Treatment of frontal sinus sinusitis at home. Symptoms and treatment of sinusitis or frontal sinusitis

This disease is the occurrence of inflammatory processes in frontal sinuses Oh. Frontal sinusitis (frontal sinusitis) is characterized by severe pain in the forehead area. Hence the name of the disease. The pain is especially bothersome in the morning. Purulent discharge from the nasal passage and painful sensations in the eyes also characterize the disease. Treatment with folk remedies for this disease is combined with surgical solution Problems.

Symptoms of the development of frontal sinusitis or sinusitis

Frontal sinusitis is an infectious disease that can occur when damaged frontal bone or improper and insufficient treatment of a runny nose. In this case, pathogenic bacteria penetrate into the nasopharyngeal cavity, causing inflammation of the nasal mucosa, which can even spread to the nasal sinuses under conditions of reduced immunity, which causes frontal sinusitis. This disease may be accompanied by the following symptoms: nasal congestion, lethargy, headache, fever. More may be present severe symptoms, for example, pain in the frontal and superciliary parts, which increases significantly when pressing on them.

Acute frontal sinusitis is characterized by symptoms such as pain in the forehead or above the eyebrows. There is also excessive flow of tears, congestion of the nasal passages, or clear discharge from the nose.

The chronic form of the disease is not expressed as clearly as acute stage frontitis. Painful sensations are concentrated in the forehead and have a lasting character. Nasal congestion or discharge mixed with pus is observed.

The correct approach to diagnosing the disease involves the use clinical methods, on the basis of which the diagnosis will be made. Clinical examination includes inspection inner surface nasal mucosa. And only after this it is necessary to take an x-ray of the paranasal sinuses. Upon completion of the procedures, the doctor individually selects the treatment method.

How to treat frontal sinusitis (frontal sinusitis) using traditional methods?

With this inflammatory process of the sinuses, treatment must be carried out in the same way as for sinusitis. For the outflow of pathological secretions, vasoconstrictors are mainly used. medications. In case of a severely advanced form, in exceptional cases, craniotomy may be performed in the sinus area for subsequent rinsing of pus.

Conservative therapy frontal sinusitis

Drug treatment. In most cases it is used when initial stage sinusitis. This treatment method is based on mandatory implementation local procedures, namely sprays, inhalers, drops into the nasal passage and the appointment of physiotherapy. In addition, antibacterial drugs are mainly used in the course of treatment.

Rinsing the nasal passage. Its purpose is to remove accumulated mucus and germs in the nasal passage. Because this procedure helps reduce swelling and inflammatory process.

The disease is treated at the initial stage with rinsing or instillation of the frontal sinuses. This method painless treatment, unfortunately, is not always effective, especially if frontal sinusitis has acquired an advanced form. In some cases, physiotherapy is prescribed in addition to drug treatment. Since warming helps relieve symptoms of the disease, but healing procedures usually it doesn't end there.

In addition, outflow can be performed using catheters this technique treatment of frontal sinusitis can be carried out painlessly and quite effectively. A sinus catheter consists of a balloon and tubes that are inserted into the nasal passage and, using pressure, the outflow of inflamed mucus and pus from the frontal sinuses is carried out. Thus, the catheter cleanses the frontal sinuses and quickly relieves the main symptoms of sinusitis. Also, thanks to the catheter, you can administer medications that will not only speed up the healing process, but also provide effective treatment infections and viruses. After a course of procedures, it is necessary to increase immunity to avoid relapse of the disease.

At the initial stage of treatment it is assumed

  • taking antibiotics,
  • antibacterial drugs,
  • rinsing the nasal passage with antiseptic compounds in combination with physiotherapy

it all gives positive result and promotes a speedy recovery.

Surgical treatment is a puncture of the nasal sinus, in which pus accumulates. It is used mainly for advanced and complex forms of sinusitis.

How to treat frontal sinusitis (frontal sinusitis) with folk remedies?

In addition to traditional medications, can be used to treat frontal sinusitis folk recipes, which only use natural ingredients, given to us by nature itself. Such methods are much more harmless and effective for human body. Treatment of sinusitis with folk remedies involves nasal rinsing, inhalations and compresses on the sinuses.

Below are several effective folk remedies for the treatment of frontal sinusitis:

potato inhalation. To do this, you need to boil the potatoes in their skins, drain the water, and mash the potatoes. Then cover your head with a terry towel and breathe through your nose over the potato steam. The procedure for treating frontal sinusitis with this folk remedy should be done once every couple of days, 7-10 times;

inhalation of propolis for frontal sinusitis. Add 0.5 teaspoon to boiling water alcohol tincture propolis. Cover yourself with a thick terry towel and breathe in the steam;

inhalation from bay leaf from frontal sinusitis. Pour water into a large saucepan, put 10-15 bay leaves, bring to a boil, breathe over the steam for 5 minutes, wrapped in a towel. It should be noted that there may be numbness in the nose after this procedure, so do not be alarmed. Usually just one such procedure is enough, but, if necessary, it can be repeated;

rinsing the nose with honey and onions. Grate a small onion on a fine grater, pour hot water the resulting mass, dissolve half a teaspoon of honey in it. Wrap the resulting mixture in a towel and leave for 5 hours. Use this folk remedy to rinse your sinuses 3-4 times a day;

nasal instillation. Brew a glass of boiling water with the following medicinal herbs: St. John's wort (15 g), chamomile (10 g), marsh grass (10 g), only each herb separately. Mix the resulting infusions, drip folk remedy in the nose, 5 drops in each nostril three times a day. This infusion can also be used for inhalation. In total, the course of treatment for frontal sinusitis takes from 10 to 12 procedures.

Treatment with bay leaves will help drain mucus and relieve inflammation. To do this, you need to prepare a decoction of crushed bay leaves and let it brew for some time. Then periodically moisten the gauze cloth in the broth and apply it to the nose area.

Causes of frontal sinusitis (frontal sinusitis)

Congenital curvature of the nasal passage and other anatomical disorders of the nasal cavity.

Proliferation of polyps in the nasal passages.

Weakened the immune system.

Allergic diseases.

Viral diseases.

Such, at first glance, a nonsense disease as a runny nose, which, it should be noted, many people do not have the habit of treating at all, can ultimately lead to very unpleasant complications and diseases. Frontal sinusitis is one of these diseases that, as a rule, affects adults who have not been cured of any symptomatic respiratory disease at one time.

Frontitis: inflammation of the frontal sinuses

The human skull has empty cavities inside it called sinuses. In total, there are four types of sinuses, of which two types are the most common for the onset of inflammatory processes:

  • sinuses located above upper teeth, to the right and left of the nose,
  • sinuses located in the frontal part, above the eyes.

The sinuses, despite the fact that they are empty, play important role in organism:

  • they serve to lighten the weight of the head;
  • The sinuses serve to filter dust particles and other irritants from the air by draining mucus that forms in the nose;
  • Due to their emptiness, the sinuses contribute to the resonance effect and enhance the sound produced by the throat.

In case of inflammation of the sinuses, the listed functions cease to be performed to the required extent. As a result, a person feels pain and heaviness in the head, a runny nose appears and the sound of the voice changes.

What is this - frontitis? Inflammation of the sinus lining is called sinusitis. Depending on the location of inflammation, several types of this disease are distinguished. The most common forms are sinusitis of the maxillary sinus (sinusitis) and sinusitis of the frontal sinus - frontal sinusitis. In the Russian language, the abbreviated name is fixed - frontit.

Characteristic signs of the disease

The most pronounced symptom of frontal sinusitis is pain in the nose, eyes, lower forehead, and headaches. Please note that the pain intensifies during night sleep.

Other signs of frontal sinusitis:

  • The increase in temperature is usually not severe, ranging from 37.5 degrees C. In acute form, it can reach up to 39 degrees C.
  • Thick yellow or green mucus discharge from the nose. If this happens mainly in the morning, we should talk about chronic sluggish frontal sinusitis.
  • The pain may radiate to the ears and upper jaw.
  • Fear of bright light.
  • Poor health, weakness.
  • Weakened sense of smell, difficulty breathing as a result of swelling of the mucous membrane.

When the form is running, the following are possible:

  • a sore throat;
  • cough that gets worse at night;
  • unpleasant sour smell from mouth.

Reasons for the development of frontal sinusitis

  • Pathogens and viral infections
    Our sinuses are filled with tiny hairs called cilia, which trap dust particles and also various kinds bacteria, microorganisms and viruses, preventing them from penetrating inside. However, eyelashes do not always cope with this task. When a person has a runny nose, there is something in his nose great amount pathogenic microorganisms. In this case, they still get from the nose deep into the sinuses, where in the warmth they begin to multiply quickly, which leads to inflammation of the sinus mucosa. In this variant, frontal sinusitis can occur as a complication after suffering respiratory diseases.
  • Allergic long-term runny nose
    A long-term runny nose, even of a non-infectious nature, can cause frontal sinusitis due to the closure of the exit from the frontal sinus by mucus produced, loss of drainage function and accumulation of fluid inside.
  • Polyps
    Polyps in the frontal sinus are growths that impair air flow and the ability to filter it and increase the amount of mucus accumulated. Polyps also interfere with the normal drainage function of the sinuses.
    A deviated nasal septum or other anatomical or mechanical defect that prevents proper air circulation.

If the nose does not function properly, the likelihood of frontal sinus problems increases.

Forms of the disease: classification

Like any internal inflammatory disease, frontal sinusitis, according to the nature of its course, is divided into:

  • acute form,
  • chronic form.

Acute frontal sinusitis characterized by a sudden onset of symptoms, a rise in temperature, and pain.

Chronic frontal sinusitis can develop for a long time without pronounced symptoms. Slight rise in temperature, small headache, a slight runny nose, which then begins and then suddenly goes away, morning purulent discharge from the nose of a yellow-green color - all these symptoms are not very disturbing, and a person sometimes completely stops paying attention to them until the pain is so severe that It will become obvious: it will not go away on its own.

How and how to treat frontal sinusitis

Conservative and surgical treatment

Let's consider the main methods of treating frontal sinusitis. Medical treatment of frontal sinusitis without a puncture involves:

  • antibiotic agents of targeted action in accordance with the infectious pathogen;
  • antihistamines that reduce swelling and allergic reactions;
  • vasoconstrictor drops;
  • antiseptic sprays (after vasoconstrictor drops);
  • mucolytic (mucus thinning) agents.

Antibiotics are most effectively administered by injection. A doctor should prescribe antibiotic treatment for frontal sinusitis in accordance with test data.

Physiotherapeutic methods of treatment are used in conjunction with drug treatment and include:

  • UHF and tube-quartz procedures;
  • intranasal electrophoresis;
  • at chronic course It is possible to use warm compresses.

As a rule, even in the worst and most advanced cases, conservative treatment methods relieve pain, relieve symptoms and transfer frontal sinusitis to sluggish form. Extremely acute forms surgical intervention is indicated.

How to cure frontal sinusitis surgically? Surgical intervention can be of the following types:

  1. Puncture of the frontal sinuses for suctioning purulent contents and washing the sinuses. It leaves no scars, is practically painless, and is done using a special needle.
  2. Opening of the frontal sinus using endoscopic equipment. Most modern way surgical treatment frontitis.
  3. Traditional operation involves opening the skin over the bridge of the nose, trepanation, suction of purulent contents, and rinsing. Stitches are applied. Traditional surgery comes out of medical practice treatment of frontal sinusitis.

The operation is effective way treatment of frontal sinusitis. Positive dynamics and the absence of further relapses of the disease occur in 90% of cases of surgical intervention.

Treatment of frontal sinusitis at home

Rinse the nose with saline solution

After instillation vasoconstrictor drugs It is necessary to rinse the nose with slightly salty water. You can experiment with concentration, but the most comfortable way to rinse your nose is by dissolving half a teaspoon in a glass of warm (30-35 degrees C) water.

Rinsing the nose should not cause discomfort, burning or lacrimation. If there are discomfort, which means the salt concentration is too high or low. Remember that the nasal rinsing procedure helps to drainage function and remove from the sinuses the mucus accumulated in them, which the cilia of the sinuses are not able to remove on their own.

You can read about the treatment of sinusitis (a disease related to frontal sinusitis) in pregnant women at the following link.

Nasal rinsing should be carried out with special otolaryngological devices, which are sold in any pharmacy, for example, by Dolphin.

By rinsing the nose, breathing becomes easier and improves general state nasal passages. However, rinsing is not a cure. This additional procedure, which should accompany antibacterial and anti-inflammatory therapy.

Inhalation and warming

In case of chronic frontal sinusitis and absence elevated temperature light heating can be useful, which softens thick mucus and improve the removal of accumulated mucus from the sinuses.

You should know that if there is inflammation in active phase, it is impossible to carry out thermal effects on inflamed areas. In this case, heating will intensify the inflammatory process and may develop into acute phase with high temperature.

Be careful when treating frontal sinusitis with inhalations and heating. Doctors believe that these procedures more harm than good. Also keep in mind that heating the head leads to dilation of the blood vessels in the head, including the brain, which cannot but cause caution about heating procedures.

Folk remedies and homeopathy in the treatment of frontal sinusitis

Ignorance persistently walks the earth and promotes pseudoscientific knowledge, passing it off as actually working means and methods. This state of affairs is doubly dangerous when we're talking about about human health. This is three times dangerous when it comes to inflammatory processes occurring near the brain.

The Internet is replete with various folk and homeopathic remedies for the treatment of frontal sinusitis. Folk craftsmen suggest brewing herbs, making decoctions of vegetables, breathing in vapors apple cider vinegar and brewed bay leaf. Among homeopathic remedies drugs are offered that are simply dangerous to health.

Remember: no decoctions or lotions, and no homeopathy, inflammatory diseases, including frontal sinusitis, are not treated. Inflammations are treated only with antibiotics and antiseptics. There are no effective folk or homeopathic remedies for the treatment of frontal sinusitis.

Possible complications of the disease

Without proper treatment, frontal sinusitis can lead to complications. Finding a source of inflammation in close proximity to the brain and eyes primarily threatens these organs.

  1. Eye complications are characterized by inflammatory processes of the eyelids, eye sockets, the appearance of purulent fistulas, swelling of the periocular areas.
  2. Complications on the brain can manifest themselves in the form of difficult-to-treat diseases such as meningitis, inflammatory processes in the brain (abscess).
  3. In addition, inflammation in the body without treatment always leads to sepsis, i.e. to general blood poisoning.

Features of the course and treatment of the disease in children

Despite the fact that sinusitis in children accounts for up to one fifth of all otolaryngological diseases, damage to the frontal sinuses is rare. In general, children diagnosed with sinusitis tend to have multiple sinuses affected at the same time. The bulk of childhood sinusitis is represented by a combination of sinusitis with other forms of sinusitis.

Frontitis appears in children aged 7-10 years. None special symptoms Children do not have frontal sinusitis: nasal congestion, headaches, purulent nasal discharge, fever, weakness, poor health.

Treatment of frontal sinusitis in children is also not unique: antibiotics, vasoconstrictor drops, and nasal rinsing are indicated. saline solutions, physiotherapeutic procedures (electro-, phonophoresis, magnetotherapy and others).

Here it is worth mentioning not so much about the peculiarities of the course and treatment, but about the need to carry out treatment to the end, until any symptoms completely disappear, without relapses and transition to a chronic form. According to statistics, up to 50% of children who have had one or another type of sinusitis acquire its chronic form, which accompanies a person throughout his life.


It cannot be said that frontal sinusitis poses a problem for modern medicine. This disease is successfully treated, surgical techniques strive to become less traumatic.

Elena Malysheva will talk about how to recognize the symptoms of frontal sinusitis in the next video.

In conclusion, we will pay attention to the prevention of frontal sinusitis. In this matter, we strongly advise:

  1. Don't get too cold.
  2. Do not start respiratory diseases until purulent deposits appear in the frontal sinuses.
  3. Rinsing your nose with water when you have a runny nose, and even without a runny nose from rinsing (without fanaticism) is only beneficial.

Sinusitis is a disease inflammatory in nature, which does not go away if left untreated. The sinuses are small caves that communicate with the nasal cavity. Humans have two maxillary sinuses – the right and the left.

Doctors often make a diagnosis such as maxillary sinusitis. Essentially, between sinus sinusitis and maxillary sinusitis there is no difference.

Causes of sinusitis

The cause of sinus sinusitis is an infection that enters them through the upper Airways. Bacteria cause swelling in the lining of the nose, and inflammation begins, as well as mucus. If bacteria multiply actively, then soon the mucus turns into pus, which stagnates in the maxillary sinuses. This is how sinusitis begins.


The first symptoms of sinus sinusitis make themselves felt as follows:

  • yellow-green nasal discharge;
  • pain in the forehead, eye sockets, wings of the nose;
  • headache;
  • increased body temperature;
  • lethargy; fatigue;
  • loss of appetite.

Sinusitis of the frontal sinuses, or frontal sinusitis, is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • lacrimation;
  • pain in the forehead and above the eyebrows;
  • nasal discharge is clear or yellow-green;
  • the pain is nagging in nature.

In normal healthy condition a person has in all paranasal sinuses The nose produces mucus, which absorbs germs. This mucus is then expelled from the nose naturally. This process occurs due to the epithelium that lines the mucous membrane. Epithelial cells create a constant outflow of fluid from the sinus to the outside. The hole itself maxillary sinus narrows with sinus sinusitis. Because of this, the liquid cannot escape. And due to the lack of oxygen, which is necessary for normal functioning mucous membrane, pressure increases. In this case, the person experiences pain. Mucus stagnates in the sinus, which, under the influence of pathogenic microbes, turns into pus. Sinus sinusitis begins.

The mucus simply has nowhere to go, and a favorable environment is created for bacteria in which they feel great. Microbes produce toxins, which are immediately absorbed into the blood. Therefore, with sinus sinusitis, a person may feel unwell and have a loss of appetite. This is how toxins act on a healthy body.

The resulting mucus gradually turns into pus. It becomes more viscous and flows poorly through the nasal passages. If treatment for sinus sinusitis is not started in time, then the pus becomes more and more. After the pus completely fills the maxillary sinuses, it breaks into the surrounding structures.

The eye tissue is the first to react to pus. Swelling of the eyelids occurs, the eyes become red, and the eye may even begin to protrude forward. Pus gradually destroys the walls of the maxillary sinus and penetrates into bone tissue. Osteomyelitis develops - inflammation of the bone of the upper jaw. However, these are completely extreme cases. Thanks to modern medicine This happens extremely rarely and in fairly advanced cases. Now it’s easier for us to make an appointment with a doctor and go to an appointment. Even if we don’t have time at all, we can visit a private doctor when it’s more convenient for us.


The causes of sinus sinusitis, along with infections, can also be the following diseases and violations:

  • allergic diseases of the nose;
  • impaired immunity, resulting in infectious diseases take on a protracted nature;
  • wrong or untimely treatment acute respiratory infections, influenza;
  • long-term sinusitis;
  • congenital abnormalities of the structure of the nose.

Sinusitis of the frontal sinuses

Sinusitis of the frontal sinuses is called frontal sinusitis. Frontal sinusitis is an inflammatory process that occurs in the mucous membrane of the frontal sinus. This type of sinusitis develops against the background of sinusitis. Frontitis has two forms: acute and chronic. Depending on this, the symptoms of frontal sinus sinusitis vary.

  • With acute frontal sinusitis, pain appears in the forehead and above the eyebrows. Sometimes the pain is very strong and can appear if you tap on the forehead just above the bridge of the nose. Patients may also complain of excessive lacrimation. Discharge may also come from one nostril. This suggests that the disease has spread to only one frontal sinus. Frontal sinusitis is also characterized by the fact that the patient ceases to distinguish smells, suffers from headaches, cannot sleep normally and loses appetite.
  • Chronic frontal sinusitis does not manifest itself so clearly. Transition of sinusitis from acute to chronic stage talking about improper treatment. In addition to examination by a doctor, the main method of diagnosing frontal sinusitis is x-rays. Therefore, do not put off going to an ENT specialist and do not make the disease worse.

Puncture of sinuses for sinusitis

Puncture of the sinus for sinusitis, or the so-called puncture, is radical surgical method treatment of sinusitis. As a rule, doctors resort to it in extreme cases. But sometimes a puncture cannot be avoided.

The most common myth about puncturing the sinuses for sinusitis is that, supposedly, if you do the puncture once, then you will need to do it again and again. This is absolutely not true, this myth has no basis. Recurrent disease sinusitis occurs for completely different reasons. We described them earlier in our article.

The puncture is done in order to remove pus from the sinus. Of course, this procedure is not very accompanied pleasant sensations, but its effectiveness is worth it. If you put the puncture procedure itself in the balance for sinusitis, the complications that arise with advanced sinusitis, then it is better to get a puncture and avoid such serious consequences like meningitis or blindness.

However, the treatment of sinusitis does not end with a puncture. After this procedure, the doctor prescribes specific treatment to avoid relapse of the disease. The essence of the puncture procedure is to free the sinus and rinse it with a bactericidal solution, thereby getting rid of the infection lodged inside.

Carrying out the procedure

The puncture procedure itself is as follows:

  1. The doctor inserts wires with cotton wool wrapped around them into the nasal passages. This cotton wool is soaked in vasoconstrictor drops.
  2. After 5 minutes, the wires are replaced with the same ones, but the cotton wool is already moistened with an anesthetic.
  3. As soon as the product takes effect, the wires are removed. An enamel vessel is given to the patient. During the puncture, he should hold it near his cheek.
  4. A safe needle is inserted into the nasal passage, then the doctor makes a sharp movement. This is exactly how the puncture itself occurs. At this moment, the patient may hear a crunching sound, but this is not something to be afraid of.
  5. A solution of furatsilin is injected into the sinus, the patient bends over and opens his mouth, and pus from the sinus flows into the vessel along with the solution.
  6. After such washing, an antibacterial substance is injected into the sinus.

It is worth remembering that a puncture is prescribed only in the most extreme cases. Usually the doctor tries to cure sinusitis conservative methods. Among them - medicinal method, treatment with physiotherapy and home treatment which is carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

The inflammatory process that affects the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinuses is designated general term"sinusitis". Sinusitis of various sinuses has common reasons development and similar clinical picture course of the disease, but differ in a number of symptoms characteristic of inflammation of a particular area.

Depending on the location of the lesion in a particular sinus, the names of the disease occur.

Sinusitis cannot be frontal, although Clinical signs the lesions of these two areas are similar to each other and often a combined inflammation of the frontal and maxillary sinuses occurs.

Clinical picture of the disease

With frontal sinusitis, the frontal sinus becomes inflamed, which is a steam sinus and is located in the thickness of the frontal bone. It borders the orbit and anterior cranial fossa, which determines the characteristics of symptoms and the likelihood of developing severe complications with the progression of the inflammatory process.

General clinical signs of frontal sinusitis:

  • Symptoms of body intoxication: weakness, lethargy, headache, loss of appetite;
  • Temperature rise;
  • Nasal congestion and loss of olfactory sensations;
  • Nasal discharge (clear to yellow-green).

Features of symptoms, similarities and differences between frontal sinusitis and sinusitis:

Pain syndrome.

With frontal sinusitis, the headache occurs in the forehead area, or rather, in its center a couple of centimeters above the bridge of the nose. With sinusitis there is pain in the area of ​​the upper jaw and temples.

Pain intensity.

It does not depend on the location of the inflammatory process, but the pain becomes stronger when moving the head, both with frontal sinusitis and sinusitis.

Discharge from the nose.

Wears different character and is observed in both diseases. But with frontal sinusitis, more often than with sinusitis, there is no discharge from the nose, since the outlet of the frontal sinus is easily blocked due to the peculiarities anatomical structure.


Swelling with frontal sinusitis extends to upper eyelid, soft fabrics above the eyebrows and forehead area. With sinusitis, swelling is localized in the area of ​​the lower eyelid and soft tissues of the cheek.

The duration of the disease rarely exceeds two weeks, but with inadequate therapy the process takes on the characteristics of a disease.

Diagnostic criteria

The diagnosis is made taking into account the patient’s complaints, ENT examination data and results X-ray studies. If complications develop, an additional consultation with an ophthalmologist and neurologist is prescribed.

! Important

The main symptom of frontal sinusitis is considered by many to be a headache in the forehead area. However, large quantity people experience underdevelopment of the frontal sinus or its absence.

This means that they cannot have frontal sinusitis. Therefore, you should not self-diagnose or self-medicate headaches, but visit a specialist to confirm the diagnosis.

Approaches to treating the disease

Conservative treatment of frontal sinusitis does not differ from the treatment of sinusitis and is carried out in the same directions:

  • Treatment antibacterial drugs. Antibiotics of the penicillin, cephalosporin series or macrolides (etc.) are chosen;
  • Taking antihistamines and anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce swelling (Zavegil, Zodak, Zyrtec, etc.);
  • Local treatment includes the use of nasal drops and sprays with different effects, rinsing and irrigating the nasal cavity with saline solutions;
  • Taking medications that help liquefy and evacuate pathological discharge (sinupret, acetylcysteine, etc.);
  • Physiotherapy: UHF, phonophoresis, magneto and laser therapy, inhalations;
  • Traditional methods of treatment: biological massage active points, breathing exercises;
  • Taking immunomodulators of plant and synthetic origin.

If the patient has severe forehead pain or conservative treatment does not bring the desired result, then trephine puncture is performed.

The essence of the procedure: Based on X-ray data, the location of the sinus is determined. Before the operation, mark the trephine puncture point and after preliminary local anesthesia drill a hole in the anterior wall of the sinus in the forehead using special tools.

After this, the sinus is washed with an antiseptic solution, which is poured through the nose, and injected into it. medicines. A special catheter is inserted into the resulting hole to subsequently remove the discharge.

Washing with Yamik catheter.

As a non-puncture method for removing pus during sinusitis, you can use the YAMIK sinus catheter, which creates negative pressure and allows pathological secretions to be removed from the sinuses and injected into them medicinal substances. The principle of operation is no different from carrying it out during frontal sinusitis.


Carry out in cases of blockage of the outlet, in the absence of results from conservative therapy or with the development of ocular and intracranial complications.

Endonasal drainage.

With the help of endoscopes, endonasal (through the nasal cavity) drainage of the frontal sinus according to Draf is carried out in several variations depending on the characteristics of the pathological process.

Open Jansen-Ritter operation.

Traditional open radical surgery on the frontal sinus according to Jansen-Ritter, it is performed through an incision near the inner corner of the eye and continued along the eyebrow.

There are a number of others surgical interventions(according to Killian, according to Riedel, etc.), the choice of which is made by the attending physician, taking into account the anatomical structure of the sinus and other features of the body.

Diseases of the ENT organs are a very common category of diseases throughout the globe. And this is logical, because the mucous membrane of the nose and throat comes into direct contact with the “agents” external environment. And in conditions of not the best ecology, the frequency of acute diseases and their chronicity are growing every year. This is especially true for the main disease of the nose – sinusitis.
Sinusitis is an inflammation of the paranasal sinuses due to infection, causing these sinuses to fill with pus. The patient usually has a stuffy nose, a headache and registers general weakness, the temperature may rise. Depending on the affected area, there are:

  • frontal sinusitis
  • ethmoiditis
  • sphenoiditis (usually accompanied by ethmoiditis).

Many people mistake sinusitis for an ordinary, just a lingering runny nose, and do not treat it. And this is a big mistake, since sinusitis often becomes chronic, and its constant presence in the body infectious focus very fraught dangerous consequences, up to brain inflammation.


Develops as a result of infection in the maxillary (maxillary) sinuses. Pus forms in the cavity, which cannot come out, since swelling of the mucous membrane blocks the exit from the sinus into the nasal cavity.

Symptoms of acute sinusitis

  • nasal congestion, loss of smell
  • when the purulent contents of the sinuses still drain
  • putrid odor from the mouth
  • temperature above 38 °C, chills
  • weakness
  • pain and feeling of tension in the forehead (central Bottom part) and under the eyes, aggravated by bending forward, sudden movements, coughing, sneezing
  • the pain may radiate to the teeth
  • rarely – swelling of the cheeks and eyelids

Chronic sinusitis

If nasal congestion and periodic pain and pressure in the sinuses is periodically recorded for 2 months or more, we are talking about chronic sinusitis. The patient experiences weakness, difficulty concentrating, quickly gets tired, headaches, purulent odor from the mouth, especially after waking up, abundant sputum discharge in the morning (there is practically no discharge from the nose), the temperature is usually normal or slightly elevated. Chronic sinusitis usually affects one side, less often both.


Develops in the frontal sinus, the most severe form of sinusitis.

Signs of acute sinusitis

  • the temperature rises to 38-39 degrees, making the patient very weak
  • There is swelling and soreness around the eyes and nose
  • severe headache radiating to the ears and teeth
  • pain worsens with pressure on the forehead
  • nasal congestion, disturbances of smell and taste
  • Thick discharge from the nose: yellow or green mucus

Chronic frontal sinusitis

In chronic frontal sinusitis there is slight fever and frequent aching headache, difficulty breathing, in the morning there is discharge of pus from the nose and phlegm.
Ethmoiditis and sphenoiditis
Ethmoiditis is inflammation of the ethmoid sinuses, sphenoiditis is the sphenoid sinus (the most difficult sinusitis to diagnose).

Symptoms of ethmoiditis and sphenoiditis

  • heaviness at the root of the nose, pain in the wings of the nose
  • pain in inner corner eyes, lacrimation
  • nasal congestion, purulent discharge, loss of smell,
  • high temperature, weakness
  • non-localized headaches

Chronic ethmoiditis

At chronic disease the patient is constantly lethargic, gets tired quickly, and often has redness of the sclera. A detailed examination often reveals nasal polyps.

Diagnosis of sinusitis

In addition to analyzing objective data, the following is used to diagnose this disease:

  • X-ray of the head (paranasal sinuses)
  • video endoscopy of the nasal cavities
  • Ultrasound of the sinuses
  • laboratory tests of blood and nasopharyngeal scrapings
  • rarely - MRI and CT

Treatment of sinusitis (sinusitis/frontitis/ethmoiditis)

An otolaryngologist treats sinusitis. Depending on whether the sinusitis is acute or chronic, and how acute the disease itself is, a treatment plan is drawn up. In most cases this is a conservative method:

  • rinsing the sinuses with anti-inflammatory drugs (in some cases it is necessary to sanitize the cavities),
  • pumping out mucus with a special catheter,
  • inhalation,
  • antibiotics various actions, depending on the pathogen identified,
  • symptomatic drugs (antipyretics, painkillers, sedatives).

It is important to treat sinusitis, because infections that cause sinusitis can provoke other serious diseases:
they can enter the brain and provoke meningitis, especially since the paranasal sinuses and the brain are located in close proximity;
the spread of infection into the ears causes otitis media, which is not only extremely painful, but also often leads to hearing loss;
the lymphatic ring of the tonsils, which serves as a barrier to infections, with frequent or chronic infection ceases to perform its functions and itself becomes a source of problems (tonsillitis, adenoiditis, etc.);
Also frequent complications ENT diseases: cardiopathy, rheumatism, nephropathy.
At persistent runny nose, pain and a feeling of fullness in the forehead, under the eyes or deep in the nose, contact. Our ENT specialists have extensive experience professional activity, A the latest equipment will help accurately diagnose the disease. Don't bring the disease to chronic form, take care of your health!



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs