Fever. Causes

Reasons for rising temperature

Symptoms of fever

Redness of the facial skin;
- aching bones, unmotivated good mood (euphoria);
- trembling, chills, intense sweating;
- feeling of thirst;
- rapid breathing;
- poor appetite;
- confusion, delirium (delirium), especially in older people;
- Children may also have irritability, crying, and feeding problems.

Sometimes an increase in body temperature may be accompanied by other symptoms associated with exacerbation of chronic diseases.

You should call a doctor if children under 3 months of age have a fever above 37.5, or if the temperature has been elevated for more than 24 hours.

In children aged 6 months to 6 years, high fevers are sometimes observed. If your child has these seizures, make sure he doesn't get hurt, remove any dangerous objects from his area, and make sure he's breathing freely.
If children elevated temperature accompanied by convulsions, rigidity occipital muscles, rash, if noted at elevated temperatures, you should immediately seek medical help.

If the temperature is accompanied by swelling and pain in the joints; as well as a rash, especially dark red or in the form of large blisters, you should immediately consult a doctor. Whenever accompanying symptoms: cough with yellowish or greenish sputum, severe headache, ear pain, confusion, severe irritability, dry mouth, abdominal pain, rash, extreme thirst, severe, painful urination and vomiting, you should also call a doctor. If a pregnant woman has a fever, she should also consult a doctor.

What can you do

Try to rest, it is best to stay in bed, do not wrap yourself up or dress too warmly, drink more fluids. Be sure to eat, but better light and well-digested food. Take your temperature every 4-6 hours. Take a fever-reducing medicine if you have a headache or a temperature above 38 degrees.
If a child has a temperature above 38 degrees, use paracetamol (special children's forms). Follow the instructions and read required dose depending on the weight and age of the child. Do not give (aspirin) to children because... It has been found that it can lead to Reye's syndrome (hepatocerebral syndrome), a serious condition that can lead to coma and even death. fatal outcome.

What can a doctor do?

The doctor must determine the cause of the elevated body temperature and prescribe appropriate therapy. If necessary, order an additional examination, and if a serious illness is suspected, refer for hospitalization.

What is a fever? The stages of this condition, causes and symptoms will be discussed below. We will also tell you about how to treat the disease.

Definition of medical term

Nonspecific pathological processes, characterized by a temporary increase in body temperature due to dynamic restructuring of the thermoregulatory system under the influence of pyrogens (that is, elements that cause heat), are called fever. In medicine, it is believed that this condition arose as a protective-adaptive reaction of a person or animal to an infection. It should also be noted that fever, the stages of which will be listed below, is accompanied not only by an increase in body temperature, but also by other phenomena characteristic of infectious disease.

The essence of febrile syndrome

It is no secret that many infectious and viral diseases accompanied by a rise in the patient's body temperature. Moreover, previously all diseases that occurred in this way were called fever. However, experts say that in the modern scientific understanding, this condition is not a disease. But, despite this, the term is still present in some names of nosological units (for example, hemorrhagic pappataci, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, etc.).

Why does the temperature rise with certain diseases? The essence of fever is that the thermoregulatory apparatus of humans and higher homeothermic animals responds to specific substances called pyrogens. As a result, there is a temporary shift in the set point of homeostasis (temperature) by more high level. At the same time, the mechanisms of thermoregulation are preserved. This is the fundamental difference between hyperthermia and fever.

Causes of fever

Why does a person or animal's temperature rise? There are many reasons for the development of fever. However, the most common are the following:

Other causes of febrile syndrome

Why does fever occur? The provoking disease may be associated with a heat exchange disorder when autonomic functioning is disrupted in adolescents, children and young women (that is, thermoneurosis). Fever can also occur under the influence of the following factors:

  • Reception of some medicines. Experts say that a number of medications can affect the thermoregulation center, causing a slight rise in body temperature.
  • Hereditary disorder in the process of thermoregulation. For example, some completely healthy children are already born with a temperature of 37.2-37.4 degrees. For them, this condition is the norm.
  • often occurs due to overheating, regular physical activity, being in a stuffy room and extreme heat.
  • Emotional stress and stressful situations very often accompanied by an increase in heat production and activation of the hypothalamus, which contributes to the occurrence of fever.
  • An increase in the hormone progesterone in pregnant women also causes slight increase temperature. However, other signs of a viral or infectious disease are completely absent. This condition can persist until the end of the first trimester. However, some representatives of the fairer sex low-grade fever accompanies almost the entire pregnancy.

What are pyrogens?

As mentioned above, infectious and viral diseases very often contribute to an increase in body temperature. This happens under the influence of pyrogens. It is these substances, entering the body from the outside or forming directly inside, that cause fever. Most often, exogenous pyrogens are elements infectious agents. The most powerful of them are heat-stable capsular lipopolysaccharides of bacteria (Gram-negative). Such substances act indirectly. They contribute to a shift in the set point in the thermoregulatory center of the hypothalamus. Most of them are of leukocyte origin, which directly affects others important symptoms diseases. The source of pyrogens are cells of the human immune system, as well as granulocytes.

Fever: stages

During its development, fever goes through three main stages. In the first, the person’s temperature rises, in the second, it remains for some time, and in the third, it gradually decreases, reaching the initial value. We will talk further about how such pathological processes occur and what symptoms are inherent in them.

Temperature rise

The first stage of fever is associated with a restructuring of thermoregulation, as a result of which heat production begins to significantly exceed heat transfer. The latter is limited by reducing the flow of warm blood into the tissues and narrowing the blood vessels in the periphery. More important in this process is the spasm of the skin vessels, as well as the cessation of sweating under the influence of the sympathetic nervous system. Signs of fever in the first stage are as follows: pale skin and a decrease in its temperature, as well as limited heat transfer due to radiation. Reducing the formation of sweat prevents heat from escaping through evaporation.

Contraction of muscle tissue leads to the manifestation of the phenomenon “ goose bumps"in humans and ruffled fur in animals. The subjective feeling of chills is associated with a decrease in skin temperature, as well as irritation of cold thermoreceptors located on the integument. From them the signal goes to the hypothalamus, which is an integrative thermoregulation center. After this, it informs the cerebral cortex about the situation, where a person’s behavior is formed: he begins to wrap himself up, take appropriate poses, etc. By lowering the temperature skin human muscle tremors are also explained. It is caused by activation of the trembling center, which is localized in the medulla oblongata and midbrain.

Temperature Hold

The second stage of fever begins after reaching the set point. It can last several hours or days, and can also be long-lasting. In this case, heat transfer and heat production balance each other. There is no further increase.

In the second stage, skin vessels dilate. Their pallor also goes away. In this case, the skin becomes hot to the touch, and chills and trembling disappear. A person at this stage experiences a fever. In this state, daily temperature fluctuations remain, but their amplitude is quite sharply higher than normal.

Depending on the degree of rise in body temperature, fever in the second stage is divided into types:

  • low-grade fever - up to 38 degrees;
  • low fever - up to 38.5;
  • febrile or moderate - up to 39 degrees;
  • pyretic or high temperature - up to 41;
  • hyperpyretic or excessive - over 41 degrees.

It should be noted that hyperpyretic fever is extremely dangerous for human life, especially for young children.

Temperature drop

The decrease in body temperature can be sudden or gradual. This stage of fever begins after the supply of pyrogens has been exhausted or their formation has ceased under the influence of natural or medicinal factors. When the temperature drops, the set point reaches normal level. This leads to dilation of blood vessels in the skin. In this case, excess heat begins to be gradually removed. In humans, perspiration and diuresis increase. Heat transfer at the third stage of fever sharply exceeds heat production.

Types of fevers

Depending on changes daily temperature body of the patient, fever is divided into several types:

  • Constant is a long and stable increase in temperature, the daily fluctuations of which do not exceed 1 degree.
  • Remitting - noticeable daily changes can be within 1.5-2 degrees. At the same time, the temperature does not reach normal numbers.
  • Intermittent - this pathology is characterized by a rapid and significant rise in temperature. It lasts for several hours, after which it gives way to a fairly rapid drop to normal values.
  • Debilitating or hectic - with this type, daily fluctuations can reach 3-5 degrees. In this case, rises with a rapid decline are repeated several times throughout the day.
  • Perverted - this fever is characterized by change circadian rhythm with high rises in the morning hours.
  • Incorrect - characterized by fluctuations in body temperature throughout the day without a specific pattern.
  • Recurrent - with this type, periods of increased body temperature alternate with periods of normal values, which last for several days.

It should also be noted that temperature - 35 degrees - does not contribute to the appearance of fever. To find out the reasons for this condition, you should consult a doctor.

General symptoms of fever

Low temperature (35 degrees) does not cause fever, since it is characterized by a rise of more than 37 degrees. General signs such pathological condition are:

  • feeling of thirst;
  • redness of the facial skin;
  • rapid breathing;
  • aching bones, headache, unmotivated good mood;
  • poor appetite;
  • chills, trembling, intense sweating;
  • delirium (delirium) and confusion, especially in elderly patients;
  • irritability and crying in children.

It should also be noted that sometimes a rise in temperature may be accompanied by swelling and painful sensations in the joints, rash and the appearance of dark red blisters. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.


How to get rid of a condition such as fever, the stages of which were listed above? First, the doctor must determine the cause of the rise in body temperature, and then prescribe appropriate therapy. If necessary, the doctor may send the patient for additional examination. If you suspect serious pathology The specialist recommends hospitalization for the patient. Also, in order to eliminate fever, the patient is advised to observe. At the same time, it is forbidden to dress too warmly.

The patient needs to drink plenty of fluids. As for food, he is advised to eat light and easily digestible food. Body temperature should be measured every 4-6 hours. If necessary, you can take an antipyretic drug. But this is only if the patient has a severe headache and also has a temperature of more than 38 degrees. To improve the patient's condition, it is recommended to use Paracetamol. Before taking this medicine, you must carefully study the instructions. If a child has a fever, he should not be given acetylsalicylic acid. This is due to the fact that such a drug can cause the development of Reye's syndrome. This is extremely serious condition leading to coma or even death. Instead, paracetamol-based medications are recommended for children to relieve fever: Efferalgan, Panadol, Calpol and Tylenol.

According to medical dictionary Medilexicon, fever: "a complex physiological response to disease mediated by pyrogenic cytokines and characterized by an increase in temperature, the generation of reagents acute phase and activation of the immune system."

The degree of fever is not necessarily related to the severity of the underlying condition. There are many over-the-counter medications available to reduce fever. However, sometimes it is better not to lower it. Fever may play important role, helping the body fight a number of infectious diseases. Fever is considered one of the immune mechanisms organism in an attempt to neutralize an internal threat (bacterial or viral).


Signs and symptoms may be noticed by others and detected by a doctor. Depending on the cause of the fever, symptoms may include:
  • Dehydration
  • General weakness
  • Headache
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Loss of appetite
  • Muscle pain
  • Sweating
  • Trembling, chills
Heat 39.4 - 41.1 C can cause:
  • Disorientation
  • Convulsions
  • Hallucinations
  • Irritability


In some cases, children under 5 years of age have febrile convulsions or seizures caused by fever. They may appear if the child's temperature rises or falls sharply. Signs include convulsions and short-term loss consciousness. Although these attacks are alarming, they usually have no long-term consequences and are often caused by fever from common childhood illnesses.


Unexplained fever should be of great concern if it occurs in newborns. It is recommended to see a doctor when your child has a temperature of 38.3 C or higher or if:

  • Child under 3 months of age.
  • The child refuses to eat and drink.
  • Has a fever and unexplained irritability (unmotivated crying).
  • Has a fever and appears lethargic and unresponsive. In infants and children under 2 years of age, this may be a sign of meningitis (infection and inflammation of the lining of the brain).
  • When a newborn or child has a lower than normal temperature (less than 36.1 C). Very young children may have low temperature, rather than increased.


Children usually tolerate fever well. Parents should check not only the change in temperature, but also how the child behaves. There is no cause for alarm if the child has a fever but is responsive to external stimuli, including changes in facial expressions and voices, drinking fluids, playing, responding to eye contact. Contact your doctor if your child:

  • He developed a fever after leaving the heated car. Seek medical help right away.
  • Fever has developed and persists for more than one day in children under 2 years of age. Or if the fever lasts longer than three days in children 2 years of age or older.
  • If your child is lethargic or irritable, if he vomits repeatedly, if he has a severe headache or stomach pain, or any other symptoms that cause serious discomfort.

Seek medical help if your child has problems immune system or chronic diseases.

Sometimes, children with severe neurological disorders, with life-threatening bacterial infections in the blood (sepsis) or a suppressed immune system may have a lower than normal temperature.


Contact your doctor if:
  • Temperature above 39.4 C.
  • Fever lasts more than three days.
Also, call your doctor right away if your fever accompanies any of these signs or symptoms:
  • Abdominal pain or pain when urinating.
  • Difficulty breathing or chest pain.
  • Unusual severe lethargy or irritability.
  • Mental disorientation.
  • Continuous vomiting.
  • Strong headache.
  • Swelling of the throat.
  • Stiff neck and pain when bending the head forward.
  • Unusual sensitivity to bright light.
  • An unusual skin rash, especially if the rash spreads quickly.
  • Any other unexplained signs or symptoms.


Normal body temperature varies greatly, which must be taken into account when measuring it. Normal body temperature changes throughout the day according to the circadian rhythm. It is lower in the first half of the day and higher in the afternoon and evening. Normal temperature can be in the range of 36.1 C - 37.2 C. Temperature rises after eating and is also affected by psychological factors. Other factors such as the menstrual cycle or heavy physical exercise, may also have an impact.


  • Body temperature is set by the hypothalamus, an area at the base of the brain that acts as a thermostat for the entire system.
  • Temperature is the balance of heat produced in the body's tissues (especially the liver and muscles) and body heat lost.
  • During illness, the normal temperature may be slightly higher as the body moves blood away from the skin to reduce heat loss.
  • When a fever begins, the body tries to raise the temperature. There is a feeling of coldness and possible trembling. This is a mechanism to generate heat until the blood around the hypothalamus reaches a new level.
  • When the temperature begins to return to normal, you may sweat profusely as the body gets rid of excess heat.
  • In very old people, young people or alcoholics, the body's ability to generate a fever may be reduced.
Typically, fever is a consequence of the body's reaction to a viral or bacterial infection. Other possible reasons:
  • Some systemic diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus.
  • Very strong tan.
  • Heatstroke.
  • In some cases, malignant tumors and some forms of kidney cancer.
  • Some vaccines: diphtheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussis (DTP) or pneumococcal vaccine (in infants and children).
  • Some medications.
Sometimes it is impossible to determine the cause of a fever. If the temperature is 38.3 C or higher for more than three weeks and no cause can be found, a diagnosis of fever of unknown origin is made after careful evaluation.


Diagnosing a fever is simple - if the patient's body temperature is higher than usual, when he leads a sluggish lifestyle (does not run, just sits or lies), he has a fever. Depending on the signs and symptoms found during a physical examination and other tests, it can be determined whether an infection or something else is causing the fever.

Tests, such as blood tests, may be needed to confirm the diagnosis.

When small increase fever that persists for three weeks or more, but without other symptoms, are used various ways establishing the cause, for example, blood tests and x-rays, etc.


Treatment depends on the cause of the fever. Antibiotics will be prescribed for bacterial infections such as pneumonia or acute pharyngitis.
Antibiotics are not prescribed against viral infections, incl. with mononucleosis.

Drugs without a prescription
Over-the-counter medications such as acetaminophen (Tylenol, paracetamol) or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) are recommended. They reduce fever. Adults can also take aspirin. But aspirin should not be given to children under 16 because it can cause a rare but potentially fatal disorder known as Reye's syndrome.


If the temperature rises slightly, it is not advisable to reduce it. This may prolong the disease or mask symptoms and thus make it difficult to identify its cause.

A number of experts argue that aggressive treatment fever breaks immune reaction body. Viruses, causing colds and others respiratory infections, thrive when normal temperature bodies. And just by slightly raising your body temperature, you can eliminate the virus.


A rapid rise or fall in temperature can cause fever-induced seizures (febrile seizures) in children 6 months to 5 years of age. Although they are alarming, the vast majority of febrile seizures do not lead to any long-term consequences.

Febrile seizures usually include loss of consciousness and trembling of all extremities. IN in rare cases The child may have paralysis and convulsions of only part of the body.

What to do in case of febrile seizures?

Place baby on one side or stomach on the floor or ground. Remove everything sharp objects near the child, place something soft and hold the child to prevent injury. Do not put anything in your child's mouth or try to stop the seizure. Although most seizures resolve on their own, you should seek emergency medical attention. Some actions may be helpful during a fever:
  • You need to drink plenty of fluids: drinking water, fruit juices, as a fever can lead to fluid loss and dehydration. Oral rehydration solutions (for example, Regidron) can be used.
  • Rest is necessary for recovery. Activity can raise your body temperature.
  • Stay cool. Dress in light and comfortable clothing and keep room temperature cool.
  • Take paracetamol or ibuprofen. Use in accordance with the instructions and recommendations of a physician. High doses or long-term use paracetamol may cause liver or kidney damage, and acute overdose can lead to fatal consequences.
  • Don't drink alcohol.


Fever is present if:
  1. Temperature in the anus is 37.8 °C or higher.
  2. Temperature in the mouth is approximately 37.5 °C or higher.
  3. Temperature in the armpit is 37.2 °C or higher.
  4. Temperature in the ear is 37.2°C or higher.
To check the temperature, there are several types of thermometers, including electronic ones. Digital thermometers and those that quickly determine the temperature in ear canal, are especially useful for young children and the elderly. Glass thermometers containing mercury can potentially cause harmful consequences for people's health and environment, so they are not recommended.
  1. Place the thermometer in axillary area with arms crossed over chest
  2. Wait four to five minutes.
  3. Report the temperature to the doctor, but indicate where it was taken.

Using a rectal thermometer for babies:

  1. Lubricate the tip of the thermometer with Vaseline.
  2. Place the baby on his stomach.
  3. Carefully insert the thermometer.
  4. Hold the thermometer and baby for three minutes.
  5. Do not let go of the thermometer. If the child moves, the thermometer may deepen and cause injury.


It is necessary to reduce the likelihood of an infectious disease. The simplest and effective way is frequent washing hands, for adults and children. It is necessary to wash your hands frequently, especially before eating and after using the toilet, after being around people and interacting with animals. Children need to be shown how to wash their hands: lather back side hands and palm flesh up to the wrist until foam forms, then rinse with running water. If you do not have access to soap and water, wipe with a damp cloth or disinfectant, while trying not to touch the mucous membranes of the nose, mouth or eyes, which are the main route of transmission of viral infections. Prevention of air droplet infections– frequent ventilation of premises. If possible, avoid contact with sick people.

Fever- increased body temperature, which occurs as a protective-adaptive reaction in infectious and many other diseases, or as a manifestation of thermoregulation disorders in nervous or nervous pathologies endocrine system. It is accompanied by a violation of some body functions and is an additional burden on the respiratory and circulatory systems.

For fever the basal metabolism is increased, the breakdown of proteins increases (and therefore the excretion of nitrogen in the urine increases), the frequency of respiration and heart contractions increases; confusion is possible. However, the dysfunctions and metabolism observed during fever are often determined not by the fever itself, but by the underlying disease.

Depending on the cause distinguish between infectious and non-infectious fever. The latter is observed in case of poisoning with various poisons (plant, animal, industrial, etc.), with idiosyncrasy, allergic reactions(for example, with parenteral protein administration) and diseases ( bronchial asthma), malignant tumors, aseptic inflammation, necrosis and autolysis. As a manifestation of disorders of body temperature regulation, non-infectious fever is observed in diseases of the brain, thyrotoxicosis, and ovarian dysfunction.

The mechanism of occurrence of infectious and non-infectious fever is similar. It consists of irritation nerve centers thermoregulation by substances (so-called pyrogens) of exogenous nature (decomposition products of microbes, toxins) or formed in the body ( immune complexes, pyrogens produced in leukocytes). There are three stages of the febrile reaction. The first stage - an increase in temperature - is the result of an increase in heat production with a decrease in heat transfer, which is caused by a reflex spasm of skin vessels. In this case, pale skin and chills are often observed. Then heat transfer begins to increase due to the dilation of blood vessels, and in the second stage of fever, when the temperature is kept at elevated level(the height of fever), both heat production and heat transfer are increased. Pale skin gives way to hyperemia (redness), skin temperature rises, and the patient experiences a feeling of heat. The third stage of fever - a decrease in temperature - occurs due to a further increase in heat transfer, incl. due to profuse sweating and significant additional vasodilation, which can lead to collapse. Such a course is often observed during a sharp, so-called critical, decrease in temperature, or crisis. If the decrease in temperature occurs gradually over many hours or several days (lytic decrease, or lysis), then the threat of collapse, as a rule, is absent.

For some diseases(eg malaria) fever is cyclical in nature: three stages of fever are repeated at certain intervals when the temperature remains normal. Based on the degree of increase in body temperature, subfebrile (from 37° to 38°), moderate (from 38° to 39°), high (from 39° to 41°) and excessive, or hyperpyretic, fever (over 41°) are distinguished.

In typical cases of acute infectious diseases the most favorable form is moderate fever with daily temperature fluctuations within 1°.

Hyperpyrexia is dangerous due to profound disruption of vital functions, and the absence of fever indicates a decrease in the body’s reactivity.

How to treat a fever?

You can take paracetamol and aspirin in moderate doses, as indicated in the instructions for these drugs, for no longer than 3 days in a row, with a glass of water. big amount water.

Be careful with aspirin! It increases the risk of hemorrhages and bleeding with influenza.

If the temperature is high, then make an exception for medicinal plants that help reduce the temperature. Additionally, non-drug procedures can be performed:

1. You can bring down the temperature by rubbing the body with vodka or vinegar, half diluted with water. Undress during the procedure, and do not dress immediately afterwards. Rubbing should be done frequently, as water dries quickly on a hot body.

2. Don't dress too lightly and at the same time don't bundle up. In the first case, chills occur, and in the second, overheating. Wrapping up a feverish patient is like wrapping a blanket around a hot house.

3. Open a window in the room or use an air conditioner or fan. Cool air helps eliminate the heat emanating from your body.

4. High temperature causes thirst. The fact that you sweat and breathe rapidly contributes to the loss of fluid that needs to be replenished. To reduce the temperature, drink tea with raspberries, linden blossom and honey, cranberry or lingonberry juice. Recipes for diaphoretic tea are given below.

5. You can put a compress of vinegar water on your head. In this case, the heat will be tolerated much easier.

6. A good antipyretic. Mix the juice of 1 onion with the juice of 1 apple and 1 tablespoon of honey. Take 3 times daily.

What is a fever? This is a condition when the body temperature exceeds 37 degrees. As a rule, fever is one of the symptoms of a particular infectious disease, accompanied by headache, skin flushing, confusion, thirst, etc.

Basic concept

What is a fever? By it they mean general reaction body to any irritation. An increase in temperature in this case becomes a consequence of a violation of thermoregulation.

What is a fever? This is an active reaction of a protective-adaptive nature. human body, which it gives in response to the penetration of various pathogenic stimuli.

What is a fever? This is a process when an excess of normal body temperature is caused by restructuring and disruption of thermoregulation. Fever is considered the main symptom of many infectious diseases. When it occurs, heat generation in the human body begins to prevail over heat transfer.

Why does fever occur?

The main reason why body temperature rises is considered to be infection. Bacteria, as well as their toxins, begin to circulate in the blood and disrupt the process of thermoregulation. Sometimes such a negative action is possible using the reflex path. It arises from the place where the infection enters.

Foreign protein substances also contribute to an increase in temperature. This sometimes happens when infusing serums, blood or vaccines.

Elevated temperature increases metabolism. In this case, an increase in the number of leukocytes often occurs. Doctors believe that fever enhances the formation of immunity. This, in turn, creates conditions for more successful elimination harmful microorganisms.

Thus, the question “What is a fever?” one can answer that this reaction, like the inflammatory one, is an adaptation of the body to the pathological conditions that have arisen.

Symptoms of fever

Elevated body temperature, as a rule, is accompanied not only by headache and flushing of the skin, but also by a feeling of aching in the osteoarticular system. At the same time, the patient is also worried about chills and trembling, thirst and increased sweating. The person begins to breathe frequently, has a lack of appetite, and sometimes becomes delirious. In young patients, pediatricians note increased irritability and crying, as well as problems with feeding.

During exacerbations of chronic diseases, in addition to the signs listed above, symptoms arise that relate to the peculiarities of the manifestation of recurrent pathology.

IN pediatric practice It is believed that calling a doctor to a sick child under three months of age is necessary if the temperature rises above 37.5 or persists for two days. In young patients from 6 months to 6 years, fever is sometimes accompanied by convulsions. Whenever similar phenomenon You will also need to consult a doctor. Urgent medical care It is also necessary to provide assistance to those children whose fever is accompanied by stiffness of the muscles of the occipital region, skin rash(especially if it is dark red in color or in the form of large blisters), as well as abdominal pain.

An adult patient needs to call a doctor at home in case of fever with swelling, skin rashes, and joint pain. A medical examination is necessary for pregnant women, as well as for those patients who suffer from a cough with greenish and yellowish sputum, headaches and pain in the abdomen and ears, as well as if an increase in body temperature is accompanied by vomiting, dry mouth and pain during urination. A doctor's visit is necessary for people with increased irritability, rash and confusion.

Treatment of fever

As a rule, therapy when the patient’s temperature rises is not carried out until exact reason diseases. This will preserve the picture of the pathology clinic. In some cases, treatment is not carried out, since in some ailments fever stimulates work protective forces body.

If a person has difficulty withstanding elevated body temperature or develops dangerous complication in the form of dehydration, heart failure or convulsions, then, regardless of the cause of the disease, taking antipyretic drugs is indicated.

Types of fevers

An increase in body temperature can be caused for various reasons, and also have a special clinical picture. In this regard, fever is divided into the following types:

Taking into account the factor that caused it. With this classification, fever is divided into infectious and non-infectious.

According to the levels of temperature increase. In this case, the fever can be subfabrial (up to 37.5 or 37.9 degrees), febrile (ranging from 38 to 38.9 degrees), pyretic (from 39 to 40.9 degrees), and hyperpyretic (more than 41 degrees) .

According to the duration of manifestation. There are subacute, acute and chronic forms of fever.

According to the time of increase in body temperature values. In this case, fever is divided into laxative and constant, wavy and intermittent, perverted and irregular.

Fever is considered the main symptom that accompanies some severe infections. Sometimes they are very dangerous for humans. These are yellow and hay fever, Ebola and Dengue, West Nile and some others. Let's consider one of them. The disease is mouse fever.

HFRS virus

This acute viral natural focal disease is popularly called mouse fever. Characteristic features This pathology is elevated temperature and intoxication with subsequent kidney damage and, in addition, the development of pathological thrombohemorrhagic syndrome.

The HFRS virus was first discovered by A. A. Smorodintsev in 1944. However, the infection was isolated only in 1976. This was done by a scientist from South Korea.

After some time, a similar virus was isolated in Finland and Russia, China and the USA, as well as some other countries. Today there is its classification. These are the Hantaan and Puumala viruses. Throughout the history of the disease “mouse fever,” 116 cases of its severe form were recorded.


What is fever caused by the HFRS virus? This is a hemorrhagic pathology with renal syndrome. Pathogen and carrier of this kind diseases are mice, as well as rodents belonging to their species.

In the European part of Russia, the infection is spread by the bank vole. Great danger awaits people Far East. Here you should be wary of field mice, red-gray mice, as well as Asian bats. In the history of HFRS fever, there have been cases where the infection in cities was transmitted by house rats.

Routes of infection

The causative agent of HFRS is excreted in the feces or urine of animals. Rodents transmit it to each other through airborne droplets.

The disease mouse fever overtakes a person who inhales the smell of feces of an infected individual. Infection also occurs through contact with a rodent carrying the virus. You can also get sick from contact with an infected object (for example, brushwood or hay on which a mouse ran). A person also becomes infected in cases where he eats foods that rodents have come into contact with. This could be cabbage and carrots, cereals, etc. At the same time, an infected patient is not dangerous to another person.

Who does the HFRS virus affect?

Most often from mouse fever Affects men whose ages range from 16 to 50 years. This disease is also observed in women. But largest percentage Patients with this diagnosis are still men. This figure is up to 90%. Why do they get sick so much more often than women? The main reasons for this lie in neglect elementary rules hygiene. Otherwise, infection with the virus can occur with the same frequency.

As a rule, symptoms of the disease "mouse fever" are observed in residents rural areas. Similar statistics can be explained by the constant contact of these people with nature, as well as with its pests, including rodents.

Young children rarely get mouse fever. This is due to the fact that children rarely encounter carriers of a pathogenic virus, and they are always given vegetables and fruits only washed. In this regard, for a child who is not used to putting in his mouth dirty hands and objects, there is no danger.

Mouse fever is a seasonal disease. During winter cold the number of rodents is decreasing. At the same time, the activity of the virus decreases. The peak of infection in adults and children is observed in the spring and autumn periods.

Symptoms of a disease caused by rodents

What are the main stages and signs of the disease? Mouse fever is an infectious pathology with a rather complex development. There are five stages in its clinical picture:

  • Incubation period. It covers the time from the moment of infection to its first manifestations. Duration of this incubation period ranges from 3 to 4 weeks. At the same time, the patient does not know that an uninvited guest has entered his body, due to the absence of any signs of illness. Doctors note that the course of the disease “mouse fever” is the same in all patients. Symptoms in men, however, which indicate the onset of pathology, develop somewhat earlier than in women.
  • First stage. This is the immediate beginning of the disease, which at this stage develops quite acutely. The first stage lasts on average from 2 to 3 days. The course of the disease and symptoms of mouse fever during this period resemble a cold. The patient develops intoxication in the form of nausea and headache, weakness and body aches. In addition, vomiting is a symptom of the initial phase of the development of mouse fever. Signs of this disease include redness of the collar area (neck, as well as part of the back), and face. Similar symptom is associated with the fact that blood begins to rush to the skin, and many minor hemorrhages. In addition, a rash in the form of red blisters appears on the body. These tumors are filled with blood. The patient's body temperature rises. Its values ​​reach 39 and even 40 degrees. How does the disease “mouse fever” occur in men? Are there any differences in clinical presentation with female patients in this case? Doctors note that the symptoms of the pathology do not depend on the gender of the patient. Only sometimes the course of the disease “mouse fever” in the first stage is characterized by a somewhat blurred clinical picture. In men, the symptoms of the disease are not as pronounced as in women.
  • Second stage. During this period, the disease also continues to develop quite acutely. The beginning of the second stage of mouse fever, which is so dangerous and severe for humans, is indicated by a decrease in the volume of daily urine output (oliguria). This sign indicates problems with the functioning of the kidneys. The oliguric period of murine fever lasts for 8-11 days. Throughout this period, the patient experienced intense pain in the lower back and lower area belly. 2-3 days after the onset of the second stage of the pathology, a person experiences intense vomiting. The end of the oliguric stage is marked by the cessation of the symptomatic increase in body temperature. However, this does not bring any relief to the patient.
  • Third stage. This stage of mouse fever is called polyuric. It lasts from five to fifteen days. If the disease is severe, it is preceded by a period of kidney failure. Swelling occurs, sleep is disturbed and depression develops. If treatment was started in a timely manner, then taking medications helps to approach the polyuric stage. In this case, an increase in diuresis occurs. The volume of urine during the day reaches 2-5 liters. This indicator is evidence of normalization of kidney function. However, at the third stage of development of the pathology called “mouse fever”, careful monitoring of the patient is very important. Otherwise, the consequences of the disease may be quite severe. Mouse fever can cause complications such as kidney failure.
  • Fourth stage. At this stage, the fever disappears completely. The patient can only observe it residual effects. This stage of the disease lasts from one month to fifteen years. And even in the case when the patient does not complain about anything, it is too early to calm down. Indeed, during this period there remains a risk of the consequences of the disease “mouse fever” in the form various complications. Therefore, a person who has suffered this disease, must constantly visit a nephrologist.

So, the symptoms of mouse fever are:

The occurrence of intoxication of the body in the form of headache, weakness, etc.;

Increase in body temperature to 40 degrees;


Pain in the abdomen and also in the lower back;

Decrease in daily diuresis;

An increase in the volume of urine excreted at the final stage of the disease.

Carrying out diagnostics

In order to avoid unpleasant consequences After the disease “mouse fever”, it is necessary to begin its treatment in a timely manner. To do this, after discovering the first possible signs pathology, you will need to consult a general practitioner. If the symptoms become more pronounced, then you should not hesitate to call an ambulance.

The mild course of the disease allows treatment to be carried out on an outpatient basis, under the supervision of a general practitioner and nephrologist. All other cases require immediate hospitalization to ensure that serious complications do not arise after an illness with mouse fever.

Diagnosis of the disease, especially in its first stages, is quite difficult. After all, the disease is similar to a common cold. That is why the most important thing in establishing it is to consider the likelihood of infection.

Diagnosis of mouse fever includes:

A survey of the patient, during which the existing complaints and their duration are clarified, and the question of the likelihood of contact with rodents is also considered;

Carrying out laboratory research, including general analysis and blood biochemistry, PCR test, as well as urine analysis (if renal disorders develop);

Instrumental studies in the form of ultrasound of the kidneys.

All of the above studies are sufficient for an attentive specialist to make an accurate diagnosis.

How is mouse fever treated?

In order to rid the patient of the HFRS virus, it will be necessary A complex approach. After all, the disease is quite complex and threatens dangerous consequences for human health.

Already from the first day of detection of pathology and right up to the moment of its completion, it is necessary to observe bed rest. After all, the pathogen provokes fragility of blood vessels, which threatens the development of bleeding. The duration of the patient's bed rest is determined by the doctor. On average, this period ranges from 2 to 6 weeks.

Therapy for mouse fever involves the use of a variety of pharmaceuticals:

Pain syndrome is eliminated through the use of analgesics (Analgin, Ketorolac, etc.).

Used to fight viruses antiviral drugs, such as Lavomax.

The antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect is achieved by taking drugs such as Paracetamol, Nurofen, etc.

To cleanse the body of toxins, the doctor prescribes sorbents.

Maintenance treatment includes taking vitamins and glucose.

Used to eliminate edema hormonal drugs, including Dexamethasone and Prednisolone.

All medications should be prescribed only by the attending physician.

Consequences of the disease

For those who have had mouse fever, the consequences after the illness for women, men and children may be minimal or no complications at all if treatment was started in a timely manner. The pathology passes without any trace. However, the disease is dangerous late diagnosis, which significantly delays the start of the treatment process. And if time was still lost, then there is a high probability of kidney damage and liver destruction. All this causes serious illnesses, and sometimes can result in death.

What is the danger of mouse fever? Consequences after illness for men, women and children are manifested by complications such as:

Violation excretory function or kidney rupture;

Pulmonary edema;

Eclampsia - convulsive fainting condition;

The emergence of localized areas of pneumonia;

Vascular insufficiency and blood clot formation.

What should not be done after the disease “mouse fever”? Even after recovery, a person should not consume spicy, smoked and salty foods, as well as alcohol. IN daily diet presence of fresh and Lenten dishes. A similar diet must be followed throughout the recovery period in order to regain normal performance kidneys.

Preventive measures to prevent mouse fever

There is no pre-vaccination to protect against the disease. It is possible to prevent the HFRS virus from entering the body only if certain precautions are taken. Prevention of the disease in women, men and children consists of:

Cleaning the house using antiseptics;

Thorough cleaning of dust that may contain the virus;

Thoroughly clean your hands using soap or other special products;

Use gloves and masks when cleaning (especially in country houses);

It is mandatory to wash vegetables and fruits;

Use only boiled or bottled water for drinking;

In the immediate treatment of abrasions and other injuries;

Use gloves when handling rodents.

Such advice is not complicated at all. This normal rules hygiene that every person who cares about their health should observe. But it is always worth remembering that it is still easier to prevent a disease than to try to get rid of it later.



2024 “kingad.ru” - ultrasound examination of human organs