Uzi on the 5th day of menstruation for what. Indications for examination

Regular examinations help a person to prevent or detect many pathologies in time. Without modern technology specialists cannot correctly diagnose and prescribe the appropriate treatment. Medicine develops every year: the 21st century has become a period when therapy brings positive results even in the most deplorable situations.

From this article you will learn about diagnostics, which is intended for the fairer sex. It's called a gynecological ultrasound. On which day of the cycle to do it depends on the situation. Let's consider all cases.

Purpose of the survey

Gynecological is necessary for women at least once a year. If there are any complaints, the doctor may prescribe additional examination. The following symptoms will be the reason for the diagnosis:

  • prolonged periods or breakthrough bleeding in the middle of the cycle;
  • pain in the lower segment of the peritoneum, general malaise and weakness;
  • discharge from bad smell and unusual texture;
  • delayed menstruation in the absence of pregnancy;
  • suspicion of pathologies such as endometritis, endometriosis, salpingitis and;
  • the presence of neoplasms in the pelvis: fibroids, ovarian cysts and endocervix.

Ultrasound diagnosis is also performed for women receiving therapy. In this case, it helps to study the effectiveness of the selected treatment. Doctors often prescribe comprehensive research, which, in addition to ultrasound, include a lot of laboratory diagnostics.

Free examination

AT last years almost all representatives of the weaker sex are aware of where ultrasound is done. Research can be carried out both in the state and in private clinic. In order for the diagnosis to be free, you need to get an appointment from a doctor. To do this, contact your doctor and tell about the disturbing symptoms. If you have a passport and an insurance policy, you will have an ultrasound x-ray. In this case, the client does not have to pay.

Some representatives of the weaker sex still prefer to go to private clinics. This makes some sense, for example, if an ultrasound is performed in public institution, then there is always a queue for the procedure. Many have to wait weeks. But an untimely manipulation can show, accordingly, an incorrect result. It will all end with the fact that the diagnosis will be set incorrectly, and the therapy will be useless. That is why it is important for every woman to know when a gynecological ultrasound is performed (on which day of the cycle). You can find out later in the article.

Paid research

At your request or the recommendation of a doctor, you can visit the ultrasound medical center. In such institutions, you do not have to wait at all. Experienced specialists will quickly diagnose and give you the result. In addition, in some paid clinics it costs latest equipment which helps to accurately examine all parts of the small pelvis.

The most popular clinics are Medicine 21st Century, Ultramed, City-Lab, Invitro, Toast, and so on. They employ only experienced and qualified specialists. They will help you calculate the day of the examination correctly. After all, much depends on the individual situation. Most patients are interested in how much such a gynecological ultrasound costs? The price can vary from 500 to 3000 rubles. It will be announced to you before the examination. If there is a need for additional manipulations, then the cost may be higher.

How is an ultrasound done?

All studies are divided into two types: vaginal and transabdominal. One method or another is chosen according to individual characteristics female patients. The potential capabilities of the device and the qualifications of the doctor also play a role.

Vaginal diagnostics

This method is the most commonly used. For it, an elongated device is used, which is called a sensor. It is covered with a special condom and lubricated with gel. After that, the sensor is inserted into the vagina and transmits the image to the screen. With the help of this device, many pathologies can be reliably detected. The duration of the study is from 5 to 20 minutes. Before manipulation, a woman needs to clean the intestines and urinate.

Transabdominal examination

How is an ultrasound done? abdominal wall? To conduct such an examination, you must first fill bladder. In this way, reproductive organ will be in the most favorable position for diagnosis. Before the procedure, the specialist applies lower part gel, and after that, using a sensor, it determines the state of the organs on the screen. This type of research is assigned to girls who do not conduct sexual life, - virgins. Also, the manipulation is carried out for expectant mothers and if vaginal examination is impossible.

Gynecological ultrasound: what day of the cycle?

Many experts advise to carry out diagnostics immediately after the end of menstruation. However, such recommendations cannot be made for all patients. Some women are still advised to wait until the middle of the cycle or its end. The duration of bleeding also plays an important role. The standard recommendations for ultrasound are to conduct a study in the period from the 5th to the 7th day of the cycle. Let's try to understand each case separately.

Routine examination

If you are scheduled for a gynecological ultrasound - on what day of the cycle is it better to visit the doctor? Works in this situation standard method. It is better to carry out diagnostics immediately after the end of menstruation. However, it is worth paying attention to the duration of the cycle.

  • With an average length of the period (28 days), the study conducted on the 7th day will be the most informative. During this period, the growth of new follicles has not yet begun, and the endometrium has a minimum thickness.
  • If your cycle is short and is approximately 21 days, then it is better to diagnose on the 3rd-5th day, because ovulation may already occur on the 7th day. In this case, under the action of progesterone, a thickening of the endometrial layer will occur. The data obtained will not be entirely informative and accurate.
  • Some women may have long cycle. In this case, the duration of the period varies from 35 to 40 days. In this case, diagnostics can be carried out a little later. Dates between 7 and 20 days are considered normal.

Ovulation Tracker

If you need to track the rupture of the follicle, it is recommended to visit the ultrasound medical center several times per cycle. This procedure is called folliculometry. The doctor will correctly calculate the days of the examination. Usually it is performed 5-6 days before the expected ovulation, and then - according to the results of the examination. Here are some estimated days:

  • at normal cycle: 10, 12 and 14 days after the start of menstruation;
  • in the short period: 5, 7 and 10 days from menstruation;
  • a long cycle provides for diagnostics on the 16th, 18th and 22nd day.

Depending on the results obtained, the specialist can shift the timing of the examination in one direction or another.

Establishment of pregnancy

If a woman suspects that she is pregnant and wants to establish this fact with the help of ultrasound, then the timing of the diagnosis will be different. Manipulation can show the correct result only two weeks after the delay. AT short cycle it will be the 35th day, in the normal - the 42nd, and in the long - the 49th.

Some modern devices are able to detect a fetal egg in the uterine cavity already 3 weeks after conception (7 days of delay). However, they are more common in private clinics than in public medical centers.

ultrasound during menstruation

Can it be done while bleeding? If the discharge is recognized as menstruation, then such a diagnosis does not make sense. At the time of the procedure, the reproductive organ will be filled with blood. It is not possible to see any neoplasms or pathologies.

When bleeding is in no way connected with menstruation, it is permissible to do an ultrasound. With the help of such an examination, it will be possible to reliably determine the source of discharge and their cause.

How to decipher indicators?

After you have passed the decoding of the data, it is carried out by a gynecologist. Please note that the doctor who performs the manipulation cannot diagnose you. He only gives a conclusion. After that, you need to re-visit your gynecologist and get the final verdict. The norms of indicators may vary depending on the day of the cycle. Consider what numbers and values ​​should be seen by women undergoing an examination on the recommendation of a doctor at the beginning of the cycle. The following indicators are normal:

  • genital organ size 50-54-35 millimeters, which indicates the length, width and thickness;
  • echogenicity should be homogeneous, and the contours clear and even;
  • the thickness of the mucous membrane (endometrium) depends on the day of the menstrual cycle;
  • the ovaries before the maturation of the follicles have a size of 37-20-26, while the right one is always of a larger diameter.

Dimensions fallopian tubes usually not defined, because normally they are simply not visible. In some cases, the specialist can indicate the length and condition of the internal os (closed).

Any deviations from these values ​​can be both normal and pathological. Usually, the ultrasound protocol always indicates allowable indicators for a specific day of the cycle.

A small conclusion

From the presented article you can learn about the features of the gynecological ultrasound. Decoding of indicators should be done only by a doctor. Remember that the data obtained is not a diagnosis. The specialist only describes what he sees on his monitor. Further actions undertaken by the attending gynecologist. You may need to take additional tests or studies to clarify the picture.

To obtain the most accurate data through ultrasound, it is necessary to conduct a study on certain days. If you need to assess the condition of the uterus, then it is advisable to choose the first half of the cycle, since in its second part the endometrial layer can hide minor defects and neoplasms. Contact your doctor for more information about this. All the best!

How does it go this study and why is it so necessary in this crucial period?

The essence of the method ultrasound(ultrasound) consists in the fact that the sensor (transducer) generates ultrasonic signals and sends them deep into the human body. There they are reflected from the tissues, then received by the sensor and converted into electrical signals, which, after appropriate processing, are reproduced on the screen of the device in the form of an image.

Purpose of the study

Ultrasound will help to most fully diagnose diseases of organs reproductive system and, if possible, treat them before pregnancy. So, for example, in 6-8?% of women, chronic endometritis (inflammation of the uterus) is detected. This can complicate the onset of pregnancy or lead to its complications, so this disease must be cured at the planning stage of the baby. Delayed treatment diseases of the pelvic organs can lead to irreversible changes reproductive system, including infertility.

With the help of modern ultrasound equipment, it is possible to visualize and assess the state of most of the pelvic organs. During the study, the bladder, uterus, ovaries, vaginal section located closer to the cervix, part of the large intestine, as well as the muscles and vessels of the small pelvis are clearly defined.

Abdominal examination

When prescribing this procedure, the attending physician will tell you in detail how to prepare for it and on what day of the menstrual cycle it is better to undergo an examination. It is preferable to do this immediately after the end of menstruation (on the 5-7th day of the cycle) or 1-3 days before it begins. it optimal time to identify possible pathological changes.

Ultrasound of the pelvic organs is carried out in two ways: an abdominal sensor (it is placed on the anterior abdominal wall) and vaginal (the sensor is inserted into the vagina).

With an abdominal examination, the procedure is performed in conditions of a filled bladder. To do this, 30 minutes before the procedure, drink 300-500 ml of water without gas or refrain from urinating for 2-3 hours. An adequately filled bladder does not interfere with the inspection of the uterus behind it. If the bladder is empty, examination of the uterus is difficult, as it is difficult to distinguish bladder tissue from the uterus. Using vaginal method the study is carried out with empty bladder, therefore, before the procedure, you must visit the toilet.

For better conduct Ultrasound diagnostics, regardless of the method of examination, it is desirable to empty the intestines. In case of flatulence (bloating), 2–3 hours before the procedure, it is necessary to drink activated charcoal (1–3 tablets): this will reduce the amount of gases in the intestines and facilitate the study.

In addition to the documents, you must take a diaper (towel) with you to the procedure, which you will lay on the couch, and paper napkins to remove a special gel that is applied to the probe or abdomen during the study. The gel is necessary to ensure direct contact between the transducer and the skin for better conductivity of the ultrasound signal. If you are undergoing a procedure in a commercial structure for a fee or by insurance policy DMS, then a disposable diaper and a napkin are already provided there.

Research progress

During an ultrasound of the pelvic organs, the woman lies on her back on the couch. During abdominal examination, the surface of the skin of the lower abdomen is preliminarily lubricated with a special sound-conducting gel. The procedure is carried out by moving the sensor along the lower abdomen. Before using the vaginal probe, wipe it dry soft cloth or (if soiled) with a cloth lightly dampened with soapy water and then again with a dry cloth. A sound-conducting gel is applied to the scanning surface of the sensor and a condom is put on it, then the patient is asked to bend her knees and spread them apart a little, after which the sensor is inserted into the vagina.

Ultrasound takes an average of 15-20 minutes, but in complex clinical situations it may last longer. Based on the results of the study, an ultrasound diagnostic protocol is filled out, which is given to the patient, and if available outpatient card ultrasound data are entered into it. If there is no outpatient card, it is desirable that the ultrasound examination protocol be in two copies: one for the doctor, the other for the patient.

Currently, it is preferable to perform ultrasound using a vaginal probe. The advantage of a vaginal examination is the absence of pre-training and better visualization adhesive processes in the pelvic area, with pronounced subcutaneous fat. The disadvantage of this method is the complexity of a full-fledged study of formations larger than 10 cm. In such cases, an ultrasound scan is performed using an abdominal sensor to clarify the situation.

What will the ultrasound of the pelvic organs show?

With ultrasound of the pelvic organs, the doctor assesses the condition of the body of the uterus, cervix, ovaries and their surrounding organs (the fallopian tubes are not normally visualized during the study). Estimated internal structure organs, a change in their size, shape, the presence of tumor formations, the thickness of the inner layer of the uterus (endometrium) is measured, other pathological changes are determined that can lead to problems at the stage of preparation for conception or cause complications during pregnancy.

Normally, the uterus is pear-shaped, its length in a woman childbearing age averages 5.0 cm (4.5–6.7 cm), thickness – 3.5 cm (3.0–4.0), width – 5.4 cm (5–6.4 cm). The thickness of the endometrium - the inner layer of the uterus (in the form of the study, this parameter is denoted by M-echo) - depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle: on days 5-7, this figure is 4-6 mm, on days 15-28 - 7-14 mm.

Throughout the entire menstrual cycle, the endometrium should be homogeneous. The dimensions of the ovaries in women of childbearing age are on average 3.6 cm long (3.0–4.1 cm), 2.6 cm wide (2.0–3.1 cm), and 1.9 cm thick. cm (1.4–2.2 cm). Normally, in the first days of the menstrual cycle, several follicles with a diameter of 4–6 mm are detected in the ovary; after the 10th day of the cycle, one of the follicles becomes dominant and increases in diameter up to 10 mm. Further, its size becomes even larger, reaching 18–25 mm by the time of ovulation (the release of the egg from the follicle). As the dominant follicle grows, other follicles shrink. After ovulation dominant follicle"disappears" or significantly decreases in size. At the same time, a small amount of fluid may be detected in the space behind the uterus. The ruptured follicle grows into capillaries ( the smallest vessels) and turns into a corpus luteum that produces the hormone progesterone. The corpus luteum can only be seen the first few days after ovulation. If fertilization and implantation (attachment gestational sac to the wall of the uterus), the corpus luteum remains and can be detected up to the 14th week of pregnancy. Myometrium (muscle tissue) of the body and cervix normally also have a homogeneous structure. Fine bulk formations not detected by ultrasound.

Possible problems

Pelvic ultrasound can detect various pathological processes organs of the reproductive system in women:

Anomalies in the development of the uterus and vagina(infantile - underdeveloped, saddle-shaped, bicornuate or unicornuate uterus, uterus with a complete or incomplete septum inside, complete or partial doubling of the genital organs, etc.).

uterine fibroids (benign tumor originating from muscle tissue uterus) is the most common pathology of the reproductive system. In the study, you can determine the size of the nodes and the place of their localization. The myomatous node can be located in the thickness of one of the walls of the uterus, protrude on its outer surface or protrude into the uterine cavity, deforming it. The shape of the nodes is correct, rounded or oval, with even, clear contours. A small knot is 8–15 mm in diameter, a medium one is 15–35 mm, and a large one is 35–70 mm. With repeated studies, it is always necessary to determine the size of the nodes: this will determine whether the node is growing and prescribe treatment in a timely manner.

endometriosisbenign disease, characterized by the appearance of the endometrium (the lining of the uterus) outside the inner layer of the uterus.

Tumors and tumor-like formations of the ovaries(benign and malignant). Ovarian cysts occur in women of all ages. When examining the ovary, the formation is determined round shape, the contours of which are clearly visible. The contents of the cyst may be homogeneous or heterogeneous.

Inflammatory diseases pelvic organs, such as tubo-ovarian formations (the so-called single inflammatory conglomerate of the ovary and fallopian tube). In the vast majority of cases, tubo-ovarian formations occur as a complication of a previous inflammatory process fallopian tubes. Ultrasound can also show signs chronic endometritis: expansion of the uterine cavity, the presence of gas in it, the heterogeneity of the structure of the endometrium.

Hyperplastic processes of the endometrium- pathological growth of the inner layer of the uterus. With ultrasound, it is defined as the formation of various sizes of increased density and spongy structure, occupying either the entire uterine cavity, or only a small part of it. Signs of a polyp (outgrowth) of the endometrium are formations with clear, even contours that have appeared in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe inner layer of the uterus.

Ultrasound is valuable diagnostic method, which allows you to put correct diagnosis diseases of the internal genital organs. Based on the data obtained, the doctor decides on the choice rational way treatment, taking into account the nature of the identified pathology. There are no contraindications for this study.

Many people associate it with pregnancy. Although in fact even healthy woman Gynecologists recommend undergoing this type of examination at least once every two years. The fact is that even eighteen-year-old girls are not immune from cysts, polyps, fibroids and endometriosis, and timely treatment and control over the course of the disease will help maintain reproductive function, as well as ensure a full sexual life.

When is ultrasound prescribed?

Ultrasound diagnostics is a universal, fast, painless and highly informative method for examining the pelvic organs. With the help of it, the presence of pregnancy is determined at the earliest stages, monitor its course, exclude the possibility of developing fetal pathologies, identify various diseases genital organs, detect neoplasms, anomalies in the development of organs and much more.

  • pain in lower third abdomen
  • menstrual disorders: delays, unstable cycle, the number of days between bleedings is less than 21 or more than 35;
  • bleeding or spotting between periods;
  • heavy (breakthrough) bleeding during the days of menstruation;
  • pus discharge or other suspicious discharge from the genital tract;
  • pain and discomfort during intercourse;
  • an increase in the uterus, found on a two-handed gynecological examination;
  • painful menstruation.

On ultrasound, the doctor determines the location, structure, size and volume of the uterus, examines the contours, cavity and mucous membrane. During ultrasound of the ovaries, their location, size, tissue structure are taken into account, the absence or presence of neoplasms is determined, the location and stage of development of the follicle are determined. The entire pelvic cavity is examined for the presence of excess fluid and tumors.

When is the best time to get tested

The uterine mucosa, the endometrium, changes greatly during the menstrual cycle under the influence of sex hormones. At the very beginning, in the first days of bleeding, there is a rejection of the old layer of the mucous membrane. Further, gradually, by the day of ovulation, this layer grows to 10-18 mm, preparing for the implantation of the embryo. If this does not happen, with the onset of bleeding, the basal layer is again rejected.

It is very difficult to examine the walls of the uterus with a large thickness of the endometrium. Therefore, to the question: “On what day of the cycle is it better to do an ultrasound of the uterus?”, You can answer: “You need to undergo an examination at the beginning of the cycle.”

According to the standards, gynecologists recommend doing an ultrasound on the 5th-7th day of the cycle, starting from the first day of bleeding. However, it should be noted that women with prolonged bleeding during menstruation, these dates should be slightly shifted. In this case, the study should be done two to four days after the complete end of bleeding - on the 8th-10th day of the cycle.

Perform scheduled ultrasound during menstrual bleeding Not recommended. Blood clots in the uterus can interfere with the review and the result will not be informative enough.

Usually, when they do an ultrasound of the uterus, then they conduct a study of the fallopian tubes and ovaries. What it will be the day of the cycle, we considered earlier. However, sometimes there is a need to assess the condition and performance of the appendages. In this case, several ultrasound diagnostics are performed in different days cycle:

  • a standard study on the fifth day of the menstrual cycle allows a complete assessment of the morphology and to measure the reserves while they are at rest;
  • the second ultrasound is performed on the 8-10th day of the cycle - during the late follicular phase;
  • then during the early ovulatory phase - at 14-16;
  • and the last, during the luteal phase - on the 22-24th day of the cycle.

Such A complex approach allows you to track the development of follicles and education corpus luteum, that is, to determine the ability of a woman to conceive. Whatever the result of the ultrasound, the doctor will definitely help and prescribe treatment to stimulate the work of the appendages.

Ultrasound of the ovaries and uterus with Doppler ultrasonography (measurement of blood flow) should be performed only in the morning.

Which day of the cycle is better to choose for an ultrasound of the endometrium

During the study of the mucous layer of the uterus, its thickness is assessed depending on the day of the cycle:

  • during bleeding (the first two days of menstruation), the endometrium is heterogeneous with increased density. The average thickness is 0.5 cm;
  • by the 5th-7th day of the cycle, endometrial growth (up to 0.6-0.9 cm) and a decrease in its density are observed;
  • by day 10, a clear structure and increased density are observed, which persist until the end of the cycle. Thickness 0.8-1cm;
  • on the 15-27th day of the cycle, the thickness of the mucous layer of the uterus will be maximum, and will be 1.0-1.3 cm.

The study of the endometrium always occurs when conventional ultrasound uterus and ovaries. However, if you suspect endometriosis, it is recommended to undergo a second examination. It is better to do this in the second half of the cycle, when possible pathologies will be best seen. At the end of the cycle, the thickness of the endometrium will be maximum, the pathological areas will grow the most, and the cysts and endometrial nodules will swell.

Ultrasound to determine ovulation

The most widespread and best method determination of the day of ovulation, with difficulties with conception, preparation for in vitro fertilization or infertility diagnosis, is an ultrasound screening of the follicle. Usually, such a study is carried out several times, since it is not always possible to immediately identify the dominant follicle.

With stable menstrual cycle it can be determined on average 8-13 days from the onset of the last bleeding, when its size is about 15 mm. By ovulation, which ideally occurs on day 14-15, its size is 20 mm, then it bursts and completely disappears.

When is the best time to do an ultrasound during pregnancy?

At normal course pregnancy, a woman undergoes three standard ultrasound examinations:

  • at the end of the first trimester - at 11-13 weeks inclusive;
  • in the second trimester for a period of 18-22 weeks;
  • in the third trimester - from 30 to 34 weeks.

These examinations are planned and take place in order to determine the condition of the fetus, control it physiological development, as well as to determine the state of health of women.

Refusal of ultrasound is a refusal of the opportunity for doctors to provide, if necessary, timely help mother and child.

Today, gynecologists, before registering a pregnant woman, recommend undergoing a transvaginal ultrasound. This study helps to get ahead of the gestational age as correctly as possible (this will be very important when the time comes for the appointment of the first screening study), to exclude the development ectopic pregnancy, determine the viability of the embryo and rule out hydatidiform mole.

Ultrasound of the pelvis allows women to quickly and painlessly learn about the condition of their genitals. Gynecologists claim that due to the use of this research method, there are much fewer erroneous diagnoses in gynecology, and examination and treatment are faster and easier.

Many are interested in how a pelvic ultrasound goes in women, on what day of the cycle to do the examination, and if there are any contraindications for it.

In gynecology, such an examination is considered basic, that is, its results are basic in relation to other diagnostic procedures.

What features does an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs have, what can be seen on it, what diseases are diagnosed?

Today, the determination of the presence of diseases in humans using ultrasound is the most modern and exact way research. It is used in almost all areas of medicine, gynecology and obstetrics is no exception.

This method is based on the principle of sound echolocation (ultrasound is mechanical vibrations of high frequency, and human ear does not catch them). They are reflected from the tissues and cavities of the body in different ways. All these processes are displayed on the screen, and the doctor interprets them as various states internal organs and fabrics.

The device's sensor can simultaneously emit and receive waves. But most of the time it is in the receiving mode. Patients should not worry that such radiation is harmful to health.

Moreover, for several decades of the use of diagnostics, not a single case has been noticed. harmful effects and development of pathologies from examination. Any allegations that ultrasound diagnostics is dangerous to health are groundless.

Survey methods

Modern methods of conducting such a diagnosis completely exclude pain and discomfort. Doing an ultrasound of the pelvic organs is necessary for all women with suspicions of many diseases of the reproductive sphere.

Apply following methods performing ultrasound diagnostics:

  1. Transabdominal examination. The organs located in the small pelvis are examined through the abdominal wall, while the sonologist drives the sensor along the skin of the abdomen, which makes it possible to obtain information about the state of a particular organ. During the procedure, it is necessary that the bladder is full. During the study, the doctor can determine the structural features and structure of the internal genital organs, notice deviations in them, developing formations.
  2. With transvaginal ultrasound gynecological examination passes through a special sensor inserted into the woman's vagina. This diagnostic method makes it possible to examine in more detail the structure of the examined organs, to determine their size.
  3. At combined diagnostics First, a transabdominal diagnosis is performed with a filled bladder. After it has been emptied, the doctor does a transvaginal examination.
  4. In a transrectal examination, an ultrasound transducer is inserted into the woman's rectum. The method is used in cases where the patient is not yet sexually active.

Indications for examination

Ultrasound of the pelvic organs in women is indicated in the following cases:

  1. Early diagnosis of pregnancy.
  2. Any violations monthly cycle(delay, earlier onset of menstruation, the presence of bleeding on days when it should not be, the absence of menstruation, discharge in the lower abdomen of various contents and origin, not associated with menstruation).
  3. Inflammatory gynecological pathologies.
  4. Benign and malignant pathologies female genital organs.
  5. Diagnosis of salpingo-oophoritis, endometriosis, ovarian cysts.
  6. Early diagnosis of fibroids.
  7. Monitoring of the follicular apparatus.
  8. Diagnosis of infertility and complex therapy this disease.
  9. Reception by a woman of contraceptive, hormonal drugs.
  10. Availability intrauterine device(Ultrasound is done to check the position of the contraceptive and monitor the effectiveness of contraception).
  11. Diagnosis of the causes of urination disorders, diseases of the urethra and other urological pathologies.

When to do an examination

When is the best time to do an ultrasound? Often, not all doctors warn their patients that it is necessary to go for an ultrasound scan on certain days of the cycle. It is best to do an ultrasound between the 5th and 7th day.

This is due to the fact that after the end of menstruation, the structural features of the uterus are easier to determine. This is interconnected with early phase proliferation. In this condition, you can see a polyp, hyperplasia, determine exact dimensions tumor nodes. At this time, it is possible to accurately exclude the presence of a functional cyst in the patient.

After ovulation, the structure of the uterine mucosa changes significantly and becomes loose. Under such conditions, the doctor cannot notice neoplasms in the uterine cavity, especially if they are in the early stages of their development. At this time it is possible to diagnose functional cysts, they do not require treatment, because they disappear with the onset of menstruation.

It is better to do an ultrasound at the beginning of the cycle, in which case it is possible to accurately diagnose the existing pathologies. Women are interested in whether it is possible to conduct such an examination during menstruation? This is not prohibited, and in certain cases, the doctor may prescribe an examination for 2-4 days. Just at this time, the discharge of blood is plentiful. This type of ultrasound is prescribed for patients who are preparing for an extracorporeal examination.

If an ultrasound is done within a few days after the end of menstruation, its results will be more accurate. And to monitor the process of follicle formation, a second ultrasound is done on the 5th, 7th, 9th, 14th and 17th day of the cycle. Depending on the duration of the monthly cycle, shifts in the indicated dates are possible.

What the survey shows

Based on what the doctor sees in the picture, a conclusion is made, and final diagnosis. The sonologist defines:

  • the position and structure of the uterus, its size, wall thickness;
  • the presence of follicles and their size;
  • the presence of foreign formations in the uterus and ovaries;
  • the presence of foreign objects in the colon and bladder;
  • other diagnostic important features depending on which organ is examined.

Deviations from ultrasonic norm show the presence of disorders in the body. Here are some signs of pathologies that are visible on ultrasound:

  • thickening of the fallopian tube (this means that the woman has high risk development of the oncological process);
  • if round or oval objects are noticeable, then these are most likely cysts, fibromas;
  • if the uterus decreases in size, and the ovaries, on the contrary, increase, then this may indicate that the woman has polycystic disease;
  • changes in echogenicity indicate the presence of uterine fibroids or endometriosis.

The sonologist cannot deliver accurate diagnosis. This requires a consultation. narrow specialist. All transcript ultrasound examination recorded in the protocol. On its basis, the doctor makes the main conclusion and makes a diagnosis. It is possible to record the entire diagnostic process on a disk, which is used to clarify the diagnosis in doubtful cases.

The main ultrasonic indicators of the norm

It will be interesting and useful for women to know the norm of indicators of the examination of the pelvic organs:

  1. The uterus is normally located in the center of the pelvis, closer to its front wall. If a longitudinal scan is done, then the organ has a pear-shaped shape, and if it is transverse, then it is egg-shaped. Normally, the uterus has an average echogenicity. Internal structure uterus is homogeneous, has point and linear objects. The size is about 5.2 cm, the body thickness is 3.8 cm, its width is 5 cm.
  2. The ovary cannot always be visualized. Normally, it is oval, with medium echogenicity. Inside there are dot echo-negative inclusions.
  3. The vagina looks like a tubular object that connects to the cervix. If the scan was transverse, then it has an egg-shaped appearance. The normal thickness of the vaginal wall is 3 to 4 mm.
  4. Ultrasound signs of the endometrium vary depending on the monthly cycle. When drawing up the protocol, it is taken into account on which day the ultrasound was done.

If other objects are visible on the ultrasound, certain bodies change their echogenicity, thickness and other parameters, this indicates the presence in the body of a woman of certain pathologies. In case of questionable results, a woman needs to do other examinations. Most often, the patient may be referred for an MRI or computed tomography. In some cases, a repeat ultrasound may be indicated.

Preparing for diagnostics

Depending on which day of the cycle to do a pelvic ultrasound, the accuracy and effectiveness depend diagnostic procedure. However, it will be inaccurate if the patient does not properly prepare for it.

Already a few days before the ultrasound, you need to change your diet and eliminate fiber, legumes and any other foods that cause increased gas formation. It is recommended to warn the doctor about radiography procedures using barium as a radiopaque substance, if they were performed before ultrasound. Sometimes it can significantly affect the results of the diagnosis.

Preparation before the examination includes the following activities:

  1. Before doing, it is necessary to fill the bladder. Approximately 1 hour before the diagnosis, you should drink about 1 liter of water.
  2. Before transvaginal examination, it is necessary to empty the bladder.
  3. Before screening special recommendations in preparing a woman for an ultrasound.

If there are problems with digestion, constipation is disturbing, then it is necessary to take Mezim, Espumizan. At increased gas formation recommend taking several pills activated carbon. On the day of the pelvic ultrasound, it is best not to eat for 10 hours before the procedure. This will provide accurate results examinations.

Conducting an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs is a safe and accurate method of diagnosis, today it is more accurate and effective treatment. But in order for it to be accurate, and the doctor was able to make the correct diagnosis, one must prepare for it. Improper preparation for such important procedure distorts the results, and the doctor will determine the condition of the organs under study inaccurately. This, in turn, will lead to improper treatment and other consequences.

The first trimester of fetal development is a very important period of intrauterine development. At this time, the future baby, who is already actively living in the mother's womb, begins to rapidly develop internal organs and systems. This article talks about the purpose and how a fetal ultrasound is performed at 5 weeks of gestation.

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

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What is it for?

Ultrasound in the early stages of fetal development is used mainly to establish pregnancy. To calculate the period of intrauterine development of a child, gynecologists use the definition of the obstetric period. It is usually 14 days less than the gestational age.

4-5 weeks of intrauterine development is a very important period for the embryo. At this time, the fetus begins the most important process - organogenesis. This period is characterized by the differentiation and development of many internal organs and systems of his body.

In most situations, ultrasound at this early stage of pregnancy is not performed. The exception is cases when a pregnant woman independently insists on carrying out this method.

This limitation of performing ultrasound in the early stages of gestation is very important. The fact is that ultrasound, especially used in focal mode, in the early stages of pregnancy can harm the unborn baby.

Gynecologists distinguish certain medical indications. If available, they can send the expectant mother to the office ultrasound diagnostics to carry out such a study.

Ultrasound at such an early stage is required, as a rule, in the event that when doctors want to determine the exact location of the ovum. This situation occurs, as a rule, with the exclusion of an ectopic pregnancy. This pathological condition is usually very clearly visible on ultrasound.

If, despite the clinical examination women and made by her laboratory tests, doctors find it difficult to establish pregnancy, in this case, ultrasound also comes to their aid. During such a study, you can also take the first picture of the embryo. As a rule, it is already possible to determine the size of the embryo well.

Some pathological conditions that may appear in the very first period of pregnancy can also be detected using ultrasound. Usually, expectant mothers are sent for such a study if they suspect a spontaneous abortion or miscarriage.

If before pregnancy a woman suffered from any pathologies of the genital organs, then she can also be referred for an ultrasound of the pelvic organs. Such studies help to establish the degree of existing reproductive disorders and avoid exacerbations chronic diseases genitourinary system at expectant mother.

Many expectant mothers are interested in whether it is worth undergoing an ultrasound at such an early date. Most doctors in this case will say that without a strong need or in the absence medical indications to conduct ultrasound in the early period of intrauterine development of the fetus, perform such an examination not worth it.

Currently, there are other methods to establish pregnancy.

What will the study show?

Ultrasound performed during this period of development of the unborn baby, does not yet have high accuracy. This is not at all due to the conduct of the study on low-quality equipment or the lack of clinical experience with a specialist conducting this check. As a rule, in early period most embryonic development clinical indicators doctors just can't interpret.

During the procedure, an ultrasound specialist evaluates only the basic parameters of intrauterine development of the fetus. It should be noted that there are much fewer such values ​​​​in the early stages of the existence of the embryo than during the 3rd trimester of pregnancy.

In each period of intrauterine development of the unborn child, doctors call it different medical terms. At week 5, it is called an embryo. The size of such an embryo, as a rule, does not exceed 3 mm. Such a crumb cannot yet be “examined” on an ultrasound.

Doctors detect not an embryo, but the presence of a fertilized egg. This formation is, as it were, a "protective shell" in which future baby. In the future, various fetal membranes will form from the membranes of the gestational egg, which will also protect the fetus from the effects of various adverse factors.

By the end of the 5th week, two very important anatomical formations of pregnancy begin to form. They are called the amnion and the yolk sac. The amniotic sac contains the embryo. This formation is also well visualized using an ultrasound probe.

At its core, the yolk sac is a fundamental organ responsible for the further development and formation of all elements. of cardio-vascular system the future baby. From it, as the embryo develops, a heart will form. The baby's heartbeat will appear a little later.

Gradually, small blood vessels begin to form in the microscopic villi of the chorion. During pregnancy, they will develop and increase in size. This type of blood supply is very important for the embryo developing in the mother's womb.

The chorionic villi of the fetus are in direct contact with the maternal blood vessels. Through them, the baby receives nutrients for their growth and development, as well as oxygen dissolved in the blood.

Some experienced professionals already at week 5, many anatomical structures of the embryo can be distinguished. Usually, this also requires not only sufficient experience of the doctor of ultrasound diagnostics, but also the use of modern high-precision devices.

Focusing the ultrasonic sensor allows the specialist conducting the study to quite well distinguish the fetal egg itself. It looks like an oblong formation that attaches to the endometrium - the inner epithelial lining of the uterus.

The internal element of this formation is an amnion. Doctors also call this formation a chamber, which is located inside the amniotic vesicle. It contains a liquid component.

The outer shell is also quite well visualized with an ultrasonic probe. It surrounds the amnion from the outside and is, in fact, the fetal membranes of the embryo.

A fetal or gestational egg in this case looks like an echo-negative element filled with liquid from the inside. On the back of this anatomical education there is dorsal amplification of ultrasound. In its shape, the gestational egg can be either oval or round.

On closer examination, an echopositive rim is determined around this formation.

Norms of the main parameters under study

Doctors conducting early fetal examinations use a variety of obstetric concepts and terms. Usually they are used throughout the entire period of bearing a baby.

The size of the gestational egg at 5 weeks of gestation in most cases is ½ cm. To measure this indicator, doctors use special medical criteria. The usual diameter of a gestational egg is determined by only one measurement.

There is another, more precise criterion. It is called the average diameter. To measure it, an ultrasound specialist must take at least three measurements taken in different planes. This parameter, in combination with others, can become a criterion for assessing the first weeks of intrauterine development of the embryo.

There are situations when the size of the fetal egg obtained during the study is significantly less than ½ cm. In this case, doctors usually recommend repeating the examination after 6-8 days. Sometimes this indicates "frozen" or "suspended" pregnancy. To exclude this pathological condition and re-examination is underway.

During an ultrasound examination in early pregnancy, not only indicators of fetal development are evaluated. The condition of the internal genital organs of the expectant mother is also very important for predicting the bearing of the baby.

Ultrasound helps to detect various neoplasms of the ovaries, cysts, as well as fibromyomas. Quite often, these pathologies lead to miscarriage or spontaneous termination of pregnancy at the earliest possible date.


Ultrasound in early pregnancy can be performed in several ways at once. The choice of methodology depends on many underlying reasons. Usually, the method of conducting such an examination is determined by the gynecologist observing the woman.

Examine the pelvic organs transabdominal method (through the anterior abdominal wall), as well as transvaginally (through the vagina). In most cases, obstetrician-gynecologists prefer to use transvaginal research method, as it allows you to get more accurate results at this stage of pregnancy.

If the patient has signs of exacerbation of chronic colpitis or vaginitis, accompanied by various secretions from the vagina, then doctors may recommend that she undergo a transabdominal examination. In this case, there will be no pain or discomfort during the examination.

In order to get a bright picture on the monitor of the device, the doctor conducting the study uses special gel. It is applied directly to the skin. This gel is very hypoallergenic in its composition. It can be safely used even in children younger age, as well as in pregnant women without the risk of developing allergies or other unpleasant consequences.

Many women who are referred for an ultrasound at the 5th week of pregnancy are interested in whether certain preparation is required before the study. It must be said that it is quite early term. In this case, no special training not required. However, there are a number of exceptions.

In some situations, the doctor may ask the pregnant woman to come for an ultrasound. with a full bladder. This is required in certain cases in order to better view inner wall uterus and ovum. A full bladder presses on the uterus, making it more accessible for imaging.

Absolutely all expectant mothers do not need such preparation.

A couple of days before the study, doctors recommend women not to eat foods that can provoke strong gas formation. legumes, different kinds cabbage, carbonated drinks, fruits and vegetables 2 days before the ultrasound should still be limited. This is especially necessary for women who have an increased tendency to gas formation against the background of their concomitant diseases gastrointestinal tract.

During the examination procedure itself, the woman is on the couch. Starting position - on the back. During the study, the doctor may ask the pregnant woman to turn on her left or right side. This is usually necessary if future mother there are any pathological changes or anomalies in the development of internal organs.

If the study is performed transvaginally, then in this case the ultrasound probe is inserted into the vagina. During the study, the doctor constantly monitors general state female patients. If during the procedure she experienced some severe pain, then the examination may even be terminated. In this case, transabdominal ultrasound is performed.

If a pregnant woman is expected to have twins or identical twins, ultrasound will have a number of features. In this case, one or more fetal eggs are determined. Special meaning has how the conception happened - physiological way or with IVF.

If pregnancy is due to in vitro fertilization, then in this case the day of replanting the embryos into the uterus is also taken into account. This is necessary to establish obstetric period pregnancy.

After the completed examination procedure, the patient is given a special medical form with a conclusion. In it, the doctor who performed the ultrasound indicates all the identified deviations, and also fixes the basic dimensions and diameters of the fetal egg and its anatomical components.



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