The smartest people in the world in history: list, rating and achievements. The smartest people in the world

Many animals differ not only in intelligence, but also in a certain mind. In their behavior, they often resemble humans, imitating certain processes and repeating various elements. To understand which animals are the most developed, a top 10 was created smartest animals in the world.
This ranking includes representatives different regions, countries and continents, but they are all connected by the presence of a certain mind, the ability to learn and the ability to perform many tasks.

10. Pigeons

Pigeons are placed in the top tenth position. The natural mind of these birds is developed in such a way that they can recognize a mirror image, as well as store a lot of information in memory, which they somehow reproduce in the future.
For many years, pigeons have been in the service of transmitting mail messages. Based on this fact, we can say about the unique mental abilities of pigeons.


Among all animals, pigs were placed on the ninth line. At some points, pigs are far superior in intelligence to dogs and cats. They can be trained without problems, and can also perform a large number of simple tricks and exercises. The biological clock pigs are ideally developed. For all these advantages, pigs are ranked ninth in the ranking of the smartest animals in the world.

With constant care for pigs, they will know exactly what time to feed. If there is a delay, then the animals begin to grunt and show their displeasure. Previously, many scientists argued that in addition to their intelligence, pigs differ strong nervousness. With a small clap of hands, the whole flock of pigs freezes and expects something.


In the ranking of the smartest animals on the planet, squirrels are in eighth place. Their main feature is that they are almost not afraid of people. This fact is evidenced by the fact that squirrels prefer to settle near people's houses. When a person begins to feed a squirrel, it gets used to it and will constantly return in the future. It speaks of her intellect and intelligence.

If the squirrels cannot eat everything at once, they will hide the food until better times. Before winter period they create dozens of different food caches. Throughout the winter, they remember each of them, which also shows their intelligence and ability to survive.


The crow is the smartest bird in the world. They are distinguished by excellent intelligence. Thieves and, with a good opportunity, can steal various things from a person. If a crow chick communicates with a person, it becomes tame and at the same time its level of intelligence increases. When hunting, crows fly in flocks to gain an advantage over the enemy. These characteristics of birds allowed them to get into the rating of animals with great mental abilities.

When stealing other people's eggs, several individuals act simultaneously. During this raid, one of the birds distracts the enemy, while the second one steals the egg at this time. When the bird manages to find a nut, it understands the need to crack it. To do this, the crow rises to a height and carefully drops the nut onto a hard surface. In any case, when extracting food, each crow will be smart.


In this ranking, rats occupy the sixth position. Their main feature is the ability to bypass the mousetrap, pick up prey and at the same time stay alive. According to scientists, rats have a collective mind, which will allow animals to survive even in extreme conditions.
When hunting in packs, there is always a leader with scouts, the purpose of which is to try food for poison or poison. If the rats have died, then other members of the pack will ignore the food offered in the future.


Cats are on the same list as the smartest animals in the world. In their intelligence and skills, they are comparable to dogs and are in no way inferior to them. They can understand human speech, intuitively perform certain tasks, and are also extremely cautious. Without problems, they can win in an unequal battle with a strong opponent.

Cats in extreme situations can be smart, as well as carry out certain commands of a person. Well trained, it will take only a few lessons to consolidate the acquired skills and abilities.


Among the many animals, dogs have always been one of those who were next to a person and in this ranking they are in fourth position. Of all the breeds, the Border Collies and Poodles are considered the smartest. The structure of the mind allows the dog to remember several hundred different gestures and words. In addition, they can count to five and decide simple tasks adding or dividing numbers.

With constant training, these animals can distinguish between different images and pictures. They have a unique instinct with which they can understand how a person will act now. For some dogs, the ability to cross the road in specially designated places is observed.

3. Dolphins

The inhabitants of the underwater world were put in third position in the ranking. These animals raise their offspring for quite a long period of time. They prefer to live in communities and are trained in teamwork. main feature dolphins in the ability to repeat the actions of people or other animals.

Dolphins love to look at their reflection in the mirror and can recognize themselves in it. They can be trained without problems, and during the performance of tricks they use a creative approach. At a great distance, dolphins communicate with each other through the system sound signals. Only one whistle can recognize their relatives. Approximately the way people distinguish each other's speech.

The ability of dolphins allows them to imitate various sounds of other animals and simple human words. Scientists have proven that dolphins have a much larger number of convolutions in the brain compared to human brain. Dolphins are in constant wakefulness. This is due to the fact that both hemispheres work alternately, which allows them to never sleep, in the usual sense, and be active throughout the day.

Interesting fact:

The brain of an adult dolphin weighs almost 300 grams more than a human and has twice as many convolutions. Dolphins live up to 75 years.


Bishops are in position number two. Among all mammals, they are one of the largest on the planet. It may seem that they are infantile and clumsy, with a passive attitude to everything that happens around them. This impression is not correct. Historians and scientists say with confidence that elephants, in comparison with other animals, surpass them in intelligence and wit.
Elephants show care and respect for their relatives. If one of the family members died, they do not leave the body for several days, and after that they throw various leaves or branches on the corpse, imitating the funeral process. Having offended an elephant, it is better not to fall into his eyes again, because they have good memory both for individuals and events.

Elephants have excellent hearing and musical sensitivity. They are easy to train and train, for this reason, in many circus programs, these animals are one of the main participants in the show. Many elephants can even play football or paint. They are also used as a means of transportation in various countries.


» The height of the elephants reaches 2.7 meters and their weight is up to 5 tons. The largest elephant is considered to be registered in Angola in 1956. He was 4.2 meters tall and weighed 12 tons.

» These animals have the most big ears on the planet among all living beings.

» The mass of the brain of an elephant is almost four times that of a human and is 5 kg.

» Adult elephants sleep standing up, only cubs lie on their side.

» Able to reach speeds over short distances up to 40 km/h.

» The heartbeat is 28 beats per minute.

1. Monkeys

- This is a monkey, or rather a chimpanzee. Due to the fact that nature gave monkeys a brain similar to humans, they can be considered the most intelligent representatives of the fauna. Between themselves, they communicate without problems thanks to the system of gestures. Some individuals have language skills.
Monkeys use to get food various devices. They easily recognize their own mirror image. Scientists have proven that the intelligence of the monkey corresponds to the intelligence three year old.

It is also worth mentioning some types of animals that are not included in the rating, but intellectual ability which deserve attention.

They live on the bottom. As a dwelling, they can serve not only a hole or a crack in the rocks, but also boxes, tires and even boots. They love cleanliness in their homes, so they regularly clean it, and put the leftover food in a certain place, nearby. They lead a nocturnal lifestyle. They are quite shy and try to hide when danger approaches. They have a means of protection from enemies similar to that of lizards. If the tentacle is pinched, then the animal can get rid of it with a strong contraction of the muscles.
Octopuses are the most intelligent invertebrates in the world. Such a conclusion can be drawn by looking at their abilities. They distinguish geometric figures, distinguish a horizontal rectangle from a vertical one, and so on. They are able to recognize people and even get used to and cease to be afraid of the person who feeds them. Trainable.

cichlids. They are considered the smartest fish in the world. By the following reasons: their behavior has individual traits; has the ability to remember and recognize its owner (in aquarium species); care for offspring, so after spawning, the female collects the eggs in her mouth, where they remain until the fry appear, the protection of the offspring does not end there, if the fry are in danger, the female again collects them with her mouth and hides.

cockatoo parrots. Among all the animals on the planet, they have the greatest ability to imitate human speech. Moreover, this is not a blind reproduction of what they heard earlier and remembered, because. parrots can use words quite appropriately. They can also be trained to perform various tricks and even dance.

Goats and sheep. There is an opinion that these animals do not have a special mind. This is fundamentally wrong. We can say that they are overly shy, but definitely not stupid. They have a good memory. Perfectly remember and distinguish faces and voices. In some cases, they can be smart.

Without a doubt, it can be argued that ants are the most intelligent insects in the world. Their colonies have a complex social structure, where each performs certain tasks. Ants equip a large (relative to their size) and complex dwelling, one might say an ant city. Conduct military operations against other ants, while applying the strategy. Capture other individuals into slavery. They use other insects and plants for their own purposes, entering into a symbiosis

The mental abilities of animals are limited and incommensurable with human ones. But a person, no matter how developed he is, is inferior in some respects to animals.

The smartest animals in the world | Video

A rainy evening, a soft sofa and a long-loved book - what could be more comfortable? Most interesting books must be read from paper, not from the screen.

They say that printing ink radiates a special energy, unlike the soulless “numbers” on the screen of a reader or tablet. You can believe it or not, but there are books that are worth reading in any form and from any medium!

Everyone has their own top 10 books - someone after 40 begins to read Dostoevsky and Tolstoy, and someone only give special literature.

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There are people who only read the most popular books recent years to keep abreast of fashion trends.

A list of references is like a handkerchief, a very personal and individual thing.

At the same time, it is not for nothing that one of the main queries in search engines is “ best books top 10".

The Growth Phase has picked up its top 10 books. These are “smart” works, when discussing which in a company one can show off snobbery, they say, “we know, we read it, but it’s strange why they talk about it so much!”

At the same time, the works from the list are not only fashionable literature, but also the truly most interesting books of the last decade. These are things worth reading for both pleasure and self-development.

1. Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari

The 42-year-old Israeli citizen began his career as a military man, but became interested in medieval history and became one of the most popular authors of global historical works.

At the same time, he is a convinced vegan, an active advocate for animal rights, and gay. He is fond of Eastern culture, regularly practices vipassana, austerity and avoids social networks.

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It is very interesting to look at the history of planet Earth through the prism of the worldview of such a person!

His " Short story Humanity” has been translated into more than 45 languages ​​of the world. Still, this is a book of a planetary scale and an incredible scope of thought.

What is this book about?

Harari invites us to look into history hundreds of thousands of years ago - to the Stone Age - and try to answer the global question: why did Homo sapiens come to dominate all living beings?

In the book, the thought of human violence against animals runs like a red thread. At the same time, according to Harari, it is precisely man of sense possesses a quality that no other living being has: the ability to cooperate and cooperate.

Ethics, evolution, scientific data, a short course in cognitive psychology - even the most discerning reader will find something in this book that will touch his mind and heart.

2. Think slow… decide fast by Daniel Kahneman

Psychologist Daniel Kahneman is a global figure. He developed one of the psychological economic theories and received the Nobel Prize.

It is he who throughout his professional activity tries to explain the well-known phenomenon: why do people spend money irrationally and do not act rationally at all?

Based on the works of Kahneman, many economists and leaders of transnational corporations build their models.

He could become richest man world and the coolest businessman in the history of mankind, but devoted himself exclusively to science, writing and educational activities.

What is this book about?

Think Slow... Decide Fast is a book on cognitive psychology. In general, it is surprising how a work written far from being for a wide audience and far from being the most in plain language turned out to be a worldwide bestseller.

There are many diagrams, tables, charts and boring columns with statistical data. At the same time, for some reason it is impossible to break away, as soon as you begin to at least roughly understand what is at stake.

The book describes a model of human decision making - as Kahneman understands it.

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The process of thinking, choosing and accepting volitional decision described down to the smallest neurophysiological detail.

3. Seven short lessons in physics, Carlo Rovelli

Carlo Rovelli is an Italian physicist who made a big scientific contribution in the theory of quantum gravity.

He is also a brilliant publicist. Like no one else, Rovelli knows how to explain plain language complex things: what is time, space, quanta, why does the scientific world need a hadron collider?

Immediately after the release in Italy, this book broke sales records - in the author's homeland it sold even better than the giant among the bestsellers "50 Shades of Grey"!

Source: GIPHY

So if you want to finally figure out for yourself what modern physics is, and be able to briefly explain the main provisions of quantum theory in a smart company, this book is definitely for you.

What is this book about?

Rovelli's popular science work not only touches on scientific issues, but also easily and in simple language acquaints the reader with the biographies of scientists and the circumstances of the emergence of the most popular physical hypotheses.

Source: iStock

How did Einstein create his theory of relativity? How did quantum mechanics appear and who is the scientist behind it?How is elementary particle physics different from just physics?

All of these questions are answered in the book.But the main thing is not even that.

Rovelli's work is intended primarily for those readers who do not have physical science not the slightest idea.

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Like all the most popular books, this is like a first-grader's textbook, but written for adults who can already read a little.

At the same time, in the bottom line after reading this work, you can feel several times smarter!

4. The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History by Elizabeth Colbert

Journalist Colbert devoted her entire life to environmental issues and environment. She visited almost every country in the world, studied endangered species of animals and plants, and collected scientific data.

And I came to the conclusion: the history of mankind developed in an unnatural way, and the planet is on the verge of extinction. An expected conclusion for an environmental activist, yet the book is chock-full of surprising facts.

Source: iStock

According to Colbert, the extinction of all life on the planet is a global, but underestimated problem. The journalist claims that any owner of a private house can find traces of extinction right in his yard.

There are optimistic conclusions in the book. For example, Colbert believes that global warming can play a positive role for the planet in the distant future.

What is this book about?

That being said, Colbert is relentless in her resume: human activity lead to the sixth extinction. Unless, of course, people stop throwing chemicals into the air, polluting rivers and depleting the soil.

Source: iStock

The book by an American journalist is not at all propaganda and propaganda material and not the paranoid theory of a mad scientist, as it might seem at first glance from the title.

This book is primarily about love. To people, animals, the planet, nature and life itself.

Most importantly, Colbert backs up each of his disturbing conclusions with evidence, so it is difficult to reproach this author for excessive alarmism.

5. Capital in the 21st Century, Tom Piketty

If we conditionally divide humanity into two political camps - right and left - then for the first, Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged will be a reference book, and for the second - just Capital in the 21st Century.

The main idea of ​​"Atlanta" is that socialism and "leveling" is the greatest moral evil. At the same time, economist Tom Piketty is sure that evil is precisely the concentration of all wealth in one hand.

At the same time, he is not a “leftist” at all, advocating “to take everything and divide it”. Piketty is merely suggesting that the wealthiest people be taxed progressively, rather than providing for non-working dependents.

What is this book about?

Piketty shows how social and economic inequality was formed in the US and Europe, and what the concentration of large incomes in a limited number of wallets will lead to.

His conclusion will not please the supporters of wild capitalism: economic inequality will be dangerous, first of all, for the rich and those in power.

And it is beneficial for them to do their best to reduce the social gap between people.Why? In his book, the economist makes peremptory arguments.

Source: iStock

The main thesis of his work is simple: if the level of return on capital is higher than the level of economic growth in a particular state, then the concentration of wealth will increase.

And this will lead to undesirable consequences for the global community.For example, it can endanger all democratic institutions and democracy in general.

6. King of all diseases. Biography of cancer. Siddhartha Mukherjee

For this book, the Indian oncologist Mukherjee received the Pulitzer Prize, the highest award in the field of journalism.

In addition, "Biography of Cancer" was included in all conceivable and unthinkable lists and ratings: the best books of the top 10 decades, twenty years, and even the top 100 non-fiction works since 1923, according to the magazineTime.

Source: GIPHY

This book was written before good story. As the author himself said, one patient told him, his doctor, that he was ready to continue the fight against oncology, but it was important for him to understand who his enemy was.

And the oncologist Mukherjee wrote a book - about the biography of the most serious illness of all times and peoples.

What is this book about?

In the work there are two storylines: the first is the story of cancer (in one of the translations - “the emperor of ailments”), the second is the narration on behalf of the doctor himself.

In the context of the biography of cancer, the oncologist organically interweaves non-fictional stories patients and doctors' memories.

The book is of interest not only for a wide range of readers, but also for specialists.

Source: iStock

Here, the history of the struggle of mankind against oncology is written in detail, starting from lead tinctures, ending with the latest achievements in the field of chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

7. Silence is the power of introverts, Susan Cain

This fictional book by educator and negotiation consultant Susan Cain made it to the "most popular psychology books" list when it first appeared in the early 2010s, even though the author is not a professional psychologist.

At the same time, even for specialists, the book turned out to be revolutionary in many ways. Why?Because the world was supposed to belong to extroverts, and quiet people focused on their inner world, it would seem, are doomed to vegetate in the backyards.

But it was not there! Kane convincingly demonstrates one idea.

What is this book about?

Susan Cain, in her work, in an accessible and simple language, conducts an excursion into neurophysiology and popularly explains the difference between extroverts and introverts, between true introverts and shy people.

Her message to parents of quiet children: no need to remake them and worry about their future! They are so good! Let the world around you be quiet for a while.

Why are sciences difficult for some, while others are able to solve complex problems from childhood? It's all about intelligence and brain function. We invite you to find out which people on the planet are considered the smartest.

So, the top 10 smartest people in the world:

unique person and an example of the fact that even a serious illness cannot prevent one from living, developing and improving. Stephen was born in Oxford in 1942 to a doctor and a secretary. Already at the age of 20, the guy graduated from Oxford University. Stephen married in 1965 and later had a son and two daughters.

Already in the early 60s, Hawkins began to show the first signs of the disease - lateral amyotrophic sclerosis. As a result, the disease led to almost complete paralysis. And yet, to this day, Steven is able to communicate thanks to advanced technology.

In addition, he continues to active image life, despite respectable age and immobility. Hawking received many awards and made important discoveries in the fields of physics and cosmology. He also wrote many books. In general, it remains to wish this amazing and strong man prosperity and success. Stephen's IQ is 160.

- a clear example of the fact that with the help of intellectual abilities you can make a fortune. Paul, together with Bill Gates, in 1985 created the existing and thriving Microsoft Corporation, which develops computer programs.

But Allen did not want to devote his whole life to the company, so he later sold most of the shares, and then completely left the corporation. Then Paul began to invest in promising space projects.

For example, he funded the creation of the first private suborbital spaceship, as well as the development of a super-powerful radio telescope, with which it would be possible to detect living beings on other planets. Paul Allen's IQ is 170.

This man was born in 1962 in Korea. When ordinary children were just starting to speak, Kim already knew several languages. And this is in two years! And by the age of 4, the boy already knew how to solve rather complex arithmetic problems.

The abilities of the child prodigy were noted in the Guinness Book of Records, and at the age of 5 the boy was invited to television, where he demonstrated his abilities to the whole world. At the age of 8, Kim entered the university, and at the age of 15 he received a doctorate in physics.

In addition, Ung-Yong continued to study languages ​​​​(by the way, they were incredibly easy for him), and also painted pictures and wrote poetry. In 1974, the guy began his research activities, and later mastered the field of civil engineering. Kim wrote a lot scientific articles about hydraulics. The level of intelligence is incredibly high and is 210 points!

Born in 1953 in the UK, at the age of 10 he decided to prove Fermat's theorem using school knowledge. This boy did not succeed, but he did not give up and decided to study science in depth.

Efforts were not in vain. He became quite a famous mathematician and ended up proving Fermat's Theorem using his knowledge and technical methods. Andrew is a Knight of the Order of the British Empire and the recipient of many awards for scientific achievement. Andrew Wiles has an IQ of 170.

Today he is a fairly well-known screenwriter, actor and producer, as well as successful person included in the list of the smartest. It's hard to believe, but Rick's IQ is 192.

And it was especially difficult to believe in it before, because Rosner managed to work as a waiter, model, fashion model, doorman and even a stripper. Like this interesting life. And yet, Rick's intellectual abilities helped him, he achieved success and earned respect.

He was born in the Soviet Union (in Baku) in 1963 and became the real pride of the USSR, since at the age of 22 he was the best and at the same time the youngest successful chess player. Garry has a lot of titles and titles: master of sports, winner of the Oscar for the best chess game, winner of chess olympiads, champion of Russia and world champion.

In 2005, Kasparov announced that he was ending his sports career. Harry decided to devote his life to politics and today is a fairly successful and well-known politician who opposes the policies of the president and regularly criticizes Putin's activities. Kasparov also writes books. IQ is 190 points.

is a famous and incredibly successful Hungarian chess player. Judit was born in Budapest in 1976. At the age of 15, she became the youngest grandmaster in the world, a month ahead of Bobby Fischer, who held this title.

Father Judit has been teaching his daughters since the very beginning. early childhood and proved that a person can achieve incredible success if he strives for this from childhood.

By the way, Judit is the only titled and famous female chess player in the world. In 1993, Polgar beat Anatoly Karpov, and in 2002, Garry Kasparov himself. Many consider Judit a chess "killer", as the girl can accurately predict the next move. IQ Polgár is 170 points.

Is one of the smartest famous people. Today he is a world famous actor, but he could well become a scientist or a brilliant politician. James was born in the USA in 1947. Woods was brought up strictly, he grew up in a military family. This is probably why the guy was a brilliant student and easily entered the University of Massachusetts at the Faculty of Political Science.

James studied well, but still decided to leave the path of politics and chose the career of an actor. Woods has many famous films on his account, such as Chaplin, Break Through, Once Upon a Time in America and many others. In 1998, James received his well-deserved star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Woods also received two Oscars and three Emmy awards. IQ is 180 points.

Today he works in the field of projects for the colonization of Mars. At the age of 14, the guy entered the California Institute of Technology, and at the age of 16 he collaborated with NASA. At 22, Hirata completed his PhD in astrophysics. Christopher's IQ is 225.

Since childhood, he was incredibly gifted and smart. At the age of 2, he began to master mathematics. Already at the age of 9, the boy attended mathematical courses for students. At 20, Terence received his doctorate from Princeton University and began teaching there. And at 24, the guy became the youngest professor at the University of California. Tao has also published over 250 scientific works. IQ is 230 points.

Now you know how smart a person can be.

When talking about the special features of a person, they usually compare their IQ with others. And then the resulting figure predicts the perception of information. But not always high mental intelligence speaks of erudition. Natural data without purposeful activity do not distinguish a person from society. In your favorite profession, you can show your gift. Before you is a dozen not only smart, but also successful people.

10 Stephen Hawking (IQ 160)

A brilliant personality, confirming his intellect with his whole attitude to life. The heroic scientist fighting disease is an influential theoretical physicist. He proved his own theory about the evaporation of black holes and in a new way explained the disappearance of information in this zone. Perhaps he would have had time to prove and write a lot, but his illness (progressive sclerosis) led to paralysis. The only movable muscle that remains helps to communicate with friends and relatives. Through modern technologies Stevenson tries to answer questions while staying in the thick of things.

9 Paul Allen (IQ 170)

Enough a famous person in the computer world. Together with Bill Gates, they founded Microsoft in 1975. The software invented by them allowed them to become rich and famous. Subsequently, he left the organization, remaining at the level of wealthy people. But apparently the craving for unknown discoveries haunts Paul. He wants to achieve recognition in another area, so he is still happy to invest in new projects.

8 Andrew Wiles (IQ 170)

He is a scientist and mathematician, a professor at Princeton University and a member scientific council Clay Institute. A significant event in his life was the proof of Fermat's theorem. Hearing an unusual formulation at school, he wanted to come to the conclusion of a well-known statement in a different way. Multiple prizes and awards are evidence of deep knowledge and great work. Without patience and desire, it is impossible to achieve a high goal. Andrew is a testament to perseverance, skill and vision.

7 James Woods (IQ 180)

It is strange to see an actor on the list among physicists and mathematicians. James, considering his future life, chose the profession of a political scientist. For his knowledge, he was awarded a full scholarship at a well-known university, but shortly before graduating from a higher educational institution, a capable student drops out and moves to New York to start a career as an actor. Later it turns out that he was right. Not afraid to receive condemnation from a strict father, the young man radically changed his fate. Now his name is deservedly imprinted on the avenue of Hollywood stars.

6 Garry Kasparov (IQ 190)

As a child, his parents were fond of playing chess. Watching the intrigue of the movement of the figures, the kid soon wanted to try his hand. At the age of 5, Harry suggested moves to adults. The mother, seeing her son's inclinations, took him to a circle where classes were conducted on the basis of a proven methodology. The young man achieved excellent results in sports and received many well-deserved awards. He is the owner of eleven chess Oscars. His rating of 2851 lasted thirteen years.

5 Rick Rosner (IQ 192)

This man did not show his level of intelligence in the scientific world. I must say that Rick has tried many professions. Changing the place of activity, he felt that the position he held did not meet his desire to be happy. Too much choice often resulted in unemployment. Now he likes to write scripts for television projects. IN free time, addicted to various tests, hopes to increase IQ. Although it's understandable. You just need to find your favorite job, where you can show logical thinking.

4 Kim Ung-Yong (IQ 210)

He is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the smartest person in the world. His abilities showed up very early. At the age of 5, the boy already communicated in 4 languages ​​and solved analytical problems in mathematics. At the age of 8, having seen a child prodigy in a program in which it was necessary to solve complex arithmetic operations, NASA officials invited him to their place for training. At the age of 15 he received a doctorate in physics. Kim writes a lot of scientific papers. Most of these articles deal with hydraulics.

3 Christopher Hirata (IQ 225)

As a child, he was no different from ordinary boys. Unless, in seclusion, he liked to sort through the numbers, combining them different ways. Passion for mathematics has reached high results and at the age of 14 the teenager enters higher education on his own. educational institution. The University of California was pleased with the smart student. Age was not an obstacle to gaining knowledge. Two years after the start of his studies, he was gladly invited to NASA. While studying the stars and planets, he wrote many scientific papers and earned his doctorate in astrophysics.

2 Terence Tao (IQ 227)

The gifted child grew up in an ordinary family, where his mother worked as a mathematics teacher, and his father had a noble profession - a doctor. At two years old, Terence knew the entire alphabet, which he learned with the help of the popular show Sesame Street, and was also well versed in the amount of basic arithmetic. At 24, the young man became a professor at the University of California. The most interesting thing is that the child prodigy has two smart brothers who managed to bring their high intelligence to life: one is an employee of Google, the other has a degree in music and mathematics.

1 Marilyn Vos Savant (IQ 228)

She is a resident of the US state of Missouri. When she was 10 years old, they tested her intelligence. It turned out to be a fairly high level, which so far no living person has jumped over. Her husband is a famous person, an inventor artificial heart. By the way, his IQ is no worse than his wife (180 units), and the child's = 164. This is such a unique family. Marilyn devoted her life to her husband and baby, deciding that the inventor needed a reliable support. Therefore, she did not show her intelligence in science.

The concept of the IQ coefficient was invented by the German scientist William Stern, who, using certain tests, determined a person's ability to think. For the intermediate level, 100 points are enough. If, when answering questions, you get a total figure below 70 points, you should think about it and start practicing. Although this figure does not change much throughout life. A person is already born with a certain gift. It is important to discover and develop it.

The animal world is full of diverse creatures that never cease to amaze us with their abilities and survival skills. It is known that some animals are smarter than others - they are able to imitate, learn from their mistakes, and even build certain relationships with people. Here are ten animals that are considered the most intelligent.

1. Sea lions.
Sea lions are very interesting animals, at first glance lazy and clumsy, but at the same time possessing outstanding abilities. Research scientists have shown that sea lions can think logically. In one of the special texts, the sea lion determined that if a=b and b=c, then a=c.

2. Ants.
These tiny creatures are extremely well organized, they complex society and the link system are proof that they are quite intelligent. Ants form large colonies in which there is a division into castes, and ants can also use other animals and plants for their own purposes and enter into symbiosis.

3. Crows.
Ravens are considered the most smart birds, and this is proved by the various tricks that they resort to in an attempt to finish off food. For example, crows are well aware of the properties of gravity - if a crow fails to break a nut with its beak, it rises up and throws it on a hard surface.

4. Otters.
Energetic animals that demonstrate strong social bonds and a high level of intelligence. Otters are able to use objects, such as stones, as tools for obtaining food. They can also determine the approach of predators by fluctuations in the water.

5. Octopuses.
Octopuses are considered the most intelligent among invertebrate creatures. They use numerous strategies to protect themselves from predators, they know how to find solutions challenging tasks and love to play games.

6. Dogs.
Dogs are world famous as man's best friend, they are very intelligent animals with high level social development. Dogs are able to understand human commands, correctly interpret gestures, and can use their sense of smell to search for hidden objects.

7. Orcas.
Killer whales belong to the dolphin family, they have fairly strong social ties, they even know how to sympathize with each other. Most of all, the intelligence of killer whales is manifested during a joint hunt to get food, they are capable of the most ingenious tricks.

8. Elephants.
Elephants not only have strong social bonds, but they are also able to build certain relationships with people. They are amenable to training, and if necessary, elephants can use improvised means to solve various problems. Elephants also have an excellent memory - if an elephant was mistreated, then he can remember it for life and take revenge after many decades.

9. Dolphins.
The dolphin brain is highly complex and is a subject of great interest to scientists. An interesting feature The dolphin brain is that it is always awake: even when the dolphin is sleeping, one half of its brain is still "on". This is necessary so that the dolphin can, without waking up, from time to time rise to the surface and breathe oxygen. It is known that dolphins love games, learn new things easily, give each other names and can distinguish human children from adults (they are more patient with children).

10. Monkeys.
Monkeys are the most intelligent representatives of the animal world. They are active public life within their groups, are able to use simple objects to achieve goals and are capable of expressing various emotions. In addition, monkeys have fairly developed speech skills - some of the representatives of chimpanzees can quickly master simple words and expressions in sign language.



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