It is necessary to eat teeth that are healthy. Drink milk and chew apples

Human food not only saturates the body nutrients, but also affects all departments digestive system which starts in the mouth. and gums, appearance unpleasant odor, the development of enamel sensitivity or its darkening - all this is closely related to dietary habits. There are foods that lead to a strong proliferation of bacterial flora in the mouth. And most often this category includes food that is loved by the majority. But there are also useful products for teeth that strengthen enamel and prevent plaque.

The connection between dental and gum diseases and food

All foods that a person consumes nourish not only the body, but also the bacteria living in the oral cavity. If food contains a large amount of carbohydrates, especially sugar, a favorable environment is created for microorganisms. In the process of life, they convert sugar into acid, which washes minerals from tooth enamel. As a result, enamel sensitivity develops. Then cracks appear on it, through which bacteria penetrate. Caries, pulpitis and periodontitis develop. Products also affect. For example, acids contained in some drinks or fruits corrode tissues, leading to the appearance of gingivitis, stomatitis, and ulcers.

But there are also foods that are good for teeth. They help remove plaque, massage and strengthen the gums, improve blood circulation and metabolic processes, destroy bacteria and promote the mineralization of enamel. To maintain it, you need to include them in your diet daily.

Why are carbohydrates harmful?

Carbohydrates are essential to the human body to generate energy. They begin to break down already in the oral cavity. And the bacteria that live there feed on glucose. Products that contain confectionery products and sweets are especially harmful to teeth. It is these sweets, so beloved by many, that destroy teeth.

In addition, carbohydrate foods are harmful to teeth because they are soft. In order for tooth enamel to receive all the necessary nutrients, they need to be subjected to regular stress. This improves blood supply to the gums. And food consisting of carbohydrates (baked goods, bread, confectionery, pasta) is too soft.

What destroys tooth enamel

Teeth are protected from external influences using a thin film of tooth enamel. It has a porous structure, so it can penetrate minerals, strengthening teeth. But if food contains harmful components, the enamel is destroyed. There are other factors that negatively affect it.

What foods are harmful to teeth?

It is believed that 90% of oral health depends on the food a person eats. Any food not only supplies the body with necessary and unnecessary substances, but also affects the gums and tooth enamel. Therefore, it is better to consume foods that are harmful to teeth as little as possible:

  • Coffee and other caffeine-containing drinks interfere with the absorption of calcium and contribute to dehydration. In addition, when excessive consumption coffee, tooth enamel becomes yellowish.
  • Oddly enough, regular black tea can be harmful to your teeth. Often there is a high concentration of fluoride in its leaves.
  • Carbonated drinks contain a lot of sugar, acids, dyes and others harmful substances, destroying teeth.
  • White bread, pasta, baked goods, chips and other starchy foods lead to plaque accumulation and bacterial growth.
  • Alcoholic drinks reduce saliva production and lead to a deficiency of essential nutrients.

What is good for teeth

For the normal formation of teeth in childhood, and then to maintain them in healthy condition vitamins and minerals needed:

  • calcium is contained in cottage cheese, sea ​​fish, sesame seeds, raisins, soybeans, walnuts;
  • fluorine can be obtained from boiled potatoes, buckwheat, whole grain flour, greenery;
  • the source of vitamin B12, necessary for healthy gums, is meat;
  • Vitamin C prevents bleeding gums and tooth loss; there is a lot of it in lemons, apples, currants, and sauerkraut.

In addition, teeth need load. Only regular consumption of coarse fiber foods helps accelerate blood circulation and metabolic processes. Chewing fresh vegetables, such as carrots, helps clean the surface of teeth from plaque.


It has long been believed that the most best source calcium is milk. But now there is an opinion that it is not so useful, especially if it is made industrially. And modern sweet dairy products are only harmful to tooth enamel. Sugar interferes with the absorption of calcium, so it is better to consume less smoothies, fruit yoghurts and ice cream.

Cheese is good for teeth. It contains a lot of casein and phosphates. It is believed that chewing cheese helps restore tooth enamel and prevent the development of tooth decay. A large amount of calcium is contained in cottage cheese. In addition, there is phosphorus, which enhances its effect.

Vegetables and fruits

Plant foods are the most healthy foods for teeth and gums. Vegetables and fruits contain many vitamins and minerals essential for oral health. In addition to enriching the enamel with calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, fluorine and other microelements, vegetables and fruits have a massaging effect. They help improve blood circulation in the gums and clean teeth from soft plaque. In addition, chewing hard vegetables and fruits stimulates saliva production. But it is precisely from its deficiency that many oral diseases develop. All vegetables and fruits are good for teeth, especially fresh:


These are also very healthy products for teeth. All seafood contains a lot of calcium, phosphorus, selenium, vitamins D and B1. Namely, these microelements are the source of construction and strengthening bone tissue. Therefore, eating such foods helps prevent dental disease. The following products are especially useful:

  • shrimp are a source of easily digestible calcium, phosphorus, potassium, fluorine, and therefore prevent the destruction of enamel;
  • any fish is rich in selenium, calcium, iodine and fluorine, which protect teeth from caries;
  • seaweed contains a lot of iodine and beneficial amino acids.

What to drink to keep your teeth healthy

A sufficient amount of fluid is necessary for the normal functioning of all processes in the body. Its lack also affects the health of the oral cavity. First of all, because this causes very little saliva to be produced. The oral cavity dries out, and bacteria actively begin to multiply here. Saliva is very important means strengthening enamel and protecting against caries.

It's best to drink regular clean water. It is this that promotes the formation of saliva with a composition that protects the enamel from destruction and nourishes it with minerals.

In addition to water, drinking is good for your teeth herbal teas. If they are consumed without sugar, then in addition to stimulating the formation of saliva and cleansing the oral cavity, they have therapeutic effect depending on what herbs are brewed from. They relieve inflammation, swelling and pain, strengthen enamel, improve blood circulation, and destroy bacteria. The most beneficial are teas made from chamomile, mint, St. John's wort, oregano, sage, and calendula.

The best foods for dental health

If you eat a varied diet, refusing junk food, the oral cavity can be kept healthy. But it is still recommended to ensure that foods that are good for teeth are included in your diet every day:

Best Teeth Whitening Products

Over time, tooth enamel can darken. This happens especially often among coffee and black tea drinkers, smokers and alcohol abusers. It is difficult to lighten enamel; many products are aggressive and destroy it even more. But there are products for whitening teeth. If you use them regularly, the enamel will lighten safely. Of course, the same effect as from dental procedures, it’s difficult to achieve this way, but you can get rid of darkening and yellowness. To do this you need to use best products for teeth whitening:

  • nuts clean the enamel from plaque and stains;
  • apples have the property of not only mechanically cleaning teeth, but also lightening them by 1-2 tones when consumed regularly;
  • strawberries contain acids that destroy dark plaque on enamel;
  • carrots promote increased blood circulation and increased salivation;
  • celery helps destroy bacteria and effectively copes with dark plaque;
  • Broccoli can restore teeth to their natural whiteness.

Unfortunately, many studies show that most modern people There are various problems with teeth: caries, bad enamel, problems with gums. Why is this happening? After all, many patients complain to their dentists that they use good means for oral hygiene, they take care of the oral cavity, but there is still no result. The answer to this question is simple - it is not enough to rely only on good toothpaste, because the health of our teeth also depends on what we eat.

We take care of our teeth not only for the sake of a good aesthetic appearance. After all, she's beautiful snow-white smile– this is not the most important thing. It is worth understanding what teeth do important functions for our body - they take part in the digestion process, in sound production, in the correct structure of our face, and the like. Therefore, it is very important to take care of your teeth regularly to keep them healthy.

A little about tooth anatomy

Before we talk about how to keep your teeth healthy, you need to understand what a tooth is. The tooth is the same human organ, like a liver, leg or arm. Like any organ, a tooth has a specific structure that allows it to perform its functions. The pulp inside the tooth is soft fabric, which contains nerves, cells, blood vessels. All this together forms the main substance of the tooth - dentin. Dentin is very hard in structure (much harder than bone). The outside of the teeth is covered with cement (in the root area), and the visible part of the tooth is covered with enamel. Enamel is the most solid education in our body. It consists of 95% calcium salts, which gives it such strength. But that is why it is so vulnerable to acids.


The main component of our teeth is calcium. This is why it is very important to use sufficient quantity of this element with food. Calcium is found in large quantities in sour cream, cottage cheese, fish, beets, milk, carrots, radishes, lettuce, beans, legumes, spinach, grapes, oranges, honey, almonds, strawberries, as well as in the skin of all vegetables and fruits. Calcium is also contained in such a dish as jellied meat.

Unfortunately, not all products that we buy in the supermarket are fortified with calcium in sufficient quantities. In addition, in order for this substance to be preserved in products, they must be properly prepared. And not every person takes into account all these nuances. Therefore, in order to replenish the calcium missing in the body, it is recommended to take from time to time pharmaceutical drugs, in which it is. For example, calcium gluconate.

It is worth noting that important fact that vitamin D is necessary for normal absorption of calcium. This vitamin is found in fish, liver and fish oil. However, we get the bulk of it from ultraviolet rays. Our body synthesizes the vitamin under their influence. Therefore, it is very important to spend a lot of time in the sun and even in winter it is useful to go outside during the day.

Since in winter time There is not enough vitamin D, it is recommended to take special vitamin supplements. There is a good pharmaceutical drug"Calcium D3 Nycomed". It helps strengthen bones and replenish calcium and vitamin D3.


In teeth, calcium is not in a free state. It is associated with phosphates in hydroxy- and fluorapatites. If phosphorus were not present in the tooth, then the enamel and dentin would not be so strong, which means that the teeth would not be able to function normally. That is why dentists recommend making sure that a sufficient amount of phosphorus enters the body with food. In addition, it is very important to take into account the fact that phosphorus and calcium can be absorbed by the body only if they are contained in certain proportions in food. Phosphorus is found in the following foods: nuts, lentils, cereals, celery, green peas, fish, soy, cod liver, meat.


The enamel of a newly erupted tooth contains protein-based hydroxyapatites (phosphorus and calcium salts). After some time, fluorine ions penetrate into this structure and form fluorapatites in the subsurface layer of enamel. Fluorapatites have an anti-caries effect and are resistant to acids. Fluoride is found in water. Therefore, we get the main part of it from her. For this reason, in regions where local water contains little or no fluoride, people are more likely to suffer from tooth decay.

We cannot enrich water with fluoride on our own. Therefore, some countries carry out centralized fluoridation of drinking resources. In Russia, some products, milk and water are also fluoridated. To do this, fluoridated salt is added to foods. Sometimes, when there is a serious lack of fluoride in the body, the dentist will prescribe special fluoride tablets. But they must be taken strictly according to the instructions, otherwise their excess can lead to serious poisoning of the body.

Why do teeth deteriorate?

The most common dental disease is caries. It occurs as a result of the leaching of calcium salts from tooth enamel. Bacteria in the oral cavity play a major role in this process. They multiply in tartar and plaque. This is why it is very important to take care of your oral cavity to prevent the formation of plaque and the growth of bacteria. Proper nutrition plays a significant role in this.

Carbohydrates found in sweets, sugar, and starch are very harmful to tooth enamel. Therefore, you need to try to eat as little pasta, baked goods, pastries, jam, confectionery etc. Such products linger for a long time in the natural recesses of the teeth and provide food for bacteria. As a result, acids are formed that corrode tooth enamel. Teeth lose calcium, and bacteria penetrate deeper into the enamel and caries develops.

Tips from dentists on proper nutrition

To prevent the development of caries, you need to eat right:

  1. Reduce your intake of carbohydrates, which play a major role in the development of tooth decay. To do this, simply limit the consumption of the products described above or replace them with more healthy sweets. For example, you can use honey instead of sugar, and dried fruits instead of sweets.
  2. Need to increase consumption vegetable fiber. Fiber is found in vegetables and fruits. They don't reproduce in it harmful bacteria in the oral cavity. In addition, fiber is very beneficial for the intestines - it cleanses it.
  3. Don't forget about the mechanical role of fruits and vegetables for teeth. It is very healthy to eat a whole apple or carrot. Eating tough foods naturally cleans your teeth and allows them to stay healthy much longer.
  4. Many foods increase saliva production: meat broths, sour fruits and vegetables. Due to the fact that they cause increased saliva production, they have an anti-caries effect. Saliva washes away bacteria and contains an antibacterial substance - lysozyme. Saliva also contains calcium, which penetrates tooth enamel and strengthens it.

Of course, all these rules for healthy eating do not mean that you should completely give up sweets and chocolate. You just need to clean your mouth after eating them. It is recommended to thoroughly brush your teeth with toothpaste after you eat sweets. If this is not possible, then simply rinse your mouth with water. You can also use chewing gum. It should be chewed for at least 5-10 minutes after eating.

For every person, especially for women, there should be a golden principle: “Teeth should always be in order!” Today there are a lot of drugs and means that can help you achieve that legendary Hollywood smile. But we should not forget that they need daily, home care and respect for themselves.


It is important to understand that you absolutely cannot skip the daily ritual of brushing your teeth. Imagine a situation: you ate a tomato and got your face dirty. Will you wash your face or not? Or another example - your favorite dress got dirty at a party, will you wash it or not? If you neglect it, the stain will become so ingrained that it will be impossible to clean it and goodbye to the dress. It's the same with our teeth.

Only, unlike other objects, they are exposed to contamination every time we put something in our mouth. So why don't we wash them? The remaining pieces of food begin to rot, creating conditions for the growth of many bacteria that cause caries, inflammation of the gums, pulpitis, periodontitis, etc. So remember - hygiene must be regular.

How to clean

Of course, you need to use toothpaste and a brush. If you don’t have it on hand, keep a special teeth rinse with you. You need to spend at least two minutes on processing and you need to brush in the right direction.

An important factor in dental health is heredity and oral and dental hygiene during childhood. For this reason, not all women can boast of an even and snow-white range. Often ladies suffer from gum inflammation, caries and other problems.

To keep them as long as possible in good condition, you need to visit the dentist regularly, at least once every six months. Nobody argues that you need to go to the doctor. But each of us always has a reason why we set aside time for ourselves. And some are simply lazy or afraid. Yes Yes! Despite the achievements of dentistry and the absolute painlessness of procedures, people subconsciously continue to be afraid of visiting the dentist’s office. And the result of all this is damaged teeth and visits to the doctor only in advanced stages. Don't want to fall under this threat? Then carefully read our recommendations and follow them at home.

Prevention of dental diseases

It’s not enough to just brush your teeth. Their health also directly depends on the condition of the gums and the entire oral cavity. That is, it is only assumed A complex approach. And what’s nice is that you don’t need any special work. It is necessary to regularly massage the gums with the same toothbrush during the morning toilet, and be sure to remove plaque from the tongue reverse side. The procedure must be completed by rinsing with a special solution based on herbs and medicines.

How to prevent caries

There is a real paradox with this disease. In past times, when there were no such means of medicine and pharmaceuticals as now, caries was much less common. And now what - amazing drugs, brushes, electrical appliances, thanks to which the smallest bacteria are expelled from the mouth, are not able to prevent the development of this disease. Nowadays it is almost impossible to meet a child whose tooth is not affected by bacteria that causes caries. Most often, the reason for this is poor care and excessive indulgence in sweets.

Many parents do not know that their child’s teeth need to be looked after from the moment they appear. There are special soft brushes, pastes, thanks to which the baby’s tender gums will not be injured, and the teeth will grow strong.

How to choose a toothbrush

Walking into an oral hygiene supply store, modern man literally lost in the rich assortment of goods. To do right choice, we suggest studying several important points:

  1. Rigidity. For children, the brush should be soft, for adults it should be harder, but not so hard as to scratch the gums and remove all the enamel remaining on the teeth.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to use hygiene items made from pig hair (bristles). Such a brush quickly becomes unusable and is contrary to hygiene standards. The fact is that inside the pig bristles there is a thin channel with oil content. And microbes, pathogenic bacteria, develop in it. And putting a colony of “enemies” into your mouth is the same as voluntarily infecting yourself with diseases. The best option– an item with artificial lint, it will always be clean and will last much longer.
  3. It is important to pay attention to the end of the villi. They should not be cut, but oval, as if singed. Otherwise, you risk causing serious injury to your gums and tongue, which can lead to inflammation, stomatitis, and pulpitis. But how can you see it without taking a microscope to the store? Very simply, manufacturers are aware of what people need for hygiene. Therefore, they leave a special inscription “Tynex”.
  4. You shouldn't admire a man who brags about his hundred-year-old brush. Here is a banal slob. This item needs to be changed at least 2 times a year, but even better, every 2-3 months. A brush costs a penny, but health is much more expensive.

What is the best toothpaste

You can't kill all the birds with one stone here. There are different pastes, and for various kinds pathologies. One is designed to combat caries, the other strengthens the gums, stops bleeding, the third restores enamel, etc. There is no need to discover America, you are not Columbus. Just go to the dentist and get a consultation. Based on the condition of your mouth and teeth, the doctor himself will tell you which toothpaste is best for you.

How to brush your teeth

Let's remember how we carry out this important “ritual”. We passed the brush back and forth, spread the paste around our mouth and rinsed. That's the whole process. But you need to devote at least 3-4 minutes to them. You need to clean all areas of the back and front teeth, remove plaque, both from the inside and outside. It is necessary to brush from the base of the tooth to its top, repeating the movement 5-6 times.

Important: you need to brush your teeth at least 2 times a day – in the morning and before bed. If possible, after every meal.

What is dental floss used for?

We are all big fans of good and tasty food. And of course, among the dishes, we often choose meat and fish. And the fibers of these products tend to penetrate into the deepest holes. It is impossible to remove the remains with a regular toothbrush. Will help dental floss. This hygienic item allows us to prevent a number of diseases of the oral cavity, relieving us of particles that can lead to infectious, inflammatory processes, caries, periodontitis, pulpitis, stomatitis, etc. You can use threads soaked in menthol, fluoride, lemon, etc.

When to go to the dentist

It’s hardly worth asking the question: when was the last time you visited a dentist? Most won't remember. And anyone who recently visited a doctor most likely had problems - acute toothache, inflammation of the gums, stomatitis and the like. This is our big mistake. We visit a specialist even when the advanced condition manifests itself in pain and discomfort. In the meantime, the disease is developing, and what’s remarkable is that we know about it, but we are waiting for weather by the sea.

You need to visit a doctor, as we have already noted, at least twice a year. It doesn't have to be a problem. A specialist needs to be seen for sanitation - examination of the oral cavity, removal of stones and plaque. It is also necessary to contact a dentist if you experience discomfort from cold or hot food or drinks.

What foods affect dental health?

To be honest, the question was not posed entirely correctly. It is impossible to single out from the total amount of all food consumed that which does not affect the condition of our teeth and oral cavity. If only because they all pass through this channel. But let’s try to ungroup useful and harmful types.

Products that are good for teeth

  1. Vegetables and fruits rich in fiber: carrots, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, radishes, cucumbers, celery, etc.
  2. Fermented milk products: cottage cheese, yogurt, yogurt, sour cream, cheeses.
  3. Containing vitamin C - a powerful antioxidant: carrots, all citrus fruits, rose hips, tomatoes, peppers, strawberries, blackberries, currants, etc.
  4. Sweetener – xylitol, a product of plant origin.
  5. Black and green teas contain polyphenols that remove plaque from teeth and gums and destroy bacterial colonies.
  6. Meat of all kinds, fish - salmon, flounder, mackerel, cod, etc. They contain a lot of phosphorus and calcium, as well as other substances that strengthen the enamel and tooth roots.
  7. Nuts – Brazil, walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, cashews. They contain calcium, phosphorus and other elements.
  8. Eggs (quail, chicken). IN this product contains micro and macroelements, healthy calcium, potassium, lecithin, lysine, phosphorus, fluorine, etc. Regular consumption of eggs helps keep teeth strong and healthy. Unlike medical supplies, egg components are perfectly digestible.
  9. – an amazing product that is beneficial for cavities and teeth in all respects. Kills bacteria, destroys resilient viruses, prevents the development of caries, pulpitis, periodontitis, strengthens gums. Not only pure honey helps, but also other beekeeping products - propolis, bee glue, honeycomb, etc. It is enough to chew the last three items once a week for 1-1.5 hours.
  10. Green onions, garlic, parsley, dill, cilantro. Probably many of us are aware that when fighting scurvy, people always came to the rescue green onions. In Rus', this product has always been present on the tables of both the poor and the rich. He saved us from many diseases and thanks to him our ancestors could boast excellent condition teeth.

Interesting fact: there are versions that residents of Russia and surrounding territories owe their clear and distinct pronunciation to green onions and garlic, but residents of Europe did not have such pleasure. Here you have English speech through the alveoli, French grazing.

Products harmful to teeth

  1. Sodas with sugar and sweeteners. This type represents one of the main dangers to teeth. Drinks destroy enamel, cause severe caries, and acids literally eat away the surface of the teeth.
  2. Sweets - caramels, toffees, marmalade, chewing candies, raisins, the whole range of dried fruits.
  3. Sweet pastries, desserts that contain a lot of sugar.
  4. You should eat the same with caution healthy dried fruits, since they also contain acids that have a destructive effect on the enamel.

Bad habits

No, we will not talk about smoking and alcoholism again. This is probably understandable. It's about bad habit pick your teeth, remove leftover food with paper clips, hairpins, paper clips, etc. Metal is one of the first enemies of our teeth. And if they also pick the cracks between them, scratch the enamel, then consider that the destruction of integrity is already in question.

The maximum that can be used is a rinse aid. Even wooden toothpicks are recommended to be used carefully, without injuring the gums or widening the gaps.

What affects the color of teeth

If we strictly adhere to restrictions on foods and drinks that spoil the color of our teeth, we will have to go on a strict diet. Because whiteness is lost when drinking tea, coffee, wine, compotes, juices. Also, beets, chocolate, mulberries, etc. darken teeth. The only way out– periodically engage in bleaching. But there are also factors such as smoking, alcoholism, hobbies drugs, which, of course, should be abandoned. After all, not only the teeth are destroyed, but the entire body.

Treatment and teeth whitening

As for the medicinal effect on the condition of teeth, all questions should be addressed to the treating dentist. You cannot self-medicate. And the point is not only that you can aggravate the disease, but also become a victim of an allergy to medicinal product. For use at home, you should also rely on the remedy prescribed by the doctor.

Teeth whitening in a clinic is performed in different ways.

  1. Splints - a professional dentist creates a soft attachment on the upper and lower teeth. The bleaching solution is poured into it and put on the patient. The course is also determined by the doctor.
  2. Diode lamp – applied to the surface of teeth and gums special remedy for whitening. The glow of a diode lamp is induced on the teeth, the substances in the solution are activated, and upon cooling, whitening begins. Course – 1-2 visits to the doctor.

Traditional ways to combat dental diseases

First, let's look at exotic methods of preventing and treating caries. The Chinese rarely use medicines, their simple recipes allow you to keep your teeth safe and sound for up to old age.

When using the morning toilet, take boiled water into your mouth cold water, hold for about 5 minutes and swallow in small sips (in three approaches). What is the treatment? It turns out that in these 5 minutes it happens profuse salivation, and mixing with water, useful components saliva completely destroys bacteria and cleans the oral cavity completely.

Tibetans do not even know what caries is. Someone will joke that their teeth apparently fall out in childhood. No, it's not like that. They simply use salted paste, which they prepare with their own hands and have been using for many centuries. By the way, you can also prepare it at home and be convinced of its healing properties.

Pour a small amount of water into half a glass of large table salt and mix the solution until completely mixed. A foam will form, you need to skim it off and scoop out the small crystals of salt with a toothbrush. So brush your teeth twice a day. Rinse your mouth with the solution throughout the day. If anyone has unpleasant feeling from salt in places where there is inflammation, bruises - don’t worry. Continue the course, just don’t be too zealous, and everything will pass and your teeth will become stronger.

Teeth whitening at home

We all understand perfectly well that when we visit beauty salons and dentists' offices, we pay for something that we could easily make at home. The same applies to whitening products and creating a Hollywood smile. We offer simple and affordable means.

  1. Mix 2 parts of dried and crushed cinquefoil root, calamus and one part of birch charcoal and dilute warm water, stir vigorously with a spoon until the mixture reaches the consistency of sour cream. The product should be applied to the teeth and gums with a toothbrush and brushed. After this, you do not need to eat for about 1 hour.
  2. Grind charcoal tablets (activated), add toothpaste and mix thoroughly until thick. Scoop it with a brush and apply it to your teeth, clean it a little. Do not repeat the procedure more than once a week.
  3. Baking soda helps a lot, but it is advisable not to use it. The substance, like an enzyme, removes enamel and can lead to serious pathologies teeth, hypersensitivity.
  4. Lemon. Mix a teaspoon of baking soda and a couple of drops of lemon juice, gently apply to your teeth, trying not to “scrape.” After about 5 minutes, rinse and rinse with warm water. Do not repeat more than once every week and a half.

And finally, simple and very nice way. Place regular cottage cheese in your mouth mixed with sour cream, preferably homemade. Distribute the yummy so that it “sticks” to your teeth. Hold for about 10-15 minutes, repeat a pleasant procedure every day for 1.5 weeks. Tooth enamel will absorb calcium, white particles and will sparkle like Hollywood divas.

Veneers - what are their benefits and harms

In modern cosmetology, so-called veneers have appeared. What it is? Pay attention to the smile of our Diva. If anyone remembers her in her youth, then the difference is obvious. Instead of ugly and faded teeth, we see snow-white and beautiful teeth. These are small dentures that are, as it were, put on the teeth. They can serve perfectly from 5 to 20 years, it all depends on the material they are made of. The most popular are ceramic and composite materials. Ceramic ones are more expensive, but they are closer to the structure of natural teeth. The second ones are a budget option, last about 5 years, quickly darken, and are not always able to hide the defects of their teeth.

And finally, we want to say, and maybe it will surprise you, but your teeth also need to do “exercise”. In order for them to serve longer and not lose their strength, you need normal tide blood to the gums. Only in this way, by being supplied with fresh blood, stagnation and bacterial growth will not occur in the mouth. Gymnastics is done very simply - peel the carrots and nibble at least 1 per day. It's the same with apples. Give preference to hard varieties and crunch for your health. Gnaw the cartilage on the bones. Not only is this also great massage and gymnastics, as well as providing the body with chondroitin and calcium. Cartilage is the main supplier of substances that strengthen teeth, joints, nails, etc. As you can see, you can maintain strong and healthy teeth until you are very old. And most often, you don’t need to spend incredible amounts of money to do this. It is enough to make them “work” and pamper them with healthy products.

Bye everyone.
Best regards, Vyacheslav.

You, of course, understand that white-toothed and beautiful smile makes any face attractive. In order for your teeth to be strong and healthy, sparkling just like yours Hollywood stars, you need to take proper care of them.

Cleaning teeth

Since childhood, everyone knows that teeth need to be brushed morning and evening. After eating, you should rinse your mouth thoroughly. You should brush your teeth for about a few minutes, using up and down movements, and then in a circular motion. Pastes are completely different, and they are also intended for different problems with teeth. There are toothpastes that help stop bleeding gums and protect teeth from caries and other diseases.

To keep your teeth always healthy, you need to take care of them. For example, you need to stop eating large quantities sweets or other sweets, since excessive exposure to sweets may cause caries on the teeth or they may become very sensitive, which will provide you with some discomfort and pain while eating. It is also best to stop drinking a lot, gnawing nuts, etc.

Another effective treatment for your smile is gum massage. Thanks to this method, you will increase blood flow, and this will have a beneficial effect on general state teeth. After the procedure, the gums will be strong, and due to this massage the well-being of the whole body will improve. This way you will feel much more energetic.

Toothbrushes are also available different types, like pastes:

  1. For still weak or baby teeth, a soft brush is needed.
  2. If you have damaged or very sensitive enamel, then you need to use a soft brush.
  3. If you have carious damage, then you need a medium-hard brush
  4. People with healthy cavities should use a stiff toothbrush.
  5. If you use dentures, this will suit you very well hard tooth brush.

Teeth whitening

There are no absolutely white teeth. All we see from Hollywood stars is a fake snow-white smile. This smile is created using artificially extended teeth. But to prevent these vinyls from looking bulgy, the shell is removed from the real tooth and made thinner. If yours are bad, then they are cut down to the ground and a crown is installed, and if the tooth has a rotten root, then an implant will be installed instead. But such an implant takes approximately several months to take root. According to leading dentists, people who are chasing Hollywood smile, they are ruining their healthy and strong teeth. And unscrupulous doctors very easily agree to this.

Some people love tea, and some people love coffee, but these lovers have one problem - yellowed teeth. Of course, they can be bleached in clinics, but the procedures are very expensive. This problem can be solved at home.

There are common ways to whiten teeth, this and hydrogen peroxide with lemon. Although these methods will help achieve the desired result, but in the end they will cause great harm your teeth. Using these methods you will only damage the enamel and harm your gums.

There are also other ways to whiten your smile, such as clear strips that only stick to your teeth. This innovation will help you, and it is enough to wear it for about 30 minutes a couple of times a week. They are very comfortable, you can wear them at home, at work, and they will not interfere with your conversation. But it’s up to you, of course, to decide which teeth whitening method is best.

Our enamel is very strong and translucent. There is plaque on top of the enamel, which gives our teeth a yellowish appearance. There are three excellent recipes that can help you whiten your teeth efficiently and harmlessly. Using these tips, you will make a paste that will help you remove plaque and whiten your teeth without damaging the enamel.

Recipe No. 1 The simplest

Grind the dried banana skin into dust, take a couple of teaspoons of fine salt, olive oil, add salt little by little to make porridge. Add about 3-5 drops of pine needle extract. It should be noted that such drops are very beneficial for the body, as they have antibacterial properties. If the paste turns out a little dry, you can add a small amount pine extract. After cooking, you can apply the paste to old brush, and apply lightly to the teeth. Don't be afraid of what you see immediately after application, as your teeth will be brighter gray, but it’s not scary, because after these procedures your smile will be snow-white. This paste is not only whitening, but also healing.

Recipe No. 2

Use this recipe every day, as this paste will benefit your gums and enamel. To begin with, take a teaspoon each of sage, licorice, nettle, peppermint, celandine, hop cones, coltsfoot, thyme and violet. All herbs should be finely ground. We also add white and pink clay and a tablespoon of salt. Close the lid tightly. The resulting mixture is used as a regular paste.

Recipe No. 3(for gums)

For this paste, take a few teaspoons sea ​​salt, it must be in powder form, baking soda 1 tsp and black ground pepper 3 tsp Mix all these ingredients, take finely ground cloves and add to the mixture, then add melted butter and mix everything. The resulting paste should be viscous, and rub it into the gums with massaging movements. The following recipes will help you make your teeth white and healthy.

By following our tips and recipes for whitening your teeth, you can sparkle them without having to worry about looking bad. Your healthy and snow-white smile will undoubtedly amaze everyone.

Foods that spoil teeth (Video: Proper nutrition - healthy teeth)

Unfortunately, there are foods that destroy our teeth. The things that spoil teeth the most are: sugar, sweet water. Also, oddly enough, black tea can stain our teeth, while it penetrates deeply into the enamel and getting rid of this plaque is quite difficult.

So, you can make a list of foods that negatively affect the condition of your teeth, namely:

  • Coca Cola. Not only does this drink contain a lot of sugar, which in itself has a negative effect on our teeth, but it also contains acids that corrode the enamel. Therefore due to frequent use Such water makes teeth yellow, brittle and easily susceptible to caries.
  • Tangerines, oranges and lemons. Just like Coca-Cola, they contain acids that cause caries.
  • Various berries can also stain teeth in other colors.
  • Wine in its effect is very similar to Coca-Cola, since both drinks contain acids that cause destruction and darkening of the enamel.
  • Chocolate. Dentists strongly recommend limiting your consumption of chocolate and also trying to brush your teeth after every meal.
  • Soy sauce. Constant use can cause yellowing of teeth.
  • Drinking coffee is the most common cause of darkening of teeth, so if no action is taken, they will become completely dark over time.

Healthy foods for teeth

These include cabbage, greens, celery, cucumbers, and green tea. Celery is very good at killing germs. Green tea does not stain teeth and acts as a good bactericide.

The most effective and quick way, which will help restore your teeth and gums is a diet, but you need to limit yourself in consuming foods that negatively affect oral health. For example, Coconut oil has very good antibacterial property. Therefore, to care for oral cavity You can add coconut and essential oil.

Many products, for example, kefir, cottage cheese contain useful material, such as vitamins A, B, D, magnesium, calcium and potassium, which will help make your teeth strong and eliminate yellow discoloration.

Methods for removing tartar at home:

There is no need to give up vegetables and fruits, but they should be raw, since in this form they retain all the nutrients and beneficial substances. This is why dentists recommend eating every day fresh food, as well as vegetables and fruits that contain phosphorus and calcium, because they help strengthen the enamel and make it durable.

How to make your own homemade toothpaste

The main components will be clay and calcium carbonate. The paste also contains orris root powder, baking soda, chlorophyll (to add color), lemon hydrolate, vegetable glycerin, peppermint essential oil, and cosgart preservative. Toothpaste cooks quite quickly. Add white clay 49.5 g, calcium carbonate 27.5 g. Mix the entire mixture thoroughly. Pour 0.2 g of orris root powder, 2.5 g of baking soda, 1.1 g of chlorophyll into the resulting mass and mix everything again. Add lemon hydrolate 51 g, glycerin 7 g, essential oil 0.3 g and cosgard 1 g. Mix everything thoroughly and you get a paste. We fill this entire mixture into a tube and can use it immediately.

In addition to using homemade toothpaste, you can use other teeth whitening methods, namely:

  1. Whitening with baking soda and strawberries. To do this you need to take large berry, grind it to a puree and add soda, while mixing everything thoroughly. Due to the malic acid contained in strawberries, the enamel is quickly cleaned. But for the safety of your teeth, you should not use this method often.
  2. Improving dental health with eggplants. In this case, the eggplant is charred over a fire, and the resulting smoke is used to clean the teeth.
  3. Using pumice. The most harmless method. Pumice is ground into a fine powder and alcohol of vitriol is added. This creates a mixture that is used to clean your teeth.

To keep your teeth strong, you need to be examined by a dentist 2-3 times a year. The doctor will look at what is wrong with them and tell you how best to treat and restore them. Sometimes in early childhood You can get braces, and it's not scary. After all, this is the key to equal and beautiful teeth. Do not pay attention to ridicule from other people, because in the future you will simply amaze others with your bright and perfect smile.

They need proper care. And then your smile will become the key to self-confidence and good mood. Everyone dreams of being beautiful, which means healthy teeth. And your dream can be made a reality if you take good care of your teeth.

Why does tooth decay occur?

Bacteria live in a person's mouth and can destroy calcium in the enamel. Then cavities (holes) appear in the teeth. They are called caries. Its occurrence can be triggered by several factors:

1. Teeth lose strong enamel if your body does not receive enough calcium, iron and vitamins.
2. Improper care behind the oral cavity leads to inflammation of the gums and tooth decay.
3. With an incorrect bite, when the teeth do not close as they should, their enamel is damaged.
4. When the body is weakened after an illness, bacteria in the oral cavity are more active in their destructive work.
5. Caries threatens those who have fragile bones from birth. Caries is easy to defeat if you don’t neglect it.

However, modern dentistry can painlessly cope with even holes that have eaten through the bone to the dental nerve. But it’s better not to let your teeth get to this point.

How to care?

To prevent your teeth from causing trouble, follow these simple rules:

1. Visit your dentist two to three times a year to check the general condition of your teeth and gums.
2. Eat well! Include in the menu green vegetables, fruits, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy and sour-milk products. Remember: meat, fruits and vegetables are rich in iron and minerals, and milk is rich in calcium.
3. Be sure to brush your teeth 2 times a day: after breakfast and before bed!
4. If possible, brush your teeth after every meal! Alternatively, use dental floss or sugar-free gum.
5. Change toothbrush once every three months!
6. If the tooth begins to “achieve”, go to the doctor immediately!
7. Fix it malocclusion! Special braces will make this possible at any age.


Dental floss. After eating, floss between your teeth to prevent food debris from hiding in hidden places. This will prevent tooth decay.
Apples. These juicy fruits rich in iron. Eating one apple a day will not only strengthen your gums, but also prevent tartar.
Oak bark. Every day before going to bed, rinse your mouth with oak bark infusion (1 tsp per 1 tbsp boiling water). This will strengthen your gums and prevent them from bleeding.
Calcium. Daily norm calcium is contained in 1 glass of milk or kefir. Add dairy products to your daily menu.


Sweets. Sugar destroys the enamel of teeth, making them defenseless against bacteria. Don't overindulge in sweets - eat less sweets, cakes, chocolate and baked goods!
Seeds. When you chew hard nuts or seeds, cracks appear on the enamel. The teeth are worn down.
Smoking. Cigarettes make your teeth turn yellow because nicotine steals precious calcium! Teeth become brittle and crumble. Set a goal to quit smoking!
Coffee. Caffeine leaches calcium from bones. Drink no more than 1 cup of coffee per day. Add milk! This will reduce the harm from caffeine!



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