Where do blood cells develop in the prenatal period. Embryonic hematopoiesis

Gavrilova Anastasia Vladimirovna
intern doctor

Distinguish normal discharge from the vagina from the abnormal is very difficult. It is also difficult to identify the source of the release.

Among the secretions, there are: normal (physiological) and abnormal (pathological).

Normal discharge- During pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum period. If you are sure that the cat is in one of these conditions, you should not panic, but you should definitely contact the clinic.

abnormal discharge- their cause may be a tumor of the vagina, endometritis, vaginitis, vestibulitis (inflammation of the vestibule of the vagina), pyometra.

Consider the most common disease among non-neutered cats aged 3-8 years (cases of the disease have become more frequent in young cats) - pyometra.

pyometra- accumulation of pus in the uterine cavity.
There are open and closed forms of pyometra:

  • At open form the cervix is ​​open and purulent contents are discharged from the genital loop (cream, pink or brown).
  • When the form is closed vaginal discharge missing. Pus accumulates in the uterine cavity and leads to intoxication (poisoning of the body), rupture of the uterus, peritonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum) and death.

Since cats are very "clean" animals, the discharge may not be noticed. Therefore, each owner needs to know the first clinical signs:

  • cat frequently licks crotch (every 5 to 15 minutes)
  • becomes lethargic, lethargic, appetite decreases
  • increased thirst and increased urination
  • possible increase in body temperature
  • an increase in the volume of the abdomen is possible.

The first thing the owner should do is to contact the veterinarian for timely and qualified help.

To make a diagnosis, it is often enough for a veterinarian to take an anamnesis and examine the animal, sometimes they do a wider examination, including: x-rays, ultrasound, blood tests.

If a clinical condition cat is disturbing, the doctor stabilizes it with infusion therapy prescribe antibiotics, surgical intervention(with conservative (drug) treatment it is possible re-development diseases).

As a rule, with timely treatment to the clinic, the animal can be saved.

The main prevention of pyometra is sterilization.

less common vaginitis- inflammation of the vagina. Its main symptoms are:

  • crotch licking
  • vaginal discharge.

Sometimes such cats attract cats and you might think that the cat is in heat.
The appearance of one of these symptoms should alert the owner, because if not treated promptly, a bacterial infection can spread, causing cystitis, endometritis, and pyometra.

endometritis- inflammation of the endometrium, the mucous membrane of the uterus. There are: acute and chronic endometritis.

  • Acute endometritis. The cat is lethargic, appetite is reduced, fever and vaginal discharge are noted.
    For severe infections and untimely treatment the animal dies.
  • Chronic endometritis. Usually the cat feels well, she goes into estrus in a timely manner, but fertilization does not occur or the fetus dies during pregnancy. Treatment: stabilization of the condition, antibiotic therapy.

If the above symptoms occur, you should not self-medicate, since these diseases (pyometra, endometritis, complicated vaginitis, and many others) can be fatal.

For preventive purposes, it is advisable to visit veterinary institutions for routine examinations, vaccinations, as well as before mating and after estrus (in 4 to 6 weeks).

Occasionally, cats have vaginal discharge, which cause the owners a little concern. The discharge may be watery, clear, bloody, yellow (purulent), dark green, or brown (postpartum). In this case, the animal periodically licks the causal place, but no other changes in behavior are observed. Let's try to figure out why a cat has vaginal discharge and how it can be cured.

Causes of discharge from the vagina in a cat

Several factors come into play here:

  1. Discharge from a pregnant cat. If they have a reddish tint, then this is a potential threat of miscarriage. In the postpartum period, the presence of black and dark green discharge is natural and can last for several days. Traces remain up to three weeks. If the placenta has not gone, then there are abnormal bloody and watery discharge.
  2. . At the age of more than five years, unneutered cats may begin to accumulate pus in the uterus, which can lead to bloating and pus in the abdominal cavity. Discharge of pus is observed in the open form of the disease. The purulent contents are brown, pink or cream in color.
  3. Vaginitis. Occurs on soil endocrine disorder infection (streptococcus, coli, staphylococcus). With vaginitis, a cat has a creamy white discharge. Inflammatory process treated with douching or oil emulsions.
  4. endometritis. Inflammation of the lining of the uterus begins with small, spotty discharge from the vulva, which becomes profuse and foul-smelling over time. Endometritis is treated with antibiotics, antimicrobial and hormonal drugs.

Thus, if a cat has discharge during or after

Hello Ekaterina!

In a pet that has never "happened", discharge during estrus can be bloody. But in a few days, the estrus should end and the discharge - too. Otherwise, it may indicate a serious illness. Therefore, if the process is delayed, in such situations, veterinarians always advise doing an ultrasound to understand what is happening in the animal's body.

Causes of spotting in cats

  • An estrus in an intact female.
  • infections urinary tract or uterine infections are often accompanied by discharge Pink colour.
  • Bleeding is sometimes a sign oncological diseases urogenital tract.
  • Problems with blood clotting in an animal lead to abnormal secretions mixed with blood.
  • Various injuries, foreign bodies in the vagina may be accompanied by bloody discharge.

Any discharge from the vagina, especially bloody, is serious symptom. The fact that the cat is intensively licked is also warning sign.

What does bleeding mean?

This symptom may be a consequence various ailments. With vaginitis, the discharge can be both bloody and mucous or watery. The cat often licks them under the tail. Pet can become the object of close attention of cats. It is important not to confuse the disease with estrus and consult a doctor in time. Otherwise, it subsequently leads to the spread of infection, cystitis, pyometra, endometritis develops. The disease mentioned last chronic form almost no effect on health. The estrus in the animal occurs on time, however, fertilization does not occur. Acute course This disease is deadly if you do not start treatment on time. With pyometra, the uterus becomes inflamed and blood, mucus, and pus accumulate in the body. In some cases, the discharge (reddish, whitish or brown) flows out, in others (with the closed form of the disease) it accumulates in the uterine cavity.

Treatment of spotting in a cat

Veterinarian must examine the animal and may appoint additional research. It can be:

  • Blood analysis.
  • Sowing that determines the presence bacterial infections urinary tract.
  • ultrasound ( abdomen).
  • X-ray - to assess the condition of the pelvis and uterus.
  • Coagulation to eliminate the problem of blood clotting.
  • Examination of the ureters and kidneys - we need to look at them for abnormalities.
  • Other analyzes and studies.

According to the results of the data obtained, the doctor prescribes treatment. It could be drugs or surgical intervention:

  • Antibiotics to treat trauma, bacterial vaginitis, or ureteral infections.
  • Preparations for the correction of blood clotting disorders.
  • Surgery: removal foreign body, tumors in the vagina or uterus, infected uterus.
  • Chemotherapy for some vaginal tumors.
  • Operational correction birth defects- rectum, vagina or ureter.

Attention should also be paid to other external signs possible diseases other than vaginal discharge. Although what the animal has normal temperature, natural behavior - no reduced appetite, no lethargy or frequent and profuse urination- and reassuring, yet not worth the risk. The fact that the pet licks the perineum too often - every 3 - 10 minutes - is already alarming and is a sufficient reason to contact the veterinarian.

You have a cat at home, you take care of it, nurture and cherish it, perhaps take it with a cat. And after a visit to the cat, you noticed some discharge. Are they normal or not. Let's figure it out.

What discharge is normal and what is not?

What is the difference between natural secretions and painful ones? And what causes these discharges? What is meant by the concept of normal discharge is such discharge that occurs in cats during pregnancy, during the birth of cats, and the postpartum period. If such discharge appears, then there should be no cause for concern. main reason there must be painful discharge to worry about, for example, with endomitritis, pyometra, vaginitis, vaginal tumors. Let's look at some of the diseases that cause bleeding from the cat's vagina.

Pyometra in cats

This disease is caused by the accumulation of pus in the uterine cavity. It is open and closed form pyometra. Less dangerous is open pyometra, the discharge is purulent and comes out of the genital loop. The most dangerous closed form of pyometra, there is no discharge at all, since all the pus accumulates in the uterus, which can be fatal.

Vaginitis in cats

This is a disease of the vagina accompanied by inflammation. Signs: discharge and frequent licking of the perineum.

How to identify painful discharge? What are the signs of bad discharge?

You may not even notice the discharge itself, since the cat is a very clean animal. Therefore, every breeder should know the signs bad discharge at the cat. The main thing is to pay attention to the frequency of licking the perineum by a cat, if within 5-15 minutes, sound the alarm. In addition, observe the cat's appetite, if poor appetite, lethargy, frequent urination, sound the alarm. And do not pull, contact the veterinarian. Better than a vet full examination(Ultrasound, x-ray, blood test) no one can determine whether the discharge is good or bad. After everything done in the veterinary clinic, the doctor will prescribe either

Any health problems of a pet always sadden the owners. Especially when a cat is bleeding. Here, pet owners often panic and begin to frantically search for the cause of such difficulties.

by the most right decision will be immediate appeal in veterinary clinic, because it is it that can prevent deterioration and quickly put the cat in order.

Blood discharge in urolithiasis

Speaking about why a cat has bloody discharge in general, diseases of the genital organs immediately come to mind and Bladder. Indeed, they most often play a key role in such inflammatory processes.

Despite the fact that these ailments are treatable, they often lead to deaths Therefore, it is important to make a decision on the intervention of specialists in time.

Bloody discharge in cats can be a consequence of a violation of the diet. Absence in the diet enough iron or minerals can lead to very disastrous results for the overall metabolism. The balance in the body is disturbed, and it refuses to work properly.

The reasons blood secretions very varied. Here we are talking and disorders of the kidneys. By the way, cats with hypodynamia are often prone to this problem. Therefore, one should understand whether a particular animal is at risk and use preventive measures.

Bleeding after pregnancy

If the cat has bloody discharge after pregnancy, this may indicate tissue rupture.

Often, specialists use hemostatic agents. Well, if the cat has lost a lot of blood, even surgery may be required.

Purulent bloody discharge with a greenish tinge may indicate inflammation of the cat's genitals. There are prerequisites here:

  • violation of sanitary standards;
  • infection;
  • internal diseases.

By the way, the cause may be a stuck fetus in the womb of a cat. A process of decay occurs, due to which the woman who has given birth is exposed to intoxication. Of course, these may be the usual remains of the placenta, the abundant release of which is not so terrible. Simple antibiotics will help here. However, in a more severe case, surgery will be required.

If you meet drops of blood along with milk that come out as secretions from the genitals, then you can judge the inflammation of the mucosa.

A cat’s body that is weak after pregnancy may not be able to cope with such a complication. However, with a calmer initial stage the animal can not even be separated from offspring.

Treatment of bleeding

Purulent-bloody clots should not be neglected in any case. It is important here to take all available measures to protect the cat from further complications. Any loving host must understand that only his actions can provide the pet with an improvement in the condition and prevent death.

If vaginal discharge appears, except for the moment of estrus, you should immediately contact a veterinary clinic.

There, actions will be taken to establish signs of such formations. The doctor will conduct tests, take a smear and do an ultrasound if necessary. Next, he will prescribe a treatment that will be based on the results obtained. Often this complex methods, which include the mode, drug treatment and procedures.

Although bleeding may be indicative of in large numbers diseases, the specialist does not need much time to establish the cause.

And after passing the period of treatment of the cat, the doctor will tell you about preventive measures to help avoid recurrence of such problems. Their implementation is mandatory and very useful not only in the matter of blood secretions, but also for maintaining general health pet.

Regardless of how the cat is treated, the main thing is to surround it with care and attention. Only in this case, blood secretions from the loop will be less difficult and burdensome for the animal. And after a while the cat will be able to return to normal life.



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