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- a disease, the occurrence of which occurs as a result of exposure to the human body of ionizing radiation. The symptomatology of the disease depends on the magnitude of the dose of radiation received, its type, on the duration of the radioactive effect on the body, on the distribution of the dose on the human body.

Causes of radiation sickness

The cause of radiation sickness is different types radiation and radioactive substances in the air, in food, and also present in water. The penetration of radioactive substances into the body by inhalation of air, while eating with food, absorption through the skin and eyes, during drug treatment with the help of injections or inhalations can be the basis for the onset of radiation sickness.

Symptoms of radiation sickness

Radiation sickness has certain symptoms, which depend on the degree of the disease, its formation, as well as development, and manifests itself in several main phases. The first phase is characterized by the appearance of nausea, possibly bitterness and a feeling of dryness in the mouth. The patient begins to complain of rapidly onset fatigue and drowsiness. This phase is characterized by low blood pressure, in some cases fever, diarrhea, loss of consciousness.

The above symptoms appear when receiving a dose not exceeding 10 Gy. Irradiation passing the threshold of 10 Gy is characterized by reddening of the skin with a bluish tinge on the most affected areas of the body. Radiation sickness in the first phase is also characterized by the following symptoms: change in pulse rate, manifestation of a uniform decrease in muscle tone, trembling of the fingers, narrowing of tendon reflexes.

After receiving irradiation, the symptoms of the primary reaction disappear for about 3-4 days. The second phase of the disease begins, which has a latent (latent) appearance and lasts from two weeks to a month. An improvement in the condition is observed, the deviation of well-being can be determined only by the changed pulse rate and blood pressure. In this phase, there is a violation of coordination during movement, reflexes decrease, involuntary trembling appears eyeballs other neurological disorders are possible.

After a 12-day period at a radiation dose of more than 3 Gy, patients begin progressive alopecia and other manifestations of skin lesions. At a dose exceeding 10 Gy, radiation sickness from the first immediately passes into the third phase, which is characterized by a pronounced severe symptoms. The clinical picture shows the defeat circulatory system, development various infections and hemorrhagic syndrome. There is an increase in lethargy, consciousness is darkened, swelling of the brain increases, muscle tone decreases.

Forms of radiation sickness

The occurrence of radiation sickness from the influence of ionizing radiation on the human body with a range of 1 to 10 Gy and more allows us to classify this disease as occurring in a chronic or acute form. The chronic form of radiation sickness develops in the process of long-term continuous or periodic exposure to the body with radioactive doses of 0.1 to 0.5 Gy per day and a total dose of more than 1 Gy.

Degrees of radiation sickness

The acute form of radiation sickness is divided into four degrees of severity:

    The first degree (mild) refers to the amount of exposure with a dose of 1-2 Gy, it manifests itself after 2-3 weeks.

    The second degree (moderate severity) includes irradiation with a dose of 2-5 Gy, which manifests itself within five days.

    The third degree of exposure (severe) includes the received dose in the range of 5-10 Gy, which manifests itself after 10-12 hours.

    The fourth (extremely severe) includes a radiation dose of more than 10 Gy, its manifestation is possible half an hour after exposure.

Negative changes in the human body after irradiation depend on the total dose received by him. A dose up to 1 Gy has relatively mild consequences and can be assessed as a disease in a preclinical form. Irradiation with a dose of more than 1 Gy threatens the development of bone marrow or intestinal form radiation sickness, which can manifest itself varying degrees gravity. A single exposure to a dose of more than 10 Gy, as a rule, leads to death.

The results of constant or single insignificant exposure over a long period (months or years) may manifest consequences in the form of somatic and stochastic effects. Violations of the reproductive and immune systems, sclerotic changes, radiation cataract, shortened life span, genetic abnormalities and teratogenic effect– are classified as effects of long-term exposure.

Diagnosis and treatment of the disease are carried out by such doctors as a general practitioner, oncologist and hematologist. The basis of diagnosis is the signs of the clinical type that appeared in the patient after irradiation. The received dose is detected using dosimetric data and by chromosomal analysis during the first two days after radioactive exposure. This method allows you to choose the right treatment tactics, see the quantitative parameters of the radioactive effect on tissues and predict the acute form of the disease.

Diagnosis in a disease radiation sickness requires a whole range of studies: expert advice, laboratory research blood, bone marrow biopsy, general assessment of the circulatory system using sodium nucleinate. Patients are prescribed electroencephalography, CT scan, Ultrasound. As additional methods diagnostics, dosimetric tests of blood, feces and urine are carried out. In the presence of all of the above data, the doctor can objectively assess the degree of the disease and prescribe treatment.

Radiation sickness treatment

A person who has received radiation must be treated in a special way: take off all his clothes, quickly wash him in the shower, rinse his mouth, nose and eyes, do a gastric lavage and give him an antiemetic. Mandatory in the treatment of this disease is antishock therapy, taking cardiovascular, sedative and detoxifying agents. The patient must take drugs that block the symptoms of the gastrointestinal tract.

For the treatment of the first phase of the disease, warning vomiting is also used. If cases of vomiting are indomitable, chlorpromazine and atropine are used. If the patient is dehydrated, saline will be required. A severe degree of radiation sickness in the first three days after exposure requires detoxification therapy. To prevent collapse, doctors prescribe norepinephrine, cardiamine, mezaton, as well as trasylol and contrical.

Various types isolators are used to prevent infections of the internal and external type. They are supplied with sterile air, all medical materials, care items and food are also sterile. The skin and visible mucous membranes are treated with antiseptics. Activity intestinal flora inhibited by non-absorbable antibiotics (gentamicin, neomycin, ristomycin) with simultaneous reception nystatin.

Infectious complications are treated with large doses of antibacterial drugs (ceporin, methicillin, kanamycin), which are administered intravenously. The fight against bacteria can be strengthened by drugs biological type and targeted effects (antistaphylococcal plasma, antipseudomonal plasma, hyperimmune plasma). Usually, antibiotics begin to act within two days, if there is no positive result, the antibiotic is changed and another one is prescribed, taking into account bacteriological cultures sputum, blood, urine, etc.

In severe radiation sickness, when a deep suppression of immunological reactivity is diagnosed and hematopoiesis occurs, doctors recommend bone marrow transplantation. This method has limited opportunities due to the lack of effective measures to overcome the reaction of tissue incompatibility. The bone marrow of the donor is selected taking into account many factors and following the principles established for allomyelotransplantation. The recipient is preliminarily immunosuppressed.

Prevention of radiation sickness

Preventive measures against radiation sickness consist in shielding those parts of the body that are exposed to radiation. Also, drugs are prescribed that reduce the sensitivity of the body to sources of radioactive radiation. Those at risk are offered vitamins B6, C, P and anabolic-type hormonal agents.

Most effective measures prevention is considered to be the intake of radioprotectors, which are chemical protective compounds, but have a large number of side effects.

Expert editor: Mochalov Pavel Alexandrovich| MD general practitioner

Education: Moscow medical institute them. I. M. Sechenov, specialty - "Medicine" in 1991, in 1993 "Occupational diseases", in 1996 "Therapy".

Associated with the impact on the human body of ionizing radiation.

Causes and symptoms of radiation sickness

According to its occurrence, this disease is divided into acute, resulting from a single, but exceeding the norm, radiation exposure, and chronic, when radiation affects the human body for a long time regularly or periodically.

The acute form of radiation sickness has several stages.

Consider the degree of radiation sickness:

  • 1 degree occurs as a result of exposure in the amount of 1-2 GR (100-200 rad). Appears after 2-3 weeks.
  • Grade 2 occurs as a result of exposure to radiation of 2-5 Gy (200-500 rad). Appears in 4-5 days.
  • Grade 3 appears at a radiation dose of 5-10 GR (500-1000 rad). It appears 10-12 hours after exposure.
  • Grade 4 occurs at a radiation dose of more than 10 Gy (1000 rad), manifests itself literally 30 minutes after exposure. This dose of radiation is absolutely lethal.

Radiation doses up to 1 Gy (100 rad) are considered mild and cause conditions that are called pre-illness in medical practice.

When exposed to more than 10 Gy, the first symptoms appear after a couple of hours. There is reddening of the skin in places where there was the strongest exposure. There is nausea and vomiting.

At high doses of radiation, there may be disorientation, and. Cells in the gastrointestinal tract die.

Over time, the symptoms progress - atrophy of mucosal cells and bacterial infections occur. Cells that have absorbed nutrients are destroyed. This often results in bleeding.

A dose of radiation over 10 Gy is lethal to humans. Death usually occurs within 2 weeks.

In the event of infectious complications, large doses of antibacterial drugs are used. Severe radiation sickness sometimes requires a bone graft. But this method does not always help, as tissue incompatibility is often observed.

Upon contact with contaminated objects, shielding of all parts of the body is required. It is mandatory to take drugs that can reduce the level of sensitivity to radioactive radiation.

One of the most effective methods of prevention is the use of radioprotectors. These elements are protective connections, but may cause others.

Radiation sickness occurs as a result of the damaging effect of ionizing radiation on the body. Its development can be associated both with irradiation from the outside, and with the ingress of radioactive substances into the body.

X-rays of alpha, beta, and gamma radiation, fluxes of fast or slow neutrons have penetrating power. Gamma rays and neutrons are the most penetrating. Beta particles and especially alpha particles have a high ionizing but low penetrating power.

The biological effect of ionizing radiation depends on many factors: the type of radiation, the dose of radiation, the size and location of the irradiated surface of the body, the reactivity of the body. External irradiation with a dose of 600-700 roentgens of a large body surface is fatal. Less intense exposure causes the development of acute radiation sickness varying degrees gravity. Chronic radiation sickness can be the result of repeated external exposures, additional exposure to radioactive substances deposited in the body, or be a consequence of acute radiation sickness.

Symptoms of acute radiation sickness

Acute radiation sickness develops with total single exposure to doses of ionizing radiation exceeding 100 r. Depending on the radiation dose, four stages of acute radiation sickness are distinguished:

  • 1 degree - mild, at doses of 100-200 roentgens;
  • 2 degree - moderate, at doses of 200-300 x-rays;
  • 3 degree - severe, at doses of 300-500 roentgens;
  • Grade 4 - extremely severe, at doses above 500 roentgens.

Acute radiation sickness- cyclic disease. Four periods are distinguished in its course: 1 - the period of the primary reaction, 2 - the latent period (the period of imaginary well-being), 3 - the peak period (pronounced clinical phenomena), 4 - the period of resolution (recovery). Transitions from one period to another are usually gradual, their clinical picture depends on the dose of radiation received, initial state the health of the victim, the size of the irradiated body surface, etc.

Primary reaction period begins either immediately after irradiation, or after 1-5 hours, depending on the dose of radiation, and lasts only from a few hours to 2 days. The disease begins with the development of a peculiar condition, which is expressed in irritability, agitation, headache, dizziness, insomnia. Sometimes at the beginning of the disease there is lethargy, drowsiness. Often there is a violation of appetite, nausea, thirst, perversion taste sensations. At severe form radiation sickness causes indomitable vomiting.

Vegetative disorders are manifested by cold sweat, vasomotor reactions and hyperemia (in severe cases, blanching) of the skin. There are: tremor of closed eyelids, tongue, outstretched fingers, increased and uneven tendon and pristal reflexes. In extremely severe cases, meningeal symptoms are observed.

Often during this period, tachycardia or bradycardia occurs. Sometimes broken heartbeat. Within a short time, hypertension may develop, rapidly changing to hypotension.

The development of destructive processes, the disorder of all types of metabolism, accompanied by the appearance of pyrogenic substances in the tissues and the excitation of the heat generation system, lead to an increase in body temperature, in severe cases up to 39 ° C.

Abdominal pain and gastrointestinal disturbances may occur. Urinalysis can show the content of protein, sugar, acetone in it. Content residual nitrogen blood reaches upper bound norms. There is hyperglycemia, a moderate increase in blood bilirubin, shifts in mineral metabolism.

latent period lasts from several days to 2-3 weeks. The shorter the period of imaginary well-being, the more difficult the subsequent course of the disease. In acute radiation sickness of the 3rd and 4th degree, the latent period may be absent. In the most mild cases, the disease ends with this period.

During this period, the state of health of patients improves, excitement passes, headaches disappear, sleep improves, body temperature normalizes. The patient appears to be recovering. Only in severe cases are preserved general weakness, dyspepsia and loss of appetite.

However, a blood test reveals the further development of the disease: the number of leukocytes begins to decrease, the number of lymphocytes continues to fall, the number of erythrocytes decreases, their volume increases, and osmotic stability decreases. The number of reticulocytes and platelets decreases. When examining the bone marrow, inhibition of the red germ is noted, accelerated maturation myeloid cells, a sharp predominance of the number mature elements over young forms.

peak period lasts 2-4 weeks and is characterized by a pronounced deterioration general condition sick. Headache, dizziness, sleep disturbance, photophobia, meningal symptoms, pathological reflexes reappear. General weakness, apathy develops. Body temperature rises again to 39°C.

In the second week after the defeat, hair loss begins. The skin becomes dry and flaky. In severe cases, erythema appears with the formation of blisters, followed by disintegration and the development of gangrene. On the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, tongue and respiratory tract ulcers and necrosis occur.

Multiple hemorrhages are found on the skin and visible mucous membranes. A severe manifestation of the disease is hemorrhage from internal organs- pulmonary, gastric, intestinal, renal.

When researching of cardio-vascular system toxic myocardial dystrophy is determined with its characteristic tachycardia, weakened tones, lowering blood pressure, and heart rhythm disturbances. In the presence of hemorrhages in the heart muscle, a symptom complex develops, characteristic of myocardial infarction.

Severe changes occur in the digestive system. The tongue is dry, covered with a brown or white coating, and sometimes it is smooth, "polished". The severity of the disease in to a large extent associated with the development of hemorrhagic gastritis, enterocolitis. Exhausting diarrhea contributes to the rapid exhaustion of patients. Ulcerative-necrotic changes in the gastrointestinal tract can lead to peritoneal complications.

The hematopoietic system undergoes profound changes. The inhibition of hematopoiesis progresses. The number of erythrocytes and hemoglobin decreases, the diameter of erythrocytes decreases, their osmotic resistance continues to fall. At severe course diseases from peripheral blood reticulocytes completely disappear. The number of leukocytes progressively decreases, the content of neutrophils falls, the number of lymphocytes decreases. With a pronounced leukopenia, the number of lymphocytes may exceed the number of neutrophils; this is a poor prognostic sign. Eosinophils disappear from the peripheral blood, the number of platelets sharply decreases. Pronounced qualitative changes in leukocytes are always noted. Increased bleeding time and blood clotting.

The peak period of radiation sickness is characterized by a decrease in the body's immune properties. Decreased body resistance, violation of the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes are the cause inflammatory complications(gingivitis, stomatitis, necrotic tonsillitis, pneumonia, sepsis, etc.).

Permission period occurs when favorable course disease and lasts from 8 to 12 months, depending on the degree of exposure. The beginning of recovery is indicated, first of all, by the appearance of reticulocytes and young blood lymphocytes. Reticulocyte crises, eosinophilia, monocytosis are often observed, red blood is restored. Gradually, in a different sequence, the remaining symptoms of acute radiation sickness are smoothed out. However, asthenization, instability of reactions and their rapid exhaustion persist for a long time.

Exposure effects may occur in people who have had radiation sickness. The most important among them are: exacerbation of latent chronic infections, blood diseases (leukemia, anemia, etc.), cataracts, clouding of the vitreous body, general dystrophy, sexual dysfunction, various mutations in the next generations, tumors, etc.

Symptoms of chronic radiation sickness

As mentioned above, most often chronic radiation sickness is the result of repeated exposure to the body of low doses of external radiation or prolonged exposure to small amounts of radioactive substances that have entered the body. It can also be a consequence of acute radiation sickness.

chronic radiation sickness It is detected at various time intervals after the onset of exposure to ionizing radiation on the body, which depends on the total dose of radiation and the reactivity of the body. Depending on the severity of symptoms, there are three degrees of chronic radiation sickness:

Chronic radiation sickness I degree- Patients complain of irritability, sleep disturbance, decreased performance or no complaints at all. The examination reveals vegetative-vascular disorders - acrocyanosis, persistent dermographism, pulse lability, etc. Changes in the peripheral blood are insignificant: the number of leukocytes and platelets decreases slightly, moderate neutropenia, reticulocytopenia are sometimes observed. All these changes are easily reversible and quickly disappear when the patient is removed from the harmful environment.

Chronic radiation sickness II degree- dysfunctions various bodies and systems are more pronounced, persistent and generalized. Frequent complaints headache, fatigue, sleep problems, memory impairment. Defeat nervous system on different levels leads to the development of diencephalic syndrome, solaritis, ganglionitis, polyneuritis.

On the part of the cardiovascular system, bradycardia, deafness of heart tones, and a decrease in blood pressure are observed. Increased permeability and fragility of blood vessels. The mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract are atrophic and dry. Due to the development of persistent achilia, patients have reduced appetite, dyspeptic symptoms are observed. There are violations of enzymatic functions, especially pancreatic lipase and trypsin. Impaired intestinal motility. The pituitary-adrenal system is damaged. In people of both sexes, sexual feeling is often reduced. Violations of water, fat, carbohydrate and other types of metabolism are frequent. Dermatoses, peeling and hypotrophy of the skin, brittle nails, hair loss appear. In the presence of radioactive substances incorporated in the bones in the body, pains in the bones, especially in the legs, occur. In warmth and rest, these pains usually increase.

The most characteristic sign of persistent chronic radiation sickness is damage to hematopoietic system. The number of leukocytes decreases to 2000. Severe reticulocytopenia develops, blood clotting does not change. Bone marrow examination reveals a decrease in cellular elements, a pronounced delay in the maturation of myeloid elements, a change in erythropoiesis according to the megaloblastic type.

chronic radiation sickness III degree - the symptoms are more pronounced; changes in the nervous system are mostly organic in nature. In the central nervous system, they develop as toxic encephalitis or demyelinating encephalomyelitis. There are signs of funicular myelosis, gross changes in the reflex, motor and sensory areas. Bleeding is a fairly common symptom. Hemorrhages can be a source inflammatory processes, the healing of which is extremely torpid. As the disease progresses hemorrhagic syndrome becomes increasingly malignant, leading, in particular, to kidney damage. The phenomena of myocardial dystrophy, circulatory failure are intensifying. Blood pressure is kept at extremely low numbers. Endocrine disorders lead to the phenomena of severe adrenal insufficiency.

Each disease is dangerous and insidious in its own way. Unpleasant symptoms along with feeling unwell make us think that the disease has already come. Such a phenomenon as radiation sickness is a prominent representative of such ailments. Many have heard about the existence of radiation pathologies and the seriousness of such consequences for humans.

The event in Chernobyl, known throughout the world, to the maximum a short time conveyed to people information about the presence of a serious danger that comes from radioactive radiation. What exactly lies in this kind of danger, we will find out in this article. How to recognize the signs of radiation sickness?

How does illness occur?

So, radiation sickness is called a reaction from human body exposure to life-threatening radiation. Under the influence of such unfavorable factor processes that are unnatural for normal functioning are launched in cells, which entail certain failures in many structures of vital activity. This disease is extremely life-threatening, as it is an irreversible process, pernicious influence which can only be interrupted a little. Signs of radiation sickness are important to identify in a timely manner.

Influence of radioactive radiation

Radioactive radiation affects the body as an aggressive factor that causes accompanying illnesses. Its danger directly depends on the time and the total area of ​​radiation. In addition, the way radiation enters the body also affects. Not less than important role plays the immune resistance of the human body.

Given the degree of damage, the basic zones are distinguished, most often undergoing pathological changes as a result of radiation sickness:

  • Digestive system.
  • Nervous system.
  • Spinal cord.
  • Circulatory system.

The consequences of radiation pathology in these parts of the body lead to serious dysfunctions that occur as a single complication or may be combined with several. A similar combination is observed with lesions of the third degree. Such consequences can acquire very serious forms up to death.

Classification of radiation sickness

Depending on the period of exposure to radiation on the body, radiation sickness is divided into the following types:

  • Sharp shape.
  • chronic form.

Acute radiation sickness is considered a consequence of a short exposure to radiation, which is more than 1 gram. Such a dose is a critical form that causes rapid changes in the human body, which mainly lead to serious complications and sometimes death of the patient.

Signs of radiation sickness vary in degrees.

Chronic form

Chronic radiation pathology may occur as a result of prolonged contact with a radiation source, the radiation from which is equal to the limit of up to 1 g. Often, patients with chronic radiation sickness are workers at nuclear power plants who have to come into contact with radiation. Depending on the degree of penetration of radiation, this disease is classified into the following types:

  • An internal form that occurs as a consequence of the ingestion of radioactive elements. In this case, radiation enters through the respiratory system or digestive system. This factor is decisive in the treatment, since it is precisely those organs through which the irradiation has passed that are affected first of all.
  • The external form in which radioactive exposure occurs through the skin of a person.

Thus, radiation sickness, the signs of which have already made themselves felt, may have different forms, it is classified depending on the severity of the disease.

Radiation sickness: the degree of damage to the body

All possible consequences radiation sickness, as a rule, lead to serious dysfunctions that can manifest themselves in the form of single complications or be combined with several at once. In total, there are three degrees of radiation exposure:

  • First degree. This stage of damage is characterized by a minimally dangerous effect of radiation on a person. Symptoms of the disease at this stage are not even always manifested. Wherein complete diagnostics shows only the initial pathological changes in functioning vital important systems. This stage is successfully corrected through timely medical treatment. What are the signs of radiation sickness after radiation therapy?
  • Second degree. This degree of the disease has more pronounced manifestations compared to the previous form. The consequences of such radioactive exposure can also be quite successfully treated. But against its background, the risk of the appearance of serious problems health in the future. Unfortunately, quite often these problems become cancerous diseases.
  • Third degree. This form is a serious threat to human life. It is characterized by numerous changes in normal functioning vital systems of the body, which can often lead to his death. Treatment of such conditions is mainly aimed at eliminating the consequences of radioactive exposure. It should be noted that the consequences of third-degree radiation exposure are almost irreversible. A person can only partially improve his health, but, unfortunately, cases of complete disability are not uncommon.

Signs of radiation sickness

Radiation sickness, the treatment of which has not yet begun, has its own symptoms, which manifest themselves depending on the degree of damage to the body by radiation. So, what is the first sign of radiation sickness? More on this later.

The main symptoms are:

  • Against the background of the first degree of the disease, a person develops a feeling of nausea, vomiting, dryness or bitterness in the mouth. The development of tachycardia and tremor is not excluded. All these symptoms are temporary and usually disappear after rehabilitation therapy and elimination of the source of radiation. We can say that this is the first sign of radiation sickness.
  • As part of the second-degree radiation damage, a violation in the coordination of movements is often noted along with the presence of skin rashes over the area of ​​the whole body. Also, a person may begin to experience periodic spasms of the eyes, and, in addition, all symptoms of the first degree appear. In the event that the required therapy is not carried out in a timely manner, then the second degree may develop into the next more severe form. Patients may also develop baldness. The condition may be accompanied by a decrease in reflex reactions. At this stage, patients experience a decrease arterial pressure. Signs of radiation sickness differ markedly in degrees.
  • Symptoms of the third degree of exposure mainly depend on which organs were affected due to radioactive interference. IN similar states the patient has all the above symptoms, and in addition, those that are characteristic of concomitant pathology. At this phase of the disease, the state of immunity deteriorates noticeably in patients, and, in addition, hemorrhagic syndrome occurs, which is accompanied by heavy bleeding. At this stage, complete intoxication of the body occurs. There is an exacerbation of the risk of various infectious diseases.

The fourth degree - against the background of all this, the patient's temperature rises and blood pressure drops. There are signs of acute radiation sickness. Also, in patients, the pulse quickens and the person begins to overcome weakness. It is not excluded the occurrence of edema in the gum area along with the appearance of necrotic ulcers in the digestive system.

These are the main signs of radiation sickness of 1-4 degrees.

Diagnosis of radiation sickness

Diagnosis of radiation pathology is carried out through various medical appointments and methods, which directly depends on the stage at which this process takes place. dangerous disease. First of all, in such cases it is necessary to collect a detailed anamnesis. The doctor listens to all complaints of the patient. After that in without fail The following blood tests are given:

  • General clinical analysis.
  • Blood for biochemistry.
  • Coagulogram.

In addition, in the diagnosis, a study of the patient's bone marrow along with his internal organs is carried out. This diagnosis is made by ultrasound. In addition, endoscopy and radiography are performed. It is thanks to the blood count that it is possible to determine the severity of the disease. Later, according to a blood test, one can also observe the dynamism of the phase changes of the disease.

Preventive measures

It is important to determine the signs of radiation sickness of the 1st degree in time. But ideally, it is better not to allow the development of the disease at all.

In order to prevent radiation sickness, constant use is required. various options protection in the event that a person is directly in the zone of radio emission. Also, as part of preventive measures, drugs that are radioprotectors are used, which can significantly reduce the radiosensitivity of the human body. In addition, radioprotectors slow down the course of various radiochemical reactions. It should be noted that the use similar drugs occurs half an hour before contact with radiation. Directly protective properties These drugs work for five hours.

And it is important to remember that the signs of death from acute radiation sickness are indomitable vomiting, bloody diarrhea, unconsciousness, general convulsions, then death.

Radiation sickness treatment

Unfortunately, no one is immune from radiation sickness. This disease is diagnosed in medical practice not only in adults, but also in young children. The reasons for its occurrence are always very different, ranging from conventional products food taken from Chernobyl zone ending with radiation exposure in industrial conditions. Timely diagnosis of the disease often saves the lives of many people, and, on the contrary, delaying treatment often ends in death. As a rule, the main methods of treatment of radiation pathology are directed to the following methods:

  • Determined full picture damage to internal organs. It is on the basis of such an examination that they appoint complex therapy, which is aimed at restoring, for example, the organs of the digestive, hematopoietic or nervous system. Much, as already noted, depends on when radiation sickness was recorded, its signs and periods.
  • Stage of treatment. Therapy of radiation sickness must necessarily be carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor and should be aimed at removing all kinds of radioactive substances from the patient's body. Any appointed medical preparations should be taken by the patient on time and strictly according to the prescription, because this disease only gets worse without proper treatment. That is, than longer man does not treat radiation sickness, the higher the likelihood of developing even more serious health consequences.

  • Stimulation and increase of immunity. No matter how severe the radiation exposure, the timing of the patient's further recovery directly depends on how quickly his immunity is able to restore its former health. Therefore, stimulation of the immune system is considered extremely milestone treatment aimed at fast recovery. For these purposes, immunostimulants are used in medical practice, and, in addition, they use vitamin diet which is aimed at strengthening the immune system.
  • Prevention of the disease implies the subsequent complete exclusion from the patient's life of any factors that can have a radioactive effect on his body. As part of preventive action one can name a change of place of work along with the observance of the deadlines for performing X-ray examinations, which should be carried out no more than once a year. It is important to note that x-rays should completely rule out women in cases of pregnancy.

Alternative methods of treatment of radiation pathology

Folk remedies for the treatment of radiation pathologies are often used as part of comprehensive deliverance from the disease along with the main drug therapy. In fact, there are a lot of ways to treat radiation sickness, but listing all modern techniques and methods, and, in addition, to name specific drugs is inappropriate due to the fact that prescribing rehabilitation treatment in should only the attending physician.

So, as already noted, folk remedies to eliminate the signs of the course of acute radiation sickness, they are often used as part of complex treatment along with the main drug therapy. Alternative therapy is directed to the removal of radionuclides from the body, in addition, the immune system is stimulated. For all these purposes, the folk sphere of medicine has a whole arsenal excellent funds, which are able to have a mild effect on the entire body, allowing the use similar methods for a long time. Alternative treatment is quite effective and is considered an excellent way for prevention.

The most proven means

In fact, there are a lot of all kinds of recipes, consider some of the most proven and effective ones:

  • Tincture prepared on the basis of needles. With the help of this tincture, it is possible to neutralize the radioactive influence, that is, to remove radionuclides from the human body. This infusion is prepared on the basis of half a liter boiled water. Five tablespoons of frayed pine needles are also taken. It is not necessary to bring the tincture to a boil. It is required to insist within one day. The prepared medicine is required to be drunk during the day in full. The procedure is repeated a day later for one month.
  • Sea buckthorn oil. healing oil from sea buckthorn is perfect not only for preventive measures, but also for treatment. This product has a pronounced anti-radiation effect. The essence of the application is as follows: take one teaspoon sea ​​buckthorn oil three times a day for exactly one month.

The article deals with radiation sickness, signs, symptoms, consequences are presented.


Ionizing radiation causes a number of changes in the body, doctors call such a complex of symptoms radiation sickness. All signs of radiation sickness are distinguished depending on the type of radiation, its dosage and the location of the harmful source. Due to harmful radiation, processes begin to occur in the body that threaten to malfunction in the functioning of systems and organs.

Pathology is included in the list of diseases, because of it, irreversible processes develop. The current level of medicine allows you to slow down destructive processes in the body, but not to cure the person. The severity of the course of this disease depends on what area of ​​the body was irradiated, for how long and how it reacted. the immune system person.

Doctors distinguish between forms of pathology when irradiation was general and local, and also distinguish combined and transitional varieties of pathology. Due to penetrating radiation, oxidative processes begin in the cells of the body, as a result they die. The metabolism is seriously disturbed.

The main impact of exposure falls on the gastrointestinal tract, the nervous and circulatory system, and the spinal cord. In case of violation in the work of systems, dysfunctions arise in the form of combined and single complications. A complex complication occurs with a lesion of the 3rd degree. Such cases end fatally.

Pathology proceeds in a chronic form, what is radiation sickness in a specific form, the doctor can determine the magnitude and duration of exposure. Each of the forms has a mechanism of development, therefore, the transition of the identified form to another is excluded.

Types of harmful radiation

In the development of pathology, an important role is assigned to a specific type of radiation, each has a particular effect on different organs.

The main ones are listed:

  • alpha radiation. It is characterized by high ionization, but low ability to go deep into tissues. Sources of such radiation are limited in their damaging effect;
  • beta radiation. It is characterized by weak ionizing and penetrating power. Usually affects only those parts of the body, which are closely adjacent to the source of harmful radiation;
  • gamma and x-ray radiation. Such types of radiation are capable of hitting tissues to a serious depth in the source area;
  • neutron radiation. It differs in different penetrating ability, which is why organs with such irradiation are affected heterogeneously.

If the exposure reaches 50-100 Gy, then the main manifestation of the disease will be CNS damage. With such symptoms, you can live 4-8 days.

When irradiated with 10-50 Gy, the organs of the gastrointestinal tract are more damaged, the intestinal mucosa is rejected and death occurs within 2 weeks.

With a slight exposure (1-10 Gy), the symptoms of radiation sickness are manifested by bleeding and hematological syndromes, as well as complications of an infectious type.

What causes radiation sickness?

Irradiation is external and internal, depending on how the radiation enters the body - percutaneously, with air, through the gastrointestinal tract, mucous membranes or in the form of injections. Small doses of radiation always affect a person, but pathology does not develop.
One speaks of a disease when the radiation dose is 1-10 Gy or more. Among those who risk learning about a pathology called radiation sickness, what it is and why it is dangerous, there are groups of people:

  • receiving low doses of radioactive exposure in medical facilities (X-ray employees and patients who must undergo examinations);
  • who received a single dose of radiation during experiments, during man-made disasters, from the use of nuclear weapons, during the treatment of hematological diseases.

Signs of radiation exposure

When radiation sickness is suspected, symptoms appear depending on the dose of radiation and the severity of complications. Doctors distinguish 4 phases, each with its own symptoms:

    • The first phase occurs in people who have received radiation at a dosage of 2 Gy. The rate of onset of clinical signs is dose dependent and measured in hours and minutes. Main symptoms: nausea and vomiting, dryness and bitterness in the mouth, fatigue and weakness, drowsiness and headaches. Revealed state of shock, in which the victim faints, an increase in temperature, a drop in pressure, diarrhea can be detected. Such a clinical picture is typical for irradiation at a dosage of 10 Gy. In victims, the skin turns red in those areas that have been in contact with radiation. There will be a change in pulse, low pressure, trembling fingers. On the first day from the moment of irradiation, the number of lymphocytes in the blood decreases - the cells die.

  • The second phase is called sluggish. It begins after the first phase has passed - approximately 3 days after exposure. The second stage lasts up to 30 days, during which the state of health returns to normal. If the irradiation dosage is more than 10 Gy, then the second phase may be absent, and the pathology passes into the third. The second phase is characterized by skin lesions. This indicates an unfavorable course of the disease. Manifested neurological clinic- the whites of the eyes tremble, physical activity, reduced reflexes. By the end of the course of the second stage, the vascular wall becomes weak, blood clotting slows down.
  • The third stage is characterized by the clinical picture of the disease. The timing of its onset depends on the dose of radiation. Phase 3 lasts 1-3 weeks. Become noticeable: damage to the circulatory system, decreased immunity, autointoxication. The phase begins with a serious deterioration in well-being, fever, increased heart rate and a drop in blood pressure. The gums bleed, the tissues swell. The mucous organs of the gastrointestinal tract and mouth are affected, ulcerations appear. If the radiation dose is low, the mucosa is restored over time. If the dose is high, damage small intestine which is characterized by bloating and diarrhea, abdominal pain. There are infectious tonsillitis and pneumonia, the hematopoietic system is inhibited. The patient has hemorrhages on the skin, digestive organs, mucous respiratory system, ureters. Bleeding is strong enough. The neurological picture is manifested by weakness, confusion, meningeal manifestations.
  • In the fourth stage, the structures and functions of the organs improve, bleeding disappears, hair loss begins to grow, and damaged skin heals. The body recovers for a long time, more than 6 months. If the radiation dose was high, rehabilitation may take up to 2 years. If the last, fourth, phase is over, we can say that the person has recovered. Residual effects can be manifested by pressure surges and complications in the form of neuroses, cataracts, leukemia.

Radiation sickness options

The classification of the disease by type is carried out according to the duration of exposure to radiation and dose. If the body is exposed to radiation, they speak of an acute form of pathology. If the irradiation is repeated in small doses, they speak of a chronic form.
Depending on the dosage of the radiation received, the following forms of damage are distinguished:

    • less than 1 Gy - radiation injury with reversible impairments;
    • from 1-2 to 6-10 Gy - typical shape, another name is bone marrow. Develops after short exposure. Mortality occurs in 50% of cases. Depending on the dosage, they are divided into 4 degrees - from mild to extremely severe;
    • 10-20 Gy - gastrointestinal form arising from short-term exposure. Accompanied by fever, enteritis, septic and infectious complications;

  • 20-80 Gy - toxemic or vascular form arising from single-stage irradiation. Accompanied by hemodynamic disturbances and severe intoxication;
  • over 80 Gy - cerebral form when death occurs within 1-3 days. The cause of death is cerebral edema.

For chronic course pathology is characterized by 3 periods of development - in the first a lesion is formed, in the second - the body is restored, in the third there are complications, consequences. The first period lasts from 1 to 3 years, during which the clinical picture develops with varying severity of manifestations.

The second period begins when radiation ceases to act on the body or the dosage is reduced. The third period is characterized by recovery, then partial recovery, and then stabilization of positive changes or progression.

Radiation sickness treatment

Irradiation with a dosage of more than 2.5 Gy is fraught with a fatal outcome. From a dose of 4 Gy, the condition is considered fatal. Timely and competent treatment radiation sickness from exposure to a dose of 5-10 Gy still gives a chance for clinical recovery, but usually a person dies from a dose of 6 Gy.

When radiation sickness is established, treatment in the hospital is reduced to an aseptic regimen in the wards designated for this. Symptomatic therapy and prevention of infections are also indicated. If fever and agranulocytosis are detected, antibacterial and antiviral drugs are prescribed.

The following are used in treatment:

  • Atropine, Aeron - stop nausea and vomiting;
  • physiological saline - against dehydration;
  • Mezaton - for detoxification on the first day after exposure;
  • gamma globulin increases the effectiveness of anti-infective therapy;
  • antiseptics for the treatment of mucous membranes and skin;
  • Kanamycin, Gentamicin and antibacterial drugs inhibit the activity of the intestinal flora;
  • donor platelet mass, irradiated with a dose of 15 Gy, is injected to replace the deficiency in the victim. If necessary, appoint a transfusion of erythrocytes;
  • hemostatics of local and overall impact to combat bleeding;
  • Rutin and vitamin C, hormones and other drugs that strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • Fibrinogen to increase blood clotting.

In the room where patients with radiation sickness are being treated, infections are prevented (both internal and external), sterile air is supplied, the same applies to food and materials.

At local lesion mucous membranes are treated with bactericidal mucolytics. Lesions on the skin are treated with collagen films and special aerosols, dressings with tannins And antiseptic solutions. Bandages with hydrocortisone ointment are shown. If ulcers and wounds do not heal, they are excised and plastic surgery is prescribed.

If the patient develops necrotic enteropathy, antibacterial drugs and Biseptol are prescribed to sterilize the gastrointestinal tract. At this time, the patient is shown fasting. You can drink water and take medicine for diarrhea. In severe cases, parenteral nutrition is prescribed.

If the radiation dosage was high, the victim has no contraindications, a suitable donor has been found, bone marrow transplantation is indicated. The motive for the procedure is a violation of the process of hematopoiesis, suppression of the immunological reaction.

Complications of radiation sickness

It is possible to predict the state of health of a patient taking into account the degree of exposure and the duration of the harmful effects on the body. Those patients who survived after 12 weeks from the moment of irradiation have a lot of chances. This period is considered critical.

Even from radiation, which is not fatal, complications of varying severity develop. It will be malignant neoplasm, hemoblastosis, inability to have children. Distant disorders can occur in offspring at the genetic level.

The victim is aggravated chronic infections. Gets cloudy vitreous body and the lens, vision is impaired. In the body, dystrophic processes are detected. Contacting the clinic will give the maximum chance to prevent the development of consequences.

Radiation sickness is considered severe and dangerous pathology, which is manifested by a complex of various symptoms. While doctors have not developed a treatment, treatment is aimed at maintaining the body and reducing negative manifestations.

Of paramount importance in the prevention of such disease is the exercise of caution in the vicinity of potential sources of hazardous radiation.



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