Hypertrophy of the left heart ventricle: a dangerous symptom complex. Heart in a child and an adult: structural features

Heart problems are hardly uncommon. Why does hypertrophy occur, what is it and what symptoms does it accompany? Why is such a condition dangerous? What methods of treatment are used by modern doctors? These questions are of interest to many.

what is it and what are its causes?

Hypertrophy is accompanied by the growth of muscle fibers, an increase in the heart chambers, as a result of which the normal changes. Not only adults are prone to such changes. Often diagnosed with left ventricular hypertrophy in children. It should be noted that in most cases, such changes in the myocardium indicate the presence of dangerous diseases.

Often the cause of hypertrophy is persistent hypertension (a condition accompanied by an increase blood pressure). IN childhood proliferation of tissues on the left side of the heart may be associated with a violation of cardiomyocytes or some birth defects which is extremely dangerous anyway.

There is also physiological hypertrophy of the left ventricle. What it is? For example, such changes are often diagnosed in professional athletes, since their heart functions literally in a borderline rhythm.

Obesity is also dangerous. At in large numbers excess, you have to work much harder, and hypertrophy is just a method of adaptation.

What are the symptoms of hypertrophy?

Symptoms of the disease depend on the degree of change in the walls of the heart. With moderate hypertrophy, there may be no symptoms at all. But as the volume of the myocardium increases, the patient's well-being begins to deteriorate. Most patients complain of chest pain. The signs also include fatigue, drowsiness and weakness. dizziness and frequent fainting may also indicate the progression of hypertrophy.

It should be noted that this condition is very dangerous. Often, against the background of hypertrophy, left atrial insufficiency develops, which is accompanied by severe shortness of breath, which not only appears during physical exertion, but is also present at rest.

How is hypertrophy treated?

Of course, at the slightest suspicion of such a disease, you should consult a doctor. Only a specialist knows why left ventricular hypertrophy has arisen, what it is and how to correctly diagnose the disease.

First of all, it is important to determine the cause of the development of the disease, since it is she who is the key to solving the problem. If tissue proliferation is associated with hypertension, then, of course, patients undergo therapy aimed at normalizing blood pressure. In cases where the cause is obesity, for patients are special diet, which allows you to gradually lose weight without harming the body.

On early stages sometimes just enough healthy lifestyle life. Proper Diet, appropriate physical activity (for example, physiotherapy), smoking cessation, etc. bad habits, stay on fresh air can stop the process of hypertrophy.

In more severe cases, apply special preparations that block tissue growth molecular level. In any case, it should be understood that even moderate left ventricular hypertrophy is a wake-up call that cannot be ignored.

Thank you

IN Lately Are you worried about palpitations? Maybe there was shortness of breath? Or maybe you have fainted? It is possible that you have become a victim hypertrophy left ventricle. This disease is quite common, moreover, most of its victims are quite young people. The danger of left ventricular hypertrophy, and in particular hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, is that this disease often ends sudden death patient. According to statistics, the mortality rate from left ventricular hypertrophy reaches four percent.
What are the causes of this disease? How does it manifest itself and can it be cured? After reading this article to the end, you will find the answers to these questions.

What is left ventricular hypertrophy?

With left ventricular hypertrophy, the wall of the left ventricle of the heart becomes much thicker than nature intended. The thickening does not occur at the expense of the internal space, it remains unchanged. Often, with hypertrophy, the septum between the left and right ventricles also changes. Due to hypertrophic changes, the wall becomes less elastic. It can thicken evenly, or it can only in certain areas. This affects the manifestations of the disease.

If the septum has expanded unevenly, then the work of the main heart valves: mitral and aortic may be disrupted. But with such uneven expansion valves do not always suffer.

Left ventricular hypertrophy may be apical. This happens if the myocardium thickens only at the top. And it can also be symmetrical in combination with circular hypertrophy of the myocardium of the left ventricle.

The symptoms of left ventricular hypertrophy are so heterogeneous that at first glance it can confuse anyone. There are many patients suffering from left ventricular hypertrophy and not even aware of it. But often patients complain of pain in the heart. They can vary in intensity and different type. Not uncommon and angina pectoris. It is caused by the fact that, due to hypertrophy, the vessels that feed the heart muscle are compressed, but the muscle has become larger, it needs more nutrients and oxygen. Myocardial starvation develops.

In hypertrophy, arrhythmia can be called a common occurrence. The heart then beats, then suddenly freezes. In some cases, the clinical picture of left ventricular hypertrophy is also characterized by loss of consciousness. Patients also come with complaints of shortness of breath, and they are diagnosed with left ventricular hypertrophy.

Why does left ventricular hypertrophy, or rather cardiomyopathy, occur?

Scientists can definitely say that there is a family predisposition to left ventricular hypertrophy. Take a good look at the biographies of your grandparents. Perhaps you will find similar patients among them. This will serve as food for thought.

If there are no sick relatives, then there is another theory, rather mysterious, which does not explain anything at all. In some people, under the influence of unknown factors, genes that are directly related to the state of myocardial cells begin to mutate. Under the influence of this mutation, the heart muscle grows.

How to treat left ventricular hypertrophy?

. The main treatment for left ventricular hypertrophy is to improve myocardial function with the help of medications. If the condition worsens and the drugs do not work, surgery is performed. During the operation, the septum is given a normal physiological form. If you start treating hypertrophy in time, you can live long years. You can even endure and give birth to a baby. The only thing that is prohibited for patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is severe physical work. Before use, you should consult with a specialist.

Hello, I recently went to the hospital with a complaint of pain in the left side of my chest, which sometimes radiated to left hand. I am 23 years old, I used to be actively involved in sports. Pressure in calm state from 95-100 / 60-65, the heartbeat in the supine position is on average 65-75, in the standing position it rises to about 100, while the pressure drops by 10 mm or remains the same. SIZES OF THE LEFT W now: KDR -4.3 cm, KSR-2.5 cm, KDO-85 ml, KSO-37ml, UO-48 ml, ZSLZh-0.6 cm; MZHP - 0.6 cm. Ejection fraction - 68%.
E/A-2, Dec time(E, mc) -135.
Mmlzh / immlzh 96g, 54 m2.
LA-asst 135 ms; deg. P max 2.8 mm Hg, physiological regurgitation, unchanged.

LP-2.8 cm
Shortening fraction-36%
MZHP-0.8 cm
ZSLZh-0.8 cm
KDO- 96 ml,
KSO- 33
UO lzh-63 ml
Ejection fraction-66%
Mmlzh -147 grams
LA - there is no insufficiency.

The size of the right ventricle now.
Wall of the pancreas-0.3 cm
Pancreas (4-cam trans. cm) - 2.7 cm
Aortic root Ao-2.7 cm
Ascending division Ao-1.7 cm
PP (4-stone transverse cm) -3.4 cm
There is no pulmonary hypertension, the pericardium is normal, the presence of fluid is absent. Diastolic function is normal. Segmental contractility normokinesia. Inferior vena cava: 1.1 cm, inspiratory collapse 100%
The cavities of the heart are not dilated. Global lzh contractility is high. There are no zones of hypokinesia. Slight prolapse of the anterior leaflet of the mitral valve with minimal regurgitation.

Blood sugar is below normal, everything is in order with thyroid hormones. Mildronate was prescribed, but it does not help when I stand, my heart hurts and my heartbeat quickens.

Tell me, is it possible to normalize the condition and go in for sports or dancing and remove this pain? In 2014, I did not play sports at all. I started running up to 11 km / h (2 hours 3 times a week) in 2015. And I started drinking fat burners and sitting on a protein diet.
For half a year now I have not been doing sports, I walk 10 km a day (at least I try), I don’t sit on a diet, I eat fully. But 2 months ago I felt an attack of tachycardia and stopped drinking coffee altogether. Now my condition is not improving even despite moderate physical activity and good sleep at night. It still hurts to stand. What could be the reason for this, please tell me, I'm in despair ..

I am retired, left ventricular hypertrophy, hypertensive encephalopathy..., treated in the hospital for 6 days, discharged on the seventh day, and I walk along the wall, no strength at all. They discharged tenoric and diroton. What should I do?

My daughter is 8 years old, at the age of 7 they made an X-ray of the heart very big size they said pneumonia a year later, a heart of the same size was checked,

My daughter has a hlzh +3 precerdium. The doctors are silent, I don't know what to do.

Hello, I am 25 years old. I did an EKG and it was diagnosed as left ventricular hypertrophy. With what it can be connected? At the age of 23, I had an operation for appendicitis. Could this have had an effect? That year they said I had a heart attack.

Hello, I am 70 years old, I get very tired when walking, just before fainting, respiratory failure. Fluorography showed left ventricular hypertrophy. I sit or lie down it becomes easier. Please advise.

Hello! I am 56 years old and I am preparing for an operation for thrombophlebitis of my right leg. hearts. In 1989. I was examined by a surgeon and said that my heart had an enlarged lion. stomach due to physical activity, I was engaged in athleticism. Is there a connection between n / time and 1989, contraindications for surgery and a bath. Thank you!

I have sinus bradycardia left ventricular hypertrophy age 43 actively involved in sports professional diving heart never complained this is normal.

Good afternoon. The child will soon be 11 years old. We consulted a doctor to draw up certificates when visiting a sports school (football).
Bradycardia. Please advise how we should proceed.

If, after an ECG, they wrote you Symptoms of left ventricular hypertrophy, then this does not mean that you are sick. People who are prone to overweight the heart lies more horizontally, which is quite natural. If, however, not to lose weight in youth, it will develop into a disease.

Hello. My child was diagnosed with LVH, she is 7 years old. From time to time she complains of pain in the heart and pain in the calf muscle. Could this be due to hypertrophy of the left stomach?

Hello. If not, how can I stop it? And is it already a disease or am I already not allowed to do heavy physical labor? And just do it can be cured?

And what about vitamins like Cardioton, vegetable, in which only natural components, they can serve as a preventive measure for heart diseases?

Hello. I am 30 years old and I have left ventricular hypertrophy, left atrial hypertrophy and plus hypertension, pills to drink a stomach ulcer. Please tell me if there are folk remedies?

Hello! My husband is 55 years old, he was diagnosed with hypertrophy of the left ventricular wall, but no treatment was prescribed. Should I see a cardiologist for treatment?

Hello, my son is 7 years old for the last 3 years the child has been diagnosed with left ventricular hypertrophy. Answer what is fraught with such a diagnosis for a child of 7 years. + the child has problems in neurology, residual encephalopathy, delayed psychoverbal development, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. at birth there was an extensive hemorrhage, later epio seizures, no seizures for the last 5 years. Could these two diseases be related?

Hello. I am 55 years old, I have left ventricular hypertrophy with a violation of the process of lepolarization. Tell me, please, what medicines should I take? What does it threaten?

Left ventricular hypertrophy or cardiomyopathy is a very common heart lesion in patients diagnosed with hypertension. It's pretty dangerous disease, since often its final stage in 4% of all cases is a fatal outcome.

What it is?

Hypertrophy implies thickening of the walls of the left ventricle and this is not due to the peculiarities of the internal space. The septum between the ventricles changes, tissue elasticity is lost.

Thickening in this case is not necessarily uniform, but can occur only in some areas of localization.

Hypertrophy itself is not a diagnosis, but is one of the symptoms of any disease. of cardio-vascular system. Mainly hypertonic disease. In addition, one can distinguish various options heart defects, frequent and heavy loads on the heart muscle.

In order for the heart muscle to increase in size, the following conditions are necessary for this:

  • A large load that leads to expansion by volume internal cavity hearts. At the same time, during systole, the myocardium begins to contract more strongly.
  • Pressure load on the heart, which is characterized by the fact that in order to expel blood, muscle contraction must occur much more often and stronger.

Both of these provoking factors will contribute to the thickening of contractile fibers - myofibrils of cardiomyocytes. In parallel, there is a launch of mechanisms for increasing connective tissues. The heart needs to increase its ability to expand more and more, so the development of collagen will occur faster.

Therefore, it turns out that hypertrophy in almost all cases leads to a violation of the structure of the myocardium. The more intense the process of hypertrophy, the faster the ratio of collagen and myocytes decreases.

The most dangerous situation- intense and sharp physical activity. It concerns people who smoke, alcohol abusers or sedentary individuals who have a sharp increase in physical activity. If the modification of the left ventricle did not lead to death, then this does not mean that it is safe for health. She can carry quite a lot serious violations It could be myocardial infarction or stroke.

Left ventricular hypertrophy is a signal that indicates a deterioration in the conditions in which the myocardium is located at that time. This is like a warning, indicating to a person the need to stabilize their blood pressure and properly distribute the load.

Causes of hypertrophy

One of the main causes of left ventricular hypertrophy is heredity. A genetic predisposition is seen in those people who have had cases of heart disease in their family. Thickening of the walls of the left ventricle in such people is noted quite often.

Other reasons include the following:

  • hypertonic disease;
  • ischemia of the heart;
  • diabetes;
  • atrial fibrillation;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • aortic valve stenosis;
  • big weight;
  • diseases of the peripheral system;
  • great physical activity;
  • emotional instability;
  • anxiety, excitement, stress;
  • muscular dystrophy;
  • insufficient sleep and rest;
  • immobility;
  • smoking;
  • alcoholism;
  • Farby disease.

Long and strenuous sports, frequent training can also cause left ventricular hypertrophy. All of the above factors contribute to an increase in blood pulsation, as a result of which the heart muscle thickens. And this leads to compaction of the walls of the left ventricle.


Hypertrophy provokes changes not only in the area of ​​the walls of the left ventricle. A similar expansion also extends outwards. Very common with thickening inner wall, there is a sealing of the septum between the ventricles.

The symptomatology of the disease is heterogeneous. In some cases, patients do not even know for several years that they have left ventricular hypertrophy. It is also possible that at the very beginning of the disease, the state of health becomes simply unbearable.

Correctly prescribed therapy includes drugs that normalize blood pressure and reduce heart rate. Also used to prevent the progression of hypertrophy ACE inhibitors. Thanks to them, the symptoms of the disease gradually decrease.

All medications, primarily aimed at improving myocardial nutrition and recovery normal rhythm hearts. These include: Verapamil, beta-blockers and antihypertensive drugs(Ramipril, Enalaprim and others).

Treatment with folk remedies

Alternative methods of treatment of traditional medicine in the treatment of hypertrophy are used, but not often. The exceptions are those substances that have antioxidant properties, as well as some plants that have a calming effect.

Plants are also used that can strengthen the walls of blood vessels and cleanse from atherosclerotic plaques blood. It is useful to take vitamins, dietary supplements containing potassium, omega, calcium, magnesium and selenium.

As additional funds for hypertrophy, decoctions and infusions of the following medicinal herbs are used:

  • Mix 3 tablespoons of motherwort grass, 2 tablespoons of cudweed and wild rosemary, 1 spoon kidney tea. Pour a large spoonful of this mixture into one and a half glasses cold water and boil for 5 minutes. Wrap the broth in a warm cloth and leave for 4 hours. After straining, take warm three times a day before meals, half a glass. The interval between taking the decoction and eating should be a quarter of an hour.
  • Pounded cranberries with sugar in a small spoon three times a day after meals are considered very useful.


Therapeutic diet is an integral part of the treatment of hypertrophy. You should eat up to 6 times a day in small portions.

Avoid salt, fried, fatty and smoked foods. The diet should always include dairy and sour-milk products, fruits and vegetables in fresh, seafood, lean varieties meat. flour products should limit and minimize the consumption of sweet foods, limit animal fats.


To the main preventive action to prevent the occurrence of left ventricular hypertrophy include:

  1. Lifestyle change:
    • to give up smoking;
    • alcohol abuse;
    • following a diet that is limited to 300 mg of cholesterol per day and minimal fat intake;
    • moderately active lifestyle.
  2. Fight against risk factors:
    • bringing body weight to normal levels;
    • normalization of blood pressure.
  3. Drug control of hypertension and hyperlipidemia is necessary if lifestyle correction does not work:
    • maintaining normal level Sahara;
    • control of other risk factors in diabetes mellitus;
    • decrease in the tendency to the formation of blood clots;
    • women childbearing age It is recommended to avoid taking oral contraceptives.

Compliance with all preventive measures in the complex will avoid the occurrence of left ventricular hypertrophy. It will also improve general well-being will improve the quality of life.

Cardiologist, Doctor of functional diagnostics

Dr. Zhuravlev has been helping patients with cardiopathology to get rid of problems in the work of the heart and blood vessels for many years, so the specialist conducts a comprehensive therapy for hypertension, ischemia, and arrhythmias.

It is a well-known fact that human heart consists of four chambers. The left ventricle of the heart belongs to one of the four chambers, from which the outflow of blood filled with oxygen begins, nutrients. From the left ventricle of the heart, blood is subsequently circulated to the aorta. In general, this cardiac chamber is larger in size than the right cardiac ventricle - this is due to the fact that it is from the left ventricle that the heart begins big circle circulation.

When the blood in not enough enters the aorta, then a pathology called heart failure develops. The cause of this phenomenon is often an increase in the left ventricle of the heart (hypertrophy). It is the development of left ventricular hypertrophy that leads to many dangerous cardiac pathologies. Among the factors that contribute to the formation of hypertrophy, the following reasons are distinguished:

  • One of the reasons leading to thickening of the walls of the left ventricle is hypertension. Increased blood pressure, as well as possible, contributes to the development of such an anomaly as hypertrophy.
  • Aortic valve angina - narrowing of the aortic valve causes the heart organ to contract several times more often to pump blood to the aorta. This phenomenon often leads to hypertrophy.
  • Among genetic factors can be identified hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, due to such an anomaly, a gradual thickening of the walls of the heart chamber occurs.
  • Intense physical activity, playing sports at a professional level - often left ventricular hypertrophy is observed in professional athletes, who most Everyday life dedicated to hard sports. Healthy heart plays a key role in the life of every serious athlete, so it is necessary to train this organ so that the pathologies associated with it do not develop.
  • A sedentary lifestyle - of course, intense sports activities increase the risk of developing hypertrophy, but the left ventricle can be enlarged due to a person's inactivity, a sedentary lifestyle, physical inactivity. For this reason, it is worth giving the body light physical activity, doing exercises in the morning, running, etc.
  • Addicted to bad habits- most people experience hypertrophy due to overconsumption alcohol or frequent smoking. Both of these habits often become the causes of severe cardiac pathologies, so you should refrain from them, and smokers and alcoholics should not be surprised if the left ventricle of the heart organ is enlarged in size.
  • A rare but not excluded cause of left ventricular hypertrophy is Farby's disease. genetic disease which is passed down through generations. Farby's disease occurs due to a lack of an important enzyme in the human body (alpha-galactosiad A), this pathology often leads to a change in the structure of the cardiac organ.

  • Atherosclerosis - a similar disease develops due to accumulation on the walls blood vessels cholesterol deposits. Accumulating on the surface of the walls coronary arteries, cholesterol plaques interfere with normal blood flow.
  • Stressful situation and psycho-emotional instability - similar states often cause thickening of the walls of the left ventricle of the human heart organ. Constant worries, prolonged depression lead to the fact that work is disrupted heart rate, and this affects constituent parts organ.
  • In addition, among possible causes left ventricular hypertrophy, one can distinguish the presence of diseases of the blood vessels in a person, diabetes And ischemic pathology hearts.
  • Left ventricular hypertrophy is often associated with overweight the patient's body. People suffering from obesity are more prone to such an anomaly, which has been proven. medical statistics and numerous studies, and the cardiac section, from which the systemic circulation begins, is noticeably enlarged in them.

Symptoms of left ventricular hypertrophy

Hypertrophy usually begins without special symptoms, which makes it difficult to identify unpleasant phenomenon on early stages. But gradually, as it develops, the pathology begins to impersonate very disturbing features of the course, which are hard to miss. Among the signs of this disease, you should pay attention to the following unpleasant symptoms diseases:

  • The disease is accompanied by a feeling of constant congestion, a feeling of fatigue. The patient may complain of apathy, lethargy, unwillingness to work, etc.
  • There are heart failures, arrhythmia is observed, the patient is tormented by constant shortness of breath. Sometimes it becomes difficult to breathe, there is a strong lack of oxygen.
  • Soreness that can be experienced inside chest, the pains are pressing or compressive in nature (anginal pains).
  • Patients often experience fluctuations in blood pressure. At high blood pressure many medications and other therapies become ineffective.
  • Puffiness appears on the face and limbs of a sick person, especially swelling becomes noticeable closer to the night time.
  • In the supine position, most patients develop a cough, sharp and causeless seizures suffocation.
  • Signs of cyanosis appear on the nails and near the nose - the skin in these areas of the body acquires a bluish tint.
  • Noticed general weakness body, frequent causeless headaches, dizziness, the patient is worried sleepy state(drowsiness).

  • The most basic sign of left ventricular hypertrophy can rightly be considered such a pathology as angina pectoris. During angina pectoris, patients have to deal with lack of air, a feeling of severe tightness in the chest, and frequent shortness of breath.
  • In enough rare cases, hypertrophy of the left ventricle is accompanied by pre-syncope, and sometimes complete loss of consciousness. Such situations are fraught disastrous consequences and therefore require urgent medical attention.

Diagnosis and treatment of left ventricular hypertrophy

A significant increase in the size of the left heart ventricle can lead to very serious problems that must be eliminated as soon as possible, with the help of the most effective ways cure. Treatment of such a disease should begin only after a medical consultation and further diagnosis of the patient.

To begin with, any treating specialist conducts an anamnestic analysis, asking the person about all the symptoms that disturb him, as well as clarifying the presence of heart disease in one of the patient's parents or close relatives. After that, it is necessary to carry out a series following procedures, which allow one to accurately determine clinical picture diseases:

  • Of the laboratory procedures, it is necessary to pass blood tests (general, biochemical and hormone examinations), as well as a urine test.
  • X-ray examination of the patient's chest - similar instrumental medical procedure allows you to judge the increase in the shadow of the cardiac organ or the shadow of the aorta. In general, a chest x-ray helps to see possible anomalies associated with the structure of the heart.
  • Electrocardiogram - such an examination will not give accurate information due to an increase in the left ventricle, but an experienced cardiologist can see, after the result of the electrocardiogram, violations related to the patient's myocardium.
  • echocardiography, and ultrasonography- make it possible to judge internal structure heart, observe the existing anomalies relating to the cardiac departments. Such studies are quite effective in detecting left ventricular hypertrophy.
  • To study and draw conclusions about the patency of the coronary arteries, it is important to conduct coronary angiography.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging of the heart - will allow you to more accurately judge the patient's cardiac pathology and identify abnormalities associated with the structure of this organ.

When treating a disease, it is very important to identify the root cause that contributed to the development of the disease. Elimination of the factors that provoked the disease is necessary for effective therapy with left ventricular hypertrophy. Improving activities include: drug therapy, surgical intervention, folk ways treatment, as well as adjusting the diet and lifestyle of the patient.

Drug treatment provides positive effect, only if all medical instructions and doses of prescribed medications. To prevent further development disease, most experts prescribe the following remedies:

  • Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors - the use of such drugs promotes the expansion of blood vessels, leads to a decrease in blood pressure, and improves the patient's blood circulation. From side properties- you can note the appearance of a dry cough. By the best means this group are considered - Zestril, Captopril, Enalapril, Lisinopril. To avoid side effects inhibitors, you can use their analogues, for example, angiotensin receptor blockers, which will not cause coughing.
  • Additionally, drugs from the group of beta-blockers are prescribed. Such funds restore normal work heart rate, stabilize the patient's blood pressure.
  • For confrontation with thrombosis, it is advisable to use drugs of the anticoagulant group (Warfarin, Indandione).
  • Diuretic drugs - in the treatment of left ventricular hypertrophy, the use of diuretics is important if the disease has progressed to severe form. Diuretic medications will help increase blood flow to the heart and lower blood pressure.

Surgical intervention to improve the body is necessary when drug therapy not efficient. Usually used the following types operations: aortic valve transplantation, Morrow operation, commissurotomy (artificial expansion of the lumen of the artery, with the introduction of an implant that promotes such expansion).

Methods folk medicine relieve many symptoms of the disease, but you can resort to them only after medical advice. Similar treatment based on the use of various healing infusions and decoctions from various herbs (hawthorn, chamomile, etc.).

Left ventricular heart failure: causes and symptoms of the disease

The development of left ventricular hypertrophy can lead to various complications. Left ventricular failure refers to such complications, and poses a threat to the life and health of the patient. Similar pathology appears when the contractile capabilities of the cardiac organ are sharply reduced, which leads to a shortage of blood supply (blood does not flow from the heart to other organs, in the required amount).

Often the causes of heart failure in the left ventricular type are congestion in this department of the organ. Symptoms of pathology can be: shortness of breath, an increase in the frequency of heart contraction, a strong, usually causeless cough. An accurate picture of the disease can only be presented after examining the patient using electrocardiography.

The factors that contribute to the development of pathology include:

  • Frequent increase in human blood pressure.
  • After a heart attack (myocardial infarction).
  • Inflammation of myocardial tissue (myocarditis).
  • Serious brain injury.
  • Arrhythmia.
  • Ischemic pathology of the cardiac organ.
  • Various congenital or acquired heart defects.
  • Toxicosis of the body, which affected the heart and its departments.
  • Mitral stenosis, in which blockage of blood vessels can occur.
  • Some infectious diseases.
  • Surgical operations that a person suffered hard.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the kidneys (nephritis).
  • Accumulation of fluid in the lungs and diseases of the respiratory system.

It should be noted that left ventricular failure is classified into two main types, depending on the form of the course of this pathology. Dangerous is acute stage ailment, when the symptoms appear suddenly for the patient. Among the signs of the disease, it is worth paying attention to the following features course of the disease:

  • A strong cough, which is often accompanied by the release of foam from the mouth of a sick person.
  • Developing shortness of breath, which, with advanced forms of the disease, turns into attacks of suffocation.
  • Hoarseness, which is distinctly observed when the patient breathes.
  • The cervical veins are sharply enlarged in size.
  • Observed frequent drops and fluctuations in blood pressure.
  • Unreasonable, severe dizziness.
  • The body temperature rises.
  • Numbness is felt in the limbs (sometimes it can paralyze an arm or leg).
  • Fainting, loss of consciousness.
  • A sick person feels good only when in a sitting position.
  • There are signs of cyanosis on the tips of the nails, limbs and lips of a person (these parts of the patient's body acquire a bluish tint).

Symptoms of acute and chronic form The course of the pathology may differ slightly, but the mechanism for the development of left ventricular failure is similar in both cases. Signs of the chronic form of the disease give themselves out gradually, and do not take a person by surprise.

Attack acute form insufficiency of the left stomach of the cardiac organ often becomes the cause lethal outcome. It is for this reason that it is extremely important to provide the patient with the first first aid: give nitroglycerin, if possible, do a direct heart massage, help take sitting position. Nitroglycerin is taken under the tongue, in addition, a 1% solution of morphine can be administered subcutaneously to the patient.

In parallel with the provision of first aid to a person, it is necessary to call " ambulance". The patient is subject to mandatory hospitalization, which must take place - in a sitting position on a stretcher.

Article publication date: 12/25/2016

Article last updated: 12/18/2018

From this article you will learn: what happens with the pathology of left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH for short), why it occurs. Modern methods diagnosis and treatment. How to prevent this disease.

Normally, its thickness should be from 7 to 11 mm. An indicator equal to more than 12 mm can already be called hypertrophy.

This is a common pathology that occurs in both young and middle-aged people.

The disease can be completely cured only with the help of surgical intervention, but most often conservative treatment, since this pathology is not so dangerous as to prescribe an operation to all patients.

Treatment of this anomaly is carried out by a cardiologist or a cardiac surgeon.

Causes of the disease

Such a pathology may appear due to factors that cause the left ventricle to contract more intensively, and the muscle wall grows because of this. It can be certain diseases or overload on the heart.

Left ventricular hypertrophy of the heart is often found in professional athletes who receive excessive aerobic exercise(aerobic - that is, "with oxygen"): these are athletes, football players, hockey players. Due to the enhanced mode of operation, the muscular wall of the left ventricle is “inflated”.

Also, the disease can occur due to excess weight. Large body mass creates additional load for the heart, because of which the muscle is forced to work more intensively.

But the diseases that provoke a thickening of the wall of this chamber of the heart:

  • chronic hypertension (pressure above 145 per 100 mm Hg);
  • narrowing of the aortic valve;

The disease is also congenital. If the wall is not strongly thickened (the value does not exceed 18 mm), treatment is not required.

Characteristic symptoms

There are no specific manifestations of the disease. In 50% of patients, the pathology is asymptomatic.

In the other half of patients, the anomaly is manifested by symptoms of heart failure. Here are the signs of left ventricular hypertrophy in this case:

  1. weakness,
  2. dizziness,
  3. dyspnea,
  4. swelling,
  5. attacks of pain in the heart,
  6. arrhythmias.

In many patients, symptoms appear only after physical exertion or stress.

Manifestations of the disease are greatly enhanced during pregnancy.


Such a disease can be detected during a planned medical examination. It is most often diagnosed in athletes who undergo thorough examination at least once a year.

An anomaly can be seen during an Echo KG - a study of all chambers of the heart using an ultrasound machine. This diagnostic procedure appoint patients with hypertension, as well as those who came with complaints of shortness of breath, dizziness, weakness and pain in the chest.

If a thickening of the wall of the left ventricle was detected on the echocardiogram, the patient is prescribed additional examination to determine the cause of the disease:

  • measurement of blood pressure and pulse;
  • duplex scanning of the aorta (examination of the vessel using ultrasound);
  • Doppler echocardiography (a type of Echo KG, which allows you to find out the speed of blood flow and its turbulence).

After identifying the cause of hypertrophy, treatment of the underlying disease is prescribed.

Treatment Methods

Despite the fact that it is possible to completely eliminate the thickening of the wall of the left ventricle only surgically, most often carried out conservative therapy, since this pathology is not so dangerous as to prescribe an operation to all patients.

Treatment tactics depend on the disease that provoked the problem.

Conservative therapy: medications

With hypertension

Apply one of the following drugs, not all at the same time.

With atherosclerosis of the aorta

With complications


If left ventricular hypertrophy is provoked by heart defects, it will have to be treated with surgical intervention.

Surgical treatment of LVH can be of two types:

Treatment of the disease that caused the thickening of the left ventricular wall is usually sufficient. But if left ventricular hypertrophy is severe, an operation may be prescribed to excise excess tissues of the overgrown heart.

Lifestyle and diet

If you have been diagnosed with this heart anomaly, first of all:

  • give up all bad habits;
  • get rid of excess weight, if you have it;
  • get busy physical therapy if you are leading sedentary image life;
  • avoid stress;
  • if your job involves hard physical labor, change it.

If left ventricular enlargement is caused by arterial hypertension or atherosclerosis of the aorta, follow the diet prescribed by your doctor.

Athletes with left ventricular hypertrophy will need to consult a sports physician. If the pathology is severe, you may be removed from the sport.

Folk remedies

They will help fight LVH caused by hypertension.

Never replace traditional treatment folk remedies. Before using prescriptions alternative medicine consult your doctor.

drops from lily of the valley Take 1 tablespoon of lily of the valley flowers, pour a glass of natural vodka or aqueous solution alcohol, seal tightly. Insist 2 weeks in a dark cool place. Dilute 15 drops of the product in 0.5 cups of water and take three times a day.
St. John's wort Take 50 g of St. John's wort, pour 1 liter of water, boil for 30 minutes. Take a third cup three times a day.
Blueberry Take 1 tbsp. l. plant shoots, pour 200 ml of water, boil for 10 minutes. Take 1 tbsp. l. three times a day.
herbal collection Take 1.5 tbsp. l. motherwort, 1 tbsp. l. wild rosemary, 1 tbsp. l. cudweeds. Pour 1 liter of water, boil for 5 minutes. Close and put in a warm dark place for 4 hours. Drink 0.5 cup three times a day a quarter of an hour before meals.

Complications and prognosis

The prognosis for this heart disease is favorable if the cause is identified in time. Sometimes the disease does not even need to be treated.

If the thickening of the wall of the left ventricle is small and is not accompanied by any signs and additional diseases, treatment is not required. Most often, this course of the disease occurs in athletes.

Left ventricular hypertrophy associated with pathological processes in the heart and blood vessels, can lead to such complications:

  • angina with frequent attacks pain;
  • dangerous arrhythmias (ventricular flutter);
  • myocardial infarction.

Left ventricular hypertrophy is of particular danger only if it is a sign of either severe atherosclerosis of the aorta.

The mortality rate for the disease is only 4%. Therefore, LVH can be called a benign heart disease.



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