Golden Retriever: breed description and photo. Golden Retriever - an aristocrat with a huge heart Keeping a Golden Retriever breed in an apartment

(Golden Retriever) is a large hunting breed of dog, works well for searching and presenting shot game to the hunter, has a soft mouth, and does not spoil the bird. Translated from English. “retriever” means “to find and retrieve.”

A sharp mind and easy-going character make him a versatile pet. This is one of the most popular and sought after breeds in the world. They make reliable guides for people with disabilities, rescuers, excellent bloodhounds, and wonderful companions. The Golden Retriever is ranked third in popularity in the US, fifth in Australia and eighth in the UK.

History of the Golden Retriever breed

The origin of the Golden Retriever breed was shrouded in mystery for a long time, and a large number of legends only gave them an aura of romance.

In Great Britain in the 19th century, game hunting was popular; hunters in those days needed a dog that could carry out the “Apport” command, find and bring prey from water and on land, since many hunting grounds were located on swampy ponds and rivers.

According to many sources, the appearance of the golden retriever in England is directly related to Lord Tweedmouth I. Sir Dudley Majoribanks, known as Tweedy, belonged to the cream of Victorian society and lived at that time with his family in London. He was a renowned hunter, and during his holidays on a Scottish estate near Loch Ness, he devoted himself entirely to hunting.

Photo of a golden retriever playing with a toy in the yard

Thanks to the construction of the railway, the estate turned into a fashionable estate with a beautiful park filled with exotic trees, a dairy farm and a village built for workers. Now it is protected as a monument of estate architecture. The appearance of Sir Dudley's golden retriever is associated with a romantic story, possibly invented to gain popularity among ladies of high society, and interest in his personality.

On June 18, 1910, the story was published in the magazine Country Life as Tweedmouth's story to Colonel Trench. So, in 1858, Sir Dudley was at a performance of a visiting circus in Brighton. In one room, he really liked the trained dogs that demonstrated miracles of intelligence. They belonged to a mystical breed - “Russian Shepherd” (Russian hound). The lord was fascinated by the dogs, and immediately bought eight of the ten that lived in the circus, paying a large sum for them.

Photo of a golden retriever in nature

But having bought the shepherd dogs, Ser Dudley could not calm down and continued to look for other representatives of the breed. And it was as if he was going to organize an expedition to Russia, to the Caucasus, but his friends “identified” his pets as Caucasian Shepherd Dogs. The legend lives on to this day. Colonel Le Poer Trench was a man who adhered to this version. He himself was the owner of a sand-colored retriever from the Tweedmouth estate. It was this dog that became the basis, and was subsequently registered with the English Kennel Club as “Retriever. Russian, yellow”. Despite the fact that his story had no documentary evidence, the colonel actively promoted it.

Thanks to breed historian Elma Stoneks and her work in the 1940s and 1950s, everything fell into place. The Lord's great-nephew held Tweedmouth's stud books, with entries dating back to 1835. to 1889 The great-granddaughter donated the book to the English Kennel Club.

A letter from Lord Tweedie to his great-nephew, who was fond of golden retrievers and was a breeder, was found, detailing the appearance of the golden retriever. So, Ser Dudley and his son in Brighton met a local shoemaker with a beautiful yellow retriever, which he had received as payment of a debt from the forester of Lord Chichester's estate as a puppy. He really liked the dog, he bought it and named it Nous (“wisdom”). He was the only yellow puppy in a litter of black wavy-haired retrievers.

As an experienced hunter, he got the idea to breed his own breed with a yellow color. From Ser Dudley's stud book for 1865: "Breeding by Lord Chichester. Born June 1864. Bought at Brighton." In the area in which the lord lived, spaniels were used for hunting, they were called water tweed spaniels after the name of the river. Outwardly, they resembled springer spaniels, were taller on their legs and had a light brown, tea-colored color. Ser Dudley bred Nousa with them.

Photo of a golden retriever near a river

In 1868 Nous was bred to Belle, a water spaniel. Three yellow puppies were born, the progenitors of goldens as a separate breed. One puppy, Crocusa, was given to Tweedmouth II, the other two were kept by Cowslip and Primrose. In the Lord's stud book, records of litters and matings are preserved, up to the last litter of 1889. Of course, black ones were born in the litters, but they were rejected, leaving only yellow and golden ones. Documentary evidence has been found that an Irish setter and a bloodhound were also used to create it.

After Sir Dudley's death, no one else kept records, and in 1905 the estate was sold. In 1960, the Kennel Club of England officially recognized the Golden Retriever and included the following lines in its description: “The origins of the Golden Retriever are less obscure than most varieties of retrievers, as the breed was definitely started by the First Lord of Tweedmouth in the last century, as evidenced by his carefully compiled private breeding book and notes first made available by his great-nephew in 1952." In 1925, the Golden Retriever was recognized by the American Kennel Club, and in 1938 the American Golden Retriever Club was founded.

Description and breed standard of the Golden Retriever

  1. Country of origin: Great Britain.
  2. Application: Armory.
  3. FCI classification: Group 8. Retrievers, spaniels and water dogs. Section 1. Retrievers. With performance tests.
  4. Body: strong, balanced.
  5. Head: beautifully set, in proportion to the body. The skull is wide. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle is well defined.
  6. Neck: Muscular, of medium length, without dewlap and muscular.
  7. Eyes: oval, dark brown, widely spaced, the edges of the eyelids are dark.
  8. Nose: large, black, with wide nostrils.
  9. Muzzle: powerful, wide, deep.
  10. Teeth: scissor bite, strong jaws. The upper incisors closely overlap the lower ones, the teeth are positioned vertically.
  11. Ears: hanging, medium size, set high.
  12. Chest: wide and deep. The ribs are deep and arched.
  13. Back: flat.
  14. Loin: strong, muscular, short.
  15. Tail: long, set high, without bend at the end.
  16. Forelegs: straight, muscular, strong, with rounded paws.
  17. Shoulders: well laid back, shoulder blades long.
  18. Elbows: close to the body.
  19. Hind limbs: strong, muscular.
  20. Hock joints: Low set, the metatarsals are straight when viewed from behind, turning neither in nor out.
  21. Feet: Round, strong feet with arched toes (clump). The paw pads are well developed.
  22. Coat: dense, long, straight or wavy, with a dense, waterproof undercoat. The American type of Golden Retriever is taller and less stocky than their British counterparts. The Canadian type is tall and slender, has a less dense coat, and is slightly darker in color than the British type.
  23. In males: there should be two normally developed testes, completely descended into the scrotum.
  24. Golden Retriever color: Any shade of gold or cream, except red and mahogany.

Golden retriever character

The Golden Retriever is kind, obedient, friendly, intelligent, and has an innate ability to work. He is an ideal human companion and devoted to family members.

He loves children, behaves with them like a nanny or an older brother, with restraint and affection. She loves to play, swim and frolic with the kids. Well suited for school age children. Gets along well with any pets, cats and other dogs. The Golden Retriever has well-developed muscles and therefore needs exercise and training.

The countryside, where there is a river and fields, is ideal for keeping a golden retriever. It also gets along well in a city apartment, provided it has regular walking and an active lifestyle. In Europe and America, the Golden Retriever is used as a guide dog for blind or disabled people. They adapt perfectly to this job.

Strict character of a small golden retriever - photo

Innate attentiveness, a sharp mind, and no less pleasant appearance always evoke sympathy among others. A guide dog is taught to obey orders, and it immediately carries them out, but is capable of making the final decision on its own.

For example, the owner commands to go to the right, and the golden retriever sees an obstacle on the road, or an approaching car, it can change the route.

A trained dog must know and follow more than 50 commands (turn on and off the light, carry a bag, carry a wheelchair, open a door, etc.). The Golden Retriever is not suitable as a watchman or guard due to its innate trust in humans and a complete lack of aggression. Of course, he will warn about the arrival of a stranger, and rush at him only to lick him. The Golden Retriever is hardy, energetic, with excellent scent, memory and a sharp mind. He is easy to train, follows commands well, and is always ready to please his owner.

Golden Retriever care and maintenance

Photo of a golden retriever on the lake shore

Caring for a golden retriever is not difficult, but for the sake of a beautiful appearance, financial and time costs are required.

The coat is water-repellent with a dense undercoat and sheds.

Shedding is seasonal and very noticeable. If kept in a room with dry air, it can shed all year round. Comb 2-3 times a week with a metal comb or when shedding, use a slicker brush.

Bath 1-2 times a month or when dirty. If you are taking part in an exhibition, swim immediately before the exhibition.

Trimming: for exhibition it is necessary to trim regularly to give it a well-groomed appearance.

A professional can handle this very well, but if you want to learn how to trim a dog yourself, you will need:

  • thinning scissors
  • hairdresser's scisors
  • massage brush
  • metal comb

Use thinning scissors to remove excess hair from your neck and chest. You need to move from bottom to top, grabbing small strands. Keep an eye on your profile; it should become clearer, but not shaved. Using hairdressing scissors, trim the hair along the belly line, cutting off only the ends of the hair.

A retriever's tail is called a "feather" and needs to be shaped into this shape. Comb your tail thoroughly, trim it in length, giving it the desired shape. Make the tip of the tail rounded. As a result, the chest line smoothly transitions into the belly line, continuing into the tail. Be sure to maintain proportions.

On the paws, trim the fur on the “pants” and “brushes”.

Ear trimming is done with thinning scissors; first remove the curls under the ears and the hair hanging over the top. Next, use hairdressing scissors to cut off the fringe along the edge of the ear. Be careful and don't hurt your pet!

Photo of golden retriever - puppies

Check your eyes regularly; they should be clean and free from souring. To prevent souring, wash your golden retriever's eyes once a week with weak tea leaves. Frequent discharge may be an allergic reaction of the body, the presence of worms, acute inflammation or clouding of the cornea. In this case, you will need to consult a veterinarian, and it is better not to self-medicate.

Inspect and clean your ears once a week. You can wipe the auricle with a damp cloth soaked in warm water. There should not be a lot of wax or unpleasant odor from the ear; if there is redness or a strong odor, contact your veterinarian.

Teeth: gum inflammation is often caused by tartar, which prevents the gum from sealing tightly to the tooth. This occurs because there is not enough solid food or feed in the diet. Let the retriever chew whole carrots, apples, crackers, and pressed sinews. Once a week, brush your dog’s teeth with a special toothpaste using a finger brush or a suitable size toothbrush.

To prevent the appearance of tartar, include fresh tomatoes in your diet. A good preventative against gum inflammation is a mixture of baking soda and a few drops of lemon juice, rubbed into the gums once a week.

Claws and paws: after a walk, wipe the Golden Retriever's paws with a damp cloth, inspect for damage or injury, regularly trim and comb the hair around the paws, between the toes, and pads, this way you will prevent the appearance of tangles.

Special attention to paws pay attention in winter, when the streets are sprinkled with salt and reagents. Do not let your pet lick itself after a walk, wash them immediately, and make sure that the salt does not corrode the pads.

Olive oil perfectly protects against cracks; it must be rubbed into the skin on the dog’s paws.

Trim your nails once a month with a nail clipper, and don’t forget about the fifth toe. It is shorter than others, the claw on it does not wear off, which leads to discomfort for the dog and even lameness.

Golden Retriever disease

  • Obesity
  • Hip dysplasia (the head of the joint becomes loose)
  • Epilepsy (seizures accompanied by convulsions)
  • Von Willebrand's disease (hereditary hemorrhagic disorder in dogs)
  • Retinal atrophy (hereditary disease)
  • Atopic dermatitis (chronic inflammatory skin disease accompanied by severe itching and eczema)

Photo of a golden retriever

08/23/2012 | Views: 44 562

Approximate weight, height and other measurements of a Golden Retriever and Labrador Retriever puppy (according to the Russian Retriever Club). These figures are approximate. There is no need to strive for your Golden Retriever or Labrador to weigh 26 kg at 6 months. The “correct” weight of a puppy is determined not only by its age, but also by its height, which depends on the dog’s genetic predisposition. Some dogs grow faster, others a little slower. The important thing is that the dog must be in good physical condition. Overfeeding a puppy is very harmful - it will not grow faster, but it may develop problems with the proper development of its skeleton.

1 3,4-3,8 23-23,5 37-38 27-28 17 3,5-4 9
2 7-8 30-32,5 45-46 29-32,5 20,5-22 4,5 -5,5 10,5 -11
3 12-14 39,5-42 51-56 34-36 23-24 6-7 11,5 -12
4 17-19 44-46 60-64 38-39 24-26 7-8 11,5 -12
5 21-22 48-51 66-68 41-42 25-27 7,5-8,5 11,5-12,5
6 24-26 50-55 67-70 42-43 27-28 7,5-9 11,5-12,5
7 26-28 52-56 69-74 43-44 28-29 7,5-9 11,5 -13
8 28-30 54-57 70-76 45-46 28-30 7,5-9 11,5 -13
9 29-32 54-58 70-77 46-48 28-31 7,5-9,5 11,5-13,5
10 30-36 54-58 70-84 46-55 28-32 7,5-10 11,5 -14
adult 30-38 54-61 70-86 46-56 28-32 7,5-10 11,5 -14

Height at withers for males - 56-61 cm, for females - 51-56 cm.

In addition, in Golden Retrievers and Labradors, “working” dogs are usually more fit and thin, while show dogs are plumper and well-fed.

To measure correctly, the dog should be placed on level ground so that she leaned firmly for all four legs. Legs should not be exposed forward or backward. The head should not be lowered down or up.

1 — head length; 2 — width of the head at the cheekbones; 3 — muzzle length; 4 — height at withers; 5 — height at the sacrum; 6 — oblique body length; 7 — front chest width; 8 — front leg length; 9 — chest depth; 10 — chest girth; 11 — metacarpal girth.

Video. How to measure a dog's weight.

Golden Retriever is a breed of dog originally created for hunting. The English word retrieve means to find, get out, and the dogs had to bring the shot bird to the owner intact. Golden Retrievers have a double coat, an undershirt that keeps them warm in cold weather, and an outer coat that protects them and retains water.

  • The Golden Retriever sheds heavily, especially in the fall and spring. Daily brushing will keep your home clean. However, you must be prepared that there will be a lot of wool.
  • This is a family breed of dog, they must live in a house with their pack and do not tolerate loneliness well.
  • Active, goldens need 50-60 minutes of daily walks. They love training and other activities, not just moving around.
  • Kind and patient with children, they are nevertheless quite large and can accidentally knock over a small child.
  • They love to eat and easily gain excess weight. Limit the amount of food and feed regularly rather than leaving food freely available.
  • Due to the popularity of the breed, many people try to make money from it and do not worry about the quality of the puppies. Buy puppies from trusted and responsible breeders, this will save you from many problems and worries in the future.

History of the breed

Scotland is considered to be the birthplace of the breed in the second half of the 19th century. At this time, many high-quality firearms for hunting appeared, capable of hitting far and accurately.

But a problem arose: the bird fell into water or hard-to-reach thickets, from where it was not easy to get it.

Hunting was a popular pastime among the wealthy Scottish elite, but existing breeds of dogs were not good at obtaining game from the water and bushes for the hunter.

And the ability to work both in water and on land was key, since the terrain was rugged, with a lot of swamps and rivers. Work began on creating a new breed, as local spaniels and retrievers were ineffective.

They first appeared in the possessions of Dudley Marjoribanks, 1st Baron Tweedmouth, near Glen Afric (Scotland). For many years it was unclear which breeds were used in the creation, until Marjoribanks' stud books from 1835 to 1890 were published in 1952. Thus, the myth that the baron bought a pack of Russian retrievers from a visiting circus was dispelled, and serious breeding work became visible.

The first puppies were obtained from a female tweed water spaniel named ‘Belle’ and a yellow straight-coated retriever named ‘Nous’. Tweed Water Spaniels are extinct today, but were a common breed at the time. Marjoribanks acquired Nous in 1865, and already in 1868 brought him together with Belle.

From them four puppies appeared, the forefathers of the breed. Later they were crossed with Blandhounds and Retrievers. In his dreams, Marjoribanks saw a dog that was larger and stronger than other retrievers, but at the same time soft and obedient.

Little did he know that within a hundred years, golden retrievers would be among the ten most popular dogs in the world. Intelligence, flexible character, good nature will help make the breed a dizzying career. During their short history, they have been hunters and detection dogs, therapy dogs, athletes, heroes of films and shows.

Description of the breed

The Golden Retriever is a large, harmonious, powerful dog. Fully formed by the second year of life, males reach 56-61 cm at the withers and weigh 29-42 kg, females 51-56 cm and weigh 25-37 kg.

The head is wide, the skull is slightly domed, proportional to the body, without sharp features. The stop is clearly pronounced, but not sharp. When viewed in profile, the narrow muzzle gradually becomes wider and smoothly passes from the muzzle to the forehead. At the same time, the parietal zone is pronounced and wide.

A nose that is black or brownish-black, a nose that is pink or has a significant lack of pigment is highly undesirable. Scissor bite. The eyes are large, widely spaced and with a friendly expression.

Dark eye color is preferred, their expression is always confident, friendly and intelligent. The ears are medium in size, their lower edge begins approximately at eye level, and they hang down along the cheeks.

The main feature of the breed is its coat, shiny and luxurious, shimmering in different shades of gold. Thick and water-repellent, the double coat protects the dog from environmental influences during the hunt.

The straight or slightly wavy coat of the outer shirt lies close to the body, hard and elastic to the touch. The wool of the undershirt does not allow water to pass through and prevents the dog from getting wet during the hunt.

There is a mane around the neck, a small plume on the back of the front legs and on the underside of the body, and a clearly visible plume on the front of the neck, the back of the thigh and the underside of the tail. The hair on the head, paw pads and front legs is quite short.

The color of the coat should resemble gold or shades of gold. The only exceptions are for plumes, which may be lighter than the main color, and older dogs, whose coat may lighten or darken with age. Dogs of any other color, with visible dark or light spots, are discarded.

Despite the fact that this is a purebred breed, it is widespread throughout the world and different regions have developed their own types. There are: American Golden Retriever, English and Canadian.

English type

Predominant in the UK and Australia. He has a wider skull, stronger front legs than the others, and a lighter coat color than the American type. Males at the withers reach 56-61 cm, females 51-56 cm.

The Kennel Club standard describes a dog with a straight back, without the slight slope towards the hind legs of the American type. The English Kennel Club standard is used in all countries except the USA and Canada.

American type

More graceful and less muscular than other types, males at the withers reach 58-61 cm, females 55-57 cm. The color of the coat is darker, various shades of gold. American breeders import Golden Retriever puppies from England to improve their dogs.

Canadian type

It is distinguished by dark hair, thinner and taller. Males at withers 58-63 cm, females 55-59 cm.


A distinctive feature of the breed is its natural intelligence and friendliness, which have made the Golden Retriever one of the popular breeds. They are attached to their family and owner, whom they love very much. But at the same time, they also love the rest of the family, not just him.

They also treat strangers well, considering everyone they meet as a potential friend. This character makes them no kind of guards, unable to attack a stranger. However, they have a deep, loud bark and can make a fuss if a stranger is nearby.

Golden Retrievers love children, are patient, and are not prone to aggression. Sometimes this leads to children tormenting them with their rough games.

So never leave a child and a large dog alone, no matter how calm it is, and teach your child to respect his four-legged friend.

Smart, goldens try to please people and quickly grasp what is wanted from them. The only thing is that training should be short and intense so that the dog does not get bored and lose interest.

They don't like to follow monotonous commands without a bit of fun or entertainment. Soft-hearted and adoring people, Golden Retrievers have no need for rudeness or yelling, which will only scare and frighten them.

Trainability, sociability, desire to please and the ability to remain calm (hunting traits) have made the breed one of the most skillful working dogs. They are also guide dogs, search and rescue dogs, search for drugs and explosives, water rescuers, and search dogs.

In addition, they successfully perform in disciplines such as agility or obedience. The only thing you need to monitor while working with a Golden Retriever is their condition. Their focus on the task is so strong that they can literally collapse from fatigue.

By the way, Stanley Coren in his book “The Intelligence of Dogs” ranked golden retrievers 4th in intelligence. They only lost, and.

This breed has a strong love of water and are excellent swimmers. If there is water somewhere, then the dog must plunge into it, no matter what it is - a river outside the boat or a home pool.

The gentle nature of the breed extends not only to people, but also to animals. They can usually be left safely with other dogs or small animals. However, some owners complain that this rule does not apply to birds.

If your dog is not socialized to live in a home with birds, then avoid introducing them. As with other breeds, early socialization and exposure to other dogs, animals, people, places and smells greatly influences how your dog will behave in the future.

This is an active breed and it is important that the owner can provide the golden retriever with an adequate level of exercise. It will allow the dog to remain in good physical and psychological shape.

Games, running, cycling, walks and other activities will not only help the dog unwind, but will create the basis for a strong attachment. Moreover, they have an instinct and desire to search, hunt and bring back prey.

They are ideal for keeping in an apartment and are considered a good breed. Just remember that retrievers are prone to obesity and a private house with a large yard is still more suitable.

This breed is sometimes described as " twilight"; means they are more active in the morning and evening hours with a tendency to sleep during the day.

No character story would be complete without mentioning that these dogs with a heart of gold are used as surrogate mothers for other animals. The most striking situation of this kind occurred at the Kansas City Zoo.

After the birth of three tiger cubs, their mother refused to feed them. The zoo owner gave tiger cubs to a girl golden retriever named Isabella, whose puppies were recently taken away. She accepted them, licked them and fed them like her own puppies.


If you need a dog that requires minimal care, then a retriever is not for you. Like all double-coated dogs, they shed a lot. This means that regular brushing significantly reduces the amount of hair in the house and prevents it from becoming tangled.

Different dogs have different coats, it can be either short or long, straight or wavy, and take more or less time to groom. But, in any case, you need to understand that you will need to spend several hours a week caring for a golden retriever.

It is also important what you use to brush your dog. The choice of brush depends on the type of coat. Short, thick teeth will work well on short coats, but less well on long coats and will leave the undercoat untouched. Check that your brush is strong enough to handle the coat and undercoat well.

Even though they love water, that doesn't mean they need to be washed regularly. Excessive washing will strip the coat of natural oils that protect the dog. The skin will become dry, the coat brittle and unhealthy. It is best to wash your dog once a month. If you need it more often, use a special shampoo.


The average lifespan of a Golden Retriever is 11-12 years. They may suffer from specific diseases, so it is advisable to take them to the vet once a year. Among these diseases, hip dysplasia and obesity are common.

Dysplasia occurs in a quarter of dogs and this is in Europe, where most puppies undergo genetic testing. Eye diseases are also common, especially cataracts and glaucoma.

In 1998, the Golden Retriever Club of America conducted a study which found that 61.4% of dogs died from cancer. In 2004, the English Kennel Club examined and reduced the figure to 38.8%.

They may also suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system, especially cardiomyopathy. In addition to the fact that they shed a lot, they can also suffer from various skin problems, among which allergies are the leading one.

Golden retrievers are dogs that exude calmness and loyalty, kindness and devotion. This hunting breed is one of the four most popular in the world. She is ideal for a person who needs a pleasant companion or a nanny for children.

Origin of the breed

The name of the breed, Golden Retriever (retrieve), is translated as “a dog that serves game,” and the prefix “golden,” as you might guess, means a luxurious shade of coat.

Golden retrievers were bred in Great Britain, with most of them living in Scotland. In those days, special dogs were required to find shot game. There is a legend that Lord Tweedmouth was involved in breeding the breed.

For more than half a century, he carried out breeding work, selecting the best representatives of hunting breeds - setters, water spaniels, Labradors and retrievers themselves. This is how golden retrievers were born, replacing their smooth-haired relatives.

Later, the breed began to be crossed with the bloodhound, due to which the hunting qualities of golden retrievers improved, in particular, the sense of smell became more sensitive, and the body became voluminous and powerful. The dogs received official recognition in 1913. The first golden retriever was brought to the USSR from the USA in 1989.

Breed standard

A distinctive feature of the Golden Retriever's exterior is the magnificent shade of its coat. However, breeders claim that the word “golden” refers to the description of the dogs’ character.

There are three varieties of golden retrievers:

  1. American. Tall dogs with bright coat colors.
  2. European. Massive dogs with a wide chest and muscular shortened legs. The coat color is light, close to white.
  3. Canadian. Intermediate type between American and European.

Regardless of the variety, Golden Retrievers are powerful, large dogs weighing from 25 to 41.5 kilograms (females are smaller). Height at the withers for males is 56-61 cm, for females - 51-56 cm.

Breed characteristics:

  1. The head is moderately wide, wedge-shaped. The lines of the skull are clear.
  2. The nose is straight. Classic shaped lobe, black.
  3. The jaw is powerful, the teeth are even. Scissor bite.
  4. The eyes are medium in size, widely spaced. The iris is dark brown. The eyelids are dense and pigmented. The look is friendly and attentive.
  5. The ears are small, drooping, with rounded tips.
  6. The body is rectangular. The skin fits tightly to the body, without sagging.
  7. The muscles are developed, the bones are strong.
  8. The neck is of medium length.
  9. The back is straight, the lower back is wide.
  10. The chest is wide, the ribs are rounded.
  11. The limbs are strong and proportional. Joints with well-developed muscles. The paws are round, the pads are black, with thick skin.
  12. The tail is lowered down, long, even, and does not bend.

The animals' fur is thick, long, golden, with a pinkish tint. It can be either smooth or slightly wavy, but not curly. There is a waterproof undercoat that reliably protects the dog from the cold.

Health, typical diseases

The Golden Retriever is a healthy breed. The average lifespan is 10-12 years, but with good care and a balanced diet, dogs can safely live up to 16.

Among the common congenital and acquired diseases of retrievers are:

  • raw eczema;
  • volvulus;
  • diabetes;
  • dysplasia of the hip and elbow joints;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • atopy;
  • granuloma;
  • mastocytoma;
  • aortic stenosis;
  • allergy;
  • lymphoma, lymphosarcoma;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • von Willebrand disease;
  • laryngeal paralysis;
  • dwarfism

Golden retrievers are diagnosed with ophthalmological pathologies, such as:

  • inversion and inversion of the eyelid;
  • corneal ulceration;
  • cataract;
  • retinal atrophy;
  • glaucoma.


Golden retrievers are dogs with highly developed intelligence. Thus, scientists, having studied 133 breeds, identified them in fourth place in intelligence and intelligence. The character of representatives of this breed is loyal and devoted.

They easily adapt to the rhythm of life of their owners and do not bother them with their presence. The owner’s mood is understood without words, on an intuitive level, so there are no difficulties in the learning process

Even an inexperienced dog breeder can train a Golden Retriever. A smart dog will master all the wisdom of upbringing and training by 12 months.

To prevent your pet from losing good physical shape and gaining excess weight, it needs to be trained. The dog will benefit from long walks, resting near a pond, and various exercises, such as overcoming obstacles and playing with a ball.

Golden Retrievers get along well with children, happily taking part in all childish activities. They are absolutely devoid of aggression and will never harm babies.

It is noteworthy that golden retrievers are often used in rehabilitation centers. The energy of a dog has a positive effect on people who are depressed, relieves stress, and reduces aggression. Representatives of this breed are also often used in rescue operations.

These brave dogs, sometimes risking their own lives, save drowning people and pull people out of burning houses. But it will not be possible to train them to be guards - they are too trusting.

How to choose a puppy

It is advisable to choose a golden retriever puppy from a kennel. When purchasing a baby on the market or through an advertisement on the Internet, you do not receive any guarantees regarding the health and purity of the breed of the future family member.

In the nursery, the breeder draws up a purchase and sale agreement with the buyer, presents the necessary documents confirming the purebred, introduces the puppy’s parents, and gives advice on feeding and maintenance issues.

Prices for pet-class golden retrievers start from 25 thousand rubles. Show class babies are much more expensive - 55-65 thousand rubles. These are future champions, impeccable producers. Their parents, as a rule, are winners of various exhibitions.

When buying a Golden Retriever, you need to pay attention to its behavior. The puppy should be inquisitive, sociable, and playfully wag its tail. Apathy, aggression, hyperactivity are unacceptable qualities for the breed.

Features of care

The Golden Retriever can be kept both indoors and outdoors. Many owners choose the second option, since the breed has a significant drawback - a strong dog smell. This defect is not cosmetic and cannot be eliminated by water procedures alone.

An unpleasant “aroma” is nothing more than a metabolic disorder, so a diet correction is required.

It is advisable to feed your pet with special foods of the holistic, premium, and super-premium classes. When choosing food, you should consult with a veterinarian, who, based on the pet’s age, health status, coat type, body weight, and activity level, will suggest the optimal solution.

If the owner prefers to feed his four-legged pet natural food, the use of vitamin and mineral complexes is a necessary element of keeping the dog.

If a dog lives outdoors, his luxurious golden coat may lose its splendor. To prevent this from happening, the coat should be combed daily, and during shedding - several times a day. Retrievers shed profusely, as the guard hair and undercoat are actively changing.

That is why combing is not only a necessary hygienic procedure, but also maintaining the skin and coat in a healthy condition, preventing dermatitis, which can be caused by dead hairs.

Golden retrievers love to swim and will never miss the opportunity to swim in a pond. There is no need to wash your dog often at home, since ordinary detergents can damage the protective natural lubricant. Because of this, the wool becomes more brittle and sensitive to aggressive environmental influences.

For bathing, you should choose special shampoos and balms that restore the protective coating of the hairs. You can purchase them at a veterinary pharmacy, after consulting with a specialist.

Other necessary hygiene procedures include washing the eyes. Golden retrievers are prone to eye diseases, including uveitis. Eyes can be washed with water, chamomile decoction, or a special pharmaceutical preparation.

If the nails do not wear down naturally, they should be trimmed as they grow.

Pros and cons of the breed

Dog breeders adore golden retrievers, assuring that this breed has no disadvantages. Indeed, these are brave animals, distinguished by their spectacular exterior and balanced temperament. Ideal for a family with small children, their appearance will create an atmosphere of kindness, warmth, and comfort.

They do not try to dominate and are distinguished by obedience and lack of aggression. However, they still have disadvantages, and they must be taken into account in order to avoid undesirable consequences.

The coat of the Golden Retriever is a strong allergen, so people suffering from allergies should not get this breed. In addition, retrievers have an inordinate appetite and are not suitable for home guarding.

Sweet and affectionate, the perfect companion

The worldwide popularity of golden retrievers is well justified: they are sweet and affectionate, and their kindness and friendliness explain their success as a companion dog. Active, cheerful and playful, they behave like puppies even at the age of three or four years, and some of them retain their playfulness until old age.


Sociable and friendly, ready to help

Golden Retrievers are originally hunting dogs, but today are used as companion dogs. They perform with great success in disciplines such as obedience and agility. The outgoing and friendly nature of Golden Retrievers allows them to participate in search and rescue efforts and provide assistance to people with disabilities. They are still excellent at tracking and bringing back game. But the main characteristic of the Golden Retriever breed is its friendliness and calmness. This is what makes him a great companion.



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