Sluggish state constantly wants to sleep. Why you constantly want to sleep: causes of drowsiness

Why does a woman constantly want to sleep, understanding that this fact is not the norm. Why such weakness, no energy, lethargy and you can hardly drag your legs - what to do about it? One desire is to sleep forever.

There is nothing to say, many understand that it is impossible to live like this. Let's find the reason - why a woman constantly wants to sleep and try to get rid of drowsiness.

Why do you want to sleep all the time reasons for women:

A woman also cannot go without sleep, it is enough from 7 to 8 hours. Sleep only at night.

Know that the quality of sleep is affected by an evening cup of coffee, sitting in front of the TV, switched on phones and luminous devices.

Turn off everything before going to bed, walk outside before going to bed. Perhaps then the quality of your sleep will improve, you will begin to rest.

The quality of sleep is affected by:

  1. Your food.
  2. Age is associated with changes in the hormonal background of the body.
  3. Stress, if they are almost constant in your life.
  4. Physical state.
  5. genetic components.
  6. Diseases received during life.

If in the morning and during the day you do not feel rested, you get lethargy in your body, there is no energy, sound the alarm.

And now the main reasons for the constant desire to sleep:


In older women, failures in her work in the first place can cause symptoms:

  1. Fatigue, lethargy, constant sleepiness.
  2. Pain and discomfort in the muscles of the body.
  3. Body weight decreases or vice versa becomes more.
  4. Vision problems begin.
  5. We are working slowly.
  6. Body temperature changes.
  7. The appetite also changes.

The thyroid gland controls the work of every organ and cell in our body, producing special hormones.

And the level of energy affects directly.

Therefore, when making a diagnosis due to eternal drowsiness, check the functioning of the thyroid gland. It is treated with hormones that maintain the level in your body of those that you lack. Treatment is necessary, you do not need to be afraid of it.

Include more protein in your diet: fish, kelp (seaweed), flax seeds.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome:

There is such a disease. The name speaks for itself - you work a lot, you get nervous, you forget to rest.

Very often there is an imbalance of the adrenal glands - they also produce hormones. This is usually observed after 50 years. The most famous are cortisol, adrenaline.

What does a person feel with this disease:

  1. No matter how much he sleeps, he does not feel rested.
  2. All joints and muscles hurt.
  3. Permanent.
  4. Flu symptoms - sore throat, whole body breaks.
  5. There are convulsions, constipation.
  6. Head is bad.
  7. Remembering anything and concentrating is very difficult.

The amount of hormones produced depends on the stress you receive. If it is constant, you will feel badly.

Tension, fatigue, lethargy, desire to lie down and not move the arms.

Only a healthy lifestyle, timely rest, treatment of concomitant sores, daily routine, healthy nutrition for the body, sports can normalize this condition.

Low blood pressure:

In this case, there is a lack of oxygen, weakness, drowsiness. The woman often yawns.

Low blood pressure must be treated. Green tea, coffee, salted herring, a piece of lard will help.


greatly contributes to drowsiness. We move a little, we eat a lot. Sooner or later you will develop type 2 diabetes.

Drowsiness occurs with a lack of nutrition of the brain. There is a lot of glucose in the blood, but it does not enter the brain. The person is very tired. He can eat and sleep.

To lose weight in this position is to save your health.

Obstructive sleep apnea:

The people simply - snoring. This is oxygen starvation. There is a short pause in breathing during sleep at the height of snoring. Then he snores and begins to breathe.

Quite common in older, obese women.

Mandatory examination:

Somnological examination in a dream. After establishing the cause, special devices are used to treat snoring. In some cases, surgical treatment is performed.

But first of all, all sufferers need to lose weight.

It is very difficult to cope with daytime sleepiness. Sometimes a person gets used to sleeping during the day, then, due to daytime employment, he cannot do this.

Here it comes to curiosities, a woman can fall asleep at a table in a cafe or dining room.

Daytime sleep is needed for the elderly, young children. For women in their prime, drowsiness is very disturbing, sometimes the problem can lead to depression.

  1. A woman's memory and working capacity decrease.
  2. She is constantly tired.

Cold and hot shower:

  1. A good method to recover: cold water. Drowsiness rolled in - go to the bathroom, open the shower.
  2. First a little warm water, then cold. After 3 minutes, there will be no trace of drowsiness.


  1. A quick walk outside will help. At first you will be very weak, then the energy will not keep you waiting. Don't be lazy.
  2. By the way, this is an effective recipe. Everyone who plays sports and eats right does not suffer from drowsiness.

Food and water:

  1. See what you are eating. Remove everything harmful, fried, heavy. More vitamins. Fight constipation.
  2. Drink clean water, with its shortage comes weakness and lethargy, and hence drowsiness.
  3. The blood thickens, nutrients do not reach the cells well, including oxygen.
  4. A simple method for determining if you are drinking enough water: pay attention.
  5. If it is light yellow - everything is in order. Drink more if the color is dark.
  6. Drowsiness is caused by full meals: meat, dumplings, pancakes, cake, pies.
  7. The blood drains from the head and rushes to the stomach - you want to sleep.
  8. Do not fill your stomachs to capacity, no. Learn to leave with the feeling of "I'm not full." After 20 minutes satiety will come.
  9. Eliminate coffee from your menu, oddly enough, it contributes to drowsiness.
  10. Do not drink alcohol, after you will suffer for a long time either insomnia or vice versa, drowsiness.
  11. At lunch, you can lie down to rest for 20 minutes. Sleeping as much as you like is bad, it will be even worse.
  12. When working at night, daytime sleepiness is natural.

Essential oils:

  1. Some essential oils will help disperse daytime sleep: jasmine, rosemary.
  2. Just smell the open bottle of oil.

Night rest:

Establish a night's sleep, get enough sleep.

  1. Read a book before falling asleep. Scientists claim that it promotes falling asleep.
  2. If you suffer from drowsiness, do not watch TV in the evening. It's bad for the brain.

There are female owls, for them this is the norm.

In winter, most often you want to sleep. It is dark outside, there is not enough sun, we walk sluggish, drowsy.

Hidden gymnastics:

If drowsiness caught you at work, do hidden gymnastics.

  1. This is an alternating tension and relaxation of the muscles: buttocks, thighs, arms, abdomen.
  2. Outsiders will not notice this, but you will get rid of drowsiness.
  3. Ventilate the room, let clean air into the room or try to go outside.
  4. Rinse your face and hands with cold water.
  5. Do a shoulder massage. Vigorously rub your neck, soon a surge of strength will be noticeable.
  6. Rub your hands vigorously to make your palms light up. You will immediately notice that drowsiness passes.

Why a woman constantly wants to sleep can be answered for a very long time. I have listed all the most common reasons.

Summary of all that has been said:

  • Diseases need to be treated if they are the cause of drowsiness.
  • Get a normal night's sleep.
  • Do not eat junk food, more vegetables and fruits.
  • Sport should be in your life, at least 10 minutes of gymnastics.
  • Don't overeat.
  • If necessary .
  • Rest when you are very tired.

Health to you for many years, without daytime sleepiness and normal night sleep.

Always waiting on my site.

See how to get rid of drowsiness:

A fast-paced lifestyle, hard work, stress, overwork adversely affect human health. As a result, weakness and drowsiness appear. Thus, adults adapt to the transferred moral and physical stress. The brain needs rest and "reboot". Doctors point to a variety of causes of weakness and drowsiness, ranging from banal overexertion to serious diseases. It is possible to alleviate the general condition of a person with the help of medicines, reflexology and other effective procedures.

Symptoms accompanying weakness and drowsiness

General weakness can be caused by various conditions, respectively, and complaints in adults can be different. Loss of strength, weakness and drowsiness are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • malaise when performing daily work;
  • fast and frequent fatigue, lethargy;
  • lethargy, fainting in case of a sharp drop in pressure, a change in body position;
  • intolerance to loud speech, strong smell;
  • irritability, sleep disturbance, nightmares, irascibility.

The causes of weakness and drowsiness can be various diseases, if a person makes the following complaints:

  • headache, runny nose, sore throat;
  • cough, aching muscles and bones, joint pain;
  • constant thirst, weight loss, tinnitus and head noise;
  • shortness of breath while walking, increased body temperature;
  • redness of the eyes, pressure surges, abdominal pain, nausea.

The appearance of at least three symptoms at the same time indicates that a person is suffering from a certain disease. To establish an accurate diagnosis, you should consult a doctor.

Anemia and weakness

Anemia is a blood disease characterized by low levels of hemoglobin and red blood cells. The first symptom to be noticed is pale skin and extreme fatigue. In addition to these complaints, patients may indicate the following:

  • headache, lethargy;
  • fast and prolonged fatigue;
  • palpitations, shortness of breath, rapid fatigue and fainting during physical exertion;
  • seizures on the lips, distortion of taste, fragility of nails and hair increases.

Important! In anemia, hemoglobin values ​​are below 110 g/l

Most of the complaints in anemia appear due to hypoxia (decrease in the level of oxygen in the blood), as a result of which the tissues do not receive the necessary amount of O2 (oxygen).

The following diseases are accompanied by anemia:

  • posthemorrhagic (after blood loss) anemia;
  • ring cell anemia;
  • Iron-deficiency anemia;
  • B12 deficiency anemia, leukemia;
  • oncology of any localization;
  • condition after abdominal operations;
  • helminthic invasions;
  • malnutrition - limited intake of iron.

Adults with anemia should be careful, as the disease manifests itself at very low levels of hemoglobin. The first manifestation of the disease may be fainting and loss of consciousness at work. Therefore, as soon as pallor of the skin and constant weakness and drowsiness appear, it is necessary to visit a doctor.

Low blood pressure and drowsiness

Jumps in blood pressure can occur in both adults and young people. All this is connected with the instability of the nervous system, and in the older generation - with atherosclerosis of the vessels.

Symptoms of low blood pressure, in addition to severe drowsiness, are:

  • severe pain in the back of the head, which gradually spreads to the entire head;
  • spinning in the head with a sharp change in body position;
  • severe drowsiness, especially in the afternoon;
  • pain in the neck, lethargy and impotence, weakness in the muscles of the arms and legs.

Doctor's advice. If you are worried about severe fatigue, you should immediately measure blood pressure using a tonometer

Low blood pressure may accompany the following conditions:

  • orthostatic collapse, when a drop in pressure occurs after a sharp change in body position;
  • overdose of antihypertensive drugs, bleeding;
  • osteochondrosis of the cervical spine;
  • peritonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum), vegetovascular dystonia (VSD);
  • scalene muscle syndrome, when the muscle complex in the neck compresses the vertebral arteries;
  • heart failure.

Low blood pressure very often appears in people younger than 20-22 years old. The indicators in this case are kept at the level of 90/60 mm Hg. Art.

Hypothyroidism causes general weakness

The thyroid gland plays one of the main roles in maintaining body homeostasis. The disease of this important organ occurs as a result of autoimmune processes, virus damage, oncological pathology, iodine deficiency in food, and stressful situations.

Hypothyroidism is an insufficiency of the thyroid gland, characterized by low levels of thyroid hormones in the blood. Patients indicate the following signs of hypothyroidism:

  • constantly want to rest and sleep;
  • weakness and severe drowsiness, apathy;
  • memory impairment;
  • lack of familiar emotions - joy, anger, surprise;
  • a person ceases to be interested in the outside world;
  • asthenia, or impotence to do anything;
  • low blood pressure, heart pain, obesity;
  • swelling in the legs, hair loss and dry skin.

Important! If the hair on the head falls out for no reason, you need to take a blood test for thyroid hormones.

A reduced amount of thyroid hormones is observed in such conditions:

  • after thyroid surgery, autoimmune thyroiditis;
  • diffuse toxic goiter, thyroid cancer.

Thyroid hormones affect the heart, nervous system, and digestive tract. Patients with hypothyroidism suffer from hypersomnia, they want to sleep all day, it is very difficult to force themselves to work.

Weakness and drowsiness in diabetes

Diabetes mellitus mainly affects older people, when there is a lack of insulin production in the body. This hormone is synthesized by the pancreas. In type 1 diabetes, there is no insulin in the body.

Important! The normal blood sugar level is 3.3-5.5 mmol/l. In diabetes mellitus, indicators can rise to 10-15 mmol / l and above

The symptoms of diabetes are as follows:

  • dry mouth;
  • with a low blood sugar level, patients note rapid fatigue, lethargy, pre-syncope;
  • drowsiness, fatigue, overwork;
  • numbness of the limbs, blurred vision;
  • frequent urination - up to 5-7 liters per day, constant thirst.

Diabetes can be accompanied by a sharp drop or rise in blood glucose levels. A person who does not know about his disease cannot understand why thirst, fatigue and drowsiness torment him all the time. These are signs of hyperglycemia.

With hypoglycemia, when blood glucose is below 3.3 mmol / l, patients complain of sudden general weakness, fatigue, increased sweating, trembling in the hands, tingling in the muscles. If you do not help a person, he faints and a coma may occur.

Other causes of weakness and drowsiness

Often the causes of drowsiness, weakness or overwork are infectious diseases. Sometimes symptoms appear due to malnutrition.

Doctors point to the following conditions, because of which you always want to sleep (described below).

  1. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. The disease occurs in people who live in big cities, prone to stress and overwork. A distinctive feature of the disease is the lack of relief even after a long rest.
  2. Hypovitaminosis. Inadequate nutrition, a small amount of vitamins in the diet affects the functioning of the nervous system. At the same time, adults complain of moderate weakness, instability to overvoltage, and rapid fatigue.
  3. Magnetic storms affect blood pressure. At the same time, I really want to sleep all the time, my head hurts, adults feel general impotence.
  4. Stress can overtake a person after a long and hard working day, strong feelings. In this case, adults will want to sleep, feel headaches. For some time, a person will not be able to get rid of insomnia.

Important! Sound sleep is the key to health. This rule is applicable to combat stress and overwork.

Stressful conditions should not be treated casually, because this can lead to serious neurological problems. For example, a nervous breakdown often ends in depression and neurosis.

How to deal with weakness and drowsiness

First of all, in order to get rid of general weakness, you should change your lifestyle. A person must clearly answer the question: “Do I want to improve my health”? For this you need:

  1. Stop smoking and drinking alcohol.
  2. The diet should be saturated with vitamins, consist of fresh fruits and vegetables.
  3. The last meal should be 2-3 hours before bedtime.
  4. Take a contrast shower in the morning and evening. First, wash your face with very warm water for 10 minutes, then with cold water for 30 seconds.
  5. When working at a computer, you need to rest for 5 minutes, look out the window and into the distance for 2-3 minutes. This relaxes the eyes and restores vision. Do procedures 4-5 times a day.
  6. Every morning you need to force yourself to do light gymnastics. They begin with moderate circular movements of the head, then intensively raise straightened arms up and down along the body. Then they bend the torso back and forth, and finish with 15-20 squats. Each procedure lasts 2-3 minutes.

The doctor will accurately indicate exactly how to get rid of lethargy and fatigue. You can apply the following medicines:

A drug


Weakness, fatigue at low pressure

  1. Citramon.
  2. Askofen.
  3. Pentalgin

1 tablet in the morning or afternoon, but not more than 1 week

Ginseng tincture

20 drops per 50 ml of water. Consume twice in the morning

Lemongrass tincture

Dilute 25 drops in 100 ml of water. Taken orally twice a day, the last dose no later than 16 pm

Weakness with anemia

Sorbifer Durules

1 tablet twice a day 30 minutes before meals for 1-2 months

Drowsiness, fatigue with hypothyroidism


1 tablet (100 mg) daily in the morning. This treatment can only be prescribed by a doctor, it is forbidden to use pills on your own



1 tablet (325 mg) 1-2 times a day for 5-7 days

Mix 1 sachet in 100 ml of water, take it inside twice a day for 3-4 days

Doctor's advice. Taking pills for diabetes and hypothyroidism should be carried out only after consulting a doctor

Only a doctor can tell an adult what to do with fatigue and drowsiness and what drugs to use.

Modern women withstand the frantic pace of life. They manage to build a career, while being good housewives, caring mothers, loving wives. Often, due to accumulated fatigue, stress, emotional stress, women experience severe drowsiness during the day. Single episodes do not cause fear or anxiety. Systematic fatigue, lethargy, a great desire to sleep during daylight hours - a reason to look for the cause.

Factors provoking the development of drowsiness

It is believed that the constant desire to relax, take a nap during the daytime, is caused by nighttime lack of sleep. It is not always so. There are other causes of drowsiness in women.


  1. Strong fatigue. Here we are talking not only about physical, but also psychological overload.
  2. Side effect of certain drugs, dietary supplements.
  3. The habit is to eat before bed.
  4. Excess weight.
  5. Violation of the functioning of the parts of the brain responsible for the activity of sleep centers.
  6. Hypotension.
  7. Concussions, brain injuries.
  8. Iron-deficiency anemia.
  9. Pathology of the endocrine system.
  10. Pregnancy.
  11. The onset of the menopause.

If in the morning after a rest a woman notes that she has no strength and energy, she constantly wants to sleep, you should contact a specialist.

Causes of daytime sleepiness in expectant mothers

Many pregnant women have repeatedly noted that they are not left with a feeling of fatigue, lethargy, weakness and indifference. At the same time, I really want to sleep during the day. Is it normal? Why does a pregnant woman constantly want to sleep, and what to do about it?

Drowsiness is most pronounced in the first trimester of pregnancy. This is due to hormonal changes in the body. An increase in the synthesis of the hormone progesterone produces a softening effect, a slight tranquilizing effect. In this way, the body is protected from physical exertion, stress, constant fatigue. If the manifestation is not caused by low blood pressure, or a drop in hemoglobin in the blood, by the end of the first trimester it practically disappears.

Manifestations of pathological drowsiness

Hypersomnia - increased sleepiness during daylight hours. It has characteristic features.

Signs of hypersomnia

  1. After sleep, there is no feeling of cheerfulness, freshness.
  2. Feeling tired, irresistible desire to sleep.
  3. Headaches, dizziness.
  4. Muscle pain, spasms.
  5. Violations of memory, perception, absent-mindedness.
  6. Dullness of consciousness.

What is the danger of the state

Chronic hypersomnia in women can be a sign of hormonal disruptions, permanent psychological stress, constant physical fatigue. However, it can be a symptom of more serious pathological processes in the body.

Weakness, drowsiness in women develops due to the pathology of the cardiovascular system, liver damage, and a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood. A feeling of lethargy, craving for sleep that does not leave can signal endocrine pathologies, oncological formations, kidney pathologies, metabolic disorders in the body.

To exclude serious diseases, you should immediately go to a medical institution, undergo diagnostic tests.

Diagnostic measures

If you want to sleep all day, and this feeling does not leave for a long period of time, you should consult a doctor and undergo an examination.

The list of diagnostic measures to exclude pathological processes:

  • general laboratory tests of blood, urine;
  • blood biochemistry;
  • consultation with a gynecologist;
  • consultation with an endocrinologist;
  • blood test for hormones;
  • ultrasound examination of internal organs;
  • ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland;
  • ECHO - cardiography;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • electroencephalogram;
  • polysomnography.

Based on the data obtained from the examinations, the doctor makes recommendations. If all indicators, results are within the normal range, you should follow simple rules, lead an active, healthy lifestyle, and improve sleep hygiene. If there are signs of any diseases, and fatigue and drowsiness are not associated with a woman's pregnancy, medication is prescribed.

A woman does not understand why she constantly wants to sleep, what to do about it? Follow simple recommendations to normalize the condition.

  1. Drink more plain water. The daily volume of liquid is not less than 1.5 liters. Dehydration causes drowsiness, fatigue, distraction.
  2. Try to avoid stuffy, dark rooms. Oxygen deficiency provokes brain hypoxia, which is manifested by drowsiness. With the disappearance of darkness, the synthesis of the sleep hormone melatonin, which regulates the circadian rhythm, stops.
  3. Lead an active lifestyle. Moderate physical activity, active rest, sports, walks will increase the quality of sleep.
  4. A contrast shower in the morning will refresh, give a boost of energy, vivacity and good mood.
  5. Limit stress, emotional, psychological stress.
  6. Vitamin therapy. .
  7. Musical accompaniment.

Turn on music in the morning, listen to it on the way to work, study. This habit invigorates, creates a wonderful mood.

What to do if you constantly want to sleep, and following simple recommendations does not bring the desired result?


Power correction.

Review your diet. The highest calorie content of a woman's daily diet should be breakfast. The menu should be varied and balanced. Do not abuse high-calorie, fatty, spicy foods, exclude fast food. Eat more protein foods, drink strong tea, coffee. Take tonic decoctions of herbs, herbal teas.

Medical therapy

  1. Iron supplements for anemia.
  2. Caffeine. Release form - medicine, pills. The daily norm of an adult is 150-200 mg 4-5 times a day.
  3. Stimulants of the central nervous system.

Being alert, active and attentive during the day is normal. But what if you wake up already feeling tired? Drinking a cup of coffee does not give vivacity, and there is no sense in observing the regime ... The problem must be solved!

First of all, healthy sleep is necessary for the restoration of all body systems. With a lack of sleep, the body experiences enormous stress and is prone to inflammatory diseases and viral infections.

During sleep, the brain processes the information received during the day. And if there is not enough sleep, then memory and thinking can deteriorate.

Drowsiness only at first glance seems harmless. Yes, you can look like a sleepy fly, and at work or school you will be assigned the unpleasant title of a lazy person. But this is not the worst. For example, a decrease in concentration while driving is fraught with much more problems.

Excessive daytime sleepiness even has a name - hypersomnia. It is faced by about 30% of the population of our planet. It can signal severe, chronic fatigue or serious illness.

You should be concerned if:

  • You want to sleep all the time and do not have enough strength and energy for anything.
  • Often there is no appetite.
  • You are irritated or feel anxious.
  • You cannot concentrate on the necessary things or thoughts.
  • Attention and memory deteriorated.

According to statistics, the feeling of fatigue is much more likely to torment women than men. Hormonal fluctuations play a big role here. For example, a constant desire to sleep is characteristic of the first trimester of pregnancy, since a woman's body produces progesterone, a hormone that causes drowsiness.

Also, in women aged 25 to 45-50 years, chronic fatigue syndrome may occur. Characteristic signs are decreased attention, irritability, headaches.

Sometimes severe fatigue or drowsiness is just a reaction of the body to an incorrect, unhealthy lifestyle, stressful situations, overwork, as well as a poorly ventilated or stuffy room. But sometimes the desire to sleep during the day speaks of serious somatic diseases. Let's consider each reason in more detail.

Sleep failure

The optimal number of hours is individual for each person. Someone feels cheerful after 10 hours of sleep, and someone after 5. The norm is considered to be 7-8 hours of sleep.

Modern man leads an active lifestyle and sacrifices healthy sleep due to work, study and other responsibilities. But over time, lack of sleep makes itself felt.

However, lack of sleep is not only a lack of sleep, but also a decrease in its quality. Insomnia or frequent awakenings for any reason prevent you from getting a good night's sleep. To minimize this problem, stop watching TV or surfing the Internet before bed. Even the artificial light of a night lamp by the bed can awaken brain activity.

Overwork and stress

With severe stress and endless stressful situations, the body consumes the entire supply of energy. It is not surprising that sooner or later he will need recovery through good sleep. Allow yourself to take a break and enjoy the rest, otherwise you may face depression. If you are worried not only about feeling tired, but also about apathy, irritability, anxiety, a desire to cry, it's time to contact a specialist.

Poorly ventilated area

Drowsiness can be caused by an elementary stuffy office. With a high concentration of carbon dioxide in the air, there is a feeling of fatigue and a desire to sleep. To cheer up, regularly ventilate the room or go outside for fresh air. Sports, jogging, cycling will also not be superfluous.

Bad habits

If you are one of those people who love to abuse coffee and cigarettes, then there is nothing surprising in the constant desire to sleep. Yes, coffee can really increase concentration, but not for long. And coffee, drunk in large quantities, will simply give the opposite effect. The thing is that caffeine promotes the production of adrenaline and norepinephrine by the adrenal glands - invigorating hormones. But the second, third, fourth cup of coffee is not so invigorating, have you noticed? After all, by drinking more than a couple of cups of coffee a day, you force your adrenal glands to work for wear and tear and a new batch of hormones does not have time to be produced.

Nicotine causes a spasm of cerebral vessels, preventing them from receiving the necessary amount of oxygen. Therefore, people who often smoke, there is a feeling of lack of sleep.

Another negative habit that causes a feeling of endless fatigue is malnutrition. Sometimes after a hearty breakfast, lunch or dinner, one tends to sleep. The thing is that when you overeat, the body spends a lot of energy on digesting food.

There are people who prefer to skip their morning meal. In this case, you should also not be surprised by drowsiness, since breakfast is very important for obtaining the energy the body needs.

Somatic diseases

As we have already said, constant fatigue and drowsiness can signal somatic diseases. Usually the feeling of lack of sleep is provoked by the following conditions:

  • Atherosclerosis. Vascular disease resulting from high levels of cholesterol in the body. The reasons are malnutrition, inactivity, stress.
  • Anemia. Lack of hemoglobin. Paleness and weakness are also symptoms of anemia.
  • Hypotension. Low blood pressure as a result of insufficient blood supply to the brain.

And these are just some of them!


A frequent manifestation of spring beriberi is a desire to sleep. The body lacks vitamins and nutrients. Also in spring, the body begins to actively recover from winter stress, colds, a small amount of sunlight and

Sleep is a need of any living organism, but it happens that it flows into a painful and unpleasant form. In this case, a person is accompanied by constant fatigue and wants to sleep, even if he has just woken up. Such a situation cannot be considered normal. It signals that something is wrong with the body.

Important! Drowsiness is not always an indicator of the disease. For pregnant women, for example, an increased desire to sleep is typical during the first trimester. This is quite normal, as it is associated with the hormonal background. Also, a child should sleep a lot: a baby sleeps up to 18 hours a day, a one-year-old baby - up to 11-14 hours. A junior student should spend at least 9 hours in bed, and a teenager should spend about the same amount.

Constantly want to sleep or define a sleep disorder

Drowsiness can manifest itself in a variety of ways. In some situations, a person simply does not feel very comfortable, in others a bad dream turns a calm and sweet colleague into a neurotic, and a beloved spouse into a tyrant. The main signs of sleep disorders are:

  • morning unwillingness to wake up. If you are lying in bed after the fifth alarm clock, and the body does not want to understand that the morning has already come, you obviously do not get enough sleep;
  • lack of vivacity and energy during the day. It is normal for a person to be a little sluggish in the morning, but in the afternoon you should feel normal;
  • the need for daytime sleep. If a person wants to sleep all the time, and during the day he just needs to lie down for an hour or two to rest, this is a bad indicator;
  • irritability, anxiety, constant bad mood. Perhaps a disgusting character is not an innate feature at all, but a consequence of ordinary lack of sleep;
  • loss of concentration, memory impairment. Although all students do not sleep during the session, the topics learned at night are more difficult to remember, and it is impossible to focus on one problem.

Not all the signs that you have sleep problems are described. Some reactions may be individual, such as loss of appetite or a constant desire to snack. The body reacts in different ways, and there are various reasons why you want to sleep all the time. But without identifying the root of the problem, it is impossible to solve it.

Constantly want to sleep due to lack of time for sleep

One of the most popular reasons for the state when you constantly want to sleep is not enough rest. Each person has their own "timer" that determines how many hours they need to spend in bed. Most often, the body needs from 7 to 8 hours a day to fully relax. But some need 9 or 10 hours every day.

The easiest way to determine how much sleep is experimentally: set an alarm for a different number of hours or go to bed early. You should not start with extremely small values, on the contrary, it is better to set 8 or 9 hours. Over time, you will understand whether this time is enough for you, whether it needs to be increased or, on the contrary, reduced. But take your time: if the body has not had enough sleep for a long time, and this is evidenced by the state when you constantly want to sleep and weakness, it will take time to restore the regime.

Very often, people themselves bring their own regime to collapse, constantly limiting the time of rest. It seems to them that in this way they leave additional time for work, entertainment, and creativity. But in fact, a person wants to sleep so much and constantly that he no longer has the strength to do something other than “nodding”.

It seems that there is no motivation, nothing is being done, so there is no point in not sleeping either. But it is very difficult to get out of this vicious circle, because you start to do less in a day. By night, on the contrary, there is a surge of strength for an hour and a half and I want to move mountains. As a result, sleep is disturbed even more. There is only one right way - to start going to bed on time.

Do you want to sleep all the time? The reason is lifestyle.

If a person wonders why he constantly wants to sleep, he will almost always find a dozen answers in his own life and environment. Here are the most common causes of sleep disturbance at night:

  • frequent consumption of caffeine or tea. Caffeine causes an increase in concentration and improves performance, but only in reasonable doses. It is worth starting to abuse, as instead of a positive impact, a negative one appears: coffee starts to make you sleepy;
  • smoking. Nicotine causes a spasm of the blood vessels of the brain, which leads to a decrease in the amount of oxygen that the cerebral cortex and its other elements receive. Against this background, a feeling of lack of sleep may appear;
  • binge eating. Although some may think that the reasons for the constant "nodding" in hunger, a hearty meal also does not cause a burst of vivacity. On the contrary, the need to digest food requires the body to direct all its forces to the solution of this issue, and not to work or entertainment;
  • hunger, especially the lack of breakfast. Many who refuse to eat in the morning wonder why they always want to sleep. But they themselves did not start their biological clock, did not tell the body that it was time to work, did not allow it to recharge with energy from food;
  • restless sleep due to overexcitation of the nervous system. Even if you sleep enough and constantly, watching a news feed or a movie before you start your vacation can have a bad effect on its quality. You won't get enough sleep because you're getting enough sleep but too shallow or not letting your brain rest.

I want to sleep because of overwork

Another common reason why you want to sleep during the day lies in processing and stressful situations. Physical and psychological overwork leads to the fact that a person begins to think about the bed, and not about work. Although the result is the same, you need to handle the situations differently:

  • physical fatigue is treated by ordinary sleep. There are few options here, because if the body has exhausted all the forces, it needs to restore them. You can temporarily tone up with sweet foods or caffeine, but this will only work if you need to get to bed from work, and not plow your shift;
  • mental fatigue is a complex problem. To solve it, it is necessary not just to get enough sleep, but to establish a normal regimen and find what caused the tension. Perhaps it is too stressful work or the increased demands of the family, and sometimes their own. It is necessary to cope with mental overwork, as it can either result in an ugly hysteria or lead to depression.

Violation of sleep and rest, as well as an unhealthy lifestyle, can lead to a big health problem in general - chronic fatigue syndrome. It is he who often turns out to be the answer to the question why all the time you want to sleep and weakness. Chronic fatigue is a condition in which a person feels lethargic and sleepy all the time and cannot get rid of this feeling. Neither prolonged rest nor other tricks help him. Chronic fatigue requires treatment by a doctor and a long recovery of the body.

Everyone gets tired, even Sherlock and Watson!

I want to sleep because of some diseases and medicines

Doctors are sure: you can’t decide what to do if you want to sleep all the time without visiting a therapist. Very often, increased drowsiness is a consequence of serious diseases in the initial stages. These include problems with the brain, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, diabetes, asthma and many others. They cause drowsiness and changes in atmospheric pressure, which make hypotensive people want to sleep. In these situations, you need to be treated, and not try to establish a regimen.

If you feel sleepy in bad weather, especially in the rain, this is quite normal. The hormone that controls our sleep is produced in the dark. Twilight, fog, clouds hide the sun and make our body react accordingly. Bright lights and music can help reduce drowsiness.

Another common situation when you want to sleep all the time, and the reasons are not entirely clear, is taking certain medications. Antipsychotics, tranquilizers, antidepressants almost always cause drowsiness. The sedative also increases the desire to get to bed. But these are far from the only groups of drugs that can cause such a reaction. Examine the pills you regularly take to make sure they are not the problem.

Important! If you constantly want to sleep in winter, the reasons for this condition are quite natural. Reduction of daylight hours, a small amount of sunlight, a change in diet (lack of vegetables and fruits in it due to their high cost and low quality) - all this leads to a deterioration in the quality of sleep. Therefore, in winter, you need to take special care of where and how you sleep, as well as take vitamins.

Other reasons for wanting to sleep

There are many reasons why you constantly want to sleep, and there are no forces. But very often the problem lies in very simple things, namely:

  • uncomfortable bed. Not everyone can fully relax on a sofa or a sagging mattress. Only young and healthy people can do this, and even then not for too long;
  • stuffiness in the room and during sleep. At night, it does not allow you to rest, and during the day it makes your eyes stick together. The solution is either ventilation or forced ventilation. If you want to sleep in the office, air out for a few minutes every couple of hours;
  • noise, pets, children, spouses. It often happens that a person seems to be sleeping enough, but very superficially. Most likely, something or someone is interfering with it. Make sure your room is suitable for sleeping and relaxing;
  • no curtains. It is especially true where the nights are bright or the moon, a lantern, or another light source constantly shines through the window. Curtains should be thick so that the room is dark or at least twilight. Such an atmosphere stimulates the production of melatonin, ensuring healthy sleep.

These are far from all the reasons why you constantly want to sleep, and fatigue is completely tortured, but the most frequent. If you encounter such a problem, you should make sure that the reasons do not lie among those described above. Getting rid of interfering factors is almost always easy, and the effect will be wonderful.

Want to sleep but can't sleep? Let's summarize what to do with it

Before you understand what to do if you want to sleep, you need to look around and fix all the problems with the sleeping place, remove all interfering factors. Also adhere to the following guidelines:

  • follow the routine. Go to bed and wake up at the same time, or at least get the right number of hours of sleep;
  • make sure that before going to bed nothing prevents you from relaxing. Turn off the equipment an hour before the start of the rest, dim the lights;
  • after waking up, do a little exercise. You don’t need to strain much, and it’s harmful, but a few simple exercises will help let the body know that it’s time to work;
  • don't skip breakfast. Even light tea and a sandwich will help you feel better all day;
  • be sure to open the curtains upon waking or move into a bright room and prepare for the day there. Natural lighting raises the tone of the body, charging with vivacity and good mood;
  • Take a short walk before work. Spend 10-15 minutes on a quiet walk to transport or work. If you need less time to get to a place, change your route. Fresh air will help you wake up and clear your mind;
  • drink water on time, eat on time, but do not overeat and do not abuse tea and coffee. If the body has enough water and nutrients, you will remain cheerful throughout the day;
  • take breaks with rhythmic music or a walk. Surely your colleagues go to smoke, why don't you take a walk? But not to the smoking room, but around the office. Air and movement will help you wake up, and if you turn on perky music, it will stir up brains that are tired from work;
  • if none of the methods help, see a doctor. In general, it is worth visiting a doctor in any situation: regular examinations will help maintain health at a level and treat diseases in time. At the initial stage, getting rid of any problem is easier than when it has already developed;
  • if drowsiness is associated with psychological problems or you understand that chronic fatigue syndrome has fallen on you, go to a psychologist or psychotherapist. The specialist will help to understand the complexes, prescribe medications to support the body and analyze psychological trauma.

Knowing what to do if you constantly want to sleep, you can easily cope with this problem. Sleep is very important for a fulfilling life, but it should not turn you into a sleeping beauty who, instead of achievements and joy, sleeps for days. A serious approach to this issue will help reduce the risk of many diseases, provide a good mood and solve many problems associated with poor sleep.



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