Causes of brown moles on the body. Why moles appear: types, removal, photos and descriptions

Pigment-filled "islands" on the skin called moles have long been the subject of controversy regarding their origin and meaning. Some argue that such “marks” are harbingers of a person’s fate, while official medicine treats them with particular caution in relation to oncology. Let's look at all the currently known causes of the appearance of moles on the body.

By their nature, moles can be congenital or acquired. That is, you can be born with them or acquire them during your life. The latter begin to appear approximately after the first year of life, and their “blooming” occurs in the period of 23-25 ​​years. In old age, due to age-related changes skin, moles begin to discolor. An interesting fact is that moles can not only appear suddenly, but also disappear just as suddenly.

If we touch on the reasons for the appearance of moles, then heredity tops this list. Therefore, it is quite natural that parents generously endowed with nevi by nature will have a child just as “noticeable.” Interestingly, there are cases of ancestral moles where several generations have “marks” on the same place on the body. It often happens that not only the location of tumors is inherited, but also their number, size and shape. The next factor related to the appearance of nevi on the body is ultraviolet radiation. Most strong impact direct influences on the production of melanin in the skin (which, in fact, is the basis of moles) Sun rays . It should be remembered that intense sun can not only cause the appearance of new moles, but also provoke a change in existing ones (increase, change in color, shape, degeneration into malignant form

). A solarium can have a similar effect. Therefore, experts do not recommend overusing any type of tanning, especially if you have fair skin and a lot of moles (including freckles). There is an opinion that skin injuries or viral infections . This also includes exposure to radiation, including x-rays mechanical impact(bra or bag straps, collar, belt, etc.). Particularly dangerous are attempts to remove moles on your own - accidentally (by combing or shaving) or intentionally (pulling with a thread, burning with plants, etc.).

The reason for the appearance of neoplasms from melanin may also be hormonal in nature. Therefore, surges in the formation of moles are possible during puberty or pregnancy. Often with changes in hormonal background The disappearance of such “marks” from the skin is also associated.

Considering all of the above, any mole requires special attention, even if it is your “trick”. Especially if new ones appear in large quantities. Ideally, all owners of such “marks” on the body should regularly visit a doctor, who will not only assess their possible danger, but also select the most suitable the best way removal. To learn about the significance of moles, watch the video.

Every person has moles on their body. IN different times they were considered a sign of mystical power, treacherously leading their owners to the fire, or, as an ornament, making a person attractive in the eyes of others. For many centuries, people have wondered why moles appear on the body?

What are moles and when do they appear?

Moles (nevus) are skin cells that contain a large number of pigment formed under the influence of melanin. Depending on the pigment concentration, the nevus can be bright or faint. Moles appear in any part of the body: on the stomach, back, neck, face and even fingers.

The newborn's body is clean, the first nevus appears at the age of 1 to 2 years. Parents may not notice the “spots” on the child, since at first the moles are almost transparent. Large dark spots may be congenital.

What types of moles are there?

There are several types of nevus; its classification is carried out not only according to the criterion of size - color and shape also play a role.
The color range of moles is quite wide; nevus can be brown, red, pink, blue or very dark. After tanning, the shade often changes and becomes saturated. Cosmetic procedures, such as almond peeling or more aggressive diamond cleansing, can lighten the mole. True, specialists try to avoid contact with the nevus so as not to harm the patient’s health.

Exist the following types moles:

Why do moles appear on the face?

Cosmetologists say that moles on the face most often appear under the influence of sunlight. The skin of the face is least protected from sunburn, so it is not surprising that it is on it that nevus appears.
Representatives of the fair sex who do not want new “spots” to appear on their faces and constantly wonder why new moles appear after sunbathing are recommended to summer period wear hats with large brims.

Why do many moles appear?

Moles actively appear under the influence of sunlight and solariums, but British scientists have put forward another hypothesis for the appearance of a nevus. According to experts from Foggy Albion, a person who has a large number of moles on his body has a rather impressive biological age, the aging process occurs very quickly. At the same time, it is moles that protect the body from physical wear and tear. An abundance of nevus on the fingers, face, back and other parts of the body is a prerequisite for longevity.

Video: doctor’s opinion about moles on the body

A new version of British scientists makes us think about whether it is important to remove a mole if medical conditions do not require it? Perhaps it would be much more useful to get an answer to the question of how to remove a double chin?

Why do red moles appear?

There are times when human-like moles appear. There are several theories of their occurrence:

  • lipid metabolism disorder;
  • variety dermatological pathology;
  • disruption of the pancreas and (or) colon (this theory is not confirmed by official medicine).

Treatment of red moles, no matter where they are located, on the palm, face or back, is carried out using a laser and only after consultation with a doctor and full examination. Preparation for surgery is sometimes no less scrupulous than when you want to remove wrinkles on the forehead using cosmetic procedure suspender.

Why do hanging moles appear?

Hanging moles can hardly be classified as nevus; they are more likely papillomas. Most often, these formations can be found in the armpits or neck; they are light, red or dark in color. The cause of hanging moles should be sought in a dermatologist's office.
As a rule, hanging moles rarely degenerate into a tumor, but such transformations still happen; it is not worth removing papillomas without consulting a specialist. Although this process seems simple, its consequences can be much more serious than when getting rid of blackheads on the face.

When should you worry?

There are cases when moles, which by their nature are benign formations, degenerate into malignant tumors; to prevent this from happening, their condition should be carefully monitored.
You should be wary of:

  • change in the color and size of the mole;
  • appearance of a halo;
  • compaction, thickening, pain symptoms;
  • bleeding, fluid discharge;
  • the surface of the mole cracks;
  • burning, tingling, itching;
  • the appearance of scales on the surface.

These symptoms may indicate the formation of melanoma, if present similar phenomena You should consult a doctor immediately. Perhaps, after certain studies, surgery will be required.

How are moles removed and treated?

Photo – a spot on a girl’s face

Mole removal can be done as follows: surgical method(excision), and with the help of other, more gentle, methods - electrocoagulation, cryodestruction or laser, cream for lightening and removing the nevus.

There are also a number traditional methods which are used at home. Many followers " grandma's recipes“They believe that removing moles is as simple as getting rid of acne on the back, having no idea about the dangers of this kind of activity.

A special approach is required when choosing a method of influencing a mole if we're talking about about the development of a malignant tumor in nevus cells. In this case, it is necessary not only surgical procedure, but also undergoing a course of chemotherapy.

Also be sure to read:

It is generally accepted that the reasons for the appearance of moles on the body, which can form on any part of the body, lie in the benign local proliferation of melanocytes - dendritic cells of the basal layer of the epidermis.

These are the only cells that synthesize skin-protecting ultraviolet rays and the pigment melanin that determines the color of skin, hair and eyes.

In terms of structure and properties, melanin is a UV-filtering biopolymer, which is obtained through a multi-stage biochemical transformation of the α-amino acid tyrosine; the pigment is deposited in the organelles of melanocytes - melanosomes, and enters the upper layers of our skin thanks to keratinocytes.

Accumulating in one place, melanocytes form moles, and their average number in one person is from 30 to 40.

Key reasons for the appearance of moles in adults and children

For the sake of clarification the real reason Based on the appearance of moles, biologists and doctors have conducted and are conducting (and will continue to conduct) numerous biochemical and genetic studies.

At the same time, experts remind that the skin is the most important multifunctional organ, the formation of which occurs during the process of embryogenesis, that is, during the development of the human embryo.

Most moles appear during the first 20 to 30 years of a person's life, and according to statistics, only one in every 100 babies will have moles at birth. And the reasons for the appearance of moles in a child, that is congenital nevi(in Latin naevus means " birthmark") is associated with a minor defect embryonic development in the first twelve weeks of pregnancy.

Melanocytes, which produce skin pigment, are formed from neural crest cells, melanoblasts, which initial stages embryogenesis disperse along the upper (dorsal) part of the neural crest to various parts of the body ( squamous epithelium skin and mucous membranes, hair follicles, arachnoid tissue of the brain). In the basal layer of the epidermis, melanoblasts mature into melanocytes, which are capable of producing melanin. The defect is believed to result in accelerated proliferation of melanocytes.

This means that an excess of them is formed, and “excessive” melanocytes do not spread evenly in the skin, but gather together - in nests, clusters, islands - in the very top layer skin and even protrude from it.

Recent research clears up the picture a little. The fact is that some melanocytes arise from melanoblasts migrating ventrally - along bottom surface neural tube and then along the nerves. These melanocyte precursor cells give rise to peripheral nervous system And medulla adrenal glands Thus, they end up in the sheaths of nerves and axons, among Schwann cells, and are able to produce melanocytes after birth.

Eat scientific evidence the fact that melanocytes in moles change into so-called dermal nevus cells - skin nevus cells. This option melanocytes differ from normal ones in their size, the volume of cytoplasm and the absence of processes (dendrites). They are usually located at the junction of the dermis and epithelial tissue, and depending on the degree of maturity can be further classified as epithelioid, lymphocytoid and neuroid. It is argued that nevus cells are able to migrate, penetrating into The lymph nodes and even in thymus gland(thymus), where immunocompetent cells - lymphocytes - form and mature.

To date, it has been established that in 60% of cases, the causes of moles in adults and children are hereditary. More than 125 different genes are already known to regulate pigmentation either directly or indirectly. Many of these genes control melanocyte differentiation or influence the biogenesis and function of melanosomes, and also provide participation in biochemical processes pigmentation and proliferation epithelial cells hormones, growth factors, transmembrane receptors (EphR, EDNRB2, etc.), transcription factors (such as MITF, Sox10, Pax3, etc.). The interaction of the totality of all of the above determines the reasons for the appearance of new moles.

By the way, about hormones. Hormonal changes during pregnancy and in patients diabetes mellitus often contribute to the formation of moles. A hormonal reasons The appearance of moles in children and adolescents is explained, first of all, by the activity of hormones and biochemical growth factors (for example, SCF stem cell factor): after all, children grow, and the area of ​​the skin is constantly increasing. Also in a growing body, melanocortins produced by the pituitary gland are very active - hormones that purposefully stimulate the synthesis of melanin (they also affect the production of corticosteroids in the adrenal cortex and the activity of lipid metabolism in adipose tissue cells).

Under the influence solar radiation melanin synthesis increases (and we see this when a tan appears). All this is the result of activation of tyrosinase in melanocytes, which provides increased skin protection from UV. Some scientists suggest that excessive sun exposure may play a role in the formation of acquired moles. So far, the biomechanics of the interaction between genetic structure and overall impact ultraviolet rays have not been clarified. However, the fact that this is exactly the case is evidenced by the almost complete absence of moles on the buttocks...

Causes of moles on the neck, face and armpits

Almost everyone is interested in answers to three questions:

  1. Are there any special reasons the appearance of moles on the face?
  2. What are the causes of moles on the neck?
  3. What are the reasons for the appearance of moles in the armpits - in such an uncomfortable place, which, in general, is not even exposed to the sun?

We will try to answer them, relying on what is already known in clinical dermatology regarding the formation of epidermal nevi of the indicated localization.

Melanocytes are found between basal keratinocytes in an approximate ratio of one to ten and distribute melanin through their elongated processes (dendrites), as well as through direct cell contacts. As is known, keratin skin cells in the upper layers of the epidermis replace each other quite quickly and, rising upward (to the stratum corneum of the skin) carry away captured melanin - to form a barrier from ultraviolet rays.

At the same time, in various areas epidermis, the content of melanin and the number of cells producing it are different: in skin the head (including on the face), as well as the neck and arms, has twice as many melanocytes as in other parts of our body. Obviously, this is due to the fact that these areas are much more often open and receive the most sunlight.

Among the as yet unproven versions of the cause of the appearance of moles on the face, there is an assumption that the process of formation of nevus skin cells is facilitated by increased metabolism in the cells of the epidermis - due to the stressful effects of changes in temperature and air humidity on the skin of the face, as well as constant stretching and compression of the skin by facial facial muscles .

In addition, there is an opinion that there may be reasons for the appearance of moles on the neck associated with disturbances in the formation and distribution of melanin in areas of the epidermis directly above the nerves of the cervical nerve plexus (see above about the migration of melanoblasts during embryo development). These are branches of the motor, cutaneous and phrenic nerves, which are connected by loops and are located in the neck (back, front and both sides).

But researchers tend to see the reasons for the appearance of moles in the armpits in the presence of the skin of the armpits hair follicles and glands - sweat and apocrine. But the specific mechanism for the formation of nevi in ​​the armpits has not yet been studied. Moreover, it remains unknown how the flow of melanocytes into the epidermis is controlled, although, of course, a regulatory scheme for this process exists.

Causes of pink and red moles

Most probable cause the appearance of red moles is that the “body” of the nevus can be not only melanocytes, but also epidermal cells connective tissue, adnexal fibers, as well as vascular elements. The so-called vascular nevi (nevus vascularis) appear as reddish swellings or spots of varying sizes on the skin due to capillary hypertrophy - proliferation blood vessels in the skin.

In addition, there may be a connection with a lack of blood clotting factors and vitamin K, which leads to increased bleeding when the walls of the skin capillaries are damaged, partially trapped in the formation.

According to dermatologists, red moles are characteristic of such diagnoses as autoimmune rheumatoid arthritis or systemic lupus erythematosus.

The reasons for the appearance of red are similar. raised moles. Moreover, their “bulge” (as in the case of brown moles) is the result of the fact that melanocytes are often located significantly above the dermoepidermal junction and are localized in the upper layer of the epidermis, including the granular zone and the stratum corneum.

The reasons for the appearance of pink and red moles do not exclude the influence of the composition of the melanin produced. Melanin can be either brown-black (eumelanin) or reddish-orange (pheomelanin). In the latter case - especially in redheads and natural blondes - the moles are often light beige or pink.

Causes of hanging moles

It is unnecessary to say that the reason for the appearance of a mole on a leg, as well as the reasons for the appearance of hanging moles on the neck, have been thoroughly studied. Although much attention is paid to the study of the etiology of this type of epidermal nevi.

Thus, an association of melanocytic nevus with eccrine sweat glands, which is expressed not only in the body of the mole capturing the gland itself (which may be located in the center of the mole), but also in the exit of nevus cells in the form of a node to the outside - through the eccrine ducts.

In other cases, the peculiarity of infiltration leads to a linear distribution pattern of intradermal nevus cells. Extending beyond the dermoedermal border and the papillary layer of the skin, a group of such cells penetrates the surface, expanding the part of the epidermis between the collagen fibers. Moreover, intradermal nevus cells can form a pigmented dome-shaped or papillomatous papule (up to 1 cm in diameter), equipped with a stalk. A mollusc-like form with a wide base, with colors ranging from light brown and black to whitish or pink-red, is also possible.

Hanging moles can form anywhere, but their “favorite places” are the neck area, armpits and skin in the perineal area.

In the middle of the last decade, researchers at King's College in London examined 1,200 female non-identical twins aged 18 to 79 and found that those who had larger number moles on the body, had more strong bones, i.e., they are less likely to develop osteoporosis. In addition, older women with more than 60 moles had less wrinkled skin and looked younger than their age... It turned out that people with big amount moles, chromosomes have unusually long telomeres - the terminal sections of DNA polymerase, which prolongs the period of active replication and delays many age-related processes in the body.

And dermatologists advise - regardless of the time and cause of the appearance of moles - to consult a specialist for any changes in epidermal nevi, since the risk of developing skin cancer associated with the presence of moles is quite high.

Have you seen people with complete absence moles? Where do moles on the body come from or what causes them to appear? Some people have an exorbitant number of them, others can count them on their fingers, but these benign formations everyone has.

Every person has nevi on their skin.

More about the concept

Moles or nevi ( scientific name moles) are of two types.

  • Congenital. The appearance of moles on the body occurs in the first months of a person’s life. In this case, people do not show interest in them, which cannot be said about the next type.
  • Purchased. Sooner or later, a person discovers previously unseen marks. New moles on the body may raise the question of what the body is signaling about, but often this does not foretell any signs.

Melanin is believed to be the reason why new moles appear.

Melanin is a coloring element that, when increased, can cause new marks to appear on the body. Now let's move on to analyzing the factors that can affect the increase in this hormone.

Factors influencing the appearance of moles

The reasons for the appearance of moles can be very different.

  1. Hereditary information is also reflected in the transmission of moles. Children borrow the exact or approximate location of nevi from their parents. Moms and dads consider this an additional sign of the child’s belonging and similarity with his family. A funny phenomenon that can be passed on for several generations in a row, most often the identity with a child is present in women.
  2. Hormonal surge. With age, several dozen new moles may appear. This no longer bothers an adult, because there is nothing surprising in it, but why do moles appear on an adult’s body? Their greatest number occurs during puberty. A person experiences this stage and, in addition to the main changes in his body, notices that nevi have begun to appear different colors mostly brown, black or red. When moles form, you may notice an increased concentration of melanin, which causes two types of moles: flat and raised. Hormonal surges occur not only in teenagers, but also in pregnant women. Moles can not only form, but also disappear, it all depends on the individual human body. The number of these changes is quite unpredictable.
  3. Nevi on the body - the cause may be ultraviolet irradiation. This is another reason why new mole will see the light. Ultraviolet radiation- this is normal sunlight, which most often provokes the appearance of new moles on the body. Skin cells are activated when light hits them, hence the result. Clients of solariums often witness this.
  4. Infection. Insect bites and physical damage to the skin can result in serious health problems. Especially if these damages for a long time don't heal. This trigger Even a simple mosquito bite can serve.

This is where moles come from. There is one interesting, but unconfirmed theory that a large number of nevi indicates a person’s long life. Yes, this has not been proven by anyone, but there have been studies that 50% of new formations are harbingers of cancer. This only applies to people with a predisposition.

Therefore, if you are concerned about the question of why moles appear on the body, then, if desired, simply consult with a specialist and dispel all your fears.

Ultraviolet irradiation is one of the causes of nevi.

What if there are too many moles?

Some people experience the appearance of nevi in ​​large numbers over a short period of time. Where can they come from? They appear in a series natural causes, described above, and are divided into two types:

  • flat – the emerging type is located at the level of the epidermis and signals itself on the body only by a slight change in the color of the skin pigment;
  • raised growths can, unlike flat ones, form a little deeper in the skin, where there is more free space, so these nevi can protrude a little.

In fact, it doesn’t matter what kind of formations, how many and over what period of time you acquired. The only factors that matter are those that affect any particular mole. An increase in formation, a change in color, bleeding - this is when you need to worry and immediately consult a doctor.

Such nevi can develop and form into malignant tumors. They are called melanomas. If this happens, then show the resulting abscess to the doctor, although these tumors cannot be treated, you definitely need to start it, since no one uses the phrase “it’s never too late to start” in medicine.

If the size and color of the formation changes, it should be shown to a doctor

Signs of melanoma formation

  • This is only possible if a person is predisposed to cancer or with repeated damage of a particular type. How can you damage the same mole several times? This is actually faced by many people with nevi located on the palms, soles and other unfavorable places. To be able to quickly see a doctor, read the signs of melanoma formation:
  • one or more formations may become deformed (increase, decrease, change shape);
  • fuzzy boundaries - they tend to blur and become inexpressive;
  • education constantly bleeds;
  • color changes: why a mole on the body changes color, becomes lighter or darker - this is one of the reasons for the growth of melanoma;
  • it can become covered with a crust; not only a nevus can become covered - it can already have the status of melanoma, so immediately call the clinic and get the necessary advice;

One of the moles may hurt or itch. No one can say for sure why red moles appear. Some associate this phenomenon with a malfunction of certain elements digestive system , although no one could find confirmation of this. The easiest way is to attribute everything to a type of dermatological pathology or lipid metabolism.

When such a mole appears or there are too many of them, then do not worry if they do not cause discomfort.

Red nevi usually do not cause problems

Mole removal

We have already dealt with the question “why moles appear.” Because of these benign formations, people may experience complexes and other discomfort. Therefore, many people think about deleting. Is it dangerous? We live in, when removing, appropriate technologies are used that minimize the risk of surgery. The very existence of education leads to greater risk, if it is in an unfavorable and inconvenient place where it can easily be damaged. Many people around the world seek help to remove moles on the palms, feet, neck and other places where they cause discomfort. Also, the reason for removal may be aesthetic reasons.

Can surgery cause new nevi to appear? No, this is not connected in any way, besides, do not worry about benign formations, seek help only when something bothers you.

What changes or inconveniences can be considered grounds for removal? The above article described the signs of a nevus developing into melanoma. If you notice and are concerned about any sign, have removal surgery to eliminate the possibility cancer, like skin cancer. Moles on the body, the reasons why people worry can be considered very significant.

Removing a formation modern technologies quite safe

Preparing to remove nevi

The reasons for the appearance of a mole have a direct influence on the removal of a mole. If you have an ugly mole on your face or other prominent place, and you want to get rid of it just for beauty, then you do not need to carry out any preparatory measures. Simply choose the removal method that you consider suitable and carry out the operation. All options will be listed below.

If you suspect the onset of melanoma, then before mandatory deletion, you will be told to take the following tests: blood for tumor markers, blood test for coagulation index and general analysis blood.

Ways to remove moles:

  • laser removal;
  • removal with liquid nitrogen;
  • surgical removal;
  • radio wave removal;
  • removal by electrocoagulation.

Preventing moles

How to prevent the appearance of moles? First, understand that new moles are normal and there is nothing supernatural about it. Many people are worried that a mole may appear on the face, so you need to know the list of preventive measures.

  • Tan wisely on your vacation. This is the main rule, because ultraviolet radiation is most often the cause of new moles. Use sunblock and during hot periods carry out this procedure either before ten in the morning or after four in the afternoon. If you need to go out on business in unbearably hot weather, use panama hats to keep your face in the shade.
  • Note to girls. As described above, there are many hormonal surges during pregnancy. During this period, try to monitor your health much more carefully. This will be useful not only for the child, but also for you.

Hello, dear readers! Today we’ll talk about such a problem as moles. Why moles appear on the body is a fairly common question, the answer to which many people are looking for. Everyone should know the reasons for the appearance of moles, because knowledge of this topic will protect you from the appearance of clusters of moles on the body and will help you avoid the most dire consequences– skin cancer (melanoma).

Moles can appear at birth and continue to appear on the body throughout life. Moles themselves are benign formations on the skin, however, despite this, there is always a risk of a mole turning into dangerous formationmalignant tumor.

Many people interested in their health do not ignore the problem of moles and seek to study the reasons for their appearance. But here the inquisitive reader will be slightly disappointed: despite a significant leap in the development of science, scientists have still not come to a consensus about the reasons for the appearance of moles on the human body. Today there are different versions of why moles appear on the skin. There are both scientific and alternative theories about the origin of moles.

Moles on the body - reasons for their appearance

Most often, moles appear in the first 25 years of life. Many people wonder: where do they come from? In each specific case, the reasons for the appearance of moles are individual and this moment it is impossible to predict when and where a new one will appear. Let's look at the main reasons.

  • Heredity

The formation of moles is often associated with genetic information, which is embedded in DNA and transmitted to the child from the parents. This is where the name of these brown bumps comes from - moles, because quite often their shape and location are the same as those of their parents. Sometimes the number of moles on the body is also transmitted from parents to children.

  • Solar (ultraviolet) rays

Many experts consider solar radiation to be the main factor in the appearance of moles, since ultraviolet radiation affects the production of the pigment that makes up moles - melanin. Also, the sun's rays cause moles to increase in size.

How does ultraviolet radiation affect the body and why does it cause moles to appear? The fact is that direct sunlight, affecting the skin, leads to an excess of melanin present in the skin; these processes are pointwise and therefore moles are distributed unevenly throughout the body.

Exposure to the sun often leads to the appearance of small moles-nodules on the skin; a large number of such growths are dangerous to health and are recognized by doctors as a factor in the formation and development of skin cancer (melanoma).

There are many cases when moles with excessive content Melanin cells transform under the influence of ultraviolet radiation into a malignant tumor, even in cases where they are quite small.

  • Damage to the body and entry of harmful microorganisms into it

Damage to the skin, after which moles can grow, according to experts, is radiation (for example, during x-rays or fluorography), insect bites, and also mechanical damage a small mole due to a cut or scratching. In such cases, melanocytes are activated and grouped in the injured area, after which a mole appears on the surface of the skin. That is, there are cases when small moles become large if they are injured.

  • Hormonal background

An increase in the amount of certain human hormones leads to the formation of moles. Hormonal changes occur in people different periods life, the most striking are pregnancy and puberty.

It is noteworthy that hormones can influence both the appearance and disappearance of moles. And, of course, such reasons for the appearance of moles on the body are in no way related to cancer.

  • The appearance of moles from the point of view of alternative medicine

Some representatives traditional medicine We are sure that the reason for the appearance of moles is the concentration of internal energy in places of inflammation. Accumulating on the inflamed area of ​​the skin, internal energy turns into moles. Whether this is true or not is difficult to say. This point of view is difficult to prove and very problematic to refute.

  • Types of moles and reasons for their appearance

We have reviewed common reasons occurrence of moles. But what types of moles are there and why do they appear? The most common are flat and raised brown moles. They are natural to human skin and pose no danger in most cases.

Causes of red moles on the body

The appearance of red moles on the body is most often associated with vascular disorders or pathologies. If you look at such a mole through a magnifying glass, it will immediately become clear that it is nothing more than several grouped vessels, that is, blood formations, their color is red or pink. In the language of doctors, such a mole is called an angioma and, most often, occurs in children. This is due to the fact that children's body undergoes the process of development of the circulatory system.

Usually red moles disappear without medical intervention and of course do not pose a danger to the body. But here it is worth paying attention to this point: if a red mole begins to grow very quickly, then visiting a doctor becomes necessary.

There are other reasons for the appearance of red moles - these are changes in hormonal system, as well as exposure to ultraviolet radiation (sun rays).

Reasons for the appearance of moles on the body in women

We have already noted that the causes of the appearance of moles include pregnancy and hormonal surges. Talking about female body, you should know that the first menstrual cycle often leads to the appearance of moles. But are there other reasons for the formation of moles in women? Yes, there are. And we have already mentioned these reasons above.

In pursuit of beauty, women go to great lengths, including visiting solariums and taking sunbathing. What does this mean? If you use the services of solariums and sunbathe on the beach in moderation, then this is even useful.

However, some representatives of the fair sex abuse this, and unreasonable burning of the skin with ultraviolet radiation leads to the formation of new moles. We have already mentioned these reasons above.

Reasons for the appearance of moles on the body in men

In addition to the general reasons for the appearance of moles on the body, there are also those that are characteristic only male body. Such reasons include disruption of the functioning of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, resulting in damage to the testicles. Such problems lead to improper production of male sex hormones and an excess of female hormones - estrogens.

Hanging moles on the body - reasons for their appearance

The nature is almost the same as that of other species. Consequently, such moles most often do not pose a health hazard. But such a mole is easy to damage due to its shape. The appearance of such moles is facilitated by the common reasons that we discussed earlier.

Like other moles, hanging moles can in some cases develop into skin cancer. When should you sound the alarm? Doctors' advice is as follows.

  1. Rapid growth of a hanging mole.
  2. Blackening or other color changes.
  3. There are dark or white circles around a hanging mole.
  4. Constant itching (that is, when the mole begins to itch very much).

If you, dear readers, have noticed such situations with hanging moles, then you should consult a doctor.

Causes of black moles on the body

Like other moles, black ones appear when melanin increases. The increase in melanin is promoted by the same factors as the appearance of other moles - direct rays of the sun, hormonal changes and heredity. What should you pay attention to? You should consult a doctor in cases where the black mole has enlarged or lost its correct shape. IN in good condition the black mole should be perfectly round.

The appearance of moles on the body of an adult

We have already said that greatest growth the number of moles is usually observed before the age of 25. But is it worth sounding the alarm if you are much older? Let us note right away that if you find rough moles on your body, you should see a doctor, since this sign may indicate the formation of melanoma. There are also general causes of moles, but there are also specific ones.

The adult body is quite often not in better condition, and health problems can contribute to the appearance of moles. For example, a deficiency of vitamins K and C can lead to vascular disorders, which will affect the growth of red moles.

If after 25-30 years the rapid growth of moles begins, then it is still worth seeing a doctor. The specialist will be able to understand the reasons and prescribe treatment if necessary.

Mole removal - is it dangerous?

In situations where the doctor has discovered that moles are dangerous, there is no doubt about the need for removal. But is it worth deleting if they are simply cosmetic defect and are not dangerous?

Most medical experts are not against removing moles, but insist that this should be done by a doctor after an appropriate examination and tests, and not by a cosmetologist or, worse, any traditional healer.



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