Take mexidol tablets before or after meals. Mexidol tablets: instructions for use

To the question How to Mexidol (before, during or after meals)? Is it possible to accept it? at the same time as Tanakan? Are there better drugs? Which? given by the author Vladimir Kudaev The best answer is that Mexidol is a good drug (still similar Actovegin, about the same level). You can take it with tanakan. Take without regard to food.

Answer from 22 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: How Prin. Mexidol (before, during or after meals)? Is it possible to accept it? at the same time as Tanakan? Are there better drugs? Which?

Answer from I-beam[newbie]
Method of application and doses: V / m or / in (stream or drip). With the infusion method of administration, the drug should be diluted in an isotonic sodium chloride solution.
Doses are selected individually depending on the pathology and severity of the patient's condition.
The recommended dose is 5-10 mg/kg/day, depending on the condition.
Jet Mexidol is administered slowly, within 1-3 minutes, drip - at a rate of 40-60 drops per minute.
In the treatment of acute cerebrovascular accident, Mexidol is used in / in the drip from 100 to 1000 mg / day, depending on the severity of the condition for 10-14 days (the daily dose is divided into 2-4 injections), then in / in the stream or in / m 200 mg 2 times a day for another 10-14 days.
In acute traumatic brain injury, Mexidol is administered intravenously at a dose of 100-1000 mg / day, depending on the severity of the injury and the patient's condition. The daily dose is divided into 2-4 injections.
For encephalopathies in the decompensation phase, Mexidol is used intravenously in a stream or drip at a dose of 200-300 mg 2-3 times a day for 10-14 days, then 200-300 mg / day intramuscularly for 10-14 days.
For course prophylaxis in encephalopathies various genesis Mexidol is administered intramuscularly at a dose of 200 mg 1-2 times a day for 10-14 days. In the future, they switch to use in tablet form.
In case of vertebrobasilar insufficiency in the decompensation phase, Mexidol is administered 200 mg 2-3 times a day by intravenous drip or intravenous bolus for 10-15 days; in the subcompensation phase - 200 mg 1-2 times a day in / in a jet or in / m for 10-14 days with a further transition to a tablet form; in the compensation phase (prophylactic course) - 100-200 mg (1-2 amp.) / m daily for 10-15 days or in tablet form.
Epilepsy and episyndromes: 200-400 mg 1-2 times a day intravenously for 10-15 days, followed by a transition to a long-term oral intake.
With cognitive disorders of atherosclerotic genesis in elderly patients, neurotic and psychoorganic syndromes - intramuscularly at a dose of 100-300 mg / day for 14-30 days, followed by the transition to a tablet form.
With alcohol and drug intoxication - in/in drip at a dose of 300-400 mg 2-3 times a day until the intoxication stops.
With withdrawal syndromes (alcoholic and narcotic) - at a dose of 200-300 mg intravenously or intramuscularly 2 times a day for 5-7 days.
For acute intoxication antipsychotics- in / in drip, in a daily dose of 400-800 mg, divided into 2 injections.
At asthenic disorders- at a dose of 100-200 mg / day / m daily for 10-15 days. Then they switch to tablet form.
In acute purulent-inflammatory processes abdominal cavity(acute necrotizing pancreatitis, peritonitis) Mexidol is prescribed on the first day both in the preoperative and in postoperative period. The dose of the drug depends on the form and severity of the disease, the prevalence of the process, and the variants of the clinical course. In acute edematous (interstitial) pancreatitis - 200-600 mg 2-3 times a day in/in drip and/m. With necrotizing pancreatitis of mild severity - 200-400 mg 2-3 times a day in/in drip and/m. With necrotizing pancreatitis medium degree severity - 200-600 mg 2-3 times a day in/in drip; with a severe course of the process - on the first day, 800 mg is prescribed in a pulse dose, divided into 2 injections, then 300 mg 2 times a day with gradual decline daily dose. In extremely severe necrotizing pancreatitis, the initial dose is 800 mg / day until persistent relief of the manifestations of pancreatogenic shock, with stabilization of the condition - 300-400 mg 2 times a day, intravenously, with a gradual decrease in the daily dose.
Course therapy with Mexidol is completed gradually, reducing the dose of the drug within 2-3 days.

Recently, an increasing number of cerebrovascular diseases, including cerebral strokes, leads to the search for new effective methods their treatment.

Mexidol is a domestic original drug of a new type, the mechanism of action of which is determined by its antioxidant and membrane-protective properties.

Pharmacodynamic effects

Mexidol is a new drug that has pharmacological effects at least at two levels: at the level of nerve cells and at the vascular level (which analogues do not have). At the same time, it has antioxidant and antihypoxic effects. In addition, this drug stabilizes cell membranes, has nootropic and anxiolytic effects.

The drug effectively helps, it is prescribed as a stress-protective drug, as well as for the prevention of many pathological conditions. The body becomes more resistant to adverse environmental conditions, at the same time, the proper level of development of adaptive reactions is ensured.

Mexidol helps to restore the "sleep-wakefulness" cyclic mechanism, improve the quality of sleep, increase exercise tolerance, emotional stress and various conflict situations. The anxiolytic effect of the drug is manifested in a decrease internal anxiety, anxiety and fear.

The course use of the remedy helps to restore the body, improves cognitive functions, memorization and learning processes.

In addition, the drug has anticonvulsant activity and can be used to treat various forms of epilepsy (which analogues do not have, and therefore there is a need for a separate use of antiepileptic drugs).

What effect does Mexidol have on the body? The antihypoxic effect is manifested in an increase in the number of surviving experimental animals during the action various types hypoxia on their body.

Apparently, these effects are associated with an increase in anaerobic glycolysis and the amount of ATP, so indications for prescription include ischemic disorders.

Why does the drug include cognitive dysfunctions and disturbances in mnestic processes in the indications? It inhibits lipid peroxidation, helps modulate the activity of membrane-bound enzymes, improving the transport of mediators in axon terminals.

Mexidol helps to reduce increased viscosity blood, reduce the tendency to platelet aggregation, improve the functioning of cerebral vessels. In addition, it helps to activate the metabolic processes of the brain tissue itself.


After administration, the drug is very quickly distributed, and also very quickly excreted from the body. After that, after 4 hours, the metabolites of the drug are no longer identified in the urine.

The mechanism of metabolism is carried out mainly in the liver with the formation of glucuronic conjugates, some of which are capable of exhibiting pharmacological activity.

Features of use

Before you start taking any medication, you should carefully study the indications and contraindications for its use.

The drug is indicated for patients of any age as a complex treatment for acute disorders of the blood supply to the brain.

Indications also include the treatment of encephalopathy, mnestic disorders of the circulatory or atherosclerotic origin, vegetative dystonia. The use of Mexidol in tablets is effective for the treatment of neurosis, withdrawal symptoms, intoxication and poisoning with various substances.

If these groups of patients have contraindications at the same time, then the decision on the possibility of its appointment is made by the doctor.

Methods of administration and average dosages

Apply the drug enterally (tablets) and parenterally (injections): intravenously and intramuscularly. The amount of substance injected depends on initial state patient and clinical diagnosis. Intravenous (drip) infusion is carried out at a rate of 35-55 drops / min, intravenously (stream) is administered for 6-8 minutes.

Under the condition of intravenous infusion, it is diluted in a sterile sodium chloride solution. It is better to use a starting dose not exceeding 100 mg. It is distributed into three injections per day, always after meals. Further, the dosage is gradually increased until a therapeutic effect occurs.

For the treatment of acute disorders of cerebral circulation (of any type and localization), as part of complex therapy, Mexidol can be administered intravenously (by injections) or taken in tablets after meals for 2-4 days from 200 to 300 mg 1 time per day. Then they switch to intramuscular injection of 100 mg of the drug 3 times a day. The duration of treatment for acute cerebrovascular accident is 10-14 days.

A critical point in the effectiveness of therapy for cerebral stroke is its timely start.

At the pre-hospital stage, as monotherapy, administration should begin no later than 4 hours after the accident (by an emergency doctor at a dosage of 400 mg) and then you can continue to inject the drug in the neurological department or ward intensive care(ampoules at a dose of 800 to 1200 mg per day). After stabilization of the patient's condition, the drug should be taken in tablets (300-400 mg per day).

If there are no indications for further treatment, it is better to discontinue the drug gradually, after stabilization of the clinical condition and laboratory parameters.

The duration of treatment for patients suffering from neurosis or neurosis-like disorders, mental symptoms of organic origin, as well as those caused by a violation of the blood supply to the brain, is from 2 to 6 weeks.

In order to stop the withdrawal syndrome that has arisen against the background of alcohol consumption, the drug is used for 5-6 days. In the latter case, injections can be replaced with tablets. It will be correct to take 2 tablets 2 times a day after meals during the entire period of the existence of this syndrome.

The action of the remedy for the treatment of complications of diabetes mellitus is effective. Tablets lower the level atherogenic lipids blood, improve microcirculation in the vessels of the brain, contribute to the normalization of blood glucose levels (taken as in the treatment of withdrawal symptoms).

When is the remedy contraindicated?

The drug is not recommended for injection in patients with allergic reactions, including those with a history of hypersensitivity to drug components. Contraindications include acute disorders functional activity liver and kidneys.

There are no data on the effect on children, pregnant women and mothers who are breastfeeding, so the drug is most often not prescribed to these groups of patients. If there is no alternative, then it should be prescribed only when the expected benefit far outweighs the harm.

Side effects

A distinctive feature of Mexidol is its low toxicity, and therefore, the low incidence of side effects. Therefore, there are few contraindications to the drug.

Studies have shown that when the dose of the administered drug exceeds the level toxic effects, no violations observed for a long time motor activity and coordination of movements, there is no drowsiness and depression of brain functions.

Among the side effects that can be observed when using the drug in therapeutic concentrations, dry mouth, nausea and drowsiness are noted.

Special instructions for use

It is better not to prescribe Mexidol to patients with arterial hypertension or a crisis course of hypertension. For this category of persons, the drug is prescribed only after normalization of blood pressure and sedative therapy.

Mexidol is used with caution in persons whose work is related to driving vehicles or complex mechanisms, requiring increased concentration and attention.

An overdose of the drug is rare. Treatment is symptomatic, aimed at removing it from the body as soon as possible.

For treatment, dialysis detoxification methods are used, it is recommended to drink more fluids.

Drug Interactions

The medicine reduces toxic effect and side effects of ethyl alcohol on the body, and also potentiates the action of anxiolytics of a benzodiazepine nature and antiparkinsonian drugs for a long time.

The cost of the drug

The cost of the drug depends on the pharmacy network and dosage. On average, a package (tablets, 30 pcs) can be bought from 290 to 350 rubles. A large package (tablets, 50 pcs) can be bought a little more expensive - 400-450 rubles. The injection form of the drug (ampoules of a 5% solution of 2 ml, 10 pcs) will cost 490-550 rubles, ampoules (20 pcs of 5 ml) will cost around 1,500 rubles.

Mexidol is a highly effective drug with very a wide range pharmacodynamic effects on the body. Side effects the drug is minimal.

Due to its high efficiency (which its analogues do not have), the drug can be used to treat acute and chronic circulatory disorders of the brain. Injectable release forms (ampoules) allow you to start therapy immediately (if indicated).

When is the drug prescribed in tablets? Most often, after infusion therapy, patients are transferred to taking medication in tablet form (for maintenance therapy, as well as as a preventive measure), when acting on the body adverse factors, after which their side effects are reduced.

Mexidol instructions for use. In this article, we will get acquainted with the instructions on how to use the drug Mexidol (Mexidol®) - what it helps from, its price and recommendations from customers. From the instructions it is known that this is Mexidol film-coated tablets 125 mg, Mexidol injections (in ampoules) 5% medicinal product for the treatment of encephalopathies, TBI and other brain disorders in adults, children and pregnancy.

Excipients: lactose monohydrate - 97.5 mg, povidone - 25 mg, magnesium stearate - 2.5 mg.

The composition of the film shell: Opadry II white 33G28435 - 7.5 mg (hypromellose - 3 mg, titanium dioxide - 1.875 mg, lactose monohydrate - 1.575 mg, polyethylene glycol (macrogol) - 0.6 mg, triacetin - 0.45 mg).

  • 10 pieces. - cellular contour packaging (1) - packs of cardboard;
  • 10 pieces. - cellular contour packaging (2) - packs of cardboard;
  • 10 pieces. - cellular contour packaging (3) - packs of cardboard;
  • 10 pieces. - cellular contour packaging (4) - packs of cardboard;
  • 10 pieces. - cellular contour packaging (5) - packs of cardboard.

Mexidol (Mexidol®) - instructions for use

To optimize the functioning of the body, it is appropriate to additionally drink a course of prescribed medications. Mexidol is worth choosing if you need to influence the body's resources, maintain functions and tone internal systems especially those of the central nervous system. Unauthorized use of the drug is strictly contraindicated.


The active substance of Mexidol is ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate (2-ethyl-6-methyl-3-hydroxypyridine succinate). Issued injection solution(50g/l) or tablets containing 125 mg. active substance. This is a domestic drug, one of the new generation of antioxidant drugs.

As excipients, Mexidol injection solution includes sodium metabisulfite (1 g) and injection water(up to 1 liter). Mexidol tablets - excipients are magnesium stearate, sodium carboxymethylcellulose (otherwise - carmellose), lactose monohydrate, as well as the components that make up the tablet shell - talc, macrogol, polyvinyl alcohol and titanium dioxide.

Tablets Mexidol instructions for use

Mexidol tablets are intended for oral administration. The daily dose varies from 375 to 750 mg, the multiplicity of doses is 3 (one or two tablets three times a day). The maximum allowable dose is 800 mg. per day, which corresponds to 6 tablets.

The duration of the course of treatment depends on the disease and the patient's response to the prescribed treatment. As a rule, it is from two weeks to one and a half months. In the case when the drug is prescribed to relieve the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal, the duration of the course is from five to seven days.

In this case, abrupt withdrawal of the drug is unacceptable: treatment is stopped gradually, reducing the dose within two to three days. At the beginning of the course, the patient is prescribed to take one or two tablets per dose once or twice a day. The dose is gradually increased until a positive clinical effect is obtained (while it should not exceed 6 tablets per day).

The duration of the therapeutic course in patients diagnosed with coronary disease is from one and a half to two months. If necessary, according to the doctor's prescription, a second course can be prescribed. The optimal time for the appointment of a second course is autumn and spring.

Mexidol from what is prescribed - indications for use

Why is Mexidol prescribed? The drug is indicated for the treatment of:

  1. Vegetovascular dystonia;
  2. Alcohol and drug addiction;
  3. Discirculatory encephalopathy;
  4. Atherosclerotic brain pathologies;
  5. Consequences of acute disorders of cerebral circulation, including after transient ischemic attacks, in the subcompensation phase as preventive courses;
  6. Impact of extreme (stress) factors;
  7. Conditions after acute intoxication with antipsychotics;
  8. Anxiety disorders in neurotic and neurosis-like states;
  9. Light traumatic brain injury, consequences of traumatic brain injury;
  10. Acute pathologies of cerebral circulation.

Why is Mexidol taken and what helps? Mexidol is indicated for the removal of: "Withdrawal syndrome" and various conditions that occur during oxygen starvation.

Price for Mexidol

The cost of the drug is available to almost all patients, and varies between 250-400 rubles per pack of tablets. The price of injections remains approximately the same price range.

It is important to read the instructions before buying. The price on the Internet is cheaper, real and positive recommendations from patients, high efficiency of the drug. If you buy a medicine at a pharmacy, the price depends on the city and region. No prescription required.

Dosage and administration

Inside, 125 - 250 mg 3 times a day; the maximum daily dose is 800 mg (6 tablets).
Duration of treatment - 2 - 6 weeks; for the relief of alcohol withdrawal - 5 - 7 days. Treatment is stopped gradually, reducing the dose within 2-3 days. Initial dose - 125 - 250 mg (1 - 2 tablets) 1 - 2 times a day with a gradual increase until a therapeutic effect is obtained; the maximum daily dose is 800 mg (6 tablets). The duration of the course of therapy in patients with coronary heart disease is at least 1.5 - 2 months. Repeat courses(on the recommendation of a doctor), it is desirable to carry out in the spring - autumn periods.

pharmachologic effect

According to the instructions for use, Mexidol is characterized by a complex pharmacological action, has an antioxidant, adaptogenic, nootropic, membrane-stabilizing, cerebroprotective, anxiolytic, vegetotropic, anticonvulsant effect:

  • Restores the functions and structure of cell membranes, modulates membrane-bound enzymes, improves the interconnection of brain structures and synoptic transmission;
  • Improves function immune system, inhibits platelet aggregation;
  • It activates the synthesis of protein and nucleic acids inside the cells, accelerates the enzymatic reactions of the Krebs cycle and the utilization of glucose, promotes the synthesis of ATP and its accumulation inside the cells;
  • Improves cerebral hemodynamics, including microcirculation, has a positive effect on blood flow, limits the area of ​​cerebral ischemia and stimulates reparative processes;
  • Lowers the level of low density lipoproteins and cholesterol, promotes the regression of atherosclerotic changes in the vessels;
  • It inhibits fat peroxidation, activates the antioxidant system, accelerates mitochondrial energy synthesis, improves cellular energy metabolism.


  1. Hypersensitivity to the drug;
  2. Acute liver failure;
  3. Acute kidney failure.

Mexidol is not prescribed to children due to insufficient knowledge of the drug's action.

Side effects

From the side digestive system: possible appearance of individual adverse reactions dyspeptic or dyspeptic character.

Others: possible allergic reactions.


Overdose may cause drowsiness.

drug interaction

Mexidol can be combined with all drugs used for the treatment somatic diseases. When used together, Mexidol enhances the effect of benzodiazepine derivatives, antidepressants, anxiolytics, antiparkinsonian and anticonvulsants. Mexidol reduces the toxic effect of ethyl alcohol.

special instructions

Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and control mechanisms. During the period of treatment, care must be taken when driving vehicles and engaging in other potentially dangerous species activities that require increased concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions.

For impaired renal function

The prescription drug is contraindicated in acute renal failure.

Mexidol injections instructions for use

The second form of release of this drug is a solution for injection. If ordinary Mexidol is prescribed in this form, ampoules (shots) are also dispensed without a prescription.

The release option is more effective, since the component - methylhydroxypyridine - immediately enters systemic circulation, has a curative effect, gives a stable and long-lasting therapeutic effect. The medicine has antioxidant, nootropic, antihypoxic and anxiolytic properties. What helps Mexidol? Indications for use are as follows:

  • Impaired cognitive function;
  • Disturbed systemic circulation of the cerebral cortex and not only;
  • Nervous disorders with panic attacks, anxiety states;
  • Open-angle glaucoma;
  • Insufficient nutrition of brain tissue.

The medication Mexidol injections according to the instructions is injected into the patient's body into the muscle or intravenously. single doses and the duration of the course is important to pre-specify with your doctor.

A similar annotation Mexidol instructions for use reports that a single dose of medication depends on the nature of the pathological process, the degree of neglect of the diagnosed disease. These may include the following rules:

  1. Traumatic brain injury - 500 mg / 14 days;
  2. Circulatory failure in the cerebral cortex - 100-250 ml / 10 days;
  3. Impaired cerebral circulation - 200-500 mg of medication / 14 days.
  4. In the presence of mild cognitive impairment, older people inject about 300 mg / day into the muscle for up to thirty days;
  5. Acute diseases of a purulent-inflammatory nature - from the first days of treatment and after the end of the operation. The required dosage is calculated by a specialist, the duration of the drug will depend on the form and severity of the disease. Features and characteristic features her currents. Cancellation of the drug Mexidol is carried out gradually, as soon as a stable clinical effect is achieved, blood counts stabilize;
  6. At easy course necrotizing pancreatitis - up to 200 mg three times a day. Choose one of the methods of administration or use a combination of them;
  7. With necrotizing pancreatitis, if it is severe, 800 mg is prescribed on the first day in a pulse dosage. For the following days, from 200 to 500 mg is prescribed twice a day;
  8. Encephalopathy (injection can be done only in the decompensation phase) - intravenously, 200-400 mg of Mexidol twice a day for fourteen days. Over the next two weeks, about 200 mg are administered. 1 per day. A preventive measure occurs by injecting a solution intramuscularly at 250 mg. twice a day for two weeks;
  9. In acute poisoning with antipsychotics, it is prescribed from 300-500 mg / day for a week;
  10. In acute pancreatitis, accompanied by swelling, up to 500 mg of Mexidol is prescribed 3 times a day by drip or an injection into a muscle;
  11. With alcohol withdrawal, 250 mg / day is prescribed intravenously by drip or three injections into the muscle for one week.

The exact selection of the dosage of Mexidol should be carried out by a doctor. The introduction of Mexidol intravenously can be carried out by drip. Another injection technique is inkjet. It is administered directly into a vein using a syringe.

There is no need to dilute this solution. The speed of introduction of the ampoule is no more than seven minutes. If an injection of Mexidol is made into a muscle, then it is required to be done in the center of the upper quadrant of the buttock.

Mexidol during pregnancy

The drug does not help expectant mothers to recover quickly, but can only harm the intrauterine development of the fetus, provoke extensive pathologies. Clinical studies of such categories of patients were not carried out, therefore Mexidol is not prescribed during pregnancy. In addition, the drug is contraindicated during lactation.

Mexidol is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding) due to insufficient knowledge of the drug.

Mexidol and alcohol compatibility

Mexidol instructions for use - an original drug with a nootropic effect, so it is often used to eliminate withdrawal symptoms and symptoms of poisoning ethyl alcohol. Many people believe that if you use the drug at the same time as alcohol, the effect of the latter can easily be neutralized. But this is just an erroneous assumption.

During the penetration of the substance into the body, the process of stopping the present pathology starts in it, while no protection is provided for the cells. Therefore, to the question of whether they can be used together, there is only one answer: it is impossible, since there is no compatibility between the substances.

Disobedience in this regard can cause serious Negative consequences in the form of nausea, vomiting, pain and dizziness. However, it is possible to use this drug as a single component in the phased elimination of alcohol dependence. Usually this technique helps to increase the effectiveness of therapy and the immediate elimination of disorders.

Thus, the drug is effective in eliminating numerous ailments and pathological phenomena, therefore, it will allow you to recover from any form of many diseases in just a short course. But before using the drug, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

Mexidol - analogues

If these injections give an allergic reaction, a correction of the treatment regimen is necessary. Drugs similar in composition to Mexidol also act productively, the main thing is to choose the safest one in a particular clinical picture medicine. Well-established, according to the recommendations of doctors, Cerecard, Mexiprim, Meksidant, Neurox, Mexicor.

Actovegin and Mexidol: The drugs have similar uses and are often given together. Actovegin is produced on the basis of an extract from calf's blood, so allergic reactions often develop on it. Improves nutrition and tissue regeneration. Unlike Mexidol, Actovegin is used for disorders in peripheral vessels, and for the treatment of the consequences of such disorders - trophic ulcers and angiopathy.

What is better than Mexidol? Since the drug has recently appeared on the market, its research continues. In the case of a particular patient, those remedies are always good that give maximum effect. If there is no improvement within two to three days of using Mexidol, it is better to replace it with other drugs. There is no single answer to the question of which drugs are better. The choice of treatment regimen is individual, and depends on the skill level of the attending physician.

Mexidol or Mexiprim? Mexiprim - german drug, similar in its properties to the domestic Mexidol. Produced by the Stada Arzneimittel concern ("STADA Arzneimittel"). It differs only in the excipients included in the shell and the core of the tablets.

Mexidol or Cavinton? The active substance of Cavinton is a semi-synthetic derivative of vincamine (devincan) contained in periwinkle - vinpocetine. It is a vasodilator used to improve blood circulation in the brain. Slightly lowers blood pressure, improves the supply of glucose and oxygen to the brain.

It is also used in ophthalmology, and in the treatment of age-related diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Both drugs complement each other and are often used together in the treatment of cerebrovascular problems. It is undesirable to mix these drugs in one dropper, it is better to administer them separately.

Mexidol or Mildronate? Mildronate (trimethylhydrazinium propionate) is a vasodilator that improves oxygen supply to tissues, increases humoral and tissue immunity, lowers blood pressure, and is used in the treatment of coronary disease. It can be prescribed together with Mexidol for withdrawal symptoms, disorders of the blood supply to the brain, since the drugs complement each other.

Mexidol or Neurox? These two drugs are identical and contain the same active ingredient.

Mexidol or Cortexin? Cortexin contains an extract from the polypeptides of the large brain cattle. The choice of drug depends on the individual reaction of the patient's body to it. Together, both drugs are used in the treatment of acute cerebral hypoxia in newborns. It is prescribed only by the attending physician.

Mexidol or Nootropil? The active ingredient in Nootropil is piracetam. The drugs are often prescribed together to treat memory impairment, the effects of ischemic stroke, alcoholism, and improving learning in children.

The original domestic antihypoxant and antioxidant of direct action, optimizing the energy supply of cells and increasing the reserve capacity of the body

Mexidol main effects, mechanism of action, application

Domestic drug of a new generation

T.A. Voronin


NEUROLOGY: acute disorders of cerebral circulation (strokes), atherosclerotic disorders of brain functions, dyscirculatory encephalopathy.

SURGERY: acute purulent-inflammatory processes of the abdominal cavity (acute destructive pancreatitis, peritonitis).

PSYCHIATRY: relief of withdrawal syndrome with the presence of neurosis-like and vegetative-vascular disorders in the clinical picture, as well as acute intoxication with antipsychotics

MEXIDOL (ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate)

Dosage form:

  • 5% solution for injection in ampoules of 2 ml No. 10,
  • coated tablets 125 mg No. 30 Mexidol - 2-ethyl-6-methyl-3-hydroxypyridine succinate was synthesized at the Institute of Biochemical Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences; studied and developed at the Research Institute of Pharmacology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and the All-Russian Scientific Center for biological safety active substances. Mexidol is allowed for a wide range of medical use and is indicated for the treatment of acute disorders of cerebral circulation, dyscirculatory encephalopathy, vegetovascular dystonia, atherosclerotic disorders of the brain, neurotic and neurosis-like disorders with anxiety, for the relief of withdrawal symptoms in alcoholism, for the treatment of acute intoxication with neuroleptics and a number of other diseases. Mexidol is a new type of drug, both in terms of mechanism and spectrum of pharmacological action, and has significant advantages over known neuropsychotropic drugs. MECHANISM OF ACTION Mexidol has an original mechanism of action, the fundamental difference of which from the mechanism of action of traditional neuropsychotropic drugs is the lack of specific binding to known receptors. Mexidol is an inhibitor of free radical processes, lipid peroxidation, it activates superoxide dismutase, affects the physicochemical properties of the membrane, increases the content of polar lipid fractions (phosphatidylserine and phosphotidylinositol, etc.) in the membrane, reduces the ratio of cholesterol / phospholipids, reduces the viscosity of the lipid layer and increases membrane fluidity, activates the energy-synthesizing functions of mitochondria and improves energy metabolism in the cell and, thus, protects the cell apparatus and the structure of their membranes. The change in functional activity caused by Mexidol biological membrane leads to conformational changes in protein macromolecules of synaptic membranes, as a result of which Mexidol has a modulating effect on the activity of membrane-bound enzymes, ion channels and receptor complexes, in particular, benzodiazepine, GABA, acetylcholine, enhancing their ability to bind to ligands, increasing the activity of neurotransmitters and the activation of synaptic processes . Along with this, Mexidol has a pronounced hypolipidemic effect, reduces the level of total cholesterol and low-density lipoproteins and increases lipoproteins. high density. Thus, the mechanism of action of Mexidol is determined primarily by its antioxidant properties, the ability to stabilize cell biomembranes, activate the energy-synthesizing functions of mitochondria, modulate the work of receptor complexes and the passage of ionic currents, enhance the binding of endogenous substances, improve synaptic transmission and the interconnection of brain structures. Due to this mechanism of action, Mexidol affects the key basic links in the pathogenesis of various diseases, has a wide range of effects, extremely low side effects and low toxicity, has the ability to potentiate the action of other centrally acting substances, especially those that realize their action as direct receptor agonists. PHARMACODYNAMICS Mexidol, unlike known drugs, has a wide range of pharmacological effects, which are realized at least at two levels - neuronal and vascular. It has a cerebroprotective, anti-alcohol, nootropic, antihypoxic, tranquilizing, anticonvulsant, anti-Parkinsonian, anti-stress, vegetotropic effect. In addition, it has the ability to improve cerebral circulation, inhibit platelet aggregation, lower total cholesterol levels, and have an anti-atherosclerotic effect. The therapeutic effects of Mexidol are revealed in the dose range from 10 to 300 mg/kg. Mexidol increases the body's resistance to various extreme damaging factors, such as sleep disturbance, conflict situations, stress, brain injury, electric shock, physical activity, hypoxia, ischemia, various intoxications, including ethanol. Mexidol has a pronounced tranquilizing and anti-stress effect, the ability to eliminate anxiety, fear, tension, anxiety, in particular in conflict situations. When administered parenterally, it has an effect similar in depth to diazepam (Seduxen) and alprazolam (Xanax). The anti-stress effect of Mexidol is expressed in the normalization of post-aggressive behavior, somatovegetative indicators, the restoration of sleep-wake cycles and impaired learning and memory processes, the reduction of gastric ulcers, the reduction of dystrophic, morphological changes that occur after stress in various structures brain and myocardium. Mexidol has a distinct anticonvulsant effect, affecting both primary generalized convulsions caused primarily by the administration of GABAergic substances, and epileptiform brain activity with a chronic epileptogenic focus. The nootropic properties of Mexidol are expressed in the ability to improve learning and memory, contribute to the preservation of a memorable trace and counteract the process of fading of grafted skills and reflexes. Mexidol has a pronounced anti-amnestic effect, eliminating memory impairment caused by various influences (electric shock, brain injury, sleep deprivation, administration of scopolamine, ethanol, benzodiazepines, etc.). Mexidol has a distinct antihypoxic and antiischemic effect, which is expressed in the ability of the drug to increase the life expectancy and the number of surviving animals in various hypoxic conditions: hypobaric hypoxia, hypoxia with hypercapnia in the hermetic volume and hemic hypoxia. In terms of antihypoxic activity, Mexidol is significantly superior to pyritinol and piracetam, which, at doses of 300 and even 500 mg/kg, has weak antihypoxic activity in conditions of acute hypobaric hypoxia and hypoxia with hypercapnia. In addition, mexidol has a pronounced antihypoxic effect on the myocardium in experiments on an isolated, perforated, beating heart. According to the mechanism of realization of these effects, Mexidol is an antihypoxant with a direct energizing effect, the effect of which is associated with an effect on the endogenous respiration of mitochondria, with the activation of the energy-synthesizing function of mitochondria. The antihypoxic effect of Mexidol is due not only to its own antioxidant properties, but also to its constituent succinate, which, under conditions of hypoxia, entering the intracellular space, is able to be oxidized by the respiratory chain. Mexidol has a pronounced anti-alcohol effect. It eliminates neurological and neurotoxic manifestations of acute alcohol intoxication caused by a single administration of high doses of ethanol, and also restores behavioral disorders of the vegetative and emotional status, deterioration of cognitive functions, learning and memory processes caused by prolonged (5 months) administration of ethanol and its withdrawal, and prevents accumulation of lipofuscin in the brain of alcoholic animals. Mexidol has a pronounced geroprotective effect, has a clear corrective effect on learning and memory processes disturbed by aging, improves the process of fixing, storing and reproducing information, helps restore emotional and vegetative status, reduces manifestations of neurological deficit, reduces the level of aging markers - lipofuscin in the brain and blood , malonaldehyde, cholesterol. The mechanism of Mexidol's geroprotective action is associated with its antioxidant properties, the ability to inhibit lipid peroxidation processes, its direct membranotropic action, the ability to restore ultrastructural changes in the granular endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria, and modulate the functioning of receptor complexes. Mexidol has an anti-atherogenic effect. The drug inhibits the humoral manifestations of atheroarteriosclerosis: reduces hyperlipidemia, prevents the activation of lipid peroxidation, increases the activity of the antioxidant system, prevents the development of pathological changes in the vascular wall and reduces the degree of damage to the aorta. Mexidol reduces the content of atherogenic lipoproteins and triglycerides, increases the level of high-density lipoproteins in blood serum, and prevents deficiency of highly unsaturated phospholipids. Mexidol not only causes regression of atherosclerotic changes in the main arteries and restores lipid homeostasis, but also corrects disturbances in the regulatory and microcirculatory systems, which is expressed in the fact that there is no construction of arterioles and precapillaries, and their diameter differs little from the control, only focal aggregates, as well as complete elimination of spasm of the afferent microvessels. In addition, derivatives of 2-ethyl-6-methyl-3-oxypyridine, which include Mexidol, inhibit platelet aggregation caused by collagen, thrombin, ADP and arachidonic acid, inhibit phosphodiesterase of platelet cyclic nucleotides, and also protect blood cells during mechanical injury. . In particular, stabilization resistance of erythrocyte membranes to hemolysis is observed and the process of hematopoiesis is accelerated (restoration of the number of erythrocytes) after acute blood loss or chemical hemolysis. The hepatoprotective effect of Mexidol was established on three models of acute toxic injury liver, in which hepatocyte cytolysis syndrome was caused by various hepatotoxins. Under conditions of liver damage with carbon tetrachloride, Mexidol reduces the areas of necrosis of the liver tissue and the amount of fatty degeneration of hepatocytes, normalizes the energy balance of hepatocytes, and has a protective effect on the nuclear and cytoplasmic pool of nucleic acids. At alcohol lesion In the liver, the effect of Mexidol is expressed in a decrease in the number of hepatocytes with lysis of nuclei and chromatin, an acceleration of the restoration of the total genome of hepatocytes and an increase in the content of nucleic acids in the liver tissue and nuclei of hepatocytes. Derivatives of 3-hydroxypyridine have a protective effect against the toxic effect on the liver of the strong hepatotropic carcinogen diethylnitrosamine (DENA), since they form complexes with cytochrome P-450 and thereby prevent its complex formation with DENA. Mexidol has a pronounced ability to have a potentiating effect on the effects of other neuropsychotropic drugs. Under the influence of Mexidol, the action of tranquilizers, neuroleptics, antidepressants, hypnotics and anticonvulsants is enhanced, which makes it possible to reduce their doses and reduce side effects. In particular, when Mexidol is combined with carbamazepine, the dose of the anticonvulsant can be reduced by 2 times without reducing its therapeutic effect. Combined application Mexidol with carbamazepine allows for adequate pathogenetic therapy partial epilepsy, reduce the side effect of carbamazepine with long-term use, without reducing it therapeutic efficacy and thereby optimize the treatment of patients with epilepsy. Side effects and toxicity A significant advantage of Mexidol is that it has minor side effects and low toxicity. When studying the side effects of Mexidol, it was found that even in the upper range of therapeutic doses, it does not have either a depressing or stimulating effect on spontaneous motor activity, does not change the coordination of movements, the orienting-exploratory behavior of animals, rectal temperature, corneal and pinneal reflexes, does not cause drowsiness. Against the background of the drug, the adequacy of the animals' response to the stimuli provoking the test is preserved, simple reflexes are not disturbed. With an increase in the average therapeutic dose by 4-5.5 times, Mexidol does not have a muscle relaxant effect. Along with this, Mexidol, even in excess high doses does not impair memory and does not cause amnesia, but on the contrary, it has an anti-amnestic effect in memory disorders. Mexidol does not have a negative effect on the liver, but on the contrary, it has a hepatoprotective effect. The drug does not change the heart rate, does not change blood pressure, ECG, hemodynamics and respiratory rhythm, does not cause changes in blood composition, skin color and mucous membranes, urination, defecation and salivation. Side effects Mexidol are expressed mainly in the inhibition of motor activity and impaired coordination of movements and begin to manifest themselves in individual animals with increasing doses up to 300 mg / kg and above when administered intraperitoneally and at doses of 400 mg / kg and above when Mexidol is administered orally. Long introduction Mexidol (2-3 months) does not cause a decrease in its therapeutic effect or the appearance of additional unwanted manifestations. After the cessation of long-term administration of Mexidol, no withdrawal syndrome is observed. Acute toxicity Mexidol was determined by registering the death of animals 24 hours after the administration of the drug. The lethal dose of Mexidol, which causes the death of 50% of animals (LD50), is 820 (625 - 1025) mg / kg for rats and 475 (365 - 617) mg / kg for mice, and when administered orally - more than 3000 mg / kg in rats and 2010 (1608 - 2513) mg/kg in mice. Studying chronic toxicity Mexidol with prolonged use inside and parenterally in experimental animals did not reveal significant changes in the organs and tissues of the body. Comparison of effective therapeutic doses of Mexidol with doses that cause side effects (sedation, impaired coordination, ND50) or toxic, lethal doses(LD50) shows significant therapeutic latitude Mexidol. The therapeutic index calculated by the ratio of ND50/ED50 is 6.2, and by the ratio of LD50/ED50 is 16.4, which indicates the safety and harmlessness of the drug. PHARMACOKINETICS AND METABOLISM Mexidol has a high bioavailability. When administered parenterally to rats, it is rapidly absorbed from the abdominal cavity with a half-absorption period of 0.94 hours and maximum plasma concentrations are reached after 3 hours, and in the brain and liver of animals - after 2-3 hours. The study of the binding ability of the membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum of the liver and brain of rats with Mexidol showed that the substance is determined in significant quantities in the membranes for 72 hours, which indicates the membranotropic properties of Mexidol. After intravenous administration of Mexidol to rabbits, the substance is eliminated from the blood plasma bioexponentially and can be determined according to theoretical calculations in quite high concentrations for 6-12 hours. The high lipophilicity of Mexidol, its ability to bind to blood plasma proteins and membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum suggest the formation of a tissue and blood depot of Mexidol in the body of animals. An analysis of the pharmacokinetic parameters of Mexidol in patients in the clinic showed that both with a single dose and with course application, the concentration of Mexidol in the blood increases quite quickly, reaching a maximum after an average of 0.58 hours. At the same time, Mexidol is rapidly eliminated from the blood and after 4 hours it is practically not registered. The pharmacokinetic profiles of the drug, both with single and chronic administration, did not differ significantly. The study of the excretion of Mexidol with urine showed that it is excreted both in unchanged form and in the form of glucuronoconjugate, which is significant amount. In the study of the metabolism of Mexidol in rats, 5 metabolites were identified. Metabolite I - phosphate (according to the hydroxy group) of 3-hydroxypyridine, the formation of which occurs in the liver. In the blood, under the influence of alkaline phosphatase, 3-hydroxypyridine phosphate is cleaved into phosphoric acid and 3-hydroxypyridine. Metabolite II - 2-methyl-6-methyl-3-oxypyridine - is formed in large quantities and is found in the urine on the first and second days after the administration of Mexidol; this metabolite has a spectrum of pharmacological activity close to that of Mexidol. Metabolite III - 6-methyl-3-hydroxypyridine is contained and excreted in large quantities in the urine. Metabolite IV - glucuronoconjugate with 2-ethyl-6-methyl-3-oxypyridine. Metabolite V is a glucuronoconjugate with 2-ethyl-6-methyl-3-hydroxypyridine phosphate. APPLICATION OF MEXIDOL IN NEUROLOGY AND PSYCHIATRY Mexidol is effective tool anti-ischemic protection of the brain in cerebral stroke. The drug has a pronounced therapeutic effect in patients with acute disorders of cerebral circulation, including patients with ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke, located in the circulation zone of the internal carotid artery and its branches, as well as in the vertebrobasilar basin. Mexidol, as a rule, is administered to patients in the first hours of admission to the clinic intravenously by stream or intravenous drip and intramuscularly, in doses of 50 mg. up to 400 mg. once, from 50 mg. up to 900 mg. per day with the frequency of administration - 3. The duration of the drug is about 4 hours. During the same time, the drug is determined in the blood of patients. One of the most significant manifestations of the action of Mexidol when it is included in the complex therapy of cerebral stroke is a significant decrease in the daily mortality of patients in the acute period of stroke, as well as a trend towards a general decrease in mortality in this disease. In the acute period of cerebral stroke, the mortality rate of patients who took Mexidol was -31.5%, and without it -52.5%; the number of bed-days significantly decreased: 38.2±2.7 with Mexidol and 45.2±4.0 days without Mexidol (B.A. Spasennikov). When using Mexidol, in the treatment of cerebral stroke, first of all, there is more rapid regression neurological symptoms, assessed by the Matthew scale. Thus, in patients in serious condition at the time of admission to the clinic, Matthew's index at the end of the acute period (21 days) was 51.5 ± 2.1, and after treatment with Mexidol it significantly increased to 59.7 ± 1.0. In the treatment of patients with the use of Mexidol, the dynamics of improvement in motor functions, detected using the ADL index, was also indicative. So, after 21 days, this indicator was 76.6±3.1 in patients using Mexidol, and 63.2±4.6 in the group of patients without using Mexidol (the difference is significant at P< 0,05). По данным ЭЭГ эффект Мексидола выявляется в виде повышения мощности спектра и активации быстроволновой ритмики. По результатам ультразвуковой плерографии main vessels brain volumetric blood flow in the main arteries of the head after the introduction of Mexidol increases by 25-40%. Mexidol has a cerebral vasodilation effect, reduces cerebral vascular resistance, significantly increases pulse fluctuations cerebral vessels and contributes to hemodynamic shifts that ensure the outflow of blood into the cerebral veins, without having a significant effect on systemic arterial pressure. In patients treated with Mexidol, there is a significant regression of disorders of consciousness when assessed according to the Glasgow-Pittsburgh and A.N. Konovalov. In these patients, functions are restored much faster and more distinctly, at an earlier date. motor sphere, there is a positive trend in the restoration of coordination of movements. Mexidol significantly improves the subjective state of patients, reducing the manifestations autonomic dysfunction(feeling of fear of death, headaches, mood swings, palpitations, etc.). Under the influence of Mexidol, signs of vasomotor instability, hyperthermia are reduced; sweating, tachycardia, etc., reduced or eliminated psychomotor agitation sleep improves significantly. Mexidol is highly effective in the treatment of dyscirculatory encephalopathy (DE), which is defined as a progressive multiple diffuse small-focal lesion of the brain of vascular origin and is characterized by ischemic-hypoxic damage to neurons, a progressive decrease in energy processes, activation of lipid peroxidation processes, impaired ion homeostasis. Under these conditions, Mexidol, which has a normalizing effect on cerebral metabolism, on fine neurochemical regulation, is special value. Cerebroprotective therapy with Mexidol differs from the traditional effect on homeostasis and hemodynamics by the safety of use, the possibility of long-term use, the ability to influence various levels and types of neurological and mental disorders. Mexidol in ampoules (5% solution) is used intravenously by stream, drip or intramuscularly at a dose of 2 to 3 mg / kg once, from 100 to 1000 mg per day (1-3 injections). The course of the drug was 6-14 days. Mexidol has a therapeutic effect in patients with DE of all three stages. The drug causes a decrease in complaints of headaches of the frontotemporal localization of a compressive nature and pain of diffuse localization of a dull, aching nature, combined with a feeling that the ears are stuffed with cotton. Under the influence of Mexidol, a regression of symptoms is observed in patients with complaints of flies flickering, the appearance of a grid, fog before the eyes, noise in the head decreases; After a course of treatment with Mexidol, there was a statistically significant improvement in the main indicators of neuropsychological tests: an increase in the number of memorized words, an increase in accuracy, quality and pace of work, a decrease in the number of errors, which indicates that Mexidol improves memory. Along with this, Mexidol reduces the feeling of fatigue, weakness, eliminates the feeling of anxiety and fear that occurs in specific situations, and also has a therapeutic effect in sleep disorders of the presomnic, postsomnic and especially intrasomnic nature, increases the coefficients of social adaptation. Mexidol renders positive influence on patients who have vestibular disorders, reducing uncertainty when walking, non-systemic dizziness, a feeling of loss of a sense of balance when walking. Mexidol reduces the phenomena of hyperesthesia, senestopathy, patients do not show progression of reflexes of oral automatism, smoothing of the nasolabial fold. The greatest dynamics during therapy with Mexidol are such symptoms as decreased performance, motor activity, dizziness, headache, memory impairment, anxiety, social maladaptation. Subjective and objective positive effect in the treatment with Mexidol is observed, as a rule, by the end of the week of therapy. Echopulsography of intracranial arteries and veins after intravenous administration of Mexidol showed that already 30 minutes after the injection and for 4-6 hours there was an increase in the amplitude (by an average of 25.5%) of the pulse oscillations of the cerebral vessels and the outflow of blood into the cerebral veins was facilitated. Under the influence of Mexidol, there is an increase in linear and volumetric blood flow in the extracranial sections of the main arteries of the head, which is recorded within 6 hours after the administration of the drug. Registration of rheoencephalography after a course of treatment with Mexidol revealed normalization of the waveform in 67% of patients, improvement in 38% venous outflow. There is an increase in pulse blood filling in the system of the external carotid artery and in the vertebrobasilar basin at its initially low level and normalization of the tone of small arteries and veins in both vascular basins. Mexidol causes normalization of the EEG of patients with DE, which is expressed in an increase in the total power of the spectrum due to the alpha and beta ranges without a significant change in the slow-wave part of the spectrum. In patients treated with Mexidol, the increased content of hemoglobin, leukocytes decreases, blood viscosity decreases, cholesterol levels decrease, and the lecithin-cholesterol coefficient increases. Thus, Mexidol has a pronounced healing effect in patients with dyscirculatory encephalopathy of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd stages. Under the influence of Mexidol, remission, or regression of neurological syndromic deficit, is observed. As a result of treatment with Mexidol, 64% of patients showed a pronounced improvement in their condition, 32% had a moderate improvement, 20% had a slight improvement, and 16% had no effect. Comparison clinical efficacy Mexidol and well-known drugs showed that the index of overall effectiveness in: treatment of DE was 2.05 for Mexidol. for cavinton, trental and sermion -2.1, arsdergin -1.8. Mexidol is effective in patients with vegetative-vascular dystopia with symptoms of vegetative crises of a sympatho-adrenal nature, in which the improvement occurred within 5-14 days after the start of treatment. The intensity and frequency of headaches decreased, vasoactive imbalance and excitability decreased, and sleep improved. In 13% of patients, vegetative crises completely stopped and did not appear within the next 2-3 months. Mexidol has a positive effect in patients with mental pathology late age, especially with atherosclerotic dementia, in which Mexidol was used intramuscularly (for the first 5 days, patients received 100 mg, and on the remaining days, 300 mg daily, course -3 weeks). Mexidol provided positive influence for memory, especially for current events, improved concentration, assimilation of instructions, caused a decrease in headaches and manifestations of anxiety and depression. In patients, the degree of dysarthria and tearfulness decreased. In some patients, dizziness completely disappeared, a confident gait appeared, asthenia decreased. In some patients with initial manifestations senile-atrophic process and in patients with atherosclerotic dementia after treatment with Mexidol, "enlightenment" in the head, increased activity, improved mood were noted. Thus, the use of Mexidol improves intellectual and mnestic activity in patients with age-related organic debilitating processes, mainly in patients with atherosclerotic dementia, helping to improve concentration, following instructions, memory for the present, reducing headaches, dizziness, tearfulness, dysarthria, and increasing activity. . Mexidol has a pronounced positive effect in the treatment of chronic neuroleptic syndrome with symptoms of tardive dyskinesia and subacute neuroleptic syndrome. Before treatment with Mexidol, all patients underwent active therapy for neuroleptic syndrome with cyclodol, norparkin, midantan, tiapride, cerucal, tremblex, detoxification therapy with intravenous administration of nootropil, vitamins B and C, which was assessed as ineffective. Mexidol had a pronounced antiparkinsonian and vegetotropic effect in these patients who were difficult to treat. The action of Mexidol began to manifest itself already from the 2-3rd day of therapy and consisted in a decrease in the severity of oral-lingual hyperkinesis, which completely disappeared by the 7-14th day of treatment, then under the influence of the drug there was a decrease in limb tremor, stiffness, hypokinesia and hypomimia, improved, became more confident, free gait of patients, which ceased to be shuffling, mincing. The phenomena of orthosgatism, dizziness decreased and passed, there was a tendency to normalize blood pressure with drug hypotension, and Mexidol had no effect on normal blood pressure, weakness, lethargy, and dizziness decreased. The antiparkinsonian effect of Mexidol persisted for 3-5 days after its withdrawal. Mexidol also has the ability to overcome the body's resistance to the action of psychotropic drugs. Mexidol in this pathology was used at a dose of 300-500 mg per day with a duration of treatment of 2-4 weeks. The effect of Mexidol began to appear already on the 3rd day of administration. Patients showed improvement appearance, color and turgor of the skin, appetite, decrease in lethargy, weakness, dizziness, dry mouth, they became less inhibited. Against the background of Mexidol, it was possible to increase the doses of antidepressants and antipsychotics by 1.5-2 times without the appearance of side effects. In a number of cases, the appointment of previously ineffective drugs against the background of Mexidol made it possible to overcome the body's resistance and caused a significant decrease in depressive disorders and an improvement in the condition. In neurotic and neurosis-like states, Mexidol has a pronounced tranquilizing effect, combined with a vegetative-normalizing effect. The therapeutic effect of Mexidol was most fully manifested in patients with neurosis and organic damage to the central nervous system with asthenic and astheno-vegetative disorders. The drug was effective and well tolerated by elderly patients. In 6 patients with asthenic disorders, the reverse development of anxiety and emotional tension against the background of Mexidol, it was accompanied by a kind of activation with an increase in the background of mood, a reduction in the actual asthenic symptoms. The tranquilizing effect of Mexidol is comparable in power to that of uxepam. Mexidol has a positive effect on sleep, restoring its duration and depth. The action of Mexidol manifests itself after 3-7 days of therapy. According to the spectrum of action, Mexidol can be attributed to daytime tranquilizers, which is effective both in a hospital setting and in outpatient practice as well as in the elderly. Mexidol showed high efficiency in the treatment of alcohol withdrawal syndrome with somato-neurological and mental signs . The dose of Mexidol was 100-400 mg per day intramuscularly with a course duration of 5-7 days (against the background of conventional detoxification agents). Mexidol is an effective tool for the rapid relief of alcohol withdrawal syndrome with a wide range of effects, both on its psychopathological components and on vegetative-vascular manifestations. The effect of Mexidol is observed already 1-1.5 hours after the administration of the drug, and a stable improvement in the condition occurs after 2-3 days. Patients have a feeling of enlightenment, clarity in the head, headaches disappear, the process of concentration of attention, comprehension when reading literature improves, anxiety decreases, unconscious fear, internal tension, relaxation appears, a comfortable state, nightmares disappear, hypnotic hallucinations, dreams become without alcohol. subjects, prosleep disorders disappear. Patients note the appearance of cheerfulness, activity. Along with this, under the influence of Mexidol, alcohol motivation was significantly suppressed. Side effects. Comparison with cerebroprotective and psychotropic drugs. Mexidol is well tolerated by patients and causes only a few side effects that quickly disappear on their own or when the drug is discontinued. Of the hundreds of patients treated with Mexidol, side effects occurred in exceptional cases. Two patients with dyscirculatory encephalopathy experienced nausea and dizziness a few minutes after the intramuscular injection of Mexidol, which subsided on their own. Two patients with alcoholism experienced bitterness and dry mouth, dizziness, weakness, which quickly disappeared when the drug was discontinued. In three patients with resistant depression, combined with manifestations of chronic neuroleptic syndrome, after the first two or three injections, a slight drowsiness appeared, which then disappeared on its own. In one patient with neurosis, at the beginning of therapy, a small punctate rash on the skin of the forearms was noted, not accompanied by itching and peeling, which independently reduced within three days against the background of ongoing therapy. The insignificance of side effects favorably distinguishes Mexidol among the known neuroprotective, nootropic and tranquilizing agents. The arsenal of drugs used in modern medicine that improve cerebral circulation and are used in injectable form is rather limited and includes pentoxifylline (trental), vinpocetine (cavinton), nicergoline (sermion), dihydroergotoxin (redergan). Cinnarizine (stugeron), flunarizine, nimodipine are used in the form of tablets and capsules. A significant disadvantage of these known agents, which limits their use in many cases, is the significant number and frequency of side effects. Pentoxifylline (trental) causes headache, dizziness, tachycardia, flushing of the face, palpitations, angina pectoris, arterial hypotension, nervousness, drowsiness or insomnia, bleeding from the vessels of the skin and mucous membranes, urticaria, skin rashes, itching, nausea, vomiting, a feeling of heaviness in the epigastrium, increased fragility of nails, changes in body weight, swelling, and in case of an overdose of the drug, convulsions, loss of consciousness, fever may occur. In this regard, contraindications to the use of trental are acute myocardial infarction, massive bleeding, cerebral hemorrhage, retinal hemorrhage, severe atherosclerotic damage to the vessels of the brain and heart, severe violations heart rate, pregnancy, lactation. The characteristic side effects of vinpocetine (Cavinton) are a decrease in blood pressure and tachycardia, and contraindications to the use of the drug are coronary heart disease and severe forms of arrhythmias. Nicergoline (sermion) causes arterial hypotension, dizziness, a feeling of heat and flushing to the face, drowsiness and sleep disturbance. Side effects of dihydroergotoxin (redergin) are nausea, vomiting, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, loss of appetite, blurred vision, hyperemia of the nasal mucosa, skin rash, orthostatic hypotension, and contraindications to the use of the drug are severe coronary heart disease, severe bradycardia and arterial hypotension . Thus, all currently used drugs for the treatment of cerebrovascular accidents have significant side effects. In conditions of oxygen and energy deficiency that occurs with cerebrovascular lesions of the brain, Mexidol, which has a normalizing effect on cerebral metabolism, on fine neurochemical regulation and has minimal side effects, is of particular value. Cerebroprotective therapy with Mexidol differs from the traditional effect on homeostasis and hemodynamics by the safety of use, the possibility of long-term use, the ability to influence various levels and types of neurological and mental disorders. In contrast traditional medicines Mexidol does not cause a decrease in blood pressure, hemodynamic and ECG disturbances, and does not affect the heart rate. The positive effects of Mexidol in comparison with known drugs are its therapeutic effect on vasomotor instability, reduction of autonomic dysfunction, reduction of tachycardia, hyperemia, sweating, etc. In addition, Mexidol has a restorative effect on the functions of the motor sphere, improving coordination of movements and reducing psychomotor agitation, improves sleep, eliminates nervousness. Thus, having a high therapeutic effect, Mexidol does not have side effects characteristic of other neuroprotective drugs. In contrast to sodium oxybutyrate and seduxen, Mexidol does not change the rhythm and frequency of breathing, i.e. does not cause cardio-respiratory depression inherent in these drugs. In contrast to nooprop drugs, when using Mexidol, there is no activating effect, sleep disturbances and increased convulsive readiness. In addition, Mexidol is significantly superior in its effectiveness to piracetam (nootropil). In comparison with benzodiazepine tranquilizers (seduxen, elenium, oxazepam, lorazepam, phenazepam, etc.), Mexidol does not have a muscle relaxant effect even at doses 4-5.5 times higher than the average therapeutic anxiolytic dose and does not cause such manifestations as impaired coordination movements, decreased muscle tone and muscle strength. Mexidol, in contrast to anxiolytics, does not have a sedative and amnestic effect, but, on the contrary, has a positive effect on memory, especially in conditions of impaired cognitive functions. With prolonged administration of Mexidol and the termination of its use, there are no signs of a withdrawal syndrome characteristic of benzodiazepine tranquilizers. Thus, Mexidol is a selective "daytime" tranquilizer, in which anxiolytic and anti-stress effects are carried out without layering sedative, muscle relaxant and amnesic effects. Possessing a high therapeutic effect, Mexidol does not cause side effects characteristic of well-known neuroprotective, nootropic and tranquilizing drugs, which indicates its safety and greatly expands the possibilities of application. Dosage and administration Mexidol is prescribed intravenously (stream or drip), intramuscularly and orally. When administered intravenously, the drug should be diluted with water for injection or in physiological sodium chloride solution. For infusion administration saline NaCl should be used. Jet Mexidol injected 1.5-3.0 minutes, drip - at a rate of 80-120 drops per minute. The duration of treatment and the daily dose of the drug depend on the nosology of the disease and the severity of the patient's condition. For the treatment of acute cerebrovascular accident, Mexidol is prescribed intravenously in drops of 400 mg (8 ml) in isotonic sodium chloride solution (100-150 ml) twice a day for the first 15 days in intensive care or a specialized neurological department (maximum daily dose 1600 mg) . Then 400 mg (8 ml) 1 time per day intravenously in saline NaCl daily for 15 days. In the future, the introduction of Mexidol intramuscularly at 200 mg (4 ml) 1 time per day for 10-15 days is recommended. In the subsequent complex drug therapy, it is advisable to include a tablet form of the drug, 0.25-0.5 g / day for 4-6 weeks. The daily dose is divided into 2-3 doses during the day. For the treatment of dyscirculatory encephalopathy (both against the background of cerebral atherosclerosis and against the background of hypertension):
  • In the decompensation phase, Mexidol is administered:
    - either 400 mg (8 ml) intravenously per 100 ml of isotonic NaCl solution daily for 10-15 days;
    - either 200 mg (4 ml) intravenously by bolus in 16.0 ml of water for injection or in isotonic sodium chloride solution (16.0 ml) twice a day for 10-15 days. Then the drug is administered intravenously in a stream of 100 mg (2 ml) per 10.0 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution, daily, for 10 days. Or 200 mg (4 ml) intramuscularly daily for 10 days. Subsequently, oral administration of Mexidol 0.125 g three times a day for 4-6 weeks is recommended.
  • In the subcompensation phase, Meksidod is used:
    - either 200 mg (4 ml) intravenously by bolus per 16.0 ml of saline NaCl solution (or 16.0 ml of water for injection), daily, for 10-15 days;
    - either 200 mg (4 ml) intramuscularly, twice a day, for 10-15 days. Then you can continue treatment with a tablet form of 0.125 g three times a day, a course of 4-6 weeks. For course prevention of dyscirculatory encephalopathy (compensation phase), Mexidol is recommended to be administered:
    - either 100 mg (2 ml) intravenously by bolus per 10.0 ml of physiological NaCl solution, daily for 10 days;
    - either 200 mg (4 ml) intramuscularly, daily, for 10 days. Subsequently, it is advisable to take a tablet form of 0.125 g three times a day, for 2-6 weeks (in both cases - both intravenously and intramuscularly);
    - or initially course prevention can be started with the use of a tablet form of 0.125 g three times a day, for at least 4-6 weeks. With vertebrobasilar insufficiency due to osteochondrosis cervical spine Mexidol is used:
  • In the decompensation phase:
    - either 400 mg (8 ml) intravenously, in 100 ml of saline NaCl solution, daily for 10 days;
    - either 200 mg (4 ml) intravenously by bolus per 16.0 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution, twice a day, for 10 days; In the future, intramuscular administration of 200 mg (4 ml) is recommended for 10-15 days. At the end intramuscular injections- switching to oral administration of the drug at 0.125 mg three times a day, a course of 2-6 weeks.
  • In the subcompensation phase:
    - either 200 mg (4 ml) Mexidol is administered intravenously, per 16.0 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution, for 10 days;
    - or 200 mg (4 ml) intramuscularly, twice a day, for 10 days. In the future, it is advisable to prescribe a tablet form in the above doses. IN acute period In traumatic brain injury, the appointment of Mexidol is pathogenetically justified, since, in addition to its cerebroprotective properties, its anticonvulsant activity and potentiation of the action of dehydration agents are of great importance. Recommended doses of the drug:
    - in the acute period - 200 mg (4 ml) intravenously by bolus, per 16.0 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution, twice a day, 10-15 days;
    - in the subacute period - 200 mg (4 ml) intravenously by bolus per 16.0 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution, daily for 10 days; or 200 mg (4 ml) intramuscularly, twice a day, for 10-15 days. During the rehabilitation period, it is recommended to take a tablet form of 0.125 g three times a day for 4-6 weeks. The administration of the drug is very effective in the treatment of dysmetabolic, and, first of all, diabetic encephalopolyneuropathies. Mexidol, used in diabetes mellitus, improves the course of the disease itself, and also improves the uptake of glucose by cells in conditions of insulin resistance. It is recommended to administer the drug intravenously at a dose of 200 mg (4 ml) intravenously by bolus, per 16.0 ml of physiological NaCl solution, twice a day, for 10-15 days. In the future, 100 mg (2 ml) is administered intramuscularly daily for 15-30 days. At the end of parenteral administration, they switch to a tablet form - 0.125 g three times a day, for at least 4-6 weeks. Given the lack of a direct stimulating effect on the cerebral cortex, and having a pronounced anticonvulsant effect, Mexidol can also be used in the treatment of epilepsy. The drug enhances the action of anticonvulsants, which makes it possible to reduce the doses of traditional drugs used when prescribing it and, thereby, reduce their side effects. Mexidol is recommended to be administered at 100 mg (2 ml) intravenously by bolus per 18.0 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution (or in the same amount of water for injection), twice a day, for 15 days. Then the drug is administered intramuscularly at 100 mg (2 ml) daily for 15 days. Degenerative-dystrophic lesions of the central nervous system. Mexidol has a pronounced positive effect in the treatment of chronic neuroleptic syndrome with symptoms of tardive dyskinesia and subacute neuroleptic syndrome. The drug reduces the severity of oral-lingual hyperkinesis, reduces tremor of the extremities, stiffness, hypomimia and hypokinesia, improves the motor functions of patients. In addition, it potentiates the action of antiparkinsonian drugs, which allows you to reduce the doses of the drugs used and reduce their side effects. For the treatment of degenerative-dystrophic lesions of the central nervous system, Mexidol is recommended to be used at 200 mg (4 ml) intravenously by bolus per 16.0 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution, twice a day, for 10 days. Then the drug is administered intramuscularly at 200 mg (4 ml), daily, for 15 days. In the next 4-6 weeks, it is advisable to prescribe a tablet form - 0.125 g three times a day. Autonomic dysfunction syndrome, neurotic and neurosis-like states. Mexidol showed his high efficiency with vegetative-vascular dystonia, especially those occurring in the paroxysmal type. It has a vegetative-normalizing and pronounced tranquilizing effect in neurotic and neurosis-like states. Dosing regimen of the drug: 100-200 mg (2-4 ml) intravenously by bolus for 10.0-16.0 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution, daily for 10 days. Perhaps intramuscular injection of the drug 200 mg (4 ml), daily, 15 days. After injections, it is advisable to prescribe a tablet form of 0.25-0.50 g per day. The daily dose is divided into 2-3 doses. The course of treatment is 2-6 weeks. Course therapy is completed in this case gradually, reducing the dose of the drug within 2-3 days. parasomnia disorders. Mexidol has a positive effect on sleep, restoring its duration and depth, while helping to restore the correct rhythm of sleep. This is combined with the absence of sedative effects when taking the drug in daytime. In this case, the drug is recommended to be administered intramuscularly, 100-200 mg (2-4 ml), daily, for 15-20 days. Then use a tablet form of 0.125 g three times a day for 4-6 weeks. The dose of the drug before cancellation is reduced gradually, within 2-3 days. Memory disorders and intellectual deficiency in the elderly. Mexidol is effective drug for the revitalization of the elderly. The drug has positive action on hypomnesia, increased distractibility and difficulty concentrating, improves the ability to concentrate and count, improves short-term memory for current events and long-term memory for the past. Recommended dosage regimen: 100-200 mg (2-4 ml) intramuscularly (depending on the degree of intellectual disability) for 10-15 days, then the drug is given orally at 0.125 g three times a day, for at least 4-6 weeks. Similar courses are repeated every 5-6 months. periods of extreme stress. Mexidol has a pronounced ability to improve mental and physical performance, especially under extreme conditions. It is advisable in such cases to start with intravenous administration of 200 mg (4 ml) intravenously by bolus, per 16.0 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution, daily, for 10-15 days. Then the drug is administered intramuscularly at a dose of 200 mg (4 ml) per day for 10 days, followed by a transition to taking a tablet form of 0.25-0.50 g per day; course of treatment - 2-6 weeks. It is possible to switch to a tablet form immediately after intravenous administration. Exogenous organic diseases of the brain. The causes of exogenous organic brain lesions are: previous traumatic brain injury, intoxication (excluding alcohol), neuroinfections, as well as a combination of these factors. A number of drugs are known to be poorly tolerated by patients with exogenous organic diseases. Mexidol, as studies have shown, is not one of them. When using it, there is a clear positive effect on the already existing neurological deficits in this category of patients. The recommended dosing regimen of the drug: intravenous bolus of 200 mg (4 ml) per 16.0 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution, daily, for 10-15 days; then the drug can be administered intramuscularly at 100-200 mg (2-4 ml) per day for 10-15 days, or switch to a tablet form of 0.125 g three times a day for 4-6 weeks. Ethyl alcohol intoxication. Given the antihypoxic, antioxidant, tranquilizing and hepatoprotective effects of Mexidol, it can be used as part of complex therapy for the relief of intoxication with ethyl alcohol. Mexidol prevents and weakens the toxic effect of alcohol. Dosage regimen: 400 mg (8 ml) intravenously by drip per 150.0 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution twice a day for 3 days; then 200 mg (4 ml) intravenously by bolus per 16.0 ml of physiological NaCl solution, twice a day, for 7 days. If necessary, treatment can be continued using the tablet form of the drug at 0.125 g three times a day for 2-6 weeks. Alcohol withdrawal syndrome. Mexidol is effective as a remedy for the relief of alcohol withdrawal syndrome with somato-neurological and mental symptoms due to its pronounced antioxidant and tranquilizing effects. When comparing the speed of the relief effect of Mexidol in relation to individual symptoms of alcohol withdrawal syndrome with the effectiveness of traditional detoxification agents, a significant advantage of this drug was found. Mexidol is an effective tool for the rapid relief of alcohol withdrawal syndrome with a wide range of effects, both on its psychopathological components and on vegetative-vascular manifestations. The injection form, in contrast to the tablet form, is more effective in relation to affective pathology, eliminating anxiety in a significantly more short time. Recommended dosage regimen: 200 mg (4 ml) intravenously by bolus, 16.0 ml of isotonic NaCl solution, daily, for 10-15 days, then it is possible to switch to intramuscular administration of the drug at a dose of 200 mg (4 ml), daily, within 10 days, followed by the transition to a tablet form of 0.125 g three times a day, 4-6 weeks. In some cases, a combination of only intramuscular injection drug (in the described dosages) and tablet form. It is also possible to use only the tablet form at a dose of 0.5 g per day (2 tablets twice a day) during the entire period of existence hangover syndrome. Anxiety disorders in neurotic and neurosis-like states. With anxiety disorders - psychogenic (neurotic), with endogenous diseases, with organic brain damage of traumatic, intoxication and vascular origin, Mexidol, used as an anxiolytic agent, is most effective in generalized anxiety and anxiety-asthenic conditions that are simple in structure. The anxiolytic effect of the drug, combined with the activating component and vegeto-normalizing effect, contributes to the rapid reduction of emotional stress, anxiety, asthenic and vegetative disorders, and sleep disorders. For the treatment of these disorders, the drug is used intramuscularly at a daily dose of 200-400 mg, divided into 2 doses for 14-30 days, or orally 0.25 g (2 tablets of 0.125 g) twice a day for at least 4 weeks. Mild cognitive disorders of atherosclerotic genesis. With mild cognitive impairment of vascular origin, including those developing in elderly patients, the use of Mexidol has a positive effect on dysmnestic disorders, reduces the severity of cerebroasthenic symptoms and emotional instability. The drug is used intramuscularly at a dose of 200-400 mg per day, divided into 2 doses for 14-30 days or orally at 0.25 g (2 tablets of 0.125 g) for 4 weeks. Acute intoxication with antipsychotic drugs (neuroleptics). In acute intoxication with neuroleptics with symptoms of neuroleptic syndrome, Mexidol causes a decrease in the severity of hyperkinesis, tremor, and muscle rigidity. Used in combination with antiparkinsonian drugs, Mexidol potentiates their action. In acute intoxication with antipsychotics, the drug is administered intravenously at a dose of 50-300 mg per day for 7-14 days. Intellectual-mnestic disorders of various origins. With an organic psychosyndrome caused by chronic disorders of cerebral circulation, craniocerebral injuries, neuroinfections and intoxications, initial manifestations of senile-atrophic processes, enhanced manifestations of mental aging, Mexidol therapy begins with parenteral administration the drug 200 mg (4 ml) intramuscularly, daily, for 10-15 days. In the future, they switch to the tablet form of the drug - 0.125 g three times a day, at least 4-6 weeks. Correction of insulin resistance. The inclusion of Mexidol in the complex therapy of diabetes mellitus makes it possible to achieve compensation for the disease, reduce the doses of hypoglycemic drugs, stop the progression of late complications and, thus, improve the quality and prognosis of life. The use of Mexidol is especially effective for the correction of chemical homeostasis in the group of diabetic patients in whom hypoglycemia cannot be stabilized. traditional therapy and who have a high level of atherogenic lipids in the blood, severe neuropathy, impaired microcirculation, hemostasis. Mexidol is especially necessary in the prevention of late complications of diabetes: retinopathy, nephropathy, syndrome " diabetic foot". At the same time, it is possible to correct tissue trophism by stimulating microcirculation, detoxification, enhancing oxidative processes in the energy cycle. Reducing glycemia when Mexidol is included in the complex therapy of diabetes helps to reduce the percentage of purulent-septic complications during surgical interventions. Positive effect The use of Mexidol in the clinic is observed with short courses of treatment (5-7) days at a dose of 100-200 mg per day. The dose is selected individually depending on the biochemical profile of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism. Complex therapy of acute purulent-inflammatory processes of the abdominal cavity. In acute destructive pancreatitis, peritonitis, Mexidol is prescribed on the first day, both in the preoperative and postoperative period. The administered doses depend on the form and severity of the disease, the prevalence of the process, and the variants of the clinical course. Cancellation of the drug should be made gradually, only after a stable positive clinical and laboratory effect.
    - In acute edematous (interstitial) pancreatitis, Mexidol is prescribed 100 mg (2 ml) three times a day intravenously, in isotonic sodium chloride solution.
    - Mild severity of necrotizing pancreatitis - 100-200 mg (2-4 ml) three times a day intravenously (in isotonic NaCl solution).
    - Severe course of necrotizing pancreatitis - the drug is administered in a pulse dosage of -800 mg (16 ml) on the first day, with a double injection regimen; then 300 mg (6 ml) twice a day with a gradual decrease in the daily dose.
    - Extremely severe course- at an initial dosage of 800 mg / day (16 ml) for persistent relief of manifestations of pancreatogenic shock, after stabilization of the condition, 300-400 mg (6-8 ml) twice a day intravenously (in isotonic sodium chloride solution) With a gradual decrease daily dosage. In the complex therapy of peritonitis, Mexidol is administered at a dosage of 200-300 mg (4-6 ml) three times a day intravenously by drip in an isotonic sodium chloride solution during the first 3 days, then 200 mg (4 ml) per day with a gradual decrease daily dose. Use in dental medical practice. The rationale for the use of Mexidol in the complex therapy of chronic generalized periodontitis (CGP) was the ability to inhibit free radical oxidation, increase the activity of the antioxidant system. To achieve optimal exposure, it is advisable to use both the local and parenteral routes of administration of Mexidol in combination. With mild severity of CGP, Mexidol is prescribed according to the following schemes. locally in the form:
    - rinsing with 2 ml of 5% solution for injection 3 times a day, for 12-14 days. Method of preparation: dilute 1 ampoule of the drug with warm boiled water and rinse for 5 minutes.
    - either applications of 2 ml of 5% Mexidol solution 2-3 times a day for 12-14 days. Method of preparation: open 1 ampoule of the drug and moisten with a solution a piece of sterile gauze or bandage, folded in 4-6 layers. Apply along the outer perimeter of the gingival sulcus for 20 minutes. Additionally, it is recommended to brush your teeth with toothpaste from the "MEXIDOL dent" series 2 times a day for 3-5 minutes. Oral: 1-2 tablets orally 2 times a day for 12-14 days. In moderate and severe CGP, Mexidol is prescribed according to the following schemes. locally in the form:
    - rinsing (2 ml of 5% solution 3 times a day) for 12-14 days.
    - either applications (2 ml of 5% solution 2-3 times a day) for 12-14 days. In the presence of a periodontal pocket, apply:
    - Installations of 2 ml of 5% solution for injection. Method of preparation: open 1 ampoule of the drug and moisten with a solution of turunda, which is placed in a periodontal pocket for 20 minutes. Parenterally: intramuscularly 2 ml of a 5% solution (100 mg) 1 time per day for 12-14 days Orally: 1-2 tablets (0.125-0.25 g) 2-3 times a day for 12-14 days. Additionally, it is recommended to brush your teeth with toothpaste from the "MEXIDOL dent" series 2 times a day for 3-5 minutes. Contraindications The use of Mexidol is contraindicated in acute disorders of the liver and kidneys. Hypersensitivity or intolerance to the drug. Side effects May be noted: from the digestive system rarely - nausea, dry mouth. Adequate and strictly controlled clinical studies of the safety of the drug during pregnancy, lactation (breastfeeding) and in children have not been conducted. Interaction with others medicines Not installed. The drug is combined with almost all drugs used in complex therapy for these nosologies. Mexidol potentiates the action of anticonvulsants, tranquilizers, antiparkinsonian drugs, analgesics. The drug reduces toxic effects ethyl alcohol.
  • Abstract: Mexidol is a drug from the "metabolic" group, which has a complex stimulating effect on the metabolism in all organs and tissues of the body at the cellular level.

    Mexidol - what is it?

    If you read the list of effects that are assigned to Mexidol, you may well say: this is just another "panacea"! To some extent, you will be right, but not completely: Mexidol has real effects, and quite noticeably.

    Let's see what its manufacturers say about Mexidol. Here is a list of the "official" effects of this medication:

    1. Antioxidant effect, that is, the ability to bind toxic compounds - free radicals, or inhibit their appearance.
    2. Membrane-stabilizing action - increasing resistance cell membranes To various influences from the outside. In general, there are a lot of drugs with such an effect, but with regard to Mexidol, we are talking mainly about nerve cells and myocardium.
    3. The antihypoxic effect is a kind of support for cells that are in a state of constant lack of oxygen.
    4. Nootropic - improves the functioning of the central nervous system.
    5. Anticonvulsant.
    6. Improving blood circulation in the vessels of the brain, and the action is mediated both through the effect on the vessels and through the effect on the properties of the blood.
    7. Correction of excessive thrombus formation.
    8. Regulation of the lipid composition of the blood (its imbalance is the cause of atherosclerosis) by normalizing metabolism.
    9. Decreased toxicity of certain drugs joint admission(for example, it is often recommended to take Mexidol along with, or, let's say, antibiotics and powerful antifungal drugs like ).

    In addition, it is believed that Mexidol indirectly affects the release in the brain of one of the most important mediator substances: dopamine.

    An impressive list? More than, however, you need to understand that one drug cannot positively affect all processes in organisms. Mexidol is nothing more than an antioxidant and an antihypoxant, and it is with these properties that all others are associated. possible effects. And it really stabilizes the cell membrane, and, importantly, this also applies to blood cells.

    As a result: the drug is, oddly enough, really good. Expensive (all such drugs, unfortunately, are expensive), but I, as a person with significant experience in taking all kinds of "metabolic" neurotropic drugs, have a positive attitude towards Mexidol.

    The huge advantage of Mexidol is a kind of "complexity" of the impact. At one time I took Cavinton, which also improves cerebral circulation, but, in fact, does not affect the nervous tissue itself. Or Pentoxifylline, which has now become very popular - you can achieve some real results from it only by taking it in huge doses and intravenously.

    Why and how to take Mexidol?

    Indications for the appointment of Mexidol are quite obvious if you know how it works. In fact, its "therapeutic spectrum" is very wide, and competent specialists skillfully use this medicine in a variety of cases.

    But I will not touch on this issue here and will only talk about those indications that were originally envisaged by the researchers.

    Here's what can make you go to the pharmacy for this expensive drug:

    1. Encephalopathy (organic brain damage) of any nature: whether it is a long-term hypertension, alcoholism or infectious diseases.
    2. Strokes and other types of cerebrovascular accidents.
    3. VVD is a diagnosis known to everyone, under which some “manage” to fit anything. In fact, there is no such disease as vegetative-vascular dystonia - it's just a complex of symptoms that cannot be put into any other diagnosis. But in fact, this refers to a condition in which the nervous system cannot cope with the regulation of blood pressure.
    4. Anxiety, neurosis (I won’t judge whether Mexidol will really work with such disorders, but it seems doubtful to me).
    5. Alcohol withdrawal syndrome, occurring in severe form.
    6. Severe infectious diseases (especially those accompanied by purulent inflammation) during the recovery period.

    And here There are very few contraindications to the appointment of Mexidol. Yes, and those that are - "standard": pregnancy, breastfeeding, severe renal failure, allergic reactions ... In general, nothing significant.

    Mexidol is available both in tablets and in injections. Usually, droppers are prescribed in the hospital, and after discharge, it is recommended to continue taking tablet forms. By the way, do not refuse this recommendation, if you have such an opportunity.

    Adverse reactions

    Personally, I have not encountered any side effects of Mexidol. According to all reports, they are very rare, but since information about them exists, there have been such cases. Therefore, I will also talk about this.

    Meksdol does not cause any terrible reactions even in allergy sufferers. But sometimes the appearance of:

    1. headache and dizziness;
    2. violations of coordination of movements;
    3. drowsiness;
    4. anxiety or, conversely, apathy;
    5. sudden changes in blood pressure;
    6. sweating;
    7. allergic reactions;
    8. nausea, dry mouth.

    As you can see, side effects, as well as contraindications, are “standard”. I would even say that they are suspiciously "standard", and everything indicates that Mexidol has no effect. But no - it does, as my personal experience, and it's not just "money down the drain."



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