Furamag: instructions for use and what it is needed for, price, reviews, analogues. Conditions and shelf life

Furamag is one of the antibiotics of the nitrofuran group. The mechanism of its effect on bacteria is the complex suppression of their vital systems. It actively prevents the growth and reproduction of microbes.

The active ingredient in the drug is furazidin, which successfully inhibits salmonella, streptococci, staphylococci, lamblia, shigella, klebsiella and other gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms.

The medicine is produced by the Latvian concern Olainfarm and occupies a leading position among its analogues. The release form of Furamag is tablets with jelly-like contents.

The product is taken after meals with a large glass of water. Indications for the use of Furamag are as follows: prostatitis, urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, and other gynecological infections.

Furamag is a broad-spectrum antimicrobial medicine. His average cost 450–750 rubles, which is the reason for searching for close substitutes or cheap analogues of the drug.

Russian-made analogues

The range of nitrofuran antibiotics is not presented big amount medicines. The table shows drugs from domestic manufacturers that are prescribed for similar diagnoses.

Name of the drug average price in rubles Characteristic
Furagin 120–250 The drug is a derivative of nitrofuran. Most cheap analogue Russian production.

Its bacteriostatic properties make it possible to effectively treat pyelonephritis, prostatitis, urethritis and cystitis.

The drug is not prescribed during pregnancy, lactation, or for children under 1 month of birth.

Furagin LekT 200–220 The composition of the medicine includes active ingredient furazidin, like furamag.

The medication is prescribed for infections genitourinary system, some gynecological inflammations, diseases of the skin and soft tissues, viral diseases of the mouth and pharynx, as well as if there are acute non-healing wounds or severe infected burns.

Furagin Aktifur 360–390 A broad-spectrum antibiotic, similar in composition to Furamag.

Ukrainian substitutes

Besides domestic drugs, it is worth paying attention to several popular means Ukrainian production. Medicines are inexpensive analogues furamaga according to pharmacological group.

  • Furazidin. Antibacterial medicine with bacteriostatic effect. The product is available in tablets. The drug is a high-quality replacement for a cheap medicine, a substitute for furamaga. The most popular purpose is for the treatment of any form of prostatitis. The average price is 90–150 rubles.
  • Furagin. Tablets are also produced in Ukraine. Antimicrobial drug for system use. From his Russian analogue there is a slight difference in price, physicochemical characteristics identical. The product is sold in packages of 30 and 50 capsules. The average price is 100–150 rubles.

Belarusian generics

Belarusian generics will help you finally choose what to replace Furamag with. The list contains the names of the products and their brief descriptions.

Name of the drug Average price in rubles Characteristic
Furadonin 10–60 Tablets belong to the cheaper category. The active substance is nitrofurantoin.

They are effective in the treatment of acute cystitis, urethritis, pyelitis, pyelonephritis.

The product is used in preventive measures during cystoscopy, catheterization.

The drug should not be prescribed to children under 6 years of age, as well as pregnant and lactating women.

Furacilin 30–60 The product is available in the form of a solution for external use, as well as in the form of tablets. Is an antibiotic.

Active substance the medicine contains nitrofuran, which blocks the proliferation of staphylococci, streptococci, coli and other bacteria.

Other foreign analogues

Modern imported analogues furomaga act on pathogenic microorganisms in the same way as the original medicine.

Let's look at the best of them:

  • Furasol. Nitrofuran antimicrobial agent, available in powder form. After dilution, it is used externally and internally. It has a successful disinfectant and bacteriostatic effect on the body. The medicine is manufactured in Latvia. The average price is 300–480 rubles.
  • Urofurogin. The drug is depressing biochemical processes in the body of cocci and rods. Prescribed when infectious diseases genitourinary system. Country of origin: Poland. The average price is 150–170 rubles.

Furomag and its synonyms are indispensable in the treatment of many genitourinary infections. Antibiotics from the nitrofuran group successfully inhibit the activity of pathogens, destroying them and blocking the ability of further reproduction. Furamag, like its substitutes, rarely causes an allergic reaction and most often meets the expectations of patients.

Remember that self-prescribing medications is not recommended. Taking antibacterial medications should be supervised by a doctor to avoid side effects.

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Instructions for use:

Furamag is a highly effective uroantiseptic drug of the nitrofuran group. This medication represents a new dosage form soluble furaginin.

Reviews about Furamag confirm its high antibacterial activity, wide spectrum of action and low toxicity.

Structural analogs of Furamag based on the active substance are Furazidin, Furasol, Furagin.

Release form and composition

According to the instructions, Furamag is produced in powder form, and also in the form gelatin capsules(25 mg, 50 mg). Each Furamag capsule contains 25 mg potassium salt furazidine, as well as 25 mg of magnesium hydroxycarbonate. Auxiliary components are potassium carbonate, talc. Magnesium hydroxycarbonate in the composition of the drug improves the bioavailability of furazidine potassium salt.

Pharmacological action of Furamag

The action of Furamag and Furamag analogues is aimed at inhibiting the growth and development of gram-negative and gram-positive microbes that are resistant to other antimicrobial drugs.

Furamag has activity against gram-negative bacilli (Salmonella, Shigella, Eischerichia coli, Klebsiella, Proteus, Enterobacteriaceae), streptococci, staphylococci, and Giardia.

Regarding staphylococci Aerobacteraerogenes, Proteusmorganii, E.coli, Proteus mirabilis,Bact. Citrovorum Furamag has more pronounced activity in comparison with other drugs of the nitrofuran group. Judging by the reviews, Furamag not only does not suppress the immune system, but, on the contrary, activates it and stimulates the process of formation of leukocytes.

Indications for use of Furamag

The use of Furamag according to the instructions is indicated for the following diseases:

Infectious and inflammatory processes in the urinary system (chronic and acute cystitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis);

Infected burns;

Gynecological infections;

Diseases respiratory tract(pneumonia, bronchitis);

Skin infections;


Soft tissue infections.

In addition, according to the instructions, Furamag or Furamag analogues can be used for the prevention infectious processes during cystoscopy, catheterization, urological operations.

How to use Furamag

The drug is used orally, intratracheally, intrabronchially, intravenously. In some cases, administration of the medication into the cavities and local application Furamaga.

According to the instructions, Furamag tablets are best taken after meals with significant amount water. The daily dose for adults is 15-300 mg of the drug (the dose must be divided into three doses). The maximum daily dose of Furamag is 600 mg. The duration of therapy is seven to ten days.

For children from one to ten years of age, the daily dose of Furamag according to the instructions is 5 mg/kg body. The dose should be divided into several doses.

Children weighing 30 kg or more are prescribed 50 mg of the drug three times a day.

Intravenously, a 1% solution of the drug should be administered slowly, dropwise, over three to four hours. The daily dose of solution for an adult is 300-500 ml. The duration of therapy is three to seven infusions.

100-300 ml of a 1% solution of the drug should be administered intratracheally for therapeutic and diagnostic or therapeutic sanitation of the bronchi (from 3 to 14 infusions).

During bronchofibroscopy, 20-60 ml of 0.5-1% Furamag solution should be administered intrabronchially in fractions. When washing the bronchi, 50-100 ml of solution is administered fractionally (total dose - 500-800 ml). The injected liquid should be aspirated at the same time. It is recommended to preheat the solution to 37-39 °C.

Local use of Furamag according to the instructions is indicated for the treatment of purulent-inflammatory processes (peritonitis, suppuration of joint cavities, pleural empyema) and burn wounds. The affected areas are washed with a 1% solution of the drug.


Hypersensitivity to any component of the medication;

Toxic hepatitis;

Renal failure (chronic);



Children under three years of age;

Lactation period;


Furamag is prescribed with caution for severe renal failure, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency, diseases nervous system and liver.

Side effects of Furamag

Based on the reviews, Furamag at long-term use causes headache, nausea, loss of appetite, dizziness, allergic reactions, liver dysfunction.


Symptoms: polyneuritis, neurotoxic reactions, toxic hepatitis V acute form. Treatment: cancel Furamag, take large quantity water, prescription of antihistamines medicines and B vitamins.

Furamag drug interactions

The simultaneous use of Furamag and chloramphenicol, ristomycin, sulfonamides often suppresses the process of hematopoiesis.

It is advisable not to use during therapy alcoholic drinks(possible increased side effects of the drug).

Storage conditions

Furamag is stored in a dry, protected from sun rays place, at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Shelf life is three years.

4 reviews


by date

    Alyona Excellent tool with cystitis.

    A very good pain reliever for cystitis. Relief occurs within 20 minutes after administration. But the drug must be taken in combination and go away full course treatment, otherwise the disease will make itself felt again. I experienced this myself, I interrupted the treatment several times, the pain returned. Then I gained patience and completely completed the prescribed course of treatment. Here... A very good pain reliever for cystitis. Relief occurs within 20 minutes after administration. But the drug must be taken in combination and undergo the full course of treatment, otherwise the disease will make itself felt again. I experienced this myself, interrupted treatment several times, the pain returned Then I gained patience and completely completed the prescribed course of treatment. Now 3 months have passed and so far everything is fine with me.

    Julia A very good and effective drug.

    Lena Good drug with cystitis.

    I have chronic cystitis. As soon as the first symptoms appear, I immediately run to the pharmacy and buy Furamag. The product suits me, relieves pain very quickly and effectively, literally after a few days I feel much better.

    I often suffer from cystitis. It's like some kind of attack. All I have to do is go for a walk in nature in the fall, especially when it’s cool, or even stand for half an hour at a bus stop waiting for transport, and I’m guaranteed cystitis. Furamag helped me very well last time. Before this I took other medications, they also didn’t help much, but either the body... I often suffer from cystitis. It's like some kind of attack. All I have to do is go for a walk in nature in the fall, especially when it’s cool, or even stand for half an hour at a bus stop waiting for transport, and I’m guaranteed cystitis. Furamag helped me very well last time. Before this, I took other medications, they also don’t help much, but either the body gets used to it, or the drugs come across counterfeits, and as a result they do not treat cystitis well. I probably already have it chronically. I didn’t complete the treatment once and now I suffer constantly. The last time only Furamag helped. I take 2 tablets 3 times a day and always wash it down with plenty of water. The course of treatment is at least 10 days. And it helps a lot.

"Furamag" is modern highly effective remedy, an improved and improved analog and an excellent substitute for soluble furagin. This uroantiseptic The drug has gained great popularity and is not last resort due to its effectiveness. This is evidenced by numerous reviews from patients and doctors. "Furamag" will be useful to all patients who have been prescribed treatment with the drug in question.

Furamag's main active ingredient is furazidin. In addition, depending on the form, additional components are used:

  1. Potassium carbonate.
  2. Magnesium carbonate.
  3. Gelatin.
  4. Natural dye.
  5. Titanium dioxide.

There are two forms of release according to the radar, you can see photos of them in our material. More specifically:

  • Powder for solution. Packaged in individual sachets made of laminated paper.
  • Gelatin capsules with concentration active substance 25 and 50 mg. The blister contains 10 capsules; there can be from 2 to 5 in a cardboard box.

The pharmacological effect of the drug, according to Wikipedia, is aimed at inhibiting the development of all types gram-positive And gram-negative bacteria. Even if they show resistance to other drugs.

It is useful to know why Furamag helps:

  1. Salmonella, Shigella, Klebsiella, Protea.
  2. Streptococci. In this case, its activity is especially pronounced when compared with other drugs of the same group.
  3. Staphylococci.
  4. Giardia.

Fact! The medicine in question does not have a depressing effect on the human immune system, but, on the contrary, stimulates it, although belongs to the group of antibiotics. An increase in the production of leukocytes was noticed.

Indications for use

The drug has clear indications for use, there are many of them, since the antibiotic is a broad-spectrum drug. Specifically:

  • Infections and inflammations in the urinary system. Prescribed for cystitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis, as it has a diuretic effect.
  • Helps with burns with infection.
  • In the treatment of infections in gynecology.
  • Pathologies of the respiratory tract, in particular bronchitis and pneumonia.
  • Sepsis is blood poisoning.
  • Infectious lesions of the epidermis.
  • Cholecystitis.
  • Soft tissue infections.
  • Can be prescribed for prostatitis.

Important! "Furamag" not only treats, but also prophylactic required before urological operations different types. On this moment there is no better one. For the same purpose, it is prescribed to patients at risk of recurrent urinary tract infection.

Indications for treatment of children over 3 years of age are the same as for adult patients.

Contraindications and side effects

Since this remedy is an antibiotic, there are contraindications for its use, among the main ones:

  1. Sensitivity to any component in the composition, regardless of the form of release.
  2. Hepatitis of a toxic nature.
  3. Chronic renal failure. In patients with severe cases of this disease, the drug is prescribed with caution.
  4. Pregnancy, use during breastfeeding (lactation) is also prohibited. The drug penetrates the placenta and into milk - this can be dangerous for the development of the fetus and the growth of the child.
  5. Polyneuropathy.
  6. Age up to 3 years, the drug is not used for infants.
  7. Polyneuritis.

Side effects such as headaches, nausea, decreased appetite, and allergies are sometimes also observed. Possible liver dysfunction. Often, such things occur after long-term use.

If the dosage or duration of administration is exceeded, the following consequences are possible:

  • Polyneuritis.
  • Various types of neurotoxic reactions, including seizures.
  • Acute toxic hepatitis.

In this case, the drug is discontinued, and an enhanced dose is prescribed to normalize the condition. drinking regime antihistamines drugs and B vitamins.

Interactions with drugs and other substances

During the period of taking Furamag, it is not prescribed and it is forbidden to independently use such drugs as: Ristomycin, Sulfanilamide, Chloramphencol. In this case, there is a huge risk of suppression of hematopoiesis, which will negatively affect the patient’s condition. Also, drugs with an acidifying effect are not prescribed. These are: ascorbic acid, calcium chloride and some others.

It is forbidden to drink alcoholic beverages during antibiotic treatment. Their compatibility is not permissible; during treatment, alcohol must be excluded in any form and volume. The danger here is that the risk of side effects increases several times.

How to use Furamag, what the instructions for use say

The drug has several forms, and that means it can be use differently. The most popular are orally and intravenously.

Important! IN in rare cases local administration through other human organs is possible.

Often the tablet form is prescribed. The pills should be taken after meals with plenty of water. The daily dose for adults depends on the pathology and disease being treated. It varies from 15 to 100-300 mg. Daily norm must be divided into 3 doses and taken in the morning, lunch and evening. In this case, it is advisable to maintain the same interval between doses.

The maximum dose per day should not exceed 600 mg, otherwise overdose symptoms may occur.

Children from 3 to 10 years old are prescribed 5 mg per kilogram of the patient’s weight. To begin with, calculate daily dose, then it is divided into 3 doses, just like in adults.

The course of therapy rarely exceeds 7-10 days. In some cases, the course is repeated after 10-15 days. For effective fight with the pathologies that Furamag fights, this is quite enough.

As for other options for using the drug, the following are possible:

  1. Intravenously through a drip. For this, a 1% powder solution is used. The drug in a volume of 300 to 500 ml is administered slowly over 3-4 hours. For an adult, three to seven infusions are prescribed.
  2. Local use with introduction into the cavity. This option is practiced for purulent-inflammatory processes and burns. The affected areas are washed with a 1% solution.

For the purpose of prevention before urological surgical interventions: for adult patients the dose is 50 g once, for children - 25 mg.

Asking price or how much “Furamag” costs

Price of the drug in Belarus, in Ukraine and in Russia it is approximately the same. It starts from 430 rubles for capsules with a concentration active ingredient 25 mg and the number of tablets is 30 pcs. For the same amount, but with a concentration of 50 mg, you need to pay at least 660 rubles. The cost depends on which pharmacy you purchase from and what period of treatment you expect.

Analogs are cheaper and more expensive

Substitutes for "Furomag" can be:

  • "Furazidin".
  • "Furagin".
  • "Urofuragin".
  • "Furadonin".
  • "Palin".

According to reviews from many patients, it can be noted that the popular drug “Monural” helps worse than “Furamag”.

Important! You cannot replace the drug yourself, as this can lead to undesirable consequences.


“Furamag” is in demand among many doctors, as it is taken to treat a wide range of pathologies and diseases. It is prescribed according to clear indications. Even despite the fact that You will not need a prescription to buy it at the pharmacy; you cannot start treating it yourself.

: analogues and substitutes. "Furamag" is a drug complex impact, which has a powerful antimicrobial effect. Active substance of this medicine furazidin acts. The latter belongs to the group of nitrofurans and is characterized quite wide range actions.

"Furamag" is a drug with complex effects

The medicine has a detrimental effect on the proliferation of classical staphylococci and infections that provoke cystitis, urethritis and pyelonephritis.

pharmachologic effect

The effect of the drug is to gradually slow down the synthesis of nucleic acids. The active substance "Furamaga" blocks microbial cells and prevents their reproduction. A destructive effect on their biological shell is also provided. Thus, important functions pathogenic microbes are paralyzed, which soon leads to their death.

“Furamag” is not an antibiotic, so it has a more gentle effect on the patient’s body than drugs with an antibacterial effect.


The drug is prescribed to the patient only after diagnosis and passing certain tests. After the doctor makes a reliable diagnosis, he can include Furamag in the therapy.

The drug is prescribed only after diagnosis and passing certain tests

This medicine is prescribed for the following diseases:

  • pyelonephritis;
  • urethritis;
  • cystitis in acute or chronic form;
  • prostatitis.

The medicine is used to relieve well-being in case of burns in late stages. It is used to treat diseases respiratory system bacterial in nature. Namely for bronchitis and pneumonia.

“Furamag” is also effective for preventing infectious relapses. The medicine can be used to prevent the spread of infection in the genitourinary area with such diagnostic procedures, like cystoscopy and catheterization.

How to take the drug?

The drug is intended for oral use. The tablet should be taken after meals and washed down copious amounts water.

The daily dosage of the drug for adults is 300 mg. This dose should be divided into three doses. For children whose weight exceeds 30 kg, the dose should be half as much.

Patients aged 3 to 10 years should be given 25-50 mg of the drug three times a day.

The drug is intended for oral use


Contraindications to this drug are:

  • individual intolerance furazidine and other components of the drug;
  • liver pathologies;
  • renal failure;
  • polyneuropathy
  • porphyria occurring in acute form.
  • Furamag is not prescribed during pregnancy.
  • It is prohibited to administer this drug to children under 3 years of age.

Precautionary measures

You need to take the drug with extreme caution if the patient:

  • anemia;
  • kidney dysfunction;
  • lung diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • lack of B vitamins;

It is forbidden to carry out treatment with “Furamag” and drink alcohol during this period, since alcohol can provoke side effects. If any of the side effects occurs, treatment is stopped immediately.

At long-term therapy, increased control over the level of leukocytes in the blood, the functioning of the liver, kidneys and lungs is required. In addition, they can be assigned antihistamines and vitamin therapy.

Side effects

"Furamag" is a drug that in rare cases leads to negative consequences. The risk of their occurrence is minimal, but it does happen.

TO side effects can be attributed:

  • loss of appetite;
  • digestive system disorder;
  • migraine;
  • dizziness;
  • noise in ears;
  • hives;
  • allergic rhinitis.


The drug "Furamag" has sufficient quantity analogues.

You can replace it with “Furadonin”, “Furagin” and “5-NOK”. All of these drugs are not antibiotics, but they are often prescribed for the treatment of cystitis and pyelonephritis, which occur in a complex form.


The medicine is used to treat inflammation Bladder, both in men and women.

The drug "Furadonin"

The active substance of the drug leads to disruption of protein synthesis in pathogenic microbes at the cellular level.

The advantages of this medicine include its affordable cost and quick withdrawal symptoms. The disadvantages are that the medicine has a bitter taste and negatively affects the speed of psychomotor reactions. "Furadonin" is not prescribed to pregnant women and infants up to 1 month. During lactation the drug is contraindicated.


This drug belongs to antimicrobial agents. Effective against infectious diseases genitourinary organs, flowing with inflammatory process. The drug is not given to children under 1 year of age. It is forbidden to use it by pregnant and nursing mothers.

The drug "Furagin"


Synthetic drug with antimicrobial effect presented in tablet form. This medication does an excellent job of eliminating inflammation and painful sensations. The active substance of the drug has a detrimental effect on pathogenic bacteria, but does not violate the integrity healthy cells. TO negative side“5-NOK” may include the need for long-term therapy (14-28 days). The drug is not prescribed to patients with cataracts and those who have individual intolerance to its components.

The drug "5-NOK"

The drug Furamag and its analogues provide therapeutic effect for infectious and inflammatory pathologies of the urinary system. It is extremely important not to treat such ailments and refrain from uncontrolled use of such medications. They should be prescribed only by a urologist after making a reliable diagnosis.



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