Doctor mom ointment application for children. Ointment "doctor mom" - an expert in the treatment of colds

Few people enjoy sleepless nights due to nasal congestion and difficulty breathing, caused by a runny nose. Most people do not attach to this kind of disease special significance, although this is incorrect. Even mild rhinitis without definite and timely treatment can bring a lot of unpleasant surprises.

First, let's figure out what this disease is.

Runny nose is inflammatory process nasal mucosa, accompanied by congestion and discharge. Reasons for the appearance this disease can be of different nature:

  1. As an accompaniment to an allergic reaction. In this case, all manifestations are caused by an irritating factor.
  2. One of the symptoms of a cold. There are several options for the occurrence of a runny nose. It can be provoked by a viral or bacterial infection. In addition, there is a possibility of fever, as well as symptoms such as cough and sore throat.

Treatment Methods

It is very important at this stage to determine the cause of rhinitis, and already, based on this, to choose an adequate treatment.

If the cause of such a manifestation was an allergic reaction, then the first step is to exclude the irritant itself. It can be food products, drugs, dust, wool, fluff, etc. Additionally, you need to apply antihistamines, as well as drugs that relieve swelling of the nasal cavities. Reveal allergic rhinitis easy, it is usually not accompanied by an increase in temperature.

In this case, tearfulness and redness of the eyes, sneezing, nasal discharge may be observed.

If there is a suspicion that this is a cold, then here the range of medicines increases significantly, depending on the manifestations and causes of the disease. Naturally, when contacting a doctor, antiviral and all related drugs will be prescribed. But what can be done to slightly alleviate the degree of discomfort with a runny nose?

A good remedy in such a situation, especially when treating a child, is the use of an external ointment and balm, which have a warming effect with deep penetration. As such a remedy for a cold, the most suitable option is Doctor MOM ointment.

Brief characteristics

The composition of the Doctor MOM ointment includes components that have positive action during treatment colds: menthol, eucalyptus, nutmeg and turpentine oils, thymol, camphor. A special advantage of this drug is the naturalness of all components.

Basic properties:

  • acts as an antiseptic;
  • exhibits analgesic functions;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • detrimental to microbes.

The ointment is very easy to use, it is enough to spread the surface of the nose thin layer drug. A pair of menthol will instantly facilitate the passage of air in the sinuses.

As an alternative treatment option, you can use the ointment in inhalation procedures. However, it does not lose any of its effectiveness. Together, you can rub the back with ointment and chest child to improve the therapeutic effect.

Precautionary measures

Before use, be sure to read the instructions. It should be noted that for the treatment of children under 2 years of age, it is not recommended to use this type. medicines. After all, children younger age more soft skin, which gives rise to Great chance occurrence of allergic reactions. It is also not recommended to use this species treatment during pregnancy.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that some components of the composition of the ointment in individual cases can cause allergies, so you need to be extremely careful during its use. Ideally, initially it is better to conduct a small test by smearing a small area of ​​the child's body with a remedy, wait a while, if the skin has not changed, then you can safely use the drug.

Don't actively pursue this procedure at elevated temperatures, as the warming effect can further raise it.

A prerequisite for use is the absence of any irritation, wounds and abrasions on the patient's skin. It is also imperative to ensure that during the application the ointment does not get into the eyes and other mucous membranes, if such a situation does arise, then it is necessary to urgently wash the area clean water until the drug is completely eliminated.

Does Dr. MOM help with coughs and other diseases

Multifunctional components of the ointment carry out healing effect and in many other cases:

  • pain in the muscles during a cold;
  • frequent headaches;
  • pain in the back and joints of the extremities;
  • cough.

Ointment Doctor Mom for coughing is natural alternative many pharmaceutical preparations. Most patients note a pronounced effect in short time in the treatment of colds, as well as symptomatic remedy from the flu.

In addition, the ointment has a relatively inexpensive cost with its economical consumption, which ranges from 150 rubles.

The composition of the medicinal product

The action of the drug is based on the complex natural ingredients, each of which performs a specific therapeutic function. Due to the presence of oils in the composition, the ointment has a slight camphor and menthol smell, white paraffin acts as a binder.

Ingredients that are included:

  • camphor - has a distracting, mild analgesic effect;
  • levomenthol - gives a mint flavor, promotes the expansion of small blood vessels in upper layers skin, anesthetizes due to the distracting effect;
  • oil nutmeg- has immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory properties;
  • turpentine oil - expands small blood vessels, promotes the speedy removal of toxins from the body;
  • eucalyptus oil - kills many bacteria, is an antiseptic;
  • thymol is also a natural antiseptic.

Due to all these components, the ointment is a locally irritating, distracting agent that helps relieve pain and inflammation. There are no other ingredients in the composition.

Operating principle

The skin is the largest organ in the human body. Many enter the body through it. nutrients, oxygen and even vitamins. By acting on the epidermis, you can quickly cure the disease without using serious drugs.

Rubbing with Doctor Mom ointment helps with colds and many others respiratory infections due to the intense warming action.

Properly selected ingredients are antiseptics, making it much easier for the body to cope with the disease. Essential oils kill bacteria and fungi, prevent the development of complications. After application, the edema of the mucous membranes disappears, breathing becomes easier, sputum is more easily removed.

Indications for use

The list of applications of Doctor Mom ointment is quite extensive. It not only helps severe cough, but also affects bronchopulmonary system and ENT organs.

When is it appropriate to use this remedy:

  • with angina or tonsillitis;
  • for the treatment of SARS, influenza, colds;
  • with sinusitis;
  • therapy of diseases accompanied by cough;
  • with a cold of any genesis.

During respiratory diseases this ointment helps the patient get rid of headache or muscle pain, contributes to the overall improvement of the condition of the sick person.


With its seeming harmlessness, this drug has some contraindications that must be taken into account when choosing drug therapy. The use of ointment in this case is impractical, since the harm from such treatment will be much greater than the benefit.

When the instruction for the use of Doctor Mom ointment prohibits its use:

  1. Individual intolerance to some components of the composition, an allergic reaction to them. Caution should be exercised in patients with bronchial asthma.
  2. A relative contraindication is the presence local damage on the skin. In this tea, you can use inhalation treatment.
  3. It is forbidden to use Doctor Mom for babies. However, sometimes a doctor may allow cough therapy for children with this remedy when there is no alternatives. If care is taken, the drug is well tolerated by newborns.

The use of ointment during pregnancy is not prohibited, but not allowed. This is explained not enough studies of the effect of the product on the body of a woman who is in position, therefore it is impossible to predict how he will react with such treatment. The remedy is prescribed by the doctor who leads the pregnancy, the therapy also takes place under his supervision.

Pros and cons of using Doctor Mom ointment

The drug has many advantages that help to make a choice in its favor when choosing a drug for the treatment of cough in most patients.

The positive aspects of using the ointment are:

  • its low price;
  • high efficiency in the fight against colds;
  • naturalness of the components of the composition;
  • minimum contraindications for use;
  • large volume of containers;
  • economical spending.

Cons of using:

  • the ointment is ineffective at the height of the disease;
  • has a fairly pronounced smell;
  • may cause an allergic reaction;
  • oily texture that is absorbed into the skin for a long time.

The disadvantages are quite subjective, as not all patients will be irritated by the minty aroma or dense texture. In addition, it depends a lot on the method of using this drug.

How to use

In order to achieve maximum effect from the chosen product, it is necessary to decide on the method of its use. To treat a cough, rubbing the skin or performing inhalations can be used, which are equally effective.


Doctor Mom ointment for sore throat or bronchial pain can be used in the form of inhalations, during which the maximum result will be achieved. They can be performed by adults and children over six years of age.

How to perform:

  1. Boil 2-3 liters of water, pour the liquid into the selected container for the procedure.
  2. Add half a teaspoon of ointment, mix thoroughly.
  3. Cover your head with a towel, breathe in pairs for 10 minutes.

If the procedure is performed by a child, an adult must control the process and ensure that the baby does not get burned by the steam. After inhalation may appear severe runny nose or moist cough, this indicates that the result of therapy has been achieved, sputum began to come out of the respiratory organs.

Outdoor use

Rubbing with Doctor Mom ointment is a more aggressive method of exposure, since allergies, burning and itching can develop on the drug. For the first time it is recommended to apply minimal amount funds on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin to check the body's reaction to the composition.

If none side effects was not revealed, rubbing should be carried out twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. Ointments should be taken a little, applied in a thin layer on upper part chest. After half an hour, the drug must be washed off, then anoint the place of application with a light moisturizer.

For children, when coughing, it is better not to use this method of treatment, since the child has very delicate skin and you can get burned.

Features of the treatment of cough in children

The use of this cough ointment for children is prohibited by the instructions, however, parents can go for a trick, after consulting with the pediatrician. To do this, you will need the drug itself, as well as a yellow container from Kinder Surprise, in which you need to make several holes on the sides and circumference. It is recommended to generously lubricate the cotton pad with medicine, then place it inside an impromptu box.

Then you need to insert the string and hang the "necklace" around the baby's neck. The ointment emits vapors that the child will breathe. In this way, you can cure the cough of a crumb without harm to his body.

Rules for the treatment of cough in children:

  1. It is not recommended to use the medicine without the prior approval of the doctor who examined the baby.
  2. It is forbidden to apply ointment to the skin of children under 3 years of age, as well as in the presence of elevated temperature body.
  3. If redness appears on the skin or the condition worsens, stop therapy at home and consult a doctor.

A competent approach to treating a cough in a crumb with the help of Dr. Mom will only bring benefits to his health and well-being.


Balm "Asterisk"

Everyone well-known remedy, which has been produced for many years, has a similar composition at an even lower price. Produced in iron containers, in the form of a pencil, also exists liquid form of this aromatherapy medicine. Also contains camphor, eucalyptus and others essential oils.

Balm "Vicks asset"

Almost identical to Doctor Mom ointment, has the same indications for use. Prohibited in bronchial asthma, epilepsy, false croup, and chronic diseases lungs.

Ointment "Travisil"

This remedy is also an analogue of Dr. Mom's medicine, with the exception of the content of some ingredients. The composition contains petroleum jelly, as well as liquid and solid paraffin. The list of contraindications and indications for use is identical.

Ointment "Adzhikold plus"

It has similar ingredients, but contains a fragrance, which can cause allergies in people prone to it.

Every caring parent knows what to treat small child with an immature body strong drugs by no means is it possible. Many medicines up to 3 years of age are contraindicated for children. But a strong exhausting cough, stuffy nose interfere restful sleep and baby's daytime activities. Parents have a natural question: how to relieve the unpleasant symptoms of a cold in a child without harming him?

Benefits of Dr. MOM ointment

  1. It serves as a panacea for the first manifestations of a cold, relieves symptoms, and facilitates the course of acute respiratory infections.
  2. Can be used for both children and adults.
  3. Reduces not only headaches, but also pain in the joints and muscles during sprains.
  4. The composition of the ointment includes only natural extracts medicinal herbs and oils.

Ointment Doctor MOM, from what age can it be used

Some parents do not heed the advice of doctors, and in the absence of other medicines, they try to use Doctor MOM ointment for children under 2 years of age. You shouldn't do this, and here's why.

The composition of this ointment, according to the instructions, includes the following components:

  • menthol - dilates blood vessels, anesthetizes;
  • camphor - the main substance contained in the ointment, serves as an antiseptic and anti-itch remedy.
  • thymol is a strong antiseptic, a group of phenols. It is just right to call it the neutralization of even tuberculosis bacilli. negative quality one can name the fact that, being absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, it can cause typical phenolic poisoning;
  • eucalyptus essential oil is designed to facilitate breathing during evaporation, and nutmeg oil regulates the work of housing and communal services, relieves pain;
  • the basis of the ointment is paraffin or petroleum jelly.

So, the instructions for use advise mothers to refrain from using this remedy for the treatment of colds in children under 2 years old.

Due to the presence of several components in the ointment, they can cause an allergic reaction, itching, and urticaria in a child's fragile body. However, this does not stop many mothers, and some doctors still prescribe this ointment to babies. This is because the ointment is only rubbed, and it does not enter the body. You need to use a tiny dosage of the drug to avoid irritation. You can smear the nose and legs of the child with initial symptoms colds, then it is advisable to put on socks for the child and give warm tea to drink. The temperature in the room should be no higher than 20 degrees, it must be ventilated. Three or four days of procedures - and a runny nose with a cough has disappeared, as numerous reviews on the Web claim.

When not to use ointment or use with caution:

  • very carefully you need to apply the ointment in the presence of abrasions and scratches;
  • Do not use the ointment for pregnant women who are particularly sensitive to the components of the ointment. If there is none, then the ointment has no contraindications during pregnancy, and various troubles such as headaches, coughs, rhinitis, back pain can be freely treated with it;
  • and once again we will repeat about the very careful use of the drug in the treatment of infants.

How to treat a cold

The most important thing is not to wait for the development of the disease and try to stop it at the very beginning. If an adult with a developed immunity falls ill, then a slight runny nose, tickling in the nose, headache should serve as a signal to start using a life-saving drug - Dr. MOM ointment. It must be applied to the wings of the nose - this will immediately help restore breathing, break through nasal congestion. A sore throat and an incipient cough will easily be eliminated by Dr. MOM lozenges. Sore throat should be irrigated with Dr. MOM syrup. It is necessary to dress warmly, observe bed rest, and recommended abundant warm drink. Drinks should not be acidic because they create an environment conducive to the growth of bacteria.

Doctors recommend rinsing herbal infusions throat, rub the chest and feet at night, using Dr. MOM cream for this, and take syrup and lozenges from the same manufacturer. Pastilles are applicable only from adolescence. Before going to bed, the room where the patient is located must be ventilated.

Toddlers get sick much more often than adults, and it is more difficult to treat them, because most modern medicines have contraindications for use in children under certain age. But fight with unpleasant symptoms necessary, because an annoying cough and runny nose do not allow the child to sleep peacefully and stay awake. To combat cough and runny nose in children under one year old, special ointments were created, one of them is Doctor MOM.

For most parents, Doctor MOM balm is a real salvation during epidemics of colds.

Benefits of using this tool are undeniable, since Doctor MOM balm can be used for both adults and children. It is used not only as a remedy for colds and viral diseases, but also for the treatment of sprains, bruises, headaches.

What are the ingredients of the healing ointment Doctor MOM

This tool gained its popularity thanks exclusively to natural composition from oils and medicinal herbs. Age-old traditions traditional medicine prove the effectiveness of this particular combination plant extracts. Doctor MOM ointment is based on Vaseline and a mixture of oils:

  • eucalyptus;
  • nutmeg;
  • turpentine;
  • menthol;
  • thymol;
  • camphor.

All components are individually characterized useful properties. For example, camphor and menthol have analgesic properties, thymol is antifungal and antibacterial agent, and essential oils facilitate breathing, removing nasal congestion. In particular, nutmeg oil has a beneficial effect on the bronchi. The balm has a pleasant menthol scent.

Despite the fact that the drug in any existing form(lozenges, syrup) not recommended before age 3, many pediatricians recommend rubbing ointment Dr. IOM for children up to a year. The use of the drug externally is associated with a much smaller number of contraindications. Keep in mind that the skin of a baby is more delicate than that of older children, so rub the baby with great care. It is recommended to rub before going to bed for 1-2 minutes, then wrap the child in soft tissue For example, use a flannel diaper. Avoid the heart area, it is not recommended to heat the skin of children in this place, you can rub your back and chest, avoiding unfavorable places. Some parents also rub Doctor MOM ointment on children's heels, after which they put on warm socks.

Please note that Doctor MOM balm is a remedy local application, do not use it for inhalation, ingestion or for the treatment of mucous membranes. It is not necessary to treat damaged skin with balm (with scratches and irritations).

This remedy is suitable for removing unpleasant and pain with muscle and joints. To do this, lubricate the affected area with Doctor MOM balm and apply a warm bandage.

You can store the drug in the refrigerator or in another dark place, away from children. Its shelf life is three years if properly stored.

Treatment of colds with the help of the drug Doctor MOM as independent means effective only for initial stage viral disease. If you missed the onset of the disease, then you need to supplement the rubbing with a balm with other medicines. It is not recommended to self-medicate, at the first signs of acute respiratory infections in a child, contact a pediatrician. Be healthy!

Many who have tried Doctor Mom ointment treatment for a runny nose noted that the remedy shows impressive results in the fight against it, moreover, without a serious chemical effect on the body. This therapy is suitable for children and adults, sometimes the drug is prescribed by a doctor to a woman in a position in the absence of a proper alternative.

However, even such a harmless herbal preparation has its own contraindications and application features, which should be familiarized with before using the ointment.


Doctor Mom ointment, which has a relatively harmless composition and is applied topically, will help to cope with a cold that suddenly appeared in a child. Some components allow the drug to have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic action, due to which, after application, breathing improves, there is an outflow of accumulated mucus.

The medicine is produced in a plastic jar with a screw cap, packed in a box, and printed instructions must be attached to it.

The composition of the ointment:

  • camphor - makes up most of the product, helps to anesthetize, relieve congestion;
  • levomenthol - saturates the drug with a bright smell of menthol;
  • also included are auxiliary components- eucalyptus and nutmeg oil, as well as turpentine oil, thymol; as excipient soft paraffin.

Due to its composition, the ointment has a transparent white color, has slight smell menthol and camphor fragrance, somewhat reminiscent of soviet balm Star.

Some components that are present in the ointment can cause allergic reactions and local irritation of the epidermis. Therefore, before use, especially on the body of a child, a test should be carried out on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin.

Indications for use and contraindications

The drug is not suitable for self-treatment, often used as adjuvant therapy or how prophylactic. Dr. Mom, facilitates the course of the disease, as it has a local irritant effect. Easily tolerated by children.

  • as sympathetic agent during the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, colds and flu;
  • as an auxiliary medicine during the treatment of allergic rhinitis;
  • with muscle aches;
  • with pain in the head, joints, back.

Ointment can be used as an independent medicinal product, for the prevention of regularly disturbing pain, as well as during flu outbreaks.

Dr. Mom is categorically contraindicated in persons suffering from bronchial asthma, having sensitivity to the components of the drug or their intolerance. The drug is used with caution in childhood, the instruction does not allow taking the medicine before the onset of 3 years. During pregnancy and lactation, the drug is not prohibited for use, but it is not allowed either, since necessary research was not carried out.

On skin, which will subsequently be treated with ointment, there should not be any damage, cracks, inflammation.

If, after a three-day period of use of the drug, the disease does not recede or the patient is even more unwell, you should stop using the ointment and consult a doctor.

Runny nose treatment

For the treatment of a runny nose in a child or an adult, the algorithm of action is the same - the remedy must be applied to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wings of the nose, it can be near them. During sinusitis, which is almost always accompanied by headaches, it is recommended to apply the drug on the bridge of the nose between the eyebrows, as well as on temporal region. If there is no irritation on the skin, you can do it with this tool. acupressure, which will warm up the ointment, thereby giving it even more effectiveness.

Dr. Mom is not recommended for use in the treatment of children under the age of three, but you can go for a little trick. The medicine should be generously applied to a cotton pad and held next to the baby's nose for several minutes. Before such a reception, it is important to exclude allergic diseases child.

Of course, the drug does not top the list of the most filled harmful substances formulations, however, precautions during its use are still needed. This is due to the fact that, it would seem, harmless treatment you can miss the time for full therapy, due to which the disease will begin to progress. Therefore, any application medicines should be discussed with the attending physician.



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