What can you expect in a year. Vision of the future by a soothsayer vanga

What awaits us in 2017? Almost all residents of our country ask this question on the eve of the New Year holidays. After a difficult leap year, we hopefully study the predictions of psychics and elders about future events. Many of the predictions of Vanga and Nostradamus have already come true, but some have remained prophecies. Everyone decides for himself whether to believe the visions of people with a special gift, but some predictions about the future of Russia deserve special attention.

According to the Chinese calendar, the Fire Monkey will be replaced by the Fire Rooster. The last year under his patronage was remembered for the launch of the first artificial satellite of the Earth by the USSR and the Khrushchev thaw. After exactly 60 years, we will again find ourselves under the influence of the fiery element.

What will be the year 2017 of the Fire Rooster according to astrologers Pavel Globa and Vasilisa Volodina

Curious predictions about what to expect in 2017 are given by astrologers. According to Pavel Globa, the economic situation in Russia should stabilize. His forecast for our country is generally optimistic: the formation of powerful alliances, the collapse of key terrorist groups, leading positions in the world political arena, and a decrease in inflation by 2018. But the astrologer's predictions for other countries are not so rosy. Answering the question about how 2017 will be for the US and Europe, the astrologer makes assumptions about the trend of the collapse of the European Union and the NATO bloc.

Astrologer Vasilisa Volodina believes that Russia will emerge from the crisis no earlier than 2018. In 2017, economic indicators will continue to decline. The gap between the poor and the rich will grow in the country, and the risk of civil strife is high. In the middle of the year, the first unrest in the religious world will begin, which can provoke a global war.

What awaits in 2017 Russia, Europe and the USA according to Vanga's predictions

According to Vanga's predictions, in 2017 our country will face an exit from difficult situation. In general, the prophecies of the blind seer are favorable: stability will replace devastation and upheavals, military conflicts in which Russia was previously involved will subside, a revival of the Slavic state will occur, Russia will unite with India and China.

At the same time, the Bulgarian clairvoyant predicted an increase in religious differences. The conflicts will become so aggravated that they can provoke the Third World War. It will break out in the largest cities of Europe. Russia in this war will be assigned the role of a peacekeeper. Our country will strengthen its positions on the world stage and will continue to provide assistance to other countries. These are Vanga's predictions about what 2017 will be like for Russia.

Predictions of Nostradamus about what awaits us in 2017

Centuries and quatrains of Michel Nostradamus are difficult to interpret, but contemporaries were able to decipher his predictions about what awaits us in 2017. The French astrologer also predicts a bloody war due to religious contradictions. The clash will take place between Muslim and Christian countries. Another important prediction concerns natural disasters: Europe is waiting for prolonged downpours, the consequences of which will be the final loss of some territories. In addition, France expects environmental pollution of water bodies. Some even saw in the foresight a change of power in Germany and Italy.

Nostradamus' forecasts for Russia are vague. Participation in world conflicts will not be avoided, but the scale of destruction will be small. The quatrains of the soothsayer do not give an accurate prophecy for our country, as well as for the CIS countries. Some researchers of the works of Nostradamus are sure that he predicts the development of Siberia and the resettlement of the inhabitants of the middle zone to this region. The reason will be the aggravation of local conflicts and the intensification of all kinds of natural disasters.

What awaits Russia in 2017: predictions of psychics

Predictions about what awaits us in the year of the Fire Rooster 2017 were made by famous psychics and mystics. The finalists of the show "Battle of Psychics" shared their predictions.

  • Aleksey Pokhabov is confident in the increase in prices for natural resources.
  • According to Natalia Vorotnikova, the end of the crisis in Russia should not be expected before 2018.
  • Psychic Svetlana Proskuryakova made an astrological forecast about what awaits us in 2017. She foresees new reforms, terrorist attacks, numerous cataclysms (fires, floods).
  • Oleksandr Lytvyn does not see much change for our country in 2017. The settlement of military conflicts, in his opinion, will occur no earlier than 2018.
  • Bakhyt Zhumatova predicts the collapse of ISIS and the intensification of natural disasters in Japan, Israel, and Afghanistan.
  • Kazhetta Akhmetzhanova predicts a large number of disasters (including air).
  • Alexander Sheps believes that favorable changes await Russia (the lifting of sanctions, the strengthening of political influence and authority, the strengthening of the national currency). He also predicts another coup in Ukraine with a change of head of state.

Juna and Messing predict what 2017 will be like for Russia

Among the predictions about what the year 2017 will be like for Russia, one can single out the prophecies of Juna. The clairvoyant made them on the eve of 2015. In her opinion, our country is not threatened by serious cataclysms and upheavals. She recommended focusing on spiritual development and the strengthening of true values.

Wolf Messing, the great soothsayer and mystic of the last century, left some notes about the events of 2017. He predicted many trials for mankind: the emergence of new diseases, the transition to another civilizational level, the clash of political interests of different countries. At the same time, he was sure that there would be no Third World War.

What will 2017 be like for Russia and other countries: predictions of elders and monks

The existing predictions of the elders and monks partially indicate what awaits us in 2017. Recluses and ascetics rarely mention specific dates in forecasts. Rather, their prophecies refer to a certain period and indicate the main trends in the development of events.

The Indian sage and mystic Atmatattva Das foresees a global war on religious grounds. It can be stopped by great catastrophes, for the prevention of which humanity will have to unite.

The old woman Matrona of Moscow saw 2017 full of disturbing events, including for Russia. According to some sources, she even predicted the end of the world, which will happen simultaneously for all living on earth. Perhaps she spoke allegorically not about physical, but about spiritual decay. Esotericists interpret her phrases differently: the fall of a large celestial body, mass epidemics, a deep spiritual crisis.

A terrible war with the use of chemical and atomic weapons was foreseen by Paisius of Athos. According to his forecast, as a result of bloodshed, Turkey will suffer the most. The conflict will affect the countries of Europe, Asia, America and Russia. The largest battle is expected for Constantinople (modern Istanbul), which will eventually be conquered by European countries.

The prophecies of the Optina elders about the future of mankind are more optimistic. They contain specific predictions about what awaits our country in 2017: allies will rally around Russia, even after conflicts and a declared war, it will not weaken and will not be defeated. In the unification of the Slavic people and the strengthening of spirituality, the elders saw salvation for all mankind.

With the start of a new year, many of us are looking for information about what famous predictors said about 2019. We invite you to read the interesting statements of the best and most famous predictors regarding this period.

2019 is the period of the end of the world according to the system of hierarchical catastrophes. Opening the veil of the future, you need to know that the picture of what you see can be not only rosy, but threatening and even scary. One must prepare for any truth. Prophecies often refer not only to one person, but also to entire countries and nationalities.

The prophecies for 2019 are based on big changes in the universe. Many predictors are talking about the end of the world, which will destroy all life on Earth.
Almost all predictions for 2019 speak of a strong breakthrough in evolution, which will begin a new stage of humanity.

Holy Matronushka

She foresaw the Great Tribulation in 2019. According to her, it is so strong that humanity has never experienced anything like it before. The whole world will change, but life will go on. Mother knew that people would fall in the evening and rise in the morning. How this can happen is still unknown.
It may very well be that the Holy Matrona is talking about some kind of natural changes, something will shake people up, and remind them that we must take care of the environment and nature.
In all the predictions of the Holy Mother Matrona, there is a very deep and hidden meaning. Matronushka reminds people that there is an opportunity to reconsider their life, in which cruelty and delusion reign. To make the right decisions from this experience how to live in the future for us and our children.

Nostradamus singled out 2019 as a very significant year. He foreshadowed the lack of water resources in France. He spoke about the terrible environmental pollution of water in this country. And even about the evacuation of part of the population from infected areas to safer settlements. Everyone knows that Nostradamus formulated his warnings in poetic form, it sounded like this:
“Out of rage, someone will wait for water,
The army is agitated with great fury.
The Nobles are loaded onto 17 ships
Along the Rhone; The messenger arrived late.

Tsiolkovsky and Blavatsky

Tsiolkovsky and Blavatsky talked about the beginning of the era of space in 2019.

The seer Vanga called 2019 the year of the beginning of the Third World War. Her prophecies speak of human cruelty, murder and bloodshed. Humanity will begin to destroy each other with particular cruelty. But all these terrible things will not happen everywhere. There are places on earth that trouble will bypass.
She prophesies famine and serious natural disasters. Vanga mentions religious differences on the globe, which will be divided into two parts. The boundaries of the world will change dramatically and human values ​​too. The soothsayer speaks of the only country-savior is Russia.

Predictions Malahat Nazarova

Life on earth will be eternal. The world will not end in 2019. But the planet is plunging into an uncontrolled state of chaos. It will last until September 2019, and it is during this period that it will become clear to everyone whether there will be a Third World War.

Predictions of the astrologer of the Middle Ages Nero

A powerful dictator in the East will ignite a World War. Scandinavia and Japan will leave the face of the earth. Muscovy will remain.

Alexey Pakhabov

Alexey Pakhabov, a member of the futurological communities, suggested that in 2019 the price of natural resources will become high. And countries that have their reserves will begin to prosper in the economy.

James Hansen

James Hansen, a climatologist, speaks of serious cataclysms in nature. In 2019, global warming awaits us, in connection with this, the melting of glaciers, and an increase in the water level in the world's oceans. As a result, half of Europe will be under water.

What the stars are telling us in 2019

Many important events will take place this year.
Jupiter in Libra conjunct Uranus and Mars in destructive degrees: Pluto at 23 degrees Aries, 19 degrees Capricorn, and 4 degrees Pisces. This is the descending node of the moon. These indicators of destructive degrees, says that the basis of human activity at this moment will be associated with the destruction of everything old.

Shows attempts to fight and confront aggressive anarchy. There will be a painful struggle between the forces of conservatives and impudent weak loners.
At this time, the number of man-made disasters will increase and serious failures in electronic systems will occur.
There is a high risk of air crashes from February to March.
The situation will change, there will be financial improvements, business will develop well, there will be a good opportunity to strengthen your financial well-being. But does not build to relax. There is a possibility of small economic surprises
In the fall of 2019, the stars report a dismissive and irresponsible attitude towards cultural values.
At the end of 2019, there will be attempts to create rational divisions and structures.
By the end of 2019 and the first half of 2020, the newest era of the World Wide Web will begin, the Internet will experience a breakthrough in technology.

Predictions about Russia

From some sources, the predictions of the Holy Matrona regarding Russia are very optimistic.
They say that:

  • problems in the economy since 2019 are behind Russia;
    there will be a unification of the Slavs;
  • Russia will restore relations with other countries, absolutely revive Christianity;
  • medicine is waiting for a breakthrough in the development of drugs for serious diseases;

Matronushka said that the basis of health elixirs would be holy water. And people will feel the great help of the Lord.
There are other sources that say that:
Holy Mother predicted the end of the world in 2019. “All mankind will fall to the ground dead, and on the morning of the next day will disappear underground”;
While it is impossible to say anything about the veracity of this or that information. Repeatedly, the predictions of many great people regarding the end of the world have not come true. Therefore, we must hope for the best.

The seer Vanga predicted war for Russia.

  • she told her descendants that 2019 would not be easy for Russia, the country was in for a crisis and even famine;
  • Vanga saw that in the future of people, relationships would become inhuman and cruel. And so there will be conflicts;
  • disorder and chaos will begin in Russia. According to the predictions of the fortune teller, terrible years await Russia, which not everyone can survive;
  • there will be no room for kindness, honesty and justice. The one who is stronger will be right, not taking into account human qualities; there will be a messy, messy power struggle.

Vanga loved Russia very much and said that the great country would endure everything and enlightenment would come, but later.

Pavel Globa

He is trusted by many in Russia and beyond. Many of the astrologer's predictions have come true. He has psychic abilities and says the following about 2019:
Russia will become an all-powerful and very strong state. The economic situation will change for the better and favorable times will come in politics. Russia will help the whole world get out of the crisis.

Predictions about Ukraine

Athos elders about Ukraine:
According to the prediction of Elder Parthenius, if Ukraine enters the European Union, the country will become very bad. He warned against a debt routine. A lot of suffering befell the Ukrainian people. After all, these people are kind and wish harm to no one.
The elders say that this great brotherly people for Russia will cope with all troubles and overcome all adversity. God will be honored in their souls. The prophecies speak of the unification of the Slavic people. Everyone needs to move towards the unification of the Orthodox, this is a great strength. Whoever stands up against this in Ukraine will serve the Antichrist, as the Athonite elders said.
Only together can we protect the world from the filth of evil. There is no need for conflicts; only unity will help against sin.
The predictions are completely different. Some talk about the end of the world, others about war, others about prosperity. What to believe is your own business. You need to love your country and hope for the best, keeping kindness and humanity in your soul. And we will find out the truth only in 2019.

On the eve of the New Year, many psychics lift the veil of secrecy for us. There are an incredible number of such soothsayers in the world. They claim that they can look into the future and see there what should happen in the near future or in hundreds of years.

Such clairvoyants, whose prophecies really came true, can be counted on the fingers of one hand. And among them, of course, is the well-known Vanga.

Not all of her prophecies came true, but for the most part she was right. There is no reason not to believe her predictions. Well, let's check the prophecy of the famous Vanga for 2017.

During her life, the fortuneteller told about many events that managed to come true, but now it is worth announcing only the most interesting of them.

1. By the end of the last millennium, one emergency state should disappear, which will flood a large population center. As you know, Kursk did not escape such a fate.

2. In 2014, a massive epidemic of cancer will begin - almost every second person will have malignant tumors and skin problems.

3. In 2017, China will become the world ruler.

4. In 2028, civilization will find a completely new source of energy.

5. In 2046, a new era in medicine will come - at this time it will be possible to transplant any required organ.

At the moment, everyone wants to believe that the most encouraging predictions of the clairvoyant will nevertheless come true. But for now, history also knows those Vanga predictions that have sunk into oblivion. Although, to be honest, there is always a certain share of the fact that they were simply incorrectly translated into Russian.

Unfulfilled predictions

1. In 2010, a nuclear war should begin.

2. In 2011, Muslims will begin to fight against all people on the planet with the help of chemical weapons.

3. In the same year, most of the existing plants and animals will be on the verge of extinction.

Predictions for this year

2016 also did not go unnoticed by a sensitive woman, so it’s worth telling the main words about this period regarding Russia.

1. In 2016, Russia will provide assistance to people from other countries. Direct proof of this information is the situation with Ukrainian migrants who flee to Russia from the occupied territories. At the same time, our state provides these people with all kinds of support.

2. Russia should not be afraid of 2016. And this is true, because despite numerous sanctions and a ban on the import of certain foreign-made goods, the Russian Federation continues to live well and at the same time distribute all its external debts.

3. In 2016, the crisis will continue in Russia, which will torment the existing capabilities of the state. And this is also true, because for the third year the situation with the economic sphere of the state leaves much to be desired.

As recent studies in the field of predictions for 2017 have shown, it will not be as rosy as we would like it to be. And if in the future we have to meet with difficulties, it is better to know about them as much as possible. As the saying goes, forewarned is forearmed.

Vanga's predictions for 2017

It should be noted that Vanga never gave exact dates, only approximately a specific period of time. Many years ago, Vanga predicted that the world would be on the verge of beginning.

The prophetess saw the beginning of a severe economic crisis that swept almost all world states. In her predictions, Vanga outlined the possible unfolding of a large-scale military campaign, in which chemical weapons of mass destruction could be used, which would entail the devastation of Europe.

These events can provoke a protracted demographic crisis that can stretch for a whole century.

Vanga also spoke about such powers as. China's status in the world political arena will increase, and Russia will continue to grow in strength and move towards the state of a superpower. With regard to the environmental situation in the world, everything is rather sad. The elements will play out in earnest, and they will come.

An increase in seismic activity in the Indonesian region can lead to the formation of powerful tsunamis and tornadoes, which, as a result, will lead to huge loss of life. The age-old glaciers of Antarctica and the Arctic will continue to melt, this will lead to an increase in the water level of the World Ocean and entire states will be under water.

The number of dangerous flares on the Sun will increase, this can lead to an increase in harmful ultraviolet radiation. These outbreaks will lead to an increase in the incidence of skin cancer. Vanga also predicted that by 2017 a dangerous viral disease that appeared in the West of the African continent would spread. If in 2015 it manifested itself in a small number of cases, then in 2017 it will cover entire states and lead to a mass epidemic. The victims of this terrible disease will number in the hundreds of thousands of people.

The prophetess believed that threats should be expected from one of the Arab countries, maybe it would be Iran, Turkey or Afghanistan. The conflict will take place between two countries in the Middle East, one of which wants to use nuclear weapons. The situation can be reversed at the last moment, while the integrity and, possibly, the existence of the world will be preserved by Russia and China.

About Russia as a whole during this period of time, the Bulgarian clairvoyant says a lot of things that inspire hope. The main thing that Vanga said was the emergence of a leader among the Russian people, to whom in 2017 a powerful coalition will owe its appearance, capable of resisting global, American and Western threats in the future.

The ruler of Russia will be called the Great in the future. The economic system of the country will develop incredibly rapidly, this will allow Russia to become a superpower by the turn of 2017-2018. In addition, Vanga believed that a new faith would arise in Russia, which in the future would become nationwide and unite people of different faiths and denominations.

The whole world will live in this period in this way. In 2017, the European Union will be in decline, and many of its constituent countries will deliberately lose contact with each other. Perhaps this may indicate the destruction of the European Community as a single conglomerate. 2017-2018 will bring the final weakening of the US role. The political crisis in the country will give rise to mass demonstrations and protests of the townspeople.

Predictions of the Matrona of Moscow for 2017

About the predictions for 2017 made by the Matrona of Moscow. And they inspire considerable fear and understandable horror on modern society.

Many prophecies that have come down to us say that the year 2017 will be decisive for the whole world:

“Many of the human race will fall to the ground and never be able to get up again. Death will envelop their body"

Matrona of Moscow also added that all this will happen at night. Everything underground will be gone by daylight. It turns out that if you carefully interpret the words spoken by the Holy Matrona, then you can understand what she was saying!

However, everything should not be taken literally, no one can say for sure what the Holy Matrona meant, because any interpretation is possible.

It is quite possible that in this case we can talk about the immediate onset of a new era. There is a high probability that everything outdated will go by the wayside. In the history of modern mankind.

As you know, many people who surrounded the Matrona of Moscow spoke of her excessive piety and religiosity. Chances are it's not the end of the world. It is about the rebirth of human souls. Saint Matrona tried to devote as much time as possible to the inner rebirth of the human soul. And also she talked a lot about the soulless state, about the sharp and sudden loss of the soul. She said that a person can simply lose faith in the best.

And the following factors will become the main reason for the sharp desensitization: Fierce weather for profit; And also money.

Nostradamus Predictions for 2017

Michel Nostradamus left behind a lot of puzzles. contains information that applies to 2017.

Helena Blavatsky and Tsiolkovsky, on the contrary, believed that this was the beginning of an era when humanity would finally enter space on a large scale. Blavatsky said that starting from 2012, five years will be very important and will determine what kind of relationship will be established between humanity and nature?

Tsiolkovsky argued that the time of high technologies was coming. This can both positively affect the development of mankind and provoke a global catastrophe in the technogenic sphere.

Alexey Pokhabov, who won one of the Battles of Psychics, is a member of futurological communities. He says that natural resources and other resources will become much more expensive in 2017.

The New Year 2017 will come very soon, and almost every reader is wondering what awaits him in the year of the Fire Rooster? We are opening the secret veil and, having brought together the most relevant predictions, we are pleased to immerse you in the maelstrom of possible events that the master of the year, the Fire Rooster, is preparing for us! So…

The nimble Rooster will try to solve all the problems left over from the naughty Obligation himself, but still you don’t need to relax too much and just wait until the accumulated difficulties are eliminated on their own. The rooster is an energetic and friendly symbol, and luck in 2017 will definitely be with those who are constantly on the move and firmly moving towards their goals. The year is not going to be easy for all the signs of the Zodiac, someone will have to go through drastic changes, someone will get what they have been waiting for so long.

In general, the Rooster will favor those who translate their ideas into reality, are not afraid to change their usual way of life, let go of the past and positively look at all the events taking place in the world.

The rooster cherishes the happiness and tranquility of the family, so he will convey to everyone all year round that a family safe haven is a priority in any situation. Also, good news for those who decide to start a family in 2017: the Family Rooster will be happy to help you in various ways, and will arrange everything in such a way that lonely hearts find love! And, even if you have always wanted a magnificent wedding, but, for a number of reasons, you do not yet have free finances, the wonderful Rooster will not leave you here either - somehow circumstances will develop in your favor, and cash, as if by magic , will appear on all necessary expenses.

What else does the Fire Rooster love? Work. Preferably physical. So to work on your land or help your friends build a house, dig a garden, sow and weed - God himself ordered! The harvest will be rich, and every worker will have an insight that any work is in any way better than imposed stereotypes and false material ideals.

In the global world community, no serious and major cataclysms are foreseen, and they will not interfere with a peaceful life. But, with all the Spartan restraint, the Rooster is extremely quick-tempered towards any enemies that oppress his family and friends. This means that at the international level, 2017 can be attributed to a period when the course of events can be resonant, like a pendulum - it can shake in different directions, depending on how the leading leaders of rival countries behave. Humanity may have a variant of peaceful coexistence and cooperation, or the least pleasant path - the emergence of annihilating military conflicts. Also, according to the famous astrologer Pavel Globa, the economic crisis after a sharp jump will begin to decline in 2017, and this phenomenon will enable countries to start resuming the proper level of economic and political activity. The astrologer is sure that the establishment of the production process will be long, and the people will pay for the mistakes of the “powerful of this world”.

So what will the Rooster bring to the representatives of the zodiac constellations? What should you pay attention to and what should you be careful about? We have collected information for all signs of the Zodiac based on the forecasts of the famous astrologer Pavel Globa:


Throughout the year, Capricorns will be in the attention of the environment. Participate in various social events, be in the thick of things, in a word, lead an active lifestyle - you just need to! Everyone will try to please you, help you in every possible way, but with everything you should not shift your affairs to others.

Capricorns, who are still single, will meet their soul mate, and those in a relationship will bathe in passion and love! Just do not need to look for reasons for jealousy and start romances on the side yourself.


Aquarius New Year 2017 will bring many discoveries. As always, they should set goals, develop and constantly learn. This year will be a search for your true purpose.

There will be changes in love, single Aquarians will be able to fall in love and build a long-term serious relationship with the opposite sex. Those Aquarians who are married should pay attention to their soulmate - to please with surprises, to revive feelings with joint trips to exhibitions and events.


The Rooster prepares many joyful impressions and interesting acquaintances for this sign of the Zodiac. You will be asked for advice and help. Help people, open up to new friends, but don't forget about old friends.

For all lonely Pisces, advice from the Rooster: take a closer look at your surroundings - perhaps that same person has been with you for a long time.


Aries should learn not to create conflicts, because any offensive word can lead to the loss of relationships. Lonely Aries will get a new acquaintance, but there is no need to rush to build a serious relationship, as there is a great opportunity to run into disappointments. If Aries decide to tie the knot, September will be a good time for this plan.


For all Taurus, the year of the Rooster will be a breakthrough in terms of achieving goals. This year will force you to rethink your ideals and help you achieve what you want. The Fire Rooster will support you and guide you on the right path.

Lonely Taurus should open up and not be afraid of new relationships. Married Taurus must learn to be more patient with their partner. You should not start romances with colleagues and superiors - this threatens with trouble.


The rooster will test Gemini for stamina. He prepares both ups and downs for you. Do not be afraid, this is just a test of strength, and if you stand, the Rooster will support you in every possible way.

All year long you will be engaged in home improvement and life in general. The rooster advises you to spoil your soul mate, to avoid conflicts. Single twins will meet the best candidate for life partners in the summer! You should not only behave unbridledly, it will not benefit you in a relationship.


Crayfish will bathe in favorable conditions. The only prerequisite is to make thoughtful and balanced decisions. Change radically life and take risks - not the time. Trips to distant countries are possible.

Do not arrange conflicts with household members. For Cancers looking for love, summer will be the perfect time for a relationship. Just tune in to a serious romance, and then an accidentally born relationship can develop into a real family idyll.


Leo will have to finish what he started and boldly set new goals. Luck will accompany Leos throughout the year. Be careful about financial matters - Fortune should not be angry. Spend more time with children, they will need your participation.

Leos who are in search of love will be attractive to the opposite sex around May. There is a possibility that an old friendship can develop into tender love. Mid-July threatens that relationships with a non-free person are possible, so be vigilant. Leos who want to marry should wait. Your partner will be in difficult situations and will need support and lack of reproach. In October or November, a pleasant period awaits you in a relationship.


Virgos have a very busy 2017. The Rooster will be happy with active Virgos, and you will have to keep up with everything all the time. Be persistent and move forward. The rooster will support you!

The year will be filled with meetings, love experiences and an incredible number of secret admirers. Passion and love are waiting for you! Those Virgos who have long wanted to get married or have offspring - your time has come, you will finally meet your love in the spring and summer. There is a possibility that it will be a foreigner. Just keep your relationship a secret from your girlfriends - you may not be understood that way.


The year is not going to be easy. You will need effort and constant work on yourself. It will be necessary to reconsider your views on the present and learn to see everything in the aggregate and think one step ahead. But there is good news - trust your intuition, in 2017 it will save you from difficult situations and tell you which projects will be winning and which people you should communicate with.

In the spring, free Libra will constantly get acquainted, but so far you are not quite ready for a love relationship. Listen to your heart, it will tell you who you should trust and give a chance, and who should pass by. Not free Libra will solve their problems and forget about the partner. The Fire Rooster advises you to spend time with your loved ones more often and spend time on family, cozy gatherings.


Scorpios will deal with their financial issues. Successes will alternate with disappointments, but don't let that scare you - your perseverance and firmness of character will be rewarded with a win!

The Fire Rooster will make you plunge into the pool of love with your head! Your relationship will be under the sign of passion. If you want to break off an old relationship, think twice about your steps, as there is a chance of being disappointed.


2017 for Sagittarius will be decisive in terms of self-realization and development. The best, new discoveries will be easy for you due to the accumulated knowledge and will bring you success and comfort in life.

February is preparing a surprise for you - Sagittarius will be offered a hand and a heart. But perseverance in relationships should be shown in July. All lonely Sagittarians will have a pleasant acquaintance in spring or summer. For those who are married, the first half of 2017 promises a height in relationships. By the New Year, you will burn with love for your chosen one.



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