How to treat pharyngitis in children: medication and folk remedies. Treatment of pharyngitis in children: drugs and use Pharyngitis in a three-year-old child treatment

Pharyngitis- inflammation of the lymphoid tissue and mucous membrane of the pharynx. It can be diagnosed in a child of any age. It requires medical treatment, since it can pass from an acute course into a chronic stage. Prevention involves the elimination of factors that can cause disease. Symptoms depend on the individual characteristics of the small organism and the state of the immune system. Since pharyngitis happens quite often in children, it is useful for parents to know as much information about this disease as possible.

Just like that, pharyngitis will not start by itself in a child. There are a number of factors that provoke inflammation of the pharynx. You need to know them in order to determine exactly what causes this disease in order to be able to avoid them next time. It can be:

  • inhalation of cold, hot or polluted air is the main cause of pharyngitis;
  • the influence of various chemical irritations: if the child's respiratory organs, for example, are in constant contact with gases, tobacco smoke, spicy food, dust;
  • the action of harmful microorganisms (staphylo-, strepto-, diplo-, pneumococci, Haemophilus influenzae, moraxella, corynebacterium diphtheria);
  • viruses (influenza, adeno-, enterovirus, herpes) - in this case, viral pharyngitis is diagnosed in children, which is treated mainly with antibiotics;
  • mushrooms of the genus Candida;
  • intracellular agents (microplasma, chlamydia);
  • the spread of infection beyond the focus of inflammation, which is too close to the pharynx (diseases such as rhinitis, caries, stomatitis, tonsillitis), herpes pharyngitis especially often occurs in children when the infection from the lips affects the mucous membrane of the mouth and pharynx;
  • SARS, infectious mononucleosis, measles, scarlet fever.
  • genetic predisposition;
  • tendency to allergic reactions;
  • chronic diseases of the nasal sinuses;
  • hypovitaminosis (most often - deficiency of retinol);
  • endocrine disorders (diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism);
  • abnormal development or injury (mechanical damage) of the nasal septum;
  • thermal and chemical burns of the pharyngeal mucosa;
  • the constant stay of the child in a room with low humidity;
  • problems with the work of the gastrointestinal tract, heart, kidneys.

Depending on the causes of the disease, two stages of its course are distinguished. If any factor mentioned above directly affects the mucous membrane of the pharynx, acute pharyngitis develops in children, which is successfully treated with medication. If the disease was detected too late or not fully treated, the child may develop chronic pharyngitis due to too long irritation of the pharyngeal mucosa. This can lead to serious consequences - atrophic and granular pharyngitis, which may require surgical intervention. To prevent this, it is desirable to identify the disease as soon as possible, recognizing it in time by the symptoms.

Symptoms and signs

Depending on the stage of the course and the nature of the disease, the symptoms of pharyngitis in children may be different. Parents can only notice them and assume that the child has respiratory problems. An accurate diagnosis is made exclusively by a doctor after a thorough examination and analysis results. According to its symptoms, the disease is very similar to tonsillitis and tonsillitis. The main symptoms of pharyngitis include:

  • burning, perspiration, dryness, pain, soreness in the throat, which are aggravated by swallowing;
  • hoarseness of voice;
  • dry, agonizing, but shallow cough;
  • usually the temperature in pharyngitis in children ranges from 37.5–38 ° C, it rarely rises above the last mark, and may be within the normal range;
  • when examining the throat, pronounced hyperemia (redness) and even small sores on the surface of the mucous membrane of the pharynx are revealed;
  • pharyngitis in infants is much more severe and is accompanied by the following symptoms: a pronounced fever may begin, sleep is disturbed, loss of appetite, dyspepsia (indigestion), salivation (excessive salivation), runny nose, rash on the body, are observed;
  • the bacterial form of the disease in childhood is often complicated by the development of purulent otitis media or mediastinitis, retropharyngeal abscess;
  • atrophic pharyngitis in children is rarely diagnosed, its main symptom is a pale, dry, thinned mucous membrane of the pharynx with translucent vessels, difficult to remove, dried crusts;
  • the fungal type of the disease is accompanied by the formation of cracks and erosions in the corners of the mouth, an increase in the posterior cervical lymph nodes, the appearance of a curdled plaque on the back of the pharynx;
  • granulosa pharyngitis in a child is characterized by the formation of red plaques and purulent follicles on the surface of the pharynx, the secretion of viscous, thick mucus in the mouth, which can constantly provoke vomiting.

Symptoms of a chronic disease, as a rule, are less pronounced, but in the acute stage they increase. In some cases, the signs of pharyngitis in children are very similar to the clinical picture of a sore throat or tonsillitis. Having made a mistake in diagnosing the disease, parents often begin to treat children incorrectly at home, which leads to complications and undesirable consequences. Therefore, it is so important to consult a doctor in a timely manner and follow all his recommendations if the child has been diagnosed with pharyngitis.

Medical treatment

After the diagnosis (examination of the pharynx and a smear from it), the doctor prescribes medication for pharyngitis in children, which usually depends on the stage and type of the disease. All prescriptions and recommendations of a specialist must be strictly followed so that the inflammation is treated as soon as possible. Any amateur activity is fraught with complications for children's health in the future, so it is imperative to go through the entire course of therapy from start to finish. Usually, such medications as help cure pharyngitis in a child:

  • rinses

Gargling with various antiseptic solutions: furacilin and iodine (2 drops per glass of water), soda, table salt (1 tsp), potassium permanganate (bring to a slightly pink color), hydrogen peroxide (1 tbsp.), validol (1 tablet), apple cider vinegar (1 tablespoon), calendula in alcohol (1 teaspoon), Rotokan (1 teaspoon), Romazulan (½ teaspoon);

  • Antibiotics

Antibiotics for pharyngitis in children are prescribed only if its nature is viral, bacterial, infectious: local preparations are usually prescribed (Bioparox, Hexoral, Biseptol), less often for oral use (Ampicillin);

  • Laser exposure

Sometimes a laser effect on the pharyngeal mucosa, radio wave quenching, cryodestruction of lateral ridges and granules, cauterization with silver nitrate is performed - such therapy is prescribed when the disease is running;

  • Sprays

Doctors actively prescribe such drugs for pharyngitis in children as antiseptic sprays for spraying the throat - Yoks, Givalex, Ingalipt, Hexaspray, Cameton, Propasol;

  • Solutions

Treatment of purulent granules of the pharynx with Lugol, Protargol, propolis;

  • lollipops

Lozenges, lozenges, sucking tablets with antibacterial, analgesic, emollient action: Falimint, Laripront, Strepsils, Pharyngosept, Angisept, Septolete, Neo-Angin, Pharyngopils, Imudon, Doctor Tays, Imudon - according to many parents, this is a favorite medicine for pharyngitis in children, as they taste good and are accepted with pleasure even by the smallest patients;

  • Inhalations

With atrophic inflammation, oil inhalations, climatotherapy, instillation of nasal drops are used;

  • Antimycotic drugs

Pharyngomycosis is treated with antimycotic drugs (Amphotericin, Diflucan, Nizoral, Itraconazole), lubrication and irrigation of the pharynx with antifungal solutions, OKUV therapy (short-wave ultraviolet radiation);

  • Miramistin

Miramistin has proven itself well for pharyngitis in children: a minimum of contraindications and side effects, an antiseptic effect, it is available in the form of a convenient spray, it can be used from 3 years old, and most importantly, this drug enhances antibiotic therapy despite the fact that Miramistin itself is not an antibiotic;

  • Endopharyngeal instillation

For infants, endopharyngeal instillation of antiseptics is performed;

  • Operative therapy

Sometimes the treatment of granular pharyngitis in a child is carried out promptly: the areas of the overgrown pharyngeal mucosa and purulent granules are targeted with a laser, while the surrounding healthy surface is not damaged;

  • Antimicrobial Therapy

If there is a threat of bacterial complications, systemic antimicrobial therapy is prescribed.

The most controversial point in this matter is the treatment of pharyngitis in children with antibiotics, since it does not pass without a trace: immunity decreases, the work of some internal organs is disrupted. However, systemic antibiotics in this case are prescribed extremely rarely, when there is a serious danger to the health of the child. In most cases, the doctor is limited to sprays with antibacterial properties, the harm from which is minimal. To help the main therapy of the disease, the doctor can sometimes advise on how to treat pharyngitis in a child at home using folk recipes.

Treatment with folk remedies

Parents need to understand that the treatment of pharyngitis in children with folk remedies can only be carried out with the permission of a doctor as an additional therapy to the main course. The independent use of herbs, bee products and other traditional medicine can result in undesirable consequences for the health of the child. Treatment at home is possible only after consultation with a specialist. He can recommend the following recipes, which, if used correctly, will speed up recovery.

  1. Honey compress on feet

Bring natural bee honey to a liquid, warm state with a steam bath. Lubricate the child's feet generously and wrap them in several layers of gauze or bandage. It would be nice to wear woolen socks on top. Action time - half an hour. Do daily. The course of treatment - until complete recovery.

  1. Herbs

The treatment of acute pharyngitis in children with herbs has proven itself perfectly. With their help, gargles are made, which reduce pain, relieve inflammation, and alleviate the general condition of the child. For this purpose, you can use decoctions and infusions of chamomile flowers, lavender, black elderberry, sage grass, eucalyptus, mint, oregano, oak bark, burdock, raspberry, mallow, coltsfoot, marshmallow, sweet clover, flax seeds, calamus root which have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Rinse daily 3-4 times until recovery.

  1. Vodka compress on the neck

Moisten gauze (it can be replaced with any cotton cloth) in vodka, attach to the child's neck, cover with cellophane, then with a thick layer of cotton wool, strengthen the compress by tying a scarf or scarf. Action time - 2 hours. Do daily. The course of treatment is 3-4 days.

  1. Garlic

Add two crushed garlic cloves to a glass of tomato juice (it should be at room temperature). Drink daily after dinner for a week. Be careful: there are contraindications for such a folk method of treating pharyngitis - any stomach problems.

  1. Steam inhalations

Boil fresh, peeled potatoes. You need to bend over a pan that has just been removed from the heat, without a lid (but not very low to prevent burns to the respiratory tract). Cover your head with a towel or scarf. Action time - 5-7 minutes. Do daily. The course of treatment is 3-4 days.

  1. Mustard foot baths

Dissolve 100–200 g of fresh mustard powder in 5 liters of warm (almost hot) water. It is necessary to lower the legs into a basin with such water and warm them up for 15–20 minutes. During the procedure, you can constantly add hot water. Recommended to do daily before bed. However, such a procedure is contraindicated if the child's pharyngitis occurs with fever.

Now you know how to treat pharyngitis in a child: according to the doctor's prescription, medications, and also as an adjuvant therapy - folk remedies. With their proper use, recovery will be quick and the disease will not leave any traces behind. And remember: prevention is always much easier than cure. Therefore, do everything to ensure that your baby never gets sick with pharyngitis again. This is quite possible thanks to effective and regular preventive measures.


To prevent pharyngitis, regular, systematic prophylaxis is needed, which consists in the following preventive measures for the disease:

  • prevent hypothermia or overheating of a small organism;
  • try to prevent the baby from breathing polluted air;
  • exclude constant contact of the respiratory organs with gases, tobacco smoke, dust, spicy food;
  • strengthen the immune system in all possible ways (provide it with fresh air, proper nutrition, good sleep, a favorable psychological atmosphere, etc.) in order to weaken the effect on the body of microorganisms, viruses, fungal infections, intracellular agents;
  • treat any diseases in a timely manner;
  • regularly carry out vitamin therapy;
  • try to avoid injuries (mechanical damage) of the nasal septum;
  • ensure a normal level of humidity in the room;
  • to prevent exacerbations of chronic pharyngitis, preventive measures are taken to sanitize infectious foci (treatment of rhinitis, sinusitis, resection of the nasal septum, adenotomy), restoration of nasal breathing, treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, elimination of caries.

To keep your child healthy and never know what pharyngitis is, follow these tips, seek help from doctors in a timely manner, follow their professional recommendations exactly. This is not a disease that can be treated, relying only on grandmother's recipes. Eliminate, if possible, the occurrence of complications and serious consequences for children's health through regular preventive measures.

Sore throat, red throat - with these words, parents most often describe pharyngitis in a child. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx, which is accompanied by redness and pain, is called pharyngitis. What other types and symptoms of the disease are there, what is the danger of the disease and how to treat pharyngitis, we will consider further.

Description of the disease

Pharyngitis most often has a viral or bacterial origin and is not always an independent disease. In most cases, it is included in the general symptoms of influenza or a respiratory viral infection. The essence of pharyngitis is that the activity of a virus or other pathogen causes inflammation on the back of the throat and in the lymphoid tissue. The mucosa becomes edematous and acquires a reddish tint. In infants, the disease is common due to age-related friability of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract and weak immunity. The course of the disease in young children can be complicated by rhinitis and inflammation in the nasopharynx.

causative agents of pharyngitis

The main organisms that can provoke acute pharyngitis in children include:

  • Viruses - influenza and parainfluenza, adenoviruses, enteroviruses;
  • Bacteria - streptococcus, Haemophilus influenzae, moraxela, diplococcus;
  • Mushrooms, chlamydia, microplasma.

Also, pharyngitis can occur as a result of a burn or mechanical injury to the pharynx.

Types of pharyngitis and features of their course

Pharyngitis has many forms of manifestation, which differ in the causes of the disease and the characteristics of the symptoms and course. The disease is divided according to such signs as the causative agent or cause, as well as the duration of the disease.

Types of disease by duration

According to the duration of the course, pharyngitis can be: acute (less than a month), protracted (lasts about a month) and chronic (occurs if the acute form has not received proper treatment). Also, a child can earn a chronic condition of inflammation of the pharynx as a result of frequent diseases of other respiratory organs, if the child had the tonsils removed before the age of 7, with diabetes mellitus, frequent allergies, caries. Chronic pharyngitis in children can be catarrhal and granular. The catarrhal form is characterized by friability of the walls of the pharynx, their redness, a state of perspiration and discomfort in the throat, cough. The granular form is characterized by pain during swallowing, which radiates to the ear, perspiration, dryness and redness in the throat, the appearance of viscous sputum and lymphoid granules.

Varieties of pharyngitis due to the occurrence

Depending on the cause, the following types of disease are distinguished:

  1. The viral form is accompanied by hyperemia and sore throat, hoarse voice, rhinitis, dry cough, and digestive disorders.
  2. Bacterial pharyngitis provokes a headache, a significant increase in temperature, swollen lymph nodes and tonsils, and gastrointestinal disorders.
  3. The allergic appearance is notable for the absence of high body temperature and pain syndrome, it will be characterized by a sensation of a lump in the throat and a dry cough
  4. The fungal form is characterized by the appearance of cracks in the corners of the mouth, its distinctive feature is a white cheesy coating on the back wall, the mucosa itself becomes loose and hyperemic.
  5. The herpetic type of the disease causes erosion on the tonsils with a transition to the tongue, cheeks and gums, fever with such pharyngitis lasts about 7 days, lymph nodes increase.
  6. The atrophic appearance proceeds along with bronchitis, tracheitis, rhinitis and laryngitis, accompanied by a dry cough. It rarely happens in children.

Complications of pharyngitis

If, in the acute form of the disease, the child does not receive proper and timely treatment, then pharyngitis can become chronic. Diseases such as purulent otitis media, inflammation of the pharyngeal space, purulent mediastinitis, and hearing loss can also develop. The bacterial form of the disease can provoke kidney disease, rheumatism.

Causes of the disease

In addition to the microorganisms that provoke pharyngitis, there are a number of other reasons, due to which the disease begins. These factors include: dry air in the room where the baby is, inhalation of cold air, the effect of low temperatures on the body, a hereditary factor, abnormal structure or injuries of the nasal septum, a tendency to allergies, diabetes mellitus, beriberi. Diseases of neighboring parts of the respiratory tract (tonsillitis, rhinitis), in the absence of normal treatment, can turn into pharyngitis. Various chemicals also have a negative effect on the nasopharyngeal mucosa. Passive smoking also provokes the disease.

Symptoms and treatment of pharyngitis in children


Pharyngitis in children has the following symptoms:

  • Pain in the throat, which becomes stronger during swallowing;
  • Dryness, discomfort, perspiration, sensation of a lump in the throat;
  • Subfebrile body temperature (some forms of pharyngitis, for example, viral, may not provoke a fever);
  • Dry, shallow cough;
  • Headache;
  • Redness of the mucosa, the appearance of plaques on the tonsils, an increase in lymph nodes.

Diagnosis of the disease

If parents notice that the child has signs of pharyngitis, you should contact a pediatrician or ENT doctor for advice. The doctor makes a conclusion about the presence of the disease based on the examination of the pharyngeal mucosa and the patient's complaints. To clarify the diagnosis and identify the causative agent of pharyngitis, the doctor can take a swab from the throat for analysis. In the case of a correct diagnosis and the appointment of appropriate therapy, a quick and effective treatment is possible. Pharyngitis is treated on an outpatient basis under the supervision of a local pediatrician or ENT doctor, following all his prescriptions.

Features of the course and therapy in infants

Symptoms of pharyngitis in young children have their own characteristics. Unlike older children, pharyngitis in infants always causes an increase in body temperature. Fever can reach 39 degrees, so parents need to stock up on antipyretics for children.

Important! If the body temperature is kept at levels above 39 degrees and does not go astray, then you should immediately contact the hospital due to the risk of developing a convulsive state.

Also, in children under 2 years of age, there is a violation of sleep and appetite. Babies may have difficulty suckling at the breast due to pain and redness in the throat. The amount of saliva increases. The swallowing reflex and the work of the digestive system are also disturbed. Rashes may appear on the skin of children, and conjunctivitis may appear on the eyes.

The complexity of the treatment of pharyngitis in infants lies in the fact that, for the most part, medicines in the form of lozenges and lozenges are not available to them, antiviral agents and antibiotics are also not suitable for age. The most effective result is obtained by treatment with the help of inhalations with special antiseptic solutions. When treating pharyngitis in such babies, it is necessary to strictly follow the doctor's prescription.

Treatment of pharyngitis

The therapy of this disease includes many drugs, both medicinal and auxiliary, which can effectively treat pharyngitis in children. Auxiliary methods include humidifying the air in the room and plentiful warm drinking. When choosing a drink, it is better to give preference to natural fruit drinks, compotes, herbal teas. Food should have a soft texture to facilitate swallowing and not injure the mucosa.

It is necessary to limit the motor activity of babies, but it is better to organize bed rest. The air in the room must be fresh. In the absence of fever with children, it is good to walk outside, this will speed up recovery.

Medical treatment

To successfully combat the disease, a complex of drugs is used:

  1. Antibiotic or antiviral drug of complex action to combat the causative agent of the disease. It is selected depending on the type of pharyngitis and the factor that provoked it.
  2. Topical medicines. May be in the form of sprays, tablets, or lozenges. They have an anti-inflammatory effect directly in the focus of the disease. In addition, these medications reduce pain.
  3. Rinsing solutions. Rinsing the mouth and pharynx is an important method in the treatment of inflammatory processes in the upper respiratory tract. Especially if the disease is accompanied by the release of copious amounts of sputum. For rinsing, you can use both ready-made pharmaceutical solutions, and decoctions of herbs, solutions of table salt.
  4. Physiotherapeutic agents. These include inhalations that can be done at home or in the clinic. The doctor, if necessary, may prescribe therapy with phototherapy or other methods available to the children's ENT department.

Important! When you find signs of pharyngitis in a child, you do not need to give him medicine yourself. All medicines and their dosages are prescribed only by a doctor.

Folk methods

Traditional medicine experts have their own answer to the question: how to treat pharyngitis? The range of such products includes various compresses and rinses, herbal decoctions. All folk remedies are good within reasonable limits and only in combination with traditional treatment.

Disease prevention

To protect the baby's body from pharyngitis, one should strengthen the immune system, organize good nutrition, include as many vitamins and minerals in the diet as possible.

Physical activity, walks in the fresh air also increase the protective functions of a small body. You need to teach your child to follow hygiene rules: wash your hands after the street, drink and eat from your cutlery. Particular attention should be paid to the microclimate in the children's room: the air should be humid, and the temperature should not exceed 25 degrees. Protect children, if possible, from inhaling chemicals and tobacco smoke. It is also necessary to monitor the condition of the teeth, because caries is one of the causes of the development of the disease.


Pharyngitis is an inflammation of the back of the throat. It can occur in acute and chronic forms, as well as be a consequence of other inflammatory processes. It often occurs in infants and is quite severe. Incorrect or untimely treatment leads to the development of other diseases and the further spread of inflammation. For the treatment of pharyngitis, drugs of local and general action are prescribed.


With inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, acute pharyngitis is often observed. It can accompany rhinitis, tracheitis, laryngitis and other pathologies, and in the absence of adequate therapy it becomes chronic. Read more about the features of pharyngitis in children, symptoms and treatment (with photo) of the disease in this publication.

Introduction: briefly about pharyngitis

Pharyngitis is an acute or chronic inflammation of the lymphoid tissue and pharyngeal mucosa. In children, in most cases, the disease is caused by adenovirus, rhinovirus, cytomegalovirus, influenza pathogens.

Bacterial infections affect the pharynx with pharyngitis less often, among them - pneumococci, staphylococci, streptococci, chlamydia. In this case, the pathology often develops as a complication of rhinitis or. Fungal pharyngitis develops against the background of long-term antibiotic treatment.

Streptococci or other bacteria are more likely to cause pharyngitis to become chronic. The following factors contribute to the chronicity of the disease:

  • hypothermia;
  • weakened immunity;
  • unfavorable living conditions for the child;
  • chronic rhinitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • overwork, high physical and emotional stress;
  • second hand smoke;
  • severe systemic diseases;
  • reflux esophagitis;
  • contaminated air.

Viral pharyngitis is more difficult to treat, while it is more dangerous than bacterial, the risk of complications. In rare cases, the disease can be caused by an allergic reaction to drugs, food, pollen.

  1. Catarrhal (superficial), when only the mucous membrane of the pharynx is affected;
  2. Granular - lymphoid follicles, which are located deeper, under the mucosa, are involved in the inflammatory process.

There are also limited and common types of pharyngitis. In the first case, only the lateral ridges are affected, and in the second, the entire surface and the posterior wall of the pharynx are affected.

According to the nature of the course, acute, subacute and chronic pharyngitis are distinguished. In acute inflammation, inflammation lasts no more than two weeks, and the symptoms, the main of which are dry cough, sore throat and sore throat, are pronounced. Such pharyngitis often occurs in combination with infectious and inflammatory diseases of the trachea, nasopharynx and other respiratory tract.

Untimely or inadequate treatment of acute pharyngitis in children contributes to the transition of the pathology into a chronic form, in which inflammation continues for a long time.

In most cases, it is caused by bacteria against the background of a decrease in local immunity due to adenovirus infection. In addition to the pharynx, the mucosa of the nasopharynx, paranasal sinuses, and the auditory tube are often involved in the pathological process.

Subacute pharyngitis is often a precursor or symptom of measles rubella.

The younger the age, the more difficult it is to recognize the symptoms of pharyngitis in a child. The main symptom is a reddened and dry mucous membrane of the pharynx with a swollen back wall, the tonsils are not enlarged.

The child complains of pain, itching and sore throat, soreness when swallowing food and saliva, the baby may become restless, crying, falling asleep badly, refusing to feed. Signs such as runny nose, conjunctivitis, fever and cough in pharyngitis in children are often confused with symptoms of acute respiratory infections.

Manifestations of acute pharyngitis:

  • perspiration and dryness in the throat;
  • pain when swallowing, often radiating to the ears;
  • redness of the pharyngeal mucosa, the appearance of purulent plaque or red follicles on it;
  • a slight increase in temperature;
  • general weakness.

Symptoms of chronic pharyngitis children are less pronounced:

  • dryness and itching in the throat;
  • cough without sputum (so-called false);
  • accumulation of mucus on the back of the throat and its constant reflex swallowing.

Diagnosis of pharyngitis is carried out by examining the child's throat - the mucous membrane is reddened, purulent formations are rare and indicate the bacterial origin of the disease, the granularity of the back wall is characteristic.

Laboratory tests (yawn swab) are ordered if a more serious pathology is suspected, such as measles, diphtheria, or scarlet fever. With self-diagnosis at home, you can confuse pharyngitis with tonsillitis, so always consult a specialist if your child has any symptoms.

Tactics for the treatment of pharyngitis in a child, drugs

Treatment of pharyngitis in children involves compliance with certain rules:

  1. In the diet of a child there should not be food that irritates the mucous membrane of the pharynx - salty, spicy, sour, cold, hot;
  2. Plentiful drinking is important, including alkaline drinks - mineral water, milk with a pinch of baking soda;
  3. The air in the room should be clean, fresh and humidified.

For the treatment of pharyngitis in children, Dr. Komarovsky categorically does not recommend using cooling compresses at a temperature and rubbing the baby's skin, for example, applying ointment to the neck.

Depending on the type of pharyngitis, antiviral, antimicrobial, antifungal, or antihistamine agents, or a combination of several of them, are used in its therapy. The choice of treatment methods also depends on age, so only a doctor should prescribe medications.

In the acute form of the disease or exacerbation of chronic pharyngitis, symptomatic therapy includes:

  • Warm compresses on the neck;
  • If necessary, antiviral drugs - Viferon, Acyclovir;
  • At a temperature of more than 38 ° antipyretic - Paracetamol, Cefecol;
  • Mucolytics for thinning sputum - Mukaltin, Ambrobene, licorice syrup, Sinekod;
  • Gargling with decoctions of herbs (sage, calendula, oak bark, chamomile) and special solutions (Miramistin, Furacilin, Rotokan);
  • Washing the nose and instillation of immunomodulators - Derinat, Grippferon;
  • Inhalations;
  • Hot foot baths (in the absence of temperature);
  • Warm drink, such as milk with soda or honey.

Of the antibacterial drugs, local remedies are shown in the form of tablets or lozenges for resorption, sprays - Grammidin, Bioparox, Oracept. The composition of drugs for irrigation of the pharynx can include not only antibiotics, but also antiseptics, essential oils, anesthetics.

Systemic antimicrobials are prescribed for complicated pharyngitis of a bacterial nature, the choice of drugs is made by the doctor, more often these are drugs from the group of macrolides or penicillins (Sumamed, Amoxicillin).

In the treatment of chronic pharyngitis, similar means are used, but the elimination of the factor that causes constant inflammation of the pharynx is also required. For example, treatment of carious teeth, sinusitis, removal of adenoids or diseased tonsils.

For the treatment of pharyngitis, inhalations with a nebulizer are effective, carried out from 1 to 4 times a day. For this you can use:

  • mineral water Borjomi;
  • saline with the addition of propolis tincture or calendula officinalis in a ratio of 20: 1;
  • furatsilina solution.

To treat pharyngitis in a child with a nebulizer should be after consulting the attending physician, he will also recommend a suitable solution that will not cause allergies or other undesirable consequences.

Complications of pharyngitis

With improper treatment, children often develop complications of pharyngitis, mainly this is an extensive infection of the respiratory tract with an infection:

  • otitis media - inflammation of the middle ear;
  • tonsillitis and tonsillitis - inflammation of the larynx and pharynx;
  • sinusitis and rhinitis - damage to the nasopharynx;
  • conjunctivitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes;
  • encephalitis, meningitis, in which the infection penetrates the membranes of the brain.

Forecast and prevention

Prevention of pharyngitis in children includes:

  1. Complete nutrition and intake of vitamins;
  2. Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, especially frequent and thorough hand washing;
  3. Scheduled vaccination;
  4. Regular exposure to fresh air and hardening;
  5. Airing the rooms of the house and regular wet cleaning with the use of disinfectants;
  6. Limit contact with infected people;
  7. The use of local prophylactic agents, for example, Oxolinic ointment for the nose;
  8. Strengthening immunity.

The prognosis for pharyngitis is favorable, with the exception of the chronic atrophic form, in which the risk of developing serious complications is high.

Acute pharyngitis is an inflammatory process that develops in the larynx. The disease provokes severe swelling of the mucous membranes and pain.

At risk are children of preschool and primary school age. In the absence of timely therapy, acute pharyngitis can become chronic.

Symptoms and treatment of acute pharyngitis in children have a number of features. Further forecasts will depend on the correctly formulated course of therapy.

General concept and characteristics

Acute pharyngitis belongs to the category infectious and inflammatory diseases affecting the lymphoid tissue and mucous membranes of the oropharynx. Pathology develops with characteristic symptoms.

In most cases, the disease in children is provoked by complications after respiratory infections.

In the absence of timely therapy, pharyngitis can cause the development of additional diseases (, etc.).

Causes of the disease

As independent disease acute pharyngitis develops rarely.

Most often, pathology becomes a complication of infectious processes progressing in the child's body.

The factors that provoked the disease in an infant or an older baby can be not only respiratory diseases, but also intestinal infections. The risk of developing acute pharyngitis increases in the presence of a negative external effect on the body of a small patient.

provoke acute pharyngitis can be the following factors:

  1. Constant inhalation of polluted air by the child.
  2. The progression of infectious diseases in the body.
  3. Untimely and inadequate treatment of diseases of a viral and bacterial nature.
  4. Low level of protective functions of the child's body.
  5. Complications in allergic reactions.
  6. Frequent and excessive hypothermia of the child.
  7. Consequences of endocrine disorders that reduce immunity.
  8. Critical lack of vitamins in the child's body.

Symptoms and signs

Acute pharyngitis in a child - throat photo:

The symptomatology of acute pharyngitis depends on the disease against which the pathology arose, as well as on individual characteristics of the body child. When additional infections are added, the condition of a small patient worsens and is accompanied by an increase in body temperature.

If acute pharyngitis occurs against the background of the progression of an allergic reaction, then additional symptoms may be a rash on the skin and swelling of the mucous membranes of the eyes and nasal cavity.

Symptoms Acute pharyngitis can become the following conditions:

  • increased body temperature (up to 38 degrees);
  • painful swallowing;
  • dryness and swelling of the mucous membranes of the larynx;
  • whitish discharge on the mucous membranes of the oropharynx;
  • and drowsiness;
  • soreness and tingling in the throat;
  • decrease or lack of appetite;
  • enlargement and inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • pronounced vascular injection of the palate and posterior pharyngeal wall;
  • sensation of a foreign body in the throat, provoking a cough;
  • inflammation in the form of red grains on the mucous membranes of the oropharynx;
  • and voice disorder
  • ear congestion and hearing loss.

Complications and consequences

Complications of acute pharyngitis can pose a threat to life child.

The inflammatory process quickly spreads to the respiratory organs and disrupts their performance.

In addition, with pharyngitis the immune system the child greatly reduces their functions.

The little patient becomes vulnerable to viruses and bacteria. Additional infections can join the disease, making it difficult to treat and the child's recovery process.

Consequences acute pharyngitis may be the following complications:

  • sharp and;
  • cervical;
  • peritonsillar abscess;
  • tracheitis and;
  • pharyngeal abscess;
  • respiratory failure;
  • inflammation of the auditory tube;
  • fungal outbreak.


Symptoms of acute pharyngitis may resemble diphtheria or catarrhal angina. The task of diagnosis is not only to determine the degree of the inflammatory process and confirm the diagnosis, but also to exclude the presence of these pathologies in the child.

In most cases, acute pharyngitis is detected at the stage of visual examination of the oropharynx of a small patient, but other methods of examining a child can be prescribed.

At diagnostics the following procedures apply:

  • auscultation;
  • a smear from the pharynx for microflora;
  • virological research;
  • rhinoscopy;
  • otoscopy;
  • consultation with specialized experts.

Treatment Methods

Therapy of acute pharyngitis includes not only taking medications of certain categories, but also compliance with additional rules that allow speed up recovery child.

You can supplement the main course of therapy with some options folk remedies that strengthen the immune system of a small patient and eliminate pain symptoms in the throat.

In the treatment of acute pharyngitis, the child may be assigned the following medicines:

Good efficiency in the treatment of acute pharyngitis have inhalation. Such procedures can be carried out in medical institutions or at home (using a nebulizer).

The method eliminates the symptoms of the disease and speeds up the healing process little patient.

As solutions can be used for inhalation herbal decoctions, Berodual, Pulmicort, Dexamethasone and other drugs. Before starting the procedure, it is recommended to coordinate the method with the attending physician.

Folk remedies

Examples of folk remedies for the treatment of acute pharyngitis:

Indications for surgery

In the presence of complications of acute pharyngitis, surgical intervention may be necessary. The main indication for surgery is lack of effectiveness of conservative therapy and the development of complications of the pathological process.

Inflammation in pharyngitis can spread to the tonsils and provoke suppuration of the granules. If such a consequence has arisen, then surgical intervention will be aimed at their removal.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

Uncontrolled intake of antibiotics can significantly disrupt the performance of the child's body. This category of drugs is prescribed only in the presence of a bacterial nature inflammatory process. With a different etiology of pharyngitis, the use of antibiotics is unacceptable.

Dr. Komarovsky additionally gives the following recommendations:


The main measure for the prevention of acute pharyngitis in children is control of the level of protective functions of the body. If the immune system does not work properly, then the risk of developing complications even after colds will increase.

Pharyngitis in a chronic form can accompany each defeat of the body of a small patient by viruses or bacteria. The treatment process will take a long time, and the respiratory system will be constantly exposed to inflammation.

Prevention measures acute pharyngitis are the following recommendations:

Treatment of acute pharyngitis in most cases limited to 7-14 days. After properly conducted therapy, a complete recovery of a small patient occurs.

If the course of treatment was carried out incorrectly or was completed prematurely, then there is a risk of developing pharyngitis in a chronic form.

How and how to treat acute pharyngitis in children? Find out from the video:

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In the throat itchy and sore, it hurts to swallow, low temperature - these are signs of pharyngitis. In this disease, inflammation affects the back of the throat, but does not affect the tonsils, unlike tonsillitis. You can get sick with pharyngitis after hypothermia, it is often a component of acute respiratory infections along with a runny nose. The most common cause is viruses, but bacterial pharyngitis also occurs. If everything is done correctly, then this disease passes quickly and imperceptibly for the child's body.

Causes of pharyngitis

Most cases of pharyngitis are caused by viruses that enter the lining of the throat. How the disease will proceed depends on the state of local immunity: the virus can gain a foothold in the tonsils, causing tonsillitis, but can only affect the throat - pharyngitis. If the virus came from the nose, having previously disabled it, doctors call it " nasopharyngitis».

Sometimes pharyngitis is caused by bacteria such as streptococcus or mycoplasma (rare). In this case, its course may become longer, the symptoms are more pronounced, the temperature is high. If the doctor detects streptococcus, you will need to give the child antibiotics. But do not do this with viral diseases!

Symptoms of pharyngitis

The classic symptoms of pharyngitis are a sore throat and pain when swallowing. Middle-aged children often complain about this. Babies, unfortunately, cannot tell their mother that they are in pain, but they become more capricious, sleep poorly, cough.

Cough may accompany pharyngitis as a symptom, but if the inflammation is limited to the pharynx, it will never be severe. Rather, it can be called the word "cough". A strong cough suggests that the infection has gone down - causing tracheitis, laryngitis or bronchitis.

How to distinguish pharyngitis from tonsillitis

Sore throat with pharyngitis is moderate, appears only when swallowing food (not water), especially hot or hard. It is not pain that is constantly present, but an unpleasant sensation in the throat - “sore”. With angina, unlike pharyngitis, the sore throat is constant, and when swallowing it intensifies, and it does not matter what the child is trying to swallow - food or water.

The next important difference between pharyngitis and tonsillitis is the dynamics of body temperature. When the tonsils are affected, it rises quickly and high, sometimes up to 40 degrees, and often a white coating appears the next day. And pharyngitis usually begins with a sore throat, and only then, or at the same time, the temperature rises slightly. It is worth noting that with streptococcal tonsillitis, the temperature can also rise very high.

In general, pharyngitis in its pure form is quite rare. Usually it is combined with a runny nose and acute respiratory infections.

How is pharyngitis diagnosed?

To make an accurate diagnosis, the doctor must examine the child's throat. With pharyngitis, it is moderately red, the tonsils are not enlarged. The back wall of the pharynx may be granular. With a bacterial infection, pus may appear on it, but this happens quite rarely.
Tests for pharyngitis are usually not needed. They make sense if the doctor suspected some more serious disease, a symptom of which may be pharyngitis. Most often, a swab is taken from the pharynx and checked for the presence of two diseases - streptococcus and diphtheria. If these tests are confirmed, the baby will be prescribed antibiotics and may be admitted to the hospital.

Can a mother look at a child's throat herself? Of course it can. But without sufficient experience, she is unlikely to distinguish pharyngitis from tonsillitis and be able to understand the severity of the disease.

Chronic pharyngitis

If pharyngitis lasts more than 2 weeks, it is called chronic. In the case of long-term pharyngitis, you should consult a doctor. Its reasons may be:

Accession of a bacterial infection;
mononucleosis (with enlarged lymph nodes);
foreign body in the throat or its consequences;
irritation of the throat by environmental factors: very dry air in the apartment, air pollution with tobacco smoke, exhaust gases, dust, etc.;
breathing through the mouth in the presence of allergies;
chronic runny nose, in which mucus from the nose flows down the back of the throat, irritating it and causing pharyngitis.

How to treat pharyngitis

Since most pharyngitis is viral, we cannot act directly on the cause of the disease. The child's body must cope with the virus itself. Our efforts will be aimed at alleviating unpleasant symptoms: perspiration, pain, high fever, as well as giving peace and strength to recover from a sore throat.

Gargling - Helps relieve discomfort and reduce swelling. The safest rinse is salted warm water. Put one teaspoon of salt in a glass of water, rinse at least 3 times a day. Not suitable for small children.
warm drink - warm tea, fees, herbal infusions. Fluid helps prevent dehydration, which makes all diseases worse. In addition, a warm drink relieves sore throat with pharyngitis. Talk to your pediatrician about which herbs are best for your child.
Humidification in the room - you can use a humidifier, and if it is not available, then a large open container of water. Dry air irritates the child's throat and nose, causing a runny nose and sore throat. However, everything is good in moderation, you should not turn the room into a greenhouse or tropical jungle.
decline - if it rises above 38 degrees, and the child feels bad at the same time. Over-the-counter medications such as paracetamol or ibuprofen can be used.

Do not use antibiotics for pharyngitis without a doctor's prescription. Most cases of pharyngitis are caused by viruses, and antibiotics do not work on them. Uncontrolled use of antibiotics can lead to complications, as well as the development of microbial resistance to these drugs.

Aerosols from the throat can be used in children older than 2 years. In young children, this should not be done, since there is a risk of causing a complication - a spasm of the glottis with the development of acute respiratory failure. Carefully choose an aerosol (spray), preferably without alcohol and very harsh irritants, so as not to cause discomfort in the child.

Lozenges with an anesthetic component will help relieve a sore throat. Before use, make sure that the child is not allergic to the anesthetic. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about this.

Sometimes with pharyngitis, combined with a runny nose, it makes sense to instill vasoconstrictor drugs (nazol, xylometazoline, etc.) into the child's nose. They reduce swelling of the mucous membrane and the amount of mucus discharge. Mucus stops draining into the throat and does not provoke pharyngitis. Talk to your doctor about medications. Do not use vasoconstrictor drugs for longer than 3-4 days in a row because of the possibility of addiction and rebound effect.

In treatment chronic tonsillitis the most important thing is not drugs, but to eliminate adverse environmental factors:
protect the child from air pollutants, tobacco and other types of smoke, dust;
monitor the humidity in the room and maintain it at 50-60% with a humidifier;
it is necessary to regularly walk with the baby in any weather, except for days when the child has a high temperature.

The more time a child spends outdoors, the healthier they grow and the more strength they have to fight infections. Remember that, as one book says, "in good weather, children are great outside, but in bad weather, it's good."



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