Pemphigus viral infection in children. Viral pemphigus in children treatment Komarovsky

The causative agent of the disease is the Coxsackie virus. Viral infection in most cases develops in young children under 10 years of age.

The disease is very common and affects most of the Salysh. The virus is easily transmitted from one child to another through airborne droplets and by contact, a child can become infected through toys and household items.

Cases of the disease are more often recorded in summer and autumn.

You can become infected with the disease in any crowded place. Most often, children catch the infection in kindergartens, less often at school.

There is no need to even have contact with a sick child; the disease can be transmitted through toys, surrounding objects, and unwashed hands. Children with reduced immunity get sick more often.

Unlike other childhood infectious diseases, viral pemphigus does not provide lasting immunity, and the baby can become re-infected with another strain of the Coxsackie virus.

Viral pemphigus is caused by the Kosaki ecterovirus. You can get it in the following cases:

  • with a weakened immune system after an illness;
  • if personal hygiene is not observed;
  • when eating from common dishes;
  • during exacerbation of a chronic disease;
  • when communicating with a carrier of this infection;
  • with bad heredity.

Being in the same conditions, the child’s body reacts differently to viral pemphigus. Doctors explain that the reason for this is the formation of auto-aggressive bodies, which, at the slightest disruption in the body, appear in the form of watery blisters on the skin or mucous membrane (as with enteroviral vesicular stomatitis).

Clinicians cannot name the exact etiology of viral pemphigus. But now there is an assumption about the autoimmune origin of the disease.

Types of pemphigus that occur in children

Dermatologists distinguish several types of childhood viral disease:

  1. vulgar,
  2. leaf-shaped
  3. vegetative,
  4. erythymatous.

Pemphigus, like most dermatoses, has many various forms and types that distinguish symptoms, external signs of the rash, severity and outcome of the disease. Viral pemphigus in children it can develop in such forms as:

Vulgar (ordinary)

Pemphigus vulgaris is the most common type of disease. It is diagnosed regardless of the child’s age and occurs even in children in the first month of life. The provoking factors after which pemphigus develops in children are:

  • Thermal and chemical burns;
  • Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight;
  • Unsupervised treatment with antibiotics, hormonal and antihistamines.

Signs of this type are indicators such as:

  • Primary formation of blisters filled with a transparent substrate and having an easily woundable coating;
  • When the membrane ruptures, erosion occurs, causing severe pain;
  • The surface of the erosions does not heal, long time cracks and bleeds from the slightest movement;
  • While maintaining the integrity of the bubble, central part through certain time becomes crusty, and continues to grow and spread around the perimeter.
  • The form has no priority in localization; both skin tissue and mucous membranes are affected.

Pemphigus vulgaris in children, when it spreads to affected areas, causes symptoms such as:

  • Severe pain with every movement, swallowing and talking, if the localization is in oral cavity;
  • Damage to the skin disrupts sleep and negatively affects the nervous system.
  • The child becomes capricious, irritable and quickly loses weight.

Viral pemphigus in children of the vulgar type is a severe and dangerous form of the disease. In most cases, its course becomes malignant and progressive.

If adequate and competent treatment is not selected in a timely manner, they will develop dangerous complications in the endocrine and nervous systems. And the child can die from serious metabolic damage and extensive purulent processes.


Vegetative form A characteristic distinctive feature of this species is the development of vegetations on the skin with a benign course. Skin symptoms form limited foci that are not prone to proliferation.

If vegetative pemphigus in children remains without qualified treatment, then gradually it will develop into a vulgar form.

There are two known types of vegetative forms of the disease:

  1. Pemphigus Apollo, which is distinguished by such characteristics as:
    • The formation of pustules (blisters with purulent filling), and the formation of vegetation from them;
    • The opened pustule leaves a wound weeping surface with an unpleasant odor;
    • Has a high risk of secondary bacterial infection.

Most often, this vegetative form of Apollo occurs in children after long-term treatment with corticosteroids.

  1. Neumann's pemphigus, differs in localization in places such as, armpits, genital area, scalp skin under hair. Distinctive features are:
  • Formation of vegetation (growth) directly on the erosive surface of a burst bubble. The growths resemble appearance cauliflower.
  • Erosion practically does not heal;
  • The place of drying erosion resembles a flat wart.

Exfoliative (leaf-shaped) form

In medicine, several classifications of the disease are used, which are based on the manifestation pathological process, its varieties, characteristics of the course of the disease, as well as degrees of severity.

Basic forms:

  • true or acantholytic pemphigus. It combines several types of diseases that are the most dangerous for humans and can provoke the progression of complications that are dangerous not only to health, but also to human life;
  • benign or non-acantholytic pemphigus. Is less dangerous pathology. It proceeds relatively easily.

Depending on the characteristics of the disease and severity:

  • mild degree. Pathological elements on the skin form gradually. The number of lesions is minimal;
  • moderate. This form is characterized by the formation of blisters on the skin and oral mucosa. The number of lesions increases;
  • heavy. Most of the skin is affected. Ulcers can be found in the mouth. Foci of inflammation merge and form large conglomerates. Concomitant pathologies develop.

Varieties of true pemphigus

Pemphigus vulgare. This type of pathology is diagnosed in patients more often.

Blisters form on the skin, but there are no signs of inflammation. If pemphigus is not treated on time, then pathological elements can spread throughout the entire skin.

It is worth noting that they can merge and form large lesions.

The main signs of viral pemphigus

Parents can notice viral pemphigus in their child based on several signs:

  • Before the blisters characteristic of the disease appear, the baby may complain of weakness, increased drowsiness, headache.
  • After about three days, blisters filled with serous contents appear in the child’s mouth, arms, legs, and less often, buttocks.
  • The appearance of a rash in some children is accompanied by an increase in temperature, but usually it does not last long.
  • The blisters quickly open and in their place remain small wounds or ulcers, which are painful, especially in the oral cavity.
  • Some children have mouth ulcers so painful that they force them to refuse to eat.


Modern dermatologists distinguish following forms diseases:

  • vulgar;
  • leaf-shaped;
  • vegetative;
  • Brazilian;
  • erythematous;
  • paraneoplastic.

The infectious process begins after a short (from several days to a week) incubation period. The first symptoms of the disease are similar to those of a cold or ARVI:

Photo of viral pemphigus in the mouth of a child

The first symptoms of viral pemphigus in children begin to appear 3-6 days after infection. Usually parents do not attach importance to these symptoms because they are nonspecific. The first symptoms include:

  • drowsiness;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • poor appetite;
  • sudden change of mood;
  • heat.

IN in rare cases the child may have:

  • runny nose;
  • cough;
  • vomit;
  • headache;
  • diarrhea.

All of the above signs manifest themselves within 12-36 hours. Then symptoms specific to viral pemphigus become apparent. These are watery blisters that may appear on the palms, feet (soles), mouth, or genitals.

The blisters themselves have the following characteristics:

  • elongated or oval shape;
  • itching and painful sensations;
  • clear or whitish liquid inside;
  • redness around;
  • erosion after the bubble bursts;

If the disease affects the oral cavity, blisters appear in the mouth yellow color with a red rim around and a high temperature will rise. Along with the bubbles appears bad smell from mouth.

The blisters hurt even if you don’t touch them, and the pain intensifies when swallowing, as well as when eating food. In order not to further irritate the oral mucosa, doctors advise avoiding cold, hot, sour or spicy foods during this period.

Viral pemphigus of the oral cavity is easily confused with a sore throat, since the symptoms are identical in appearance. Therefore, at the first signs of illness, it is best to immediately contact medical institution for help.

Getting a diagnosis early will help you avoid prescribing antibiotics, which can cause additional rashes on the body.

In severe cases of the disease, blisters appear on the knees, elbows, buttocks and crotches and may become larger The lymph nodes on the neck. If blisters form on the feet or palms, the consequence may be peeling of the nail plate.

The peeling process itself is painless, and the nails begin to grow back after 2 weeks. With viral pemphigus, the high temperature lasts no more than 5 days.

After this time, the temperature returns to normal and the child begins to feel better. From the onset of the disease to full recovery approximately 10 days pass.

But it should be taken into account that after recovery, the Kosaki ecterovirus will be excreted along with the feces for another 3 months.

Basically, viral pemphigus manifests itself with a number of symptoms. But there are also times when it can be asymptomatic. And here there are several pitfalls.

Firstly, such a course of the disease is fraught with complications, because treatment will not be prescribed on time. And secondly, the disease will manifest itself at the most severe stage and will require much more serious treatment.

The main symptoms (signs of manifestation) include:

Viral pemphigus in children and adults is a disease that has similar symptoms, regardless of its type. A feature of acantholytic and non-acantholytic pemphigus is its wave-like course. If timely assistance is not provided, the patient’s condition will rapidly deteriorate.

General symptoms:

  • loss of appetite;
  • weakness;
  • symptoms of cachexia increase;
  • epithelization of erosions slows down.

Symptoms of the disease depend on which form begins to progress in a person.

With pemphigus vulgaris, blisters of various sizes form on the skin. They have a flaccid and thin-walled shell.

First they are localized in the oral cavity. Usually, a sick person, after discovering pathological elements, goes to see a dentist, but in fact, a dermatologist is involved in the diagnosis and treatment of pemphigus vulgaris.

Main complaints: pain when talking and eating, unpleasant odor from the mouth.

Symptoms of the disease persist for 3–12 months. If treatment is not taken during this period, the pathological formations will begin to spread and spread to the skin. In severe cases, intoxication syndrome and the addition of a secondary infection are observed.

The size of the blisters in the erythematous form is relatively small. The walls of the bladder are thin and flaccid. Formations can spontaneously open. It is very difficult to diagnose such pemphigus in children and adults.

The leaf form primarily affects the skin, but sometimes spreads to the mucous membrane. Its main difference from other forms is the simultaneous formation of pathological blisters and crusts, layered on top of each other.

With such a disease, sepsis may develop, which often leads to the death of the patient.

Diagnosis of pathology

Viral pemphigus is quite common and diagnosis is not difficult. However, the symptoms of the disease may be similar to chicken pox and other diseases with skin manifestations.

For accurate diagnosis An immunological test of the baby’s blood is carried out, which shows the presence in the blood of specific antibodies to Coxsackie virus antigens.

A dermatologist diagnoses pemphigus in children by visual inspection skin and oral cavity of the child. Having established a diagnosis of viral pemphigus, the infected child is admitted to a hospital. The doctor performs histological, cytological and immunological examination and treatment.

  • the use of antipyretic drugs, which help not only lower body temperature, but relieve painful symptoms;
  • use of glucocorticosteroid and immunological drugs;
  • apply antimicrobial antiseptic ointments to the resulting wounds;
  • to avoid dehydration, maintain frequent drinking regimen;
  • Frequent changes of linen help prevent the development of re-infection.

Drugs for the treatment of childhood pemphigus are prescribed throughout the entire period of the rash on the skin and mucous membranes of the child. To prevent the disease from getting worse, use medicines do not cancel, even if there is positive result in treatment until complete recovery.

Careful and long-term treatment contributes to a long period of remission.


Treatment of any type of pemphigus in a child of any age contains systemic and local remedies. Complex therapeutic measures prescribed by the doctor, any changes must be agreed with him. Application of various folk remedies may cause irreparable harm to the child's health.

Systemic therapy

This type of treatment begins after the first blistering elements are identified on the child’s skin, the sooner the better. For the treatment of vulgar and other types of pemphigus, the following are prescribed:

  • systemic glucocorticosteroids (prednisolone) in high and medium age dosages for several weeks;
  • immunosuppressive drugs (azathioprine, cyclophosphamide, cyclosporine);
  • plasmapheresis sessions;
  • antibiotics with wide range exposure (cephalosporins of the 3rd generation and higher) in the presence of complications.

Local treatment

This type of therapy has a number of features depending on the form of the disease.

For the treatment of vulgar and erythematous pemphigus, the following are prescribed:

  • local products with a drying effect (aniline dyes);
  • after this - ointment dressings for speedy healing (Levomekol).

Treatment of the vegetative form includes:

  • the vegetation itself is removed only surgically(laser ablation or using triamcinolone suspension);
  • local treatment consists of drying and using antimicrobial ointments (Miramistin).

Pemphigus foliaceus can be eliminated using the following local remedies:

  • general baths with anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • astringent additives (oak bark);
  • ointment dressings with glucocorticosteroids;

Only with careful and long-term treatment and the absence of provoking factors, this form of childhood pemphigus can go into a long-term stage of remission.

For all types of pemphigus, special rehabilitation is not required.

Pemphigus treatment is quite difficult process. Self-medication is unacceptable. The disease progresses quite quickly and, affecting large areas of the skin, can lead to disruption internal organs.

Treatment must be carried out in a hospital. Corticosteroid medications are prescribed to relieve symptoms.

Initially, they are taken in large doses. Blood and urine sugar levels, blood pressure and hygiene rules are monitored.

It is necessary to change bed and underwear more often to prevent re-infection.

Treatment is combined with anabolic steroids, as well as ascorbic acid, calcium and potassium. Reception medicines continues until the rash disappears completely. When rapid improvement Under no circumstances should treatment be stopped so as not to cause an exacerbation.

Prevention of pemphigus

If the child has already had pemphigus, then it is necessary to support hormonal therapy. Healthy children need to be taught the need to observe personal hygiene rules, especially washing their hands after using the toilet and before eating. The room needs to be regularly ventilated and wet cleaned.

Benign pemphigus

Benign familial pemphigus is a disease that affects adolescents and young adults. To date, the reasons that cause it have not been fully elucidated.

Members of the same family do not always get sick. This fact is the reason why the disease has several names.

It is called benign pemphigus dermatitis herpetiformis. The disease is unpredictable.

The disease has a wave-like course, and therefore treatment should be selected depending on the symptoms and activity of the process. Pemphigus is a disease in children that, if left untreated, can be life-threatening.

It gets worse quickly and must be treated by a professional. After defeat large area skin, internal organs are involved in the process.

Pemphigus in children requires a dermatological hospital setting. Treatment requires the use of hormonal, cytostatic drugs, as well as agents that can improve the baby’s condition and bring the disease into a controlled form.

To do this, high doses of medications should be used at the beginning of therapy.

In addition, special attention is paid to personal hygiene, changing bed and underwear. During treatment, it is necessary to monitor blood and urine glucose levels and blood pressure. Maintaining cleanliness prevents additional infection.

The treatment regimen involves the use of corticosteroid drugs, anabolic steroid hormones, calcium, potassium and vitamins. The duration of taking the drugs depends on the presence of blisters and their regression.

If the baby’s condition improves, do not immediately stop taking corticosteroid medications, as this may cause an exacerbation. Therapy involves monitoring the patient’s condition by registering him with a dispensary.

Outpatients should not be exposed to severe physical activity and nervous tension.

WITH therapeutic purpose Hormonal medications are prescribed internally and externally. Steroid doses should be reduced by a few milligrams each week. The decline should continue until it reaches minimum dose which provides a supporting effect.

A positive result is observed when using a complex of drugs: hormones, cytostatics and immunosuppressants. Even after disappearing skin manifestations You should not stop taking immunosuppressants for several more months.

In addition, it is necessary to purify the blood by hemosorption and plasmapheresis. This is especially true for guys who have concomitant pathology, For example, diabetes or hyperfunction of the thyroid gland.

Diet for illness involves eating hypoallergenic products, cereals and protein foods. To avoid secondary infection, you should use herbal baths With oak bark, chamomile or a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Erosion must be lubricated with weak disinfectant solutions, followed by lubrication with hormone-based ointment.

In order to reduce temperature and improve general condition Antipyretic drugs other than aspirin should be used. Treatment of pemphigus in newborns consists of isolating the baby in the pathology department. Bubbles should be lubricated with an antiseptic. Also widely used:

  • ultra-violet rays;
  • antibacterial agents;
  • detoxification and maintenance therapy in the form of infusions.

As antibacterial drugs antistaphylococcal gamma globulin is used. In addition, treatment of pemphigus in newborns includes transfusion of plasma and flame elements.

In the presence of heart failure with edematous syndrome, cardiac glycosides and diuretics should be used.

Viral pemphigus is determined by an experienced pediatrician immediately after examining the child’s skin and mouth. Specific treatment diseases are not carried out, since special drugs there is no way to neutralize and remove the virus from the body. The doctor prescribes symptomatic treatment:

  • Antipyretics are used when the temperature rises - Nurofen, Paracetamol. These medications also have an analgesic effect, which can reduce the pain of mouth ulcers.
  • The gel, which is used when teething, also helps to reduce pain for babies. A small amount of gel should be carefully rubbed into those parts of the mouth where there are ulcers.
  • During the formation of ulcers, the child must be fed light foods that do not irritate the mucous membranes. That is, you need to exclude spicy, too hot and sour dishes.
  • A sick baby should drink as much and as often as possible; this will improve overall well-being and prevent dehydration. The child must be forced to drink, even if it is painful for him to do so due to the presence of ulcers in the mouth.
  • There is no point in giving antibiotics to a child. Viral pemphigus is caused by a virus and antibacterial treatment in this case it is inappropriate.

During illness it is necessary to devote increased attention body hygiene, you need to periodically change bed linen and avoid scratching the bubbles. If a child scratches the blisters with dirty hands, a secondary infection may occur, which will cause a rise in temperature and the development of streptoderma.

For secondary infection, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics.

To relieve itching and irritation of the skin with blisters, you can use ointments and lotions with anti-inflammatory ingredients. After the wounds dry, it is recommended to use emollient creams, this will enhance tissue regeneration.

Soreness in the mouth is relieved by drinking cool drinks. Treatment should be accompanied by periodic ventilation of the room and constant wet cleaning.

Viral pemphigus in a child usually goes away in a week or a little more. The blisters begin to dry out two to three days after opening; the temperature usually lasts only the first days of the illness.

If parents note that the blisters are not healing well, the temperature does not decrease, and the child’s well-being does not improve, then it is necessary to consult a doctor for additional treatment.

Treatment of the disease is aimed at alleviating the child’s condition. After all, the disease usually goes away on its own after 10 days.

With the development of viral pemphigus in children, treatment is aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the disease and improving the general condition of the patient. Treatment of the disease is carried out using external folk remedies.

Such drugs are removed pain syndrome, have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects, promote rapid wound healing and regeneration of mucous membranes and skin.

The baby is also given decoctions to strengthen the immune system.

There is no need to take antiviral drugs for this disease, since the infection goes away on its own. The duration of the disease is in most cases 10 days. Antiviral drugs have a negative toxic effect on the child’s liver.

Folk recipes

Remedies to strengthen the immune system:

  1. Mint and calendula. Steam 1 tsp in a glass of boiling water. dried or fresh calendula flowers and mint leaves. Give the child 50 ml three times a day.
  2. Kalina. In 1 l. brew 250 g of water fresh berries viburnum, boil over low heat for 10 minutes, then cool and filter. Add 2 tbsp to the decoction. l. honey Give the baby 50 ml three times a day.
  3. Voronets. Steam 1 tsp in a glass of boiling water. of this plant, leave for an hour, then filter. Add honey to taste. Give the baby 50 ml 2-3 times a day.
  4. Herbal collection. Steam 1 tsp in 300 ml of boiling water. chopped willow twigs, elm bark and birch buds, boil over low heat under a closed lid for 10 minutes, then cool and filter. Add honey to taste. Give the patient 1 tbsp. three times a day.

External means:

Considering the insidiousness and high danger of dermatosis, treatment is carried out in a hospital setting according to individual scheme, including systemic and local effects. Attempts to get rid of rashes on your own or treatment folk recipes could cost a child his life.

The diagnosis of viral pemphigus can only be made by an infectious disease doctor, and it is he who will prescribe correct treatment. Therapy is aimed at eliminating symptoms.

Therefore, external agents that have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects are used to treat viral pemphigus. This method promotes skin regeneration, thanks to which wound healing occurs faster.

At this time, the child should be given medications that strengthen immune system. Accept antiviral tablets Doctors do not advise it, since after 10 days the disease goes away on its own.

An on-site doctor, without prescribing any additional tests, can immediately diagnose the disease and prescribe treatment, which will consist of:

  • Taking antipyretic and painkillers. For children, Nurofen is most often prescribed, which has both effects, Paracetamol
  • The use of special pain-relieving gels, especially if blisters appear in the mouth. For this, the same gels are usually used as during teething. For example, Kalgel. A little gel is squeezed out and rubbed with gentle movements into the place where the ulcer has formed.
  • Taking hormonal medications, but only if the disease has reached a severe stage and the child’s condition has noticeably worsened
  • Drinking cool drinks that will have a positive effect on the oral mucosa and relieve pain and itching

In addition, it is necessary to exclude salty and spicy dishes, which will only irritate the mucous membrane. For a while, it is better to switch to mushy foods or purees so that it does not hurt your baby to swallow.

In the attached video you can learn about dermatitis.

Viral pemphigus is very common in children. And all because it is easily transmitted from child to child. All it takes is for one person to cough or sneeze, and the virus can be passed on to the next person. Therefore, every parent should know the main symptoms of the disease so that they can immediately contact a specialist and not delay treatment.

Today, several methods are used to treat the disease:

  • drug therapy;
  • local treatment;
  • extracorporeal methods.

Drug therapy includes the administration of the following groups of drugs:

  • antibiotics;
  • corticosteroids;
  • cytostatics.

Local treatment:

  • ointments containing corticosteroids;
  • baths with the addition of potassium permanganate;
  • irrigation of the surface of the mucous membrane and skin with anesthetic solutions;
  • use of aniline dyes.

Extracorporeal techniques:

  • hemosorption;
  • hemodialysis;
  • plasmapheresis.

Disease prevention

The main direction of prevention is to prevent the development of exacerbation of the disease. For this, parents little patient necessary:

  • carefully follow all medical recommendations;
  • do not interrupt the course of treatment with glucocorticosteroids on your own, even if it is very long;
  • exclude exposure to provoking factors (ultraviolet radiation, certain medications).
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    04.07.2015 Doctor kids

    The adult family member caring for the baby should take measures to reduce the likelihood of infection. That is, you must constantly wash your hands with soap, it is advisable to wear a disposable bandage, and when applying ointment to the skin, you must use protective gloves.

    After successful recovery, parents need to know that the Coxsackie virus remains active in stool for several more months, so it is necessary to take preventive measures, preventing disease.

    To prevent development and exacerbation, as well as to prevent the risk of infecting other people with viral pemphigus, you must:

    • follow and implement all recommendations of a dermatologist;
    • protect the child from exposure to UV rays;
    • observe the rules of personal hygiene;
    • help improve immunity;
    • A parent who is caring for a sick child and applying ointment to sore spots should use medical gloves. This will prevent the risk of becoming infected yourself.

    Treatment of pediatric viral pemphigus, regardless of the child’s age, is based on specialized drug therapy, and compliance with certain safety measures.

    Therapy should not be avoided or interrupted under any circumstances. If the disease is neglected and the medications prescribed by the doctor are not used, this will lead to irreversible consequences.

    And an infected child, without receiving medical care, may die. Therefore, when the first symptoms and signs of the disease appear, the child’s parents should urgently it is necessary to seek qualified help from medical specialists.

    Post Views: 848

Pemphigus - dermatological disease, manifested by a blistering rash on the skin. At severe course a secondary infection may occur. What causes this disease in an adult, what types are there and what is used for treatment?

What kind of disease is this

The concept “pemphigus” combines a number of skin diseases with similar symptoms. They can be called for various reasons. The main symptom for which this group was collected is a blistering rash on the skin. In some cases, the rash also affects the mucous membranes.


The group of blistering dermatoses includes the following diseases:

    pemphigus classic or pemphigus;

    pemphigus ocular or cicatricial pemphigoid;

    bullous pemphigoid;

    Dühring's dermatitis herpetiformis.

The classification is based on the mechanism of formation of pemphigus vesicles. True pemphigus is pemphigus. Rashes with it are formed as a result of acantholysis - destruction of the spinous layer of the epidermis. The disease is serious and can be fatal.

All other types are pemphigoid, or non-acantholytic pemphigus in adults. It is less severe and usually ends favorably.

reading information

Reasons for appearance

It is more convenient to consider the causes of pemphigus by specific diseases. In some cases the reasons are similar, in others they are different.

  1. Classic pemphigus has been proven to be an autoimmune disease.
  2. Pemphigus of the eyes is also of autoimmune origin.
  3. Bullous pemphigoid is a disease of autoimmune origin. It may occur as a manifestation of paraneoplastic syndrome in tumor diseases.
  4. Dermatitis herpetiformis or Dühring's disease is a disease of unknown etiology.

Note. It is believed that there is hereditary predisposition To Dühring's disease, gluten intolerance plays a role. There is also a theory that it is viral pemphigus in adults.


Despite common feature in the form of a blistering rash, various diseases are characterized by their own, characteristic only for them, manifestations.


This classic version pemphigus. The essence of the disease is the appearance of blisters from exfoliated epidermis on the inflamed skin. Mostly people over 35 years of age get sick; children get sick very rarely.

The first rashes appear on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, in the pharynx. Gradually the rash spreads to the entire body. Pemphigus vesicles on the mucous membrane are very thin and burst easily. In their place, erosive changes form. As a result, eating and even talking are very difficult due to pain.

Pemphigus vesicles on the skin are more durable, but they also open with the formation of erosions. They occupy vast areas. Then the erosions are covered with dense crusts, after the removal of which foci of pigmentation remain.

Note. The disease can have a benign course, in which the patient’s condition practically does not worsen. There is also a malignant course with severe intoxication, exhaustion and dehydration.

According to the characteristics of symptoms, four forms are distinguished:

    pemphigus vulgaris;

    pemphigus foliaceus;

    seborrheic pemphigus, or erythematous;


With pemphigus vegetans, the rash tends to be located in skin folds, around the natural openings of the body and the navel. After the blisters open, instead of erosions, skin growths appear - vegetations. They have a grayish color. Papillomas can merge and form extensive lesions. The growths produce abundant fluid. Patients experience severe painful sensations and skin itching.

The leaf-shaped form of pemphigus is often found in children. Bubbles with this option consist of several layers of the epidermis. After opening them, scaly crusts form on the skin.

Important. This disease lasts for many years, gradually spreading to the entire skin, including scalp heads. The larger the lesions, the worse condition patient.

A type of pemphigus foliaceus is Brazilian or epidemic pemphigus. It often affects all members of the same family. The disease is common in South America. There is a high probability that this pemphigus is infectious, but its causative agent has not yet been identified.

Seborrheic pemphigus is called Senir-Usher syndrome. By its origin it is true pemphigus- it can develop into other variants of pemphigus. The main part of the rashes is localized on the skin. If bubbles appear on the mucous membrane, this is an unfavorable sign. The blisters are practically invisible; they immediately become covered with yellow crusts, as with seborrhea.

Pemphigus eye

The disease is typical for women over 50 years of age. First, conjunctivitis develops - unilateral or bilateral. Then, against the background of the inflamed conjunctiva, thin blisters form. After opening them, adhesions are formed, which lead to the fusion of the eyelids with each other. Eyeball becomes immobile and blindness develops.

Note. In addition to the conjunctiva, pemphigus vesicles appear on the oral mucosa. There they are dense and tense. After opening them, deep painful erosions form.

Bullous pemphigoid

Bubbles appear on symmetrical areas of the body - on the sides of the torso, inner thighs. The background may be unchanged or hyperemic skin. Some blisters contain hemorrhagic contents. The rash is accompanied by itching.

The blisters can merge and reach several centimeters in diameter, forming bullae.

Dühring's dermatitis

Occurs at puberty, more often in men. Unlike other types of pemphigus in adults, the rash here is polymorphic. First, hyperemia of the skin appears, on which blisters, papules and blisters form. After some time, erosions and crusts form in their place. The rashes resemble those of herpes - they are located in separate groups, on symmetrical areas of the body. Accompanied by severe skin itching.


The diagnosis is based on a characteristic clinical picture. Confirmation is a histological examination of the epidermis. If acantholysis is detected, the diagnosis of pemphigus is considered reliable.

Pemphigoids - bullous and cicatricial - are diagnosed based on the characteristic clinical picture. At histological examination In the epidermis, acantholysis of the stratum spinosum is not detected.

Dühring's dermatitis is diagnosed based on the typical clinical picture. Of the specific methods, the Jadasson test is used - when applying an iodine solution to the skin, the number of rashes increases.


True pemphigus, which is an autoimmune disease, can be treated hormonal drugs .

Important. Since the disease is fatal without proper therapy, there are no contraindications to the use of corticosteroids in this case. The benefits of their use far outweigh the risk of side effects.

The main drugs used in the treatment of pemphigus are Prednisolone and Dexamethasone. They start taking them with high doses, then there is gradual decline to a maintenance dose - one at which the appearance of fresh rashes will not be observed.

Cytostatic agents are prescribed simultaneously with corticosteroids. Usually this is Methotrexate or Cyclosporine. A long-acting corticosteroid is also used - Diprospan injection.

Local treatment of pemphigus in adults is of secondary importance. Bubbles and erosions are treated with antiseptics - brilliant green solution, fucorcin. For extensive rashes, baths with potassium permanganate are used.

Solcoseryl, a paste with a regenerating effect, is applied to the mucous membranes. Apply rinses with antiseptics. Thorough sanitation of the oral cavity must be ensured.

Treatment of dermatitis herpetiformis involves the use of DDS - diamindiphenyl sulfone. The drug is taken in courses. A diet excluding gluten products is indicated. Local treatment is the same as for true pemphigus.

Treatment of viral pemphigus in adults consists of using antiviral drugs- orally and locally. The drug is determined by the doctor after examining the contents of the blisters.


Some cases of pemphigus in adults end favorably. Some have a tendency to become chronic and last for many years. Some cases without adequate treatment lead to the death of the patient. Death occurs due to extensive damage to the skin, secondary infection and the development of sepsis.

Pemphigus in children is a disease viral etiology. The disease is accompanied by the formation of characteristic blisters on the skin that quickly spread throughout the epithelium.

Children of primary and preschool age are at risk. At improper treatment pemphigus can cause serious complications and disrupt the child's quality of life. Therapy should be carried out comprehensively and in stages.

Concept and characteristics

Pemphigus in a child - photo:

Pemphigus is infection, which is characterized by the formation of painful blisters on the skin. Visually, they resemble bubbles filled with liquid.

The progression of a viral disease leads to draining blisters and a rapid increase in their number. The pathological process is accompanied not only by itching and burning, but also by severe pain.

Pemphigus is considered seasonal disease. The greatest activity of the virus is observed in the autumn and spring.


The causative agent of pemphigus is. The disease can be transmitted by airborne droplets or upon contact with contaminated objects. Symptoms of the disease do not occur in all children.

The main condition for the development of pemphigus is considered to be weak immunity.

If the protective functions of the child’s body are not impaired, then contact with a carrier of the virus can do without negative consequences.

Increase the risk of infection child, the following factors:

  • weakening of the immune system under the influence of uncontrolled use of potent medications;
  • congenital autoimmune pathologies;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • hormonal disorders in the body;
  • neglect of personal hygiene rules;
  • negative impact environment on the child’s body;
  • pathologies associated with the central nervous system;
  • contact with objects common use without observing safety measures.


In medical practice, pemphigus is divided into several varieties. They differ not only place of localization, but also the process of its development.

Determining the specific type of disease is necessary for prescribing a certain course of treatment. For therapy individual varieties The disease requires the use of special drugs and regimens for their use. Pemphigus can develop in mild, moderate, severe or chronic forms.

Types of pemphigus:

Symptoms and signs

The incubation period for pemphigus is seven days. The first symptom of the disease is a deterioration in the child’s general condition. The appearance of characteristic blisters occurs after two or three days.

In some cases, blistering may be accompanied by a rash. Further development The disease resembles chickenpox. Blisters can appear singly or immediately cover a significant part of the skin.

A distinctive feature of pemphigus is the merging of bubbles with each other.

The symptoms of pemphigus are: signs:

Complications and consequences

In some cases, pemphigus may become chronic. Such forms of the disease provoke serious damage to internal organs and impair their performance.

IN childhood such complications are rare and only as a result of the lack of the right approach to treatment. Most often, pemphigus has a favorable prognosis and goes away without a trace in young patients.

Possible complications The disease may have the following consequences:

  • heart failure;
  • sepsis;
  • encephalitis.


In most cases, doctors are able to identify pemphigus in children by visual examination.

If you join the disease additional infection or specialists suspect a complication of the pathological process, then an additional examination is prescribed.

When diagnosing a disease, the following can be used procedures:

  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • cytological examination of fluid from blisters;
  • checking blood for the presence of specific antibodies;
  • histological studies;
  • comprehensive stool analysis;
  • cerebrospinal fluid analysis.

How to treat?

When drawing up a treatment plan for pemphigus, doctors take into account individual characteristics child's body , the degree of skin damage and the presence of additional infections.

With the correct and timely therapy the symptoms of the disease disappear after a week.

If the skin is affected in minor degree , then treatment can only consist of the use of medications that eliminate pain.


Need for use strong medications when treating pemphigus, it occurs in the case of significant damage to the skin or a serious condition of the child.

To eliminate the symptoms of the disease, antipyretic, hormonal, antivirals, as well as drugs of other categories.

When treating pemphigus, the following may be prescribed: drugs:

  • means to reduce body temperature (Ibuprofen, Acetaminophen);
  • glucocorticosteroids (Dexamethasone);
  • hormonal drugs (Prednisolone, Betamethasone);
  • combination medications (pharmacy talkers);
  • antihistamines (Fenistil, Cetrin);
  • antiviral drugs (Viferon, Cycloferon);
  • agents from the group of cytostatics (Azathioprine);
  • antimicrobial drugs (Orasept);
  • antiseptics (Miramistin).


Physiotherapy procedures for pemphigus are prescribed at the discretion of the doctor.

This technique becomes mandatory if there are complications or damage to large areas of the skin of a small patient.

Medicines for physiotherapeutic procedures are selected by specialists on an individual basis. Doctors take into account not only the general condition of the child, but also his age.

Kinds applied procedures:

  • electrical stimulation of the bladder;
  • electrophoresis with proserine or atropine;
  • electrical stimulation;
  • electrophoresis with calcium chloride;
  • magnetotherapy.

Folk remedies

Recipes alternative medicine They help relieve the pain of pemphigus. They are allowed to be used, but only after consultation with a doctor and conducting comprehensive survey child.

Some forms of pemphigus require the mandatory use of potent medications. Self-medication with folk remedies can complicate therapy and slow down the healing process of a young patient.

Examples of folk remedies used for pemphigus in children:

  1. Lotions with nettle juice (fresh leaves nettles must be crushed, squeezed out the juice, a cotton pad is moistened in the resulting liquid, the preparation must be applied to blisters or crusts several times a day).
  2. Compresses with aloe juice(you need to extract the pulp from the aloe leaves, soak a cotton pad in the juice and apply the lotion several times a day to the affected areas of the child’s skin).
  3. Healing infusion to strengthen the general condition of the child (in equal quantities you need to combine yarrow, chamomile, St. John's wort, birch buds and calendula, pour boiling water over a teaspoon of the resulting mixture, leave and consume in small portions throughout the day).
  4. Lotions with oils(cotton swab soaked in sea buckthorn, sunflower or olive oil, should be applied to the affected areas of the skin several times a day, the procedure helps speed up the process of peeling off the crusts).

Doctor Komarovsky's opinion

Blisters that occur on the mucous membranes are more difficult to treat, and complications can cause extremely negative consequences.

For example, blisters in the eye area increase the likelihood decreased vision. Plays a big role proper care for the child. Blisters must be handled with gloves. Otherwise, the risk of infection for an adult will increase.

Based on the opinion of Dr. Komarovsky, the following can be done: conclusions:

  • diet (excluding sour, spicy and salty foods from the diet);
  • during the period of illness, it is necessary to limit the child’s consumption of sweets;
  • Hot foods and drinks should be excluded from the child’s diet;
  • clothes for the child should be chosen from natural materials (the cut should be loose to ensure a constant supply of oxygen to the wounds);
  • the room in which the child is located must be regularly ventilated and wet cleaned;
  • It is not recommended to bathe children in the first week of disease progression (the healing process of wounds will worsen under the influence of moisture).


Favorable prognosis for pemphigus is possible only in case of adequate and timely therapy.

If the symptoms of the disease are ignored for a long time or self-medication is used, the consequences can pose a threat to the child’s life.

Pemphigus has the ability recur. When it occurs regularly, the protective functions of the child’s body are reduced. The baby becomes vulnerable to infections and viruses, many of which increase the risk of death.

The nuances of forecasting pemphigus:

  • overdose of hormonal drugs causes complications;
  • eliminating the use of corticosteroids slows down the treatment process and leads to relapses;
  • self-medication can provoke the addition of additional infections that are dangerous to the child’s life.

Prevention measures

Prevention of pemphigus is mainly aimed at strengthening protective functions child's body. In most cases, the virus affects weakened children.

If the child has suffered a serious illness or surgery, then strengthening the immune system should be given special attention.

Additionally required control your diet children and the conditions in which they find themselves. Children should be taught personal hygiene from a very early age.

Measures to prevent pemphigus are as follows: recommendations:

  1. The child must have individual means hygiene (towel, toothbrush, etc.).
  2. Strengthening the child’s immune system from the first days of his life (long-term breast-feeding, proper diet nutrition, vitamins according to age).
  3. The child’s clothes must be clean, and the room in which he stays must meet sanitary requirements.
  4. The child should know that it is impossible to come close to people with signs of a cold (for example, a person who is sneezing or coughing).
  5. All diseases (regardless of etiology) must be treated promptly and fully.

If a child develops symptoms of pemphigus, it is necessary to as soon as possible consult a doctor. The disease is not fatal dangerous infections, but the lack of therapy can cause the addition of other pathological processes.

The presence of complications becomes the basis for unfavorable prognosis. Some consequences may not respond to treatment and disrupt the baby’s quality of life. Self-medication for pemphigus should be excluded.

About epidemic pemphigus of newborns you can find out from the video:

We kindly ask you not to self-medicate. Make an appointment with a doctor!

Children are often exposed to many diseases because their body's immune strength is not enough to resist. various infections. Sometimes on skin or the mucous membranes of the child, you may notice the presence of bubbles. It is this main symptomatic manifestation called pemphigus.

This disease belongs to childhood pathologies that are localized on the skin epithelium and mucous membranes of the body. The formation of such blisters is based on the detachment of the epithelium. Pemphigus can spread very quickly throughout the child's body. Therefore, he demands special attention and immediately contact a dermatologist.

What is pemphigus?

A chronic disease of an autoimmune nature, which manifests itself through the formation of blisters on the skin and mucous membranes, is called pemphigus. This pathology has several stages of progression.

The child's body is fragile and susceptible to many diseases. A disease in which not water but purulent blisters form on the child’s body is called streptoderma. You can read more about this disease in the article on the topic of streptoderma in children, photo.

Symptomatic manifestations of the disease:

  • blisters in the mucous membranes of the eyes, mouth or genitals;
  • the appearance of an unpleasant odor in areas of affected skin;
  • the formation of colorless bubbles inside;
  • after the vesicles rupture, ulcers appear.

Most often, signs of the disease are localized on the mucous membranes in the area:

Causes of pemphigus development

Possible root causes of the formation of pemphigus are disturbances in the functioning of the child’s immune system. As a result, the immune system reacts to its own cellular structures. But damage to the integrity of the skin occurs under the influence of retroviruses or aggressive conditions external environment. Bubbles are formed due to disturbances in metabolic processes between cells.

The main factors provoking the disease are:

  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • violation metabolic processes body;
  • diseases of endocrine organs;
  • changes in the structure of enzymes;
  • exposure to harmful factors.

Viral pemphigus in children

Viral pemphigus spreads, grows and merges quite quickly. Very often, with a disease, you can observe a change from the acute phase to remission and vice versa.

Other viral disease, which is more common in children - molluscum contagiosum. You can see a photo of molluscum contagiosum here.

Most common symptoms viral form pemphigus:

  • the appearance of watery blisters that increase in size;
  • rash on mucous membranes;
  • malaise;
  • feeling of weakness;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • pain when eating.

Over time, complications are possible.

In its acute form, the disease can affect:

Depending on the clinical manifestations, the following are distinguished: possible forms diseases:

The first signs of pemphigus appear after about a week.

At the initial stage of the disease, symptoms are possible:

  • decreased appetite;
  • state of weakness;
  • apathy;
  • inflammatory processes in the throat;
  • increase in temperature.

Sometimes there may be a rash on the body before the blisters appear.

Pemphigus vulgaris

This form of the disease is the most common. Refers to bullous dermatoses, the main element is a bubble.

Typical symptoms for this form of pemphigus are:

  1. The presence of flabby blisters with transparent contents inside.
  2. Bubbles very often lose their integrity and develop into erosions.
  3. Erosion takes a long time to heal and may crack or bleed.
  4. The affected areas most often are the skin and mucous membranes.
  5. With severe damage, palpation of the blisters can cause pain and bleed heavily.
  6. If the formation of bubbles occurs in the mouth, then the child experiences difficult digestion.
  7. A crust may form in the middle of the bubble.
  8. There are no specific localization locations.

Pemphigus foliaceus

Basic symptomatic manifestations this form:

  • the formation of flat bubbles, they have a thin surface;
  • the rash can occur in a variety of areas;
  • after the formations rupture, erosions occur, they do not heal for a long time;
  • violations water-salt metabolism;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • skin defects are located shallowly;
  • the bubbles peel off and have an unpleasant odor;
  • conjunctivitis may develop.

Pemphigus vegetans

This form of the disease is characterized by:

  • benign course;
  • the formation of limited foci;
  • bubbles are located in skin folds and on mucous membranes;
  • Erosion in this form of pemphigus has an unpleasant odor and is covered with a purulent coating.

Very often, this form of the disease can develop into pemphigus vulgaris.

Brazilian form of pemphigus

This form of the disease is not common on the European continent.

Main symptomatic manifestations:

  1. Mostly female children are susceptible; the pathogen can be transmitted within the family.
  2. The back, chest or head are often affected.
  3. Flat blisters form on the skin.

This form of pemphigus is highly treatable and has a favorable prognosis if diagnosed early.

Erythematous form or seborrheic pemphigus

The main symptomatic manifestations of this form of the disease:

  • the bubbles have yellow or brown crusts, visually creating a scaly effect;
  • formations without treatment may dry out;
  • the mucous membranes are rarely affected;
  • After eliminating the bubbles, erosive wounds rarely form.

Paraneoplastic form

Characterized by manifestations:

  • the formation of dense erosions;
  • palms and soles are affected;
  • formation of pigmentation;
  • Thymomas and lymphomas can form.

This form of pemphigus quite difficult to cure. However, timely diagnosis of pemphigus can significantly increase the chances of a favorable outcome of therapy.

Diagnosis of pemphigus in children

A doctor can cure pemphigus dermatologist. However, depending on the course of the disease, consultation with additional specialists may be necessary. Often this is a surgeon or infectious disease specialist. For a complete diagnosis, only an examination by a dermatologist is sufficient. But at the same time, the specialist excludes everything possible diseases, according to the clinical manifestation of the disease.

For a detailed diagnosis of a disease in a child, you may need:

  1. General blood analysis.
  2. Histological analysis of the contents of the vesicles.
  3. Immunological research.
  4. Carrying out an antibiogram.

Read more about diagnostics urticaria pigmentosa the children have here.

Treatment of severe forms of pemphigus

Often treated sharp forms treatment of pemphigus with corticosteroid hormones.

Very often doctors prescribe drugs:

Long-term hormone therapy may lead to various side effects:

  1. Symptomatic Itsenko-Cushing complex.
  2. Obesity.
  3. Diabetes.
  4. Erosive and ulcerative formations in the digestive tract.
  5. Hypertension.
  6. Thrombosis.
  7. Osteoporosis.
  8. Psychological effects: insomnia, psychosis, depression, euphoria.
  9. Attachment of various infections.
  10. Malfunctions of the cardiovascular system.

There are many disadvantages of corticosteroid therapy:

  1. The presence of side effects is not a reason to discontinue therapy.
  2. Correction of treatment with the help of therapeutic measures is necessary.
  3. Discontinuation of corticosteroid treatment leads to relapse of the disease.
  4. Along with hormonal medications, you need to take antibiotics and antifungal medications.

During therapy you must adhere to the following dietary intake:

To increase the effect of cortecosteroid drugs on the body, extracorporeal techniques can be used:

Treatment at home

Hospitalization for the diagnosis of pemphigus is rarely carried out, only in critical situations. Patients are often treated at home. In this case, it is especially important to follow the instructions of your doctor.

However, during therapy at home, parents should adhere to certain recommendations:

  • pay special attention hygiene procedures child;
  • change bed linen more often;
  • do not allow the child to comb the blisters to avoid additional infection.

To relieve itching and irritation, follow a few rules:

  1. Anti-inflammatory creams or lotions can be applied to the affected areas.
  2. After the wounds have dried, it is recommended to use an emollient cream.
  3. Cool water reduces mouth soreness.
  4. It is necessary to ventilate the room periodically.
  5. Wet cleaning must be done daily.

Pemphigus begins to go away after a week. Often, the blisters in children begin to dry out after 3 days. Temperature can be observed only in the first days. If it does not decrease, then it would be better to visit a specialist. There is no single prognosis for all children, since each child’s body is individual.

Complications may occur:


The best way to avoid pemphigus in a child is to follow preventive recommendations.

Main preventive measures with pemphigus are:

  1. Follow the doctor's instructions.
  2. Do not interrupt treatment with hormonal drugs.
  3. Eliminate exposure to provoking factors.

Pemphigus in children of any age requires mandatory and precise implementation of drug therapy. As well as correction of the child’s nutrition and lifestyle.

Dr. Komarovsky about pemphigus in children

Pemphigus can also appear on the mucous membranes of a baby’s eyes. When the disease occurs, the membranes between skin cells are destroyed. In this case, pemphigus in the eye area can lead to further blindness of the child.

Therefore, parents need to adhere to several recommendations:

  1. Eliminate the presence of factors provoking the disease.
  2. Monitor the normalization of water-salt metabolism in the child.
  3. Increase the level of hygiene measures.
  4. Strengthen the baby's immune system.
  5. Regularly care for your baby's skin.
  6. Daily wet cleaning and ventilation of the room.

Pediatrician Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky gives recommendations for the treatment of other childhood diseases, for example, the treatment of diaper dermatitis in children.


And yet, if you cannot avoid the disease, then it is better to refrain from kissing your baby. It is necessary to limit communication infected child with children and relatives. Pemphigus is not so scary, however, it is little studied and has many forms of manifestation.

When diagnosing pemphigus in a child, it is better to follow the described rules to exclude the possibility of transmitting the disease to other family members.

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Viral pemphigus occurs quite often in children under 10 years of age. The causative agent of this disease is the Coxsackie virus. Infection occurs by contact or airborne droplets mainly in summer and autumn. Viral pemphigus is highly contagious and affects almost 100% of children. It is not necessary to have contact with a sick child. Sometimes contact with objects belonging to him is enough. Pemphigus is characterized by special type rash in the form of blisters. They are painful and give the baby a lot of discomfort. Due to damage to the oral mucosa, the child may refuse to eat. The disease is not dangerous, but its treatment cannot be neglected.

Symptoms of viral pemphigus

Symptoms of the disease do not appear immediately after contact with a sick child. As a rule, several days or a week pass. After the incubation period, the first signs appear. They are more like a common cold or acute respiratory viral infection(ARVI). The baby complains of fatigue and drowsiness, moves little and does not play. He becomes lethargic and cheerless. Later, his temperature rises to 38 -38.5 ° C and a sore throat appears. In addition, in some cases there may be a cough, headache, runny nose or even diarrhea. The high temperature can last for several days, after which the child’s condition noticeably improves. Simultaneously with the improvement general well-being other signs of the disease begin to appear: rashes in the form of blisters filled with liquid. They are very similar to the blisters that appear with chickenpox.

The first rashes appear on the mucous membrane of the mouth. The blisters quickly burst, forming painful ulcers. They are most often localized on the inner surface of the cheeks and on the tongue, giving the child severe pain. The sky may also be affected. The baby develops bad breath. The blisters hurt and prevent the child from eating. He may even refuse to drink, which can lead to dehydration. Later, characteristic oval blisters appear on the skin. They cover the soles of the feet and palms, as well as the sides of the hands and feet. The rash may appear on the elbows, knees, buttocks and perineum. The cervical and submandibular lymph nodes may increase in size.

To establish accurate diagnosis carry out a blood test for the presence of specific antibodies.

Treatment of viral pemphigus

Treatment of the disease is aimed at alleviating the child’s condition. After all, the disease usually goes away on its own after 10 days.

Teething gel will help relieve pain. A small amount of gel is gently rubbed into the baby’s gums, tongue and internal surfaces cheeks In the area where there are rashes. It is not recommended to give any drugs intended for the treatment of adults to a child. Feedings should be done more often, but in smaller portions. It is better for a baby to give up solid food for a while and switch to breastfeeding only. For an older child, it is advisable to prepare liquid dishes: soups or cereals. It is recommended to grind solid food through a sieve or grind it using a blender. Children over 1 year old can be offered pieces of frozen juice or compote instead of drinking. Ice will relieve pain, alleviate the baby’s condition and replenish the lack of fluid in the body.

It is best to give drinks and food to your child chilled or at room temperature. Hot temperatures can make the pain worse. It is better to choose non-acidic juices. It is recommended to pamper your baby with ice cream.

A high temperature can be “brought down” with an antipyretic drug. But we must remember that a high temperature indicates that the body is fighting the virus. By lowering the temperature, parents do not allow the child to fully fight the disease. Therefore, lowering the temperature to 38°C is strongly not recommended.

To prevent the disease from getting worse bacterial infection, the affected skin should be treated with a soap solution. Such measures will prevent infection of wounds with other pathogens.

If prescribed by a doctor, you can give it to your baby antihistamines which will relieve itching.

If after 7 days there is no obvious improvement, you need to call the doctor again at home. It may be necessary to adjust treatment or clarify the diagnosis.

In more difficult cases viral pemphigus can “come in waves.” Acute periods alternate with periods of improvement, but complete recovery is not observed. In such cases, and also if the area of ​​skin damage is excessively large, the baby is hospitalized.

For complicated forms of viral pemphigus, hormonal therapy helps. In addition, drugs that suppress the immune system are prescribed.

Where can you get infected with pemphigus?

Most often, children become infected in nurseries and kindergartens.

Although you can catch the virus anywhere: on the beach, on a trolleybus, in a store and in a sandbox. Wherever there are a lot of people.

Children with reduced immunity and with a hereditary predisposition are more likely to become infected with viral pemphigus.

Poor personal hygiene also increases the risk of infection. Family members who have a sick person need to be especially careful.

Unfortunately, lasting immunity to the disease is not developed. There are many strains of viral pemphigus. After illness, the child receives immune protection only from the strain of the virus that you had. It is still defenseless against other strains. Therefore, parents of children who have already had viral pemphigus need to be vigilant.

Disease prevention

You can reduce the likelihood of developing a disease if you carefully adhere to the rules of personal hygiene. Basic hand washing after going outside can protect a child from the discomfort and pain that accompany viral pemphigus.

If next door or in kindergarten cases of viral pemphigus have been recorded, it is worth temporarily not visiting the children's group and avoiding playgrounds in the yard. For some time, you can organize walks to remote places where there are no crowds. large quantity adults and children.

We must remember that the child remains contagious for about 3 months after complete recovery. Therefore, if there are known cases of illness in children of friends or acquaintances, you should refuse an invitation to visit them for this period.

If there are other children in the family, the sick child must be isolated. Household items he uses need to be treated disinfectants. It’s better to give him everything separately. When visiting the room of a sick child, the mother needs to not only wash her hands, but also change clothes. In the room where the patient is located, it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning with disinfectants regularly (preferably daily). Ventilate the room daily.

Symptoms and treatment of epidemic pemphigus in newborns

Epidemic pemphigus of newborns appears from the first days of life. Blisters filled with gray-yellow liquid appear on the skin. The baby may develop a fever and become restless. Very soon the blisters become purulent and spread throughout the body. After a while, the blisters open and in their place, itchy bright red sores form.

Pathogen of this disease is Staphylococcus aureus.

Treatment of epidemic pemphigus is usually carried out locally. The abscesses are carefully opened and treated with ointments containing sulfonamide drugs and antibiotics. Wash the sores with a solution of potassium permanganate. But sometimes it may be necessary general treatment antibiotics or hormonal therapy. In difficult cases, hospitalization of the baby is necessary.

In weakened children, the disease can cause various complications: pneumonia and even sepsis.

Premature babies are more likely to become infected with pemphigus. Complicated pregnancy and childbirth also increase the risk of infection in the infant. The source of infection is the medical staff of the maternity hospital or the mother of the child.

Prevention of this disease is a set of measures to examine pregnant women and maternity hospital staff in order to identify carriers of the infection. Also, regular quartzing of wards, disinfection of premises and wearing cotton-gauze dressings upon contact with a baby.



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