Strengthen the immune system of bottle-fed infants. Immunity in newborns

Our health begins in infancy. The strength of our immunity largely depends on how we were cared for, as well as how often and severely we were sick in the first year of life. If the baby's body's defenses are not strengthened in time, he will constantly get sick and grow weak.

It is necessary to properly care for the baby and promptly strengthen the child’s immunity up to one year. What is the best way to increase the baby's body's defenses?

What is immunity?

Before trying to increase the immunity of a child up to one year old, we should understand the mechanism of how the defense system works.

The immune system fights all agents that carry foreign genetic information, usually fungi, viruses and bacteria. When weakened protective forces ah of the body, any disease develops into a strong inflammatory process.

  1. Specific immunity appears in us after we have undergone certain disease. For example, a person gets rubella only once in his life. Acquired immunity to the causative agent of this disease prevents us from becoming infected again.
  2. Innate immunity is those protective forces of the body that begin to form in the child still inside the womb from maternal antibodies and continue to develop throughout his life, encountering various pathogens.
The immune system not only fights pathogens, but also eliminates toxic effects their activities and decay.

The development of immunity in a newborn occurs as naturally, during a collision of the body’s defenses with pathogens, and artificially - as a result of vaccination. Child care plays an important role in the development of the body's defenses. If you place the baby in sterile conditions, his immune system will have absolutely nothing to fight with, it will weaken in relation to pathogens and begin to look for opponents inside the body, which will lead to autoimmune reactions.

Signs of a weakened immune system

Periodic illnesses and a runny nose do not mean that your baby has a weakened immune system and urgently needs to be strengthened. Episodes of illness, on the contrary, stimulate activity immune system and train her. If your baby has a cold, do not sound the alarm, fearing that this is a sign of weak body defenses, but rather provide timely care and treatment for your baby.

Immunity should be raised if:

  • the baby suffers SARS, influenza and bronchitis more often than 5 times a year;
  • diseases pass without fever;
  • baby gets tired quickly skin pale, under the eyes are formed blue circles;
  • the child has enlarged lymph nodes;
  • visually noticeable enlargement of the spleen;
  • the baby constantly develops more and more new food allergic reactions;
  • The baby has dysbacteriosis, which clinically manifests itself in the form of regular constipation or diarrhea, bloating and abdominal pain, as well as weight loss.

If you notice these symptoms in a child under one year old, do not self-medicate - contact your pediatrician. If necessary, the pediatrician will refer you to an immunologist. Doctors will help you organize care for your baby in such a way as to help the baby’s body’s defenses work as much as possible, and if necessary, they will prescribe strengthening therapy with interferon drugs.

Strengthening the child’s immunity should proceed strictly in accordance with the instructions of a specialist. If you yourself, without the knowledge of the pediatrician, give the baby up to a year serious drugs, you can harm his body.

Ways to strengthen immunity


The debate about whether vaccination is necessary or dangerous to the health of newborns has not subsided for decades. You yourself decide whether to vaccinate your child or not, but according to WHO and the Ministry of Health, mass vaccination significantly reduces the incidence of the disease and is therefore completely justified.

Vaccination of children under one year of age leads to the fact that they develop specific immunity to dangerous diseases such as poliomyelitis and diphtheria.


When breastfeeding enters the newborn's body through mother's milk Antibodies continue to flow and form his immunity. Don’t be afraid to feed your baby when you’re sick, because this way you will significantly strengthen his defenses.

It is noted that breastfed babies have stronger immunity on average than bottle-fed babies, so try to put all your efforts into continuing to breastfeed your baby for at least a year.


Hardening is a well-known way to strengthen the immune system. But we're talking about not about diving into ice holes and getting doused cold water, - with such actions you can only harm the child’s body. Hardening means caring for the baby, during which he will get used to slightly lower temperatures.

Reasonable hardening of children under one year old, which can boost immunity, consists of regularly giving baby air baths and avoiding unnecessary wrapping:

  • Several times a day, for example when changing a diaper, let your baby lie naked for about five minutes. In case of an “accident”, place a disposable diaper under the baby. The temperature in the room should be comfortable for the newborn. Day by day, increase the duration of the air baths, up to half an hour at a time.
  • Be mindful of how you dress your newborn, checking regularly to make sure he is not too hot. Constant wrapping will lead to overheating, weakening of the immune system, and also to the fact that the baby will get used to warm clothes and will freeze and catch a cold if he is not dressed warmly.

Find something to do with your immune system

Some scientists believe that in a third of cases of allergies in children, parents are to blame for placing the newborn in “greenhouse conditions.” Carefully ironing the clothes of a baby up to one year old on both sides, bathing him in boiled water By not allowing yourself to attend events with him where he could become infected, you are thereby making the baby worse. The immune system has to fight something, but if the toys and floors in the apartment are sterile, and you avoid visiting with your baby, it starts looking for an enemy somewhere - and finds it directly in your child’s body.

A child under one year old must encounter bacteria and microbes in order for his immunity to develop and gain strength. But you shouldn’t go to extremes and give your baby dirty nipples. Everything should be in moderation. Go with your baby to visit and go shopping, take a walk every day in any weather, even if the child has a little cold - this will be good for him. Only regular training of the body’s defenses can boost the baby’s immunity.

Temperature contrast

A change in temperature at the surface of the skin stimulates the production of immune particles, so a contrast shower and being in a steam room, followed by a cool douche, greatly help boost a person’s immunity. But still with kids similar procedures should be carried out with caution.

Despite the successful experience of many mothers, bath procedures are not recommended for babies under one year old. The operation of their thermoregulation system has not yet been adjusted, so even a short stay in the steam room can lead to overheating and an increase in the internal temperature of children.

To increase protective functions body and accustom nerve endings on the skin one year old baby react to change temperature regime, you can carefully conduct the session after bathing contrast shower, gradually adding and subtracting hot water. If you decide to take your child to the steam room, sit there with him for a short time for the first time, and then be sure to cool the baby down warm shower. Gradually you will increase the time you spend in the bathhouse and reduce the temperature of the water in the shower.

The baby's health needs special attention from the outside loving parents from the very first months of life. Many mothers, guided by good intentions, resort to enhanced guardianship, protecting the child from possible harmful influences environment or, having read books, they actively try everything on their own child known methods strengthening the body. Nobody denies that good health V childhood is the key to the development of a truly harmoniously developed personality, but it is worth remembering possible harm any actions that may be unnecessary.

Immunity of newborns and infants

At the age of up to one year, the baby’s immunity has not yet fully formed, and therefore it is worth remembering several distinctive features, before taking measures to improve it:

The human immune system contains ten classes of protective antibodies (scientifically called immunogrobulins). In children under one year old, only immunoglobulin G, obtained during perinatal development. The remaining antibodies remain dormant until a certain time. Up to six months, the child’s body contains the mother’s immunoglobulins, the number of which decreases due to the development of the baby’s own immunity. Thus, during the first trimester of a child’s life, his body is protected by the mother’s antibodies, while its own immune system is able to function fully only by the age of one year. Such features lead to the fact that children at this age are susceptible to influence various kinds colds and allergic reactions, especially if the peculiarities of the children's diet are not taken into account.

The baby receives antibodies from the mother in the last three months of pregnancy, as a result of which premature babies are characterized by weakened immunity.

Based on the above features, it is worth understanding whether the baby’s immune system really needs enhanced protection. When the baby is sick colds up to three to four times a year, does not suffer from frequent reactions allergies, no need to take emergency measures to boost immunity.

Signs of low immunity

Highlight following signs weakened immune system of the baby, which you should be careful about:

  • Constant colds (every two months or more often) with complications such as sore throat, otitis media.
  • No increase in body temperature during various types of diseases associated with inflammation and common infections.
  • Increase in size lymph nodes located on the neck and armpits.
  • Diarrhea, constipation, allergic skin rashes.
  • Increased fatigue, drowsiness, frequent moodiness, pale skin.
  • Susceptibility to allergic reactions.

If a child has the listed disorders, parents should definitely make an appointment with a pediatrician who can help, taking into account individual characteristics little patient. Don’t assume that they will only help special vitamins. They will not be able to cause the child’s immunity to increase to normal levels.

In order to strengthen the baby’s immune system after birth and provide real support to the defense forces during the first years of life, you should listen to the following recommendations:

  • Give preference to breastfeeding. It is necessary to resort to stimulating lactation if there is not much milk at first. It is best to try to keep your baby breastfed. Up to one year, it is through mother’s milk that the baby receives nutrients, and up to the age of two, this process allows the child to receive psychological support. Exactly breast-feeding helps to avoid exposing the baby to infectious and allergic diseases, will strengthen the immune system. The formation of emotional attachment in mother and child will protect the immune system from the effects of harmful external factors.
  • The hardening procedure can increase the baby's immunity. Hardening by air can be organized from the first days of life. In the future, it is possible to add water procedures. You shouldn’t wrap your baby up too much; you should teach him small age tolerate slight discomfort. Don’t forget about regular walks and organize gymnastics.
  • Cleanliness is important for a child's health. You should monitor the baby’s hygiene, the cleanliness of objects and toys with which he comes into contact.
  • Tracking your child's nutrition. It is necessary to understand that a new diet can cause an allergic reaction, but one should not forget about useful microelements, which the baby so needs. From about 8 months can be introduced into the menu dairy products, which will ensure the maintenance of favorable intestinal microflora.
  • In case of illness cold infection, don't give too often medications, bringing down the temperature if it is below 38.5 degrees. Many of the medications are highly not recommended for children under one year of age or can be prescribed by a doctor in the most as a last resort. It's best if children's body will be able to overcome a common cold on his own. It is necessary to purchase special vitamins that have been adapted for this age period.
  • Refusal of vaccinations is highly undesirable. Despite many opponents and supporters, there is no complete evidence base regarding the harm of vaccinations. There may be complications that serve as a reason for parents' written refusal to vaccinate. Most studies have been able to reveal that many vaccinated children do not get sick dangerous diseases. When living in a city and regularly interacting with other children, it is best not to refuse mandatory vaccinations.

Many drinks and folk remedies, which can be offered to children under one year old to boost immunity:

  • Juices: apple (contains vitamin C) and carrot juice(vitamin A).
  • A decoction of dried or fresh fruits rose hips (pour 300 g into 2 liters of water, boil for 3 minutes and let brew for 3 hours). You can feed your baby several times a day.
  • Apricot compote with raisins (500 g of fruit, 1 spoon of raisins per 2 liters of water).
  • Drinking herbal teas may cause an allergic reaction. Occasionally, you can prepare chamomile tea, which has positive influence on digestion and intestinal microflora, helping to improve immunity. For children under one year old, it is better to buy ready-made tea for babies, where the dosage is taken into account.
  • A couple of months after your child turns one, you can add a teaspoon of honey to the porridge instead of sugar. Of course, if there is no allergic reaction.
  • Herbal infusions (linden, chamomile, St. John's wort) can be added to the water when bathing, which can support the body's defenses.
  • If you want to introduce berries into your baby’s diet, you should know that the following will bring particular benefits: lingonberries, raspberries, cranberries, black currants.
  • During breastfeeding, a mother can help improve immunity not only for herself, but also for her baby, if she monitors her diet, takes vitamins, and eliminates allergens.

A family that sticks healthy image life, will easily raise a child with strong immunity. You should definitely practice physical education with the whole family, take your child with you while walking in the park, or go to the pool. This will not only serve as an excellent example for the baby, but will also have a beneficial effect on health and interpersonal relationships all family members.

All about immunity - Doctor Komarovsky (video)

The birth of a child is always accompanied by a meeting of the child's immunity with foreign substances. Microflora gastrointestinal tract is the strongest source of antigenic stimulation.

The immunity of a newborn is characterized by the gradual formation of relationships between its individual components and an increase in functionality.

Let us list the main components of a newborn’s immunity:

  1. Phagocytosis system. Newborn white blood cells have a reduced ability to kill bacteria, so infants are at risk of severe bacterial infections. It's all about the insufficient activity of opsonins (substances (antibodies) that enhance phagocytosis), the amount of which is interconnected with the body weight of newborns. A significant decrease in opsonins is observed in premature and delayed children. prenatal development.
  2. Complement protein system. In infants, the content of complement proteins is only half the amount of these serum elements in the mother's blood, which significantly affects the ability of the immune system to resist infection. By the 6th day of life it is observed physiological increase content of proteins of the complement system in the blood.
  3. T cell system. The number of T-lymphocytes in the blood of newborns is sufficient. However, the functional capacity of these blood cells is not sufficient to protect against bacteria.
  4. B-cell system of the newborn. There is no deficiency of B lymphocytes. But there are more immature populations than adults.
  5. Immunoglobulins:
  • immunoglobulins of newborns are predominantly represented by the G-fraction;
  • immunoglobulins M are contained in the range of 0.25 - 0.30 g/l of serum;
  • immunoglobulins A are completely absent, which is manifested by the insecurity of the mucous membranes of the newborn. Immunoglobulin A begins to be synthesized only 2 weeks after birth.

Immunoglobulins G of a newborn baby are maternal antibodies to bacterial and viral particles with which the woman has been in contact before and during pregnancy. Immunoglobulin deficiency is the most common cause immune disorders in children early age.

A newborn is critical period for the formation of immunity, therefore, with any minor cold, the child’s parents should be careful not to miss the development serious complications with the formation of an immunodeficiency state.

Important! The immune system of a premature newborn is imperfect. The protective forces of the immune system of children born ahead of schedule, significantly reduced. This is manifested by a greater susceptibility of premature infants to infectious diseases compared to full-term newborns.

Formation of immunity in children

  • starting from 2 months, maternal immunoglobulins disintegrate. Accordingly, the content of immunoglobulin G in the child’s blood decreases. During this period, the most powerful factor influencing the development of immunity is vaccination;
  • in the period from 2 to 6 months, due to insufficient antibodies in the child, sensitivity to parainfluenza, influenza, and RS viruses is increased;
  • at the age of 5 - 6 years, the T-dependent zones of the lymphoid organs actively develop, which is manifested by an enlargement of the lymph nodes. At this age, latent viral infections, weakening the immune system.

Primary DTP vaccination causes the synthesis of immunoglobulins that do not have immunological memory, so revaccination of the child in a timely manner is important.

The role of breastfeeding in the development of newborn immunity

With mother's milk, antibodies and other components of immunity are transferred to the child, which protects the newborn from severe infectious diseases. Prolactin and progesterone form the secretory immune system in the mother's breast.

Through milk, the child receives phagocytes and immunoglobulin A, which protects the epithelium intestinal wall from microbial agents.

Breastfeeding also helps protect children under 1 year of age from enteropathogenic serotypes coli, salmonella, pneumococci, streptococci, shigella.

A breastfed baby is well protected from intestinal infections. And all this thanks to maternal antibodies.

How can you increase the immunity of an infant?

Having examined and understood the characteristics of the newborn’s immune system, it is not difficult to imagine the goals of immune therapy in order to properly increase the infant’s immunity.

Founders national pediatrics argue that young children cannot help but get sick, but these diseases should not be very frequent and severe.

With frequent and severe infections Immune medications are indicated.

Features of immunotherapy in pediatrics

Features of immunomodulatory therapy in childhood are:

  • phasing;
  • continuity;
  • continuity;
  • individual approach.

Types of drugs used in pediatric practice to increase the immunity of an infant

Grippferon is a recombinant interferon. Increases the antiviral activity of the immune system. Capable of suppressing the reproduction of viruses. Particularly effective during a flu epidemic. The drug increases the content of immunoglobulin A in the nasal secretion and destroys the pathogen. Also effective against adenovirus infection.

Viferon. At infants more often used in suppositories of 150,000 IU. It activates the antiviral defense of the body, reduces the period of fever in ARVI in newborns, and reduces the severity of inflammation of the mucous membranes. Can increase a child’s immunity against herpes viral diseases.

. Homeopathic medicine, renders complex impact for immunity. Highly effective at planned prevention ORZ.

Anaferon. Created on the basis of ultra-low doses of antibodies. Can be used from 6 months of age. Effective against influenza and ARVI.

Broncho-munal P. Belongs to group bacterial lysates systemic action. It is used to correct immunity in children who are often and long-term ill. The anti-infective effect of Broncho-munal is associated with an increase in the content of immunoglobulin A in the blood serum and secretions of the upper respiratory tract.

In children suffering frequent illnesses lungs, significantly reduces the number of exacerbations during the year. In children with allergies, Broncho-munal can reduce the number of episodes of bronchial obstruction.

IRS-19. It is used in children's practice from 3 months of age. The drug contains 19 strains of microorganisms that cause ARVI in children. The drug is used to strengthen the immune system in an infant by reducing the swelling of the nasal mucosa, thinning the mucus and facilitating its outflow.

The strengthening effect on the newborn’s immunity is manifested in protection against dangerous complications in the form of otitis and sinusitis. For prevention, it is recommended to use IRS-19 for a month, in dosages depending on the age of the baby.

Imudon. The drug Imudon helps maintain immunity for children during the seasonal rise in respiratory diseases. A child can be given this drug starting from the age of 3.

Imudon is a mixture of lysates of bacteria and fungi that are most often found in the oral cavity, that is, it is effective against most pathogens of acute respiratory infections.

Polyoxidonium. The drug affects all parts of the immune system. In infants, to increase immunity, it is often used in the form of a solution for intranasal use. Effective for bronchial asthma.

Children who often suffer infectious diseases upper respiratory tract, it is recommended to vaccinate against the most severe diseases.

Raising immunity against pneumococcal, Haemophilus influenza and influenza is important for all children with immunodeficiency.

How to strengthen a child’s immunity without drugs?

Only a competent allergist-immunologist can increase the immunity of children with the help of drugs. Parents, on the other hand, should know the main ways to strengthen the immune system of a child up to a year by non-drug methods. How to increase immunity in a baby without resorting to the use of immunomodulators?

  • hardening. Efficient and available method. The main thing is to follow the principle of gradualness and not to overdo it. Summer is the most best time years to start hardening procedures;
  • complete healthy eating , balanced in energy value;
  • vitamin therapy.

Vitamins can be bought not only at the pharmacy! The indicators of the immune system can steadily increase when eating foods rich in vitamin C. To increase immunity, berries should be given to the child black currant, rosehip decoction and citrus fruits;

  • maritime climate. Rich in salts and ozone sea ​​air has a beneficial effect on the immune system;
  • Exercise therapy and massage.

The role of dysbiosis in the formation of a child’s immunity

The normal composition of the child’s intestinal microflora is an integral part strong immunity. Up to 80% immune cells baby located in the intestinal mucosa.

Stimulation occurs as the child grows lymphoid tissue intestines with foreign substances and the synthesis of immunoglobulins, proteins of the complement system increases.

Intestinal dysbacteriosis in a newborn is a condition characterized by a change in the quantitative and quality composition intestinal microflora.

Drugs used for correction intestinal microflora, can also be classified as a group medications that affect the immunity of an infant:

  • probiotics and prebiotics (Bifiform, Hilak-forte, Linex, Acipol, Bifidumbacterin);
  • immunomodulators (KIP, Kipferon, Likopid, Sodium Nucleinate).


  1. The newborn period is a critical period for the formation of immunity in a child.
  2. Breastfeeding is a necessary link in the formation of strong immunity in infants.
  3. Young children cannot help but get sick, but these diseases should not be very frequent and severe. For frequent and severe infections, taking immune medications is indicated.
  4. The normal composition of a child’s intestinal microflora is an integral part of strong immunity.

Of course, help and advice are needed, but not if it concerns the most important thing - the health of your child. We always advise: find a good pediatrician and follow his advice and recommendations. We have collected for you the most important myths about children's immunity and prepared facts based only on scientific data.

Myth 1. Human immunity is completely innate and already formed.

In fact, a person has two immunity: innate or nonspecific and acquired – adaptive or specific.

Nonspecific immunity the baby receives during intrauterine development. It is inherited by the child from the mother and exists from birth. For example, a person cannot get dog diseases, and a dog cannot get human diseases. Nonspecific immunity is able to remove antigens from the body.

Innate immunity is genetically predetermined and does not change during a person’s lifetime, is transmitted genetically from generation to generation, is always included in the body when an antigen is introduced and independently removes it from the body.

Specific – acquired immunity has the functions of recognizing and remembering pathogenic agents; this is a more advanced mechanism of the body’s defense. When encountering a pathogenic agent, the immune system forms a memory and, at the next encounter, organizes a quick and effective response of the body.

Acquired immunity is formed throughout life, is not inherited, individually develops resistance to certain antigens, forms immune memory, and when an antigen is removed from the body, it resorts to the help of innate immunity.

In the womb, and then through breast milk, the baby receives antibodies against the diseases she has had or been vaccinated against. This protection is not perfect, does not protect against all infections and completely weakens by about 6 months, when the baby should produce antibodies on its own.

Myth 2. A newborn’s immunity is so strong that it protects against all diseases.

In fact, in the first 12 months of life, a baby’s immunity is significantly less mature than that of an adult and goes through the main stages of development. By the age of one year, the immune system is already sufficiently developed and tolerates diseases more easily.

Human immunity is an extremely complex system, all the mechanisms of which are constantly being studied. It must protect the body from the effects of foreign agents such as bacteria, their toxins and viruses. The immune system is also responsible for reacting correctly to the various components of the nutrition that the baby receives. However, if you deviate from the norm in any direction, the immune system may begin to “miss” enemy attacks, or, on the contrary, react too violently - this can manifest itself in the form of allergic reactions or the development of diseases.

It is precisely because of these characteristics of immunity that babies in the first year of life need to be provided special conditions stay and care. Children should, if possible, be protected from contact with infections.

The most important role in the development and maintenance of the child’s immunity is played by breast milk. It is unique in its properties: in addition to its nutritional role, it is extremely important for the formation of intestinal microbiota, immunity, as well as harmonious physical and neuropsychic development child. Also, a child’s immunity can be trained, for example, by long walks on fresh air, air baths, swimming and massages.

Myth 3. A child’s immunity and breast milk are completely different and unrelated things.

In fact, breast milk contains the most wide range factors immune defense: immunoglobulins, antibodies, cells of the immune system (phagocytes and lymphocytes), more than 600 strains of various bacteria, including bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.

For many years there were Scientific research which showed that breast milk contains whole line specific components that help form the child’s immunity from the very first days of life. One of them is precisely the oligosaccharides of breast milk.

Breast milk oligosaccharides – HMO or “human milk oligosaccharides – HMO” (HMO) are the third most abundant component of breast milk. Currently, it has been possible to decipher more than 200 different HGMs in breast milk, of which about 50 are the most common, although their actual number can be in the thousands.

Breast milk oligosaccharides have protective effect on the child's body. They are the first natural prebiotics that promote selective growth only beneficial bacteria. So NMOs play vital role in the making normal microflora intestines.

NMOs are able to block pathogens that enter the body, acting as a trap. They do not allow microbes to attach to the cell of the body, but cling to the pathogen and remove it. Also, breast milk oligosaccharides are able to attach to those places on the mucous membrane where they “target” pathogenic microorganisms, taking up space and preventing pathogenic microbes from causing disease.

NMOs train the cells of the immune system by controlling the maturation of the immune system, which leads to a decrease in infectious diseases, as well as a decrease in the risk of developing allergies.

Myth 4: Breast milk can be easily replaced

In fact, in the first six months of life, breast milk fully meets the needs of the child. nutrients ah and is the most optimal and physiological nutrition for a child.

While the baby is inside the mother, he receives all the nutrients from her through the placenta. After birth, he begins to receive food from the outside, and this food must be adapted as much as possible to ensure active growth and development of the child, while so that the child can learn it as much as possible, taking into account the immaturity of his functional systems. It is precisely such nutrition, improved by nature in the course of many centuries of evolution, that is breast milk.

Unfortunately, not all mothers have the opportunity to breastfeed their children. It is with the goal of helping children and mothers that scientists, researchers, pediatricians and nutritionists have set themselves the task of learning how to reproduce CME.

IN last years a real breakthrough occurred - scientists managed to synthesize the first oligosaccharides, absolutely identical to the natural ones contained in breast milk. The first HMO that scientists were able to recreate was 2'-fucosylactose (2'FL), the most abundant HMO in breast milk. It accounts for more than 30% general content oligosaccharides, and it is present in breast milk in more than 80% of women.

The second breakthrough can be considered the creation in laboratory conditions the second most important HMO molecule is lacto-N-neotetraose (LNnT), which, according to research, is one of the ten most important oligosaccharides in breast milk, of which, let us recall, there are more than 200.

Both NMOs: 2'FL and LNnT constitute about 37% of the total oligosaccharides. They also belong to the neutral group of NMOs, which, in turn, makes up more than 75% of total number NMO in breast milk.

The combination of 2'FL and LNnT significantly improves the condition of the infant's intestinal microflora, reduces the likelihood of contracting respiratory diseases, and reduces the risk of developing infections and disease-related medication use.

The immunity of a newborn baby during the first months depends on the mother. From her he receives antibodies in the last trimester of pregnancy and during breastfeeding. The protection of older children will depend on many factors, including lifestyle, nutrition, psycho-emotional state. The child’s immunity can be strengthened, and this should be done from the moment of his birth.

Immunity - complex mechanism, the main line of defense against foreign agents. The health of the baby depends on its condition, its physical development, well-being, susceptibility to various infectious diseases. Unlike adults, the immunity of a newborn child is innate, that is, it depends on the period of intrauterine development. Only over time, upon contact with foreign bodies, is formed specific protection body.

In infants, immunity to various pathogens is due to the ingestion of antibodies from the mother. Some of them may not be transmitted, in which case the newborn will have a hard time surviving the disease.

Features of the immunity of newborns:

  • the first months protect the immunoglobulins M and the IgG class obtained from the mother;
  • from the age of 6 months, own immunoglobulins appear;
  • fully synthesized immunoglobulins begin only after a year;
  • the child does not have protection against infections that the mother did not suffer;
  • nonspecific protective factors in newborns are reduced;
  • newborns are more difficult to tolerate viral infections than children from 3 years of age.

Reference! Great importance for the health of the newborn has breastfeeding. With milk, he receives immunoglobulins G, which work in the intestines without entering the blood.

Infants on artificial feeding tolerate infections more severely, as they have reduced nonspecific defense mechanisms. To get the most out of your child useful substances and proper development, the nutrition of pregnant women should be complete, meeting the needs of not only their own body, but also the developing fetus.

Signs of low immunity

Violations of the immune system can be observed from the first months. If signs of reduced protection appear, parents should contact their pediatrician and immunologist. This important measure for information on strengthening immunity at different ages.

Signs indicating reduced immunity:

  • frequent colds, acute respiratory diseases(more than 3 times a year);
  • constant enlargement and pain of the lymph nodes;
  • manifestations of dysbiosis - diarrhea, bloating, diathesis, colic;
  • tendency to allergic reactions;
  • the temperature does not rise with infectious pathologies;
  • increased drowsiness, tearfulness, moodiness;
  • pale skin, blue lips.

When such manifestations are observed, you should visit pediatrician. You should not rely on vitamins alone, because you need A complex approach to enhance the immune system response.

Causes of immunodeficiency in newborns

Children can be diagnosed with primary and secondary immunodeficiency. This is a condition in which some parts of the immune system stop working correctly. This often manifests itself as recurrent infectious diseases, autoimmune processes, and sometimes tumors.

The primary variant of the disease is congenital, secondary immunodeficiency occurs as a result serious illness or external factors. Before increasing immunity, the doctor must determine the reason for its decrease.
Why does immunodeficiency develop?

  • congenital diseases and metabolic disorders;
  • prematurity;
  • diseases of the hematopoietic organs;
  • severe infections - HIV;
  • previous operations and injuries;
  • taking immunosuppressive drugs;
  • irradiation.

Signs of immunodeficiency in a newborn will be frequent viral infections with complications (against the background of staphylococcus and streptococcus), digestive disorders, blood pathologies, neurological problems. Children often experience cramps, diarrhea, and bleeding.

Reference! The cause of reduced immunity may be a failure in the formation of lymphocytes, which are formed in the thymus and from lymphoid tissue. There are lymphocytes bone marrow origin(B-lymphocytes) and thymic (T-lymphocytes).

How to boost your baby's immunity

Increasing the baby's immunity is the task of parents and the attending physician. The specialist will give recommendations on strengthening the defenses after studying the tests, collecting anamnesis and examining the baby. The doctor will also tell you whether it is possible to stimulate the newborn’s immunity with additional means.
How to strengthen your immune system without drugs:

  • Maintain breastfeeding for at least one year, because breast milk is a source of nutrients, vitamins and microelements. After a year breastfeeding recommended for psychological comfort, so that the baby gradually weans from the breast. No interruption stress breastfeeding will be a factor in maintaining immunity.
  • harden. You can do this with air from the first days, then gradually add water treatments, sunbathing. In summer it is useful to do gymnastics in the fresh air. There is no need to wrap the child up too much so that he is hot, then it will be easier for him to tolerate low temperatures.
  • For maintaining intestinal microflora from 7-8 months the child should consume fermented milk products.
  • Give medications to a newborn only as prescribed by a doctor.. Self-medication has a very bad effect on health, because parents cannot choose the right drugs, depending on the causative agent of the disease. This is especially true for antibiotics, which are given exclusively for bacterial infections, but many parents still consider them universal remedy from any disease.

Some folk remedies will also be useful for immunity for up to a year. You can use them only after consultation with the doctor, because a baby may be allergic to certain plants. ethnoscience suggests using rosehip decoction, juices, raisin and apricot compotes, and echinacea.

Main rules

How to strengthen your baby’s immunity without harming him:

  • dress according to the weather, and this applies not only to the cold season, but also to summer, when overheating has a bad effect on the child;
  • maintain temperature in the children's room at 18-22 degrees with a humidity of 50-60%;
  • do frequently ventilation and wet cleaning in the house, because inhaling dust interferes with work local immunity nasal mucosa;
  • keep it clean toys, dishes, personal hygiene products and the child himself, but without going to extremes, because living in “sterile” conditions, the child will be more susceptible various infections who surround him on the street, in kindergarten.


Vitamin complexes for children help compensate for the lack of nutrients in the body. Preparations are intended for different age groups.
Vitamins for children 2-3 years old:

  • Kinder Biovital;
  • Alphabet Our Baby;
  • Multi Tabs Baby.

For children 4-5 years old:

  • Univit Kids;
  • Supradin Kids;
  • VitaBears.

For children 6-7 years old:

  • Pikovit Plus;
  • Vitrum Kids;
  • Doppelherz Kinder.

Reference! Vitamins are selected with a doctor, as it is important to exclude contraindications and correctly combine various drugs.


Immunomodulators or immunostimulants - means to increase immunity. They are appointed when various diseases and for the purpose of their prevention.

Immunity Boosting Drugs:

  • interferons - Interferon, Viferon, Kipferon;
  • facilities plant origin - Bioaron S, Immunal;
  • bacterial preparations with fragments of pathogens - IRS 19, Likopid;
  • stimulators of interferon production - Arbidol, Cycloferon.

Immunomodulators are prescribed for immunodeficiency. They are contraindicated for up to 1 year and can only be prescribed by a doctor. If the dosage of medications is not observed, immunity may deteriorate.

Breastfeeding and immunity

Long-term breastfeeding prevents many diseases in newborns. Doctors recommend continuing natural feeding at least up to 1 year. If according to various reasons you have to feed with formulas, you need to choose them very carefully, and after consulting a doctor.

Dysbacteriosis and the formation of immunity

The functioning of the immune system is related to the state of the gastrointestinal tract. Dysbacteriosis occurs as a result of the predominance of pathogenic microorganisms in the intestines of a newborn. This disease suppresses immune cells and can cause dysbacteriosis.

The formation of microflora occurs by 4-5 years, at the same time children's immunity becomes close to an adult. The constant interaction of the body’s defenses and gastrointestinal microbes produces good immunity child.


The main principles of hardening a child are gradualism and regularity. There are a number of hardening procedures that are recommended for children under 3 years of age. When performing them, you need to adhere to the rules. You need to start classes when feeling good child, the season does not matter.

For procedures, you need to allocate time in your daily routine, and it is better if it is one time period in the first half of the day. Sun, air and water are natural springs health, and they will help strengthen the newborn's immunity if used correctly.
How to start hardening:

  • Walks during the day - at least 2 times a day for 1 hour.
  • Shower in the morning after charging for 1 minute.
  • Pouring water during a shower or evening bath for 20 seconds.
  • Rubbing after sleep for 1 minute.
  • Daytime nap after lunch for 1-2 hours.
  • Sunbathing for 20 minutes on each side of the body.
  • Swimming in slightly cool water before bed for 5 minutes.

Walking and bathing should be done at least an hour apart so that the child does not catch a cold. Water hardening is performed from 6 months at a temperature of 36-30 degrees in winter and 35-28 degrees in summer. After 6 years at temperatures 32-24 and 30-20 degrees, respectively.

After pouring water over the child, you need to rub him with a towel, which will warm him up and tone his muscles. You should use a soft towel and wipe lightly so that the child is comfortable and does not increase the body temperature too much. There is no need to wrap your baby in a blanket immediately after bathing, because sharp increase temperature reduces the effectiveness of hardening, making it practically useless.

  • in any situation when you can do without medications, refuse them, which also applies to vitamin complexes;
  • you need to visit a doctor not only when a problem occurs, but also to prevent it;
  • every day the child should walk and get vitamins with food, it is useful to give him lemon, honey, add onions to food;
  • during epidemics, it is better to insure yourself and take preventive measures (interferons);
  • it should be remembered that microorganisms dangerous for a child can always be found in the blood, saliva, on the mucosa, but are activated only when immunity is reduced;
  • do not self-medicate, because this can start the disease, turning it into a chronic form.

A healthy baby shows interest in the world around him, he is active, eats well, sleeps a lot. Strengthening the immune system is not only a physical component, but also a concern for psychological comfort. You should talk to the child more, prepare for various stressful situations like going to the doctor. Warm relations between family members will be good for health when the child does not witness quarrels.



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs