessary to follow all stages of the preparation of bulbs.

Methods for planting bulbs

Many are interested in how to grow garlic from bulbs. Planting garlic using bulbs, depending on the time of year, is different.

You can plant a vegetable in autumn, spring and by a direct method. Regardless of which option it is decided to use, the preparation of seed should be given Special attention. The quality of the seeds will determine what kind of crop will be born.

autumn planting

You need to plant garlic in the fall in the first half of October. Planting garlic with seeds is carried out according to a multi-line tape pattern, the distance between the recesses is 10 cm, between adjacent ones is 10-20 cm, the optimal depth of penetration is approximately 4 cm.

Sometimes part of the planted seeds freezes, and the other is on the surface of the soil due to its freezing. With the advent of spring, they should be returned to their original position. For this reason, where the climate is cold, it is advisable to plant garlic seeds in the spring.

Garlic harvesting occurs at the moment when most of the inner leaves wither. After being removed from the ground, it should dry out.

In the fall, when the time for planting winter garlic comes, it is necessary to plant it. This method contributes to good yields, and the cloves are large.

spring planting

When choosing a spring planting, the site for sowing should be prepared before the onset of winter. With the onset of spring, soil cultivation will be very difficult to perform due to its condition.

The following composition can be used as a fertilizer, the norms are indicated for 1 m 2:

  • wood ash - 0.3 kg;
  • humus - 0.7 kg;
  • superphosphate and potassium sulfate - 0.05 kg each.

Harvesting occurs at the moment when the stems begin to fall. The extracted vegetable should lie down in the shade and dry. After you need to separate the dry tops.

When choosing a direct method, a full-fledged crop of onions is obtained without transplanting the resulting single cloves.

Dried bulbs, cut at the beginning of summer, should be immediately planted in the ground. In autumn, grown garlic, single-toothed, does not need to be removed from the ground. It must lie throughout winter period in the soil, but you need to take care of good snow retention so that the plant does not freeze and rot.

With the onset of spring, the growth of the vegetable will begin, as a result of which the usual culture will develop. Harvesting is carried out in traditional terms. The head of garlic, for the cultivation of which this method was used, turns out to be large. The inner lobules also reach large sizes.

A vegetable bed can be made right on the windowsill. But in order for the plant to grow and develop, it is necessary to create the following conditions:

  • the temperature in the room should be kept at 18-20 degrees;
  • the window on the windowsill of which the plant is located should be on the sunny side;
  • timely watering is required.

By autumn, single-toothed ones will be ready, from which multi-toothed garlic will grow next year.

Many are interested in how to plant a vegetable in order to facilitate planting care. In order for not weeds to grow in the garden, but planted seeds, garlic can be planted as follows.

After the site for planting the vegetable has been prepared, wetted paper sheets must be spread over its entire area, it is better to make several layers.

They need to make holes in which you need to plant the bulbs. Then this canvas should be covered with a small amount of sand, sawdust should be used as mulch.

In order for the harvest to be only pleasing, it is worth taking the necessary measures. Having planted a plant in all ways, each gardener will definitely choose the one that he likes best.

Both summer residents and gardeners resort to growing garlic through bulbs. A product that strengthens the immune system, thins the blood, destroys microbes, is planted in both spring and autumn. There are no more than 10 cloves in the heads of the winter variety, and this is clearly not enough to use them to get a new crop. But in the summer, such a vegetable shoots arrows, where inflorescences form, they turn into baskets in which small onions ripen.

Although the winter variety is stored until the second half of February, many housewives like it more than the spring variety, since the fruit has a large size, large cloves that are easy to clean. Significantly saves time for cooking. However, in order to collect a product rich in phytoncides, organic acids and essential oils, a significant part of the teeth will have to be sent to the ground.

Planting garlic bulbs makes it possible to get an excellent harvest, because each of them will sprout. From 2 arrows, at least a hundred heads will appear. Air bulbs are covered with a film cover, due to which they do not disintegrate, are not damaged. Using these bulbs, the variety is rejuvenated, the seed is healed. This is the answer to the question why do we need bulbs, which is often asked by beginner gardeners.

The teeth have to be stuck into the ground one at a time, this process requires a lot of time and patience. Together with them, spores and microbes get out of the soil, and the new vegetable is affected by diseases. Air bulbs are sown in the soil like beets or peas, which prevents infection of the crop.

Pros of growing bulbs

When the leaves on the culture begin to turn yellow, arrows with boxes left on bushes grown from large teeth are cut off. Ripe bulbs crack the film with which they are protected. The period of ripening of heads from onions is not 1 season, but 2 years, but there are also clear advantages of this method of planting:

  1. Seed material is saved significantly.
  2. Variety is being updated.
  3. Bushes are less affected by pests.
  4. Larger heads grow.

The collected bulbs are sorted out, dried for a month. Before planting, they are soaked in aqueous solution ash. Propagation from air bulbs is the easiest way to improve a variety.

Secrets of growing garlic crops

The heads of winter garlic have a very simple structure. There is a rod in the middle, it is surrounded by up to 10 teeth. The fruits of this type of vegetable are stored for up to 5 months, after which they dry out. How to grow garlic from bulbs depends largely on the method chosen. In the first option, the bulbs are planted for the winter. IN middle lane due to severe cold, due to freezing of the earth a large number of seed dies.

To renew the variety of winter garlic, the bulbs are sent to the soil in the spring, then in February they are sorted out, soft and empty onions are thrown away, healthy ones are put in the refrigerator or taken to the cellar, placed in boxes with straw.

How to grow bulbs

Having chosen the largest teeth from the garlic crop, they are sent to the ground in the fall. The next summer, arrows are formed that need to be bent in the form of a spiral, they will straighten out on their own when garlic seeds form in the basket. Not everyone knows how to grow garlic from them.

The ripened fruits of the plant are dug up by the roots, rolled into a sheaf, tied and hung from the ceiling. For the bulbs to ripen, good ventilation is needed, heat. After 4 months, the baskets with seeds are cut off, wrapped in a newspaper, placed in a container with straw, stored at 20-22 ° C.

Garlic planted from bulbs that have not undergone stratification will turn green for a long time, small heads will turn out. Seeds from them are unsuitable for growing a new crop, they do not have immunity to diseases and pests.

Some gardeners harden the bulbs by burying them in the snow in a cloth bag. In the spring, when it warms up to 4 ° C, they will begin to sprout. If garlic seeds are planted in open ground in autumn, the beds are covered with spruce branches, branches, straw. To update the variety, only large, healthy and hardened bulbs are propagated.

When to collect grown seed

In late July or early August, garlic leaves begin to turn yellow, until the ground part has dried up, the heads must be carefully dug up and left in the shade.

When the husk begins to fall behind, the stems are tied into bundles and hung in the attic or in the barn.

This single-toothed garlic is planted in the garden in the fall. In the summer, he will shoot arrows, and in August, full-fledged heads are dug out along with bulbs, from which only healthy ones are selected for planting. One inflorescence contains up to hundreds of air bulbs.

Garden preparation

Not every summer resident who decides to grow this vegetable understands how to plant garlic from bulbs. Culture is very demanding on the fertility of the land. To count on a good harvest, you must:

  1. Prepare the soil.
  2. Select and harden seed.
  3. Carefully look after the beds.

The site needs to be dug up, weeds, remnants of roots removed. And only after that do the grooves in which the seeds are planted. Large bulbs are placed every 4 cm. Several dozen air bulbs should fit on one square meter.

For the winter, the beds are covered with humus, dry leaves, pine needles. It is especially necessary to insulate garlic in regions where there is little snow, otherwise it will not endure a temperature of about minus 20 ° C,

You should not plant this vegetable crop after tomatoes and potatoes, as there is a risk of Fusarium damage. The best predecessors include:

  • pumpkin and cabbage;
  • beans and beans;
  • alfalfa and mustard.

Since autumn, 5 kg of humus, 30 g of superphosphate and 20 g of potassium chloride are added to each square meter of soil. Acidic soil is subject to liming.

Bulb planting methods

Winter garlic turns out to be stronger, practically not affected by bacteria and fungi, if it is grown not from head lobules, but from air bulbs. The process consists of several stages, at the first one a small set is obtained, which weighs less than 5 g. It is planted, and in the next season a single tooth grows, from which a full-fledged large head ripens in a year.

The basket along with the bulbs is cut in July - early August, the seeds remain viable for 2 years. You need to collect more seed, because not all will sprout, not every bulb is suitable for planting in beds. Garlic for propagation is grown in 3 ways.

At the end of October, they begin autumn sowing. Bulbs are placed at a depth of 40 mm in the form of a multi-line tape and covered with dry foliage, sawdust, humus. During the growing season, loosen and moisten the ground, feed with fertilizers. When the leaves turn yellow, the garlic is dug up, dried and sent back to the ground in October. The following year, a high yield of large heads is obtained from it.

During spring planting, the beds are prepared in the fall, since it is difficult to dig damp earth. Bulbs are taken out of the refrigerator or taken out of the cellar and sent to the garden. In August, single-toothed bulbs are formed from such seeds. Garlic is harvested when the stems fall to the ground.

With a direct method of growing bulbs, they are cut at the beginning of summer, dried well and sent to the ground. Single teeth are not dug up in autumn, the beds are insulated, large heads grow by summer.

Video: propagation of garlic bulbs

If you sow timely collected air bulbs for the winter, to next summer they will make material for planting winter garlic - a single tooth, which will hurt less and be subject to pest invasions. There are 2 ways to propagate a variety using bulbs.

One option suggests that air bulbs are planted in the first year, single-toothed ones grow out of them, which are dug up in the summer and sent to the garden in the fall.

The second method differs in that small garlic obtained from seeds with one clove is left in the ground.

If planting bulbs in the garden was carried out for the winter, caring for them does not require special knowledge. At the end of March, branches, sawdust or other material that was used for insulation is removed from the beds. When the earth dries out after the snow, it needs to be loosened, but this must be done carefully so as not to hook the bulbs.

Moisten the garlic often, because the roots of the bulbs do not penetrate deep into the soil. It is constantly necessary to fight weeds, otherwise they drown out young bushes and do not allow them to develop.

Every self-respecting gardener considers it his duty to grow garlic on the plot. It is valued not only as food, but also as medicine. It would seem that this is very unpretentious plant however, it also needs care. And there are enough ways to grow garlic. For example, there is a sowing

Benefits and features

Garlic is actively eaten as an additive to main dishes, but, in addition, even special diet based on garlic. This product is constantly used for the prevention of various viral diseases, since it strengthens the immune system, and not only “inside”, in the form of food, but even wear it around the neck (this, of course, mainly applies to children).

Garlic is also useful in that it is able to reduce pressure, remove toxins from the body, “cleanse” blood vessels, reduce cholesterol levels. It also has choleretic and diuretic properties, and also increases appetite. By the way, in addition to "human" medicine, garlic is also used in veterinary medicine.

Spring and winter garlic: what is the difference

There are two types of garlic: spring and winter. Outwardly, they are similar, but nevertheless there are differences between them. So, for example, winter garlic has only one row of large cloves, while spring garlic has several, while the cloves are small. Winter garlic has an arrow inside, near which there are cloves, while spring garlic does not have it. Winter is propagated by bulbs of air bulbs, which are formed on the arrow), and spring - exclusively by cloves. The latter can be planted only in spring, the first one (the name already speaks of this) - both in spring and autumn, for the winter. will give a crop in the same summer, winter - for the next season. It is sharper than spring, but it will not be possible to store it for so long.

How to grow garlic

So, there are two ways to grow garlic - from bulbs or cloves. Last Method the most common, however, going this way, there is a risk of losing the plant in a couple of years: it may experience various diseases. In order to renew the culture, the method of growing garlic from bulbs is just used. These so-called air bulbs guarantee a healthy plant that is much more resistant to different kind contagion. In addition, a large number of them are formed on just one arrow - at least twenty pieces, which allows you to plant a lot of material.

How to plant winter garlic

The most important thing that any gardener should remember is that you need to send garlic to the ground no later than a month before the onset of cold weather. This ensures that the plant has time to give roots. As a rule, in cold regions, landing is carried out at the end of September (in the south, the dates may shift).

Garlic loves dry and sunny places, this must be taken into account when choosing a bed for it on the site. Where there is a lot of water, it simply will not rise, so you should not plant it in the lowlands, where melted snow will surely descend in spring. You can not plant garlic every year in the same place (as, indeed, any other vegetables), otherwise the crop will fall catastrophically, and the plant itself will start to hurt. Garlic interacts well with the soil after cucumbers, carrots, cabbage, legumes. You should not define it in the garden where onions or potatoes used to grow - they can only be neighbors, just like with beets or tomatoes.

How to grow garlic from bulbs

First of all, it is necessary to prepare the soil, dig it up and loosen it. Then you need to mark out even rows three to four centimeters deep at a distance of about thirty centimeters from each other. Compared with cloves, bulbs need to be planted quite densely, but without thickening at the same time - after two to three centimeters. Before sowing, it is necessary to “filter” the air bulbs: you should not take too small ones, only if you want to plant them again in a year. Medium and large bulbs with a diameter of five millimeters are best suited. Such seeds can be lowered into the ground by 4-5 centimeters, but if you still plant small ones, then the optimal depth is three centimeters.

For growing garlic from bulbs in open ground it is important not only to choose the right area, but also to ensure that it is cleared of weeds. After planting the seeds, it is necessary to cover them with soil and leave for the winter. If the forecasts promise a harsh season, it is recommended to mulch the ground - put a layer of sawdust about four centimeters thick until spring.

It must be remembered that growing garlic from bulbs is also permissible in spring, however, with this approach, it is recommended to take care of the beds in advance, in the fall. In early spring, you can plant onions in the ground, but this season it is likely that some of them will simply dry out. To prevent this from happening, they should be kept warm in the winter, and before planting (around February) it is necessary whole month(and preferably one and a half) to withstand at a maximum temperature of plus five degrees - for example, in the refrigerator.

For growing garlic from bulbs in the open field, to protect the plant from possible diseases, it is recommended that immediately before sowing, soak it for several hours in a pink solution of potassium permanganate (required with heat).

In general, there are three options for growing garlic from bulbs. The first is growing with transplanting sets (in a year), the second is growing without transplanting sets, and the third is growing in one year (in general, this cycle assumes two years of growing). In the first case, the bulbs should be sown in the fall, specially thickened. A year later, at the end of August, harvest, and in the autumn of the same year, plant sevok. This method will bring large quantity material. In the second case, the bulbs must be sent to the ground no later than April, and removed - also in August next year. And finally, the third method of growing garlic from bulbs involves planting in late summer or autumn and harvesting the next year.

soil for garlic

Before planting garlic, the soil must be prepared, as mentioned above: dig, loosen, level. But even before that, humus or compost should be added to it - about three kilograms per square meter.

It must be remembered that garlic is a rather capricious plant and makes high demands on the soil. It needs fertile soil rich in organic elements. Therefore, loamy or sandy loamy soil is perfect for it. He does not like the plant and acidic soil, this point must also be taken into account.

How to properly feed garlic

Top dressing of garlic is very important for the plant, because it contributes to good growth. However, it is important to choose the right fertilizers. For winter garlic in early spring, after wintering, diluted slurry is well suited in combination with potash top dressing. In summer, mineral fertilizers are required: mixed in equal proportions potassium chloride and urea diluted with water. Such top dressing of garlic should be carried out in the evening, preferably before watering. In autumn, compost or manure can be added to the soil, and phosphorus can also be added.

How to water garlic

The abundance of watering the plant directly depends on the weather. If the days are hot, garlic needs more moisture, if it rains, respectively, less. So, in cool or just cool weather, it will be enough to water it once a week, spending one bucket of water per square meter. If the air temperature is too high, the plant should be irrigated with the same amount of water, but twice every seven days.

In rainy summers, watering is practically not needed at all, since an abundance of moisture can ruin the crop. Often irrigation is combined with top dressing. In addition, it is important to remember that a month before digging, you should stop watering the plant.

Cleaning time

Getting a good harvest also depends a lot on when to harvest the garlic bulbs. This must be done around the end of August, when the leaves and stem begin to turn yellow. At the same time, it is important not to miss the moment - if you “slap your ears”, they will dry out completely, and then it will be quite problematic to find an onion in the ground, as it will go deeper into the ground.

In no case should garlic be dried in open space, especially when sunshine. It is better to decompose it for a couple of days in a fairly dark room, which will be well ventilated. Dried garlic can be tied into bunches and hung in a convenient place.

How to store garlic

Some lay garlic in the refrigerator or cellar, but this leads to rapid deterioration of the plant. It is best to keep it in a dry, dark place - attic, shed, any other suitable room. It is also permissible to decompose it into dry, clean jars and tie them tightly with a cloth.

If there are any signs of rot, mold on the dug out garlic, you should immediately clean it from this, cut off the roots and place it in the Fitosporin solution for half an hour to disinfect it. Only then can it be dried and put away for storage. In general, it is recommended to process the garlic before drying - so it will lie longer.

If there is a lot of it, you can keep it in baskets, wooden boxes, boxes in cool room. If the crop is small, you can hang it in nylon tights or stockings under the ceiling.

Garlic will be truly beneficial for your body if you grow it correctly and approach it with love. Happy harvest!

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Most homeowners are hesitant to propagate garlic with aerial bulbs for fear of failure (freezing of planting material, getting small bulbs, seeds drying out, etc.). The arrow varieties of garlic gave gardeners an amazing opportunity to save planting material and update the variety by growing the crop with the help of bulbs. In order to insure against the loss of seeds in the conditions of a fierce, snowless winter, many summer residents go to the trick - they plant winter garlic bulbs in early spring, having previously carried out their vernalization in the refrigerator. But first things first.

planting material

First you need to get quality bulbs. On the garden bed with garlic, note several of the largest plants (it is desirable that they be grown from large cloves) and leave arrows on them. For the rest of the seedlings, the arrows are removed (broken out) in order to obtain larger garlic heads. At the very beginning, the arrows are folded into a tight spiral, which straightens out by the end of the growing season. A sign of the need to harvest garlic is the cracking of the covers on the bulbs.

The dug out plants are removed from the garden as a whole (without cutting off either the inflorescences or the bulbs), tied in bunches and hung to dry in a place with good ventilation, for example, in the attic, veranda, under a canopy. The period of complete outflow of plastic substances from the stem and tops into the head and air bulbs, after which they increase in size, is from 3 to 4 weeks. After the leaves have completely dried, the heads with bulbs are carefully separated from the stem, trying not to damage their cases.

Until the end of winter, the seed is stored at room temperature. Bulbs are laid out on a newspaper, wrapped in several layers, saved in an open plastic bag. 4-6 weeks before planting, which is usually carried out in March-April (depending on weather conditions), the bulbs are sorted out, removing dried and defective ones, wrapped again in paper, put in a bag and placed in the refrigerator. This is called the process of vernalization, when the air bulbs are kept for several weeks at a temperature of about + 5 ° C.

This stage is very important, because with the help of such a simple manipulation, biological mechanism culture vegetation. If the seed is not kept in the cold, then plants planted in the spring will not stop growing until the onset of cold weather in late autumn, sometimes they can even shoot arrows. As a result, small unripened onions or sets are obtained, which are of no value either for culinary purposes or as planting material.

Plants grown from bulbs that have passed the vernalization stage stop growing at the end of summer (approximately mid-August), completing the growing season. In this case, a large juicy onion is obtained, up to 3 cm in diameter, called a single-tooth, from which next year a multi-toothed large head of garlic will grow.

Preparing beds for spring sowing bulbs

It is necessary to prepare the bed in the fall, since sowing is carried out in early spring, when the soil is still wet, and high-quality digging with the introduction of the necessary organic matter is simply impossible. Garlic prefers fertile soil, with neutral acidity or slightly alkalized. A place for culture is chosen in a sunny area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe garden, without shading during the day. Lowlands and places of accumulation are unsuitable for garlic melt water because in such conditions the roots of plants rot.

During autumn digging, the site is filled with compost or well-rotted manure, at the rate of a bucket per square meter. meter. Fresh manure of farm animals is never applied for garlic; only it is allowed to be embedded in the soil for previous crops, for example, plants of the pumpkin family. Be sure to enrich the soil with mineral fertilizers, which are suitable for superphosphate - the main source of phosphorus (matchbox / sq. meter) and plant ash - a natural source of potassium and trace elements (liter jar / sq. meter).

Spring sowing bulbs

The day before planting, air bulbs are soaked in an ash solution (1 tablespoon of ash per 0.25 l pure water), changing the solution four times for a new portion. Pop-up bulbs are to be removed.

Sowing is done to a depth of 2.5-3 cm, keeping a distance of about 4 cm between plants. Rows of garlic are spaced 15-20 cm apart. Carefully planted beds are mulched with hay (mulch layer is about 5 cm).

This agricultural technique allows not only to protect garlic from sudden frosts on the ground, but also to preserve valuable moisture in top layer soil, where it is located root system garlic. Mulching leads to a reduction in the frequency of watering, and also reduces the work of the gardener in weeding and loosening the beds.

Harvesting one-tooth

When the leaves of the plant begin to turn yellow and dry out en masse, it is necessary to dig up the crop. If you are late with the harvesting time, you may not find garlic cloves in the ground, as the aerial part will die. Single teeth are dried under a canopy, without cutting off the tops, spread out in one layer on canvas or polyethylene, for three days. Then the plants are tied into bunches and continue to dry in a suspended state in the attic, until the moment of planting before winter. Grown single-toothed - high-quality planting material for sowing in the fall. Next year, large (from 100 to 150 grams, depending on the variety) garlic bulbs will form from them.

Easy work for you on the plot!



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