What is Trichomonas in women and how to treat it. Treatment of trichomoniasis

Among sexually transmitted diseases, trichomoniasis occupies a leading position.

It’s scary to imagine, but every fifth inhabitant of the planet is faced with this disease, whether he knows about it or not. About 10% of this number are pregnant girls. The infection occurs in such women, naturally not without serious complications for the fetus.

What are the symptoms of trichomoniasis in women, how to diagnose and treat this disease with medications? Let's try to figure it out.

Causes and causative agent of the disease

You can become infected with trichomoniasis during unprotected sex (without using a condom) with a sick person. It can be transmitted during vaginal and anal sex. Pregnant women can pass this disease to their baby during childbirth. Broadcast by everyday means(at sharing with an infected person on the toilet, bed or underwear, towels, etc.) has not been proven.

The development of the disease is facilitated by decreased immunity, hormonal disorders, disturbance of the vaginal microflora in women. Trichomonas actively reproduce during menstruation.

Taking into account the duration of the disease and its symptoms There are three forms of trichomoniasis:

  • spicy;
  • chronic - disease duration is more than 2 months;
  • trichomonas carriage - the absence of symptoms of trichomoniasis in the presence of trichomonas in the vaginal discharge.

Incubation period Trichomoniasis (the time from infection to the onset of symptoms) is usually 5-15 days.

Symptoms of trichomoniasis in women

In half of the cases, trichomoniasis in women occurs without visible symptoms. Only a third of infected girls will develop symptoms in the future after a fairly long period of time, which sometimes reaches 6 months.

The first signs of trichomoniasis (see photo) are:

  • copious foamy or liquid discharge yellowish, greenish tint with an unpleasant “fishy” odor;
  • discomfort when urinating, private urge;
  • nagging pain in the lumbar region and;
  • swelling and redness of the vaginal vestibule;
  • discomfort during sexual intercourse.

The first clinical symptoms appear, on average, within two weeks after infection. During this period, the symptoms are mild, since trichomonas do not significantly damage the mucous membrane when they begin to reproduce.

Often, trichomoniasis can cause the development of trichomonas colpitis, which is characterized by burning and itching of the surface of the genital organs, white or grayish foamy vaginal discharge, often with an unpleasant odor.


The diagnosis of trichomoniasis is made by a specialist after next research and procedures:

  1. Cultivation method (among the advantages: determining the number of trichomonas in a smear, reflecting the degree of inflammation, identifying sensitivity to antibiotics);
  2. Examination of a general smear under a microscope or a bacteriological method of examination (requires confirmation of more than precise method research);
  3. PCR method (gives 100% accuracy in detecting Trichomonas). Any biological material is suitable for research, incl. saliva, blood, discharge from the urethra and vagina. The method is based on the study of the DNA structure of the pathogen.

The duration of the study can be a day, which makes it possible to promptly identify trichomoniasis and begin complex treatment with drugs.


If the course of trichomoniasis is unfavorable, the infection from the vagina can spread to the uterus and fallopian tubes. A sign of such a complication is the appearance or intensification of pain in the lower parts belly. Body temperature may rise.

IN in rare cases Trichomonas can cause an ascending infection urinary tract( , ). Disorders of urination, pain in the lower abdomen and back, and increased body temperature accompany these disorders.

Trichomoniasis during pregnancy

Infection of a woman during pregnancy significantly worsens the course of pregnancy. The most dangerous complication is premature birth.

This infection can affect the health of the fetus, causing intrauterine infection. It is known that in women with this pathology, the frequency of occurrence ectopic pregnancy almost 2 times higher.

Treatment of trichomoniasis in women

If suspicious symptoms are detected, especially after casual sexual intercourse, a woman must undergo not only an examination, but also treatment for the infection. Do not delay attending a consultation and necessary examinations, citing a lack of time, money, or even being ashamed of their delicate problem.

As you know, trichomoniasis will not cure on its own; the infection will develop into chronic form or carriage, and will continue to cause irreparable harm women's health. Therapy is necessary for acute and chronic trichomoniasis, as well as in case of carriage of the infection.

To treat acute, uncomplicated forms of the disease, antibiotics with antiprotozoal action are used.

  • The main drug is metronidazole (Trichopol), either a single dose of 2 g orally, or a course of 5-8 days of 400 mg x 2 per day. Take during or after meals, do not chew the tablets.
  • Additionally, suppositories are prescribed or vaginal tablets with the same active ingredient.

Effective treatment of trichomoniasis in women will be when, 7-10 days after its completion, not only in the first smear, but also in the next 3 smears, which are done for 3 menstrual cycles in a row, trichomonas are not detected. But before treating trichomoniasis in women, you should remember that her sexual partner is also sick or is a carrier of the disease, so both partners take the medications prescribed by the doctor.


In any case, it is better to prevent the disease, so prevention is very important. Since trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted disease, abstinence is the only way Absolutely avoid this disease.

Safe sex using condoms, reducing the number of sexual partners, and good personal hygiene can also help prevent Trichomonas infection.

Majority sexually transmitted infections enter the body as a result of unprotected sexual intercourse. Among the most common is trichomoniasis. Right choice medications for trichomoniasis not only determine the success of treatment, but also reduce the risk of complications.

In the article we will tell you which drugs for treating trichomonas infection are most effective and what treatment regimen should be followed in order to cure the disease completely.

Ways to eliminate infection

Trichomoniasis is an infectious disease that occurs when the mucous membrane of the genital organs is damaged by the protozoan microorganism Trichomonas and is sexually transmitted. In the vast majority of cases, infection occurs due to direct contact with the pathogen during unprotected sexual intercourse.

The development of the disease occurs against the background of a decrease in the body’s immunity and other infectious diseases genitourinary area.

As a result of infection, destruction of epithelial tissue occurs, multiple erosions, ulcers and inflammatory processes in the genitourinary organs.

Therefore, treatment of trichomoniasis in both men and women involves taking medications according to individual scheme, taking into account the specifics of complications. Main goals therapeutic measures unchanged:

  • The use of anti-trichomonas drugs for the complete elimination of infectious agents.
  • Restoration of natural vaginal microflora.
  • Normalization of functions genitourinary organs.
  • Prescribing medications to strengthen the immune system.
  • Elimination of signs of the disease.
  • Treatment of complications.

You should not self-medicate. Trichomonas are able to adapt to certain medications and provoke the development hidden form a disease in which symptoms do not appear. It's better to let experienced doctor will determine how to treat trichomoniasis in each specific case.

The success of treatment depends not only on complex therapy; measures aimed at preventing reinvasion are considered an important component of treatment measures. The best way to warn reinfection or spread of infection – ensure that all sexual partners of the infected person are treated.

This condition must be met even if symptoms of the disease do not appear. Trichomonas carriage is often observed in men and does not exclude the possibility of infection of other people.

Features of therapy

To determine how to treat a person infected with trichomoniasis, the doctor must take into account all the factors in the development of the disease - symptoms, duration of the pathology, the presence of additional infections in the body, complications that have arisen.

The choice of medications to eliminate Trichomonas in women involves preliminary pregnancy testing, since the infection can be transmitted to the child or lead to miscarriage. In addition, it matters whether the woman has been treated for infectious inflammation genitourinary system previously.

Do not self-medicate! At the first symptoms of the disease, immediately consult a doctor for medical care!

The consequences of Trichomonas infection are eliminated not only with medications, optimal course treatment includes various methods impact on infection:

  • Droppers, injections, tablets.
  • Use of funds local therapy– ointments, gels, suppositories.
  • Rinsing the genitourinary organs with special solutions to cleanse them.
  • Irrigation of the urethra.
  • The use of membrane stabilizers for the regeneration of damaged epithelial cells.
  • Physiotherapy.
  • Taking drugs that increase vascular permeability.
  • Prescribing vitamins and other medications to make therapy more effective.

Scheme development complex treatment trichomoniasis is provided by the attending physician. During the entire period of treatment and preventive measures, sexual contact and alcohol consumption are prohibited.

Tablets and injections to fight infection in women and men

The first and main stage of treating an infection is etiotropic therapy - the process of eliminating the cause of the development of pathology. Drugs are prescribed for the causative agents of trichomoniasis.

Choosing a medicine for oral administration, doctors prefer imidazole-based tablets. Metronidazole is considered an effective drug in this group.

The pharmacological action of Metronidazole is to influence pathogens of protozoal infections. Active substance The medicine penetrates the pathogenic cell and stops the division process.

Eliminating trichomoniasis in both men and women, including pregnant women, medicine has the ability to accumulate in the blood in a volume that is detrimental to Trichomonas.

The use of the drug for trichomoniasis is especially effective in treating a fresh form of infection, but can be prescribed to eliminate acute and chronic forms.

By virtue of physiological characteristics The treatment regimen for trichomoniasis in women involves the use of different types of drugs than in men.

Metronidazole vaginal suppositories are additionally used to treat trichomoniasis in women. Combination treatment regimens involve the simultaneous use of Metronidazole with other types of antibiotics.

Metronidazole is taken according to the following regimens:

  • Day 1 – 2 tablets of 250 mg every 12 hours. Day 2 – one tablet every 8 hours. Over the next 4 days, the daily dose is 500 mg, which corresponds to taking one tablet every 12 hours.
  • A single dose of 8 tablets (2 g) of the drug.
  • 4 tablets every 12 hours for a week.

Which regimen is preferable is determined by the attending physician - in each specific case, treatment methods and means may differ depending on the individual characteristics the patient and the course of the disease.

Drugs for the treatment of trichomoniasis in men and women differ from each other!

Tiberal is characterized by increased absorption and is able to reduce the symptoms of the disease within three hours after administration.

Tiberal is indicated both for the treatment of trichomoniasis and for its prevention. During etiotropic therapy, Tiberal is taken twice a day, one tablet. To effectively treat trichomoniasis in women, Tiberal is combined with local treatment– vaginal suppositories.

Tinidazole is an antibacterial tablet for trichomoniasis in women and men. They provide an antiprotozoal effect by destroying the DNA structure of Trichomonas and inhibiting its synthesis.

Tinidazole tablets are taken only as prescribed by a doctor in accordance with one of the following regimens:

  • Single dose: 4 tablets of 0.5 g each.
  • Drink one 0.5 g tablet every 15 minutes for an hour.
  • 0.15 g every 12 hours for a week.

Tinidazole is given to children at a dose of 50 mg per kg of child weight.

Along with this, trichomoniasis is treated with injections - their use significantly increases the effectiveness of therapy.

Ceftriaxone is the most commonly used antibiotic wide range actions for intramuscular administration.

Ceftriaxone belongs to the cephalosporin class of drugs and differs antimicrobial effect against anaerobic, aerobic, gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. For trichomoniasis, Ceftriaxone can be administered both intramuscularly and intravenously - by stream or drip.

Ceftriaxone – effective remedy against trichomoniasis for men, as it quickly eliminates inflammatory processes in prostate gland, providing tangible relief almost instantly. The dose for one injection is calculated by the attending physician, depending on the specifics of the pathology.

In case of a particularly complex course of the disease, Solcotrichovac is prescribed. Daily dose intramuscular injections product is 0.5 ml.

Specifics of local therapy

The use of local therapy provides additional effect treatment, relieving the symptoms of pathology and preventing tissue destruction.

Add to list effective medicines Trichomoniasis infections in women include:

  • Vaginal suppositories Ornidazole. The regimen of use is a single daily administration for a week.
  • Vaginal cream Clindamycin. Used to relieve inflammation in the vagina for 4 days.
  • Intravaginal tablets Ginalgin.
  • Vaginal tablets Klion-D.

Additional remedies for trichomoniasis for women are sitz baths with herbs, douching, and tampons soaked in a combination of urogyronine and chloramphenicol.

Considering that male physiology differs from women's, some methods of local therapy that are relevant for women are not available to men. Therefore, relevant manifestations of pathology in men are eliminated by introducing into the urethra medicinal products with antibacterial effect.

You can also use the methods traditional medicine, but only how additional treatment along with the main one!

In addition, in the treatment of inflammation of the male genitourinary system, the use of creams, ointments and gels is indicated - Clotrimazole, Hexicon, Metrogyl-gel.

Traditional medicine and homeopathy are not able to provide a lasting effect in eliminating the infection, but they can achieve a temporary improvement in the condition during acute development diseases.

Urogenital trichomoniasis, or trichomoniasis, is caused by Trichomonas vaginalis. In most cases, the pathogen enters a person through sexual contact, especially through casual sexual contact. There are known cases of infection through personal belongings that have already been used by a previously infected person.

Trichomonas is a microorganism belonging to the type Protozoa, capable of all major life species organization: movement, reproduction, metabolism, nutrition, etc. The shape of the microbe resembles a pear, but is constantly changing due to movement and encountering obstacles. Regular sizes Trichomonas vaginalis up to 20 microns, sometimes individuals up to 35 microns are found.

Note:more large forms characteristic of chronic stage diseases.

The pathogen feeds by phagocytosis. Reproduction occurs by longitudinal or multiple division. Trichomonas is capable of transitioning to a stationary stage that is resistant to unfavorable conditions external environment, because active form very sensitive to changes in temperature parameters of the habitat. Sunlight is also harmful to the microbe.

The chemical composition of the medium (acidic, neutral, slightly alkaline) is well tolerated by the pathogenic pathogen.

Trichomonas vaginalis lives in the human genitourinary system. Upon penetration, it does not always cause clinical manifestations disease, since it is successfully resisted by the immune system. In this case, we are dealing with Trichomonas carriage.

Inflammation of the urethra - trichomoniasis, occurs when increased activity(virulence) and weakening of the body. The latter includes hypothermia, serious illnesses, eating disorders.

Note:in the isolated version, trichomoniasis is not so common. Usually several infections are combined simultaneously (,).

Where does Trichomonas live in the body?

The clinical picture of trichomoniasis lesions is nonspecific. Manifestations of urethritis are the same with different types pathogen (gonococcus, chlamydia, trichomonas).

Immunity to trichomoniasis does not develop.

The incubation period (from infection to manifestation) lasts on average 10 days, sometimes up to a month.

Symptoms of trichomoniasis in men

The patient complains of symptoms of urethritis:

  • painful sensations when urinating;
  • increased urge to urinate;
  • the appearance of discharge (mucous, watery, foamy, purulent) from the urethra;

The trichomoniasis process can spread to:

  • prostate gland;
  • seminal vesicles;
  • epididymis;
  • bulbourethral glands;
  • paraurethral ducts;
  • glands of the foreskin;
  • bladder;
  • renal pelvis;
  • skin of the glans penis (balanoposthitis);
  • foreskin

The most frequent complications trichomoniasis are inflammation prostate gland(prostatitis) and inflammation of the epididymis (epididymitis).

With the development of trichomoniasis, women experience characteristic complaints:

Genital warts often occur simultaneously.

The pathological process develops in:

  • urethra;
  • cervix;
  • glands of the vestibule of the vagina;
  • uterine cavity;
  • fallopian tubes.

In the glands of the vestibule of the vagina, due to edema, they overlap excretory ducts, and a “false” abscess is formed.

If the disease affects the cervix (), then swelling of the cervix occurs, accompanied by heavy discharge. Erosion often occurs.

Note: the chronic version of the disease is asymptomatic, or with a “blurred” picture.

Methods for determining the disease, laboratory diagnostics

The diagnosis of trichomoniasis is based on comprehensive survey patient, including:

  • collection of patient complaints;
  • inspection data;
  • laboratory diagnostics.

Trichomoniasis does not give any specific manifestations. The symptoms are the same for most. Therefore, laboratory data are of primary importance in diagnosis.

Laboratory diagnosis of trichomoniasis

Native preparations are being studied to identify live Trichomonas. A drop of human secretions is placed on a microscope slide with two drops saline solution. A cover glass is placed on the mixture and analyzed under a microscope.

Detection of trichomonas must be carried out as soon as possible after collecting the material, avoid exposure to high or low temperatures, drying, since under these conditions microorganisms quickly die.

Important: specific feature Trichomonas - their movement. At the same time, one can observe rocking, jerking jerks,

If the patient does not have pathogens in the analysis, but with pronounced clinical symptoms An additional variant of microscopy is carried out: the first stream of urine is subjected to centrifugation, and after the appearance of threads, flakes, crumbs in it, these elements are selected with a pipette. It is often possible to detect and identify the pathogen in them.

Must be observed temperature regime research:

  • keep the test tube with the material in a glass of warm water;
  • use a warm glass slide.

The detection of pathogenic Trichomonas is facilitated by the use of methods for staining biomaterials.

In asymptomatic cases, the culture method can be used.

Treatment is necessary both in case of existing complaints and without them, but when a pathogen is detected, since an asymptomatic carrier can be a source of infection.

Preventive carrier therapy is also necessary to avoid relapse of the disease in treated patients without clinical manifestations.

Antibiotics and sulfa drugs used to treat most urogenital infections are ineffective against trichomoniasis.

Metronidazole (Flagyl, Trichopolum) is used in therapy. Regimen for taking the drug have been developed depending on the form of the disease.

Note:in 90-98% of cases it is possible to achieve recovery after a course of treatment for trichomoniasis.

Used to relieve inflammatory processes local impact washing the urethra with solutions of silver nitrate, mercury oxycyanide, ethacridine. Then Osarsol is introduced into the canal with Boric acid and Glucose.

Hexamethylenetetramine, Levomycetin with Boric acid are effective. These compositions are introduced into the urethra and vagina.

Treatment of trichomoniasis is complemented by the use of Tinidazod, Nitazol.

The criterion for cure is negative lab tests with repeated repetitions for 2 months.

Physiotherapeutic procedures can be used until the discomfort disappears completely.

It is important to remember that trichomoniasis is sexually transmitted, so the best way to protect yourself from infection is to maintain a clean relationship. Casual, promiscuous sex never ends well for health.

Trichomoniasis) is the most common disease not only in our country, but throughout the world, which is sexually transmitted. According to statistics, about 10% of the world's population is infected with trichomoniasis. Every year, approximately two hundred million people are infected and treated with it, most of them women.

What is this disease?

Trichomoniasis belongs to the group inflammatory diseases genitourinary system. Its manifestation is provoked by a single-celled protozoan, which adapts very well to the conditions of the body and even to some medical drugs, but under the influence of the external environment it dies very quickly.

Stages of development

The dynamics of the formation of this pathology have been clarified a long time ago. The scientists who conducted the research divided the microscopic picture of the course of the disease into three main periods:

Let us consider in more detail what each stage of the disease is, and what changes occur in the body of a person infected with Trichomonas.

initial stage

It is extremely rare. All of the following abnormalities in the smear indicate that inflammation of the genitourinary system is progressing in the patient’s body.

  • The number of Trichomonas (the causative agents of the disease) is increasing.
  • The number of rods and Doderlein epithelial cells decreases.
  • The number of leukocytes in the blood increases.
  • There is almost no foreign flora.

Trichomonas culminating

It appears quite often and is characterized by:

  • Purulent discharge with huge content trichomonas, leukocytes and foreign flora.
  • Doderlein's wand disappears completely, epithelial cells although there is, but in small quantities.
  • The discharge is liquid, with gas bubbles, yellowish-green in color, and has a putrid odor.

This process in the body can last from several weeks to several months, sometimes even years. In the absence of proper treatment, it becomes chronic.

Chronic Trichomonas

At this stage of disease development, the following changes occur:

Treatment of Trichomonas in this case is extremely necessary, otherwise the disease may become latent.


For normal life The microorganism needs moisture; in a dry environment it dies instantly. IN favorable conditions Trichomonas can live for about three hours: either in the pool or on the surface of the toilet. Moreover, the microorganism is able to survive and thrive at an air temperature of +40 degrees Celsius. It easily tolerates the effects of antiseptics and survives even in scorching solar radiation.

There are the following types of Trichomonas:

  • intestinal;
  • vaginal;
  • oral.

Treatment for Trichomonas is prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the type of pathogen and the stage of development of the disease.

Symptoms of Trichomonas in women

Destruction of the mucous membrane in the vagina with further spread to the urethra and bladder - this is how Trichomonas is formed in women. Symptoms, treatment, timely diagnosis diseases are the main components successful therapy. The incubation period lasts from three days to one month, while the woman may not feel anything.

Examination by a gynecologist - basic and Right way prevention and timely diagnosis of the disease, especially after casual sexual contact.

The main symptoms of female Trichomonas:

  • Possible redness of the genitals or perineum with or without swelling. When diagnosed, it may develop severe irritation vaginal walls, sometimes accompanied by bleeding. The mucosal surface may be granular with the appearance of condylomas.
  • Strong foamy, yellowish-green and very acrid discharge, sometimes with traces of blood. During this period, Trichomonas intensively forms carbon dioxide, so the discharge foams.
  • Frequent urge to urinate. Colic when going to the toilet indicates damage to the urethra by Trichomonas.
  • Nagging pain in the lower abdomen or back.
  • Itching and burning of the outer labia.
  • Pain during intimacy.
  • At advanced disease possible swelling of the labia.

The main symptoms of Trichomonas in men

What is characteristic of Trichomonas in men? Symptoms, treatment and prevention of the disease will be discussed below. Male trichomoniasis is characterized by damage to the urethra by the pathogen, and less often to the prostate. Already on the second day after sexual contact with a sick partner, Trichomonas can be detected in 70% of men. After a week, it may still be present in only 30% of infected patients. This is due to the fact that the environment in urinary canals men are unfavorable for this microorganism, which leads to rapid death.

The symptoms and treatment of trichomonas in men are identical to the female form of the disease. Signs may appear only during exacerbations. When the disease becomes chronic, the microorganism penetrates through urethra, enters the prostate. As a result, the inflammatory process begins to develop rapidly.


  • Urination becomes difficult.
  • Urine is released drop by drop.
  • Constant feeling of incomplete release of the bladder.

As you can see, the signs of a disease such as Trichomonas in men look somewhat different. We will consider the symptoms and treatment of this pathology further.

How to treat?

What helps fight the spread of Trichomonas? Treatment. Reviews from doctors indicate that timely seeking medical help allows you to quickly and effectively get rid of the infection. Here's what the experts say:

To achieve results and complete deliverance for a disease such as trichomonas, a course of treatment medications need to go through completely. The main thing is not to miss a single dose of the prescribed drug.

Treatment of Trichomonas in men has some features. The patient must undergo a course of antiprotozoal therapy - this is the doctor's prescription of the drug "Imidazole". It must be taken orally or administered by injection.

How is the disease transmitted?

The most common way of transmitting the disease is sexual contact in all its variants:

Transmission of the disease occurs through the mixing of fluids: sperm, blood, saliva. Even kissing can be a way for a sick person to transmit infection to a healthy person. Considering the fact that a microorganism is able to live for several hours in external and favorable conditions for it, the source of charging can be:

  • toilet lid in restrooms;
  • swimwear;
  • bathrobes and so on.

The effect of the disease on the female body

Treatment of Trichomonas is a mandatory procedure for any woman, since this disease can provoke the formation of more serious diseases:

  • Chronic inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system.
  • Violation menstrual cycle And sex life.
  • The waste products of the pathogen have a toxic effect on almost all tissues of the female body.

Impact of the disease on men

The damage to the health of the stronger sex that Trichomonas can cause is very great. The most dangerous outcome is infertility. This is explained by the fact that sperm motility completely changes in a man’s body. And this significantly affects both the ability to conceive and family life generally.

Treatment of Trichomonas folk remedies or medications is carried out effectively and efficiently. The infection responds well therapeutic activities, therefore, it is possible and necessary to get rid of the disease.


  • Careful observance of personal sexual hygiene.
  • Timely treatment of diseases that weaken the body.

Casual sexual intercourse and drinking strong drinks before intimacy are extremely undesirable. Remember, alcohol is a powerful catalyst.

But swimming in ponds and baths, on the contrary, is encouraged - it is very effective traditional treatment. It is very easy to destroy Trichomonas in this way, since it dies very quickly in water.

Decoction baths are very effective medicinal herbs. Such procedures are prescribed for preventive purposes, as well as when identifying an infection such as Trichomonas. Treatment at home sitz baths or douching helps relieve inflammation of the vagina that was caused by the disease. This is a good and effective way to help the body cope with the consequences.

Tip: use more often traditional methods prevention, with their help you can protect yourself from many diseases. Trichomonas is treatable, and you can get rid of it once and for all. It is very important to identify this disease in time and urgently take necessary measures on getting rid of harmful microorganism. And for this it is necessary to regularly conduct examinations and examinations in medical institutions.


We hope that our article clearly explained to readers what Trichomonas is, how it is formed and transmitted, by what signs it can be recognized, and how to deal with this disease. Beware of casual sexual contact, maintain personal hygiene and regularly visit your doctor - this is the most effective prevention Trichomonas. Remember, no one will take care of your health better than you.

Treatment of trichomonas enough difficult task. Trichomonas is not a bacterium, but a protozoan. Therefore, most antibiotics do not act on Trichomonas. The basis for the treatment of trichomonas are drugs from the 5-nitroimidazole group (metronidazole, tinidazole, ornidazole, secnidazole, nimorazole, ternidazole).

There are several treatment regimens for trichomonas using anti-trichomoniacal drugs of the 5-nitroimidazoles group.

Treatment of trichomonas using Metronidazole (Trichopol)

On the first day of treatment, take 1 tablet 4 times with water. From the second to the seventh day inclusive, take 1 tablet 3 times a day, also with water.

Contraindications to the treatment of trichomonas with metronidazole are pregnancy and increased sensitivity to the drug.

Treatment of Trichomonas using Tinidazole

Take 4 tablets of 500 mg each at once or 1/3 tablet 2 times a day for 7 days.

Tinidazole is a drug from the same group as metronidazole, with a similar mechanism of action and side effects.

Contraindications to the treatment of Trichomonas with tinidazole are hematopoietic disorders, pregnancy and lactation, and hypersensitivity to the drug.

Treatment of trichomonas using Klion-D

Prescribed in the form vaginal suppositories 1 piece per night for 10 days.

Klion-D - combination drug, which contains equal parts of metronidazole and miconazole (an antifungal drug). The drug is very effective in mixed infections genitourinary apparatus of bacterial and fungal origin.

Before starting treatment for Trichomonas, it is important to clearly understand the following important rules:

  1. Treatment of trichomonas is necessary for any form of trichomoniasis, regardless of the presence or absence of clinical symptoms.
  2. Like any other sexually transmitted infection, Trichomonas is a disease of both sexual partners. Therefore, it is necessary to examine and treat both sexual partners for trichomonas. Otherwise, the treatment will be ineffective (reinvasion after treatment).
  3. Immunity to Trichomonas in humans is not stable, so it is possible after treatment recurrent disease upon re-infection.
  4. Trichomonas are very often combined with other sexually transmitted infections. These infections also require treatment.
  5. A responsible approach to the treatment of trichomonas is necessary. Strict adherence to medication regimen - most important factor successful treatment of trichomonas.
  6. Do not treat trichomonas without a doctor's prescription (self-medication). Incorrect treatment often worse than its absence.
  7. All drugs used to treat trichomonas (except ornidazole) change the mechanism of alcohol elimination in the human body. They act as drugs for the treatment of alcoholism (disulfiram, Antabuse, Teturam, Esperal). This leads to the development of Antabuse-like syndrome when drinking alcohol. Therefore, drinking alcohol (even in small doses) when treating trichomonas is strictly prohibited.

Treatment of trichomonas is not easy and not the most entertaining undertaking. Therefore, it is much better to never become infected with Trichomonas. Prevention of Trichomonas is very important here. It is standard, as for all sexually transmitted infections:

  • refusal of casual sexual relationships in favor of one, permanent partner;
  • using condoms as contraceptives;
  • strict adherence to personal hygiene rules (do not use other people’s swimsuits, underwear, towels);
  • If you have an active sexual life, be regularly examined by specialists to avoid infection with Trichomonas and other sexually transmitted infections.


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