Sea air - benefits, harm and the best resorts. The most beneficial sea for health

In this article I want to compare the seas that are the most popular for beach and not only beach holidays. I will try to collect information about the characteristics of each of the seas, how each of them is useful and why each is dangerous.

The most useful seas are the Black, Mediterranean and Dead.


Table of area, depth, water temperature and salinity of different seas



thousand km 2

Depth, m Average water temperature, °C Salinity* , ‰
Max. average Jan.-Feb. July-Aug.
Black 422,0 2210 1315 +7...+8 +23...+25 17-18
Mediterranean 2505,0 5121 1541 +17...+18 +26...+29 39
Dead 1050 km 2 793 356 +22...+23 +33...+34 300-350
Red 450 2211 490 +22...+25 +26...+30 41
Azovskoe 39,1 13 7 +3...+4 +25...+26 13,8
Baltic 419,0 470 51 +1...+3 +18...+19 5-10
* Salinity- this is an indicator of the salt content in grams in 1 kg of sea water. Salinity is expressed in ppm (one thousandth). Salinity depends on the ratio of precipitation, evaporation, influx of surface water, melting ice, etc.

Dangerous inhabitants of the seas - general rules

Remember that sea creatures can be dangerous. Among popular holiday destinations, this is especially true for the southern seas, such as the Red and Mediterranean.

The basic rule is: don’t touch anything with your hands underwater! In the southern seas, it is also not recommended to step on the bottom with bare feet.


  • Remember the jellyfish. Of the 2,000 species of jellyfish, only 70 species can cause serious harm to you. But you can also suffer from a harmless jellyfish. Pay attention to the signs on the beaches before entering the water - some beaches may have large concentrations of jellyfish at certain times of the year.
  • If you are stung by a jellyfish, treat the wound with vinegar, alcohol or soda solution. This can be very unpleasant, but it is better than just washing the wound with water. If you are near rescuers, ask them to give you first aid.
  • Do not touch a jellyfish that has washed up on the shore. The tentacles can still sting you if they are wet. Even severed tentacles can still sting you.
  • When swimming and diving, we often completely immerse our face in the water. In this case there is danger of bumping into a jellyfish and get a burn to the cornea of ​​the eye. Don't forget about diving goggles or mask.

Why is the Black Sea useful?

the south coast of Crimea

It is relatively dry here, with a maximum of three rainy days a month. It will be useful for people with diseases of the lungs and bronchi, diseases of the cardiovascular system, rheumatic and kidney diseases to rest and receive treatment here.

Black Sea coast of Russia

Here the air humidity is higher, which is why it is often stuffy, which is not very good for people with cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases.

Black Sea coast of Turkey

The climate here is similar to the climate on the Russian coast.

Coast of Bulgaria and Romania

It’s as dry as in Southern Crimea, so people with heart and lung diseases feel good here.

Features of the Black Sea

  • The sun on the Black Sea is not very active. If you stay in the open sun for up to twenty minutes, you will not get sunburned.
  • The air in the mountains, mountain and coastal forests is very useful. Even if you just walk and breathe, you will heal your body.
  • On the Black Sea there is excellent opportunities for mud therapy. In Crimea there are resorts with a long history of mud therapy, for example, the Saki resort and the medicinal mud deposit of the same name, the Chokrak resort area and the Chokrak deposit, the Moinak mud bath and the Moinak medicinal lake and others. The Anapa region and the Taman Peninsula boast unique mud “volcanoes”; there are about three dozen of them. They regularly spew mud to the surface, which can be used for medicinal purposes. In addition, in this area there are estuaries and lakes with healing mud. Mud treatment has a hundred-year history here.
  • The Black Sea is useful because at its depth there is hydrogen sulfide. On the shores there is hydrogen sulfide in small quantities, which is very useful. Mini hydrogen sulfide bath.
  • TO disadvantages of the Black Sea include the water temperature- it is not very high and can change sharply depending on changing currents.

Dangers of the Black Sea

Dangerous inhabitants of the Black Sea

  • Jellyfish may pose a danger in the Black Sea. The cornet jellyfish can burn quite badly with its poisonous tentacles, but it is not so much the burn that is dangerous as the possibility of an allergic reaction. The Aurelia long-eared jellyfish is small and not dangerous, however, if you find yourself in a cluster of these jellyfish, then take care of your eyes.
  • Of the large marine animals in the Black Sea can be found dolphins. Dolphins swim close to the shore directly towards swimmers. They are not dangerous, but they are large animals, and can be very scary, suddenly appearing next to you in the water. A dolphin can frighten not only with its size, but also with the sharp sound of its exhalation. The rescuers and my friend told me about this, next to whom a dolphin suddenly appeared in the water, and she was very scared. If you are swimming far from shore, sudden fear and panic can be dangerous.

Benefits of the Mediterranean Sea

Dangers of the Mediterranean

Dangerous inhabitants of the Mediterranean Sea

  • South Sea jellyfish are much more dangerous than Black Sea jellyfish!

Benefits of the Dead Sea

Dangers of the Dead Sea

Benefits of the Red Sea

  • The air on the Red Sea coast is very dry(1.5-2 times drier than in Crimea).
  • The air here contains more oxygen and bromine(good for the nervous system) than, for example, the air of the Black Sea coast.
  • At the resorts of the Red Sea very hot (40-50°C). But the dry climate and winds help to endure such heat.
  • The Red Sea is very salty(41-42 ppm) and contains a large amount microelements. The effect of such water on the human body is more pronounced than the effect of less salty water. The water of the Red Sea has strong anti-inflammatory and wound healing effect, which helps people suffering from diseases of the skin and musculoskeletal system get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of many diseases.
  • The disadvantage of the Red Sea resorts can be considered very high solar activity- You can get very burnt in 10-15 minutes.
  • Red Sea climate excellent for treating diseases respiratory organs, cardiovascular diseases, skin diseases - psoriasis, dermatitis, neurodermatitis, diseases of the joints and spine, sinusitis and chronic runny nose.

The dangers of the Red Sea

Dangerous inhabitants of the Red Sea

  • The coral reefs are very beautiful- bizarre and very diverse shapes, mushrooms, fans, intricate growths. Fish, sea anemones, algae - everything amazes with its colors, fantastic shapes and diversity. I just want to touch at least something of this splendor. This is where the danger lies. Swimming in the Red Sea Do not under any circumstances try to touch anything with your hands underwater, neither fish, nor corals, nor algae! For example, a very poisonous fish stone fish (stone fish) perfectly camouflaged as coral, an inexperienced diver will never notice it. In addition, some types of corals, as well as fish and other organisms, are poisonous.
  • In the Red Sea too It is better not to walk on the bottom with bare feet. Do not rest your hands on the bottom or touch the sand at the bottom, even if the sand looks clean and safe. For example, a stone fish can hide this way - completely buried in the sand. I personally know of a case where an experienced diver simply rested his palm on the sand in shallow water, where this fish was lying, and then lay in the hospital for a week under IVs. Buy special silicone swim slippers.
  • Sea urchins. The danger is that you can step on a hedgehog. They often occur and form entire fields at the bottom that look simply terrifying. Below, under the heading “Personal Experience,” I will tell you about my unforgettable encounter with sea urchins.
  • Another danger with corals is that they are very hard and can be as sharp as glass. If you are not a very experienced swimmer and do not skillfully control your body underwater, then do not approach coral reefs or wear a wetsuit.
  • In the Jordanian part of the Red Sea in the Gulf of Aqaba, coral islands are often located so that their upper part is very close to the surface of the water, half a meter or less. When the sea is even slightly rough, it is carried away by the current and waves so that it is difficult to avoid contact with the hard surface of the coral reef. If you touch coral with a bare part of your body, then cuts and abrasions are simply guaranteed. If you try to push off the reef with your bare hand, your hand will probably also be scratched.
  • The coral reef in the Gulf of Aqaba is a labyrinth of sandy “paths” between clusters of corals of different sizes and shapes. Large clusters are like islands, small ones are like cabinets or tables. Sometimes the coral rocks are located very close to each other, and, swimming through the passages between them, I found myself in narrow places where I had to make significant efforts to avoid touching the surface of the coral reef with my unprotected body, I had to back up or twist out (literally ) somehow differently. When the sea was rough and I was underwater at a shallow depth, the waves felt great and tried to push me onto the reef while swimming along the passages between the reefs, which was not very pleasant. Also, quite strong currents can arise between the reefs. To swim safely among coral reefs, you need to be a confident swimmer and have good control of your body underwater.
  • In the same Gulf of Aqaba I managed step on a sea urchin. Sea urchins live in shallow waters, they are jet black in color and are clearly visible against the background of white sand. It would seem that there is nothing easier than to get around a hedgehog if it is so clearly visible.

Why is the Sea of ​​Azov useful?

  • The climate in different parts of the Sea of ​​Azov is different. In the northern and eastern parts the climate is more humid. It is better for people with diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems to relax in the southern part of the Sea of ​​Azov, the part adjacent to the Crimean Peninsula.
  • The water in the Sea of ​​Azov has low salinity(about 13 ppm), so it is not as healthy as Black Sea water.
  • Big advantage The Sea of ​​Azov is that The water in it is usually warm(warmer than in the Black Sea). The sea is very shallow (maximum depth is only 13 m) and therefore it is easily and quickly warmed by the sun.

Why do we like to relax at sea so much? Physiologists explain: the rhythmic sound of the surf resembles the heartbeat of a relaxed person. That is why its sound is so calming. Of course, this is not the only reason.
Which sea is the healthiest?
It all depends on what health problems you want to solve. If we talk about the composition of sea water, then the highest concentration of useful substances is in the Dead Sea. But in Israel it is very hot in summer, and in Europe on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus or in Crimea it is just right.

What are the benefits of a holiday at sea?
So a holiday on the Black or Mediterranean Sea will bring no less benefits. For those who don’t like baking in the sun at all, the mild climate of the Baltic states is an excellent option. In a word, any choice is right if you like it.
French biologist Rene Kenton proved that sea water is so similar in composition to human blood plasma that it can penetrate through the pores of the skin into the blood, activating the construction of cells and enriching the body with minerals:
Magnesium (improves immunity),
calcium (strengthens bones),
iodine (normalizes metabolic processes),
potassium (normalizes blood pressure),
bromine (calms nerves).
Sea water helps treat various inflammations, heal wounds and scratches. By the way, sea water naturally causes hair to curl. It is not for nothing that it is included in some cosmetic products with a similar effect.
If you are not allergic to sea salt, do not wash it off after swimming for at least half an hour. The minerals and trace elements it contains nourish and strengthen the skin, hair and nails.
There is an opinion that sea water dries out the skin greatly. This is not entirely true: it’s just that droplets of water on the body turn into unique lenses that enhance the effects of sunlight. Therefore, after swimming, you should pat your skin dry with a towel rather than dry it in the wind.
But sea bathing does not have the best effect on your hair: it becomes hard, dry and unruly. To protect them, immediately rinse your hair with fresh water and apply a protective spray or natural oil (palm, coconut). Or just wear a wide-brimmed hat. Air
The sea breeze saturates the body with bromine and magnesium ions, and oxygen filled with iodine particles will help heal from pulmonary diseases, improve the functioning of the thyroid gland, and strengthen the nervous and immune systems.
It is especially good to walk along the beach after a storm: the air at this time is saturated with mineral salts and phytoncides of seaweed. This “sea cocktail” is also beneficial for the skin: it enriches it with essential substances, moisturizes it, and improves elasticity.

Family holiday at sea
Do you like to swim in the waves? Physiotherapists claim that this type of activity is similar in benefits to therapeutic massage. In addition, such bathing tones, tightens the skin and improves blood circulation. Swimming in cool water is also an excellent exercise for blood vessels: at first they narrow, then expand again.
This is good not only for health, but also for beauty: “massage” of blood vessels speeds up metabolic processes and promotes weight loss. By the way, after swimming a hundred meters, we spend the same amount of energy as when running a 1 km race.

Burying yourself in the sand is not just a beach activity. This method is the basis of psammotherapy (sand treatment), which helps with diseases of muscles and joints. Just keep in mind: you can bury yourself in hot sand no higher than the heart area, and your head should be covered with a damp towel.
Daily 15-20 minutes in such a sand bath will start metabolic processes and help you lose weight. In total, you need to do at least 5-7 procedures. Pebbles are no less useful. Warm smooth pebbles can be used in stone therapy and reflexology. And walking on pebbles barefoot improves your well-being and mood, because there are many active points on your feet.

What are the benefits of a holiday at sea? Vitamin D is produced in the body when exposed to sunlight. It is enough to spend just 30 minutes in the sun to insure against deficiency of this valuable vitamin. The main thing is to remember that sunbathing is useful only early in the morning and after 16.00, as well as in the “lace shadow”. And even under these conditions, sunscreen is a must.
Fresh fish, seafood, seaweed - they contain many beneficial nutrients and vitamins, and seaweed also promotes the breakdown of fat. Algae is one of the most powerful means of combating cellulite and sagging skin.
Due to the high content of minerals, various sugars and vitamins, algae extracts normalize metabolism, activate the functioning of skin cells and remove toxins. Therefore, seaside holidays are beneficial for the human body. Have a nice holiday with health benefits!

The beneficial properties of the sea are that it contains large quantities of more than 30 minerals and trace elements, which have a beneficial effect on bone tissue, skin and joints. Swimming in the sea also activates metabolism and improves the condition of cells.

Sea water and sea air strengthen the body's immunity and increase its resistance to various diseases. Iodine, which is found in large quantities in sea air and sea water, has a preventive effect on thyroid diseases and lowers cholesterol levels in the blood. In addition, iodine has a positive effect on brain function, and more specifically, improves memory.

Jogging and walking along the seashore are also very beneficial. Sea water relaxes muscles, and while swimming, blood circulation increases and muscles become stronger. A pleasant and effective method to lose excess weight is swimming in sea water.

How is the sea good for nails? Nails from sea water become stronger and grow faster; for peeling and breaking nails this is the best bath. Sea air also has its beneficial properties; it settles on the membranes of the respiratory tract, improving their function. Sea air also contains bromine salts, which have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Therefore, for depression, stress and mental disorders, doctors recommend going to the sea.

Is the sea useful as a hardening tool? The sea is an excellent hardening method, but the cool waters of the Baltic Sea are more suitable for this.

When planning a vacation, people choose a place for relaxation and nervous and physical recovery. We often ask ourselves the question, which sea is healthier? Where should we go to relax? Let's try to figure this out by looking at each sea separately.

Black Sea

The water of the Black Sea is close in composition to the microelement composition of human blood, so people with vascular and heart diseases feel comfortable there. At depth, the Black Sea has hydrogen sulfur compounds that make air and water beneficial for blood vessels and the heart. The Black Sea coast is suitable for people with cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the respiratory organs and feather system, and musculoskeletal disorders.

Sea of ​​Azov

A warm and not deep sea, it is unique in its microelement composition - 92 minerals from the Periodic Table. This sea can strengthen your immune system. This is the most suitable place for your first holiday at sea with a child.

Baltic Sea

There is healing pine air and a temperate climate. This sea is quite dirty and cold. Its best use is air baths, unique in their mixture of sea and pine air. This sea is suitable for people with respiratory diseases, cardiovascular diseases, recovery from chemotherapy, cancer, and surgery.

Dead Sea

What are the benefits of the Dead Sea? It has a unique mineral composition of water and healing mud. The vapor layer in the air with bromine evaporation allows you to stay in the sun for a long time without fear of the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. It is not suitable for outdoor enthusiasts. It is better to visit the Dead Sea during the high season or early spring.

Red sea

The water of the Red Sea is rich in minerals and is home to many microorganisms, including algae. Red Sea is beneficial for people with respiratory diseases, obesity and infertility. After the first swim in this sea, swelling goes away and lymph flow accelerates.

Mediterranean Sea

Almost all Mediterranean resorts specialize in respiratory diseases, asthma and vegetative-vascular disorders.

When choosing the most beneficial sea for yourself and your loved ones, look for information on the Internet so that when you arrive at the resort, you will know about all its features.

Azov coast has always been a favorite resort for a huge number of people, it was reputed to be the most accessible area for full-fledged family vacation. It turns out that you shouldn’t go to distant lands, to fashionable resorts. After all, there is a magical place nearby - the village of Dolzhanskaya, located at the base of the Dolgaya spit in the Krasnodar region.

The spit extends far into the waters of the Sea of ​​Azov, dividing the Sea of ​​Azov and the Taganrog Bay, and ends with a chain of shell islands.

Shallow, warm, of shallow depth, rich in its biological content, Sea of ​​Azov captivates with its unique beauty, one can feel its irresistible charm and enormous attractive power.

Features of relaxation by the Sea of ​​Azov:

firstly, the Azov waters contain a large number (92) of chemical elements that easily penetrate the surface of the skin during bathing. They give our body the substances it needs. Besides, swimming in the sea- magnificent hydromassage;

secondly, the stable and moderate regime of solar radiation characteristic of Dolzhanka allows you to regularly take any course of sunbathing;

thirdly, the golden beaches of the Azov coast are a great place for sand baths;

and, finally, incomparable air, which the sea saturated with all kinds of healing elements - calcium, iodine, bromine, and the steppe filled with the aromas of herbs.

All this health complex factors Sea of ​​Azov perfectly trains the neuroendocrine, cardiovascular, respiratory systems, has a beneficial effect on thermoregulation and metabolic processes, and increases the vitality of the body.

If you want to take your child to the sea, we recommend going to the Sea of ​​Azov.

Warm its shallow water softens the dryness of the steppe air, and the hot breath of the steppes reduces the humidity coming from the sea. The beaches are fine sandy, gently sloping, partly shallow. In summer, the water in the Sea of ​​Azov warms up to +26°C or more, and the average air temperature is from +25°C to +30°C. In terms of the number of sunny days per year, the coast of the Azov Sea is not inferior to Crimea.

According to long-term data, spring begins in March - on the 10th-12th. The end of spring falls on May 1-5, when temperatures exceed + 15 degrees Celsius.

Summer begins in mid-May. The water in the sea, especially in coastal lagoons, warms up very quickly and already in mid-May reaches 20-22 degrees Celsius, and in July-August - 26-28 degrees (in lagoons up to 30). These are more comfortable indicators than in Feodosia and Yalta, Evpatoria and Odessa, Tuapse and Sochi.

Summer ends on October 4-6. As you can see, the summer season lasts almost five months, which is conducive to relaxation.

The climate of the Azov Sea is more comfortable than the Black Sea. In recent years, the water temperature in it in summer often fluctuates from 18 to 24 * C. Therefore, it is better for children and the elderly to choose Sea of ​​Azov- it warms up much better, and there are no such temperature changes.

Having your own home by the sea is a great option. Living at least a few months at sea, even without treatment, the body largely copes with diseases on its own.

Arriving relax by the sea, you can not only relax well, but also heal and restore your health. Treatment by the sea has its own name - “thalassotherapy” (from the Greek thalassa - sea). It combines treatment with sun, water and air. Also, the sea is an excellent opportunity to heal with air, sand and mud.

In order for your health to withstand the test of the resort and not worsen chronic diseases, it is very important to let it get used to the stress gradually.

According to doctors, basic oxygen renewal of the body occurs within at least 30 days. Permanent residence at sea has, as you see, a huge advantage. However, even two weeks of rest have a huge healing effect on the body.

Thalassotherapy (sea water treatment).

Due to the high concentration of salt, sea water draws out from the body all the “harmful” mucus that it encounters (from the skin, mouth, maxillary sinuses). In addition, due to iodine and salt dissolved in water, it has antibacterial properties.

Due to the fact that the sea dries out the skin, skin diseases - psoriasis, dermatitis - are treated.

Since sea moisture contains most of the elements of the periodic table, it saturates the body with minerals and trace elements, and therefore strengthens the immune system.

The temperature difference when moving from air to water creates a hardening effect, which tones the cardiovascular system.

In the treatment of skin and heart diseases The main procedure is swimming or just bathing. It is best to swim in the sea at a water temperature of 20 to 27 C. The best time for swimming is from 10 to 17 hours, when the sea is already warming up. Breakfast before swimming should be very light: a full belly overloads the heart. If the meal was large, then you need to wait 2 hours before entering the water. Having undressed, you should not quickly enter the water; first you need to expose your body to fresh air and the sun, let it breathe a little. This way you will avoid unfavorable sudden temperature changes. If your body is sweating, let it cool down in the shade before entering the water, otherwise you may become hypothermic. To avoid hypothermia in the water, you don’t need to sit there until your toes and goose bumps develop.


Aerotherapy - treatment with air, an active method of hardening and increasing the body's defenses. Due to the drying effect of sea air on the bronchial mucosa, their inflammation decreases;

Sea air is saturated with ozone, a gas that kills harmful bacteria and makes the air sterile;

To be treated with sea air, just breathe it. It is useful to sleep on the coast in the shade after lunch (often the body senses this itself). The air near a stormy sea is especially healing - it is full of ozone.


Heliotherapy is the use of solar radiation for therapeutic and preventive purposes.

Sun rays through the eyes act on the brain, stimulating the production of serotonin - the “happiness hormone”, this treats neuroses, mild depression (only pills will help severe ones). This also increases the content of antibodies in the blood, which increases our body’s resistance to infectious and viral diseases;

Ultraviolet rays trigger skin renewal processes, which treats pustule rashes, psoriasis, eczema;

Heat warms the skin and joints, helping them heal from chronic diseases.


Sand baths (psammotherapy, from the Greek word “psammo”, which means “sand”).

Heat deeply warms the tissues, which improves metabolism in the joints and accelerates their recovery;

Mechanically, it irritates small nerve endings, which reflexively strongly tone the deeper organs of the abdominal cavity and muscles. As a result of this, metabolism is stimulated in them, and the removal of toxins is accelerated;

Silicon oxide, potassium, calcium and magnesium carbonates, penetrating from the sand through the skin into the body, help eliminate toxins.

Reduce swelling of joints, help increase mobility in them;

Resolves inflammatory processes in the ENT organs and the female genital area;

Restores impaired functions of peripheral nerves (neuralgia, neuritis, radiculitis).

For patients with tuberculosis, pregnant women, malnourished people and children under three years of age, sand baths are strictly contraindicated.

Mud therapy.

The main healing factors of the Azov coast, along with the climate, include sulfide-silt mud and mineral waters. They include organic and inorganic substances, enzymes, vitamins, hormones, and biological stimulants. Mud is famous for its multifaceted therapeutic effects on many chronic inflammatory diseases, incl. and in gynecology. Masks and applications of mud to areas of the human body have a resolving and anti-inflammatory effect, tighten pores, and activate the muscles of the surface layer of the skin. Mud applications have a complex beneficial effect on the basic functions of the body - blood circulation, breathing, metabolism. Arthritis, osteochondrosis, diseases of the nervous system and upper respiratory tract are especially effectively treated.

Simple in appearance, but very rare in its composition, sulfide-silt mud has a whitening effect and prevents skin aging. A mud mask contains a large amount of nutritional elements, so masks made from it, in combination with massage, help smooth out wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones, soften the skin, moisturize it and give freshness.

The secret of the wonderful healing properties of mud is that it contains substances similar to antibiotics, and microelements, metals, acids, vitamins and even biogenic stimulants like female sex hormones that are vital for the body.

Healing mud, despite its healing properties, is contraindicated for patients with tuberculosis, hypertension, varicose veins, tumors and acute inflammatory diseases.

There are several sources of healing mud on the Dolzhanskaya Spit, the largest and main one being the estuary in the village itself. Many vacationers come to Dolzhanka specifically for treatment with this unique mud.

In this place, the bottom of the bay also consists of silt mud, people claim that sea mud is no less useful than in the estuary, during even slight waves, the sea in this place becomes brown due to the healing silt raised from the bottom, and then it is enough just step into the water to take in the healing treatments!

The bay in this place is very shallow and salty, the water is usually like fresh milk!

Dolzhanskaya is one of the most environmentally friendly resorts in the south of Russia. Favorable climate, the presence of healing mud, clean sea water, saturated with nutrients - all this contributes to good rest and recovery.

We invite you:

Warm waves, bright sun, air filled with exotic aromas, an incomparable starry sky, which can only be found in the south, as well as almost obligatory novels and romance - what else is needed for happiness? Truly, the sea heals not only the body, but also the soul. Tell me, where else can you so successfully combine treatment with hobby?

The waves give the skin the effect of a light massage, enrich the body with oxygen, improve the functioning of blood vessels, and lower blood pressure. Therefore, moderate sea bathing is recommended by cardiologists.

The water of the seas and oceans normalizes thermoregulation, increases vitality, has a hardening effect, and strengthens the body's defenses. It also improves blood circulation, increases the number of red blood cells and normalizes heart rate, which is why geriatricians prescribe sea baths to their elderly patients.

Salty waters supply the body with negative ions, which neutralize the excess of harmful positive ions that city dwellers accumulate in the concrete jungle. Thanks to this, the sea has an anti-stress effect, which is well known to neurologists.

And the sea also gives us a huge amount of useful substances that normalize metabolic processes and have a beneficial effect on the endocrine system and hypothalamus. Iodine, which sea water is rich in, activates the brain, improves memory, and improves the functioning of the thyroid gland. Doctors always advise any person suffering from chronic ENT diseases and frequent colds to go to the sea.

In addition to bathing, gargling and rinsing your nose with sea water heated to 37 °C will not hurt. Dentists also recommend rinsing your mouth with this healthy liquid: real sea water contains much more healing substances than the best toothpaste with sea minerals, and the oxygen contained in the water helps to naturally whiten your smile. However, before gargling with sea water, you need to make sure that it is clean.

The consequences of injuries, as well as rheumatic ailments, are also more successfully treated in combination with sea bathing. The sea also heals the nerves and cleanses the skin, helps with eczema and psoriasis.

From sea foam

The composition of sea water includes iodine, calcium, potassium, silicon, sodium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, iron, nickel, copper, arsenic, oxygen, nitrogen, neon, helium and many other elements. We absorb all this wealth through pores and capillaries. The richer and more concentrated the salt composition of sea water, the more intense the skin is nourished.

According to thalassotherapy, the skin can receive the maximum beneficial substances from water heated to 37 ° C, but even after swimming in ordinary sea water with an average temperature of 20-25 ° C, the beneficial effect remains. Saturated with minerals and salts, the skin becomes more elastic and firm, swelling decreases. Sea water is especially useful for problem skin: it washes away germs and excess sebum from its surface, and exfoliates the stratum corneum.

Salt water not only sharpens stones, but also sharpens our figures. The high concentration of nutrients helps intensively remove toxins from the body. In addition, the waves produce a light “anti-cellulite” body massage, and if you combine swimming with sports games on the water or just vigorously swimming, the orange peel will melt before your eyes. By the way, iodine, which marine microorganisms are rich in, additionally burns fat deposits in problem areas.

Regular swimming in the sea will replace your nourishing nail baths and hair masks. After relaxing by the sea, your manicure will be impeccable, and your hair will become thicker and more beautiful (of course, if you protect your hair from the sun). In general, you will come back from your vacation rejuvenated and prettier. Just remember to follow certain rules.

Six rules of the sea

  • Before entering the water, spend 10 minutes in the shade to avoid the sharp temperature contrast between the water and the air.
  • Upon arrival at the resort, for the first few days it is better to swim once a day. Then the number of sea baths can be increased to 2-3 times a day with intervals between bathing of at least half an hour.
  • Don't sit in the water until you turn blue. Hypothermia can cause colds, bronchitis, cystitis, and exacerbation of chronic diseases. If you are still frozen, immediately go ashore and vigorously rub yourself with a terry towel.
  • Do not swim immediately after eating - this is harmful to digestion, and do not swim on an empty stomach. This can cause weakness and an attack of tachycardia.
  • When you get out of the sea, don’t rush into the shower - let your skin absorb the nutrients.
  • If staying in the sea is contraindicated for you due to health reasons, simply douse yourself with sea water or take foot baths.

By the way

The term “thalassotherapy” (sea treatment) was introduced by the German physician Friedrich Wilhelm von Halem back in the 18th century. Around the same time, the English physiologist Richard Russell published a book about the healing properties of sea water. Since then, doctors began to prescribe sea bathing to their patients, like a potion.

At the same time, for the first time there was a demand for the services of swimming teachers, because before that, mainly only sailors could swim. Since then, Europe has started swimming en masse. The first one-piece swimsuits, which appeared just over a century ago, contributed to the development of swimming fashion. And the first seaside resorts appeared only in the 19th century.

Hippocrates already knew about the benefits of sea water. Externally, he suggested using it to heal wounds, cracks and bruises, as well as to treat scabies and lichens. He prescribed sea bathing for everyone suffering from nervous diseases and joint pain. The steam from sea water was recommended to treat headaches, and the water itself (when taken orally) was used as a laxative.

Unfortunately, sea water cannot be transported: the healing microorganisms living in it die within 48 hours. Therefore, without delaying the matter, get ready for the real blue sea. However, before purchasing a trip to the resort, consult your doctor.

The sea and the sun can be dangerous for patients with heart disease, hypertension, cancer patients, people suffering from infectious diseases, allergies to iodine, as well as some skin and especially fungal diseases. To determine if you have an allergy to iodine, take a special test. If your thyroid gland is overactive, vacationing at seaside resorts is also not recommended.

Which beaches are better - sandy or pebble?

It is useful to walk on pebbles barefoot - to stimulate active points on the soles that are connected to all internal organs. Walk in zigzags: water - land, cool sea - hot stones - excellent hardening. You can lie in the shade and apply hot stones to your lower back. The procedure is called stone therapy.

The special sea air is rich in oxygen and ozone, tiny particles of sea salts and iodine ions, which are beneficial for health. The climate is favorable for adults and children.

What are the benefits of seaside holidays:

  1. The immune system is strengthened and strength is restored.
  2. Diseases of the joints, rheumatism, arthrosis are cured.
  3. Preventive and therapeutic effects for respiratory diseases.
  4. Helps cure psoriasis and skin diseases.
  5. Prevents diseases of the nervous system, relieves depression and insomnia. Watching the sea and the sounds of the surf relaxes you, and a feeling of peace appears. Beautiful landscapes, the delight of swimming in the sea - everything makes a person calmer, kinder, and relieves him of an aggressive state.
  6. Relieves problems in the endocrine system.
  7. The dry climate relieves allergic reactions and asthma, and is useful for allergy sufferers.
  8. There is an improvement in blood circulation and the functioning of internal organs. The reason is foot massage while walking on pebbles and sand.
  9. Using a seawater bath can heal peeling and breaking nails. After the procedures they will be stronger and grow faster.

Note! You will benefit from a holiday at sea if you do not neglect safety rules, do not take excessive sunbathing and avoid drying out your skin.

Therapeutic effects of seaside holidays for children:

  • Hardening of the child’s body occurs through hydromassage of muscles and gymnastics for blood vessels. What is the essence of such gymnastics? When immersed in water, the vessels located on the surface of the body narrow, and the internal organs are saturated with blood.

    After the chill, a feeling of warmth appears. The heart beats faster and breathing becomes deeper.

  • Prevention of colds is based on exposure to sea air. Ozonated, it contains algae phytoncides, micro particles of salt, many negative air ions - all this has a positive effect on the upper respiratory tract.
  • Normalization of metabolic processes and metabolism occurs due to the child’s physical activity and increased heat transfer from the body under the influence of cool water. More active games in sea water means more health for the baby!
  • The nervous system is strengthened due to the content of bromine and iodine salts in the water. Bromine helps eliminate irritability and fatigue, and the presence of iodine provides a reduction in anxiety.

    The “salt cloak” that remains on the body after bathing has a calming effect. Take your time to wash your baby; let the salt have a longer effect on the nerve endings.

    Holidays at sea promote a leap in the intellectual development of a child. This is due to exposure to trace elements in sea air and water, which affect the development of memory and abilities.

    The child gets a lot of positive impressions, and playing with sand and pebbles trains fine motor skills.

Note! For medicinal purposes, it is recommended to rinse the sinuses and throat with sea water. If you use beach water, you may get an infection or worms.

It is more beneficial to walk early in the morning or in the evening, at this time the iodine content in the air is highest.

Holidays at sea involve treatment with sea water - thalassotherapy, sea air - aerotherapy, solar radiation - heliotherapy, sand baths - psammotherapy and mud.

Is it healthy to swim in the sea?

Simply swimming in the sea cures heart and skin diseases, and swimming for osteochondrosis is even beneficial.

Features of sea water in warm seas:

Name of the seas Features and effects on the human body
Water in Cherny. Similar to the microelement composition of blood, it benefits heart patients. The heart and blood vessels benefit from hydrogen sulfide compounds that appear in the depths of the sea.
In the Mediterranean. The composition of sea water of moderate salinity promotes the treatment of asthma, vegetative-vascular disorders and respiratory tract disorders.
In red. Many microorganisms and algae. It has a great therapeutic effect on respiratory diseases, infertility and obesity.
Dead. Unique in the mineral composition of water and healing mud. Record holder for the presence of salts. The best holiday during the velvet season.
Is the Sea of ​​Azov useful? You can understand from the fact that sea water contains 97 minerals from the periodic table. After bathing, the functioning of the whole body improves.
In Baltic. The water is often cold and dirty; rest without swimming is compensated by air baths with sea and pine air.

Note! The best water temperature is 20-27 degrees. It is healthier to avoid visiting the beach before 10 a.m. and after 5 p.m. It is not recommended to swim immediately after eating.

Bathing is wonderfully relaxing; skin massage is accompanied by the absorption of nutrients from the water.

Is it useful to live by the sea?

Living by the sea means:

  • Enjoy healing air and water, mild climate and excellent ecology all year round. But in winter there is high humidity and strong winds.
  • Use of developed infrastructure and transport network. But with a huge number of vacationers, queues and crowded conditions will irritate you.
  • Living in safe conditions and a favorable economic situation. But prices rise during the holiday season.
  • Have a mostly seasonal income. But there is an opportunity to prosper your own business.

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Sea water is surrounded by many myths. Some say that it is extremely good for health, others - on the contrary, that apart from being an “object for bathing”, sea water does not bring any benefit. Which of this is a myth and which is the truth?

Myth one. “Sea water cures all diseases”

The term “thalassotherapy” (sea treatment) did not arise out of nowhere. Sea water is similar in composition to blood plasma, so it is able to penetrate through the pores of the skin into the blood, enriching the body with mineral salts. This “salt supplement” is extremely beneficial for health. Therefore, patients with diseases of the cardiovascular, endocrine, nervous and musculoskeletal systems after a vacation at sea feel literally born again. It is believed that the saltier the sea, the healthier it is. This statement is generally true, however, with a small reservation. Some seas have their own healing specialization. Therefore, ideally, each disease requires its own sea.
Each of the seas has its own place in the ranking of usefulness and “specialization”. Therefore, ideally, each patient needs to “find his sea” to treat the disease.
Dead Sea
The saltiest in the world (260-310 g/l of water). Moreover, 12 of the 21 minerals that are present in the water of the Dead Sea are no longer found in any body of water. Bromine vapors make the climate on the coast mild, they also reduce the aggressiveness of the sun, so it is almost impossible to get sunburned there.
What it treats: The Dead Sea is a real clinic for diseases of the joints and supporting apparatus, and skin diseases. Even patients with psoriasis (which is considered incurable) after a holiday at the Dead Sea experience long-term, stable remission.
Cons: When diving in the Dead Sea, you must be extremely careful not to get any sea water in your mouth or eyes. Due to the high concentration of salts, the likelihood of salt burn is high. Fans of swimming are unlikely to like the Dead Sea - the saturated saline solution literally pushes you out of the water, so it is impossible to swim here.
Red sea
Salt concentration is 38-42 grams per liter of water. This is one of the warmest seas (water temperature in summer is +32°C). It has the richest underwater world, and the famous coral reefs attract diving enthusiasts from all over the world.
What it treats: the dry climate for which the Red Sea coast is famous is an ideal place for patients with bronchopulmonary diseases.
Cons: It is very hot here in summer and too windy in winter. There have been cases of shark attacks on swimmers in the Red Sea. The underwater reef area is home to many poisonous fish.
Mediterranean, Adriatic, Aegean seas
Salt content - 40 grams per liter. They differ in the degree of purity (the purest is Adriatic) and climate. The Adriatic and Aegean coast - low humidity and coniferous forests, the Mediterranean - hot summers and high humidity.
What it treats: prevention and rehabilitation of a wide range of diseases. High humidity is not indicated for patients with bronchopulmonary diseases. Cons: price for vacation. Finding a budget place during the season is extremely difficult.
Black Sea
Salt content 18 grams per liter. Many experts consider this concentration to be ideal - excess salt does not irritate the skin and mucous membranes, and this amount of salt is quite sufficient for the therapeutic effect.
What it treats: cardiovascular, endocrine diseases, ailments of the musculoskeletal system.
Cons: not the cleanest sea.
Sea of ​​Azov
Lightly salted (10 grams per liter), but unique in composition. Contains 92 health-promoting minerals. In addition, there are active mud volcanoes on the Azov coast (the mud contains iodine, bromine and hydrogen sulfide, which strengthen muscles and normalize metabolic processes). The climate is dry, steppe.
Cons: shallow, industrial enterprises are located along the entire coast.
What it treats: diseases of the endocrine, respiratory and musculoskeletal systems.
Baltic Sea
The lightest salted sea (8 grams per liter). It is appreciated by vacationers who do not like heat and crowds of people. There are many coniferous forests on the Baltic coast, which fill the air with healing phytoncides.
What it cures: a holiday in the Baltic is ideal for elderly people and patients with cardiovascular diseases, as well as those for whom a hot climate is contraindicated.
Cons: The coldest sea - the water rarely warms up above 20 g, which makes swimming possible only for those who are prepared.

Myth two. “Since the sea is so useful, you need to swim as long as possible”

To get the benefits of sea bathing, you need to swim for at least 10-15 minutes. During this time, the body manages to adapt to the temperature regime, skin pores open, and water-salt metabolism begins. Doctors are wary of prolonged sea bathing. It is known that salt water has greater thermal conductivity and heat capacity - it absorbs more heat from the body, so you freeze faster in sea water than in fresh water. No matter how warm the water may seem to you, you need to either move actively in the sea or go ashore after 15-20 minutes. Otherwise, a cold cannot be avoided.
The first symptom of freezing is the appearance of goosebumps on the body. They arise due to the fact that cold receptors act on the hair follicles - and the hair on the body “stands on end.” The final signal is blue lips, which indicate deep cooling of the body. It’s better not to allow this to happen, but if something like this happens, go ashore. You need to rub yourself thoroughly with a towel and warm up in the sun.

Myth three. “The warmer the water, the better”

The optimal sea water temperature is 22-24 degrees. Although sea water contains components that have antiseptic and antibacterial effects, in places with large crowds of people the water is so heavily polluted that further heating creates ideal conditions for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.

Myth four. “After swimming, there is no need to rinse off the water - the sea salt remaining on the skin will continue to heal”

This is partly true. The effect of sea water continues for about 20-30 minutes after swimming. However, the body releases toxins from its cells while swimming. It's better to wash them off. In addition, if your skin has ulcers or cuts, sea salt may cause irritation.


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