Hypertension is dangerous. What is hypertension and why is it dangerous?

Hypertension or arterial hypertension is the same disease, which in recent times is becoming more and more common. Pathology develops as a result of spasm of small vessels and disruption of the blood supply process. Doctors believe that people who are exposed to stressful situations, intensively use table salt, suffer from overweight. AT initial stages development of the disease does not threaten with serious consequences, but if you do not start timely treatment pathology will lead to damage to the tissues of the heart, other organs and systems. Therefore, people suffering high blood pressure, it is important to know what hypertension is, what pathology is dangerous for and what consequences the patient's inaction can entail.

High blood pressure - what is it

The consequences of hypertension have been experienced by people suffering from this pathology. It’s not even worth talking about how dangerous and insidious she is. But still, a few words must be said about the impact of the disease on the functioning of systems and organs.

Attention! Scientists have proven that even slight increase blood pressure can lead to dysfunction of target organs, i.e. kidneys, eyes, brain. Therefore, people whose pressure rises regularly should constantly monitor it, and in case of significant deviations from the norm, contact the clinic for medical help.

Diagnosis and treatment this disease should only be performed by a qualified physician. The therapy of the disease is quite complicated, since it requires constant monitoring of blood pressure (BP) and the state of target organs.

Before talking about whether hypertension is dangerous and why, it is important to know how to human body BP is regulated. Not in vessels constant pressure- its regulation is performed by systole and diastole. Due to the systolic contraction of the main organ - the heart - blood is ejected in a circle. The intensity and amount of blood flow depends on the force with which the release occurred. Diastolic pressure, commonly known as lower pressure, depends on elasticity vascular walls and the level of their blockage by cholesterol plaques. There is a close relationship between diastole and systole - pressure indicators depend on the coherence of their work.

The bulbar system, which is located in the brain, controls the contractions of the heart and blood vessels. Its main mechanisms are humoral and neurogenic elements. The connection between them depends on how well the parasympathetic and sympathetic nerve fibers interact with each other.

Attention! Active contractions of the heart occur due to stressful situations, overweight body, and in turn excite sympathetic system and to narrow blood vessels.

Also hard work heart is noted in people with birth defects organ. To prevent development arterial hypertension recommend sedatives herbal preparations. Why hypertension is dangerous for the heart is not an easy question, since there is simply no single answer. For example, the heart rate can increase through the blockade of adrenal hormones. This situation is quite dangerous, because it leads to the release of hormones produced by the adrenal glands - adrenaline and norepinephrine. Their release leads to the development of tachycardia, increased vascular tone, minute ejection of blood.

Dangerous Consequences

It doesn't take long to talk about the dangers of hypertension. It is enough to know what changes in the body can occur under the influence of increased blood pressure. Often the disease leads to the following pathologies:

  • visual impairment, blindness, constriction eye retina;
  • left ventricular hypertrophy;
  • the appearance of protein and erythrocytes in the urine;
  • varicose veins of the legs;
  • heart failure;
  • memory problems;
  • impaired blood supply to the brain;
  • dementia;
  • dissecting aortic aneurysm;
  • encephalopathy.

According to statistics, hypertension, which occurs with complications from the heart, blood vessels and brain, is extremely dangerous state. It is these pathologies that are the cause of death.

Fact! Medicine claims that the consequences of hypertension for a person, in contrast to tuberculosis, oncological diseases, immunodeficiency and other formidable pathologies, many times more dangerous.

Effect on target organs

recognize initial signs disease is not difficult at all. It is enough to pay attention to the behavior of your own body. Do not ignore symptoms such as headache, dizziness, fatigue, weakness in the arms and legs, shortness of breath with minor exertion, memory loss. The regular manifestation of symptoms signals that something is wrong with the body. In this case, it is necessary to measure twice a day arterial pressure, recording the results, taking into account which the doctor will be able to prescribe the correct treatment.

Nervous System Changes

It is worth remembering that as a result of high blood pressure, when the disease becomes chronic course, there is a risk of damage to the vessels of the brain. This is due to the fact that leaps and bounds pressure accelerates the blood flow transported by the blood vessels. At the same time, pressure blood flow the walls of blood vessels expand. With irregular and short-term exposure to blood pressure, the vascular walls are quickly restored, but with chronic course pathology does not occur. As a result, the vessels lose their elasticity and protection, which threatens with a stroke.

Why does vision suffer?

When blood pressure increases, large vessels dilate, which perform the function of pumping a large volume of blood. Small vessels are not involved in this process. They become, so to speak, "unemployed" and gradually sclerosis.

The human eye is made up of many tiny blood vessels. With the development of the disease, they do not receive adequate nutrition, therefore, there is a reduction, thinning, destruction of capillaries. Such a state is fraught pathological changes optic nerve, and they are irreversible and complete loss of vision is possible.

Fact! About 70% of patients with hypertension suffer from eye diseases!

Can the heart be damaged?

Arterial hypertension negatively affects work of cardio-vascular system. Hypertension can lead to coronary disease heart disease - a pathology characterized by irreversible changes in the main muscle of the heart. Let's say more: in some cases, the death of certain parts of it is noted, and this is a direct path to a heart attack.

Important! The development of the disease leads to an overstrain of the vascular walls, through high pressure blood flow, as a result of which the vessels lose their strength and elasticity. This condition can lead to the formation atherosclerotic plaques on their walls.

Source http://gipertonia03.ru/chem-opasna-gipertoniya.html

Man is a being of high physical organization. All its organs and systems are in close relationship and interaction with each other. A break in one link in the chain of connections will certainly lead to malfunctions in the functioning of the whole organism as a whole.

Nature and evolution provide for some mechanism of duplication. So, for example, when a blockage of a blood vessel cholesterol plaque, the blood flow does not stop, but finds detours of the affected vessel.

Unfortunately, hypertension does not make such "indulgences" for the body. An increase in blood pressure by permanent basis inevitably leads to disruption of the functioning of many organs and the body as a whole.

  • All information on the site is for informational purposes and is NOT a guide to action!
  • We kindly ask you DO NOT self-medicate, but book an appointment with a specialist!
  • Health to you and your loved ones!

Medical statistics claim that the consequences hypertension for a person is much more dangerous than the likelihood of the consequences of many other formidable diseases, such as oncology, tuberculosis or immunodeficiency.

The fact is that the onset of hypertension is almost asymptomatic. Diagnosed with hypertension late stages, with the destruction mechanisms already running.

Warning Signs

There are a number of signs by which one can suspect the onset of hypertension. You need to be careful about your health.

It is worth immediately suspecting something was wrong if there is rapid fatigue, unreasonable headaches, dizziness. The next stage may be weakness in the limbs, shortness of breath even with minor physical exertion, memory loss.

What to do when the first symptoms appear? The main thing is to start monitoring the level of blood pressure. You need to measure it 2-3 times a day for a week. Based on the measurement results, it is already possible to identify the dynamics of the behavior of blood pressure. With these statistics, you need to consult a doctor for advice and, if necessary, he will prescribe treatment.

It is very important to know that incipient hypertension can sometimes be “slowed down” by the following measures:

  • change in diet (refusal of salty and fatty foods);
  • renunciation of bad habits(smoking and alcohol abuse);
  • increase physical activity(at least up to 30 minutes a day);
  • getting rid of extra pounds;
  • maintaining a measured lifestyle, without stress and nervous strain.

Nervous system

Hypertension is a disease associated with an increase in blood pressure. Why is hypertension dangerous? If the disease becomes chronic, then the risk of damage to the vessels of the brain increases sharply.

This is due to the fact that with a sharp increase in pressure, the speed of blood flow increases, passing through the unit of the blood vessel per unit of time. It is obvious that the increased flow increases the pressure on the walls of the vessel and, thereby, expands it.

If the impact is short and irregular, then the walls have time to recover. But if the process is chronic, as in the case of hypertension, then the vessels become less protected from an increase in blood pressure inside them.

The initial stage of hypertension is characterized by frequent headaches, dizziness, nausea. Subsequently, in the absence of treatment aimed at stabilizing pressure, an intravascular catastrophe can occur - a stroke. This is a blockage of blood vessels by a thrombus or "breakage" of the vessel, causing hemorrhage.

What is dangerous hypertension for internal organs

Medical research over several decades has shown that hypertension has a devastating effect on the entire body as a whole and some of its organs in particular. Why is hypertension dangerous? The defeat of the so-called "target organs". Without proper treatment, the process of damage can become irreversible.

Most frequent consequences hypertension:

  • hypertrophy (excessive increase) of the cardiac ventricles;
  • rupture of the vessels of the fundus;
  • kidney damage;
  • dysfunction of the reproductive system;
  • diabetes;
  • pancreatitis;
  • cerebrovascular pathology.

vision problems

In the process of a sharp increase in blood pressure large vessels expand to allow for "pumping" the increased volume of blood. Small vessels, on the contrary, remain “out of work” and therefore become sclerosed over time.

The human eye is literally "entwined" with a network of tiny capillary vessels. With a lack of nutrition, they shrink, the walls become thinner, the capillaries are destroyed. As a result, the pathological process leads to changes in ophthalmic nerve. These changes are irreversible, they can lead to complete loss of vision.

More than 70% of patients with hypertension have eye diseases.

You can find a description of the symptoms of a hypertensive crisis in another article.

Depending on the type of damage to the fundus, several pathologies are distinguished:


The functional structure of the penis in men is such that its saturation with blood occurs unevenly over time.

The physiology of sexual intercourse is based on filling the cavernous bodies of the penis with blood (erection) and its subsequent outflow. Thus, the volume of filling of the veins that feed the genitals is not constant.

With increased pressure, the walls of blood vessels become inelastic and the movement of blood becomes more difficult. And with sexual arousal, the vessels are no longer able to provide proper filling of the penis with blood, i.e., there are problems with erection.

Ischemic heart disease is a serious disease leading to irreversible changes in the heart muscle, up to the death of some of its sections (heart attack). Arterial hypertension plays a huge role in the occurrence of ischemia (lack of oxygen in tissues and organs).

With hypertension, the walls of blood vessels are overstressed under the influence of increased blood pressure and become less durable. This can lead (if certain prerequisites are present) to the appearance of atherosclerotic plaques on them.

The capacity of the vessels decreases. In addition, the narrowed lumen can become clogged with blood clots. In those parts of the vessels where the walls are the least strong, aneurysms (protrusions) are likely to occur. And this can lead to internal bleeding and death.

Acute renal failure

There is a direct relationship between arterial hypertension and impaired renal function. And this connection is circular. The kidneys are both possible cause occurrence of hypertension, and its target.

Primary hypertension is often the result of kidney failure. The problem is the insufficient excretion of water and sodium salts from the body by the kidneys.

Due to the resulting hypertension, the lumen of the blood vessels that deliver blood to the kidneys narrows. The deterioration of the blood supply leads to the death of the working cells of the kidneys (nephrons), which provokes even more serious violation removal of salts and water (due to the reduction of the total filtering surface).

The pathological process leads to an increase in the volume of circulating blood and, accordingly, pressure.

You can find a description of vasorenal arterial hypertension here.

We will describe the list of symptoms for hypertension in another article on the site.

To prove this theory, back in 1975, studies were carried out on rats. So, the experimental animal, not suffering from high blood pressure, transplanted the kidney of a rat with hypertension. As a result, in an initially healthy rodent, the pressure became elevated.

The negative impact of arterial hypertension on the functioning of internal organs cannot be overestimated. The sooner treatment for hypertension is started, the less damaging effects it can have on internal organs human body.

Source http://serdce.hvatit-bolet.ru/chem-opasna-gipertonija.html

Hypertension in chronic form dangerous uncontrolled increase in blood pressure and rupture of blood vessels. As a result, a cerebral hemorrhage, stroke or heart attack will occur. High blood pressure impairs vision and functional work major organs and brain.

Risk factors

To understand why hypertension is dangerous, you need to know that before switching to chronic stage it goes through three stages of development. Each of them has its own pressure indicators.

The severity of hypertension is as follows:

With high numbers systolic pressure in the third stage, the vessels are forced to resist intensely with an increase in the strength of the cardiac impulse to push blood into the vessels. Diastolic pressure increases to maintain blood flow between heart muscle shocks, provided that the vessel wall has good elasticity. Some adverse conditions and habits contribute to the gradual development of hypertension due to a persistent increase in pressure.

With a predisposition to hypertension (hereditary), permeability increases cell membranes. The balance of pressor (intravascular) and depressor mechanisms will be disturbed if other risk factors are added:

  • smoking and alcohol;
  • stress, frustration, depression;
  • obesity, high level insulin;
  • hypodynamia;
  • gender and age.

If fat is deposited on the walls of blood vessels, they thicken, become thick, and blood clots form in them. That is why the lumen of blood vessels decreases, microcirculation in organs and tissues important for human life is disturbed.

At daily use alcohol-containing drinks, the pressure can increase significantly, and hypertension can go from the first degree to the third. When smoking, the ingredients tobacco smoke cause vasospasm. Nicotine, tar and carcinogens mechanically damage the walls of blood vessels, and atherosclerotic plaques form at the site of damage.

daily stay in stressful condition contributes to the wear of blood vessels and the transition of high blood pressure to the chronic stage. Many adrenaline lovers get not only the "pleasure" of car racing, rope jumping from bridges and other extreme sports, but also a stress hormone that dramatically increases blood pressure.

In an unfavorable condition of the vessels, any stress can lead to hypertensive crisis because adrenaline adversely affects the heart. It begins to contract frequently and throw out large portions of blood, respectively, raising the pressure above normal.

Direct complications of hypertension or dangerous diseases due to it (heart or kidney failure, heart attack or stroke) lead to the death of 50% of hypertensive patients.

At sedentary manner of life, hypertension occurs much earlier by 30-50% than in active people. An untrained heart is not strong enough to cope with increased loads with a slow metabolism. With the help of adequate physical activity easier for him to deal with stressful situation. With hypodynamia, the nervous system and the work of the body are weakened.

At fat people pressure increases due to the abundance in the diet of animal fats, salty foods and "sofa" life. With each extra kilogram of weight, the indicators on the tonometer increase by 2 mm Hg. Art., develops atherosclerosis.

A vicious circle is created: cholesterol worsens the elasticity of blood vessels, their lumen narrows with atherosclerotic plaques, and the work of the heart becomes more difficult. Arterial hypertension also provokes the development of arterial sclerosis. With excess salt food sodium) the arteries spasm, fluid is retained in the body, which develops this dangerous disease.

The male population of 35-50 years of age is more susceptible to the development arterial hypertension. Women suffer from pressure more during menopause. In older people, the numbers on the tonometer are always higher.

A good rest (with an established daily routine and restful sleep) contributes to a spontaneous decrease in pressure. Relaxing exercises will help to reduce it.

Dangerous states

Arterial hypertension causes diseases:

  • hypertrophy (excessive increase) of the ventricles of the heart;
  • damage to the vessels of the fundus and brain;
  • diabetes mellitus, kidney disease, pancreatitis;
  • sexual dysfunctions

At stages 2-3, vessels wear out and collapse, which leads to death. dangerous complications from the side of the heart, kidneys, vision, brain. And also to morphological changes: atherosclerosis of the aorta and arteries, myocardial hypertrophy, nephrosclerosis, heart failure, stroke and heart attack.

During the development of hypertension, arterial plaques form in large vessels. They come off and completely clog small vessels.

As a result of hypertension, the heart increases its work to overcome the increased resistance of rigid vessels. Therefore, left ventricular hypertrophy develops and diastolic relaxation of the myocardium is disturbed, its blood supply worsens, arrhythmias and long-term hypertension occur. If even one artery is blocked, blood transport to part of the heart muscle will stop, which leads to the development of myocardial infarction. If his nutrition is disturbed, angina pectoris develops.

High blood pressure negatively affects the kidneys involved in the regulation of blood pressure. Gradually, the blood supply to the kidneys worsens, their functions are disturbed: damaged tiny vessels inside the organ reduce its filtering ability. Therefore, in the kidneys and in the urine ( bladder) accumulates sand and stones. With abnormal excretion of toxins, they enter the bloodstream. Therefore, patients require periodic dialysis and blood purification. Renal failure occurs with hypertension on the background of diabetes mellitus.

If left untreated, the lumen of the vessels narrows, blood supply and transport of fresh oxygen to the brain worsens. Therefore, disculatory encephalopathy and stroke develop.

In men, it is possible to develop a progressive form of impotence due to the narrowing of the channel that supplies blood to the penis. It must be constantly supplied with blood, and a narrow channel prevents active blood flow, so the reproductive function gradually atrophies.

Visual impairment

What is the danger of an increase in blood pressure, if we consider the degree of the disease:

Source http://cardiograf.com/gipertenziya/bolezn/chem-opasna-gipertoniya.html

On May 17, Russia celebrates World Hypertension Day. Is 120 to 80 still considered the norm, is it true that coffee should be excluded as the cause of high blood pressure, and is it possible to cure jumping blood pressure once and for all? These questions were answered by a doctor on the radio Ekho Moskvy in Barnaul the highest category, cardiologist diagnostic center Altai Territory Sergey Ivanov.

Hypertension is chronic illness, characterized increased level blood pressure. And until recently, it was considered higher from 140 to 90. Although last year, American doctors lowered the bar to 130 to 80. It is this bar that many Russian doctors take as a basis today.

Familiar to all indicators of 120 to 80 are still the norm.

Arterial hypertension is dangerous for its latent course. Often patients go to the doctor when organs and systems are already affected due to many years of high blood pressure.

“Hypertension is the #1 killer of all cardiovascular diseases. Mortality from it over the past 25 years has increased from 98 to 107 people per 100,000 people. This is a noticeable increase. Only 50% of patients are treated effectively, and only 10% reach the target blood pressure level, that is, below 130 over 80. This is three times lower than in Europe and the USA. In terms of prevalence, Russia ranks third after Ukraine and Poland, we have 37%. That is, every third person is sick,” the doctor said.

According to experts, several “epidemics” are expected by 2030: there will be twice as many patients with heart failure, arterial hypertension and diabetes.

As for the Altai Territory, the disease is widespread, but not critical. Altai is a rural region, while hypertension is the destiny of large industrial cities.

Hypertensive patients can be identified by appearance Sergei Ivanov says Excess weight (10 kg excess weight equal to 4 units of pressure), wide rib cage, short neck and arms. Hypertension is very likely in diabetic patients, men over 45, women over 65.

Fast food lovers will have to face high pressure, leading sedentary image life, smokers. Turns out, great importance has a dream. According to Sergei Ivanov, sleeping less than six hours is the same risk factor as smoking.

“In my practice, there were many such cases: young people came plump girls with high blood pressure, who were first treated with medication, but then they lost weight, and the pressure in some of them returned to normal on its own, ”said the doctor.

Arterial hypertension is easily calculated at a doctor's appointment. It is enough to measure the pressure in a couple of visits. Yes, and at home, it can be "diagnosed" if the pressure is periodically and correctly measured.

But at the same time, arterial hypertension may not manifest itself in any way. Many patients are ill for several years before they know about it. And okay, just bad news - you have hypertension. Many already have a whole "bouquet" of diseases of organs and systems caused precisely by hypertension.

“The clinical picture of this disease has no specific features. Headache, fatigue, tiredness, shortness of breath are not specific symptoms, they occur in a number of other diseases, ”explains the cardiologist.

Source http://www.amic.ru/voprosdnya/414257/

Hypertension ( ) is one of the main risk factors for the development of atherosclerosis, and vice versa, atherosclerosis is most often the cause of hypertension. The heart has to work with a constantly increased load. With hypertension, the speed of blood flow is accelerated, turbulence intensifies and the number of destroyed platelets increases, the walls of blood vessels are injured. The heart, brain, and kidneys are especially affected. Thereby high blood pressure increases the likelihood of atherosclerosis and brings its terrible consequences closer. And hypertension can worsen not only the course of atherosclerosis itself, but also the diseases that it provokes.

In turn, atherosclerosis provokes the development of hypertension. The close relationship between atherosclerosis and hypertension proven and beyond doubt. Special attention focuses on the effect of hypertension on the development of atherosclerosis coronary arteries women's hearts.

Arises hypertension as a result of the combination hereditary factors and adverse external influences: nervous tension, overweight, overconsumption salt. In hypertension, there may be various symptoms: palpitations (tachycardia), sweating, redness of the face, a feeling of pulsation in the head, chills, anxiety, internal tension, flies before the eyes, swelling of the eyelids and puffiness of the face in the morning, swelling of the hands and numbness of the fingers. However, what is very important hypertension may be asymptomatic. As doctors say, the presence of hypertension in a person sometimes becomes known in intensive care.

Therefore, every person from time to time should measure their pressure. If you suspect atherosclerosis or are already sick, this must be done and regularly. After all, even a moderate increase in pressure several times increases the risk of stroke and myocardial infarction in the future.

To know for sure if you have hypertension. you need to purchase a tonometer - a special device for measuring pressure in order to measure it in a calm environment. The fact is that some particularly sensitive patients react with an increase in pressure even to a visit to the doctor. Of course, in this case, it is quite difficult to understand how things really are.

The ideal pressure is 120/70. Readings 130/80 World Organization Health (WHO) considers both upper bound normal, but if your pressure went beyond 140/90 at least 2-3 times at rest, you already need treatment. I note in passing that the pressure should not fall below the figure 100/60. Hypotension also does not add health to a person.

Unfortunately, our society does not pay enough attention to the problem of hypertension. Many women consider high blood pressure to be a necessary evil and do not see a doctor until they start to faint when the pressure goes over 220. This is extremely dangerous. Remember that hypertension is not only harmful in itself, but also increases the risk of developing many diseases, in particular atherosclerosis.

In the case of a stable increase in pressure, be sure to consult a doctor who will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Reduces blood pressure in 3 minutes, eliminates headaches, dizziness, and also unpleasant symptoms caused by exposure to radiation mobile phone or computer.


Why high blood pressure is dangerous

Nowadays, among the causes of death, the first place is occupied by cardiovascular diseases. Untreated or undertreated arterial hypertension is the main risk factor for the development of such serious complications like a stroke (acute and transient disorder cerebral circulation), myocardial infarction, heart failure. In addition, arterial hypertension can contribute to the development of chronic renal failure, aggravate the course of existing kidney diseases. In the elderly, high blood pressure contributes to the appearance and aggravation of memory disorders, impaired intellectual functions. However, isolated systolic hypertension is often more dangerous than simultaneous increase systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

In 68 out of 100 cases of myocardial infarction and in 75 out of 100 cases of stroke, patients had high blood pressure, which remained untreated or undertreated for a long time (that is, not reaching the norm). Therefore, untreated hypertension shortens life!

It has been proven that a decrease in blood pressure even by 3 mm Hg. Art. can reduce stroke mortality by 8% and reduce coronary heart disease mortality by 3%. Proper hypertensive therapy can reduce the risk of stroke by 35%, including recurrent (in the first 4 years) by 28%, coronary heart disease by 20% and general risk cardiovascular complications— by 25%.

Does the risk of developing complications of arterial hypertension depend on its type and level of high blood pressure?

Yes, it depends. The higher the blood pressure, the higher the risk of developing all complications of arterial hypertension: stroke, myocardial infarction, heart failure, kidney damage. At the same time, remember that the likelihood of developing these formidable complications directly and equally depends on the level of both systolic ("upper") and diastolic ("lower") blood pressure. At the same time, in persons of both middle age and over 65 years, an increase in systolic blood pressure is more than 141 mm Hg. Art. plays over important role in the prognosis of complications than diastolic. Increase in blood pressure for each subsequent 20/10 mm Hg. Art. from 115/75 mm Hg Art. doubles the risk of cardiovascular complications in people 40-70 years old.

However, you should be aware that there are other factors that determine the likelihood of complications in patients with hypertension. There are a lot of these factors, but among them there are two groups - non-modifiable (unchangeable) and modifiable (changeable). This separation is associated with the impossibility or possibility of dealing with them.

Why is hypertension dangerous?

Hypertension is a disease that leads to an increase in blood pressure due to dysregulation of vascular tone and heart function and is not associated with organic diseases any organs or systems of the body. Imagine how our circulatory system: in the center is the heart is a pump, with each contraction of which the blood is pushed through the system of arteries. Blood pressure indicates the pressure under which blood flows through the arteries.

The amount of pressure depends on 3 main factors: the amount of blood in the system; the force with which the heart pump works; tone of the arterial walls. Healthy heart pumps 5 liters of blood every minute, and this continues uninterruptedly throughout a person's life.

Arterial hypertension is the most common human disease. For many years, the disease, often silently, damages the heart and blood vessels, and if timely and qualified treatment, she announces herself with a heart attack, stroke, angina pectoris, weakness of the heart muscle with the development of heart failure, blindness, kidney failure. Sharp rise blood pressure can cause a hypertensive crisis.

The main complaints of patients are a headache associated with an increase in pressure, usually it is localized in the occipital region, sometimes it appears in the morning, after sleep. There are also pains in the region of the heart, palpitations, nausea, shortness of breath, flushing of the face, shortness of breath during physical exertion, insomnia, decreased memory and vision.

The cause may be an acute or emotional prolonged overstrain. Contribute to the development of hypertension dysfunction endocrine glands smoking, eating a large number table salt; jobs that require a lot of responsibility and heightened attention, insufficient sleep, injuries of the central nervous system, genetic predisposition.

As a rule, one in five adults has high blood pressure, only half of them know that they have hypertension, and only half of them take medications prescribed by a doctor regularly.

It is necessary to regularly check your blood pressure, if you find high blood pressure, be sure to consult a doctor and strictly follow his instructions!

The point of view is erroneous that it is necessary to reduce pressure only with a significant increase, accompanied by a deterioration in well-being.

Convince those you love and who are dear to you,

in the need to control blood pressure!

Hypertension is chronic illness resulting from spasm of the walls of small vessels and impaired blood supply. The causes of the condition have not been clarified, but doctors consider the main etiological factor disease frequent stress, overweight and heavy salt intake.

On the early stages pathology, a slight increase in pressure is formed in small vessels, which does not lead to serious clinical symptoms.

Hypertension is the historical name for arterial hypertension. Pathology is most often formed against the background of atherosclerosis (deposits of cholesterol plaques in the vessels) and becomes the main cause of death in our country.

Hypertension - what is it and how terrible is it

Hypertension is dangerous disease gradually leading to damage to the heart tissue.

Clinical studies conducted over 100 years have shown how scary high blood pressure is for a person's life. Experiments have revealed that there is a relationship between the level of pressure and dementia. Dramatically increase impairment of cognitive functions (thinking and attention) in patients over 50 years of age on the background of hypertension. True, this opinion is subject to debate, since a violation has been revealed mental functions in people suffering from hypotension (low blood pressure).

Studies have shown that any deviation from the norm is fraught with damage to target organs (kidneys, eyes, brain). To prevent violations in them, you should be attentive to the level of blood pressure. Not only measure it with a tonometer, but also undergo periodic neuropsychological testing. With the help of the latest test in some European countries, it is possible to establish hypertension in the initial stages, when there are no pronounced clinical symptoms yet.

Describing how terrible hypertension is, you need to pay attention to the damage to target organs during the disease. Most frequent complications arterial hypertension:

  • Hypertrophy of the ventricles of the heart;
  • Rupture of the vessels of the fundus;
  • Damage to the glomeruli of the kidneys;
  • Diabetes;
  • pancreatitis;
  • Thinking disorders.

Hypertrophy of the heart muscle against the background of the disease occurs due to the overcrowding of the chambers of the heart with blood. In such a situation, it cannot cope with the "pumping" of the liquid and expands compensatory.

Violation or loss of vision in hypertension occurs in most patients. The cause of this condition is the rupture of small capillaries in the retina. The changes are not reversible, so it is better to treat the disease in the early stages.

Man is a being of high physical organization. All its organs and systems are in close relationship and interaction with each other. A break in one link in the chain of connections will certainly lead to malfunctions in the functioning of the whole organism as a whole.

Nature and evolution provide for some mechanism of duplication. So, for example, when a blood vessel is clogged with a cholesterol plaque, the blood flow does not stop, but finds workarounds for the affected vessel.

Unfortunately, hypertension does not make such "indulgences" for the body. An increase in blood pressure on a permanent basis inevitably leads to disruption of the functioning of many organs and the body as a whole.

  • All information on the site is for informational purposes and is NOT a guide to action!
  • We kindly ask you DO NOT self-medicate, but book an appointment with a specialist!
  • Health to you and your loved ones!

Medical statistics argue that the consequences of hypertension for a person are much more dangerous than the likelihood of the consequences of many other formidable diseases, such as oncology, tuberculosis or immunodeficiency.

The fact is that the onset of hypertension is almost asymptomatic. Hypertension is diagnosed in the later stages, with the mechanisms of destruction already running.

Warning Signs

There are a number of signs by which one can suspect the onset of hypertension. You need to be careful about your health.

It is worth immediately suspecting something was wrong if there is rapid fatigue, unreasonable headaches, dizziness. The next stage may be weakness in the limbs, shortness of breath even with minor physical exertion, memory loss.

What to do when it appears? The main thing is to start monitoring the level of blood pressure. You need to measure it 2-3 times a day for a week. Based on the measurement results, it is already possible to identify the dynamics of the behavior of blood pressure. With these statistics, you need to consult a doctor for advice and, if necessary, he will prescribe treatment.

It is very important to know that incipient hypertension can sometimes be “slowed down” by the following measures:

  • change (refusal of salty and fatty foods);
  • giving up bad habits (smoking and alcohol abuse);
  • increased physical activity (at least up to 30 minutes a day);
  • getting rid of extra pounds;
  • maintaining a measured lifestyle, without stress and nervous strain.

Nervous system

Hypertension is a disease associated with an increase in blood pressure. Why is hypertension dangerous? If the disease becomes chronic, then the risk of damage to the vessels of the brain increases sharply.

This is due to the fact that with a sharp increase in pressure, the speed of blood flow increases, passing through the unit of the blood vessel per unit of time. It is obvious that the increased flow increases the pressure on the walls of the vessel and, thereby, expands it.

If the impact is short and irregular, then the walls have time to recover. But if the process is chronic, as in the case of hypertension, then the vessels become less protected from an increase in blood pressure inside them.

The initial stage of hypertension is characterized by frequent headaches, dizziness, nausea. Subsequently, in the absence of treatment aimed at stabilizing pressure, an intravascular catastrophe may occur -. This is a blockage of blood vessels by a thrombus or "breakage" of the vessel, causing hemorrhage.

What is dangerous hypertension for internal organs

Medical research over several decades has shown that hypertension has a devastating effect on the entire body as a whole and some of its organs in particular. Why is hypertension dangerous? The defeat of the so-called "target organs". Without proper treatment, the process of damage can become irreversible.

The most common consequences of hypertension:

  • hypertrophy (excessive increase) of the cardiac ventricles;
  • rupture of the vessels of the fundus;
  • kidney damage;
  • dysfunction of the reproductive system;
  • diabetes;
  • pancreatitis;
  • cerebrovascular pathology.

vision problems

In the process of a sharp increase in blood pressure, large vessels dilate to make it possible to "pump" the increased volume of blood. Small vessels, on the contrary, remain “out of work” and therefore become sclerosed over time.

The human eye is literally "entwined" with a network of tiny capillary vessels. With a lack of nutrition, they shrink, the walls become thinner, the capillaries are destroyed. As a result, the pathological process leads to changes in the optic nerve. These changes are irreversible, they can lead to complete loss of vision.

More than 70% of patients with hypertension have eye diseases.

Depending on the type of damage to the fundus, several pathologies are distinguished:


The functional structure of the penis in men is such that its saturation with blood occurs unevenly over time.

The physiology of sexual intercourse is based on filling the cavernous bodies of the penis with blood (erection) and its subsequent outflow. Thus, the volume of filling of the veins that feed the genitals is not constant.

With increased pressure, the walls of blood vessels become inelastic and the movement of blood becomes more difficult. And with sexual arousal, the vessels are no longer able to provide proper filling of the penis with blood, i.e., there are problems with erection.

ischemic heart disease

- a serious disease leading to irreversible changes in the heart muscle, up to the death of some of its sections (). Arterial hypertension plays a huge role in the occurrence of ischemia (lack of oxygen in tissues and organs).

With hypertension, the walls of blood vessels are overstressed under the influence of increased blood pressure and become less durable. This can lead (if certain prerequisites are present) to the appearance of atherosclerotic plaques on them.

The capacity of the vessels decreases. In addition, the narrowed lumen can become clogged with blood clots. In those parts of the vessels where the walls are the least strong, aneurysms (protrusions) are likely to occur. And this can lead to internal bleeding and death.

Acute renal failure

There is a direct relationship between arterial hypertension and impaired renal function. And this connection is circular. The kidneys are both a possible cause of hypertension and a target for it.

Primary hypertension is often the result of kidney failure. The problem is the insufficient excretion of water and sodium salts from the body by the kidneys.

Due to the resulting hypertension, the lumen of the blood vessels that deliver blood to the kidneys narrows. The deterioration of blood supply leads to the death of the working cells of the kidneys (nephrons), which provokes an even more serious violation of the excretion of salts and water (due to a decrease in the total filtering surface).

This pathological process leads to an increase in the volume of circulating blood and, accordingly, pressure.

To prove this theory, back in 1975, studies were carried out on rats. So, the experimental animal, not suffering from high blood pressure, transplanted the kidney of a rat with hypertension. As a result, in an initially healthy rodent, the pressure became elevated.

The negative impact of arterial hypertension on the functioning of internal organs cannot be overestimated. The earlier the treatment of hypertension is started, the less destructive effect it can have on the internal organs of the human body.

>> Hypertension is dangerous

Hypertension ( ) is one of the main risk factors for the development of atherosclerosis, and vice versa, atherosclerosis is most often the cause of hypertension. The heart has to work with a constantly increased load. With hypertension, the speed of blood flow is accelerated, turbulence intensifies and the number of destroyed platelets increases, the walls of blood vessels are injured. The heart, brain, and kidneys are especially affected. Thereby high blood pressure increases the likelihood of atherosclerosis and brings its terrible consequences closer. And hypertension can worsen not only the course of atherosclerosis itself, but also the diseases that it provokes.

In turn, atherosclerosis provokes the development of hypertension. The close relationship between atherosclerosis and hypertension proven and beyond doubt. Particular attention is paid to the effect of hypertension on the development of atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries of the heart in women.

Arises hypertension as a result of a combination of hereditary factors and adverse external influences: nervous strain, overweight, excessive salt intake. With hypertension, various symptoms can be observed: heart palpitations (tachycardia), sweating, redness of the face, a feeling of pulsation in the head, chills, anxiety, internal tension, flies before the eyes, swelling of the eyelids and puffiness of the face in the morning, swelling of the hands and numbness of the fingers. However, what is very important hypertension may be asymptomatic. As doctors say, the presence of hypertension in a person sometimes becomes known in intensive care.

Therefore, every person from time to time should measure their pressure. If you suspect atherosclerosis or are already sick, this must be done and regularly. After all, even a moderate increase in pressure several times increases the risk of stroke and myocardial infarction in the future.

To know for sure if you have hypertension, you need to purchase a tonometer - a special device for measuring pressure in order to measure it in a calm environment. The fact is that some particularly sensitive patients react with an increase in pressure even to a visit to the doctor. Of course, in this case, it is quite difficult to understand how things really are.

The ideal pressure is 120/70. Readings of 130/80 are considered by the World Health Organization (WHO) as the upper limit of normal, but if your pressure went beyond 140/90 at least 2-3 times at rest, you already need treatment. I note in passing that the pressure should not fall below the figure 100/60. Hypotension also does not add health to a person.

Unfortunately, our society does not pay enough attention to the problem of hypertension. Many women consider high blood pressure to be a necessary evil and do not see a doctor until they start to faint when the pressure goes over 220. This is extremely dangerous. Remember that hypertension is not only harmful in itself, but also increases the risk of developing many diseases, in particular atherosclerosis.

In the case of a stable increase in pressure, be sure to consult a doctor who will prescribe the appropriate treatment.



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