Children's diet after poisoning. Nutrition rules for intoxication

One of the ways for a baby to understand the world around him is through tactile sensations. The baby learns about the world through touch and taste buds, which is why the baby pulls any objects into his mouth. It could be a child's leg, a rattle, a stick on the street, a bar of soap or mother's lipstick. The baby grows up, but the habit of “putting everything in your mouth” remains, and is one of the reasons for frequent poisoning in children. Effective way Treatment is a specially selected diet for poisoning in a child.

Poisoning in children occurs quite often and is often severe. This is due to the fact that the child’s digestive system has not yet fully formed. Gastrointestinal tract the baby is not able to cope with the products entering the body, so accumulation occurs harmful substances in the intestines and intoxication of the body. Doctors always recommend supplementing medicinal treatment methods with special nutrition that compensates and replenishes the loss of beneficial microelements and substances vital for the baby. This approach allows the child to quickly restore his health and physical condition.

Poisoning means a violation normal life body, which arose due to intoxication, substances with toxic and poisonous properties that got inside. Most harmful substances enter with food, so these poisonings are diagnosed as food poisoning and are divided into two types.

  • Poisoning caused by mushrooms, as well as poisonous berries and their seeds.
  • Caused by exposure to various household substances chemicals(for example, shampoo or soap) into the baby’s body due to the inattention of adults.
  • PTI – foodborne toxic infection. Caused by the entry into the body of harmful microorganisms, as well as toxins that are produced by microbes in a favorable environment digestive tract. This may be pathogenic microflora - botulism bacilli and salmonella. Also, the causative agents of the disease can be representatives of opportunistic microflora, for example, bacteria and viruses. Among the bacteria, it is worth noting staphylococci and streptococci.

First symptoms of poisoning

  • Vomiting, nausea, sharp and sharp, paroxysmal pain in a stomach. If a child over 2 years old can show that his tummy hurts, then the baby will cry and draw in his legs.
  • Vomiting is accompanied by diarrhea.
  • The temperature has risen, the child complains of severe headache, weakness, refuses to eat.
  • The baby is capricious, becomes lethargic, and constantly cries. In case of poisoning with certain types of mushrooms, inappropriate behavior, strong excitement.

If any of the signs appear in your child, you must call a doctor. Before their arrival, it is necessary to perform a gastric lavage procedure. Warm boiled water is used for rinsing. The volume of water required to flush the body is calculated according to the age and weight of the child.

With toxic infection, due to dehydration of the body, children sometimes develop serious condition. If after gastric lavage the health condition does not improve, that is, vomiting, nausea and diarrhea continue, it is necessary to take measures to replenish fluid. To achieve this, therapies such as detoxification and oral rehydration are used.

Detoxification is the intake of sorbents such as Activated carbon or Filtrum, which help remove toxins. Oral rehydration is the restoration of water-salt volume of fluid in the body. For rehydration, solutions containing salt, potassium, glucose, and soda are needed. To prepare such a solution, you need to purchase dry powder Glucosolan or Regidron. Powders contain required amount potassium and salts to restore fluid loss.

According to the instructions, the powder is diluted either in 1 liter of boiled warm water, or in 0.5 liters. The solution is given throughout the day. If the baby is less than 1 year old, then for each kilogram of weight 150 - 200 ml of solution is given. Children over 1 year old - from 120 to 170 ml per kilogram of weight. You should not force the patient to drink the entire volume of liquid intended for an hour at once or increase the dose: this may cause vomiting. Give the patient 1 tsp of water every 5-10 minutes. solution.

Principles of nutrition

A weakened baby cannot eat as before, so it is necessary to change his diet and diet. The menu should be composed of products that are recommended for a diet after food poisoning in young children. The following principles must be observed.

  • Meals should be done in fractions. The number of meals increases to 7 or 8 times a day. The time between meals is reduced. Portion sizes are getting smaller.
  • All dishes should be easily digestible by the body, so the diet for any food poisoning in children requires pureing cereals and vegetables until they become semi-liquid. You can use ready-made meat and vegetable baby purees.
  • The temperature of the food offered should not affect harmful effects on the inflamed lining of the stomach and intestines. You cannot eat hot or cold food.
  • Force feeding of a child is prohibited. Lack of appetite or poor appetite- This is a natural reaction to poisoning. IN acute period disease, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids, which will make up for the missing amount of food.
  • Substitution prohibited dietary nutrition chocolate, chips, carbonated drinks. Wanting to please the whims of a sick child, parents cause additional damage to his health, which can lead to hospitalization of the baby.
  • It is necessary to reduce the amount of carbohydrates in the diet, which cause the fermentation process.


Any diet in the presence of food poisoning in children requires fasting for the first day. Parents are interested in how to create a diet in case of poisoning and what can a child eat?

For babies

Infants on breastfeeding Long-term fasting is contraindicated: it is enough for mothers to skip 1 or 2 feedings. The feeding process after fasting is reduced by the time of eating. If stool is normalized, there is no vomiting, no nausea, after 2-3 meals you can completely restore the amount of food consumed. The first two days it is allowed to reduce the time intervals between feedings, and the portion should be smaller. Mommy should avoid all types of fruits and vegetables that cause a laxative effect.

Children from 6 months to 1 year

If the baby received complementary foods and there was no stomach upset, then a day or two after acute phase The first portions of rice or buckwheat porridge are given. The milk used to prepare the porridge is diluted with water. The prepared porridge must be thoroughly ground.

After feeding with cereals, vegetable purees are gradually added. After a few days, children's cottage cheese and meat and fish products in the form of soufflé are added to the diet. Any complementary food should be given in small portions to monitor the body's reaction. In case of repeated vomiting or diarrhea, temporarily discard the complementary foods that caused such a reaction.

Children from 1 year

Immediately after vomiting stops, you can offer children’s kefir, yoghurts, and you can also give pureed vegetables or meat broths along with cereals.

The diet in case of poisoning of a 2-year-old child differs from the diet of a five-year-old child in that a two-year-old child returns to the foods that he was fed in early age. The menu includes more vegetable purees, pureed porridges, meat and fish soufflés. The transition to an adult table for such a baby is still postponed.

Before illness, children 5 years and older ate the same as adults. The menu included fried meat, fish, spicy dishes. After poisoning, all dishes should be steamed, meat and fish should be boiled until soft and then ground until semi-liquid.

Food poisoning, unfortunately, is a fairly common problem. If you eat low-quality products or fail to follow hygiene rules, you may experience nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and sometimes much more severe symptoms.

For mild forms food intoxication Sometimes only “home” activities are enough, but when difficult cases, or in case of intoxication in children, you must immediately seek help professional help to the doctors. In any case, the victim immediately needs to begin removing toxins. But even after the symptoms are relieved, it is very important to help the body recover - for this you need proper diet after food poisoning.

Diet after food poisoning

The correct diet after food poisoning is one of the most important events to combat intoxication and its consequences. You should think about it immediately after neutralizing the symptoms. As a rule, in case of poisoning, the entire gastrointestinal tract becomes inflamed, since the mucous zone is irritated by vomiting and diarrhea. Therefore, after removing toxins, it is necessary to restore the damaged walls of the stomach, intestines, and larynx.

The first point of the diet after food poisoning is to drink plenty of fluids. Perfect option- water at room temperature (preferably mineral water without gas) with pharmaceutical salt preparations (Regidron, Gastrolit and others). Food is generally excluded on the first day; food can only be consumed starting from the second day after poisoning.

Diet after food poisoning in children

Children after intoxication must be fed with special attention and caution. It is better to give very young children only water or juice. But by no means lemon or orange. We also exclude cranberry juice and sweet carbonated drinks. Perfect fit vegetable juices- beetroot, cabbage. Tea is also suitable, green is best, but - this is important - not hot, as hot tea can irritate the gastrointestinal tract. When the baby has an appetite, you can feed him the first courses: chicken bouillon, vegetable soups (for example, with broccoli).

A children's diet after food poisoning does not exclude second courses, but the foods should, firstly, be light (after all, the digestive system is still very delicate and painful), and secondly, rich in nutrients. Fish, chicken breast, boiled potatoes, beets - here great diet after food poisoning for children. No beef, pork or sausage. We also cross out sweets and sauces like mayonnaise.

Diet after food poisoning in adults

The diet after food poisoning should be extremely strict. We emphasize once again that in the first days it is better not to eat anything at all and drink more. However, in the first days you are unlikely to want to eat. But when the appetite does appear, you need to carefully monitor what you are going to fill your still weakened stomach with.

The diet after food poisoning should be fractional: we eat five to seven times a day in small portions. It is better to start with very small portions, gradually increasing them. Crossing out dairy and meat dishes(only rabbit meat is suitable), as well as sour and spicy. More boiled vegetables (preferably grated) and vegetable soups (chicken broth is also suitable). A good option is boiled porridge, such as buckwheat or rice. Biscuit cookies are also suitable, as well as crackers - but in no case store-bought ones.

Diet after alcohol poisoning

Symptoms of alcohol intoxication, as a rule, are almost no different from food intoxication. So after alcohol poisoning, as after food poisoning, you should drink as much liquid as possible, and even better, immediately rinse your stomach.

The diet after alcohol poisoning should consist of light soups, purees and cereals. We immediately exclude meat and fatty fish, food with excessive amounts of seasonings and sweets. We also strongly discourage drinking carbonated drinks. Coffee is possible, but not more than one cup. Better is sweet tea with lemon or honey. By the way, a diet after alcohol poisoning does not exclude folk method- brine. It actually reduces acidity levels in the blood and helps relieve symptoms.

What diet after food poisoning?

For the first couple of days, we limit ourselves to drinking plenty of water. If after poisoning you begin to have an appetite, it means you are the right way. You can't force feed in any case.

It's better to start with homemade crackers ( fresh bread and the diet after food poisoning excludes baking), ground boiled vegetables and mashed potatoes. On the third day, the diet can be diversified with steamed chicken or turkey cutlets. The minced meat should be tender, passed through a meat grinder several times along with a piece of dried white bread. But without onions and garlic, and with a minimum of seasonings (or better yet, without them at all). Later you can move on to lean soups. However, it is worth emphasizing that the diet after food poisoning excludes meat soups.

Diet menu after food poisoning

Diet after food poisoning in the first days suggests more water and soft foods in small portions: porridge, soups, steamed meatballs and boiled vegetables. Later, when the body is stronger, you can have breakfast with oatmeal on water or a banana with dried fruit compote. For lunch, vegetable soup or, again, steamed cutlets (preferably from chicken meat). Dinner - the same cutlets with a side dish of rice. Between these meals, you can also kill the worm with biscuits and crackers. Before bed - a glass of compote with honey.

The main thing to remember is that portions should be small. We increase the quantity and variety of food gradually. The diet after food poisoning is strict, but this is the only way to restore the body’s strength.

Diet recipes after food poisoning

The first item on the diet after food poisoning, apart from plenty of water, is white bread croutons. But store-bought ones are not suitable, you need to prepare them yourself: cut the bread into half-centimeter pieces, dry them a little in the oven or in a frying pan (only without oil) and make sure they don’t burn.

We also recommend dried fruit compote. They contain an excellent range of vitamins and minerals lost due to dehydration. You need to pour boiling water over the dried fruits in a ratio of 2:5, bring to a boil and simmer for half an hour over low heat.

It is better to cook porridge in water without seasonings (including salt). If your stomach remains satisfied, then the next day you can add a little sugar or honey to the porridge.

What can you eat after poisoning?

The diet after poisoning includes vegetable puree soups, water porridge (buckwheat or rice), boiled or baked vegetables. It is better not to eat meat, unless it is chopped, in the form of steamed cutlets. Steam steamers are also quite suitable. fish cutlets. The diet after food poisoning also does not exclude some kind of poultry meatballs. But we cross out dairy products; however, you can eat baked cottage cheese (all kinds of casseroles and puddings). Crackers are perfect, but only homemade. Fruits are possible, but not sour ones: apples, pears, quince. But even they should be boiled or baked. In the first days we drink exclusively non-carbonated mineral water.

Later, a decoction of chamomile or rosehip (preferably with honey) can be added to the diet after food poisoning. green tea, fruit jelly. We also recommend dill decoction, soups with rice, and dry biscuits. Later, on the fourth or fifth day, you can eat a steamed omelette or steamed veal cutlets.

What should you not eat after poisoning?

Poisoning is a powerful blow not only to the gastrointestinal tract, but also to the liver. Therefore, the diet after food poisoning excludes all those foods that can at least minimally harm these organs or add stress to them.

So, for a few days we cross out fatty, fried, salty and spicy foods from the menu. No alcohol, no sweets. You should also wait a bit with butter and milk. You should not eat fresh bread and other baked goods like pies or biscuits (at the same time, you can eat homemade crackers). Meat (especially fried) and lard, boiled and smoked sausage, meat and milk soups, caviar and canned food are strictly prohibited. Also, the diet after food poisoning excludes oatmeal, millet and pearl barley. Eggs - only steamed. Fish too. We don’t even look at sour or overly sweet compotes, sweet sodas, and especially alcohol. Vegetables and fruits must be boiled, and sour fruits (citrus fruits, for example) should be excluded altogether.

For quick recovery digestion and improvement of well-being, it is necessary to improve the child’s nutrition after poisoning. IN mild case the disease is often treated at home, so parents should take care of the correct menu and discuss the features of the daily diet with a specialist. This will help maintain the balance of nutrients, eliminate unpleasant symptoms in the form of intestinal disorder.

Features of the child's body

Almost always the cause of poisoning in children is pathogenic microorganisms. Various bacteria enter the mouth with with dirty hands, toys, after contact with pets. The problem worsens during the warm season, which is the most favorable for the proliferation of infectious agents:

  • enterococci;
  • Staphylococcus aureus;
  • streptococcus;
  • coli;
  • salmonella.

At risk are children attending kindergarten or school camp: When it is necessary to prepare large quantities of food, kitchen workers often neglect hygiene rules. They become carriers or use contaminated food products. WITH rotavirus infection can occur when swallowing water from a reservoir while resting.

A child’s nutrition after food poisoning is selected based on a doctor’s examination and health status. As the infection develops, the baby becomes very weak and cannot resist dangerous pathogens. Severe intoxication develops, which results in unpleasant symptoms:

  • vomiting at least 3 times a day;
  • diarrhea;
  • nausea;
  • pallor of the skin.

Weakness and fever after poisoning in a child often complicate the course of the disease. When bacteria enters the intestines beneficial microflora dies, cannot resist aggressive streptococci or rotaviruses. Immunity decreases, the gastric mucosa becomes very inflamed, and appetite decreases. Children refuse even their most favorite foods, lose strength, and sleep a lot.

For full development, a child’s body requires a certain amount of minerals, proteins, and vitamins. He gets them from a balanced and varied diet. If the diet for poisoning has not been selected, an imbalance occurs in children. For several months after suffering from intoxication, they suffer from acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, and their performance and concentration during classes decrease. Within 4–6 weeks, he may complain of pain in the intestines, upset stool, and other unpleasant problems.

Disorders in the digestive system are often accompanied by pancreatitis, pain in the pancreas. The level of toxins in the blood rises, liver function is disrupted, and the kidneys suffer from overload. To reduce the risk similar complications, it is necessary to follow a special diet for food poisoning in children. Purpose strict diet:

  • maintain the balance of vitamins, amino acids, water;
  • strengthen defenses;
  • relieve irritation of the stomach walls;
  • reduce the level of toxic substances;
  • maintain basic blood counts at a high level.

On the first day, if the infection worsens, it is recommended to remove dishes containing great amount ballast substances. They overload the intestines, increase irritation and peristalsis, which, with diarrhea, severely dehydrates the body. This includes bread made from whole grain flour, some cereals, and fruits.

Important! Any restrictions or new products in the acute period must be agreed with your doctor. He will help you create a menu according to the age of the little patient.

The diet for poisoning in a child is based on the following rules:

  • everything must be wiped until it becomes a liquid puree without lumps;
  • For cooking, it is better to use a double boiler; bake foods without oil;
  • Do not serve hot or cold foods;
  • When cooking, spices and sauces are excluded.

If a child is poisoned, food is served in small portions. They are reduced to several spoons so as not to overload the inflamed lining of the stomach. Next appointment repeats after 2-3 hours. Parents should make sure that the patient does not vomit food. Komarovsky and some doctors recommend not waiting for the feeling of hunger to appear: a baby at 2 years old will not be able to formulate a desire, so he needs to be offered food on his own.

How to give water to a child who is vomiting

Many parents do not know what to feed their child with food poisoning for the first 24 hours. It should be remembered that diarrhea provokes dehydration. She's pushing hard useful material, which greatly worsens the condition of the baby. If vomiting and diarrhea occur, you can give healthy drinks:

  • unsweetened fruit drinks without pulp;
  • natural juices diluted with water;
  • black or green tea;
  • infusion of chamomile or rosehip;
  • mineral water (the gas is pre-released).

Sometimes adults give dried fruit compotes. To prepare them, you cannot take prunes and pears, which additionally stimulate contraction of the rectum. Raisins, dried apricots, and apples, which contain potassium, sodium and magnesium, give a light fixing effect.

When a child is poisoned, food often provokes vomiting reflex. Young children react painfully to its manifestation. Some get scared and flatly refuse any drink, spitting out the water. In this situation, medical assistance cannot be avoided. In the hospital, it is recommended to drip the baby with special solutions with the addition of vitamins and minerals that prevent dehydration.

Attention! Excessive loss of water is fraught with damage to the child's body. dangerous consequences. The temperature rises sharply, the functioning of the heart and kidneys is disrupted. They stop coping with toxins, which threatens fatal. If the baby has not drunk 200–500 ml of liquid in a day, he must be taken under the supervision of an infectious disease specialist.

At home, on the first day, fruit drinks and compotes can be alternated with drugs containing antiemetic and dehydrating components: Regidron, Oralit, Glucosolan. Such water-salt solutions are indispensable when refusing food; they soothe irritated stomach walls. They help normalize the production of enzymes responsible for digesting food and stimulate appetite.

What can you feed a child if he is poisoned?

To stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended to dilute the meager menu in case of poisoning in children with freshly prepared foods:

  • banana pieces mashed with a fork;
  • steamed pieces of broccoli;
  • homemade yogurt;
  • low-fat kefir.

It is better to purchase dairy products from the children's kitchen or prepare them yourself. To improve the taste, do not add sugar or fruit, or add store-bought syrups. You can use ready-made purees for complementary feeding, but only after checking the expiration date and composition. For infants all recommendations are more individual, so about poisoning due to hepatitis B.

When choosing what you can eat after your child vomits, you should stick to light cereals. It is better to cook them in small portions from oatmeal or rice. They cover the gastric mucosa with a thin film, relieve attacks of nausea and saturate them with minerals. Such dishes are prepared in purified water without adding oil or sugar, and pureed with a blender into a homogeneous mass.

When interest in food is shown, the diet after food poisoning in children expands to several healthy dishes:

  • vegetable soups;
  • grated cottage cheese;
  • pate from chicken breast no fat;
  • steamed vegetables (carrots, zucchini, potatoes).

A 4-year-old child can be offered low-fat broth cooked with the addition of vegetables. If it is difficult to decide what to feed a child after diarrhea, offer him pieces of oven-dried white bread, crackers or biscuits. In combination with medications, the right diet prevents the appearance of spasms and colic and stops the disorder.

Menu to improve digestion

The list of what children can eat if poisoned is supplemented after a few days with light and nutritious dishes:

  • baked apples;
  • aromatic berry jelly;
  • steam omelette;
  • boiled low-fat fish;
  • tender cutlets from the steamer.

For the first 5–7 days, the baby is fed fractionally, dividing all volumes of food into 6 times. This way the stomach is not overloaded and secretes more abundantly. digestive juice. Sample diet child after poisoning is very simple to prepare:

  • Breakfast: unsweetened rolled oats porridge in water with 1 teaspoon butter, 1 boiled egg, jelly, uzvar with crackers.
  • Lunch: pureed soup or broth with dried bread, baked potatoes, steamed vegetables.
  • Dinner: zucchini or carrot puree, baked apple with cottage cheese, steamed fish.

Small snacks in the form of compote, jelly, and a sandwich with pate will complement the menu. The baby must be offered clean water, sweetened with lemon juice.

What not to give in case of poisoning

It is better to make the diet lighter in children after food poisoning. During treatment, cow's milk in any form is prohibited. It only worsens diarrhea and interferes with the restoration of microflora. It is replaced with fermented milk products, the amount of which increases as you recover.

You should not feed a child after poisoning with fatty, salty and junk food, therefore excluded:

Even ordinary pasta is difficult to digest and worsens the condition of the inflamed gastric mucosa. Fried meat, sausages and ketchup are dangerous. New products should be introduced into the menu without haste 2-3 weeks after full recovery chair.

Diet features

During the first days, food in case of poisoning in children should be semi-liquid. All dishes are prepared for 1–2 servings, without adding flavor enhancers, pepper, Bay leaf. It is necessary to achieve a neutral taste. Steamed vegetables are boiled to a soft pulp, gently mashed with several spoons vegetable broth. Gradually, the diet is diluted with boiled porridges made from millet and oatmeal.

With stomach pain and weakness, it is difficult to get your baby to try food. That's why dietary dishes for children in case of poisoning, it should be served in bright plates, decorated with decorations of boiled vegetables. This will arouse interest and whet your appetite. It is recommended to add a sprig of herbs, a piece of butter, and small cubes of crackers.

How to choose the right products

It is easy to encounter an infection at any time of the year. Therefore, parents should know not only what their child can eat after poisoning. Adults must learn to choose foods carefully good quality that will benefit the whole family:

  • It is better to refuse to purchase frozen semi-finished products, which rarely contain high-quality meat.
  • Don’t be shy about smelling fillets or fish and asking for documents confirming their freshness.
  • It is better to choose domestic fruits and vegetables that are in season and do not contain pesticides and nitrates.
  • Be sure to pay attention to the expiration date, the composition on the label, and the safety of the packaging.
  • It is recommended to buy baby purees in glass containers and inspect the consistency and color of the product.

It is strictly not recommended to purchase meat or milk from your hands. Often food poisoning is diagnosed after visiting cafes or eateries. Therefore, on long walks you should take with you homemade crackers, biscuits or banana, and a thermos with tea or fruit juice.

Unfortunately, food poisoning in young children is common. In addition to treatment, in such cases the doctor will recommend special nutrition that will help the baby’s body replenish vital losses. necessary substances and recover faster from illness.

Food poisoning can be divided into two groups: poisoning itself and foodborne toxic infections.

Food poisoning is a disease that occurs after eating poisonous or toxic substances. This may include poisoning from mushrooms, poisonous berries and seeds. You can also get poisoned chemicals: They can end up in food through carelessness. More often we encounter foodborne illnesses.

Food poisoning infection (FTI)- it's spicy non-communicable disease, which is a consequence of the use food products containing microorganisms certain types and their toxins. This disease occurs only in connection with the consumption of foods heavily contaminated with toxins and/or living cells specific pathogen. It usually has the character of a group disease characterized by a short incubation period(the period of time from the moment a microbial agent enters the body until the symptoms of the disease appear) and an acute short course. Most often, the causative agent of PTI is salmonella and opportunistic flora (bacteria, fungi, viruses, protozoa, which are quite widespread in environment, as well as those living in the intestines of healthy people). Normally, they do not have a negative effect on healthy body, but begin to actively reproduce and harm their owner if normal conditions- for example, when decreasing local immunity. Their ability to call infectious diseases the organism is promoted by a tendency to colonization, rapid acquisition of resistance to unfavorable factors, including antimicrobial drugs. Under the influence of various external and intraenvironmental factors, opportunistic bacteria quickly change their biological properties and turn into pathogenic (capable of causing infectious diseases).

Signs of poisoning

You can determine that a child has been poisoned by the following signs: the baby’s well-being worsens - he becomes weak, capricious, lethargic, complains of abdominal pain, tightens his legs; Nausea and vomiting subsequently appear. When food poisoning Following vomiting, the temperature may rise and diarrhea may begin. The development of symptoms, the severity of the disease and treatment tactics completely depend on what pathogen has entered the body.

In the case of food poisoning, a child may develop a serious condition caused by dehydration - a large loss of fluid through feces and vomit. Children who, after gastric lavage, continue to have nausea, vomiting, stool disorders, or have signs of dehydration and mild or moderate intoxication, are prescribed oral rehydration (rehydration - replenishment of lost fluid) and detoxification (aimed at removing toxins from the body - for example, taking enterosorbents) therapy , which is currently recommended for use before hospitalization.

Making up for losses

The principles of compiling a diet should take into account the manifestations of the disease - which dominates: vomiting (acute gastritis), diarrhea (enteritis) or gastroenteritis (vomiting and diarrhea). And most importantly, any formulated diet should have a gentle effect on the inflamed mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. Drinking regime. Due to high temperature and significant fluid losses, the water-salt balance is disturbed, the blood thickens, and intoxication increases - a painful state of the body caused by the effect of harmful or toxic substances, coming from outside or produced in the body itself. Therefore, it is necessary first of all to ensure that the child drinks plenty of fluids.

For oral rehydration, water-saline solutions containing salt, soda, glucose, and potassium are used. Pharmacies sell dry powders for preparing solutions - rehydron, citraglucosolan, etc. The contents of the packages are dissolved in 0.5 or 1 liter of warm boiled water. The child needs to be given a solution to drink throughout the day, calculating the required amount of liquid from body weight indicators. So, a baby under 1 year old should be given 150-200 ml of liquid per kilogram of body weight, older children - 120-170 ml. The volume of liquid calculated for an hour is given to the child every 5-10 minutes, a teaspoon. You should not increase the dose, as a large amount of liquid can cause repeated vomiting. Water-salt solutions can be alternated with sweet tea and rosehip decoction. In the acute period, drink should be at room temperature.

First of all, it is necessary to ensure that the child drinks plenty of fluids.

Rehydration is carried out until the child is no longer bothered by vomiting and frequent, debilitating diarrhea. If diarrhea remains despite improvement in the condition, then after each loose stool it is recommended to give the baby a drink at the rate of 10 ml/kg. It is not recommended to carry out the so-called water-tea break - complete exclusion of food for a long period. As soon as the child stops vomiting, you can offer him food.

Principles of nutrition after poisoning

In the acute period of the disease, with high fever, nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite, a gentle diet is recommended for the baby, which provides better absorption food. To do this, all dishes are prepared and served in liquid or semi-liquid form, vegetables and cereals are boiled until soft and pureed, animal and poultry meat, and fish are prepared in the form of a soufflé. During this period, it is recommended to use canned meat and vegetables for baby food, as easily digestible fortified products with a delicate consistency.

In the acute period, in the presence of high temperature, feeling unwell It is advisable to feed the child in small doses - up to 7 times a day, reducing the intervals between meals to 2-2.5 hours and reducing the amount for each meal. This will allow you to quickly restore impaired body functions.

At sharp decline A child's appetite should not be afraid of malnutrition. It is unacceptable to force feed your baby, as this can cause nausea and vomiting. As mentioned earlier, all missing amounts of food during the acute period of the disease must be replenished with liquid.

First aid for poisoning

If you know that your child has eaten or drunk something inedible or toxic substance, spoiled food, then the first thing you need to do is gastric lavage for the affected baby. It is carried out drinking water, and for small children - either in a special nursery or boiled water room temperature based on: child 10 months - 1 year - 20 ml/kg, 2-6 years - 16 ml/kg, 7-14 years - 14 ml/kg. After the child has drunk the required amount of liquid, press on the root of his tongue to induce vomiting. After washing the stomach, the child must be forced to drink sorbents: activated carbon or filtrum, enterosgel, etc.

If a child refuses any food offered, you should not force him to eat: this may provoke a new attack of vomiting. You should also not follow the lead of a sick baby: he may want to eat “unhealthy” foods (chips, cola, etc.), which can also be taken healthy person can cause a painful condition, and the harm that these products can cause to a weakened child’s body is easy to imagine. This may be inflammation of the pancreas or inflammation of the biliary tract, especially in conditions of damage to the gastrointestinal tract by toxins.

During the acute period of the disease, the body’s need for vitamins and minerals. Therefore, an additional appointment is necessary vitamin preparations, containing in mandatory vitamins of group B, C and A, improving metabolic processes and increasing the body's resistance. A recovering child (who has stopped vomiting) is prescribed children's vitamin complexes, since it is impossible to replenish the amount of missing and “lost” vitamins with food alone.

Menu features. When creating a menu for a sick baby, you need to take care sufficient quantity animal protein in his diet. First of all we're talking about O milk protein, which has a lipotropic effect. This is important for improving the function of the liver, which suffers by neutralizing toxic substances accumulating in the body.

The amount of dietary fat in the diet of a sick child should not exceed the physiological norm (and in the first days of illness, their amount should be reduced by 10-20%), since under conditions of dehydration and decreased appetite, the production of enzymes that “digest” fats is disrupted, and they, in turn, affect the acid-base balance of the body, promoting a shift to the acidic side, thereby worsening the child’s condition. All types of fats should be given to the baby only as part of ready-made meals and should not be offered in pure form(For example, butter for a sandwich), as this will worsen the loss of appetite.

During the acute period of the disease, all dishes are prepared and given in liquid or semi-liquid form.

The carbohydrate component of the diet should not be high, especially during the acute period of the disease, with high temperature, toxicosis phenomena, as they enhance fermentation processes in the intestines.

As the child’s condition improves, the temperature normalizes, and toxicosis is eliminated, his diet should gradually expand, approaching the physiological one.

Nutrition for food poisoning completely depends on which part of the digestive tract was affected by the infectious/toxic agent and, therefore, how pronounced inflammatory changes and impaired functions are in it.

Nutrition for vomiting and pain in the stomach. If the child is only bothered by pain in the epigastric region and vomiting therapeutic diet is built on the principles of diet therapy acute gastritis. If you have frequent vomiting, you can skip one, maximum two meals. Oral rehydration should be carried out with special solutions. Then you need to go to fractional meals with a reduction in daily food volume by 40-50%, continuing oral rehydration. Starting from the 2nd day, the volume of food increases by 10-15% daily while lengthening the intervals between feedings. The daily amount of food should be brought to physiological norm no later than 3-5 days from the start of treatment.

The optimal product for diet therapy for children under 1 year of age is breast milk. For children in the second half of life, who had previously been introduced to the menu with complementary foods after the specified pause, first porridge with half-and-half milk (rice, buckwheat) is introduced into the diet; after a few days, 10-20 g of baby cottage cheese are added to this complementary food; after another 1- 2 days - vegetable purees and then fruit juices. Older children with improvement general condition Along with cereals, it is allowed to introduce vegetable purees, 1/2 egg yolk, and then vegetable soups and complementary foods made from meat.

The nutrition of children over 1 year of age is built on the same principles, only the one-time amount of food is increased and foods allowed for this age are included in the diet more quickly. So, in case of frequent vomiting, it is recommended to fasten the diet: on the first day, it is advisable to give the child kefir or any other fermented milk product 100-200 ml (depending on age) every 3-3.5 hours. The next day you can start eating age-appropriate food.

For 1-3 weeks after illness, it is recommended to follow the principles of mechanical, chemical and thermal sparing. Mechanical sparing involves the following culinary processing: steaming, boiling, the consistency of the dishes - first liquid, semi-liquid, mushy, and then crushed and simply pieces. Thermal sparing involves taking only warm food. And chemical sparing is the exclusion from the diet of foods that irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. These products include snacks, sauces, spices, brown bread, raw vegetables and fruits, White cabbage raw and boiled, turnips, radishes, radishes, peas, beans, cucumbers, millet, pearl barley, freshly squeezed and sour juices.

Nutrition for enteritis. If the manifestations of the disease are not limited upper sections gastrointestinal tract and the child began to be bothered by diarrhea (enteritis), then when drawing up a menu, you need to take into account the specifics of digestion in the small intestine.

It is not recommended to use whole cow's milk in the acute period, as it enhances intestinal motility and fermentation processes, thereby leading to increased diarrhea. Dairy products are replaced with fermented milk drinks, while it must be remembered that one-day kefir has a laxative effect, the rest have a strengthening effect, fermented milk starter Helps the intestinal microflora cope with harmful agents. Porridges are prepared either with half-and-half milk or water. Vegetables and fruits rich in fiber are excluded from the diet, causing flatulence: beets, radishes, turnips, radishes, cucumbers, legumes, oranges, tangerines, sauerkraut, plums, grapes, greens, black bread. Refractory fats (animal and poultry fats) are excluded. Ghee and vegetable oil in dishes, in small quantities - one and a half times less than for healthy child. The rules of gentle thermal, mechanical and chemical processing of products are observed: food must be pureed, crushed, warm and free of irritating substances.

Dish recipes

Meat soufflé

  • Meat - 60 g;
  • wheat bread - 5 g;
  • egg -1/4 pcs.,
  • butter - 1/2 teaspoon;
  • broth - 1-2 tbsp. spoons.

Cut the meat, cleaned of films and tendons, into pieces and simmer in a small amount of water until half cooked. Then add wheat bread soaked in cold water, pass everything through a fine mesh meat grinder twice, add broth, egg and stir. Place this mass in a pan, greased with oil and sprinkled with breadcrumbs, and bake, covering the pan, in the oven in a water bath. Cooking time: 20-25 minutes.

Rice porridge with half and half milk

  • Rice - 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • water - 1 glass,
  • milk - 1/2 cup, diluted half with water;
  • sugar -1 tsp. spoon;
  • butter -
  • 1/4 teaspoon;
  • salt - to taste.

Rinse the rice, add to boiling water and cook until soft. Then rub through a sieve, add hot (but not boiling) milk, stir well. Add sugar and cook for 2-3 minutes until the porridge thickens. Remove from heat, season with butter.


yes.. unfortunately this is quite common problem. as soon as you go somewhere, the food is gone... but whatever, you don’t even need to go out - the last time my son got poisoned from dumplings with cherries (!!!) from the local delicacy (((these sorbents like safari filterum and coal are the last resort the first aid kit is overflowing... this never happened before, anyway, this almost never happened to me as a child.

11/17/2011 23:14:30, Snezhana 1984

Yes, a very dangerous thing. Thank you for the article, it’s a pity it didn’t catch my eye when we ourselves faced the same problem, well, now only for the future. I really hope it won't be useful))). But what to treat? In case of poisoning, I gave children's enterosgel, it helped well, it is inactive in itself - it does not enter into any reactions and does not irritate the stomach, but maybe you know something else from the same series? We also tried polyphepam - a very bad drug with an unpleasant taste.

Comment on the article "In a gentle manner. Nutrition of children after food poisoning"

Poisoning. How long does it last? Gastrointestinal tract. Pediatric medicine. Poisoning. How long does it last? Daughter is 2 years old. On Tuesday morning I had loose stools with water 8 times and vomited once. The question is: how long can this condition last? What can I feed her?


Children's body weaker and more fragile than an adult, so a child is much more likely to “catch” intestinal virus and get seriously poisoned. Therefore, it is important to provide first aid immediately.
I recommend checking out useful materials[link-1]

Why do you go outside in such a state?! Yes, you definitely need to see a doctor, but it’s better to call him at home.
To the doctor - take it off. Give a teaspoon of plain clean water or weak tea (no more, so as not to cause vomiting) every minute or two. Just sit next to the child and pour this spoon into his mouth for hours.
This is very important, in this way you save her body from dehydration.

How to feed a child incorrectly? What not to do when feeding a baby. What to feed the child? The baby has had diarrhea for several days. He feels fine and eats. Nutrition for children after food poisoning. What to feed a child after poisoning?

Nutrition of children after food poisoning. This may include poisoning from mushrooms, poisonous berries and seeds. After poisoning, presumably from dairy products, you have to make your own kefir and cottage cheese.

How many hours after vomiting did you start feeding your child and what? Food poisoning in children. Feeding a child after poisoning. What to feed after rotavirus? Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and...


As long as there is vomiting, nothing. Up to one day. Next, rice porridge (NORDIC) in water without sugar for 2-3 days. Next, baked apple into porridge for 1-2 days (no milk!). Next, add crackers, mashed potatoes in water - another 1-2 days. Next add pasta and banana. And within 3-4 weeks, GRADUALLY switch to the regular menu. And this is all against the background of treatment prescribed by the doctor. Don't forget to give rehydron. Donate blood to liver test, because rotaviruses often cause complications on the liver.
My daughter has a hard time with rotaviruses and every time we end up in the hospital. I have experience.

I start no earlier than three hours later, with broth and crackers. or unsweetened tea with crackers. And so we only drink water in unlimited quantities to rinse ourselves.
Get better!

Poisoning is a very common phenomenon in both adults and children, since no one is protected from eating low-quality foods or the body not accepting food. The process of treating poisoning is very complex, for full recovery You need to follow a certain diet that will help boost immunity and make the child’s health stronger. And therefore, in this material we will consider what diet in case of poisoning in children will help restore the condition of the body.

in children

When it comes to food lung poisoning degree, then in this case treatment can be carried out at home. But it is important to know some recommendations that will help the child recover from the disease and restore his health. A diet for intestinal poisoning in children allows you to completely get rid of such discomfort like vomiting and stomach upset. It also helps restore the functioning of the digestive system after such stress.

The diet afterward requires a precise consideration of certain rules and recommendations, which will be given below.

Subtleties in a child’s diet after poisoning

With diseases of the stomach and intestines, inflammatory processes which, if treated incorrectly, will become chronic inflammation digestive system, which is not only unpleasant, but can also bring a lot of negative consequences. During inflammation, the greatest load is placed on the mucous membrane, as well as on the liver and pancreas. To be more precise, mucus and gastric juices begin to be excreted not with such activity as is required for proper operation digestive system, therefore the process of contraction of the stomach muscles is disrupted.

Why do you need a diet after poisoning?

A child’s diet in case of poisoning is an opportunity to avoid unpleasant consequences in the functioning of the body, but at the same time it is necessary to take into account some rules that will help in this matter to achieve the desired result. the main objective diets - to relieve the stomach as much as possible, but at the same time provide it with a full set of vitamins and minerals, so that the work is again smooth and correct. Do not force your child to eat when he does not want to, and between meals it is necessary to take a break of 2 hours so that the digestive system enters a certain rhythm that guarantees high-quality work in the future.

Rules for forming a diet after poisoning

A child's diet in case of poisoning can be considered correct and useful only if the principles of mechanical, thermal and chemical relaxation are taken into account. This means that the food consumed must be in a liquid or semi-liquid state, and one must not forget that it must be warm for the system to function properly and “accelerate”. And of course, the food should not contain any aggressive products that can irritate the intestinal mucosa or stomach. During the period of recovery of the body, you need to consume only those foods that have low content fiber and carbohydrates.

Try to limit the consumption of fats, as all this together can lead to irritation of the digestive system and disruption of its functioning, so after poisoning the child may feel unwell again. It is important to select gentle products that can help with recovery, and not slow down the process.

It is best that the diet implies the consumption of large amounts of minerals and vitamins, since all this together guarantees the possibility of restoring the functioning and wellness, which can be considered the main tasks. And besides, such a complex provides the best conditions for the formation of a healthy and strong body.

Selecting a drink for a child during the recovery period

Diet after poisoning in children also requires correct selection drinking, since this way you can turn on the digestive system, creating all the necessary conditions for it. And besides daily use A certain norm of water is the key to health and well-being.

As for drinking mineral water, in most cases this is only possible when diluted with plain water, and it is better to consult your pediatrician about the choice of liquid. It is best to provide the child with mineral water in a diluted state without gases, since they can cause irritation of the mucous membrane, which will lead to new relapses of poisoning and an increase in the duration of recovery.

Separate nutrition - help in restoring the body

If you want to speed up the process of recovery of the child’s body after poisoning, then the rules here will be the most correct solution. For example, do not mix large amounts of proteins and carbohydrates at one meal, that is, you cannot eat potatoes with meat or fish, but vegetables and fruits go perfectly with different products nutrition, so you can pay attention to them when shaping your diet.

All food products can be divided into two categories: those that are easily absorbed by the body, and those the processing of which can be difficult for a weakened digestive system.

Prohibited foods in the diet after poisoning

Properly selected for children implies a large number of products that are not recommended for consumption, since a weakened body is simply not able to cope with their digestion and obtaining from it necessary vitamins and minerals. Of course, first of all, we need to highlight fast food, carbonated drinks, chips and other “products” of modern Food Industry, since, apart from harm, they cannot provide anything good for the child’s body. When a child needs a diet and what is not, it is not so easy to determine. But let's look at those products that should not be taken into account in daily diet power supply:

All these foods cannot ensure the proper functioning of the body, so they will be difficult to digest and assimilate.

But, despite the large list forbidden foods nutrition, there are still a lot of those that are allowed and even recommended for the child’s body during the recovery period after poisoning.

What can a child up to one year after poisoning?

The diet of a child in case of poisoning depends on age, since this is the only way to determine the required vitamins, minerals and microelements to improve digestion with all the required features.

For example, for a child under one year old the best food there will be mother's milk, which contains all the required components for speedy recovery. And if the child is already on complementary feeding, then in case of poisoning it is necessary to stop it in order to allow the baby to recover. Yes, and you need to withdraw from a strict diet gradually, since any sudden change in the diet can be rejected by the body.

Allowed foods for older children on a diet

The diet after poisoning in children can combine the following products:

In fact, a child’s diet in case of poisoning is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance, but in any case, its formation and compliance must be treated accordingly in order to quickly return the body to normal.



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